Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 5 2018

♪ Waiting for the time to pass you by ♪

♪ Hope the winds of change will change your mind ♪

♪ I could give a thousand reasons why ♪

♪ And I know you, and you've got to ♪

♪ Make it on your own, but we don't have to grow up ♪

♪ We can stay forever young ♪

♪ Living on my sofa, drinking rum and cola ♪

♪ Underneath the rising sun ♪

♪ I could give a thousand reasons why ♪

♪ But you're going ♪

♪ And you know that ♪

♪ All you have to do is stay a minute ♪

♪ Just take your time ♪

♪ The clock is ticking, so stay ♪

♪ All you have to do is wait a second ♪

♪ Your hands on mine ♪

♪ The clock is ticking, so stay ♪

♪ All you have to do is ♪

♪ All you have to do is stay ♪

♪ All you have to do is ♪

♪ And you know that ♪

♪ All you have to do is ♪

♪ And you know that ♪

♪ All you have to do is ♪

♪ And you know that ♪

♪ All you have to do is stay ♪

♪ All you have to do is ♪

For more infomation >> UNI+ B Special Stage - Stay, Chained Up (VIXX)[SUB: ENG/CHN/2017 KBS Song Festival(가요대축제)] - Duration: 2:36.


Deus Ex to Dishonored (Harvey Smith) - Noclip Sessions - Duration: 20:59.

(chill music)

(keyboard clacking)

(dial-up tone)

- I'm Harvey Smith.

I'm a co-creative director at Arkane Studios.

I was co-creative director of Dishonored One,

and I was creative director of Dishonored Two,

and I'm probably best known for

the Deus Ex and Dishonored games.

- Alright.

People still talk to you about Deus Ex a lot?

- A lot, yeah.

It seems like every few years

it has an anniversary or whatever

where we all get interviewed,

Warren Spector and the other people involved, so.

- Warren's doing a post-mortem this year, actually, in fact.

- I got to see Warren recently,

I guess we were in Spain, we were in Bilbao.

And it's funny how the years give you perspective on things.

I mean, it's obvious, but like

you know, the things we thought

the day that we signed the game off

versus a year later versus ten years later,

those things change over time.

You see it more clearly, maybe?

Or you see it through nostalgia, I don't know

but it'll be interesting to hear his post-mortem.

- Right, so when you do look back to that game,

what are the things that stick out to you?

Whether it be the design

or the time and place in your life?

Or, like, what was Deus Ex One for you

and the Harvey Smith stories or?

- I probably can't give you the answer

that you'd like to have

because it's so wrapped up in

my personal understanding of myself.

And I'm a very different person today than I was then.

I had a lot of perspective to gain on

creative work and team chemistry

and interpersonal relations and things like that.

I think part of it is a tinge with regret

for how hard I was to work with.

- Right.

- And it was a different time in my life, like

my ex-wife was a school teacher

so she literally had to be at school

at some insane hour, like seven,

to prepare for the students

so we only had one car.

She'd drop me off at like six thirty.

The team didn't really get in til ten,

so I would literally have like three hours

working alone in this empty building as a level designer

before everybody else rolled in.

And then I would switch gears and be like, you know,

leading the level design team

or working with the systems guys

or working on the fiction or whatever,

or alternating between those three tasks, talking to Warren.

But when I think about the game,

when I think about that time so long ago,

I think about how many talented people we had working on it.

The team size was probably 20 or 30.

- My goodness.

- Which seemed fine for the time, right?

We had three programmers, I think.

Three or four.

If you count a contractor.

And Doug Church would come by every now and then,

our old mentor, and like just play the game and comment

and talk about, help us refine our goals.

What we were actually trying to accomplish creatively.

But there was a lot of tension,

a lot of conflict on the team

and I kinda regret that because

I know now some of those same people, working with them,

I'd probably have a smashing time, you know?

- Right. - It's funny I see

the Austin office of Ion Storm as like two phases for me

because I was there six years

but three years on one game, three years on the other.

And I would say one was more fulfilling

in terms of accolades by far.

You know, Deus Ex One, of course.

But the other one, in terms of interpersonal relationships

and how much I grew and how much I learned about myself

and creatively how, you know,

I got to stretch some muscles.

Built some muscles that I had been working on.

The second one was very satisfying

but it was also turbulent in a completely different way.

I went through a divorce, you know,

we grew the team size drastically,

we were working on two games at once.

Which is a huge challenge.

- What was the other game you were working on?

- Well, the other side of the studio was my friends

Lulu LaMer and Christine Coco and Randy Smith, certainly.

They were working on Thief three, yeah.

It's interesting to look at Deus Ex one

and two back to back and say,

you know, why is the second one not as popular

as the first one?

And there are a lot of technical reasons you could point to,

changes in personnel and title and role.

You could talk about writing our own engine

versus using Unreal.

You could talk about the publisher

asking us to make the game not just for PC

but also for console at the same time

and how we had not done that before.

You could talk about us feeling this weird pressure

not to repeat ourselves. - Right.

- Because I just went through this experience with

Dishonored one and two, back to back,

working with Raphael Colantonio and Arkane.

And when I felt that twinge like, you know,

don't just repeat yourself.

I was like, wait a second,

there is a pattern here in this game

that the players of this game love

and they want to see again.

They want it as familiar as possible

and as fresh as possible at the same time.

And it's that old Raymond Loewy,

the designer from the 50s,

concept so it really served me well

having worked on Deus Ex one and two

when it came time to do Dishonored one and two.

The fact is every time you make a game,

it's a big undertaking by a team of people.

It's incredibly complicated,

you can't predict how it's gonna turn out.

There are so many factors and so many influences

that you could take the same group of people

and the same tech base maybe and try ten times

to make the same type of game and each time

it's gonna come out a little differently.

Now under very controlled circumstances

it might be better and better and maybe,

you know, some teams are capable of that.

But in our case, there was so much change

that it was harder to predict from project to project

what was gonna work and what wasn't gonna work.

So, yeah, it's just.

It's very easy to point to things that are your pet theory

or whatever, you know, but in reality

these games are really complicated

and there's so many minds involved

and so many hands involved

that it's volatile each time.

But there were many things I did like about it

and occasionally I do, every year,

I talk to people that didn't play the first game

but only played the second one.

Or they were only Xbox or PS2 players,

so they encountered that and it blew their minds

cause it was kind of an immersive sim

and unlike anything that was out on the console at the time.

And so I like things like

Sheldon Pacotti's,

he worked toward the end of Dishonored one with us,

the second half, and had to do a mad scramble

to pull all our stuff together into a coherent script.

He did a great job.

But he had all this time on the second one, right?

So, yeah, I like the fiction.

You know, JC didn't coming back into the world.

The two coffee shops at war with each other in the end

and they're being owned by the same corporation or whatever.

There were many things I like about it, you know.

So like you were saying at the beginning,

if you just took Invisible Wars as a standalone game

like it wasn't associated with the Deus Ex series,

I think it would have been perceived differently

because expectation is a huge thing.

Especially once someone invests in something

and they're a fan of it,

then it follows a certain pattern

that they want to see repeated

and there's nothing wrong with that.

Familiarity is very strong.

- Let's talk a little bit about world building.

The opening level of the first Deus Ex was set in

a very contemporary icon of America

that most people could sort of empathize with, right?

- Yeah. - And in the second game,

was sort of pushed that little bit further into the future

and was sort of a little bit less relatable

and with the Dishonored franchise

you've done it in a completely fantastical universe

but there's a lot of flavors and note in there

that actually are very easy for people to connect with

in this sort of contemporary world

and could you talk a little bit about that sort of process?

- Yeah, so, the first Dishonored game is

an analog to Edinburgh or London

and it speaks to the power of our art team

to be able to take those elements,

but also our narrative team,

to take those elements and make them familiar

and yet tweak them a little bit

so it feels like a fantastical place.

And the second Dishonored game

feels much more like Southern Europe, you know,

places in Spain or Italy,

the art team had a very strong vision for the second game

and so narrative, like, complimented that.

But they work hand in hand the entire time

on both games in different ways

and so there was something to be said for

making something familiar so that people feel grounded.

And you alluded to Deus Ex,

we built the first game around New York initially

and then had moments of Paris, for instance.

But the fact that it was

right around the corner science fiction,

I think was one of the very strong things about it.

And then for the second game we tried to go,

I don't remember how many years it was,

this is one of those Jeopardy questions

in my retirement year that I'll be asked, I guess.

But, like, you know almost unrecognizable in some ways.

I mean, like, you could extrapolate

but it doesn't feel like you're exploring a city in it.

And I think at the time, we even saw that

as a criticism of Deus Ex one.

We were like, oh, it just kind of looks like

New York from the 70s or whatever, you know.

Built by a bunch of people that hadn't been to New York.

You know, like, Warren obviously grew up there

and I think went to film school there,

but like working hand in hand with him

he was talking about different locations.

Battery Park, I'd never been to Battery Park, right?

And a guy named Bob White built that map in particular,

but I built the Statue of Liberty

and I've still never been there.

It was this moment where I was working on it

and I couldn't get the base right

because back then you did not only the level design,

meaning the game play and the flow,

but you also did the architecture.

We weren't specialized enough yet

to have really good architects working on it

like we do now with the Dishonored games.

And I couldn't get the base,

this rim piece on the base to line up,

and I realize that my two references

for different sides of it

were photos from wildly different periods.

The base of it was changed at some point

like buttress, originally it was just on this

big grassy hill kind of thing

and I was like oh, no wonder, you know?

But yeah, there is something to be said

for like, again, I think Raymond Loewy

is the theme of the day but it's like

the most familiar you can get away with

while also making something feel different

and worth exploring, new.

- Dishonored, to me, feels like a game

that is quite, it has very European sensibilities.

Do you think that there is a difference in

working with two different teams

from such different parts of the world

that sort of have different touchstones

when it comes to building worlds?

- Yeah, as in games I worked 23 years now

and I worked in Texas,

I worked in California,

I worked in France in Lyon

and I definitely think cultures put an influence,

have an influence over the way the game feels.

Whether they intend to or not.

You know, Deus Ex was made by a team in Texas

with references to New York and Paris and places like that.

But I worked on FireTeam

which was like one of the first games with voice

and we did it in San Mateo

and it was definitely like kind of a Silicon Valley

tech culture influence over that game, I think.

You know, like the innovation was there.

Like we, hey, we made a game with headsets and voice

before anybody had done that.

We were looking at matchmaking and teams

but there was also kind of an MIT influence over that

because it was a spin-off of Looking Glass.

Dishonored one was made by a team in Austin, Texas

and a team in Lyon working very tightly in ways

that would be hard for anyone else to reproduce.

We started the project, Raphael Colantonio and I,

in Austin with a small prototype team

and then at some point we rolled more and more people

from Léon onto it and then by the end of the project

the bulk of the production was done in France.

But it was very much like this the entire way,

video conferencing and traveling

and people moving back and forth.

And so, I don't know, I mean it's like

once a team gets to a hundred people

obviously you're talking about a lot of people influencing

the direction of the game

but at its core, there are a number of people

trying to steer the ship and the culture of those people,

the personality, the histories of those people,

they all definitely influence what the game is about

and how it feels.

You know, we wanted to make a game

that felt like you were a single agent

set upon by hostile forces

and you had to either outsmart them

or overpower them or get good enough at the game

to avoid them.

There's that tension, right?

Like of avoiding attention

because too many guards can overwhelm you

and even fighting five guards in Dishonored is difficult.

But we also, it's a power fantasy about mobility

and about being able to stop time

and you know, it's multiple things and multiple people.

Like there are people that play the game

and they ghost their way through the game,

they feel the power of fantasy that they have

is that no one even knew I was there.

And then other people that just, like, destroy everything.

The power fantasy there is

I left the town burning at my back.

So it was that whole gameplay pattern

and servicing those types of players.

Then there was the art aspirations,

we wanted to create something very beautiful

but not photo realistic.

All the plague and death and oppression in those games.

And then there are probably personal touches

here and there from me and Raphael,

besides the systems we're interested in

and the mobility and the fighting and the stealth

and jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

Aside from all that stuff,

there's a lot of mother trauma in the Dishonored games

and familial connection in both Deus Ex and Dishonored.

- Right.

- And for some of us it's a source of power.

Other people would rather leave that out

of the game or whatever. - Right.

- And then we also wanted a narrative layer

that told stories just through visuals.

You know, you like look around

and get a sense of the place

and who lived there and what happened.

You know, it's a game about corrupt aristocrats

working very hard to create a two lane society.

One for the gilded few of their friends

and everybody else sort of crushed under foot

with no rights, no middle class,

the guards can knock your teeth out

and collect money from you just because

you looked at them wrong

and it's a bit of a fantasy.

Instead of us all pulling together

and working legally to counter that sort of thing,

it's a bit of a fantasy that if you just knife

the right five people, the world goes back to normal.

But that's part of the purpose of media, right?

Is I guess to let you countenance those things

and to give you a way to blow off steam.

At the end of the day the creative directors,

or in the case of me and Raphael working together,

the two of you, the little collective that makes the game,

your personal tastes and desires matter.

They influence the game in ways that are not rational.

They're not the friendliest to the tech,

they're not the friendliest to the production,

with the schedule and so in many cases,

we pitched an idea, we prototyped the idea

without people on the team changing the idea.

We play tested and then we changed based on play test.

But in a few cases we stuck to something

from the beginning to the end

that probably didn't make sense.

And sometimes you hang onto those things

for too long and then you realize

you're gonna have to kill them.

We killed a power of Emily's

called Void House pretty late in the game

and it was a cool idea

but it just didn't fit in the end

and we probably should've cut it earlier.

But having Corvo or Emily as playable characters

is something that I'm very happy that we did

because Erica Luttrell and Stephen Russell

did such an amazing job of emoting as those characters

and players really responded to one or the other of them

and it gave players more choice on top of that.

It's familiarity and nostalgia for people

who love the first game.

Starting in Dunwall and going to Cardoca

and then going back to Dunwall is another thing like that.

Where I feel like most teams that's the first thing

they would've excised because it's a lot of extra objects.

We literally had different furniture,

different tech devices in Dunwall versus Cardoca.

We wanted the two cities to feel very different.

We wanted you to feel like you were leaving home

going to an exotic place and coming back home.

But, yeah, those are things that were important to me

and to other people on the team

so we stuck to them even though they were hard.

At the end of Dishonored one,

I knew I wanted to work on Dishonored two.

I was very excited about it

but it made the most sense

for the team in Lyon to do that project

and so I moved there

and it ended up being four years that I lived in France.

It's an amazing place, amazing people, amazing food

and architecture and history.

But I moved back to Austin

and I've been play testing Prey for a couple of months

and I've given feedback to Raph and Ricardo

and the team there in Austin.

Prey is one of the best games I've ever played.

And it's another alt world that's beautiful,

it's like what if Kennedy had lived

and the Russians and the Americans had worked together.

What if the Russians and the Americans work together?

- Imagine that. - Imagine that, yeah.

- I can't imagine a world in which that's the case.

- As much as the United States is challenging right now

and there are undercurrents that

I think most people weren't aware that they were as dark

or deep as they actually are,

it's threatening, it's concerning,

it's not just the United States,

it's the UK, it's France, you know.

Yeah, there's kind of a rising tide of

you know, nationalism I guess or something

so, what, you know.

A lot of the things that we've put in

Deus Ex and Dishonored, you know?

It feels like I came back to a changed America

or an America that has a different awareness about itself.

Yeah, it's an interesting time to come back

to the United States for sure.

Yeah, GDC is odd for me and I guess a lot of people

would feel this way because

I haven't been coming for the last few years.

It's just been too hard to get over here,

we're working on the project,

I had some life stuff going on.

And now I'm back and it's so fascinating

because I hear people saying things like

this talk was great, that talk was great,

I hear other friends saying oh my god

I was so under pressure to give this talk

and then I got good responses to it

or I learned some things.

I hear other people saying,

oh, my favorite part of GDC

was having dinner that night where across the table

we had this design discussion about this problem

this other friend is having

and we all gave our opinions on it.

Just like so much enthusiasm,

so much passion for that stuff

and I feel like GDC has this arc where

it's super overwhelming and exciting initially

for all those reasons

and then you sort of become good at it.

You find the talks that you want to attend

and you make those conversations happen more,

but then it like,

you get to some point where you're like

I have those conversations at work every day.

I sit next to Seth Shane and like we started talking about

during the course of the day,

we probably had three talks each 15 minutes

rapidly going back and forth on like skill trees

and whether you should assign a lot of points

to the first level so that the successive levels are cheaper

and it encourages specialization

or should you assign higher point values

to the high end of the powers

but then people end up with a wide range of skills

and going deep on nothing.

And we're just like ranting and rave

about those type of subjects based on what he's working on

with Prey or what we just did.

Didn't get an eye on the other guys on Dishonored two

and I feel like that's like a micro talk

or whatever, you know?

So I get here and I'm more like

I want to see old friends,

I want to just reconnect with some people.

I like seeing the new faces,

it's a more diverse crowd now

and I'm really happy about that.

But honestly, I found some of it exhausting to be fair.

- We won't keep you any longer in that case.

Thanks so much for your time.

- Yeah, thank you.

(chill music)

For more infomation >> Deus Ex to Dishonored (Harvey Smith) - Noclip Sessions - Duration: 20:59.


GFRIEND's SinB,Yuju,Yerin (신비,유주,예린) - Just A Feeling [SUB: ENG/CHN/2017 KBS Song Festival(가요대축제)] - Duration: 2:35.

♪ Just a feeling ♪

♪ Say exactly what you feel ♪

♪ Think about it ♪

♪ Don't hesitate ♪

♪ Just be waiting ♪

♪ I'm ready now ♪

♪ Give yourself to me, I'll have you ♪

♪ I can't show you everything about me at first ♪

♪ I want to be mysterious, oh yeah ♪

♪ It's good for piquing your curiosity ♪

♪ Making you crazy curious ♪

♪ You'll end up coming to me ♪

♪ If you want, we can make a bet ♪

♪ You'll approach me little by little ♪

♪ You'll be mine ♪

♪ Just a feeling ♪

♪ Say exactly what you feel ♪

♪ Think about it ♪

♪ Don't hesitate ♪

♪ Just be waiting ♪

♪ I'm ready now ♪

♪ Give yourself to me, I'll have you ♪

♪ Just a feeling ♪

♪ Think about it ♪

♪ I don't feel comfortable about this either ♪

♪ In case you might leave me ♪

♪ Just tell me you love me ♪

♪ I'm waiting for you ♪

♪ Just a feeling ♪

♪ Say exactly what you feel ♪

♪ Think about it ♪

♪ Don't hesitate ♪

♪ Just be waiting ♪

♪ I'm ready now ♪

♪ Give yourself to me, I'll have you ♪

♪ Just a feeling ♪

♪ That's what I can show you ♪

♪ Think about it ♪

♪ I'm waiting for you ♪

♪ Just a feeling ♪

♪ That's what I can show you ♪

♪ Think about it ♪

♪ I'm waiting for you ♪

♪ Just a feeling ♪

For more infomation >> GFRIEND's SinB,Yuju,Yerin (신비,유주,예린) - Just A Feeling [SUB: ENG/CHN/2017 KBS Song Festival(가요대축제)] - Duration: 2:35.


MAMAMOO - Intro + Yes I Am | 마마무 - 나로 말할 것 같으면[SUB: ENG/CHN/2017 KBS Song Festival(가요대축제)] - Duration: 4:10.

♪ If I were to describe myself ♪

♪ Describe myself ♪

♪ If I were to describe myself ♪

♪ Describe myself ♪

♪ If we were to describe... The song festival ♪

♪ I'm a confident woman ♪

♪ To put it in words, I'm a woman with feeling ♪

♪ My baby ♪

♪ If you think you can, try to copy me ♪

♪ Follow me, follow me ♪

♪ Follow me ♪

♪ Light makeup because I'm lazy ♪

♪ I won't show skin, no need for that ♪

♪ I'm strange and a bit unique ♪

♪ I don't want to be ordinary ♪

♪ I thank my parents for how I look ♪

♪ Me, me, 4 with Sun ♪

♪ Stop thinking, my mind is high class ♪

♪ Don't be shy, you're Vogue ♪

♪ Hello, bonjour ♪

♪ nihao, annyeong ♪

♪ Just like how each country has its own charm ♪

♪ If I were to describe myself ♪

♪ When I wear sleeveless shirts it becomes summer ♪

♪ Introduce myself, I love you ♪

♪ If I were to describe myself ♪

♪ I'm a confident woman ♪

♪ To put it in words, a woman of feeling ♪

♪ My baby ♪

♪ If you think you can, try to copy me ♪

♪ Follow me, follow me ♪

♪ Follow me ♪

♪ Yes, I am ♪

♪ If I were to describe myself ♪

♪ Yes, I am ♪

♪ So hot. ♪

♪ I like comfort because that's just me ♪

♪ I won't sugarcoat, I can't hide it ♪

♪ I'm cheeky, I don't care ♪

♪ You don't know me ♪

♪ I just do what I want to do ♪

♪ My name is Moonstar ♪

♪ This is just my taste ♪

♪ Don't be too sensitive, my complex is nothing ♪

♪ Slacks, shirts, loafers with a classic style ♪

♪ I express myself, my baby ♪

♪ You still try to take me down ♪

♪ Take off the blind, drive, get in my car ♪

♪ All right, if I were to describe myself ♪

♪ I'm a confident woman ♪

♪ To put it in words, a woman of feeling ♪

♪ My baby ♪

♪ If you think you can, try to copy me ♪

♪ Follow me, follow me ♪

♪ Follow me ♪

♪ Yes, I am ♪

♪ If I were to describe myself ♪

♪ Yes, I am ♪

♪ Follow me ♪

♪ Yes, I am ♪

♪ If I were to describe myself ♪

♪ Yes, I am ♪

My cheeks are cutie-cute cute.

♪ I prefer my round face than a slim face ♪

♪ It's some special thing that's my own ♪

♪ I prefer my monolids ♪

♪ Over double-eyelids ♪

♪ My Indian dimples and nose wrinkles when I smile ♪

♪ They get compliments ♪

♪ If I were to describe myself ♪

♪ Describe myself ♪

♪ I'm so chic ♪

♪ If I were to describe myself ♪

♪ Describe myself ♪

♪ Introduce myself ♪

♪ If I were to describe myself ♪

♪ I'm a confident woman ♪

♪ To put it in words, a woman of feeling ♪

♪ If you think you can, try to copy me ♪

♪ Follow me, follow me ♪

♪ Follow me ♪

♪ Yes, I am ♪

♪ If I were to describe myself ♪

♪ Yes, I am ♪

♪ Follow me ♪

♪ Yes, I am ♪

♪ If I were to describe myself ♪

♪ Yes, I am ♪

For more infomation >> MAMAMOO - Intro + Yes I Am | 마마무 - 나로 말할 것 같으면[SUB: ENG/CHN/2017 KBS Song Festival(가요대축제)] - Duration: 4:10.


Voeux et aveux du président qui parle cash - Jean Kultaraz #8 - Duration: 13:13.

For more infomation >> Voeux et aveux du président qui parle cash - Jean Kultaraz #8 - Duration: 13:13.


Coco trailer EXCEPT there's no Miguel - Duration: 0:57.

Imagine a world where you could fart without anyone caring

For more infomation >> Coco trailer EXCEPT there's no Miguel - Duration: 0:57.


Jalapeño Jelly Tequila Shots | Food Network - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Jalapeño Jelly Tequila Shots | Food Network - Duration: 0:51.


The UNI+ - My Turn | 더 유닛 - 마이턴 [SUB: ENG/CHN/2017 KBS Song Festival(가요대축제)] - Duration: 2:22.

♪ It's nice to feel excited ♪

♪ Just like how I feel when I look at you now ♪

♪ Going somewhere I never imagined ♪

♪ Cover your eyes ♪

♪ Take a deep breath and open your eyes ♪

♪ It's all in me ♪

♪ And nowhere else ♪

♪ All the surprises are here ♪

♪ It's all here ♪

♪ In this moment ♪

♪ The stories that unfold ♪

♪ You'll look at me ♪

♪ You'll learn that ♪

♪ This is a story of you and me ♪

♪ Tonight ♪

♪ The story we already know ♪

♪ The next story ♪

♪ Will make you look at me ♪

♪ You'll learn that ♪

♪ Within the person, you've opened up ♪

♪ There are hidden stories ♪

♪ The unexpected turns ♪

♪ How much do you know? ♪

♪ Even if I'm walking on a familiar path ♪

♪ It feels like the first time ♪

♪ When I walk with you ♪

♪ This is what it means when it feels new ♪

♪ Seeing something again ♪

♪ You'll look at me ♪

♪ You'll keep calling for me ♪

♪ This unbelievable story ♪

♪ All new story ♪

♪ The story we already know ♪

♪ The next story ♪

♪ Will make you look at me ♪

♪ You'll learn that ♪

♪ Within the person you've opened up ♪

♪ There are new stories ♪

♪ The unexpected turns ♪

♪ How much do you know? ♪

For more infomation >> The UNI+ - My Turn | 더 유닛 - 마이턴 [SUB: ENG/CHN/2017 KBS Song Festival(가요대축제)] - Duration: 2:22.


Learn Farm Animals with Baby Dance - Fun Learn Farm Animals Video For Children - Duration: 2:25.

Learn Farm Animals with Baby Dance - Fun Learn Farm Animals Video For Children

For more infomation >> Learn Farm Animals with Baby Dance - Fun Learn Farm Animals Video For Children - Duration: 2:25.


BTS's Jungkook, Jimin, Jin, V - Lost [SUB: ENG/CHN/2017 KBS Song Festival(가요대축제)] - Duration: 3:13.

♪ I'm still standing here with my eyes closed ♪

♪ Lost between the deserts and oceans ♪

♪ I'm still wandering ♪

♪ Where should I go, yeah ♪

♪ I didn't know there were this many ♪

♪ Paths I can't go and paths I can't take ♪

♪ I've never felt this way before ♪

♪ Am I becoming an adult? ♪

♪ This is too hard, is this the right path for me? ♪

♪ I am really confused ♪

♪ Never leave me alone ♪

♪ I still believe, even though it's unbelievable ♪

♪ Losing your way ♪

♪ Is the way of finding it ♪

♪ Lost my way ♪

♪ Pushing without rest against harsh rainstorm winds ♪

♪ Lost my way ♪

♪ Within a complicated world without an exit ♪

♪ Lost my way ♪

♪ Though I wander much, I want to believe in my way ♪

♪ Lost my way ♪

♪ Found my way ♪

♪ Lost my way ♪

♪ Found my way ♪

♪ So long ♪

♪ Goodbye to my hope with no promise ♪

♪ So long ♪

♪ Even if I'm slow, I'll walk on my own ♪

♪ Because I know this path is mine to take ♪

♪ Even if I go back, I'll reach this path eventually ♪

♪ I never, I will never ♪

♪ I will never lose my dream ♪

♪ Lost my way ♪

♪ Pushing without rest against harsh rainstorm winds ♪

♪ Lost my way ♪

♪ Within a complicated world without an exit ♪

♪ Lost my way ♪

♪ Though I wander much, I want to believe in my way ♪

♪ Lost my way ♪

♪ Found my way ♪

♪ Lost my way ♪

♪ Found my way ♪

For more infomation >> BTS's Jungkook, Jimin, Jin, V - Lost [SUB: ENG/CHN/2017 KBS Song Festival(가요대축제)] - Duration: 3:13.


কোয়েলের বাসস্থান , রোগ ব্যাধি , খাদ্য ও পালন পদ্ধতি - Duration: 28:16.


For more infomation >> কোয়েলের বাসস্থান , রোগ ব্যাধি , খাদ্য ও পালন পদ্ধতি - Duration: 28:16.


GFRIEND - Me Gustas TU | 여자친구 - 오늘부터 우리는 [SUB: ENG/CHN/2017 KBS Song Festival(가요대축제)] - Duration: 3:45.

♪ My heart flutters for you ♪

♪ Starting today we are ♪

♪ Dreaming as we pray ♪

♪ Starting today we are ♪

♪ I'll send you my heart with the wind and sunset ♪

♪ My heart that longs for you falls down ♪

♪ Me gustas tu ♪

♪ gustas tu su tu tu ru ♪

♪ I like you ♪

♪ Gustas tu su tu ru su tu ru ♪

♪ Gustas tu su tu ru su tu ru ♪

♪ We are standing one step behind ♪

♪ When will we become sentimental? ♪

♪ We're both so shy, we can't even say anything ♪

♪ But I want to go closer to you ♪

♪ Like the flowers that sway in the wind ♪

♪ I don't know our future ♪

♪ But I'll be brave and confess to you ♪

♪ Two is better than one, let's embrace each other ♪

♪ I want to gather my heart and tell it to you ♪

♪ My heart flutters for you, starting today we are ♪

♪ Dreaming as we pray, starting today we are ♪

♪ I'll send you my heart with the wind and sunset ♪

♪ My heart that longs for you falls down ♪

♪ Me gustas tu ♪

♪ gustas tu su tu tu ru ♪

♪ I like you ♪

♪ Gustas tu su tu ru su tu ru ♪

♪ Gustas tu su tu ru su tu ru ♪

♪ Let's stand facing each other ♪

♪ Let's not let go of our hands and let's promise ♪

♪ I'll give you precious memories ♪

♪ Pleases love me more than now ♪

♪ Like the clouds that flicker under the moonlight ♪

♪ Time keeps ticking ♪

♪ Now I'll be brave and confess to you ♪

♪ Two is better than one, let's embrace each other ♪

♪ I want to gather my heart and tell it to you ♪

♪ My heart flutters for you, starting today we are ♪

♪ Dreaming as we pray, starting today we are ♪

♪ I'll send you my heart with the wind and sunset ♪

♪ My heart that longs for you falls down ♪

♪ I'll hold you ♪

♪ Until always, until always ♪

♪ Even if you don't say it's love, I can feel it ♪

♪ Gathering my thankful feelings ♪

♪ No, no, no, no ♪

♪ My heart flutters for you, starting today we are ♪

♪ Starting today we are ♪

♪ Dreaming as we pray, starting today we are ♪

♪ Starting today we are ♪

♪ I'll send you my heart with the wind and sunset ♪

♪ My heart that longs for you falls down ♪

♪ Me gustas tu ♪

♪ gustas tu su tu tu ru ♪

♪ I like you ♪

♪ Gustas tu su tu ru su tu ru ♪

♪ Gustas tu su tu ru su tu ru ♪

For more infomation >> GFRIEND - Me Gustas TU | 여자친구 - 오늘부터 우리는 [SUB: ENG/CHN/2017 KBS Song Festival(가요대축제)] - Duration: 3:45.


Maple Firewood Bowl - This Ugly Duckling Is Not A Swan - Duration: 5:03.

Hi, Alan Stratton, from As Wood Turns ( My brother came to visit us and he had a particular

agenda in mind for the visit.

He brought a piece of wood and wanted to make a people feeder from that piece of wood.

Well, first, we have to address the wood.

It had a lot of character.

I can see what attracted him to it.

It was a piece of big leave maple that he pulled out of the firewood pile.

This is part of it, a remnant.

It had a knot that seemed to be overgrown.

So the first task was to address the wood.

Is there a people feeder inside that wood.

Well—there was not.

Not in my opinion.

And, maybe there is a bowl.

I'll have to let you be the judge whether that should have stayed as firewood.

Or whether it is a work of art, or a bowl.

Let me know what you think of this firewood transforming into a bowl.

My brother helped with this project.

We first smoothed one side of the wood with a chain saw.

Then found what we hoped was the center and mounted the wood on a screw chuck.

However, from the shape of the wood, I knew it was going to be a tough job rounding it

and that pretty knob was not going to survive.

So, after protecting the lathe with a piece of scrap OSB, I cut several inches off with

an electric chain saw.

From the inside, that pretty knob turned out to be a nasty rotted branch.

I'm glad to have sawn it rather than tool it off.

Now to tackle the remaining wood.

I want to cut from the bottom up to maximize side grain cutting.

I'm using a large bowl gouge.

It is tough going.

Somehow, the wood kept shrinking smaller and smaller as we tried to find what could become

a solid rim.

And, as we cut into the bottom, that branch was more and more rotten and eventually left

a void through the bottom area.

No way was this going to hold chocolate candy.

Do we give up now and throw it back into the firewood pile?

We kept going but with less and less hope that we could get anything at all from this


It had so much character to begin with – where is it now?

I'm a glutton for punishment so I kept going and cut a mounting tenon on the bottom and

tried to put a reasonable shape to the exterior.

We're ready to reverse the wood.

My brother is ready to quit and toss the wood into the nearest fire.

I would usually sand at this point.

Not this time.

Straight from the gouge will be good enough.

With the wood reversed, I hollowed out the interior.

That branch is more and more visible as a problem.

I would normally sand the inside now.

Not this time.

I'm ready to again reverse the bowl.

I want to reverse it against wood faceplate but there is no wood at the bottom center

for the live center.

You guessed it.

That rotten branch has left a void where I would need to place the live center.

Plan B is to use my DIY Cole jaws.

Unfortunately, I have to swap jaws on my chuck body and adjust all the retaining knobs.

I'm spending too much time on this piece of firewood.

With the bowl mounted to the Cole jaws, I trim back the bottom.

No sanding this one.

It will have to be straight from the gouge.

I debated whether to sign it or not.

In the end, I decided it had enough character and lessons learned to sign it.

Definitely, I spent too much time not to sign it.

Afterwards, off the lathe, it grew on me more and my brother took it home.

He'll apply oil and put it somewhere.

I'll have to check on it next time I go to visit him.

That's all for this rough maple bowl.

Please give this video a thumbs up, subscribe on my website and tell your friends.

Please wear your full face shield – you'll thank me later.

I am Alan Stratton from As Wood Turns dot com.

Come back next week for a new woodturning video.

For more infomation >> Maple Firewood Bowl - This Ugly Duckling Is Not A Swan - Duration: 5:03.


Making "Smothered" | Deaf Cage Mix Tapes - Duration: 6:10.

What it is everyone? Welcome to a Deaf Cage

I'ze your host the K-Bob and this is da Mix Tapes this is where we talk about all

the things that we did and how we did it and why we did it and why none of that

will hold up in court so I know what y'all saying "K-Bob where

is da Mix Tape for the Enter Sandman video! I'ze working on it I was trying to make

good. Ite? I should have had it done way back when the video came out I didn't I

sorry I apologize but I was working on but in the meantime I've got something

for you here tonight ite? Seems like there's a bunch of new people here on

the channel lately just like the people to only go to church on Easter they've

been watching some of the older videos, ite? the ol' Spineshanks "Smothered"

video that I did a couple of years back been getting a lot of views lately. People

watching it. People commenting on it. People won't know a little bit about it

I put a link up here in the corner right there, you know where they go up there.

So I thought I'd show you some bonus footage that I shot way back when

for that video. Just cuz you don't see the videos don't lean I ain't making I'm

I'm making videos all the time on the upload the ones I think good enough

right so we're gonna step into the quantum accelerators we're gonna leap

back in time and we're gonna see how we made this video way back when so without

further ado here the mixtape for the Spineshank "Smothered" video

What it is? Welcome to the Deaf Cage and today we're going to be doing a cover of

Spineshank's "Smothered". First thing my gear. Today we're using a Tele. nothing fancy

except for the fact that it's double neck Tele we're just using the Tele

part. Standard Tele pick up standard Tele wiring. we run it into a

Digitech RP 500 modeler/effects processor we are modeling a Mesa Boogie

dual rectifier we are running it into a Mesa Boogie

v30 4x12 cabnet. we're using a little bit of lexicon studio reverb and we have

a whammy pedal turned on but the mix is set to zero and the reason for that is

is that I like to have a buffer and my effects chain. In the verse there's a

bit of a lead it's a kind of a clean melody, that's

recorded using my direct model here which means that no amp modeling whatsoever

you're hearing just the natural sound of my Harbinger HA80 PA system

the only thing we have modeled a Johnson Celestion vintage 4 by 12 and

using a little bit of Boss DS-1 distortion have the whammy pedal for the

buffer and a little bit of plate reverb just these two effects is the entire

song from the RP 500 it runs direct in my computer as for the vocals

my mic runs directly in to a Yamaha mg 102C mixer which I used primarily

for compression a lot of compression from there runs into an Antares ATR-1

auto-tune processor it's set primarily to the key of F major

which is what this song is in. I can't sing!

even with Auto-tune, I can't say so as I'm singing, whatever note my voice is

closest to within the scale of F major is what it will auto-tune to with the

exception of the chorus, when we come to the "Smothered" part because that is B-flat

and C. What I simply do to that was I set the auto-tune to B-flat and C and that's

the only two notes that can tune my voice to. That particular part of the

song even though the rest of it's terrible that particular line is perfect

pitch. From there we move on to the drums and the bass which are both MIDI synth

I didn't put a lot of time on this so I

just MIDI synthed out the drums I exported them out of Tux Guitar into a MIDI file

and from there I used Wavepad to convert the MIDI file to a WAV file and

then from there I put it into Audacity and mix it all down. As for the video, my

portion is shot in front of a green screen. The background is actually an

animated prison set. Here's my jail here's my little animated band getting

ready to play this song so what I did was I took the camera and I stuck it and

one of these jail cells here and there's the guard that walks up and down the

hall as I'm singing in a playing and this is the background so I'm in the

foreground on the green screen and then the background you've got the prison

cell you got the lights flickering you got the guard walking up and down I then

put it into Powerdirector 14 did some kind of cool effects. Like a

black and white old film look and I kind of artsy with it where I had the

foreground objects come into color before the background so you kind of get

this effect of the characters coming out of the screen. Getting better with each

of these videos I make I learn something new every time but I still can't sing

like comment subscribe diphthongs need not apply and have a good one.

See, told you I had footage. so thank y'all for stopping by the Deaf Cage. checking

out the mixtapes. I'ze you host the K-Bob. As always have a good one and solidarity

fart joke

For more infomation >> Making "Smothered" | Deaf Cage Mix Tapes - Duration: 6:10.


Things About The Breakfast Club You Only Notice As An Adult - Duration: 6:15.

Breakfast Club is one of John Hughes' most important films, living on as a definitive

example of the American adolescent experience of the 1980s.

It thoughtfully deals with themes like alienation, family dysfunction, abuse, peer pressure,

and societal demands against young people.

A lot has changed since 1985, however, so some aspects of the movie tend to come through

a lot differently nowadays than when you first screened it.

Meanwhile, others moments are perhaps even more relevant and important than ever now.

From offensive language to signs of dangerous aggression to exposing the pressures of adolescence,

here are the things you might notice about The Breakfast Club in the modern lens.

Slurs and stereotypes

LGBT depictions are pretty much non-existent in The Breakfast Club, but there are plenty

of gay slurs and stereotypes present in the film that probably wouldn't fly in a teen

drama now.

For one, a gay slur is prominently scrawled on John's locker, supposedly acting as a deterrent

to anyone who would want to break into it.

Then, John calls Vern a "brownie hound" toward the beginning of the film, and Andrew aims

a gay slur at John less than ten minutes later.

John retorts by commenting on Andrew's wrestling practice and saying:

"I have such a deep admiration for guys who roll around on the floor with other guys."

Even Brian participates in the gay shaming, genuinely surprised to learn that Andrew wears

"tights" as part of his wrestling uniform.


It's obvious to anyone watching The Breakfast Club that John gives Claire a hard time, but

he actually spends the entire movie harassing her in some really despicable ways.

He starts right off the bat by suggesting that they close the door and "get the prom

queen with child."

Then he starts taunting Andrew about his relationship with Claire.

"Come on sporto, level with me, do you slip her the hot beef injection?"

As if that's not bad enough, he then torments Claire about her name, weight, and even her

purity, and in graphic detail asks her about her sexual experiences until Andrew finally

steps in and tells him to leave her alone.

Later, he asks her if she wants to see a picture of "a guy with elephantitis of the nuts" and

asks her if she would date a man like that, noting that his testicles would have to ride


Then when she's eating sushi, he remarks:

"You won't accept a guy's tongue in your mouth and you're gonna eat that?"

Most egregiously, he puts his face in Claire's area when he is hiding under the table, forcing

her to physically resist him.

The fact that he gets the girl in the end is pretty disturbing indeed when you consider

all these terrible antics together like this.

True trauma

John Bender also had his own problems to deal with during the film, as the abuse he describes

from home has obviously caused him severe emotional, mental, and physical trauma.

This is most evident when he details what life is like for him at home, taking on the

roles of his two parents during a confrontation.

"You forgot ugly, lazy and disrespectful…"

"SHUT UP b**** go fix me a turkey pot pie"

That's some very disturbing verbal abuse to witness and endure.

Additionally, he later shows Andrew a scar on his arm, made by his father's lit cigar,

after he spilled paint in the garage.

The fact that no one's called Child Protective Services by the end of this movie is pretty

shocking, really.

Toxic masculinity

The Breakfast Club is not far off when it comes to its depiction of high school athletic

clubs and some of the pressures that are so often inherent in them.

So when John mocks Andrew about "missing the big meet," he probably has no idea what kind

of pressure cooker Andrew has been living in — and how the environment turned Andrew

into a bully.

"Just you and me.

Two hits, me hitting you, you hitting the floor."

That was the impetus to torture Larry Lester and tape his buttocks together for the amusement

of his father and teammates, who approve of the behavior even though it's abusive.

The pressure to succeed and be as tough as possible trumps empathy for other people.

"Guys screw around it's nothing wrong with that."

Perhaps that's partly why, as everyone else seems to enjoy their buzz during the pot scene,

Andrew is shown leaping over bookshelves, grunting, pumping his fists, and even unleashing

a barbaric yawp that shatters the glass in the door.

There's something boiling in that kid, and when all that angst and anger does present

itself, it's not going to be pretty.

"If I lose my temper you're totaled, man."



Bad teacher

Principal Vernon is the villain of the movie, and is fleshed out as an entitled, condescending,

and bitter person who resents his students and his station in life.

But he's also a dangerous man who could be arrested and charged for the way he treats

John Bender.

"Don't mess with the bull young man you'll get the horns."

For one thing, he threatens to shake the screw out of John's pocket after the door malfunctions,

which is pretty clearly a physical threat.

Then, after yelling at John and giving him two months of detention, he tells the other

students to go visit John in five years to "see how funny he is," insinuating that John

will be a failure.

Later, when they're alone, he asks John if he's going to cry.

Then he tells him he'll always be watching him, and promises that one day:

"I'm gonna kick the living s--- out of you man.

I'm gonna knock your d--- in the dirt."

John then asks him if he's being threatened, and Vernon replies:

"You think anyone's gonna believe you?

You think anyone is gonna take your word over mine?"

Just imagine the media frenzy that would unfurl if anything even resembling this happened

in today's climate.

Peer pressure

The pressure to succeed academically is not some fabrication or a predicament unique to

Brian's life.

"Well you get in there and you use the time to your advantage"

"Mom we're not supposed to study we're just supposed to sit there and do nothing."

"Well, mister you figure out a way to study."


In fact, the reality is that it can be overwhelming and all-consuming, and in some cases can drive

seemingly successful, thriving, and happy students to end their own lives.

So when Brian brings a gun to school after getting a failing grade on a shop project,

he joins the ranks of the many kids who have thought about self-harm as a way out of an

academically impossible situation.

Combining this with all of the other harrowing realities subtly addressed in this movie,

it's no wonder The Breakfast Club continues to remain so favored among teen drama cinephiles

… even if it does have some moments that are pretty controversial in retrospect.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Things About The Breakfast Club You Only Notice As An Adult - Duration: 6:15.


MAMAMOO - Mr.Ambiguous | 마마무 - Mr.애매모호[SUB: ENG/CHN/2017 KBS Song Festival(가요대축제)] - Duration: 2:34.


♪ Excuse me, but what did you ask me? ♪

♪ Excuse me, but what did you ask me? ♪

♪ Your eyes are confusing me ♪


♪ Mr. Ambiguous ♪

♪ Don't just look ♪

♪ Come closer ♪

♪ Are you into me or something? ♪

♪ There is a boy ♪

♪ Hello, Mr. Ambiguous ♪

♪ I have a lack of affection thanks to you ♪


♪ Mr. Ambiguous ♪

♪ Don't just flirt, go for it ♪

♪ Now, ladies and gentlemen ♪

♪ You've all been waiting ♪


♪ Let's get on with the show ♪

♪ Show, show, show, show ♪

♪ Darling, it's you ♪

♪ Why haven't you noticed yet? ♪

♪ Mr. Ambiguous ♪

♪ Stop confusing me ♪

♪ My love is for you ♪

♪ Why don't you see how I feel for you? ♪

♪ Oh, Mr. Ambiguous ♪

♪ Don't regret it ♪

♪ Run and hide or I'll find you ♪

♪ Tell me now, Mr. Ambiguous ♪

♪ Why are you being so twisted? ♪

♪ You're like a beret, don't test love ♪

♪ Just come to me now ♪

♪ You'll find love ♪

♪ Try the ceremony ♪


♪ Mr. Ambiguous ♪

♪ I think you have ♪

♪ A different girl, beside me ♪

Everyone, make some noise!

For more infomation >> MAMAMOO - Mr.Ambiguous | 마마무 - Mr.애매모호[SUB: ENG/CHN/2017 KBS Song Festival(가요대축제)] - Duration: 2:34.


¿Who are the Fate/Grand Order Servants? [Part 8] (192-198) - Duration: 13:05.

It's new years, I have nothing prepared, feeling kind of lazy, and editing these videos is basically automatic.

Besides I need all the luck I can get this Friday.

Come on karma, give me what is mine.

So, the Servants from Grand Order, the mobile game.

Super desperate edition.

I think all the screenshots this time come from As Nordik, because, well, lazy, so if you want to complain about someone's' luck, it's about his.

The Huns were a nomad tribe of warriors that lived through the 4th and 6th century, by traditions the Huns practiced a form of diarchy, where 2 rulers held the power, Attila was the nephew of kings Octar and Ruga,

and after the death of his uncle Attila and his brother Bleda rise to power, but after the death of his brother, according to some by his own hands, the leadership of the Huns falls solely on him.

The Huns didn't write, and were considered barbarians by their contemporaries, as such what we know of their people is limited to Attila's reign,

and worse, all the registers were written by their enemies, making it hard to know what's reality and what is myth.

Even if popular culture turned Attila and the Huns in brutal warriors with no intelligence, Attila's' reign was characterized by a notorious political skill,

and during years he was an ally of Rome, who led them to glorious military victories, while the Huns obtained their profits at a lower effort.

Altera, unlike the one in Extella, the Altera in Chaldea is explicitly the Heroic Spirit Attila the Hun.

Attila the Sun… ta. The free Servant from the Christmas event,

when a mysterious fever assaults Chaldea, Altera as one of the few unaffected Servants takes the role of Santa that year and head to the underworld with Fujimaru.

It's just Altera suffering from the classic moe anime fever, uguu, her ability to make choices is reduced, her tone is sweeter and more affectionate, and her wish to destroy civilizations gets reduced too.

If the regular Altera is 90% warrior and 10% woman, Santa is 60% a maiden.

Her NP is Candy Star Photon Ray, another application of the sword of mars, a Rank EX Anti-World Noble Phantasm that consists of sheep attacking.

Wait, what?

Nezha, the Marshal of the Central Altar, the Third Lotus Prince, one of the most famous and beloved figures in Taoism and Chinese Buddhism.

Born during the Shang Dynasty, son of Li Jing and Lady Ji, after a pregnancy of 3 years that led to a child instead of a baby.

When the Dragon King Ao Guang asked for children as an offering, his path accidentally crossed with the illogically strong Nezha,

who defeated the king's forces, enraged the king threatens to drown his village, and Nezha commits suicide to calm him down.

However, his master builds a new body for his soul from lotus roots, as well as granting him his iconic fire tipped spear and fire and wind rings,

giving birth to the image that is commonly associated with nezha, and granting the youth a second start.

Nezha, also known as Nata taishi, or Nataku by the Japanese.

To be specific this is Nezha after being revived by her master, while Nezha like Sanzang is commonly interpreted by women in theater, her gender in Fate is much more complicated.

Nezha was born as a man, her young self would be an impulsive Berserker, and her Lancer self clearly hates her attitude of old, after her suicide and following rebirth, Nezha was revived as a woman because…

well, her master didn't really care about such details.

That's good customer service.

While Nezha is proud of the body they built her, the whole deal about her rebirth is not something she likes to bring up.

Sun Wukong's self-appointed rival, someone who undeniably thinks through her fists, but also has a noble heart and a soft spot towards children,

her unique manner of speech is a result of her lines following the metric commonly seen in poetry.

Her NP is an attack that combines the abilities of her rings and spear, the technique she developed while fighting Wukong.

I clearly have no clue how it's pronounced.

In Mesopotamian mythology Ereshkigal is the goddess of Kur, the underworld, or Irkalla in posterior versions, who was said to rule alongside her husband Nergal.

The laws and judgment of Ereshkigal in her kingdom were absolute, and the story she's most remembered for is the descent of Innana to the underworld, Innana being one of Ishtar's counterparts.

Even so, the story is more about Innana than Ereshkigal, who is more of an obstacle than a proper character.

Ereshkigal, Rin's other pseudo-servant.

An antagonist and ally during Babylon, discovering the cause behind her change of attitude is the main focus of the Christmas event.

The ruler of the underworld, an introverted and passive individual, who dedicated herself completely to her role as a goddess of death.

Her fusion with Rin gave her a clearer image about morality, and also her iconic tsundere attitude.

Ereshkigal is fundamentally a good person, but a lonely one, in Babylon she tries to save mankind in her own way even against impossible circumstances,

and in Fate her past with Nergal simply consisted of her trying to obtain his powers over the sun, to make the underworld a better place for the souls stored there

with it's current dark appearance being the result of Nergal's trickery

An innocent goddess who will protect her master's light until the end of the days.

Her NP is Kur Kigal Irkalla, essentially another version of Ishtar's NP, instead of an attack from the heavens to earth, it's attack from the underworld against that above.

While it's weaker, it changes the terrain to the underworld, where Ershkigal's authority reaches it's max level.

Circe, one of the most famous sorceresses in greek myths, who mainly appears in the Oddyssey and it's derived stories.

The daughter of helios, famous for her medical knowledge and her tendency to turn into animals those who cross her.

During the events of the book, Circe invites Odisseus crew to a feast on her home, just to turn them into animals under her control,

but thanks to the help of one of his crew members and Hermes' advice, Odysseus reaches an agreement with the sorceress and his crew rests on the island for a year.

Caster of Okeanos, the famous, proud, and somewhat petulant witch of the Odyssey, her older brother is Medea's father, and her younger sister the Mother of Asterios,

and in her lines the idea of being called an aunt bugs her considerably.

As another apprentice of Hecate, her techniques are very similar to Medea's.

While she claims not to remember the arrogant Odysseus, her biography makes it clear the she did help him out of her own volition.

Selfish and manipulative, a jealous and possessive maiden, while her original interest in Salem is simply to save herself, both her playable self and the one in Salem grow attached to the protagonist at a fast pace.

Her NP is Metabo Piglets, that, well, turns her enemies into piglet.

Curiously her profile doesn't indicate she has divinity, and in Salem if you compare her to Hestia the idea of being like a goddess annoys her considerably.

Her art is done by Hidari.

Have I mentioned she's perfect?

The Queen of Sheba is a character from the Bible and Quran, Famous for her encounter with Salomon.

While she enjoys great fame, particularly in eastern countries, the version each region tells is very different.

The queen headed to Jerusalem, with an abundance of spices, gold and jewels, determined to prove the wisdom of King Solomon through her questions,

happy after the encounter, both kings exchanged gifts and the queen returned to her lands.

In other versions she converted to monotheism, or even married Salomon, there are so many differences from version to version that she doesn't even have a fixed name.

Caster of Midrash, the Queen of Sheba, an ally during Salem originally under the fake name Tituba.

Sheba is part djinn, which is the reason for her unique appearance, and her biography feels the need to clear up that her ears and tail are incredibly…


Like her myth counterpart, the Queen of Sheba is not a well defined character, both her and her biography dodge answering what her true relationship with Salomon was, but the respect they shared is undeniable,

and knowing that in a way her actions helped him gave her joy in Salem.

The Near-Future Observation Lens Sheba in Chaldea is named after her, and the emotions of the queen can affect it's functions, though curiously enough, Sheba was not created by Roman, but by Lev.

A business woman, her interlude focuses on her attempts to make an art trade business, so she can buy the camels she misses so dearly,

while that makes her similar to David, their personalities are rather incompatible.

Her NP are 3 djinn, who represent the questions she asked to Solomon.

Abigail Williams, was nobody.

Abigail and her cousin Betty were the first victims of witchcraft on Salem, the fits they suffered weren't' recognized by any doctor, and after reaching the conclusion that it was an act of sorcery,

the trial against Tituba, a slave of the family, and 2 other women became the first shots in the famous Salem Witch Trials.

The process that lasted barely over a year resulted in the death of 14 women during the 17th century, and the concept of Salem and witchcraft became synonymous to each other in popular culture.

The truth is that Abigail was only relevant in the first few cases, and there's no records of her past her 17 years, Abigail Williams was nobody for history.

In a not so smooth way, let us move to the end of the 19th century, in Rhode Island, Howard Phillips Lovecraft was born,

the youth soon lost his father due to his progenitor's psychotic episodes, apparently a symptom of an advanced syphilis.

The contradictory attitude of his mother, at times overbearing and at others completely distant, alongside his father's insanity

resulted in an unusual growth for the young Lovecraft who devoted himself fully to literature and the stars.

The undeniable social shortcomings of Lovecraft turned out to be the fuel of his literary creation, and while during his time he lived in poverty and without fame,

today his creations, particularly the Chtulu Mythos make him one of the most famous writers of the 20th century.

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"

Abigail Williams, the first Foreigner, and the main ally and antagonist during Salem.

Abigail Williams, was a nobody, the first victim of Salem, an event with a unknown cause, on her own Abigail wouldn't be a servant, her presence as a Foreigner is the result of the plan of the last Demon Pillar, Raum.

In the present Salem, Raum created a singularity that repeated itself, with the hopes of obtaining a vessel for an Outer God,

and while Lavinia Whateley also had the required purity, the Foreigner that came to be during the events of Salem was Abigail.

Her skills are inspired by Yog-Sothot, the all in one, the one who sees all, and her attacks and craft essence focus on the silver key found in Lovecraft's book.

Abigail's personality changes drastically from ascension to ascension, and the innocent youth of Salem can become a force capable of burning the world and bringing the most horrifying madness to reality.

But even at her worst, she has a fair heart, she's just confused, and her bond with her master is unbreakable.

The first one to make a lolicon joke has to buy me a guaranteed gacha.

Her NP is Qliphoth Rhizome, Qliphoth being an inverted version of the Kabbalah, an element that later authors compared to Yog-Sothoth

While her NP is Anti-World, Abby's consciousness is able to limit it to anti-unit.

Katsushika Hokusai was a painter during the Edo period, his most famous work is the 36 Views of Mount Fuji, a series of 46 wooden prints out of which The Great Wave of Kanagawa stands out the most.

His work guaranteed him fame in both Japan and the rest of the world, and other legends like Monet and Van Gogh were influenced by his work.

Katsushika Oi is the daughter of Hokusai with his second wife, who was not only an assistant to her father, but also an artist on her own terms,

and according to Hokusai he could never compare his talent to the beauty of his daughter's portraits.

The duo had a similar attitude, painting all day long, and caring little for material goods.

Hokusai the second foreigner.

I can't help but suspect that their presence In the tentacle class is a reference to that one painting we all know.

The Foreigner class didn't have a real explanation before Hokusai's arrival, Foreigner refers to those individuals that become hosts to the Gods of the Abyss without losing their humanity,

those that rather than being consumed by madness, consume madness.

In Fate the legacy and paintings of Hokusai belongs to both father and daughter, and both are summoned as a Servant, with the main body being Oi and the octopus Hokusai.

I promised myself I would make no Octodad jokes.

Another host compatible with the Outer Gods, and their quest suggests that THE painting was influences by their future guest, which in this case it's very possibly Chtulu.

While Hokusai's encounter with the Outer Gods was a result of Raum's plan, the presence of Oi was an outside factor, and the story of how the peculiar duo became Servants is told in their trial quest.

Their NP is the 36 views of Mount Fuji, the eternal legacy synonymous with the name Hokusai.

For more infomation >> ¿Who are the Fate/Grand Order Servants? [Part 8] (192-198) - Duration: 13:05.


If the Trump administration DOESN'T indict Hillary Clinton, Jame - Duration: 5:48.

If the Trump administration DOESN�T indict Hillary Clinton, James Comey, then the rule

of law in America is DEAD

Just days before he won his first presidential election, then-Sen. Barack Obama said he was

just �days away� from fundamentally transforming America.

Talking heads, politicos and pundits on the Right parsed his words in an attempt to figure

out just what he meant.

Eight years later, his meaning became clear: Obama sought to fundamentally transform America�s

institutions, culture, and justice system, and many believe he succeeded beyond even

his wildest dreams.

Particularly hard hit was the American justice system.

Obama, we now know, politicized every aspect of it by putting in place rank partisans who,

in carrying out the former president�s political objectives, ignored and buried substantial

violations of law that undoubtedly harmed U.S. national security in ways we may never

be able to fully gauge.

The best walking, talking examples of this are Hillary Clinton and James Comey.

Clinton, during her tenure as Obama�s first secretary of state, not only used her position

to pad her and her husband�s pocketbooks through their financial vehicle, the Clinton

Foundation, but in her quest for secrecy, she installed a private, unsecured email server

in her New York home and used it to conduct official business.

In the course of conducting that business, she handled scores of classified and confidential

information that she was never held accountable for, despite the fact that the FBI had discovered

evidence she violated several statutes pertaining to the handling of classified information.

As reported by The Hill, for the first time congressional investigators say they have

obtained written evidence that the FBI believed there were indications and additional evidence

some laws were violated when the former secretary of state for President Obama and her top aides

sent classified information through her unsecured private email server.

(Related: Hannity sez �People like Hillary Clinton should be nervous � People will

be going to jail� as GOP lawmakers find NEW �irregularities� and �contradictions�

in FBI�s EMAIL investigation (Video))

�That evidence includes passages in FBI documents stating the �sheer volume� of

classified information that flowed through Clinton�s insecure emails was proof of criminality

as well as an admission of false statements by one key witness in the case, the investigators

said,� as quoted by The Hill.

Then, of course, there is former FBI Director Comey, whom we now know planned to exonerate

Clinton from those crimes long before he announced that he would during a highly irregular July

2016 press conference.

In making that statement to the press, Comey laid out the bureau�s case against Clinton:

From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52

e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information

at the time they were sent or received.

Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were

sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential

information, which is the lowest level of classification.

The former FBI director would then go to make some incredible claims:

� That Clinton and her aides were not guilty of �gross negligence� in mishandling the

sensitive information, only of being �extremely careless.� We now know that initially, Comey

wrote �gross negligence� in an early draft, but that it was changed to �extremely careless�

by FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok.

This is important because �gross negligence� is language taken directly from the statutes

governing the handling of classified documents and therefore is legally actionable.

� Comey said �no reasonable prosecutor� would elect to prosecute Clinton.

That�s not his decision to make, it�s the attorney general�s decision (in this

case another Obama sycophant, Loretta Lynch).

� He also said the FBI did not find �evidence� that Clinton �intended� to mishandle classified


Intent doesn�t matter, and in fact, the statutes state clearly that intent makes no

difference (hence the �gross negligence� language).

After admitting that Clinton did indeed mishandle dozens of pieces of classified information,

he still didn�t recommend she be charged.

Barack Obama�s corruption of the Justice Department and FBI couldn�t be plainer.

Now just imagine how much he�s �fundamentally transformed� other institutions of government.

If the Trump administration doesn�t act against Clinton, Comey, and anyone else responsible

for serial violations of U.S. law, then we are no longer a nation of laws and therefore

no one should be prosecuted for anything.

J.D. Heyes is also editor-in-chief of The National Sentinel.

For more infomation >> If the Trump administration DOESN'T indict Hillary Clinton, Jame - Duration: 5:48.


SUPERGAANDE doet HILARISCHE cover van GORDON's 'Kon Ik Maar Even Bij Je Zijn' | Karaoke Box - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> SUPERGAANDE doet HILARISCHE cover van GORDON's 'Kon Ik Maar Even Bij Je Zijn' | Karaoke Box - Duration: 5:38.


SEVENTEEN's HipHop Unit - Check-In [SUB: ENG/CHN/2017 KBS Song Festival(가요대축제)] - Duration: 2:23.

Happy New Year!

♪ Stay seated ♪

♪ There's a cloud floating next to me ♪

♪ Success is 12km ♪

♪ Half a day, keep sitting until you die ♪

♪ I feel sore ♪

♪ Apple juice watching sing street ♪

♪ Time moves so slow ♪

♪ Things come to mind ♪

♪ I can't fall asleep ♪

♪ Hold up, hold up, hold up ♪

♪ It's too cold here ♪

♪ My friends are hot over the phone, ah yeah ♪

♪ The new ones are awesome ♪

♪ I have to say it to fall asleep ♪

♪ The small plane I looked up to ♪

♪ I'm riding it above people's heads ♪

♪ Everything looks small ♪

♪ How small was I? ♪

♪ Check-in Seoul city ♪

♪ Check-in Singapore city, Melbourne, Sydney ♪

♪ Check-in Manila city, Taipei, Auckland ♪

♪ Check-in, hell yeah ♪

♪ I check-in, I check-in, like oh ♪

♪ Find inspiration ♪

♪ I want to go right now ♪

♪ No matter where it is ♪

♪ I want to go right now ♪

♪ On to the next level ♪

♪ We've grown four times bigger ♪

♪ After seeing and feeling everything ♪

♪ I'm going to give it to you ♪

♪ Like floating on the sea ♪

♪ Above my head full of thoughts, useless baggage ♪

♪ Like burning it up ♪

♪ Most people say healing ♪

♪ That's what people call it ♪

♪ I also feel like that time ♪

♪ Is coming to me, it's a good feeling ♪

♪ I ride on that plane ♪

♪ But there's nothing else ♪

♪ Just excitement filled in my bag ♪

♪ Fill it up, fill it up ♪

♪ I change directions to solve the puzzle in my head ♪

♪ What pictures under those clouds ♪

♪ Will fill in my blanks? ♪

♪ Check-in Seoul city, that's my city ♪

♪ Check-in New York City, Tokyo, Osaka ♪

♪ Check-in Jakarta City, Taipei, Auckland ♪

♪ Check-in, hell yeah ♪

♪ I check-in, I check-in, like oh ♪

♪ Find inspiration ♪

♪ I want to go right now ♪

♪ No matter where it is ♪

♪ I want to go right now ♪

♪ On to the next level ♪

♪ We've grown four times bigger ♪

♪ After seeing and feeling everything ♪

♪ I'm going to give it to you ♪

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