Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 5 2018

Are you freezing in the midst of a spiritual winter?

If not, prepare yourself because the time will come for everyone.

At some point of our lives we may feel distant from God.

Even Jesus went through a desert time which prepared him and gave him a burst of spiritual


Winter time for some people is a time to get warm and to scuffle until spring gets here.

You may be going through a spiritual winter where things that were once fruitful has died.

This could be your marriage, your job, your plans, etc.

The leaves has fallen from the trees and what was once beautiful is now gone.

You no longer feel like God is with you.

You don't feel loved anymore.

You feel alone and cold.

But just like a day like today, no matter how cold it may feel now, the sun never leaves

its place, and soon the Earth will rotate back, the sun will shine, and things will

return to its beauty.

No matter if things are going bad for me today, I know I will feel God's presence again because

what I'm experiencing now is just a season in my life.

On a day like today people will cover themselves with layer of clothes to keep the body protected,

God is telling you today "if you feel cold cover yourself up by putting on the full armor

of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."

Saturate yourself in the burning, everlasting Word of God. 

The more you study his word, the more you follow his instructions, the more you built

a personal relationship with him, I promise you your spiritual pipes will never burst.

God is using this winter to regenerate you for the spring.

He is preparing you to come back even stronger.

Don't stay frozen, don't stay stuck on your pain.

Fight the cold by letting the Gospel bring you warmth.

For more infomation >> I Don't Feel God Anymore! - Duration: 1:41.


Lucas Lucco e Pabllo Vittar - Paraíso (REAÇÃO) - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> Lucas Lucco e Pabllo Vittar - Paraíso (REAÇÃO) - Duration: 6:03.


Be So Fine Yarn fingering weight 100% bamboo with a massive pattern library - Duration: 1:23.

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For more infomation >> Be So Fine Yarn fingering weight 100% bamboo with a massive pattern library - Duration: 1:23.


Taylor Swift - End Game (Lyrics) ft. Ed Sheeran & Future - Duration: 4:05.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Taylor Swift - End Game (Lyrics) ft. Ed Sheeran & Future - Duration: 4:05.


Zubaida Tariq Namaz e Jnaza Video Make u Cry - Duration: 3:02.

nmaz e jnaza

nmaz e jnaza video of zubaida tariq

For more infomation >> Zubaida Tariq Namaz e Jnaza Video Make u Cry - Duration: 3:02.


In This Moment - Sick Like Me lyrics (+перевод) - Duration: 5:13.

Is it sick of me To need control of you? Is it sick to make You beg the way I do?

Is it sick of me To want you crawling on your knees? Is it sick to say I want you biting down on me?

Are you sick like me?

Am I beautiful As I tear you to pieces? Am I beautiful? Even at my ugliest, you always say

I'm beautiful As you tear me to pieces. You are beautiful. Even at your ugliest, I always say

You're beautiful and sick like me.

Is it sick of me To feed the animal in you? Is it sick to say I tease the hunter like I do?

Is it sick of me To watch the wicked way you thrill? Is it sick to say I live to break your will?

Are you sick like me? Am I beautiful As I tear you to pieces? Am I beautiful? Even at my ugliest, you always say

I'm beautiful As you tear me to pieces. You are beautiful. Even at your ugliest, I always say You're beautiful and sick like me.

Am I beautiful As I tear you to pieces? I am beautiful. Even at my ugliest, you always say

I am beautiful As I tear you to pieces. Am I beautiful? Even at my ugliest, you always say

I'm beautiful As you tear me to pieces. You are beautiful. Even at your ugliest, I always say You're beautiful and sick like me.

For more infomation >> In This Moment - Sick Like Me lyrics (+перевод) - Duration: 5:13.


Raw's 1996 intro with modern-day Superstars: Raw 25 Mashup - Duration: 0:32.


Raw 25.

Live! Monday, January 22nd, 8/7c, only on USA.


For more infomation >> Raw's 1996 intro with modern-day Superstars: Raw 25 Mashup - Duration: 0:32.


5 САМЫХ ЧЕСТНЫХ ЗНАКА ЗОДИАКА 😜💯❗ - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> 5 САМЫХ ЧЕСТНЫХ ЗНАКА ЗОДИАКА 😜💯❗ - Duration: 4:16.


YOU WILL MAKE 100,000 COINS DURING TOTY by DOING THIS... (FIFA 18 Make Coins) - Duration: 11:37.

For more infomation >> YOU WILL MAKE 100,000 COINS DURING TOTY by DOING THIS... (FIFA 18 Make Coins) - Duration: 11:37.


তিন পিরের হাশর || Tin Pirer Hashor || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 4:57.

তিন পিরের হাশর || Tin Pirer Hashor || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani

For more infomation >> তিন পিরের হাশর || Tin Pirer Hashor || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 4:57.


Beyond Today -- Tearing Down the Walls that Divide Us - Duration: 28:27.

[Gary Petty] This is Berlin, Germany.

Behind me is the Reichstag, one of the most iconic buildings in the entire country.

After World War II, Berlin was a divided city, occupied by the four great Allied powers:

Great Britain, France, the United States and the Soviet Union.

The Reichstag was in ruins, pockmarked by the bullets and bombs of the World War.

Now, if you would have stood here in 1948, just three years after the war, you would

have been in a city under siege.

The Russian army surrounded Berlin cutting them off from the rest of the world.

And if you would have been standing here, you would have heard the almost constant droning

of cargo planes flying overhead to deliver food and essential supplies to the besieged


Allied planes flew hundreds of thousands of times in and out of Berlin in what became

known as the Berlin Airlift.

The Soviets eventually backed down and the road was once again opened to allow access

into the city.

For the Communists, the problem still remained.

Interaction between the people living in the sections of the city now called East and West

Berlin was unacceptable.

In 1961, the people of Berlin faced a forced division as the East German government constructed

the infamous Berlin Wall.

A wall designed to separate the people of Berlin.

A wall designed to separate friends and families.

This wall reminds me of another wall.

In the Bible, the apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Ephesus about a wall.

He wrote that Christ "has broken down the middle wall of separation" (Ephesians 2:14).

What is this wall that Paul was writing about?

Understanding how Christ tore down the "wall of separation" is a vital aspect of the


We're going to talk about walls, wall people build and one wall in particular that was

torn down by God.

Join us in this special edition of Beyond Today from Berlin, Germany, as we discuss

"Tearing Down the Walls that Divide Us."

This is a very busy street in what used to be East Berlin.

This is the Berlin Wall.

If you look at it now, it doesn't seem like much.

At one time, it stretched nearly 96 miles separating the people from East and West Berlin.

Now it's colored with bright colors, a place of tourists.

But there was a time when people died to get over this wall to what was on the other side.

History is filled with stories of people who built walls to keep out an enemy.

The Great Wall of China was constructed over the course of centuries to protect China from

invaders who lived in central Asia.

The Roman emperor Hadrian built a wall all the way across Britain to protect the Romans

from barbaric tribes.

This wall wasn't built to keep people out, but to keep people in.

Its purpose was to keep people from leaving Communist-controlled East Berlin.

It became a symbol of the separation between communism and the democracies of the West.

In 1963, U.S. President John F. Kennedy gave a speech in West Berlin to bolster the morale

of the citizens of this divided city.

The president expressed these famous words:

> All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin.

And therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words, "Ich bin ein Berliner."

Years later U.S. President Ronald Reagan challenged the Russian General Secretary in another famous

speech calling out, "Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

In 1989, people began to literally tear down the Berlin Wall.

Almost a year later, Germany was reunited as one country.

One of the reasons the Communists built this wall was because so many Germans from the

East were immigrating to the West to escape the harsh realities of Communism.

The result was that by the late 1950's East Germany faced a lack of doctors, engineers,

teachers and skilled workers.

The Communist government had to do something to stop the loss of so many vital people.

So in 1961, they began to construct the wall.

Neighborhoods were cut in half.

Parishioners were forbidden to cross the wall to attend churches where they had attended

for generations.

It was difficult for families and friends to even visit each other.

There were several crossing points where people, with the proper permits, could travel between

the two parts of the divided city.

One was the most famous crossing for the Americans was known as "Checkpoint Charlie."

When the wall was constructed, it was immediately apparent that building this barrier didn't

stop people from wanting to escape East Berlin to a better life West.

They jumped over the barbed wire, leaped from apartment windows into the western sector,

dug tunnels, floated across in a hot air balloon, or zipped along on aerial wires strung between


One daring young man stole an armored personnel carrier and drove it through the wall in a

hail of bullets.

Although thousands of East Germans escaped, hundreds of others were captured or killed

by the border guards.

Communist propaganda couldn't alleviate the despair of the people living in East Berlin.

All they had to do was look across the wall into West Berlin to see the prosperity and

freedom enjoyed by their countrymen.

The people of East Berlin felt cut off from the blessings enjoyed by their brothers and

sisters on the other side of the wall.

Let's talk about another wall that separated people.

It's a wall mentioned in the Bible.

At the time of Jesus, there stood in Jerusalem, Herod's magnificent temple.

It was to Herod's temple that people came from all over the world to worship the God

of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob--the God of Israel.

In the outer courtyard of the temple was a wall separating the Court of the Gentiles

from the Court of Israel.

This wall was designed to keep non-Jews from entering the section of the temple that was

reserved for Jews only.

Along the wall was placed stone plaques inscribed with "No stranger is to enter within the

balustrade, round the temple and enclosure.

Whoever is caught will be responsible to himself for his death, which will ensue."

It was a death penalty for any non-Jew to cross the wall.

The apostle Paul was criticized by both those who practiced Judaism and by some Christians

because he taught that gentiles who worshipped the God of Israel and accepted Jesus as the

prophesied Messiah, didn't have to become full participants in Judaism to have a relationship

with God.

It is important to understand that Paul's teaching about non-Jews didn't mean that

he gave up his Jewish heritage.

Maintaining his own loyalty to Judaism led Paul to an incident that took place at the

separation wall in the temple.

In the book of Acts, we have an account of how the apostle--this was late in his life--traveled

to Jerusalem to participate in a temple ritual.

Now Paul had with him some companions and he was falsely accused of bringing gentiles

into the Court of Israel.

Some Jews were so disturbed by this that they violently dragged Paul out of the temple and

were going to kill him.

Some soldiers from a nearby Roman garrison arrived just in time to take Paul into custody

and save him from being stoned.

The wall in the temple separated Jew from non-Jew.

Now it didn't mean that non-Jews couldn't worship God, but it did mean that in the eyes

of devout Jews, gentiles were not totally accepted as equals in their relationship to


With this in mind, let's look at what the apostle Paul wrote to the non-Jewish Christians

in Ephesus:

"Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh--who are called Uncircumcision

by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands--that at that time you

were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from

the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world" (Ephesians 2:11-13).

Now what is Paul actually saying to these non-Jewish Christians?

He mentioned circumcision because that was a mark God placed on the men of Israel as

a sign that they were His people.

Early in the history of the Christian Church, it was decided that non-Jews didn't have

to be physically circumcised to be participants in the New Covenant.

It is important that we remember that Paul is writing to non-Jewish Christians in Ephesus,

who before they became Christians had been pagans.

He explained to them that while they were pagans they had been cut off from God's

covenants; "having no hope and without God in the world" (Ephesians 2:12) Israel--the

physical descendants of Abraham--were chosen by God to be a special people, a nation of

priests dedicated to His service.

Most of the Old Testament is the history of these people.

God made a special covenant with them on Mount Sinai and gave them the Ten Commandments.

He also promised, through prophets throughout the ages, that He would in the future make

a New Covenant with them.

Part of the New Covenant was a promise that a descendant of Abraham, through Israel, and

specifically through the tribe of Judah, would come into the world as the prophesied Messiah

or Christ.

This Messiah would not only come to bring peace between God and Israel, but He would

come to bring peace to all humanity.

The prophecies of Isaiah contain many references to the Servant of God who "will bring forth

justice to the Gentiles" (Isaiah 42:1)...and "bring light to the Gentiles…[and] salvation

to the ends of the earth" (Isaiah 49:6).

Isaiah was inspired to write that the Messiah would "stand as a banner to the people,

for the Gentiles shall seek Him, and His resting place shall be glorious" (Isaiah 11:10).

When Jesus came the first time, He partly fulfilled the prophecies of Isaiah--prophesies

that promise all people access to God through the Messiah.

Now to fulfill these prophecies, Jesus would need to tear down a wall and construct a new


In Ephesians, Paul told the non-Jewish Christians that when they were pagans, they had been

separated from the God of Israel and the covenants He had made with the descendants of Abraham.

Now let's read what he then wrote to them, "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were

far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall

of separation..."

(Ephesians 2:13-14).

The greatest symbol of the separation between Jew and non-Jew was the "wall of separation"

in Herod's temple.

Because Jesus is the prophesied Messiah, He came to fulfill the promises God made in Isaiah.

Jesus Christ is to "stand as a banner to the people, for the Gentiles shall seek Him,

and His resting place shall be glorious" (Isaiah 11:10) and to bring "salvation to

the ends of the earth" (Isaiah 49:6).

Everyone--no matter what nationality, race or ethnic background--who responds to God's

call and follows Jesus as the Christ, has the opportunity to be one of His special people.

Paul continued, "...having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of

commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the

two, thus making peace, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through

the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity..."

(Ephesians 2:15-16).

Paul wrote that it is God's intention to bring Jews and non-Jews together, into one

body, or one church, and to destroy the enmity that is between them.

Now, there has been controversy over the years about what Paul meant by "the law of commandments

contained in ordinances" (Ephesians 2:15).

Many Christians have concluded that by this statement, Paul abolished the Ten Commandments.

Was it Paul's intention to abolish the Ten Commandments given by God?

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus said, "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law and

the Prophets" (Matthew 5:17).

So, what is at the heart of the issue Paul is writing about?

It is the enmity between Jews and non-Jews.

The non-Jews Paul is addressing remember, people in Ephesus, are Christians who follow

the God of the Bible and believe that Jesus is the Christ.

"You shall not have any other gods before Me..."

"You shall not commit murder..."

"You shall not commit adultery..."

"You shall not steal..."

(Exodus 20:3; Exodus 20:13-15).

These moral laws of God which are given in the Ten Commandments don't separate anyone

who is a true follower of God.

"...the law of commandments contained in ordinances" doesn't refer to the Ten Commandments,

but to all of the restrictions and ceremonies that separated Jews from gentiles including

circumcision, ceremonial laws, the Jewish oral law and traditions, all symbolized by

the temple's "middle wall of separation."

What was happening in Ephesus was a common problem in the early Christian church.

On one hand, there was an issue with some Jewish Christians who felt superior to non-Jews,

and attempted to enforce circumcision and other requirements on them.

On the other hand, there was an issue of non-Jews who were envious or resented what they saw

as sort of Jewish privilege.

Paul taught that Jews and non-Jews who accepted Jesus as the Christ became "one body."

He then made these remarkable statements:

"Now, therefore, you, "--Remember he is talking to non-Jewish Christians--"...are

no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the

household of God..."

Non-Jewish Christians are no longer strangers and foreigners to the covenants and promises

God gave to Israel.

This is the wonderful truth Paul is explaining.

Now he continued, "...having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets,

Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone, in whom the whole building, being joined

together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together

for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit" (Ephesians 2:19-22).

Paul shows that under the New Covenant, followers of the Jewish Messiah, form a new people drawn

from every nationality, race and ethnic group.

These people are being constructed as the new spiritual temple of God, without hatred,

without prejudice.

This doesn't mean that God has abandoned the promises He made to Israel.

It does mean that the biblical prophesies to include all peoples into the family of

God are beginning to be fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Herod's temple, with its wall of separation, was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD.

Yet, a temple of God still exists today, not made of stone and mortar, but of people.

People called together to receive God's Spirit and become the dwelling place of God.

We've seen that the "middle wall of separation" has been torn down in the new spiritual temple

of God.

Reality is that we still live in a world where walls, sometimes literal walls like the Berlin

Wall, still separate us.

In other ways, we are divided by religion, politics, national interests.

Families and friends construct emotional walls that can last a lifetime.

No matter what we do, we don't have the power or abilities to tear down all the walls

that divide us.

Earlier in the program, I read from some Messianic prophecies about how the Christ will "bring

light to the Gentiles…[and] salvation to the ends of the earth" (Isaiah 49:6), and

"stand as a banner to the people, for the Gentiles shall seek Him, and His resting place

shall be glorious" (Isaiah 11:10).

When Jesus came to earth the first time, He died for our sins.

Sin is the actions, thoughts and emotions that truly divide us, not only from each other

but from God.

This message is a call for you to turn to God and ask Him to tear down the wall that

separates you from your Creator.

Read the Bible to uncover the truth of how God wants to break down the barrier between

you and Him.

The Bible clearly shows that Christ is returning.

At that time the prophecies from Isaiah will be completed and the walls that separate us

from God and from each other will be finally torn down.

We've been doing this program about the wall separation and we're using the Berlin

Wall as a perfect example.

And I know for me, personally, going to the Berlin Wall, seeing it, touching it, was a

remarkable experience.

What was it like for you, Darris?

[Darris McNeely] It was again, you go to Berlin today, you see the fragments of the wall,

a few sections still intact.

I had been there when the wall was operative, several years ago.

And, you could see at that time the bleakness of East Berlin.

And, that represented this division between two peoples who were the same German peoples.

To see Berlin today now, a united city, a united Germany, is a much, much better situation

but they've kept those walls and it's a reminder of how quickly divisions can come

up between people, but it was much better to see it this way.

[Steve Myers] I think one of the things that's pretty amazing about it, is it certainly is

a reminder of how quickly some of these things can come about.

Even at the end of the war, though there were divisions, it seems that once that Cold War

began, the walls went up.

And, we have a tendency to think that it's not going to happen again, but it certainly

shows the way that mankind is and how quickly and willingly we're ready to build walls

and take sides, and do the things that really divide us.

[Gary] We've used the Berlin Wall just as an example, sort of an allegory of the wall

of separation that was in the Jewish temple, and the apostle Paul says that Christ came

to tear down that wall.

And, that is a very important part of the Gospel.

[Darris] Oh, absolutely.

Paul wrote about the fact there was no distinction between Jew and gentile which was a major

issue in that time.

Those were obviously two different ethnicities.

What's interesting about the Berlin Wall is that it was a wall that separated people

of the same ethnicity, same language, same culture.

And again, the real lesson there is that yes, different races, different languages, different

ethnicities will divide, but at the heart of division is a spirit--it's a spiritual

problem regardless of who you are.

And, when a spirit of evil comes in that separates people's hearts, then that's a big problem,

and the only solution to that is the gospel.

It is the truth of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and that's what cleanses

the heart and that's the essence of the message that Paul was talking about.

[Steve] It works on so many different levels.

That, what it's like in my relationship with God?

Is there a wall?

Is there a barrier there?

And through God's calling, He's opened up that wall so that I have access to Him.

And I better take advantage of that.

And I think standing at the wall, looking at the circumstances there, it also causes

you to ask, "well, do I build walls in my personal life as well?

Do I shut out others or do I tear those walls down in my personal relationships as well?"

So I think those are important concepts that we all have to consider.

[Gary] I couldn't help but think about as we've done this program, when Jesus Christ

returns, all the walls that separate people--walls of religion, walls of nationality, walls of

race that separate peoples--what's He going to have to do to tear down all those walls

to create God's Kingdom on this earth?

[Darris] Remove the source of those walls and that comes down to the spirit of Satan;

a spirit of evil, the god of this world that works in the hearts of men.

Without that being finally removed, that's a big lesson that you see from all that we

have observed with the wars that have ravaged Europe, the religious wars, the political


Ultimately, you have got to remove the source of hatred and evil and that is the removal

of Satan from the influence over mankind.

[Steve] And even mankind himself.

We have this nature within us, that it opposes God.

It opposes His way.

That tends to build walls.

And I think it's also a reminder that in order for that to accomplish, to be accomplished,

Jesus Christ has to return and the right kind of government has to be established.

And so, He is going to establish God's government on this earth and that will be a borderless

society, in that sense, that He will establish God's way and those walls have to come down.

[Gary] That's why we end every one of our Beyond Today programs by asking people to

pray, "Your Kingdom come."

The Berlin Wall is one of many walls designed to separate people.

Because of violence, fear, and our inability to deal with conflicts, we have been building

walls of separation for all of human history.

Not only do we build literal walls--like this one here in Berlin--but emotional and mental

walls that separate us from our families, our loved ones and our neighbors.

Christ came to tear down a wall.

He is returning to tear down even more walls.

When Christ returns to set up God's Kingdom on earth, there will no longer be walls created

by different religions, different national interests, racial divides, or separation by

social class or wealth.

The biblical prophecies say that Christ will bring peace and prosperity through one world

government and one world religion where all people will worship the one true God.

This is humanity's only hope for the future.

A time when walls like this will have no purpose--will not exist.

For Beyond Today I'm Gary Petty.

Thanks for watching.

> Jesus Christ promised that He would return to establish God's Kingdom on this earth.

When He does, He will tear down the walls that divide us.

The story of the Kingdom of God is told throughout the pages of the Bible.

To help you in your study of the Kingdom of God, we want to offer you a free Bible study

aid titled, The Gospel of the Kingdom.

The best way to use this study guide is to have your Bible open as you read it.

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Prove to yourself the truth of what the Kingdom of God really is.

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You can be a part of God's Kingdom.

You can receive the power of that world to come and have God change your life now.

When you order The Gospel of the Kingdom, you'll also get our free Beyond Today magazine.

Each issue will help you better understand great biblical prophecies and what's ahead

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>> Hi, I'm Steve Myers.

I'm the pastor here at the United Church of God Cincinnati-East congregation.

We have hundreds of congregations around the United States and across the world.

I'd like to welcome you to come and join us on this great spiritual journey.

We're committed to growing in our relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ as well

as fellowshipping with each other.

If you're looking for a home that encourages living what the Word of God really teaches,

you've found the right place.

We're a family--a family of Bible believers committed to following Jesus Christ in everything

we do.

We've found God's way is the best way to live.

We're happy that you're looking into what God is doing in our efforts to bring His message

to the world.

God is certainly pleased that you're looking into knowing Him better.

And we're here to help.

We would love to have you come and visit and worship with us.

We're looking forward to meeting you soon.

Come and join us.

[Announcer] For the free literature offered on today's program, go online to

Please join us again next week on Beyond Today.

For more infomation >> Beyond Today -- Tearing Down the Walls that Divide Us - Duration: 28:27.


[VOSTFR] BTS EPISODE MMA 2017 - Duration: 22:11.

For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] BTS EPISODE MMA 2017 - Duration: 22:11.


Candace Owens En Español - Explicándole la Reducción de Impuestos A Los Tontos. - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Candace Owens En Español - Explicándole la Reducción de Impuestos A Los Tontos. - Duration: 3:56.


What If We Wanted a World Government? (feat. Soliloquy) - Duration: 14:27.

I'm gonna show you a document that's...wild- and was really hard to find.

You're only going to see it because a library research assistant dove into some congressional

archives and pulled it out for us.

You'll notice the year was 1949; the United Nations Charter, signed in the wake of World

War II, was a mere 4 years old.

And in the House of Representatives, the Committee on Foreign Affairs was holding hearings on

H. Con.

Res. 64, for humans out there that's House Concurrent Resolution 64.

And the reason H Con Res 64 was so significant, and the reason I'm showing the hearing you

is- if it were reintroduced today in our political environment, it would most definitely end

political careers, of both the author and the sponsors.

The hearing was titled, "To Seek Development of the United Nations into a World Federation"

and if that doesn't make it obvious to you what this is about, hear for yourself the

words of the Resolution discussed, " is the sense of the Congress that it should

be a fundamental objective of the foreign policy of the United States to support and

strengthen the United Nations and to seek its development into a world federation open

to all nations with defined and limited powers adequate to preserve peace and prevent aggression

through the enactment, interpretation, and enforcement

of world law."

This was a serious discussion of reforming the United Nations into a type of World Government,

a sovereign power with enforceable law, the aim of which would be to create a permanent


No, this wasn't just some obscure niche issue- the Chair noted that "About 100 Congressmen"

were sponsoring the various resolutions dealing with a world federation, including future

Vice President Hubert Humphrey, and future President of the United States, a Mr. Kennedy

from Massachusetts.

Just imagine if something like this were introduced today.

The idea of world government is a conversation relegated to online conspiracy theory websites,

and even there it's only addressed as something to desperately avoid.

It would be too simple to dismiss House Concurrent Resolution 64 as an after effect of World

War II- politicians so shocked by the tremendous loss from the conflict that their capacity

for political calculus slipped away.

World Government had been a strain of thought for a very long time.

In De Monarchia, Dante calls for a Universal Emperor, one to push human kind towards a

shared potential.

In the 18th century, Immanuel Kant argued for perpetual peace through a federation of

republican states.

Even Albert Einstein, who in 1929 referred to nationalism as the "measles of mankind",

called for a world government which would control "offensive weaponry" after the

nuclear strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Stanford's Encyclopedia of Philosophy actually has a great article on this if you'd like

to read further.

Einstein wasn't alone.

There were many in the US and Europe who saw the United Nations and the NATO alliance as

potential stepping stones towards world peace enforced by well...force.

At the same time, in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, a global governing arrangement

wasn't a foreign concept either.

Though Joseph Stalin employed a doctrine of 'communism in one country', the Communist

International he funded clearly desired world communist governance or an association of

sovereign communist states.

The point being that dismissing world government as quixotic is a modern phenomenon.

What if we wanted world government?

The potential economic consequences of more fluid trade, movement of people, and resource

distribution are massive, but how would it be structured?

...I usually hate caveats, but I feel like I need to make one just to be clear with you.

I'm not an proponent of world government and neither is my collaborator for this video,


We made this exploration in order to research an idea with you.

So, let's go deeper with this topic.

Thomas Hobbes argued in the 17th century that you are capable of killing any other human.

Sure, he says, the other person might be 'manifestly stronger in body, or of quicker mind' than

you, but with either tools or the help of others, even the weakest can defeat the strongest.

In a time of scarcity, when there isn't enough water, food, shelter, mates to go around,

before civilization- if you and I want the same thing, Thomas Hobbes thought we would

endeavour 'to destroy, or subdue one another'.

As he wrote in chapter 13 of his book 'Leviathan': "There Is Alwayes Warre Of Every One Against

Every One.

Hereby it is manifest, that during the time men live without a common Power to keep them

all in awe, they are in that condition which is called Warre"

In this "natural condition of mankind", life is 'solitary', and you and I are

in 'nasty' and endless competition.

This 'short', 'brutish' life is what Hobbes called 'the state of nature'

This is a pessimistic vision of human-kind, but also, you might have noticed, a vision

of total freedom.

Surviving is your natural right and therefore you may take any action that helps you obtain

the things you need.

Because this life is miserable, ephemeral, and full of violence, Hobbes presented a solution.

We could emerge from the state of nature by coming together, giving up some of our natural

rights, and entrusting them to a sovereign through a social contract.

Whether one person or many, the sovereign government ends the 'state of warre' among

the many by force.

The social contract is binding; the sovereign has absolute authority.

For the sake of our discussion, expand this concept to the international stage.

Instead of individuals existing in a constant state of competition for resources, we have

nations, fighting for dominance of the globe.

Though they may enter treaties between one another, history has shown that without a

higher power, paper holds no sway when one nation becomes aggressive against another.

As Hobbes wrote, "Covenants, without the sword, are but words"

Perhaps then, in the same way individuals could come together and give up natural rights

to achieve peace through a sovereign, so too could nations end their state of war, give

away some of their sovereignty to one greater, and achieve a perpetual peace.

In this frame, whether speaking softly or not, without a global leviathan, diplomacy

between nations will default to the one with the biggest stick.

Now, if you've been listening so far, you might be wondering: the United Nations is

already an institution with 193 member states, a peacekeeping force, the ability to sanction,

and a Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Why doesn't it qualify as world government?

Though the 1945 UN Charter has the goal of saving "succeeding generations from the

scourge of war", it is "based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its members"

(Article 2).

As Mary Ann Glendon puts it in "A World Made New": "The Great Powers [the USA

& Soviet Union] had gone along with the human rights language, but they made sure that the

Charter protected their national sovereignty" (Glendon, 19).

She then goes on to quote Article 2 Section 7 of the UN Charter, "Nothing contained

in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which

are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state," (UN Charter, Art2 Sec7).

There's nothing within the UN Charter to allow for offensive enforcement to keep the


It's no global leviathan.

So what would real world government look like?

Though the mind naturally drifts to dystopian tyranny forcing chains upon the globe, serious

proposals don't go in this direction.

An ambitious vision of world government comes from the 1945 book by Emery Reeves , "The

Anatomy of Peace".

Known as the 'bible of world federalism', it called for something more direct than the

UN Charter: "Just as peace, freedom and equality of the citizens of a nation require

within their state specific peace, freedom and equality of men on this

earth, between nation-states require specific institutions, authorities separate from and

standing above national authorities," (Reves, 214).

Specifically, Reves called for a world constitution, either independent or emanating from an amended

UN Charter, for an international police force to maintain order, one more powerful than

the armed forces of the nations it would rule over (Reves, 228).

To prevent a nuclear holocaust, a "common sovereign order of law" would be necessary.

"Outside of that, any security is but an illusion," (Reves, 280).

Elected delegates of each nation would receive mandate from the people to draft this constitution

and debate world law.

"There is no 'first step' toward world government."

he wrote.

"World government is the first step."

(Reves, 283).

Another prominent plan can be found in the 1958 textbook, "World Peace Through World

Law" which called for a proportional World assembly based on member state populations

and an exclusive military, meaning all other militaries would be banned.

"The World Development Authority" in Article IV of their proposed revised UN Charter would

be given the power to redistribute wealth across the globe, to forcibly solve "economic

disparities between different regions of the world" (1).

Though serious, both these proposals were written without the expectation of implementation.

Reves mentioned the chances of world government were "not much".

More realistic activists see the need for incremental change.

A campaign for a UN parliamentary assembly seeks to form a parallel body to the UN General

Assembly which at first would be a "consultative body" but over time would grow to be able

to "adopt universally binding regulations".

In his book, "The Idea of World Government", James A. Yunker gives us a pretty fleshed

out structure for a Federal Union of Democratic Nations.

Based on two unique rights of member nations 1) "the permanent and inalienable

withdraw peacefully." and 2) "right to maintain under its direct control whatever

military forces and armaments it deems necessary, including nuclear weapons" (Yunker, 107).

This means nations could join and depart at their discretion, keeping substantial sovereignty

while inside the organization.

Additionally, the Federal Union would include separate branches of government (executive,

legislative, and judicial) while pushing members to uphold ideals of open and free elections

in comportment with the name, "Union of Democratic Nations" for their citizens.

To illustrate the structure of the proposed system, let me bring in my friend Jonathan,

you may know him better as the YouTuber Soliloquy:

Any such union will need to establish its own governing bodies; legislative, executive,

and judicial; and a system is proposed for each of these.

The legislative branch, the Union Chamber of Representatives would consist of approximately

200 representatives, directly elected by the populations of their respective districts

for five year terms.

Given the number of members currently sitting in national assemblies, this number seems

ambitiously low and results in about one representative for each of today's nations.

It therefore seems natural that the districts would be equivalent to the nations that join

with a sole representative.

This of course is a disaster for minorities within the districts who would be unlikely

to be represented; and so I would expect this number to greatly increase.

This also raises a question of disproportionate population, however here we are presented

with an answer.

Any measure would need to be approved by two methods.

First with votes from each district weighted based off district population and second weighted

by financial revenue of each district.

This simulates a bicameral legislature with unicameral one; although as a New Zealander

I have little problem with a unicameral parliament.

However the primary motivation for this is to ensure that any measures passed are approved

by both populous and prosperous regions, thereby preventing a drastic redistribution of current

world income, which would be opposed by the wealth districts or any measures that poorer

nations view as re-establishing colonial style exploitation.

The head of the executive branch, the Union Chief Executive would be elected by popular

vote across the union for a term of 10 years; and the judicial branch, the Union High Court,

would be composed of 25 judges, five of whom are elected each quinquennial legislative

election for a 25 year term.

Yunker's presumption of separated powers, and that every nation reserve the right to

leave at any time sets his structure apart, but for the other plans, the permanence and

eternity really, leaves you and me with a terrestrial conundrum.

On one hand, there's a growing proliferation of nuclear weapons across the globe.

While less than 10 states have nuclear weapons, according to the Council on Foreign Relations,

"more than thirty others (including Japan, Germany, and South Korea) have the technological

ability to quickly acquire them."

With each successive sovereign controlling such weapons, the chance that one might violate

international treaties and use them increases.

Again, 'covenants without swords are just words'.

Each day carries the risk for the breakdown of international order.

Emery Reves called on this in 1945, writing: "How long will the United Nations Charter


With luck, a generation?

A century?

There is no one who does not hope for at least that much luck- for the Charter, for himself,

for his work, and for his children's children.

But is it enough to have Peace by Luck?"

But if we, the community of world nations, can't hope to restrain ourselves from using

weapons of mass destruction in perpetuity, the option to avoid that is equally terrifying.

Under a global leviathan, one would ensure that no armed conflict could break out, that

no nation use nuclear weapons--but, how could we object to a government so powerful?

In the Hobbesian model discussed earlier, we couldn't, but thinkers like Locke upon

which the American constitutional system is based, reserved the right of citizenry to

depose oppressive regimes if they fail to protect our inalienable rights.

It is the right of people to be governed by consent or change their government.

Or in the case of world government, the right of humanity to demand a new regime.

How could something like this be achieved with a global leviathan enforcing peace?

What if it, like many authoritarian systems do, declared non-violent dissent a disruption?

Furthermore, how presumptuous would we be to see our time as the end of history, our

revolutions as the last to ever be necessary?

Our blood the last to be spilled?

We had the American, French,the Haitian revolutions.

We had decolonization, a new international order after two world wars, a great leap forward,

a wall's collapse-.

Let's just have one more revolution, one more to bring about a world government, and

we can have peace between nations forever.

An enticing, arrogant option.

Having said that, we are primordial in the nuclear age, apes with eyes pinned on a lightning-induced

eruption of fire.

Less than a hundred years have passed since the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

the vast proliferation of globe destroying weapons, controlled by imperfect, often delusional

and craven human beings leaves us but a minute from midnight.

Will our grandchildren hold us in disdain, that we sacrificed their world in order to

starve the leviathan, our bestial savior from armageddon?

This video was a collaboration with Soliloquy.

On his channel he animate your curiosity- and he does a good job of it.

You deserve each other.

Watch some of his best content here, or in a linked comment below.

Go binge-watch- go subscribe to Soliloquy.

Later guys.

For more infomation >> What If We Wanted a World Government? (feat. Soliloquy) - Duration: 14:27.




For more infomation >> CHAMPIONSHIP RACE - FLATOUT 4 - Duration: 7:13.



Calligraphy Masters presents:

Never stop Calligraphy!! Never stop dreaming!

Letter A

Don't give up!!!

Never stop DREAMING!!!




To the moon and back!



Never stop learning!!

Drop a comment with your wish and it might be added to the Anniversary video!

For more infomation >> NEVER STOP CALLIGRAPHY COMPILATION - Duration: 10:02.


Alma Zaragoza-Petty: Haves and Have-Nots [The Biola Hour] - Duration: 25:44.

For more infomation >> Alma Zaragoza-Petty: Haves and Have-Nots [The Biola Hour] - Duration: 25:44.


Latest News: Justin was spotted out in Utah| but where's Selena Gomez? - Duration: 1:44.

Hit the subscribe button and press the bell icon to get more take videos

After Cabo trip

Justin Bieber was finding out skiing in Utah

But his label of Selena Gomez was nowhere in sight. What could this mean the vacation never ends for Justin Bieber

after soaking up the Sun in Cabo San Lucas for New Year's Eve the

23 year old the pop star has now been spotted skiing it up in Park City, Utah

But wait where's his girlfriend Selena Gomez?


The love yourself crooner was bundled up and surrounded by his pals for the day a phenom the mountain but his largest son again began

Girlfriend was nowhere to be seen on

Top of the new pics a short fan video also surfaced of Justin snacking and hanging with his pals before hitting the powder

Our first question is are the couple taking some time apart as we previously reported

Justin and Selena reportedly got in an explosive argument after their trip south of the border

They were reportedly arguing on the tarmac when they arrived at Van Nuys Airport in luck. We've even heard there was no kiss


But thankfully Kim Spears that a possible break buck was eminent or cast aside when the pair were spotted

Exiting the Fairlake studio in LA together on Jan very flipping like they got a serious workout

So why didn't Selena join him on the slopes maybe after an emotional trip to Mexico?

It's just best that they take a few days apart sounds reasonable to us and what better way for Justin to cut in spending

For more infomation >> Latest News: Justin was spotted out in Utah| but where's Selena Gomez? - Duration: 1:44.


10 Strange Behaviors of an Authentic Empath - Duration: 3:21.

10 Strange Behaviors of an Authentic Empath (All Empaths Should Know)

People are unique, and one of the most unique character is having the ability of being an


However, this time we will talk about an empath which is basically a more extreme version

of ordinary empath.

Are you one of them?

If you are not sure, these 10 behaviors should give you some insight.

#1 - Absorbing energy

You somehow takes someone's energy every time you meet them.

You unconsciously feel, know, and understand what other people feel.

You also feel either excited or depressed when the said people feel something accordingly.

#2 - High intuition

It works like magic.

You know what people feel, you know what people tell, and you can predict what they are going

to do.

Of course, at some point, you feel subtlety.

However, when you sharpen your skill, it gets more accurate and strong.

#3 - People are draining

You feel like being introvert.

People drain your mental energy.

The reason is because you feel other's emotions and feelings which tend to be complicated

as their stories are different.

#4 - Crowds are even more draining

A huge wave of emotions are coming to you as you glance through people and their surroundings.

Since empaths do not only feel about human, it is extremely exhausting to see people with

their, particularly sad, expression on public space.

#5 - Attracting broken people

Somehow, people coming to you are those who have problems in their live.

Romance is the most discussed topic, and it is usually heartbreaking.

However, it is not worse than violence.

#6 - You may change your living location

Your life depends highly on where you live.

Typically you want to live in a peaceful place.

Moreover, you think that charging energy is far easier at countryside instead of big cities.

#7 - Extremely sensitive

People will frown their eyes when you are being sensitive since it is usually not ordinary.

Moreover, you do not like things that screw your emotion such as violence, divorce, poverty,

and other social problems.

#8 - Seeing lies

You can detect liars and lies easily.

Unfortunately, you cannot just prove it directly unless you also have the ability to hook your

conversation partner.

#9 - Emotional healing

More and more people are coming to you for advice.

The more you help them, the more attuned your skill will be.

#10 - Ignoring self-problem

Though you like to advice and help others, you often forget to help yourself.

However, you can cure yourself after recharging energy.

All in all, that's the 10 strange behaviors of an authentic empath.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Strange Behaviors of an Authentic Empath - Duration: 3:21.


How To Use Powersheets - January Plan With Me - Duration: 7:46.

- Setting goals are easy.

It's the follow through and making these goals happen

the hard part.

I'm kicking off a brand new series here on my channel

to keep you up to date on my goal progress.

So if you watched the video that I made a couple weeks ago,

I walked you through my goal planner

and how I'm setting goals for 2018.

You can check out, I'll link it up above but,

the first Friday of every month, I'm gonna be updating you

on my progress and goals I'm setting for that month

and what's really exciting about this video

is it's a collaboration video with two other amazing ladies.

Stick around to find out who.

Hey guys, my name is Trena and welcome to another episode

of Just the Tips.

Here on my channel, I help lady business owners

figure out this crazy online world so they have more time

to do the things they love and like I teased earlier,

this is a collaboration video with my friend Allie Danae

of The Social Walker agency and also, Ashlyn Carter

of Ashlyn Writes.

We, all three, are gonna be sharing our goal progress

in our power sheets.

So, power sheets are our favorite goal planner.

We've all been using em for quite some time and so,

every Friday, we are gonna share with you our progress

and what we are setting as goals for the next month.

So I'm gonna pop onto a overhead shot so you can see

the goals that I'm setting and how I used my

powersheets for this month.

So to get started on my power sheets, I'm actually using

these marker type pens from Huhuhero.

They're from Amazon, they got like this marker tip

and they come in a bunch of different colors,

so that's why I chose them.

So the first page in the January power sheets

are all about getting listed the things that are coming up.

So, on my calendar, important things to do

and what I'm excited for.

So I already went through some of these

and got them prepped in advance.

These are the things that I'm letting go

and write out all your worries and fears here.

Then this is the important part, this is where you wanna

dump all of your ideas, everything you think you wanna

get done this month, dump it into this page right here.

Then what's great is you can go back and circle the things

that you need to get done because we can have

so many things on our to do list that it can be difficult

to really prioritize.

So, taking some time to dump your ideas here is really,

really important.

I really love this page.

It keeps me organized and it keeps me on task.

This is your tending list and this is what I'm gonna go

through with you today.

Every month, I'm gonna be sharing with you my tending list,

where I'm at, if I reach these monthly goals,

how I did with my weekly goals and my daily goals.

So I'm gonna go ahead and start filling these out.

I don't always write encouraging words

if I'm not feeling anything, then I just skip it

for the month.

So I know my biggest goal this month is to

update my current course.

I'm gonna be relaunching this soon,

so I just wanna update all the modules and the content

so that it is up to date with the most current information.

That's gonna be really my biggest priority for this month.

I know another one of my goals this month is to get

content ready for February.

I typically like to film my YouTube videos a month

in advance, so January, I've gotta get

all my February videos done.

With the upcoming launch of YouTube boot camp,

I also need to strategize some Facebook ads.

So that's gonna be another goal of mine.

Now, as you work through these, you can

scribble them off til you actually complete them.

So you can see as far as you're going,

what you're getting done.

One last thing I really wanna work on this month

is streamlining my employee process.

I have hired two people and I just wanna really figure out

a way to make it a lot easier to communicate

and get things done.

It doesn't have to be neat.

You can see how sloppy my handwriting is.

It's whatever.

So next, we're gonna move onto, let me move this

up a bit.

We're gonna move onto weekly goals and these are the things

you wanna do every single week.

So, I personally like to meal prep every single week.

It keeps me eating healthy.

It keeps me less stressed.

It helps me manage my grocery list, so that's gonna be

one of my top weekly goals.

I generally do this on Sunday,

so I'll be able to check this off this Sunday

once I get it done.

I also know each month, I also know each week,

I wanna recap and go through everything that I got done

that week and plan the next week ahead.

It just helps me be more strategic and get things done.

One other weekly goal I wanna have is

check ins with my bootcamp students and also, my clients.

One last weekly goal that I wanna have

is I want to upload three videos a week

to my YouTube channel.

This is a new goal of mine, so I'm gonna see how it goes

this month and every week, I want three videos

posted on YouTube.

Then the last part down here are my daily goals.

These are the things I wanna do every single day.

These are great if you're working on changing habits

or wanting to start a new habit and I know one of my first

daily goals is going to be exercising flash physical therapy

every single day.

As I'm rehabbing my knee, this needs to be a priority.

One other thing I wanna focus on this month

is drinking more water.

I have been good at drinking water but recently

have slacked off and I just generally feel better

when I am drinking more water, so that's gonna be

a daily goal of mine.

Finally, the third daily goal I'm gonna have

is to read more.

I want to incorporate 15 to 20 minutes of reading

every single day.

I've got some great business books and I really wanted

to read through and I just haven't had time.

So I wanna start making time to read more.

I think this is gonna be good for now.

I know it's January and we're really gung ho

about our goals and doing as many things as possible

but I'm gonna just stick to these for now.

If I find some encouraging words, I'll go ahead

and write it up here.

I'm also going to tear this out.

You can see it has little dotted edge.

I'm gonna tear this out and hang it up

beside my desk right on over here just because

it reminds me more and it's easier to check off.

Then at the end of the month, I can go through here.

I'll be doing this the first Friday of every month.

So check back in on February second

as I go through a month in review and prep for February.

So for me, I'm gonna probably tear out my

tending sheet and stick it to the wall right here.

I just know personally that if I see it more frequently,

I will do it.

Last year, I left it in my book.

So I didn't keep up with it enough.

So, this is my strategy this time around

is to keep it in sight.

I hope you enjoy this series.

Like I said, it's gonna be the first Friday of every month.

So make sure you click subscribe.

You go down into that subscription box as well

and click the link to Allie and Ashlyn's videos as well.

Make sure you leave them a comment letting them know

that I sent you and you subscribe to follow

their journeys with their goals as well.

Thank you so much for watching and I will see you

in the next video, bye!

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