Have you recently started a new career and the pressure to perform and get
everything right is high? Those stresses can really impact our
performance, particularly when we are working with a
new organization or new people or new responsibilities, the pressure sometimes
can be so overwhelming it impedes us from actually doing our work, the good
news is there is mindfulness techniques that can help you reduce your stress,
improve your performance, which is really key when you're in a new role.
Hi, I'm Adriana Girdler, President of CornerStone Dynamics and a productivity
expert, not only that, I'm a big believer in mindfulness and have seen the power
behind that. Before we jump into this video, comment below on some of the
pressure points you experience that perhaps mindfulness can be a savior for
you. We're seeing a growing interest in organizations with bringing mindfulness
into the workplace, stress is powerful and it's powerful in a negative way, it
can really reduce the quality of work we can do, it can impact even on our family
lives because we have so much happening at work, so what is really important is
to understand, how do we bring down those stress levels? And mindfulness is a
fantastic way of doing it and in this video I'm going to share with you some
mindfulness techniques that you can do very quickly on your own to help reduce
the stress that you may be feeling in the workplace. Not only that, check out my
other videos about mindfulness, why even look at it the benefits of it, what else
to do with it, and even, what's really cool, how to meditate but on that note,
let's get to the tips in this video on how you personally can bring mindfulness
into the workplace. Stay tuned for this video because at the end of it I have a
free download for additional mindfulness tips and techniques that could really
benefit you at work so definitely check it out. Mindful breaks, there are times we
are just, go, go, go, go, go, and they always say, the scientific community, with
studies that have been done on our performance, is take a break. Our
attention spans are really good for about 45 to 55 minutes and if we
just continually moving on and not taking that break it has a big impact
and our stress levels can go up so take a mindful break and what I mean by that
is, with mindfulness, you really want to connect to how you're feeling so when
you take a break, just don't take a break and continue on, take a break,
sit in your chair, really think or maybe even don't even think, just relax.
How are you in the surroundings? Are you revving high, are you tired, are you low? Get
up out of your chair really think about what your body needs at that moment and
listen to it, just don't move on from it, so if your body is saying, I'm thirsty,
get a drink, I have to go to the washroom, get up and
go, really take that mindful break, focus inward, listen to what the body is saying
and that will have a huge impact to bring the calmness down and reduce
stress levels. Mindful observation, so what do I mean by that? When we're
stressed, we're in a zone of stressed and it's this perpetual whirlwind like we're
in the eye of the hurricane, you want to be mindful of what's going on, if you're
just going with that flow you will be sucked away into that world of stress
and you'll be revving high and then ultimately you'll peter out and you'll
just go, I can't do this anymore, so be mindful, observe your surroundings, take a
moment that if you're in that eye of the hurricane, detach, understand that this is
a hurricane, there's a lot going on around me, observe what's happening,
observe inwardly, how are you reacting to what's going on? Maybe you have to take a
deep breath just to reconnect in, focus, so not just going with the flow, I
believe in going with the flow when it's in a positive way but going with the
flow in stress means that you're being taken along without control, I want you
to take a step back, be mindful, observe how you're behaving,
how your body is reacting, and switch things accordingly so be very
observational and mindful regarding that. Mindful drinking, no, I'm not talking
about beer drinking (although you could do this with beer) if you wanted to but
I'm talking about literally, at work, you're taking a break, a really quick
technique you can do without anybody knowing that you're doing mindfulness
stuff is take a mindful drink, so just really slowly feel the water going down,
or your orange juice, or your coffee, or your tea, whatever your choice is, how does
that taste? Did a quench your thirst, do you need
more? Even just taking those few seconds to connect with the action of what
you're doing which is just drinking, even at the water fountain, how you bend at
the water fountain brings you back to reality. When we're stressed, guess what?
We're not connected to reality, I always say we're vibrating at a higher plane
but not in a positive way, we're actually detached, so you want to get
acquainted again and be what I call grounded, get grounded, really pay
attention and a simple thing to do is either take a quick sip of something but
be mindful about it or if you're at the water fountain, same thing, it gives you a
moment to reconnect with who you are, what you're doing, and not to get caught
up in that eye of the hurricane which can happen at work. Mindful eating, okay,
this one I actually love because if you want to get into mindfulness and being
connected and observing of the moment, eating is a fantastic way of doing it,
now you may be saying to me, Adriana, great mindfulness tips, whatever, I can't do
it, I'm too busy, I'm from meeting to meeting to meeting,
well, at some point in the day you need to take a break and eat because our
bodies need that so use your eating time whether it's with a group of people or
by yourself at your desk to be mindful when you do it,
don't be watching a video, don't be scrolling, if you're really gonna eat at
your desk, you're probably gonna spend 10 minutes
there, really focus on just eating, take it down a notch by slowly eating, a
really cool thing that I do with my clients when trying to teach them about
mindfulness is take three raisins or three almonds or anything, three
pieces of candy, doesn't really matter, take something in a group of
three and slowly put one in your mouth, taste it, prior to putting your mouth,
smell it, feel it, really be aware of what you're putting into your body, then chew
it slowly, allow the flavors to soak in, just doing that has a huge impact on
slowing things down and bringing you to the present moment and allowing you to
observe and connect with what's happening around you. When that happens
you're not in that eye of the hurricane that I mentioned before and mindful
eating is a great technique to bring you back to reality because that's part of
what we're trying to do with mindfulness is bring you to the present moment, be
here, now, is a famous saying that we hear all the time and it has a lot of truth,
so be mindful when you eat, don't rush it, if you are gonna eat with other people,
still eat slowly, take your bites, enjoy your food but don't get distracted with
other things, I promise you that ten minutes you give for yourself at work
can have a huge impact, please do some mindful eating. Mindful body language,
really be aware of what you do with your body, if you're just in the mode of doing
and your stress levels are high you will not realize the language your body is
giving and it is really important to understand that and being mindful of
your body language is really critical so think about it when you're in a meeting
and someone's talking to you or your hands crossed, are you closed off? Are you
not paying attention to them and not giving eye contact? Depending on who
you're talking to, do you behave or stand a certain way? Really interesting
to analyze that and be aware of it because it will give you great insight
into the situation that you're in. Do you behave a certain way with certain people?
Is your body language portraying something that's giving off information
not only to them but more importantly to you saying hey, wait a minute,
I either don't like this situation or I do, do some observation of how you are with
your body, it has impact and will give you insights which allow for you to be
in that present moment and help reduce the stress because you can put game
plans around how you're behaving. It's Bonus Time, yay! I have for you
additional bonus tips on how to be mindful at work that you can download
from my website, you can go to the verbiage below, click on the link, it will
take you there and these are very simple techniques you can start doing that
truly makes an impact on how to reduce the stress that you're feeling at work,
so don't forget to put your comments below regarding any of these techniques
and how they helped you reduce your stress. Don't forget to subscribe to the
button below, please give this video a thumbs up, share it with your friends,
family and colleagues, until the next time, have a great day!
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