Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 2 2018

For more infomation >> Brian - See Me (Lyric) - Duration: 3:33.


EASTER EGGS!! | Call Of Duty Black Ops | - Duration: 2:49:24.

For more infomation >> EASTER EGGS!! | Call Of Duty Black Ops | - Duration: 2:49:24.


Daily Tarot Reading & Oracle Card Message January 3, 2018 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! - Duration: 13:00.

hi everybody welcome to your daily reading for January 3rd 2018 it is still

so strange to say that so before we begin I want to say that I have a

message for you and I feel like for January 3rd um first I always want to

say happy birthday if your birthday is today happy happy birthday and these

messages are also for you because sometimes these messages what I think

what I'm going to start doing now some of these messages are going to go out

further but some of them are for the day you'll know how they apply to you

especially you know when reading for so many people but I do have a message that

I think is very important that I picked up on prior to doing these cards here

and I think that some of you have a decision to make on January 3rd or you

may have this feeling of being boxed in and what is important is where you're

going to be putting your energy I feel like some of you you're you're at kind

of a crossroads or a pathway where you are reflecting and I feel like there is

a possibility if you there's a push and pull and you you're aware of this and

you have to make a decision now this could be in business this could be at

home this could be in a marriage or in a love relationship

where I feel like you are carrying a lot of weight or you have a lot of pressure

on you I'm like seeing the 10 of wands and I feel

like one path leads you to a lot of growth a lot of independence and the

other one is kind of like this drudgery work where you're having to take on this

overload so I some of you maybe are contemplating

a vacation or taking some time off on the 3rd or you're setting that up or

you're making a decision to walk away from some situation like I can't do this

anymore so and it could just be that you're taking you're needing to take a

break from something so that's some energy that you know a message that's

important so just you know be aware of what you can do to not take on so much

on the 3rd if you can or ask for assistance because I feel like there's

there's somebody there that could possibly help you or you know in this

card it's kind of popping out here so I'm gonna go with this oh my gosh this

was yesterday's card

whom do you need to forgive as you release old anger or resentment you will

find that your wishes will come true so again um and I got this yeah well I

got this this I'm seeing this kind of as a nest and this taking off so I feel

like this may go along with what I was just talking about possibly needing a

break from work or some kind of overload because I feel like taking flight that's

what I'm getting so some of you may be taking a vacation or some time off but

this card is is of great relevance I feel like somebody said you know

possibly in yesterday's reading like what is she talking about

but they're saying that there is somebody that you need to forgive and

once again just like I said yesterday maybe it starts with you the forgiveness

begins in here and because oftentimes in order to forgive somebody else we that

healing process starts from us you know we have to be open enough to be

able to forgive somebody else so let's see what comes up with the cards

obviously that's a very important message for it to come out again so okay

so what are the messages January 3rd ok I'm gonna go with this one

Wow the chariot see and this kind of speaks well first of all this indicates

travel Sagittarius and/or cancer may have some meaning for you but I'm also

getting the path of least resistance is a message that I'm getting

but remember is as I was speaking earlier about being boxed in or that you

have a decision to make I'm so sorry for redoing this part but as soon as I was

done with the reading like the messages I just felt like they weren't clear

enough so I wanted to clarify that for some of you this choice is in a job

where for example the money is really good but your heart isn't in it and so

you're deciding if you're going to stay or go or possibly go out on your own

others I feel like it's a relationship where either you have a choice to make

in love or someone makes a choice in love that may affect you and lastly for

others I think it's learning to either ask for help or being able to integrate

both what you want and what you need so you're not feeling really way down or

stressed so let's see what it says underneath here oh my gosh birthday so a

significant birthday holds the answer to your question and this is very

interesting to me because yesterday with this card one of the cards that also

came up was be yourself but was also the son card and temperance

temperance also has to do with healing for me and balance just as the chariot

because you have to be very balanced and very skilled at being able to drive a

chariot like this this is not an easy task this is not easily managed I like

that it's in the upright position because I feel like you do have the

skills then to manage this but with the cards that came up yesterday and the son

that usually reminds me of childhood or adolescence and so there's something

possibly a memory of a birthday or something possibly that happened it's

someone's birthday but feel like for somebody there is a birthday that

possibly holds an answer or is of significance with this event so let's

see what's underneath this deck the eight of swords so I feel that

something the way you're looking at an event this often times like in the

rider-waite it shows a female just like well this is a cat but it's but she's a

prisoner and it's more of for me I feel like a prisoner of your own belief

system or a belief system or thoughts that possibly were learned and maybe

they were taught or you know as children were believed were taught to believe a

system you know we are like sponges we learn what we what we are surrounded by

or the people that we are surrounded by our environment and so maybe there is

somebody the person that we need to forgive possibly is somebody that taught

us something that was not true about ourselves and you know that card

yesterday about be yourself maybe the person you need to forgive is

somebody that taught you not to be yourself or believe in yourself and I

feel that you are going to be taking charge just like you know the past two

days the readings have really been about power and taking your power back and I

think that you are going to be releasing yourself from this entanglement or this

could be somebody in your life right now but you know often we call into people

into our lives based on a belief system that may have stemmed from our past you

know from our childhood oftentimes you know who we are today is based on that

belief system unless we change it so I'm getting to

release yourself from the things that are holding you back

just like I started the reading with you know like I the path of least resistance

there's something that I feel like you're at a crossroads where one road

will you know keep on leading you down that kind of where you're holding on to

this baggage or you know where you're carrying all this weight like that ten

of one

but or you're going to you know go down this other road that leads to a much

more liberating and independent pathway so these are just some messages that are

coming up but I feel like they are of importance again this card is here so I

feel like it liberate yourself set yourself free and you On January 3rd

there's this influence again and there's a choice to be made so the guides are

coming back and saying look there's still something going on here for some

of you that possibly is of great importance and maybe this has to do

especially if your birthday is even today there's somebody that you need to

forgive but this can go back to a particular memory on a birthday so thank

you so much for watching I wish you the very best I'll talk to you tomorrow

take care bye

For more infomation >> Daily Tarot Reading & Oracle Card Message January 3, 2018 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! - Duration: 13:00.


How to Deal With Getting Pulled Over by Police, Tickets & the Courts - Duration: 1:00:29.

Hi there smart drivers Rick with smart drive test talking to you tonight about

policing, traffic violations, and traffic court,. And we're going to talk a little

bit about drink driving - drinking and driving. For those of you

new to the channel, smart drive test helps new drivers get a license

regardless of class, whether you're going for a bus or truck license, small bus, car

motorcycle, or whatnot, we help you with all of that. As well

we help veteran drivers to remain crash free. And the last couple of weeks and

whatnot ,we've been doing some new videos on winter driving and how to drive in

the winter time and how not to over steer, over brake, and over accelerate.

Because those will cause you to lose control of your vehicle so that's what

working on now so if you have any questions at all about getting a license

anything about driving more than happy to answer your questions

Pablo is here he's getting his license in a few weeks are where are you Pablo

that you're getting your license are you in the States here here in Canada big

money boss is there Vegas how's winter in Las Vegas they're big money boss and

yes I'm wearing my scarf if you were just on Tim's basic Joomla tutorials

live feed he was having a poke at me about my scarf yes it's about minus 13

degrees Celsius here which i think is about 18 degrees fahrenheit and it is

cold and I refuse to turn the heat on I'm just one of those guys I'm like that

dad oakar that refuses to put the heat on so we're all New Year's resolution up

and we're going forward and we're working on improving our driving

improving and getting our license improving our lives by getting a new

driving career and starting a career as a truck driver or a bus driver or some

other career that we've had Pablo's in Tennessee happy new year there and so

that Pablo is this your first licenses you're getting there in Tennessee your

car license or are you working on a CDL license just let me know that there okay

so everybody's here so essentially what I'm gonna talk about tonight is I'm

going to talk about getting over by the police if you drive safe long enough you

unfortunately are going to get pulled over by the police or you're

going to get a parking ticket and it's just inevitable that eventually you're

gonna get a parking ticket when I was younger I had a great deal of trouble

discerning the parking signs and where you could park and particularly in

Ottawa Ontario I got a lot of parking tickets for some reason there because I

had difficulty figuring out initially that you couldn't park on most of the

Main streets after 3:30 4 o'clock in the afternoon because they cleared them for

rush hour so you couldn't park there and I'm in evitable E I got a quite a number

of parking tickets so excellent Peterbilt mark start your CDL tomorrow

that's very exciting I just gave you just a little bit of advice about that

just hang in there mark with your training because in the first

couple of days they throw everything at you and maybe they will maybe they won't

but that's the way we used to do we used to throw everything at the student in

the first two or three days you're like oh my god so just hang in there because

after the first three or four days it kind of becomes wash rinse repeat so you

get that all sorted out all right Pablo excellent first license 16 years

old very exciting that is exciting ah Callebaut excellent you passed your road

test that is awesome and congratulations I'm sure you're very

happy how are you enjoying driving around

stallo by yourself how's that going it's not hard here during the winter big

money boss he moved from Colorado where I'm sure they had tons of snow like we

do here in Vernon to Las Vegas Nevada where they don't have any snow in the

desert okay but you're 17 and you're getting your first license awesome okay

so if anybody has any questions at all let me know and I'm more than happy to

help you out I do apologize for the lighting on the back here I've got some

reflected glare stuff I'm working on I was messing around the lighting before I

was trying to get going here and I didn't quite get it as the way I would

like it so all right so if it'll just sort of hang out here for a minute what

I've got coming up Wednesday E is learn how to drive in the snow so this is for

people who are new to snow I haven't driven in the snow

don't really know what the vehicle feels like when it breaks loose

when I say breaks loose the wheels are spinning on the back end or it won't

steer because it's slippery conditions or you hit the brakes and won't stop so

I've put together some exercises for you on winter driving and will show you how

to do that on Wednesday the other one I've got we did get a lot of snow here

in Vernon we probably have thirty five forty centimeters on the ground plus

we've got about or I guess eighteen inches of snow so the other thing I've

done is put together a video about driving in deep snow because we got a

lot of snow all at once and they didn't the crews didn't get out to clean it up

because it takes a long time and so I did a video on driving in deep snow and

I'll probably get that up at the end of the week for you so that's we're working

on big money boss I I have a question

okay rolling stop and it's clear should I stop making up stuff you know

character nearby I can't really say big money boss I mean we're all susceptible

to the culture of driving and I know that you're probably going to get beat

that for full stops especially there in Las Vegas so yeah I don't know let me

think about that but I would say that you can

is this a new vehicle dev delve del V del V is this a new vehicle that you

just purchased that you've got an unusual order in there the order of

marijuana just let me know that because I know something that if you got bad

odors in your vehicle one of the things you can use is vinegar and water a lot

of vinegar and water and that'll help to get rid of that in the vehicle all right

so we're talking tonight about so what I'm going to do here since we're not

getting many questions is what I'm going to talk about is I'm going to talk about

traffic violations I'm going to talk about traffic court and then talk about

police and I'm going to talk about drink driving and as we all see the anti drink

driving campaigns and we shouldn't drink and drive unfortunately it is inevitable

that it is going to happen not you in particular but other people are going to

be doing it and sometimes we do not make the best decisions about drinking and

driving if you choose to go out and party and you choose to drink and you're

gonna drive then you're gonna risk that the you're gonna risk a lot you're gonna

risk getting in a crash you're gonna get risk getting caught by police going to

court being prosecuted potentially being convicted and the problem with all of

that is that if you go to court and you're prosecuted and even if you're

found not guilty you're still going to spend an incredible amount amount of

money on defense I know people who have been prosecuted for drink-driving but

have been found not guilty they still spend approximately ten thousand dollars

to get off that conviction are off that prosecution charge so just know that

that if you choose to drink and drive or you make that bad decision in a moment

of inexperience know that there are consequences for that and even if you

are found not guilty those consequences are going to cost you a fair bit of

money so okay and exactly what Peter Goldmark says is that ubirr is cheap

however I'll resize the point not choosing not to drink and drive is not a

choice that you make when you are drinking it's a choice you make

before you go out and drink and drive and I mean we have enough public

awareness programs now that everybody knows that but I just want to

re-emphasize this a little bit and just kind of go over this a little bit okay

yes and that's a good point just let them honk at you that's the other thing

you need to do but you need to take a deep breath you need to know that

they're gonna honk at you in those types of things because it's disconcerting

when other drivers do honk at you okay Pat Jesse J yes that is excellent point

yes when you pull over be courteous to the police because if you are

belligerent to them they are going to make your life on Pleasant so know that

okay ah Moshi I am in Vernon British Columbia Canada so and but I have driven

extensively throughout the states I drove truck there in most of the 1990s

so ok Jesse J where is the evidence that your laws apply yeah we've had common

law for a long time Jesse so you're not gonna win that one

okay I oversteer a little bit yes

okay so Pavle what you need to do is you need to go and look at the video on

learn how to drive and go to the parking lot and work with the pylons that'll

help you to get better control of the primary controls of the vehicle the

steering the brake and the throttle on the vehicle so that'll help you with

that Geoffrey is in New York are you in Jeffery are you in New York State or are

you in New York City just let me know that there alpha Charlie alpha Charlie

my understanding about videotaping the police first of all I don't think I

would do it because I would feel uncomfortable about it I mean unless

something was go not happening that should you know obviously was an

infraction of human rights but a lot of people say you can do it as long as

you're not interfering with their duties you can you can videotape them and

unfortunately they're a public figure so that is something that's going to happen

okay I already did win many times Oh interesting

okay well that's probably a conversation for another time jesse is parallel

parking do you wait until the car is fully parked or can you do once it's a

90 percent on the side Rin where I would suggest that if

somebody else does parallel parking in front of you that you just be curious

and wait for them to finish parallel parking or at least finish that they get

into the space and then that way it just it helps them out because you know if

you're trying to squeeze past them it's in it's a new driver and we all know

what it's like to be new drivers they're just gonna feel hemmed in and it's gonna

it's going to throw them off their game a little bit so it's just really

courteous for them to wait so Jeffrey's in New York City cool I am

boss how are you and moshe is in california excellent okay mark Stephens

confronting Scott Scottsdale City Council well city council jesse you need

to know this that City Council is not a court and the court is a different place

than a city council meeting okay so you'd be hard-pressed in this day and

age to go up against the establishment and we you can email me and we can have

a different conversation about going up against the establishment yeah Rinne

where you're gonna do that if you're if you're waiting at a stop sign and you

come to a complete stop unfortunately other people are going to be impatient

and they're going to honk at you but as Jesse I believe said just let them honk

you know you let them go and have the crash somewhere else it's it's gonna

happen inevitably okay you just need to be safe you need to look after what

you're doing and you need to focus on what you're doing that is one of the

most important aspects of driving focus on what you're doing

big money boss go get some of those 36 inch one meter tall pylons and go and

work in the parking lot and back up and do reverse figure eights and forward

figure eights all that's gonna help you back up you just you need more practice

that's what you need to do Lea Andrews I don't think I can answer that question

for you Lee I've been sort of thinking that you see I'm wearing a scarf so it's

cold here there we go

Sarah learn after ten hours of practice you should be not too bad

Sarah okay a shimmer that is a discretionary thing whether the officer

will issue points on your license so okay okay Jesse you and I are not gonna

we'll have a discussion about this later okay Joseph Joseph yes if he didn't want

to go through the courts or through the insurance he already had problems with

with the with the police and he's got some other stuff going on there okay all

right so I'm gonna flip over to the PowerPoint presentation here and just

one sec

let's get computer working here okay del V can you do another manual driving

video where you can shift where we can shift faster okay so you want me to do a

video where I'm just regular driving like I would normally shifting gears

pretty quick going through the gears quick more quickly

where are you in the world Jessie that you're having such success with getting

off tickets yes big money boss it's cold in my house okay here we go

alright transition there we go okay getting pulled over traffic violations

for those of you who have it don't know me or haven't been to smart drive test

before my name is Rick August I do have a PhD in traffic safety essentially I

looked at the transition between motor traffic and our the transition between

horse-drawn traffic and motor traffic in the early part of the 20th century and

the subsequent increase in Road speeds impact on policing and law sohow placing

a law moved to regulate these higher road speeds at the beginning of twenty

centuries well I've been a driving instructor for 20 years I've driven

truck in two countries in Canada in the United States I drove all over the you

know Canada in the United States with truck and I drove bus in Australia for

Greyhound as well alright okay and if you haven't gone over to the mastermind

Facebook group and signed up for that please do that as well because pooling

our knowledge sharing our information is really helpful to a lot of drivers and

you can get specific information we've had some really good discussions lately

one of the questions that I would really ask you to kind of help me out with is

I've had a couple of smart drivers who don't have access to a vehicle and they

don't have access to mentors people that can help them learn how to drive and I

would like to mine you're thinking about how do these people get experience to

pass a road test or to become better drivers how do they do that so what are

some of the options some of the options that I've proposed is to go and find the

seniors there's older people who have cars you don't really want to drive but

are more than happy to have you drive them around and those types of things

are working with couriers and other types of things so those are some of the

solutions that I've come up with but if you have ideas about that as well that

would be really exceptionally helpful so head over to the smart drive

the smart drivers mastermind group you can find the link down in the

description their head over there and sign up for that and help us out with

your really great information and knowledge Oh

page down there we go page down okay so if you drive long enough and you do get

you do speed eventually you're gonna get pulled over and unfortunately there are

speed traps and you're gonna get caught in a speed trap and yes police will

never say this out loud but yes they do there are some police departments and

police forces that do in fact have quotas so they do have to give a certain

amount of speeding tickets every month as well there are special designated

traffic units that that is all they do is police traffic and despite the fact

that most police departments would like you to think that they're the thin blue

line they're the they're the line between us and crime most of what police

do is not fight crime eighty percent of most police force resources are towards

policing traffic and order maintenance and order maintenance is basically

making sure that society is getting along all the people in the society are

getting along with one another so that's most of what police do and police are

busy they're usually most police forces are usually understaffed especially

during nighttime hours and you know overnight and those types of things in

the city the size of Vernon which is probably I don't know thirty or forty

thousand people we probably only have three or four police officers on duty at

night and so if one of them gets tied up then the rest of them are left to do the

rest of the work in that city or town you know in policing that City so if you

do get pulled over for speeding often time you either got caught in a speed

trap you got pulled over by one of these specific traffic units that that's what

they do is they police traffic or you were speeding excessively like 20 30 40

kilometers an hour or 20 or 30 miles an hour over the speed limit if you're

doing that then you're definitely going to get pulled over so when you get

pulled over as one of the smart drivers just said

here be polite to them first of all yes ma'am no ma'am follow directions do not

get out of the vehicle if they come up to the car simply stay in the vehicle

and follow the directions of the police officer and don't deny what you did oh I

wasn't speeding because if you start denying what happened then it's a good

chance that you're going to get a ticket and sometimes you're going to get more

than just the ticket so know that when you get pulled over so be pleasant I've

been pulled over on a number of times but I've had a long driving career and

like I said I drove professionally too I've been pulled over for random things

I got pulled over in the bus because I had a trainee and the bus and he was

standing down in the in the in the footwell are the steps that come up from

the door and the police saw him standing in the steps and wondered what was going

on and didn't realize he was a trainee and pulled us over so it got pulled over

for random things like that right and the police could have made our life kind

of miserable of had I been you know belligerent with him or belligerent with

her and you know so there are people too and if you're nice to them you know

they're gonna it's gonna be less painful for you in the long run and a lot of

times I would say in most cases that I've been pulled over I've received

warnings as opposed to tickets so probably in about 75% of the cases I've

actually gotten warnings as opposed to tickets all right so speeding I already

talked about speeding and what the definitions of speed are and you can

have a look at this video here I'm posted speed limits but the definition

of speeding is not a simple definition as I've talked about in other videos

definitions of speeding according to the posted speed limit the flow of traffic

excessive speed and as I said if you're doing 30 or 40 kilometres an hour over

the speed limit or 20 or 30 miles an hour over the speed limit you're

probably going to get pulled over by a police officer and if you're exceeding

the traffic flow excessively you're weaving in out of traffic there's a

really good chance that you're going to get pulled over okay parking tickets

we're all going to get parking tickets at some point and

we as drivers as a society in North America and Australia I studied this in

Australia and other places in the world we just really resent paying for parking

I don't know what that is but the meter maids as they're called you know have a

job where they're policing parking and we're gonna get parking tickets and

really there's not a great there's not really an avenue for fighting parking

tickets usually it's just easier to pay the parking ticket and carry on with

your life because it doesn't have any impact on your licence or your insurance

you just got a parking ticket so it's just easier just to pay and usually if

you and now they've put in a bonus system that if you pay it within two

weeks it's only half the cost of what it would be if you don't pay it initially

so that's one of the things that you can do and the other thing is is that in the

end it's just cheaper to put the five dollars in the meter and pay for parking

as opposed to the twenty thirty forty fifty dollar parking tickets you're

going yet especially if you're in the bigger metropolitan areas and you get a

bigger a parking ticket like if you're in downtown LA in Manhattan and you're

double parked then you get a parking ticket you probably going to get a

parking ticket for 150 or 200 dollars I mean some of the people that live in New

York will probably be able to get better information and how much that tickets

going to be but in different areas or you park in front of a fire hydrant or

you park in a loading zone or those types of things those those tickets are

going to incur a bigger fine as opposed to the other one now if you do get a

speeding ticket you have the option of pleading not guilty and going to court

and appearing in court now my understanding is that maybe some of the

smart drivers can help me with this is previously if you showed up to traffic

court and the police officer did not show up to traffic court you were

automatically let go now I think they may have closed that loophole here in

Canada I don't know if it might be to still be the same in North America and

in the United States and other places but just leave a comment there and let

me know and so you can show up in to traffic court there are a couple of

options that you can do in traffic court you don't necessarily have to get a

lawyer you can get a paralegal to represent

in court and I have done that in the past I got a speeding ticket when I was

driving truck that incurred three demerit points I was probably going 30

kilometers an hour over the speed limit and I didn't want the demerit points on

my license because he impacts your insurance and impacts for those who were

professional drivers it impacts your everybody professional drivers have a an

abstract to drivers abstract that lists all of your driving infractions and to

get a job as a professional driver you don't want that on your professional

driving abstract so what I did was I hired a paralegal and I said to him

listen I don't mind paying the money for the ticket but I don't want the three

points and so the paralegal represented me in court went to court got me off the

points and all I had to do was pay the fine so that's another avenue that you

can do and then if I guess if it's a serious driving infraction you can get a

lawyer to represent you and that's another way that you can do it too but

you probably want some sort of legal counsel if you're going to court because

it can be a bit intimidating or you can talk to Jessie there because Jessie

seems to have this traffic thing figured out now I talked a little bit about in

the introduction about drink driving and I'm not going to talk too much about

that however it is a serious traffic violation and Canada is one of the few

places in the world that doesn't charge drink driving under the highway traffic

tact and just a little bit of background on law there's sort of three levels of

law so there's municipal law and there's provincial or state law and then there's

federal law and most traffic violations are charged under provincial or state

law now here in Canada drink driving is not charged under the Highway Traffic

Act as it is in other countries in the world drink driving in Canada's charged

under the Criminal Code so if you're prosecuted and convicted for drink

driving in Canada you are considered a criminal you have a criminal record

because you're charged under the Criminal Code the federal criminal code

as opposed to other countries it's still considered a heinous crime it's not a

heinous crime but it's still considered a heinous traffic violation but it's

charged the highway traffic attack so it's

somewhat different and I also talked about even if you're found not guilty in

in in drink-driving it's still expensive to get yourself found not guilty so know

that okay in road rage and a couple of people were asking me about not stopping

at stop signs and those types of things just let them honk but you know know

that it's gonna happen and those types of things okay so if you're late if you

didn't schedule appointments well and sometimes this happens to us we get late

and then we start speeding because we have a cultural acceptance that it's not

a big a deal to speed as it is to be late for an appointment so we speed if

you get pulled over in those types of things it's sometimes because we get in

a hurry and we're trying to make up time so try to leave yourself more time and

know that that maybe it's better to be a couple of minutes late as opposed to

trying to speed and getting pulled over because if you get pulled over I can

tell you from personal experience that when you get pulled over by police and

they write you a traffic ticket you're going to be on the side of the road for

at least forty minutes so it's going to be an even longer delay okay and yeah

that other piece was left in there so just breathe and those types of things

you know and take your time and whatnot and we're talking about the new year and

I just want to re-emphasize this point about courtesy let's all be nice to one

another in rent and practice random acts of kindness this is the - sort of push

for the new year and whatnot and I did this at Christmas as well so you know by

other people a coffee you know pay for the person behind you in line for a

coffee you know leave a dollar in the shopping cart at the supermarket when

you put your cart back and those types of things and when we're driving you

know let other vehicles and drivers in and as well you know in the end smile at

other people when you go by and it always they always return a smile so

good luck on your road test happy new years to all of the smart drivers and

remember pick the best answer not necessarily the right answer so we'll

get back here okay

one sec there we go and we'll put the comments back otherwise Korey will be

after me for that there we go okay alright

big money boss I hate being nice okay

i RP Tim I'm nuts I'm not certain what what is IRP just remind me what that is

Jeffrey happy New Year to you as well Tim habeas corpus yes I have Jessie

so Tim in BC we cannot they cannot they there isn't so they can't negotiate that

so that if you if if so if somebody went to court and represented that for you

they couldn't get you off the points and then you just pay the fine is that's not

an option here

Borov that's a good idea yes just stay out of trouble okay

yes Borov that's some good information there yes dr legal follow the driving

laws be kind to the police keep hands visible keep papers and information

ready yes make sure and that's another that's a really good point that you made

there about having your insurance and having your registration in the vehicle

and if you borrow somebody else of the vehicle ask them before you get in the

vehicle and before you drive off where is the registration where is the

insurance from the vehicle because if you get pulled over you need to have

both those things with you because I don't know if this is true or not but

just one of the smart drivers may know this or not you used to have 24 hours to

produce your driver's license so if you for whatever reason you didn't have your

driver's license on you you could have 24 hours to produce it now if you this

is one of those points that I was making about that if you are arrogant or

disrespectful to the police and you start swearing at them or giving them a

really hard time and say for example you forgot your license they're just gonna

write you a fine for not having your license whereas if you are nice to them

and pleasant and respectful and you don't have your license you say Billis

and I don't have my license on it but I have it at home and I can bring it down

to the police station can I do that there is some discretion on the part of

the police so if that happens to you in the unlikely event you could bring your

license down to the police station and you wouldn't be charged for not having

your license or any other paperwork that you might not have all right so know


okay what okay here we go question I missed I missed

hypercars what's a hypercar I am boss what's that all right here we go okay

yes Edwin it does pay to be nice and as I

say to people it doesn't take any time out of your day to be nice to people and

especially to people who are in positions of power who could potentially

make your life unpleasant yes hey Zeus I realize I owe you an apology been

mispronouncing your name and you didn't tell me I do apologize happy New Year to

you as well excellent that's great okay there we go so in British Columbia if

you're convicted for a traffic ticket you're gonna get points do you not there

that you can't negotiate that in a court of law

according to drive smart BC who is a retired police officer so that's coming

from a really good source there thank you for that okay yes i ahte q yes

that's great yes have your information in the vehicle jf s a

uh JFS a yes there is a bit of a learning curve switching from an on

synchromesh transmission back to a small car you'll find it a bit weird and

you'll probably find you stall at a fair bit however it can be done I mean I did

do it all the time but you know the first ten or fifteen minutes getting

back into your personal car that's a manual transmission you're probably

going to stall it because on a big diesel you're just so used to just

letting the clutch out and having the engine torque up on you small electronic

gasoline engines don't do that so yeah but I would recommend that you do that

all of the over steering okay Pablo it's it's called over steering so just search

over steering there or otherwise when I get done here just remind me and I'll

put that video down in the description for either okay

Jesse you're getting into academic arguments about police and courts there

we go Remy can you give me tips on driving in the snow

yes go slow Remy SHhhh and test early before you get to the intersection

because the intersection is going to be slippery because the vehicles come up

and they break so know that and when they break they create friction which

causes heat and melts the the ice a little bit and you get a layer of water

on top of the ice and snow and that

Creek causes it to be slippery at and near intersection so know that as well

make sure you slow down well for the turns and those types of things and look

for the video Remy Sh on Wednesday it will definitely

show you some techniques and skills that you can put in place and some exercises

that you can do in the parking lot that will help you to be able to drive in the

winter time so that's really gonna do that okay I am boss it depends on how

loud it is this is another one of those things in the court of law that there

has to be specific standards set in place and it has to be a certain decibel

I mean it would seem that they probably don't because there are certainly a lot

of motorcycles Harley motorcycles out there that are incredibly loud that

don't get pulled over in those types of things

oh okay there we go sorry about that thanks

bricks for wheels happy new year Tim all the best have a good night thanks for

your great comments there that really helped out with the information so okay

Edwyn I don't want the officer to think I'm driving away but I do want witnesses

and he

I'm not I'm not following what you're saying there Edwin I am sorry about that

okay um Harry happy New Year to you as well Harry how are you Oh excellent

question Harry I just went back up I saw your question there Pablo there we go

thank you for that thank you for clarifying that for me

okay so Harry if your vehicle goes into a skid take your foot off the throttle

take your foot off the brake hold on to the steering wheel and look in the

direction that you want to go okay that's what you do when you get into a

skid and the other thing is is make sure you have your seatbelt put on the pedal

there's a dead pedal right over on the left side down in the footwell there put

your foot on that push back on it and hold yourself in the seat and steer the

vehicle in the direction you want to go and both hands on the steering wheel

only a quarter of a turn at a time okay so know that all right and that's the

way that you recover from a skid and don't give up that's the other thing

about it all right okay Harold

yeah Harold I might have to check google for you on that that sounds a bit

complicated okay so one way four lanes from fourth F turning left first

all right so the general rule Harold for turning is is that straight through

vehicles have the right-of-way overturning vehicles and if the vehicles

are turning so right turning vehicles have the right-of-way over left turning

vehicles I don't know whether it'll help you out or not okay shabbir happy New

Year to you Edwin oh can I Drive to a well-lit area

okay Edwin if you get pulled over by police one of the one thing that I do

suggest you is to pull go somewhere that's going to allow you to get off the

roadway and that's a really that's a really good point you don't have to pull

over on the side of the road immediately so for example if you're on a bridge and

there's just no place to pull over drive across the bridge and find some

place to pull over yes you could go into a fuel station or some other place

that's well lit yes you can drive somewhere that will allow you to pull

over and be safe and be in a well-lit area in those types of things as well

okay so know that if you're concerned about it I mean the other thing you can

do Edwin is get yourself a dashcam and had

just have the dash cam running all the time dash cams do record audio so if

something goes awry or something said then you do have a recording of that so

know that as well okay so that's another option for you I am boss I don't know

that somebody somebody else might have a better answer for you about rolling coal

I know it's not socially acceptable I really don't like it when somebody does

it and I certainly don't it's not environmental but you know one in the

same time cameoed Thoreau do you know that stuff just really is really fun so

okay Remi SH you can drive your car with a winter tires one of the things you

need to check first I know I'll just retract that statement because there are

quite a number of places here in British Columbia and in Quebec and other states

where you have to have winter tires on your vehicle but that's not winter tires

per se you have to have wink tires on your vehicle that have

either the snowflake symbol on the tire or they have to have an S which stands

for mud and snow on the sidewall of the tire so there's a lot of all season

tires that are winter rated or a man s tires that you can put on your vehicle

so know that as well so it doesn't necessarily have to be specific winter

tires but you can because winter tires aren't going to save you okay if if

you're driving too fast for conditions winter tires are going to say it's just

you know so just know that okay all right

okay Jamaican girls I am a security officer I take firearms from home - okay

how do I deal with that okay do you first of all first question is do you

have a permit for those firearms if you have a permit for those firearms when

you get pulled over by police that would be the first thing that ice that you

that you would indicate to the police you would have your permit and you would

say I have firearms in the vehicle I work as a security officer it is part of

my job here is my permit for carrying the firearm okay so that would be the

first thing and then that way the police know and you're not you're not hiding

something and they don't you know search your vehicle or whatnot and find those

firearms in there okay so on that okay yes

Peterbilt mark yes it's not surprising that it is illegal in California - roll


okay ski tricks do tea and police don't need probable cause to make a traffic

stop in a CMV ski tricks what is a CMV I'm not familiar with that acronym Sat

and do you teach no driving home from Siberian would like to see such an

occupation welcome to the hyphy welcome to smart

drive test Sat and yes I can teach about winter driving and I have some videos

here there is a playlist here looking at winter driving those types of things and

as I mentioned previously Sat and look for the video on Wednesday I teach you

specifically some exercises that will help you to drive in the winter time and

deal with understeering over acceleration and over braking and seeing

whether you're gonna get stopped in those types of things

Adrian you are absolutely correct yes driving too slow is dangerous it is

unpredictable action so you will get in trouble okay commercial motor vehicle

CDL Ski tricks yes oh there we go okay thank you for that clarifying that for

me okay and you're right Ski tricks they don't have to have probable cause to

pull you over they can simply pull you over in an inspection to look at to

check for compliance they can do a pre-trip inspection on the vehicle at

any time they can pull you over and you can look at your logbook and they can

look at the documentation on the on the vehicle they can request bills of lading

and they can ask to inspect the load on the on the vehicle on the commercial

vehicle yes one of the things that people don't know about

CDL licenses is that truck drivers and bus drivers the commercial driving

industry is the only industry in society that has its own police force in the

United States it's the DoD the Department of Transportation here in

British Columbia it's the CBSE The Commercial Vehicle Safety and and

enforcement and that's what all of that is about so yes no that's an excellent

point that's an excellent point


rémi okay Remi sorry can law enforcement officers check your driver's

license about any reason or in check post-op Remi Sh not as a role in your

personal vehicle they have to have probable cause now probable cause is

something opened up to discretion so you know again being nice to them is going

to go a long way to help you out okay

Harold okay merging car my rights if I'm at 90 and

80 again Harold that's that's a that's a difficult question to answer because it

depends on the specific situation of where you are what you need to do you

need it sometimes you're going to slow down and sometimes you're going to speed

up it's going to depend on where the vehicles are situated on the roadway so

just know that as well okay Gordon yes I wonder if somebody pointed that out to

the police officer that yeah it wasn't a school zone but I mean the other thing

is is that sometimes we don't know the information information that's going on

around the situation where the police officer pulled the vehicle over and he

or she may have pulled the palete pulled the vehicle over for some other reason

other than being in a school zone okay Lee I've noticed roundabouts are not

common here in Canada for wheat junctions are do you feel roundabouts

would help the flow of traffic oh definitely yes roundabouts it all kinds

of studies have shown that roundabouts move more traffic as well they're better

for urban noise pollution and fuel economy those types of things because

most of the time vehicles don't have to move you know and there's far fewer

points of conflict in a roundabout as opposed to a conventional intersection

so they're beginning to make an appearance on our culture on our driving

landscape but they're slow coming but roundabouts are definitely

the way to go that's for sure that's a tan thank you so much for that ski

tricks you are most welcome okay Remi Sh what is the best way to react

when car slides on snow ok Ramesh the best way we talked we talked about this

a little bit previously was the best way to do it take your foot off the brake

take your foot off the throttle hold the steering wheel both hands look where you

want the vehicle to go and simply steer the vehicle and try not to move it more

than a quarter of a turn ok because if you move it too much you may get the

vehicle around and you lose and you go into a skid or what not so just look in

the direction that you want to go okay so know that all right yes Gordon

absolutely roundabouts are the best if people you know give way to the traffic

that's in the roundabout before approaching those types of things there

is a bit of a learning curve for roundabouts and I remember this from

when I first moved to Australia and it took me about six weeks to sort of get

comfortable with roundabouts and I think the challenge for people who are not

familiar with roundabouts is that as you're coming up to the roundabout you

have to scale a scan well ahead into the roundabout and as you're approaching the

roundabout you have to be prepared to both go and stop at the same time so

that's a bit of a transition especially because we don't have some too many of

them in Canada or in the United States a lot of people are having some challenges

learning how to do them so yeah yeah it is a bit of a learning curve for so so

many people ok yeah or give way yeah that's a good

point ok see what else we got here

can you tell us a number one prayer it is a driver that we need to do REME

chouette sab igg question one of the things I would suggest Ramesh is that

you need to be predictable on the roadway so you need to learn the culture

of driving you need to learn the road rules and those types of things and to

try and be predictable and do what other traffic is doing so for example if

you're going to make a turn don't stop halfway in the turn because

that's an unpredictable action if you're driving below the speed limit that's an

unpredictable action and holds up traffic so you want to try and remain

predictable and that's one of the best ways that you can stay safe on the

roadway okay there we go alright so

I am boss how you telephone undercover police officers pulling you over well

they have flashing lights on their car for one thing or on the vehicle

that's for sure and if they're undercover they're required to show you

identification and to identify themselves as police that is one of the

things that they have to do according to the law I am boss and often times it is

not difficult to discover a undercover police car vehicle because there's a lot

of equipment on an undercover police vehicle that identifies it as a as a

cruiser I mean there are some out there that are very well disguised but for the

most part you can tell okay Harold do you need to signal left when entering a

roundabout Harold have a look at the video here on the channel on roundabouts

basically you treat a roundabout as a conventional intersection so if you're

going to turn right you signal right as you're going into the roundabout if

you're gonna go left then a signal left into the roundabout and you know just

take your time and if it's a bigger roundabout and you have time to signal

out of the roundabout then definitely signal out of the roundabout okay so

know that for the purposes of driving and roundabouts and definitely have a

look at the video here on the channel and that will help you out with how to

handle a roundabout in those types of things

sat and thank you and Happy New Year's and Happy New Year's to you as well

there in Siberia I'm sure it's pretty chilly there in Siberia so okay okay

Gordon what are some defensive techniques against drivers that you do

not who do not yield one of the things I would suggest to you Gordon is to have

good space buffer scan while ahead look at other drivers and remember that the

right-of-way is never taken it is always given so in other words another driver

has to give you the right-of-way for you to be able to go and have the

right-of-way if another driver is insisting that the he or she is gonna go

you do not have the right of way no matter how much you balk or you try you

have to give other drivers the right-of-way so it's always given okay

okay del V shifting video coming fast there we go okay so I'll put that on the

list I'll write that down manual transmission so del V I'll just clarify

that so you just want to see me driving the vehicle just regular as I would

normally and some of the techniques and skills you can use to actually drive

faster is that what you're looking for okay

it's that year who is the right-of-way in residential areas left turning

vehicles or right-turning vehicles okay so you're just to reiterate what I said

earlier straight through vehicles generally have

the right-of-way overturning vehicles and right-hand turning vehicles have the

right-of-way / left-hand turning vehicles so right-hand turning vehicles

are going to go first so that's the general rule that again I come back to

the point that the right-of-way is always given it's never taken so if

another vehicle is going to go in front of you then you're gonna give them the

right of way because you're not going to risk a crash

all right Sant Sanjay video on pedestrians crossing at intersection so

what what is Sanjay what is it that you're looking for in terms of

pedestrians crossing and an intersection just let me know there specifically what

is it that you're looking for

you're out of here okay

okay so Ramesh what do you suggest for installing muffler exhaust sound on

automatic cars but I'm not sure what you're asking me humor image do you need

to replace the exhaust in your car is that what you're asking me okay

Gordan all right so let's talk a little bit about speeding this is a good

question that what Gordon is saying yes some police will pull you over thinking

that you're going above the speed limit but they don't have their camera on and

if you take that to court and this is this is actually a good point that you

raised Gordon if you go to traffic court and you fight that ticket it's probably

likely that the conviction is going to be thrown out because the police have no

evidence that you were speeding and the courts base it very much on radar so the

police use radar to catch you speeding and they have that type of thing now do

not say that they don't have radar because oftentimes the radar will be

plumbed into the vehicle and they're driving down the road and they can they

can determine your speed from that radar gun that's fitted on the police cruiser

and they can they can have that evidence so you would need to know whether they

have that evidence or not because a lot of times they do and you have to also

realize that unfortunately you know there are people out there who are

against the police they're against establishment they're against the state

so yes you're going to and the point that I was going to make about this is

yes you can go to traffic court and you can fight the ticket however first of

all you need to realize that your your ticket is probably only going to be $110

$150 maybe $200 on the outside for a speeding ticket most of us who work

during the day we make to $300 a day okay so you're gonna spend all day in

traffic court the one time that I did go to traffic court which I would suggest

that if you have a ticket go to court see what it's about because what

happened was is I spent half the day in court because I had to wait for

everybody else to go now I went to court it was an inexperienced police officer

and got up there and failed to tell the judge a couple of key important

information first the first key piece of information that the police officer

failed to tell the judge was what I was being charged with and because the

police officer didn't tell the court what I was being charged

with the judge threw it out and I was just my case was dismissed whereas other

police officers experienced veteran police officers gave enormous amounts of

evidence about their skills and abilities and the training that they had

had in using these radar guns these speed cameras and the conditions of the

roadway where they were where that what the traffic flow was and those types of

things and they got a conviction because they had experience in courtrooms so

know that that it might be cheaper to simply pay the ticket as opposed to

losing a day work so that's the thing you got to balance out and the other

thing is the probability of you actually winning the court case and getting off

the ticket so those are some of the questions you need to ask yourself if

you're actually going to fight a ticket now the other point that I was going to

make in the point that you made was you know a few kilometers an hour above if

you're going a few kilometers an hour above the speed limit and you're not

exceeding this the the traffic flow you're probably not going to get pulled

over unless that it's a new police officer and they don't are they're

ticked off or whatever most of the time you're not going to get pulled over for

for driving with the traffic flow if you're um

weaving in under traffic and those types of things then yes you're probably going

to get pulled over but just know that that most of the time you just keep up

with the traffic flow you're not going to get a speeding ticket if you're doing

excessive above the posted speed limit yes you're going to get pulled over yes

Saten yes there are some differences there's some similarities but there are

some differences okay yes that's true there are lots of people who cannot

drive Gordon okay what techniques so you simply look down the road just get used

to them when you're sitting at the lights Gordon

just start timing lights how long is it green how long is it yellow how long is

it red is there a dead zone in the intersection most intersections will

have a dead zone from the time that your traffic light goes red to the other

light goes green is often a two-second delay and that's called a

in the intersection and that's just for purposes of safety so if you can start

counting how long the traffic light stays a certain color then you can start

reading the traffic lights better and as well look at the traffic lights and try

and figure out whether there's an advance left turn signal and what the

patterns is for the traffic lights and that will help you to read them better

into time them I am boss yes I love sports cars and my dream sports car is a

Maserati that's fine okay Ramy I live in Lebanon

Oh excellent hello go to Lebanon and you are most welcome that is really awesome

thanks for telling us that Ramy I am just really awesome congratulations

there you go Sat an awesome so yeah any contribution so set and what I would

really encourage you to do have a look down in the description there and join

our mastermind group and it would really be interested in hearing what you have

to say about driving in Russia driving in Siberia with cars and trucks and

those types of things that would really be some great information that you could

share over there on the mastermind group so please please be sure to sign up for

that all right we're nearing the 1 hour here so we're just gonna leave it there

I'm gonna say good night if you like the live feed and you liked what you saw

here hit that thumbs up button and be sure to subscribe to the channel if you

haven't done so already head over to the Facebook group and sign up for the

mastermind group and help other drivers learn how to drive get their license and

help veteran drivers to remain crash free and thanks very much for your time

thanks very much for showing up have an awesome happy new year I'm sure you've

got all your resolutions in place and your goals and set those up and gonna

get yourself going in a great 2018 it's going to be really awesome for everybody

and for those of you in the last few weeks have passed road tests

congratulations on that for those of you have road tests coming up by all means

get in touch with me leave a comment down in the videos there and be more

than happy to help you out to be successful on your road test and finally

if you're starting out and you want some more help there's a course pass a road

test first time over the smart drive test website look down in the

description there there's a percent coupon for that you pick that

out for about 20 bucks over at the smart drive test website alright so again

thanks so much for showing up that's a tad Facebook yes Facebook one of the

largest websites in the world happy New Year to everybody thanks very much for

showing up good luck on your road test and remember pick the best answer not

necessarily the right answer have a great night bye now

For more infomation >> How to Deal With Getting Pulled Over by Police, Tickets & the Courts - Duration: 1:00:29.


Boston gas line fire stlll burns 24 hours later - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Boston gas line fire stlll burns 24 hours later - Duration: 1:31.


KARAOKE | Bé Yêu | Quách Tuấn Du, Như Ý - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Bé Yêu | Quách Tuấn Du, Như Ý - Duration: 3:52.


Repairs underway on water main break - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Repairs underway on water main break - Duration: 1:39.


Red eye tool and making before and after of your change in Photoshop (Lesson 23) - Duration: 3:01.

Hello viewers!

I am Rakib.

In this lesson, I will show you how you can fix these kind of red eyes using the Red eye tool

which is under the Spot healing brush tool, at the bottom, the Red eye tool

and after correcting these, we will see how we can make a before and after version of our change.

So we will press ctrl J to duplicate our main layer and we will make our changes in this layer.

After selecting this tool, we can just click and that will fix it.

We can also drag like this, and that will work the same.

Basically what is does is, it finds that red area and paints it with Black color like the human eye.

And here the Pupil size and Darken amount values are set as 50% by default.

You can change them if necessary but in most of the cases, you will find these will work just fine.

So that's it for this tool, now let's see how we can make a before and after version.

We will double click this background layer to make it a normal layer.

We will select the crop tool to increase the canvas like this.

Select the move tool to get rid of it.

And now we can move this layer below.

We need to increase it a little bit more,

press Enter.

So our edited layer is below

and now we can add a separator,

change the color to Blue

and we can also type some text here.

We need to increase the size, press Ctrl T and increase it like this.

We can change the color.

Make a copy of that text.

So that's our before and after version of this change.

So in this way, you can make your before and after version.

So, that's it.

Thanks for watching and hope to see you in the next lesson.

For more infomation >> Red eye tool and making before and after of your change in Photoshop (Lesson 23) - Duration: 3:01.


Loveandskills His Ways (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Xo Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 2:08.

Surrender yourself to God completely Don't Follow your own Pursuits but instead humbly

walk in his ways and rejoice in his ways.

Say with your hearts full of love the Sabbath day is a delight and sing

Surrender yourself to God completely Don't Follow your own Pursuits but instead humbly

walk in his ways and rejoice in his ways.

Do not judge and do not be anger with others bring your gift to the altar and there recall

that your brother has anything against you,leave your gift at the altar,go first and reconciled

with your brother and then come offer your gift.

Surrender yourself to God completely Don't Follow your own Pursuits but instead humbly

walk in his ways and rejoice in his ways

Lead people to justice and have insight have knowledge of God and stay loyal to him hope

in the Lord Love goodness and walk humbly with God.

Settle with your opponent quickly while on the way to court and offer no resistance to

the one who is evil but instead go the extra mile.

Surrender yourself to God completely Don't Follow your own Pursuits but instead humbly

walk in his ways and rejoice in his ways.Surrender yourself to God completely Don't Follow your

own Pursuits but instead humbly walk in his ways and rejoice in his ways.

His ways are better than ours.

For more infomation >> Loveandskills His Ways (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Xo Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 2:08.


Cancer Horoscope 2018 | Cancer Yearly Horoscope for 2018 In English by Kamal Krish Kapoor - Duration: 7:25.

Hello friends I am your astrologer Kamal Krish Kapoor

and I am here to give you the astrological predictions for the Year 2018 as per Vedic

Moon Signs.


Jupiter is transiting your 4th house from your

moon sign and rest assured mostly its results will be good.

It's aspect on 10th ( Career House ) will be good for your career related activities.

All past efforts will bear good fruits for you in this year.

As both Jupiter and Saturn will be aspecting your 8th house you may get

the results after hard efforts and some delay, but end result will be satisfying for you.

Rahu and Ketu will be transiting on moon and the

7th house respectively and its results will be

adverse for you.

Saturn will be transiting over the 6th from your Moon Sign.

As Lord of 8th house its transit in 6th house means there could be

problems in family affairs, so a calm and collective

approach would be required from your end so family

affairs do not take a beating.

Jupiter's transit is not favorable by virtue of it's placement

in 4th in transit.

Students can expect some disturbing moments in this year.

Traveling will give average results, but traveling for vacation and pleasure

trips will be beneficial for relaxation.

Saturn's transit in 6th house from your moon sign will

be supportive for health and recovery from chronic


Career, Income and Gains Jupiter is transiting your 4th house from

your moon sign and rest assured mostly its results

will be good.

It's aspect on 10th ( Career House ) will be good for your career related activities.

All past efforts will bear good fruits for you in this year.

Saturn will be transiting over the 6th from your Moon Sign.

This transit is going to give mixed effects.

As both Jupiter and Saturn will be aspecting your 8th house

you may get the results after hard efforts and

some delay, but end result will be satisfying for


Rahu and Ketu will be transiting on moon and the

7th house respectively and its results will be adverse for you.

Saturn's aspect on 9th could give you journeys and if you are planning

to go out of country for business or any other reasons.

If possible do not lend any money to even your closest friends.

Avoid entering into a new venture and if possible postpone all new

ventures till this year.

Your investments will bear good results in this year, but avoid

speculative activities as far as possible.

Love, Family and Social life Saturn will be transiting over the 6th from

your Moon Sign.

Saturn in your Chart is Lord of 7th and 8th houses which covers area of spouse.

As Lord of 8th house its transit in 6th house

means there could be problems in family affairs,

so a calm and collective approach would be required

from your end so family affairs do not take a


This transit is not so favorable for married people so they need to be very careful

as to how they conduct themselves with their wife or husband.

Ketu is transiting over 7th from your moon sign and this transit is not good

for your spouse or your marital relations.

Education and Traveling Jupiter's transit is not favorable by virtue

of it's placement in 4th in transit.

Students can expect some disturbing moments in this year.

They are advised to concentrate on their study

and avoid any distractions in life.

Avoid any reckless and impulsive actions and careless attitude.

Overconfidence should be kept in check as the same could

be your enemy instead of your friend.

Patience will be your virtue in this year and even your brilliance

won't save you unless its backed by your patience

and hard work.

Traveling will give average results, but traveling for

vacation and pleasure trips will be beneficial for


Business trips may give mixed results as the expenditure incurred in proportion to

results will not be matched.

Health Saturn's transit in 6th house from your

moon sign will be supportive for health and recovery

from chronic diseases.

You could see favorable recovery from long affecting diseases if you have any in this


Dietary habits will help you in overcoming shedding

of any excess flab in your body.

Resorting to natural foods without overcooking and yoga techniques will improve

your health drastically for the good.

Apart from all these activities you are also advised to take help of meditation

and related methods to improve your concentration

and stress level.

Dear friends I wish and pray all the very best

for you in this coming year 2018

For more infomation >> Cancer Horoscope 2018 | Cancer Yearly Horoscope for 2018 In English by Kamal Krish Kapoor - Duration: 7:25.


My Christmas (late upload I know...) - Duration: 8:39.

I'm just gonna give a shout out to Taylor

who has given me a sub boost for the past few days

Snapchat and Instagram links down in the description

(**Intro Music Playing**)

Calgary International Airport

Really Cool. There's an arcade inside the airport

(**Otis McMusic Playing**)

anndd... we didn't know that.. uhmm.. the rest of us

just went straight into security

and now they're about to board

we were still talking outside

getting comfy in that couch over there (**weird laugh**)

(saying our gate number out loud)

the leg room especially is really good


Stewardess: cabin crew please secure the cabin

Captain: Toronto. It is our pleasure to have you on board

(aldhinn reclines the chair)

(aldhinn plays with the light)

Ohhh... here comes the food

(Toronto city view)

We're in the Something Sweet 4 U restaurant

here in Mississauga

eat this

thingy, thingy over here let's eat it

(aldhinn badly lip syncs)


Joshua, say it one more time

am I guapo?

am I guapo?

(Joshua says aldhinn is guapo)

This is going to the vlogs

Joshua: HIM (points to aldhinn)

a few moments later

Mama: grandma, we'll be back some other time

Snows are actually thick around this area

Katherine: 100 Subs

good morning so pretty much I passed out after that

last video as you can see you were about to leave for the airport now

bye baby

It's bloody Caesar bloody Caesar and there's no alcohol

how can a man's go without sleep for eight days again I'm gonna be facing it the house without

sleep for eight days a man can go without sleep for eight days by sleeping

at night hey what's it I was going man pretty good house with you I'm doing

good man doing awesome. nice to see you again man

wait wait wait before we start I'm gonna be your referee no kicks no kicks okay

2017 was good man. 2018 is gonna be better

Finally get to get to see you in person

Ankur: You're gonna be on YouTube

Ankur married you up after all yeah

yeah thank you

give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my friend's channel

For more infomation >> My Christmas (late upload I know...) - Duration: 8:39.


Schools push back start, cancel classes due to cold - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Schools push back start, cancel classes due to cold - Duration: 1:17.


【CFA】Portfolio Risk (Standard Deviation) ポートフォリオリスクの問題 - Duration: 11:22.

Hello there. I'm Apprentice K.

This is the lecture for your CFA exams.

Today, I would like to talk about Portfolio Risk, Portfolio's Standard Deviation.

In many cases, when you are solving a question, you will encounter a word like, "PORTFOLIO RISK",

The question often asks you to provide Portfolio Risk.

But, what they are asking you to show is Standard Deviation of the portfolio.

So, you just need to figure out what this is.

and that will lead you to the right answer.

Remember that. Let's move on to a simple question.

Let's do this.

Well, it's prepared around here for you.

Okay then. Let me read this for you.

Apprentice K is planning to invest in 2 assets for his portfolio,

sony socks and mitsubishi stocks as follows:


Translated into Japanese...

Okay. Now let's see the breakdown of the portfolio and its estimated performance.

Sony stocks and Mitsubishi stocks

The components are as illustrated in the chart and this is part of the question.

First, let me explain how you digest the information in this table.

You have 2 kinds of stocks, sony and mitsubishi.

So, what does % mean here?

It means the weights of each security in the portfolio.

If the overall portfolio is considered 100%, sony consists of 30% of total assets in the portfolio.

As for Mitsubishi, it holds 70%.

Okay. Then what is ER here?

ER stands for Estimated Return. I did not have much space for this table, so I could not write the full description. Apologies.

10% for Sony and 20% for Mitsubishi.

Okay. What is SD? It stands for Standard Deviation. This is what's being asked in the question but this is for each security.

Again, this is not the portfolio's standard deviation.

Sony has the standard deviation of 40%.

Mitsubishi has the standard deviation of 30%.

These are the conditions.

With that, we are moving on to solving the question.


Oh, by the way, you need to use this to solve the question, so come back here if you cannot remember them all.

So, what kind of question will you see in the test? I guess you will see something like this.

Oh, wait a minute. You need another factor to solve the question. Don't worry. It's usually given somewhere in the question like this.


How much is the correlation between Sony and Mitsubishi?

Here, it says it's -0.25.

Okay. Correlation is -2.5.

What is the question then? Here is the question.

What is the portfolio risk for this investment?

For more infomation >> 【CFA】Portfolio Risk (Standard Deviation) ポートフォリオリスクの問題 - Duration: 11:22.


VLOG 002 - #MAKJANG ! Keseruan Anak MaMa Travel ke Bukit Lawang! - Duration: 12:09.

For more infomation >> VLOG 002 - #MAKJANG ! Keseruan Anak MaMa Travel ke Bukit Lawang! - Duration: 12:09.


Jefferson County's first homicide of 2016 still unsolved, family wants answers - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Jefferson County's first homicide of 2016 still unsolved, family wants answers - Duration: 1:48.


Loveandskills Secret (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Xo Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:42.

When you give alms,do it in secret when you pray do it in secret so, your father God who

sees in secret will reward you.

Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart,not grudgingly or under compulsion,for

God loves a cheerful giver.

When you give alms,do it in secret when you pray do it in secret so, your father God who

sees in secret will reward you.

Be perfect,therefore as your heavenly father is perfect.Be perfect,therefore as your heavenly

father is perfect.Be perfect,therefore as your heavenly father is perfect.

When you give alms,do it in secret when you pray do it in secret so, your father God who

sees in secret will reward you.

For more infomation >> Loveandskills Secret (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Xo Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:42.


Kdo sestřelil let MH17? Sestřelení letadla na Ukrajině. (České titulky) - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Kdo sestřelil let MH17? Sestřelení letadla na Ukrajině. (České titulky) - Duration: 1:49.


Xenowork Walkthrough part 10 GAMING ZONE SD - Duration: 43:41.


For more infomation >> Xenowork Walkthrough part 10 GAMING ZONE SD - Duration: 43:41.


Loveandskills Faithful (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Xo Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:18.

Be vigilant and faithful servants of God.Be a faithful and prudent steward.Be faithful

be faithful and give it your all faithful.

When your invited take the lowest place.Be humble.When you hold a lunch or a dinner,do

not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or your wealthy neighbors,incase

they invite you back and you have repayment.Rather when you hold a banquet,invite the poor,the

crippled,the lame and blind.

Be vigilant and faithful servants of God.Be a faithful and prudent steward.Be faithful

be faithful and give it your all faithful.

Renounce all your Possessions make friends with dishonest wealth.Pray all ways without

becoming weary.Lay down your life for others who needs it.It is more blessed to give than

to receive.

Pray put God to the test pray and watch it settle the more you work the more you should


For more infomation >> Loveandskills Faithful (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Xo Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:18.


Loveandskills Commit Your Way (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Xo Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:57.

Commit Your Way To God Wait Eagerly For God And Keep His Way Guard The Living all The

Time And Be Slow To Anger

God is calling you come out of your shell commit your way and follow Jesus because he

is the way the truth and the light whenever believes in him shall not die.

Commit Your Way To God Wait Eagerly For God And Keep His Way Guard The Living all The

Time And Be Slow To Anger

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