Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

7 Signs You�re At The Edge Of A Major Life Shift

Have you ever asked yourself if now is indeed the best time for trying to manifest your

greatest dreams?

Some particular unmistakable indications are telling you that transformation is about to


If you pay heed to those, then you will step forward into a new way of being.

The presence of any of the following signs will tell you if the Universe is calling you

to change in meaningful and exciting ways.

Life shift 1: Relationships are ending.

While it may be painful, it is also critical to spot the type of pattern and think about

what it means.

In most of the cases, it also suggests that you are going through some profound inner


The once � comfortable dynamics will no longer fit who you are.

Even when unconsciously you are rejecting people from your life, they can start drifting

naturally as your vibration changes.

Transformation can usually require dramatic conflict or experience of loss.

But the good news is that this creates space for people who will think on your wavelength,

as well as support and suit your higher self.

Life shift 2: The universe is talking to you.

People that have been through a significant transformation had received many signs from

the universe.

For instance, you should look out for repeated sightings of particular numbers (such as 11:11

or 777), animals and themes and some repeated encounters with people that may have the ability

to lead you in the direction that you need to go.

The signs can also be only nagging feelings, so you may just have a hunch which things

are about to change.

Life shift 3: Your sleep pattern is different.

Some changes in the sleep pattern can cue you into changes happening in your heart and


You may also find yourself wanting to sleep more often, or even find it harder to wake


This may happen because your brain is working hard to process what you want from your future,

even when you are entirely unaware of the beginning stages of that arduous process.

As your right path becomes clear, your sleep will normalize.

You will also have the ability to galvanize the energy which you need to attract the things

you need.

Life shift 4: You feel out of place.

Sometimes, this may feel like you are being stuck in a rut or trapped in an unfulfilling


Other times, you may also notice a distant sense of dissonance.

As you are looking at your life, you may start noticing that you do not feel in sync with


This both experiences suggest that you are not living authentically.

They also show you that you are ready for something completely different.

Life shift 5: Old strategies are not working.

While there are some indicators of transformation and they feel almost mystical, there are others

which are decidedly practical.

For instance, do you feel like your go-to ways of behaving, finding inspiration, are

just not getting the same result anymore?

If the answer is �yes,� you have grown out the last phase of your life.

You will only thrive if you take some steps towards real, as well as lasting change.

Life shift 6: There is an urge for resolving old issues.

When on some level you know that you are moving from one phase of your life to another, you

may sometimes find yourself looking backward more frequently.

What can take center stage are old grudges, unfinished business, and lingering doubts.

Processing them in writing may give you the closure that you need to get a fresh start.

Life shift 7: Emotions are spilling out of you.

Raw emotions are usually a precursor to transformation.

You may find yourself laughing harder than ever, but frequently crying as well.

You will be more tuned into your feelings than usual.

Everything may seem more significant and more important.

Try not to hide or push those emotions away.

Instead, embrace them.

Ask yourself what they can teach you about where you want to go.

Use them for making your visualizations brighter, as well as more intense.

For more infomation >> 7 Signs You're At The Edge Of A Major Life Shift - Duration: 4:51.


[심심할땐 토상놀11] 물놀이장에서 갑자기 사라진 다린이가 나린이를 깜짝 놀라게 했던 영상이죠? 재미있게 봐주세요^^ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:38.

For more infomation >> [심심할땐 토상놀11] 물놀이장에서 갑자기 사라진 다린이가 나린이를 깜짝 놀라게 했던 영상이죠? 재미있게 봐주세요^^ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:38.


Newt Gingrich on Trump's First Year 'We Are Incredibly Fortunate - Duration: 7:01.

Newt Gingrich on Trump�s First Year: �We Are Incredibly Fortunate to Have Him�

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich thinks the first year of the Trump administration

has been a smashing success, with President Donald Trump even rivaling an iconic conservative

president � Ronald Reagan � as an �effective, focused leader.�

In a Fox News op-ed publish Saturday, the first anniversary of Trump�s inauguration,

Gingrich noted that despite the harsh �opposition� Trump faces from liberal activists and the

mainstream media, he has still been able to follow through on numerous campaign promises.

In fact, of the nine U.S. presidents Gingrich has known � starting with Richard Nixon

� only Trump and Reagan have been so effective in their first year.

Americans, Gingrich said, are �incredibly fortunate� that Trump prevailed in the 2016

presidential election.

�It is fair to say President Trump has already achieved so much that he rivals Reagan as

an effective, focused leader,� Gingrich wrote.

�We are incredibly fortunate to have him in the White House as our nation�s 45th


As evidence of this claim, Gingrich juxtaposed the �resistance� effort against Trump

to the president�s accomplishments.

The mainstream media and the left have �consistently misrepresented and maligned� him, Gingrich

said, leading to a �distorted, minimized view of what has been accomplished by this

remarkably energetic and controversial commander-in-chief.

Pointing out how unexpected Trump�s electoral victory was, Gingrich discussed the response

by liberal protesters � seen in the form of the rallies that took place the day after

his inauguration.

These protesters �promised �resistance� to the so-called �imposter,� who they

simply could not accept as president of the United States,� according to Gingrich.

The Fox News contributor then referenced the now-infamous threat made on the National Mall

by liberal entertainer Madonna.

�I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House,� the singer said at

the time.

According to Professor Allen Guelzo, a Civil War expert at Gettysburg College, the last

president to face such a hostile attitude from the opposition was Abraham Lincoln, who

was despised by southern slave owners.

One year into Trump�s presidency, Gingrich wrote that things have not gotten much better.

For instance, Rear Admiral Dr. Ronny Jackson � the president�s personal physician � recently

spoke to reporters at a White House news briefing to reveal the results of Trump�s physical.

Despite the fact that Jackson, who was appointed to his current role by former President Barack

Obama, gave Trump a clean bill of mental and physical health, reporters continued to ask

�antagonistic� and even �stupid� questions, according to Gingrich.

Their goal, he said, was to prove that Trump is unfit for office, despite Jackson�s claims

to the contrary.

�This Trump Derangement Syndrome that the media unfortunately suffer from has become

a major barrier to accurate coverage of the Trump presidency,� Gingrich wrote.

But in the face of this bias, Trump has gotten results.

During his campaign, then-candidate Trump promised to appoint conservative justices

to the federal bench.

As Gingrich noted, not only did the president nominate Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court,

but he has also successfully seated more appellate judges than any first-year president in history.

Moreover, Trump has rolled back many regulations implemented under Obama, becoming the �all-time

champion of rolling back red tape,� Gingrich said.

�The current estimate is that the Trump administration is repealing 22 regulations

for every new one it has created,� he added.

�This is a major contribution to economic growth and a big plus in implementing campaign


On the foreign policy front, Gingrich wrote that Trump has followed through on his pledge

to �enable the military to do its job� in regard to the Islamic State group.

As a result, the terror organization has �lost virtually all its territory at minimum risk.�

Though Trump has not yet figured out how to deal with the threats posed by Iran and North

Korea, �neither (nation) has imposed its will up to now,� Gingrich said.

The former House speaker also referenced Trump�s decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel

from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem � another campaign promise he has followed through on.

Gingrich believes Trump�s actions have helped the U.S. economy grow.

For example, the passage of historic tax reform has led to a response from the American business

community that is even �more positive and more visible than anyone could have hoped.�

As The Western Journal reported, since the tax bill was signed into law, more than 164

companies have already announced they will be providing bonuses for their workers and/or

cutting prices due to the tax cuts.

Trump also promised to negotiate fairer trade deals for the U.S., and as observed by Gingrich,

�Saudi Arabia alone signed as much as $400 billion in contracts with American companies

during the president�s visit to Riyadh.�

Thanks to the president�s economic leadership, Gingrich wrote that the ��new normal��

of less than 2 percent annual economic growth is rapidly being replaced by estimates in

the range of 3.5 to 4 percent.�

Moreover, as Trump has highlighted on Twitter, unemployment figures among African-Americans

are among the best ever recorded.

Gingrich concluded by saying that Trump still has much to do.

He has yet to repeal Obamacare, introduce a plan to rebuild America�s infrastructure

or �develop conservative solutions for poverty.� In addition, Gingrich wrote that the president

has allowed �symbolic language and arguments about race to drive people apart.�

Still, though, Trump has much to hang his hat on.

�(O)n balance, it is fair to say President Trump has already achieved so much that he

rivals Reagan as an effective, focused leader,� Gingrich wrote.

What do you think?

Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> Newt Gingrich on Trump's First Year 'We Are Incredibly Fortunate - Duration: 7:01.


Why Hot Wheels Fast and Furious Complete Set so Famous : Hot Wheels Car Collection - Duration: 18:34.

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For more infomation >> Why Hot Wheels Fast and Furious Complete Set so Famous : Hot Wheels Car Collection - Duration: 18:34.


grabando !clash royale! - Duration: 11:03.

For more infomation >> grabando !clash royale! - Duration: 11:03.


カボフリオからリオ空港までのバス移動。2歳の娘の現在のポルトガル語力は!? CABO FRIO - GALEÃO de ônibus [JP#2] - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> カボフリオからリオ空港までのバス移動。2歳の娘の現在のポルトガル語力は!? CABO FRIO - GALEÃO de ônibus [JP#2] - Duration: 3:26.


Press Start Mashup GD/Original (4K/HD) - (60fps) | World X - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Press Start Mashup GD/Original (4K/HD) - (60fps) | World X - Duration: 3:41.


لن تصدق ماقال مدرب سوانزي على هجوم ليفربول بعد الفوز بهدف لصفر انهم مثل الفورمولا وان - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> لن تصدق ماقال مدرب سوانزي على هجوم ليفربول بعد الفوز بهدف لصفر انهم مثل الفورمولا وان - Duration: 0:39.


Thirteen Absurdly Awesome Traits Of Highly Intuitive People - Duration: 6:29.

13 absurdly or some traits of highly intuitive people Einstein once said that

the only real valuable thing is intuition while Marilyn Monroe is quoted

as saying a woman knows by intuition or instinct what is best for herself but

what makes intuition such a valuable thing to possess and what is it about

intuitive individuals that sets them apart from the rest of us

while it is Nayan impossible to give a definitive set of characteristics that

all intuitive's embody there are some common traits that can be identified to

provide a window into their world the following 13 qualities describes some of

the ways a highly intuitive person thinks acts and lives differently if you

find this information is helpful to you make sure to like this video and

subscribe to this channel so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in

the future one they listen to and obey their inner voice perhaps the most

obvious trait of an intuitive person is the extent to which they listen to the

little voice inside of them and actually act based upon what it says they don't

question the advice being given but simply know it to be the most

appropriate course to take at any given moment

- they closely observe their surroundings in order for their gut to

provide sensible and effective recommendations they will keep a

watchful eye on their environment in the situation at hand all of this

observation means that they have the necessary information required when a

decision needs to be made they can act on their impulses safe in the knowledge

that they have assimilated all of the relevant intelligence available 3 they

pay attention to their dreams intuition forms a link between the conscious and

unconscious minds which is why a highly intuitive person recognizes the

importance of dreams they know that what they think about during sleep can be a

metaphor for their underlying desires and fears they also understand that

dreams can provide solutions to the problems they face or other forms of

inspiration for they are acutely aware of their feed

whereas many people attempt to numb their feelings or ignore them all

together an intuitive person values the feedback provided by them they know that

their feelings are valuable messages for them that can help shine a light on the

path they should take they don't just feel a feeling they think about what it

is trying to tell them five they can quickly Center on and now in order to

help them hear and comprehend what their intuition is saying they have a

remarkable ability to refocus their mind entirely on them now so as to block out

any unnecessary thoughts about the past or future only when they have achieved

the state of mindfulness can they be aware of the full message being

communicated six they are typically optimistic souls

being more closely aligned with their feelings than most intuitive people are

better equipped to process anything negative that may arise from within

before detaching themselves from it they are able to quickly learn lessons from

their mistakes and this generally makes them optimistic about the future they

know that good can come out of bad and that progress can be made no matter how

bleak the outlook appears at any given instant seven they have a strong sense

of purpose without necessarily knowing what it may be highly intuitive

individuals tend to feel a strong sense of purpose in their lives they believe

they have a calling that they are destined to answer and they like to move

forward with gusto as if to uncover the full meaning of this feeling eight they

are deep thinkers you may imagine that a person who is guided by their intuition

has little need for deep thought and contemplation but the opposite is closer

to the truth they find it extremely helpful to focus their minds on their

values and core beliefs this allows them to further educate and refine their

intuition so that it provides them with better counsel 9 they take note of signs

provided by the universe an intuitive being knows that there is more to this

world than meets the eye they are acutely aware of the various

messages being conveyed by the universe at any given time coincidences faithful

meetings and other apparently random events are all seen as significant and

are taken as signs by which they navigate their path

to life 10 they can sense what others are thinking or feeling intuitive people

commonly have very good empathetic abilities meaning they can sense what

others are thinking and feeling their minds are highly attuned to the

vibrational frequencies given off by those around them and they use this

information to further refine the way they act in a situation 11 they can

easily build trust with others with such a good grasp of how other people are

feeling they are well equipped to choose the

most appropriate and responses they can instantly tell how open someone isn't

Taylor the way they behave so as to progress at a speed the other person is

comfortable with this non-threatening approach makes them very likeable 12

they are creative and imaginative no idea is too far-fetched for a highly

intuitive person and this freedom gives their imaginations and creative sides

full scope to imagine and create they let their minds take them wherever it

wants to go which results in thoughts and ideas packed with unique points of

view 13 they make time for peaceful relaxation they know that for their

intuition to operate at peak efficiency rest and recuperation are paramount in

order to let other energies that may create noise to settle and disperse they

make sure to schedule sufficient periods of relaxation and often find that some

of their most brilliant thoughts come about during these moments are you a

highly intuitive person do you agree with the things laid out here can you

think of other traits that are also closely associated with a strong sense

of intuition please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below

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thanks for watching


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