We live in an ever-changing world and sometimes that change even means entirely new countries
Just popping up here are ten countries that could exist in the next ten years or so from now
Welcome guys
I'm Leroy Kenton and this another episode of FTD facts and now similar to our video on the countries that could collapse
This one is also not saying that this will be the case
But rather based on issues in the world it could possibly happen sooner than you think and a question. I'm throwing out
There is if you could create a country. What would you name it?
let me know down there to be honest if I was to create a country you'd be called FTD facts free education for
everyone all right
So let's jump in first up we have unified Korea
For for sixty years the region of northern South Korea have been divided by a Korean Demilitarized Zone
Or a kdz and while they have avoided major conflict since then
This could really change now whether both nations go to war or have a peaceful agreement a unified northern
South Korea could be formed in the next 10 years
Especially with the potential collapse of North Korea's government and economy yeah, this could speed up this unification process
The next country that we could see popping up is Scotland yeah, although
Yes, Scotland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and Great Britain
Called for Scotland to break away from the United Kingdom have actually been growing
now there was a failed vote for Scottish independence back in the year 2014 the Scottish people wanted to remain a part of the
European Union
But Great Britain made the decision to leave so Scotland has to as well, so they're like okay
Well, let's just go fully independent, then the third country that could exist is
Catalonia the Catalonian fight for independence is
raging and
Catalonia is financially more stable than any other part of Spain and Catalonia is feel that they are being
brought down by the rest of the three, not a great feeling to have
Catalonia also has its own culture and language distinct from the rest of Spain so yet?
It makes sense for them to want to go and form their own nation
continuing on into
Kurdistan now the Kurdish people in Syria have been in disagreement with the Syrian Arab
population for a while and in 1962 actually 20% of the Kurdish population in Syria were stripped of their
and this was after the results of a census Kurdish people have been seeking their independence for a long time and
This has only recently started to become a probable thing halfway in this video at country number 5 that could exist is
Somaliland now Somaliland is a de facto state in northern somalia in the
1990s a civil war broke out in somalia
And the only part of somalia that has managed to retain a sense of true order is somali land with its own government
army and currency some people even believe that somali land is already its own country country number six is the
Flemish Republic modern-day Belgium is comprised of three administrative regions in the north we have the Dutch speaking majority in
Flanders, and then we have Wallonia which is a french-speaking majority in the south and also the brussels-capital region
now Flanders of course can survive on its own, but Vilonia might not be able to
Many are hoping for a referendum really really soon moving on to country number seven and that would be Veneto
Recently the citizens of Veneto voted in favor of greater autonomy from Rome when the referendum in
Catalonia was growing and the Veneto region alone accounts for 10% of the entire
country's economy
Next up in this episode we have Quebec
French speakers in the Canadian province of Quebec in the past have pushed for their own country
But more recently Quebec has been basing its decision to become into
All based on the results of the Scottish and Catalan referendums and Quebec interests in Catalonian independence
Really shows that they would like their own movement to gain even more
Momentum going forward so who knows the whole province of Quebec could be its own
Country now the second last country that we might see is Texas now while the likelihood of an independent
Texas is very low there's still a chance that they could separate from us one of the major reasons is because
Texas has such a rich history and people have always felt a bit independent from the United States and last is
California that like Texas another large US state that has entertained the idea of independence is California now
California is the most populous state in the US and one of the wealthiest as well
So if this whole Cal exit movement were to be really a thing and were to happen that would
Drastically reshape the whole foundation of America as well as the rest of the world
And just like that that was your ten countries that could exist in the next ten years or so yeah
Let me know down there. I'd love to see what other countries that could possibly be formed
I'll be reading your comments and replying to some of them and before I head out this episode is brought to you by time box
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Hey guys, and we reached the end of another episode
so you definitely want to check out this playlist of all the different countries and
cities that we cover here on FTD facts if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a thumbs up and
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