Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 5 2018


Three whoa

Hey, yeah, yeah, what we got today you got the chop chop cutting fruits and vegetables sad you want to open it

What is that that's a cutting board

Stick your on your hand who this tape

What's that one

Green pepper good job

Great very good great

Strawberry good job nice pineapple, Oh careful

That's pepper red pepper hmm. It's very spicy, right

Very good green pepper and red pepper

That's eggplant

What's that one

Tomato a good job got tomato. Oh you can open them right. They're healthy for you

Can read good job

Yeah, you can open the carrot


Yeah, that's right carrot is yummy. Can I see you eat a carrot?

Yummy, right

Broccoli very good, oh you can eat it and so yummy, yeah

Oh you got a chip and restaurant and stone yummy, yeah

And what's that one? That's a pears. It's a fruit

It is so yummy

What's that one? You don't know that's Kiwi so that's your Kiwi

That's banana

Banana is what is it? Is it a fruit?

Yeah, banana is a fruit it's good for your tummy right right?

What's that huh food, but what is it it's a corn, yeah?

There what you got was that rat onion yeah, you can cook them

It is yummy

What's next Apple that green apple yeah

Was that one


That's a vegetable you can cook them and eat them and what is that one?

What's the last one?

You don't know

That's an orange yeah

You're gonna cut Oh

What do you cut orange?

All righty, and what's next tomato okay?


Now you're gonna cook banana, okay, be careful. Okay, don't cut your hands. Good job

Broccoli yay good. Yeah, awesome job cabbage


Hopefully stuck with banana good nice job. What's that one?

What does that one

Red onion yay

Carrot, okay

Careful don't touch your hand now whoa

Strawberry okay

That's baby strawberry okay, got it whoa?

What's that that's Kimmy yeah

Where's your Apple, okay? What's that?

strawberry nice

Was that that one oh

Yeah nice Oh

Yummy Kara


Three whoa


Well huh no cut your hands


Yay two more two more to go, what's that?


Yay did it one more

Luckily what is that?

Green pepper good for you, and what's that?

That's a pears. Where is it well another piece? I see it here. We go you see it, too

Good job you fix it back

What is that one is that pineapple what colors a pineapple oh?

Good job yellow

All right what next

Tomato yeah you put the tomato back together. What colors are tomato red good job red tomato

You got an extra carrot what Carl is a carrot? Oh good job orange?


What'd you find what is it? It's Kiwi yeah, it's a fruit called a Kiwi


What next

What is that I've best of all what is it called

It's a cabbage

That's right. What color's a cabbage

Good cabott is green

I and what's that? Oh run good? What colors orange?

Oranges color is orange mm-hmm

All righty what you got next what is that one more?

Cool boat that's yep

Lemon good job. What color is lemon yellow? Oh?


Strawberry what's the color? What's the color red? That's right?

What's in your hand broccoli the color the broccoli is

Green broccoli good

you had you

And I'll stir okay, you did it, that's good oh

All right, what next you got baby


What happened to the broccoli got it

That's banana, and what color is your banana Wow yellow banana good for you

Now what's that? That's eggplant and what color's your eggplant?

Purple very good, and what's the last one you got?

Good red pepper very good and would you have cutting board and a knife?

You're gonna cut again the eggplant don't cut your hand

Banana whoa

Onion good good for you. Oh that was good one

And with that red tomato good

Now that onion looked kind of like a purple

It's like a dark pink nice job. Yeah, yeah

And what's that one?

That's brown Kiwi


What's that red pepper a good job

What's that

Bye see you next time

For more infomation >> Cutting Fruit & Vegetable Kids Pretend Play Kitchen Learning Videos - Duration: 13:56.


Best Of EDM - TOP Bản Nhạc Điện Tử Gây Nghiện Khiến Bạn Đứng Ngồi Không Yên l EDM Music - Duration: 1:06:35.

For more infomation >> Best Of EDM - TOP Bản Nhạc Điện Tử Gây Nghiện Khiến Bạn Đứng Ngồi Không Yên l EDM Music - Duration: 1:06:35.


La storia di un eroe: Jordan Duncan - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> La storia di un eroe: Jordan Duncan - Duration: 4:44.


Lockbama · Ric Flair Drip (Offset & Metro Boomin Spanish Remix) (SIXfilms Exclusive Music Video) - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Lockbama · Ric Flair Drip (Offset & Metro Boomin Spanish Remix) (SIXfilms Exclusive Music Video) - Duration: 1:46.


Keto SuperCollab | How do we approach exercise? - Duration: 13:33.

I couldn't be more excited about today's video, because it's a collaboration with

five other awesome Keto YouTube pals, and it's starting right now. Hi, guys. Welcome

to A.D. Keto. My name is Aaron. Big welcome to you if this is your first time on the

channel, and especially a huge welcome to you if you're coming here from one of

the other five videos in this collaboration that we've done. There are

five other YouTube pals that are all putting together some videos, so if you

like what you see from my friends, check out their channels and subscribe. So what

the six of us are going to be talking about today in this video, on my channel,

is exercise, and how we approach it. Some of us might do cardio, some of us might

do strength training, some of us might do a combination of both, some of us might

do none of that. it really is kind of a unique thing to

talk about, because everyone has their own thing. Everyone does what works for

them. So to start it off, it's gonna be Kellie, who I know gets up at crazy hours

of the morning and destroys at the gym, and then is all smiles immediately after

on Instagram. So here's Kellie! [Kellie] Hey guys, it's Kellie, also known as

@kellie_keto on Instagram, and I had to put on my KETO athlete shirt to

answer this question. So you know, I am super into exercise. If you follow me on

Instagram, you'll see that I wake up at 4:30 every day to hit the gym before

work, but my exercise has changed significantly throughout my keto journey.

So when I was losing weight, I actually started out in a CrossFit gym, and I was

going to CrossFit. Started out at three times a week, moved up to five, to six

times a week about a year in, and then I went back to university, and I started

lifting on my own. So I've gone through quite a few different lifting programs. I

did StrongLifts 5x5, I did a six-day push-pull legs program, but most recently,

now that I'm in maintenance, what I've been doing is the strong curves program

by Brett Contreras. Unfortunately, when I lost 100 pounds, I would say about 95% of

that came from my butt. So I'm currently working on

doing a very lower body-focused program, and I'm absolutely loving it. I'm in the

gym five days a week, and I'm actually gonna be going up to six in the new year,

because I'm gonna be training for a 10k run. But honestly, exercise and eating

right, in my opinion, and for me, are so, so symbiotic. You know, when you eat right,

you want to exercise. And you exercise,you want to eat right. I just feel that

combined, they just make for a very healthy lifestyle. I am NOT saying that

you have to workout if you don't want to. I'm just a very big proponent of it,

because it makes me feel so good. And in addition to that, now that I'm in

maintenance, it's nice to have fitness goals to work towards, since I'm no

longer working towards a specific weight. So it's just something fun, something

that keeps me motivated and on track with keto. I just realized, you guys also

might be interested in knowing what I take pre-workout. So I don't take any

special pre-workouts. Honestly, with keto, you don't need anything really special.

Before I hit the gym, I have no food, and I just have a quarter teaspoon of salt,

and some water, and a 200 milligram caffeine pill. So you can basically feel

colors, and you're good to go. [Joanna] Hey guys. Joanna, also known as @KetoinCanada

here. If you hear a little boy in the background, that's Carter. Sorry, he won't

leave the room. Mom problems. We're talking exercise on

keto! The first six months that I was on keto, I did not do a lot of exercise. I

would very clearly say to people that my weight loss has been 100% (at

that point) diet-related, which was 50 pounds in six

months. Sitting on the couch, for the most part. I did do a weekly yoga class, and I

did do a weekly Barre class. Which, if you don't know what bar is, it's pretty

awesome, if you're a girl. I can't really see a guy doing it. It's kind of a

ballet-related class. It uses resistance bands and very small movements. But it is

hard. It looks easy, but it's hard. in July, I started a couch-to-5k program, where I

spent eight weeks... was it July? It might have been a little bit towards the end

of July. An eight-week running program, couch-to-5k, to run a 5k run. I ended up

running a 5k run in the beginning of October, and knocked seven

minutes off my prior 5k run time, which was from when my son was younger, so

three years prior. So that was awesome. And now I've just recently got a

membership to Good Life Fitness Clubs, where I'm doing some group fitness

classes, hot yoga, and also some heavy weight lifting with my husband. So I

think once you lose the weight on keto, you start to really feel good about

yourself, and then you want to get toned. So you decide to start working out a

little bit more. But I don't do anything different when I work out. I still eat

the same diet. I am still trying to lose a little bit of weight, so that's how I

exercise on keto. Now let's check out what Scott does. [Scott] Thanks, Joanna. So to

exercise or NOT to exercise. THAT is the question.

My answer to that, and... do I exercise? The answer is no. When I started keto, I

really needed to find something that allowed me to focus on what and how I

ate. I had, prior to going and starting keto, I was doing Beachbody, and was

doing exercises, and was going to the gym, and was trying to limit my calorie count

and limit what I ate, and I was just... I was... I was tired all the time. Working, you

know, a professional job, upwards of 50 hours a week, getting home, spending time

with family, and not really focusing on my stuff until later at night. It just

wasn't working for me. I was just so tired. So I decided -- I made a conscious

effort to not exercise, and to specifically focus on what I ate, and the

ketogenic way of eating totally fit that bill, and really really allowed me to

hone in on what I ate, how I ate, even when I ate.

I take that back. I did a couple of cycling training rides. I do the MS 150

every year, which is 168-mile bike ride over two days. So I did that this year. I

wasn't gonna NOT do it, but I kept... I kept that a ketogenic ride as well, but I only

trained for that a couple of days. I should have trained a lot more. But I

didn't. So for me, it's no exercise. My son's looking to start running, so I

think I'm going to try and start running with him, and train with him. And yeah. So

it just goes to show that, you know, it is true what they say: 80% of weight loss is

in the kitchen. So get after it! [Caleb] Oh, you like my shirt? Hey I am Caleb Busie.

Instagram name right here. I'm so excited to do this collar, and I'm

really excited to answer Aaron's question. So Aaron wanted to know how we

all do... like, exercise on keto, and how it's all different. I know that he runs,

and that's really awesome. I'm not much of a runner. I'm more of a lifter. So the

the people like Goodie Beats and Jason Wittrock really stick out to me, because

they can stay so shredded, and they can be vascular, and feel awesome while also

doing keto. I would say that working out was probably the hardest thing for me to

do on keto. When I first started, my energy levels dropped, my strength

dropped, I was very upset in the gym, because I could only you know, do like

half of the workout that I was doing normally. And so I had to condition my

body differently, and so when you start getting into that, and you start doing

keto, you'll find that out. If you're a weight lifter now it doesn't stay like

that, and things change, and so take hold in that, and have hope that it's gonna get

better. But just be prepared. If you were

thinking about doing keto, if you're not doing keto right now, or if you want to

lift weights and you're doing keto, your strength is gonna be really low.

Carbohydrates DO help to improve vascularity and blood flow in certain

senses, so when you restrict carbs, your body has to do a different kind of

mechanism to try to get that. By making sure that you have your electrolytes,

that helps a lot. You can still get the normal workout pump that you like. Make

sure you have your salt. You know, I would...I take creatine, and so doing those

things really help with working out when you first start. Because it really, really

is hard doing keto and doing, you know, like a workout / exercise-type thing when

you first start. It gets better, and you figure it out, but when you first start,

it is tough. And so I want to be real with you guys and let you guys know

that. BUT: Iove keto. [Britt] I'm Britt, also known as @keto_bee on Instagram, and I

absolutely work out with keto. But I didn't start that way. When I started

keto, I didn't work out at all. I was pretty determined to lose weight not

exercising. And then eventually, as I started losing weight,

I started feeling more agile, and I wanted to work out. So I ordered an

exercise bike off of Amazon for like $200, and I started using it pretty

regularly. That led to my partner and me getting a gym membership, because I got

tired of only doing the bike, and I really wanted to lift weights. And guys, I

love the feeling of lifting weights. Of besting myself when I workout. Of pushing

myself to lift more, and for just feeling that strength in my body. Oh my gosh.

So I started keto November 2016, and I didn't get a gym membership until

September of 2017. so that's quite a few months without going to the gym. Feeling

stronger is something that is so empowering. My balance has improved since

I've been working out, and I just feel like I can bend more, and I can move more,

and I can lift more. It has been such a positive thing to add to my keto

lifestyle, and it makes me feel like I'm like, physically doing something to make

my body become more efficient, to make m body stronger. And yeah. put on those

headphones and work. Work, work, work, work, work...

That's all I have to say about keto and exercise for the day. Let's see what

Aaron does for exercise while he's on keto. [Aaron] Thanks, Britt. My exercise of choice

has long been running. I've been a runner for probably seven or eight years. I

started out really slowly. You know, I was really overweight back in about 2010,

2011, and started trying to get into shape just by running. I didn't know what

I was doing, but I started out slow. I did kind of a Couch-to-5k program, and slowly

and gradually, built my way up to being able to run a 5k with pretty... you know,

decent regularity. You know, I kept going. I had lost weight, I was feeling better

about myself, and I signed up to do the Hudson-Mohawk

Marathon, here in New York's Capital District. I finished, even though it did

feel terrible, and I swore that I would never run a marathon again. And then I

just kind of let myself go. I stopped exercising, really kind of just started

eating pizza and junk, up until earlier this year when I found keto, and

rediscovered running, and REALLY discovered what it was like to be fat-

adapted when running, which was a revelation. I suddenly felt like, even

though I was running maybe... not as quickly before... as I had done before. Like,

my performance wasn't as good as it was in the past. But I felt like I

could run forever. It was crazy to have all of this available fuel

ON me, and just be able to run seemingly as long as I wanted to. These days, I try

to get out on the weekends for a long run, somewhere around 10 miles. Sometimes

I'll take it up to 13 miles, and being fat adapted is a big reason why I feel

so good doing that. I have a lot of energy, and again, I just

feel like I can run forever. But it was a slow and gradual buildup, even once I

started keto. I didn't jump right in and start running long distances. I kind of

built my way up, but it was a much quicker escalation. And you know, I told

myself I would never run a marathon again, but now I'm starting to rethink

that, and maybe I will in the future, at some point. But if you're just starting

out running, take it slow, and work your way up toward whatever your goal might

be. So that is the end of our crazy exercise collaboration. Huge thanks to my

other five pals who talked about their stuff. We put together six videos all

together, so please -- I urge you to check out the videos on each of my friends'

channels. They're each hosting one. I'm in all of them, all of them are in all of

them. It's a super-cool and fun collaboration that we did. And do check

those out links to all of those videos, and to all of their channels. They'll be in

the description below. And that's gonna wrap it up. I really hope you like this

video. Hope you liked all the other videos too.

I hope you have a fantastic day, and I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Keto SuperCollab | How do we approach exercise? - Duration: 13:33.


Recebi Presentes da Amiga Oculta Pelo Mundo/ I Received a Gift Fom my Secret Friend. - Duration: 9:49.

Hi guys!


What do we have today, Christiaan?

A gift!

Mommy got a gift!


Hi guys you know that I participated in a

secrete friend. And...

My gift arrived.

So, we will open it and show you..


Christiaan, are we going to open it?

Yes!! yeah!!!

Can you take it?

Come, give me the scissor. Yes..

Can we try to do it together?

Yes, may I have the box?


Be careful, maybe there is something in there that can break.

Did you hear that? Yes.

Come sit down.

This cool. Yes..

Come sit with mom, sit near me.

Okay Christian will sit near me.

And I will open the gift.

Okay , here is the box. I already opened it.

I got my gift from Alexar

And I sent a gift to Penelope.

Let's see what it is.


I will open this.

What is it? What do you think?

I don't know.

Open it. I think it's a very precious(costly).

Do you think it's a precious thing?

Can you turn it around.

I think I know what it is.

O que é?


That's delicious! Thank you..

Thank you...

Look at my son!

Chocolate monster!

let me see.


I think there is a lot in it.

Yes, I think the same. We will see later.

I also came with a card. Wait Christiaan.

Wait, wait son...

Dear Jú. I wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a happy new year . Kisses.

Kisses Alexa and thank you.

Thank God everything went well.

Mom, for you!

Oh for me!

Yes. for me...

Look, this is a sponge.

Thank you Alexa. Now I am going to do more make up.

Look I also got a mascara.

Here we call it Mascara, I don't know the name in Portuguese.

Mascara. Thank you.

It is... let me see.


Oh so nice, from covergirl.

A card.

I already read this. Do you know you know what's on it

Dear Jú. I wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

kisses Alexa.

Are you going to dance? Do a happy dance. To show how happy you are.

Here. Do it.

Can you also do the Angolan dance?


Stand up.

I also go this

table clothes.

It's beautiful. With embroidery

There is also a book!

A book, it's a calendar.

Do you know which country it is?

Which one? Switzerland.

There you got married!...

No... we didn't got married there.


Wait, wait...

This is in Switzerland

Okay guys, this is a calendar... from Zwitserland.

My son doesn't even let me talk.

Oh beautiful

Thank you. Nice.

I don't have this kind of things my friend.

I don't have..

I don't have because I don't use so much make up.

Thank you.


You need to explain me how to use this.

Oh wow. look at Christiaan he found his gift.

I think this is yours.

This is for you...

This is for you. Who is this?

Who is this? NEMO.

It's Nemo..

It's a puzzle.

What do you say to Alexa.

Thank you Alexa.

Yes, well done.

Come here Christiaan.

Okay guys, I love my gift.

But, mom! you may also play this game...

Yes. It's okay. We will play together.

That's kind of you.

Okay, I am starting with this.

Eating chocolate.

Christiaan: It's also mine!

Then I will exercise with the make up.

Mom! this chocolate is also mine...

Oh really?

And also yours...

Oh really. You are very smart.

Okay, guys. This is all.

I loved being part of this secret friend.

Because, they are ladies that I met here on YouTube.

in one way or another we have become friends.

That we share a lot.

about life on YouTube and life outside YouTube

They are my YouTube sisters...Thank you.

I will put their links down below.

I will leave the links down below, so you can visit them.

So you can see what they got.

So thank you for watching.

If you are not subscribed to our channel. Please don't forget to subscribe...

On this side... the red button.

And live your like and share the video..

I will finish this video here.

bye... bye guys..

Kisses, send kisses!!

Bye. Say bye aunty Alexa...

Christiaan also? Yes...

We can also play this. Yes we can play this...

With a big bubble!!!!

Look Christian, Look!

Which one do you want?

I want?

Do you also want this. Yes I want this one too.

Take one.

It's very difficult to choose.

Oh that one... okay!

And I will start with this one... Let me taste it..

This is a special chocolate from Switzerland.



I also think it's delicious.

This one is with nuts.

And this almost like...



Like coffee?

May I taste it?

It's delicious...

I want to taste more, soon.

Don't you want another one?

Don't want to give this to mom?

May I have this one?

And you will get mine.


Okay let's share...


For more infomation >> Recebi Presentes da Amiga Oculta Pelo Mundo/ I Received a Gift Fom my Secret Friend. - Duration: 9:49.


Professional Thumbnail Generator for YouTube Tutorial- Using TubeBuddy Ft. Kamachi Kanish (ENGLISH) - Duration: 4:25.

So check this out guys we are back on a brand new episode on the channel and today I'm going to show you guys how?

you can create professional looking thumbnails

and we'r starting right now!

So before we start off please subscribe to the channel to know more YouTube tips for more Clash Of Clans and more YouTube tips

And you we're going to start right now and it begins with professional thumbnails with the use of TubeBuddy,here!

funny video Indian railways

We're going to create a thumbnail for this one

So as you install TubeBuddy,your software

there is an option here create thumbnnail just click on this one button there is three options to make thumbnail

First, Still Frame from the video,a solid color or an image

So I'm gonna choose a still frame from the video you can change it from here also

down here

So we're going to choose one frame from the video

Like this one and we're going to just continue by the continue button in the top right top right bottom and

There is three layer

Options we get first text,second image,third shapes. So first Let's go for shapes and you

You're just going to

Take a square and

Make it up drop it like here

We're going to make it small I

Really going to put really broad, and I'm when you go for text and return to type her funny really

And you don't you add a text out here we're going to change them

We went in the color and we're going to change the font to

And we're going to make it small I

Just did link to square a big and

Fitted it in the box, so we're going to

Just add a layer of our.. we are going to add a layer of TubeBuddy here and our logo channel logo

like this

And we're going to add a text like subscribe

Kind of like this we're going to add it to now

We're going to add TubeBuddy logo down here that there's choose file and desktop I

Think you got a TubeBuddy

Here is the TubeBuddy logo and when it gets to the top

We are going to remove the in channel logo and ready

Here we go

We're going to add a logo

Like this

etc. etc. so

We're going to continue here, and you could publish it

from going a bit

Here and it's published

As easy as that

But make sure you subscribe to the channel and we're going to be back in another video

until then peace out

For more infomation >> Professional Thumbnail Generator for YouTube Tutorial- Using TubeBuddy Ft. Kamachi Kanish (ENGLISH) - Duration: 4:25.


ইমামতির বিধান || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 58:46.

For more infomation >> ইমামতির বিধান || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 58:46.


Movies That Went Way Too Far - Duration: 5:26.

Hollywood has definitely ramped up the amount of on-screen gore and violence over the years,

but there've been a few movies that managed to exceed anyone's expectations.

Some movies live on in infamy for taking things just a bit too far.

Thanks to some supremely excessive brutality, here are some films that have become unforgettable

for all the wrong reasons.

"Hold onto your butts."

Old Boy

When we're talking about Old Boy, we're of course referring to Park Chan-wook's timeless,

jaw-dropping film, and not the unfortunate Spike Lee remake.

For those unfamiliar with the Korean revenge flick, a deadbeat, alcoholic dad gets abducted

and locked in a tiny hotel room for 15 years straight with no rhyme or reason as to why

he's been imprisoned there.

Understandably, as soon as he's released, he immediately sets out on a revenge mission

and finds one of the people hired to keep him in confinement.

To get back at him, he whips out a claw and hammer and goes to town on the man's mouth

… and, let's just say the resulting scene makes your worst trip to the dentist look

like a vacation to Disney World.

Fight Club

David Fincher's Fight Club had its fair share of scenes that went too far.

It spliced single frames of stuff into various parts of the movie, and its underground

fights had just enough meat-smacking oomph to them that viewers felt every blow.

Edward Norton's unnamed, everyman protagonist had a lot of pent-up rage against the world,

and he was finally starting to let it trickle out after learning the ways of the travelling

soap salesman, Tyler Durden.

Perhaps the most grueling moment of the movie, though, happens when Norton's character faces

down Jared Leto's "Angel Face" and pounds him into absolute oblivion, going well beyond

the established rules of Fight Club.

Norton's fists bashing into the man's once-pristine visage until it's a bloody pulp of bruises

and broken teeth easily leaves viewers stupefied by the narrator's sadistic, relentless assault.

Human Centipede

If you're unfamiliar with the premise of The Human Centipede, a quick Google image search

should be able to convey the sick experiments done by the film's maniacal villain.

Three tourists get drugged and imprisoned by a mad German surgeon who hopes to create

a new life form by sewing people together.

So, the devilish dude stitches the poor trio into succession from mouth-to-butt, with the

hopes that they form one single digestive tract.

And, as you might imagine, things don't go exactly to plan.


I'm really sick."

It's just as abhorrent and barf-worthy as you'd expect.

And the sequels only get worse from there.

Dead Alive

Before Peter Jackson became a household name with the Lord of the Rings, he directed a

series of low budget B-movies and horror flicks.

The most noteworthy of his earlier films would have to be Dead Alive.

This splatter flick focused on a man whose mother gets bitten by a Sumatran Rat-Monkey

and spreads an undead plague throughout town.

The central character then goes to absurd lengths to save himself and his girlfriend

from the decaying, cannibal horde.

And as gross, macabre, and fun Dead Alive is, its most messed up part would have to

be when a zombie baby rips its way out of the face of a poor victim at our hero's house.

Just use your imagination to figure out how the creature got in there, and kiss your appetite

goodbye forever.

The Exorcist

William Friedkin's groundbreaking horror film broke barriers and introduced a new kind of

terror that moviegoers were simply not ready for.

Linda Blair's portrayal of 12-year-old Regan MacNeil's demonic possession was unlike anything

fans had ever seen.

Little Regan's various stages of transformation and torture were both vivid and terrifying.

And the movie-loving world would be hard-pressed forget her gravity-defying levitation, that

360-degree head rotation, and all the projectile vomit.

And yet, all of it paled in comparison to the most shocking and controversial part of

The Exorcist…that crucifix scene.

When it comes to possession-centric violence, it just doesn't get any worse than that.

A Serbian Film

Now, here's a movie that might just be better left unseen altogether if not for its technical


A Serbian Film tells the story of a semi-retired porn star who is at the end of his rope financially

and decides to film some kind of artsy film that he isn't used to making.

For some reason, the art film's creators need a man of his "talents," and it isn't until

he reaches the set when he finds out why.

The art project is actually a snuff film, filled with horrific things no one should

ever get any kind of enjoyment out of watching, or filming.

Writer-director Srdan Spasojevic has said that the film's controversial violence is

symbolic of the Serbian people's horrific mistreatment by their government.

He wanted to create the opposite of the dull, predictable, and uninspired flicks made by

his countrymen, but unfortunately, the rest of the world didn't care for this graphic


A Serbian Film has since been banned in multiple countries and pulled from the shelves of most

major movie retailers.


Director Lars Von Trier is accustomed to controversy, with a filmography that includes projects

like Dogville, Melancholia and Nymphomaniac.

But his 2009 film Antichrist is the project that pushed viewers to the very brink of their


Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg portray a couple who mourn the loss of their toddler,

who fell to his death while they were getting hot and heavy.

The father is a therapist who decides to help his traumatized lover by taking her to a cabin

in the woods.

What happens there forces the mourning mother off the deep end.

Gainsbourg's character eventually tortures herself and her lover in all kinds of appalling

ways, and the part that'll really make you cry occurs when Dafoe's crown jewels get smashed

to bits by a giant block of wood.

"I think I'm going to be sick."

Surprisingly enough, things actually do get worse from that point forward because this

movie just couldn't stop at tortured nether regions alone.

Of course not.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Movies That Went Way Too Far - Duration: 5:26.


Essence Of Murli 06-01-2018 - Duration: 7:20.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 6th January 2018

( Sweet Sweet Baapdada says even a serpant sheds its old skin and adopts a new one. Similarly in today's Murli Baba says.. )

Essence:Sweet children, your bodies have now become completely old.

The Father has come to make your bodies as immortal as the kalpa tree.

You will become immortal for half a cycle.

Question:Which aspect of this wonderful play is well worth understanding?

Answer: Only once, at this time, can you see the faces of all the actors of this play.

You will see those same faces after 5000 years.

There will be the 84 faces of 84 births and each one of them will be different.

Even the performance of one cannot be the same as another's.

Whatever actions are performed, those actions will be repeated after 5000 years.

These aspects are really worth understanding.

Now that the locks on the intellects of you children have opened, you can explain these secrets to everyone.

Song: The Innocent Lord is unique

Essence for dharna: 1. We are the lights of the eyes, the long-lost and now-found children of both the incorporeal and corporeal fathers.

Maintain the intoxication of having become Shiv Baba's heirs while alive.

2. Claim the kingdom of the world with the power of yoga. ( not by violence or war )

Since you have had a rakhi tied for purity, you must tolerate a little. Don't ever become impure.

Blessing: May you be a responsible soul who reveals the great pilgrimage place by stabilizing in one thought.

This Abu is a lighthouse for the world. ( Abu is where headquarters of Brahma Kumaris is located, In India )

In order to reveal this great pilgrimage place,

every Brahmin soul has to have the one thought that all souls find their true destination here and that everyone is benefitted.

When the lamp of this pure hope is ignited in each one and there is everyone's co-operation,

there will then be success is the task.

Let the sound emerge in each one's mind. This is my responsibility.

When each one considers the self to be responsible in this way, the rays of revelation will then spread everywhere from Abba's (Father's) home.

Slogan: Imbibe the speciality of introspection and you will continue to receive everyone's blessings.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 06-01-2018 - Duration: 7:20.


1v1 SURPRISE TRAP KILL ENDING! (Fortnite: Battle Royale Funny Moments) - Duration: 12:15.

For more infomation >> 1v1 SURPRISE TRAP KILL ENDING! (Fortnite: Battle Royale Funny Moments) - Duration: 12:15.


Overwatch presenta: Jordan Duncan - Historia de un héroe (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Overwatch presenta: Jordan Duncan - Historia de un héroe (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 4:44.


L'histoire héroïque de Jordan Duncan (VOST) - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> L'histoire héroïque de Jordan Duncan (VOST) - Duration: 4:44.


GIAPPONE NAZISTA : parliamo con Marco Togni della Svastica Giapponese - Duration: 7:48.

If we talk about swastika our thoughts are immediatly toward Hitler

or Indiana Jones that fights against the Nazis

but the origin of this icon has nothing to do with the World War II

you can find it on Buddha statues

on his feet or on his chest

or on many street signs,

just to indicate that near there is a temple

and you also need to open Google Maps in Japan

and for sure the buddhist statue doesn't draw back the Nazism

in this video we have also Marco Togni's help

and together they will reveal the meaning of this symbol.

what are you talking about?

today we're speaking about swastika

theme song!

"the swastika for me isn't important you know!"


maybe I can put the new song of my album IF

that Marco bought and he listens to it every day!

and he also has it twice on his iPhone

which one is your favourite song? - the third!

yes, indeed, he likes a lot Alive

we shot this video in Trentino (Italy)

oh I saw that video, it's in the wood right?

it's not out yet...(yes it is)

when he talks about songs that where shoot inTrentino, just say to him

"ah the video in the wood, because he only shoot mv in the woods"

it's not true the last one I did it

in an abandoned school,

in a psychiatric hospital,

at the Pergine castle

and at the Maso Toresella

they also gave us the permission, so I didn't pay that much

Hi guys and welcome to a new video of Sebastiano Sarafini in Japan

ft. Marco Togni!

stop with that sign! - isn't the swastika like this?

stop it! it's not nice!

ok, the swastika in Japan is called Manji

-yes, the swastika

yes, the swastika...

it's not that bad sign, it was used by the Nazis

- so you actually say that the swastika isn't a bad sign?

well well...- are you serious??

you're so bothersome! I say things that I don't want to!

ok, at their origin this sign wasn't a nazi sign!

it symbolized eternity

-of the nazism?

no, before that! the swastika wasn't invented by the nazis, you know?

-really? no no

they invented that the hebrew doesn't count...

(ok, let's stop, we can't talk about this topic!)

(because it seems like every word we say could be use against us)

let's retry!

what are we going to talk about, Marco?

today we are speaking about the swastika!

it's my favourite symbol/icon

but it's not referred to the nazism

because the swastika in Japan is -

it means eternity (man = 10.000 and ji= kanji sign that symbolizes eternity)

it's a buddhist sign, that you can find also in china and also in India

but because of some tourists that see this sign on the maps in Japan

that actually indicates the temples,

people think that this is a meeting place for the nazis? know that the Japanese goverment

on the occasion of the Olympics,

they are thinking to remove them

-I think it's a good thing

however...the symbol is not exactly like the swastika

- no the one at the temple looks alike!

no no it's turned to the left

first of all the swastika that the nazis used

it's the swastika turned right by 45 °

and the one that exist since the 20th century

in Japan the one on the left is used,

apart from India, where they use the right one

- however you can find the other one!

maybe some, because they are engraved on the buddhas

and also on the sole of their feet

but now they use only the one turned left

the one on the right symbolizes love (omote)

and the other one on the left symbolizes intelligence (uramanji)

(now I check)

yes it's like that! the one on the left symbolizes intelligence

and the one on the right symbolizes love

all the people that come to Japan, I see that when I do some tour

the swastika! O.o

it has nothing to do with that!

it's like saying that all crosses symbolize the satanism!

it's not like that the cross is satanist!

they took it from that!

yes, swastika in fact exists from a very long time since Buddhism is an ancient religion

but in Japan they want to remove it from google maps

and also from cellphones

because in Japan right now if you type MANJI on your phoen these two symbols can appear: 卐 卍

the younger generation of Japanese people don't know about this facts,

because they don't study it in the school,

instead in Germany they study it at school and it's a very delicate topic

and students study Nazi in many different aspects

but in Japan they don't

obviously since it is in the other side of the world

altho they very part of the WW2

but maybe in Germany they don't teach as much about WW2 from the Japanese perspective

anyway young Japanese often use this character of MANJI to say MAJI which is the slag form of "REALLY"

so if you see a girl that send you a swastika in her text messages

don't overthink about that, she probably just wants to tell you "oh really?"

Japanese Lesson !

I hope they will remove it from cellphones and maps

I don't think they should, cos Japanese has been using that symbol from thousands of years

like having the moustache like hitler

let me tell you something now

a while ago I've taken this photo

I gonna tell you this stody cos is inherent to this video

it's a crazy story

I've taken before a photo with moustache

and my hair pull on one side

i'll send you the pic, you should add it to this video, here is the photo

as soon as I've uploaded it on instagram I've recieved a notification from instagram saying

for the rules of our community this photo is inappropriate

and they've deleted it, but it was just me with mustache

I mean only cos they were similar somehow to hitler, is not that from now on we have to remove them for a milion of years

ehm... I mean let's say it is a very delicate topic and it's hard for me to say anything about that

because let's say you meet one of the survivors who has experience being a Jew during ww2

ok, but am I allow to decide on my hair style?

ehm, I mean if you did it unconsciously that's somehow ok, but if you do it to look like hitler it is not ok


in my opinion if you like it and you do it as fashion statement you should be able to do it

and that's why to me swastika is an historical symbol, they've always used it and they should keep on using it

in my opinion I think is a very delicate topic, and to me...

-difference of opinion me they should keep in temples, and buddha statues and

they should add signs that explains foreigners what does swastika means to Japanese peopel

but I would say, let's take it down from cellphones and google maps

yes, I agree

but buddha statues that has been there for thousands of years,

they shold NOT remove them, since that symbol didn't have any meaning connected to nazi

anyway as I said it's a very delicate topic and I'm sure you all have your own opinions

and that's why we would like you to share your thoughts in the comment section below

please comment and subscribe to this channel

see you tomorrow with a new video at 2 pm (GMT+1)

For more infomation >> GIAPPONE NAZISTA : parliamo con Marco Togni della Svastica Giapponese - Duration: 7:48.


Tráiler DavuuWart 2018 + Resumen del 2017 - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> Tráiler DavuuWart 2018 + Resumen del 2017 - Duration: 9:21.



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For more infomation >> MINA & MOMO (TWICE) BEST FRIENDS BEAUTIFUL GRIL - Duration: 8:57.


Getting Tested For STDs [VOD: Jan 4, 2018] Part 1 - Duration: 5:24.

FlamingThunderop : told you ;)

Viresture : LIVE POGGERS



WhackASmack1 : TriHard TriHard TriHard


dotcombubble : LIVE POGGERS

retz01 : :O

Acolina87 : HI MITCH <3

NOXITEZ : thank you

Cheese_Pasta : LIVEEEE

fappyfeeet : madamVIR madamGIN

MatdogHD : <3

Sparkes : PagChomp

Castrule : POGGERS

Vertoneo : Here comes the cancer fanbase

Cylax : mitch, what keyboard is that

pastapenguinn : ResidentSleeper

Sparkes : PagChomp LIVE

SkullSmasher375 : I love you dude thank you for what you do!


praisefeeder : squadG

beta_sausage_fest : right as forsen signs off LUL

aaAHHAAA : Kreygasm

MatdogHD : POGGERS <3

MaxWtk : PogChamp

JohnnyWhinkel : DAAAD


lcabbage : TriHard

iNocturne : its focusing alot hard to tell @MitchJones

NDGHD : The take over

Qwertzuasd : sup mitch

AtriceHD : mitchHey

Jewishrambo : mitch it wont work

fappyfeeet : looks a okay

froggev01 : i got the bag


WhackASmack1 : squadW DOG SHIT squadW DOG SHIT

hideAttack : k

Blezie : <3

daviduwu : POGGERS

coholy : GGX

Eyther72 : Eyyoo <3

Enuhgee : wuddup

FlamingThunderop : <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

aaAHHAAA : squadG

jakey_boi97 : 1080p cellphone LUL

Sparkes : squadW DOG SHIT

kitekiha : are you on wifi or did u get a backpack

aaAHHAAA : squadG squadG squadG squadG squadG squadG

Nirrta : 4Head

Mgtow_NoFap : use your Spit to clean the lense squadHey


fappyfeeet : scuffed as fuck boi madamFEELS madamFEELS

cyberrain : tyler1SSJ GGX UR DED SON

Cheese_Pasta : it looks pretty good actually

Tmini76 : ITS ONYL 30 FPS

Jewishrambo : LIGHT WutFace

comjo : hello daddy

icyspike9 : PogChamp

Jewishrambo : qIT BURNS

aaAHHAAA : WutFace

Luckyminten : 160 P LUL

Eyther72 : SUNSHINE WutFace

JohnnyWhinkel : Autofocus off


kitekiha : k bye ResidentSleeper

froggev01 : piss

austindrag1 : !uptime

qasdew21 : 10

Viresture : @RACISM_IS_NOT_FUNNY_Cx see you all the time in here homie, feel the love

Mhat : 10

KevinsWully : 9

fappyfeeet : madamVIR madamGIN /10

dotcombubble : 10

Ashlikesnows : LUL

Stoumlol : 7

Cylax : kind of shit

niceBOBSman : 8

KevinsWully : Solid 9 mitch

Knightrain : 8

ImaGod : 8

godelizer : holy fuck/10


iNocturne : @RACISM_IS_NOT_FUNNY_Cx cmonBruh

z4masu2 : haHAA

MrJonoo : 7

JohnnyWhinkel : Take autofocus off bro


Klindfire1 : Oh shit wadup

iEvenLift : 7.5

jayj3040 : MITCH JONES

Jewishrambo : its good, but it may be usntable


McDohI : no

stbenets : well it's not 1080p, is it?

Tmini76 : ITS ONLY 30 FPS

MrJonoo : TriHard 7

PutMeInCoachPls : here we go OMEGALUL

Hello_im_nix : FFF

VirtuousMonkey : 7.5

jayj3040 : REDDIT JONES

SudoMudo : NOT 60

hideAttack : wow

TheyCallMeBrainiac : tyler1B1 mitchD tyler1B2

fappyfeeet : APE GANG

aaAHHAAA : squadG squadG squadG squadG

partyman606 : D:

Srtiens : not 60 fps

raikezxd : mitchApe mitchApe mitchApe mitchApe mitchApe mitchApe mitchApe mitchApe

VirtuousMonkey : APE GANG


daviduwu : APE GANG TriHard

MrJonoo : 6 fps

VanDash14 : squadG

darkhooded11 : The focus on the camera sucks

Digital_donger : is this a new mic?


scrapir : trash

darkhooded11 : also the censor sucks

Klindfire1 : ADRESS LEAKED

TerryGrants : dat lexus is sexy

GSCHLICK92 : Cdew got 5k for shaving his head


scrapir : 4

dotcombubble : ITS SAMTRASH PHONE

maxmaxding : autocrap is pad

iNocturne : Just turn off the focusing then its great @MitchJones

Aetax : Cx

MrJonoo : pogggggers

fappyfeeet : mira Kreygasm

aaAHHAAA : DansGame

maxmaxding : Cx

FrinkerZ : @digital_donger Ditch has been live for 3 minutes.

aaAHHAAA : Cx quality DansGame

maxmaxding : SHOW MIRA

Sparkes : DansGames

darkhooded11 : It does bad in your kind of lighting

AdonisMate : take up a new career

Basswater : PogChamp

Klindfire1 : That quality though.

Digital_donger : @frinkerz LUL

Jaenisch : gopro would be good

Tanlere : GGX TriHard 7

Klindfire1 : FrankerZ

Tmini76 : ITS ONLY 30 FPS

nate004 : its the bitrate @MitchJones

Basswater : APE GANG PogChamp

Sparkes : (ditto)

Viresture : Cx what arm thing

owjestic : Cx

TerryGrants : scuffed quality

Cheese_Pasta : try 30 fps 1080p @MitchJones

Digital_donger : @frinkerz monkaS are you a bot?

AYDR1AN : 200 viewers PogChamp

SudoMudo : MORE LIKE 30

uber3verywhere : Cx

Paddy2910 : Cx

daviduwu : Cx

jokezorr : 30 LUL

Tanlere : Its bitrate LUL

TriHard________ : its 30 greekOMEGA

ButterflyMornings : 29 FPS

maxmaxding : shake your dick :D

praisefeeder : Cx

jakey_boi97 : Cx


CumpadiDingoDingo : BITRATE

kubaaa6 : EVEN ICE DOESNT DOI 60 lol

beta_sausage_fest : looks smudged

daviduwu : POGGERS

Rinsooky : youre streaming at 30 FPS idiot

UnicornTarik : 30 fps on OBS

KaiRone3 : which mifi is it?

LaMooN_ : 30FPS

scrapir : 30 fps

Digital_donger : fast but bad ping though right?

The_Skipper91 : Hello

VirtuousMonkey : I GET 10 GIGS gachiGASM

Nonamepov : turn up bitrate

TerryGrants : GGX shirt on the chair LUL

SudoMudo : bzzz

lolJonte : WutFace

AliveAleks : Cx

rehss : front cam doesnt support 60fps

VirtuousMonkey : SILVER SCRAPES PogChamp

fgmilne28 : buy a dam dslr

blabjack : late

dotcombubble : 480P

pantie_sniffr : combover jones

iNocturne : 69

Tuuga : 720p 60fps

iLucky12 : 720

Avai : bUrself

Enuhgee : 160

dotcombubble : 480P IS THE BEST

KBFINEST13 : 144p 60FPS

VirtuousMonkey : gachiGASM

elfarto2g : 720 60 fps

STRAIGHTNUTTY : your cam doesnt support 60 fps

AliveAleks : Reckful

shaunlolz : 4k 144fps

manofthedank : mitchA

KIAN1elena : Yo you and ape good again?

Teexl23 : greek live HeyGuys

UnicornTarik : 720p 60fps, need higher bitrate

maxmaxding : Cx

RC_2 : in NA we dont have the really good coverage like SK

fappyfeeet : Cx

Acolina87 : 720 MITCH IS BETTER

fgmilne28 : 420

PongTong : we want wow

therrrapy : @Viresture you are a very nice person.

macruzi : forsen1 forsen2

destitutepilgrim : 1080 pee bottle

Sleezyfbaby : Shit

SnugDucks : Cx OMEGALUL

RyzeLux : @Teexl23 what? LUL his been live for ages

Klindfire1 : Horrible coloring

trapcom : looks 10 fps

maxmaxding : cjayCmon

Sleezyfbaby : 1080 pee bottle

Jewishrambo : its 30 fps

iNocturne : i am gonna barf

destitutepilgrim : u have 1080 pee bottles

Klindfire1 : White card the camera

Tmini76 : not the camera its the bitrate

Headlaw : GGX 17k viewers BTW

byBobMarley : dog shit

r2d2jar : mitchPU mitchPU mitchPU mitchPU

CakeOG : @mitchjones doing 720 60

snipersaito : its fine

Enuhgee : 420p 360fps

ramoverload780 : PLAY FORTNITE!! pls PogChamp

FlamingThunderop : <3 <3 <3 <3

cptdank07 : CHRISTMAS IN 2K18 LUL

MCBOUNTYCRAFT : its the bitrate

rehss : bit rate too low for 1080

Shelbyca : GIMME GIMME

Da_Poe_Boy : Bald jones

AliveAleks : F

Simba_LesIvres : Hey u ugly Loser

Ergalosyr : 25k upvotes on reddit PogChamp

macruzi : forsenE forsenE forsenE forsenE forsenE forsenE forsenE

Sparkes : F

DetectiveKnight : 60 FPS PogChamp

EpsilonV : Hey guys squadW


Shelbyca : GIMME GIMME

Dracoshi : miss him already Kappa

MatdogHD : FeelsBadMan ditched

slurrperisnoob : ditching already LUL

iNocturne : GOLDEN Kappa TEST

AliveAleks : Ggx bois

The_Skipper91 : Can you gift me?

DetectiveKnight : F

KTenma : Kappa

RyzeLux : his got 1.3k views

Sleezyfbaby : Ditches Jones subKappa

fappyfeeet : Kappa

Im_a_mod_in_other_channel : 4K ON FOOD LUL

Extracupanails : hey hes live

pjsalt420_1 : GGx mitchD

darkhooded11 : HELLA better

Sleezyfbaby : STILL UGLY subKappa

dotcombubble : 480P MASTER RACE

jwussow989 : live PogChamp

Dracoshi : way better

Sleezyfbaby : Mira WutFace

RC_2 : now its 720

For more infomation >> Getting Tested For STDs [VOD: Jan 4, 2018] Part 1 - Duration: 5:24.


The GREATEST Fried Chicken Recipe IN THE WORLD 2018 | Fry Chicken Recipe Beautiful Girl Cooking - Duration: 4:02.

The GREATEST Fried Chicken Recipe IN THE WORLD 2018 | Fry Chicken Recipe Beautiful Girl Cooking village food factory Video Link:

For more infomation >> The GREATEST Fried Chicken Recipe IN THE WORLD 2018 | Fry Chicken Recipe Beautiful Girl Cooking - Duration: 4:02.


The Ugly Truth about McDonald's French Fries - SCIENTIFIC PROOF! - Duration: 3:07.

Hello Friends!

Welcome to Fit Tuber.

This is a quick video wherein I want to talk about a small experiment that I did a few

days back with the very popular McDonald's french fries.

So I went to the nearest McDonald's outlet and bought their french fries.

Not to eat but to experiment with them.

I had read many articles which said that the McDonald's french fries are not the standard

french fries.

Standard as in, french fries are potatoes which are deep fried and then seasoned.

Apparently, that is not the case with the McDonald's french fries.

However, I wanted to find it out for myself and also wanted to share the results with you.

So I carried out a very simple experiment.

I brought them and I also brought a few potatoes so that I can make french fries at home.

I simply cut them, deep fried them and seasoned them with salt and red chili powder.

I added both the homemade french fries and the McDonald's french fries in two separate

glass jars and kept them untouched for 1 week.

What I saw after 1 week just shocked me.

The homemade french fries were fully covered with microorganisms.

They were not even visible.

I had to use a spoon to actually see them.

On the other hand, the McDonald's french fries had not at all decomposed.

There was a little moist air in the jar and that's all.

The McDonald's french fries looked visibly the same even after 1 week.

Isn't it disturbing?

The potatoes deep fried in oil should ideally start decomposing in a day or two.

So what's up with these McDonald's french fries.

No wonder when I researched on the internet, I found that McDonald's french fries have

over 18 ingredients.

And these are not the ingredients which we use in our daily life.

Most of these ingredients are, what should I say, "unethical".

These ingredients are added to the french fries to improve their texture, increase their

shelf life, enhance their flavor and what not.

Even, for a second, if we do not believe that all these ingredients are added to McDonald's

french fries, Science clearly proves that if microorganisms are not feeding on these

french fries there is definitely something fishy about them.

My idea of making this video was to help you understand that these big food giants add

ingredients under the umbrella of secret recipes which are not meant to be put in the human


When you eat McDonald's french fries, those are not just potatoes deep fried in oil.

Unfortunately, there is much more to them.

My honest advice to you is that please don't get fooled by these big giants and make your

food choices consciously.

How harmful they can be, the results are in front of you.

If you found this video helpful and if you want to see more experiments like these, please

do give this video a thumb up.

And also let me know in the comment section what more content would you want to see on

this channel so that I am able to add more value to your life.

As always, my name is Vivek.

I thank you so much for watching.

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