Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 2 2018

We live in an ever-changing world and sometimes that change even means entirely new countries

Just popping up here are ten countries that could exist in the next ten years or so from now

Welcome guys

I'm Leroy Kenton and this another episode of FTD facts and now similar to our video on the countries that could collapse

This one is also not saying that this will be the case

But rather based on issues in the world it could possibly happen sooner than you think and a question. I'm throwing out

There is if you could create a country. What would you name it?

let me know down there to be honest if I was to create a country you'd be called FTD facts free education for

everyone all right

So let's jump in first up we have unified Korea

For for sixty years the region of northern South Korea have been divided by a Korean Demilitarized Zone

Or a kdz and while they have avoided major conflict since then

This could really change now whether both nations go to war or have a peaceful agreement a unified northern

South Korea could be formed in the next 10 years

Especially with the potential collapse of North Korea's government and economy yeah, this could speed up this unification process

The next country that we could see popping up is Scotland yeah, although

Yes, Scotland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and Great Britain

Called for Scotland to break away from the United Kingdom have actually been growing

now there was a failed vote for Scottish independence back in the year 2014 the Scottish people wanted to remain a part of the

European Union

But Great Britain made the decision to leave so Scotland has to as well, so they're like okay

Well, let's just go fully independent, then the third country that could exist is

Catalonia the Catalonian fight for independence is

raging and

Catalonia is financially more stable than any other part of Spain and Catalonia is feel that they are being

brought down by the rest of the three, not a great feeling to have

Catalonia also has its own culture and language distinct from the rest of Spain so yet?

It makes sense for them to want to go and form their own nation

continuing on into

Kurdistan now the Kurdish people in Syria have been in disagreement with the Syrian Arab

population for a while and in 1962 actually 20% of the Kurdish population in Syria were stripped of their


and this was after the results of a census Kurdish people have been seeking their independence for a long time and

This has only recently started to become a probable thing halfway in this video at country number 5 that could exist is

Somaliland now Somaliland is a de facto state in northern somalia in the

1990s a civil war broke out in somalia

And the only part of somalia that has managed to retain a sense of true order is somali land with its own government

army and currency some people even believe that somali land is already its own country country number six is the

Flemish Republic modern-day Belgium is comprised of three administrative regions in the north we have the Dutch speaking majority in

Flanders, and then we have Wallonia which is a french-speaking majority in the south and also the brussels-capital region

now Flanders of course can survive on its own, but Vilonia might not be able to

Many are hoping for a referendum really really soon moving on to country number seven and that would be Veneto

Recently the citizens of Veneto voted in favor of greater autonomy from Rome when the referendum in

Catalonia was growing and the Veneto region alone accounts for 10% of the entire

country's economy

Next up in this episode we have Quebec

French speakers in the Canadian province of Quebec in the past have pushed for their own country

But more recently Quebec has been basing its decision to become into

All based on the results of the Scottish and Catalan referendums and Quebec interests in Catalonian independence

Really shows that they would like their own movement to gain even more

Momentum going forward so who knows the whole province of Quebec could be its own

Country now the second last country that we might see is Texas now while the likelihood of an independent

Texas is very low there's still a chance that they could separate from us one of the major reasons is because

Texas has such a rich history and people have always felt a bit independent from the United States and last is

California that like Texas another large US state that has entertained the idea of independence is California now

California is the most populous state in the US and one of the wealthiest as well

So if this whole Cal exit movement were to be really a thing and were to happen that would

Drastically reshape the whole foundation of America as well as the rest of the world

And just like that that was your ten countries that could exist in the next ten years or so yeah

Let me know down there. I'd love to see what other countries that could possibly be formed

I'll be reading your comments and replying to some of them and before I head out this episode is brought to you by time box

Calm and time bucks is a website where you can join for free and actually get paid just for

Joining, and you also get paid for doing things that you do online on a regular basis like watching videos

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participating in polls and surveys and even sharing content on social media again

The link is down below where you can join time bucks com for free and start making money

Hey guys, and we reached the end of another episode

so you definitely want to check out this playlist of all the different countries and

cities that we cover here on FTD facts if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a thumbs up and

Subscribe if this is your first time here for new videos every single day

For more infomation >> 10 Countries That Could Exist In 10 Years - Duration: 6:28.


YEAR IN REVIEW [Part 1] - Yandere Simulator - Duration: 5:00.

[Male Delinquent] Huh! Another year gone by... this school hasn't changed one bit!

[Female Delinquent] All talk and no action huh?

[Douchey Male Voice] You insolent fools!

What? Huh?

[Douchey Male Voice] You have no idea what you're talking about!

[Male Delinquent] You got a death wish? [Female Delinquent] I'm gonna crack you're skull open!

[dual swinging impact, pain, collapse]

[Douchey Male Voice] Yes! It's that time...

for Year In Review! [students screaming]

There's been a few changes... oh dear God make it stop!

Jesus Christ! oh god what did I just press? [evil laugh] Let us begin with the most

important person in the game my beautiful Senpai! Yes this is much

better! Now he looks like a real fuqboi! Oh my bedroom. I have a plant? I'll

probably kill it!

Yes let's check out my Senpai shrine! Oh he's never looked better!

I'll smell you later! [fart] Yes! Now I can get even closer to him!

[old Senpai] Hey cut it out that's really creepy! Leave me alone!

[new Senpai] Um, excuse me! Would you please stop doing that? You're scaring me! [YandereChan] No.. wait...

[Douchey Old Male Voice] Senpai came to life just for me!

Wait a minute this isn't in the game! Neither is this! [Whoa boomshakalaka! NBA Jam 1993] [bone snap, pain, crumple]

I should probably see the nurse!

Interesting. Let's just walk around the school and see what's

different. Mmm-hmm I'm sure something's changed in here

[Animaniacs - Hello Nurse!]

Huh... it's very pink! Oh I hate short hair on girls! All right, give me those keys!

[old Nurse] I don't know what you're trying to do... but if it's supposed to be a joke... it's not funny. [Male host voice] Oh I miss those sexy garter belts!

[new Nurse] Put that down! [Male host voice] oh my god! [new Nurse] Did you think you could get away with stealing? [What?] There will be serious consequences for this!

[Male host voice] This one's a total "B" with a capital "C" [Zelda regen sound effect] All right let's keep movin! Bitch!

Well Genka... ah I see you've finally replaced all that furniture you... borrowed.

[Genka Kunahito] I'd hate to think we have a thief here at school!

[Male host voice] Good for you! [Pewdiepie's sarcastic voice] Good for you! Good... you know what? Good for you! Good for YOU! GOOD FOR YOU! [placeholder assets roast] GOOD FOR YOU!!

[Homer scream] [Genka Kunahito] That's it! [GZK male host - punched, electric crackling, pain]

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! [bones breaking] I'm okay! I am not cleaning that up!

Ohh hello.. Hmm... I should investigate!

[radio music starts]

Oh no! I'm stuck! Could... could somebody help me please?

[door closes, struggle, injection] [Mortal Kombat 1995 - I am the chosen one!]

Hatsune Elissu waits until the clock strikes midnight. Under the cover of darkness, Hatsune Elissu travels back to school and sneaks inside of the main school building. Hatsune Elissu returns to the instrument case that carries her unconscious GZeus Kriest.

She pushes the case back to her dungeon, pretending to be a young weeaboo returning home from a late-night anime show. Hatsune Elissu drags the case down to her basement and ties up her victim. Exhausted from hours of torture, GZeus Kriest escapes back to school.

GZeus Kriest realizes his video is taking ages to complete, so he ends his progress by making this video part 1 of a 420 part series...

TO BE CONTINUED [maybe...] [distant explosion]

For more infomation >> YEAR IN REVIEW [Part 1] - Yandere Simulator - Duration: 5:00.


Tuesdays With Terry | January 2, 2018 | Orphan's Promise - Duration: 1:27.

Well, all of the Christmas gifts have been opened and gifts have been put away...

we've concluded the year and we're fresh to start out 2018, and we are excited

about that because our God is a God of new beginnings. We do ask your prayers

for Orphan's Promise at this time, because, speaking of new beginnings, this is the

time when we begin to review all the applications that have come in for help

for vulnerable children around the world for the coming year. And so we would

covet your prayers for wisdom and for guidance and understanding in the

best places to invest the monies that you've invested in Orphan's Promise.

In saying that, I want to say thank you for what your investment allowed us to do in

2017. It was remarkable! And so we look forward to 2018 with great anticipation

and eagerness to make a difference in the lives of orphans and vulnerable

children; to take them from at-risk to thriving, and we would ask you to

consider making us a part of your giving family this year as you decide who you

will support and what you'll do. Orphan's Promise is reaching out to children around

the world who don't have a place to belong or a family to love them. We want

to give them that opportunity to know who they are in Christ and to have a

fresh beginning for themselves as well. Happy new year to all of you!

For more infomation >> Tuesdays With Terry | January 2, 2018 | Orphan's Promise - Duration: 1:27.


Batair ka shikar !! Quail Hunting 2018 !! Quail Trip In Pakistan - Duration: 3:33.

Batair ka shikar !!Quail Hunting 2018 !! Quail Trip In Pakistan

For more infomation >> Batair ka shikar !! Quail Hunting 2018 !! Quail Trip In Pakistan - Duration: 3:33.



Wow, he's super dumb!

Oh, I hate stairs.

Stairs! Let's go!

Stairs! Stairs! Stairs!

It's a ladder.

It's a ladder, you dummy.

We're going to be heroes. We're going up the corporate ladder.

This is the staircase.

The staircases change, remember?

Professor, you should be more careful when coming down the steps!

You could get hurt.

Why don't we pick up the stepladders, all right?

And that forgiveness is the first step on the stairway to heaven.

I don't feel very well.

Found them in the stairwell.

- Where? - The west stairwell.

Why take the stairs when I could take the escalator?

When his income rises to a certain line,

the taxpayer moves up a step on the staircase and his rate goes up to, say, 20%.

DNA is made of two helicoidal strands,

one opposite the other

with bases at the center like rungs of a ladder.

- He's bottom rung. - This is it! This is the guy!

I'm on the top rung of the evolutionary ladder.

I'm on the top rung of the evolutionary ladder.

- You ran down 18 flights of stairs? - Yeah.

Your flight was canceled.

Jack, don't touch the rail!

I mean, electrifying the handrails?

Derrick Moore did an awesome job on this railing, just a really beautiful job.

A wooden balustrade separates the loft from the ground floor.

The wood in this room was carbonised

due to the high temperatures reached during the eruption of Vesuvius.

Well, I'll just put it on the banister here.

C'mon! Give me a thumbs-up!

Just another rung up the ladder, boys!

Peace out, bitches!

For more infomation >> Escada em inglês é STAIRS, LADDER, STEPLADDER, STEPS, STAIRCASE, STAIRWAY, STAIRWELL ou ESCALATOR? - Duration: 7:46.


Juniper Pruning | From the Ground Up - Duration: 1:29.

So, a lot of people have juniper or other evergreen shrubs around their house.

It's important to think about pruning these shrubs.

Not only for a pleasing shape, but also for maintenance issues such as keeping them away

from the siding on your house or, for example, keeping them away from your air conditioning units.

It's really important that we don't take off too much because if we prune it back too

far, we're going to get to a point where we're going to be cutting beyond the growth

points of the plant and it will not grow back.

And we're going to end up with just a bare side on the shrub that's not going to look

very pleasing.

What I'd really like to do is cut this bush back a couple of feet from the air conditioning unit.

But that's something that we're going to probably be doing over a period of the

next two to three years because we're not going to want to take a tremendous amount

of this shrub out or we'll just end up with a dead edge of this shrub that won't look

very nice.

So, it's important again to remember not to get too excited when we're trying to

prune away from an obstacle.

This is a slow process and it should be done over a period of years so that we, again,

can maintain the shape of this shrub as well as the regrowth and the beauty that it adds

to our landscape.

If you have any further questions, contact your local Extension office.

This is Caleb Carter with the University of Wyoming Extension.

You're watching From the Ground Up.

For more infomation >> Juniper Pruning | From the Ground Up - Duration: 1:29.


HAPPY LOUD LIFE premieres January 16th! - Duration: 1:25.

We had the American dream. The beautiful house. The perfect neighborhood.

We thought, the perfect life.

And then, we decided to give it all up.

You may think this is bananas

because everyone wants the American Dream right?

But for us, in order to get here, it took valuable time away from our kids.

So we sold our dream house. We sold nearly all of our things.

That's a wrap. It's all packed. For the next 12 to 18 months we will travel

across the United States in an RV with our entire family.

we will homeschool the kids and instead of reading about it they can actually be there.

And get to see, feel, and experience these things. We think their lives will be richer for it.

I know we're not alone in feeling like our kids are missing out on some stuff

that we're ultimately responsible for showing them.

We are so excited for this incredible journey,

and you can join us for every wild moment.

Watch Happy Loud Life right here on BabyLeague!

For more infomation >> HAPPY LOUD LIFE premieres January 16th! - Duration: 1:25.


¿Qué sabe la gente sobre transexualidad? mi experiencia preguntando en la calle + POPAP Cat. radio - Duration: 4:13.

Hi! I'm Angel Alferez!

Welcome to my YouTube Channel

Today is

The First video of 2018!

Few weeks ago I went to the radio show POPAP

A radio show dedicated to the new tendencies in internet and social media!

That it's on air every day (Monday to Friday) from 13 p.m to 14 p.m at Catalunya Radio

I always listen this radio show, so one day I decided to write them!

And propose them a topic that maybe could be interesting, like transsexuality and social media!

They wrote me back and tell me that I was very interesting!

Also they propose me to went to the studio to talk about it, and know more about Transexuality and social media through my own experience!

I have to admit that I was very nervous but at the same time very excited, because it was my first time speaking on the radio!

The experience was super positive and they treat me great! I had a very good time talking with them!

I will put the link of this interview here (at the description) and in all my social media, in case you wanted to hear it again! (If you wanted to listen in English let me know and I will translate it!)

But! this is not the end of the story!

Talking with them, came up and idea to record a very interesting video!

A few short interviews with people on the street, asking them what they know about transsexuality!

The reactions were very interesting

There were people that knew more about this topic than others

But the people in general knew more or less what is a trans person

I realiced myself that people think that being transsexual is all about surgeries...

At least, It looked like to me, that if you have not experienced any surgery you can't even consider yourself a trans person!

Also a thing that caught my attention

was when I ask them If they could difference a trans person from another that is not, walking in the street...

Almost everyone told me yes!

I was very surprised because I didn't understand how can they say so sure that they were capable to different a trans person from any other person just in a look!

And especially because they were so sure about it!

So I ask them what is what hey look to make this differentiation

And they told me that they looked especially the voice and the body/ facial shape

But I have to insist, I still don't know how can they say this so sure!

I don't know if any of them thought if I was trans or not...

Because I only told to one person, and for her reaction i think she was very surprised!

Other surprise for me

It's that I went maybe with the expectation of meet another trans person or someone that knew a trans person

But from all the people that I interviewed, only one knew a trans person!

In conclusion I realize that in general people still don't know much about the transgender community

And that being transgender is not all about surgeries or hormones, it's also about a emotional changes not only for the person who lives the transition. It's also a process for the persons who live this change with us!

Without forgetting the great diversity that exists in this community!

I'm beyond satisfied if with this interviews I made someone think about what they know about trans persons or even wanted to know more about it!

Showing that being transexual, is a reality that shows up more an more every day!

Of course I will put the link of the full video! (It's in Catalan, but let me know if you wanted with English subs!)

An experience from that I learned a lot and I really enjoyed! I really wouldn't mind to do it again in the future!

Well this is it all I hope you liked this video!

Don't forget to give a like!

Also don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Ang Alferez

And we see us in the next video! Bye!

For more infomation >> ¿Qué sabe la gente sobre transexualidad? mi experiencia preguntando en la calle + POPAP Cat. radio - Duration: 4:13.


Dieta Del Limón BAJA 5 KILOS en Una Semana, y DERRITE LA GRASA Como un Helado - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Dieta Del Limón BAJA 5 KILOS en Una Semana, y DERRITE LA GRASA Como un Helado - Duration: 2:29.


Single Phase vs Three Phase - Difference Between Single Phase and Three Phase - Duration: 2:50.

Both three-phase and single-phase devices can be powered from a three-phase supply.

A three-phase circuit is a combination of three and single-phase circuits.

The current, voltage, and power relations of balanced three-phase AC circuits can be

deliberate by applying the rules that apply to single-phase circuits.

In this video we will Discusses about Different between single phase power and three phase


single phase and three phase power systems refer to units using AC electric power.

With AC power, the flow of current is constantly alternating directions.

The primary difference between single phase and three phase AC power is the constancy

of delivery.

Now let's see, Different between single phase power and three phase power.

Single phase power only has one sine wave voltage.

Three phase power used three separate sine waves that are offset 120 degrees from each


Single phase power needs only two wires to complete the circuit.

Three phase power needs at least three wires, one for each phase.

Single phase power Used in most homes and small businesses.

Three phase power Common in large businesses, as well as industry and manufacturing around

the world.


Single phase power Able to supply ample power for most smaller customers, including homes

and small, non-industrial businesses.

Three phase power Increasingly popular in power-hungry, high-density data centers.

Single phase power Adequate for running motors up to about 5 horsepower; a single phase motor

draws significantly more current than the equivalent 3-phase motor, making 3-phase power

a more efficient choice for industrial applications.

Three phase power Expensive to convert from an existing single phase installation, but

3-phase allows for smaller, less expensive wiring and lower voltages, making it safer

and less expensive to run.

Should I Use A Single Phase Or Three Phase Power Supply?

With proper care in the design phase, a power supply design engineer can make appropriate

recommendations for the maximum efficiency and cost savings for your particular project.

Selecting a single phase or three phase system all depends on the power needs of a specific


Either way, a well designed unit will ensure a reliable and robust power distribution.

Dear viewers Thanks for watching the video, any question write in the comment box.

Don't forget to like and share.

More update please subscribes our channel Learning Engineering, and get notification

to press the bell icon.

For more infomation >> Single Phase vs Three Phase - Difference Between Single Phase and Three Phase - Duration: 2:50.


Star Trek: The History of the Dominion (Feat. Templin Institute) - Duration: 11:36.

For more infomation >> Star Trek: The History of the Dominion (Feat. Templin Institute) - Duration: 11:36.


Dark Matter shining! - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Dark Matter shining! - Duration: 4:47.


Rutina de ejercicios para principiantes - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Rutina de ejercicios para principiantes - Duration: 4:45.


Learn Shapes and Colors with Minions Characters - Learning Shapes in Turkish - Duration: 2:15.



















don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Learn Shapes and Colors with Minions Characters - Learning Shapes in Turkish - Duration: 2:15.


【Chichi's Pâtisserie】泡芙&脆皮泡芙 choux & choux au craquelin - Duration: 0:11.

For more infomation >> 【Chichi's Pâtisserie】泡芙&脆皮泡芙 choux & choux au craquelin - Duration: 0:11.



Hello everyone I am LoreChirik today, we gonna make hello neighbor in polymer clay

in minecraft style

Today's special day i'm gonna answer your questions. Yes. This is Q&A

questions and answers and answers and questions

So we go with the first question what type of polymer clay is this? I use fimo soft

and fimo professional the only difference between those two are the colors and softness

This one is more soft. This one is less soft

and This series have more vibrant colors

Next question please from where you buy clay? I get my clay from

Online stores or amazon. I prepared link for you

It is in the description below

You can find a sets of fimo soft, and allindividual colors

Where are you from? I'm from Poland

Kiebasa, zurek, jak sie masz very nice

Poland is in the Central Europe

40 million population, and it's very nice here more question, please

Can you please make more fnaf stuff?

Yes, there will be more

Congratulation on reaching 200

Thousand subscribers lorechirik, thank you. It's all your fault

Talk about good hair day

Do I look like a hairdresser?

hey guy I

Translated this video. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it

also, thank to all the people who translate my titles descriptions and

Subtitles, its very nice. Thank you, and I think you get credit in

somewhere below the description

russian words

speaking russian

Cool I subscribed

What fnaf character is next? can't wait. It will be surprise

Smash the notification bell, and you will be the first to know what will be next

Can you make Sasuke from Naruto Shippuden?


like Naruto

Maybe in the future. I will do something from it. Ok guys

I think I am done with Q&A this time if you have any any more questions

leave it in the comment section below and

Some of you asked me to make a polls in my video so I made one

It's somewhere here

the question of the pool is very simple do you want to see more challenges on the channel like this video and

Do you want to see more

fusion videos

like for example

One character for one game and the second character from another game and the mix of those characters. What will become

You know what I mean

vote in the poll

And that's it.

Oh my god, what if you're done?

Okay now when the table is clean you can show how I look I'm

Very beautiful. Oh yes, and I have moving hands. I also have moving hands

So we can dance

If allied if you enjoy this video and check out my previous and other videos by clicking scar here or


Subscribe to my channel and tick the notification well to see my new videos

Here are so my other videos that you also my job. See you soon

For more infomation >> HELLO NEIGHBOUR + MINECRAFT FUSION ART CHALLENGE - Duration: 10:45.


VAN LIFE: KIDS REACT to living in a car | Hobo Ahle - Duration: 10:57.

Hi guys, we're back on Hobo Ahle. I'm Addi, I'm Kaylea, I'm Lexi, this is Emma and that's Ahlexandria here. Hi guys!

So we are her favorite subscribers and we watch her videos all the time.

So we gave her Ahlexandria a few questions and she's gonna ask us them so let's get started.

Okay so I have here some of the questions that they wrote down for me

and we're just gonna go around I'm gonna ask them & you guys are gonna answer them okay?

"Okay!" First question: What is your favorite thing about the van?

"My favorite thing in the van is this mattress that is so cushy with all of

the blankets. That's what I was gonna say." So your favorite part is the bed? "Yes." Okay. "It's

cozy!" "My favorite part is like when I get to come in the van so then we can like I"

"can help like help them out in the van." That's right cuz you did help us put

the Dynamat on right? The black stuff? "Yeah!" Yeah you did do that. "Next question" What do

you think should be added to the van? "I think you should add like maybe like a

decoration like like when it's winter you should add snowflakes and hang them." Oohh that's a good idea.

"like hearts..." Hearts and snowflakes? "yeah!" "I think what you should add is a

Christmas tree, but then you could use like put it down in the ground so then

it just wouldn't slide when you're like just driving the car." Okay Addi what do

you think I should add to the van? "I think maybe you should add a few more

lights that-" Right? Not these! "that way you can just turn them on or off and you can add

like more like like more stuff that give you air cuz if you get like dizzy."

Are you dizzy? "Kinda." Oh my we should open the window.

okay I have some questions for you guys are you ready? "yeah" All right so

What do you think about people who live in vans?

"I think it's cool cuz if you don't have a kid then you don't have to build a

bed for your kids in the van. And you'll have more room to just be alone with like if you get

married and stuff. Like if you can be alone and just talk about important stuff

like for presents for your grandma and grandpa." Ohh that is true.

"I think they feel like very happy cuz then like when they live in a van they can just like

do stuff in it and like they can bring whatever they want to bring and then

like their childs... if they want to bring their toys then they can bring

their toys they just play all day long while they're like parents go get some

food at the store when you're riding in the car." That sounds like the life! "mhm!"

What do you think about people who live in vans?

"I gotta say it's kind of strange because you're used to like walking down a

hallway, opening up like a normal doorknob and and but in a van there's no

hallway and there's no bedroom really so I think it's kind of strange."

So where do you guys think that people who live in vans, where do you think they go potty?

"um I think um uh they had to go to the restroom is that they just had to like

go to the store really fast and just get it and then just they can finalllly go."

But where do we go? Do we go outside? Do we go to the gas station? Where do we go to the bathroom?

"Gas stations!" Gas stations? Addi where do we go? "I think like, this is not personal but I

think they might go on the side of like behind a tree. Outside because cuz

in a van, it's van life I mean like you don't have a- you don't have your own

port-a-potty in here you-" Some ppl do! "but not you!" I don't have a port a potti.

"You don't like really have like the space, the privacy, so

you know so I think you might actually go outside on the side of your van." You know me too well...


Lexi? "I think you go potty outside because then like you could put a blankie

around you so people don't see you go potty outside." That's smart!

"But why do you go potty outside?" Where else are you gonna go potty? ..... *award silence*

*all laugh*

"But then you can't flush the toilet and that would be embarrassing because then ppl can see your poop and pee!"

If you pee on the dirt, it'll dry and no one will know.

"LOL but how do you poop outside?" You gotta dig a hole and then cover it up...

"Like a cat?" Like a cat. *all laugh*

"Wait, so do you go poop outside and you have to dig a hole?"

Sometimes yeah. What do you think about that? Is that a little much? Would you guys do that?

"Yeah!" "No!" Yeah? LOL she said yeah! "I would dig a hole and I'll put a blankie around"

For privacy right? "Yeah!" and then you just go... "and then people will be like geez louise what is she doing?"

Okay, do you think that sleeping in here would be scary?

"I think it wouldn't because you could have like a light on that'll make you comfortable

and you can have a phone or a ipad in here so you can pretend that's your TV

but it's really your phone and ipad."

"It would um be a little scary because if we were in here and they were

like 'hey it's time to go to bed' and then they just turn the light off.. then I

think it would be kind of scary because I had no one to be with me."

What do you think Addi? Do you think it would be scary to sleep in here?

"Yes, I think it's scary because I am like a night owl. And if everybody falls asleep and I'm in

this one room by myself, no light, I'll be freaking out."

"If we were all sleeping in here I would snuggle with Ahlexandria because she's always nice to me." AWWW

What do you think about this bed? Could you sleep on this bed? Is it comfy enough?

"Yes" "Yeah!" Oh I have a better question for you... where do you think that they park

their vans to sleep? "I actually think they like go like to a place

that's open all night and just park their car. That way that they won't be

suspicious like Walmart for example stays 24 hours. That way you can just sleep in peace."

Do you think that you guys would ever live in a van when you grow up?

"I would not. I feel cramped, I have nothing to do, I would be scared to death.

So I would never live in a van I would live in a house." That's fair. "I'm a city gal."

You're a city gal? lol. "I wouldn't live in here, like in a van all by myself because then I would get too scared.

I would just wanna go home and just be with my..." What if you had your mommy with you?

Would you and your mommy live in a van? "Yes!" You think yes? "I would!" Lexie what do you think?

Would you ever live in the van? "I would live in a van when I'm a teenager and like when

I'm married um so I have someone with me."

Why do you guys think that people live in vans?

"I think people live in vans so they can travel like the first thing they

wake up. They go ahead, they get dressed privately- like they can have a blankie

over them to get dressed- and then they get in the front seat, and they drive

to go somewhere to have fun at. So they can do it fast even though when someone's still sleeping."

"I think people live in vans so then like um the parents just like

wake up in the morning and then the kids they they just wake up and then when the

parents are driving like somewhere that they need to be at and the kid can just

eat breakfast on the way there." "That's cool!" Oh that's a good one.

"I think um people live in vans because

they want to get where they're going fast,

that way their kids could like sleep in and they can just be on the road and when they

get there the kids can be already awake and they don't have to wake up. And that

way like for school, you can just drive there. Then wake them up and they can-"

Then you don't have to spend as much time in the morning getting ready? lol

"then you can just walk out the door and you're like 'BYE MOM bye dad'"

"I have a question for all three of you and the comment section."

"What do you think people that live in vans eat and where do you think they cook their food?"

Well this is cheating, cuz I already know... "SHUSH!" So I should not answer right? "No!"

Where do you think people who live in vans,

what do you think they eat? like what kind of food? "I think they eat like vegetables to make them strong

so like if someone like wants to break in and take something that they really like"

Then we can defend ourselves? "Yeah!" That's a good answer. Like this

Where do people who live in vans cook their food? "I think where they

cook their food, I think they cook outside like so if they have a grill

then they can like grill some food and what they want." "I think they bring all their

materials outside and start cooking because I watched one of Ahlexandria's

videos and she made like this little place where she started cooking her food

with like this miniature barbecue thing."

Hi guys it is the ending of our video

um so please subscribe at the end of this video please. We all want a million

subscribers maybe more. Hope you enjoyed this video and have a happy new year

before I end if we get to 100 likes and 100 subscribers she will post another

video with the little girls. So have a happy new yearrrrr!!!!!!

We're gonna miss you!! BYE GUYS!

"Okay guys now I'm gonna show you guys my baby because I been waiting for the whole

end of the video for you guys to see the real- of the baby

from instead of back here and I'm gonna be kind of up there.

This- and that's her hair, it's really soft. If you guys were here you guys would feel it and it

would be really soft. This is her: Emma.

So I think we're gonna end the video here but we're gonna go on YouTube! I can't wait!

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