Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is widely regarded as one of the greatest video games

of all time.

Not only did it bring the long-running franchise into the third dimension for the first time,

it provided gamers with a time-bending adventure that allowed them to save Hyrule in two different


And it also clued them into a pretty messed up part of Hyrule's long history.

Of course, when most gamers think of Zelda games that get a little freaky, the one that

usually comes to mind is Majora's Mask.

That is, after all, a game where the Skull Kid steals your face and tries to literally

murder you by possessing the moon.

It's often overlooked, but Ocarina of Time actually has something that's way more viscerally

upsetting than anything its sequel has to offer.

As you might expect, it happens in the Shadow Temple.

As Link makes his way through, the standard dungeon hazards give way to much more realistic

torture devices, including guillotines, spiked boards, and even statues of the Grim Reaper

swinging razor-sharp scythes.

Delve even further, past rooms built from skulls that indicate countless victims of

the obstacles you've been dodging, and you'll find the creepiest room in the game.

In addition to a small key and, yes, more skulls, you'll find a single St. Andrew's

Cross, a giant wooden X named for the Apostle who was crucified on it.

You can try to scour the room with Din's Fire, but the bloodstains remain on the stone

floor forever.

Keep in mind that the Shadow Temple wasn't constructed by the villains of the game.

This isn't some torture chamber created by Ganondorf to deal with heroes like Link.

It was built by the founders of Hyrule, and while there's a fan theory that suggests

it was meant as a repository for pain and suffering that would allow the rest of the

country to lead happy, carefree lives, there's nothing in the game itself to support that.

In fact, it's the opposite.

An inscription near the entrance flat-out tells you it contains "Hyrule's bloody history

of greed and hatred."

Since the Temples were built to house the Seven Sages, it stands to reason that the

Shadow Temple was built by the Royal Family to deal with the enemies who opposed them,

and the fact that it's adjacent to the graveyard means that this is figuratively and literally

where the bodies are buried.

The message here is pretty clear.

Dig deep enough, and you'll find that even a bright and cheerful fantasy land can be

a kingdom built on brutality and horror.

Just something to think about next time you set out on a quest to stop Ganondorf from

taking over Hyrule and, you know, doing all the stuff that Zelda's ancestors already

did to get into power in the first place.

Thanks for watching!

Click the SVG icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Messed Up Part Of Ocarina Of Time No One Ever Talks About - Duration: 2:25.


The Science of Celavive | USANA Video - Duration: 12:33.

[tranquil music]

- Hello, I'm Dr. Jennifer Lee,

I'm a graduate of Harvard Medical School,

board-certified dermatologist,

medical director at REN Dermatology,

and skincare advocate.

My passion is your skin.

I run a busy dermatology practice,

and I see a variety of skin concerns every day,

but what we all want most

is to keep our skin looking healthy

and beautiful,

and we can all take action

towards that.

Avoid too much sun exposure,

sleep and eat well,

and invest in quality skincare.

This is why I am so excited

to be partnering with USANA

and the Celavive skincare line.

I get asked to associate myself

with different projects and companies,

but it was Celavive that really stood out to me,

for a variety of reasons,

one of the most important being USANA's commitment

to science and research.

The other: Celavive's unique

cell-signaling complex

that supports your body's

natural preservation of beauty.

To have products that not only utilize

this advanced technology,

but also are formulated with a multitude of other

incredible skincare ingredients,

is a dermatologist's dream.

And most of all,

the results we're seeing with Celavive are incredible.

So let's talk skin.

This beautiful shield

is the body's largest organ.

It is designed to protect our entire body

from the often harsh environment.

With all the elements at play--

the sun, toxins,

allergens, pollutants,

gravity, and age--

your skin takes a beating,

and the effects are all too visible,

showing up as wrinkles, lines, dark spots,

discoloration, and an overall lack of luster,

but we can help our bodies fight back

and keep our skin looking youthful

and beautiful longer.

To understand how to do that,

let's look at how the skin works

and see what's happening below the surface.

The skin is made up of billions of cells

divided into three layers:

the epidermis, the dermis,

and the subcutaneous layer.

They each have different responsibilities

and they also work together.

Starting with the deepest levels,

the dermis is a matrix

of collagen, elastin, and fat cells

that form the supple foundation

of beautiful skin.

The fat cells insulate the body

and give the skin its tone and plumped appearance.

Elastin and collagen work in tandem

to give skin its shape,

firmness, and youthful appearance.

This is where water is stored,

and the dermis depends on the top layer,

the epidermis,

to keep pollutants out

and hydration in.

It is in the epidermis

where skincare products

fight the beautiful skin battle.

This is one of the reasons Celavive is so effective--

because of its power to help your skin

stay hydrated.

The top layer of the epidermis

is made up of millions of cells

packed together by proteins and lipids,

almost like a glue.

This soft, flexible skin barrier

is vital in the fight against visible premature skin aging.

More importantly, a healthy skin barrier

is watertight.

This is essential for long-lasting beauty,

because when our skin is hydrated,

it gets plumped up from the inside,

reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

The bottom layers of the epidermis

are where we find the basal keratinocytes.

These hard-working cells are the communication hub

for our skin's natural beauty-preserving functions.

They are designed with receptors,

inside and out,

that respond to biochemical signals

received from the environment

and from our own bodies.

These signals and responses

are what activate our bodies' natural defense

against the appearance of aging.

Our skin cells are in constant communication.

Healthy communication means healthy-looking skin,

but this communication slows down over time,

due to the natural aging process

and the normal wear and tear

from our daily exposure to the environment.

Some of our most important cell signaling receptors

disappear over time.

This is why we see wrinkles,

uneven skin tone, dryness,

and other visible signs of aging.

When the communication slows,

the skin cells are not creating

as many of the materials they used to.

They are slower to respond to our needs

Our barrier breaks down,

the matrix sags,

and we literally see the results on our faces.

One way to think about it

is that our cells already know what they need to do.

Sometimes they just need a reminder

to actually do it.

And that is why cellular communication

is key to beautiful skin.

Celavive uses USANA InCelligence technology

to tap into that cellular communication,

to speak the same language as our cells.

That is why it is so effective

in USANA's nutritional products,

and now in its skincare line.

When you use Celavive products powered by InCelligence,

you're having a conversation with your skin

and reminding it to look amazing again.

The Celavive cell signaling complex

is a unique combination

of botanical nutrients

and bioactive peptides

that talk to your skin cells

to target your unique beauty needs.


Celavive helps support effective cell function

of beautifying lipids and proteins

to form that healthy-looking skin barrier

and radiant complexion.

Some of the proteins and lipids created by the keratinocytes

also protect against the breakdown

of the collagen and elastin matrix

that cushions your skin

for a firm, supple, hydrated appearance.

In addition to the cell signaling complex,

Celavive also has many other advanced ingredients

and carefully designed formulations.

Celavive products contain

the new Olivol botanical blend

which combines lentil, apple,

and watermelon fruit extracts

with USANA's own patented

antioxidant powerhouse, Olivol.

The Olivol botanical blend

delivers immediate and long-lasting hydration.

The combination of nutrient-rich botanicals

cool and rehydrate skin

to restore a glowing, healthy complexion.

It supports enhanced moisturization

at the cellular level.

The proven results of the three plant extracts

in the Olivol botanical blend

are 24 hours of rich skin hydration

with only one application,

visible reductions

in the appearance of fine lines

after just two hours,

and a 40% increase in cell membrane fluidity.

Celavive's skin care goes so much further

than just adding moisturizers and nutrients

from the outside in.

With no harsh chemicals,

Celavive's formulations

tap into your skin's communication system

to truly enhance your body's

own beautifying processes

that are responsible for that soft,

smooth, supple,

and most importantly,

healthy-looking skin.

With the same vision, dedication,

and expertise it puts into its supplements,

USANA has spent years researching and developing

the Celavive skincare line.

Celavive has been studied extensively

and the results speak for themselves,

such as a 75% increase

in hydration levels in 30 minutes,

and 70% less water escaping from the skin

in 30 minutes.

Other studies show

skin elasticity doubling in three hours

to improve the look of smooth, firm skin,

and a significant visible reduction

of the appearance of crow's feet

was seen after two weeks.

Each product in the Celavive line

is designed to address your individual skin concerns

and to combat the most frustrating

visible signs of aging.

We all need a daily dose of sun exposure

to help fortify our bodies with vitamin D,

but protecting our skin from harmful overexposure

to the Sun's UV rays is extremely important.

Over time, the Sun's ultraviolet light

damages the elastin in the skin

accelerating the effects of visible skin aging.

This is where Celavive's protective day lotion

and protective day cream come into play.

Both lock in moisture

for up to 24 hours

and both contain broad-spectrum SPF 30.

That means they protect our skin

from both UVA and UVB rays.

Eating a healthful diet

and getting the proper amount of quality rest

will not only keep us feeling great,

but looking great.

Good nutrition, including USANA's supplements,

helps the body function the way it is meant to,

and that includes the body's largest organ,

the skin.

The skin is the first place we see the signs

of poor nutrition and restless sleep.

Sleep is vital for the body and skin

to repair itself from the toll the day takes,

and it's the perfect time for Celavive's

InCelligence technology

to go to work.

Three Celavive products

do their best work while we're asleep.

The vitalizing serum

contains a high concentration of active ingredients,

including natural botanicals

and powerful peptides,

to diminish visible signs of aging,

like wrinkles.

The hydrating eye essence also contains

active botanicals and peptides,

plus it's formulated with ultra-hydrating moisturizers

that help brighten dark circles

we get from lack of sleep

and soften the delicate skin around our eyes.

And Celavive's two nighttime hydrating products

kick into high gear while we sleep.

Powered by InCelligence,

the replenishing night cream

for drier sensitive skin,

or the replenishing night gel

for combination-oily skin,

help us wake up to

a beautifully renewed complexion.

Powerful skincare involves a complete regimen,

so let me highlight a few more products.

Celavive's simple four-step routine

starts with proper cleansing

based on your skin type.

With constant exposure to the environment,

it is essential to remove dirt, oil, and impurities.

The gentle milk cleanser for dry, sensitive skin

locks in your skin's natural moisture.

The creamy foam cleanser for combination-oily skin

creates a rich lather

that gently exfoliates surface cells

for a deep, refreshing clean.

After cleansing, it's important to tone your skin.

This is the second step in your daily skincare routine.

Celavive's protecting toner

gently purifies your complexion

and helps balance pH levels to prepare your skin

for the additional products we just talked about

to help you enhance and hydrate.

And something to keep in mind

with all of these products

is to use a small amount,

because a little goes a long way.

I care about my skin.

I care about your skin.

Now it's time to care for your skin.

Just like you care for your body

with USANA supplements,

Celavive provides lasting beauty

from the inside out.

If you have enjoyed learning how the skin works,

and how Celavive can help your skin

look amazing again,

contact your local USANA independent associate,

or check out

Until next time, USANA.

For more infomation >> The Science of Celavive | USANA Video - Duration: 12:33.


Learn Farm Animals with Baby Dance - Fun Learn Farm Animals Video For Children 1 educational - Duration: 3:28.

Learn Farm Animals with Baby Dance - Fun Learn Farm Animals Video For Children 1 educational

For more infomation >> Learn Farm Animals with Baby Dance - Fun Learn Farm Animals Video For Children 1 educational - Duration: 3:28.


Steffany Gretzsinger-The Undoing-Bethel Music/Full Album - Duration: 48:01.

1.Morning Song

2.Constant One

3.Out Of Hiding(Fathers Song)

4.I Spoke Up

5.Cecie's Lullaby

6.Letting Go

7.Promise I Always Will

8.Steady Heart(Acoustic)

9.No Fear In Love

10.Open Up.Let The Light In

11.Getting There

For more infomation >> Steffany Gretzsinger-The Undoing-Bethel Music/Full Album - Duration: 48:01.


How To Get A Verified Facebook Page Or Profile In 1 Hour (2018) - Duration: 3:58.

Hello Friends

In This Tutorial I'll Show You " How To Get A Verified Facebook Page Or Profile " .

Recently Many Followers On Fb Asked me To Create Tutorial On " How To Get A Verified Facebook Page Or Profile " .

This is A Great tutorial that Guide You To" How To Get A Verified Facebook Page Or Profile "

How To Get A Verified Facebook Page Or Profile

How To Get A Verified Facebook Page Or Profile

For more infomation >> How To Get A Verified Facebook Page Or Profile In 1 Hour (2018) - Duration: 3:58.


Fiato - Paradisi Artificiali (Prod.Gamma) - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Fiato - Paradisi Artificiali (Prod.Gamma) - Duration: 2:22.


Avengers Infinity War Thanos MAJOR Reveal, Skrulls Reveal? Black Panther & Avengers 4 Title TEASE!? - Duration: 9:22.

one of the things that was so satisfying about civil war was of course the Black

Panther people came out of that movie going I want to know more about that

character what the wow factor but it's not just stuff blowing up it definitely

is a character piece what happens now determines what happens to the rest of

the what Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created like Panther in the early 60s and he's

been a staple of Marvel Comics 50-plus years he's an interesting character

that is gonna be such a different thing for the audience on the screen I

couldn't see the Black Panther living on the side street in New York I love the

idea of a superhero who lives in Africa he has to look out for an entire nation

that's a responsibility that the other superheroes don't commonly have even

though he's the head of a tribe he's a hell of a lot more than that as his

powers oh that would be a lot of fun

I'm super excited about when African Kings also strong enough fast enough

smart enough to do some of the things that's how he's gonna doing this script

there's something very special about him

people can see a superhero in a different light different world

so this is not a goodbye only is see you later

as a wrap for me on vanity wars couldn't be more excited to see how they put this

together I'm very excited I'm also sad to go home and see my baby

what is good youtube Warstu here with a video on Marvel Avengers infinity War

part 1 part 2 which is Avengers 4 and also black panther so in the next coming

weeks and month is gonna be lots of new TV spots trailers and promotional

material for Black Panther as it comes out very soon it comes out on

Valentine's Day in February just suddenly have some interest in words in

this trailer which is a more behind the scenes obviously we see spanley we see

Kevin Feige talking about it well you'll see the director of the movie Stan Lee

said it's gonna be awesome to see a superhero living in Africa and it's

gonna be very different to what we are used to he said he can't imagine a black

panther living in New York and it's gonna be

interesting seeing an African king who's also a badass super hero now we were

introduced a black panther during the civil war and he has been received quite

well so during the trailer for a split second I did take a image of it there

was some artwork which implied that Hawkeye is in fact one of the scrolls

which will debut during the Captain Marvel movie which we set before the

Iron Man movie obviously Captain Marvel will be in I think Avengers 4 I don't

think she's gonna be in the first part of the Avengers movie

it's Hawkeye a scroll it's a common u2 theory that Captain America and Hawkeye

are part of the scrolls within the MCU secretly

there's so many YouTube videos going around so this is a major new guys major

major also in the news that fan as his birth name angered the whole of the

internet yesterday so in the comics they revealed that phalluses real name is

actually fan oz yes it's still fast but he was gonna be called Dione I believe

is called Dione but his mother didn't survive so he's still called fan asks

some Marvel fanboys i'll kicking up a massive fuss about it but fan artist

called hill called fast it could've been worse they could have called him dave or

something so recently some lego sets also these lego sets are always

revealing things are they so as we know Superman

spider-man sorry is gonna get a massive upgrade in the next movie we already

know that Tony Stark offered in the iron spider-man suit and he offered him to

join The Avengers but he turned it down but we know from the recent trailer that

he does get a new suit which is that iron spider-man suit and we know that

fast is gonna rock bottom in into the ground and most likely hurt him badly

but we know that spider-man will survive ally has got a movie coming out after

Avengers 4 so this Lego set shows us another variation of what could happen

with the suit also I have seen some images of a iron at spider-man Funko pop

which I will overlay I don't know how legit this is but you can buy on Amazon

so it's got to be a virgin on the island I my suit

and we also know recently the directors of the inventors infinity war and

Avengers infinity part 2 whatever they're gonna title it the Russo

brothers said that a lot of the characters will be getting upgrades no

one asks the question about Bucky said this for everyone who's seen Captain

America's Civil War they know Bucky was taken in by Black Panther in makanda I

think that we know when we catch up with him after he's been there for a while

and if there's an influence on his arm it may perhaps have something to do with

spend a lot of time that country so he's going to be getting some kind of

vibranium technology in his new arm so it's gonna be pretty cool and also it

did go on to say that a majority of the characters will be getting a massive

upgrade which is pretty interesting so I also played a voice clip or a video clip

of the actor Jeremy who plays Hawkeye and you have some interesting word today

he says he's just finished wrapping up in affinity Wars and he said he will be

back at some point so this doesn't clarify that he's not going to die but

it does clarify that we'll be back in the MCU at some point and/or see also

anthemic o makki who plays Falcon posted an image and he also used infinity Wars

now why do I think it's important because I think this clarifies that

Avengers or it's going to be to infinity Wars now Kevin Feige has

always said that they wanted to keep the title of Avengers 4 secret because for

the general audience it would give away a lot and I think if it is called

Avengers infinity Wars it will confuse the audience a lot but as we already

know the first movie is going to be a heist movie it's gonna be a movie about

phallus and obviously his children of the Black Order gathering all the

Infinity stones and then part 4 is going to be the whole universe trying to take

down fast trying to save the universe trying to do whatever they want to get

hold of this Infinity Gauntlet which is gonna be quite entrance interesting so

if it's not called infinity Wars I believe it could be the Secret Invasion

that's another common theory it's going around

The Secret Invasion was basically a project that came around post-civil war

and the darkness of the scrolls were involved The Secret Invasion was

basically a brief kind of supervillain takeover in some kind of Dark Reign the

Secret Invasion he was led by Captain America hence why a lot of people think

Captain America could secretly be part of the scroll it was reinstated to

service after like breaking out with the government basically like a superhero

like great registration and also in the final shot of the Infinity Ward trailer

it shows Captain America Widow Black Widow Black Panther Falcon war machine

Hulk all either the charge into what Condor which suggests that unofficially

the secret war team the secret invasion team in starts in Avengers infinity war

there certainly could be a secret team by the end of the movie and it leaves

the door open for the Secret Invasion characters like Nova Moon Knight to join

the MCU of C Valkyrie did an awesome role in Thor Rag war knock and also

obviously beast beast the character beast could eventually potentially be in

the sequel Avenger movie if that is part 4 obviously now Disney and Fox

now obviously Disney owns Fox although it hasn't officially gone

through the secret the secret invasion so it could be the second part if it's

not actually going to be invention of engines infinity war now I have two

inventors a four there will be a massive diverse kind of way it's going into a

cosmic kind of field so there could be a Secret Avengers team build-up and maybe

there could be building up to a secret invasion storyline in one of the

Avengers movie if it's not gonna be part for any one guys it's kind of like this

video is basically a wrap-up of all the news I could find and trying to make

some interesting theories based on a new things that I've popped up in the MCU

and my whole comic book world anyway guys please like subscribe and comment

if you like this kind of content ala we'll catch you in another video

very soon guys catch you later

For more infomation >> Avengers Infinity War Thanos MAJOR Reveal, Skrulls Reveal? Black Panther & Avengers 4 Title TEASE!? - Duration: 9:22.


The Best Diet for Gout: What to Eat and Avoid - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> The Best Diet for Gout: What to Eat and Avoid - Duration: 4:43.


How to Develop Spoken English - Improve Your English - Duration: 7:54.

Hi, I'm Jennifer.

Certified English teacher and Communications expert.

In today's video I'm going to share with you 3 tips on how to develop spoken English.

At the end of the video I'll share with you a bonus tip, that I know will really help


Ok, let's get started.

Tip 1 Practice Speaking

Ok I know this seems obvious.

To develop spoken English, practice speaking.


But, unfortunately, students don't do this.

They spend 90% of their time reading English, listening to English, writing English.

But they don't speak English.

So if you only spend 10% or less of your time practicing spoken English, why would you expect

to be good at it.

Now, what you need to do is start speaking.

The best time to start developing your spoken English was the minute you decided to learn


The next best time is right now.

This is a ukulele.

It's a musical instrument.

And I'm learning to play it.

Now, imagine I was telling my friend.

I'm learning to play the ukulele.

And I told her.

I spend 30 minutes a day watching YouTube videos on how to play the ukulele.

I bought lots of different books.

I have a few apps.

And I listen to ukulele music all the time.

And then, my friend asks me.

Oh, how often do you play the ukulele.

And I tell my friend.

Oh, I'm not ready to play yet.

I'm still just learning, but I'm not ready to play.

What do you think my friend's reaction would be?

I imagine she would start laughing or she would be extremely confused because, in reality,

I will not learn to play the ukulele unless I play the ukulele.

And yeah.

Now, the same for you.

If you want to practice speaking English, you need to speak English.

Tip 2 Expect to Make mistakes.

A lot of students allow their fear of making mistakes prevent them from speaking English.

So, what you can do, is don't be afraid of mistakes.

If you expect to make mistakes, it will instantly take that fear away.

Because in reality, perfection is not realistic.

And why?

Because I make mistakes speaking English.

My friends, my native English speaking friends, make mistakes speaking English.

So, if we, as native English speakers, and myself specifically as a teacher that's devoted

my life to studying English, how can you expect to speak English perfectly if we don't.

So don't make your goal perfection.

It's ok to make mistakes.

In fact, making mistakes means you're getting out of your comfort zone.

You're trying new things.

You're pushing yourself.

When you're making mistakes, you're learning.

And making mistakes is the best thing you can do.

Because we learn so much from our mistakes.

So expect to make mistakes and don't be afraid of them.

Mistakes are beneficial.

Change your perspective and it will really help you develop that confidence speaking


Tip 3 Start listening to English.

OK, I know I just told you that you can't spend all your time listening to English.

Which is true.

But you should still listen to English often.

And have that as part of your learning routine.

And why?

Because listening to English will teach you so many useful things that you can apply to

your spoken skills.

You'll learn natural pronunciation changes.

You'll learn reductions, contractions, linking sentences, new expressions, body language,


But you'll learn all of these things naturally.


Because as you're watching TV your brain is processing the information.

Your brain is learning pronunciation, expressions.

And you don't even realize it.

You're just enjoying the TV program.

But, the key here is to listen to natural English.

So here's a great way to do it.

Just join my Facebook page.

Every single day I go live and I speak to you naturally.

And I explain the expressions I'm using as well.

So every single day you can be exposed to natural English but in very small portions

so it's manageable.

It's not overwhelming like watching a 2 hour movie.

It's just watching a 4 minute video.

Bonus Tip Become a Great Listener

Now if you want to develop spoken English it means you're going to be having a conversation

with someone.

But speaking is only half of the conversation.

The other half of the conversation is listening.

And when you listen you'll know what to say next.

Because in that conversation you should be tailoring your message, what you're communicating,

based on what you're hearing.

And if you're not a confident listener, if you're still making mistakes listening, you

won't know how to respond.

You won't know what to say.

So, if you are confident listening, and you know exactly what questions you're being asked,

or what topic is being discussed, then you're already one step closer to being able to participate

in the conversation and speak in the conversation as well.

So now you have 4 easy things you can do to develop your spoken English.

First, practice speaking all the time.

And expect to make mistakes.

Focus on your listening skills, and become a great listener.

Alright, now, let me know in the comments.

What's one thing that you're going to do to develop your spoken English.

I'd love to hear about it.

If you found this video useful, please hit the like button, share it with your friends,

and of course subscribe.

Thank you so much for watching, and until next week, happy studying.

For more infomation >> How to Develop Spoken English - Improve Your English - Duration: 7:54.


Brucia la terra | The Godfather (Voice + guitar) - Duration: 4:16.

The moon is burning in the sky And I am burning with love

The fire that is consumed Like my heart

My soul cries Painfully

I'm not at peace What a terrible night

The moon is burning in the sky And I am burning with love

The fire that is consumed Like my heart

My soul cries Painfully

I'm not at peace What a terrible night

The time passes But there is no dawn There is no sunshine If he doesn't return

The moon is burning in the sky And I am burning with love

The fire that is consumed Like my heart

My soul cries Painfully

I'm not at peace What a terrible night

The time passes But there is no dawn There is no sunshine If he doesn't return

My earth is burning And my heart is burning What he thirsts for water And I thirst for love

Who will I sing My song to

If there is no one Who shows himself On the balcony

If there is no one Who shows himself On the balcony

For more infomation >> Brucia la terra | The Godfather (Voice + guitar) - Duration: 4:16.


Acura Integra - Everything You Need to Know | Up to Speed - Duration: 11:13.

(car engine roaring)


- When I was in high school,

you either liked domestics or you liked imports.

I was an import boy.

Every Saturday night, we'd all meet up in the

Tinseltown parking lot and rev our engines at each other

before engaging in a hundred-man knife fight.

It was a wondrous time.

The century was turning.

I was becoming a man.

Taking Back Sunday knew me.

Like, really knew me.

♪ And with my one last gasping breath ♪

♪ I apologize for bleeding on your shirt ♪

- Wow.


Born from a brand focused on luxury,

the Integra's only goal was to bring

driving joy to the masses and it became

one of the best front-wheel drive cars of all time,

and helped usher in one of the most

hallowed names in driving, V...


This is everything you need to know

to get up to speed on the Acura Integra.

(imitates car engine roaring)


(energetic chiptune music)

This episode of Up to Speed

is brought to you by MVMT Watches.

Go to to get 15 bucks off

all sunglasses and watches,

plus free shipping,

plus free returns.

I wear mine everyday,

and I don't even know how to tell time.

(engine sputtering sharply)

In the late 80's, Japan was importing

fewer cars to the U.S.

To make up for lost sales, the main Japanese automakers

introduced luxury brands

that could be sold

(cash register dings)

for more money.

Thus, Infiniti, Lexus, and Acura were born.

Honda based Acura's models on existing Honda platforms,

but the Integra wasn't just a Civic with a body kit,

no, sir.

The Integra had disc brakes on all four wheels,

re-tuned suspension, and,

oh, yeah, pop-up headlights.

It was also powered by a new

dual-overhead cam inline-4.

The Integra was pure and simple fun.

In the first gen's four years,

Acura sold almost a quarter of a million of them.

The second gen Integra arrived in 1990,

Just like Jonathan Lipnicki.

- Do you know bees and dogs can smell fear?

- It had a bigger engine,

an independent double-wishbone suspension,

which would become a signature Integra feature.

In 1992, Acura gave us the Integra GSR,

and helped usher in

the most legendary tech in the land of Honda.

(engine roaring sharply)

- [Commercial Announcer] Honda.


- What is VTEC, you ask, grandma?

Well, it stands for variable valve timing

and lift electronic control.

I can see why they shortened it a little.

Here's how it works.

Each cylinder has three intake lifters

instead of two, like a normal engine.

While you're cruising along,

taking it easy, the two outside lifters

are riding on a pretty mellow cam profile.

The valves aren't open for very long,

which saves gas.

But, once you put your

foot down,

oil pressure engages some pins hiding

in that extra middle lifter, and all hell breaks loose!

The lifters get locked into a more radical cam profile,

letting more air and gas into the cylinder,

which means, more power!

VTEC just kicked in, yo!


This genius technology made it feel like

you had two different engines in your car.

A little, efficient baby one,

for driving your grandma to her boyfriend's house,

and a fire-breathing monster,

for when you want to scare the crap out of him!

Dude, Troy, I get it.

Gram-gram looks great, for a woman her age,

but if you break her heart, I swear to God,

I'ma break your neck!

The TEC-E got even better in '94,

with the release of the third generation.

It had an all-new chassis,

with the new 1.8-liter VTEC motor,

making more horsepower.

And, the refreshed front end

featured the now iconic twin headlights.

While other luxury brands like Cadillac, Mercedes,

even Infiniti, were making big, boxy couches on wheels,

Acura was turning their image of luxury vehicle

into more of a sports car.

In 1995, Acura made the GSR even sportier,

with more aggressive suspension, a spoiler,

and badges, to let people know...


This is a freakin' GSR!

But the best was yet to come.

Because, in 1997, Acura gave us what some might say

is the greatest front-wheel drive car

of all time.

The Integra Type R.

Simply put, the Integra Type R

was a bombshell in the import scene.

Acura abandoned all pretenses of luxury,

to prove that they could make the best

sports car in all of the land.

Its entire function

was to be as light and as rigid as possible.

It didn't have A/C or a sunroof.

No cruise control, or rear wipers.

Acura was so focused on cutting weight,

that the Type R didn't even have vanity mirrors

in the visors.

This thing was a race car.

They freaking seam-welded it.

Google seam welding.

It's thing they do to race cars.

Putting the Type R on a diet

made it 140 pounds lighter

than the GSR.

In the U.S., the Type R was only available

in championship white from '97 to '98.

The car disappeared in '99, just like my dad.

- You'd know I'd take you with me, if I could.

(car tires screech)

- But, when it came back in 2000,

you could also get it in black,

and pheonix yellow.

It's not named after that town in Arizona.

It's named after the freakin' bird

that died and came back on fire.

Dumbledore's pet!

Jean Grey!

Wolverine's girlfriend!

Also, Cyclops's wife?

The DC2 Type R got its power from a very special motor.

The B18C5.

It had a lighter flywheel.

The connecting rods were torqued by hand.

The intake ports were hand-polished.

That meticulous attention to detail

is usually reserved for big-time race cars,

which makes sense because,

that's what the Type R had become.

Acura even had the piston skirts coated with mol...





Yeah, I really liked those condos.

In fact, molybdenum!


Acura even had the piston skirts coated with molybdenum.

Now, I'm gonna be honest here, guys.

I don't know what molybdenum is,

but it sounds like a freakin' X-Men metal.

And I want Wolverine claws made out of it,

to reduce friction as I'm stabbing through my enemies.

Watch out, dad!

Baby's got molybdenum.

(claws screeching)

With the Type R and NSX in their stable,

Acura was now the leader in Japanese performance.

Even though they were supposed to be a luxury brand.

The U.S. got a totally redesigned Integra in 2002.

While it was still called the Honda Integra back in Japan,

Acura decided to give all of their cars

boring alphanumeric designations instead of real names.

The Integra was now the RSX.

The RSX was completely new, from the ground up.

Acura designed the car with a

more mature market buyer in mind.

Someone with their shit together,

just like Craig, Jessica's new husband.

It no longer had

double wishbone double wishbone suspension,

which is kind of what made the Integra so special.

But, critics still praised the car's spirited handling.

In the U.S., the RSX was available in two trim levels.

The bass-making 160 horsepower,

and the RSX Type S, making 200 from the awesome K20A2.

It's a great engine, if you put it in a Civic.

The U.S. did not get an RSX Type R,

which sucks, because Japan did, and it was really sweet.

The new Integra Type R in Japan

was a continuation of Honda's proud Type R tradition.

It came with Brembo four piston disc brakes.

Red Recaro seats.

A new LSD,

a Momo steering wheel.

And, like the Type R of the 90's,

it didn't have any vanity mirrors,

because you know you look dope as hell,

'cause you're driving an Integra Type-R!

It got its power from the K20A.

It had a new version of VTEC, that,

on top of liftered stuff,

could also tune its ignition timing on the fly.

The result was a smoother power delivery,

putting down 217 horsepower.

In 2005, the RSX got an updated exterior,

including a new spoiler, and Enkei wheels, which is cool.

And, in the power department,

the Type S got a new cam shaft.

- Oh, I love it when you say cam shafts.

Whisper it to me.

- Cam shaft, and exhaust package,

giving it 10 more horsepower.

It had more bark, and more bite.

So much so, that Car and Driver called it The Top Dog

in its class.

The RSX ended production in 2006.

It marked the end of two-door sport coupes

in Acura's lineup.

Honda was free to export as many cars

as they wanted to the U.S.,

and didn't need to make up for the gaffe

with Acura, anymore.

The new Civic SI was very similar to the RSX, but cheaper.

There just wasn't room for the RSX anymore.

Today, the tuner scene

is a weird mish-mash of drifting,

time attack, and stance cars.

But, it wasn't always like that.

The Integra was a stand-out car,

from a forgotten time.

People are always talking about the heavy hitters,

like the Supra, RX7, GTR, and even the NSX.

But, the Integra earned a claim

from critics and drivers alike,

by being a really great car.

It was focused, it was simple,

it was the best front-wheel drive,

naturally aspirated car,

of all time.

This episode of Up to Speed

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Golden Age of Hondas, holler!

You ever been in a knife fight at a movie theater?

Does import drag racing still exist?

That used to be, like, the thing.

Send me a dollar for my Lambo,

I really want one,

we're up to about 10, now.

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I almost started crying.


Look, it's like, really personal.


♪ Cut my life into pieces ♪

For more infomation >> Acura Integra - Everything You Need to Know | Up to Speed - Duration: 11:13.



For more infomation >> CES 2018 PREVIEW (WHAT TO EXPECT & INSIDER INFO) - Duration: 3:25.


TH9 HEROLARI YÜKSELTİYORUZ #4 ( Clash Of Clans ) - Duration: 11:43.

For more infomation >> TH9 HEROLARI YÜKSELTİYORUZ #4 ( Clash Of Clans ) - Duration: 11:43.


Snow Day Challenge w/ Jade Pettyjohn & Ricardo Hurtado | School of Rock | Nick - Duration: 1:30.

Cooped up in your house all day? Don't worry!

All you need is a bunch of stinky old socks.


And the drive to win.

- This is the Laundry Toss Challenge! - The Laundry Toss Challenge!

Round one, regular sock toss.

Three, two, one!

[music playing]

- Yes! - No!

- Oh, you got one, I only have two left! - Oh!

- Oh! - No, don't do it, Jade!

Please, no!


- Miss, miss, miss, oh, tie! - Oh, tie!

Round two, blindfolded sock toss.

[music playing]

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

I won?

- Ricardo wins! - Ricardo, you won!

- I did? I won? Yay! - Ah, darn!

Round three.

Backward, over the shoulder sock toss.

[music playing]

- Oh, this is tough, how about I just... - How did I do?

[bell ringing]


- You got one! - What? I actually got one?

I think I'm the Laundry Toss champion, all socks bow down to me.

♪ I won, oh yeah, I did it, you didn't ♪

For more infomation >> Snow Day Challenge w/ Jade Pettyjohn & Ricardo Hurtado | School of Rock | Nick - Duration: 1:30.



For more infomation >> ⭐GTA TARİHİNDEKİ TÜM OYUNLARIN BAŞLANGIÇLARI & İLK GÖREVLERİ (1997-2013) ⭐ - Duration: 1:30:05.


Feel like a woman - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Feel like a woman - Duration: 1:04.


Matty Matheson's Fiery Fajita Spread - Duration: 6:45.

It's a beautiful day.

We got the Big Green Egg.

Look at this!

We've done all of the work inside for the fajitas,

and now all we gotta do is cook our steak.

It's taken the time to temper,

and so now we just have to season with a lot of salt.

And with a steak, like, this big,

you can add a lot of salt.

And then we're gonna add a lot of pepper.

We're gonna add a little olive oil,

just enough to like kinda lube it up.

We got this grill real hot!

It's 600 degrees Fahrenheit.

We're gonna slap that.



That's your big boy.

We want it to be hot, because we wanna sear it.

We're gonna leave the grill open the entire time we're grilling.

If you were to close that lid, all of a sudden

the top of the steak that isn't on the searing side

would turn gray and start cooking instead of searing.

Keep your lid open!

What are these guys?

These are beautiful corn on the cobs.

We've soaked these overnight in water,

and we're just gonna put these on the edge of the grill.

Why did I soak 'em overnight?

So then when you put 'em in the grill,

the husks don't burn up right away and you have crappy corn.


What don't you-- I like canned corn, creamed corn,

street corn, grilled corn, cream corn...

Corn is like the craziest thing in the world.

Corn's like horrible for you, isn't it?

Like you can't even digest it, it just comes out in the poop.

Oh yeah, corn's real bad for you, for sure.

Once those heat up, it steams and it cooks and you get that

smoky flavor of really nice corn on the cob.


You can see how fast this is cooking,

but it's cooking still really evenly

because it's not a cold steak.


So the steak is done, look at that.

In about 7 minutes a side, you're gonna get a perfect--

(Motor starting)


You're gonna get a perfect medium-rare steak!


I love the big trucks, they're great,

but you know what, we're in their world.

We could've stayed inside,

but it's so nice out we wanted to come outside.

I like that.

We're standing out in the sun, and they got a...

you know, they got...


They gotta raise the thing that has the box in it.

We work together, don't we?

MAN: Not really.

- No?

- No.


So, this steak has gotta rest now,

I'd say for about 10 minutes.

Corn still has to cook for quite some time.

You wanna be cooking the corn

about 10, 15 minutes in the husk,

peel it, grill it some more for about 10 minutes.

So what I'm gonna do is just close the barbecue.

It'll cook that corn really nice and safely

within our corn husks.


Oh my god.

Are you cra-- Ow, fuck, this is so hot!

Okay, so grab a rag.


And then just pull these down.


Ah, that's beautiful.

So you can just take your corn, give it a little twist

like that, and now you got a nice little handle.

We're just gonna put it back on the grill,

and I'm just gonna get a few grill marks on these guys.

Just a little bit more flavor.

It's like the hottest day of the year right now.

We're outside grilling for some stupid reason,

just to bring you guys fajitas.

Yeah, it's so fucking hot.

(Slowed screaming)

We're still out in the back alley 'cause we're not done!

Fajitas are not fajitas without a sizzling platter.

Luckily the Big Green Egg can get up to like

1,000 fucking degrees Fahrenheit,

and I got a big old cast iron pan in there.

Let's go!

We're about to sizzle.

You add your peppers.

We're gonna take our beautiful steak,

put that right on top.

Throw your big bone in there.

Look at that already sizzling.

We're gonna add a little oil.

And now, the final thing that you gotta do:

just take a little bit of water.


Now we're sizzling.




Let me tell you something!

Do you hear that?

This is the greatest steak fa-- Look at the pico de gallo!

Little accouterments here!

Ohhh, the beans!

But check this out.

See these corns?

All you gotta do: take your crema, lace that up.

Look at this.

Crema is... it's sour cream, mayonnaise and parmesan cheese.

It's incredible.

Little seasoning in here.

Oh my god.

Little cilantro stem.

Little green onion.


It's the best Mexican street corn I've ever had!

Oh my god.

Are you crazy?!

Let me tell you something, I got my fajita here,

I take a little bit-- look at that bean.

A little bit of peppers, just a little bit.

You just need a few.

We're gonna take one little piece of steaky.

Oh my god.

A little pico de gallo, and a little bit of that guacamole.

And this-- look at that.

Do you see that?

And people are gonna be like, "What's up with your tortillas?"

These are white flour tortillas.

I don't like corn tortillas, not for fajitas.

I'm sorry, everyone out there that's gonna fucking send me

a goddamn note or letter or fucking DM or comment or

whatever the fuck's out there to just grief your grievances.

Just keep griefing.

You sit down, you grab your family by the nuts,

and you bring 'em to a table, and you put down these fajitas?

It's gonna be the best god-- "How was your day?"

"Oh, I don't know, I went to school, I got suspended.

I drew a dick on a locker.

You know, my day was shit, my teacher's an asshole."

You come home, all of a sudden your day's brightened up

'cause you got steak fucking fajitas that are perfect.

I'm gonna enjoy mine.


Rang and Michelle, come here!


What are you guys doing?

MICHELLE: Pool party.

Did you guys-- Did you see what I made you?

- That's right.

- Whaaat?

I made you guys this.

Come sit down.


Wait, hold on, stand up here for a quick sec.


They're too short for you.

Come closer to me,

and then reach down and grab one of those.



Ah, you motherfucker, you!

Okay, let's have a fajita.


- Here you go, buddy.

- I like corn, corn is good.

There you go, baby.

There you go.

This is love.

- Is it nice?

- Yeah.

No swimming.

You gotta wait 30 minutes.

Guys, you underestimate eating fajitas in a baby pool.

This is awesome!

I'm Matty Matheson, it's 130 degrees out here.

Make sure you're in a pool next time you eat fajitas.

MICHELLE: And just put guac in the pool.

You're a firefighter, aren't you?

You fight fires, or get cats out of trees?

Yeah, um, kind of.

There's a lot of maybe downtime where you guys cook a lot.

Yeah, yeah.

This type of food, is this the stuff that's gonna give you

the energy to go out there and...

- Oh, yeah. - ...and save people's lives?

You know what, I do a ta-- like I'll do tacos.


That's an easy way to feed a lot of people.

I know that we always talk about food, but I'm like...

I never knew you to be really a cook.

Yeah, well, I don't know.

I cook at-- I do the cooking at home.

But yeah, now that I'm on the job,

I definitely have to prepare a meal for 8 guys.

George has always been an amazing cook,

you know what I mean?

I feel like if you won the lottery, Wade,

the first thing, like the celebratory meal

would be fajitas, you know.


Like Tex Mex being not even authentic,

but it's still being just like...

you can have Tex Mex in any part of the world.

Let's discuss bad Tex Mex right now,

'cause I remember one time we were in Australia.



That's far from Mexico.

That's pretty far from Mexico.

And there was like a hot new artisanal taco place,

and going up there, and then they had like enchiladas with

like beef gravy inside them, and like they served Corona,

and that was about where it stopped, you know?


Like 'cause, you know, when you're traveling like as a band

all the time, you want those things that remind you of home,

or like, you know... so you make those wild decisions

to go to a place you maybe shouldn't.

I remember we were in Scandinavia,

went to-- you and me were at like a Mexican spot

and we're like fuck it, let's give it a shot.

And it was as if like aliens came to Norway and explained to

these guys what they think Tex Mex should be.

And I'm just like what's this blue sauce?

Yeah, you don't wanna be eating Tex Mex in Norway.

But Tex Mex is... it's there for you.

It warms you.

- To Tex Mex.

- To Tex Mex.

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