Learn Farm Animals Names and Sounds With Baby Dance - Fun Learn Farm Animals Video For Children
Приходи, Грустная Песня о Любви | Любовь Попова - Duration: 4:00.Come, the Sad Song of Love - Love Popova
Farming Simulator 17 Beet Harvesting - Duration: 13:36.HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some new mods you can use to harvest Sugarbeets.
NEPTUN Z-413 Beet Harvester 2.500l Capacity 3m Working Width 10Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 134Hp 3 Models 3 Color
ZETOR 16245 Front Loader 2 Engine Setup 4 Design Setup 34Km/h Top Speed
Ic Control
MASSEY FERGUSON 4299 Front Loader 3 Engine Setup 4 Wheel Setup 4 Design Setup 40Km/h Top Speed
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Nerf N-Strike Modulus Regulator Unboxing - Duration: 7:24.On this episode of Scott vs. Box, I open up Nerf N-strike Modulus Regulator
What is regular about this?
SCOTT VS. BOX (Singing)
This is Nerf N-strike Modulus
Holy Cow!
What a beast- what a beast of a Nerf-
Uh this has just got everything to it-everything to it-
look at this kid. He's like man
I got the ultimate toy right here look at this-
It's got a crank into this and that and a clove and a hoops, and a hippety-hops-
And uh fling dings in and uh ham sandwich
two twelve dart clips
uh what else is it- it takes batteries C batteries?
Who has that- warning everyone get your C batteries at the ready go to the store beforehand- ages 8 and up
long barrel scope firing mode switch storage stock fully
motorized blaster shoot barrel scope three modes switch fire technology and a swivel handle!
Build your own blaster. You could be spending years doing this thing!
Look at all this- look at- look at the difference in style that he has from there to the front there-
There's also the Tri-strike, the storage shield and the tactical light-
$24 all in all-
explore more combinations- it's endless!
Uh light blinks when clip is empty. Oh, that's handy dandy, and then the storage
uh store handle and clip there man- so much so much! This is crazy!
These things get crazier and crazier all the time
I think I keep thinking like there's no way these Modulus ss ss ss are gonna get any crazier than they've already been-
Because they've been crazy, and guess what- they got crazier- they got crazier!
Okay, so we've got our instructions here for crazy
Guys know how to build crazy can't just be crazy
Can't just be crazy okay taking out a big
Huge box there- ok got all that
I'm gonna start opening these-
I gotta get
I'm so strong! All day long! oh
It's so tough I can't do it. Okay. I got Sir Stabbington of course to help me out as always-
good I got rid of that part that it's connected to nothing
Dang it
waste of my energies
Okay, so let's flip this bad boy around look at all these cool pieces
So many cool pieces. Oh, man. I can't wait
I can't wait to build and assemble and then get stuck at points and go
How do you- I don't know how you-
Wll how's it supposed to work and then get all frustrated and then go oh- It's oh, it's the other way. I didn't understand
where except
Hey, sorry for all the outbursts that I had there I didn't mean to say all those
Inappropriate things my fault everybody!
All right and then uh- cutting these out here-
Man so many pieces and the handles swivel strikes
It's all here. That's all here- all right, and then it's also gonna need C batteries
So I'll do a little assembly first here. See what pieces I can put together as I knock down one clip already
Got it- I got it
Let's take a look at some of the stuff huh look at that bass look at the bass blaster right here the Modulus Regulator whoa?
There's multi bullet
Setting or darts and then one and then a couple small ones so I guess a three burst and then a single boist-
Trifecta, single boists- so then it's got
Probably the motorized part right there, and then trigger and all that or I don't know
Oh, this probably releases the clip and that's a motor. I don't know I'll figure all that out
There's the light that's gonna let me know when the clip is empty-
Okay, whoo lock stock in one smokin barrel so that goes there
Ah-ha! And then this
this goes
This goes in this this goes in the butter-
He's causing these
Eh, how you say
It goes in the here's, maybe no?
Maybe so- Oh!
it does- look I did I put all these things togethers-
So then this you twists and then you twists-
And then it's got a long, a long things- and then this- where's this thing go?
Just hang more on a thing
Man I don't get it- where's this part?
The box is usually- Wait- I got instructions
Where's this part go?
Oh! It could have gone up here
Sure this is the thing?
Oh. I get- man- this is-
I. don't
Okay, sure, that's a thing sure that's a thing yeah great
There's all that I guess that's part of the scope now sure no that's just a big ol hole
It's not really a scope there sure why not great look at all the pieces
I put together on this
So now I'm gonna load up the darts, load up the batteries and be
(Rolling R)
right back
So I've made myself a pretty cool
Modulus if I say so myself- regulator style so now we're going to load it up with
A clip yes a clip not a magazine because it says clip over and over on the box, so I'm saying clip-
Ya weirdos- back up clip goes over there and then
alright, let's see oh
So this bottom one here is the motor since it's got its C batteries in there and right now
We've let's do the first clip on the multi fire. It's got it set to here we go
Man 12 goes super fast!
that was already done
okay, and then we eject that clip and then we put it in this other clip and then we'll do the
Bursts yes, we'll give the burst shot
Three burst and it did that you can keep whoa cool, and then the single fire
(Single Fire)
Cool well these darts go pretty quick. It's fun
Twelve is good. The cool size you get to build many different compartments to it
Uh it's a lot of work for that for such fleeting things. You know sometimes
It's more fun to get like the 48 shot or the the super crazy ones
And then you shoot a whole bunch in a row
But I have darts all by my feet everywhere, so now it's the fun game of 52 pickup
yes Nerf
Regulator pretty dang fun and pretty heavy
Did it again, what can I say I'm undefeated be sure to click Subscribe up here
So that way you'll see every unboxing video
There is coming your way and click over here, so that way you can see every new unboxing well gotta get back to work
this game is so annoying! //Chunk Runner\\ MurrMurrGames - Duration: 20:09.Kate: What is up our potato fam! Emily: It's Emily and Katie from MurrMurrFilms and today
Emily: We're gonna be playing some
Chunk Runner
So this game is in Minecraft for tw- *trips over her own words*
Kate: This game is in her Minecraft Realm and we are using a
resource pack called Soft Bits
It's a really good resource pack
Link for it in the description below it's actually really good I like it
Emily: Ok anyways we're gonna start *giggles*
Kate: Okay, so this game Chunk Runner is um
you pick a kit and then you can
-I picked the ender kit- But then you can... It's like Parkour kind of
But... uh...
Eventually the ground behind you starts disappearing and you have to kind of go fast
I just gets faster and faster as it goes on. Emily- Oh my god it's ice. It's an ice parkour. You kidding
Kate- I hate ice parkour, and there's like different game modes and stuff. It's like really cool, so you'll see guys.
Ooh, there's a head down there. Emily- Sup. It says Sup.
Cool! It's like a little...
Oh wait... we have to
I swear, if we have to... Kate- Where do we go?? Emily: we have to jump over there
Ha, I almost jumped.
You've got to jump!... dammit. *giggles* Kate- Ok, I'm gonna try. Emily- Dude! It's right behind you!
She makes weird noises. Kate- I was... I had to.
If it's over there, I'm screwed. I'm screwed it's over there, actually no, I'm not I have the Ender Pearl kit! Ha ha ha
Oh, never mind it's over there.
Ha ha ha! The ender pearl kit.
That's why I love the ender kit. GO! Jeez, the thing's like right there. Come on!
Emily- Wait what? Kate- no the thing's like right there, I'm telling the game to go.
Emily- I thought you're talking to me. I'm just like I'm not in the game...
Where do you go? Where do you go? Where do you go?
Kate- I don't know oh it's levitation
Emily- It's just it's jump boost. That's why it says jump boost. Kate- Where? Emily- It just said jump boost while it was loading
doo... doo... doo... doo... do... doo! Kate- What do I do from here? I don't know...
Emily- You go down to there
Kate- OH NO I HIT MY HEAD ON THE TOP *both laughing hysterically*
Okay alright alright, so that was round 1, and then you get like scores and then you get leveled up.
I'm on level 2. Emily- I'm on level 1.
Kate- Ender kiiittt. Emily- Ender kit now. Kate- We're allowed to pick the same kit. Emily: Mhm.
Every song that I sing I should, okay, every time that I sing a song I have to eat three sour patch kids.
Kate- Sour Patches are delicious. Why is it like a punishment? Emily- I know, but like I have to suck on the malic acid
Kate- It's a good! I like doing that.
Emily- No, just the malic acid. Kate- Yeah, I like doing that it's good
Emily- Got three of them on three of them come on
shoot. I messed up. Kate- I'm following you, so, If i mess up it's your fault.
Emily- At least I know what to do.
You're lucky.
I swear to god. Kate- I'm gonna wait here until I see where the thing is
Emily- You're so screwed. Dude you're so screwed you're so screwed come on
Thank god that was close. Kate- Well we have ender pearls so...
Emily- True true. Kate- Ooh, I just got another ender pearl.
Kate *badly making a cover of Ed Sheeran's "Castle on the Hill"*- YOU'RE IN MY WAY
Emily: YES! Boi, I just ran over a one block gap. I'm so proud.
It's gonna be like the chandelier right it can be like
Gonna swing on the chandelier. Kate- THAT'S NOT HOW IT GOES
I have to I have to eat three sour patch kids now great. Well. I can't do that right now
Emily- Okay, 3 sour patch kids. I sang something.
*makes weird noise while chewing on sour patches*
Kate- Everything I sings... every time I sing something um...
Every time I sing something... eh, nevermind. I'm not gonna sing anything I just won't sing anything.
I hate this one. I'm gonna let you go first because it's we can't really be on the same one for this one
They should add Herobrine head to this. Emily- This is so hard to chew.
Emily- Of course. Kate: NO! Emily- You think you're laughing at me, huh.
Kate- Every time I laugh at you I fall.
Emily- Okay, I'm gonna link every song that I sing by the way Kate- What? Emily- I'm gonna like every song that we sing in the description because
Because they're good songs!!
Ow, that hurt to chew. Kate- Alright, so, there's gonna be two places in the description. One place is gonna
be songs that Emily sings and another one is gonna be songs that I sing.
Wait the name of the thing was Reuben do you remember Reuben?
*Emily fake cries remembering Reuben's depressing death* Emily- I cry every time.
I'm so sad. I mean, I'm always sad but. Kate- poor Reuben.
Emily- Cried I literally cried and my brother
had to get me on one of the Mineraft pushies that's literally a pig. I'm not joking with you.
My dad was... Kate- a lie.
You know Reuben probably like stands for bacon
You know Reuben probably stands for Bacon or something, right?
Emily- Reuben stands for
Alright, she has 23 points I have 22.
Do-do-do-do-do-do what's it called?
Kate- Minecraft story mode. Emily- Definition
Reuben definition: grilled sandwich of corned beef Swiss cheese and sauerkraut usually a rye bread
Reuben was a sandwich the whole time
*laughing hysterically* That's so sad
Rest in peace Reuben we will always remember you... I will remember you will you remember me no you can't cause you're a fiction character
Kate- That's so sad. Emily- I know. Escape the Prision. I do this all the time. I mean I'm okay.
I swear I've never gone to prision. Oh my god this goes so slow I hate this.
Wait what? Kate- You're not even a teenager yet. There's a hole in the wall. Emily *in a stupid voice*- There's a hole in the wall!
Dammit! Kate- There's a ladder over here. NO I FELL
Other side there's a ladder.
Emily - Oh f*ck. Oops.
Where do I go?!?!?
Kate- To...
Emily- Oh my god. I'm dead.
*emily bangs on table*
Kate- I have no idea.
Emily- Hold on wait... I messed up my mouse. *clicks mouse back in place* There we go.
I totally did not spin the mouse.
Okay, I didn't sing yet. Yay, that's a round without singing!
Kate- Well, the round before you sang "I will remember Reuben."
Emily- That is a song
I'll eat it. I'll eat it when I'm safe. Where do we go? This way.
What the? This is why I go to Church on Sundays... Kate- Why? Emily- I don't go to Church actually
It's a meme you won't understand. Kate- Ohh
The mem-ay. The me-me.
Kate- me me biiiig boy
Emily- Oh my god, no. Kate- Do you get that refrence? Emily- Yeah. Kate- Good girl. Emily- Wait, how do we get up there?
Kate- Follow the leader.
Emily- I'm gonna di- NOHOHOHOHOHOOO
Didn't get on him in time. So, like... Kate- That's so depressing. I did ha ha. Wait, where do I go?
Emily- I am so depressing.
Kate- Where do I go?!?!?!!??!?!?!??!? Emily- See, that's your problem.
Kate- Oh there it is.
Emily- Oh, find the button sucks.
Kate- Well I know where the button is. Emily- Yeah, so do I.
People are probably gonna be like "how do you know where the button is?" Cuz we've played this before okay?!?!?!?!??!
Ow, ow, ow. I tried to crack my knuckles and it's not working.
OW my fricking leg.
It still goes really slow
Okay, it's gonna be like a furnace.
NO NO NO NO NO you're going the wrong way
Kate- No it's in the kitchen. Emily- Behind you! Behind you! Kate- Oh. Emily- No no no that's not it behind you
It's gonna be like a command block down there press the button press the button
Did you press it? Kate- Uh huh.
Oh, let's go up here.
Oh shoot. *emily laughs* Alright, I have an ender pearl it's ok I can ender pearl
Aren't I a cheater ? No, I'm not actually I'm a kit so it's not cheating.
Emily: Ugh. I just sang again. I have to eat 6 sour patches. I don't even think I have that many.
Kate- Alright. I don't know what to do here. I do hate the one with the ice and the snow because it's like harder.
How am I supposed to make that jump? Oh, that was easy.
Emily- Like that.
Kate- Oh no. It's at rapid speed now.
Kate- Oh, that's lava.
Crap there's lava.
Crap there's lava.
Emily- You suck at this.
Kate- I'm screwed. Alright. BYEEE
Alright. One more round or two? Emily- Uh, two. Kate- Alright, two more rounds!
Kate- Just because *i have no idea what she said I can't understand it*
Emily- I have one more after this. *talking about the sour patch kids)
Emily: There's going to be like flowers *what did i say?*
Emily- oh my god are you kidding me
*They both laugh*
Kate: Is this even possible? Look at me Emily: *Makes the weirdest laugh in the world*
Kate: No like I'm serious this is- there is a um uh barrier block there. you can walk on it
Kate: So it's really not flower pot parkour Emily: ow Ow
Emily: um it spAWNED. Kate: Where? *are you blind Kate do you need glasses?*
Emily: pmmphte *i don't know*
*Emily starts to sing jeopardy music*
Kate- Oh I hate this one I hate it. Emily- noooOOO
*slowed down jeoprady music sang by the one and only Emily*
Kate- That normal speed and it's not going go *emily continues to sing*
Kate: Thank you, finally
Kate- Now I have to rush I have to really go fast *that's what she said* *continues to sing*
Kate- nooOOO! *seal clap, seal clap, seal clap.*
Kate: Alright last round guys, this is our LAST round. Finally. Emily: Better make it count.
Kate: At the end of this round whoever has the higher level wins.
Kate- You're on level three and I'm on level five.
Emily- There's no way I'm winning. Kate- There is you can get two levels up. I know there's no way. Kate- OH.
Kate- I stepped on the thing and it was TNT.
Emily- WOAH
Emily- It's gonna kill me is this literally gonna kill me.
Kate- ender pearl EnDER PEARL Emily- That's smart actually. Kate- Yeah why don't you use the kit you have? Emily- I forgot xD
Kate- Yeah your score is four. Emily: My score is 31.
Kate- Oh that's- my score is four xD oops.
Emily- I was just like wait what? Oh my god hi. Kate- Yeah don't step in the fire.
Emily- Um I think I notice that. Kate: *sings we didn't start the fire*
Emily- Why d- Kate: You don't knOW THAT SONG? Emily- No.
Kate- yOu DoN'T kNoW tHaT sOnG?????? I'm tRiGgErEd.
Kate- It's Billy Joel
Kate- Can I tell you my deepest darkest secret about Billy Joel Emily- yeah Kate- When I was little I would I heard the name Billy Joel
Kate- I thought of a really fat dude xD *emily then starts laughing too*
Emily- Let me tell you about Bruno Mars, I thought Bruno Mars was that dude Stevie Wonder
Kate- Why?? Oh, oh that's bad.
Emily- I Don't know why that just I just did I just did...
Emily- Stevie Wonder always just came to mind.
Kate- I know the name, but I can't for some reason match a face to that name at the moment
Emily- Stevie Wonder is the guy who's blind and plays the piano.
Kate: Oh him! haHAHAHAHA
Kate- All right, let's see the scores.
I'm to tired to do the rest so all we do is joke around so buy guys!!! (THAT WAS EMILY BY THE WAY)
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Nachricht: "Unser YouTube-Konto ist unter Beschuss u. Zensur" - Duration: 0:38.-------------------------------------------
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How to Edit Your FRENEMIES in Pictures | LesleyyX1 - Duration: 8:22.I am about to give you the best advice ever hey guys so welcome to my channel
welcome back to my channel it is 2018 and I figured I wanted to start off on
the right foot and be extremely Petty and not only just be a little snitch
but teach you guys how to be a snitch like me
I'm sorry less depends cannot come to the phone right now
why Oh cuz she's dead oh geez but really this is a video for girls who hate
confrontation so you know how there's always that one friend and your friend
group that you don't like and they don't like you in fact you guys are kind of
passive aggressively mean to each other but if anybody as if you like each other
oh my god I love Bethany she is like Michael she's this but really you hate
her face you hate her stinking guts you hate her outfit it would have looked
better on you you hate the fact that you have to invite her to sleepovers and
worst of all you have to pose and pictures smiling next to her life is
hard but don't worry you came to the right place from one petty snitch to
another petty snitch I'm going to teach you how to edit your frenemies and
photos let's go so we're going to enter airbrush on my ratchet phone and if you
are going to be upset with all the cracks well I'm sorry I'm a petty bitch
and therefore I have bad karma and I dropped my phone and it breaks okay
let's do this photo because I'm super nice targeting myself but like look how
hot I think I am like zoom in oh god that's like not hot at all but okay
let's start with the face now usually you would do a teeth whitener here but
um let's get to skin tone and let's really enhance the white in here like
and you need to just do light strokes so the little bitch doesn't catch on to you
that you're really just totally playing her so poorly okay let's get that toned
in let's see a little before and after okay it's starting to show a little but
mighty they're just so dang white and beautiful probably because I've edited
this photo before I bet so I'm not really to get the best that I can so
sometimes you're gonna have to save it and then add another layer of brown oh
let's do this shade there we go let's really get it in there oh my gosh my
teeth are just so beautiful give me a second here
it looks a little off here but it definitely looks like I got some food in
my teeth good so let's get out of this let's zoom
in oh look at those little squinty eyes let me use this resize tool and usually
in Photoshop you make the eyes bigger and beautiful let's shrink them down a
little bit but just you know a little bit because you don't want people
noticing what you're doing there we go let's just make it where my eyes are not
even open oh look it deforms the eye a little bit perfect I need people to
think there's a deformity there now we're gonna use this brighten tool right
here that you do for the eyes but really this sharpens the image so you see these
little nose crinkles definition oh let's try to see if the pores will pick up in
my nose there we go oh yeah rub that in rub this in there's a little crease
going up there let's make that a mustache dang Wow
ya know that looks good yeah and if somebody asked like that's just how her
face looks and one more thing though we still gotta use the teeth whitener for
something let's make those eyebrows that I barely have on it just a little paler
but I mean gentle gentle strokes there we go
this is looking good okay let's move on to the body whoa okay no that's as big
as my boobs will ever look but uh sad day let's uh make them a little more
petite here you know because let's just bring this back to being a realistic
photo is that an a blind oh don't worry we got this smooth tool heavy smoother
let's just blend that in no definition here lets blend it over the belly button
too to make it look like there's a deformity going on that's always really
nice okay oh I'm just like rubbing that in now the
best tool that to ever exist would be the reshape so let's click it okay we
can start light because you know we want this to be a little gradual change so
we're going to target the booty and we're just going to do some light
feathering of the sides and we're really gonna bring that hip in there we go do
you see it it's like slowly moving and you got to even it out because it has to
look like a natural edit and then let's get to this hourglass shape
and we're going to feather it out there we go we're going to just work our way
up take your time every once in a while to
zoom out and see your progress yes looking good
look at this puberty 12 year old puberty 12 year old puberty exactly how I look
like in real life what's right here we got like a bone thing coming out I don't
know what I want to do with this do I want to push it in do I want to push it
out let's see where we're going like if we push it out we got like a little
deformity action going oh good we're gonna use one more tool stretch now
usually you long get yourself now let's just make this a little stubby but you
got to do it in sections to blend in so let's shrink that little tummy and then
a little more legs I don't think so shrink shrink
shrink oh my gosh look at that look at this look at that god I'm still that's
really how I look you know but I got to get over it oh my gosh guys we're done
let's look at this before and after can you see look at that look at that so
great so beautiful so what I really learned in college was that any basic
editing tool on any type of app could be used for evil you just have to be
creative with it but with any great power comes great responsibility so you
have to be prepared to make this image believable but also super ugly there's
probably gonna come a point when she approaches you very sad or frustrated
about her appearance and you just need to set her straight and be real with her
and just tell her that she's ugly I hope this tutorial has really helped some of
you and if you liked it please click the like button so I know to make more leave
a comment and follow me on my social and if you do any cool creative
before-and-after photos send them to me I'd really appreciate it and don't
forget to hit subscribe just because I post every week and I think they're
really good videos like every week okay love you guys bye
Daniel Craig Movies List - Duration: 1:43.Daniel Craig Movies List
[ Liên Quân Mobile ] Những trang phục chưa ra mắt và sắp tới Việt Nam | Liên Quân Moba - Duration: 10:04.-------------------------------------------
Bhogi Special Ep~2 || Devotional || Mybhaktitv - Duration: 7:21.Please Share and Subscribe Our Channel Or Interesting Videos.
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call rintone auto change ( randtune ) [ hindi ] - Duration: 4:09.-------------------------------------------
[PT-BR] BLACKPINK HOUSE EP 1-1 - Duration: 12:31.-------------------------------------------
How to make Tas Kebab-Homemade Kebab Recipe - Duration: 2:40.Half tea glass of oil
1 onion
2 green pepper
300 meat cubes
2 tomato
Salt-thyme-black pepper-chili pepper
Add 1 glass hot water
Put meats to stew that can fit into saucepan
Turn down stew
1,5 glass of wet rice
Half tea glass of olive oil
2 table spoon of butter
Shet butter
Add 3 glass of hot water and salt
Put height at low heat.
When it is ready wrap towel and wait half hour
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