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Starbucks & Starbucks Music: Starbucks Music Playlist (Starbucks Inspired Coffee Music Youtube) - Duration: 3:33:41.Title: Starbucks & Starbucks Music: Starbucks Music Playlist (Starbucks Inspired Coffee Music Youtube)
WATCH LIVE: The National for Thursday January 4, 2018 - Winter Storm, Albert Schultz, Minimum Wage - Duration: 1:04:37.-------------------------------------------
Making of DIRTY x DIRTY [Sub Esp/Eng] - コドモドラゴン - Duration: 8:53.We are on the PV's recording
Now meN-meN is putting on his shoes
Today we'll be recording the PV
This time the theme is that we are priosioners
It has been a while
This is really big
This is the story of the human and the zombie
*knock knock*
*knock knock*
I'm the zombie
Today's PV
will be very awesome
First of all ..
I think ..
Should I drink a beer ?
Hi ! I'm lazy
Don't bother me !
Let's see
This is terrible !
What !?
A screw ?
There's no screw, Abe-kun
push it
There's more ? You have more ?
I've changed my hair color to blue
The one who always changes his hair color in Codomo Dragon it's me
Okay, look
Codomo Dragon's mark
I'm from SWAT
a musician SWAT
This guy
It's... me !
I'm a japanese rock singer]
Yeah, I'll introduce the members
Bass meN-meN
Drum.. pineapple
Pineapple ! Pineapple !
This guitar Yume
I'm very lazy
Grandpa !
I'm a prisioner
I was caught
[What was your crime ? ]
commite a crime
I commited a crime
What are you looking at ?
What are you looking at ?
Let's see !
Hey ! There's so many people
OMG ! I found something heavy !
This is so cool !
This is bad
In case I can't get out
What should I do ?
Ah ! Finally !
How big is it ? The face
Same, same !
Your nose it's like her chin
My nose ?
My nose ? ..
My nose is like her chin ?
Here ?
This right here is like this ?
I'm this prisioner (on the sheet)
This is pistachio
It's right there
Now !
Okay, please continue
VLOG 002 [EXTENDED] - #MAKJANG ! Pulang Dari Ecolodge Kulineran Dulu di Brahrang ! - Duration: 7:34.-------------------------------------------
The Anti-Federalist Papers | Federal Farmer VI - Duration: 16:54.Dear sir,
My former letters to you, respecting the constitution proposed, were calculated merely to lead to
a fuller investigation of the subject; having more extensively considered it, and the opinions
of others relative to it, I shall, in a few letters, more particularly endeavour to point
out the defects, and propose amendments.
I shall in this make only a few general and introductory observations, which, in the present
state of the momentous question, may not be improper; and I leave you, in all cases, to
decide by a careful examination of my works, upon the weight of my arguments, the propriety
of my remarks, the uprightness of my intentions, and the extent of my candor — I presume
I am writing to a man of candor and reflection, and not to an ardent, peevish, or impatient
When the constitution was first published, there appeared to prevail a misguided zeal
to prevent a fair unbiassed examination of a subject of infinite importance to this people
and their posterity — to the cause of liberty and the rights of mankind — and it was the
duty of those who saw a restless ardor, or design, attempting to mislead the people by
a parade of names and misrepresentations, to endeavour to prevent their having their
intended effects.
The only way to stop the passions of men in their career is, coolly to state facts, and
deliberately to avow the truth — and to do this we are frequently forced into a painful
view of men and measures.
Since I wrote to you in October, I have heard much said, and seen many pieces written, upon
the subject in question; and on carefully examining them on both sides, I find much
less reason for changing my sentiments, respecting the good and defective parts of the system
proposed than I expected — The opposers, as well as the advocates of it, confirm me
in my opinion, that this system affords, all circumstances considered, a better basis to
build upon than the confederation.
And as to the principal defects, as the smallness of the representation, the insecurity of elections,
the undue mixture of powers in the senate, the insecurity of some essential rights, &c.
the opposition appears, generally, to agree respecting them, and many of the ablest advocates
virtually to admit them — Clear it is, the latter do not attempt manfully to defend these
defective parts, but to cover them with a mysterious veil; they concede, they retract;
they say we could do no better; and some of them, when a little out of temper, and hard
pushed, use arguments that do more honor to their ingenuity, than to their candor and
Three states have now adopted the constitution without amendments; these, and other circumstances,
ought to have their weight in deciding the question, whether we will put the system into
operation, adopt it, enumerate and recommend the necessary amendments, which afterwards,
by three-fourths of the states, may be ingrafted into the system, or whether we will make the
amendments prior to the adoption — I only undertake to shew amendments are essential
and necessary — how far it is practicable to ingraft them into the plan, prior to the
adoption, the state conventions must determine.
Our situation is critical, and we have but our choice of evils — We may hazard much
by adopting the constitution in its present form — we may hazard more by rejecting it
wholly — we may hazard much by long contending about amendments prior to the adoption.
The greatest political evils that can befal us, are discords and civil wars — the greatest
blessings we can wish for, are peace, union, and industry, under a mild, free, and steady
Amendments recommended will tend to guard and direct the administration — but there
will be danger that the people, after the system shall be adopted, will become inattentive
to amendments — Their attention is now awake — the discussion of the subject, which has
already taken place, has had a happy effect — it has called forth the able advocates
of liberty, and tends to renew, in the minds of the people, their true republican jealousy
and vigilance, the strongest guard against the abuses of power; but the vigilance of
the people is not sufficiently constant to be depended on — Fortunate it is for the
body of a people, if they can continue attentive to their liberties, long enough to erect for
them a temple, and constitutional barriers for their permanent security: when they are
well fixed between the powers of the rulers and the rights of the people, they become
visible boundaries, constantly seen by all, and any transgression of them is immediately
discovered: they serve as centinels for the people at all times, and especially in those
unavoidable intervals of inattention.
Some of the advocates, I believe, will agree to recommend good amendments; but some of
them will only consent to recommend indefinite, specious, but unimportant ones; and this only
with a view to keep the door open for obtaining in some favourable moment, their main object,
a complete consolidation of the states, and a government much higher toned, less republican
and free than the one proposed.
If necessity, therefore, should ever oblige us to adopt the system, and recommend amendments,
the true friends of a federal republic must see they are well defined, and well calculated,
not only to prevent our system of government moving further from republican principles
and equality, but to bring it back nearer to them — they must be constantly on their
guard against the address, flattery, and manoeuvres of their adversaries.
The gentlemen who oppose the constitution, or contend for amendments in it, are frequently,
and with much bitterness, charged with wantonly attacking the men who framed it.
The unjustness of this charge leads me to make one observation upon the conduct of parties,
Some of the advocates are only pretended federalists; in fact they wish for an abolition of the
state governments.
Some of them I believe to be honest federalists, who wish to preserve substantially the state
governments united under an efficient federal head; and many of them are blind tools without
any object.
Some of the opposers also are only pretended federalists, who want no federal government,
or one merely advisory.
Some of them are the true federalists, their object, perhaps, more clearly seen, is the
same with that of the honest federalists; and some of them, probably, have no distinct
We might as well call the advocates and opposers tories and whigs, or any thing else, as federalists
and anti-federalists.
To be for or against the constitution, as it stands, is not much evidence of a federal
disposition; if any names are applicable to the parties, on account of their general politics,
they are those of republicans and anti-republicans.
The opposers are generally men who support the rights of the body of the people, and
are properly republicans.
The advocates are generally men not very friendly to those rights, and properly anti-republicans.
Had the advocates left the constitution, as they ought to have done, to be adopted or
rejected on account of its own merits or imperfections, I do not believe the gentlemen who framed
it would ever have been even alluded to in the contest by the opposers.
Instead of this, the ardent advocates begun by quoting names as incontestible authorities
for the implicit adoption of the system, without any examination — treated all who opposed
it as friends of anarchy; and with an indecent virulence addressed M—n G—y, L—e, and
almost every man of weight they could find in the opposition by name.
If they had been candid men they would have applauded the moderation of the opposers for
not retaliating in this pointed manner, when so fair an opportunity was given them; but
the opposers generally saw that it was no time to heat the passions; but, at the same
time, they saw there was something more than mere zeal in many of their adversaries; they
saw them attempting to mislead the people, and to precipitate their divisions, by the
sound of names, and forced to do it, the opposers, in general terms, alledged those names were
not of sufficient authority to justify the hasty adoption of the system contended for.
The convention, as a body, was undoubtedly respectable; it was, generally, composed of
members of the then and preceding Congresses: as a body of respectable men we ought to view
To select individual names, is an invitation to personal attacks, and the advocates, for
their own sake, ought to have known the abilities, politics, and situation of some of their favourite
characters better, before they held them up to view in the manner they did, as men entitled
to our implicit political belief: they ought to have known, whether all the men they so
held up to view could, for their past conduct in public offices, be approved or not by the
public records, and the honest part of the community.
These ardent advocates seem now to be peevish and angry, because, by their own folly, they
have led to an investigation of facts and of political characters, unfavourable to them,
which they had not the discernment to foresee.
They may well apprehend they have opened a door to some Junius, or to some man, after
his manner, with his polite addresses to men by name, to state serious facts, and unfold
the truth; but these advocates may rest assured, that cool men in the opposition, best acquainted
with the affairs of the country, will not, in the critical passage of a people from one
constitution to another, pursue inquiries, which, in other circumstances, will be deserving
of the highest praise.
I will say nothing further about political characters, but examine the constitution;
and as a necessary and previous measure to a particular examination, I shall state a
few general positions and principles, which receive a general assent, and briefly notice
the leading features of the confederation, and several state conventions [i.e., constitutions],
to which, through the whole investigation, we must frequently have recourse, to aid the
mind in its determinations.
We can put but little dependance on the partial and vague information transmitted to us respecting
antient governments; our situation as a people is peculiar: our people in general have a
high sense of freedom; they are high spirited, though capable of deliberate measures; they
are intelligent, discerning, and well informed; and it is to their condition we must mould
the constitution and laws.
We have no royal or noble families, and all things concur in favour of a government entirely
We have tried our abilities as freemen in a most arduous contest, and have succeeded;
but we now find the main spring of our movements were the love of liberty, and a temporary
ardor, and not any energetic principle in the federal system.
Our territories are far too extensive for a limited monarchy, in which the representatives
must frequently assemble, and the laws operate mildly and systematically.
The most elligible system is a federal republic, that is, a system in which national concerns
may be transacted in the centre, and local affairs in state or district governments.
The powers of the union ought to be extended to commerce, the coin, and national objects;
and a division of powers, and a deposit of them in different hands, is safest.
Good government is generally the result of experience and gradual improvements, and a
punctual execution of the laws is essential to the preservation of life, liberty, and
Taxes are always necessary, and the power to raise them can never be safely lodged without
checks and limitation, but in a full and substantial representation of the body of the people;
the quantity of power delegated ought to be compensated by the brevity of the time of
holding it, in order to prevent the possessors increasing it.
The supreme power is in the people, and rulers possess only that portion which is expressly
given them; yet the wisest people have often declared this is the case on proper occasions,
and have carefully formed stipulations to fix the extent, and limit the exercise of
the power given.
The people by Magna Charta, &c. did not acquire powers, or receive privileges from the king,
they only ascertained and fixed those they were entitled to as Englishmen; the title
used by the king "we grant," was mere form.
Representation, and the jury trial, are the best features of a free government ever as
yet discovered, and the only means by which the body of the people can have their proper
influence in the affairs of government.
In a federal system we must not only balance the parts of the same government, as that
of the state, or that of the union; but we must find a balancing influence between the
general and local governments — the latter is what men or writers have but very little
or imperfectly considered.
A free and mild government is that in which no laws can be made without the formal and
free consent of the people, or of their constitutional representatives; that is, of a substantial
representative branch.
Liberty, in its genuine sense, is security to enjoy the effects of our honest industry
and labours, in a free and mild government, and personal security from all illegal restraints.
Of rights, some are natural and unalienable, of which even the people cannot deprive individuals:
Some are constitutional or fundamental; these cannot be altered or abolished by the ordinary
laws; but the people, by express acts, may alter or abolish them — These, such as the
trial by jury, the benefits of the writ of habeas corpus, &c. individuals claim under
the solemn compacts of the people, as constitutions, or at least under laws so strengthened by
long usuage as not to be repealable by the ordinary legislature — and some are common
or mere legal rights, that is, such as individuals claim under laws which the ordinary legislature
may alter or abolish at pleasure.
The confederation is a league of friendship among the states or sovereignties for the
common defence and mutual welfare — Each state expressly retains its sovereignty, and
all powers not expressly given to congress — All federal powers are lodged in a congress
of delegates annually elected by the state legislatures, except in Connecticut and Rhode-Island,
where they are chosen by the people — Each state has a vote in congress, pays its delegates,
and may instruct or recall them; no delegate can hold any office of profit, or serve more
than three years in any six years — Each state may be represented by not less than
two, or more than seven delegates.
Congress (nine states agreeing) may make peace and war, treaties and alliances, grant letters
of marque and reprisal, coin money, regulate the alloy and value of the coin, require men
and monies of the states by fixed proportions, and appropriate monies, form armies and navies,
emit bills of credit, and borrow monies.
Congress (seven states agreeing) may send and receive ambassadors, regulate captures,
make rules for governing the army and navy, institute courts for the trial of piracies
and felonies committed on the high seas, and for settling territorial disputes between
the individual states, regulate weight and measures, post offices, and Indian affairs.
No state, without the consent of congress, can send or receive embassies, make any agreement
with any other state, or a foreign state, keep up any vessels of war or bodies of forces
in time of peace, or engage in war, or lay any duties which may interfere with the treaties
of congress — Each state must appoint regimental officers, and keep up a well regulated militia
— Each state may prohibit the importation or exportation of any species of goods.
The free inhabitants of one state are intitled to the privileges and immunities of the free
citizens of the other states — Credit in each state shall be given to the records and
judicial proceedings in the others.
Canada, acceding, may be admitted, and any other colony may be admitted by the consent
of nine states.
Alterations may be made by the agreement of congress, and confirmation of all the state
The following, I think, will be allowed to be unalienable or fundamental rights in the
United States: —
No man, demeaning himself peaceably, shall be molested on account of his religion or
mode of worship — The people have a right to hold and enjoy their property according
to known standing laws, and which cannot be taken from them without their consent, or
the consent of their representatives; and whenever taken in the pressing urgencies of
government, they are to receive a reasonable compensation for it — Individual security
consists in having free recourse to the laws — The people are subject to no laws or taxes
not assented to by their representatives constitutionally assembled — They are at all times intitled
to the benefits of the writ of habeas corpus, the trial by jury in criminal and civil causes
— They have a right, when charged, to a speedy trial in the vicinage; to be heard
by themselves or counsel, not to be compelled to furnish evidence against themselves, to
have witnesses face to face, and to confront their adversaries before the judge — No
man is held to answer a crime charged upon him till it be substantially described to
him; and he is subject to no unreasonable searches or seizures of his person, papers
or effects — The people have a right to assemble in an orderly manner, and petition
the government for a redress of wrongs — The freedom of the press ought not to be restrained
— No emoluments, except for actual service — No hereditary honors, or orders of nobility,
ought to be allowed — The military ought to be subordinate to the civil authority,
and no soldier be quartered on the citizens without their consent — The militia ought
always to be armed and disciplined, and the usual defence of the country — The supreme
power is in the people, and power delegated ought to return to them at stated periods,
and frequently — The legislative, executive, and judicial powers, ought always to be kept
distinct — others perhaps might be added.
The organization of the state governments — Each state has a legislature, an executive,
and a judicial branch — In general legislators are excluded from the important executive
and judicial offices — Except in the Carolinas there is no constitutional distinction among
Christian sects — The constitutions of New York, Delaware, and Virginia, exclude the
clergy from offices civil and military — the other states do nearly the same in practice.
Each state has a democratic branch elected twice a-year in Rhode-Island and Connecticut,
biennially in South-Carolina, and annually in the other states— There are about 1500
representatives in all the states, or one to each 1700 inhabitants, reckoning five blacks
for three whites — The states do not differ as to the age or moral characters of the electors
or elected, nor materially as to their property.
Pennsylvania has lodged all her legislative powers in a single branch, and Georgia has
done the same; the other eleven states have each in their legislatures a second or senatorial
In forming this they have combined various principles, and aimed at several checks and
It is amazing to see how ingenuity has worked in the several states to fix a barrier against
popular instability.
In Massachusetts the senators are apportioned on districts according to the taxes they pay,
nearly according to property.
In Connecticut the freemen, in September, vote for twenty counsellers, and return the
names of those voted for in the several towns; the legislature takes the twenty who have
the most votes, and gives them to the people, who, in April, chuse twelve of them, who,
with the governor and deputy governor, form the senatorial branch.
In Maryland the senators are chosen by two electors from each county; these electors
are chosen by the freemen, and qualified as the members in the democratic branch are:
In these two cases checks are aimed at in the mode of election.
Several states have taken into view the periods of service, age, property, &c.
In South-Carolina a senator is elected for two years, in Delaware three, and in New-York
and Virginia four, in Maryland five, and in the other states for one.
In New-York and Virginia one-fourth part go out yearly.
In Virginia a senator must be twenty-five years old, in South-Carolina thirty.
In New-York the electors must each have a freehold worth 250 dollars, in North-Carolina
a freehold of fifty acres of land; in the other states the electors of senators are
qualified as electors of representatives are.
In Massachusetts a senator must have a freehold in his own right worth 1000 dollars, or any
estate worth 2000, in New-Jersey any estate worth 2666, in South-Carolina worth 1300 dollars,
in North-Carolina 300 acres of land in fee, &c.
The numbers of senators in each state are from ten to thirty-one, about 160 in the eleven
states, about one to 14000 inhabitants.
Two states, Massachusetts and New-York, have each introduced into their legislatures a
third, but incomplete branch.
In the former, the governor may negative any law not supported by two-thirds of the senators,
and two-thirds of the representatives: in the latter, the governor, chancellor, and
judges of the supreme court may do the same.
Each state has a single executive branch.
In the five eastern states the people at large elect their governors; in the other states
the legislatures elect them.
In South Carolina the governor is elected once in two years; in New-York and Delaware
once in three, and in the other states annually.
The governor of New-York has no executive council, the other governors have.
In several states the governor has a vote in the senatorial branch — the governors
have similar powers in some instances, and quite dissimilar ones in others.
The number of executive counsellers in the states are from five to twelve.
In the four eastern states, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, they are of the men returned
legislators by the people.
In Pennsylvania the counsellers are chosen triennially, in Delaware every fourth year,
in Virginia every three years, in South-Carolina biennially, and in the other states yearly.
Each state has a judicial branch; each common law courts, superior and inferior; some chancery
and admiralty courts: The courts in general sit in different places, in order to accommodate
the citizens.
The trial by jury is had in all the common law courts, and in some of the admiralty courts.
The democratic freemen principally form the juries; men destitute of property, of character,
or under age, are excluded as in elections.
Some of the judges are during good behaviour, and some appointed for a year, and some for
years; and all are dependant on the legislatures for their salaries — Particulars respecting
this department are too many to be noticed here.
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