Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 2 2018

Yeah I know that I let you down

Yeah I know that I let you down






Yeah I know


that I let you down


Traduzida por (eu)

For more infomation >> Trailer (English Lyrics) - Duration: 0:29.


And I Quote- (2017 remake) - Duration: 0:59.

I actually forgot to work on this... heh, like I started working on this last night at 2am UuU

Man, I am a good friend

here we go

My parents are yelling at me that I am using too much of the internet at once! How rude!

Ug, uploading three vids at once to youtube is taking forever! I might have to end my skype call and close discord after I beat this webkinz game :/


I love how creative I was so I didnt have to draw hands

Voltron nerd


LOL my foot is broken

I'm so glad nun of my friends use captions... oh wait, Oh Im in trouble nowwwwwwwwww //runs//

Why are you still here? Click on something :P

For more infomation >> And I Quote- (2017 remake) - Duration: 0:59.


World leaders offer New Year's greetings - Duration: 2:48.

It's January 2nd here in Korea,... but many of you -- our viewers outside of Korea -- are

still probably enjoying New Year's Day.

To mark the start of 2018, world leaders have been spreading some New Year's cheer.

For a run-down of what they had to say,... here's Park Soyun.

As is customary at the start of every year,... the world's top leaders have offered New Year's

greetings to their respective countries and beyond.

U.S. President Donald Trump touted the successful 2017,... while repeating his "Make America

Great Again" in 2018.

(English) "Happy New Year everybody...

We are going to have a great year, it's going to be fantastic 2018.

We are off to a very good start with the great tax cuts... getting rid of the individual

mandate, which was very very unpopular as you know.

We are going to have a tremendous year.

The stock market I think is going to continue to go up, companies are going to continue

to come into the country."

Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged that China will abide by international rules.

He said he seeks a "new era" for China and will continue to support the United Nations.

And Russian President Vladimir Putin touted his country's achievement.

(Russian) "We are together in our day-to-day lives.

Unity, friendship, unconditional love to Russia multiply our forces for decent deeds and high


I to heartily thank everyone for believing in themselves and our country, for labour

and its results."

Over in Europe,.. French President Emmanuel Macron proposed to start a "French Renaissance"

and warned against falling prey to nationalism.

He also underscored the importance of a United Europe, saying France "cannot succeed without

a strong Europe."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged to swiftly form a new government and to fulfill

the needs of all German citizens.

Like Macron, Merkel also emphasized that the EU should stick together more than ever as

Britain prepares to leave.

And the leader of the Catholic church,... Pope Francis,... called for refugees to be

supported around the world.

(English) "I would like, once again, to give voice to

these brothers and sisters who invoke for their future a horizon of peace...It's important

that everyone, civil institutions, educational, welfare and ecclesial realities, commit themselves

to ensure refugees, migrants and everyone a future of peace."

With heightened tensions and uncertainties around the world, the leaders hope their messages

ensure that 2018 gets off on the right track.

Park Soyun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> World leaders offer New Year's greetings - Duration: 2:48.


মেদ ও ডায়বেটিস এড়াতে প্রতি রাতে খান এই পানীয়টি১০০%সত্যি || fat reduce juice || health tips - Duration: 2:18.

How to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week - Lose Belly Fat Fast

health tips

For more infomation >> মেদ ও ডায়বেটিস এড়াতে প্রতি রাতে খান এই পানীয়টি১০০%সত্যি || fat reduce juice || health tips - Duration: 2:18.


পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস বিভিন্ন জায়গায় সাপ ধরার লাইভ ভিডিও নতুন পর্ব - ৩১ | BD SNAKE MASTER | HD - Duration: 18:02.


For more infomation >> পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস বিভিন্ন জায়গায় সাপ ধরার লাইভ ভিডিও নতুন পর্ব - ৩১ | BD SNAKE MASTER | HD - Duration: 18:02.


Entrevistas MUA | Cecilia Atán y Valeria Pivato, Directoras de "La novia del desierto" - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Entrevistas MUA | Cecilia Atán y Valeria Pivato, Directoras de "La novia del desierto" - Duration: 3:40.


The Gifted 1x12 "eXtraction" / 1x13 "X-roads" Promo (HD) Season 1 Episode 12 Promo Season Finale - Duration: 0:31.

Things are changing.

A hard time is coming for mutants.

They're coming.

Let's go get em.

We need people like you.


You've heard of the X-Men.

Aren't they an urban legend now?

They left something behind.

Whether you like it or not, you're like your father.

Get down!

This isn't why the X-Men chose us.

Fall back!

I'm tired of hiding.

This will change everything!

The Gifted two hour season finale, January 15th on FOX.

For more infomation >> The Gifted 1x12 "eXtraction" / 1x13 "X-roads" Promo (HD) Season 1 Episode 12 Promo Season Finale - Duration: 0:31.


Iran protests leave at least 12 dead - Duration: 1:38.

Now for a look at stories making headlines around the world and we start with the increasingly

violent anti-government protests in Iran.

At least twelve people have died in clashes between protestors and police.

For more let's turn to our Ro Aram…

Aram… these demonstrations are now well into their fifth day and are getting larger

by the day…

That's right Semin…

The protests are being described as the largest to strike Iran since its disputed 2009 presidential


Demonstrators have been voicing their anger over Iran's stagnant economy and alleged government

corruption since Thursday in Mashhad.

The protests have spread nationwide and are also condemning clerical leaders in power

since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, as well as President Hassan Rouhani.

Rouhani has tried to downplay the significance of the protests and said on Sunday that Iranians

had the right to criticize but must not cause unrest.

Police on Monday said that among those killed was a policeman, who was shot by a protestor

- the first reported fatality among security forces.

Hundreds of people have been arrested and state television aired footage of a ransacked

private bank, broken windows, overturned cars and a firetruck that appeared to have been

set ablaze.

U.S. President Donald Trump continued his tweets in support of protesters into the New


He described Tehran as "failing at every level despite the terrible deal made with them by

the Obama Administration."

For more infomation >> Iran protests leave at least 12 dead - Duration: 1:38.


Blue House welcomes Pyongyang's wilingness to send delegation to PyeongChang games - Duration: 0:43.

South Korea's Presidential office of Cheong Wa Dae has welcomed North Korea's proposal

for talks,... ahead of the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games set to kick off next month.

Here's the Presidential Office spokesman.

(KOREAN) "The successful and peaceful hosting of the

PyeongChang Olympic Games will contribute to the peace and unity of not only the Peninsula,

but of the region, and of the world."

The Presidential office noted that it has long been saying it's willing to talk with

the North concerning the reconciliation of the two Koreas and peace on the Peninsula,

anytime, anywhere, with by method.

For more infomation >> Blue House welcomes Pyongyang's wilingness to send delegation to PyeongChang games - Duration: 0:43.


Importance of Hiring a Good Mortgage Lender - A TRUE Story - Duration: 2:47.

Hi everyone, This is you Tampa Bay Realtor Lance Mohr. In this video I want

to talk about hiring a really good loan officer in the importance of doing that

I want to give you a real-life scenario that happened to one of my buyers this

week to really drive home the point on how important it is to hire and make

sure you get a really good loan officer an honest company

all right so I had a buyer call me up and what happened I just got back from

vacation and I found out that there was a problem with the loan the lender that

he hired actually screwed up and it was being delayed three days and he wasn't

they were not using the builders lender so what happened is the Builder was

charging them $300 per day for every day they did not close and so he was getting

hit with a $900 bill the good thing is they had a really good loan officer a

really good company and they basically stepped up to the plate and paid that

and you might be thinking to yourself well yeah of course they should and

you're absolutely right they should but I've been on the end where I've seen

these lending companies not they're just like hey we're sorry this stuff happens

it's not our fault we'll get the loan done as quick as we

can and there's situations especially in this market right here that we're in in

a seller's market where if you don't close on time and there's a backup offer

that's better than yours on a pre-owned home they might just cancel the contract

and they let it expire and take the other offer or if you're working with a

builder or if it's on a relocation company there's a per diem every day if

you don't close and it could wind up into hundreds if not thousands of

dollars so you need to make sure the lending company that you hire is good is

reputable is honest and someone who's going to do the right thing always ask

for references the best place to start is your real estate agent if they've

been in the business a while they should have a really good relationship with a

really good loan officer and mortgage company I hope this helps please give me

a thumbs up if you like these videos and if you have any questions at all don't

forget to leave them in the comments below have a wonderful day


For more infomation >> Importance of Hiring a Good Mortgage Lender - A TRUE Story - Duration: 2:47.


Wolverine Bar Scene | X-Men (2000) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:57.

You want something new, honey? Or are you sticking with water?

I'll have a beer.

Ellis Island, once the arrival point for American immigrants,

is opening its doors again.

Preparations are nearly completed for the United Nations World Summit.

The event promises to be the largest single gathering of world leaders in history.

The event promises to be the largest single gathering of world leaders in history.

Leaders will discuss issues ranging from the world's economy and weapons treaties,

to the mutant phenomenon and its impact on our world stage.

American legislators contend that debate over mutant issues

should be the primary focus of what is, on the surface at least, a diplomatic affair.

- You owe me some money. - Stu, let's not do this.

No man takes a beating like that without a mark to show for it.

- Come on, this isn't worth it. - I know what you are.

You lost your money. You keep this up, you lose something else.

Look out!

Get out of my bar, freak!

For more infomation >> Wolverine Bar Scene | X-Men (2000) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:57.


Thánh nào ghép nhạc xin nhận em một lạy #12 - Nhìn giò đoán nhân vật nào anh em - Duration: 2:19.

Thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> Thánh nào ghép nhạc xin nhận em một lạy #12 - Nhìn giò đoán nhân vật nào anh em - Duration: 2:19.


Winter Skin Polish at Home| Skin Polishing for Smooth,Radiant & Glowing Skin in Urdu/Hindi By Rani G - Duration: 7:16.

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Winter Skin Polish at Home| Skin Polishing for Smooth,Radiant & Glowing Skin in Urdu/Hindi By Rani G - Duration: 7:16.



Dear Three Kings

mmmm no

Kings no, Dear Three Wise Queens

This year I have changed so much almost I don't recognize me

which I love. I've known my limits

my strength and my bravery. I've changed my form of think

Well and my form of to live.

I've discovered that to be insecure or don't know who I am it's no bad

I'm working in that. I haven't been good or bad person

I've been a new facet of myself.

And I've begun to think first of me, anybody will think it's selfishnness

I think it's self-love. For all that

I would like you creat illusion, madness, adventure,

critical conscience and you want you fulfill a wish for everyone

I know they have to be involucred

There's no need to give them all the presents

somethings they don't need and other

in a few months they'll forget why they wanted it

Please, don't allow

they consider are better to have more presents or this will be more expensive

At the end of the day, the don't going to feel more happy

For myself I don't need anything...well a boots

Someone have told me there is some boots with recyclable material

and the worker earn deserve salary

If I ask for something it has to be something incredible, Don't you think?

I put only a piece of ring-shaped cake

if i put all You going to finish with wolf down


"Never feel too old to believe in your dreams"

For more infomation >> QUERIDAS REINAS MAGAS - Duration: 1:30.


Korea's annual exports all-time high in 2017 - Duration: 2:17.

Shifting its focus to the chip industry,... the U.S. federal trade agency may look into

a potential patent infringement on memory chips produced by Korean firms.

This comes after a local U.S. chipmaker raised complaints against

the companies, including Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, two of Korea's leading chipmakers,...

for violating U.S. customs law 3-3-7.

The clause allows the U.S.-based International Trade Commission to ban the import of products

that have violated the intellectual property right of individuals or businesses.

The ITC has yet to announce whether it will start an investigation,... but if it does,...

it would deal a huge blow to Korean firms that control a sizable portion of the U.S.


The latest pressure comes

just weeks after the trade agency proposed imposing tougher trade barriers

on imported Korean washing machines.

For more infomation >> Korea's annual exports all-time high in 2017 - Duration: 2:17.


이달의소녀탐구 #245 (LOONA TV #245) - Duration: 0:55.



(Someone is familiar and someone is not familar!)

(Yves who looks comfortable!)

(Chuu who looks not comfortable at all!)

(And HeeJin & a blurred girl)

(Don't be worry. It's a camera adaptation training!)

HaSeul: You need to talk more~ Chuu: Ah, really...?

Chuu: The weather is nice~

Chuu: I...

Chuu: like singing... Yves: Close up~

(It's another adaptation training!) Chuu: I'm 19 years old...

Yves: (Demonstration) I'm 19 years old, Yves!

(She looks really comfortable now)

'You guys are good at pretending to be friendly"

Yves: (Nope) She's my real friend.

(The girls are cheering up Chuu and a blurred girl) All: Fighting!

(And Kim Lip gives her a cheer, too!) HeeJin: Can you do well today?

(Anyway, let's start the photo shooting!)

#NowPlaying "LOOΠΔ/Chuu - Heart Attack"

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #245 (LOONA TV #245) - Duration: 0:55.


►মোবাইল হতে Delete হওয়া Picture কি ভাবে ফেরত পাবেন।Ricovery Diskdigger App - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> ►মোবাইল হতে Delete হওয়া Picture কি ভাবে ফেরত পাবেন।Ricovery Diskdigger App - Duration: 2:39.


Flower Coloring Pages | colors for kids to learn | Draw For Kids Hub | Happy New Year 2018 - Duration: 2:48.

Flower Coloring Pages

colors for kids to learn

Draw For Kids Hub


For more infomation >> Flower Coloring Pages | colors for kids to learn | Draw For Kids Hub | Happy New Year 2018 - Duration: 2:48.


New Year Celebration: Subscribers win N100,000 in StarTimes Yoruba 'Watch N' Win' Promo|NVS News - Duration: 2:06.

New Year Celebration: Subscribers win N100,000 in StarTimes Yoruba 'Watch N' Win' Promo

Four lucky StarTimes subscribers have emerged winners in the December edition of StarTimes Yoruba watch and win promo with each subscriber taking home N25,000 each.

The promo is targeted at viewers of StarTimes language channel STYoruba (Channel 412 and 160), a popular Yoruba lifestyle and movies channel on that promotes the Yoruba culture and style.

It also showcases various movies from the Epic to comedy, romance and lots more.

Akinyemi Teniola, a stundent of Lagos State Polytechnic, Afolayan Bashirat, Olayemi Oladipo and Adebisin Babatunde all went home with N25,000 each.

More than 1,000 customers had participated in the December edition of the monthly reward program.

The January edition will see 20 subscribers take home N18,000 each.

To participate, stay tuned to ST Yoruba on channel 412 and 160 on StarTimes.

For more infomation >> New Year Celebration: Subscribers win N100,000 in StarTimes Yoruba 'Watch N' Win' Promo|NVS News - Duration: 2:06.


3 Problems Type Beat "Sell My Soul" | YFN Lucci x Lil Durk Type Beat 2018 |(Prod By @101DaExclusive) - Duration: 3:46.

3 Problems Type Beat "Sell My Soul" | YFN Lucci x Lil Durk Type Beat 2018 |(Prod By @101DaExclusive)

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