hey guys good morning it's the first morning of 2018 Happy New Year
Ivy's out chasing some something I don't know she likes to run around and keep
the area clear and safe for me while I'm wandering I kind of wanted to take you
guys on a little bit of a hike and show you some of the projects I have for this
upcoming year some of them are underway already and others are going to happen
hopefully before the end of the year I started off over by the beehives yeah
there are three of them that's a story that I never got to and one that I'm
going to have to tell you soon but maybe not in this video there are bees and
every single one of those hives I have three hives of bees and I don't have any
experience overwintering bees every time I take a peek through their hive
entrance I see them in there but I still need to learn a little bit about
checking on their health we're gonna check that out I'm that's going to be
something that comes with the next month's I need to do a little bit of
research and of course there's the few of you that really know about their bees
what do I need to do in the wintertime for checking on them you know do I ever
open the hive I left all the honey in there other than that one video you saw
me take out of the flow hive otherwise I haven't really taken any honey out of
them and they were nearly full so I was assuming that is plenty of food for
those bees but yeah what should i watch for huh well of course I'm walking past
the house there's a few little odds and ends that need to be finished up in
there and I really need to clean can you see underneath my house there
all of the leftover junk and stuff from construction has to go and be organized
mmm but one thing that is not under there
anymore are their goats the goats have been evicted from under the house and
that's blessed thing I'll have to show you their Corel but there's the solar
panels there's a little bit of sunlight hitting them right now
the sunshiny days are rare and we're we're enjoying the fact that the
Solstice is over and that the days are getting longer every day we get a little
more sunshine and a little more use out of those solar panels so I think we're
going to start celebrating the solstice maybe both of them you know as a
homesteader do you look forward to the rebirth of the Sun and the longer days
and the next growing season but as a homesteader that's off the grid you get
really excited about longer days so we have double the reason to celebrate the
winter solstice so daisy and astrid have been hearing us talk over here hi Daisy
and Astrid they really want out but uh they can come out with me this time I
often now that I have them in their new pen I let them out during the daylight
as long as it's not raining and I let them go out and forage because that's
what they're here for is to clean up the brush and stuff but Audrey and I just
built this wattle fence now I'm using a selfie stick so I kind of have to walk
backwards but do you see this it's it's really quite shabby we kind of threw it
together but this is really cool we're going to be doing a lot of wattle fences
I didn't get the right footage together to make a good video out of it but I'm
still trying to hobble things together to make something good
because Waddell fences and living hedges are going to become a part of this
homestead and I want to talk a little bit about that as I walk on to the next
piece of Show and Tell so why don't I just do a traditional fence right I've
grown up with barbed wire fences and net wire fences and that's what I see is a
traditional fence maybe it's just because that's what I grew up with why
don't I do that here it's because of the silly blackberries I have not grown up
dealing with blackberries I've grown up with sagebrush and that can be a hard
thing to pull out of the fence right but I just know that things grow here
rapidly and I also know how detrimental wire can be it is a pretty abrasive
thing when it's stuck in a hedge and I want to stick with natural living or
natural grown on the the property itself fences as much as I can and that Waddell
fence that's pretty cool to make we have plenty of these alder branches hi Astrid
oh we have plenty of these alder branches and they make a pretty good
wattle fence I'm not good at it I watched a few videos of people that are
you know passed down through the generations they they are the the
artisans of wattle fences I'm not nearly that good but we're going to keep
working on that so our old house are our beautiful camp trailer is another big
project for this coming year
I hate to show you inside this wet musty environment has decimated that thing
between us living in it and the the environment that thing is full of rod
and mold and yuck and Audrey and I were crunching the numbers figuring out what
it would cost to restore it a little bit to get some money back out of it if we
sold it and it occurred to us that we could put less money into it and convert
it into half chicken coop half animal food storage grain storage
and you know animal tools and so on so storage shed slash chicken coop build a
little roof on the top of it make some really good ventilation holes and we'd
have a pretty nice setup plus as we're getting our homestead established we
have some wheels on it and it can move around and we can actually get it to
park in a final destination once we have that destination decided so we're going
to go that way that's one of the up-and-coming projects now another
up-and-coming project are all of these alder trees do you see these big tall
alder trees I have learned that you can tap an alder tree and make alder syrup
just like sweet maple syrup of course there's a reason why maple syrup is sold
and not alder syrup apparently from what I've I've heard alder syrup isn't nearly
so sweet but I have always dreamt of making maple syrup and I've always
wanted to do it and I was actually I've wanted to do it so bad that I was
actually disappointed I felt like I was settling for this
place because it it doesn't have maples all over it right how neat would it have
been to move to one of those beautiful rare places in this world that have
maple trees growing all over the property but I learned that I can make
alder syrup and why not so I'm currently learning the the cycles here to see when
the the SAP flow or whatever the term is it begins here in this area and I'll be
starting that project soon who wants to do syrup with me huh I'm excited so up
the hill we go I'm going to head on to a big project a big big big project and
this project has a lot of ifs a few of you know who have watched my older
videos that we have a powerline going through our property over here that was
part of the reason why our property was less expensive in my opinion if you want
to go the route of having a powerline through your property so you have a
lower cost to buy property this is the powerline to have it's a small one
well it's it's still a high-voltage power line but it's not a giant
high-voltage power line it's not not a main artery it's a I don't know the
history of it but it seems like an older one it doesn't have nearly the capacity
but it's three wires yeah it's only three wires I mean this isn't a big guy
at all yeah see the Sun is in the wrong place so you
might not be able to see the wires but I'll point it that way see behind me
that there's two poles three wires it's not a very big power line but you see
all this space I own just over two that the base of that really steep Ridge or
you know the steep slope over there and I own up and over the edge over here
that falls within my property line right it's really steep terrain and the power
company likes to keep it clean they don't want anything growing up and
affecting the power lines those types of things also no domestic buildings or you
know no structures under the power line within the easement but a lot of times
power companies encourage the right kind of agriculture and I have been making
plans to Terrace the the ground here and plant some sort of crop the terracing
part is my main focus right now I've had a few different ideas on crops from
herbs to turnips if to you know something that's high maintenance and
high value is okay with me because I don't have a lot of growing acreage
nothing that's low maintenance low value and just need some high value crop so
this is going to be a huge project I'm planning on doing a large portion of the
terracing by hand money mainly because I don't know of a good piece of equipment
to work on hillsides to Terrace and also because I kind of like that old-school
methodology you know
we'll see how fast that evolved so once the project begins I have a son behind
my head that's probably hard to look at I haven't explored that part of my
property yet not very much anyway it's really thick and overgrown but it looks
so cool I'll have to get down in there one of these days there's so many places
here that you just can't get to easily what a strange world that we've entered
here Audrey and I grew up in those wide-open spaces of Idaho you can see
for miles unless there's a mountain in your way of course but you can see right
up the side of the mountain too usually but here it's just as thickest it can be
when the trees been cut not too long ago things grow really fast so I'm standing
in a bunch of growth here I think this is salal it's a new plant to me
and then there's a bunch of ferns another thing that I've been looking
into and studying up on is foraging and soon
I wouldn't mind starting to go through and exploring the property and trying to
forage different herbs and plants and see if I can make a little bit of an
income off the land the way it is a lot of it
a lot of it is beautiful the way it is and I want to preserve it somewhat if I
can't so I'm hoping if I can to protect it
who this is steep I'm watching really close where my feet are I want to look
off this edge oh I want to look off of it not fall right off of it I'll hold
this up so you can see what I'm walking through good thing there aren't a lot of
snakes around here huh wow this is steep
so this is on our property too and it's kind of the only south-facing slope we
have Ivy's pushing past me here that is steep IB if it were possible this could
be a good place to grow something but man it would be steep think of the work
it would take to Terrace a hill this steep would it even be worth it
erosion control is high on my list of priorities too and the way it is there
is a lot of erosion control going on this is very densely grown it seems like
it is the way I would want it to be Wow is it steep not a good place to put my
feet from here
this is really intriguing
now don't push me off goat I am beginning to think that this is not the
place to descend this hill
the goats behind me think it's fun though there's a lot of good food down
here don't push on me goat but I'm going the other way let's see if I can get up
out of this thing watch out Daisy Daisy get a good
go around my goats whoo well I hope that wasn't too much of a rodeo so I just
thought of something that I didn't mention when I was speaking of terracing
under these power lines and stuff one of the methods of control that the power
company uses to manage vegetative growth is they spray chemicals mostly for the
blackberries in this area and it's just because they have miles and miles of
stuff to manage and it's hard to manage it any other way I am hoping to reduce
their need to do that kind of a kind of a private person and if I can do some of
their maintenance work in a way that profits me and in a way that they don't
have to come back or visit my property is often that they can trust me to take
care of some of this and just leave me alone the better in my opinion I I'd
rather it be that way so that's my goal
if I can put in the work to have some sort of management plan between growing
crops maybe fencing it off for the goats those
types of things so anytime they come out to check on things they see that it's
well-maintained to their liking then I would feel better about that eventually
they'll start to say you know we don't need to bring a crew out and clear it
out like last spring they had a crew out here to cut branches stuff like that
just to keep everything clear you know they have to protect this power line if
they don't have to show up I'm happier so
that's part of my goal so yeah sure right now there might be quite a bit of
chemical through here but eventually
maybe we can get it cleaned up and you know that's not gonna be a problem
so speaking of all the things that I'm going to do a lot of breath because I
climb down a big hill but you see I'm walking on this big tree that has fallen
some sort of some sort of resinous tree and I'm guessing it is cedar by how long
it's lived or remained unwrapping but it crosses a very wet portion of our ground
here and makes a fantastic bridge and it reminds me that another big project that
I'm going to be working on throughout the year is cutting trails through the
property and making paths for me to explore it and get back and forth
between places where I'm working and and home works fairly good for the goats -
can you tell so there's another one alright the area I'm walking through
right here is going to be our backyard check it out there's our house we're
planning on making a little outdoor hot tub shower area out here it seems like a
nice relaxing way to take on the new year it's so I'm really bad at doing
comfort projects first so who knows what's going to happen there but
that's the the planned spot so and of course we've got this big area here that
we need to flatten out and plant in something we know that we wanted a
little patch of grass that we can run around on and and play on and then we're
hoping to do a flower garden over there towards the end for my wife do kind of
something kind of big there we're not really big on flowers in our history
here we we haven't grown many flowers I personally like the flowers that turn
into fruit and then you can eat them but I've recently been persuaded to grow
more flowers especially for the bees but also because why not beautify things huh
so we're going to start a flower garden over there anyway took you on a little
bit of a tour I better end this video before it gets way too long but happy
new years everybody we're so glad to have you along for 2018 we're working on
some of these other videos for you soon and you know especially especially the
solar one you guys have been asking to see our off-grid system and I'm trying
to put something good together for you that's better than my normal rambling
videos and walking around videos I hope to put together better information and
more precise information of course I should mention that I do have some ways
to fund the channel now some of you have asked in the past and I've got it put
together so you can check it out in the description of this video head over to
my website I have information in all of those places I also have a goat trying
to eat my other camera anyway thanks guys for being part of this journey and
taking this journey with us on simple ground
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