Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

The filings occur, and pleasant moments

Full original accessories! Though the time put your mark

Included with the machine singer table, bed, etc. Full factory equipment


After prevention sews and knits!

If you want this? Hurry up! Contact profile!

For more infomation >> ✓ Legend! #singer #singer or as we call her #zinger! - Duration: 1:02.


INDIA or NEPAL - Which Military Is Better? - Duration: 7:09.

India and Nepal are two very similar but different countries

and they each have their own diverse sets of cultures and

Ways of doing things and when it comes to them doing things differently you can say their militaries have some differences

But similarities as well and for this video

We are looking at the military of these two nations and seeing what is truly amazing about them, and hey everybody what's going on

I'm Dave Walpole and welcome to FTD facts a channel will regenerate auch about cultures from all around the world now if you guys liked

learning about

Militaries you like learning about cultures and not quite getting the opportunity to go to these places well hit that subscribe button hit the bell

notification and learn with us every single day because hey

That's what we do here now keep in mind for our returning boys and girls now

You guys can leave a comment down there in the comment section below because we take a lot of

Recommendations from you guys because that's what we love doing now for this video guys

We give you guys the stats and you guys determine, which country is better for you and also

This is actually a part two to our Nepal vs. India video if you guys missed our first one well

You could hit you know this card right up above my head right now

If you guys really want to or you guys can just wait till the end of the video after you get through all the cool

Military facts, but anyways, let's get started

Let's find out what's great about the militaries of these two nations, so India is one heck of a huge country

And it has one heck of an army now for its available manpower it sits at six hundred and sixteen million people with approximately four

Hundred and eighty nine million six hundred thousand people fit for service for its military personnel

It's roughly four million twenty seven thousand people and active personnel sits at one million three hundred and sixty two thousand five hundred people

With approximately two million eight hundred and forty four thousand people in reserves now Nepal. It's a little bit different

It's got a smaller bunch of people and it's got a smaller military

But it ain't that bad because Nepal has a manpower of roughly fourteen million

six hundred thousand people with approximately 11 million two hundred

Thousand of them fit for service and its current military personnel sits at one hundred and fifty-seven

Thousand with about ninety five thousand being active personnel and about sixty two thousand being reserve personnel

and one thing that's great about these two nations and their militaries is that all of their soldiers are based off of a

Volunteer service and as a matter of fact India is the largest?

Volunteer army in the entire world and as well for both these

Militaries one has to be at least 18 years old before they even join so when it comes to the military

Let's break it down because both of these countries. Do have different divisions of their military. There's like Air Force

There's the actual ground infantry and all that sort of stuff now for the Air Force India has approximately

2102 aircraft strength with about

676 fighter aircraft

809 attack aircraft and out of this fighter strength about

850 seven of them are considered transport aircrafts as for their helicopters strength, it's about

666 with about 16 attack


Now Nepal on the other hand it doesn't really have much of an air force because well first of all they don't really need it

And second of all they don't really have the budget for it either

unfortunately and for their aircraft strength it sits at 27 with more on order and out of that 27 about nine of them are

Transport craft and as well their

Helicopter strength sits at 18 also to keep in mind when it comes to their helicopters and their aircraft

They are not really meant for offensive services for example

Helicopters are all based for utility now as for ground forces India has a lot for example

They have approximately four thousand four hundred and twenty six combat tanks

They also have six thousand seven hundred and four armored fighting vehicles and over seven thousand seven hundred pieces of artillery now Nepal

Unfortunately they don't have this sort of hardware. They don't have tanks

They don't have armored fighting vehicles

And they don't have artillery

because well first of all they usually get a lot of these services from India India provides a lot of this for them and

Second of all they really don't have the budget for it because their budget has been stagnant for years and of course when it comes

To a Navy Nepal is a landlocked country, so it has no Navy assets in use now

I know what you thinking you're going okay?

Well if Nepal doesn't have much of an Air Force if doesn't have tanks if it doesn't have any sort of Navy then well

What's the point of it well one thing that's really good about Nepal is it actually has a lot of friends

For example India is one really good friend to Nepal China is another and even the United States on top of that they are

applied by other countries like Russia Pakistan Bangladesh and even, North Korea

And what's great about Nepal is they managed to stay pretty neutral and on good terms with?

Countries that actually don't like each other now what I mentioned budget

We should probably take a look at that for example India spends about

51 to 55 billion US dollars ranking fifth in the world now Nepal like I said

It's remained pretty stagnant through the years and one thing that they are talking about is actually

Updating their military getting things like armored fighting vehicles and tanks

But again the budget is a little bit of a problem because currently their budget sits at about two hundred and seven million US dollars

For their military, and I know you're probably like oh

well They don't have a lot of budgets so how good could their soldiers be well actually their soldiers are really amazing

And although countries like India may have Special Forces units that are world famous like Marcos the Nepali

Gurkhas are among some of the most well trained soldiers in the world if not one of the best as a matter of fact

They're a military group that still carries their traditional knives, and these are called kurkuri knives

which are about 18 inches long and one thing that's great about the Gurkhas is that they are so well trained that the British and

India still recruit them and currently there is only about 200 of them in service today, and as a matter of fact

There's a really old saying that if somebody says well. I'm not afraid of death

They're either lying or their Gurkha as well one thing that we've never talked about here when we talk about

Militaries is that these two countries have really cool mottos with the Indian army being

Serviced before self and the Nepal Army's motto is it's better to die than be a coward

So that is us guys looking at the military strength of these two great countries and although

Nepal may be a small army it does have the same amount of spirit and toughness as its big brother India

What are than that guys my name is Dave, Wawa?

And I want to thank you guys for tuning in and learning about two great countries with me here on FTD facts now if you

Guys missed our first video and you want to learn more about these two great nations

And how they compare hit this card right up here check that out because it's really great information

On top of that guys don't forget to hit the subscribe button and check out more of our amazing videos and on top of that

Guys if you want to see more stuff directly from me hit me up on my own personal channel

I'm down in the description box below. There's a link down there

It's called picky nerds and what I do is I take movies and I take video games, and I see how they could be improved

So feel free to check that out, but other than that guys. Thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video. Bye

So you made a turn end of an FTD facts video well

That's fantastic now before you guys get out of here check out these two playlists

This is a playlist about Nepal and what is great about it

We talk about places like Kathmandu we talk about the country as a whole and here is our India playlist as well

We've had a lot of videos on this country

So be sure to check them out hit the subscribe button and we'll see you guys in the next video. Bye

For more infomation >> INDIA or NEPAL - Which Military Is Better? - Duration: 7:09.


INDIA or NEPAL - Which Country Is Better - Duration: 6:34.

India and Nepal are two amazingly great countries that are different from another and

Both of them have their own traditions and culture that brings out the best in people and today here on FTD facts

We are looking at the statistical similarities and differences of these countries now. Hey everybody what's going on welcome to FTD facts

I'm Dave Walpole and here on the channel

We talk about people cultures and places from all around the world

And if you guys really love doing that you love knowing these little bits of information from different places around the world well then hit

That subscribe button and tune in to us every single day because that's what we do now for our returning viewers

leave a comment down there for a future FTD facts video because

That's what we also do we love hearing from you guys and we love doing videos that you guys recommend

Now on top of that before I get in this video. I want to let you guys know that here on the channel

we generally don't take sides we give you guys the

Statistics and you guys can decide which country is better for you and with that in mind. Let's get started guys

Let's talk about India and Nepal. Oh yeah, so India, it's got a population of 1 billion

324 million one hundred seventy-one thousand three hundred people ranking second in the world now with that

It's population density has 390 5.2 people per square kilometer

ranking seventh in the world

Now India is quite a huge country compared to Nepal and it has a land size of three million two hundred and eighty seven

Thousand two hundred and sixty three square kilometers with water equaling about 9.8

Percent of that now like I said Nepal is a much smaller country

But one thing that's really good about it is it's a very mountainous country, and it's very beautiful to go to as well

But for its population it sits at approximately 28 million nine hundred and eighty two thousand seven hundred people

Ranking 48th in the world now

It's population density has approximately one hundred and eighty people per square kilometer

And as for its land size eight equals one hundred forty seven thousand one hundred to 81

Kilometers square and because of its mountainous terrain approximately only 2.8 percent of that is actually water now

Let's break this down. Even further guys. Let's get right into talking about money because the buck doesn't stop at population

I hope you guys like that little pun there now India uses the Indian

And one rupee equals about point zero one six US dollars now for Nepal

They use the Nepalese rupee

Which one of those equals point zero zero nine seven US Dollars and to give you a better idea

One Nepal rupee equals point six two Indian rupees and considering. We're now talking about money

Let's talk about GDP now

We're gonna use the purchasing power parity because that is the best way to compare one nation to another now for India its

GDP equals ten point three three nine trillion now of that it exports

265 billion dollars in goods with nine point nine percent of that being refined petroleum and nine point three percent of that being diamonds now

Nepal on the other hand is a much different country because it imports way more than it exports

First of all its GDP sits at seventy four point zero two billion with two thousand five hundred seventy three dollars per

capita of it's nine hundred nine million dollar

Exports nine point one percent of that is flavored water and eight point two percent of that is mounted carpets

But as for imports it

destroys being six point six 1 billion

Dollars in goods and of that eight point seven percent is refined petroleum and four point three percent of that is silver

But what does that all mean? Well if we're to compare these two when it comes to their money?

We gotta look at living expenses now if you were to move to Nepal from India food would be approximately thirteen percent higher

Housing would be 11 percent higher clothes would be one percent lower

Transportation would be fifty five percent higher personal care would be seven percent higher and oddly enough entertainment would be

Right on point. It'd be zero percent higher

It's just the same in Nepal as it is in India

However, if you were to move to Nepal from India, it would be nineteen percent more to live there, so yeah

That's great. Nepal is a little more expensive. They got less people there

You know their GDP may not be as high as India

But let's take a look at national debt for example the national debt in India is roughly seventy point six trillion dollars in

Their rupees equalling fifty nine thousand one hundred rupees per citizen now as for a Nepal

We got a look at 2016 data because they haven't released any information

as of recent and for that the national debt of

Nepal equals five point seven seven nine billion dollars and the thing about these two countries a lot of this money is

Generated from tourism and because Nepal is home to one of the largest mountains in the world

It makes one great place for a scenic tourist trip and because of that tourism is the largest

Contributor to its economy and to give you an example from 2015 to 2017

tourism skyrocketed a whopping 75%


2017 having approximately nine hundred and forty thousand people visit the country now of course India

Smashes that they have like eight point eight million people visit the country at least in 2017

But however the growth of it hasn't changed much from

2015 to 2017 because in 2016 it went up only nine point seven percent of the previous year

But in 2016 India did make 22 million dollars in tourism alone, so what do you think about these two countries?

which one is your favorite that is just a brief look at these two countries and

Speaking of which guys if you want to learn more about these two countries

Well you got to hit this video right up here

This is a link to the military videos where we look at Nepal's military and India's military

You'll really want to check that out right now and on top of that guys hit the subscribe button and learn with us every single

Day because it's fantastic to learn with you guys and learn from you guys

And on top of that in the description box below is a link to other playlists that you guys can check out

But on top of that guys my name's Dave Waldo if you guys want to find more content of me

Hit me up on my own channel picking nerds where I talk about movies and video games

And how they could be improved, but in that you guys take care. Thanks for watching, and we'll see you in the next video. Bye

What Wow

So thanks for watching guys now before you guys get out of here look at this video right here because this is that military video

That I told you about because here on the channel. We don't just do countries

We also look at their militaries as well, so it's India versus Nepal, which one is better you guys watch

And then you guys decide on top of that hit the subscribe button leave a comment and we'll see you in the next video. Bye

For more infomation >> INDIA or NEPAL - Which Country Is Better - Duration: 6:34.


Se why your business should use a cloud based ERP system - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Se why your business should use a cloud based ERP system - Duration: 4:00.


INTERVIEWING CREEPYPASTA CHARACTERS -- Funny Animated Roleplay Story - Duration: 8:57.

hi everybody I'm Paula and I am in roblox I am in creepypasta town but this

is Lily see how I look different yeah I'm sure you could tell but she is going

to interview creepypastas more creepypasta characters and I thought

that would be cool somebody gave me that idea and I thought I would try it so

let's see what we can come up with in it oh my goodness I wonder who is here

somebody told me I could find creepypastas and I thought maybe they'll

talk to me or maybe they'll kill me I don't know but you know it'll be fun to

find out sir you look like Squidward is that who you are I'm Squidward from

Squidward's suicide oh my goodness don't you know who I am I am famous

creepypasta oh my gosh sir I am so sorry please don't kill me I would like to

know where you work do you actually have a job and is it hard oh my goodness are

you telling me you seriously don't know I work at Freddy fazbear's pizza oh my

goodness don't you keep up on all the creepypasta

I mean come on of course I sell pizzas that just makes

sense Squidward I had no idea I didn't know you had anything to do with Freddy

fazbear's do you think that you would let me talk to Freddie can you get him

to do an interview with me because that would be so cool I am like Freddy's

biggest fan well I don't know it depends on what you'll give me

do you have anything you could trade me because I could use something exciting

in my life I have a Rainbow Brite Barbie doll will that do she's like rainbow

color and she has pretty pink hairs do you think you'd like that Squidward

oh my goodness are you kidding me you have a rainbow right Barbie doll oh

definitely I will introduce you to Freddy right now

Freddy I gotta introduce you to this little girl Lily she wants to interview

you and she's asking some questions and she's giving away gifts she gave me an

awesome Rainbow Brite Barbie doll I have never seen one of these rainbow I mean

can you believe it and this one kids 67 over here he wants to talk to you too

what do you think Freddy Wow I guess it's okay if she talks to me but

please tell her two questions that's all I can answer I just can't

handle warned that it's been such a rough day chica didn't make enough pizza

Bonnie was scaring all the little kids I don't know I just can't control these

animatronics any longer and I I have got to get back to work so just tell her she

could come on over to questions that's it

and for my gift I need her to give me a purple sparkly bow tie

I mean seriously I've got to have a purple one I am so tired of this black

thing oh my gosh yes thank you so much Freddie you are so so cute oh sorry I'm

fair girl eat again I can't help it it's just it's really hard okay well okay but

what are your questions you only get two and you've got to give me that purple

sparkly bow tie I mean you just have to and you know I

I'm I cry but I really really need one of those

here is my first question do you have a girlfriend I mean I know that is an

awkward question and you probably don't want to answer but everybody is asking

me does Freddy fazbear have a girlfriend well let me answer that first I got to

tell you something I used to have a girlfriend

but she left me and I don't know I I really can't talk about it okay but her

name was Debbie yeah I know that you weren't expecting that and I know you

didn't see that coming but her name really was Debbie hey fredbear tell me

um nevermind don't let it no I already know the

answer and your boy well Freddie one thing I'd like to tell you is that

Captain America's Civil War is in the theatres May 6th it's it's definitely

gonna be good and see you later bye this isn't turning out at all what I had

planned I'm gonna try not to cry but it's just not working out for me let's

go in here and see if we can find somebody else to interview let's sit

here and let's just have a chat how do you keep your face looking like that I

mean that is amazing that is seriously amazing and one two three four house

likes your face do we have to interview him what kind of questions should I ask

him well little girl I think you should ask him how much money he has because I

have Hulk hands and so do I look let's let's fight over this I have the best

clock hands no I have a sword I have this ax what well I don't know I I can

do better than that I have glasses I have awesome sparkly glasses wait what I

have a yellow sparkly thing and what are you talking about

okay okay questions back to the point I I know what question you should ask ask

the screamer why he is so handsome and nevermind

Jeff the killer killed us I just can't get an interview with anybody but

Freddie and I don't even think Freddie's a creepypasta where are the creepypastas

they're nowhere oh there's somebody ready look that person is ready

what is he ready from what is he running to a low person oh oh my goodness he was

running from that and that was a creepypasta I think that I see a knife

coming through that door so I'm going to figure that that is Jeff the killer can

I talk to you you look like you're not having such a good day scp-173 oh my

gosh I didn't know I'd see you here well I got some questions for you and I would

like to know first of all why your face is so beautiful and as you could see I

have a son but he won't sit still his name is eight six nine I can't read

numbers but look he's leaving oh my god she's trying to get out the door I just

I can't control him I try but it just doesn't work thanks a lot sir for your

answer because I really appreciate it Slender Man please answer some of these

questions for me before you kill me I mean this would really make my day

Slenderman do you love Sally I know everybody says

you do and I just want to know do you do you love Sally yes I love Sally I'm

sorry but I can't get my hand out of this house and there's nothing I could

do about it I can't go to her I can't see her so I guess I'll have to say I

don't love her anymore how's that oh my goodness

he's depressed what are we gonna do we have to do something okay well hey at

least we got to interview you slender man it means a lot in here take the

stance I mean I really appreciate it and don't tell Freddy fazbear where I am

because he never got his little purple bow tie

and this person over here is the best dancer ever

okay everybody will oh my goodness that did not go as planned it anyway guys you

have fun and I'll talk to you later bye

For more infomation >> INTERVIEWING CREEPYPASTA CHARACTERS -- Funny Animated Roleplay Story - Duration: 8:57.


ALOO TIKKI || ALOO TIKKI RECIPE || ALOO KI TIKKI || आलू की टिक्की || Vijayas recipes - Duration: 5:20.

Hi this is Vijaya & welcome to Vijaya's recipe.

Today we'll make a teatime snack recipe i.e Aloo Tikki

It tastes really good as a breakfast

But it tastes extremely good especially with a Bombay Street Food Ragda Patties

So let's make Aloo Tikki

To make Aloo Tikki we've boiled 6 potatoes for 4 whistles in pressure cooker further peeled and mashed

Cooking Oil for shallow frying

1 Cup Rice Flour, 1 tsp Red Chilli Powder

1/2 tsp Rock Salt (Optional)

1 tsp Slat, 1 tsp Chaat Masala

1 tsp Garam Masala

3 Green Chillies finely chopped

1/2 Cup Cornflour, Coriander Leaves and 1 tsp Turmeric Powder

So let's make Aloo Tikki

Transferring boiled and mashed potatoes in the big bowl


Rock Salt

Chaat Masala

Garam Masala

Red Chilli Powder

Green Chillies


Mix it well

Adding Rice Flour

Corn Flour

Mix it well

We'll mix it with hand and prepare its dough

Adding Turmeric Powder

Mix it well

Our dough is ready

We've turn on the flame and putting Oil in the pan

We'll shallow fry the Aloo Tikkis in this oil

Till the time Oil is heating up we'll prepare Aloo Tikkis

Greasing the hands with Oil

Similarly we'll prepare all the remaining Tikkis

Now we've made all the Tikkis and we'll shallow fry them

We'll fry the Tikkis on low flame

We've fry the Tikki for 5 mins from one side and now we'll flip it

We'll fry the Tikkis for 5 mins from the another side as well

We've shallow fried the Tikkis for 5 mins from the another side

Our Aloo Tikkis are ready, we'll take them out in the plate

Here we've Aloo Tikki ready, we'll serve this with Green Chutney and Tomato Sauce

If you like our today's recipe, then do like this

We've given detailed method of preparation and ingredients

Do like and share our videos also subscribe to our channel

And for more such recipes please visit our website ""

Thanks a lot for watching, see you in our next video.

For more infomation >> ALOO TIKKI || ALOO TIKKI RECIPE || ALOO KI TIKKI || आलू की टिक्की || Vijayas recipes - Duration: 5:20.


Carrie Underwood Just Dropped Sudden Announcement She Hid For Months After Bashing Trump - Duration: 29:12.

Carrie Underwood Just Dropped Sudden Announcement She Hid For Months After Bashing Trump

After centering another celebrity ego-stroking awards show around bashing President Donald

Trump, country singer Carrie Underwood, who used to be America's favorite American Idol

and "girl next door," has come out with a sudden shock announcement.

The star has been mostly out of the scene since hosting the disrespectful Annual Country

Music Association Awards on Nov. 2nd in part due to a devastating and unfortunate accident

she was in outside her home in Tennessee.

It happened just a few days after trashing Trump on stage and was simply reported as

a fall at first, until weeks later when she revealed it was a lot more than that.

After announcing that she had to get 40 stitches to her face following the fall, she's emerged

one more time with a sudden announcement that's taking her fans, supporters, and even her

haters by complete surprise.

When Carrie revealed that her face required extensive stitches after the fall, she did

so passively by not showing the actual damage.

It was previously reported, that she said she got 40 stitches from what was initially

described as practically nothing more than a stumble, but did so using a pic of her face

wrapped up in a knit scarf.

Of course, the selfie was stunning showing her gorgeous eyes, but not the injury everyone

wondered about.

Now we're learning the final result of that injury.

It was speculated at the time of her telling of her 40 injuries that she would likely use

her horrific experience in a positive way – perhaps to empower others to be confident

in themselves regardless of anything that makes them different from others.

We're now seeing that the exceptional songbird is doing just that in the most incredible

way and certainly coming out as a champion over her injury.

We're pretty sure that if you love Carrie, you're going to love what she's doing

now and if didn't like her before for her political antics, you might become her newest

fan of hers if her song seems like she's seeing the error in her ways before.

CBS Sports is still not feeling the love for Underwood who just threw some major shade

on her new debut, still unimpressed by the star for a number of reasons.

Songs about sports are rarely good.

For every "Heart of a Champion" by Nelly there are a million "Centuries" by Fall

Out Boy.

They're contrived, boring, and safe — exactly what good music often isn't.

But if you were wondering, "hey, I wonder what Ludacris is up to" this morning, I

highly doubt the first thing that came to mind is "collaborating with Carrie Underwood

on a Super Bowl anthem."

And yet, here we are.

Underwood and Luda collaborated on a song called "The Champion" that released on

Friday, and it… did not break the mold.

Carrie Underwood is no stranger to contrived NFL theme songs.

If she's been waiting all day for a Sunday night, she's been waiting all year for Super

Bowl Sunday night.

And if she's a Titans fan (I'm guessing here, as she's married to the Predators'

Mike Fisher) then she can at least say this song could be about the Titans.

Luda's Falcons are still in, too, so what two people are better qualified for this song?

Should Migos have had a guest verse?

Probably, but it's too late for that.

Sometimes the empowering songs you sing in the shower are the best one and not those

that you think makes you look cool.

CBS Sports should take note of that fact because clearly, Carrie knows what she's doing.

We're pretty sure that her haters, including those who on the surface act to cool for a

"champion" song, will be singing along when nobody's looking.

The world needs more awesome anthems like this, even if some think it's cheesy.

However, not everyone is willing to forgive and get on board with Ms. Underwood as we've

seen in the barrage of comments made after her Trump-trashing session on stage.

Many fans bailed on her and may not be coming back no matter what.

Just as furious fans have turned every football game off, they did so to the CMAs in an immediate

reaction to their insulting acts to the man they voted for and are proud of.

Opposing Views caught some of the reactions that filled the Internet as real-time ratings

for the awards show began to drop from the mass exodus of offended country fans.

"Well even the #cmaawards has to open up by mocking the President," wrote one person

on Twitter.

"Time to find something else to watch that won't involve politics."

"So very disappointing that the CMAs brought politics to the show," said a commenter

in Daily Mail's comments section.

"I won't watch again, nor support you with my money."

It's disturbing that not a single awards show in the eight years Barack Obama was president

ruthlessly mocked him, as almost every one of them in the past 10 months of Trump's

presidency has.

There would be outrage for days if the tables were turned on this.

These country stars didn't listen to the warnings from their show association, but

more importantly, they didn't learn from the fallout of the NFL from pissed patriots

and now their industry could soon pay a similar price.

For more infomation >> Carrie Underwood Just Dropped Sudden Announcement She Hid For Months After Bashing Trump - Duration: 29:12.


The Farmer in the Dell | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Children | Babies Song by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:16.

The Farmer In The Dell

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