Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 3 2017

<< It's complicated, ok? >>

<< It's not like I wouldn't want to do this full time but

real life comes first. >>

<< I'm trying to get more videos pushed down the pipe

but it's an uphill battle, I'm a busy guy. >>

<< A year ago I pushed out a video showing off some of the shiny things I've collected not offering

much explanation as to what they were. >>

<< Reason being is that I was feeling insecure about the load out

it wasn't finished. >>

<< I left you to simply get some enjoyment from me showing off

and interpret for themselves what the video was about. >>

<< But this left you all with many questions. >>

<< I like to think you guys are smart enough to find the answers sans spoon-feeding but this just acts as justification for my laziness. >>

<< Ignoring you was a sin so I'm going to repent. >>

<< This video will explain in greater detail each piece of kit I was wearing. >>

<< It is a loadout video >>

This titanium aramid shell is known as the Altyn

It sports a ballistic face shield,

a microphone,

and a push to talk button.

After some repair, the helmet's comm system is now fully functional

I used it to talk to you at the start of this video.

The helmet is capable of stopping virtually every pistol round.

My body armor is the Korean woodland Redoubt vest

It has both soft and hard armor

giving you protection that can defeat a Mosin.

While it has soft armor coverage on both front and back sides,

it only has hard plates in the front.

My load bearing harness is the Partizan Harness

its got provisions for eight magazines, several grenades,

I've got an ifak on my left side

and I've got my radio on my left shoulder.

Oh and I'm wearing Crispi Sahara boots,

I've got Hatch LR-10 gloves,

and an older RT-3 sling.

For more infomation >> FSB Vympel loadout, Beslan - Duration: 4:23.


MontagsWitz — Was ist das Lieblingstextverarbeitungsprogramm von Hunden? | Witz #120 - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> MontagsWitz — Was ist das Lieblingstextverarbeitungsprogramm von Hunden? | Witz #120 - Duration: 0:21.


Paistaako aurinko sijoittajille kesällä? | Nordea Pankki 3.7.2017 - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Paistaako aurinko sijoittajille kesällä? | Nordea Pankki 3.7.2017 - Duration: 2:40.


Diatomite Bathmat - New Trend of Household Delightful Joy and Relief - Duration: 0:41.

Why do we want to switch to the new Diatomite Bathmat? It is just more comfortable, with a touch of Nature and Earth each step. And the Absorption is much better!

The Material is also much better and safer & healthier than the traditional textile bathmats. The Quality is much higher, too.

It is Anti-Slip and Easy to Clean. It is much safer and also relieves the burden of the housewives'.

It just a much better, natural, healthier and a modern way of household living. Environmental and Green.

For more infomation >> Diatomite Bathmat - New Trend of Household Delightful Joy and Relief - Duration: 0:41.


Modified Metalzone (Circuit-bent Boss MT2) - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Modified Metalzone (Circuit-bent Boss MT2) - Duration: 5:47.


Желейный медведь играет в Swamp Attack БОССЫ БИТВА с БОССАМИ Мультик Игра для детей Мобильные игры - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> Желейный медведь играет в Swamp Attack БОССЫ БИТВА с БОССАМИ Мультик Игра для детей Мобильные игры - Duration: 8:01.


Bill to be submitted on regulating cryptocurrencies - Duration: 0:45.

Korean lawmakers are working on ways to regulate the use of Bitcoin and other digital currencies

within the country.

Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Yong-jin will submit a proposal this month aimed at revising

the current digital transaction law,... to require permission from financial authorities

before trading, issuing, depositing, or doing any kind of business using so-called "cryptocurrencies."

According to the revision bill,... businesses will need to have more than four-hundred-thirty

thousand U.S. dollars of capital to acquire a permit,... as well as sufficient data processing

facilities and trained personnel.

The proposal also includes measures to levy taxes on earnings.

For more infomation >> Bill to be submitted on regulating cryptocurrencies - Duration: 0:45.


Posterity | Episode 16 | "Ineffable Demons" - Duration: 4:23.

Hey umm good morning everyone, so um

Alex was supposed to come over today for the assessment, but um

it's been like half an hour and she hasn't shown up yet.


I-I, I tried messaging her but she hasn't replied umm



I think it's probably because of what happened last night.

Hey guys, so I forgot my camera the other day so Alex just, um, came by to return it.

She's uh, in the bathroom right now. Said she was just going to drop it off then go.


Hey, I'm...I'm just gonna head off now.

Oh no, no, um, please sit.

I-I wanted to...umm

Explain to you, or well, try to explain to you about what happened on Wednesday.

I, I was confused, but I get it you don't like me like that.

Which is, it's fine.

We don't have to do this-

No, no it-it's not. God, it's impossible not to like you Alex.

You like me?

Yes! Yes, yeah, I- I do but [sigh]

I didn't know...

How to... [sigh]

I think I was.



Why are you scared?

I don't know. I-I, I thought that I was ready.

I thought that accepting that part of myself and

coming out to the important people around me that the hard part was over.

I thought that being out of high school in a completely different environment

that's meant to foster open-mindedness and differing perspectives and experiences that

I would be okay about being open

about being gay.

But, apparently not and I don't even know why.

I just, I, I thought that I would be over this


Hey, it's

It's okay, it's okay.

But it's not, is it?

How can I claim to be proud of this part of myself, yet not know how to express it?

And it's not even like there's homophobes harassing me or compromising my safety.

It's something inside of me, and I don't even know how begin fixing that.

There's nothing wrong with you. It's okay to be scared sometimes.

I uh, um. Thank you for dropping off the camera, but you should probably head off now.

Rae, if you need me, I'll stay.

Look uh-um no, I'm, I'm fine. I

I don't want to keep you from your family.

But I think...

No, look. I'm fine, I'm fine Alex, please just...go.

Just call me if you need anything-



I know I probably shouldn't have like pushed her away and stuff,

but like I, I needed time to process everything.

by myself.

It's, it's how I do things. It's how I've always done things.

And like I didn't wanna burden her.

It's my problem not hers.

I mean there's enough going on at uni as it is. No one needs more crap piled on them.

[phone vibrates]

Oh it's Alex.

Oh, she said that she can't come over, that she's busy.

[sigh] Well, I guess that's that.

Till next time.

For more infomation >> Posterity | Episode 16 | "Ineffable Demons" - Duration: 4:23.


Final day of Kim Ki-choon and Cho Yoon-sun's 'cultural blacklist' trial - Duration: 0:46.

The trial for the former presidential chief of staff and the former culture minister involved

in Korea's recent cultural blacklist scandal is to end on Monday afternoon.

The Seoul Central District Court is to begin the final hearing for Kim Ki-choon, Cho Yoon-sun

and two other ex-government officials.

They are accused of perjury and abuse of authority for their alleged role in creating a cultural

blacklist that prevented nearly ten-thousand cultural figures from receiving state sponsorship.

Today's hearing will see the prosecutors and defendants give their closing statements.

The verdict will be announced later this month.

For more infomation >> Final day of Kim Ki-choon and Cho Yoon-sun's 'cultural blacklist' trial - Duration: 0:46.


Work trip to Tampere - Duration: 17:00.

Good morning

Getting the week started

It's Tuesday, I'm in the echo chamber and today I'm supposed to go to Tampere

Nothing has really changed in here.

Except this. I have a vacuum cleaner!

It's cool.

Two weeks until the Ikea trip. I need ideas.

For example the TV spot.

Do you have ideas? Give me links for *hiccup*

links for TV stands that can hold these top-filled consoles.

Because this stand doesn't work for that.

Here I'm thinking of an open shelf for the games.

I haven't been getting much games because they've always been hidden. Maybe it's time to make 'em visible.

Need ideas. TV will be mounted to the wall so the stand only has to handle the consoles.

I love my backpack but it sweats my back.

And the hiccup still stays...

and now I'm here.

Short montage. I got scared that my phone would fall.

The holder isn't that good.

Maybe one day it'll be something else than a phone.

Now I need to find my train.

Switch at Pieksämäki where I'll be taking the bus.

I think this is it.

Now at Pieksämäki.

Next up looking for the busses.

I can handle the trains but no idea about the busses.

There are some busses. There's a bus.

I survived!

I survived. All the way!

I like Omena hotels a lot.

I don't think that it has anything to do with being extrovert.

I like that there's no staff.

What I want from a hotel is that it's a place where I can be unconscious. Omena hotels do it perfectly.

I have even heard people going so far as to say that you should be ashamed of being in an Omena hotel.

For me it's preferred. If I can choose Omena hotel I do.

Only downside is that cleaning is every two weeks if you don't give out the room.

We had some problems with the trash with Vune but -

Specially when you're travelling for one night this is awesome.

Ofcource I got placed to the sixth floor.

I'm going to find some food now because last I ate it was 2pm. Now it's -

I'm filming with my phone... umm it's 9:30pm

I should eat every three hours so no wonder my body is saying: EAT!

Umm.. I guess... Lets do this:

Trying again with food -

Nothing againts Burger King but I had to get "just" Burger King.

Because when you arrive at 10pm nothing is open.

But we don't have BK in the east so it's still different.

Atleast tomorrow I'll get breakfast at Cafe Siilikari

Which is just few meters away.

So I'm getting a hotel breakfast. I'm hoping for:



Orange Juice. Yes.

These are what I'm hoping for because I never buy them myself. None of these. Maybe I should.

Those things feel like hotel breakfast.

I don't feel like hiding my hair because hat isn't feeling good now.

Pro tip: I hope someone told this to me but hope fully this will reach someone.

Omena hotels have different deals for companies.

If you register your company and tell them how often you use the hotels etc.

You get a static price with breakfast for everyone who's staying at the hotel.

It's a good deal because normally the breakfast alone is 9 euros a piece.

If you're on a work trip with someone and you get two breakfasts for free. It's a good deal. Atleast I think so.

Omena hotels aren't sponsoring this. Even though you should. I like stayi... I love Omena hotels!

* Listens to GameGrumps podcast *

Listen to that air vent. Listen to it. Listen!

Pro tip for travelling

Clothing tube

This is one of those Internet lifehacks that you usually react with: not today!

But this has been handy

Because here we have socks

Which were rolled up inside a t-shirt

Which contains these.

How handy is that? They take so little room and you always have one days set.

There's how I slept last night. I had problems falling asleep.

You can propably see on the video that I had a weird energy burst.

That made sleeping diffictult. I usually sleep well in new places.

Specially at Omena hotels (not sponsored)

It's Wednesday 8:30am and I need to be at the next place 10am

I have to go in 20 minutes so I'll have 40 minutes to eat. To find that bacon, toast and orange juice.

I still haven't told you WHY I'm at Tampere.

Kooders is part of Code from Finland. * some Finnish rambling*

Code from FInland has started to do more than providing the stamp.

The stamp means that the developers pay their taxes to Finland. The code is from Finland.

So for example I can go to a warm place and work from a hammoc.

But I just pay my taxes to Finland normally then the code remains from Finland.

Now we've had the idea that Code from Finland would start organize events.

Problem with that is that it requires for someone to actually organize it. Because this is a society it's currently voluntary work.

This is close to hearth for me, because we have lots of IT companies at Joensuu but no IT events.

Closest thing might be Illusion during Ilosaari Rock -

But that's for gaming. It's for IT but it's that niche that we're not even part of.

To which I'm by the going to because it's interesting and -

Everything can be applied on IT sector. But we lack the IT events.

So we had the idea with 18 person group with 5 person task force to start organizing.

That the task force would meet face to face in Tampere.

Here we'll be at the Futurice office.

There we'll start talking. What do we want to do. What CAN we do.

First idea has been about touring events.

You've propably seen these lecture tours.

This got me so hyped. Joensuu could be a great piloting city.

Because we have so many IT companies but zero IT events.

Maybe this could get the ball rolling. I'll be handling Joensuu.

Doesn't this sound awesome? If this sounds interesting hit me up. If you even want to help with the organizing.

Or if you'd participate, hit me up.

If you're interested in joining you can also just follow my or Kooders social medias. We'll keep you updated.

It's important to get everyone hyped up.

That is where I'm going. We'll be doing a work day.

We have 5 people who came here.

Many others made it into a vacation but I'm just stopping by.

I came here yesterday, ate, watched a podcast, slept.

Now I've chilled for an hour, breakfast, the meeting.

The meeting is 10am - 4pm and my train leaves at 5pm. So I'll be back to work tomorrow.

This is clearly a work trip.

It's for a good cause. I know we'll have a lot of good ideas today.

I hope I'll film a little in there. Atleast on my way to the office.

That's what's up

You always hear about people doing their meetings while taking a walk. Seeing place like this makes me understand that.

It's not as cool at Joensuu city center.

I'm halfway there.

Quite a day.

That was awesome.

Next up to find the train station. Glad my phone has GPS. Should be around 10 minutes.

Such remarkable differences in departures.

I'm leaving 5:02pm and the other one leaves 5:07pm.

That would've been smaller.

I made it to the station in time.

Bit too soon. Now I have to hang around for 30 minutes.

I got some Burger King again.

I saw yesterday that they make the food super fast.

This time a bit too fast.

Now to hang around for 30 minutes at the train station.


Light coming in from everywhere. I got the booth to myself so I dare to take the camera out.

At this time I'm being entertained by - Pokiman!

My LizardDisco is fighting.

I found this battle mansion where you can fight forever.

First I finished my Pokemon Blue

That was at Pokemon League since Slush. I played a lot during those train rides.

I finished it on my first try with lvl40 Pokemon. I've gotten better.

Now I've been doing this because it's endless.

I think it's now past 9pm.

Still 1 hour and 20 minutes till Joensuu.

Glad I can be alone for the last half of the trip.

You shoot that one.

Soon I can say that I survived this trip.

And actually -

We've actually arrived to Joensuu.

For more infomation >> Work trip to Tampere - Duration: 17:00.


Простые рецепты вторых блюд - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Простые рецепты вторых блюд - Duration: 3:24.


廣告 - Duration: 0:05.

For more infomation >> 廣告 - Duration: 0:05.


即刻槍戰-雙刷泰坦 - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> 即刻槍戰-雙刷泰坦 - Duration: 7:33.


Рецепты супов простые и вкусные - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Рецепты супов простые и вкусные - Duration: 2:29.


教學!?香蕉牛奶史萊姆/拉麵膠 成功?失敗? - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> 教學!?香蕉牛奶史萊姆/拉麵膠 成功?失敗? - Duration: 6:12.


La artista de la familia no soy yo!!! - Duration: 3:50.

Hello beauties, I´m Val and this is Vale Morena

and as you can see i´m not inside a room

I´m in a normal place and

that´s because we are waiting for

my sister´s sound test

she is going to sing on this event

i don´t know how is its name

but i do know is about modeling

i already find out

i did my homework

oh, sorry about my hand

i didn´t realize my hand was on the camera

the event is called

top fashion model valencia

and that´s where my sister is going to sing


i hope i´ll be able to record


because cameras are not aloud

but i´ll do my best to

show you a little bit of venezuelian talent


sound test


on my way to the event

veruska how do you feel?

good... excited

super excitement

i love my sister´s concentration

hi... hi guys

we are here waiting

for.. the beginning of this show

and do my performance

so... i hope you can see all videos

well... you`ve heard her

the artist already spoke

i hope everything turns out good

wish us good luck

For more infomation >> La artista de la familia no soy yo!!! - Duration: 3:50.


Why porn is harmful - Duration: 20:15.

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