Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

Thank you for fitting us in on such short notice.

You're having an affair now?

No, we-- we got divorced.

Yup, miss a little, miss a lot.

♪ Oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ Oh, whoa, oh ♪

One minute you're married and the next minute it's like,

"Yeah, buh-bye, see ya, nice knowing ya."


"Congratulations." Really?


CARLOS: You're single!

That would be implying that I'm getting laid a lot.

(SCOFFS) God, that's not happening.

You're divorced now, you're free!

FRANCES DUFRESNE: I need to start fresh.

I want our home to be happy again.



Yeah, you've really got to be loud.

-Project. Yeah. -Yeah.



This is to celebrate me, officially investing

in the gallery.

♪ People say we're crazy ♪

♪ But we can have it all ♪

FRANCES: Dating's sort of like Disneyland,

like I'm putting it off as long as possible.

Nick, this is Jackie.

Welcome, Jackie.

-ROBERT DUFRESNE: She's my "friend-woman." -(LAUGHS)

You mean girlfriend?


♪ Go! Whoa, oh, oh ♪

FRANCES: I need to move on.

You know, jump in the water and get wet.


-What are you doing? -Wait, wait, wait!

♪ Whoa, oh, oh ♪

Do you ever wonder... "What if we met each other now?"

"New Frances met new Robert?"

-FRANCES: Yeah. -ROBERT: I'd think we'd have a lot of laughs.

Mostly at the expense of-- Of old Frances.

♪ Whoa, oh, oh ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, oh ♪

For more infomation >> Divorce Season 2 Official Trailer (2018) | HBO - Duration: 1:40.


The Power of MAKEUP! - Duration: 3:18.

Brianna, you can't touch anything.

Okey! I'm only looking at it

You can't touch anything.

I'm not touching anything!

dad can do it,


Why can't you do your makeup with this...

For more infomation >> The Power of MAKEUP! - Duration: 3:18.


Tucket the Bucket: Learn French with subtitles - Story for Children "" - Duration: 5:30.

Tucket the Bucket

By Kuzhali Manickavel

Tucket was the saddest bucket

in the world.

He had once been

a garden favorite.

The gardener used to swing him

by his strong handle

as he went to fetch water.

"What a good bucket," he said.

But as time passed,

Tucket the bucket grew a hole.

Suddenly he was useless.

What good is a bucket with a hole?

Tucket was tossed

into the corner of the garden.

He was left out in the rain and the sun,

and began to rust.


he even got

kicked around.

"I should throw that bucket away",

the gardener muttered.

Tucket didn't want to be thrown away.

He felt very sad,

though his good friends

in the garden tried to cheer him up.

The squirrels set him back up

when he was kicked down,

and the birds

cheerfully flapped about him.

"Don't worry, Tucket!"

they chirped soothingly.

Tucket really tried to be happy

but it was very, very hard.

One day, a little girl

ran through the garden

and stopped in front of Tucket.

He sighed

and waited for the usual kicks,

when suddenly he heard:



he found himself blinking

and spluttering under the garden hose.

The girl was cleaning him!

He felt heavy chunks of rust fall off

and his spirits brightened.

"Oh! You already have a big hole at the bottom!"

said the girl

as she peered inside.

"Even better!"

Tucket could not believe what he had just heard.

She wanted a bucket with a hole?

The girl took him to the veranda,

filled him with rich soil

and planted a tiny rose inside.

"This is a baby rose,"

she said to Tucket.

"You must help me

take care of her, OK?"

Tucket was so happy.

The girl really wanted him!

She even asked him

to take care of this small rose.

Tucket nearly burst with joy.

He straightened himself up proudly

as the girl finished planting.

She carefully placed Tucket

in the best spot of the veranda.

It was a cozy corner,

protected from the wind and the rain.

Tucket winked and smiled

at his friends in the garden.


I'm taking care of this little rose!"

"We're very happy for you, Tucket!"


the squirrels, and the birds chirped happily.

Tucket took great care of the rose

and was visited by the girl and his friends

every day.

He was now the happiest bucket

in the world.

For more infomation >> Tucket the Bucket: Learn French with subtitles - Story for Children "" - Duration: 5:30.


Tech Talk: VLOG about My Issues with Micro SD Cards, DSLR, Phone Cameras & Video Editing Software - Duration: 9:04.

For more infomation >> Tech Talk: VLOG about My Issues with Micro SD Cards, DSLR, Phone Cameras & Video Editing Software - Duration: 9:04.


Muslim Hadith part-6 - Duration: 2:34.

muslim hadith

For more infomation >> Muslim Hadith part-6 - Duration: 2:34.


Inam Kulathur Sevaththagani Biriyani -See How Mutton Biriyani Is Made At This Famous Hotel - Duration: 13:59.

Opened only on SUNDAYS from 12.30 pm to 3 pm

how long have you been working here?

for 40 years

This is for biriyani and thats for dalcha

dal is boiling in this

why the name sevaththagani??

owners father'

why is it opened only on sundays?

since its a holiday people come from trichy and other places

after this i will prepare another biriyani just like this one

500 people can eat in this biriyani...

how long will it take to prepare?

i will put dum at 11.30

why is this biriyani tasty?

because of the water

ginger garlic paste

how much kg's of mutton?

50 kg's

Is this for pepper chicken?

after boiling we will shred it

this is for dalcha

For more infomation >> Inam Kulathur Sevaththagani Biriyani -See How Mutton Biriyani Is Made At This Famous Hotel - Duration: 13:59.


zuban bandi ka wazifa | Zuban bandi ka wazifa in urdu | Dushman Ki Zuban Band Karne Ka Wazifa - Duration: 2:29.

zuban bandi ka wazifa | Zuban bandi ka wazifa in urdu | Dushman Ki Zuban Band Karne Ka Wazifa

For more infomation >> zuban bandi ka wazifa | Zuban bandi ka wazifa in urdu | Dushman Ki Zuban Band Karne Ka Wazifa - Duration: 2:29.


A Week In The Life Of A Bondi Vet [ 1 ] / Dr Kate Adams - Duration: 5:07.

I'm really late this morning you guys.

Arghh I'm always late!

It's a bit of a hectic day today.

Our first cab off the rank is unfortunately going to be put to sleep.

A little guy that's been battling for some time now.

That's a sad way to start the day..


Oh, I really like her. Look at her, she's just lovely.

Has Elisabeth given you a pill this morning?

Yes! I got two!

She's not very good at taking pills, is she?

Oh, she's okay.

Fully booked this morning.

Jaz is my favourite Burmese.

so he's a really old man..

and he always reminds me just how much I love being a vet.

Hi you guys. How are you guys doing?

Hey you guys.. look, can you just listen for a minute?

You guys listening? Liiistening..

This morning we are off to Puppy School!

I'm actually feeling a little tired this morning..

but it's all going to be ok because puppies make everything better!

Yes, ok.. wake up

Is Paige going all well?

Yeah she's good..

You've done this before?

Oh, I've done this before..

You're at puppy school at the moment? Week two?

Yeah week 2 of puppy school.

He's a pretty good dog to begin with, he knew things before we went to puppy school..

like sit and stay..

Whoops, he's not completely toilet trained yet obviously

We're only up to week two of puppy school so..

So puppy training 101 - toilet training.. important

Good morning, Melbourne!

We are off to do some filming

I think I'm supposed to be doing an ad this morning..

I'm don't exactly know what to expect but we're going to find out.

This is Dorothy the Basset.

She's probably going to be a lot more photogenic than I feel..

Hi guys, I'm at Sydney Emergency and Specialists Centre today

and I've been having a chat to Dr Eugene Buffa all about Arthritis in dogs.

I have been learning so much

and actually this is one of the first times I've actually come to this facility here..

and it is amazing.

There's multiple levels, multiple specialists..

See you guys.

I'm bouncing and ready to go.

So we're going to take a lump off Benny.

It's been there for a little while

and it's kinda getting big - so it's time to take it off.

Lisa just cleaning him up.

How beautiful does this look?

I think people aren't going to think it looks beautiful.

Hey guys, I think we've done pretty well.

Benny is out of surgery.

He is just about to get woken up.

Lisa here is just going to clean him up at the moment.

It's all gone pretty well, I think I've got the whole thing.

Good job, Benny.

You alright mate? good boy.

I reckon i know where Jazzy is.

Hey guys, this is Flee.

And he has the most beautiful teeth in the world.

And why does he have such good teeth?

Because they get brushed!

This is what your dogs teeth should look like.

And if they don't..

.. you should be starting to brush them.

This is Alegra.

Alegra is a 11 year old Burmese.

But Alegra had so many dental problems -

so about 3 years ago Alegra had a full mouth extraction.

And what that actually means is that they actually took all of her teeth out.

Look at how beautiful that mouth looks.

I'm sure that Alegra is absolutely 100% comfortable.

For more infomation >> A Week In The Life Of A Bondi Vet [ 1 ] / Dr Kate Adams - Duration: 5:07.


Tuesdays With Terry | January 23, 2018 | Orphan's Promise - Duration: 1:42.

Hi everybody, this is a time of year that I'm always enthusiastic about.. apart from

the weather, which has been a little crazier this year. It's telethon here at CBN and it's

the time of the year where we really invite people to join us, to participate

in what we're doing in a financial way. Pat Robertson likes to say it's the

time of year where we cut the cloth for what we can do for the remainder of the

year, based on the generosity of people who have compassion and kindness toward

others who are in need. And you know, it's like that for Orphan's Promise too,

because this is time of year where we're budgeting for the coming year, where

we're looking at which projects we can say yes to and how much we can go on

supporting the projects that exist and so I want to ask you two things: one,

I'd love for you to pray for wisdom for us and for discernment as we go through

that that process of looking at what's available and what's possible to us, but

I'm also asking you to stand with us for the coming year because none of the

things that we do are we capable of doing without your support. So would you

prayerfully ask God what He'd have you do, and then join with Orphan's Promise as

we reach out and touch the lives of children who are in desperate need,

taking them from at-risk to thriving. And I believe that that's God's economy for

them and that he gives you and I the privilege of participating. So come along

with us. 2018 is gonna be an amazing, wonderful year and we'll be sharing all

kinds of stories with you along the way on Facebook on YouTube. We want you to be a

part of all of that. So join with us won't you? Thank you in advance!

For more infomation >> Tuesdays With Terry | January 23, 2018 | Orphan's Promise - Duration: 1:42.


The Wall - Zero (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> The Wall - Zero (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:38.


HUNTING FOR ZOMBIES cooking COTTON candy game cartoon for children and kids ZOMBIE kids game - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> HUNTING FOR ZOMBIES cooking COTTON candy game cartoon for children and kids ZOMBIE kids game - Duration: 7:19.


即身成就【金菩提禪師短片系列】 - Duration: 5:20.

Achieve Buddhahood in This Life -- From "What Is Buddha?"

Achieve Buddhahood in This Life -- From "What Is Buddha?"

我開悟了 我有所行動

Your action is decided by your enlightenment.

其實我心動的這一剎那 我怎么心动的呢

The moment a thought arises, you act.


Let's take this house for example:


We love all the beings in this house.

我要讓大家離苦得樂 不入地獄

We want everyone to be happy, free of suffering, and not go to hell,


including the earthly hell of walking the wrong path,


including the earthly hell of walking the wrong path

學吸毒啊 賭博啊 打架啊 殺人啊 偷盜啊

such as gambling, fighting, killing, stealing, or doing drugs.


All these are wrong paths.

不走歪路 不入邪途

Let's not take the wrong turns.

行慈悲之道 修成正果

Take the path of compassion to achieve enlightenment.

我一定要幫大家 我想到全屋子的人

I must help everyone in the whole house.

這個全面 也叫圓和滿的意思

The "whole" means "completeness and perfection."


Let's use a water tank as an example:


If it's only 10% full, it's incomplete, only partly filled.

它不叫圓滿 只是一部分

If it's only 10% full, it's incomplete, only partly filled.

我灌滿了整個水缸 這叫圓滿 對不對

It can only be called "complete" when it's full, right?

好 我現在還沒有灌

Since it's not full, my intention to fill it arises.


Since it's not full, my intention to fill it arises.

在佛的意念裡 祂是突破了這個時空

According to Buddha, an intention goes beyond time and space.


An intention to fill the tank will eventually make it full.

你從想到做 其實就是

An intention to fill the tank will eventually make it full.


An intention to fill the tank will eventually make it full.

佛呢 祂是超越了地球這個空間在看你

Buddha watches us from beyond this space called "Earth."


From thinking to achieving, humans may need an hour.

想 到去行 到把這個事做完

From thinking to achieving, humans may need an hour.


From thinking to achieving, humans may need an hour.


But when Buddha views us from his great realm,


But when Buddha views us from his great realm,

祂看到就 想 完成了

his thinking becomes instant achievement.


In his realm, time and space are compressed.


Thinking and completing come together in an instant.


For humans, completion may take a lifetime.


For Buddha, the start and results both happen in an instant.

同時就瞬間一二 來了

For Buddha, the start and results both happen in an instant.


He sees the cause and effect at the same time.


Buddha's message is if you have a great aspiration,


Buddha's message is if you have a great aspiration,


you'll have a great achievement.


What's in Buddha's mind?

祂說 我要讓天下一切眾生

He wants to help all sentient beings, all humans,


He wants to help all sentient beings, all humans,


and all karmic-bonded people,

都能夠獲得徹底的解脫 離苦得樂

achieve total liberation, leave suffering and attain happiness.


Let there be no hellish suffering.


Making such a true wish equals perfect enlightenment and conduct,


Making such a true wish equals perfect enlightenment and conduct,


and a full store of merit and virtue.


It starts in the instant of aspiration.


Time does not matter;

剎那發心 剎那覺悟 剎那證得果位

instant aspiration equals instant enlightenment.


That's the way.


Some disciple once asked me: "Master, I'm 50 now,

師父啊 我今年50了

Some disciple once asked me: "Master, I'm 50 now,


what will I become at 80 if I keep on practicing?"

我說你現在修 就現在就能成

I said, "If you practice now, you'll achieve right now."

就我這 我這樣子能修成

"Me, with my looks, can I achieve enlightenment?"


"Well, people have different looks,


there isn't a "look of enlightenment."

長著像佛像的人才修(得)成嗎 不是

Will only those who resemble Buddha achieve enlightenment? No.


Accomplished masters of the past all had their own features.

這個相貌啊 各有所長哎 不一樣的都

Accomplished masters of the past all had their own features.


So regardless of looks, anyone can achieve.


Not necessarily highly educated ones.


If you're illiterate,


if you sincerely think and act this way, you've achieved.

真心地這樣做 你就是成就

if you sincerely think and act this way, you've achieved.


Instant achievement is, in Buddha's esoteric teachings,


Instant achievement is, in Buddha's esoteric teachings,


the way to achieve Buddhahood in this life.


This teaching highlights what Buddha is.


This teaching highlights what Buddha is.


It's just that we're ignorant, nonaspirant, and not yet ready,

發心不夠 時機不到

It's just that we're ignorant, nonaspirant, and not yet ready,


so we can't understand it.


When the time was right,

我今天明白了 也讓大家一起明白了

I understood, and now I'm helping you understand.

我覺得 大家這個福報實在是

I feel your blessings are indeed bigger than the sky. (Got it.)


I feel your blessings are indeed bigger than the sky. (Got it.)

Instant aspiration equals instant enlightenment and achievement.

For more infomation >> 即身成就【金菩提禪師短片系列】 - Duration: 5:20.


How to make TARN (tshirt Yarn) - Duration: 5:53.

hello everyone I hope you are very well today I wanted to show you how you can do

recycled fabric with shirts because I know that in some parts you do not get

trapillo or because they may well want recycle your own shirts

The first thing we will need is obviously the shirt we want

recycle and scissors and we proceed to bend it as we see there by the

half but leaving an edge without bending that is the edge that we are not going to

cut you cut the bottom end what are the seams that has

at the bottom of any shirt

trying to keep us straight

then we decide the width of which we are going to love our trapillo I go to

cut the approximately one inch two and a half centimeters and we cut only

the folded part leaving the edge that does not it is bent without cutting

here I was testing what method I works better as you could cut it

faster and I think more straight. The width that said let's use to cut out

our shirt will define us the final thickness of the trapíllo, this one that is

2.5 centimeters more or less is for weave with a 10 millimeter needle

and we continue to cut all our part tubular shirt without trimming the

end that we do not have folded in the top until we get to the


here when we get to the sleeves and we cut completely up

We extend the part that was not cropped and for the beginning we just cut

inclined and then we try to unite a cut with the following to make a

single strip continues all up shirt tubular that we cut as well as

shows and we join one end of the cut with the other end as uniting it

thrown down with the top part and as I told you then let's get

a single strip continues with all that tubular part of the shirt for those

ideal shirts like this one that's cutting me that has no seams the

sides only one continuous cloth tube because those that do have seams and we

will be with the detail of the seam and we are going to have to choose a

little when we leave so that we do not get see

then we stretch it a little so that the claw that cramped form and they were going to

I wanted to show you that it is also trying to take advantage of the sleeves and

including the part of the neck with the part of the sleeve we're going to do

exactly the same and we cut in this case I do not speak it because she is

small but cut out the part took place to leave a part untrimmed

which is the one that boyle then to remember here in a way inclined to if one the two

parts of two strips that are no longer continue the dunes and as shown

there anyway in the description of

video I'm going to leave the video of how make plan that is the plastic thread

that there are show details better this part as a strip joins with another but

so more or less to remain the landmark pnud and here they try to take advantage of the

of the neck too and this is another method cutting it off as it is a part

flat is no longer tubular I'm cutting without reaching all the way to the

final and then changed direction

this type of trimming cut and not what of tissue so I do not know how how

those ends will be cut like this you have to prove how it is

and then we are simply left roll it up to form a novillito

de trapillo bueno that's all for today I hope you liked it and are encouraged

recycle and turn it into new things do not forget to subscribe to the channel and

leave me your questions and comments below chau until next time

For more infomation >> How to make TARN (tshirt Yarn) - Duration: 5:53.


NEW YEAR RESOLUTION Ft. HyperDuck - Duration: 6:40.

Official Subtitle

Jimmy: What is up guy! Welcome back

for another video


Jimmy: This is my second video actually

I'm kinda nervous about this

Beanie: What language is this?

He supposed to speak in Vietnamese

Beanie: Yo Bro! You should speak in Vietnamese cause

All of your friends are in Vietnam. You should repect them. Alright?

Ok! Chill out, bro!

Imma speak in Vietnamese, ok?

Jimmy: Hi guys! My name is Jimmy. And this is my first video on youtube

Second video actually

Jimmy: Anyway, I'm going to talk about New Year's Resolution

Perhaps It's in the title

Basically, New Year's Resolution is a plan or goal that you made to change yourself.

I've changed quite a lot since last year

Jimmy: This is me 4 months ago. But I also have many goals

For example,

Hire a cameraman

Walk up early, Do exercise and Clean the room etc.

However, I still have one goal that

I feel extremely hard to succeed

Jimmy: I even set this goal two years ago

But I haven't achieved it.

Jimmy: Yup! Having a Six Pack Abs. I know you guys think

"It is easy to get a six pack abs"

Jimmy: But in fact, only 1% of population have six pack abs

And I'm in the 99%

Jimmy: In 2018, I decided to make a change

I research on Youtube, Google everyday (I lied)

Jimmy: Finally, I found what I want this afternoon

I will show you that video

Ok! Here we go:

Ok! Here we go:

Ok! Here we go:

Hyperduck: You come here to learn how to get six packs abs, right?

You came to the wrong one

Jimmy: this is bulls**t.

But the thubnail says:

Fast way to get six pack on seven days

Let's keep watching

HyperDuck: I'm sorry.

I will try to teach you how to get 1 pack

HyperDuck: bla bla bla (doesn't matter)

bla bla bla

Hyperduck: first, do the squat (finally)

Ok. Squat

Secondly, do the push up

bla bla bla

Jimmy: P u s h u p

Next, pull up

Jimmy: p u l l u p

HyperDuck: Ok , now we run

Jimmy: R u n

HyperDuck: bla bla bla

bla bla bla

bla bla bla

bla bla bla

bla bla bla

Lastly, sit up

Jimmy: s i t u p

Basically, this video told you to do five things

that you will do in 7 days to get six pack abs

Jimmy: I don't know if it's true or not

But I will try anyway

Let do this

*Motivational Music*

Jimmy:Alright! this is the last day of challenge

I've been working hard last week

And hopefully, i will get good result

Jimmy: I'm going to sleep

And I'll show you my result tomorrow

*Music keep playing*

Jimmy: It's 4 a.m

I'm too exited to sleep. Beanie's still sleeping

This is the result of working hard

This is the result of working hard

Jimmy: Oh man

No way

Jimmy: From the beginning, I believe profoundly in HyperDuck

And I did exactly what he told me

Jimmy: It's not really effective. I'm so disappointed

Jimmy: I want you to have a goal

And try your best to achieve it

Even though It's not always easy

Jimmy: At least you have tried *like me*

If you guys still watching this


Beanie: What about the guy who tricked you. Remember?

HyperDuck or something

Cause he said 7 days and you get six pack

And now you get nothing

Beanie: You gotta do something 'bout it

Jimmy: Oh ya man! I almost forgot

But I think there's still one minute left on that video

Beanie: Mm Hm

Jimmy: Ya! We should Check it out

Beanie: Ok

Jimmy: Oh man! It was a troll.

Ok, Imma give this video a..

Di... Like

Jimmy in the screen: There you go


I will read every one comment




Have you subcribed yet?

C'mon I'm waiting

Still waiting

You did? THANK YOU

Comment down below!!

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