this result of the photo trail of light
by using speed 15 seconds
Now we are in the monument of Yogyakarta
Here we will make a photo of BULB
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Now we start for photo BULB
Previously I explained a little what it was BULB
BULB mode is a special setting where we can use shutter speed above 30 seconds
even we can use the shutter speed as long as we want
maximum shutter speed range in DSLR cameras
usually stuck at 30 seconds
with BULB mode we can use the shutter speed far above it
as long as the shutter button is pressed, the camera sensor will open
the effect is slower speed
and the light coming into the camera more and more
because BULB photos use very slow speed
so it is advisable to use a tripod
Tips for making BULB photos
To reduce shaking / blur due to low shutter speed
We can use a tripod, remote shutter release and timer
And one more tips for BULB photos
If you can not let the sun sink
So that the sky texture is still visible
The result will be great if the sky texture is still visible
We will try the photo of the trail of light not in BULB mode
but using a speed of 15 seconds
because this photo long exposure using a very slow speed
so we adjust F and iso so that light is not over
try to use the smallest iso
1 ..
2 ..
(camera timer sound)
this result of the photo trail of light
by using speed 15 seconds
Iso 100, diaphragm or f 22
And the time is half past 6 pm
In addition to photographing the trail of light
there is a situation that requires a BULB mode
among others
The first one when photographing fireworks
When shooting in the dark night use the small f setting
For example f 11 to f 22
Then for a light painting photo
Lightning photos
Photo landscape
And can also to photograph the celestial objects
essentially BULB used when we shoot long exposure over 30 seconds
thanks for wahtching
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