Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 24 2018

Hello! A very happy new year 2018 to all of you! my name is Bharat and welcome to

"Bharat on Tech" where I explore various cutting edge technologies in the

blockchain domain. I'll be sharing my findings and research on blockchain

protocols such as Ethereum, Hyperledger and obviously Bitcoin... Though Bitcoin

only to a limited extent. But why Bitcoin? Well, it is the first cryptocurrency

and so while we get into how Ethereum and other blockchain technologies work

we also need to first take a look at things like Bitcoin, to see how it

solved the problems of digital cash or digital gold first. I'll also be sharing

links to great content, which can be further viewed or read by you if

you are interested. So what's in this channel for you? Firstly, if you're a

person who has just heard about Bitcoin and wants to know more about it

I'll be kicking off with some basic explainer videos to help you understand

what Bitcoin is all about. Maybe you have some doubts or fears about Bitcoin and

what it all means? Do look out for my next video on this subject. Secondly, you

might be trying to get into active development on these platforms so you'd

be knowing something already about cryptocurrency, but you might still like

to understand the finer points. Now, I'm going to divide my talks into a few

categories. Firstly there will be general talks about say Bitcoin or Ethereum

and other interesting crypto topics. I'll also be doing some "Explain it to your

Grandma" series, where I explain in simple terms about these technologies. Next

there's going to be talks on particular features of Ethereum and other

protocols. For example, I might be doing an explainer video on the upcoming

Ethereum "Sharding" feature. These talks would be a mix of general information

and some amount of technical detail. One more example would be a technical video

on things like Merkel trees etc which form the basis of

all cryptocurrency. Fourth, there's also going to be code walkthroughs on various

open-source smart contracts which are already published on the web. it's going

to be a guided walk through where I'll be diving through these smart contracts

and explaining them in an easy-to-understand manner.

Finally there's going to be "nerd-talk" videos. In these videos I will be taking

a look at the protocol source code and walkthrough the Ethereum or Bitcoin source

code on a particular aspect of the technology. OK! So that's what's coming

up in my channel! You can always let me know about any interesting topic that

you'd like me to cover. I'd be very happy to add such topics in! So please

feel free to let me know in the comment section below what you think! If you

found this video interesting, you can hit the like button on this video. if you

want to be notified about my future videos I'd definitely encourage you to hit

that subscribe button! Also you can tap the bell icon next to the subscribe

button if you want to keep up to date on all my videos as soon as I upload them.

Alright! That's it for this video! Thanks for dropping by. See you around next time!

on "Bharat on tech"

For more infomation >> Intro To Bharat On Tech - Duration: 3:45.


Top 5 Dancers In The World 2018 - Duration: 1:33.




























































































For more infomation >> Top 5 Dancers In The World 2018 - Duration: 1:33.


🌼NAIPO BACK MASSAGER SHIATSU SEAT CUSHION (Heat & Vibration) Rolling Kneading Review COUPON CODE 👈 - Duration: 4:50.

hey guys so today I have a neck and back seat cushion massager to show you that

will allow you to bring the spa to your home office or car

all right so this is the Naipo shiatsu seat cushion massager featuring

heat and vibration for your neck back hips and thighs the 3d shiatsu meeting

is designed to imitate a human massage touch there are eight rolling massage

notes that can be adjusted up and down and there's an optional heat function as

well this massage cushion has a handheld

control with this own resting pocket right here and offers three levels of

vibration to relieve stress in the upper thighs and hips now on the controller

there are two red buttons at the top the one on the left is for heat the one on

the right is to turn the device on and off on the right of the device it

focuses on your back where you can focus on the your full back or your lower and

then there's an UP button if you want to hit a specific spot then for your neck

there is a circle within a circle where you can pick which rotation you would

like to have your neck need it in and that goes as well where you can go all

the way down and then pick which desired level up you want to have you can also

focus on different areas on your back and make that a target and you can turn

your seat on as well it vibrates and provides a very nice comfortable

vibration for you to sit in alright so I'm going to turn it on so you know what

it looks like in action

there we have the neck moving move it down move it up

and back where it'll work on all of it

and if you hear that I did turn the seat vibration

all right so I'm gonna turn heat on which this parts actually kind of cool

you can tell when the Heat's on because the balls on the back turn red unlike

when it's not

so I am going to sit down and enjoy this okay so I turned it on and I am using it

and I will let you know that this is very very comfortable I have you know

backaches occasionally and right now it just it feels so much nicer to have

something rubbing my back and saying what the neck is well it it needs and

hits the right spots really so what's great is if you have a long drive to

tech make or take you know you can pull over use this in the car

there is a cigarette lighter adapter that comes with this so you can massage

the so you can enjoy this massage maybe even fall asleep to it or something as

well there's a 15 minute automatic timer there's no button for it it's automatic

so you know just for safety or if you do end up falling asleep it will turn off

this is the Naipo shiatsu chair cushion massager and it offers a

comfortable therapeutic massage please check the description below to learn out

more but learn more about this product and find our various other social medias

as well please hit the subscribe button and keep your likes and comments coming

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 🌼NAIPO BACK MASSAGER SHIATSU SEAT CUSHION (Heat & Vibration) Rolling Kneading Review COUPON CODE 👈 - Duration: 4:50.


Car toys kids - Working on the road with bulldoze, excavator, dump truck ( Kids Videos for Kids ) - Duration: 4:38.

Car toys kids - Working on the road with bulldoze, excavator, dump truck ( Kids Videos for Kids )

For more infomation >> Car toys kids - Working on the road with bulldoze, excavator, dump truck ( Kids Videos for Kids ) - Duration: 4:38.


Free Money to donate to small channels - Brave Browser Million Giveaway - Duration: 6:35.

So, this is going to be a weird video for me.

You know this channel is basically about making stuff.

...and one of the things I make are youtube videos.

This doesn't necessarily relate to the people who are watching so much as the people who make stuff...

I don't know if you are aware, but YOUTUBE

recently changed the way that it allows monetization.

So, as of February, if you don't have a minimum of 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time

over the past year, your channel will not be monetized.

And, if that's right or wrong, or what have you, it really -

At the end of the day - It's what's happening.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about it. I've been watching

a lot of opinions on it, and probably the most helpful

suggestion I found came from Phillip DeFranco.

He had suggested this website called Brave.

It's a new browser, but they also have their own wallet that has enabled bitcoin currency.

They have a setup where when you are watching

youtube videos and that kind of thing, it saves it

a checklist, and then you can send out a mass payment

between all of the people you watch during the month. BUT, if you install it,

you get an automatic $5 bitcoin credit.

You can donate it to anyone that you want.

Now....I was very skeptical at first, and

so I tried this out myself.

I recorded myself signing up for it and logging in and that kind of thing

You don't have to put in a credit card or anything.

The suggestion that Phillip DeFranco made was

when you sign up right now, they're giving away basically a million dollars in bitcoin -

You get $5 in credit for free

that you can give away to any creator you want without having to set up recurring payments

without having to put in your credit card.

I did it, and I tried it, and it looks like it works.

I've watched other youtube videos explaining what they're doing.

I will link those in the description below.

If you have small channels that you want to support but you can't necessarily afford to do

a monthly payment to patreon, you can't afford to contribute

during live streaming, this is

this is a free way.... freeway... [car sounds]

this is a free way

of being able to help small creators who might be struggling

that might be really close to that threshold

without having to spend money out of your own pocket.

From looking at this you watch the channels via the brave browser

you turn on and off for the buttons for the selections you want to watch

then on a specific date, they send out the payment

broken up between however many channels are on there.

They each get a portion of whatever credit you have.

Now, you can add money to it.

I guess, technically, you could start your own youtube channel and

send it to yourself... but,

I don't necessarily know if I would endorse that.

There are always going to be people who will find work arounds.

If you are a creator, you are going to have to set up an account there

so that you can process your payments. I did it

It was relatively quick and easy.

We'll have to see how it turns out, but at the very least

if there are some small creators, and they get 10 people

who donate $5 apiece -

that's an easy $50 and that's

half of what you would need for a payout from youtube.

I'm going to post this as a separate video. Feel free to share it.

...with other small creators

I'm not saying you should send some to me. If you want to,

that's great. I would totally apprecite it.

I could use it to upgrade some of the equipment

because it's pretty dated from the last time that I did youtube.

But, if you want to send all of your money to someone else, that's fine.

I really enjoy youtube

I really enjoy the kind of content that I watch.

I feel like it is really quality content. I feel like

those people should be rewarded and if you can do it

for free by doing something relatively simple,

then why wouldn't you?

So, I will be watching all of my content for the next month on the brave browser.

I will go through and turn on all the payment enablements

for all of the small channels. And, its completely anonymous.

So, you don't have to worry about "Oh, I sent them a patreon

are they going to think I'm werid because I'm sending this too?"

No. No.

They're not going to know who sent it.

So, it's a really nice, altruistic thing that you could do.

I think it was a really great suggestion of phillip defranco's part.

Expect to see more videos like this, I'm sure.

Because he didn't call it out in a separate video, I'm doing one just so it's searchable.

So it's shareable. Just

so generally people can understand what's going on.

Okay, so yeah, that's it. I'm going to get back to normal videos

real soon. In the meantime, thank you for watching.

If you're new to the channel and you're interested in making stuff,

not just this video, subscribe down below.

Share this video as much as you would like.

And, what else......uh.....

Questions, comments....I'll try to answer as much as I can.

Again, this is a relatively new service.

I think it started like a month or two ago

Again, I link down in the comments to the best youtube video explaining what it is.

Man, I really do love youtube. It's like, the best,

Yep, okay that's it for now and I will see you guys later!

For more infomation >> Free Money to donate to small channels - Brave Browser Million Giveaway - Duration: 6:35.


Jelly Song | Schoolies | Cartoon Video For Toddlers | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies - Duration: 1:01:01.

Jelly Song Schoolies

For more infomation >> Jelly Song | Schoolies | Cartoon Video For Toddlers | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies - Duration: 1:01:01.


TWICE《Heart Shaker》MV YOUTUBE点击量破亿 再次刷新纪录(GET IT K) - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> TWICE《Heart Shaker》MV YOUTUBE点击量破亿 再次刷新纪录(GET IT K) - Duration: 1:48.


1080 vs 1080 Ti - Worth Upgrading? Gaming Benchmarks! - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> 1080 vs 1080 Ti - Worth Upgrading? Gaming Benchmarks! - Duration: 6:36.


Lol Surprise Dolls + Enchantimals Видео для Детей КУКЛЫ ЭНЧАНТИМАЛС МУЛЬТИК ИТОГИ КОНКУРСА MISS BABY - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Lol Surprise Dolls + Enchantimals Видео для Детей КУКЛЫ ЭНЧАНТИМАЛС МУЛЬТИК ИТОГИ КОНКУРСА MISS BABY - Duration: 4:07.


シリアスサム2 #26 キングスバーグ - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> シリアスサム2 #26 キングスバーグ - Duration: 7:26.


बच्चों में चोरी करने के कारण और समाधान - STEALING HABIT SOLUTION - PARENTING TIPS BY RITA IYER-11 - Duration: 3:49.

Hello friends, welcome to U Me & Parenting

Please subscribe to the channel and don't forget to press the bell button

For getting more updates and videos on parenting

Tell me, Is that your child has ever steal anything? Has he ever stolen ?

What have you done in that situation ?

How did you handle that situation ?

Did you shout at your child, did you get angry, did you hit your child

Have we ever tried to understand that why did our child steal ?

So there are many reasons that why the child steals.

At time it is stress

From friends, from school or from the parents

Because of which the child ends up stealing

At times they find it very cool, thrill and they get a lot of happiness in stealing

Young kids, they steal because they don't realise

And understand and realise whether the stealing is right or not

Small kids take it as simple as to take anything and they don't realise any bad thing in it

But in teens it is more prominent that they end up stealing but why

They steal to may be impress their friends

Or they do it just because of bet or their prestige issue

So for that they do and at times they have very rebellious nature and to just to get back at somebody

To teach someone a lesson also they try to steal things

So there are many reasons why a child steals

So as a parent what does I do to avoid this behaviour in my child

First and foremost is to talk to your child

Find out the reason why your child was stealing

Don't shout at your child,don't hit your child

Or maybe don't reprimand your child

This will make him feel embarrass and very bad about what he has done but

If you take your child in confidence and make him understand

That he had done something and which is wrong

And let him share his hearts out that why he had done this act

If you'll be friend with your child then he'll share his heart out with you and reason behind this act

So shouting and hitting your child will not help you rather its important to find out the reason

Even the child feels when I share the reality with my parents they'll not scold me

They may get angry for sometime but they may guide me

Its important to realise the child about his mistake that yes he has done something wrong

And he should not repeat this mistake in the future

For that its important for us to keep sharing our values and ethics with our child

Is that my child has done stealing first time or its his constant habit to steal

Or even when I'll telling my child but my child has no feeling that whatever he has done is wrong

If there is such problem then you must take your child to a mental health specialist

There is no harm in taking professional help

Because the time is very different compare to the times we had lived into

And today's time it has a very different scenario

So there is no harm in going to professional to seek help

Because if we haven't curb this problem today

Then it might become a major problem in the future

On this particular topic I've lot more to share but that I'll share in another video

And if you really like this video, please press the like button and do share with your friends and family

Thank you..

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