Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

Hey guys, it's Emily! For today's video I want to do some Booktube channel

shoutouts in light of the recent monetization policy that youtube has put

in effect. Apparently the right thing to do when

one of your most popular content creators fuck's up majorly is to punish

the smaller creators. I guess that's a thing that was decided upon. So this was

the perfect impetus for me to finally get off my lazy ass and shout out all of

the amazing smaller booktubers. All of these channels are absolutely amazing

and they deserve all the love and support. I will be linking to everyone's

channels in the cards and down below so you guys should go watch all their

videos, because they're amazing. first off I have Maddie from The Book Pusher. She is

one of my OG booktube friends we've all started kind of around the same time and

she was one of the first people that I talked to that he kind of consistency I

love her videos I think she's hilarious just so so funny

she and I have really similar taste when it comes to fantasy books and she also

reads graphic novels which is great I think around the time that I'm filming

this she will be almost at 2,000 subscribers so if you guys want to help

her push over that edge or if she's over that just subscribe anyway cuz you're

welcome she's great and on top of great taste it might be say so myself

Anna Larry's videos she tells it like it is she is honest as hell alright so

appreciate that if a book is terrible she will call it terrible I love it

she's the best you gotta go check her

out next I have Katherine from the literary

Prince she is just the sweetest she's new were ish I think she's been

doing books to him a couple months at this point and the quality of her videos

is stupid good like I watch her videos and I'm just like oh I can't do that

I love watching her I find her videos so soothing

her voice is lovely I just love watching them they're such a breath of fresh air

she is so articulate you just you gotta go watch next

I have Gabby or no she is just the sweetest and I think she is right around

a thousand subscribers or like just passed it or something I'm so excited

for her she totally deserves it like Maddie she's one of the first people

that I followed on booktube one of the first people and they started talking to

on book 2 I just love her first of all her style

game I appreciate that I also just really like the content that she puts

out it's very honest and open and conversational and I tend to lean

towards the more conversational videos just in general she also doesn't just do

booktube videos she's awesome done covers of stuff which is so great you

should watch her dear Theodosia cover she also does really awesome Harry

Potter discussion videos what why she posted one of her art films for school

which was just so cool and read loved Gaby's the best next I have a channel

who I only recently discovered and I'm like so excited about it and that is

Kate Hickey she is so funny so funny oh my gosh

goose go watch her drunk book tag it had me like in stitches for the whole time I

was laughing for the whole video it's great when I first found her channel I

was like I think I think we'd be buds in real life I think she's just a super

dope and really cool and has good taste in books and like what else do you want

she loves the diviner series but little bit bright which is just like yes yes

please it's like one of my favorite young adult series of all times so so so

good she's hilarious and wonderful and you should check her out

next i have sylvia from wish fulfillment sylvia is just the kindest soul she's

just wonderful and such a welcoming warm person i could go on and on and on about

how wonderful I think Sylvia is I met her at book net fest first of all she is

so brilliant I forget which panels she participated

in or if she was on more than one but I for sure saw her on one panel I was just

like my goodness I love this and then we hung out after the kind of event

specific stuff at book knit fest and I just she's the best she was so warm and

welcoming and inclusive to everybody Sylvia was just the biggest most

wonderful mother who like welcomed everyone in and I am forever so grateful

because I felt really awkward so Sylvia you are wonderful and then on top of

that her reviews are incredible she asks I think seven questions for every book

that she reads I'm gonna butcher them because I don't remember exactly what

they are off the top of my head but it something like what is the

representation like did it teach me something just it's she's so great I

love that she looks at books that lens she does TBR wrapping

unwrapping stuff where she wraps up all her books and then just takes them off

of the shelf and then we'll literally unwrap them and not know what she's

gonna be reading that month and it's just so satisfying watching her leg get

excited about how it might be there's one book that she's really excited for

and then if she gets it like you're so excited with her it's just great she's

also doing new project called the ravenclaw TBR project you should go

check out her introduction video to that because I think it sounds really really

really cool I just love Sylvia and lastly I have another channel who's a

recent ish discovery for me I've been watching her videos for a couple months

now and that is jenny from head in her books first of all her lipstick game is

just fire the quality of her videos is so lovely to watch so that's great and

she has the best taste when it comes to young adult fiction she reads a really

wide range of young adult and emphasizes own voices and diverse authors and I

really appreciate that I also just think she seems like the sweetest human she

just seems like an actual sweetheart she's just great and you should check

out her videos so I'm hoping to do more of these types of videos moving forward

I have been a longtime admirer of Livy from I Livi for books who does shoutouts

so regularly she's just this wonderful empowering figure in the community who

always wants to spread the love and support and it's wonderful I have been

seriously lacking in that so this is hopefully just the start and I will be

continuing to do this also if I didn't mention your channel that doesn't mean I

don't love it this was just like a very quickly put together thing so just want

to take a second to make that clear thanks so much for watching if you like

this video give it a thumbs up hit subscribe to see more of my face you can

find me on Twitter at possibly litt and on Instagram and possibly literate and I

will see you next time

For more infomation >> BOOKTUBE SHOUT-OUTS || 2018 - Duration: 6:11.


New Study Reveals How Humans Will Respond If We Find Aliens - Duration: 3:20.

New Study Reveals How Humans Will Respond If We Find Aliens

It has been said that if alien life were found, people would panic upon hearing about it with

worry that extra-terrestrials might conquer the planet.

This, of course, is one way of thinking and it has been the subject of discussion for

some time.

The SETI search, also known as Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, is a stringent

process over nine-steps that have been preparing people for news about alien life.

People Would Not Panic If They Found They Were Not Alone In The Universe

Now a group of Arizona State University researchers has found that people might not react as thought

and be frightened by the discovery of aliens.

Instead, they might be positive about the whole thing.

The study has been made available online.

The results seem to suggest that people have no reason to be frightened by the discovery

of aliens.

It was said that people would not be bothered about Earth coming to an end and there would

not be chaos in the streets.

The study consisted of recruiting people using the online survey tool of Amazon, Mechanical


During the first part of the stud, 501 people wrote a response to a supposed discovery of

alien life and what they thought people would think and how they would react.

The results revealed that people thought that others would be positive about the discovery

of alien life.

People Looked More At Positive Side Of Finding Alien Life Than Disadvantages

In the paper published it was said that people thought that others would have a positive

reaction to the discovery of alien microbial life.

During the second half of the study, 256 people were handed an article that suggested that

alien life had already been discovered, while 249 were handed an article relating to synthetic

life having been created in a laboratory.

In general, people were positive about announcements of alien life and then looked at a potential

reward instead of there being a risk.

The researchers said that perhaps news about aliens existing gives people comfort in that

Earthlings are not alone in the universe.

On the whole, it does look as though people would be able to deal with detection of extra-terrestrial

life better than what had previously been thought.

In the Solar System we are getting much closer to the finding out if Enceladus or Mars might

have microbial life, so maybe a real discovery is not too far away.

The researchers said that they had started the paper with the question of how people

would react if alien life were found.

They went on to say that if their findings offer a reasonable guide, it suggests that

people would take the news well.

How Would We Respond To An Alien Invasion?

For more infomation >> New Study Reveals How Humans Will Respond If We Find Aliens - Duration: 3:20.


Терешин умер из-за синтола! РУКИ БАЗУКИ ЛОПНУЛИ! - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> Терешин умер из-за синтола! РУКИ БАЗУКИ ЛОПНУЛИ! - Duration: 6:27.


Payday 2 w/ the squad - Duration: 15:00.

outside the front door there's just so many of them

enough the camera dude first yeah camera dude oh yeah so you walk around

to the back walk on don't you dare don't dare you I

know I'm just checking I'm just checking what don't cuz you'll fuck everything up

like you okay so one of the doors is okay the oh did I forget to get cameras

outside well I have a jammer I'm a jammer I couldn't open up I forgot to

buy a shit I'll put my mask on yeah I'll put my mask on yeah all right what's

mess Hey the vault access is by the is by the friend vault access

where are you kidding me guys no it's fine oh good fucking what jamming my

gopher do you guys doing really open really are you all sit here

can't get them down get them down get them down

are so tying hands guess we're doing this aloud with ourselves setups no

we're not fuck that cloudy started okay get them get them all in the room get

them on the roof

I don't where I got my bow and arrow no no in the banking access room you idiot

Oh which room oh this room yeah cuz there's only one I'm through with door

open oh okay get somebody get the drill going

Zak I don't have it oh yeah yeah I know good thing I fucking got this mini

crossbow I have a bad drill so if anybody wants upgraded yeah I locate it

here we go here here I'll get the sausage upgrade

why is it all so bad Club oh yeah well the hostas I tried to take frickin

walked in front of my bow and may or may not have died 30 seconds on the trophies

alright okay how are you like our police guy is like kind of dying so but he's my

friend and I will protect him at all costs 20 seconds killer I'll protect him

over you cloud don't make me suppress sentence he's my friend

okay sure it's gonna be done in 5 secs Davin the shield right now never kick

did you just do what I think you just did oh that's being mature well guess

who has a fuckin javelin with your name on it actually why are we just taking

the money it's taken yeah why yeah why aren't we just putting in like the clerk

no why don't we just like fuckin take you to her and bring I'll cover you

Jordan go go go go through the choppa

I'm fucking this God wanna come to Target

that's cheating I'm actually pretty alright with it now I've got the gist of

it I got okay I had him on the ground there's no reticle I hit him and shot

I'm ready to go in you guys are best crew ever we're fucking running bow and


yeah let's split the loot how much should we get like fucking two dollars

cash I don't think it would even get past the beginning I'm so scared

let's go shoot on the ground are we just doing this like this okay tied this guy

down or doing it loud of course we're doing it loud but where's the

can someone tell me how they're calling dozers directly so we did a toaster

downtown we need 8 dozers why isn't it oh my god because they fucking exploit

it's just weak your enemies every time you kill them until they're dead so they

just keep splitting oh my god I can't wait to find those there was this normal

civilian holding a phone no they weren't going down so I slashed them down Oh yep

so we're just robbing stores now oh my god the cops are coming Jordan I got my

- this is my dress oh you just update oh thank you where the fuck are the dozers

oh fuck but they just they just split look every time you kill them they just

pull it into a weaker enemy is a few moments later Albert oh boy oh my god

outside the front door there's just so many yes do it we done the Pearl story

oh yeah

sure I'm pretty sure I need more ammunition oh my god that she'll turn

into a freakin Oh fucking somebody tasers leaking down I'm down I'm down

I'm I don't know somebody help me oh my god oh my god chase me

i cop just tease me and I'm up we can go we can go go go go wait what do you mean

wait oh look at my that poor century all my sentries are down yeah there's a good

time to leave anybody else hey do you guys want to see how long it is no cuz

we'll all die and we'll never win yeah so I'm gonna we're gonna do this in a

higher level whatever then this would be easy there's gonna be tasers and shield

same as overdose sorry I didn't turn that off oh my we're gonna have a meet a

dozer giant with head no head

goddamnit guys I thought we were doing this stuff what it's in part by have a

good time bro no you suck the cock god it's yatta

sztyc bit long followed

okay will do found a goat like I was like I actually thought to go go will do

I'm circling around osers in this

circling around you you know dude there's a goat over there

alright home toward is another go over here be people were okay pretty good

we're all in no I'm in but you're down but he's uh

wait Lloyd I'm in the vehicle oh I'm dead oh wait I'm down inside the vehicle

guys I officially can't drive anymore

why are these guys hitting so hard I'm so confused this is him down but I'm

in the vehicle

oh I can Messiah

her name I'm just gonna hide in the garden help but I'm hiding in the garden

I'm still alive on my screen yeah so you're still technically alive no but

like I can walk around and I'm carrying a goat Oh should I see you fucking it

what I think he's up with using the system does anyone

my makeup really really would have you tried you know somebody come shoot me if

you have that little help I don't even know how you haven't tripped on a rocket

down shoot me shoot me right here buddy oh I'm so dead I'm so dead white where

is disgusting you hide you're on no I can't help you take oh I'm sorry

then just go we're going up boys you dumb pod Claude grab the coat on the

back so my trade delay would be 35 seconds and someone killed the civilian

oh I killed a long I ran them over sorry you tried to get in my car and then I

got killed yeah sorry bye

gray you know I could never leave you by the way there's a shooting range here

let me just quit yeah there's like a shooting range behind us so get in the

car going here get in the car bye father I need to patch myself feels

good to be in custody yeah okay get in club red behind you

I'm going down with or without you vehicles broken I can't I can't drive

fix the car I'm working the world is on fire Oh cloud fuck hey

Jordan do want to help us hey Jordan he's too far away he is not too far away

for you have you tried I he he stupid so he's not we have the car Jordan fuck

Liam look it's my goodbye threat

cheese slow clap

For more infomation >> Payday 2 w/ the squad - Duration: 15:00.


Mon Bose Na Porar Table E (মন বসে না পড়ার টেবিলে) - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Mon Bose Na Porar Table E (মন বসে না পড়ার টেবিলে) - Duration: 0:28.


maa tujhe salam love status 2081 by my whatsapp status - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> maa tujhe salam love status 2081 by my whatsapp status - Duration: 1:16.


People Try Indoor Skydiving - Duration: 7:54.

(dramatic thudding)

(classical cello music)

- Well, today we're going to be indoor skydiving.

- Did anyone know you could skydive inside?

I didn't.

- My goal out of this is I really

want to twerk on a handstand.

- I have a fear of heights.

I went on a hot air balloon once,

and I've never been more afraid in my life.

- I think it's one of those experiences where

looking at it's really terrifying, but then

as soon as I get in there, I'm gonna be tearing it up.

- I'm ready to try it.

Put me in the air.

- Hey guys, my name is Marco.

I'm a trainer here and instructor at iFly Ontario.

I've been doing it for about seven years now.

I have four sessions with you guys.

The first time, it's really going to be

just introducing you guys to the wind.

Second time in, trying to get you guys really

just controlling yourselves, getting yourselves

in the center of the tunnel.

By the third and fourth session, I'm really hoping

to get you guys starting to fly together.

Maybe trying to come up with a really simple routine.

Trusting the wind is probably one

of the hardest things to do.

It might start a little rough at first,

but it should get a lot easier towards the end.

[Jordan] All right, so we're suiting up.

Anything we need to know about these suits?

- Zipper in the front.

If they smell, let me know.

It should be nice and baggy, you want it

to be about a size too big.

It give you guys a little more lift.

It's going to make it a little easier for you guys to learn.

- What's the purpose of the suit?

- So that your clothes stays on.

- Would it pull your pants and underpants off?

- If the wind's fast enough, it could.

- [Daysha] Man, it's like, now that we're in them,

this is becoming more real.

- [Ryann] So like, what does it feel like

when you're flying?

- If I had to compare it to something though,

it's really similar to swimming.

The more you freak out, the more you're

going to sink a little bit.

Once you learn to trust a little bit,

everything's kind of supporting you.

Let's go and take a class.

First thing you guys got to keep in mind is,

I do have somebody controlling the wind speed for us.

Everyone's gonna fly at a different speed at first.

My goal's to try to get you guys around the same

wind speed so we can get you guys flying together.

Once we get the wind going, I'm going to

have you guys walk up to the door.

You're going to try to get as close to it as you--

we're just consistently always creating a box.

It should be going about 90 to 100 miles an hour.

It's going pretty fast.

I'm gonna have you guys kind of bring those arms up,

you're going to bring that chin up as well.

This is gonna help you guys cut through that wind.

So soon as you see a thumbs up from me,

just go ahead and lean on in.

You're gonna feel that wind starting to push on back.

- [Ryann] We're falling into the--

- [Marco] Reverse trust fall right into that wind.

Daysha had a little trouble trusting the wind at first.

- You know it's a wind tunnel, but

that's a lot of fucking wind.

- By the second time around, she definitely

knocked that out of the park.

We got her off the net and she was flying awesome.

- So if you turned it all the way up,

would we just fly into the ceiling?

- [Marco] Uh-huh.

- Whoa, how would you stop?

What are the brakes?

- We're never gonna give you that much wind

unless you're ready for it.

From here, your hands are gonna come right up to eye level.

If you feel me adjusting one side in any way,

just kind of help me out with the other side.

Nice and slow movements.

Symmetry is everything once you guys are in there.

Fingers are straight.

You're gonna want to start pushing those legs out.

You're gonna feel a bit of resistance.

So as you straighten out, you're gonna feel

the wind wanting to push you legs back.

So you do have to be a little strong here.

- When we got to the part where we actually

lifted off the ground and we're in midair,

I felt like I had no control over myself.

- He was bending his legs a lot.

We just have to get him to

keep his legs a little straighter.

That'll pull more towards the center, but it

will also give him a little more lift.

For turning, so you're gonna tilt your hands

a little bit in the direction you want to go.

We want it to look effortless.

Jordan's killing it.

He knows and memorized everything that we went over

in the class, which doesn't happen very often.

- So like, twerking in like, 'cause we're trying--

- Yeah.

- To work on this routine.

- How do you twerk?

- I've never twerked.

So if I teach you guys how to fly,

maybe you can teach me how to twerk.

- I find it really funny that I was the most scared

out of everyone and that I was the most relaxed.

So I'm gonna take it.

- Daysha was so good and I'm just like,

I don't want Daysha to be better at this than me (laughing).

So make sure we get a shot of my butt.

- [Jordan] Day two, what are we in for?

- Everything we did on day one,

but we're gonna kick it up a notch.

I want you guys to try stay off the net as much as possible.

- I was really having trouble with the commands.

I was definitely getting frustrated.

The first time I was like, okay, I'm cool.

The second time I was like, oh my gosh,

I'm really losing it with the directions.

- Now we're gonna focus on a little bit of up and down.

So I want you guys control how high you go in the tunnel.

- I came in here really scared that once the wind speed

picked up, I'd just like fly into the ceiling.

And I'm not scared of that anymore.

I feel like I know how to come back down when I need to,

and I know how to do it slowly.

That said, there were several times today where I was like

up doing something then I was like, wanted

to come back down, and then I came back down

too much and bounced against the mat.

I probably bounced against the mat like three or four times.

- And then for you, you're just booty flying a lot.

- Marco was saying I poked my butt out a lot,

and I didn't mean to.

In my mind, my butt was clenched.

- It's causing you to rock a little bit.

Your butt should be the lowest point in the tunnel.

You need to know how to go up, but you need

to know how to go down.

As soon as I see that, then I can start

backing off a little bit more.

Which is what I felt like towards the end of yours.

- I felt towards the end, that I was starting to master

being able to lift myself up and down a little bit more.

There was something about watching him do the chest,

pulling yourself in, it's like halfway to a twerk.

- I'm still trying to get the twerk down.

Daysha's better at it than me.

- So I wasn't that excited about today.

I'm not really excited about the third session.

- [Daysha] Day three.

- Here's the goal, try to get you guys together.

By day four, the goal is to get all three

of you guys in there.

- I still need some work.

- We keep starting a little rough, but that

was probably your best session yet.

We're all at the same wind speed now, which was honestly,

that was probably like my biggest goal for today.

We've just gotta get you a little more control,

which is, we're almost there.

- Except for the exit.

- Jordan went in first, and Jordan looked like

a badass, and I was like, this is not my day today.

- That exit, when you crawled out of the bottom,

was my favorite thing on the planet.

- I'll have you guys start flying over me.

So we're start kind of introducing burble hopping

once we start getting side slide down.

So a side slide is you just moving directly across.

I'm going to explain the box position for you guys.

One's gonna up, the other one stays down.

This person creates a box down here,

while this person creates a box up here.

We're just consistently always creating a box.

Now, it's just going to be you guys experimenting,

playing with that tunnel awareness, trying to find a corner

and really just trying to stay away from each other.

Right, you're sharing the tunnel.

- I was never that good at sharing, I should let you know.

We'll see.

- How much different is it having two

or having three people in there?

- I feel like I improved by leaps and bounds today

and then rapidly lost all of my skills

once Ryann and I were in there together.

- That little figure eight thing, it makes sense in my head,

but then the process of doing it was just,

oh, this is not gonna happen.

I kept falling on Jordan, and then my legs

would fly in the air.

We did crash a lot though.

(crashing sound effect)

- [Jordan] Why did I wind up flailing

on my back like twice? (laughing)

- You were rushing the side slice.

It's one thing to kind of calmly do it when you're

by yourself, but for some reason

when you throw somebody else in the mix,

then we start rushing things.

So both of you guys were kid of popping your hips

back a little bit and you were dropping your legs.

That will make you want to roll over to your back.

- That was insane.

- It was incredible.

- But it's definitely really, really hard.

You jump in, you can't breathe.

You need to like straighten your leg and move your arms

and tighten your core, but not concave

'cause then you'll go straight to the top.

- Ready for a little bit more?

- [Ryann] Yeah.

One, two, three.

- [Speaking Together] Do you even fly?

- Today's day four.

We're gonna get all three of you guys in there together.

That's the goal for today.

- [Jordan] It was like more comfortable,

and then we all three got in there,

and then it was kind of scary.

- We're going to do something new today.

It's called tunnel ball.

- Marco comes in with this little ball

and he's like, I got a game.

And I was like, didn't nobody tell me

that we was playing games today.

- It's really just one on one.

You guys are gonna fight for the ball,

and you're going to try to make it through that door.

Kind of like Quidditch.

It's a way to kind of get yourself

out of your head a little bit.

That way you're not so focused on, how do I get there?

And you just see the ball and you go get the ball.

- And then I'd be paying so much attention to the ball

that I wouldn't be paying attention at all

to whoever else was in there with me.

- I don't know actually what started it, but like

all I know is I see Jordan coming for me,

I've got a face full of net.

- I was like, oh my God, poor Daysha.

- My goggles are halfway coming off.

I can't see, I'm like Marco, take the wheel.

And can we talk about crawling out of the tunnel.

Like getting hit by Jordan, everything was worth it

just to see Marco twerk on a handstand

because he tried to act like he couldn't, and he did.

- And one day that'll be you Daysha.

- I know, gave me goals.

- Did we do better or worse than you expected?

- You know what though, for four sessions,

you guys crushed it way better than I expected.

- This is actually like really therapeutic.

Like there were times where I was like,

I can take this back to life.

Like, when things are getting crazy,

you just like fall to the net, breathe,

and then when you're ready to lift yourself up again,

you do it.

- [Marco] Oh wow, that's deep.

- [Daysha] I know, I'm taking it there (laughing).

(classical cello music)

For more infomation >> People Try Indoor Skydiving - Duration: 7:54.


How to change email of YouTube 2018 - Duration: 9:17.

hello friends today i will show you how to

change email of your youtube account

first go to setting

click on advance option

move your channel to brand account

if you have not created a brand account

the go to

and you can

give any name

and fill this form

and in website url

put your

channel subscription


this link

i have already done this


now my account

has been connected to brand account

my youtube account has been conneted to brand account

click on ok

now here we have one new option

added i.e ad or remove manager


add a manager

click on manage permission

you should enter the email adress that you want to change

sorry you want to add

and choose a role

first don't choose owner otherwise your all video will be deleted

first choose manager

click on invite

now go and check

that email adress

here is our message

accept invitation

click on accept

now let's open our youtube


change primary owner

and here

click on transform

and you must wait one day before becoming primary owner

in this way you can change email of

youtube account

thanks for watching my video

and please subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> How to change email of YouTube 2018 - Duration: 9:17.


Top 5 Nicki Minaj Craziest Moments - Duration: 3:51.

Nicki Minaj is a really talented artist who has taken rap and the art of music videos

to a whole new level.

She also speaks her mind and makes sure her opinion is known.

And with that amazing confidence can sometimes come some crazy moments and that's what

were going to talk about today- Hey youtube im court mcginley and welcome back to the

most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know- Whats your favorite quality about nicki and why?

Personally I love how confident she is.

Let me know your answers down in the comments.

And before we get started I just want to remind all of you to please subscribe to this awesome

channel if you havnt already- we bring you guys awesome videos 6 days a week.

And Don't forget to give this video a big thumbs up and let me know down in the comments

what other top 5 lists you like to see me do.

Alright without further a due lets get started on our list of the Top 5 Nicki Minaj craziest


Starting off at our number 5 spot-- BET speech- This is a speech that is still talked about

to this day and left a lot of people assuming that nicki was talking about Iggy Azalia.

At the 2014 BET awards nickis speech went a little something like this- start to 10

seconds in.

She continued on to say no shade – basically implying this wasn't directed towards anyone.

But a lot of people thought otherwise.

Even after Nicki posted this tweet saying- The Media puts words in my mouth all the time.

And this is no different.

I will always take a stance on women writing because I believe in us.

Personally I think this was a great speech.

Short- honest and to the point.

This speech was given in a calm manor- but the uproar it caused was pretty crazy.

In at number 4--Stupid Hoe music video- This as been titled as Nickis most bizarre and

craziest music video so I had to put it on the list.

The lyrics are definitely straight forwards as she repeats the same verse over and over


Many people believe that this video is direct towards Lil Kim but that's yet to be officially


About this song Lil Kim said- Im pretty sure I feel the same way everybody feels right

about now.

If you have to make a song called Stupid Hoe- you must be a stupid hoe.

Yeah- im guessing she thinks its about her.

At number 3--Anaconda Music video- This music video came out in 2014 and shocked a lot of


Now a lot of hip-hop music videos tend to push the boundaries when it comes to sex appeal.

But anaconda went beyond pushing the boundaries with this music video.

They set that bar to an all time high.

The lyrics are provocative- clothing is barely there and dance moves ooze sex appeal.

This was a very controversial music video.

But the risk payed of and people loved it.

Coming in at out number 2 spot--Nicki vs. Mariah- This on-going battle was something

that brought in so many views for American Idol season 12.

No surprise- when you put a self-proclaimed diva and woman who isn't afraid to speak

her mind together there are going to be some issues.

Especially With 2 woman who are extremely talented yet share different views such as

Mariah carry and Nicki Minaj.

These 2 judges seemed to get along at first -you know…for all of 2.5 seconds.

And then the shade throwing showdown began.

52 seconds to 1 min. and then this one caught by TMZ- 5 seconds to 15 seconds.

At one point Ryan seacrest even had to step in during a live taping to stop this.

Coming in at number 1--Calling out Miley Cyrus at the VMA's- after this argument happened

on love tv it was all over the newspapers- all over the internet- and all people could

talk about for days.

Even if you didn't watch the 2015 VMA's you definitely heard about them.

When Nicki went on stage to accept her award for Best Hip-Hop video for her music video

Anaconda she said her speech and then had a few choice words for Miley.

After finishing her speech Nicki said- and now back to this bitch that had a lot to say

about me the other day in the press- Miley whats good.

Yeah she went there.

Luckily these ladies were on 2 separate stages.

After this Miley replied saying- were all in this industry- we all do interviews and

we all know how they manipulate shit.

Nicki congratulations.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 Nicki Minaj craziest moments.

Thank you so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Nicki Minaj Craziest Moments - Duration: 3:51.


The Hardest Would You Rather: Relationship Edition - Duration: 5:59.

- Do you wanna have a threesome?

Let us know in the comments below.

(Ella laughing)

(upbeat music)

- We're gonna be taking the hardest,

Would You Rather, for relationships.

- The hardest, Would You Rather, Relationship Edition.

- Would you rather - Mm hmm.

- Find out your S.O. cheated on you, with their ex,

or find out your S.O. had a threesome without you?

- Ah - (laughing)

- Ah ha, those are both a bummer.

If your S.O. sleeps with their ex,

that's cheating on you once.

If they have a threesome, that's cheating on you twice.

- Mm hmm.

- So I think I have to go with the first.

- I don't know, God, that's such a hard one.

- Or, I guess you could be like,

oh, if they had a threesome, oh, that means they're,

they like to party, in a way

that I wasn't aware of before, (New Year's party favor horn)

and maybe they'll wanna have a threesome with me?

Is that the hope?

- I don't know, I think I would just

be way more mad about the ex.

- So you don't like your S.O.'s ex, is,

what we're learning right now. (Ella laughing)

- No comment.

- (laughing) Can I say, on the record,

that I, am not that interested in the idea of a threesome?

I barely have enough stamina for one person.

- I agree.

- 59% - 59

- Would rather the threesome.

If the presidential election were 59 to 41,

they would call that a landslide.

- That's - That's a huge margin,

as far as politics are concerned.

Would you rather, walk in on your S.O.

having a drunken one-night stand with someone else,

this is why, what's with all the infidelity?

My little fragile heart can't take it.

Would you rather walk in on your S.O.

having a drunken one-night stand with someone else,

or, find out your S.O. has actively been looking

for another relationship on Tinder for months?

- Mm mm, one-night stand,

drunken, for me. - Whoa!

- This is a real Sophie's choice here.

I'm gonna go with the drunken one.

Yeah, 'cause you know, - Yeah.

We've all done dumb things when you're drunk.

I guess it'd be easier to forgive.

- Mm hmm.

- And 72% of people agree.

- Would you rather find out your S.O.

has been sexting other people,

or have your S.O. break off your engagement?

- Oh, you know I like the term S.O.,

'cause I think it's more inclusive.

I just don't like how it sounds.

You know, - It's hard to say.

- I like what it means.

Can we call it, the SO?

- Yeah, your SO. - Does anyone do that?

I'm asking genuinely. - Maybe we should start it.

- All right, so your SO is gonna,

I'm gonna do this in a way,

that you have to edit that rant in,

or else, they're gonna be like,

why are they start, calling people SO?

(playful saxophone music)

So sexting, is that photos, or is it just like, ooh baby,

I want your pepperoni pizza. - Oh, God. (laughing)

I think it can be--

- I've never sexted before,

if you can't tell. (laughing) - (laughing)

- I think it can be photos or texting.

- The sexting implies, it's a cheating, right?

- There's an emotional - Yeah.

- Cheating, if nothing else.

The engagement, it could mean something.

You know, maybe you're just two kids, you're crazy in love,

and you did something, and then you realize,

you know what, we're not made to get married.

- Yeah. I've still got a lot of

growing to do, I've got my career to think about,

and I wanna make sure I can take care of you

before we settle down.

So, maybe, you just engaged, you just proposed to soon.

- I agree with that one.

I would rather be broken up with, than cheated on,

and then, have to break up, because of being cheated on.

- Cheating is worse than dumping.

Dumping, at least you have the

the respect to be - Yeah, that means.

- Honest about it, yeah. - Respect, it's respect.

- Wow, fifty-fifty! - Fifty-fifty!

- Looks like the engagement is winning

by under 10,000 votes.

- Oh, wow.

- Got a lotta votes on this, Jesus.

Would you rather, find out your SO,

is about to have a baby with someone else,

(baby crying)

or, find out your SO is married with children?

(multiple babies crying) - Oh, my God.

- Woo!

- That was provoked so bad.

- Woo!

You know, shame on us, if we didn't realize

they were pregnant (laughing), for this long.

You know, I don't. - Yeah.

- They're about to have a baby,

- You would be like. - I should have

Figured that out.

- I would be impressed, if I were dating someone,

and they had this whole other life that I didn't know about.

'Cause I'm like, when, when, when do you have the time?

Then, I would be disappointed,

because you're neglecting children,

by hanging out with me - Yeah.

- And that's no good. - Right.

That's why I would go with,

the baby with someone else.

- 58% of people agree. - 58%.

- This is the final question, by the way.

- Yeah, final question!

Would you rather, have your S.O.'s parents hate you,

or, have your parents hate your S.O.?

That's kind of a hard one.

- This is super easy for me.

- Really?

- Yeah, well, actually I guess not.

- Okay, tell me what yours would be.

- I'd rather have their parents hate me.

If it's my family that hates her,

then I'm gonna have to hear about it all the (beep) time.

But if they hate me, then it's just gonna be like,

weird when I go over, and they won't want to talk to me,

and, you know, I'll get over it.

- Who are we spending time with, then?

- Whose family? - Right.

If you live near your SO's - Proximity.

- Family.

- My family's in New York, so actually, it'd be way easier,

- If they hate, - If they hate, it's whatever.

But if the SO's family is here, (blows wind through mouth)

- I'm gonna just say, have your SO's parents hate you.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, wow, pretty close.

- 51, 49. - 49.

- I think what that revealed about us,

is that, we're not considerate. (laughing)

- Yes. (laughing) - Right?

'Cause we'd rather them deal with the bullshit

with their parents, than have - Right.

- to accept it ourselves. - Yeah, yeah.

That felt good.

- Felt good.

- I feel like I know more about my boundaries.

I don't, actually.

- (laughing) I noticed I--

- I thought that maybe this could reveal something,

but, it just revealed that I would be fine

with someone having a threesome.

- Right.

- We're gonna put this quiz in the description,

so take it, share what your answers would be,

share what your boundaries and lines,

that you, might or might not cross, are.

All right, like and subscribe, thank you.

- We doing that?

- Yes.

- We're asking people to like and subscribe?

- Yeah, yeah. - Okay.

- Then like and, sure, go for it.

- Yeah.

- Do likes matter?

- Yes, they do matter. - I don't know, is that?

- Okay.

- I'll take all the likes I can get.

(playful jingle)

(swishing and swooshing)

For more infomation >> The Hardest Would You Rather: Relationship Edition - Duration: 5:59.


DIY Copper Clothes Rack - HGTV - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> DIY Copper Clothes Rack - HGTV - Duration: 1:24.


[한글] 더 많은 크리스마스 - 미국 아이들이 세계 음식을 먹어보았다 (More Christmas Foods - Kids Try) - Duration: 8:04.

For more infomation >> [한글] 더 많은 크리스마스 - 미국 아이들이 세계 음식을 먹어보았다 (More Christmas Foods - Kids Try) - Duration: 8:04.


Women Of Color Share Their Imposter Syndrome Stories - Duration: 4:23.

- There's this really pivotal scene

in the Thanksgiving episode of the show "Masters of None".

Angela Bassett plays a mom.

She's a mother to Denise.

She turns to her, she says, "Honey, we're minorities

"and we have to work twice as hard to get half as far."

(slow acoustic guitar music)

For me, Imposter Syndrome, there was never one big moment.

It was all kind of like smaller moments.

One of the first ones I felt was

I went to a very diverse high school.

There was like Latinos, black people,

Asian people, Indian people, and I ended up going

to college in Providence, Rhode Island,

and I went to this liberal arts college.

I was there on a scholarship,

and I remember my first day on campus.

It was a sea of white people,

and I was so surprised, and I just thought the world

was like my high school.

I never felt such a lack of diversity.

It was really shocking to me, and I felt insecure.

I think I worked hard because I wanted to convince myself

that I belonged there.

- To me, Imposter Syndrome is a person who never takes in

their successes and always feels like they're waiting

on the next shoe to drop, or waiting on somebody

to find them out.

When I started my company Mae B,

which is a stationary company for women of color,

I remember hitting these really big milestones,

and one of them was I was featured in Essence Magazine

six months into starting my business,

and I could never take that in.

I could never say, you know what?

This happened because I was bold enough

to reach out to the magazine.

This happened because I started this company from scratch.

It was never about what I did.

It was about, well maybe it was just the universe,

but it wasn't about my hard work, dedication

to making that happen.

- My first paid internship was a non-profit in D.C.,

and it was for an internship program for my college,

and other colleges in California and also had

a couple of Ivy League schools involved with it.

I was one of maybe five students that had a paid internship,

and there were about 200 students in the program.

I kept telling myself that I didn't deserve

to have a paid internship.

The Ivy kids didn't have a paid internship.

It didn't make sense to me despite having worked before

and being a politics major and being in D.C. where politics

is such a big thing, I just told myself that it was luck.

Kids who I felt were more qualified or deserved it

more than I did, didn't have the same experience that I had.

- Once I started becoming a manager and leading teams,

and being the head of departments and things like that,

more often than not, not only am I the only woman,

but I'm the only person of color.

- When you're a black woman, you don't get to be mediocre.

You don't get to walk into a place and say,

you know what, hmm, I'm just gonna be all right today.

- I think black women are taught

that we are not deserving, as much as I hate to say that,

and I think that it stuck with me unfortunately.

I work hard and consciously I feel

that I am deserving of things,

but subconsciously I don't feel that way.

I attribute everything to luck

as opposed to just attributing it to me.

- I think Imposters Syndrome is something that

as women of color, we're always going to come across,

and it's really how do you handle it?

Feeling alone, feeling like a fraud,

feeling like wait, how did I get here?

Do I deserve to be here?

- And there's pressure as a black women

to always be strong, to always be fearless,

to always have this hardened exterior

because if we show any part of ourselves

that is actually human, then that makes us weak,

or that makes us less valuable.

- I have to keep telling myself that everyone

does not necessarily know more than me,

or deserved to be here any more than I do.

- These are things that I have to remind myself

every single day because if I don't,

I'll fall back into this place where it's like

okay, what happens when somebody doesn't think

I'm good enough or am I actually good enough?

- And there's that old saying, "fake it 'til you make it",

and I just kind of try to do that

until I realized I'm not faking it anymore.

I'm just like, I'm just slaying it.

(slow, relaxing electronic music)

(creaking sign)

For more infomation >> Women Of Color Share Their Imposter Syndrome Stories - Duration: 4:23.


First Look - The Miniaturist - BBC First - Duration: 0:54.

Dear Mama

I have now been in Amsterdam for over a week

The city is a glory,

like nothing I have ever experienced

My new home is beautiful,

and I want for no material thing

"He is like a man which built a house

and laid the foundations upon a rock"

Johannes's sister Marin is very godly,

and takes great interest in our diet

"...built his house upon the earth"

As for Johannes,

he treats me with great kindness,

but his work takes him away a great deal

I look forward to spending more time with him

For more infomation >> First Look - The Miniaturist - BBC First - Duration: 0:54.


BDSM & Healthcare: Disclosing your Kink to a Doctor - BDSM Basics #35 - Duration: 17:28.

do you guys disclose your kinky interest to your healthcare provider let me know

in the comments section today we're talking all about BDSM and healthcare

hey guys it's Morgan with BDSM relationships and education thank you

very much for checking out this video today we are gonna talk all about health

care and BDSM so if you haven't done so already please don't forget to subscribe

to my channel by clicking the button down below

they'll also turn on your notifications and that way you know every time I post

a new video as I mentioned we are gonna drop down to one video per week for the

next little while but I will also do my best to put out some bonus videos so

make sure those notifications are turned on and you won't miss a thing so the

reason that we're gonna talk about health care and BDSM is because this is

something that comes up a lot whether it's an BDSM emergency where

somebody got hurt and they need to go to an ER or forget what yours are called in

other parts of the world but basically an emergency room or urgent care that

was nothing cold but so it's either that or you know if you have to go to the

doctor and you have some unsightly marks or bruises so we're gonna talk about

disclosure and what is appropriate what isn't and what you should do basically

now the reason that I want to talk about this is because I used to work in health

care so for those of you who don't know I worked as an ambulance attendant and a

paramedic for many years I retired due to an injury quite a few years back and

I missed my career greatly um first of all because it was a wonderful career

and also because I really love helping people so I'm always thrilled when I get

to use the knowledge that I have of you know how the body works to educate

people about BDSM it all kind of works out in the end so here we are but what

that experience what that career gave me are one of the things that it has given

me is knowledge of how things are when we are like if you do have to go to an

emergency room and deal with health care providers if you have had ep DSM related

injury or something like that and so I want to talk about that but also talk

about when you go to your general practitioner so within the emergency

room sort of scenario I have found that most ER personnel whether they're a

doctor a nurse even like you know the janitors are everybody there they have

seen it all like trust me I mean I was out on the road a lot of the time but I

did spend enough time in the actual ER and you chat with your colleagues and

stuff I mean they have seen everything so whatever you've got going on is

probably not even that bad compared to some of the stuff that they've had come

in so the other thing there is that you are protected through confidentiality

laws so they can't go and tell other people so if you are embarrassed about

stuff they can't go and tell everyone and like they can't go and tell your

neighbors or your parents or anything like that they are not allowed to

disclose anything about your visits and that is a pretty universal rule I'm not

aware of like pretty much anywhere other than perhaps a few very you know it's

like the exceptional countries where they wouldn't have those types of rules

if you are unsure in your own country I would definitely look into that but

generally you are going to have confidentiality rules that are very

strict people can lose their jobs if they start gossiping about you so when

you arrive I like if you are in these kind of situations I mean it's up to you

whether you disclose or not but a lot of the time how you got the injury is

really important to diagnosing what's wrong so if you just kind of have like a

an issue where it's not really obvious like I mean if you go and you break your

arm it really doesn't matter how you broke your arm they know how to fix it

but if you have something where it's like a little unsure then you

what we call the mechanism of injury so how it happened is really important to

know so you can either you know tell them the truth which is you know

something that I encourage if it is safe to do so or you can try to figure out

something which is similar that could cause the same type of injury so if it

was an impact injury just you know have impact and describe impact of some sorts

the other thing is that it's usually a good idea to kind of be upfront about

your BDSM interests in these kind of situations if you are going to say well

you know I got injured because I got hit by my partner then they're going to

think automatically that you're being abused so it's important to say it was

consensual we are in a BDSM style relationship or whatever I mean pretty

much everybody knows with video salmon is nowadays because of you know the

books and films of Fifty Shades they kind of at least give everybody a

general idea of what it is we're into so if it's possible just let them know

chances are they're going to want to talk to the injured person alone to make

sure that they are not in an abusive situation and that they're not you know

being coerced into saying that it was consensual I will relay parts of a story

aware I had a problem my partner got injured it was you know one of those

things where you know accidents happen it was very unfortunate kind of thing

that couldn't have really been prevented unfortunately but we ended up having to

go to an ER you know because he was injured and you know despite the fact

that we walked in and he's literally twice my size you know the doctor still

pulled him aside to make sure that he was not in an abusive situation which I

thought was wonderful because I think that you know when you have men and

women there is an assumption that abuse only goes one way we tend to ignore that

can be abused by women as well so I was very happy to see that they did pull him

aside and make sure that you know I wasn't abusing him so but that was the

only thing that happened you know they wanted to make sure of that

and then they just continued on and they treated us both well we could catch them

giggling a little bit that's to be expected so I don't want to say anything

more about that particular thing because I want to preserve the privacy of my

former partner but you know it was it wasn't as awful as you would think other

than the fact that you know he was injured so having said that there are

obviously some places where it's not going to be safe to disclose your

interest in BDSM there are some countries around the world where I mean

like homosexuality is still illegal so you really don't want to be disclosing

medias mm interests in fact there are parts of even countries where it's not

illegal so like I know there's definitely parts of the USA there's

probably parts of Canada as well where you know disclosing your interest in

BDSM may not be safe or it may not be comfortable in any way where it may

change the quality of care that you get it shouldn't ever change the quality of

care that you get but you know we don't live in that ideal perfect world and

sometimes people are judgmental so I'm going to leave it to you guys I'm gonna

say use your best judgment do what feel safe and what feels comfortable but you

know I would encourage in situations where it is safe and you do feel that it

won't affect your care that you really should disclose and honestly the bottom

line is if it will affect your doctors ability to diagnose a problem or if you

think that it will affect your care in any way it is really best to disclose

you know because doctors need to know these things so if you are going in with

for instance you know a urinary tract infection that you've got from sounding

you should disclose how it happened because that will help them you know get

to the bottom of things much quicker it'll make it easier on you

it'll make it easier on everybody and that is just a quick example of a common

problem that can happen so the other thing is when you are talking to your

general practitioner now again I think that it's a good idea to disclose your

interest in BDSM because they could you know if they are doing exams or anything

like that they could see marks now honestly I don't think that it's a good

idea to play really heavy before you know you're low your annual physical

these things are usually booked months in advance you know it's coming up just

don't play for like or play hard for a week leading up to it if you know you

have to go for a prostate exam you know don't have rough anal sex right before

because if the doctor you know begins to do the exam and notices that you have

marks or bruising or tearing or anything like that they're going to ask they're

going to be concerned that you may have been raped or anything like that so you

know to save yourself that trouble just try not to play rough right before you

have those types of exams now if you are going to disclose your interest in BDSM

and I do think that it is a wise thing to do if it's safe and it's not going to

you know have a negative effect on your care then you know you don't need to go

into detail all you have to do is say I am into BDSM so sometimes they may have

some unusual bruises and that's that or I meant to bondage so you know you may

notice that I have the odd mark here there is nothing to worry about it's

consensual it's fun and leave it at that you don't need to go into detail you

don't need to drop drink like draw your doctor into your kink in fact I know

there are people if they're I read comments from them on the internet where

they want to like include their doctor in their kink in a non-consensual way do

not do that so don't you know show up and expect that your doctor is going to

play kink with you that is not what they're there for

and it's totally inappropriate and they will dismiss you as a patient as they

should so again just you know be honest the up-front be cool about it

don't get into too much detail they don't need to know the intimate details

of your sex life or your kink life or whatever but they should know you know

in general you know here's what's going on now if you do to play and you end up

accidentally getting marked up before your physical before your you know pap

smear ii or your prostate exam whatever it is that you have going on you know i

would just sort of get ahead of it right so be like oh before you get undressed

say oh by the way i was having a bit of rough sex last night so i may be a

little we got a little carried away things may look a little weird

i just wanted to let you know up front because if you do that then they're

going to sort of you know be a little more okay with it rather than just

seeing like bruises or tearing or whatever and be like oh my god are you

okay have you been abused or whatever they're not going to necessarily jump to

that conclusion do be aware that there are some jurisdictions with mandatory

reporting so if there is any suspicion of abuse they need to report it so this

is why i really encourage people not to play rough right before they have these

kind of more intimate exams because you never know if your doctor is not gonna

believe you that you're into BDSM and they will report and then you have you

know potential problems to deal with and people to talk to and it's going to be a

way more embarrassing scenario now of course if you don't want to tell your

general practitioner about your interest in BDSM the other kind of way to get

around it is to make up a boniva low lie so you could say something a lot of

lines of oh I took up rugby or I'm an avid rugby player rugby is a really good

sport to use because it's very very physical and rough I mean you could use

any full contact sport you could say you're into MMA that sort of stuff and

that's going to explain a lot of weird bruises and marks and stuff like that it

will not explain you know the aftermath of

rough sex or anything but it will explain a lot of bruising and various

other marks so yeah rugby MMA is a good excuse if it's a believable excuse

that's the thing you got to keep in mind so I'm not exactly gonna go to my doctor

and be like yeah I've decided to take up MMA you know from the wheelchair it's

not really a believable thing so the other thing you could say is that and

I've used it myself where I was like hey you know um I was babysitting my

cousin's or my nephews or whatever you know they're young they get rambunctious

and they got a little too rough play fighting and I had to split it up and I

got hurt in the process so you can say things like that you can

say oh you know Mike was Rizzo playing around with the dog and and you know

like and I have a huge dog so it's believable that he would like even leave

a bruise or something on me you know you can come up with reasonable

explanations however if you are going in every time with all kinds of bruises and

you don't play rugby then the doctor is gonna get suspicious and it's gonna

sound more like you're being abused and making excuses to cover it so keep that

in mind the other question that I see a lot of is people who have had surgery

and then are looking to find out when they can go back to play now it's kind

of awkward to ask your surgeons so when can I go back to you know getting

spanked or being anally this dude or whatever it is that you like to do so

one of the things that you can say is when can I return to the gym when can I

return to sports and questions like that so just say hey I play rugby when can I

go back to playing rugby or whatever it is whatever your sort of excuses the

other approach you can take is how do I know when I've over

done it and this is one that I use because obviously no one believes that I

play rugby so how do I know if I've overdone it is a good way because then

the doctor will tell you what to look for that could be a problem and then you

know what to look for when you're playing now obviously you're not going

to have major surgery and get out the next day and go and engage in heavy BDSM

play not realistic but when you're starting to peel up for it you know you

can judge your own body but definitely talk to your doctor as much as possible

and do your best to find out the answer to those questions so just quickly to

wrap everything up your best bet is to disclose how you got an injury or that

you do have an interest in BDSM most healthcare providers are not going to

care if you don't think that it is safe or realistic to do so then come up with

a reasonable excuse that you play rugby you do MMA you babysit young children

whatever it is if you do have an injury and you don't want to disclose that it

was a BDSM injury try to find something that would have injured you in a similar

way so impact for impact or whatever it is all in all don't be embarrassed

because health care providers really have seen it all you're not going to do

anything shocking necessarily and finally please do not involve your

health care provider non-consensual e in your kink they are there to look after

your health not to get you off so that is that if you guys have any other

questions about video salmon health care let me know I will do my very best to

answer them and maybe we'll do another video on the subject I have a few more

plans so we'll see how that goes anyways thank you very much for checking

out this video and I will see you guys in the next one


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