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Trump's medical exam will disappoint critics Here's why - Duration: 11:11.

Trump's medical exam will disappoint critics.

Here's why

President Trump's critics looking to seize on his medical records to undermine his presidency

or take away his powers are likely to be dissatisfied by the information that will be made public

in January.

Trump is expected to have his first routine physical as president at Walter Reed National

Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., on Jan. 12, which will partly serve to address

some of the speculation that has been swirling about his health.

Trump's tweets and speeches have brought about various denunciations, as have his age, diet,

and exercise choices.

Before Trump's election, former President Barack Obama called him "unfit to serve."

Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., introduced a resolution in August calling for a mental and physical

exam of the president to remove him from office.

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough recently said Trump has dementia.

And social media erupted with questions over whether he had a stroke when he appeared to

be slurring his words.

The medical records may provide some clarity, but no law demands their disclosure or that

they are complete.

The release of health records is not the same as releasing tax returns � which Trump hasn't

done � in which raw data are provided to the public to analyze.

The president must consent to which details are released and with whom.

"Very few people have that kind of an exam where they would release everything into the

public domain," said Arthur Caplan, founding head of the Division of Medical Ethics at

NYU School of Medicine.

"The Walter Reed physical is more for the president, president's family, and close advisers

to see what they learn.

Whether they share it with us is completely up to them."

Before leaving office, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the House Oversight Committee,

said he was considering filing a bill that would require presidents to undergo an independent

physical and mental exam.

Chaffetz said he wasn�t �talking about some of the rhetoric that�s flying around�

about Trump, but added, �If you�re going to have your hands on the nuclear codes, you

should probably know what kind of mental state you�re in.�

When asked about the details of the physical, the White House would share only the date

and acknowledged that Dr. Ronny Jackson, the White House physician, would read the results.

Walter Reed officials also declined to provide specifics.

"To respect the privacy? of all of our patients both past and present we do not provide details

of care or treatment plans," said Sandy Dean, a spokeswoman for Walter Reed.

If doctors were to leak information that wasn't in the read-out, they would be fired and lose

their license for violating patient confidentiality laws.

"If the president has something wrong, we won't know," Caplan predicted, adding: "We

have a long tradition of doctor-patient privacy.

Nothing in law overrides that, even if you're the president."

A glowing report may invigorate critics.

"If it comes out rosy and positive, but does not contain a lot of information, people will

still have the same doubts about him," said Barbara Perry, director of Presidential Studies

at the University of Virginia's Miller Center.

She also pointed out that the exams of Trump's predecessors George W. Bush and Obama declared

them "fit for duty."

"If that phase doesn't appear, then people will say, 'Is he not fit for office?

Why didn't the doctor say that?'

That may work against him that you have this precedent," Perry said.

What's in the physical?

A Washington Examiner review of past medical records shows significant variation in the


The exams last about four hours, with the White House doctor sometimes taking part alongside

other specialists.

Other than weight and cholesterol levels, some records have indicated whether presidents

had moles removed or received vaccinations.

Other information can potentially be more embarrassing, including whether the president

has gained weight or has hemorrhoids, or whether he has ever had a sexually transmitted infection.

An extensive mental health assessment isn't typically part of the exam.

"To be fair, the president isn�t ducking this," Caplan said of a mental health exam.

"It�s just when Americans get physicals they tend to be literally physical � a lot

more blood chemistry and a lot less psychiatric analysis."

But that doesn't mean no mental health exam would be included.

Dr. Diane Meier, director of the Center to Advance Palliative Care and professor at Mount

Sinai Hospital in New York, said assessments of memory, function, depression, and anxiety

should typically be conducted for people over age 65.

The screenings would be in the form of a questionnaire from a primary care doctor.

One of the earliest signs of memory problems, she said, is when "things you used to do before

are now more annoying and difficult to complete," whether grocery shopping to prepare a specific

meal or difficulties balancing a checkbook.

What we know about Trump's health

A patchwork of news reports and Trump's own medical records reveal some information about

his health but still paint an incomplete picture.

Without the details, the public has reacted with assumptions, speculation, and at times

even ridicule.

Some came after Trump's longtime physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein, wrote during the campaign

that Trump "will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."

Dr. Lawrence Altman of the New York Times learned before the election that Trump takes

antibiotics to control rosacea, a statin for elevated blood cholesterol and lipids, a daily

baby aspirin to reduce the risk of a heart attack, and finasteride, a drug that promotes

hair growth on the scalp.

Trump's appendix was removed when he was 10, and when he graduated from college he was

not drafted in the Vietnam War because at the time he had bone spurs in his heels, which

are calcium protrusions that can be painful.

Trump, 71, has never smoked tobacco or drunk alcohol, and his allies have marveled at his


Reports say he golfs for exercise, drinks a dozen Diet Cokes a day, likes fast food,

and a well-done steak.

In September 2016, Trump weighed 236 pounds.

At 6-foot-3, he is four pounds short of obese.

In this way Trump is more like the average person in the U.S., where more than 70 percent

of adults are categorized as overweight.

S. Jay Olshansky from the University of Illinois at Chicago, a leading researcher on aging,

warned against drawing conclusions about people's expected lifespan just because of the way

they eat, pointing to billionaire Warren Buffett, 87, who has a fast-food diet.

"The science tells us there are some people who are not susceptible to diet and other

harmful behavioral risk factors, and he might be one of them," Olshansky said.

He also cautioned against determining people are unable to do their jobs based on age,

saying that while the risks of having ailments rises as people get older it "doesn't mean

they can't do their jobs or live their lives normally."

"It's not their age that should matter it�s their policies," said Olshansky, who believes

in erring on the side of privacy when it comes to releasing medical information.

Perry, however, is of the view that full mental and physical health records and history should

be disclosed by presidents.

"The role involves leading the free world and having to make split-second decisions

about life and death," she said.

The political pressures of health

Since Ronald Reagan, releasing medical information has become more common for presidents.

George H.W. Bush had at least four routine medical exams while in office, while Bill

Clinton underwent six exams over two terms, George W. Bush had at least five, and Obama

had at least four.

The 25th Amendment often emerges in discussions about a president's health.

It allows the vice president, Cabinet, and Congress to take away the president's powers

if they decide he is �unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office," by putting

it in writing to the speaker of the House and the Senate president pro tem.

The result can lead to a disagreement that Congress must resolve.

If the administration chooses to omit information about Trump's health, it wouldn't be the first


Grover Cleveland secretly had cancer surgery on a boat, and William McKinley almost died

from pneumonia.

Woodrow Wilson's wife carried out White House affairs for a time because he was paralyzed

following a stroke, and Franklin D. Roosevelt had severe heart disease during his final


The press was told Dwight D. Eisenhower was hospitalized because of an upset stomach,

when in fact he had a heart attack.

John F. Kennedy's Addison's disease, an endocrine disorder that can be life threatening, only

became more public after he was elected.

It is not clear whether mental health issues can affect presidential decision-making and

how to parse out each situation.

Abraham Lincoln, for instance, had depression while in office.

But Olshansky's studies refute assumptions that being president ages a person because

of its demanding schedule and high stress levels.

Their personalty type allows them to thrive under stress, his research shows.

"Trump has come up against an incredible amount of stress in his presidency, he doesn't seem

to be influenced by it in any way," Olshansky said.

"That�s the unique nature of the folks running for president � they are able to handle

that better than the rest of us."

He also has created an analysis to measure how long a person is likely to live, finding

that the most important factors are education, income, smoking status, weight and height,

marital status, and family history.

His prediction for Trump?

That he will live until age 87.8, or more than eight years after a two-term presidency.

For more infomation >> Trump's medical exam will disappoint critics Here's why - Duration: 11:11.


Przedwcześnie ścięta róża - Duration: 25:08.

I feel the music in the wind,


rustling leaves on the trees,

the sound waves

in the glow of the fire

and still in love. Listen and you will feel it too.

Zhytomyr – is the capital of Volyn province.

There are many Poles here

and it is not surprising,

because from 1569 to 1793 the city belonged to Poland.

Here, in February 19, 1854

in one of the noble families of Zhytomyr was born boy

who was the son of two nations at once,

because in his veins flowed the blood of Polish, and Ukrainian land brought him up.

"My grandfather and grandmother Carol and Anastasia Zarembskyy kind of Chysheykiv-Sokhatska

lived in Street Banna. "My grandfather and grandmother Carol and Anastasia Zarembskyy kind of Chysheykiv-Sokhatska

lived in Street Banna.

Banna – is a small steep street in the old theater

ended ravine.

Last huts huddled on its slopes.

Almost over the ravine was a mansion.

Here grew my grandfather, my father,

me - Yulyush, my sister Mary and brother Anthony "

Yulyush was growing up, surrounded by affection and love of nearests.

Mother sang him different songs, which she knew a lot.

In turn, the nurse,

originally from the village Stanyshivky

changing the mother at the cradle, was singing Ukrainian songs.

His first piano lessons Yulyush received at home.

His mother and sister Maria taught him music.

Soon they played music for four hands, which is extremely pleasant for young talent.

"Warm summer evenings my mother, sister Marina, brother and me go down to the river to boat.

We sailed up to the famous rocks "Chairman Chatsky."

I imagined the hero,

who jumped in the city on a horse beetle, escaping from enemies.

But most of all I loved how my mother played the piano, sang songs of Moniuszko, Chopin, Ukrainian and Polish songs.

In those years in Zhitomir lived a doctor Leon Liatoshynsky, grandfather of Ukrainian Soviet composer.

He was a family friend of Zarembsky

and with Ukrainian and Russian friends

he helped to hide members of the Polish uprising of 1863.

The political aim of the nationwide uprising

was rebuilding the Polish border in 1772.

According to the author of the uprising,

independent Poland was to be a state of three nations -

Polish, Lithuanian and Russian

(Belarusian and Ukrainian),

in which all citizens receive equal rights and freedoms,

farmers - land that process

and landowners - compensation from the state fund for lost peasant duties.

For residents of Volyn province,

which two years ago were peasants,

it was a chance

to regain lost ground and for all get out of the power of the empire,

which during the period of "serfdom" brought Ukrainian people to complete impoverishment and poor,

destroying Ukrainian national culture and language.

"One night the doctor came to father

and locked with him in office.

I heard:

- How do you do?

- All right.

- I place them at Kravchenko.

- There they will be safe.

- Son,

don't you be afraid if you will take part in a concert

for participants in the uprising? "

Women from the society "Lutnya"

held a concert in favor of the Polish insurgents.

Lucius Rutsynska played a concert in D major by Haydn

with Yulyush,

who had great success.

Lucius Rutsinska – is a talented Polish pianist,

who lived at that time in Zhytomyr.

Seeing abilities of the boy, his family addressed her.

She taught, educated, laid the foundation of consummate skill.

In 1867

Juliusz entered the second grade of Zhitomir first school.

Revealed statement indicates excellent results.

Further estimates indicate great interest and ability to languages and drawing.

"- Mum!

- I could write music? As Chopin.

- I can not say, baby.

You need to know a lot,

and study for a long time.

- Professor Nesvadba,

was at concert where you played.

- Then he spoke a lot with me about you.

- He agreed to teach you seriously.

- What do you say to this?

In fourth grade

the progress performance in history and math decreased there were even mark "two".


Juliusz, who went sixteenth year, became interested in music.

Music brought his thoughts.

In the gymnasium years, he wrote his first song - the song "Vilia"

and "Trees in bloom" to the words A. Mickiewicz.

The Ukrainian melodies

learned in Zhitomir, reflected in many of his works

testified this sympathy for the people

among whom grew up.

After the end of Zhytomyr school

Yulyush Zarembskyy went to Vienna,

and despite the fact that he was there after the start of classes

at the conservatory, was immediately passed on to last the course.


young man graduated with honors.

"- From the publishers of misery.

- I would like to issue a composition at one man,

but he said that,

although being captured by my talent, he couldn't issue my works.

- Here in Vienna

it isn't issued any other things besides dancing, meaningless songs and operettas piano translations of Offenbach and Strauss,

that bring a profit.

- The whole world do anything for personal gain

and nothing for art and ideas.

After completing his studies in Vienna

Zarembskyy passed the exams at the St. Petersburg Conservatory,

received a diploma and the title of free artist

and arrived in Zhytomyr,

where he lived more than a year.

He gave concerts for his compatriots in the biggest city halls.

He played Schubert, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Liszt.

performed own works.

"- You can expect

that a concert scheduled for tomorrow (April 28) in the theater.

Zarembskiy gather many fans of piano game.

In this regard

it is useful to recognize to those

who are not familiar with concert,

recalled that he was born here "

"- wrote the newspaper" Volinskye gubernskiye vedomosti. "

The first independent concert tours:

Kyiv, Odessa.

Among all the famous musicians

with whom Zarembskyy met,

the authority he sawonly in Franz Liszt;

after the triumph of his concert tour,

he suddenly decided to go to Rome

to take lessons at Liszt.


came to Rome in the autumn of 1874

- without protection or letter of recommendation.

The pass was his talent and repertoire.

He worked. Although it was not easy.

"Liszt agreed to deal with the student.

Opening the soul of genius,

he had no doubt in his future

and showed him the new concept "

"- wrote John Klechinski,

editor of the Warsaw" Echo Music ".

Ukrainian folk themes concern Yulyush earlier

and it is another hypostasis of his work.

He wrote "Galician dancing"

" which devotes to mother;

instrumentation was made and recommended to publishers by Franz Liszt.

"Your etudes are the most significant,

magnificent and masterly,

because in your writings,

bears the stamp of originality "

"- said Maestroin a letter

to a favorite student.

It is not easy to conquer"Capital of the World".

Paris audience is spoiled and demanding.

As, well as the German, English and Italian.

He needed no army To "win" Europe.

The genius and masterly piano player

"take captive" audience by enormous power of his extraordinary talent.

In Paris, his concert

was attended by about five thousand of people.

He was applauded in London,






Rubinstein and Saint-Saens

went to his concert experiences.

Belgian King Leopold II

offered a professorship musician in the Brussels Conservatory.

Zarembskiy's technic of playing the piano

was so perfect

that impressed not only the experienced audience,

but also the most demanding musical authority.

Sometimes he showed real miracles of performance skills.

At the World Exhibition in Paris

in 1878,

he played on two keyboards at the same time,

one of which was quite unusual:

her keys arranged in reverse order.

It was a grand piano company "Mangin."

But still the brightest pages of his performance skills was Chopin.

He played his works in a special way.

No one has been able to so accurately convey the unique spirit of Chopin.

Zarembskyy created this image of a formidable force .

and all the fancy perceived as a tragic poem about the fate of Poland.

Ovation. Baskets of flowers.

Triumphal tour to European capitals noisy,

but miles and miles away, on the banks of black grouse, stood silent cozy city of Zhytomyr,

where everything is expensive and celebration,

because there - the birthplace, home, father and mother.

In January 1,

1879 in Zhytomyr Zarembskyy married

with a pupil of Liszt Janina Wenzel.

Origin German, Ioannina preferred to see Zarembskyy as European cosmopolitan,

and therefore could not accept the fact

that life and work, he feels especially Polish.

She didn't respect the patriotic spirit of her husband,

she resisted his efforts to teach her daughter Wanda to speak Polish,

she refused to go with him to Zhitomir.

They sometimes acted together in concert,

but the affinity between the two has not arisen.

"- Mum,

I offered a lot of time Ioannina get together with Wanda to visit you.

She flatly refuses, inventing various excuses."

The disease

- this cunning, ruthless enemy

- crept up unexpectedly.

Phthisis! At present - tuberculosis.

Clinging to the victim, illness exhausts it.

Sometimes it seems to let go,

finally make the terrible judgment.

It doesn't exist an effective treatment for the disease.

Saving vaccine will be invented only in half a century.

But at that time – the desease is invincible.

And Zarembskyy was doomed.

As Chopin, as Chekhov,

as Lesya Ukrainka.

Fatal tubercle bacillus

takes thousands of lives

and it is not gentle to talents.

After collecting all the power Zarembskyy went on stage.

He played and it seemed - the piano is inspiration!

At Swiss resorts he feeled better,

but he knew it's only temporary relief.

Instrument music sheet called him again,

stave - five lines on which he wrote his new works.

In March 1885

Zarembskyy ends his "swan song" -


- "Spring is coming ... and coming warm days.

- Trees are already beginning to turn green.

"I rarely leave the house.

After tea I immediately sit down for configuration "

He didn't imagine his life without music.

In September 1885

Zarembskyy returned to Zhitomir.

On the way to the village he decided to wrap Tyutyunykiv (now Chudnovsky district),

where lived his elder sister Maria.

He recalled how as a child he taught them both to play the piano.

Composer captured the cheerful mood.

He wanted to move.

He persuaded his sister to walk in the forest.

The morning turned out fine.

He told his sister about Brussels,

about their plans,

away from home for a considerable distance,

when the sky clouded.

It was raining and they couldn't escape

and still got to the house.

The evening for Julius began coughing,

then bleeding.

They sent for doctors to Chudnov and Zhytomyr,

but it was too late.

The tragedy occurred on September 1, 1885.

By legend the heart of Zarembskiy was buried in the cathedral church of St. Sophia,

and the body –

in the Polish cemetery.

Music experts are unanimous: piano cycle "Roses and Thorns" of Yulyush Zarembskiy -

its top of his career,

creative rise.

"Roses and Thorns"...

Sounds symbolic.

There is something from Mozart,

reminiscent of "Requiem".

Thirst for life

and too early plucked roses.

For more infomation >> Przedwcześnie ścięta róża - Duration: 25:08.


No heat meant no classes for one Milwaukee elementary school - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> No heat meant no classes for one Milwaukee elementary school - Duration: 1:09.





It's been a particularly bad week for Hillary Clinton with getting the news that her nemesis

President Donald Trump was seeking her immediate arrest and now it appears that karma has just

come for her in a major way.

It's not Hillary's year and her lifetime of killing people in order to keep her secrets

silent, lying, stealing, and committing treason have finally caught up with her.

Her home in New York is surrounded by emergency vehicles at this very minute and things are

looking really devastating for Hillary who has suffered a massive tragedy that there's

no coming back from.

Hillary can and seemingly has killed off anyone who could expose her but she can't kill

off karma which has effective found her and made up for lost time.

People Magazine reports:

Firefighters responded to a fire at Bill and Hillary Clinton's house in Chappaqua, New

York, on Wednesday afternoon.

According to, which is part of the USA Today Network, police in New Castle, New

York, have confirmed that there was a fire at the Clintons' home in Chappaqua, but

declined to give any further details.

The outlet also said that, according to scanner reports, the fire was in a bedroom and has

since been extinguished.

Nadia Galindo of News12WC also reported that the fire had been "knocked down."

Fox News field producer Tamara Gitt reported that, according to New Castle police, there

was a fire on Old House Lane in Chappaqua, "but the fire is not at [the Clintons']

main residence … could be the next door property they bought last year or another


The Clintons have lived in their house at 15 Old House Lane for nearly 20 years after

buying it for $1.7 million in 1999, reported.

In the fall of 2016, the Clintons bought the four-bedroom house next door, at 33 Old House

Lane, for $1.16 million.

CBS News has reported that the fire has now been extinguished, but that doesn't mean

a great deal of damage hasn't been done.

"Authorities responded to a fire at the Chappaqua, New York, property of Bill and

Hillary Clinton Wednesday, said Sgt.

Arthur Mendoza of the New Castle Police Department.

The fire was extinguished as of about 3:15 p.m., Mendoza said."

"He did not have information on whether anyone was home or the scale of the damage,

CBS Radio News' Matt Cherry reports.

Footage from the scene did not show any extensive damage," according to CBS New York.

This comes just hours after Hillary received the worst news of her life, compliments of


Considering her perilous health scenario, it'll be interesting to see just how much

she can take, or if this will exacerbate her condition.

Top Stories Today reported the first devastating blow Hillary had coming today:

On the very first day of the year, President Trump made a shocking post on social media,

where he formally called for the immediate arrest of both Hillary Clinton and her Muslim

Brotherhood sidekick, Huma Abedin.

Over the past several weeks, both women's scandalous antics have been making headlines,

after news broke of how the pair removed 5 boxes of "Muslim files" from the White

House to cover Obama's dirty secrets, where the deed was accomplished after they falsely

claimed that the box contained "unclassified personal materials."

Now just 24 hours after President Trump called for their arrest, Wikileaks has just dropped

another bombshell, and now news of Guantanamo being prepared for "VIP American detainees"

is making many speculate that Trump is about to make good on his campaign promise to "lock

her up."

In light of these recent scandals and President Trump's shocking calls several days ago

for Huma and Hillary's arrest, people are wondering if the President is finally preparing

to lock this woman up for good.

"According to leaked Intel, President Trump is preparing to transfer a large number of

'VIP' American detainees to the notorious prison in preparation for their trials before

a US Military Tribunal for corruption and crimes against the state.

If this indeed is the case, then people linked to the now infamous Uranium One deal when

Crooked Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State are now being placed in custody as we speak,

in preparation for the historical trials," Freedom Daily previously reported.

You can only outrun karma and the law for so long before it all catches up to you.

Hillary has gotten away with some pretty major things for years and it's time for her to

pay the price for it and it looks like that's happening now.

Her world is literally burning down around her and it couldn't happen to a better person.

She certainly earned this fate and it will likely only get worse before it gets better.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! EMERGENCY Vehicles On SCENE AT CLINTON HOUSE!!! - Duration: 5:50.


6 Mistakes New Screenwriters Make by David Willis - Duration: 10:14.

Film Courage: Just off camera you told us that you go to Meetup groups for writers.

And I'm wondering what Meetup groups strike your eye in terms of why you go to it and

what do you get out of it?

David Willis: Well, when I was first starting writing, I had some people help and give me

some advice.

The first writers group that I went to (that I was a part of), it was all sitcom comedy

writing and the very first note I ever got on my first TV script was "This was so boring,

I was falling asleep."

And we all laughed because comedy writers can be pretty vicious in a funny way.

And then he said when he got to this part that's when I woke up and it was really


So this group showed me right away that you need honest feedback but constructive criticism.

Because this particular writer, he gave me that note but then he told me what was working

so I go "You know, you're right.

I feel the same thing, I agree with the note."

So it really helped me out.

That group (that little writer's group I was in) eventually dissolved because everyone

got work.

That's a great reason for a group to dissolve, everyone was working on one of those shows.

So I thought what was really helpful when I was first starting out.

I thought "I'd like to help people, too."

So I go to the Meetup site and I see that there's a writer's group and so I go to

these and I just give them notes.

You know, gentle notes, encouraging notes, but honest notes.

And you know it's helpful to people.

And you know, if you don't ever give something back or help other people, that doesn't

feel very good.


Film Courage: Okay, so that's your way of giving back.

What do you see (and I won't ask you 5 things), but what do you see as several top things

that most new writers have trouble with?

David Willis: Well the two big things are 1) is passive lead character.

I see that quite a bit.

I see it over and over.

Their lead character has a bunch of people coming at them and doing things "Oh you

should do this."

And he goes "Okay!"

And he does it.

If it doesn't come from within the character, then you've got no train…you've got

no choo-choo pulling the train, it's not pulling the story train.

What you've got is a caboose pushing it.

It doesn't work, okay?

You need pull it and have it go somewhere.

And I see that a lot, just with these passive lead characters.

The other thing is either no conflict or very lowercase conflict where (same as TV), people

are flipping through channels and they watch something for five, six seconds.

If there isn't deep conflict that is popping off the screen, they're going to keep flipping.

They are flipping past your show, okay!

So you like conflict, you know?

When you watch TV, put it in your script.

One of the reasons it is difficult is because in real life, people don't like conflict.

If you are a nice person, you don't want to yell and argue with people.

You don't want to hurt people's feelings, okay?

But in real life that is great.

In a script, that's boring!

That's just really boring.

So let the conflict go.

Let is go into that script, put it in there and then it will jump off the page when people

read it.

Passive lead character and not enough conflict.

I see it all the time and the other thing that I see is…people are safe.

I have a professional comedy writers group and people apply to it and we've had like

a thousand people apply in this group and there is only 20 people in it so we always

just like certain people to be in it.

Most of whom are professional or they are show runners or they write for shows and if

they are newer writers, they are good and they are on their way.

And I get people applying to the group, you know perfectly nice people, people who send

their script and they have screenwriting degrees, you know?

Sometimes multiple degrees in writing and theater and everything in their script happens

at exactly the right time.

The inciting incident, the first act break, the midpoint, the third act, and all of these

story threads are "perfectly correct."

And I don't give a crap because they were so busy being correct in their form, they

haven't put any spark of madness into the script, they haven't put anything quirky

and personal, you know?

It's not in there.

It's like forget all this stuff you learn and just let it pour out.

Just allow your craziness, your weirdness, your quirkiness to be poured into that script.

That's the other mistake is I see people, they are holding back.

This is show business!

Okay, this is the one business where there is nothing wrong, okay.

You can let these characters say weird things, crazy things, politically incorrect things,

mean things, stupid things, anything!

You have the license to do an infinite number of things, do it!

Film Courage: Okay.

So speaking of conflict, let's say the conflict was not in the script, but when you gave a


Was there ever conflict and was there ever a time alternatively where you thought there

would be (conflict) and you were scared and actually the person thanked you?

David Willis: Yeah, that's happened.

I mean there's a way to give a note.

Your job when you give notes is to help the writer tell the story they're trying to


To help them tell it better.

You say "Hey, this character is coming off as this…is that what you meant?

And they are like "No…no…no.

I meant for…"

And you go "Well, it's coming off as this…" and you tell them and they're grateful.

"Oh, I didn't realize that?"

From little things like I was giving notes to one person and he described a character

as elderly, this elderly character.

And then (in the next paragraph) he called him 50 years old.

Film Courage: [Laughs].

David Willis: Yes, you get it.

You're laughing.

And a lot of people at the table were (you know) around 50.

And so I said "You know, when you say 'elderly' we're thinking…and you say 50."

And he goes (and he was a very young writer) and he says "Wasn't that, isn't that


And like all the people around him were like "No!!!!!"

The reason this matters is because A) It's a little confusing.

You want clarity in the script.

And B)

If somebody who is reading this, who could hire you is 50 and you call them elderly,

it's just…why create trouble, right?

So there's little notes like that.

But I was working on a show, I came to work one day and there was a writing who was walking

out with their stuff in a box and they had just been let go.

And it was like "Ooohhh?"

And we didn't ask the executive producer anything.

But he said and he was a really nice guy.

"She didn't know when to stop defending a pitch."

In the room she was a perfectly nice woman, everybody liked her.

But when you're in the writer's room in a sitcom, there's a bunch of writers there

and you'll pitch an idea.

And the executive will say "Oh, we need this in this scene."

And you'll pitch an idea and the executive producer will say "Oh, yeah, that's great.

Write that."

Or they will say "Oh, almost…not quite."

And other people will pitch in and then somebody will pitch in and there will be like 3 or

4 pitches later based on your pitch, you will come up with a solution in the script and

you write it.

Or the executive producer will say "No!

You should move on."

Okay, because it's their job to know what's in the show.

The executive producer says that.

And you don't want to have discussions about it.

And she kept defending.

She kept going back to it and saying "Well, you know if you did that thing I say."

And it's like, it just wastes time and it makes the executive producer feel bad because

they've got to keep saying "No."

So he eventually just let her go.

So I learned from that, that was in my career when you are given a note, like "No!"

By your boss, okay?

Take the note.

Also sometimes what's called, I don't know if you've heard the concept 'the-note-behind-the-note?'

And sometimes there is something under the note that is not clear, so you have to clarify

the note for somebody, you know.

But it's your job (and you're a professional), it's your job to explain the note until

you see a light go on in their eyes, that's your job to make them understand the note.

And maybe your note is a great note but it's not the right note for the story they are

trying to.

But when I'm working at these Meetups with newer writers and stuff, you take into account

that they are new, you know?

And I've seen a million scripts and I've solved a lot of script problems and they haven't

seen those yet.

So you are just trying to say "Hey, this problem in your script has been solved in

a couple of ways by doing this and this."

And how does that feel?

And when you are giving the note you can't be attached to the note if it's not a professional

situation where if you're not their boss or whatever, you can't be attached to it.

You can't get upset if they don't take your note.

I mean, it's not about you, okay?

It's about the writer and their script.

There are some really fun writers at these Meetup groups.

There are very talented people of all ages and it's great that they can come together

and see their stuff come to life.

Film Courage: It's great that the over 50 ones can actually get out of the house!

I'm so glad they can make it there.

David Willis: I've written and I can't get up!

For more infomation >> 6 Mistakes New Screenwriters Make by David Willis - Duration: 10:14.


Explore Jadeite (Part 2) - Arrow Tube 漫談翡翠- (第二集) - 翎管 - Duration: 2:49.

In the last episode, we looked at special jadeite pendant carvings

Now, I have another special jadeite piece

This is an arrow tube

Let us look at its carvings and significance

(Arrow tube)

Qing Dynasty officials used to wear hats that were part of their uniform

At the top of the hat is a bead

Different colors and materials were used to identify ranks

The highest ranking officials used rubies

The second ranking officials used coral

The third highest ranking officials used blue sapphire, etc.

Below the bead is a 2 inch arrow tube

made with nephrite or jadeite

The purpose of an arrow tube is to secure a peacock's feather

Natural peacock feathers were used

At the end of the peacock feather is shaped like an eye

More "eyes" mean that a government official has a higher rank

Here is a jadeite arrow tube

Upon closer examination, there are carvings of clouds

Cloud carvings were popular during the Qing Dynasty

Here are carvings of 2 magpies

Magpies are symbols of promotion and luck in the royal courts

At the bottom of this arrow tube is a carving of a phoenix

In Chinese culture, the phoenix is the king of birds

Phoenix and dragons were equally significant in Chinese culture

The phoenix consists of a chicken head, sparrow's chin,

snake's neck, turtle's back, fish tail,

and a rainbow tail

A phoenix is roughly 6 feet tall

In Chinese culture, the phoenix is the bird of good fortune,

peace and prosperity

People believe that the phoenix will come during prosperous times

The phoenix also represents the emperor

and is used along with dragons

and is the favorite among empresses and consorts.

People with power and status used arrow tubes

We often wonder if TV shows depict accurate historical events

But this arrow tube that I am holding is in fact a historical artifact

For more infomation >> Explore Jadeite (Part 2) - Arrow Tube 漫談翡翠- (第二集) - 翎管 - Duration: 2:49.


9 Tips On How To Escape Artificial Time - Duration: 6:13.

9 Tips On How To Escape Artificial Time

by Gregg Prescott,

The current use of artificial time through the Gregorian calendar brings us further away

from synchronizing ourselves to everything, from our own internal clocks, to Mother Nature

and to the cosmos through harmonious time.

The Mayan�s calendar was based on the lunar cycle, the cycle of nature.

When we went to a Gregorian calendar it completely took us out of the 13:20 (fourth-dimensional

Law of Time) cycle and put us into an artificially fabricated and inharmonious 12:60 timing frequency.

Jose Arguelles best illustrates the difference between artificial time versus nature�s


�The essence of the discovery of the timing frequency is a simple one.

The 12:60 refers to an unconsciously accepted order of time that is artificial in nature.

Twelve refers to the codification of daily time into an irregular and arbitrary calendar

of 12 months.

Originated in Babylonia, the final historical form of the 12-month system was instituted

in 1583 by the Vatican as the Gregorian calendar, which is now accepted as the standard in use


Sixty refers to the equally arbitrary division of the day into 24 (2 x 12) hours of 60 minutes


The result of the 12:60 is the creation of a timing frequency whose mental field of consciousness

is dominated by mechanization and a third-dimensional science of space-matter.

Unconscious acceptance of this 12:60 timing frequency is the single most contributing

factor to the problem of human alienation from nature.

�The timing frequency discovery further demonstrates that the division of the solar

year into 12 periods or months is an arbitrary one based on divisions of the circle, a construct

of the geometry of space, into 12 parts of 30 degrees or days each.

From the outset, the stream of civilization originating in Mesopotamia was rooted in space,

and what it thought to be time was only a measure of space.

The antecedents of the Gregorian calendar find their origin in Egypt and Babylonia,

ca 3000 BC, at which time the spatial geometry of the circle arose.

The timing of this occurrence in the ancient Middle East corresponds closely to the Mayan

timing frequency which describes a 5126-year �great cycle� beginning in 3113 BC and

ending in AD 2013.�

9 Tips on How to Escape Artificial Time

The following are 9 simple ways you can synchronize your body to natural time:


Don�t wear a watch.

A watch represents the 12 (month) 60 (minutes) time frequency that restrains our natural

abilities to tune into nature and serves as a constant reminder of how we�re bound to

the 12:60 timing frequency.


Stop watching television

Get away from the TV and get in touch with nature�not only observing nature but trying

to feel the energy that it provides.

Feel the energy from the air, sun, water and earth all at the same time.

Immerse yourself in these energies and feel the oneness that we all have with nature.

Remember, the television is also representative of the 12:60 timing frequency due to the programming

schedules that our favorite shows follow.


�Wing it� on the weekends �or on your days off and try to eliminate

as much planning as possible.

If you plan events, make it for a general time, like morning or midday and not a specific

time like 10:15 am.


Meditate Meditation brings you into a different realm

of time.

When you meditate, you forget all concepts of time.

SPIRITUAL PSYCHOLOGY: There are many physiological, psychological and spiritual benefits to meditation,

such as reducing premenstrual symptoms, reduction of migraine headaches, increased creativity,

decrease in �restless� thinking (ADD and ADHD), spiritual oneness and peace of mind.


Play a musical instrument or compose a song.

Try writing your own music or lyrics to a song.

You may also want to re-tune your instrument to 432 frequency.


Develop your artistic abilities.

Learn how to draw, paint or whatever your heart chooses to create.

The key word is to �create� something�anything!

Build a piece of furniture.

Learn a new craft.



Practice enhancing your psychic abilities.

We�re all born with psychic abilities, USE THEM!


Slow down and ENJOY life.

Don�t feel pressured to get from point A to point B in the fastest amount of time.

Try to enjoy the ride getting there.


Watch the stars at night.

The Maya knew more about Astrology than many of today�s astrologers.

This enabled them to construct a calendar that is the most accurate calendar in the

world, having only one adjustment every 10,000 years versus a leap year every 4 years.

There are hundreds of more ideas but you get the drift.

The less emphasis we place on artificial time, the more we can tap into our natural time

with nature to develop of innate abilities that we each possess.

Sending you all infinite LOVE and LIGHT,

For more infomation >> 9 Tips On How To Escape Artificial Time - Duration: 6:13.


You and me... Together... Forever... | Doki Doki Literature Club | Part 9 - Duration: 21:14.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome back to Doki Doki

Say.. Yes

Is that Monika?

Oh god

I helped Yuri before. Now, I should try to help Natsuki

What are you doing?

The mouse arrow is moving itself

It's not my fault

Calm down! Calm down Calm down! Calm down! Calm down!


Calm down!

Did you...

She just pleasured herself with my pen

Are you done?

It wasn't my fault!

Why did you delete Natsuki?

What are you doing?!

There is fire outside


She is talking too much

I can't skip


I wish I could say no because you're the one who deleted them

What if I can rewrite the script?

Happy end. Pen in hand, I find my strength.The courage endowed upon me by my one and only love

Together, let us dismantle this crumbling world. And write a novel of our own fantasies

With a flick of her pen, the lost finds her way. In a world of infinite choices, behold this special day

After all, not all good times must come to an end

You broke the fourth wall! You're talking to me!

She's talking to you!



I don't want to play this game anymore

I want to finish this game, I will uninstall this game and delete the files

I don't know what should I do right now?

Is it over?



Ok, I think I should stop right now

It seems like this is taking forever

This is the end

Oh well but wait, there is more than one ending

I will not play this game anymore. I'm done

Uninstall this game

Thank you for watching. Please click Subscribe, Like, Share

or whatever that will help me a lot. See you in the next video

For more infomation >> You and me... Together... Forever... | Doki Doki Literature Club | Part 9 - Duration: 21:14.


Flag and anthem of Colombia - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Flag and anthem of Colombia - Duration: 1:25.


GTedX Talk - Duration: 3:50.

what do you look up to you should respond a hero which is what i the

everyday person has for you all heroes are great they're are role models they are

icons they're famous and brave they're the coolest people completely selfless

they are simply amazing and yet I'm gonna try and change your mind on that

no longer will you look up look down on these so-called heroes and hopefully

you'll see why the term hero is worthless now first I'm gonna

look backwards at the past a time where heroes were special they weren't your

average Joe they had standards back then it was an

extremely selective process because they decided that a man could not become a

hero until he could see the root of his own downfall which was said by famous

philosopher Aristotle okay I'm pretty sure your average Joe isn't thinking about

his own downfall an example of a hero like this would be Odysseus a guy who was a true

hero he wasn't the strongest he wasn't the fastest was clever and that is

what made him special and that made him a hero but now if we look at our present

modern day society we've all become really nice we like to reward everybody

everyone can be a hero unfortunately that's the problem several renowned

philanthropists of our time say that you should look no further than your own

reflection for a hero and now most of you see the problem building inside of

your brain showing this is just society making people feel better about being

mediocre now if you don't believe me let's take a look at some of the

literary classics of our time let's look The Hobbit

the main character of The Hobbit isn't special

he's pretty short he isn't very strong in fact he's in very anything it's crazy

that he's the hero in a book with Wizards and Giants

Bilbo's the hero why does our society love making everyone a hero today

that's insane now let's go to the place we're all going the future it's a pretty

scary place to be especially since Stephen Hawking thinks that genetically

engineered viruses could wipe out entire populations in the future if everyone's a

hero then becoming a hero becomes pointless people will start rebelling

the evil will start looking ;like the new hero so Hawking is right to become

unique in our new society people will start doing evil things to be rewarded

in addition with some logic you can see that our society is

crumbling we have to participation award for a reason we feel so bad for the

weak that there is no more survival of the fittest it makes absolutely no sense

if we're so bad right now think about in the future everything is going to mayhem

so why does this even matter the thing is if heroes become worthless our

entire society will break we won't have anyone to look up to but there is a

solution we as a society have to define the standards

we hold for a hero by having some set rules we can avoid the dystopian future laid

out for us and hopefully not be killed by man-made viruses thank you have a

good day

For more infomation >> GTedX Talk - Duration: 3:50.


🌞прогноз руны дня на сегодня 4 января 2018 года #рунныймаг - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> 🌞прогноз руны дня на сегодня 4 января 2018 года #рунныймаг - Duration: 4:19.


No 2-hour delays at California Area schools during frigid weather - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> No 2-hour delays at California Area schools during frigid weather - Duration: 0:56.


Tai Lopez Reads Mean Tweets #3 - Duration: 0:31.

- Alright, I gotta read one mean tweet,

this is killing me. (laughs)

Nicholas Saff at Gmail said,

if you could fuck off my YouTube I'd appreciate it,

your ads are worse than being tortured.

Please just fall in a ditch filled with acid. (laughs)

Nicholas, you should be a creative writer, man.

I prefer not to fall in a ditch with acid,

I'm more of just like a fall in a ditch without acid

kind of guy, but (laughs) thank you for that.

For more infomation >> Tai Lopez Reads Mean Tweets #3 - Duration: 0:31.


NesZD - GERMEN/rap song (Beat: J7 Productions). - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> NesZD - GERMEN/rap song (Beat: J7 Productions). - Duration: 2:09.


Aliexpress Haul #2 - Duration: 9:04.

Hi everyone.

Welcome back to my channel.

Today I have another huge Aliexpress haul for you.

Before we go ahead and get into the video, if you're new here or if you haven't already

done so, make sure you go ahead and hit that subscribe button for me.

So what do you guys think of my new hair?

I decided to go back ombre and just put in some really dark roots.

I just think it's super flattering especially for this time of year.

So today I'm coming at you with another huge Aliexpress haul.

Now if you have no clue what Aliexpress is, what it's all about, then please go ahead

check out the description box below.

I will put the link down there for the very first video I made with my very first Aliexpress


So jumping right in first item I picked up is this really cute compact flower meal.


So jumping right into it, first item I picked up is this really cute floral compact.

So jumping right into it, first item I had to pick up is this really cute floral compact

cosmetic mirror.

I believe this does come in a few other shades as well.

Honestly I just think it's super cute and so fun and I just can't wait to pull this

out in public and apply my lipgloss.

So in my last video I had purchased some of these gorgeous face jewels so I actually had

to go and pick up a few more in a bunch of different colours.

So this one is a gorgeous kind of transparent and this one is got some orange stones in


So definitely stay tuned to my Instagram at the pretty witch because there will be some

photos coming up where I am using these face jewels.

So you're probably wondering what on earth this is.

This is actually genius and I really needed it.

So it's kind of this egg shaped kind of holder and guess what it's used for.

It holds your beauty blender.

This is actually really good because I use to just lay my beauty blender on my white

makeup table which is not good because the foundation would rub off from the sponge and

kind of leave a mess on my table.

So this just keeps things nice and clean and tidy and really cute.

So if you follow my Instagram you know I am a huge lover of wigs and I just love to play

dress up with them so Aliexpress is a great place to find really trending, unique and

really affordable wigs.

So of course I had to go ahead and grab a few more of those.

So first one is this kind of gorgeous peachy pink curly wig.

Next up is this gorgeous cobalt blue curly wig.

So this wig here is kind of copper and blonde ombre bob wig.

This wig is actually super gorgeous and I did some photos with this so definitely stay

tuned to my Instagram.

It looks absolutely gorgeous.

Next up is this gorgeous silver grey wig.

I can't wait to do some makeup looks using this wig for you.

So because I changed my hair and went ombre this next wig is for those days when I'm really

missing my blonde hair.

So I picked up this kind of blonde platinum wig.

Now look how long this is.

Then I grabbed this really dark black angled bob.

And then I also picked up this gorgeous platinum angled bob as well.

Now I really love the bob blah blah blah.

Ugh does this happen to anybody?

So annoying.

Now I really love the bob wigs.

I just think they're super flattering.

So I do currently have a wig collection video out.

I will put a link for that down below.

If you would like to see a new updated version of that video please comment down below and

let me know.

So you guys know I am a huge lover of tattoos and I love to play around with temporary tattoos

before I go ahead and get any kind of permanent ink done.

So I went ahead and picked up some more temporary ones.

So I got this gorgeous kind of floral one.

This is just a fun one filled with a bunch of different mini tattoos.

I am really kind of looking forward to using this cute ice cream cone one.

Another sheet of mixed tattoos mostly floral ones.

And then this really cool lion head tattoo.


So the next item I picked up is really great for a bunch of different purposes.

The reason I picked it up is because I film a lot of youtube videos so I like to change

up my background a bit so that is why I bought this.

Now it's rather large so I'll just show you as much as I can.

So beautiful right?

So instead of a backdrop you can actually just use this as a really pretty wall tapestry

or you can even use it as a boho beach blanket.

So I had to go ahead and pick up a few more shades of the lipsticks that I had featured

in my previous video.

So what I'll do is I'll go ahead and swatch the new ones for you.

So this one is called Rustic.

Then we have Black Velvet.

And Pink Velvet.

Oh that's so pretty.

And then we have Pumpkin.

Sorry my swatching skills are really terrible.

So if your a makeup fanatic you are going to die over this next product.

It's so adorable.

It is a makeup brush with a fish tail.

Look how cute.

The colours on this are so gorgeous.

I got the rose gold and it has pink bristles.

They have tons of colours in these.

And the bristles are so soft and feels amazing.

Great quality.

This next makeup item is so gorgeous.

So this is the packaging and then this is what it looks like when you open it up.

How pretty is that?

You're probably wondering what it is right?

Oh my god so gorgeous.

So this is actually a lipstick.

So it comes in this gorgeous kind of sceptor packaging and it has a little latch here where

you can actually apply a chain and wear it as a necklace.

So this is what it looks like when you open it up.

So you just pop off the top and then twist it up and look at this shade of lipstick as



I'm not swatching this for you because I don't want to wreck it.

It's way too beautiful.

So the next few items up are some fashion items.

So I had to grab these really cute pair of glasses.

Now I know I'm smart but I have to look the part.

So hosiery is becoming really huge and trending this year in fashion especially the rhinestone


So I picked up a few pairs of those.

I really hope to god they fit.

Look at that.

So this next clothing item is super cute and funny.

It's a pair of socks but what makes them special is the saying on the heel.

So they're little ankle socks but on the one side it says Bye and I'm sure you know what's



Bye Felicia.

So the final item I have is this gorgeous diamond looking ring.

Look how beautiful.

The quality of this is really amazing.

This is so pretty for the holidays and dressing up and looking fancy.

I actually believe that I was watching the Kardashian ten year anniversary special and

it looked like Kylie Jenner was wearing a ring similar to this so I was totally inspired

and had to find one just like it.

Okay guys that's it.

Stay tuned though there is going to be plenty more Aliexpress hauls in the future.

Like I said there is going to be a link down below so you can watch the very first video.

If you haven't already done so make sure you go ahead hit that subscribe button.

Also be sure to follow me on social media on Instagram at The Pretty Witch.

Make sure you check out some of my latest videos.

And thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Aliexpress Haul #2 - Duration: 9:04.


How to become a dental assistant in 9 Weeks - Broward Dental Assistant School - Duration: 1:40.

I love dentists. I love people. So, it just made sense to be in the dental field and

here we are and loving every minute of it. I've actually wanted to be a dental

assistant a long time ago. I wasn't sure where to start. I went and read

everything about it and I was like this is really cool I just want to go try

this! The flexibility of the hours of school and when I have to be in class

was very helpful to me because I was working a full-time job at the time. So,

when I'm ready to go I'm ready to go get in there we did the labs everything is

hands-on everything is literally you doing it yourself that was the best

part to me! So, that way once I actually did it I grasped it I could

hold on to it and I could take it into the workplace. They explained to me how

affordable the payment was and how I don't have to pay it all at once.

They have pay plans so I didn't even have second thoughts about it I just did

it! It was very affordable it was quick so I thought it was a really a

good deal. They also did help me with my job career services. Sent my resume in

that day I got an interview it was amazing it was actually a surprise to me

because it was real quick! The current job I have now already had before even

graduation so you know the school did a great job of helping me prepare for

those interviews and things like that. I was still doing my externship and I

actually got a job so I was working and going this school it's actually pretty

great. I'm really happy that I made the right choice! After the military I was

looking for a career not just a job not just a 9-5 kind of thing so I really

love that I get to be a dental assistant for the rest of my life.

For more infomation >> How to become a dental assistant in 9 Weeks - Broward Dental Assistant School - Duration: 1:40.


Ink Protocol Ico Review | Ink Protocol Partners with Quantstamp | Listia | ICO Gold Rush - Duration: 11:25.

hello crypto hunters and welcome today I got a a review on ink protocol the token

sale starts with 22nd January I should say pre so there's only 3.5

million Tigers we saw increase so total tokens

is 500 million so bad sighs so the fundraising goals 15 million total price

is going to be 10 cents so not bad obviously at VRC 20 token the tick is

every exit and kay you jump on what this obviously people to participate it's

going to be a kyc so unfortunately USA China and Canada can't jump into this

one let's first ops in Canada anyway and

bonus is up to 20 sitting in the Pollak pre-sale so it looks like this at the

moment is no minimum maximum so it seems to be announced and yet let's get

straight so that's a look actually looking forwards this one this one has

been some news on this one so it's alright it's for big one so in protocols

dissension our decentralized reputation and payments from Peter Piot marketplace

so what that's pretty much saying is like might be borrowing up email yeah

have a reputation so obviously you have feedback score so same kind of thing

this is a mega site so this follows the sellers around

pretty much so the I'd use is this profile will be into implemented so

obviously the so it's very cranky Craigslist let go and offer up now

they've already got lister which already has I think so 10

million registered users it's been around since 2009

a hundred million items sold so yard use a buyer so you view e sales reputation

across multiple marketplaces pay with escrow and leave feedback to completed

transactions now the sells its reputation is the centralized in public

so available anywhere bring with you never worry

about rebuilding it from scratch so it's a good idea to so emag replace ink

motor-car can be integrated into new or existing marketplaces and can also be

using marketplaces that don't directly handle payments and any transactions

that ink protocol doesn't require marketplace use for any p2p so like I

said it's already been launched since tears of nine so this is a working

prototype morituri its existing its investors it's

got a few investors in there so the features saying in protocol helps user

users safely send and receive payments in PDP marketplaces while earning public

reputation for every completed transaction sellers can take their

earned reputation with them from marketplace to marketplace to insure

sellers reputations a credible feedback may only be given on completed

transactions so that third-party mediation in decentralized escrow so inc

protocols built-in dispute resolution there's a mediator to be assigned to a

transaction mediators exist as independent smart contracts and a

jointly agreed upon by the choir itself with mediation payment is held in escrow

until the part if it's a transaction in the event of a dispute the mediator

works with both parties to decide on an outcome so they're also Inc paid doesn't

Inc pay up it's coming it's coming early 2018 so I would say the next month or

two ETA app will be released soon at the protocol becomes available this will

immediately allow buyers and sellers to make and receive payments for items on

third party might plays like Craiglist face book marketplace offer up in more

so this goes on face book it's just going to be it's going to be really

strong all right sellers can accept payment with Inc pay

and build reputation fires can check a seller's reputation

before adding I mean for buying and also leave feedback once the transaction is

complete optionally add a mediator in escrow for high-level security level of

safety so the rhythm is

in protocols and centralized reputation payment protocol Network powered by the

etherion blockchain and that's the ticket

the in protocol toner so xnk it's not obvious is 8020 is the only line

currency use X encodes that underlying currency used at all in protocol

transactions as a result as a result all transactions and feedback are backed by

proof payment on the blockchain xnk is also owned by mediators full of

mediation services they provide a transaction so that's pretty cool too so

we got sure that so here we go is the token allocation so like we said 400

million is the total supply the hard token so hard kappa b 50 million let's

say a price I want aetherium I was at the moment will be 75,000 X and K and

sometimes we burns so three investing for both the lister in distribution

allocations by a smart contract so obviously the white paper even

download the white paper have that look to join in due diligence

so there's milestone so obviously have been around since June three thousand

nine so this is grows about eight years nearly not only 90s it mean business as

good check out quickly through this you guys

can read this when you can't you come on to the website have a look

obviously in May 2017 Lister has hit ten million reads users June 2017 Lister

begins work on the in protocol design white paper obviously encroach January

2018 incredible public launch and type in the distribution advantage coming up

seeing protocol go live and ready for use everyone in February 2018 so that's

good you're not have to wait long Inc pay in pay ends in pay tap in developer

portal Lord shall be on q1 of 2018 so it's good you don't have to wait you say

I says we have to wait obviously you know for there to have it if they got a

prototype or not or if like a working model this is great souls all that

problem already they gonna have like so many straightaway

now just go through some of the team this is the founders just isn't due

diligence guys like you should always with everything in regards if it's a

program or Accio so look so scary and CEO this step my Internet's not very far

it's not running as Leroy co-founder and see our Lister so 18 years 8 months

co-founder and partner of Mon search for seven years senior software engineer

that's four years so defi other credentials so I'll do I guess all these

guys you can do this yourself do your own due diligence go always go to the

team and advisers I will say the advisors is very interesting so con

stamp so if you're in constant right now I'm you'd know already now could con

stab is going career on stem on stems are piece on their constant so sorry

have to 51 cents now I dropped here at 7 cents for con stem and how many days it

is growing exactly the way it was supposed to go now to backed by constant

it's so Richard ma honest Lee is the owner of constant it's going to be

awesome so what will this do for constant I mean I'm supposing from what

I've heard constant will do a full audit reform a full order on in profile before

it's even released so that's awesome for Quan steer and Fink protocol at the

same time who's obviously constant as what does that protocol for secure in

smart contracts so they check in his note back doors and making sure

everything secure and this is good for constant was works it's obviously

showing that task companies I trusting a Quan stem in you know securing their I

co really excited pretty much so I think this is a good one don't you know I'm

not obviously I'm not a financial advisor everything you know getting too

up to you I mean you're the one in the in and invest may or not so always do

your due diligence if we're alone all my stuff is obviously the private course

that our ICO course that I'm involved with its I see a gold rush I'll have a

link institution a live look at that very worthwhile to learn so you're

learning you skill set yeah investing in yourself and my personal experience or

I'm loving every minute six weeks and my portfolio has just shot straight through

yeah it's done well I'm not gonna get into it I like showing not only in

marketers that scares and shows really you know well they're person that I feel

that I don't have to it's up to you you believe me or you don't something yeah I

can if you already been following me anyway hearing icon still told me a

constant a month ago and if you jumped in you'd be laughing like now MF as well

who knows it a constants going to go to this isn't cost anything protocol pink

protocol and I think it's going to be a pretty decent SEO just don't forget

you've got to register get on that white this first in might you know you do Kate

your car I see stuff all that and then get ready for it I get ready to jump in

ten cents I think so low price it's a you know you can get a lot of tokens

yeah payments for a hundred parties to get a little Tigers running back so yeah

why I said always used to do your own due diligence on it I'm not a financial

investor I'll learn all my stuff when my eyes private eyes here course I got said

and if you want to learn more you know like I said the lease in description

below so it's yeah I mean yeah you can sit there and jump into things wildly or

you can learn yourself and you know you don't have to watch videos you can yeah

if it goes through every single Accio there is that's coming out there's so

many come and you can dissect them as quick as I can so let's see if that's

the benefits of joining an investment self so guys that's all illegally today

thought maybe you get a thumbs up if you want to subscribe hit that subscribe

button and hit that bells and you're my notifications when I do a lot of video

and if you got any questions feel free to message me I no problem trying in

secret if I don't know the answer I'll find the answer for you simple as that

and now that guys have a good day and always remember it's never a loss on

this cell a loss okay so I'll leave that with you and if you want to see you on

my next video

For more infomation >> Ink Protocol Ico Review | Ink Protocol Partners with Quantstamp | Listia | ICO Gold Rush - Duration: 11:25.


WoT Blitz - T-34-85 Victory Ace - Duration: 4:40.

Tell team to go right because we have the heavy advantage

Eh going to push the Tiger P for two reasons

First so that he gets up to the front quicker as hes pretty slow

And second is for me as I find since I came back I play way to aggressive, so this is a way for me to play slower

Mmmk we spot their 2 top tier mediums gotta be wary of them

Ohhhk Imma back off, this isn't something I want to deal with front on, I'll see if I can get around

Yeah our Cromwell got smacked - not peeking that

Going to peek around see if I can get a shot into the mediums

Land one into the T-43 which is good. I mostly worried about the two top tier mediums

Alright so I do risky shit like this all of the time. I don't necessarily promote this type of pushing unless your absolutely sure you can deal more damage then take in return

I want to get shots into the T-43 right now

Lucky bounce

Now here I'm going to push up and help the Comet. If I can get rid of these two tanks we will be in a much better position

Focus the T-43 first - a much more dangerous target

Unlucky bounce

Ok a Su-152 - do not want to be in front of that thing, I'm going to put some hard cover between me and it.

Easy kill on SP I C

Ok I need to get their medium out asap. He's a tier higher than me and could be much more dangerous.

This fire really helped

This entire time I'm going to still keep the hard cover between me and the Su-152, I do not want to be shot in the back by that thing

Ok tough position I need to kill this medium quickly before the Su-152 makes a move

Bait a tracking shot from the Su-152 which will allow me to push the medium without worry. Idk why hes using AP with the 152mm though

Easy kill, he missed a few shots

Going to back up, wait until I'm unspotted and see if I can finish off the Su-152, hes only a one shot

And gg

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