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Kể Truyện Đêm Khuya - Truyện Nhân Quả Phật Giáo Hay Nhất giúp bạn hiểu tốt hơn về Đạo làm người - Duration: 1:34:10.-------------------------------------------
My escape from the world #ShogsLibrary - Duration: 5:32.sometimes, so much is going on and I can't divide myself
and I can't focus on anything
the only solution is to escape
in this video I would share my escape with you
and the places I love to visit
there was an agreement not to buy new books until I finish what I have
But there is a tweet that summarized it all
Let my start by telling you about the books I got this month
First, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
A book my cousin recommended
because it makes you look at ideas differently
I shared what I learnt in a past video
Hot Milk by Debora Levy
Honestly I know nothing about this book
but I heard people talking about it, so I bough it
One of the things I want to understand and make sense of
is humankind
and so I decided to buy this book
to understand how we started and our history
at the same time I bought the second part
Homo Deus
The reason that made me buy :dancing with life"
was a tweet someone posted
with a part of what was written in the book
and after reading it, I knew I had to buy it
Honestly, I benefited a lot from it
Often I get writers block, therefore I need
something that will help me come up with are ideas
and I am hoping this book will help me out
the end of 2016 i was part of P4A by donating
and because of this donation I got John Green's novel
the next book is note to self
a book by connor franta
who was one of my favorite content creators for a while
the book that made me buy it is
I read a good part of "a work in progress"
and i really liked it and his way of writing
so i decided to buy note to self too
and because i like her way of thinking
and her style of videos
i decided to buy the book she wrote
this cover of Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone
is one of the prettiest books I bought this year
and this book was designed
the cover was designed for HP's 20 year anniversary
like some of you may know
one of my favorite authors is Patrick Ness
the reason being, his style of writing
and his way of telling all the stories he wrote
and so I decided to buy the latest book he wrote this year
and the last book I will tell you about that I bought is
Letters to a Young Muslim
in which the writer writes to his son about
about islam and about things he can learn for when he grows up
now let me tell you about my escape and where I go
First off, let me tell you about the first universe I like
one of the worlds i really likes was ariadnis
the reason is, I lived the lives of opposition characters
I learnt from them patience,
thinking positively about others
and not take loosely the advice close people tell me
specially those who care about me
the novel talks about 2 girls
Aula and Joomia
they were selected to represent their nations
and by the end of the year compete against each other
the second book will come out in 2018
so I suggest you read this book
because you will want to know what happens next
the second world that had an impact on me is
a monster calls
you can also escape to this world by watching the movie
all what I can say about this note is
the same as John Green
"Patrick Ness is an insanely beautiful writer."
I also have other books by him that I read and loved
and so, for this reason
i decided to buy a mother calls and release
and so i recommend you read any book by him
but specially A Monster Calls
The third and final novel i'll talk about to day is
The Wrath and The Dawn
the thing that got my attention to this novel is
the first sentence i read in it
i heard a lot about the novel before buying it
but all i needed was that quote that made me buy it
the second part is The Rose and The Dagger
and simply
these novels tell the story of
Shahrazad and 1001 nights
in such an attention grabbing way you can't even imagine
so i suggest you buy and read those two books
the language used in these novels are simple
and if you found any difficulty, this is an opportunity to learn the language
so make the best out of it
what are some books you like to read,
and you like to escape to?
share them in the comments
and before the end of the video i want to remind you that
Shogs Library videos come out the end of each month
and if you like the video, like and subscribe!
See you next week
CASSATE - Risate a denti stretti - Episodio 3 - Duration: 4:39.
yes, today's a stunning day. nice weather.
no, no, no midway seasons anymore!
no, i don't come around these town corners.
thanks for the compliment, my boyfriend gave me this.
no, i stop there luckily.
and, by the way, my ass is all natural!
i'm coming back soon
Good morning!
DAY 7 - MissSassyKassie || Throwback Challenge - Duration: 3:39.Welcome to day seven of the Biannual Bibliothon!
I'm your host, Kassie from the channel, MissSassyKassie.
And today, you guys have a chance to win
History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera.
But let's get on into this challenge.
[MUSIC: "Say No to This" by Lin Manuel Miranda
[SINGING] There's nothing like reading to be witty.
Someone under stress sees a book sitting pretty.
There's trouble in the air, you can smell it.
I'm sitting by myself, I gotta tell it.
I hadn't slept in a week, I was weak. I was awake.
You've never seen a college student more in need of a break.
Longing for a love story, the need to read ran rife.
That's when A Court of Mist and Fury walked into my life. I read.
I know Feyre's in love with Tamlin.
I'm so sorry he went a bit insane.
But I had hoped we might see more
of that dark and tattooed swain.
I read!
My Rhysand's doing real swell
being kind, being sweet, just being good.
Suddenly, we have been swayed
and now Rhysand's here to stay!
I stopped and stared at the book.
All I could do was look. I read.
She's confused sir.
I had a test the next week. I had to study.
But Feyre just ran away. She said,
"Rhysand, help sir.
Then I thought, God I should write my paper.
But the bond broke and I screamed as I read, they eloped!
Uh, keep reading?
That's when I began to pray, Lord show me how to say no to this.
I don't know how to say no to this.
Feyre started out so helpless.
Now, she has me saying, hell yes.
No, show me how to say no to this.
I don't know how to say no to this.
In my mind, I'm trying to go!
[ENSEMBLE] Go, go, go!
But I can't stop reading and I don't say no!
[ENSEMBLE] No, no! Say no to this!
No, no! Say no to this!
No, no say no to this!
-I wish I could say that was the last time.
I say it every time. It's really a past time.
A month into this semester, I received a letter from the dean.
Oh my God, this can't be good. I read...
Oh shit!
[INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: "Say No to This" by Lin Manuel Miranda]
I hope you guys enjoyed day seven's challenge,
which was the Throwback challenge. I did the Bust a Rhyme challenge
that was hosted by Selena from OhxXxSnap13 a few times ago.
I think it was two times ago, now.
I'm so nervous to post it, because my voice is in it.
But Momo is glorious, so thank you so much Momo for being a part of this!
Today you have a chance to win History is All You Left Me
by Adam Silvera. So make sure to link your videos
for the Throwback challenge down on this video down below.
It has to be done by 12am PST, technically tomorrow.
Which would be July 30th. So make sure to do it before then.
I can't wait to see what you guys have in store.
And make sure to join us tomorrow for the liveshow,
which is hosted on this channel.
And it'll be at the time, right here on the screen.
And we will be discussing Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh.
See you guys tomorrow. Bye!
The Bellevue At Wildwood Lakefront Cottage | Amazing Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 3:01.THE BELLEVUE AT WILDWOOD LAKEFRONT COTTAGE
Trump Jr Just WENT OFF On The Media And Revealed The ONE Thing - Duration: 3:04.Trump Jr.
Just WENT OFF On The Media And Revealed The ONE Thing America Needs To Know About Scarramucci
By Alex Santana
Donald Trump Jr. has picked a side and it�s no surprise.
Just two short days after White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci�s passionate
phone call with New York reporter Ryan Lizza, Donald Trump Jr. took to Twitter in an effort
to show support for Scaramucci�s hard work.
In addition to championing Scaramucci, Trump Jr. made a point not to defend both Reince
Priebus and Steve Bannon, stating that he was shocked the media is working to cut off
their sources and leaks.
�Shocked the media is going after @Scaramucci for working to cut off their �sources�
& leaks,� Trump Jr. tweeted.
�All I know is that he isn�t/wasn�t the leak!!!�
The new White House communications director was far more direct with his accusations and
pointed to White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus for leaking information of the dinner
to Lizza.
�I fired one guy the other day,� Scaramucci said.
�I have three to four people I�ll fire tomorrow.
I�ll get to the person who leaked that to you.
Reince Priebus � if you want to leak something � he�ll be asked to resign very shortly.�
Scaramucci continued to explain that his mission at the White House has never been � and
never will be � to boost his own publicity.
�I�m not trying to build my own brand off the ******* strength of the President.
I�m here to serve the country.�
After the New Yorker published their story and immediately began to take some surprising
and justifiable heat from the media, Scaramucci tweeted, �I sometimes use colorful language.
I will refrain in this arena but not give up the passionate fight for [Trump�s] agenda.�
Scaramucci had more truth to share hours later, sending out a tweet that would also hold corrupt
media responsible for blowing up another non-story.
�I made a mistake in trusting in a reporter,� he tweeted.
�It won�t happen again.�
Anyone can agree that Scaramucci�s decision to trust a writer from the New Yorker may
not have been the best decision, but can you honestly fault a patriot for being passionate
about his President.
Scaramucci is here to get things done and sometimes a little fire is necessary to wake
up Washington.
If President Trump and his family can recognize what is truly necessary for this country to
move forward, why does it continue to be so hard for the popular media to do the same?
It�s time we look at RESULTS and start to celebrate the people who bring us REAL CHANGE.
ASMR Face Brushing Combing Hair | GigiASMR - Duration: 27:43.ASMR Face Brushing Combing Hair
Let's Play Dear Esther - Part 2 - Blind Clueless Edition. Lol! :D (Landmark Edition) - Duration: 28:56.Let's Play Dear Esther
Wind River (2017) - Türkçe Altyazılı 2. Fragman / Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
Pentagram - FLY FOREVER (Çukurova Rock Festivali, 2017) - Duration: 6:33.
From the visions of the pain
From the visions of the pain
From the visions of the pain
Through the corners of the wood
Times you lived your life
Bleeding from its veins of nails
Lived the pain that never ends
The tree of death
Since you were from the dirt
And raised too high
Of what life is worth
When you ease your brain
See your dreams over
Fence your eager to fly forever
Reaching through the gun
Roll the trigger run
That's no reason to fly
Forever fly
Few minutes of falling drops
To dry the streams of your blood
You leave your god
As the mountain on which I close my eyes
To embrace the future of my last
When you ease your brain
See your dreams over
Fence your eager to fly forever
Reaching through the gun
Roll the trigger run
That's no reason to fly
Forever fly
As the mountain on which I close my eyes
To embrace the future of my last
When you ease your brain
See your dreams over
Fence your eager to fly forever
Reaching through the gun
Roll the trigger run
That's no reason to fly
Make MORE Style Mistakes | STOP Following Rules | Go Against The Grain To Stand Out - Duration: 10:53.10 BOLD Style Tips How To Go Against The Grain And Stand Out
[0:00:00] Have you even been caught up with the crowd
and you're just getting like moved along with everyone else, then you realized you
know what?
I don't want to go in this direction.
I am going to go against the grain I am going to go against the crowd and I'm going to
go in this way.
That's what today vide is all about, gentlemen.
I got ten unconventional style rules.
Now, I put out a lot of information about men style, sometimes I contradict myself.
In today's list, I'm going to really go against some of the things I've said in
the past, I'm going to explain why and how this can work for you.
[Music] Tip number one.
Make style mistakes.
I know I have said avoid this, don't do that I've put out tons of list on rules
and here I am telling you to go make style mistakes.
Well, the thing is make them in a way that works for you because if you're not falling
down if you're not making mistakes, then you're not trying enough, you're not throwing
enough out there, you are not finding what's going to work for you.
I know a lot of guys just starting off follow my videos, but if you've been out there
trying stuff, you may find, you know Antonio says don't wear this color much or this
type of clothing isn't going to work for most men, I'm not most men.
Maybe you're a street wear guy, maybe you are an urban dandy, I don't know, but whatever
it may be, don't be afraid to go out there and bust through and makes mistakes.
Unconventional style tip number two.
Don't take your clothing to a tailor.
I know I always say know the name of your tailor, take everything to get it adjusted,
but you don't have to follow this rule, you could get custom clothing, then everything
is made to fit you.
You could find a particular brand that works for your body type because when you put the
stuff on, wow, this fits perfectly.
You may have to pay a bit more, but you won't have to pay the tailor tax.
You may have to spend more time looking, but whenever you can basically find a brand that
works for you, then you go out there and you buy multiples, you go to their website, you
find everything that you can't find in the store and you get it delivered.
Guys, that is a way to avoid going to the tailor.
So, this whole video is about going against the grain.
It's about being original.
So, hey, Original Grain.
You see what I did there?
They are the paid sponsor of today's video guys.
This watch company you've heard me talk about them before.
I love them because these guys are trailblazers.
In 2013, two brothers came together, they said, you know, we can't find the watches
we're looking for, we want it so that we can take in wood mix it with metal, have something
that's classic something that's beautiful.
Look at these various collections.
Look at the Chrono.
Isn't that beautiful?
Look at the Barrel Collection, one of my favorite collections.
Look at the Classic.
Look at the Minimalist.
Check out the Brewmaster.
And guys, what do you think about these Major League Baseball Reclaim series?
I just love this.
Every piece of wood is different, therefore every watch is different.
This is some – I don't know it seems pretty obvious, but it just dawned on me the other
day when I had somebody pointed it out to me.
Now, in the description, I've got a great discount code.
Go use it, it isn't always going to be there.
In addition guys, let me know in the comments what is your favorite watch from what collection,
be specific.
When they send me extra watches, I love to send them your way and I want to thank you
guys for supporting my great sponsors and with that, let's get to the next point.
Unconventional style tip number three.
Wear white or black whenever you want.
So, you're going to hear these style rules out there, don't wear white after Labor
Day or don't wear black with a suit.
When it comes down to it, if you've got a particular color that you know looks good
on you and that you love to wear, it may not be the right season for it, it may be something
that goes against what a lot of people are saying, but wear it anyway.
Now, black suits, I get it because black should really be preserved for formal wear for black
tie, but very few people are wearing this nowadays.
So, I get it if you've got a black suit that you had custom made that you just love
the fit of and it works for you color your complexion, then go for it.
You've got that white [curve pants] and everyone says, wow, they grab too much attention,
but you feel great wearing those, go for it.
Unconventional style rule number four.
Wear long sleeve shirts and trousers in the summer.
So, everyone is going to say, no, you got to wear shorts and short sleeve shirts because
it's hot.
Well, you don't really understand how heat works.
Heat is a transfer of energy.
Energy for the earth comes from the sun, it comes from these rays that are hitting us.
Understand that you can wear long sleeve clothing which is going to protect your body from those
heat waves.
You can wear long sleeves you can wear long trousers and you can still be cool.
How can you do this?
Well, you make sure that there is circulation, you make sure that they're made from a material
that's going to be breathable that's going to wick away moisture because in any case
if you're wearing shorts, you're wearing short sleeves, you're still going to be
hot especially in sunny weather.
And I think that a man can look really set himself out from the crowd at a summer event
when he's wearing a pair of tropical weight trousers maybe a really nice pair of khakis
that fit him well and that are breathable and that are made for the heat made from a
lighter weight material or he's got a longer sleeve shirt made from cotton, made from a
material that is going to be very breathable maybe one of those, you know, space – space
type materials.
I've talked about them before in other videos.
The point is is you don't have to wear short sleeves, you don't have to wear shorts just
because it's hot outside.
[0:05:08] Unconventional style tip number five.
Wear a short sleeve polo with a jacket.
So, a lot of times guys think that they can only wear long sleeve shirts with a jacket.
It makes sense because you want to show a little bit of cuff and formally most of the
short sleeve shirts that men have don't even have a collar.
But, a polo kind of bridges that divide and I think in hot weather or even if a man simply
knows how to pull it off, he can do it.
I've done this at events, I think it looks great and when you got the jacket buttoned
up, a lot of people wouldn't be able to tell that it doesn't go down all the way
it may, you know, most people won't even pick up on it.
And those that do, well, it's just not going to be a big deal if you can wear it with confidence
and if it's not an event that there is actually a dress code.
At the end of the day, you're simply showing respect you're wearing jacket you're looking
good, you're feeling confident.
Now, with the polo, make sure that it's made from the right type of fabric.
You don't want to go with a cheap polo that's made from a basically a cheap cotton that's
going to lose its color it's going to lose basically the drape of the fabric.
So preferably something that it's made from a higher end material that's going to have
a very nice drape, it's going to have a nice feel to it, it can be washed a few times,
it isn't going to lose the shape of the collar.
All of that goes into making sure that that polo is still going to work actually with
the jacket.
Unconventional tip number six.
Use disposable razors, use electric razors, use cartridge razors.
Now guys, I love straight razors and the safety razors and they've been coming back.
I mean I really do love this, but it is something if cartridge razors when you travel work better
for you, then go for it.
If disposable razors, if you find a place for them in your wardrobe and you just like
them better, then a straight razor or a safety razor because those have their issues as well,
then go for it.
Or maybe it's going to be basically the electric razor despite what everyone says,
oh, it doesn't give me as good of a shave or you should just go with a, you know, a
safety razor.
Guys, if the electric razor works for you, then go for it.
Next stop.
Mix informal with formal clothing.
I know and I'm not talking about top hats and shorts, what I'm talking about here
is actually dress shoes with jeans maybe a vest that's made to go with a three-piece
suit, wear it with a casual button down or like I said wearing actually a casual shirt
with a jacket such as maybe a denim shirt with that nice jacket.
Now, what we're looking to do here is go for a contrast and this is going to be something
that goes back to point one, you're going to have to experiment.
Now, if you wear a pair of black dress shoes with a light pair of jeans, that combination
probably isn't going to work, but a dark indigo pair of jeans with let's say oxblood
monk straps, I think that that can be a great combination.
Unconventional style tip number eight.
Have a uniform, have a particular go-to outfit and stick with it.
Now, the great thing about this is you're controlling the message and you don't have
to think about it.
And very powerful men from various industries whether it'd be Wall Street or whether it'd
be Silicon Valley, have go-to uniforms that allow them to send the message they want to
send and believe me, these are – even though a lot of people say Mark Zuckerberg, he doesn't
think about it.
Well, he does.
He actually has his go-to uniform.
But, you know, you look over in Wall Street, there are particular guys that have fifteen
of the same suits with twenty of the same dress shirts and that's just simply their
uniform their go-to look.
Maybe they change up the ties here and there.
But the point is when you have something that sends the message you want to send and it's
a controlled image, it allows you to basically spend your time and spend your energy focused
So, these next two I'm going to wrap together.
Always dress for yourself and always be the best dressed man in the room.
So, first off, dress for yourself.
I always talk about dressing for the occasion, dressing to send the message you want to send,
but don't forget to take a step back and say, you know what?
What do I feel good in and what do I feel comfortable in?
And a lot of people say, oh, t-shirts and jeans, that's – that's my, you know,
that's what I feel good in.
Well, not really, you're following the fashion trend, you haven't looked around, you haven't
tried on other pieces of clothing that have a much more luxurious feel when you look at
yourself in the mirror you feel better about yourself.
I don't know what your uniform is what your outfit is, but dress for yourself.
Then, don't be afraid to be the best dressed man in the room every single time.
A lot of people say, oh, don't outdress your boss or look at the company culture.
Well, don't be afraid sometimes to push that boundary.
I don't want to get you fired here, but I am saying that don't be afraid to, hey,
this is who I am, this is what I represent, this is how I like to dress and represent
myself in the world.
And you could work in a call center and you could be the best dressed man in that entire
call center.
Here's the thing is that your work always need to backup the way – if you're going
to standout if you're going to be the guy that stands in front and leads, understand
that everything else has to fall in, so you need to perform at a high level.
But if you can do that, people just they just know who you are, oh, yeah, he always dresses
like that, he always look and by the way, he is the best at what he does because when,
you know, everything I've talked about here about going against the crowd is you finding
your own path, you being a trailblazer.
So, hopefully you can take these rules, you can find a way to make them work for you.
[0:10:09] And let me know, down in the comments what
you guys think?
Do you find anything useful anything that agree with or disagree with me on?
And go check out Original Grain.
Guys, I've talked about this company before.
Let me know the particular watch the particular style that you want in the comments down below.
I've got a few extras, I would love to send them your way.
But, guys, I really appreciate you being part of the audience here at Real Mean Real Style.
I, thank you.
I'll see you in the next video.
[Music] [0:10:52] End of Audio
Dj Max Fon Life Work - Inside To Clouds (My VIDEOSET) - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Coal Ash Is Choking The Life Out Of Kentucky - Duration: 3:19.Environmental groups are taking Kentucky Utilities to court after years of documenting coal ash
pollution from a central Kentucky coal-fire power plant.
They say coal ash from the plant has polluted Herrington Lake, poisoning its fish.
Joining me now to talk about this story is Farron Cousins.
He's executive director, executive editor for The Trial Lawyer magazine.
Farron, what is the Kentucky Utilities being charged with in this lawsuit, and who's leading
that charge?
Well, leading the charge is an attorney from Earthjustice who's representing the, excuse
me, Kentucky Waterway Alliance and the Sierra Club, and they're charging that Kentucky Utilities
has been illegally exceeding the amount of coal ash that they're allowed, unfortunately,
to dump into the Herrington Lake, and again, that to me is one of the most disgusting parts.
The Kentucky Utilities is absolutely allowed to dump a certain amount of this toxic coal
ash into Herrington Lake, but apparently that was not good enough for the company, and they
have been illegally discharging their coal ash into this lake, leading to issues of selenium
being found in the wildlife.
It's disrupting the ecosystem there, and this is a very vital manmade lake for the area.
People live along it.
They boat on it.
They play in this water.
They fish in this water.
They eat the fish, and so the lawsuit is trying to get Kentucky Utilities to clean up this
mess and pay the necessary fines from violating the Clean Water Act.
Farron, what's the evidence that this plant actually poisoned Herrington Lake, and how
do they know the fish had been poisoned by that discharge?
Well, it rests basically on one key element, and that element is selenium.
Selenium is a destructive element.
It is a natural-occurring one that bodies need, but when it gets overloaded, that's
when it causes damage.
Selenium is found in super high concentrations in coal ash, and so essentially what researchers
have to do is follow the trail of selenium all the way back to those coal ash ponds created
by Kentucky Utilities.
They've run tests on the fish over the years, and 90% of fish that they have tested from
this lake have shown abnormally high levels of selenium in their bodies.
They're also finding another chemical or element from coal ash, arsenic, is 98 times higher
in this lake than the legal amounts, so they can follow the trail of toxic chemicals that
are being found in the fish and in the water itself all the way back to Kentucky Utilities'
coal ash pond.
And ultimately it makes it into human bodies.
It makes it into drinking water, the aquifer.
People swim in the lake.
They use the lake.
You know, at some point people have to understand the only way to protect yourself from these
types of corporations that engage in this type of conduct is just take them to court.
Take your best shot and take them to court.
That's the only thing that changes the way they do business.
You have to make them pay money, because unfortunately you can't put them in prison for some of the
awful things they do.
Farron, thank you for joining me, okay?
Thank you.
My Friend Dahmer (2017) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Teaser Fragman / Ross Lynch, Anne Heche - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.41 [ENG/IND/2017.07.29] - Duration: 1:06:28.Then, what's the reason
for you to avoid me?
I like you, Mr. An.
What did you just say?
You like me?
You're crazy. You're totally crazy.
I told him. I lost my mind.
(DNA Parentage Test Report)
(Do not match)
(Episode 41)
You reek. Did you have a drink?
Shower first. You stink.
What's wrong, Miyeong? Are you sick?
It's too hot to cover yourself completely.
Go to sleep. I'm fine.
You'll get a heat rash. At least get changed.
Are you blacking out?
Watch yourself when you drink.
Leave her alone and sleep.
Are you leaving already? What time is it?
I have to get to work early.
Go back to sleep.
Do you feel okay?
I'm crazy.
I've totally lost my mind.
How could I tell him?
Here you go. It's hot.
Where is Miyeong?
She left for work early. She must have lots to do.
I feel bad that she has to work before breakfast.
Come and have breakfast.
Are you leaving without eating?
You must have a shoot.
Shouldn't you eat...
See you later.
Father, you know he is really popular, don't you?
His drama is a huge hit.
His drama might be a hit,
but he is going off the rails.
Let's eat.
You all have to get to work.
Yes. Let's eat.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
- Sir. / - Yes?
I compiled all the data you asked for.
Already? Were you up all night?
No. I came to work early today.
You did a great job.
I'll read it after my meeting.
I like you, Mr. An.
This won't do.
We can't go on living together.
(Studio apartments)
(Apartments for rent)
(30,000 dollars)
Where will I get the deposit?
I need at least a few thousand.
A gosiwon?
Hyeyeong, if you're free this evening,
can we meet after work?
Then, what's the reason
for you to avoid me?
I like you, Mr. An.
Okay then. Junghui.
Let's concentrate and nail it in one go.
An Junghui.
What are you thinking about? Let's shoot.
Let's focus and nail it in one go.
Scene ten, take one.
Ready. Action.
Byeon Miyeong.
Who are you calling? Her character is Hyerim.
Sorry. I'll do it again.
Let's focus.
You've been distracted lately.
- Sorry. / - Try to focus.
Let's do it.
- Your change. / - Thank you.
Come by again.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
Sit down.
Don't you think we should put the store up for sale?
You never know what'll happen to me.
You can't run this place alone.
It won't be easy even if you find a cook.
You're right.
We should wrap up.
Then, when we go grocery shopping,
I'll put it on the real estate market.
I wonder when Junghui will tell.
must be suffering more than us.
If Junghui tells the kids,
will they see us again?
I think they'll despise us.
they're good kids.
They'll understand after time passes.
If I were them,
I wouldn't see my parents as humans.
We shouldn't have had four kids.
I'm worried
if they'll blame us
for making them have such parents.
We should listen if they blame us.
I'd prefer if they blame us
rather than they just stay quiet.
It hurts me more
when Junghui doesn't say anything.
(DNA Parentage Test Report)
Does this make sense?
Mr. An is not Dad's real son?
Does that mean Mr. An's mom cheated?
No, then that doesn't explain
Mr. An's mean attitude towards Dad.
What's going on?
Does Dad know this?
Mom is probably aware of this.
Since this document was in Mom's drawer,
does this mean Dad still accepted Junghui
even though he is aware of this?
Even Mom too?
My goodness.
- I'll help you. / - Yes.
- Mother. / - Yes.
I was so busy that I asked you to come here.
It's fine. I asked you to see me.
I didn't know there is a restaurant in here.
Is everyone here lawyers?
No. I'm really busy.
You should read this now.
Sure. Okay.
(Proclamation of graduation from marriage)
I'm not sure if I understood it right,
but doesn't this mean that I'd like to graduate?
Yes. That's right.
It says that you agree to Father's graduation.
What are you talking about?
I don't want to graduate from marriage.
It doesn't mean you'll graduate now,
but you'll graduate from marriage
after a month of rehearsal.
You'll get to change Father's decision in time.
How can you guarantee it? I don't like this.
What if I really graduate from marriage?
This is kind of like push and pull.
I've told you this before.
The basic way to maintain tension and interest
in a relationship
is push and pull.
People's hearts are complicated.
When the person comes close, you want to run away,
but if they run away, you want to go close.
I know what you mean.
That's why you should
push and pull in the relationship with Father,
and maintain the tension.
People live until they're 100 years old now.
You'll be spending a long time with Father.
It's your manner and obligation
to push and pull and manage yourself
for the other person to feel
the tension and interest in me.
I said no.
I don't want to live alone.
You promised
to do what I want if I become your representative.
I mean
what if I really graduate from marriage?
What are you going to do then?
Will you not move out and be responsible for it?
Then, I'll do as you say.
I'll do that.
You just promised.
Fine then.
I'll do as you say.
- Mother. / - Yes?
Did you go through it?
Yes, I did, but...
- Then, memorize it. / - What?
Memorize it and proclaim to Father.
I'll accept your request to graduate from marriage.
But let's graduate from marriage
after a month of rehearsal.
During that time,
you'll do things separately
including eating and doing the laundry
as if you really graduated from marriage.
You should maintain
no interest to Father.
Act the exact way Father did.
No interest, insensitive
and sometimes yell at him.
Make him put himself in your shoes.
It's only then he'll realize
the value of you
and the love you gave him.
Father's been receiving
so much care from you
that once he becomes alone,
he'll suffer a lot to handle this.
I can't guarantee you this,
but Father can't leave home easily.
Right. Also, through this chance,
Father will learn how hard it is
when he graduates from marriage.
Right. I know what you mean.
Then, hurry up and memorize.
Memorize the whole thing,
and proclaim to Father with pride
that you'll accept graduation from marriage.
I'm not good at memorizing.
Mother, you must.
No, you can do it.
You should try
if you want to change Father's heart.
Also, have you been studying grammar?
You must've been very hungry. Eat slowly.
Did you not have breakfast, Dad?
Your mom doesn't prepare breakfast for me anymore.
It's because you keep talking about graduation.
Give me some allowance.
Do you know your mom only gives me 300 dollars?
My goodness.
Fine. I'll transfer you some money.
Thank you.
Do you manage
your money by yourself?
We manage our own pay check.
Hyeyeong is very cool about it.
I never had a chance
to spend my own salary.
Your mom took all of it.
Does this make sense to you?
I never had a chance
to use my own money that I earned.
You never know what will happen to you tomorrow.
What's the point of preparing for the old age?
You should enjoy the moment.
"Carpe diem."
(Carpe diem: Seize the day)
You're right, so you should stop
talking about graduating from marriage
and compromise with Mom.
Whatever happens,
Mom worries about you the most.
You know that well too.
You've been stressed because of me, right?
Sorry. It'll never happen again.
For now, have some snacks.
I'll take you out for lunch soon.
Great. Thank you.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
I know you're all busy because Ms. Lim is absent,
but let's try our best.
Bring documents for approval in advance.
- Yes. / - Yes.
Ms. Kim, this is delicious.
- It's delicious. / - Yes.
Hey, Heejin.
I'll be there soon.
Hey, why did you get married so fast?
I know.
I couldn't go
because you were rushing it.
It happened.
By the way, thank you for the congratulatory money.
You like money more than us, don't you?
Isn't she Byeon Miyeong?
Byeon Miyeong from class 7.
Did she lose weight?
Byeon Miyeong.
It's her.
Aren't you Byeon Miyeong?
Sit over here.
It's been 12 years since we last met in school.
I didn't recognize you.
Did you have something done? You look amazing.
Do I? Thank you.
What are you up to now?
Do you work?
Gabi Entertainment? Do you work there?
You didn't go to a college in Seoul.
Does Gabi Entertainment really hire just anyone?
You can't say things like that.
"Just anyone"?
No, I'm an intern.
An intern?
She can be let go at any moment.
Yuju is a team manager there.
You're under her at work too.
That's hilarious.
It's not like that. We're on different teams.
Do you even wear perfume?
You're almost human now.
You were such a loser in high school. Right?
You should've worn perfume then too.
Back then, she...
I smelled like a pig.
That's not what I meant.
Then, what did you mean?
That's all you said to me back then.
Miyeong, you have a way of twisting things.
- Is that all we said? / - Will you stop it?
What are you doing?
Do you want me to recite everything you said?
Don't, Miyeong.
I have no reason to stay.
I'll leave first.
What was that?
Why is she so twisted?
She was just as frustrating in school.
I doubt she gets along with anyone at work.
That's why she was an outcast.
You two. How can you say things like that?
She does fine and people acknowledge her.
"Outcast"? You can't just say what you want to.
Yuju, you're really weird.
You're the one who made her the outcast in school.
That's right. You were the ringleader.
Come on. It wasn't that bad.
I just joked about...
You made bets about her weight
and teased her each time she changed for gym.
Was that a joke?
You even tipped over her lunch on purpose
and said she smelled like a pig.
Was that all a joke?
Hey, that was all...
Not again.
- Gosh. / - Hey.
No way.
One, two...
- Look at that. / - You're looking good.
It looks so good.
Oh dear, I'm so sorry.
You'll get fat if you eat all that.
Consider this me helping you lose weight.
Are you okay?
I smell a pig.
Don't touch her. She stinks.
- My gosh. / - The stink.
You're crazy, Yuju.
What did you do?
Thank you. Come by again.
Thank you, bye.
- Rayeong. / - Yes?
Wipe the display case with this and organize it.
What brings you here, sir?
"What brings you here?"
What would you like?
I'm going to meet an old teacher of mine.
I need a gift.
Did you have lunch?
Oh, I see.
What do you think about this?
I enjoyed it.
I like it.
Especially today.
Me too.
Me even more.
A business trip?
Do part-timers go on business trips?
No, this has never happened.
I keep getting orders from the chairman's office.
It's the chairman again.
If it's his order, I'll go.
Where must I go?
Gosh, this is so insanely far away.
The view is amazing though.
Just as amazing as the chairman's pettiness.
It is nice to visit a place like this.
Is this it?
Are you from the corporate office?
Yes. How are you?
I hope the trip was okay.
What did you say you need?
A sample of fresh produce that goes into the product.
The chairman wants us to put some on display.
From now on, we must
keep a sample on display at all times.
They'll wilt if you take them as they are.
You can't keep coming over.
Why did he give such an order?
Maybe he wants me to come here regularly.
What should I do? Should I give you the field?
Give me the field?
You can.
Do you get that many from a plant?
- Yes. Watch your footing. / - Okay.
- Watch out. / - Okay.
How will you take them back?
- Did you drive here? / - You have a point.
Just a moment.
He'll argue with his dad if he finds out.
Hello? Director Park.
Don't you feel like seeing how the produce is grown?
(Good Base Contractor)
It's him.
Or not.
Why'd you call Yeonghee and not me?
You said you're meeting an old teacher.
- Why are you here? / - Yeonghee sent me.
Did my dad put you up to this? How could he...
You should've told me first.
Why'd you come here alone?
This isn't a part-timer's job. This is unlawful.
I'll talk to my dad.
If this happens again,
call me, not my brother.
I do get jealous of him too.
Are you a rapper wannabe?
That was fast.
It was the chairman's idea,
but it wasn't as hard as you may think.
Cheolsu, if you go and take it out on your dad,
don't you think he'll give me a worse mission?
I'll complain again...
I'm Byeon Rayeong. He will give in first.
Trust me.
Don't you think
this is the first time we've been so far?
It's like we're traveling.
When a couple goes on their first trip together,
the public transport stops and they share a room.
Doesn't it?
We're on land.
Then, how about a car breaking down?
Gosh. You scared me.
Hey, what are you doing here?
Cheolsu borrowed my car.
Let's go home together.
Why did he borrow your car?
I heard you made Rayeong go on a business trip.
He went to pick her up.
I can't believe him.
I've been telling you.
You can't win Rayeong.
I can't?
My goodness.
Did you relieve your hangover?
Then, tell me what's going on now.
You've been weird since yesterday.
It's nothing.
Then, why did you want to see me?
I need a favor.
I was thinking about living alone.
I'm getting more and more tired of commuting.
I often go to work early in the morning,
and I often work until late.
Sometimes, I spend a half of my pay check
for the cab fee.
Have you talked to Mom and Dad?
Not yet.
You're the first to talk to.
If you can,
can you lend me money for the deposit?
I'm looking for a rent,
but I need a deposit.
You should think carefully.
If you think of commuting,
living alone is good,
but if you live alone now,
you can't save up.
I know. I know that counts,
but I want to live alone
while I work at Gabi Entertainment.
Get permission from Mom and Dad.
Then, I'll lend you money.
Thank you, Hyeyeong.
Are you getting along with Mr. An, by the way?
I'm not Mr. An's manager anymore.
But you still see him every day at home.
Is there anything weird about Mr. An?
I don't know. Why do you ask?
He was very rude to Mom and Dad yesterday.
Junyeong and Rayeong said
he's been like that lately.
Maybe he had a fight with Dad.
A child and a parent
fighting and reconciling
is pretty common.
Let's get prepared.
One. An Junghui is not Dad's child.
Two. An Junghui and my parents know this.
Or at least Mom knows this.
Three. An Junghui has a big complaint on Dad.
Dad is taking An Junghui's anger,
and Mom is ignoring it.
Hypothesis one.
Junghui's mom cheated.
Junghui moved into Dad's
without knowing it,
and recently found out through DNA testing.
It doesn't explain why Junghui's rude to Dad.
If this hypothesis is right,
he should feel sorry towards Dad.
Hypothesis two.
If Dad accepted Junghui
even though his mom cheated,
Junghui recently found out,
and he's mad that they didn't tell him.
That kind of makes sense.
But why? Why did Dad accept
a kid that his ex-wife gave birth to by cheating?
Even enduring the siblings and my criticisms?
Does he still love that woman?
When did Dad go to the States
and met Junghui's mom?
When is his birthday? Hold on.
Junghui's birthday.
An Junghui.
June 6, 1982.
My brother was born in January of 1983.
Junghui was born in June of 1982?
No way.
Does this mean Dad divorced
because he cheated with Mom?
No way.
But that makes sense
why he's upset at Dad.
But could Mom and Dad...
I have one too.
A huge secret that you don't know.
Aren't you An Junghui?
- Yes. / - I'm a big fan of yours.
Can I have your autograph?
- I have a pen. / - You do?
- Hurry. / - Here.
Here you are.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
What are you doing in there?
Get up.
Do you want me to go in there?
Let's have a talk...
Can you just leave me alone?
If you saw me hiding,
you should just pretend you didn't see me.
I'm so embarrassed right now.
I'm so embarrassed that I could die,
so can you just leave me alone?
- Hey, Miyeong. / - I know it too.
I know I'm crazy,
and I know I shouldn't be like this.
So just leave me alone.
But I'm not completely crazy yet,
so if you just leave me alone,
I'll be normal soon.
pretend like you didn't see me.
Hey, are you okay?
Yes. I'm fine!
What should I do with you, Miyeong?
What am I going to do?
I must've lost my mind.
Take this with you.
You need to eat when you have an early start.
Have the juice and pancakes in the car.
Can you write the letter?
A handwritten letter looks more sincere.
I'll scan it and upload it to your website.
I'll log in with your ID.
Could you answer your fans' questions?
This person won again.
We're rewarding fans who log in the most.
See the ID "Dad's Snacks"?
This person visits your site the most.
Even more than I do as the administrator.
Do you know this person?
I'll call you when I'm done with the letter.
Okay, you do that.
Hello, Junghui. I'm a huge fan of yours.
It's quite cold out. Try not to catch a cold.
I enjoy your drama "101 Hengbok-dong."
I read you're hospitalized for fatigue. I'm worried.
"Oh My Boss" starts today. I'm really excited.
I love watching "Oh My Boss".
Your acting is on point.
I just watched the second episode.
The plot's picking up and a week seems so long.
Congratulations on the rising ratings.
I just watched episode three of "Oh My Boss".
I feel so sorry for your character.
I can't wait until the next episode airs.
I watched "Oh My Boss" episode four.
I cried so much.
Your portrayal of the character
was the best I've ever seen.
Minha, didn't you used to hate anchovies?
Did your taste suddenly change?
Is he going through a growth spurt?
Slow down.
What got into you today?
This is your third bowl of rice.
Have you been starving my grandson behind my back?
Have some of my rice. Eat all you want.
- Slow down. / - Eat slowly.
Can I have some milk for my instant noodles?
No. I need all the calcium I can get.
Don't you play basketball after lunch?
- Does it help you grow? / - Taller, you mean?
It might help. Why?
Have you ever dated a girl before?
Are you seeing someone?
I thought you study all day. I feel betrayed.
I'll teach you all you need to know.
What's going on?
Will she not take me seriously if I'm shorter?
We are quite a few years apart too.
A lot.
- Women like younger guys. / - Yes.
I wish I were taller than her though.
Okay. A large cheese pizza.
And a soda.
Sure. It'll take about 30 minutes.
A large cheese pizza.
Will you stop yawning?
It's not like I want to.
I can't stop yawning if I'm tired.
At least try while our manager's
- in the store. / - It hurts.
- Here you go. / - Thank you.
Close up well after you're done.
- Sure thing. / - Great.
- Have a nice day. / - Bye.
What's wrong with you lately?
- You're always tired / - I'm so tired.
and can't focus.
You messed up an order yesterday.
That wasn't my fault.
The customer messed up and put the blame on me.
Why do you get upset so easily?
Are you going through menopause?
You're having mood swings.
What? Menopause?
You're the one with a mid-life crisis.
You complain at night about being hot or cold.
I'm tired because I can't sleep because of you.
I do not keep you awake.
I'm the one who can't sleep because of you.
You keep opening the door to go to the bathroom
and turn on the lights which shine in my eyes.
Should I not pee when I want to?
I'll get an infection if I do that.
Don't drink anything before bed.
What nonsense is that?
What I mean is... Sorry.
Hello? Yes, hello.
- Yes. Go and cook. / - What?
- What? / - Yes.
I can't believe he is cleaning.
I doubt he even knows how to use that thing.
What was that?
Oh dear.
What happened? Did you trip?
Can't you tell? Help me up.
- Gosh. / - Help me get up.
Free my legs.
How did you get that around your legs?
It hurts.
You should've been careful. Are you hurt?
Did you hurt your arm?
My goodness.
Does it hurt a lot?
Did you fracture your arm?
- This won't do. / - What?
I need to see a doctor. Go and get the car key.
Okay, just a moment.
Act the exact way Father did.
Make him put himself in your shoes.
It's only then he'll realize...
Right. I'll treat him how he treated me
when I was sick.
He needs a taste of his own medicine.
We're here, get out.
What about you?
I have to go to a prior appointment.
Take a taxi home.
What are you doing? Cars are coming.
- Hey, wait... / - Hurry up and go.
My goodness.
Hey, but...
My gosh.
(Orthopedics Clinic)
He's been treating me like dirt.
He needs to learn a lesson.
My goodness, you even got a cast.
How badly were you hurt?
I pulled two centimeters of my ligament.
I need to keep this cast on for at least two weeks.
How can you not even call
when your husband got hurt so badly?
I thought you wanted me to be like that.
You wanted me to stop caring,
so I did just that.
Were you disappointed?
My goodness.
Gosh, it still hurts even after taking painkillers.
This is bad.
I got hurt pretty badly.
What will I do...
My gosh.
(Management Team 1)
Are you busy?
No. Why?
Then, can we talk for a second?
Are you okay?
Is something going on?
No, nothing.
What about you?
What about me?
About our old school friends the other day.
Let's not talk about that.
I don't think that will help either you or me.
I'm sorry.
I was wrong.
I'm not sure if I can even apologize,
but I'm sorry.
I finally knew after they came.
I finally knew what I've done.
I finally knew how horrible I was.
I realized
what I've done to you is so evil and horrid.
This is a lie too.
To be honest, I knew.
I knew,
but I didn't want to face it.
I'm sorry.
Do you remember?
You told me that I smell like pigs.
And when you ruined my lunch box?
And when you pulled the curtains
while I got changed?
I'm so sorry.
I was wrong.
Then, can you tell me now?
Why did you do that to me?
I was so envious and jealous of you.
I was living with a dad who didn't care
if I ate lunch or not,
and a stepmom who hated paying for my lunch.
But you had a dad who would always
pack a warm lunch box for you every single day.
I was so envious and jealous of you.
That's why I hated you.
So I took out my sense of inferiority on you
knowing what I am doing is really bad.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I never imagined you would apologize to me.
To be honest, I only pretended to be okay.
But now,
I think I might actually be okay
thanks to your sincere apology.
I couldn't
really forgive you until today.
But I think I may begin to feel better now.
Thank you
for apologizing to me,
Thank you.
What a relief.
I finally feel better after 12 years.
See you at home,
my sister-in-law.
Hey, Hyeyeong. You didn't even call.
I bought some blueberry cheesecake, your favorite.
Let me see that.
This is so good.
It would be great if Dad can join us.
He must be out doing something.
The shop was closed.
Yes, I think he went to a market.
Right, how is your mother-in-law?
Is she well now?
Yes. She is well.
Does she treat you well?
Yes. Not bad.
Right, Mom.
My mother still loves her husband so much.
What's wrong with that?
I still love your dad so much.
Right. I know.
I forgot to check the closest people to me.
Then wait, when did you and dad meet?
Come to think about it, I don't think I ever heard
about your love story.
We first met at a hospital.
On my first day of work.
How old were you then?
I was 21.
21 years old?
Then, is that when Dad came back from the States?
Yes, right.
Anyway, how does Jeonghwan treat you?
When will he begin a new TV program?
If things go well, probably in fall.
But he is preparing a pilot program right now.
He's always the same. He's always good to me.
He's just like your dad.
Is there any restriction to become a judge?
Do you still get punished for your family's crime?
That's been gone for a while.
But why do you ask?
I suddenly got curious.
What is it? Why did she suddenly ask about that?
What is this? Were they charged with adultery?
Mom said she met Dad when she was 21.
That means Dad was 23 years old.
That's when he was married to Junghui's mom.
Then, did Dad come to Korea to get married?
Wait, did Mom go to the States?
This is driving me insane.
I need to find out for sure.
(Moon Jisang)
Hey, Jisang. It's me.
Have you been well?
Well, I had a question.
I wanted to see someone's immigration records.
(Real Estate)
(Land Real Estate Agent. Deposit: 10,000 dollars)
(Letter of resignation)
Let go of me.
Are you going to go and turn in your resignation?
You've been looking for a room to move out, right?
Are you going to leave home too?
Come with me. We need to talk.
Mr. An.
Let's go. We need to talk.
Come out.
What do you think you're doing?
I asked you to leave me alone
and to pretend like you don't know.
I can only do that if you do your part.
You said it was hard for you to get this job.
So why would you resign?
Do you think I want to quit?
I'm trying everything I can to get over this.
So can you just ignore me?
I'm sure you have no idea how I feel
or how much effort I am making
in this moment, but...
No, I do know.
I know how you feel more than anyone.
How would you know?
I just want to die.
How can this be?
Have I gone insane? Am I a pervert?
It feels like everyone is pointing their fingers.
But whenever I see you, my heart flutters.
It keeps on going off by itself
like a broken metronome. I just want to die.
That's why I'm going to quit
and move out.
So please,
can you just pretend like you don't know?
I ask of you.
We're not related.
We aren't siblings.
What are you talking about?
Your dad
isn't my dad.
(My Father is Strange)
Why are you and Dad hiding this?
Report me to the police, Junghui.
You don't need to be in pain anymore.
This just can't be.
I'm sorry that I ask for such difficult favors.
Moon Jisang?
Aren't you a little too harsh on me?
Like you said, I will accept the graduation.
Stand in as Junghui's manager for a week.
Work is work. I'll do my job well.
You can sleep on the way.
They're flirting, you know.
Are you crazy? Do you want your career to end here?
What am I going to do?
Bobby Pin Tips and Tricks - KayleyMelissa - Duration: 6:39.- Everyone, Kayley here
and today I wanna go over some bobby pin basics.
A lot of you guys have been asking for a video
on just how to use bobby pins.
So, I thought I'd show you guys some basic tips
and tricks, but if you're interested in learning more,
tell me in the comments
because I'm thinking about making this a series.
I'd love to give you guys, like,
really in depth videos on this,
so if you want it let me know.
But today let's go over some of the basic things
that you need to know to use your bobby pins the right way.
Tip number one is to start with a good bobby pin.
Now, you can get all the right techniques
and everything going,
but if you're working with a flimsy bobby pin,
it still might not stay in place.
So, you have to pick a good one.
So, here's what to look for when you're looking for
a good bobby pin.
Spooler alert, I love the MetaGrip Premium Bob Pins
from Sally's Beauty, these are some of the best.
And what I like about them, first of all,
is that they have a very tight grip.
It's actually a little bit difficult to pull them apart.
Which is good, 'cause that means these two guys are
holding on really tight,
so they're gonna be holding your hair together really tight
once they're in there.
Next, I think it's good to look for, like,
beveled edges around the sides of the bobby pin
because that just means that there's a little bit
more quality and thought put into it.
And third, you wanna make sure that these tips
are well coated and a little coating I not coming off
because it hurts like crazy if there's not anything
covering the sharp corners on these bobby pins.
So, if you have those three components,
you are well on your way to bobby pinning really well.
Alright, tip number two is that you can't put a ton
of hair into one bobby pin.
This is not Superman or Wonder Woman or anything,
it can't lift crazy heavy stuff.
Actually, the opening of a bobby pin is the amount of hair
you're supposed to put in,
you're not supposed to actually open it up to put it in.
You're just supposed to put in this little bit.
And that can seem very counter intuitive,
but when you actually just use that much,
it becomes a lot more effective.
That being said, I will often open up my bobby pins
about half an inch and use that,
but I won't use any more than that
because at that point you're compromising
what the bobby pin can do for you.
Tip number three, if you have thick hair,
use a jumbo bobby pin or a roller pin.
Same thing different name.
They are much bigger than their bobby pin counterparts
and they can hold so much more.
If you guys watched my 100 layers of hair extensions
challenge, I put five pounds of hair into a bun
using only seven of these, which I think is a big deal.
And it actually held really secure at the time, too.
So, if it can do that, it can hold dup your half updo,
you'll be fine.
I really recommend these if you have trouble with
bobby pinning, if you have thick hair, they're a must.
Okay, we're gettin' serious.
I've got a braid and I'm actually gonna show you guys
in the next three tips how to put bobby pins in.
So, tip number four is that you want to make
sure you're not just grazing the surface.
I see that a lot with people where they kinda
just go across the very top layer of the hair
and they don't ever actually get all the way down.
Alright, so right now I have it just over the surface
and you can tell it's just over the surface
'cause I can pick it up like this.
And then if I shake my head really hard
it's gonna come out super easily.
See, it's all gone.
Instead, you want to actually feel that bobby pin
straight against your head as you go.
So, I'm gonna do that little half inch opening thing
and then I'm gonna take the bumpy side down
and I'm going to scrape that against my head as the top
goes over the piece that I'm pinning
and I'm gonna keep pushing,
I'm gonna keep feeling that bobby pin against my head,
and now it's in place.
And now if I try to lift that section,
it's not coming up
because it's literally attached to my roots.
And there you go, that is, even with shaking it,
it all stays in place because you get all the way down
and you get all the layers instead of just a couple
working for you.
Tip number five is to pin the bobby pin in the direction
you want it to go.
Now, that sounds kind of like, yeah, duh,
but let me show you what I mean.
If you pin with the bobby pin directly parallel to your head
it's gonna go in and sit just like so.
This way is really good for securing sections in place.
I call it, like, structure work,
like you're actually making the structure of the hairstyle.
And that's a really great common way to do it.
But then, something that I see people do,
especially when they pin behind their head,
is that they pin out at an angle away from their head.
So, they'll go out like this
and the bobby pin is actually only attached in
the front part and the back is sticking out
and it's not doing anything.
That's really easy to do behind your head
because the angle is already working in that direction.
So, you wanna fight that natural urge.
But the other way that you could position it
is going in towards your head,
which is a great way to hide bobby pins.
So, you go in at this 45 degree angle
and then you push and it's gonna actually bury itself
like it's diving under the surface of your hair.
And then you have it nicely pinned back
and you're not necessarily gonna see all of the bobby pin.
So, basically pinning in the direction that you want it
to go means either pinned parallel to your hair,
in in diagonally towards your hair whether you want
the bobby pin to be visible or invisible.
Alright, and then tip number six is to lock it down.
Now, this is a way of putting in the bobby pin that will
really hold things in place.
First, you're gonna make a little circle right next
to where you wanna pin it.
And this kinda anchors the bobby pin into the hair.
So, I'm gonna make three little circles,
one, two, three, and then you're gonna put the bobby pin
into the hair that you're trying to pin.
In this case it's the twist.
And then step number three of this little scenario
is to totally flip the bobby pin the other direction.
So, you rotate it 180 degrees
and then push it into the hair.
And once you do that, this thing is locked down.
This thing feels so secure right now,
it's not going anywhere
and I actually did this on bun for a workout class recently.
I only had to use two bobby pins
and the bun didn't move the entire class.
So, this definitely works,
If you have thick hair you have to try it out.
If you have to hold your hair in place for a long time,
try it out, it really works.
And there you go.
There are some basic tips
and tricks on how to work bobby pins in your favor.
I hope you guys learned something new.
If you wanna see more bobby pin videos,
let me know in the comments below,
we can get super detailed with this if you want to.
That's it for today's video guys.
Make sure to hit that subscribe button if you haven't
already or even hit that little bell notification icon
so you get a notification the second
that I post a new video.
I'll be back on Saturday with another hair tutorial
and I'll see you then.
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