Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 26 2017




Awakening from separation/human/ego/unconscious/linear realities is confusing at first, as the outside

(and inside) don�t make sense for awhile�. Where emphasis used to be placed on the outside

world first, this shifts, changes, as you do�. as we all do� as inside awakens (our

Spirit/Soul), on a cellular level we are unaware. We do not yet have access to all of the information

and to the infinite reasons as to why we are truly here. (Click �Read More� below):

?This access is granted through a deep cleansing and purification process, that occurs as WE

RECONNECT from inside again. How the outside correlates, this takes awhile, as we acclimate

(and open up to) our own highest vibrational existences here. The �higher realms� challenge

our human aspects. They are supposed to. As humans we are unaware. Our hearts and minds

have to open fully for our energy to relax enough to surrender our human to our own Universe/Higher

Selves that �need� to move into (many call this walk-ins, as it can appear to happen

overnight/all of a sudden, yet this is perception too). This is a constant merging/integration

process where we EMERGE as higher selves, where we BECOME the whole Universe again,

as our higher consciousness DNA constantly activates inside of our Earthly Physical Bodies,

under our skin, in our bones, blood, organs�. every fiber & part(icle) of us awakening to

RELEASE all that is no longer true, is not love/not completely PURE, on a whole new level

that we had no idea/didn�t have a clue. It�s important to understand that what is

no longer true for each once once, so its important not to judge. This binds one to

duality programs still. All realities are real/not real and each will come to understand

and respect this fully as multi-dimensional access is achieved by each again.

Our worthiness, our associations, our perspectives �limited� by our own human�ness and

separation ENERGY we hold/held within. As we ascend in the physical, we descend AS higher

selves and we merge within our physical forms, which is a massively huge/mind-blowing process

of evolution that cannot be fit into a linear box of anything �. we must go beyond the

limits of our minds and open up fully to even start to CONCEIVE what is not only possible,

but actually already occurring on an atomic, cellular and molecular level�. Each are

BECOMING GALACTICS (human�s call these ET�s & aliens, old matrix program words of internal/external

disassociation). We BECOME Christed/Crystalline/God Source Prime Creator BEings in form�. with

amazing gifts, abilities and knowledge, BEYOND what any of our human aspects could comprehend.

AS MULTI-DIMENSIONALS, we ARE Ascended, Alchemists and Masters, we ARE Angels in form, we ARE

all of those things we separated off from and used to be embarrassed/judgmental to claim,

because we tried to fit (shape-shift) into a human reality before�. and had to transcend

our own ego fully to exist in this amazing space here.

Transitioning from ego/separated/asleep human timelines, moving beyond the veils and amnesia/fog,

moving beyond duality/unconscious programs/programming to a UNIFIED/UNIVERSAL existence is a huge

process of dissolving/resolving all that we once aligned to human mentalities/focuses/beliefs,

and re-aligning all on a Soul Level (Highest Vibrational Everything). Universal corridors

must open in the brain/neural pathways to grant access again, as the pineal gland evolves

into a multi-faceted Diamond to restore multi-faceted, multiple-frame vision through holographic

existence where the physical is finally understood. Through our hearts is how all of this occurs.

As human aspects, we don�t/didn�t trust the �invisible� (energy), that which we

cannot hold in our hands/see with our human eyes/prove� this entire process is a �proving

process� to shift each from this to BELIEVING again and LEARNING how to trust, by proving

to yourself that you can be trusted to BE THE ONE that holds the highest regard/honor/love/integrity

ALL of the time�. this is NOT A SMALL FEAT� this takes everything that you are on a Soul

Level, as each experience is you facing/working through all of your unconscious programs and

realizing how they correlate (translate), so that you can fully understand in order

to choose to shift intentionally to the absolute highest vibrational everything yourself. Your

human did not have this capability. Your SOUL you does� and every moment will be FOR THIS,

until this is your NATURAL existence, until it�s easy, simple and full alignment has

been achieved and held from within you, all of the time, and you�ve intentionally re-aligned

your physical/everything to be of this highest vibration too� A PURE GALACTIC SOUL LEVEL

EXPERIENCE�. Heaven on Earth� all around you� because this is where you function

from/live from/exist from and you no longer compromise your own SOUL (and those around

you) ever again through unconscious programs that you hold/held�. It�s up to you to

see/recognize/choose and work through these yourself. You will have the support you need,

in the physical/energetically, yet some things, your human must do yourself, releasing dependence,

excuses and dis-empowered beliefs/states where your human programming was to place blame/hold

others accountable instead of owning it and shifting to/BEing your Highest Self. There

is absolutely none of this here.

At first, through external focus, your human established worthiness through others/things,

identities and attachment, with external value dictating internal value�. which is the

opposite of what is pure/real/true�. As a human, you/we all once valued ourselves

by how things looked, by external beauty, by physical form, through the acquisition

things, collecting acknowledgements of worthiness in physical form too (pieces of paper, words/actions

of others, things) to prove to yourself you were worthy/of value/important, because you

didn�t yet hold this for yourself (which is a part of the process). Even when your

gifts start to �arrive�/come forth, your human (ego) will still get involved for awhile

to build your inner courage/self-value, as each builds a whole new value system, from

the inside out. Eventually separation/identities/valuing yourself based upon old mentalities and beliefs,

external everything, by others/judgments/comparison/identities/things� will also dissolve as you establish your full

WORTH through each phase� moving from the external focus to your self, beginning to

fully love/respect/honor and hold kindness, compassion, respect and integrity to you,

while �learning� how to do this for all that you connect with/come into contact with/all

around you too� as it�s a process of working through all that you held in separation/unconsciousness


As you do this, you will shift the focus off of yourself and expand your consciousness

to INCLUDE the outside world and really start to finally see how all is a physical materialization

of your own vibrations that you hold inside and how your entire physical reality is your

own vibrational match, with vibrational mis-matches occurring all along the way, as the physical

constantly re-calibrates and re-structures itself with every huge dimensional timeline

shift after each huge integration of high photonic light within. Fractal reflections�

Your worthiness will shift with each phase too, as you evolve back into your own whole

SOUL. Your whole reality being re-vamped as you do, as you learn to truly care and connect

with everyone and everything on a SOUL level again. As you fulfill your SOUL purposes here,

your relationship with all shifts/changes too. The physical is a resource, tool, opportUNITY,

GIFT, response, a materialization in physical form that which we hold inside and HOW CONNECTED


Y/Our NEW EARTH RELATIONSHIPS with each other/everything is very different. Our relationships evolve

as we do. Our highest timelines play out for us AS WE truly care about each other, as we

open up to share the depths of who we truly are, from OUR OWN PUREST PLACE INSIDE, from

the depths/core of our entire essence/being�. REALIZING our relationships are as PURE as

we are� and that we are here to BE our Pure Selves together, in order to EXPERIENCE HEAVEN

ON EARTH together again.

We realize along the way, that we are cosmic/galactic/higher everything portals and that when our fields

connect we can SHARE THIS AMAZING VIBRATIONAL EXPERIENCE for as long as we each can maintain

this highest vibration of love, purity, sharing, support, contribution, kindness, consideration

in every exchange that we have. We realize that we can SHARE our FIELD (and new physical

realities too) with others without compromising, or bringing lack into the picture. Our Unified

Fields merge to sustain vaster realities, igniting a field of creation, inspiration

and infinite taking their lack upon ourselves, yet our field can only sustain for us for

so long (the same for our physical/Earthly bodies) if we are subjecting ourselves to

linear/lack-filled/opposite spin/resistance vibrational energies that interrupt the UNIFIED

FIELD of EXQUISITENESS and infinite abundance�.

The denser the physical body (not weight, but packed density), the more it transmits

out unconscious programs on it�s own. Each must be able to override physical matter through

full consciousness to vibrate/expand onto a higher dimensional plane, and IF there is

still too much held in the physical body, this will not be able to sustain for long

periods, unless each are truly ready to intentionally expand their own heart/mind/energy constantly,

through their human operating in a constant �learning/listening/willingness/surrendered

state� where they don�t separate off (ego) and go fully unconscious again, which creates

an unconscious reality to play out until all of that energy/density has been cleared, so

that the physical body can vibrate at a higher/faster spin rate, activating one�s field (StarGate

System). We are here to SEE any unconscious separation and dissolve it the moment it presents�..

Each�s focus dictates this and this will change all along the way�. what is important

will change too, dependent on the phase one is oscillating at/in. Technically, each must

go through every process, every phase and each are in all of these already, yet one�s

own consciousness dictates the experience, and how much deeply embedded programming exists�.

Transitioning from worthiness being about �external�, where humans define themselves

by amount, comparison, judgments and fixed limited beliefs, instead of being open and

willing to inner-act on a SOUL level�. which is another �why� all was separated across

different dimensions/space/time/frames. Human�s value systems were completely backwards/opposite

of how NEW Earth functions. Shifting to a NEW VALUE SYSTEM where worth is very different

and relative to UNITY Consciousness, contribution, sharing, supporting, kindness, compassion,

respect and love�. receiving is in response to these things, which are completely vibrational

and not-fixed/linear. Humans do not value each other, they do not value their own soul,

they do not value respect, integrity, love� until it�s not present, until they are faced

with less to show them this even exists and then it still takes awhile for one�s consciousness

to catch up to what is really going on. For awhile the neural mapping still follows a

linear path, until inside they can fully connect and transcend this linear practice of placing

value on a �thing�, instead of that which isn�t visible or yet tangible. Now, the

SOUL AWAKENING is a tangible thing, because human programs can�t be suppressed and play

out in various ways. Now, dormant programs emerge by way of emotions of a strong experience

to shake/shock/startle one awake, to bring them to �this moment� and keep them there

long enough�.

Moving from unconscious to semi-conscious to fully conscious is a process that is dictated

by many things� physical body density and closed pathways that must be opened before

each can comprehend on a whole new level (from a whole new SPACE � INSIDE)�. and the

physical body must undergo immense neural remapping, rewiring, re-configuring to create

a new network inside that functions as a cohesive and intelligent system linked up to each�s

Universe, StarGate System, Galaxies and more.

To shift your perceptions of worthiness off of �human� ways to the bigger picture/YOU,

so that you can come to love, respect, be kind, not measure/compare, minimize yourself

and still hold lack is a infinite process within itself. As you come to fully love,

respect, hold kindness, integrity, understanding, compassion, purity� and all of the other

energies of highest dimensional existence from within, THEN you are able to do this

for/with others, with each other, and your external can take new form for you. Those

you used to call forth (materialized form) represented your own lack (love, integrity,

sacred connection, worthiness) that you held when you were unconscious before. Every new

REALIZATION that �that is no longer true for you� will allow you to shift into a

higher dimensional timeline, as you hold MORE LOVE, MORE POWER, MORE INTEGRITY/HONOR, KINDNESS

AND RESPECT from inside�. in all that you do/are�.

You will crave for awhile to experience deep soul connections, from what used to be distant

& far off star systems and celestial realms, as your own Galactic Soul awakens inside and

seeks this outside of yourself. Inside is where you will find this, the deeper you go

into your own abyss/rabbit hole, the space of no return, the depth of your own Core (SOULar

& Galactic), where the inner creates/activates the outside�.

From time to time you will feel distant, separated, even alone� this is your own �old� moving

out, and different phases span different spaces of time, for all of the old vibrations to

dismantle, dissolve and for your cellular body to restructure to transmit a new reality

for you. Pure Source Light will emerge from inside to reconnect you again. Be patient

and fully honor whatever space you are occupying�. It�s super mega important. The process of

�easy� will come forth, as you hold all as LOVE and PURITY from inside of you. Where

there are still circumstances where you compromise you/your soul due to your own inner relationship

with external representations, then this will become visible too. Until you can fully SEE/CONNECT

beyond the physical form, the physical will represent where you hold separation, as well

as unity-love inside, which is how all plays out in your own reality world. Stand in your

power, from inside, as love� and allow the outside to show you where you are to re-align

all yourself�. as your higher self/Universe�.

?Human aspects have a distorted belief/value system, and all must be reversed/transcended/brought

into full purity-love again. Moving between �no worth� to placing value too much on

something, between not deserving to expecting something without doing the work, between

expecting easy before to realizing easy comes after�. remapping the brain/neural pathways/networks

to move from linear associations to non-linear ones is a huge process of transformation and

re-configuring the whole body as one evolves from carbon-form to silicon crystalline, which

is not an overnight process. It�s been occurring from day 1 and continues until each has completed

this never ending process. (Yes, I said that on purpose).

YOU are the one that must connect with THE ENERGY of all things, with the ENERGY/SOUL/CONSCIOUSNESS

of everything, which occurs naturally as you do this with yourself. This gives you the

capability to connect on an Energetic Soul level with all again, and transition out of

linear realities that kept you bound to linear matrix realities. Quantum realities resemble

nothing y/our human once understood.

You are the one that creates this, you are the one that holds the power to come together

again�.. You are the one that placed value on something other than PURE CONNECTIONS,

both inside and outside too. You are the one that didn�t hold this capability before�

they represented you, your aspects, your current vibration, your highest aspects (and lowest

unconscious ones too). They were here to show you what you could not see before about you

and to assist you with transcending all of this TO RETURN to YOUR highest state of consciousness


Now, humans can�t understand or see how vibrational realities work. This is because

they are non-linear, and the human�s body was linear when it was anchored in the 3rd/4th

dimensional bandwidths of existence still. As each�s body re-codes now, with these

mega-high non-linear encodements/codes, new geometrics override old programming faster,

re-shaping realities faster than the human aspect can hold on. These new geometrics are

located in each individual cell/molecule of all physical matter and in the previously

invisible atmosphere too. The energy of all unifying faster now, dissolving the old at

an expedited rate so that all can take new form constantly now. In order to shift over,

your human will begin to question everything (it�s supposed to). It�s important as

you do, to ask yourself the question� �Which me is asking? My non-believing/non-trusting

linear human (judgmental/fixed mentality/old reality) mind, or my non-linear highest unity-love-open-to-alternate-higher-dimensional

realities soul me? This will tell you much. ?

The more unified each is, the more love, the more wholeness and purity, the easier all

of this is. In the beginning, none of us had these capabilities like we do now. To UNITE

on a Soul Level in the physical and not base our worthiness on physical anything anymore.

To realize that AS we allow ourselves to WALK AS SOULS IN EARTHLY BODIES/FORM, everything

is simple and easy again. Materialization is not only fast, it�s instant, and it�s

pure too. Our connectedness with each other dictated by each one of us� and what we

do/don�t allow, what we transmit out/hold from within our own selves�.

To SEE (and honor) the beauty in each other, to connect with each�s SOUL, to merge our

fields in a way that is pure, a uniting on a level that transcends anything physical�.

each one of us�. A UNION SO PURE that tears of gratitude fill our hearts, that familiarity

and understanding returns, that inspiration ignites and a freedom comes through too. The

feeling of pure peace, home and easy return. Judgment gone, our existence is pure, our

sharing with each other, supporting each other and respecting each other above all is completely

pure too. This can only occur as each of us HOLD THIS inside� and in the beginning we

could not, because we had too many distorted beliefs/mentalities/expectations and programming

still. We were not ready for THIS AMAZING EXPERIENCE yet. WE were the ones that forgot,

were asleep and disconnected before�. we were the ones that held separation within,

that were not ready, held back/held on to old everything before�.. and as we are truly

ready for the most pristine, powerful, amazing, rewarding, exquisite, pure and infinitely

abundance realities, we open up and our cells/holographic realities can re-structure themselves so that

the external can do this for us too�.

As each steps forth ON A SOUL LEVEL, everything changes and all is RETURNED�. what we receive

is a response to what we hold�. what we experience is too.

This August Harmonic Re-Alignment is huge for all of us, all on the Earthly (& Galactic)

planes�. for re-setting harmonics, new resonances to allow for HIGHER UNION RELATIONSHIPS to

continue to occur as we all come together/unify more now.

Our capacity to fulfill our own Soul�s purposes/Galactic Missions/HUman Roles are up-shifting huge,

as we enter a phase of SOUL UNIONS like never before. As awakened Souls and StarSeeds REMEMBER

like never before. As each�s heart opens so very much more to CONSCIOUSNESS EXPANSION

from inside to out/across the entire Universe & Galaxies & Inner Earth too. All new understandings

THROUGH EXPERIENCING the other dimensions AS REAL have activated on a collective level

like never before�. so that we all step further into fulfilling why we even incarnated/walked

in/agreed to be on this Multi-Dimensional Earth�.

Many who resisted before, this resistance diminishes at an increased rate to move many

into �seeking mode� and actually wanting to understand/know�. many holding back before,

now moving into dissolving fears and stepping further into their higher purposes/supporting/contributing

roles� Intentional Guardians, Gatekeepers & Gridkeepers move further into more roles

too�. WE all do, and it takes us all uniting/coming together in order to accomplish all of the

amazing, beautiful and magnificent things we came here to be/experience/do�.

Our existence CAN BE EASY and beyond infinitely exquisite in every way. We are the ones that

have to allow this to occur by being ready to come together/unify inside so that we can

�outside� too. WE are the ones that SHARE the VASTNESS of what is truly available and

actually now real. We create the opportUNITY for each we connect with here. We are the

ones that check to see what is a representation of our previous unconscious state or a materialization

of our highest, so that we can choose which timeline experience we desire to play out

vibrationally here. The more pure our heart/soul is, the more opportUNITY there is for this

to be the foundation/base of our new realizes (NEW Earth). Our openness, our inner-connected

essence connections with each other, how we communicate with, how we treat each other,

how we share ourselves/our things, how we care. Where we go human, still hold deeply

suppressed unconscious programs, then this will emerge/play out for us to see/experience

too. As we all are able to hold PURITY in our exchanges, then this is what we can experience

as well.

Your vibrations, programs, cells, consciousness leads the way, opens the door/portal/gateway�.

These highest vibrational timeliness are like �mind over matter�, yet it�s CONSCIOUSNESS

OVER MATTER�. for our own expanded & super expanded consciousness dictates how all materializes

into form�


which starts with you with your own Soul Self and expands/radiates out from within. ?

You can only receive what you are willing to invest of yourself. This includes everything

that you are/have/hold in your own everything world. A connection and allowing so vast that

you allow the physical to reshape �magically� for you as you get your human resistance out

of the way yourself. Allow yourself the magnificence of what�s already available by opening up

fully to FEEL and EXPERIENCE complete appreciation and gratitude for every gift you�ve received

thus far. See how you benefited by everything from a Soul Level and how when kindness, generosity

and reciprocation become natural for you, an every moment expression as love, you will

have activated the most amazing realities to start to materialize all around you�.

for the air is magnetized electromagnetic particle energy just waiting to take form

for you too. It�s not empty space�. it�s a holographic field filled with diamond/rainbow

crystalline particles, filled with geometrics re-shaping continually and your new abilities

give you access to this fully too! ?

My Soul me loves your Soul you and appreciates all that you are/do here too! ?



Child Abuse Is No Laughing Matter!! - Duration: 6:17.

This is take one of the Gary's first black flip / child abuse

yeah well you're about to see something very very what how would you describe

that terrifying horrific traumatic all the above

Child abuse is no laughing matter okay? I am sharing a deep one of my

deepest secrets here of something that I've always been traumatized

ever since YouTube ever came up ever since YouTube was actually invented in

its video before YouTube actually because this video is my something that

was like in the family video that basically anybody I knew could watch it.

and had access to the family videos

had access that knew my family it's me you're on for a long time

well since since nineteen eighty eighty seven and I was introduced to this video

and of course I had to share it with everybody too. Right..

and so it ends up going on YouTube and of course I do do you think I show

people this video? No, and you're probably wondering what the hell I'm

talking about here is this video of me as a young kid and my mom put this on

YouTube and it's titled Gary's first backflip so for the first time I'm going

to be reacting to this because it's something that's followed me my whole

life like a shadow and we're going to we're going to go ahead and watch this

I love the Miami Vice logo like the like the garish first batch like 80 yeah

well it wasn't the 80s so I guess we're here to give my mom credit for that yeah

You were so cute!!

I'd like to point out that I don't even think I'm self aware at this point I

don't think I know that I'm a human being.

It was hard!

It was hard!

That's what she said!! ahaha

Well yeah that's like climbing Mount Everest at that age okay the long ways

OK so just prepare your eyes all right this

should say I should have put in this includes graphic content I think I

should add that into the video here because what you're about to see is truly horrific

see now thank you to my mom who actually seemed like you cared

you hear David weren't you watching him but it was just like kind of like mild

outrage you know just kind of like didn't you pick up the mail like you

know just kind of like the same level I feel like had this been done today and

this was posted on YouTube like you know if we had done this would say we had

kids and we had done this I feel like this is we would be arrested and be in

jail for child abuse. Because of the fact it was in the 80s is just on a

you know you know home video it doesn't matter but everybody thinks this is

hilarious the funniest thing ever and it's like

awesome or haha and I am the only one who sees it as child abuse what's that you?

No I showed this video to everybody!

How is not like okay your dad should have been watching you?

Oh every time I think about it but you were fine so a little today yeah yeah a

little bit are you sure I can't just blame all my

problems in the world on after this video oh maybe maybe yeah I just I think

it's funny because I can't imagine if I was watching a kid whether it's mine or

especially like someone else's like I would have flipped out had that happened

I would have been running down the stairs like I can't even like kids like

watch what I'm watching like this it's like you know like you're trying to

watch like a fire from growing like it like this like oh my god!

The funniest part about this is they sent this- you heard of America's home funniest videos?

yeah yeah they sent this video in and they actually they said it was it was

too mean really mm-hmm they said it was too it was too mean for it

So thank you America home America's home place videos I appreciate your your

loyalty to not exposing me to the entire world. I mean now it's too late

but oh my gosh I don't know this part yeah well that's what my mom said anyway

right yeah but probably it was the way she was feeling - your dad was super

laid back yeah he didn't care but he looked at my mom you notice her face is

like she she's actually pissed in the video I wouldn't be done that with our

kids yeah well this video was like story ever

since I can remember I don't remember this happening obviously but I remember

everybody talking about the video and then once it made it youtube there we go

a whole 600 views it's pretty much everybody I know like in like actually

now is 600 it's like 600 plus friends and families of relatives like there it

is 600 views I think fan of them no 20 are me showing someone or so it would be

like 560 here you know 580 around there.

If the title of this video triggered you..

I'm sorry but not really actually I'm sorry if it's a you know it's not actual

child abuse it's just a joke of mine but if you do have this child be that's no

laughing matter you should tell me I'm should actually

call the call the police/phone number or something's iPad or do something yeah so

Anyway well that's the story of Gary's first backflip. I've always hated it

everyone else loves it but thanks for watching and I hope you can subscribe we

do videos every week.

For more infomation >> Child Abuse Is No Laughing Matter!! - Duration: 6:17.


The Check In: Opioids - Duration: 8:06.

-Today, Republicans voted on a motion

to start debate about repealing Obamacare,

which could make one of the greatest challenges

this country faces, the opioid crisis,

more difficult to deal with.

It's an epidemic that affects millions of Americans

regardless of race, religion, or socioeconomic status,

and it's an issue that Donald Trump

promised his voters he would focus on

when he became president.

So we decided to take a break from the breaking news

to see how that's going.

It's time for "The Check In."


[ Ding! Ding! ]

While campaigning in New Hampshire,

one of the hardest-hit states by prescription-painkiller abuse,

then candidate Trump promised he would devote

additional resources to fighting opioid addiction.

But when asked what his plan was for combating the issue,

he couldn't help but make it all about himself.

-What is your view on how we get more treatment facilities

in this state and other states?

-Well, you do have to have that

and, you know, it's amazing,

I've gotten -- as you know, I'm up here a lot,

in fact, from here I go and make a speech at a certain place

and we're going to have a lot of fun,

and I'm in New Hampshire so much.

I'm doing great in New Hampshire.

I'm leading in the polls by a lot,

and we're having a lot of fun here

and I've gotten to know the people.

I have a lot of friends.

-You know, for a guy who doesn't seem very athletic,

he sure turns into Neo when he doesn't like a question.

To clarify his response to the opioid crisis is,

"I have friends, and we have a lot of fun."

That's the response a teenager would give

if his parents caught him using opioids.

"What's happening to you, Kevin?"

"I have friends, and we have a lot of fun!"

So if you have to make a point

to tell people you have so many friends,

it's probably safe to assume you don't have that many.

But actually Trump does have one.

-We're fortunate to have Governor Chris Christie with us,

a friend of mine, a great friend of mine.

A very, very early endorser.

In fact, an immediate endorser,

once he got out of the race.

[ Light laughter ]

He liked himself more than he liked me.

But other than that...

[ Laughter ]

-[ Laughs ] "Yes, sir. Yes, sir, I am your friend, sir.

Sir, I will see you at the bro-down, sir."

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

was right by Trump's side there,

because the president was hosting a listening session

on opioid abuse,

and he appointed Christie

to lead a bipartisan opioid commission

to try to come up with solutions

to curb prescription-painkiller abuse

and develop better plans for treatment.

And Chris Christie is the perfect choice

to lead a bipartisan commission,

because if there's one issue of bipartisan agreement right now,

it's that everyone, regardless of party,

hates Chris Christie.

-This is a governor who has the lowest approval rating,

not just of any governor in recent memory

here in the state, but across the country,

hovering at just 15%.


Chris Christie is as popular with voters

as salad is with Chris Christie.

[ Laughter ]

So how is he doing leading the commission?

-President Donald Trump's commission

aimed at fighting opioid abuse

and devising a strategy to provide treatment

to those addicted will miss, for the second time,

its deadline to file an interim report

to the president.

-Even worse, experts point out

that the administration's current priorities,

which include an emphasis on enforcement over treatment

are not going to help turn the epidemic around.

And the reason law enforcement can't solve the problem alone

is because, far too often, opioid addiction begins legally

with doctors prescribing strong painkillers

and pharmaceutical companies endorsing the drugs

because they stand to benefit from the sales of them.

And this is important because, when mentioning drug abuse,

Trump almost always finds a way to blame it on the border

and illegal drugs coming from Mexico.

And that is a very real problem.

But in this case, the pills are coming from inside the house.

For example, West Virginia has one of the highest

overdose rates in the country, and this might help explain why.

-This is Kermit, West Virginia.

Population just under 400.

And this was the Save-Rite Pharmacy in Kermit,

where at least 9 million opioid painkillers

were shipped in just two years.

9 million.

That's the equivalent of over 22,000 pills

for every person in town.

-22,000 pills for each person in town.

Can you imagine the size of their pill-a-day organizers?

And when the supply to legal pharmaceuticals is cut off,

people who are now addicted turn to illegal drugs like heroin,

which is why we have a responsibility

to value treatment over law enforcement.

Trump should look at it this way,

he's never done heroin,

but if they outlawed KFC, he might.

"This is the last of the chicken, sir."

"Oh, my God, tie me off!"

[ Laughter ]

Just yesterday Trump defended his health care bill

and what it would do to address the opioid crisis specifically.

-It devotes substantial resources

to fight the opioid --

and this is a tremendous problem --

the opioid epidemic.

$45 billion is being put in.

So that the people of many states,

like New Hampshire, Ohio, and so many others

that have such a big problem,

can be helped and helped greatly.

-$45 billion sounds like a lot of money,

but don't be fooled, because according to reports,

that number is drastically short of what would be needed

to make up for the legislation's deep cuts to Medicaid

which has provided treatment

for hundreds of thousands of people.

So the money he's giving

is less than the money he's taking away.

Basically, Trump is saying,

"We're going to give you bigger portions,

but we're also going to burn down the restaurant."

And it's not just the health care plan.

Trump's budget proposal would slash funding

for drug treatment services,

and according to New Hampshire Senators

Jeann Shaheen and Maggie Hassan,

Trump's opioid commission has also delayed the implementation

of existing recommendations from health experts

that could save lives now if implemented.

We even reached out to New Hampshire Senator Shaheen's office

to see if, at the very least, any additional money

has been given to the state as was promised.

As of this taping, we were told that New Hampshire

has not received any additional funding

from the Trump administration to tackle the opioid epidemic,

so what's Trump been so busy doing instead?


[ Applause ]

[ Horn honks ]

-Look at that. -Oh!

-Look at that. -Ohh!


-Man, what is this? The Make-A-Wish presidency?

"I want to be a fireman, a cowboy,

a golfman, and a sword."

"And I'm sorry, are you sick?"

"I'm sick of working."

At this point, Trump's been in more fire trucks

than a Dalmatian.

And some advocates say

that Trump is passing up opportunities

to crack down on the pharmaceutical industry,

which reports said fueled the prescription opioid epidemic.

Perhaps making matters worse,

Trump chose Dr. Scott Gottlieb,

a former federal official with financial ties

to the pharmaceutical companies

to run the Food and Drug Administration,

which approves the use of opioids,

among other things. According to reports,

Gottlieb has funded several health care start-ups

and has received millions of dollars

for his work with large pharmaceutical companies.

He now has to recuse himself for at least one year

for any FDA decisions involving his former clients,

which seems to be the M.O. of this administration.

Gottlieb recusing himself from some FDA decisions,

Jeff Sessions recusing himself from the Russian investigation,

and Melania recusing herself

from any and all physical contact.


[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

And to be fair to Trump,

this didn't happen on his watch.

But he is now president of a country

that consumes about 80% of the global opioid supply

and 99% of the world's hydrocodone,

a powerful painkiller.

Continuing to do nothing is dangerous and irresponsible.

This is a crisis that affects our families and our friends,

and that should matter to Trump, because, as we all know...

-I have a lot of friends.

This has been "The Check In."

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Ding! Ding! ]

For more infomation >> The Check In: Opioids - Duration: 8:06.



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Anh Nhân Viên Văn Phòng Chữa Khỏi Hẳn Bệnh Trĩ Sau 3 Ngày Dùng Loại Cây Dân Dã Này - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Anh Nhân Viên Văn Phòng Chữa Khỏi Hẳn Bệnh Trĩ Sau 3 Ngày Dùng Loại Cây Dân Dã Này - Duration: 5:14.


Carolina Panthers arrive at Wofford College for training camp - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Carolina Panthers arrive at Wofford College for training camp - Duration: 1:00.


Lahsuni Paneer Tikka How to make Paneer Tikka लाहसूनी पनीर टिक्काلیسسن پیننی ٹکی - Duration: 8:19.

Hello Friends, Today I will show You how to make Paneer Kulcha Sandwich.

Lahsuni means Taste of garlic will be prominent.

120 gm paneer(cottage Cheese), cut into rectangle or square cube.

other ingredients are-red, green and yellow bell pepper cut into square.

same quantity of paneer and veggies.

2 tbsp hung curd,

1/2 tsp chat masala(home made). You can see recipe in my channel.

I have used 1 tbsp garlic powder and not ginger powder(as I just said. sorry)

If you don't have garlic powder then take fresh garlic and chop it.

tandoori masala 1 tbsp

1/4 tsp garam masala

1/4 tsp turmeric powder

1/3 tsp salt . lessen it because chat masala and tandoori masala have salt in it.

1/2 tsp red chili powder.

Mix half garlic powder and tandoori masala with 1 tbsp water. mix well.

Make a cut in paneer till half way to fill lahsun paste in it.

Fill lahsun paste in the cuts.

All rectangles are filled.

Make a marination now.

Add all spices and mix well.

Add lahsun mixture in curd

Now coat well all paneer pieces in this marination

Add veggies in marination and mix well.

Leave for 15 minute so that it gets marinated nicely.

I have poured oil in pan. let it get hot and then turn flame to low heat.

Add veggies also.

Give a stir to pan.

Turn the side when it is brown from bottom.

keep turning sides.

Its cooked very well.

Lahsuni Paneer Tikka is ready to serve with tea.


THANKS for watching Shaila's Dastarkhwan.

For more infomation >> Lahsuni Paneer Tikka How to make Paneer Tikka लाहसूनी पनीर टिक्काلیسسن پیننی ٹکی - Duration: 8:19.


Khim Sokheng - So Funny Mr Khim Sokheng talking about Kinds of Student | Success Reveal - Duration: 1:31:11.

Mr Khim Sokheng

So Funny! Mr Khim Sokheng talking about Kinds of Student

bring to you by Success Reveal

For more infomation >> Khim Sokheng - So Funny Mr Khim Sokheng talking about Kinds of Student | Success Reveal - Duration: 1:31:11.


¿Qué pasó con Pollos pa tu abuela? (EXPLICACIÓN) - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué pasó con Pollos pa tu abuela? (EXPLICACIÓN) - Duration: 1:38.


Sravana Masam Pooja Vidhi ,Vidhanam | Sravan Masam Naivedyam | Naivedyam | Goddess Lakshmi Devi | - Duration: 2:03.

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