Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 1 2018

Hey there, it's Clay with and this is Relationship Inner Game.

Now this video is going to be video number four in our series on how to connect better

emotionally with your ex.

In the previous couple of videos we've gone over how to get your to talk to you again,

what to talk to your ex about, and how to act around your ex. and in this particular

video we're going to be talking about what to say to your ex.

Now, of course there are many different sorts of things that you could say to your ex and

all sorts of different sorts of circumstances, but building off of everything that we have

talked about thus far, it is important for you to realize that there isn't just like

a simple word-for-word script that you can say to make your ex love you again or something

like that.

And even if there was, it would just get you back into the old kind of relationship that

you had before and then you would just break up again.

For whatever reason that you broke up in the first place.

You weren't paying enough attention to her.

You were complaining too much to him and blah, blah, blah.

All that stuff.


What's important to know is that you have to be able to feel into the moment to know

what the right thing to say to your ex is, and that's what a lot of the things that we've

already talked about in this series will help you do.

You really need to understand where your ex is at emotionally and you have to be willing

to be completely honest and forthright and transparent about what your intentions are

and how you're feeling because that builds trust with your ex.

Now, when it comes to actual words that you say, a lot of that will take care of itself.

If you have gone through the work that we've already talked about in the previous videos,

but there are a couple of simple things that are important when it comes to what to actually

say to your ex.

So for example, one of the most important things is that you want to really own your

own statements.

You want to own your own feelings.

Oftentimes people will say things like, "You made me feel bad," "You are causing me to

lose sleep because of this breakup," or things like that.

And what that does is that really shoves off responsibility to someone else.

And if you're that someone else, then you're going to start to feel upset and start to

distance yourself emotionally from that person because that interaction that you're having

with them feels bad on an emotional level.

So what you really want to do is you want, you own what it is that you're saying.

So for example, instead of "You're making me feel bad because of this breakup."

You might say something like, "I feel really bad thinking about the fact that the two of

us broke up," and although that might seem like just inconsequential word choice, it

really does have a big impact because what's going to happen is your ex isn't going to

take on this sort of defensive mode around you and closed themselves off.

They're going to actually be able to still stay open enough to actually listen to you

and hear you out.

And just using the small little conversational things like that can really help you to keep

your ex open and receptive and to help you get your point across in a way that your ex

will actually build a positive interaction with you.

And again, that's really what all of this is about.

It's about having these positive emotional interactions with each other.

Now, of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg about what you could say to your ex,

but you know, there's a whole lot more that I actually want to share with you.

But if you're watching this video on youtube, you can go ahead and go down below in the

description and click on a link that'll take you over to our website

And over there, you can sign up for our email newsletter by filling out a simple little

questionnaire telling me about yourself and your relationship and we'll send you some

advice and strategies that will help you to your ex better and help you communicate with

your ex better and help you get back together with your ex.

If you're already on our newsletter and you're watching this on our website,,

just go ahead and click in the link below this video and you'll actually be taken over

to another page that will tell you more about how you can connect better with your ex on

an emotional level and be able to actually form these strong emotional connections that

will pull the two of you closer together and get your ex wanting to interact with you through

conversational patterns, through emotional empathy, through being able to understand

and feel the emotional currents that are happening between the two of you and all of these things.

And these aren't just like little gimmicks and stunts and stuff like that.

This is about how to have a deep, rewarding, fulfilling, authentic, genuine communication.

And connection with your ex that will bring the two of you back together for, for really

the long term, not just like a quick bandaid over a bullet hole wound kind of thing.

Anyway, yeah.

This has been Clay with and this has been Relationship Inner Game.

If you've liked this video, please of course, give us a thumbs up and if you'd like to see

us make more videos, go ahead and leave a comment down below letting me know what types

of videos you'd like to see me make in the future.

Anyway, once again, I'll see you in our next video, which was going to really take things

to the next level and show you how to actually connect with your ex in a much deeper, more

significant way.

Thanks a lot and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> How to Know What to Say to Your Ex - Clay Andrews - Duration: 5:26.


Brand new TRIATHLON TAREN website! - Duration: 8:48.

- Morning trainiacs, big day calls for a big shake.

And I know the other day

when I did that video talking about spirulina,

a bunch of the trainer haters out there

lost their freaking minds,

but I don't care,

because a, I do actually drink it every day, nailed it,

and b, you can't get me down today,

because today is a good day.

We are gettin' ourselves a new website.

(upbeat electronic music)

Up until today, we had the old

that I've sorta like pieced together on my own,

slash hired a friend of Kim's who she used to work with

who did the website for us on the side

and at one point, the idea was that

I was going to start building blog content on that site

and we just didn't do that.

Like I said before,

that I always gravitate more towards yapping

instead of writing.

So, more what it's turned into

is place for a little bit of content,

a place for us to post the podcast,

but more than anything,

it's a place for us to put all of the places that you can go

and put in your info

and get all of the free resources for us.

But, it ends up being kinda janky.

Like here, look at this.

Like, you go to

This is the main page that you see.

It's not actually part of the site,

it's more like an overlay of the site

before you get into the site.

So, this feels a certain way

and then when you actually go into the site,

which is kinda hard to figure out,

you go there and it looks super old and bare.

Like, you get there and oh look, it's just the podcast feed.

Well, there's really nothing here.

I mean, all this sidebar stuff, I don't like how this looks.

It's, I don't know, we go to coaching and trainiac camps,

well I don't really have any trainiac camps anymore.

We're sorry, that page doesn't exist anymore.

And the page, it's super slow.

And the podcast,

I've learned that 99% of listens of the podcast

don't happen on the page, so why is it taking up space here?

Free resources, this is okay, a lot of people go here,

this is the most trafficked page,

but again, it looks janky.

Bottom line, it's not great

and if you've heard about the new developer

that's taken over from Team Trainiac

and the website that we're building,

he actually reached out to me with this first off

and he's like,

"Hey, um, you could definitely improve your website."

So, when I ended up having to can the old developer

and hire new developer Mike to work on Team Trainiac,

I said, "Well, why don't we redo the website within that?"

And it's good for you, good for me, good for everybody.

So, apparently it's 9:00 a.m. right now

and the website is ready.

I just have to get the word from him

that we are gonna go live.

I haven't got that word quite yet.

It's been ready for a few days.

So, I'm gonna send him a message,

ask him what time we're doing this.

I'm gonna go for a swim,

show you the new website in a second.

(dramatic electronic music)

Oh, the body feels old right now, oh.

So, just about an hour ago,

we pushed the new live.

And it exists, check it out.

And how about this,

how much cleaner is this than the old website?

I'm gonna go with like 1120%.

Basically, what we were looking at doing

is making it way easier for all of you

to get to the good stuff.

Remember that first page that was basically like,

"Hey, you can't get into Triathlon Taren

"unless you know where to click on this page

"or you give us our email address?"

Well, this is the main page here

and all of the options are much simpler.

So, up here, home.

This is home.

You scroll down.

Want a dynamic training plan

generated just for you and your goals?

Learn more.

Well, this is going to take people to Team Trainiac

when it's live.

Right now it just takes you to the Team waitlist


or Team Trainiac will take you to Team Trainiac.

Free training, which is our most popular,

the free resources page is right there.

And, because it's so popular,

we also put it just smack dab right on the main page.

I do like all these as featureds in.

Mike, the new developer,

he actually found some that I forgot about.

So, that was good.

And then we have our pals here,

Mike Reilly, Sarah Crowley, mumbo Gerry Rodrigues.

So, it's just so much simpler.

All of the podcasts, you might be wondering,

"Well hey, where are those?"

Well, because so few people actually listen

here on the website, we put it in the background.

So you go to more, podcasts and blog posts,

and then, instead of like that weird feed with the sidebar,

it's just simplified here.

Oh, it just looks so good.

Taren's gear, that's still here,

that'll link out to everything that I use while swimming,

so that's still accessible.

Basically, just we took out all of the extraneous options.

And a couple of the other more things

is we cleaned up the media info page,

just had one quick little introductory thing on who I am.

I like the as featured in, so we put it here as well.

And then, they made this

gorgeous little rolly-scrolly counter

for all of our social things.

Community stats, if you're interested in

what the trainiacs are like.

We are very, very male heavy.

Where the ladies at out there?

Am I, am I offensive to the ladies?

And here's the age and every.

You know what, it's just, it's just clean.

The contact us page,

apparently a lot of you have been trying to contact us

and don't really know how.

And the contact us form on the webpage

didn't work as it was.

Now, it definitely works and if you try it,

you get a delightful email that I wrote myself.

Now there's nothing in that that's just wildly fancy,

it's just updating it, making it more professional,

more user-friendly,

getting all of the things that you want and need

very easily available

and it's that same design and that same thinking

that we're going to bring to the new Team Trainiac website

that is still planning on being launched on January 1st.

I've checked with Mike multiple times.

We're going to have an update on that

over the next little while

and if it's worth sharing

and there's something visually compelling,

I'll do an update video on that.

But, like you can see that Mike is the real deal.

In a week, he put this together.

And he's invested in it,

because he knows that if I've got a really good website,

that he's helping me do the SEO properly,

and then it helps people get to Team Trainiac easier,

it helps him, helps me, helps him, helps you, helps us all.

So, I'm very optimistic of where we're at.

I am a big fan of the website.

It's like a little,

after last week being pretty rough

after announcing the delay in the Team Trainiac website,

this is encouraging.

It is very encouraging.

Thank all of you trainiacs, supporters on the Kickstarter,

everyone who sent in messages when I announced that.

It was very touching and I can't thank ya enough.

So, stay tuned, stay patient.

Things are gonna get really awesome in a real hurry.

Later, trainiacs.

For more infomation >> Brand new TRIATHLON TAREN website! - Duration: 8:48.


How I Did My Makeup in High School - Duration: 9:23.

Hello hello hello, my friends.

Kaitlyn here, and I'm not wearin' any makeup

because today we're gonna make a makeup video! Ah!

(upbeat twinkling electronic music)

All right, so I am not in any way a beauty guru.

We should just establish that right now.

And quite frankly, I've never been a beauty guru.

I've always been really bad at makeup,

and I'm only like, slightly,

slightly better.

But I'm a big fan of Jenna Marbles,

and so she really likes watching

beauty vloggers and videos on YouTube.

And so a lot of times she'll do her own versions

of videos that they do, and one of those is

recreating your high school makeup routine.

So, let's do my makeup like I did when I was sixteen.

Which (groans) makes me cringe a little bit.

First of all, I should establish that

I didn't use brushes at all, honestly,

until really like the last couple of years.

Everything I used my hands for

or the brushes that came with the makeup.


That's great.

My big beauty secret from when I was sixteen

was that I would wear this glitter, essentially.

I had this roll-on body glitter for my face.

Now, I couldn't find any roll-on glitter.

I did find some glitter eyeshadow.

So we're gonna try to put that on,

which probably will give me about the same, like,

little bit messed-up effect that I had back then.

My second beauty secret was that

when I did start wearing eyeshadow

it was just makeup that I had stolen from my mom.

I don't live with my mom anymore,

so I couldn't just raid her old makeup bag and use that,

which is a little bit unfortunate because I couldn't

even find the colors that I was looking for.

So basically, no foundation.

I just would use concealer.

I probably put on a lot more concealer

or I use like a BB cream now to even out my skin tone,

which is not what I did when I was a teenager.

I pretty much would just cover my acne.

(mid-tempo twinkling electronic music)


And then I just gotta do it with my finger.

It feels so weird to do it with my finger now!

Like you just can't get it as smooth as a brush does.

(mid-tempo twinkling electronic music)

The other thing is I had--especially in high school,

they're a little bit better now because

I get better sleep and I'm not as stressed--

but I had really big dark circles under my eyes

because I was just so tired all the time

and not getting enough rest at all.

I'm very glad that they are not as dark anymore.

I think they're just sort of like normal age circles now.


This is the kind of brush

I would normally use for blush now,

but this is the kind of brush that I used in high school.

Like, how do you make this look int--like, what the heck?

It's so small and like

not in any way made for your face.

(laughs) It's real bad, Kaitlyn!

Why did you think this was a good idea?

So probably the most intense thing that I would do

in high school was eye makeup.

It was really, really bad.

Looking back, (groans) it hurts me to think about.

I would wear purples.

And I couldn't find the exact colors that I wore back then,

as I would do a lavender usually,

and then do a darker purple to line my eyes

because I didn't wear eyeliner

because I was like, "Ugh, that's too much work.

"I don't wanna wear eyeliner.

"Instead I'm just gonna, like, line the outside of my eyes

"with a darker color."

Which, like, people do that.

That's like a normal thing to do in makeup.

But then you'd put eyeliner on top of it or something.

But instead I would just use it in place of it, I guess,

which was way more work, I think,

than if I had just had eyeliner or something.

This is actually a Wet'n'Wild palette

that I've used to extinction almost.

But you'll notice that I've used these colors,

the lighter ones, and not these,

but back then these are the colors

that I would probably put directly onto my eye.

Hmm! That's bad.

I discovered using eyeshadow brushes

in maybe the last three years or so

and it's a game changer, guys.

So let's, I guess, do this super purple color

because that's about what I would wear.

Oh gosh, I'm really afraid of this.

I'm afraid it's gonna look so bad.

Oh, and I didn't use any eyeshadow primer,

which is something that I use now,

which I would be like,

"Why does all my makeup come off

"like halfway through the day?"

And it's because I didn't use any kind of primer

that would help it stay on my eyes, so.

The things that I know now are just

like automatically kicking in

of like, "Oh, I need to blend it!"

And that's not what I would do.

So I'm gonna use

this purply-black color, I guess.

Basically, I picked the darkest color that I could.

And then line the outside of my eyes with it.

I don't know how I did this effectively.

All right, it doesn't look so bad so far.

Really that I'm like, getting it everywhere.

Yeah, so it's like in the-- oh, gosh.

This was the big problem I'm remembering now,

is that it would-- because it's eyeshadow,

and it's a powder, essentially--

it would just kind of like get everywhere, and then

it's here, and if I try to rub it,

I'm just spreading it around.

Isn't that beautiful?

(wails miserably)

Yeah, this was a problem.

I think this contributed to why my eyes looked

like I had such dark circles,

because half of it was purple makeup.

Okay, now I gotta do the bottom part.

Let's see how that goes.

I mean, it's sort of like the pre-look that I have now.

I can see where my makeup look has evolved from this.

That's basically all I would do for my eyes.

Let's try putting on some glitter now.

Oh, gosh.


It's very gel-y.

Yeah, this is probably about the level

of glitter that I had.

Oh, yeah!

I would also do like a little bit on my nose.

I wouldn't roll this way,

which is how you put on pretty much any cheek makeup,

but I would sort of roll like this over my face,

because that makes sense.

I think we've done it.

Oh, oh, wait! No, I can't forget.

I didn't wear lipstick.

Ugh, now I've got a bunch of glitter on myself.

I'm gonna be glittery forever, guys.

The other thing is, I would wear lip gloss.

A tinted lip gloss would be my choice of lip wear.

So a little bit of color, but not really.

That was basically my thing, is I wanted these

dark and sultry eyes,

but then to look like I wasn't wearing makeup anywhere else.

I don't know.


Get that


wet lip look.



Simple and also ridiculous.

(kissing noise)

I don't even know if I can get my hair

to do the thing that it used to do.

But essentially covering up one eye,

which I know is something that still happens now,

but it's not a purposeful thing,

it's the way that I cut my hair and let it grow out.

But it was very intentional when

I was in high school to like,

have one eye covered.

There we go.

There's peak 2006 Kaitlyn.

I do love the glitter.

Other than my face being sticky,

because it's eyeshadow and I guess not body glitter,

I do like the way that it looks.

I guess I was basically like pre-highlighter.

I was kind of trying to achieve that, I suppose.

I don't know.

And I'm remembering why I liked lip gloss too.

I like the little shine.

Well, there ya go.

2006 High School Kaitlyn makeup for you.


It's very purple.

It doesn't really make a lot of sense to me now

because I know more things about makeup now.

And I should say, I don't really even know

what I'm doing most of the time now.

I just see videos every now and then and I'm like,

"That seems like a good idea!

I should try doing that!"

But this was fun.

This was fun, kind of like reminiscing about

old Kaitlyn makeup styles and stuff.

For the question! Question, question.

I wanna know, what...did you...

what was like a makeup thing or a style thing

that you did when you were younger that now you're like,

"Oh, what was I thinking? Ahh!"


Plus, remember that you can check me out

on these other social media sites.

And if you haven't already, (twinkling) subscribe

and hit that (ding) notification bell

so you know the moment there's a new video.

And I'll see you guys next Thursday! Bye! (blows kiss) (chuckles)

(upbeat electronic music)

For more infomation >> How I Did My Makeup in High School - Duration: 9:23.


Aquarium AQUASCAPING Kids Only: Aquatic Experience (2018) - Duration: 4:40.

what's up fishtank people hold dustinsfishtanks bringing it to you with

a quick video with the kids aquascaping contest how's everybody doing I hope

you're doing well boy DS got a lot going on with the green

house saga but the saga is getting better but in today's video I want to

show you the kids live on TV contest that was 100% free and the aquatic

experience a couple of weeks back had an absolutely awesome time shoutouts to our

friends at blue ball hooking up a great deal on some of the old Florida tanks

you check out their new floor tanks and everybody competed in in the actual big

boy and girl adult aquascaping contest but they gave us a heck of a deal on

some cheap of the old model flora nano tanks and these kids totally threw it

down the winning team each split a hundred bucks each kid walked away with

fifty bucks and I had an absolute riot looking

forward to doing more of these we got a show coming up in Dallas in March and I

quit jela bro where DS gonna throw another free kids live hockey at me

contest but you can see me getting choked up and sniffling during this and

absolutely riot when I start watching the footage I get excited as well so

click the link button hit the notifications button if you like what

we're doing subscribe and enjoy this quick glimpse into the kids throwing it

down in the contest this is it there to go

get it you can use any of the sticks you want any of the plants you want doesn't

matter reach in there and grab whatever you want hon go ahead whatever you want

to use if you need help grabbing something let us know we'll get it in

there for you go ahead take that old thing on you go ahead yes oh I don't

know let me look she's got the bull bite us

in the house right there this is why we play the game

this is zbl tear down this is a nude where's your entry this is the part when

you see the kids reaching into the tanks when they realize they can grab whatever

you want that's the part for me I actually told a kid he could grab

whatever you wanted anyway it was just like the best like look on his face ever

and to be recreating that and being able to provide that for kids is totally

awesome so these kids had an absolute riot and so did I selfishly watch them

do the whole thing

you're too old sir too old

I love it of you turn it up

about we've got water coming boys and girls

water's coming looking good man

see that big box the hardscape materials everybody see all those over there you

guys can use those those were donated by a guy named cauri you guys can you're

welcome Tuesday's cool those look good Papa shouts dude it's what we do man is

what we're doing that's you she's you yeah sure

nice throw it on the top good $100 you want to be driftwood so sorry yeah great

job man what's your name bro talking to the

cameras and you guys made this tank on your own did your parents help you at

all all right cool where grab the camera

but Congrats bro hey listen your tank was darn good

though honey you took second as far as I'm concerned

brother you all do great you can take something with you if you want if you

want to pick out a plan and take it with you it's on me yeah that's my jam dude

it's what I love to do what's your name honey

Danielle us JEP fun cool let's get this over here

For more infomation >> Aquarium AQUASCAPING Kids Only: Aquatic Experience (2018) - Duration: 4:40.


Oddly Satisfying Websites - Duration: 4:30.

Hey I'm Jake and

if you are a person who is alive and with access to the internet you've probably

heard of the "oddly satisfying" trend.

Now if you go into Youtube right now which you currently are on because you're watching this video and type in oddly satisfying, your page will be filled with things like

slime, or people cutting kinetic sand with a knife, to perfectly glazing a cake.

These are just a few of the things that make us feel good for what seems like no apparent

reason. But there probably is and we'll probably talk about that later in the video.

So, without further adieu, here are some oddly satisfying DONGs, things you can do online

now guys.

Before we start I'd like to point out that Oddly Satisfying has turned from a DONG to


From a do online now guys to a do offline now guys because there's an Oddly Satisfying


It combines oddly satisfying videos in VR with the element of physical touch.

But I can't take you all there right now. One day I will. So let's get back to the DONGs instead of the DONGs.

First off, there is the oddly satisfying subreddit. It's one of my favorite subreddits.

And I mean just look at this.

But let's get interactive.

Check out this virtual bubble wrap.

Or this one.

Or this one. Really whichever one you go with is great.

Because popping feels so good.

And your not the only one who thinks it!

Go ahead do it. Do it right now!

You know you want to.

*popping sound*

Oh yeah! That feels good. Popping bubble wrap is thought to affect the

brain the way fidgeting does.

These small movements release muscle tension which reduces the feeling of stress.

The focus and repetition of the popping can also lull you into a meditative state.

Also, popping the bubbles on a sheet of bubble wrap is a series of releasing pressure.

Whether real or in this case simulated it still causes the brain to release dopamine

and norepinephrine also known as the feel good chemicals that explain why this bubble

wrap makes us feel good.

Along the same lines, you've probably seen some of the oddly satisfying slime videos.

And who doesn't like a nice viscous fluid.

And if you're anything like me, ya just don't don't have a bucket of slime around

when you need one.

Right Hannah?



But there's an app for that.

You can even add glitter like the glileijwfoiejefwfkaopekfls

Another source of our satisfaction can come from symmetry.

Look at this perfect breakfast.

Doesn't that just make you feel things you've never felt before?

A reason for this is because in the real world many things are symmetrical and if they are we assume that they're fine

and healthy.

For example, a human from the outside.

Look at me.

I have two ears, two eyes, two arms, a nose in the middle of my face.

If I looked like this. AHH!

Your brain might be like WHOA JAKE!


When things are asymmetrical they signal to us that something is wrong even

if it might not actually be wrong.

Just what our mind is telling us.

This follows us through life and I'll show ya how right now.

The Kanizsca triangle looks like this.

What do you see?

Well many people claim to see a white triangle that is brighter than its surroundings.

But the truth is, there are no circles or triangles in this illusion.

One theory as to why is that maybe our brains desire to see symmetry.

We want to believe we are seeing nice symmetrical circles but we're not.

We're seeing what look like paceman shapes but our brains lied to us.

I actually go to detail on this triangle in the latest issue of the Curiosity Box magazine

that comes in the Curiosity Box. Link down below if you wanna get your own.

Now, we really like symmetry.

If you want to feel that sweet steamy symmetrical satisfaction play with kaleidoscope painter.

No matter what you do, it will keep things symmetrical.

I can do this.

And this.

And what about this.

Oh boy my satisfaction is sky high.

Another thing thought to bring us satisfaction is finding order in all the disorder around us.

So with that I will leave you with this sweet beautiful blissful traffic simulator.

Set to the haunting beautiful sounds of Jake Chudnow.

Links to all the DONGs are in the description below.

Or you can click here for a playlist of DONGs.

Stay beautiful. Good night. And as always, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Oddly Satisfying Websites - Duration: 4:30.


Ahorra tiempo con instalaciones desatendidas en tu Windows - Duration: 7:35.

Hello again Infonauta, welcome or welcome to a new installment of your YouTube channel Infoductiva ...

this time I bring you an installer

for windows very interesting with which you can save a lot of time

in facilities ... interesting, right?

We begin ...

well first of all this is the page of this installer called Ninite

I leave you the link in the description of this video ... I found it by chance

watching videos and I recommend you take a look I also leave you the link of the video in the that I found it from the YouTube channel that

call @Creatubers of a namesake of mine ... a greeting from here Pedro

Well, basically, what I'm going to do is explain what it's for, when I see it important to use this installer, for example.

and what advantages does it bring?

good in principle when I have to format a computer

I have to install the operating system ... the updates

and apart from the machine's controllers I also have to install a series of Applications

and it's always very tedious and it takes a long time since you download them

and leaving them stored in a folder is a mistake

given that what interests me when I do an installation is download and install the last

version of each of these programs, so that in these cases

it is very important to use the Ninite

What advantages will it offer us? logically

all the programs that we see here are free of viruses and in addition

all programs allow us to download your last version

all right?

the fundamental idea is that we suppose ...

let's take a look ... here we have

all browsers practically more used, in security as you see there are many tools that we also use

in tools for the developer too we see that there are many tools

very interesting and very important

free to use

for messaging as you see we also have

a few known applications

for file sharing ... utilities

how do you see we have up recorders

of DvD / CD

really very interesting

I recommend you take a look

I also have this ... let's assume that I want to install the

Foobar2000 that is very good

let's see some more the HandBrake for example I also want to install

I have all the routines

and here also look for online storage in the cloud

I also have Gimp, Inkscape ...

compression for example 7Z ... WinRaR I have it too

here you even have free Office

open Office in case you want to install them completely free

and as you see other ... good

once we have selected what we want to install

that logically in an initial installation after a format I would select many

of these applications

we would come down here to this blue button and we would click ... this what we are going to do is download ...

Wait a moment I'll show you something ...

here it appears that it works for Windows 10, Windows ... any version of the 8 ... Windows

7, Windows Vista and for XP with Service Pack 3 even if it is obsolete

and well, this downloads a small executable that measures very little

but we will need to have

connection to the internet so that you can install all the applications ... I'm going to click on the

how do you see he asks me

execution confirmation ... I'm going to tell you to execute

as you see, prepare the installer

and then a window will appear

in which after asking us for confirmation administrator or administrator password

by saying yes it shows us a window

with which we will see the progress of the installation of the applications ... this is that we have selected

20 applications for example, will be installing them and configuring them one by one

without needing our intervention ...

If we want to see the process, it will be enough to show Show details

and how do you see is installing 7-Zip in my case I have only selected those three applications

tells us in the state that is installing it is already below follows

with the next and so on

if we want to hide these details it will be enough to give it back to this link that is now called Hide details

how you see is very practical, very useful, it will save you a lot of time especially when you have

you format a computer or reinstall the Windows operating system

as it covers us practically all the latest Windows

from Windows 10 backwards until you get to Windows XP but you have to have Service

Pack 3 although I no longer use it because it is obsolete and it is say that a niche

to get a virus ... although I'm still seeing

obsolete operating systems like that windows xp

both controlling machines and using applications by professionals

yes ... if you are forced to use

an obsolete Windows or in this case Windows XP my main recommendation is that this computer does not have it connected to the internet

in agreement? if not you will surely end up catching a trojan, a rookit, a worm, in short

it's done, we're finished as you see this download is finished

Suffice it to give Close ... and we already have those applications in our system

as you see is an application, an installer for our windows

very useful that will save us a lot of time

Well that's it

thank you very much for sharing my videos on your social networks ...

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Thanks for your comments and for your Likes ... see you

in a new installment of your YouTube channel

Infoductive ... See you soon Infonaut ...

For more infomation >> Ahorra tiempo con instalaciones desatendidas en tu Windows - Duration: 7:35.


Hip Hop ASMR with Trinidad James - Lunch Part 2 - Duration: 1:04.

- This is Trinidad James for ASMR.

It ain't no choice, you gotta eat this watermelon (bleep).





Hope you had a good night.

And I hope you had your finger in your butthole, thanks.

- You're welcome, here's your drink, just in case.

- Oh, yeah. - Wash it down.


- Ahh, I sound like the last 27 seconds of Pornhub.

Thank you.


Can I get a paper towel?

I fucked my pants up, I'm trippin'.

Oh, god.

This is Trinidad James, ASMR.

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