Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 1 2018

Hey Tasters! I love nothing more than losing myself in the pages of a cookery

book. Right now, I'm reading Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course and

I've come across this recipe 'griddled pineapple with spiced caramel' I mean

what wine would pair well with this? Excuse me... Ah, okay, so my friend George is

asking me to meet him for coffee. That sounds really tempting actually.

I've not seen George in a while, but here's my problem.

The fridge is empty! And I mean really empty. I was planning to go to the

supermarket, and I really don't think I can afford to meet George for a coffee now.

Let me show you, and then you'll see what I mean.

This is my fridge right now.

Have a look at this: Worcester sauce, pinot noir, spreadable Irish butter with olive

oil, some Lindt chocolate, of course, and water. That's the fridge, that's all of my

supplies. I really, really need to go to the supermarket, it's not optional.

Many years ago I took an introductory course in economics. I was fascinated by

the idea of opportunity cost, and I always, always think about it whenever

have a choice to make. Basically, it comes down to this: our resources whether it's

money or time are limited, so when you divert your resources to A then option B

immediately stops being available. So every choice we make involves choosing

something over something else. We cannot have everything. And this is just a

really complicated way of saying I am going to do grocery shopping rather than

have coffee with George.

I'm really excited about this one. It's Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah. It's a

Greek wine. I believe this will taste really quite rich, but what's really

interesting is that the alcohol level is quite high. Fourteen percent. The higher the

alcohol, the more the calories, but I'm really tempted so thing I'll have this.

I really want to taste that wine with my lunch. At 14 percent alcohol it's a

little bit higher in calories than average, but I've just thought of

something. One of my closest friends has just gone on the Keto Diet. One of the

things she's been doing is swapping cauliflower for potatoes. Mashed

cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes, and that apparently has saved her a

bunch of calories, because it's much, much lower in carbohydrate. So, I will try that,

that's my compromise solution. Mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes,

and I'll enjoy this wine for lunch. Of course, I'll have mashed potatoes

tomorrow with something lighter.

This has just reminded me of a joke. What Bob Marley's favourite donut? Leave

your best guess in the comment section below.

Here's your clue.

Hey guys, so I couldn't resist this wine while I was at the

supermarket, and at least part of it is that beautiful label with the pulsing

Ruby Heart. I am eager to try this because from what I can see here there is a

local grape in it called Limnio, but it's also a blend with

Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah. It spent 12 months in French oak. The soil is sandy

and clay soil. There is every indication here that be the taste is going to be rich

and satisfying, so this is going to be my taste for the week, and I'll let you know

how I've enjoyed this. I decided on the spur of the moment to substitute

cauliflower for mashed potato, to do that to save some calories on the

recommendation of a friend and, it's just occurred to me as I was driving back

that actually, I am not entirely sure how many calories are in wine. So while I'm

preparing my lunch I'll look this up and I'll get back to you with a little bit

of information about calories in wine stay tuned.

Hey Tasters. I've just finished preparing my lunch and I've made cauliflower mash

instead of potato mash, and that means I've saved quite a lot of calories, and I

can enjoy one or even two glasses of this high alcohol, super rich, super

fruity Greek wine. Life is all about choices and I've been thinking a lot

about wine and wine nutrition and wine calories today. Have you ever noticed

that there are no nutritional labels on wine bottles? Look at that. No other packaged product

meant for human consumption that I can think of comes with no labels. It's only

just occurred to me today, so I thought I want to look into that. Now I have found

a bunch of resources, and I'll link them all below if you want to delve deep into

this. The short explanation is this, and I found this a little bit amusing. As it

turns out, this is a hangover, if you'll excuse the pun, from the Prohibition era.

The FDA never actually controlled alcoholic drinks. They didn't come under

its jurisdiction because they weren't supposed to exist. So when they finally

became legal again to consume, they came under the jurisdiction of the alcohol

and tobacco tax bureau. The FDA that requires labelling doesn't actually control most

alcoholic drinks. As I said, I've got a bunch of links for you guys

and I'll leave them in the description below. But that did amuse me, in trying

to control alcoholic drinks so hard they completely lost control over them.

There's a lesson there I believe. Anyway back to wine and calories.

There is no labelling information, however were not completely in ignorance of how

many calories are in a wine glass. Whether you prefer red or white or rosé wine, a

normal serving of about 150 millilitres will have between 120 and 150 calories.

Back to choices, back to opportunity cost, what do a hundred and fifty calories

look like? They look like this: three Oreo biscuits, or 30 grams of Pringles, or

half a Bounty chocolate bar or a fun-sized Bounty chocolate bar. That's nice,

but I would rather have the wine.

Hey guys, I don't know what happened with the audio just then, but I was looking

back at the footage and the audio is gone. And, under different circumstances I

would have redone that scene but that was actually my lunch, and I've eaten it,

and lovely it was too, and there's none left. So I cannot redo that scene, sorry about

that guys. This wine has opened up nicely. It's been sitting for about 40

minutes now, all the fruit is coming up, the tannins have mellowed down, it's

absolutely gorgeous. So I'm going to sit here and digest my lovely lunch. I have a

date with Gordon Ramsay, and let me tell you he's much nicer in print than he is

on television. Thumbs up if you've liked this video and I'll see you next week.

For more infomation >> WINE VLOG | Calories in Wine | Alcohol Nutrition Label - Duration: 9:52.


The END of 3 MORMONS... - Duration: 9:26.

So as many of you know the prophet has asked us to stop calling ourselves

Mormons and to stop referring to the church as the Mormon Church. Did you just say the

M-word twice?? Sinner!!!

It isn't a change. We've

never been called the Mormon Church. Our name our name is the Church of

Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and we are latter-day saints. That's the name

that the Lord gave us in the Doctrine and Covenants. He named this church. We

have to remember his name and so we're not called the Mormon Church and we're

not Mormons so yes, we will be changing our name. We do want to preface that

you need patience. Like there's a reason we haven't changed it the moment

the president said this because things take time. And he told you to have

patience so all you haters out there... Not haters, I feel like there are

people with good intentions but there are nice ways of saying things.

An example of a not nice way of saying things is, "3 Mormons? More like 3 victories for Satan."

Like that is not a nice way to go about it. So thank you for your concern. We took it into consideration

and yes we're changing our name. Well I think people people want immediate satisfaction.

Mormon Newsroom hasn't even changed the name yet. A lot of like-- I

don't think any of the official Church sites have changed. The Mormon Tabernacle

Choir is now the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square so give people time Tabby CATS.

"No more nicknames." We'll see about that! Things take time so we appreciate you fans who

have stuck with us and have understood that we have been in this name

change process. Can I? Okay. "So... um... guys... when are you guys gonna stop

helping out Satan? Smiley face." Okay I think this is important because a lot

of people like-- so they're playing off something that the Prophet said and he

said that it's a victory for Satan when we fail to use the name of Christ in

the name of Christ's Church. Yes. A lot of people take that and

slightly twist it to mean whenever you say the word Mormon, Satan

wins. Like it's a sin to say Mormon, which is slightly different. The weirdest common

saying is like, "So you're gonna call it The Book of the Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter day Saints?" First of all, reading comprehension. Like the nicknames is Mormons because of

the Book of Mormon. He's not saying to change the name of the Book of Mormon,

Mormon is the author, you keep that name but we do not take upon the name of

Mormon to refer to ourselves, we take upon the name of Christ. Prophets before

have told us to be proud of the fact that we are Latter-day Saints and they

would say Mormons because we are set apart from the world, we are the true

church, we are the people who are in the Covenant today. So the world refers to us

as Mormons, be proud of that. And so President Nelson saying still be proud

of that but let's correct the name. The thing is if we just continue to call

ourselves that and more and more forget the name of Jesus Christ, that is the

victory for Satan because he doesn't want people knowing about Jesus Christ.

He doesn't want us, he doesn't want people associating Jesus Christ with us because

we're Jesus Christ's Church so people often want to pit the prophets against each

other and be like, "Well your prophet before said be proud of the name Mormon and

now your prophet's saying not to." You gotta understand the context. What I

think is really cool too is like when you see in - you know missionaries

walking on the street, right now the culture is "Oh Mormons. Weird." How cool

would it be to see two missionaries down the street and be like, "Ah,

representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ." To that be what's come to

people's mind. I think that's the goal is that's what people think about but

that's like the culture because it's what it should be. And right before we

say the name of the church, I know some people have, I've seen a lot on social

media about how people don't feel comfortable calling us that because they

don't think it's fair that that they have to call us the Church of Jesus

Christ. They don't believe we're the Church of Jesus Christ.

You know Jehovah's Witnesses? I still call them Jehovah's Witnesses, I don't

believe they're the true witnesses of Jehovah but I call them that because

social literacy, right? So I can call them that. I still called it the Holy Roman

Catholic Church but you know what, I don't necessarily think it's like the

holy true church. So you can be socially literate. It's Roman though. I do believe that.

And here's the thing, if you feel like it hurts your religion to call us by the

name that we prefer then, a little harsh for saying it, you might just have a

very insecure and weak foundation of faith. I know that's harsh but it's true. So

President Nelson is a very smart man and the people in church headquarters

are very smart people and I'm sure they understand that the world is not all of

a sudden going to drop the term Mormon and stop calling us that but us as

latter-day saints and as members of this church, it's our responsibility to do our

part even if we believe that other people aren't going to join in too.

That's okay. Not every single person needs to call us what we call ourselves

but we can still be proud of what we do. Yeah. PS because changing our name,

renaming the show is such like an urgent thing for us because we do want to

follow the Prophet, a lot of the episodes coming out after you see this episode were

filmed before we filmed this episode so if we refer to ourselves as Mormons in

the future still understand that those were probably filmed well before

conference so please give us a little slack. That's why David's beard is so long.

A lot of these episodes were filmed like months in advance so...

I just love the beard-- he always comments, "The beard is back!" He's a good guy. Love that guy.

Can you just imagine though if Mimi gets pregnant soon and we keep filming?

Don't worry, not gonna happen. It's gonna be awesome. So how are we gonna reveal the name?

On a one and a two and a one, two, three:

Saints Unscripted!

It took a lot of brainstorming to come up with a name that all of us agreed on,

we were all very-- I didn't like the name at first, okay? But we love this name

because Saints, that's what followers of Jesus Christ are called and unscripted,

because we are not like official church headquarters people. Like this is not run

by the church. We are voicing our own opinions and it's unscripted, we just

have little outlines with scriptures and stuff that we want to use. Emphasis on

outlines. These are talking points. You probably notice how many

times we say things that are really dumb. Unscripted. Well guess what?

Mormons remove the second m and you have morons! That's actually a good one!

So in fact we are so unscripted that sometimes we make plenty of mistakes in

an episode and we have to film another episode kind of correcting the mistakes

that we made in the previous episode. We don't really delete episodes, do we?

I don't think so. Did we ever delete an episode? No. We just kinda correct and-- but we've had some wrong ones.

We say stuff wrong all the time. We've had some wrong ones.

Believe me, you guys send me the Twitter links. Something...

K this is interesting because it comes from the show

The Walking Dead. One of the characters approaches the leader of a group and

they're disagreeing about something and the leader says, "You disagree with me." And the

character responds, "I think you're a good person and good people can disagree" and

I feel like that is a principle that like needs to shine through this show

that even though you might disagree with us and even though we might disagree

with each other we can still be good people and it's fine. You can be Catholic

watching the show, you can be a Jehovah's Witness, you can be an atheist

and you can disagree with us but we can still be good people to each other.

You probably won't be Amish watching our show though because they can't have computers.

Jack Amish, is that a thing?

They're Amish but they're like, "I'm Amish but I'm Am-ish."

I like the Office and Parks and Rec but I also like to churn my own butter. I

don't know. Am-ish. It's kind of good that we're changing our name too because so many people are

like, 3 Mormons, there are 4 of you. Which one of you isn't Mormon? And

like make jokes like that but there are four of us so it's good that we're

getting rid of this. You know that means?We get to be in more

episodes together now! All 4 of us! That would be cool! Well we hope you like our name, we're really excited

about it. I'm getting rid of everything that says Mormon, okay? We're still filming!

I know! Just ignore him. Justin is taking out anything with the word Mormon off of our set.

We hope you really like our name, we're really

excited about it. And thank you so much for watching, be sure to subscribe to

our channel, hit the notification bell to be notified every single time we upload a video.

You can also follow us on our different social media links. We have Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

For more infomation >> The END of 3 MORMONS... - Duration: 9:26.


HNMM (subtitles) - Duration: 0:18.

So I kinda dissapeared

I was thinking

I'll restart the channel and i created a reserved channel channel in description informations in description

For more infomation >> HNMM (subtitles) - Duration: 0:18.


QHPS izuku nacia con piroquinesis TRAILER - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> QHPS izuku nacia con piroquinesis TRAILER - Duration: 1:47.


Pike Fishing in Lapland, Finland [ENG SUB] - Duration: 20:01.

This place has given two over 14kgs pikes this summer

That's our target

Pike fishing is fascinating because

pikes have the toughest bites

It is our strongest predatory fish if you exclude salmon

Pike is definitely my favorite

You just never get tired of the pike bites

It gives you such a peak of adrenaline. It's very hooking

The season's last fishing trip is about to begin. We're in Lapland and our goal is huge pikes

Ale, what's our plan today?

The goal is to find those huge pikes

First we try to find where the fishes are with fishfinder

Once we start finding, we stop the boat and start hammering

Now we're at a spot that has given big fishes this autumn

but no celebrations with the amount of fish

There might be even two hours between the bites but some days you get no bites at all

This place demands resilience

but the reward can be great

We've heard rumors of huge pikes and ourselves gotten some nice ones here too

The fishfinder shows plenty of fish giving us good hopes

The other boat has guys from Local Fishing Crew

so I hope some of us gets the big one

Some big fish on the fishfinder

We could stop here

This wasn't our goal right?

Nice colors

Like a tiger

This one has been eating well

Now that fish gave out some pheromones so let's hammer here

It's perfect pike weather

It's late autumn here in Lapland and the water is down to +5 Celsius

but the air is warmer

Gray weather with a little wind

So can't blame the conditions

If we don't get any fish, just ourselves to blame

It's a decent fish!

At least a meter?

Yep, easily a meter

Not quite a ten kilo but almost

You guys did not lie, there are big pikes here

What a nice coloring

It's getting dark so let's start wrapping it up for today

It went like we thought it would

Bites were scarce but they were big

We missed a couple but luckily the guys in the other boat did not

Something has bit it

And here's the color you can always trust. Some new teeth marks have appeared today

There's a bite of a 13 kg pike

Are we getting a big one today?

The percentage is on our side, we're gonna catch it today

New place a little different

New place a little different

but with trying hard we will succeed

I have a fish!

That didn't take long

First... second cast

This one has been home during meal time

Looking good for today

Even though the autumn colors are past already

it's nice to fish in these kind river sceneries

Welcome to Lapland!

I'll try this one. Hopefully it will get me something

Fish on!

Took a long time but finally we have one

That's a nice one

I told you!


Here were some bites earlier and finally we got one

8.1 kg

What a beauty

Together with the net 8.1 kilos so the fish is about 6.2kilos

Length 98cm

We've been sweating the whole day and finally we got it

Fish are biting so let's take some more!

I'll stop filming, I wanna fish

Any moment now…

Ale is showing the others how this pike fishing is done

We're getting used to this. Not so much thrills as with the earlier one

Good fish

Today our total was three pikes

Even though Ilkka and I didn't get anything

thanks to Ale, this day was a good one

Tomorrow we have still a few hours to fish before heading back south

It's the final day of fishing on this trip

We're at a more urban scenery now

The goal is to get that meter fish for this boat too

Yesterday we were short of few centimeters

If everyone got fish today it would be a nice finale for this trip.

I have one!

The first one for me

Take it with the net so I'll have something at least

After two days with nothing I finally got a fish

About 2 kilos

A slim one

Game is on

Got one

There's a lot of ide here so probably there's also bigger pikes

We just have to continue, it'll reward at some point

I had one bigger bite earlier

The strike was hard but it didn't get hooked

Maybe with this drift..

But the weather is great and we've a gotten few fishes too. Can't complain

Was about to say that if I still get a meter pike the food is on me. But this is a small one..

Remember to hit the subscribe button. Thanks!

For more infomation >> Pike Fishing in Lapland, Finland [ENG SUB] - Duration: 20:01.


Kayaking the Jacques Cartier River, Québec City | Paddle Tales - Duration: 10:43.

(inspirational music)

My name's Ken Whiting.

I'm a world champion white water paddler.

And I've led trips and taught kayaking around the world.

As an athlete and explorer, my life long passion

has been to challenge myself, meet interesting new people,

discover beautiful places, and share these experiences

with others.

This is the story of these adventures.

This is Paddle Tales.

Hello again everyone! This is the seventh

episode of Paddle Tales

A series that goes to some of the most

incredible places in the world

and goes on cool paddling adventures along the way.

Now, before we get started, please subscribe to

PaddleTV if you haven't already.

And you'll get notified when the next Paddle Tales

adventure goes live.

Now, Québec really is unlike any other city

in North America.

Set on the banks of the St Lawrence River, the Old Town

is in fact a UNESCO World Heritage site,

whose cobblestone streets and historic buildings sometimes

make it feel more like Europe than Canada.

What makes the area even cooler, is how

much there is to do close by.

Which is why in this episode of Paddle Tales we are

visiting Québec City.

(inspirational music)

Only 30 minutes outside of Québec City, in the

Laurentian Mountains, you'll find one of the most beautiful

glacial valleys in the world,

in Jacques Cartier National Park.

It's one of those special places that's

surprisingly close to civilization, but

feels like you're in the middle of nowhere.

Since the middle of nowhere is one of my

favorite place to be, I'm pretty excited about

the adventure ahead.

To show me around the park, I'm meeting up with

Cath Simard, a local photographer who has spent

countless hours hiking and shooting in the park.

But this will be her first trip through the park

by kayak.

And so as we pour over maps to come up with a plan

I can tell that she is looking forward to this

as much as I am.

(peaceful music)

(birds singing) (water splashes)

- [Ken] This is your backyard isn't it?

- [Cath] Exactly and I'm amazed by its beauty, honestly

like, every time I come here I feel lucky to live here

and to have that, you know, only 30

minutes from Québec.

- [Ken] Yeah, it's amazing you know sometimes it

takes traveling around the world,

- [Cath] Yeah

- [Ken] I mean you've been to so many countries, seen

incredible places.

- [Cath] It takes that to realize that, you know,

you can have as much beauty in your own backyard.

(peaceful music) (gentle water splashes)

- [Ken] You know its funny, when I saw the weather

report and it was calling for rain,

and I was thinking at first, awwwww, you know, it would

have been awesome to see this place with bluebird skies.

I mean, it doesn't matter.

- [Cath] No.

- [Ken] This is really cool seeing the clouds low.

- [Cath] Yeah, and all the mist hanging, so beautiful,

its very calming.

I prefer this.

- [Ken] Yeah.

- [Cath] This is more peaceful.

Also, when its raining, there is ,usually there is

far less people.

- [Ken] Yeah, it's the middle of summer,

it's the middle of July.

- [Cath] And there's no one!

- [Ken] We're 30 minutes from Québec City,

- [Cath] Yeah

- [Ken] in one of the most gorgeous

National Parks in the world,

and, we've got the river to ourselves.

- [Cath] Yeah, exactly.

- [Ken] Wow.

(rushing water) There's nothing much to avoid, the water's

just funneling right down to the big black tongue, so

keep your boat straight, paddle, stay in the middle,

- [Cath] I'll do my best, perfect.

- [Ken] And smile.

- [Cath] I will!

(Peaceful music) (water) (birds singing)

- [Ken] So what what was the whole idea behind

@mydetoxtravel, which is your Instagram page.

- [Cath] So at first it was really about, detoxifying

from the old life I had, which was more related to fashion,

so when I was working in the fashion industry as a model

and fashion stylist.

So, I started my Instagram page with that name,

but eventually I got more into photography

and into landscape photography.

But I decided to keep that because, I think,

we're always kind of detoxifying.

In a way that we're evolving.

So that's, that's where that name comes from,

- [Ken] I like it.

- [Cath] And this is why I really wanted to keep it.

But also inspire people to kind of like, not to be afraid,

to end things they don't like or they

don't feel that they belong, that they're

at the right place.

You have to just really go with your heart,

and follow your instincts.

And just go with it.

- [Ken] I like that, detox travel.

(peaceful music) (birds singing)

I could easily have spend a week exploring Jacques

Cartier National Park.

But I've also been looking forward to checking out

Québec City itself.

And what better time to do it than when I've

got a personal tour guide.

It's hard to believe that where we are now, in Old Québec,

is only 30 minutes from where we were.

The transition is definitely a bit of a

shock to the system.

But it's a welcome one.

It is absolutely beautiful here.

And the energy of the city is amazing.

(inspiring music)

Know what I love even more than all the bars,

pubs, restaurants they have here?

- [Cath] No, what?

- [Ken] Ice cream and gelato shops.

- [Cath] Mmmmmm

- [Ken] They're everywhere!

- [Cath] You really have a sweet tooth eh?

- [Ken] Oh I do!

(inspirational music) (clapping)

(inspirational music) (people laughing)

- Oh! Ohhhhhh! Moly! Merci! - Oh my god, holy crap.

- [Cath] Wow! Beautiful!

- [Ken] Where do you think we should head next?

- I think Baie de Beauport would be pretty nice.

It's very close and we can go standup paddling

- [Ken] Ahhhh!

- It's beautiful!

- That sounds good to me!

- Ummmm Hmmm

(inspriational music)

- [Ken] Although I've only scratched the surface of

what the area has to offer.

I can say unequivocally, that Québec City has lived up

to the hype.

The city is so rich with history and

so full of great energy.

And then, only a stone's throw away,

you have Jacques Cartier National Park.

Which is, hands down, one of the most beautiful places

that I've ever been.

It's been an incredible adventure!

I've made wonderful new friends.

And I can't wait to come back.

(inspirational music)

Well that brings this episode of Paddle Tales to an end.

I hope you enjoyed it.

And if you did, please, hit the thumbs up button.

Subscribe to PaddleTV, if you haven't already,

leave a comment down below,

and stay tuned for a sneak peek at next week's

Paddle Tales adventure.

(light music)

(inspirational music)

Next time on Paddle Tales, I'm heading to Québec's

Saguenay-Lac St.Jean region.

Home of the Saguenay Fjord National Park.

And one of the most dramatic landscapes in North America.

Our adventures will take us sea kayaking along side

towering rock faces,

sailing through the heart of the fjord, and

white water kayaking down one of the many world-class

rivers around Lac St. Jean.

The Saguenay-Lac St. Jean region is a one-of-a-kind

natural playground.

And you won't wanna miss it.

(quiet water)

For more infomation >> Kayaking the Jacques Cartier River, Québec City | Paddle Tales - Duration: 10:43.


Superweapons of the Star Wars Galaxy - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Superweapons of the Star Wars Galaxy - Duration: 3:21.


Chadder Chipmunk | Catch Some Air Episode 5 | Group Publishing - Duration: 6:02.

You're watching Lifetree Kids.


Great-grandma Edna help us!

Uhh..what's going on up there?

I guarantee, it's--exciting, I know, I know.


What are we going to do, Chadder?

Tie knots!

What do we do now?



Are we in heaven?

Orville and Wilbur are in heaven, too.

We saw your balloon crash.

It looked terrifying.

Ohhhh, I'm sorry we lost, Jayla.

You didn't lose.

No, no, no!

Your team landed first.



I can't believe we won.

We're going to the finals.

Wait, where are Gina and Trina?

I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.

We were in Kansas?




This will be the best reality show ever, in the history of "reality tv".

Maybe we'll move back up to second most popular.

Go prepare me a tasty beverage.

So, two teams left.

But only one will win the next challenge: skydiving from 10,000 feet.

First person to touch the ground wins.

But isn't that dangerous?

Very dangerous.

Pick one person from each team to catch some air.

Ha ha ha.

Caw, caw.

Chadder, you keep telling me that everything is possible with God so I'll jump.

No, Jayla.

You don't have to.

Being on the show was my idea.

And I think my fur might help cushion my landing, anyways.

I want to do it.

I am learning that I can trust God all the time, even when I'm 10,000 feet in the air.

Time to take the plunge.

And by "plunge", you mean a scientific observation of velocity where we catch some air.

Ha ha ha ha!


Help me, Jesus!


This is awesome!




This is really, really bad.

Wait! Jayla's doing something, and it's not just falling!




Grab onto me!


She got him.

They're okay.

You did it, Jayla!

God was with me up there, helping me the whole time.

That was so exciting you two.

More exciting than the Olympics or the moon landing or, or--uh--getting arrested?

Exactly, getting arrested!

Wait, arrested?

Hey, what gives?

You are under arrest for game tampering, reckless endangerment, and conspiracy.

Not to mention being a super mean bossy boss.

Well, I order you to release me, Vanessa.

That's undercover agent, Vanessa.

I've been building my case against you and this dangerous game show for weeks.

Book him!

This is not exciting, Vanessa.

Definitely not exciting.

you've been undercover the whole time?


Yes, we knew Brad was dangerous, completely obsessed with making his show exciting.

But we couldn't prove he was breaking the law.

Now I have plenty of evidence to make sure Brad never puts anyone in danger again.

I'm just happy no one was hurt.

But I'm sad.

I wanted to win a trip around the world.

I was going to visit my friends from my past adventures.

You can fly around the world.

All of you!

We never would have caught Brad without your help, so everybody wins!




Arg, we be taking a flight around the world after all.

He he he he!

Uh, I'm afraid of airplanes.

I want to go home.

Wait is that a mall?

This is so your fault.

You're right.


Oh no, you can't just give in like that.

I wasn't giving in.

But you don't really mean it.

I was just apologizing that a lot of this was my problem.

Not yours.

No, no!

We're flying around the world.

I get the window seat.

Buy you had the window seat last time.

No, it's my turn.

No, it was my turn.

It's my turn now.

Who's turn is it?

It's mine, you forgot the last time.

Now Jayla has her very own amazing adventure.

Everything is possible with God.

I can always trust him because anywhere I go, he's watching over me.

You're the best teammate a chipmunk could ever have.

And you're the best chipmunk in the whole, wide world.



Sorry, Chadder!

For more infomation >> Chadder Chipmunk | Catch Some Air Episode 5 | Group Publishing - Duration: 6:02.


Azamara Club Cruises Tips. 7 Things You Need To Know Before Cruising - Duration: 12:45.

Hi I'm Gary Bembridge and this is another of my tips for travellers. I'm currently

onboard Azamara pursuit and I'm going to talk about seven things that you need to

know about Azamara club cruises before you cruise with them. So Azamara is part

of the Royal Caribbean group of cruise lines. Royal Caribbean operate obviously

the Royal Caribbean line, Celebrity, they have Azamara and also a major stake in

Silversea the ultra luxury cruise an expedition line. Azamara operates in the

upmarket mid to small ship cruise category, so they compete with lines

like Oceania, Viking cruise line and lines like Windstar. All of their ships

are what is known as R-class ships and they are originally built for Renaissance

cruise lines. They have three ships all holding around about 700 passengers.

They have the Azamara Journey, the Azamara Quest and in 2018 they added

Azamara Pursuit. What does Azamara do that's different or

unique to other cruise lines? Azamara would argue that their real focus

is around destinations. There's a couple of things that Azamara do around

destinations that I think are unique and different. First of all what they call

"stay longer experience more", so they call in smaller ports because they have

smaller ships and they tend to have much longer stays. For example the cruise I'm

on which is a 10-night cruise around Greece and the Greek islands, in many of

the ports we were staying until 10 o'clock at night and in other ports

we're staying until 8 o'clock at night, which enables you to get out and see

much more both during the day and also into the evening. The second thing they

do is lots of country intensive cruises. You'll find a lot of their cruises are

called intensive, so it'll be Greece intensive or Spain intensive. So they're

tend to structure their cruises around a particular part of the world and call

on lots of places and again, because they have smaller ships, they can call it lots

of different ports. The third thing they talk about is this real sense of

immersion once you're there. So they talk about

"cruise global connect local", so the idea is they have lots of excursions which

ready try and get you to connect with the people, cultures, the food and they

group these into a number of different types of excursions. So for example Taste

Local, Bike local, Meet local and Night local. So the Bike Local obviously are bike

tours. They have bikes on board the ship which are around about 16 bikes so

the tour runs with about 16 people. Taste Local is where you would get out

and have markets or local restaurant visits, Meet Local is cultural exchanges

with the families and residents and of course Night Local will be where you can

get out and experience the nightlife. The tour sizes are quite small. The normal

tours will be around about 25 people if it's a walking tour or it's cycling tour

they're often focused just on having 16 people. I noticed a lot when we were

traveling around at different sites on different tours that we had a small

group or between 16 and 20 people and other cruise lines were having 30 to 40

people on their tours. They use only local tour guides, which of course many

cruise lines do, but local experts and the other thing which they have on board

is they normally have some speaker on board who will talk about the region and

the places that you're visiting. They also provide port guides in every port.

Personally I felt the port guides were okay. I don't think they were amazing and

particularly considering that Azamara is really focused on destinations I thought

that perhaps their destination guides will be very different to other cruise

lines, but I felt they were quite similar. What they do do though, which is great, is

in every single port of call they will bring on board local tourist reps who

will be there for a couple of hours in the morning when you arrive so they can

obviously give you much more specific information, maps and advice. The other thing

that they do is if the local town or the nearest town is not within easy walking

distance they always provide a complimentary transfer to get into town.

So that whole destination area is something that they do really well. Now

the other thing that they do, which is unique, they have a number of signature

events. Azamara have probably four of them that I think are worth talking

about. First of all they have what is known as their as AzAmazing evenings. So

normally on a cruise they'll have one evening where take the whole ship onto

land somewhere and they'll have some big event. So for example when were in Corfu

the whole ship was taken to a beautiful park in the center of the town

and a concert was laid on of local Corfu music and dancing. So every cruise will

normally have some kind of AzAmazing evening where they try and take you out

to experience again the local culture or something that's unique. The other big

signature event is the White Night Party. One of these is held on every cruise and

if it's great weather or in a warm climate it's held on the pool deck and

there's the most amazing spread of food and the other great twist is that

normally the officers are the ones serving the food, then there's dancing

and singing. The other big highlight is they have a crew parade where a big

chunk of the crew will march on to the the deck.

Another big signature event is the chocolate buffet which is held on Deck

five once during the cruise in the evening. A great spread of chocolate treats.

The other big feature is it's normally on a sea day is they have a brunch which

is held in the main dining room, the Discovery's restaurant. So there's some

of the great signature events that I think a little bit unique and different.

Who is as Azamara best suited and best targeted for? Well most of the passengers

onboard are the baby boomer generation, so you're going to find mostly

people in their 50s, 60s and 70s and people who are very interested in

destinations and really want to have the chance to get to know a region and spend

time exploring it- and are pretty active in the way that they like to explore

things. I would say it's not really, although it's not excluded, but it's not

really a family kids kind of experience. It's very American focused, so most of the

travellers on board would be American. There will be a good amount of people

from the UK and from Australia but it is a very English speaking experience and

again it's with a sort of an American twist. So the entertainment, the quizzes

tend to have a slight American bias. On Azamara the fares are largely

all-inclusive. So what does that mean? Well the accommodation is obviously

covered, all gratuities are covered (with the exception of the spa), all of your

food in your main dining room, the Discoveries restaurant, is included, in

the buffet restaurant which known as the Windows Cafe, there's also snacks

which are available during the day in places like the living room and also at

the Mosaic cafe. Room service all through the day is also included within your

fare. There are two speciality dining restaurants, which unless you're in a

suite, you pay to go to. You have Aquilina which is a beautiful Italian

restaurant and you have Prime C which is the steak restaurant. They cost thirty

dollars per person to eat there. When it comes to drinks these are again

largely included. You have a selection of wines at meals that you can choose

from, you also have a wide range of spirits, bottled water is available and

sodas are all included and specialty teas and coffees are also

included. Now what's very important is there is a list of specialty drinks and

cocktails and beers that are included. Also you have a minibar in your

room which will have some sodas and water that is included. If you're in a

suite you do actually get spirits included within your minibar.

Of course going to things like the white party and AzAmazing evenings

are all included and the drinks there are included. They do have a self-service

laundry which is free to use. So what's not covered? I've already mentioned

specialty dining, excursions are not covered. The excursions because of

the smaller groups they are perhaps a little bit higher than on some of the

bigger mass-market lines where they have many more people, so obviously they can

can amortize the cost of things like the guides and the bus across more people, so

the cost of excursions is a little bit higher and excursions are not included.

Wi-Fi is not included, unless you're in a suite where there are some minutes

included depending on the grade of suite that you've got. What are the range of

facilities and the kind of entertainment you can expect on board?

In terms of dining you've got the main restaurant the Discoveries restaurant,

the windows cafe, the two speciality restaurants Aqualina and Prime C, you

also have the patio which is on the pool deck. In terms of bars and lounges you

have the Den area which includes the Spirit bar now this on the Pursuit is

also partly where the casino used to be. The line's other ships still have the

casino and although I believe they are going to be removed and the Den is going

to be introduced much more across the rest of the fleet. You have the living

room which is known as the Crows nest on many lines, also the

drawing-room which is where the library is, there's a bar outside at the pool and

fact all of the restaurants have their own bars. The Cabaret lounge is the

main entertainment area and in here is where they'll have the guest

entertainers and they'll also have the four onboard singers who perform a

series of singing and dancing shows. In terms of other entertainment there is

music across the ship, so they have a trio that plays up in the living

room and they have a pianist down in the spirits bar and then they have a daily

program packed full of activities. These activities tend to be fairly

traditional, so there'll be lots of quizzes and competitions and they'll be

various meet and greets solo travelers meets and greets LGBTQ meet and greets.

On Azamara club cruises it's pretty casual, it's pretty relaxed and a couple

of things really illustrate that. First of all the dress code. There's not

a strict dress code at all, so they do talk about smart casual resort dress

code but it's fairly informal. So in the restaurant in the evening for example

you could wear jeans if you want, you can wear polo shirts. They ask you

just don't wear distressed jeans and you can't wear shorts in the evening. People

tend to dress up a little bit smart, so the gents might wear slacks or

something like that and long-sleeve shirts and a few people you will find with

jackets. Ladies will tend to dress in fairly smart clothes,

but it's not a very formal in the evening and there is no gala evenings. A lot of

people when they go to the speciality restaurants, because they might be doing

that for more special occasion, you'll find a few more gents in jackets and ladies

with perhaps more cocktail style dresses. Also in terms of dining it's all open

seated dining. You'll just, if you're going to the main dining room, you'll go

in and say if you want to share with people or if you want to table for two you can as

there's lots of tables for two. The service is good but it's not very

in-your-face and it's not very formal. If you do like much more formal

dressing up kind of cruise then Azamara cruise is probably not exactly right for

you. A great thing about Azamara is they have a huge range of accommodation.

So if you want to travel relatively inexpensively because it appeals to you, you

can as there are inside cabins, there are oceanview cabins, there are balcony

cabins and balcony are the main type of cabin on board. That's the one that I was

cruising in. You then move into Suites and of course they get

progressively bigger. So there's a wide range you can go

from inside right through to suites. Azamara club cruises is really focused on

immersing people into destinations. Their real focus is destination, they

have very country intensive cruises, they try to go to more unusual ports, they try

to stay in those ports as long as they possibly can and they try to give

excursions and tours which really let you connect with the people and the

culture and the history of the place that you travel to. So you'll find a lot

of the tours are actually around experiencing rather than just looking at.

So if you are interested in history and sights they have those too but they

have lots of tours which are around taste local, bike local and really get you out

and meeting people. They are sort of a luxurious cruise line in terms of the

style, the approach, the decor, the service but it's not stuffy. Azamara

club cruises has lots of loyal people on the cruises as kept meeting

people that have been five, six, seven times and they've already booked

more cruises with some people doing three a year! People are very passionate about

the destination concept, so if you're interested very much in destinations, in

a smaller ports, staying there longer, not too stuffy not too formal. It is a little

bit or more on the premium side than the mass-market lines so it is going to cost a

little bit more but obviously you then have those pros of doing it that way.

Hopefully you found that helpful and it's given you much more insight into

Azamara club cruises to help you decide if this is the cruise line for you. If

you enjoyed this video I'd love it if you watch many more all my Tips For Travellers

videos to help you make even more of your precious travel time and money

For more infomation >> Azamara Club Cruises Tips. 7 Things You Need To Know Before Cruising - Duration: 12:45.


1 Life Hack To Overcome Struggles By A Board Certified Behavior Analyst│Motivation - Duration: 4:08.

Everyone wants to be a boss until its time to pay for the office so as soon as you got

to put the effort forward you're no longer a leader you're no longer a

mentor you don't want to but a lot of you some I recognize in this audience

are entrepreneurs so you know exactly what it's like

everyone should really think about their why that they do what they do because

when you think about your why now I don't I'm gonna tell you today there are

things I talk about that are based in behavioral science and things that are

not I don't know that there's being real science behind this but for me it's been

very effective at figuring out my why there's a guy named simon Sinek

so he has like the second or third most viewed YouTube / TED talk

did you love TED talks 18 minutes people would just kill it but he talks about

the why so every really difficult trouble I've ever had in my life again I

don't know that there's the hero science behind this aspect but every very

difficult struggle I've ever had was as long as I went back to the reason that

I'm doing what I'm doing it made life so much easier it made it made me align my

values and figure out that I can I can weather the storm and I've been through

hell and back with you name it living in life like having bankruptcy ten years

ago living in hotels like just the stuff they said it's probably not we just say

in this audience so my why has become this I started

getting so freakin excited about people to look that somebody gets in their eyes

when they find their niche or they're moving towards it to me it's like

tremendous so not that I don't like money and I mean we're a for-profit

agency and I try to make sure that we're earning decent money and we're putting

it back in but what's become my why is seeing how you know how can we take

behavioral science and like dr. Norman's talk how do we take pay real science and

my why's is to be able to disseminate it across and change the landscape of a

couple areas government education industry and society at large I heard

man I'm so jealous he had a good jay-z and quote his was good 99 problems but

there's a quote that I really liked by jay-z now that we're comparing quotes I

really like one where he says ever you know it's a bad leadership and when some

people want to be leaders when it's convenient but jay-z says there's a

since we're talking about jay-z there's a everyone wants to be a boss until it's

I'll probably mess it up everyone wants to be a boss until it's time to pay for

the office so as soon as you got to put the effort forward you're no longer a

leader you no longer a mentor you don't want to but a lot of you some I

recognized in the solidus are entrepreneurs so you know exactly what

it's like but I don't know that probably had nothing to do anything I just wanted

I'd love jay-z


For more infomation >> 1 Life Hack To Overcome Struggles By A Board Certified Behavior Analyst│Motivation - Duration: 4:08.


'All American': Taye Diggs Calls New Role The 'Most Fun' He's Had In His Career | Access - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> 'All American': Taye Diggs Calls New Role The 'Most Fun' He's Had In His Career | Access - Duration: 5:34.


আল্লাহকে কখন দেখা যাবে || Allahoke kokkon kokhon dekha jabe || Sheikh Mukhlesur rahman Madani - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> আল্লাহকে কখন দেখা যাবে || Allahoke kokkon kokhon dekha jabe || Sheikh Mukhlesur rahman Madani - Duration: 2:35.


Nightcore - Baby I love you (Thanks for 6k ♡) - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Baby I love you (Thanks for 6k ♡) - Duration: 2:55.


Android Course. DDBB XXIV. MapRoute. Video 103 - Duration: 9:12.

hello welcome everyone to another delivery of this programming course in

android in which we continue to elaborate our mega application I promise you

that we are giving him the last tweaks are a couple of videos nothing

more or three but no more and what we're going to to do in this video is to start watching

how to carry the results obtained in the search that we already saw in videos

above, to the map, that is, it is about send the route from the point of origin

until the end point we saw in Previous videos to our google maps

so let's go to it if you remember in the last video what

we did was to make the interface where are going to show the results of

the route from the point of origin to the end point and this interface has in

the bottom part a button that like you can see says see on the map in

the two languages in Spanish and English it's about that when you press on this button

well the results of the route that we will have in this same screen the

take the map, how are we going to do that? Well, what we have to do to

pressing this button is to obtain the "Bundle" with the results of the search that

we have found out thanks to the class search engine and class optimization

search and once we have that bundle then package it copy it in a

object of type location maybe and take it to the map so we're going to

serve the class routes so it's going to be in this class where we will create a

method that will be the one that calls the button the interface but before that we have

to get inside this class in the method on create that bundle with the

Search results so inside create on after

code that has already built us android studio the first thing will be to elaborate a

I tried an intent object to which I'm going to call my attempt and this is going to

be equal to this.getIntent () what that we have already seen in previous classes

then we are going to create a variable of string type where I'm going to store it

the name of the line and this therefore what we do is to say that it will be equal to

try that we just created point get extra string and here we go to

use this key lines the name of the line we will have it

carry a text view so here we make a

text view

of findviewbyid and here we are going to search for

the element that we call line in its day to this element then we are going to

set the text setText of what we have stored in the string created

previously which we have called line and now it's time to create

the bundle so so Bundle I'm going to call this bundle miBundle and this

we say that it is equal to getIntent (). getExtras ()

if you have any doubt with the Bundle with the intent and with what we're going to see

continued the parcelable type objects Well, I recommend you watch videos

previous good once we have already created the bundle we are going to create

an object of type an array of type parcelble which I will call by

example data and we say that this is same as what comes there in the bundle

so myBundle.getParcelableArray ()

with the key "stops"

we now create an array of type location where are we going to copy the data from

this parcelableArray we are going to call this Location then route and

this is going to be the same as arrays.copyOf

and now here is where we are going to copy what comes in data

up data.length ie the data parcelable length and here

as a third parameter location.class

with this line of code we already have in this array of type location which will

called route because the route data that come from the search, right? the

results in short then now what we are going to do is to create a

object of type linear layout for programmatically create a layout where

represent this later right? in the map so line layout let's call

example container route by calling it from some way and here we make a

casting a linear layout of what? well of find

viewmyId and screen

well we already have that layout line and now let's create an inflater

something that we have also talked about in previous videos but this inflater

we will not use it until more forward it's about using a

series of icons or drawings that still we do not have, create a kind on the map

of route with your drawings of the stops of the route that you have to follow etcetera and

for that we're going to need as I say a inflater so layout inflater

let's call this to this object by example inflator and this is going to be

equal to a layoutInflater of what? Then from this.getSystemService

layout inflater service

and this we leave for the moment we will add more code in the future

below for in this inflator represent the route and take it later

to the map but at the moment we are going to leave it here and now what we are going to create

also within this class we can do at any point for example to

continuation of the method on create is going to be the method he calls the

button, the button that we made in the video previous to seeing on the map then

this button will call the method that let's create that method right now

will pick up one side

the 'bundle' that comes from the search and forward it to the map in a future to maps

activity that we have here, right? as are we going to call that method? we can

call as we want, I'll call for example map so public void

map this will receive by parameter a view to which I am going to call it for example

sight we open the key of the method and here first of all get the bundle

bundle miBundle equal to get perfect intent.get extras

let's go now with the intent so intente miintento for example is going to be

equal to new Intent from this

and now the class where are we going to carry all this that is

maps activity.class and now therefore myIntent

.putextras it's as if we take the bundle with a hand that comes from

search and search optimization and what let's go with another one to take it to maps

activity put extras miBundle

and now for nothing the activity, call directly to what in the future there will be

in maps activity so start activity and the attempt to which I have called my

tried and this is the method that has to be

called from the button that We made the previous class like this

that now we go to activities routes xml we go to the text we locate where

was our button and here then we will have to create the event

corresponding and the method call that we just created so before

that the clasp be closed because here we would say android

onclick equal to map which is the method that we just created in such a way that

when we click on this button, then the map method that we have created it will be

called but you will have the bundle created that will capture with one hand and send it

a maps activity and send all that information to the map

well let's leave this video in the point where we are in the

next we will continue with the method Oncreate of this class routes to see how

we made the inflater the inflator we are going to have to create in the future

also because some icons or something that let us represent what

is the route to follow on the map of some way we will have to draw with

some icon with some grace but like I say that will be in the next video

this moment we leave it at the point where we are and I tell you what

I always invite you to stay attentive to the next delivery until

so that it goes well

For more infomation >> Android Course. DDBB XXIV. MapRoute. Video 103 - Duration: 9:12.



For more infomation >> VİDIQ YOTUBE KOLAYLATIRICI! - Duration: 5:47.


THE LAST PARADISE - Kri Island Raja Ampat indonesia VLOG #17 - Duration: 12:11.

Its an awesome paradise and we´re doing island hopping on three islands. Kri Island, Aborek and Fam island

Stay tuned... we´re diving, snorkeling we´ll show you everything.

The first impression is just unbelievable... Look at this!!!

Hey guys! Really nice that you´re back again on our travel channel "Time4Travel"

Right now we´re in Raja Ampat. And we´re here for 4 weeks in this fantastic paradise! :)

If you like us and our videos then subscribe our channel right now. Leave a thump up and a comment. Let us know what you are thinking about this place.

This are 2 million ringgit and we need 19 million ringgit. (Last ATM is in Sorong)

We´re feeling like rich people. Now its my turn :)

We can´t no close our purse anymore ;)

We are staying in "Kri bungalows"

It just cost´s 21,- Euro / night & person

Including 3 meals, water, snacks, tea, coffee. Its a really good price :)

We booked this homestay about

Have a look in the video description. There you will find a coupon to book this or an other accommodation which you want and get a 10 % discount.

And right here is our bungalow

With a nice hammock

A mosquito net... really important because mosquitoes loves me :)

This are the little locals

They are living here and helping there mum´s and dads to organize different things

They are so cute! :)

And now we have a look in one of the simple kitchens here on Kri Island

Everything is really simple but its working

Do you want to have a look in the bath room guys?

Yes, thats it. Not more and not less ;)

And there is a little ladle to get rid of the "business" ;)

Du you want to see more of the under water world of Raja Ampat? The next video about that is coming soon. Subscribe our channel and activate the bell that you´ll not miss this video :)

We never saw such crystal clear water like this before.

right now we´re on the south of kri island just for a walk and here you´ll find so many beautiful mussels

They are on the hole beach

here you can see a PADI diving school. And today I´ll have my 5. dive

I'm totally excited. We´re going to the really close island next to us. Its called Mansuar Island

Today I´m just the camera operator and the snorkeler. Because I´m still a bit afraid of diving.

But maybe I´ll overcome my fear.

Ok, lets go guys

It feels really strange in my head right now.

Unbelievable... Kri Island just awesome!

Look at this... It´s so deep and still crystal clear.

How was it?

It was so beautiful

Now its lunch time

The lunch starts 12 am

Mostly we´re coming later... for us its breakfast

Like everyday

Here on the island everything is really simple.

And today is washing day. Stay tuned and have a look.

Stay tuned... you´ll see the looong sandbank soon!

I wished I have a washing machine

I really don´t like it what I have to do now. But the dirty water have to go somewhere. There is no other opportunity

The cloes line is full a little friends of the nature :)

That could tickle a next time in my shorts ;)

We´ve prepared everything in our waterproof bag and going to west of Kri Island

Therefore we´ve to go this way trough the water and we hope its not that deep.

First we were wondering what kind of little humans are living here. And then we figured out that this is graveyard


its really dark

Its so lovely. Everyone has his own little house

They are using the leaves of threes to build a waterproof roof

Now its low tight and there you can already see the sandbank which is connected with the next island . It looks so fantastic.

Here we go!!!

Its possible to walk from Kri Island to Mansuar Island

And here is just no one. Thats crazy

We chosed the right island here in Raja Ampat

Its dinner time. We have rise like everyday

vegetable, oh today with carrots

We´re so hungry

Now its 7pm and to this time the dinner will be served

And today we´re eating together with our two friends from China

We´ve allready to leave this nice island. It was such a great time.

Now we´re going to the next island called Aborek for how much???...

It costs 36 Euro per boat and you can share it with a other people

unfortunately we couldn´t find someone else for sharing. That´s why its a bit expensive

The prices for the boat transfers here are quiet expensive.

Ok guys... we hope you enjoyed our video

Now we´re going to the next island Aborek

About Aborek you´ll find a video on our channel Time 4 Travel soon.

Enjoy your life

And thank you very much for watching our video. Bye bye

We´re in Raja Ampat. We´ll be here for 4 weeks. Thats so nice.

Here are so many islands

And we are here for 4 weeks

Did I tell this already

ohhh shit :)

It doesn´t matter what kind of comments you will leave. Import is that you leave a comment.

Thats so important. Because otherwise Youtube will not reconize that our video is good... no thats nonsense :)

We booked that about oh no I mean

You will find the link right here... oh no you should tell them this part :)

It costs 21 Euro per night / person for food... oh no. again : )

We could find this bungalow on and we will show you later the link... later?!?! thats nonsense :)

Lets walk a little bit faster. Either we´re walking normal or not at all. Otherwise it feels stupid :)

For more infomation >> THE LAST PARADISE - Kri Island Raja Ampat indonesia VLOG #17 - Duration: 12:11.


2 Thanksgiving Recipes Perfect for the Instant Pot - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> 2 Thanksgiving Recipes Perfect for the Instant Pot - Duration: 6:29.


Court Rules Nestlé Can Be Sued In America For Use Of Slave Labor Overseas - Duration: 4:37.

The Nestle Corporation has been accused of using slave labor all over the globe, but

as the largest food maker and distributor on earth, they've managed to use their power

to escape the consequences of their actions for decades.

All of that could come to an end very soon as the Ninth Circuit recently ruled that the

company can be sued on US soil for the use of slave labor abroad.

Joining me to talk a bit about that is Farron Cousins.

We're going to talk about that and other stories of the week.

You and I have done so many stories on Nestle over the year, whether they're stealing money,

stealing water from California, slave labor issues.

We've seen these types of stories arise with them all the time.

You know, for a company that makes candy, this is a pretty awful bunch of folks, isn't


They truly are.

There's nothing sweet about this company, that's for sure.

This slave labor ruling is actually, this case was filed back in 2005, had been thrown

out repeatedly by every court.

Supreme Court ruled about a year and a half ago they weren't going to touch it, but they

finally refiled it on new grounds and basically said, "Listen, we know it didn't happen on

US soil."

Because that's what every, all the other courts were saying.

It didn't happen on US soil.

It didn't touch US soil or our any place we were interested in.

They said, "Well, listen, the decision to use slave labor was made in the United States,

made at their headquarters here in the US, so how can you say this doesn't affect it?"

The Ninth Circuit unanimously said, "You know what?

You're absolutely right.

This decision was made in the US.

It affected the US.

You're going to trial."


Okay, let me put some legal analysis to this, okay?

First of all, the appellate courts that ruled against the claimants in this case clearly

did not understand that there was a very good test.

The test was, does the conduct of the company in any way touch or concern territory in the

United States, right?

I mean that's, you start off by saying, what the company did, does it have any impact?

Does it touch the United States in any kind of way or the US Territory in any kind of


Well, this clearly did, okay?

Because here you have Nestle and they're able to get slave labor and that affects competition.

If competition is doing it right and they're not using children as slaves, it affects their

ability to set a price in a different kind of way.

The economic argument alone was enough to give these other appellate courts that really

just absolutely made a horrendous mistake in dismissing these cases.

Finally, now there is a shot at Nestle.

Nestle says, this is almost black humor.

This is the sign of a real sociopath.

This is a company.

Nestle comes out and says, "Oh, gee.

By suing us, you're actually interfering with our ability to stop slave labor around the


They actually said that.

That was a quote from Nestle.

That's the sign of a real sociopath.

What's your take?

Well, this is not the first time that Nestle has been accused and evidence has emerged

that they've been using slave labor overseas for years.

They own the Purina brand of cat and dog foods.



They've been using slave labor and they know this because they've looked into it.

They've been using slave labor over in Thailand in the fishing industry.

What they did there, this was more of indentured servitude.

They gave people huge loans, took poor people out of Myanmar and other countries close to

Thailand, brought them to Thailand, gave them huge loans to buy fishing boats and fishing


You're now an employee of Nestle, but you owe us so much money that what we pay you

comes right back to us and there's nothing you can do to break this cycle or you go to


They've already been guilty of that.

That one, when they found out that that was happening, they said, "Whoa, that's bad.

We're going to look into it, but keep in mind that all the other companies are doing this

over there, too, so it's not just us."

Yeah, I mean, that was their argument.


That literally was their argument.

"Other people are taking advantage of other people through slavery as well, so why are

you picking on us?"

That's one argument and then, while they're making that argument they're saying, "We're

really leaders around the world in trying to solve the slave labor issue, so these plaintiffs

who are suing us and have been suing use since 2005, these plaintiffs are really doing harm

to the slave labor market around the world by suing us."

Go figure.

For more infomation >> Court Rules Nestlé Can Be Sued In America For Use Of Slave Labor Overseas - Duration: 4:37.


Halloween in South Park Is Crazier Than Ever - South Park - Duration: 1:01.

[tense music]

[bell ringing]

[children shouting]

[shouting and fighting]

-Trick or treat! -Trick or treat!

-Trick or treat! -Ah! Ah!

Here! Here! Take it! Just take it!

Oh, God! More Three Musketeers

We can't be out, there has to be more!

Jesus Christ, where did all these other people come from?

We have to get more candy than anyone else.

Even if we die!

For more infomation >> Halloween in South Park Is Crazier Than Ever - South Park - Duration: 1:01.


Nightcore - I Was Wrong - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:01.

This video includes lyrics on the screen.

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