Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 23 2017


sHoUtOuTs To DyLaNFlIpS

For more infomation >> Snail House - Pixel Galaxy (300 SUB Special MAK! L!GON EDIT) - Duration: 3:49.


Essence of Murli 24-07-2017 - Duration: 6:22.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 24th July 2017

( Sweet Sweet Baba has come to liberate us from our vices and take us to land of liberation and liberation in life)

( Such a sweet sweet Baapdada says in Murli of today.. )

Essence: Sweet children, in order to be safe from the influence of Maya, remember your true Beloved again and again.

The Beloved Himself has come to take all of you lovers back home with Him.

Question: By understanding the significance of which aspect do you children not ask for peace or happiness?

Answer: You understand the significance of the drama. You understand that the play is now about to end.

You will first return to the land of peace and then go to the land of happiness.

This is why you do not ask for peace or happiness.

You stabilise yourselves in your original religion of peace.

People do not even know about the religion of the self nor do they understand the significance of the drama.

This is why they say, "Give peace to my mind!" In fact, it is the soul that needs peace, not the mind.

Song: Beloved, come and meet us! The sorrowful heart calls out.

Essence for dharna: 1. Only listen to the one Father. Don't listen to anything from anyone else.

Only repeat things of knowledge through your lips and inspire others to speak of only knowledge.

( Constantly churn murli points in mind also make others churn on same . Imbibe this habit )

2. You have to return home with the Father.

Therefore, give your old straws and transfer your bags and baggage.

Have only the one concern for everyone to receive the one Father's introduction.

Blessing: May you be a conqueror of Maya and become strong in Brahmin life on the basis of remembrance and service.

The foundation of Brahmin life is remembrance and service.

If your foundation of remembrance and service is weak, you would sometimes move quickly and sometimes slowly in Brahmin life.

If you have some co-operation, some company or have the right circumstances you would then continue to move,

otherwise you would become slack.

Therefore, you need to have an intense speed in both remembrance and service.

If there is remembrance and altruistic service,

it is very easy to become a conqueror of Maya and victory will then be visible in every action.

Slogan: Only those who are full of all powers become destroyers of obstacles.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 24-07-2017 - Duration: 6:22.


Python - eine Programmiersprache so stark wie eine Schlange 💻 Programmiersprachen - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Python - eine Programmiersprache so stark wie eine Schlange 💻 Programmiersprachen - Duration: 4:30.


Nghe và chia sẻ KINH này dù chỉ 1 lần vận may sẽ đến với gia đình bạn | Rất Linh Nghiệm - Duration: 2:08:05.

For more infomation >> Nghe và chia sẻ KINH này dù chỉ 1 lần vận may sẽ đến với gia đình bạn | Rất Linh Nghiệm - Duration: 2:08:05.


Musik Livestream | Breexyz - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> Musik Livestream | Breexyz - Duration: 7:29.


Repression is not Liberation : दमन मुक्ति नहीं है-By Mahashunya(In Hin - Duration: 4:56.

Mahashunya talks Excellently on "Repression is not Liberation : दमन मुक्ति नहीं है " at Dehradun(UK)-India on 20.03.2009. Watch Full Discourse at Link Below

For more infomation >> Repression is not Liberation : दमन मुक्ति नहीं है-By Mahashunya(In Hin - Duration: 4:56.


Thank you for your presents at Zomerfolk - Rapalje celtic folk music - Duration: 10:55.

Hello, welcome to another Rapalje Show

If you want to be sure to see all the Rapalje shows that's coming up

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the notification bell

so we can inform you when there's a new Rapalje Show like every


In this video I'd like to show you what we've got in our hat

after the last show on Sunday

at the Zomerfolk Festival in Groningen

And we also got some more presents because it was the fifth anniversary and

there's some various piece of things

I show you around at the terrain and

we got the last part from the interview from Sean Cannon from The Dublin Legends

to battle

The biggest present we gather the festival was did a beautiful painting from a hank young bucer

We got this present from the volunteers from the Berkland Jack

This is so nice. I will now hang it at the Empty wall next to the cupboard behind me

Okay, cool

Look much better. Now. This empty wall

Thank you very much for it is nice painting and now you can all enjoy it another nice bedding. I got was this one

from Esther Viola from Spectral

She wants to make a painting where we look very rough in the wild

but also

cuddly the T-shirt

I'm wearing is from a band called the doorman from England and we know them also from our adventures where we traveled to glastonbury in

The uk check them out in the playlists here on YouTube this video

I made at zama folks these are the last videos. I took with my mobile phone so enjoy them

I show you around at the festival at the summer folk and after this video. I will show you what's inside of this hat

At a Sunday ever first of all as a love geek because we're still kind of street performers, we put a head on

the stage and they asked everybody to

Put something in our have any return we gave away a free CD

So what's in the hat? Let's see?

This one's empty. Thanks to my colleagues

Okay, this one's empty too honing a little horse. I know that my colleagues from Rapala really love

Throwing a sausage the whole bit was good

But there's still something to eat an ass little drop use

the emergency poncho ah


Leave a couple rows entangled Scott's achilles design, right?

I'm wandering freely Epic North Whose heart by Days total damn



It was Fantastis

Medley thank you


Martha Easter bunnies though musikdesign

Get the Mri

Some money. Thank you

from poland to slutty

Nepali is often considered


Are Apulia Friendly?

another apology finland

Is the Condom always handy Fuckin Shadow? We're

Fuckin oh flowers a

Piece of balloon we've thrown around and it's still blowing

another love letter

leave Little Paulie

You lamar can almost oakland station image? I'm the best Anna

Thank you

lover of all you, yes, Michelle terrific omar, Khayyam, Ed spade

And so more money a lot a spectrum

I'm sorry, but I don't smoke and

Some more money. We've got many coins these are the coins the cooking coins from William

Which we use to pay for drinks and the food

coin from England

smaller coin finding a koala finding

another penny and

Some euros. Thank you very much this reminds me of something. I'd showed

that this

Is a special coin we have for the fifth anniversary for the Rope Alia zama folk festival

And it's worth five fin links. Which is the same amount as ten

euros you can get it at a necklace in our repolish Op, and

Remember next year on Rupali summer for Chris fall this coin has 10% more value

So instead of 10 euros. It's 11 euros worth of

drinks and Foods

Please keep sending the presence and the comment for Apollo Shell

I will answer as many of your questions as possible in the rupaul show

And you can also send some presents to put in the cover or beneath the covers are hanging on the wall

Behind me now you will see the last part from the video from the interview with Sean Cannon from the dome in Legends

So we're using free and a meet you soon and luckily

recording techniques were although there were primitive in the time of the

Caruso's alive, nevertheless they cause the performances and the Christine failure today now yeah, so

before his time or

before recording were possibly

How much have we missed yeah look so much the booth with it could we had heard

Do you remember your first recording with it in studio ever?

Our that's going back to late

1977 about the time my son was born James. Okay my editor. Sonya were pretty perform from face yeah

here and

a man are you

Living here coventry in England where I live now again

And he asked me if I'd like to

Record some songs make an lP. Yeah

Why wouldn't be ready for this?

But he persuaded me because division wears only one day in the studio to just myself in the guitar. Yeah

And we recall it is an agarose that's how it was very quickly. That's the first

Regarding that end. It is possible to find his recordings summer. We have it son

The LP came out yes. I could find one up will be nice like I have a linger because we're on YouTube

Yeah, really great. Find the link of your first recording

All yes, hahaha. I'll go there now this gentleman in

1977 who asked me to do this run me off a couple years ago up here, and it says

Could you give would it be permitted to bring this out on CD form the old?

recording with an image the same as on the under the sleeve of the

of the M

Cd cool, it's the same diseases LP Cd. I?

Think I have one here reiner reiner has some old one, okay, right to have it cool

I like to have it and we're going to play it yeah. Yeah, yeah cool. It's very basic

Well, we love basic believe me. We really love it



For more infomation >> Thank you for your presents at Zomerfolk - Rapalje celtic folk music - Duration: 10:55.


5 Effective Home Remedies For Ringworm - Duration: 3:12.

In this video you will learn about 5 Effective Home Remedies for Ringworm.

Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin which can happen to both animals and humans.

It appears as a red patch on the skin that eventually spreads throughout the body like

the skin in the scalp, shoulders, groin area and arm pits.

Ringworm has red itchy patches, blisters or red patches with a ring on the outer area

with defined and raised edges.

The common reasons of people having ringworm is when someone gets in contact with things

that are not clean or uses a public shower or toilet that has a low hygiene etc.

Here are 5 Effective Home Remedies for Ringworm which will help you.


Apply Garlic on The Ringworm Garlic has antifungal properties.

You need to crush some cloves of garlic and then mix olive oil and honey in this grounded

garlic and then apply on the affected area.

Leave the paste until it completely dries up.

Now wash off with water and repeat this process two to three times a day.


Apply Salt on the Affected Area Applying salt combined with water is a strong

disinfectant that helps in killing fungi and helps in speedy healing from ringworm.

You need to mix salt in water and then apply in the ringworm affected area for 20 minutes

to get relief from ringworm.


Aloe Vera for Ringworm Infection Aloe vera is a powerful herb for any kind

of skin ailments.

You need to take an aloe vera leaf and cut it and then take out its gel.

Now apply this gel directly on the ringworm affected area.

Leave this gel for at least 15 to 20 minutes and then wash off with water.

You can repeat this process 2 to 3 times in a day to get quick relief from ringworm infection.


Apply Turmeric on the Affected Area Turmeric has anti-fungal and anti-microbial

properties that help to fight against many ailments one such being ringworm infection.

You need to take turmeric powder and then mix it with water to make a paste.

Now apply this paste on the affected area for at least 15 to 20 minutes and then wash

off with water.


Apply Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil has anti-fungal and antiseptic

properties that will keep away ringworm infection from the body.

First clean the ringworm affected area with an antiseptic soap and then dry that area.

In a piece of cotton drop 3 to 4 drops of tea tree oil and then apply this to the affected

area and then repeat this process for 2 to 3 times a day.

This works really well for ringworm infection.

The above home remedies will help in curing ringworm.

To avoid further occurrence of ringworm in your body you need to maintain a good hygiene

in your daily life.

Thanks for watching this video, if you enjoyed this video, please do not forget to like and

subscribe to our channel.

In this channel you will get information about various health related topics.

Wishing you good health in your life, bye.

For more infomation >> 5 Effective Home Remedies For Ringworm - Duration: 3:12.


[GTA TARO] แจก Mod Deagle Ft. Jonathan - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> [GTA TARO] แจก Mod Deagle Ft. Jonathan - Duration: 2:06.


HD Footage Футаж Праздник Нептуна. Поздравление с Днём Нептуна - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> HD Footage Футаж Праздник Нептуна. Поздравление с Днём Нептуна - Duration: 0:41.


Day 1 - emmmabooks ll Fan Art DIY - Duration: 6:40.

Hey Whatsup Hello my name is Emma

I am from the channel "emmmabooks"

and I am your host for day one of the Summer Biannual Biblithon

The Biannual Bibliothon is a readathon hosted here on YouTube

twice a year. We always have seven reading challenges

that you can aim to complete,

seven video challenges that also come along with

seven giveaways for seven books that you can enter to win.

We now have seven Instagram challenges that we are

announcing just for fun to get the bookstagram community involved,

and we have also introduced seven blogging challenges this week

that we have already announced on Instagram

if you would like to get a heads up on those.

We also have a liveshow at the end of the week

for our group book FLAME IN THE MIST by Renee Adieh

that is on the Sunday following the Biannual Biblothon (July 30th at 4 pm EST)

We have twitter sprints going on all week long

and it is just gonna be an amazing week of

reading, BookTubing, and creating and I am so excited for it.

All of the information you guys could possibly need

to join the Biannual Bibliothon is linked below

so I really hope you guys consider joining us this week.

But the video challenge for day one of the Biannual Bibliothon

is called the Fan Art DIY Challenge

where we have asked you guys to just create

any artistic piece that is inspired by one of your favorite books.

You definitely do not need artistic talent to participate in this challenge,

we're really just looking for the effort,

so for my challenge, I decided to take up

the recently released Official Mortal Instruments Coloring Book

and paint a few of the pages inside to create a time lapse for you guys.

The winner of today's video challenge will recieve a copy

of OF FIRE AND STARS by Audrey Colthurst

which is one of my favorite books of 2017.

So without further ado, here is my video for day one of the Summer Biannual Bibliothon.

Alrighty well that is it for day one of the Summer Biannual Bibliothon.

If you guys are interested in entering any of the giveaways this week,

all you have to do is stay here on the Biannual Bibliothon channel

and post the link to your entry in the comments

of the daily video.

All giveaway guidelines and such

are always in the descriptions of our videos

but I really cannot wait to see what you guys

have come up with for today as well as the rest of the week.

And although today's video is over,

you can absolutely participate with us

in our Twitter sprints on Twitter,

our Instagram challenges, our blog challenges,

there's just so many great things going on this week

and I cannot wait for it.

But that is it for this video, thank you guys so much for watching

and we'll see you tomorrow for day two of the

Summer Biannual Bibliothon. Bye!

For more infomation >> Day 1 - emmmabooks ll Fan Art DIY - Duration: 6:40.


Газовый горн в мастерскую. Открытый проект Gas Blower - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> Газовый горн в мастерскую. Открытый проект Gas Blower - Duration: 7:42.


GTA V ONLINE - MILLIONAIRE CLUB - Duration: 3:19:53.

For more infomation >> GTA V ONLINE - MILLIONAIRE CLUB - Duration: 3:19:53.


My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.40 [ENG/IND/2017.07.23] - Duration: 1:05:32.

- Happy birthday, Dad. / - Happy birthday, Dad.

Please stay healthy.

- Hey. / - Hey.

- Junghui is here. / - Hello, my boss.

- Hello, Junghui. / - Hello, Mr. Celebrity.


Happy birthday,


What a good timing, Mr. An.

Have a seat here. We were about to start.

Yes. Have a seat.

Yes. I should.

- This is delicious. / - Pass me my fork.

- Give me a spoon, please. / - Here.

Everyone's here.

Here you are.

I heard you didn't come home for a while.

Why are you behaving like this?

You must always make sure to sleep at home.

He's now so big that it's hard for us to see him.

Now that he blew off the candles on the cake,

all we have left to do now is to eat. Let's eat.


You should eat.


Let's eat.

- Enjoy. / - Enjoy.

Eat a lot.

- It looks delicious. / - You prepared a lot.

- Yes. / - Isn't it hot?

Jeonghwan made this bulgogi, Grandmother.

- It's delicious. / - It's delicious?

It's delicious

Stay inside, please.

We'll get going, Father and Mother.

I'll get going, Mom.

Why is everyone out? Go in, Dad.

Bye, Hyeyeong.

It'd be nice if you can sleep over.

Drive safe. Visit us again.

Get home safely.

We'll sleep over next time we come.

Bye, Mr. An.

Let's go in.

Let's have a talk. Both of you.

You're going to turn yourself in?

For what?

So you can pay for what you've done now?

So you can feel less guilty about it?

Or so that you can

reduce your sentence by turning yourself in?

You were planning to keep it a secret

if I never found out.

You were planning to hide it from me.

But you're going to turn yourself in now

so that you can be comfortable alone?

When I'm

in so much pain?

I'm sorry, but I can't let that happen.

You may feel

comfortable by turning yourself in,

but what about me?

Even now, my heart feels like it's going to

explode from just looking at your face.

I just can't understand

how you could hide it from me.

You had no choice because you were a criminal?

Does every criminal live with

someone else's identity like you?

Even if you did,

you should've told me when I found you.

At least, you should've stopped me

from believing that you're my real dad,

so I don't get hurt.

You didn't

just steal my dad's identity alone.

I was so happy

to find my dad in 35 years,

and you ruined it.

So don't even think about turning yourself in.

I'll be the one to do it.

Whether I tell all your beloved children

or I

report to the police myself,

I'm the one who should decide it.

So don't do anything until I decide.

And I will live here for a while.

You should see my face every day

and feel what it's like to have your heart break.

You deserve to feel it.

(Bbongdderak Pizza)

Is somebody using the bathroom?

Why did you come back?

I can use it later.

I'll make the bed first.


Then I'll use the bathroom now.

What shall I do?

I can't seem to face Mr. An.


Help yourselves.

- Thank you for the meal. / - Thank you for the meal.


Your schedule is getting more hectic, right?

It must be hard to commute to the shooting site.

The drama is getting more interesting.

But it must be harder for him.

That's true. Especially by the end of the miniseries,

the shooting site is like a battlefield.

The mood at the site must be nice

as the drama is popular, isn't it?

Dad, this perilla soup tastes so good.

Dad's perilla soup is the best.

It's not just the perilla soup that's the best.

Everything he cooks is just delicious.

Actually, he's good at something else.

He's so good at acting.

Dad is good at acting?

No way!

Dad is such a shy person.

Rayeong, how can you be so sure?

Don't think you really know about your parents.

They might have kept a secret

that their children could never imagine.

Junghui, Mom, and Dad were strange this morning.

Don't you think so, Yuju?

They have been strange since last night.

Did you notice it too, Yuju?

Is there something going on between him

and my parents?

What's the matter with Junghui?

Didn't you feel upset?

I will.

I won't.

I will.

I won't.

I will. I won't.

- You won't. / - I will.

- What will you do? / - I won't

- What are you doing now? / - I will...

To be Mother's representative for marriage graduation

or not to be, that is the question.

I will. I won't.

I will. My goodness!

You don't want to do it, do you?

You don't have to do it if you don't want to.

It's a marital problem.

There's a chance I can get in a trouble

stuck between Mother and Father.

That's possible.

However, there's an advantage of doing it.

In the relationship between Mother,

I can totally get a handle on things.

I can also give conditions I want.

So what are you going to do?

That's the question.

I'll do it again.

I will. I won't.

I will. I won't. I will. I won't.

I will.

I won't!

Good morning.

Aren't you going to work?

I just stopped by before I go to work.

Do you have time?

I sure have.

Shall we go to the kitchen?

I just brewed some coffee.

The aroma is so good.

Where's Father?

He went for a walk with Chico.

I wish he is just half as nice to me

as he is to Chico.

I forgot. How do you like your coffee?

I think hot, iced Americano is the best.

Don't you think so?

Come over here.

Here we are. Taste it.

The aroma is just awesome.

Yes, it's nice.

Don't you like hot coffee?

Shall I put some ice cubes in it?

I like the hot, iced Americano,

but you might not like it.

I forgot to ask what you like.

No, it's fine. Have a seat, Mother.



have you thought about what I asked you?

If I act as your representative,

will you faithfully follow

what's written on our new Cohabitation Contract?

You can say that again!

Then why don't we look

at the Cohabitation Contract first?

To the former contract,

I added every condition you asked and I agreed

the day before yesterday.

If you look here,

I added these three lines

that are the condition I'm asking.

I especially want you to follow these.


don't drop in anytime without notice.

Be sure to ask for consent by text before a visit.

Check by text message

if I can talk on the phone during working hours.

I get it. I will text you first. Okay.

Second, don't text me

too often.

Especially, avoid sending text messages

that contain wise sayings about filial duty.

Wait a second.

Don't you think it's strange?

It means not to text you, right?

The first clause says I need to ask you by text.

It means you can text me only when it's necessary.

I've sent you texts only when it's necessary.

Okay, I understand.

I think it's necessary,

but I'll think about it twice before I send it

next time. Is that good?


if I successfully prevent your marriage graduation,

you agree that I move out of the house next January.

Goodness. That's impossible.

Cohabitation was the precondition

for consenting your marriage.

Moving out of the house

is my precondition for acting as your representative.

I can never miss this golden opportunity.

A golden opportunity?

How can you tell me in such a rude...

I mean off-putting way?

In a long term, telling the truth rather than

lying can build a healthy relationship.

Also, I wouldn't like it if I have

to live with my own parents.

I got married to live with Jeonghwan independently.

And I won't move out right now.

It's next January.

We still have five more months to go.

So you can think about it and let me know.

Okay, I get it.

Let's do it as you suggested.

Make sure you prevent my marriage graduation, okay?

If you want me to do so,

you need to trust my advice and suggestions

and faithfully follow them no matter what.

Can you do that?

Only then I can bring about a successful

result as your representative.

You bet I can surely do that.

All right.

I will accept your offer, Mother.


Do you really need to move out?

Yes, I do.

Well, first,

I'll listen to my client's request.


Why don't you want marriage graduation?

It's not been so long since I saw how you live,

but Father is not sweet or affectionate.

He often talks down to you.

Sometimes he insults you.

Don't you want a divorce?

I've thought about it. I have feelings too.

I sometimes think about that.

Then I do get upset,

but when I see that face, I'm not upset anymore.


Your father-in-law changed a little

because he got old,

but do you know Minwoo from "Wanderer in Winter"?

He looked just like him

that people would say they're twins.

Minwoo from "Wanderer in Winter"?

Do you not know him?

Minwoo from "Wanderer in Winter".

Look it up.

Back then...

He was like Brad Pitt today.

Oh, so you mean

you still

like Father, right?

That's why we live together.

Isn't that why you live with Jeonghwan?

Mother. We just got married.

Hey, it still feels like we got married yesterday.

You know there's nothing special in life.

I got this old with just two blinks.

Right, anyway...

It's surprising that you still love Father

for 38 years.

Couples don't just live together

only when they're happy.

Couples should live together

even when they're upset at each other.

Hey, Chico.

You should clean your feet first. Come here, Chico.

Perfect timing.

Since I heard your thoughts on this,

I should now ask how Father thinks.

I'll go talk to Father since I'm here.

What? You don't need to knock.

Hey, what brings you here?

Do you have time for a few questions?

Sure. Have a seat over there.

What's up?

Mother asked me to be her representative

for her marriage graduation.

I'd like to know your reasons

for the marriage graduation.

Then I can either help Mother

or persuade her to give up.

A representative for a marriage graduation?

Gosh. I can't believe what she's doing.

Wouldn't it be better for you to talk to me

rather than Mother because she's emotional right now?

That's true.


Did you find the real estate guy

who scammed me?

No, not yet.

But even if I do find him,

it won't be easy to get your money back.

That shouldn't happen.

I need that money back to find a new place to live.


Why do you want to graduate this marriage?

Do you still ask that question

after seeing your mother-in-law?

I want freedom.

I want my life back.

I want to get out

of this place where I'm under the pressure

of being a breadwinner.

Is it still not enough

to live by separating the space?

You've already separated the bedroom,

and it looks like you're free in general.

Just because you blocked the second floor,

does she think you're living separately?

As long as we're in the same place,

she can never be independent.

I understand what you mean by that.


we have nothing in common.

Even when we go on a trip,

she always wants the most expensive travel package,

but I want free travel.

I hate traveling

with people I don't know.

Also, even when I listen to classical music,

she'd snore beside me.

Our level of intelligence doesn't match

nor do we have a common interest.

Your mother-in-law and I

are completely opposite of each other.

She should just give up trying to adjust like me,

and live like two independent individuals,

but she still wants to adjust,

eat meals together, have conversations,

and spend time together.

She's being clingy.

It makes me hard to live with her.

So in summary,

you find Mother bothering and boring.

You also don't love her as much.

That's what married couples are liked.

Like I always say,

we meet as a man and a woman,

and we live as humans.

But you still want to graduate marriage

because you don't even want to live as humans.

Life is short.

It's not worth to waste life worrying

about what other people would think.

Life is like

a short nap in the middle of summer.

(Short nap)

Life escapes

even before you try to grab it.

Youth leaves

even though I never let it go.

This is a total crisis.

Did she say Minwoo from "Wanderer in Winter"?

This must be him.


This is a total crisis.

Mother still loves Father

that to her, he looks like Brad Pitt.

Father is trying to run away from Mother

as if he never loved her in his life.

How should I fill this gap?

This gap... This huge, gigantic gap.

Hey, Jeonghwan. Relax. Your report is fine.

I know, right? There will be no problem, right?

But why is he still reading the report?

Is he memorizing it or something?


- I'll be back. / - Yes.

Did you go over it? How was it?

I think it's a pass this time.

It's good.

- It's good? / - It's good.

Make a pilot show in three episodes.

Really? Did my report pass then?

Yes. Pass.

I can't believe you could come up with such an idea.

It's very good.

"Marriage Internship". People will be interested

in finding out if they will get

a permanent position after it's over.

Good luck with it.

Yes. I'll do my best.


Oh, hello.

What are you going to eat for lunch?

It's lunch time already?

I'm not that hungry.

Junghui is right, honey.

This must be how people feel

when they feel choked and their blood dries.

My heart beats fast even when I stay still.

It feels like my heart is constricted.

If this continues,

I think I'd want Junghui

to actually report us.

It's obvious for Junghui to react like that.

If I were him, I'd report it myself.

I stole his father's identity for 35 years,

and he couldn't find out his father is dead.

I could've told him

when I first met him,

but I fooled Junghui by acting like his father.

This is nothing

compared to...

what I have done.

I know that.


- Are you ready? / - Yes.

All right. Let's go.

Scene 30, take one.

Ready. Action.

I understand.

I see why you did what you did.

Cut. Let's try again.

Junghui, that was void of emotion.

I need you to act like you actually

understand your father.

Let's go again.

Scene 30, take two.


I understand.

I see why...


What's wrong, Junghui?

You're having trouble concentrating.

Try to focus. Let's try again.

Scene 30, take three.



Sorry. I can't do it.

I just can't say my lines.

Let's shoot another scene first.

What is he doing?

I can't believe this.

What's up with him?

Why not just shoot? He was never that good.

This is just unbelievable.

He's acting like he's all that.

Because he's hot now.

What a nuisance.

Let's skip to scene 36.

It's the scene with Hyerim.

Junghui, is something bothering you?

You've been down these past few...

My script.

Come in.

Hello, Intern.

I brought the outfit you asked for.

Thanks for coming when it's so hot outside.

Wait here. A pair of shoes needs fixing.

Aren't you in the wrong room?

Seongjun's next door.

You won't even say hi because you're dating him?

How are you?

I feel terrible.

- Have these fixed. / - Okay.

Isn't it nice to be on the set again?

It's suffocating to sit at a desk all day.

Kind of. I'll get going.


I'm going on vacation in two weeks.

Can you replace me for a few days?

You know Junghui

and how things work.

You're just perfect for the job.

Sorry. I can't do it.

Can't you?

Are you busy?

Okay, then.

- Sorry. / - It's fine.

- I should go. / - Take care.


It's impossible.

It can't be.

It just can't be.

It's a mix of

me idolizing a celebrity

and being worried about him.

That's why I feel so strange.

That's it.

It can't be.

Stop it.

You're recovering well.

You can stop coming now.

That's great news.

Do you have any questions?

About 25 percent of pregnancies

in Korea end in a miscarriage

We can't pinpoint a cause for most of them.

"If I hadn't done this,"

"if I hadn't done that."

Don't blame it on yourself.

It's not your fault.


Take good care of your wife.

Thank you, doctor.

Eat this before it gets cold.

This place looks expensive.


This is an abalone and this is a king prawn.

We haven't been on a date since we got married.

This is four months' worth crammed into a meal.

Eat up.

You should eat too.

I won't if you won't.



I've been thinking.

What should I do?

Should I quit my job

or should I keep working?

I thought about it.

I think I want to keep my job for now.

If I quit working when I don't have a baby,

I'll probably feel worse.

But I won't overdo it.

Okay. If that's what you want to do,

I'm all for it.


about our baby...

I'd like to speak first on that issue.

How about

we take a break before trying for a baby?

We weren't ready to become parents anyway.

Let's study what it takes to be parents.

If I'm to become eligible for paternity leave,

I need to work for at least another year.

Or my bosses wouldn't be too pleased with me.

Okay, then.

I'll try to get things back on track

and focus on my job.


If I get pregnant again,

I think I'll study more on how to become a mom

and be better prepared.

From now on, you must spend at least

one day a weekend with me.

We're still newlyweds.

That's what I was going to say.

It's a deal.


Thank you.

- Bye. / - Bye.


What made you think of selling to our chairman?

You even gave him some freebies.

I just tried to think out of the box.

I treat our chairman like a customer

and I treat customers like our chairman.

I'm really impressed.

Have you had lunch yet?

Let's eat together.

Not today. I have plans.

Who do you eat lunch with every day?

Something's fishy.

Are you dating a colleague?

My friend?

My friend works at a company nearby.


Rayeong, let's have lunch together.

See you after lunch.



It looks delicious.

It tastes best when it's hot. Eat up.

You too.

How did you sell the drinks to my dad?

You sold a baseball in a soccer field.

Don't you think I'm good at sales?

I think you are. You're a sales genius.

Doesn't my dad scare you?

I think he's like you. He doesn't scare me.

Your mom's beautiful, isn't she?

Can't you tell by looking at me? She's beautiful.

All my sisters are pretty.

I guess so.

I'd like to meet them.

Your whole family.

So soon?

It's not soon.

You know my brother and my dad,

but I don't know anyone in your family.

If your brother had known who I was,

he wouldn't have beaten me up.

I want you to introduce me as your boyfriend

and gain their approval.

Let's take it slow with my parents.

You can meet my brother and sisters together.

My brother offered to buy a drink. Let's meet up.

Okay, I'd like that.

Beware of one person.

My oldest sister. She has a rotten temper.

One wrong comment and you're six feet under.

I almost got buried.

She told me to get Dad a birthday present.

I forgot about that. Let's shop on the way.

What are your basics?

Basics? Dribbling and passing.


I'm talking about basic skin care products.

Toner? Lotion?

- Moisturizing cream? / - Oh, those basics?

I use whatever I have.

I don't use much.

You must. You're outdoors most of the time.

Let's have a look.

Oily skin that lacks moisture.

Use this.

This is a foam cleanser to wash your face with.

I should get it.

40 percent off? This is what I call a bargain.

A bargain.

Two for the price of one.

- We get one for free? / - Yes.

Why did I buy all this?

You're really good at making people buy things.

(Dad's Snacks)

Where are you? Will you be late?

Go ahead and sleep. I'll be home soon.

I can't avoid him forever.

What should I do?


Why eat instant noodles when there's so much meat?

Come and have some.

Goodness. Come on.

Come and sit over here.

Come on.

I'm not joining because I want to.

I'm eating because it's too much for you to eat.

We can't waste food.

From now on, I won't eat anything you cook.

Don't waste your time.

Do you think I'll change my mind if you do this?

Is it tenderloin?

Tenderloin's your favorite.

Your taste is as expensive as your looks.

It's tender.

- Try some of this. / - Okay.

You should eat meat with garlic and onion.

I like that.

It's nicely cooked.

I did as you said and cooked him some meat.

What should I do now?

(I did as you said and cooked him sum meat.)

What should I do about her spelling? Sum?

Did she do math with a plate of meat?

You did very well. Don't cook him dinner.

I shouldn't cook him dinner? Why not?


Why shouldn't I cook him dinner?

What if he leaves me?


You forgot to text to ask if you could call me.

Oh, I'm so sorry. Let's hang up.

Can I call you?

Inner peace.

You can't. I'm busy. Text me instead.

I prefer to talk. Can't we keep it short?


Okay. What if my husband leaves me?

Even married couples need to play hard to get.

Father is used to your constant support and care.

It's like the air to him. He takes it for granted.

When a man starts to think of his wife

as a piece of furniture, that's when you need

proof of your existence.

The quickest and easiest way to prove

your value is to be absent.

You must do as I say.

Do not cook your husband dinner.

See you at the bookstore near our house at 7 p.m.

At 7 p.m.?


Someone sent me a really nice quote today.

Can I send it to you?


(Elementary Spelling)

(Korean Spelling)

What are all these?

Books on spelling and grammar.


Try not to be offended.

I have to type up a lot of statements

or arguments when I'm on a case,

and I'm particular about grammar.

Father was a reporter, so he'll be even more so.

I noticed that spelling is a huge weakness of yours.

I would like you to brush up on your spelling.

If you send a text with the spelling all wrong,

you won't be taken seriously.

I know what you're talking about,

but books make me sleepy.

Studying isn't my thing.

They have books in cartoons.

Study a chapter a day. I'll test you each week.

I'll take the answer pages,

so you can't cheat.

We're done. Let's go and pay.

A chapter a day is too much.

I'm back.

What's that?


(Startup Guide)

Why are you looking at that?

Let's talk about it later.

You two are sighing enough to cause an earthquake.

I knew you'd be like this.

I knew you'd never make up your minds.

Tell me how far you got.

Explain the situation.

I want to

let Minha do what he wants.

When I wanted to send him to the science school,

you were against it.

That was then.

Now we have enough money for his tuition.

According to my calculations,

if we open a store now,

we can do so at half the price.

- Can you? / - Just half the price?

That's why I want to have a go at it now.

I see.

Shall we try selling pizzas?

We can't work part-time forever.

But Minha wants to go to the science high school.

I want him to go.

This is the first time he wanted something.

It is.

Shall we send him off?

They do say there's a time to learn.

- But then... / - Stop.

My goodness.

You're just going to go back and forth with it.

Let's make this fair and vote on it.

- Vote? / - Yes.

- An anonymous vote? / - Yes.

- The three of us? / - Yes.

- Nice. / - Good.

- Okay. / - Okay.

Then whatever the result,

- there can be no blaming. / - Okay.

Wow, you're so pretty.

Why are you giving me this?

Could you

give me your number?

This is calculus.

Aren't you in middle school?

Yes, I am.

Why are you looking at a calculus lesson?

It's fun.

Will you give me your number?


Do you see the high school over there?

I teach math there.

I'll teach you when you're the right age.


(Onjeong High School)

We'll open them on three.

One, two, three, go.

(Science High School)

- Honey. / - Mother.


Grandma, Mom, Dad.

I want to go to Onjeong High School.

I really want to study there.





What are you doing?

You come here to work.

Not to zone out.

Go and get a parcel from the parking lot.

They're CDs. Don't break them.


Thank you. Bye.

Wait for me.

The door's closing.

That stings.

No wonder it hurts.

It feels like it left a dent.


Get a grip.


Who are you?

Only staff are allowed here.

You can't be here.

I'm here to see Junghui.

Mr. An isn't here.

He just left.

You're here.


You're crazy.

You've lost your mind, Miyeong.

He's your brother.

This is nonsense.

It can't be.

It's a nice room.

- Sit. / - Thanks.

Why are you here?

I got worried about you, of course.

You haven't come to see me.

I don't need to.

Why not?

Do you think you've sorted things out?


Are you giving up on your treatment?

No, there's no need for it now.

You should know by now that

the man in the photo is my dad.

But not my biological dad.

Then Judo isn't your sister.

So there's no need for further treatment.


You must feel confused.

Your dad isn't your dad,

and you and Judo aren't related.

I'm confused as well.

As your doctor, I should congratulate you,

but to be honest I can't.

It's obvious what you'll say next.

I might as well say it for you.

Let's stop seeing each other.

I still had feelings left,

so I wanted to get back together.

Now that you're famous, I don't feel comfortable.

I want to break up with you

Thanks for saying that.

That really makes me feel bad.

I said I wanted to break up and you thank me.

I'm sorry.

That makes it worse.

I wish you the best.

I hope you don't come back to me as my patient.

Jeonghwan! I'm home!

He's not here.

Jeonghwan. Where are you?

Will you be late again tonight?

How long have you been there?

Not long. I just got here.

You seemed worried about Mother.

I thought Walnut would be busy, so I came.

It's nothing. Do you think you can join us later?

Really? Pack your bag. Let's sleepover tonight.

All right. I'll see you soon.

I should do what I can to earn some points.

- Goodness. Jeonghwan. / - I'm here, Father.

What brings you here all of a sudden?


I thought you'd be more happy to see me this way.

Father, do you mind if I spend the night here?

Not at all. I'd be more than happy.

It sure is good to see you.

What have you brought with you? What's all this?

(Pears, Apples)

I went to buy some fruits. They seemed so good,

so I thought I'd buy some and bring them to you.

How have you been?


We've been doing well, of course.

You should've called, then I would've gotten a hen.

You have plenty of time.

I intend on sleeping here with Hyeyeong.

Hyeyeong's coming as well?

- Hi, Jeonghwan! / - Hi, Rayeong!

I see my pretty little sister-in-law was at home.

- How have you been? / - Great.

- Thank you for the meal. / - Thank you for the meal.

I might as well just disappear.

I'll just drink and die.

There's no more left.

Excuse me. One more bottle, please.

I'll be right there.

I'll help you.

- No, I'll do it. / - It's fine.

- It's all right. Sit. / - Oh dear.

It's hot. It's really hot.

- Oh boy. / - Oh boy. Goodness.

Gosh. You really prepared a hen.

I should. My son-in-law's here, isn't he?

Thank you.

Gosh. Did you guys start without me?

Welcome, Hyeyeong.

- Hyeyeong! / - Hurry and have a seat.

- Hyeyeong. Welcome home. / - Hi, honey.

I love you so much. Thank you.

Then you should award me when we get home.


My apologies.


Mom, don't you even care that I'm here?

I'm busy. I'm in the middle of deboning this.

There's a problem.

There are seven people, but only six drumsticks.

That sure is a huge problem.

I don't like drumsticks anyway, Mother.

I don't see Miyeong and Mr. An again.

Miyeong said she'd be late,

but Mr. An hasn't replied.

- Look. / - He's here.

Mr. An, when did you get home?

Junghui. I didn't know you were at home.

Were you upstairs? You should've told us.

You're home.

I thought you'd be home late.

I came to have dinner together.

I couldn't let you eat in peace, could I?

Have a seat. You should eat dinner.

Yes. I wouldn't miss out on this.

Yuju, could you go to the kitchen

- and bring a plate and spoon? / - I will, Mother.


The meat is chewy. I can actually feel the protein.

Chicken is the best in the summer.

I'm sure it's not because it's chicken.

It tastes good because you're at your in-law's.

You're right.

Mother and Father, why don't you come visit us?

We haven't had a housewarming party yet.

We'd love to go if you invite us.

I was wondering when you'd invite us.

Forgive me. I should've thought of it earlier.

Shall we set a date while we're at it?

So this is how it should be.

It's natural to wonder how your child is living.

When my mother was here, why didn't you invite her?

Why did you try so hard to keep her away?

Wait a minute. You're joking, right?

I think that was rude to consider it as a joke.

She thinks I'm rude.

I must take after you, Dad.

- Junghui. / - Mr. An.

What do you think you're doing?

What's with your attitude to Mom and Dad?

That's enough. There's no need to raise your voice.

I can't help it.

Can't you see how Mr. An's...

Hyeyeong. That's enough.

This is none of your business. That's enough.


- Goodness. / - I can't believe him.

Can anyone help me understand the situation?

We feel just the same.

Dad should be scolding Junghui, not me.

Something must be going on between the three,

but I can't figure out what it is.

Whatever it is, he still shouldn't talk that way.

Good job, Hyeyeong. I'm glad you said that.

What could it be?

This may not be right time to ask this,

but where am I supposed to sleep tonight?

You're right. I didn't think of that.

I can't let you sleep in Mr. An's room.

Will the living room floor be all right?

I don't mind sleeping there. It'll be nice.

Thank you.

I don't want you sleeping in his room tonight.

I can get you some blankets though.


I think I'll borrow one of Mom's pants.

I think this will do.

What's this? What is this doing here?

(DNA Parentage Test Report)

(DNA Parentage Test Report)

(Test Result)

(Not a match)


Why are you running away from me?

Answer me.

Why are you avoiding me?

Tell me. Why are you avoiding me?

What do you know to avoid me?

Do you hate me like the other family members?

Is that why you're trying to avoid me?

You don't know anything.

You don't know why I'm acting this way.

So why are you avoiding me?

I'm not avoiding you.

Then what's the reason for you to avoid me?

I like you, Mr. An.

For more infomation >> My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.40 [ENG/IND/2017.07.23] - Duration: 1:05:32.


Was ist Imperialismus - Begriffserklärung, Bedeutungen & Entstehung - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Was ist Imperialismus - Begriffserklärung, Bedeutungen & Entstehung - Duration: 2:37.



The Passport

July the 11th, 2017.

8:17 a.m.

My flight to England leaves today at 23:30

And I dont have my passport with the visa yet.

We don´t have the passport

I got it!

The last days

How do you feel being at home? taking into account you´re leaving in one day.

so so?


There are six days left before candongas leaves to the UK.

Making the most out of the last moments with her

Our last day together

We´re currently at DHL HQ's

We´re waiting for them to give me my passport

They did not want to have it delivered to me. They "kidnapped" it.

But we have some connections...

And they´re giving it to us within the next half hour

15 minutes

I´m leaving today at 23:00 hrs

I got it!

I look terrible

Our last moments together

Don´t you cry

She leaves today at 23 hrs and we´re all so proud of her

On our way to the airport

For more infomation >> NUESTRO ÚLTIMO DÍA JUNTOS | SIMON GOMEZ - Duration: 5:04.


What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like - League of Legends - Duration: 10:10.

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like

For more infomation >> What 1000 Hours of Yasuo Practice Looks Like - League of Legends - Duration: 10:10.


Manu Man - Djuntu ku bos (Official Video) - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Manu Man - Djuntu ku bos (Official Video) - Duration: 4:31.


Fencing My Life Away - Duration: 10:16.

Hi, I'm Mike and this is our Wyoming Life

Repairing and maintaining fence is a never ending job.

In fact you could go and check fence every day and find something that needs attention.

A fence with a strand that's coming loose popped staples and even fence posts that are

pulling out of the ground.

If you aren't careful fences can take up life, and when you have a ton of fence it's

like you become a fencing technician instead of a rancher.

Fences are very important for obvious reasons and the main reason being to keep the herd

where they are supposed to be.

Here in the last few days we have moved the cows to summer pasture, a couple thousand

acres that will be there home until October.

Usually we try to check fence in a pasture before we move the cows, but with haying and

the beginning of farmers market, I'm a bit behind.

So today, we head down and inspect the summer pasture fence.

First we gather our tools and supplies.

Fencing isn't horribly complicated and most everything we need will fit in this blue tote

that we will take with us in the gator, our 4x4 utility vehicle.

First thing in the bin is our jakes wire tighteners, we will talk more about these but these little

tools have saved me a lot of time and a lot of frustration.

We also bring t post clips to attach barbed wire to our metal posts, a bunch of staples

to attach it to our wood posts.

A hammer, our jakes wire tightener tool and of course a pair of fencing pliers.

I'll also throw in a couple bottles of water, always important to say hydrated.

Our toolbox goes in the back of the gator along with some smooth wire for repairing


We use smooth wire for patching rather than barbed wire just because it's a little easier

to work with and won't bite you like barbed wire will.

Also coming with us on this trip to the back few thousand acres is the drone, for those

wonderful aerial shots you all like so much.

I almost forgot, another tool we definitely need is a flat head screwdriver for twisting

the t-post clips.

Before we hit the road and drive the few miles to the summer pasture, a little fuel is needed.

I'll top off the gas in the gator because there is nothing worse or more embarrassing

than running out of gas.

The fuel tank on the gator is actually right under the driver's seat and we have our

own fuel tanks on the ranch so it's just a matter of filling it up, no full service

here, unless I can teach the peacock to pump gas.

Finally, with all our tools and supplies packed in the back and a full tank of fuel we can

hit the road.

And drive and drive.

While we are driving, I can tell you about a mistake I made this week.

I sat down with google earth on the computer and actually figured out how much fence we

have on the ranch.

I measured every single fence line, jotted down the distance and then added it all up.

I should know better than to question these things.

I should just sit back and say; yup we have a lot of fence to maintain.

But instead I get these urges to know exactly how much there is, how much work is involved

and how many hours are into maintaining fence.

All the fences added up equaled a little over 26 miles of barbed wire fence.

When you check fence you don't drive terribly fast so to check all the fence you'll have

13 to 14 hours of just driving.

Add in the time that it takes to fix fence and you have a few days of just fence.

But, that's why we split it up.

I like to check fence in a pasture before I put cows in there, making sure there are

no weak points then check fence every couple of weeks while they are in the pasture.

If we have neighboring cows that can also cause more problems and might require more

frequent checking of the fence, if their cows are in heat our bulls can decide to take out

a fence in a minute and get to some new girlfriends.

Finally we arrive at our summer pasture, a few thousand acres that the cows can range

over all summer long, lots of grass for them to eat and lots of fence for them to test.

Checking fence is pretty straight forward, drive along the fence slowly and look for

anything that doesn't look right.

I like to drive around clockwise so that the driver's side is always toward the fence.

We drive along, looking at fence and looking for any staples that might have popped or

t-post clips that might have fallen off or broken strands, like these.

Fixing a broken strand is easy; you twist a loop into each end of the broken strand

and do the same with new wire in-between the break.

Once the wire is put back together it's still pretty loose but using our jakes wire

tighteners we can twist the wire until it is tight again.

The strand breaking has also caused the t post clip to pop off the post so that will

need fixed too.

Using the screw driver, we twist a new clip on the post, holding the wire secure.

Then it's off down the fence again to the next issue, which sometimes isn't that far


Here the bottom strand of wire has come undone from the post.

This is a matter of replacing another tpost clip.

Damage to the bottom strand of wire is pretty common but also problematic because calves

could lie down next to the fence then easily roll under the fence, finding themselves separated

from their moms and the rest of the herd.

That in turn will cause a mom to get upset and possibly do more damage to the fence.

So what causes these regular breaks on the bottom wire of the fence?

One animal is the culprit out here.

The antelope.

Officially they are pronghorn antelope and in some ways they are the bane of my fencing


Antelope don't jump fences like a deer will do; they go underneath and cause all kinds

of damage to fences.

From twisting bottom wires to even causing breaks on middle wires when the bend the wires

up from going underneath.

Just like we see here, in addition you can see the path they use to cross under the fence.

So this needs fixed as well.

Again I twist the wires into loops, adding a new piece in-between and finishing up with

another jakes wire tightener.

Then a few new staples into this old post.

That's one of the things that strikes me every time I check fence.

Some of these fence posts have been here for almost a hundred years.

Put in the ground by the original homesteaders here and here they are still in use, carrying

on, holding up fence for generations and hopefully generations to come.

So that's how my day goes, driving between little projects, finding breaks, or loose

spots in the fence.

Stopping, getting out and fixing them.

Over and over.

A tedious job, but one that is another step toward having a successful and productive


Without fences, we don't have cows and without cows, no ranch.

So I drive, fencing my life away.

Looking on that old fence all day really does get me thinking, how many years ago were some

of those old posts set in the ground, how many generations of ranchers have ridden horses,

driven atvs or even walked along those fences checking them out.

Lots of the posts are just old tree branches, set in the ground before milling was around

to make smooth and symmetrical posts, and for that matter, where did the come from?

You may not have noticed but we don't have a whole lot of trees around here, maybe they

were all turned into fence posts.

The sad truth is that the American family ranch is a dying breed, literally.

Ranches are hard to move from one generation to the next and lots of ranches end up being

split up between siblings when a parent passes away.

Inevitably someone comes along and buys out smaller family ranches and incorporates them

into larger and larger conglomerates and that's the end of the family ranch.

Our hope is that someday this ranch will be passed along to our kids, and it's a dream

that all of us want to see come true.

This channel hopefully will someday help that happen, Thanks for being a part of it with


Check us out on facebook and make sure you don't miss a thing happening around here

and trust me there are some cool things coming.

Subscribe as well and if you have a question or a comment feel free to leave it for us,

we love hearing from you and we have made some really cool friends that way.

Erin is becoming my queen of Instagram so check us out there as well.

Have a great week, and thanks for joining us in Our Wyoming Life.

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