Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018

History is something that keeps us learning about the past from a place as strengths to its weaknesses and although sometimes

History is regarded as one-sided

With the whole story never really being revealed or coming to light it is important to still look back and discover what might have happened

And today you're on FTD facts

We are looking at some of the interesting facts about the British Raj which was the time when Pakistan Bangladesh?

India and South Asia and Southeast Asia were controlled by the British

Hey, everybody what's going on Dave wobble here and welcome to FTD facts

The channel will reuse elite awk about people cultures and places from all around the world and today

We are going to look at some interesting facts that happened during the British Raj because well

We got a lot of people who are from India and South Asia and Southeast Asia that really do like our contents

So I figured let's go into a little bit of a history lesson and find out what actually happened now before I get in this

Video I got to ask you guys what is your favorite thing about the British me. I just love James Bond movies

I mean they're amazing I mean it's okay, because I mean yeah, there are some other things that are great about the British

But I want to know what is your favorite thing down there so number one? How did it start now?

Let's first start off by saying that the British Raj happened between the years of

1858 and 1947 now this pretty much began with the East India Trading Company which was a private company until about

1784 and at that point it became under the control of the British

Government now because of the ridiculous and unfair rules set in by the East India Trading Company

This led to the first independence war of India or more commonly known as the Indian rebellion in

1857 and although it was a victory for the British the East India Trading Company was completely dismantled and it brought in a new government

With British control number two India made a lot of money now

It's also interesting to know that when the East India Trading Company and when the British

Occupied the region the country made a lot of money for the world as a matter of fact it contributed to approximately

24% of the world's economy

But however by the 1950s that had drops to approximately 4% and at the same time under British rule there was major deindustrialization

making India go from providing 25% of the world's industrial output to only 2% by the

1900s number three railways in today's world the country of India has over

115,000 kilometers of track with about

12,000 600 trains carrying 23 million people daily and that is a lot of people

I'm not gonna lie it is crazy down there. They have so many people on trains

They need more trains in that country now

This is all because the British decided to install train systems with the first one being installed going from Bombay

Which is now Mumbai to Thane and that opened on April 16th of 1853?

number 4 schools and universities, okay

So rightfully so some of you guys may be out there being like oh my god the British were just bad news

For India they pretty much destroyed our economy and exploded everything, but let's keep in mind

they actually did a couple of good things such as bring in schools and

Education and to cement this the very first university that was put into place

Was the University of Calcutta being established on January 24th of 1857 and in relation to this number five the English?

Language now keep in mind when the British brought in schools

They also brought their language as well currently India is a country that sits at second in terms of english-speaking

People by country however keep in mind. It wasn't just schools that made English the number one language

It was because the tongue was used for administrative and court purposes and law purposes as well

Number six India famines now this is a sad one because they say that throughout the British is ruled there was anywhere between

15 to 29 million people who died from starvation or famine related injuries or diseases?

In India and although three major famines happened during the 18th and 19th century when the East India country occupied the region which also

unfortunately at the same time happened when the East India Trading Company raised taxes

So of course the British didn't just stand by and let these famines happen

they actually tried to do things by keeping an eye on the taxes and

even putting in relief efforts to make sure and prevent that these things wouldn't happen again and

unfortunately for the people of India and South Asia

And of course the British government these relief efforts didn't pan out as they had eight major famines during this time number seven

exploitation now of course when country occupies or colonizes a region historically there has always been some

Exploitation and that happened in India as well and for many people from South Asia when the British ruled they were not treated as citizens

And therefore did not get the same privileges and one thing for example is that when the trains first started coming into service only

British people were allowed on these trains and other people were not and of course one other thing that they exploited from the country is

That the brittish's army was paid with Indian revenue, which was about 19 million pounds a year

And you could say theoretically that would be considered as theft which moves on to number eight theft now

It's easily estimated that billions to trillions of dollars were taken away from the country and that included

diamonds jewelry and other goods of that nature

But the most famous is the koh-i-noor diamond which was taken from the country and is now part of the crown jewel collection

number nine the army because of the control of the British many native people from South Asia

Had served the British Army during the second and first world war and although the numbers aren't exactly on the nose

It's been recorded that India had the highest amount of

Volunteer soldiers out of any country in the Second World War as a matter of fact

They estimate that the volunteer army had a force of approximately

2.5 million men however during the Second World War they lost approximately eighty seven thousand men

and it should also be noted that Indian forces were actually present during the

European campaigns and not just in the southern regions and during the first world war India had supplied more troops than any other British

territory like Canada and Australia

Combined number ten the Olympics of course with the British being in control of India

They get a right to go to the Olympics and keep in mind their first four games were in 1900 1920

1928 and

1936 and for the 1900 games they only had one athlete however he was of English descent however by the 1920 game

They had a team of six with two managers who were all ethnically from India, so there you have it guys

That is us just taking a look at some of the things that happened during the British Raj

So that brings us to the end of this video

My name is Dave waffle, and I want to thank you guys for tuning in and learning about the British Rash

This is something that might have happened in your country before you're even born heck if you're watching this in your ball, man

That's crazy and for some other people this didn't happen in your country

But it's great that you're learning about the world around you now before you guys get out of here

I want you guys to go in the description box below and check out our

Playlists because we got a lot of cool stuff that you guys might really like to enjoy on top of that before you guys get

Out of here leave a comment down there in the description box below or better yet

Hit me up on Instagram the link for that is down in the description box below

And you guys should leave a comment for a future FTD facts video because we always love hearing from you guys

That's the way we do it here another than that you guys enjoy yourself, and we'll see you in the next video. Bye

Alright there you have it guys that is another FTD facts video now check this playlist out guys because this is our most popular videos

Stuff that everybody else is liked and you will probably too

Thanks for tuning in be sure to subscribe and learn with us every single day, and you guys have yourself a good one. Bye

For more infomation >> 10 Things That Happened During The British Raj - Duration: 7:32.


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For more infomation >> Buồn Của Anh Cover - Hoàng Phong Đạt / K-ICM x Đạt G x Masew - Duration: 4:38.


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Airplane Dad: Part 1 - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts - Duration: 0:58.

-This one's for you, dad.

-Where's your dad, Joey?

-My dad's a pilot, he's always busy.

-Thanks, dad.

-Haha! Great catch, son!

For more infomation >> Airplane Dad: Part 1 - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts - Duration: 0:58.


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Free Personalized Video Numerology Report Psychic's Thoughts on The Science behind Tarot & Astrology - Duration: 1:23:17.

Ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for joining us this edition of leap

Project i'm your host rex pare and we have nicole brenner with us from nicole brainy dot-com now

We're, gonna talk, about the actual scientific. Approach of?

Astrology and of tarot actually more so i should say than astrology it's

Gonna, be more in regards to the tarot aspect of why it is considered

By, many to be so accurate and why nicole has been diving deep into tarot literally now for 16

Years so that's a long time and for anybody to be with any profession for 16 years i would

Say, that gives them a pretty good platform if they, want to you know

Give somebody information that you can, consider them a teacher or somebody that's an expert at

That level so nicole it's great to speak with, you much appreciate. You joining us here at the leap project. How. The heck are you

Yeah, thank you for having me i'm

very i would love to talk

About all these things i love tarot and i actually do study astrology so this is really fun cool


And you know we've got several people that you're gonna actually do readings for here in a minute there are

Members of leap project but before, we get into that you know let's get into the scientific aspects

And let's say you're talking to a bunch of engineers which you are there's a?

Whole bunch of people that are going to be listening to this podcast that are either engineers or have that mindset of an engineer

Myself i'm kind of like an engineer and an artist all in one so i don't know

If that even makes sense probably, not but, we'll just go with that

So you know how, would you explain?

This in a in a scientific aspect an engineer mindset

okay, so

Well i haven't had quite enough time to prepare like a very scientific

Point, by point speech on this but there is a conversation that i typically have with a lot of my clients that come in to

get a reading and they're very skeptical and

what i always, say to people at this, juncture is

okay, so you every human, being has, goals that they're trying to achieve and

Just with the

You know the law of how things work, people are typically going to move towards that goal

And i'm just gonna double-check can, you hear me

Absolutely, okay cuz i know, my internet's kind of a little bit messed up so alright so people are

Consistently always trying to achieve their

Goals so more often than not the decisions that they make in life the things that they're

Doing are going to drive them towards that goal

and we all

Carry our energy with us we carry our hopes and desires with us away and you?

Come in to get a reading for me you're sitting in front of me not only as who you are in that moment but

Who you have been so you, carry. Your past with you and because like i said we're typically human beings that are

focused on a goal, you'll be carrying your future prospects

With you as, well so i don't really need to be able to

for instance actually read the future

But i need, to be able to tune into

Someone's energy enough to see what their tendencies and their habits are in the present moment

that could potentially

Project into a specific future and so sometimes if you get a reading

You, will see you know things for sure are going to happen but sometimes

You know things have like a probability of happening or not happening

So you're really during a tarot card reading and this is my belief i know that there are other tarot card readers that

Won't agree with, me but in my, readings i'm typically

Basically just reading the energy that is existing within the person at the time of the reading and it's

Also, my belief that time is not linear

i truly believe that time, is kind of stacked on top of each other and it's just the fact that, we are in

Physical bodies and we're in like a

Physical dimension that makes it so that we experience time in a linear fashion, and

So when you can

Tap into, that idea of time kind of not existing or being stacked on each other during a reading you can really

See the person as how. They are in that moment, which really can show

You, their future and their past if that makes, any sense to you at all this is really how. It feels like

Absolutely it does and one of the neat things is too is if you really get to that mindset, where

You, realize time is more of a perception

Then i think it helps you grasp pitch the larger pitcher and you know i've talked, many times about how, our?

Mental state is so limited our visual state is so limited these sensory perceptions that

We have is so limited that?

For those out there that think if they can't see it if they can't smell it if they can't touch it it's not real

Well then you're

Sacrificing about

99.5% of everything else out there and saying it just doesn't exist because it isn't on that light spectrum that you're picking up so

Also, another thing that i find fascinating about

when people are really good with just reading cards and i

See it more of like the quantum entanglement kind of thing they're picking up on something that's already happened

In this matrix but just because somebody, hasn't perceived in that timeline

Well that card can help somebody see it in a, symbolic aspect. Based upon how

Long you been doing it what your intuition is telling you and everything else combined so i think that it's pretty cool

Now it was funny because i went out and got some?

Some chinese for you the other day and i got that you know at the very end you get the fortune cookie and it tells

you What your fortune is and i was gonna?

bring that on the show here and just kind of poke fun a little bit at it but i

Couldn't find it so i'm not, gonna i'm not, gonna be able to do that but

You get my, point it's kind of funny when

Some people just nitpick on something being evil or wrong just because they don't see they

Don't understand it sometimes and i just kind of want to leave it at

That but let's talk about one thing that i do feel is important if we can, also?

And we can talk about this if there's anything else you, want to describe scientifically but if if you

want to jump into something that i'd really like to do a reading on that you see is

antarctica there's so many people that have been out there and

we know that one of the ice shelves out there is actually breaking off that's about the size of delaware and that could just be

The beginning of the end for antarctica the south pole

Do you see going on out there let's do a reading on it then you, also talked about how

That stuff is described in some of the ancient texts some of the vedas?

Yeah, so i'll talk, about that in just a minute but

Another thing that i wanted to add on with people kind of getting freaked out, about tarot or?

Astrology or thinking that it's not scientific

Is that many astrologers - especially astrologers that i have studied with will kind of describe karma in the same

Way as i was describing that it is 1/10 they're?

Basically you have tendencies so when an astrologer is looking at. Your chart they are seeing patterns that show

Habits or tendencies so if you are

If your, chart shows that you're more most likely to drink all the time

That's gonna be a tendency so eventually yes you'll become an alcoholic but, we do have control over these tendencies?

We do have control over how, we use sort of these natural parts of ourselves and aspects of ourselves

But that's just another way to look at it that an astrology chart or even a tarot card reading can kind of just show

How, you're, using your energy, and projecting yourself in the present moment

Whereas the astrology, chart will show that but it will, also kind of show

Kind of more past and?

Future in the sense, where it's just more broad because your astrology, chart your astrology chart actually shows, like your entire existence

Even past lives so i just wanted to make that clear that really

We are looking at tendencies and habits and i could talk about this for two hours but, we should talk about

Antarctica because it's really fascinating

And what's even stranger? Is that like a week ago i was actually just pulling up

Photos on google images because i was having a conversation with one of my friends, who didn't believe that people live there

But there are a lot of different research centers that are built there and the

incredible works of architecture have you seen this i

Haven't seen the

Architecture that you're calling incredible i mean i've seen a lot of huts and stuff out there and things are put together with

Like plywood that i'm like, oh my, goodness people actually out there that's incredible but, no please tell us more that's great

Well maybe i just think that they look, cool, like from an aesthetic standpoint

But the research centers that i've seen i'm just on google images so maybe they're made up they're

Like kind of built off the ice so like on stilts you know. They're really cool

so, we have people do live there and

One of the things i wanted to say about inca and the south pole in particular, is that it's said

to be the realm of the demons and

That to me is so interesting that there are all these sort of myths about i don't know

Maybe you've read them, about like the illuminati you know living there or crazy things

Like that or even people that believe in flat earth theory they have a lot of ideas about what the south pole is but from

Everything that i've studied studied i've always heard of the south pole being related to the demons

So that's really fascinating

Well the germans, went out there actually in the 30s and then there's something called that was a project



I can't remember specifically but there's a lot of stuff that's happened out there and then clearly now with the weather changing

So much it seems, like, maybe that's, why

they're Sending everybody out there for kind of a political campaign to get a certain piece of the pie

But one thing that i would like to know

maybe if we could do kind of a reading on what you see the the next

Year being or why, is there so much

Action going on out there right now cuz

People around the world definitely, want to know i mean i don't know if you saw

That video that came out recently, where they found this green ice out there you can

Go, to the x-files movie where they found the black, goo under antarctica

That was you know this twelve thousand, year old alien technology and i don't want to get into necessarily any that

We would unless that's what, you're picking up but, what do you see going on out there

Alright so let's just take a, look i'm just shuffling my cards and i have i did spend a little bit of time before

We started talking shuffling the cards so this won't take too long but let's see if anything comes up it'll just be fun and

interesting for me anyways

But what i'm picking up even just stirring the shuffling, is that there there

Are a lot of perplexing things happening

Geographically that the people that are there still don't even themselves have a grasp on so the you know

Like it seems like the energy of people is that they think that there's like, some group of people that know

way More that are doing something evil or suspect but really there are just really perplexing things that the people that are

Kind of there in a secretive?

Manner they don't even know, what's going on and they are trying to go and figure it out does that make sense

Yeah, so it's kind of like it's even beyond their capacity of knowing and that's, why

There's kind of being more energy directed there

So it's not like it's

Something that's within

Their control and their understanding at this time

So things are going to be moving very quickly

with what's going on there but, yeah like i said it's still up in the, air there's still a lot to be

Figure it out as far as like what

Direction that they're, going to take and i will say that i personally haven't been following any of this information about

Ana or discuss so if you can fill, me in on anything, maybe i it can help me decipher some of these messages

As, well because it looks like, they're trying to make something happen but

They, don't quite know

Which direction to take it so there might be like an initiative

For instance to like keep the ice from melting and things like that but

It's still undecided in which direction to go does that make sense

It does and i was also thinking when you brought that up maybe they're working on ways to?

Cause the ice to melt faster there is so much talk right now, about there being

civilizations that were discovered under the ice under multiple layers of ice or literally like flash-frozen, and

You know kind of like, when you hear about the old?

Little visit that willy mammoth or something in antarctica that

Was flash frozen?

Or something like that where it was still chewing food and they found it and discovered and it still had food in its mouth and

Was flash frozen?


There's some speculation that the

Atmosphere might have ripped off and that's why it got so cold so quick but here's the deal there's so many different scientific

Terms that could be used to say this

Is what caused it that unless you are actually there or you've got the the data to a hundred percent it's

Gonna, be tough to come up with that so what you said though that, did kind of resonate with

Me so that makes me think that you're on the on the right track

Okay, okay there's, also an, issue of funding as, well so we think that

These people all have as much money in the world to make whatever they, want happen but the people that are actually

Really serious and coming from a, good place there is an issue of funding

Also there is i think there is a question of like what kind of resources can?

We get from this, area are there resources are there things that, we can?

Make, money off of so there it's both, ways so they're looking for resources

Within the land but at the same time

The amount of money that some of these initiatives that are going to cost is also kind of up in the air and that's

Also, why, i think there is like a little bit of?

Like it's secretive at this time because of that as

Well because they're trying to find funding and the ways that they can to make this happen quickly

Does that make sense

Absolutely, okay and then finally coming up ahead

Is interesting like the image the imagery i'm getting here does seem like antarctica but

let me just pull these extra cards as, well i

think, we're, not, going to be able to find out i feel like it's going to continue to be

mysterious i think that

What's going on there if someone a group is going to take it under their control and do it on their

Own without kind of letting people know? What's going on and?


There's an initiative to make things happen quickly i don't think it's going to

It's gonna be on a complete pause until

It's weird like i know like i don't know

Anything, about this kind of stuff but it feels just like it's on a complete pause, until this financial

Stuff can get cleared

let me see what else this has to say i

Just wish i knew, who these people were you know, what i mean like, where are these, people that are

Is there a, way to kind of sense that i mean can you figure out if you

Think it's offworld or if you think it's inner world if you think it's just you know, some very advanced

People that were a part of specific

Organizations previously i mean what woody, what is your sense?

It honestly, feels like, these, people are just scientists, like, because like from

What i got before i even read the cards is that

Like, they, don't even know, what they're dealing with and so the people that are there that are actually

Going to be able to do something are the scientists because it's over everyone else's head

Right so they're just trying to get the money so that they can do something, which i can't really see

It's gonna, be on pause whatever happened so there there's there seems to be a lot of energy with us now

Like things moving very quickly but it's. Gonna i'm gonna, tell you it's

Feeling, like it's, gonna be on a, stick it's

Gonna be on a standstill it's gonna be on a pause we're not gonna hear about it for a. While

You know whatever they're trying to do whether they're trying to like melt

Antarctica or if they're trying to go in there and like it almost feels like they

Want to mine or like, dig and find stuff more to like, maybe try to find like precious metals i don't know

What they would find there but it's not gonna happen for a. While

And and it is a matter of like funding it just seems like, this stuff

While there's a lot of movement and there might be for the short term it's going to be on pause

Are you picking up anything that might

show some

Unrest in that area something that might show

destabilization maybe

With geography, you know just the location maybe with the the politics behind it just anything

Is some land still breaking off over there

well all the time there's glaciers breaking off from

Antarctica yes now the question is this one in specific it's the ice shelf see i think and it's actually larger than

The delaware and most people don't know, this but antarctica is actually larger than

America and mexico combined almost

60 something percent larger than america and mexico combined

So if it melted

Hello, surfing

Ya know it makes sense

So i know that it seems like, there's like, some unrest besides the regular sort of

Breaking of the land like breaking off of icebergs and all this kind of stuff and this indecisive

Situation of what to do like that seems to be the biggest confusion, about the situation but

And also like the melting obviously that's kind of a dire thing but

No, like the political situation seems to be like there they are making great efforts

To, try to keep things together, to try to build up money to take care of things it doesn't seem like

And even i thought that there'd be something here but it doesn't seem like it it just seems like

They, are taking the steps needed to get things under control as they can but it is a matter of like, what can

We afford to do?

Everything that they, want to do is very expensive so they need to take time to make these decisions so they can

Do them right and that's where it's

That's where the confusion is is what you know?

What decision to make, so that's the that's the thing that's up in the air i got this twice

Is that there's just they, can't figure out, what to do but as far as like

Some evil people being behind it it's not really it doesn't feel, like the case even though it's you know, even though like

Sitting here in your house or your apartment been thinking, about it you'd you'd start to suspect

Some things but i'm just getting that mostly it's just

some people trying to come together and

That there are some scientists, who are like some of the best scientists in the world apparently from this reading

Is what i'm seeing are there

And i think an event happened recently and i think it might have been what you were saying, where there

Was like a lot more attention

put towards it

But for the time being they, can't do anything because they have to weigh the

Different options with the amount of money that they have

To, make the best option, possible because one of the things that they're trying not to, do from i'm seeing from this card here

Is they're trying to not make the situation, worse so they're trying to like kind of conserve, what's there you know

What i mean and there?

So a lot of a lot of brainstorming is happening right now and i think it will be on a pause and

then i think, they'll start to move forward and

Do something but it all seems to be more so about

resources from the land and

Canoe and taking care of the land, and try to diss preserve what's there rather than it is about

trying something crazy, and yeah i'm not getting that like i

Sub zero has a, whole new meeting in mortal combat

Sorry i'm digressing your beep, gonna jump in real quick if i can, because what

You're, saying though is really being it seems extremely practical

And that makes the most sense so it's like somebody could say, well geez i'm a

Logical person i think logically that's exactly

What i would say so that's actually a?

Really, good thing to kind of be down-to-earth on that aspect and i can see that clearly i mean, why

else would they send so many politicians out there and and leaders of of the globe and corporate people and

Scientists and then you look at the weather patterns, and stuff like

that so what you're saying really does make a lot of sense and i appreciate that and at the same time i also wonder if

There's been discoveries in antarctica though that would, also confirm a lot of the stories on the street

Let's just call it the internet street because you know

You've got it used to be you'd hear stories on the street when they didn't have the internet now you hear everything on the internet

So you know it's it's a different paradigm there but, but so it's like, you hear a lot of chatter about, how

There's been these, discoveries like i just said, these flash-frozen societies but


These in long gated skulls and the discovery of these people that were like the you know and a connaughton pharaoh

Akhenaton in egypt because of the actual structure of the body itself more of a feminine

Body more of an in long gated skull and if that's the case

That might be one of the answers to possibly this shift of because there's a lot of?

Information that points to many different types of humanoids from thousands of years ago i mean you, had those with

Elongated skulls there's plenty of evidence for that i haven't seen the physical evidence in antarctica yet but i have in other locations and

So, my point is maybe that's one of the missing links in evolution you know

Maybe that is a pivotal pivotal piece that once a lot of this melts maybe information is presented to the table

Maybe it'll be like another another chapter added to our human history that, we actually know, about and have an opportunity to learn

About because a lot of that information is suppressed


Know i do think that's i do think that makes a lot of sense and i will say too with the cards that there would

Be cards that would show, like kind of suspect

Like, weird stuff happening as, well i just didn't get those cards so these post cards you got, oh?

Yeah, definitely so

This one is about them this is one of the cards i got that kind of shows that they are

Trying to make a decision but they, don't really know. Which way to go with it it's the eight of swords and

Then another card that i got which

Was like, about the finances is the five of pentacles so this is definitely a card, about trying to

Figure out a financial situation not having enough funds

Necessarily to make it happen and then i did draw. A lot of cards but i'm just showing

You the first three and this, is kind of how. They're, going to proceed and with this card i really kind of felt that

with the ace of swords that like i

Think, they might proceed in a way, where they're, not really, like letting everyone in the world know. What's going on if that makes sense?

And i do think that there will, be some discoveries with, like, dna in particular like but that might not happen necessarily

In antarctica but it would be spurred from that like

There will be some

Figuring out of what's going on with exactly what, you're talking about coz, while you were talking i drew

Some cards so i think they are kind of gonna do even deeper research into the dna and how its evolves over time

You know spark from this spark from these, like, extreme climates and everything so

but it will be in an area it'll be

It'll be like not necessarily in an article but in a warmer climate so but it's all coming together like

It is an important event this is an important thing to be talking about but

It hasn't gone as deep as i are at least i can, see it's not going as deep as maybe would be the most interesting

Sure yeah, fair enough absolutely, well and if there's anything else you

Want to add to that great and if not we can definitely leave it at that and segue over to

Some of the you know the members of leek project, and those illicitly project and ree, cards for them

Yeah, let's just move on to the card readings i tried to pull up a couple of different cards but yeah

What i'm seeing is just like kind of a stall in the progress in that area for now but

Yeah, so let's just

Let's let's move on and so let's?

leeann if we can and i really appreciate that that

Has good explanation, and let's go on to the first review

freely And then yes leeann and so with terrell you don't necessarily need to use the birth time but it's helpful especially if you, have the

Well you don't have to leave the birth date but if you have the birth date and the time sometimes it's nice to be able

To, pull up a birth chart to kind of add a little bit more

Details into the reading but we're

Just gonna, do it with the cards, and i'm gonna, do sort of general readings for everyone to kind of show

You, what's going on in your life and to give you the most helpful message for you

So i hope that that

Will be helpful

And now i really, want to spend, some more time looking into

Antarctica so i can see if you know, after the fact if any, new

Insights come up once once i learn more, about, what's actually going on there

Well i can, assure you a month from now

You, look, back at the comment section, and people are gonna have something to say it's it's amazing, how

Youtube will bring some of the most brilliant minds to the table literally

Some very very intelligent people and then you kind of have the

Opposite of that spectrum sometimes so it's fun to read through those comments and you got to laugh at

Some of them and then some of them are like wow yeah that was spot-on and?

They'll kind of what i noticed too?

Is i've done shows in the past where i would hit on like nine different subjects

And i'd get eight of those spot-on and then one of those would be off and not even off a

Whole bunch just you know, some say hey, this information was actually presented somewhere else at the specific

Time before you brought it up, and that's nice when you can get people to bring it up in a you know

Contributing manner and say rex you know i rex you

Did good but you missed this part right here and then you go back and yeah okay i made a mistake it was a few

Years prior to that and and that's what i like about, youtube in the constructive criticism aspect

Because it's almost like a university especially with leaked, project, with all the different shows, we do and people that, we talk to you?

And guess that

We have like you you're bringing a really good scientific aspect at the beginning to

Tarot to kind of get rid of some of the fluff and then you know. You can putting yourself, against the

The different people out there that are gonna say, well we can?

Come back and the reading that she did was accurate or the reading that she

Did wasn't and they'll leave that information on youtube you know it's kind of like if you go stay at a hotel you can

You can leave a review, and people can

Say it was great or they could say do not stay there because you will see

Cockroaches that you thought were breath mints when you first walked into the room

Yeah, excellent now i should have mentioned earlier too and i did pull, some cards for leann, we'll get to that but

Yeah, i actually with astrology i study astrology up to 12 to 14 hours a

Day i take classes i use a very advanced, software which you've seen

Maybe heidi use on this channel and it's so scientific and it really does take

Seven days a week of studying and i read like the classic texts and i'm actually

Practicing on charts and it's not just a person that's you know

Pretending to know something and sitting in a room there might be astrologers like that but there are definitely astrologers out there

My teachers included that have dedicated their lives to studying astrology

And even taking astrology further than it has been taken in the past so they're doing research on

Different charts, to try to improve astrology, and those are the people that i love to learn with, is the people that literally study

hundreds if not thousands of charts to improve upon

Ancient wisdom and to improve upon

You know the astrology, that, we currently, have, that is only really, like seventy to seventy-five percent accurate



It's a really intense thing there are people that take it very seriously i'm one of those people there are people that

don't take it seriously so you have to just be

Careful, and be mindful of the people that you go to for readings and do your homework and see who you aligned with because no

Matter what you're gonna?

Usually find the reader that you're meant to at the time, when you're meant to if you're meant to get a

Bad reading you'll get a better eating if you're meant to get a. Good reading you'll get a good reading

There's something that i've learned in astrology, where

Sometimes you really are meant to get a. Bad reading and that bad reading actually is helpful for you because

Sometime you'll get a bad reading and you'll get this terrible prediction and it will force you to change something so that's

also an in and of itself helpful, and that was very hard for me to learn and to understand but the more i

Contemplated it the more that it made so much sense and so you really just have to always, allow. Yourself to be receptive to

things that come your way and

Have the bigger picture in mind which is a very jupiter arian. Thing and

Jupiter is the guru in astrology so we always have to be acting from jupiter, which can see things from that

Higher perspective and i've actually heard of jupiter relating to the eagle

as, well and i and this is kind of just like from doing basic research not really looking into the vedas but the eagle is

A bird that can fly

Higher than most other birds very very, high up in the sky and it can, also dive super deep down into the waters


Yeah, you have to really have a very, high perspective and also really be willing to go

Deeply within yourself and both of those things will make any reading that you get great and

Will allow. You to make the most out of anything you come across in life as, well so

With that in mind let's go on to leanne's reading unless rex

Wants to add anything yeah i do want to add something real quick because i did a podcast today about how

A, scientist that's getting his doctorate at the samuel hoffman

No i'm sorry the john hopkins university

he is

Writing an essay right now on how the solar systems

We live in is actually there's a hundred planets

Actually a hundred and ten approximately according to the calculations if you put into

What makes a planet a planet and he was talking about the downgrading of pluto and essentially, why?

They, did that but in reality at least according to his calculations with all the different

Moons that orbit jupiter and saturn there's a hundred and ten planetary bodies or you know

What he would call a planet and so with that said i think to myself, well that's gonna

Mess up western astrology

Quite a bit because you've got the you know the eight different planets so what about all the other stuff but

Some people talk, about the vedic houses and such

And there's so many different houses i'm wondering if there's a i mean are you getting, where i'm going with this, is there like a

Frequency that makes those planets specifically line up with. People's birthdate so they're, born a certain, way so so somebody that's a

Five life path is seeking the truth and and is always looking for those extra nuggets of knowledge and information

And kind of on the what you could call the occult path just because that'd be a

Cult when i refer to that that, means the hidden knowledge essentially somebody that's you know, seeking the truth or something but

They, enjoy freedom, and stuff like that and somebody that's a nine

Life path is going to be better with money and and better with

Better with being kind of i guess a

Leadership role in the corporate business worlds and such at least, from the research that i've done but, there's a

Whole lot of different things that that i've researched into astrology it says

Yeah, but that's spot on and then i've talked to people that have done readings before with tarot and you know

Like, yourself, where you've been just spot-on, like i remember, we did that session

A, while back, where you were doing readings of people that listened to delete project and a lot of them had fairies you're

Pulling the same cards out of the deck of like 40 or something like that right or think yeah

Yeah, yeah that was a caller deck and it was still like the odds were really crazy

so that was so fun yeah, good job you're really, good with the numerology so nice work with that and

what i'll say is

Vedic astrology is also known as joe tsch

And that word, means the science of light or?

Visible light, what you can actually see from the spheres so that's, why in vedic astrology, they, don't include

Neptune uranus and pluto because

It's not something that's visibly observable from the earth

So that's one of the reasons, why, even though there might be other planets or other celestial things

Hey, venus wasn't

No, i think i said uranus neptune and pluto if i said

You'd be pretty funny i was like wait a second i can, see venus every, day it's minus star right okay, yeah

Sorry, he's good i might have said it and if i did that's funny but

Ludo, are the ones that

we can't really

Especially at that time really see from the earth so they are not included in joe tisch the science of light and so i think


At the time that vedic astrology, was kind of being brought together

they, did observe the sky, they observed the kosmos and i think they could

Tell the difference between what a planet was and what a star was based off of you know how it looked but

I, what i really think and i still need to do in-depth research on this is that they?

would just watch you know, well

Where the sky, was when they planted something for instance and?

Then they would watch, where the sky, was when they harvested those crops and then they, would see did i get a?

Good harvest or did i get a

Bad harvest and then they, would kind of take note of that and they, would mark that down

And adjust that and so i think over time people

understood and realized

Primarily of course the significance of the sun, which we i think most of your viewers would have

Some kind of understanding of how

Important the sun is to most civilizations and most of the ancient civilizations, worshipped the sun and then

Secondarily the importance of the moon, which most people will realize

Is related to the female menstrual cycle so in ancient societies or tribal societies women

Would typically get their?

Menstruation, would start on the new, moon and ovulation?

would happen on the full moon and

I just stood like a small ebook on that which you can actually get on my website if you just sign up for my newsletter

So, you'll kind of learn, about the full moon and how

That relates to your, body and so people in those civilizations realize that there was a correlation then with the moon and then

You know then you start looking at some of the brighter things in the sky

Like venus and people realized that when venus

Was closer to the earth when it was brighter

So, when venus is closer to the earth typically its retrograde and then they

Would kind of note those things down so i think that the

significance of the planets

Has over time evolved into something kind of scientific because first of all the

Bible so they were able to observe it in the sky and record and

Secondly, they've done so over such a long period of time that they realized that you know

Mercury venus saturn

mars, and i'm mercury or we are you said mercury and the moon they're all most important factors for

Creating events in life and for predicting things especially

Having to, do with their crops and things that were really important for them so like

Even i'm sure most people that live in the united

states have heard of a farmers almanac and if you flip open one of the pages of

Farmers almanac you're

gonna get the moon phases i

Might have said phases instead of pages but if you open up one of the pages in that book

You'll see the moon phases and so

That was like really useful and helpful for people to know. How

To, get the best harvest or when to plant certain crops, and that's a really practical use so i think typically

Astrology has always been really practical because it was observable and we didn't have clocks. We weren't sitting on the internet all day, we weren't?

Like, always conversing with a bunch of different cultures to learn, from them so we learned from nature we learned from what

We could observe like i think animals this

Is kind of a little offshoot but i think animals for instance have always been our greatest teachers

So i think that before there were movies before there were books people just observed animals they saw. How

Certain animals would hunt or certain

Animals like bees for instance an insect would create a hive and build a hive and build a society and then people

Neared these animals and learn from them and then in that way advanced society so you pagan


With nature like, that's one of regional definitions of a pagan one that dances with nature one that's in tune with

Nature it's now if somebody calls somebody a pagan that's usually anyway, sorry let's don't even go there but yeah

That's that was a beautiful way, to put that that was really cool


really think

About it and go back even a hundred years heck even go back 30 years in the 80s i remember you know i grew up

In the 80s so i'm 39

And in the in the 80s it was like i remember going out and playing i remember going out and building forts and and going

Out and riding

my Bike and going out into the

You know in the fields and exploring and having fun and and that kind of stuff doesn't even really seem to

Exist anymore it seems like kids are just you know

They're, playing on their smartphone or they're playing on their computer or they're inside their room and you know

I mean it's just not even you go you, drive outside and if you see somebody outside playing, basketball with, their kids you're like

Oh, my, gosh look, at that somebody's actually outside, that's incredible you know, so it's kind of sad how

Things have just transformed even over the past thirty years to where people are just plugging in more and more every single, day, and

You, you, would that was a really neat way to explain it in a

very layman's terms like

Where myself as ignorant as i am could understand that and i'm sure a lot

Of people that haven't heard that term before heard it explained in that way it makes a it's a lot, better

It's a lot better to resonate with and a lot of the other things are explained so i appreciate that and yeah yeah let's let's

Jump into, doing the readings then, okay, no problem at all and yeah it is rare to see someone outside

Playing with their children all right so, we have lily, ann here and so like i said there are turner's

Sorry, you must be hiding something

All right so these are gonna be general just what you're meant to hear right now, what's going on with you?

So lee anne i actually got this card earlier so this is very important you

Are working on right now in your life kind of letting go of some

Connections that are disturbing you if you haven't started this process this is something that you should very seriously

Consider there are some people in your life, you really need to let go of so it is a venus retrograde period and some

Astrologers will say that that is when like past loves will come into your life, so that could be related to this energy right now

astrologically to kind of let go of some past relationships and

Some past hurts and it might be kind of difficult for you to do that at. This time because

You, think, people are watching you and judging you

So it's very good to just move beyond that quick kind of carrying what

People might think and just do what you have to do in the moment

Because you are moving away, from a period that was very overwhelming

Where you're feeling very isolated

And this is part of that healing process to get you away from that

Overwhelming feeling to get you to be able to not have to feel so alone and isolated

Even when things are difficult in your life

And so i think with this if you can kind of let go of this these

People that aren't serving you it could, be a past relationship that you can really

Kind of gain a high level of mastery over your material world and you might even meet someone if you aren't in a


You can meet someone through work or someone that is maybe a little bit more

Materially well-off or you could, become that yourself because you're, going to free up that energy

Within yourself in order to do so so it's a really good time to do that because right now it's such a great time

To work on projects because anything pretty much that you try to startup at this time is going to give you

Some really great rewards so let go of that baggage know that they'll kind of overwhelming stressful times are behind you

quit caring, about, what people think and

Start working on some of these projects or putting more energy into your work so that you can

Have a higher level of material prosperity or attract that in your life if you are, still looking for

Someone to be with?

All right so i don't know if you put leanne personally but

Hopefully, that makes sense for her she will definitely leave a comment i am sure and

We will jump to the next one and this one is mack c

Dell and this is the first person to actually leave a comment when i brought up the podcast earlier saying we're gonna do this

All right congratulations actually i really loved like a

Little general readings, like this i feel, like these are these can sometimes be the best readings

Because we're just, allowing the universe to say whatever the universe wants

This, person to know without any, agenda it's not like, you're sitting in front of me

Asking to tell you about your love, life or whatever so sometimes you can get kind of a more pure reading this, way

So as always i am going to be shuffling the cards in between the readings so

Yeah i'm humming a soundtrack

Yeah, that, was terrible i'm sorry for anybody that had to listen to that hopefully i'll edit that out that was pretty

Bad but if not you've been tortured for the next five seconds you'll be okay?

But you know i think great that people it's so funny because there's been just a few hundred

Views on the podcast i did a moment ago, saying that you're gonna you know

Before we started doing this podcast and you're coming on the show

And the response is brilliant i mean it's like 70 something comments in just a few

hundred Views so that means almost?

One out of four people left a comment on the era mir they're all pretty good so i think that's great

Everyone else, was just in church

Yeah it is and belney comments later i'm sure

all right


And then i'm doing whoops i mean actually easy, to decks i'm using, my raw, reg deck

That's modeled after the toth or thoth turo i really, don't know, how to pronounce that and then i'm also

Using, like just an oracle deck, which can

He's just the oracle deck that i have is made by doreen virtue, and she's like

This older woman who is just like, super positive and loving and she, owns like a

Dozen pets at least, like every week, she's getting, some kind of a new crazy pet

So all her messages in the oracle card

Deck are just like so uplifting

so i love, using that one -

All right crazy, pets makes tarot card decks as, well yes

Yeah, it's amazing

Okay, so i just want to dive right into

Mac's reading actually because mac you are going through a lot of change in your life, right now

so that's the first thing, that's coming up is change change change

You first of all our?

And there's i'm going into the past but this past energy that i'm reading is

Also kind of in the in the present a little bit

but there

Was like a time of a lot of disappointment it could have been a breakup but whatever it was it was a break from

Something emotional that you were very connected to so often times this card does come up as a breakup and

because of this thing

Not working out you actually had to move you've had a really shift so you could have actually moved across the country or

Changed homes or if this wasn't an external thing then it was at least happening internally

Where you're kind of shifting and changing your whole perspective and way of being

but that energy is

Like, you still need to continue to move away, from that like

Keep moving forward keep changing things because right now

You're at an impasse where you could sort of like sort of stagnate and be exactly where you are

Or you can, move forward but i want to tell you just keep having faith and moving forward because if you can, make

Some small adjustments


Move forward without thinking too much

The other side of things is gonna be much more positive so continue to move forward

what's coming up for you is definitely at least incrementally better than what you're dealing with, now and

You're, going to have to continue to make, some decisions

Even though like i just said you're going through a period of a lot of change it's gonna continue that way for a. While

So if you can develop some kind of strength in yourself

During this time to trust yourself that when when you come up in this in this future card

Having to make a really tough decision about, where to take your life, again

You're, gonna trust yourself with, that decision but

Yeah, this is this is an intense one actually i would when i look at?

These cards i would recommend a full reading just because it seems like a lots going on

Let's see if i can get anything


Okay, so i do that this has to do with employment

So, maybe this breakup or this maybe you got fired or something this is leading you to

Change your employment you can, even work for yourself and really like i was saying the biggest message for you is to

Start to begin to trust yourself actually if you can kind of look for omens or signs, some people see like repetitive numbers or

They might have a thought and then their friend says

Their thought or they might be thinking of for instance if you were like i always

Wanted to get into baking and then all of a sudden everyone that you you meet is a baker or talks about baking

well maybe that's a good sign that your next career opportunity

would involve baking so pay attention, to all the signs coming to you, and

You're, gonna be in the stage for a. While so don't stagnate, keep moving forward there's gonna continue to be a lot of?

Changes and some tough decisions but you've got it

All the things that have been happening that are difficult or that make you feel a lack in certain areas of your life

Are going to shift the more that you just keep moving forward but you have to do the work it's not gonna be easy

all right

Cool, and it's funny because i'm already reading through these comments, and someone's saying dude you can't read tarot buy

Birthday, that is not how it works and?

and then so

For those of you out there i i apologize as, well because i when i talk to nicole she's like

We don't necessarily need their birthdays but that'll help, but i will actually i'm doing a

Show with heidi here in the next week or so where we'll actually be able to use these birth dates for that specifically as

Well so i just just, want to make that very clear

The, outlaw says that dude you can't read tarot by birthdate, well thank you for leaving that the outlaw

I appreciate it see what i mean i mean people on youtube they?

Keep you in check i mean even you already, do this podcast an hour later somebody says that and yeah so do you

Want to make a comment on that, oh?

Yeah, definitely!

So, also if you are leaving your birth date or if you already have go back and comment on your birth date and add the?

Exact time of birth and the location of birth because heidi is going to need that to look at

Your chart so you can, hopefully figure out. How, to do that or just comment again

But no you don't need?

you, do not need, a birth time for tarot this is a whole different kind of system it's um

One of the coolest things, about tarot is i was talking to my, teacher the other week, and we were talking about how

you, don't even really need tarot cards to read tarot you can, basically

Use the world around you as an omen?


You could, use saying as you could just use a bag of bones and throw. A bag of you know

Grab the random bones and throw. Them and look at the pattern that they're creating, and read them that way it's just that

the tarot

Trips your focus very quickly and there are symbols on the cards that

Direct you know you to messages very quickly but if you are paying attention, so for this first two

People that i read for if you're paying attention to your everyday life


Likely already, receiving those messages like everything that happens in your life is an omen

So if rex and i first got on this call and all of a sudden i heard a

Rooster crowing outside of my window. Very loudly, and that never happens that's an omen


other readings so the conversations gonna go or if we start a conversation and i

Get interrupted by somebody

That's going to be you know, that's going to be an omen of like?

What our energy?

Is like so you know

Not being able to communicate properly or that interruption symbolizes something so it's pretty cool so you

Don't really need with, tarot i'm more working in that

energetic layer as opposed to the science i

Hear sheep a lot when i go outside it's interesting it's like

You know i go out and come looking there's lots of people out there and i hear this?

Have to walk, away

Yeah, i don't do, well with public

but yeah

So let's that was great i appreciate that and let's go to the next meeting now?

This one is sarah smile and you know if it adds anything she was she was born in december of 79?

All right sarah

So i a card fell out of the deck and i love when that happens because it really, means yes

Yeah, it just jumped out it really means that

This card, was meant for you?


First of all you really need to start making music

Again, playing music or listening to music music is going to be so helpful for you in your life to get in touch with

Yourself and to do some healing and i think you might actually have like a

Musical talent or gift that if you could share that with, people that would be a great beautiful thing for you so pay attention to

Music in some capacity but i almost have a feeling, like you have a musical gift and talent that you should be using

And one of the biggest things going on with you

is that

you, okay so

There is some kind of like a. Karma word and

When i first pull this card actually like right, now i'm almost feeling kind of lightheaded it's pretty crazy this sometimes i get a

Physical visceral reaction so i almost feel like there, was some kind of problem with motherhood or with mother or with your creatives

Yeah, like something with your creativity or creative aspect. Whether that's actually creating music or being a mother or dealing with

Your, own mother there's some kind of issue there that?

Was very difficult to deal with and which i think right now in your life, is sort of creating like

Some kind of mental fog for you that you aren't being able to deal with

So there is kind of a darkness right now that's kind of happening in the mental plane that needs to be cleared

And what i will say is i think like you can?

try Going to therapy or try journaling in these things but i think the most whole thing for you to do is to attack this more

from a creative a


Perspective because this is an imbalance that's in your creativity so it has to do with your

Creative energy, which is related to motherhood which is related to making music and which is related to your mother so if you can?

Make, music if you can

Even listen to music

Be in music or do some kind of sound healing with the sound healer that will really help

You to kind of clear up this mental fog this mental fog seems to be thick enough, where you might not even know

Really, what's, what it is?

So you have to get to the deeper layer of that so you might not be necessarily relating that to anything at. This time

But if you can do this your future is looking awesome i see you being in the period of time where

Things are just like, you're able to spend more time doing, what you love feeling open to love feeling open inspirations

being able to do your, own thing i

Mean there's a lot i could get into but i'm just gonna leave it at that that

There is so much beautiful positive energy and healing energy that is going to be available to you so very kind of specific

but i love that one so yeah

That's a good reading right there

Everybody's like man i hope, my reading, is that good let's go to

Mike m and he was born in august to 64, okay and i think that should this be our last one then?

Let's do let's, do two more if we can, please, okay, so mike and one more

My, guys if i could i'd get it to read all of them for you but unfortunately that would take a lot, longer so

Yes, well you can, always make an appointment with me i do have

More availability than i used to so that's gonna be really fun

It'll be interesting to see

To, do readings early in the morning

Are you not as accurate early in the morning

No, you know, what's interesting is?

Sometimes i like to be a little bit tired when i do readings and i know that seems really, weird but

So sleep is related to the 12 house in astrology in the 12th house is also related to deep spirituality

So sometimes when i'm in a sleepier kind of state i can be more accurate in my opinion i don't know

if that's uh i'm sure if

Anyone, any like professional

Tarot reader astrologer, is watching this they, would laugh at

Me but it's true i can i can kind of be more accurate sometimes when i'm super tired

Or at least just a little bit sleepy where i can, allow, my mind to relax very easily into kind of a different state so

It's no problem there but there's a problem if like you're hung over or something but i don't i don't drink so

Okay, so mike i actually have a drinking problem i was talking about this the other, day i'm going

through, these, kombucha, teas, like crazy, and

Yeah, i have a kombucha drinking problem but they're

Expensive this one was eight bucks and a farmer's mark that, yeah somebody's like, hey, by the way rex i got you a

Kombucha it was eight dollars what?

That's insane, yeah i make, my, own kombucha i think i was drinking kombucha during one of our other videos i like?

Make it and to ferment it i put it into a wreath like a

resealable glass beer bottle, oh yeah i

call those

The cc bees or something like that don't they the biscuits of like, kombucha, which is like actually a giant fungus

But it's really good, because then you can, make more

Go, bees yeah, yeah so i actually have to brew that every week

And otherwise it's so expensive because i love drinking it too so yeah i do have a drinking problem

what kind of uh what kind of tea to use to use white tea or black tea or green tea or a combination i

Use a black tea that's decaffeinated

But i guess, scobie's don't really, like decaffeinated tea so once in a, while i'll put like a regular

Caffeinated one in there but um i kind of like it best with, green tea

Cool, cool i remember one time this is funny because i actually had one of those scobie's and i put it in a blender

And i blended it up and then i put it in a tray and

Drink it and i was like yeah this has got to be really good for me this is gonna be like ten quadrillion

Probiotics in one shot but that, was interesting because the the texture is like a. Plastic it's almost plastic the texture of those things

Yeah, that's i would never do that that's

Pretty gross i don't know, why i'm sharing that with you but it was very interesting i mean here's something

About that later yeah i could eat a hamburger and it digests it better but probably not the case

So probably better off just not eating a hamburger yeah i know exactly but that does remind, me of the time that

My, friend blended a hamburger in the blender and then

Drank it see that's


Yeah, and you like, use milk as the base

And he was just like, yep i'm doing this side this is just who i am and okay but

Yeah, let's move on maybe that's an omen for mike's

makes reading

could be

So mike i do feel kind of like a, somber like i hate to use the word somber but there

is kind of a somber energy in

this reading

Okay, and your cards are actually kind of showing you i so

You've gone through a very difficult

Emotional time so feeling a lot of disappointment in love and relationships i do, feel like that's what's going on?

This kind of has to, do with the male figure if you if it's not like a friendship or a

Partnership then i kind of think that it's sort of you that's feeling, like, you're being cut. Off when you're being isolated and

You're, having to face your, own emotions at this time and i really, want to tell you

about the feeling that i felt when i first pulled, these cards and

Kind of warned you a little bit because

When you see a card, like this where you know. You're trying to deal with your emotions and face them

Typically you'd want to

Be able to cry or to express your feelings and deal with them but the

Feeling i got with, these cards, was kind of more of an emotional numbness

So it's really important that you work past that emotional numbness that you can actually heal, from the past because it wasn't easy

The card i got for the past

Was maybe like a lot of fighting were lacking emotional fulfillment in a way that would actually make you suffer


So sometimes we're in a stressful

Relationship or a friendship

For i think that's, what it is with you is probably with relationships

Where it can actually affect our health in a negative way so

That would be really important for you to kill it or heal and deal with because

You can, actually physically start to feel better and i think

It's gonna, be a tendency in the future to kind of want to

Go, back and explore the good times but i also kind of think that maybe someone from the past will come back into your life

Where you're

Gonna, be able to be with them romantically or for a short period of time or to explore that but really in the meantime

Start to face your emotions face yourself start to heal try to get past that kind of?

numbness and

Again i got this backup card here kind of supporting this

Is that it's important to think about only what you want to create in your life

Not what you're afraid of and i think when you start to?

Create, more positive thoughts in your mind you're, going to start to also

Heal, more quickly

And this emotional disappointment could, also just be from a situation that didn't work out it doesn't necessarily have to

Be with love but it feels like it was a relationship or something that

Was important and it really took a toll on you but don't let. Yourself grow, numb there will be

Pleasant fun times that are of equal value or greater in your future so

Yeah, that's kind of a somber one but at the same time

Sometimes those are the best ones cuz. It gets the person to start moving in a more positive direction so

change the matrix

And you'll be okay that's?

Good, gives him, gives him

hope just change it i like the end of that that was nice and will be one more and

This one is going to be king ghost dragon and he was?



1980 i feel like we're getting a lot of winter birthdays

Isn't that weird and it's, also weird because i mean maybe, yeah liana, was a winter birthday too i'm a

Summer birthday so typically, we attract the energy that's

Opposite of us and the calendar to balance this out so you know leann, and what is this king dragun?

Kings right and you guys could probably if i was ever in a, sorry state you'd probably

Be the best people to go to for advice for me to balance myself out but, that's really, like, basic western astrology but


It does work


So i'm just shuffling the decks

sorry, no

all right king dragun i

Mean it's a pretty cool, name i like that i mean the the king dragun, that's, uh

dragons are cool

Do you believe in dragons do you, think they're, ever real

i've actually never even thought, about that but i

Mean we're, sure they're, mythical thing doesn't everybody think about that stuff

Maybe they're real in another realm you know

Like i bet there are different i do think that there are different realms that people have, had various levels of access to

During different times and like our development as a society or as a human being you know like

different dimensions and

If anyone's ever meditated or done a lot of intense dream work

You'll be able to experience those different dimensions or those different realms like one of the

one of the reasons i can

Be so active sometimes in readings is because i've spent a lot of time i am like in a dream state without a body

So i'll just be literally like a ball of energy and i spend so much time just as a ball of energy with like

Basically it's like a genderless


Personality list ball of energy that it can really help, me to be objective, about myself sometimes you know

That makes sense but it's only in dreams i haven't

That's your energy essence it does make sense i mean i was just thinking of something interesting to say

after that that probably

Wouldn't have been appropriate

And it was a bad joke so i was just kind of listening to what you had this thing, about that so yeah

If you, uh and that's what meditation is supposed to do it's supposed to get you to be you know

Step outside of your personality and your ego and just to experience who you are your real essence and so

See when i had an out-of-body experience before because i've, had several and the first one i had i actually saw

Myself leave, my, body, is like i was i was looking at myself and i wasn't in a in a small ball like

That as you said i've never been able to

Meditate to that point to where i was able to transfer consciousness and just be the the electrical energy essence that was you know

Bouncing all over the place that's pretty cool, i mean that's pretty deep i i don't think that would happen

Some that reminds

Me of somebody that wants to to just immediately be able to meditate and do things with

Their mind that somebody might have spent five years

Learning to do or somebody in the monastery that you know does those practices every single

Day like in the boot that do this temples, and stuff like, that how

Long, did it take you to get to that level, because that's pretty intense

Yeah, i do want to eventually teach this kind of stuff but i started meditating when i was 12 so

Like i just did this video on my channel about when, my third, eye opened

And that happened when i was like 13 or 14 but i was doing very intense

Meditations and i like developed, my, own meditation technique over 10 years, where i was really developing it and i probably

experienced that kind of


A state when i was?

20 i guess maybe

20 was probably like the time that i started and then when i was 22, was like more of my?

Lucid experiences like that so i guess it took, me 10 years

You know you could see yourself from a. Bird's eye view as this

All of energy so i would go into a lucid dream state

Where i knew i was in a coal and i was in this state?

And it would be like and i yeah i should?

Do, some videos on this but i would be like in a different dimension so there were the

Beans the people that i was talking to like weren't humans. They

Were human-like but they weren't

And then it was actually training so i was in some kind of a school for this like it was really

Weird but i was completely like

Lucid right so i was in some kind of a school for this i went talked to my teacher and

She, would put me in this dark room

And now all these people are gonna think i'm crazy but whatever these are dreams so i would go into this dark room and

Dreams before hello

Man i'm like sometimes a mad scientist and dreams i'll

Be like i'll try and create, like, some lamborghini, and instead i'll get a bicycle with. A flat tire on my, bra. Oh wait

So you love lucid dreaming, okay?


Yeah, look at me do you, ever do that you, like show, off in front of your friends and you start floating

Yeah, and they get mad?

Okay, so she put me in this dark room and i would just be a ball of energy and then in that dark room

She would say, okay now create a table, okay now create a lamp


now, create this

Now destroy it and i would just work on creating objects and destroying them and so i started with just like a table and eventually

I got good enough where i could create an entire room and

The tricky part is not creating the object the tricky part is maintaining it so i would

Create the table but then i would have to maintain the table, while i created the, walls while i created the

Carpet and all these things and so

What i call this state and i'm sure this is not really the correct term is the fifth dimension but it's like

This creative dimension where you can manifest things

Instantaneously because they're, that like

Physical reality is just like it doesn't exist you're in this other kind of more energetic state where you can

Yeah can create things spontaneously so i would practice this like all the time in my dreams in this weird school

That's that's pretty cool, so that that was a reoccurring dream that it wasn't just a few times i mean you, had it multiple times

Yeah, i would have these dreams i would go to this school

And they weren't

Recurring dreams they were dreams where i would go to the school and then the next time i would show up in the school

We would be further advanced in our studies and like i wouldn't always remember

Huh, sorry to interrupt was at the same school, same school same teacher, same classmates and like i wouldn't

Sometimes remember like the weeks in between like

I wouldn't have a lucid dream but when i wouldn't have a, lucid dream the next time i would

Be like aware of oh, yeah, we we've already learned all this other stuff now. You don't have seen so it was like

sequential dreams and


Yeah, we would get to this like, certain point so yeah

I haven't had those dreams in a long time but it would just keep advancing, and keep advancing

and we'd be working on more and more

Advanced things every single time but i wouldn't always remember the days in between

yeah, that's that's pretty neat and

Also i don't know if you

finished the reading for king dragon or if i

Steered the attend the conversation the wrong, way, did we do a reading for him or did i start talking

About stuff that, was not important, no, we were you're talking about my really

Weird dreams but honestly if anyone has had a similar dream experience please comment. Below. Because i've been trying to

See if people have gone to these kinds of schools before and this would be a really great chance to

Find that out, so i'm curious?


The, magicians and i i watched like one episode of that and they go to this certain school that's like, this magic school they're like

And all of a sudden

They, create whatever they, want you know

You've got merlin's and stuff running around it was hey?

speaking of

This is a little bit off topic but this is pretty cool especially when you get into the magical aspect of things you know

How merlin is always portrayed with the?

With the hat with you know the pointed hat, yeah we're talking about antarctica and the elongated skulls

what if

Merlyn, you know, way back when who they talk

About from antiquity the the you know the maids the magician the one and only what if he had an elongated skull

And what if these people that?

We find that having long gated skulls the ones that force their force themselves to do that the ones that weren't, born that, way?

What if they were doing it for

some type of

You know like you're talking, about meditative purposes sixth sense type purposes they

Change the physical makeup of their brain to where it actually

Interacted with the the sociology the psychology the the mental powers the metaphysical aspects and everything else pretty interesting i thought

About that and normally i wouldn't put that much thought into it but it did kind of make sense because you see all these

wizards, and


Sorcerers and and witches of?

Yesteryear that are portrayed with the pointy hats, what are your thoughts on that

yeah, that makes a lot of sense to me and i even know i practice kundalini, yoga and

We i mean, we will, wear a, white turban i don't always, do that but you are told that you can

Wear a, white turban around. Your head because first of all white

Increases your aura expands your aura and so that's supposed to be really good to do but

Also the turbine itself will kind of hold your the bones in your skull in place in a way

Where it's actually, like really good for your third, eye it's really good for all these meditative practices so they do it

For these meditative practices and so it's actually like a. Physical thing that's supposed to help you in

Meditation and in kundalini yoga so there there are definitely correlations with that and the other thing i wanted to say

Is that i have read, like people would try to make images of what humans are

Gonna, look, like in a hundred years and they always show, us with like a bigger head

You know have you ever seen have you ever seen that

I've seen once where we had bigger heads, and i've seen once where you have smaller heads and smaller bodies we're walking around

like, little gremlins old

Decrepit. Yes i'm trying to think of the article name it was the elitists ii or or what is the future of humankind going to

Be in a hundred thousand years and had that little sentence of the elitists were all transhuman and had the perfect

Bodies and and connected to like these machines and then you had the worker class which, was like this dilapidated

dwarf like you know very dysphoria

It was they love us though that's, why, they, do that you know, that's, why they!

Put poison in the vaccines and and tell you that you have to get them otherwise

You, can't work in the medical industry because they love it they love this right i know it's true, okay?

Well so yeah there is definitely connection between the skull and greater

Meditation greater spiritual awareness and if anyone knows, what the chakras as, well

This is your crown, chakra

So you try to activate your third, eye chakra so you can reach you know achieve enlightenment and you can achieve

Connection to the divine which is your crown, chakra, so that makes complete sense that they, would try to have that connection higher up right

And i've always thought of human beings as sort of being like, we're the only animal that stands upright you know, what i mean and?

so for me if i think, about things spiritually and try to be positive i think of

Humans, as being like an antenna between heaven

and the earth right so we're able to like take in that celestial information and also be

Sort of these animals on the earth with

This greater intelligence so i do think it's, maybe it wasn't

Practical in the sense that like i'm sure that those hats weren't like keeping, their skeletal their

Skull, bones together but i do think that it's, symbolic in the sense that they're closer to the heavens

Yeah, okay that that would make sense as, well instead of like

Some titanium machine that is just yeah let's we'll go with that one okay i mean the cat in the hat

Perfect, so doesn't like it wasn't there like snoop dogg, wearing that hat for a. While uh

Who knows that guy's going, downhill i'll tell you he's bad news

Snoop dogg or his name is like lying something i forgot but, okay, anyways king dragun

another one of our animal friends

We got your reading here

Perfect, so king dragon, is need of some rest and relaxation or at least to take a

Break, from some negative influences but this kind of feels mild so i almost kind of feel like this is more that

You've been working really hard, well let's see okay so you've been actually kind of exhausting yourself mentally in a way overthinking things?

Kind of creating, your own drama and difficulties in your life, so it's time now to take a break and to just

relax get some rest, take care of yourself


Take care of yourself in a way, where you don't allow

Your mind to be exposed to some of these more negative thoughts or like honestly sometimes this card can come up to show

People that have sort of like, mental addictions

So they will like even like porn so people that would like go and look at porn a lot or

They are obsessing over a. Certain, outcome with, like a certain person or they i

Don't know i'm trying to think

But it's always, like negative or darker so whatever this person

Was just like kind of getting a lot of negative influences in their mind that

Wasn't helping them and so they just need to take a, break from some of that stuff it could

Even just be like hanging out with the wrong people

Getting, weird ideas in your head, and you're like that's not me i just need to take a break i need

To, get back in touch with, myself and take care of myself

And yeah and this is very general for him but

If he can, do that you know. Like there's gonna be a lot, more kind of

stability in a sense of self and

Some greater creativity coming in so i think that if he's been experiencing a creative block or

Not really being able to go out into the world and getting paid, what he wants to for what he feels he

Is worth it's just because he's

Had some of this like, negative stuff kind of blocking him for a

While i got this card in one of our earlier readings as, well so if you're hearing me say

Some of the same kinds of things that's because of that

Yeah, and it would be good if he could clear that out and take a, break from it because

His life is gonna be sort of picking up

With his creativity, and with his earning power and there's gonna be a lot, like the universe is gonna try to give him

Some signals and clues as to

Which direction to take, so it'll be good if he can trust himself and listen to himself and not just you know have his mind

Bombarded with, some of these more negative influences

So i'm trying to think of like a different example besides porn but like, that's that can

Be like an example of it so like so for instance someone that's spending all day long looking at porn

They are like exhausting themselves mentally it's like taking over their mind so they can't really

They, don't really have a sense of self they, don't they're aren't using their creativity in the right, way

Um so it takes a lot out of your life, when you get into, these all-encompassing things, like, these dark

parts of the internet so this could even be like i

Know there's a period of time in my, life, where i was just like

Researching, people that did a bunch of crazy, body modifications just

Cuz i was like, who are these, people that will like cut. Off their own finger

But then you are like thinking, about that stuff and it's so weird that like it darkens. Your mind it's like

So that can be indicative of what i'm talking, about so just take a, break from that stuff go get in

Get more stable in yourself and you you have, some really cool, creative stuff coming up so

Take advantage of that get out of the dark corners of the internet or or of your own mind

That will be helpful for you, put the keyboard down go outside i'm not saying that it's porn so you know

Like obviously people have their users usernames it's not like i'm seeing, oh you're just watching porn all day but

That's just what that card can sometimes mean in this deck, which i've seen, four people so

Gotcha, well nicole this has been great i appreciate you coming on the show, and spending time out of your busy

schedule i know you have a ton going on so

Really, appreciate it and please give our audience your website before you close out tonight they

Want to contact you in the future and once again much appreciate it

Yeah, no problem so, my website is nicole brenny comm it will

Be spelled out i'm sure in the description box below

i'm also

Working with that or i guess i have, my, own channel it's called listen to the stars, which will, also be linked below

And yeah if you go to

My, website please sign up for the newsletter there's a place to do that because i have that free digital book

About the moon, and that will kind of help people to understand even, why

Astrology, works white arrow. Works and it will give you kind of a more practical application of this stuff, which seems really woo but

actually, like the opposite it was born out of practicality and

It's been taken to this like really cool, cosmic spiritual place so yeah, oh?

Fantastic and also ladies and gentlemen

Make, sure to go to get the

If you're, looking for some really good supplements i ended up fighting

Awesome nano goblins had a little bit of a cold for about four or five

Days and i talked to people that literally are, still sick they've been sick for like

Three months and i know people that have gotten on antibiotics and all sorts of other stuff i just took, some really good niacin

And a few supplements from get the tea calm and i feel awesome?

So i changed, my diet up a little bit ate less meat and

Just wanted, to give that quick shoutout shameless plug to get the tea calm so thanks again to cole is great have a beautiful

day and

Question everything be the change you, want to see

Yeah, rex i just want to say thank you i don't think i said that thank you so much for having

Me i'm really happy to connect with all these lovely amazing people so

Thanks right on take care

For more infomation >> Free Personalized Video Numerology Report Psychic's Thoughts on The Science behind Tarot & Astrology - Duration: 1:23:17.


If You Are Happy | Bob The Train | Kindergarten Nursery Rhyme For Children | Video For Toddlers - Duration: 1:12:00.

Are you Happy let's sing the Happy song with Bob the Train

If you're happy and you know It, clap your hands..

If you're happy and you know It, clap your hands..

If you're happy and you know It, Then you really want to show it.....

If you're happy and you know It, clap your hands..

If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet...

If you're happy and you know It, stamp your feet...

If you're happy and you know It, Then you really want to show it.....

If you're happy and you know It, stamp your feet...

If you're happy and you know It, "stamp your fingers

If you're happy and you know It, "stamp your fingers

If you're happy and you know It, Then you really want to show it.....

If you're happy and you know It, "stamp your fingers

If you're happy and you know It, shout "Hurray!"


If you're happy and you know It, shout "Hurray!"


If you're happy and you know It, Then you really want to show it.....

If you're happy and you know It, shout "Hurray!"

If you're happy and you know it, do all Four

If you're happy and you know it, do all Four

If you're happy and you know It, Then you really want to show it.....

If you're happy and you know it, do all Four

Wasn't that fun! remember to stay happy

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