How do you define an innocent individual?
How would you define an innocent individual?
It's a great question
Maybe someone who is born into this world as blank paper and hasn't done anything wrong
Who do you define as innocent?
Ehh, at least not myself haha
Young children maybe? Someone who hasn't done anyone any harm?
Yeah, absolutely
Yes, ofcourse, and animals. Obviously animals.
Do you believe we should protect those who are innocent?
Absolutely, up to a certain extent
Protect from whom? Those who are not innocent, or?
If someone was beating someone who hadn't done anything wrong in front of you, would you help them?
You'd know that they were innocent?
Yes, I'd probably also help someone if they weren't innocent
if they were being beaten up here in front of me
Unecessarily? Yes, without a doubt
Yeah, so you would say animals are innocent? Yes
If you could prevent causing an innocent individual suffering would you do it?
Yes, same goes for an individual who isn't innocent. I would try and prevent them from more suffering
Do you eat animals? Yes (both)
Would you say it (eating animals) goes against what you think?
No, I wouldn't say so
You don't think it goes against what you said before
about rather wanting to prevent the suffering of the innocent?
Yes, I think it's very sad to see how they treat the animals today
and how they are often killed or being prepared to be turned into food, that's very ugly and sad and all that
But, still I don't see anything wrong with eating animals
I don't know if there's a certain inconsistency in that but, that's just my opinion
You would say it's inconsistent?
I'm saying I don't know if there's a certain inconsistency, because how we kill animals today is not good
How do you kill someone who doesn't want to die in a nice way?
Eh, you could e.g. give cows a good life at a farm and then they can die you know
Or, you could kill them after they have lived a normal life without being mistreated their whole lives
and then you could eat them just like has been done for many hundreds of years prior to our current society of 2017
Would you say that was a good thing from the animal's perspective?
Yea, I mean animals eat other animals you know. It's just the survival of the fittest kind of thing
So, probably. There's human ways of doing things and inhuman ways of doing things
Yea, so if you do it in a humane way or according to the laws of the animal kingdom then I think it's ok
You mentioned that it would be more humane to treat the animal nicely and give it a great life
If you put yourself in the shoes of the animals, could you justify you being killed just because you've lived a good life?
These are very... These are very tough question
This one is. . .
Are you asking whether I'd find it OK to die around 60 yo so someone else can have a better life?
No, I'm saying. . . can you justify killing someone just because they've had a good life?
If you can feed a family of five then I think it's OK that a cow is killed after she's lived a good life
What if that family had an option to eat something else, very easily?
Yes. Well, then they have to weigh and evaluate their choice very well
Would you say that it's then better to choose that option than to kill someone who clearly doesn't want to die?
I mean, these are very leading questions. Of course you don't want to kill someone who clearly doesn't want to die
How is this a leading question?
You know, it's leading in the sense that of course you want to say that this person doesn't deserve to die
and this animal doesn't deserve to die. Of course nobody really deserves to die
But, we still you know... that's just how survival of the fittest goes
That's how we treat others and have done for many hundreds, thousands and millions of years
Yes, in the history of mankind we have also killed and raped each other for many years
Do you think it justifies doing those things just because we've been doing them for such a long time?
Like, do you think it's justifiable to rape someone just because we've been raping for thousands of years?
No. All violence, like I said before, we should try and prevent it
Also towards animals?
Yes, like I said, exactly. Towards animals specifically.
We should prevent violence towards animals
when it comes to producing e.g. more milk etc. for feeding us
So, you are against violence towards animals?
Yes, I'm against violence towards animals
But, still you eat meat?
If we could live a happy and healthy life without eating animals would you consider doing it?
I could definitely do it, but I don't. So I can't really answer this question with a yes.
Would you then say you are living in contradiction with your morality?
Yes, partially. Because I know how the milk I drink is produced but I can of course look the other way
Don't you think it's weird that we're drinking (cows) milk?
Yes, it's very odd, it's very odd to drink milk
But I don't drink milk. I mean, yes, I have a bit of milk on my cereal you know
Isn't that the same as drinking milk?
Nah, maybe not entirely the same, but yes, almost.
So, I have some information here that you can check out when you get home. Will you check it out?
Yea sure. ..with documentaries and information about veganism?
Yes, I've probably seen quite a few of them.
Have you seen Earthlings?
It's a documentary about the ethical side of how we treat animals in the food industry and all that
There's another one called Cowspiracy that tells you about the environmental side of it
Have you seen it? Yes (nods)
What did you think of it? Very interesting and very sad also of course
It's a tough topic to think about Yes, it certainly is
It was nice talking to you. You brought some good points
Thank you for the interview!
Good luck. You too.
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