hello everyone this is Jonavon and today I have Jack yeah and today we're gonna
be talking about Star Wars the last Jedi just let you guys know this is the first
time what we're gonna be calling movie hang outs as a podcast type of thing
whereas to be talking about movies or a different topics related to the film
industry and just let you guys know this is a spoiler review so if you get
spoiled we can't be how responsible click off this video now yeah it's
already been two weeks oh and we seen the movie multiple times but if you
don't care about being spoiled yeah I mean hopefully you have so does let you
guys know it yes just watch it see it for yourself it's been getting a lot of
controversy but we still recommend it okay so you wanna talk about the opening
battle what did you like and what didn't you like what did you like what the
crawl yeah I can see how that could lead to some confusion yeah it's kind of
based on if they do that you could have explained the
mortgage but certainly it does that timing was a bit off and I noticed that
when I was watching the movie but me at the same time I mean I could see why
you'd say that and how that could lead to some confusion
yeah they could done at the end of the force awakens if they wanted to yeah and
I would have to say that oh yeah the comedy with ice yeah I can't hear you
that was so funny at the beginning of the movie and I was expecting them to
have that that comedic twist right off the bat
very potent babies these kind of urban trick yeah and just to piggyback off
what you say about the Spaceballs these are some of the most entertaining I've
seen of any Star Wars movie and for probably the first time I'm watching a
Star Wars movie I actually paid strict attention to the space battles I'm like
okay I actually like this like I'm actually into the space battles as much
as I am as to everything else that's going on in the movie you definitely
have to and with that scene where they take out the dread-nots with roses
sister that was definitely lens yeah that's
that's her sister
yes it was and it definitely kept me engaged in the first part of the movie
but I would have to say yeah but I would have to say that for Poe I'm glad that
we saw more of him at the game because it's just like the last movie we see Poe
at the beginning of the force awakens half began the last dinosaur just knows
that pattern like okay that's nice I'm glad Ryan Johnson did that
I'm sorry for talking about the hearing coming up beginning but there's a
champion with Kobe to do self trade seeing it the personally oh yeah oh yeah
I noticed that ceiling like oh wait po and Wright never met each other like I
just realized that something I didn't think about at all he's definitely his
and I'm glad we saw more PO in this movie because he was one of the
characters he was in the force awakens he was prominent but I want to see more
of it I want to see more personality from him because I no idea he doesn't
show up to like towards the end of the movie I'm glad they didn't do another
gigantic space thing like like the Deaf star because that was just been tired
and wouldn't have liked to see it at all so I'm glad they switched that up now
when Polk comes back on the ship of course Leia gets on him about all those
lives our costs and think that was like just like you said it set it up how this
is probably this is maybe the most next two rogue one in Venice it may be the
one with the more gruesome Star Wars movies as far as the body count is
concerned yes yes but just know
I returned the jitter last jedi-like I believe in small just like your father I
think that sort of keeping the week yeah and we're definitely gonna talk about
kylo Ren later he's gonna get his own section cuz I'm just gonna name it right
now yeah it's easily one of my favorite parts of the movie the it's funny
because just like the Huck's and poke humor I wasn't expecting to just throw
his lightsaber like that like oh yeah I
was just laughing like Snoke has everybody in check
I think interesting the way they kind of present ray from the first movie they're
not mystic there I was going there and trying to do it right yeah that's
definitely one aspect I liked about Luke in this movie I don't know if like other
Star Wars friends liked it but it's just one of those aspects of the last guy
that why I like it so much because it's not what you expect you expect Oh Luke
he's gonna come up and join the resistance but like he said to raid the
expect me just face the entire first order of my laser sword I mean obviously
that didn't happen at least not in the way we think but at the same time Luke
he's a recluse and he reminds me of a little bit like he's a cynical version
of obi-wan from episode 4 because like an episode for Luke is the one who comes
to obi-wan asking well he just actually he stumbles upon obi-wan and we see
lay-up asked him obi-wan for help and now that the roles are reversed with
Luke we see that he's the one who's cynical and that reminds me of when he's
with r2d2 and she actually plays the Leia clip about help me obi-wan Kenobi
we need your I know help me overcome Toby you're my only hope
tamo vice-admiral hold oh yeah yeah that was yeah I was gonna mention that if you
weren't I was confused because I mean we're skipping around of course but when
even when po held her at gunpoint she still didn't let on the plan like you
could have told pony would have stopped right then and there
would you let it carry on into a mutiny
so that you know they sold delicious I mean I understand but I guess if you
want to play devil's advocate you could say that pose a hot head and that she
maybe didn't trust them like that I mean that's the only defense I could think of
for that plot line but yeah I can go ahead that Lucan the whole Luke and Rhea
dynamic is is maybe my favorite aspect of the movie because it reminded me so
much of Yoda and Luke back in episode five and I don't I don't blame them for
copying new hope because I realized that I mean here's what I think the prequels
we're similar to how to defeat helps us take away I think it's more yeah
and just and do you want to talk about puppet Yoda since we were representing
him so much yes I'm glad he wasn't the prequel CGI Yoda I'm glad they took it
back to puppy Yoda cuz it definitely and did you and also with Yoda he was he was
a wisecrack I mean he made the jokes just like he was with Luke like years
before and the the shots were a bit similar I noticed that how and remember
when I think I'm trying remember correctly remember when Luke and Yoda
were in episode 5 remember they like sitting the way they were sitting with
each other is summer to how they were sitting in this movie so I thought that
was just a nice touch yeah
you know did you like yes I did oh yeah he just that was a nice
I wasn't expecting Yoda to be the one to just just burn everything up because
when I think of y'all I think he's the Jedi who is by the book but then again
at the same time Ray has all that she needs yeah yeah that I know like Ray has
the she has a text yeah did Luke did Luke yeah I was like did Luke know that
because he thinks that Yoda burn them but you're just think so but it's
definitely one just another comedic moment in the movie that I enjoyed now
do you want to talk about ray and Kyle owes them seeing each other through the
force because of Snoke
well not necessarily him without a shirt but just them talking to each other in
general and also I love the part where Luke asked her hey what's going on it's
like nothing I'll just cleaning off my blaster and I love like been like are
they nuns those creatures on the planet with them like you know what I'm talking
about right you know I'm talking about right those creatures on the planet with
Luke and Ray are they like nuns I guess
yeah like caretakers those are mine say oh yeah I like the port's what's the
story behind the port's
okay I didn't know that I thought they were made for liking marketing and PL to
kids okay yeah I'm glad they didn't go that ye walk rap because me we are
seeing he walks before they're nice but I mean the poor is just exactly now do
you want to talk you want to quickly talk about lay oh and that scene where
she's blasted out of the ship and she uses the force - yeah I was a bit
confused and in no time the Jedi the only thing I could think of is that you
could say that the force awakened in her at that moment in time
I think they just wanted to give Leia moment more than anything else with Kyle
Kyle oh yeah yeah cuz they have that yeah this is nice segue into Finn and
Rose actually because they have that tracking device they were actually I
mean I actually like the whole cat-and-mouse thing that was going on in
the movie where their first order is tracking down the resistance but here's
my thing if the first order is tracking them down like that how we're Finn and
Rose able to go away from the resistance ship and go off to another planet
without being tracked somehow
okay well they were doing well go ahead
I mean that's what Vice Admiral Holder was getting to by sending everybody off
to that crate the planet well you make good point there in that aspect as far
as if the pole points leave why not just get rid of rose yeah and but now just
what did you think about the Finn Rose dynamic
yeah cuz I said no site a like towards even like ray is clearly looking at Finn
while he is looking at Rosa like hope they'd also have a love triangle I mean
technically it wasn't pointless but at the same time I could see why you can
say it was pointless yeah we can just go ahead and dive into talking about that
subplot so the subplot is they need to find this hacker who can hack yeah yeah
yeah I have to realize that they've been tracked through Lightspeed they realize
okay we need to go this other planet we need to get that master hacker so we can
go on to the lead ship of the first-order hack the system so they
won't be tracked anymore and in the process they go to this
planet a casino planet I don't know its name and oh yeah can't
I bite and I'll have to say that I didn't dislike this subplot on the
casino plan I thought it just can't tribute it to the slow pacing in the
movie during the middle and but we did get some nice
the kind of rent that the Beyonce being kicked out because of a parking
violation but we also have to talk about that scene when Finn that scene when
Finn and Rose are outside the animals in her backstory
they can feel a bit of that monster thinking hog race they do poverty and
for the main characters on the kata razors and they have applied to the city
personally I thought that would have been fun and we've been nice come back
to episode one I don't know if they want to reintroduce podracing all those
memories at some Star Wars fans have with that yeah I saw actually mixed
reaction of the podracing but yeah me too and then did feel like filler a
little bit and then they get thrown in jail then we have Benicio Del Toro's
character what is his name again I'm trying to DJ right DJ that's his name
yeah as long as it I'll just beat just beat it over your head and just subtly
do it yeah like that's war at the end of the day the arms dealers trying to make
money so it doesn't matter he's not loyal to a certain side
and unlike that I like you know when I thought about that and how he told Finn
that I was thinking like at the same time fan he himself switched sides from
first word to the resistance so now just in my mind as I was watching it and then
they go on to the lead ship of the first order
DJ hacks it
trying to and obviously as the resistance trying to flee it's funny
that resistance is trying to flee now at the same time Finn Rose they get caught
by captain phasma you know one of the issues I had with this movie was I was
wishing that captain captain phasma it was just give her a few scenes here and
there like just remind the artists to hey she exists then just going about
their way
just because a feeling text because return then that rivalry could work if
you're going to do that other trilogy yeah Rosen Peggy captured DJ turns into
a first order trade turn it reveals yeah that they're sending off ships
yeah definitely worried I remember when Luke looked out then
right yeah that's definitely see I was suspecting Snoke to have a big role in
this movie then he did because of course he was hyped up in the force awakens as
this menacing figure I mean he did shows some of that in this movie but I was
expecting a little more but for some reason I think they're gonna bring snook
back in some way and for episode 9 I
just have a feeling he'll come back in some way I just don't know how
I won't the fact that he has all this house on this application so much
stronger than any other opposed to me what make this movie was the fact that
some parts represent several scenes where Ray has been connected like her
yeah and how house-smoked was behind all that yeah and how Snoke uses his force
powers on right he did basically holds her up in the hair in the air with the
force and he just tortures her and then after that he this is this is this is
Stokes moment of arrogance just like the emperor's moment of arrogance that led
to both of their deaths we have this moment where Snoke envisions kylo he
will raise his lightsaber he will strike down Rey then BAM all of a sudden what
do we see Snoke is cut in half by a lightsaber that he grabbed from array
because kylo use the Force
yeah I love that scene where they were both fighting
I loved it so much yeah yeah because that's why I thought we have this we
have this moment where kylo ass ready to join him and rule in the galaxy it
reminded me of Revenge of the Sith when Anakin asked pad me rule the galaxy with
me that's exactly what I thought and I love this ring
I love razor acts like please don't do this not again it's like see I thought I
guessed correctly I thought to myself Rey's parents aren't
that special I think they're just hyping this up and it's just gonna lead to
nothing give me essentially was like didn't
little officially like people compared about series don't matter
and here's why I thought that the reveal of raise parent says basically nobody's
was great because it showed that you don't have to be from a powerful family
or famous family to be able to have force powers you can just be you can
literally be a nobody and the force awakens in you and you can be special
him fennan way kylo fennan who I don't think kylo just has I don't think I'll
has a romantic interest in Rae I think they just he just relates to her on some
level damn explosions
you know what happened see look here's what happens like hold oh she decides to
to go at lights achievement she makes a jump in space but she Rams the first
order ship which I thought I was wait I just there was a dead silence and
they're like is everything okay is something off the sound like okay that's
just dead silence cuz I was big concern for a second Finan phasma fight that was
a nice touch right there but let's talk about when kylo and Ray were struggling
for Anakin's lightsaber and it split in two I think I think she's gonna go back
to Luke's planet and craft a lightsaber
I don't want to see yeah just like Han Solo
but after Han Solo was killed you didn't see a we didn't get a funeral for Han in
this movie like he just died and that was it oh yeah kylo takes over as
supreme leader of the first order no I like when I like when Hux was about to
kill Kyle or just make sure he Devon Kyle son just wakes up it's like no I
feel like they're gonna play on that story long a bit more between Kyle oh
and Hudson episode 9 yes it is it's like it's like siblings it's like a sibling
rivalry between them yeah honestly yeah
I hope they put DJ more maybe is some kind of comedic relief in episode 9 and
honestly just to go back about the kylo and Huck's kylo is actually my favorite
character this new trilogy and I think Huck's I mean he reminds me of like the
Imperial officers from the original trilogy but like like you say he's given
more personality than those characters were
the conspirators eventually teittleman is angrier Darth vader-like it's me
huh is angrier yeah yeah I've never heard anybody say that Tarkan's one of
their favorites yeah that's why I love talking so much Kinesis no nonsense talk
about that last battle yeah how Kyle Oh like he has the walkers and like they
have the resistance pinned down to their base on crate and how okay so PO and a
group of other people including Finn and rose they go on these things and they
they go towards the battering ram well then that realize that yeah it's too
late we're not gonna be able to destroy it in time but Finn he's he's he's going
on a suicide mission this point he's got aiming straight for
the battering ram that the last moment Rose just knocks him off his path and
saves him in the process what did you think about honestly thought they're
going to kill off Finn right in there
yeah but then at the same time I'm glad they didn't because I loved John boyega
as Finn yeah and then there they're pinned even farther back than
what they were Luke Skywalker but oh wait there's more
they did like he's he has a cut he doesn't have like the gray hair yeah I
certainly noticed that too like like you could tell I like you could yeah and I
can see that throughout the movie they were setting us up because I remember
when Luke told ray this is not going to go the way you think then BAM he shows
up as a projection
see this is this is why I love this like this is the smartest thing he could have
done he tells everybody like fire your guns on that man and bam that's one of
the smarts thing I've seen the villain do and move like don't waste time just
shoot at him yeah there's like Ben Kyle oh of course he's emotional he's like
I'm gonna go down there and face them and then we did that's definitely
something I laughed out like hugs is taking else from kylo Ren
kylo Ren is wait I want to mention for just a second
you notice how Finn was the one that found out that Luke was stalling no or
yeah one of them you know why didn't Luke tell anybody that he was stalling
you could have saved they could have honestly been gone from the salt planet
by that time if like he had told like hey guys I'm gonna go out there face
colouring I'm gonna stall you guys go ahead and go they just sit there waiting
that and either I don't remember either finger poke find out oh he's stalling
let's go they could have saved so much time but back to the Luke and kylo Ren
fight or lack thereof a fight but I'm not complaining about it I liked how
kylo Ren he's like so aggressive like he just wants to kill Luke and strike him
down then Luke's just obviously just owning him at this point and the whole
moon Luke said like I was actually gonna say that kylo reminds me of Anakin when
he was fighting Count Dooku in episode two how he was so aggressive and how
calm Dougal was a calm one yeah but that was a nice twist
I think it working is also least non-confrontational I also love colleges
yeah I love how he was staring at twin suns as he died that reminded me like
it's just like the beginning of his character journey in Episode four he's
staring at twin suns he dies looking at twin suns
I thought the movie was gonna in there because they were playing that music
yeah we have a kid who so just if you don't know what the kid at the end of
the movie of course like this is boiler so of course you should have seen it
he's one of the kids who helped Finn and Rose escape from the planet and we see
and we see that this kid he walks out of a room and he picks up a broom with the
force and he has a resistance ring that Rose gave him and he's just staring off
into the space I thought that was interesting honestly I don't think
they're gonna do anything with that kid I think they're just to symbolize that
there's still hope left in the galaxy but what do you think yeah I heard about
yeah that was my second thought I had like okay they might be setting up the
future trilogy already but we'll see when it happens hey what do you say you
know us another theory I have they might do a time jump between Episode eight and
nine maybe several years and that kid might come back and play a major role in
the next movie I mean it may not be like that big of a time jump like maybe when
the kids a teenager but that just thought I had my my
your time jump from one and it didn't work I don't think this this is actually
one of my favorite Star Wars movies I appreciate that it's bold and that it
played with all the fans expectations and I'm looking forward to episode 9
hopefully JJ Abrams doesn't give too much fanservice I hope he does Orien
Johnson did just that we weren't expecting any other and just to add on
to that if you're watching this and you've only seen the last Jedi one time
I highly recommend that you see it more than once because your opinion might
change for the better if you're on the fence about the movie because I saw it
twice and things started to make more sense and actually understand what Rian
Johnson was trying to do with this movie so just keep that in mind
I think it's more important with the receipt going into the movie the length
was really long for me I never watched it yeah it didn't bother me that much it
didn't feel like two and a half hours when I was watching it it it only felt
slowed like during the Finn and Rose plotline button that I was engaged in
and feel like two and a half hours to me going into it the first time yeah
did you see it at night I went to the morning showing because I I knew that
I'm most alert during the morning is two and a half hours let me not fall asleep
on watching this that's yeah I definitely understand that but if you
had to just quickly if you had to where would you place the last July and your
Star Wars ranking like yeah yeah I agree on that I thought was okay but
fourth I'd actually put it at second I know my list is it's different from like
a lot of people would be expecting cuz a lot of you expect oh you're gonna put
the original trilogy over the prequels mean that's true in a sense but this
here's my ranking quickly from worse the best Attack of the Clones Phantom Menace
a new hope then it's rogue one what yeah number
seven oh yeah number seven oh yeah see I don't think any Star Wars movie is bad
this is all personal preference this is all based off which movies do I like
more Revenge of the Sith
I think the controversial things needs like just because I think it's tough
between that enforcement the force awakens is actually my third favorite
Star Wars movie because wait let me quickly finish my list okay so after so
after it was rogue one then there's Empire Strikes Back
then there's wait okay that's five so that's that's then there's Empire
Strikes Back then there's Return of the Jedi force
awakens last item Revenge of the Sith but I made a whole entire Star Wars
ranking video back in the summer if you want to watch that I fully explain why I
think each movie goes where it does and I'll help you get it yeah yeah the link
will be it'll pop up on just like somewhere on your screen click on that
link and you can watch the video
we have the original - and honestly I love it is now I will admit although my
list is based on personal preference I will admit that the originals are better
made films I will say that much but when I make these lists like just like I
mentioned these are all based on personal preference which ones do I like
the most but if we were basing they're strictly off of which is the best made
film then my list would be entirely different yeah I had a big issue with
the Anakin and Padme love story yeah I definitely give credit to the originals
for they don't I don't take anything away from them but still I'm still the
guy I like the newer stuff better is just just more to my liking it smell
because I grew up watching them so that's why just like how people grew up
watching originals so
and pretend the cripples are kids like original Star Wars yeah yeah yeah
actually I think Revenge of the sisters the first movie I ever remember seeing
in the theater so like I have a special connection with that movie yeah I love
that excu or 616 types all the Jedi just get
wiped out by the clones definitely and that's why I helped make it's definitely
one the reasons why episode 3 is my favorite because that emotional depth it
had in the movie and just such a gripping moment well both movies are
dark like they're arguably the darkest Star Wars movie so I mean only makes
sense that we're talking about Revenge of the Sith yeah did you have anything
else you want to say okay yeah
yeah thank you guys so much for watching make sure you like and subscribe to the
channel if you're new and doesn't be tuned for more videos I'll see you guys
next time yes
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