Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 5 2018

the peace our peace will happen because of orderliness is that essentially the

gist of it

we have been India has been a magnificent chaos always not today

always each person doing his own thing everybody thinks he's a genius by

himself alright I'm in the same house five different people are bursting at

worshiping twenty five different gods there is no order in anything but there

has been peace in many ways if you look back in the history of various regions

of the planet we have been probably the most peaceful people on the planet this

is not because of orderliness this is because unless you unless you can keep

your mind peaceful how can you keep your home peaceful town peaceful world

peaceful if your mind is in turmoil everything is orderly something crazy

will happen something really crazy will happen so people always ask me such guru

you are saying India is such a spiritual land particularly when I'm travelling

outside the country but see there in such poverty this that I tell them you

just come and see in India for example where our ashram is in Tamil Nadu about

12 kilometers from the ashram there is a police station

now they've upgraded it to 11 policemen early all these years it used to be

eight policemen at any time three or four will be on the leaf one

sub-inspector and twelve policemen now three four will always be on leaf they

have no vehicles the sub-inspector has his own private hero honda the others

have bicycles if you say a murder has happened they will ask should I really

come anyway the man is dead bring him here

I'm saying there is really no law enforcement and people are not living in

great comfort or something they're living basix lives in the village ashram

is there there's another university cars are going up and down people are driving

Mercedes BMWs up and down these people are living in abject poverty

nobody ever jumps on these people kills them takes what they have it never

happens this is spirituality if you remove the

police in New York City for three days whatever happens in two-and-a-half to

three minutes the police are there armed police not just police always armed

police in spite of that so much happens you remove the police for three days in

New York City you will see what how a quill happen so now peace is a

consequence of how we are within ourselves the essential fundamental of

this culture has been simple aspects or simple tools of yoga have been

introduced to every human being how to sit when you eat how you should sit when

you do your puja how you must sit if you receive how you must receive if you give

how you must give for everything there is an asana madro a particular pattern

even breath patterns were given for different activities how to do this is a

distorted version of yoga which has happened over many millennia initially

proper yoga was taught to every human being at one time over millennia because

of invasions and various things Corrections did not happen so distorted

versions of yoga are happening even today at least 70% of the Indians

without knowing what is yoga they are practicing some simple form at least the

way they stand the way they sit there doing some yoga

and this has made the difference because your minds are peaceful society is

peaceful because what you call it society or the world is a larger

manifestation of the human mind if you do not know how to keep yourself

peaceful world peace world peace I have been to all those international peace

conferences many times and I decided not to go about six years ago anymore

because it's just talking shops world peace world peace speeches are given

speeches are given and some people are bringing 50-page speech and reading it

reading it reading it peace happens because everybody falls asleep so I was

in a peace conference conference like this in Puerto Rico and there are over

30 Nobel laureates so all of them they're talking about world peace world

this world besides just ask them a simple question how many of you can put

your hand on your heart and say that you are peaceful in your mind if you don't

know how to keep your mind peaceful please don't talk about world peace and

this peace being the highest goal is essentially come to us from outside we

never thought this a big thing because to be peaceful is not the ultimate goal

of your life today I am unfortunately even in India even the so-called

spiritual leaders are talking about peace of mind is the highest goal such

people will only rest in peace because if you want to enjoy your dinner today

you must at least be peaceful isn't it yes if you want to enjoy the company of

your family at least you must be peaceful if you are not joyful at least

peaceful if you want to enjoy the work that you're doing

you must be peaceful tell me is this a fundamental requirement or is the final

goal of your life it is the most fundamental requirement every animal is

capable of this as soon as their stomach is full they sit there peacefully even a

buffalo is able to do it what is the problem with the human being

because you have an intelligence that you do not know how to manage that's

your problem isn't it the problem is you have an intelligence

that you do not know how to manage you do not know how to manage as I said to

the lady that you have not read the user's manual you've not paid attention

to this one that is the main problem all kinds of things whatever you deprived

off rises to heaven this happened to me I was to speak in Tel Aviv a few years

ago and I am flying from Atlanta and flights are late I am to land there in

the morning and speak at 6:30 in the evening but I landed at 6 in the evening

so I quickly change in the airport and rush to the thing because in these 33

years have not been late to a single appointment yet I don't want to break

that so I rushed to the place and I have been flying an American airline so there

is nothing edible on the plane so I am famished and when I go there I find that

the venue of the talk is a restaurant can be life can be better isn't it so I

am happy that it's a restaurant at least you can smell the food I have not eaten

since early morning or the previous day so I went there and people are already

coming in and they're greeting me one man comes in says Shalom I asked him

what does it mean he says this is the highest way of greeting

I said that's your opinion but what does it mean says no no this is the highest

way of greeting all right what does the word mean he says it means peace then I

said why would peace be the highest way of greeting unless you're born in Middle


in South India if you come come up to me in the morning

and say peace I will say what's wrong with you

what's the matter today so whatever you deprived off will become the highest

thing please don't make it the highest thing peace is not the highest goal

happiness is not the highest goal all these things is a little child you were

capable of it isn't it so yes this is not something

that you achieve at the end of your life this was the square one of your life

unfortunately most lives have moved backward not forward so peace will come

from orderliness know when people are peaceful they can be anyway and still be

okay when people are violent order is needed I must tell you this one of the

Kennedys you know the Kennedy family came to the ashram and they stayed for a

month or so then he is a mad passionate driver he wants to drive I said if you

drive you will kill Indian people because many of them are checking their

horoscopes every day on the street because their astrologer has told them

you will live for 85 years they want to check on the street first then suddenly

walk in they will suddenly fall under your wheels you are supposed to do

something and prove his horoscope right so I said this is not for you this is

not like America just gassing up and going this is different you don't drive

he said no such guru I want to drive then we put on a squad car for him any

behind this car you drive so he thoroughly enjoyed he drove to Kerala he

drove to go over he went to Gujarat Rajasthan and then he left when I went

to America there was a Robert Kennedy 25th anniversary he went where I went so

I asked him what was your experience of driving in India Sadhguru people are so

peaceful in America everybody is in a rage which is true everything is in

order if little go off the order people will burst to understand the emotions

will burst on the street just like that here everybody is trying to get under

your wheel till you're not but because because mind

is peaceful largely outside is peaceful not because of the order but we will

lose this we will lose this in the coming years if we don't do the

necessary work we are still eating cold food what work was done in the previous

generations we're still enjoying now if we don't do the necessary work next

generations will not have the same thing

so use piece equivalent to order not at all



For more infomation >> Sadhguru 2018 Meditation - How to Remain Peaceful in Every Situation - Duration: 11:55.


ၼၢင်းပေႉၸႂ်လႆႈယူႇ ယိင်းယိင်းၶိူဝ်း เพลงไตยเพราะ2018 นางเบ๋ใจไล้อยู่ ญิงญิงเคอ HD - Duration: 4:20.

Mokhamhom Music


For more infomation >> ၼၢင်းပေႉၸႂ်လႆႈယူႇ ယိင်းယိင်းၶိူဝ်း เพลงไตยเพราะ2018 นางเบ๋ใจไล้อยู่ ญิงญิงเคอ HD - Duration: 4:20.


I'M BACK WITH SOME NEWS (*merch*, *videos*)!!! | Jus'Justin - Duration: 9:53.

What is up guys

Boy, just Justin they've been a long time since I uploaded it was like last year - last I upload


You know sir, but

Anyway guys, I have a lot of thing to talk to you guys first go on

Happy New Year to everyone so starting up with the be a force because like I guys first caught in the book

with five reaction videos to start times

just stop like god bro or

like the other like beautiful solution, but

Like the Buddha, so that's what I added on upload my videos on so yeah paid me for a second, but

Yeah, I was some copyright moosic very

Bad guys, this is like pop. Yeah. How so sorry tuned up for this video guys, so sorry

I helped plenty of videos you come the date, so I don't want like talk too much, but anyway guys guys guys guys guys

I don't know if you look at my last video where I post

even the video nothing

Description you're gonna see the merch link. Yes. I have some part to fill you guys. You know I'm being a good chef

I just started off, but I'm working on some more day, so I'm gonna record edit

Upload Plus work upwards day

Plus a tie regular school and get my haircut so six days

So that's why I'm trying to do a lot of things day because yeah, I have a part-timer

I know that I can make previous video. I talked about

How I look back making website. Yeah, but to me

I don't I was still young I mean we are saying looks. It looks like kind of user guys don't give up

Don't blame me don't give up

And right now. I'm gonna why we're it's time here like that was so cool

All right here comes forward osnome it we got close to Florida, so I hope you know

anyway, but

Guys it's yeah, it's time to soak over

Anyway, um they say on the website

It I was too young it mean technology caused me to make March. I'll put it on website all that

Has brought me too much guys just on this

and I know the game forever, but I know this but the smallest I get my system, so

Average some are Jones. Oh, yes rings of our losses on guys beautiful

See ya it's Santa Clara whatever, but we are just applaud ice but three

So guys the video repost energy

Like felt chemical D. Cuz like

girls goods like

Right I wasn't really like a setup to setup book

Just like this

so yeah

so yes

They re posting like a lot of videos these videos will previously previously recorded

And so like I'll be wearing different shirts and stuff

So you have a silly fear encouraged all three got something romantic dinner shows like organy, right?

Etc no. I have a lot of reaction videos for you guys

in Ex urgently but

Our hydrometer video too long, but don't forget your merch guys

Am I late membership Teague spring?

So it's T is T spring carbs last just - Justin - - much

You know just a few guys

T spring dot T spring calm

Chuck don't cheat

He had to get used to saying is teaspoon TOCOM slash

Osterberg HT sprinter home

Just toss that's a little

subtraction toss Justin toss merch, but I wouldn't leave the link in description down below I made a

It was t-shirt nothing a shield I love this a little sneak peek just pull in the description down below

We can check it out of me a cup of tee shirts phone casings or armor

I'm working on something on to leave some hoodies some mugs socks

pillows is more like that but

The family for seven because I'm only 14 you ain't worried


guys is the end of video

And they are sinners we are so short. It's not sure I'll tournament get everything to write the same

Play and upload the rest if it is right now, so

If you see there is now generally four to A six in 2018 sorry

if you see like Leah for you tomorrow is 7

million the

Videos from the iPhone to desktop

Something on the arm Louisa Hodge disappeared ever. I'd leave that up on my phone. I said I

Say, I got a chart. I think it was the Chargers on the forum page I

tried upload the file to the

Aaron plays the Edit it says some broken forever

So guys, I'm just ready for your quick study hour for the rest of you subscribe so

Are you enjoying all why keep back to tell y'all leave a like on the video if you liked my boom

Cha leave my videos will evaporate

Reply gonna be just like any colors in this background. Whatever just even like rated, but it's the end of the video guys make sure


Turn the publications aren't you subscribe so you can see you in a couple of video? I'll go check out great reverbs and shoutouts

Channeling will be a scripture download

Or else

Like what if you like I said, nothing everything. I don't know if I would do, but I have to be doing like

The Logan Paul story put the forest and suicide thing I see that's that's trained enough to Mysterio and churning

Nothing that video get more Houston his last swing on videos. I actually called you up

I said Wow does it rope rusty videos got like seven million views five six four seven

But they never passed twenty something okay, cuz the feeble said I'm so sorry yeah

That's on of three on China. I got over 20 some million views bro over 20 million euros. I should say

So this is the end of video guys if we do a story with that

Make sure confident down below in this video and leave like but ok they capture much

I'm a little personally much linked with always the Marcelin is now

Official and will always be in the description down below you know

But if you watch one more videos with me whatever just click up on the top right there with a pool

I think you don't see my latest uploads then I'm gonna see

To let your friends each other dead after the Opera. You'll see a pool

I'm making it pull a scene you can see the pool actually are seat of the car you still I card you took the car

The receipt my lips up lovely this, but the fragrant channel

policy always great to be

Yes are



Moving up Lockhart he lives up. Don't reflect anything on my video does conscription. I'm alone as he lays

I put the danger fraternity on my videos mostly area mostly length two minutes my video two minutes of air my video is just be

Miniscule down below, so just go description

Um University everything laughs, so just ever the video guide, but don't forget. You know my social media my teacher down

This is just our since you are one to

Two lunches Justin 0-3 snapchat just across to see Justin

Twitter's just just over 100 check out my facebook HM. Please write check on it, please people

I connect some egos at videos and some news you guys know so

Yeah, me live on social media. I'm ready for my social media links

Initiation envelope, and it's a news so yeah

So just gonna straighten up no or hidden understand place here, but my also just check on

I mean if you ever sound I say my knees names and links and research images and stuff

Just check out the I'll show right now

Hey guys make sure subscribe to channel and after you subscribe

Miniature an important issue see my upload the next video whatever that slide over social media

It's like the extra combination for the programmers. Just are things you don't want to at first

But over the Twitter just follow me, which is just just to 0-3


slide over to synopsize Navy admiral and services TL adjusted gos price

We just need to be do some search of it's just gossip adjusting my page, please right now

And what you're seeing right now basically freaking channel on my channel, but Quran is a little two dollars

Just welcome to this video which right here right now peace

For more infomation >> I'M BACK WITH SOME NEWS (*merch*, *videos*)!!! | Jus'Justin - Duration: 9:53.


|HD| Josh Groban - The Christmas Song [Live] - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> |HD| Josh Groban - The Christmas Song [Live] - Duration: 2:52.


YouTube Star Logan Paul 'Taking Time to Reflect' Amid Criticism - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> YouTube Star Logan Paul 'Taking Time to Reflect' Amid Criticism - Duration: 0:59.


GLITTER Dress Coloring Pages for Girls | Painting Coloring Books for Girls | How to Draw Dress - Duration: 10:18.












Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> GLITTER Dress Coloring Pages for Girls | Painting Coloring Books for Girls | How to Draw Dress - Duration: 10:18.


ASMR Brushing Microphone and Camera | Tongue Click - Duration: 30:26.

Vote at the end of this video for what you would like to see next week.

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome, welcome, welcome to ASMR Masquerade.

Today I will be doing brushing the microphone and brushing the camera with different makeup brushes.

If you are using this to fall asleep to, then I suggest you go ahead and subscribe to my channel

and give this video a thumbs up. And set your notifications on,

because you are definitely going to like this video and definitely going to fall asleep to it.

If you don't know how to set notifications on, all you have to do is click the bell next to the subscribe button.

Without any further ado, let's begin.

For more infomation >> ASMR Brushing Microphone and Camera | Tongue Click - Duration: 30:26.


Lego Titanic Part 3 - Duration: 6:35.

(Man Scream)

(People Scream)

(Man Scream)

(Women Scream)

(People Screams)

God almighty

Keep those beakers in!

Keep it in!

Got it

(Man Screams)

(Dramatic Music Playing)

(Men Screams)

(People screams)

(People screams)

(People screams)

We have to move.

(People Screaming)

(Man Screams)

(Man Scream)

(Another Man Scream)

(Sad Music Playing)

(My Heart Will Go On Playing)

For more infomation >> Lego Titanic Part 3 - Duration: 6:35.


Lego Titanic Part 2 - Duration: 7:02.

Excuse me.

Why have the engine stopped

I felt this shudder.

I shouldn't worry Madam.

We likely thrown a propeller blade

That's the shudder you felt

May I bring anything?

No, thank you

(Men Laughing)

Ismay: Most Unfortunate Captain


14 feet above the keel in 10 minutes

In the forepeak it all three holds

And in boiler room six

Where can we get underway?

Dang It

That's five compartment!

She can stay afloat within the first four compartment bleach,

but not five

not five

She's go down by the head

The water will spill over the top of the bulkheads

At D Deck from one to the next back and back.

There's no stopping it

The pumps.... we open the--

The pumps buy your time, but minutes only

From this moment no matter what we do

Titanic will founder

But the ship can't sink!

She's made a of iron, sir.

I answer I assure you she can

and she will.

It is a mathematical certainty

How much time?

An hour, two at the most

How many are on board Captain?

Around 2,200 passengers

Gentlemen, we're in carefulness position.

We must prepare to Abandon ship

Mr. Murdoch, you Master the passengers

Mr. Lightroller, you have the boats uncover and swang out

Mr. Boxtrol, call all hand and get them to stations

Mr. Moody, you help Mr. Lightroller

Mr. Wire and Mr. Pitman, remain on bridge

Everything will be done quickly and calmly

There should be no alarm or panic

The lifeboats filled with women and children first

Off you go lads

Everybody up lifebelts on

What is on about?

CQD sir

That's right. CQD.

The distress call

Tell whoever responds that we're going down by the head and need immediate assistance


Lightroller: For the time being

Lightroller: I should only require

Lightroller: Only women and childrens

And the one & two

And the

(Classical Music Playing)

Steward: It isn't time to go up to the boats yet,

please stay calm


Make sure everybody got your lifebelts on

Please let us through

No, Captain's order and please stay calm there


Turn back!

Come back to the ship!

Boat number six!

Return to the ship!


We have to go back!


The suction will pull us down if we don't keep going

We've lots more room

I say we go back!


It's our lives now not theirs,

And I'm in charge of this boat, Madam

Now row!

This is the captain!

This is the captain!

Come back to the ship!

The fools

Back, Back, Back

(Woman Scream)

(Lightroller yells)

Lightroller: Get back I say!

Or I'll shoot all like dogs

Keep order here!

Keep order, I Said!

Mr. Lowe, low this boat.

(Man Scream)

Lower away

left and right together

steady lad




(Women Scream)

Hold the left side

Hold the left side

right side only

Now both together

steady lads


Good now load away

Prepare to lower

Take them down

steady lads


Below Decks are wash

come on let's clear out

we done our duty

Come on!

We're gonna be inside breakfast!

I'm not going

You're mad

(Nearer My God To Thee Playing)

For more infomation >> Lego Titanic Part 2 - Duration: 7:02.


The Elder Scrolls Travels: Stormhold Part 1 — It tastes kind of like a game... — Java phone game - Duration: 16:52.

Hello, this is Yahweasel!

Let's play The Elder Scrolls Travels: Stormhold.

Uh, this requires a bit of explanation.

So, I played The Elder Scrolls Travel: Shadowkey on my channel, which is excessively difficult

to actually play because it's for the N-gage, and I got a lot of requests to play the other

Elder Scrolls Travels games, which are for mobile phones, what we would now call feature


And I thought, well, why why should I have to play this, you can emulate those games,

there are emulators for those.

The N-Gage, the thing is, there is no emulator for the N-Gage.

The reason is, my God is it difficult to make this run!

Oh my God, it's so hard to make this run!

I had to decompile the emulator, its Java source code, replace– fix a bug in it and

recompile the emulator to make this work.

So, that's the reason why nobody else can play this game, and let's play Stormhold!

It's going to be REALLY BAD, because it's for feature phones.

By the way, there is no background music, I have put in the music from Morrowind, although

I will even remove that if it gets copyright claims or anything.


There's no, there's no background– there's no sound at all.

This game has no sound.

Feature phones.

Feature phones.

No sound.

I'm gonna go with Spellsword, only because there are no arrows or anything like that,

there's no distance attacks whatsoever, so my usual—and there is no thievery—so my

usual rogue, there's no reason to be that.

So let's go with Spellsword, then we have to acknowledge the fact that this is an emulator

and call myself Yahspellsword.

Oh no!

I'm just Yahspellsw, I can't go any farther, no!

Oh no!


Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Travels, we couldn't be bothered to put the subtitle here!

Misfortune has landed you in Stormhold prison, run by a reputed lunatic Quintus Varus.

You must find the few who can help you and overcome the challenges of Stormhold, until

you are strong enough to defeat the evil warden.

The overseers will put you to work, and it is clear you are not expected to survive long.

Prisoners whisper of overseers and other prisoners gone mad, who now try to kill workers, clearing

the Stormhold ruins.

You now have a–

You now have a weapon smuggled to you by friends, and ruins to clear.

Start your exploration by using the two four six or eight buttons to move your character!

For additional help push seven and select the help option!


Okay, so, we are somewhere in Stormhold prison.

I've got a convenient mini-map on the left, top left, where by convenient I mean not convenient,

and this is the kind of quality graphics you can expect out of this video game.

How do I... how do I say hi?

Oh, I press 9.

Welcome, stranger!

Know that the dirt here is cleaner than those that have us dig in it!

I cannot help you now, for we might be seen, but return later!

Oh, what, she's a trainer.

Ok, let's, let's try to befriend her a bit.

I suspect I have better things to do!

Let's not kill her just yet, maybe later!

There will be other times to kill.

Charred walls.

Boy, that's promising.

Let me just walk right into one of those charred walls...

Is this... is this... this is a thief, this is an enemy, what?

Kill, die!



I lasted about 12 seconds!

Ah, you're awake now.

Overseers dragged you in here, but I think...


BUT I THINKED they lined their pockets first.

You should be fine now.

Sorry to see another innocent in Stormhold.

I need crystals for my work.

Should you find some in your digging, I will gladly help you for those.

Varus opens new tunnels seeking some Stormhold crystal, but his scheme, removing evil from

one man to place in another is madness.

The earth itself oozes corruption as a result, afflicting far too many for me to help.

Hmm, okay.

So, was I supposed to die there, like, am I... mmm...

There are warps, what?

Sorry, I'll need more crystals before I can do that?

Mmm, one second, I need to remap some keys.

There we go, now I actually have a button to talk to people!

Uh, I don't know, rumors, got any?

Varus opened new tunnels seeking some storm hold crystal but his scheme...

Yeah, you already said this.

Okay, thank you, goodbye.

Where am I now?

This place sucks!

Hi, Vander!




Vander broke the game!

I tried to talk to Vander and now the game is broken!

Oh no!

Oh, hi, he suddenly, wow!

That took a long time!

Welcome to Stormhold.

I'd offer you a drink, but I haven't got one.

Varus has eyes everywhere, but later, perhaps later I can show you a trick or two.

Uh, befriend!

Hmm, I think I know exactly what the mad warden doesn't want me to teach you.

Okay, can, can I do that then?

Yeah, well, I don't...

Mm, I mean, as a Spellsword I don't particularly want any of these.





Thanks for the not aid!

Warden's camp.

Oh, okay, now I'm– okay, this looks like the center where I was before.

So, West was pretty bad, let's try North.

Outer camp.



You look surprisingly similar to the last guy I talked to!

I see they have captured another pearl to cast before the swine.

Perhaps I could help you later, should fate conspire with us.

Your words ring true, I shall help you.

How nice.

Okay, so here's some of the– he can train in wizardry, which is good, because I probably

will eventually need that.

So can I...

That's it?

I don't have to...

I just befriend him a bit and he trains me?

It's that easy?


What a strange system that is.

It's just time-based I guess.

Let's go ahead and shimmy on out of there.


Everyone looks the same, and their face!

And his face is so screwy!

Rough day, but I could make you better... if you know what I mean.

If you find stuff you don't need while digging, bring it here.

I can trade you crystals that can save your life down here.

I don't have any– whoa, definitely don't give him my broadsword, geez!

North Slope.

You know what, I feel like, when it says that, that's a good time to save the game, which

takes approximately eternity.

Bit van Bite, in chat, suggests that that face has seen some shit, or perhaps it's shit

that's seen some face.

Oh, you're attacking me, oh no!

Hey, I actually won!

That's good!

And I got a gray aura crystal, aha!

So there's how you get crystals.

Let me just back out of that nonsense.




Okay, I actually won a battle, that's good.

So, that's, that's progress, let's save.

Haha, yeah, saving, it takes an eternity!

I wonder if there are unlimited—oh, hello—enemies.

How do I... how do I chest?

Oh, there we go.

Magicka crystal, neato, I have... magicka.

Oh, you don't look like a friend.

But, you can't be bothered to attack me, so I guess maybe.

Take that!

And yeah, I used a spell, cuz I'm super cool that way!

Gray aura crystal.

Uh, spell please.

Spell harder.

Ah, he was a weak prisoner, what a loser!

This is probably not a wise place to rest...

Apparently you can rest anywhere, it's fine!

I enjoy the realism!

So really, just, fight one enemy, rest, fight one enemy, rest.


Why is that pixel pink?

That that looks like a trap, I don't want to walk into the pink pixel, do I?

Why would I...


That was a warp.

That was a teleporter.

To Helga?


Did... did I die?

Did... did I die?

What happened?

Hey, I need some more destruction training.

I– you cannot work at night.


Thank you.

Like, how am I supposed to know that it's night, other than you telling me I guess?

I am very curious about what just happened up here.

I'm gonna save, and then I'm gonna figure out what happened right here.

Okay, so there's just a teleporter back here.

Okay, I'm wasting my time.

That's absurd, why?

What a strange... maybe every pink spot is a–

Oh, maybe those are warps, because Helga has that warp ability, so maybe I can warp back


Okay, okay, so next time I should talk to Helga and warp back again.

But for the time being I can just sidestep it.

There we go.

A ruffian!

Take that– oh no, the ruffian hurts, the ruffian hurts a lot!

Luckily, I can escape!

I need help, help me, cure me!

No, you need more crystals!

Gift crystal.


I'll be able to do wonders with that.


Okay, cure me.

Few nasty ones!

I just realized how pointless that is since I can camp anywhere.




You didn't cure me, what the hell?!

Why did I–

What just happened?!

Is it recovery that I want, and not cure?

I guess it's recovery... then what does cure do?

Maybe you can be poisoned or something?

How strange.

Okay, fine.

I would like to damn to hell every one who asked me to play this game, it's really bad!

So can I warp?

Oh, I see, okay.

Wow, that ruffian was quite easy to kill once I actually did...

Okay, nothing there.

Weak prisoner!

Leather gloves, okay, how do I equip leather gloves.


Leather gloves...



Okay, okay, progress.


Come on!

Come at me bro!

Yeah, that's right!

Ooh, heal crystal.

That seems like it's probably a good thing.

A weak prisoner, more like a lame prisoner!

Those mean basically the same thing, so yes!

Hmm, is this just a dead end?

I wonder if you can search or something.

Okay, whatever.

I assume I'm just sort of looking for crystals.

I don't know, maybe this is like a 15 minute long game.

You just grind up a bit, find Varus, and then look for crystals.

Hmm, okay, so that was pretty much that whole area, but perhaps there is more that I missed

over here?

Yes, there is this whole area.

Uh-oh, including this jerk!

Yeah, take that!

Oh, a dagger.

Is that better than my current weapon?

Can I use a dagger?

Is it equivalent?

I have a cuirass, don't I?

Uh, dagger.

Weapon value 20.

Whereas, broadsword had also weapon value 20, but that's a long sword and this is a

short sword, and presumably I'm better with long swords.

Long blade five, yep, okay, don't do that.

My longsword, long blade ability is pretty good, actually.


I don't know what that's telling me!

Let's save.

It's amazing that it takes that long to save IN AN EMULATOR.

Yes, open the chest, please.

Oh, a shield.

Okay, can I use a shield, as a Spellsword, with a long sword?

I guess it's not a two-handed sword, is it.

Yes, I can use it.


Okay, getting better equipment, good.

Okay, I am now out of—[incoherent confusion]—I am now out of—a scroll of what?—I'm now

OUT OF my ability to finish English sentences.

Out of mana, so I should probably encamp.


Can I really just do this anywhere, is that how this game works?

What a bizarre game.

Okay, next time.

Oh, why did people want me to play this?

Next time, I don't know, more identical walls, there's only one image in this game!

Until then, thanks for watching.

If you liked the video I've got hundreds more, just click that channel button.

Cheers from Yahweasel!

For more infomation >> The Elder Scrolls Travels: Stormhold Part 1 — It tastes kind of like a game... — Java phone game - Duration: 16:52.


simple maggam work blouse designs | hand embroidery stitches basic | basic embroidery designs - Duration: 1:32.


For more infomation >> simple maggam work blouse designs | hand embroidery stitches basic | basic embroidery designs - Duration: 1:32.


MILO Európa bukásáról - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> MILO Európa bukásáról - Duration: 8:45.


Lego Titanic Part 1 - Duration: 7:09.

I name this ship Titanic may God bless her and all who sail with her.

'Rose' By James Horner Playing

Take it to sea Mr. Murdoch

Let's stretch our legs

Yes sir

All ahead full Mr. Moody

Very good sir

All Head Full.

All rights lads

open the right up

We Go Full Ahead

Come on, put ........

I'm the King of the world!!!!!!!


21 Knots Sir

So you're not letting it the last four boilers

No I don't see the need

We're making excellent time

The press knows the size of Titanic now I want them to

naval at her speed

We must give them something new to print

This maiden voyage of Titanic must make headlines

Mr. Ismay

I would prefer not to push the

engines until they have been properly run

Of course I'm just a passenger

I leave it to your good officers to decide what's best

Here you go gentlemen

[Both] Thank you

But what a glorious end to your final crossing

if we were to get into New York on Tuesday night

and Surprise them all

Mr Ismay: Make the morning newspapers

Retire with a bang, eh, EJ

Good man

All Right

Open your eyes

(Rose Gasp)

Rose: I'm Flying

Rose: Jack

(The Entertainer Playing)

(Molly laughs)

Molly: So he come drunk

Molly: As a pig celebrating

Molly: As he lights a fire

(Everyone laughs)

(All Men Laughing)

(Blue Danube Playing)

(Man Snoring)

(Dramatic Music Playing)

What did you see?

Iceberg Up Ahead!!!

Iceberg Right Ahead, Sir.

Hard To Starboard!

Hard To Starboard Sir

Full Astern!

Full Astern, Sir


Full Astern!!

Shut All The Dampers

Shut Them

Now Engage The Revering Engines

It's Gonna Hit!

(A Man Scream)

(Male Scream)

What is it?

I put to hard to Starboard

Reverse engine but, it's too close

Stop engine

Moody: Stop engine

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