Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 28 2018

The big thing to remember about state-level politics in particular is

there there are tons of people that have just checked out of the process entirely.

So, you know, I've got 85,000 residents in my district about 45,000 of whom are

registered voters and he [my opponent] had been winning with 9,000 - 10,000 votes

for his entire career. And that is it's just a minuscule percentage of

people that were going to vote for him. So, you know, not only did that not

scare people away, you know, the big scary 'S' word that, you know, everybody for

decades has thought "here be dragons" you know, "you don't go there". But we were able

to go out and knock on doors and get people to go out and vote in this state

level election who had never voted in a state election before. So you basically

got a new electorate, in a sense, to come out for you and that proved to be more

than he could do with the traditional political approach. Yeah exactly.

Was there a disparity between the money he had to run his campaign and yours?

Oh a tremendous one. Virginia has no limits on campaign contributions whatsoever.

The only restriction is you can't take money from foreign

residents or foreign corporations. But you know, you've got a

longtime member of Republican Party leadership in a state with no campaign

contribution limits. I knew I wasn't gonna spend more money than him. I never

even tried. I knew if I raised a million dollars he would find a way to raise two.

So I just went out there and took my message directly to people on their doorstep.

What did you emphasize beside single-payer medical insurance for

everybody. Were there other two or three major things that you think you

emphasized and that reached your voters? Yeah.

The biggest thing that I emphasized was that I don't take a single dime from

for-profit corporations or from industry interest groups. And because of that I

was able to tie every single issue back to that. I said "you know I'm gonna fight

to make sure that you can see a doctor and you know I will because I'm not

taking money from the health insurance companies. I'm gonna fight to make sure

that you can afford your rent and you know I will because I'm not taking money

from your landlord." And, you know, so on and so forth, on down

the line. Every single issue I tied it back to that, that "follow the money"

question. And I said, you know, you want someone who's gonna fight for you. In

order to get that you need somebody who's not paid. Are you part of a wave do

you think? Is that is this happening- I guess I'll put it differently. Is it a

special, unique situation that you had in your little corner of Virginia, or are

you part of a larger problem? How do you see that? It's definitely part of

something larger. You know, obviously everybody, you know, when you see

something out of the ordinary in politics all the commentators want to

say 'oh, you know this happened because this one particular place is weird, or it

was a fluke. It was an accident. The voters didn't know enough..." But the fact

of the matter is, you know, you've got people who have checked out of the

political process entirely, everywhere in America, by the millions. And if you go

out there and you say I'm gonna fight for you and you know "I'm gonna fight for

you because I'm walking the walk, you know I'm not taking that money from the

people who are making your life miserable" then, what do you know, people

who have never voted before will show up and they'll actually vote to make their

lives better.

For more infomation >> Richard Wolff interview Lee Carter, a socialist elected to the Virginia House of Delegates - Duration: 3:27.


Ben and Grace Agree to Separate - Manifest (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Ben and Grace Agree to Separate - Manifest (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:34.


Otto Walkes: «Eure Berner sind gar nicht so langsam...» | Overrated/Underrated | Radio SRF 3 - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Otto Walkes: «Eure Berner sind gar nicht so langsam...» | Overrated/Underrated | Radio SRF 3 - Duration: 1:22.





Richard Wolff reflects on greater meaning of elections in Brazil, Germany, and U.S. - Duration: 3:09.

I think these elections have something in common. The rejection of the mass of

people in Brazil, in Germany and here in the United States as well, with

conventional politics, with the old establishment, with that cozy arrangement

between slightly left-of-center politics and slightly right-of-center politics,

changing places as time required but all of them presiding over a capitalism that

they thought would never end. Well, the massive people don't want that

anymore. The capitalism they've had to live with since 2008 and the terrible

crash then has been awful. First was the crash itself and the massive suffering

and unemployment. Then came the quick bailouts of the banks and big

corporations who were mostly responsible for the crash in the first place. And as

if that wasn't ugly enough it was followed by the last 10 years of

austerity politics in which the cost of bailing out those big corporations was

borne by mass withdrawal of government services, mass dying out of wage

increases: austerity. And of course people are angry. They're angry at what

happened but they're angry at the political parties that presided over all of that.

That's also what prompted the British working-class to vote for Brexit as if

cutting yourself off from Europe would solve your problems. And it also explains

the votes here in the United States for Mr. Trump, and all that he represents, and

the GOP, in its rush into the right wing. Well I'm not surprised that 'right wing'

is the direction most of the upset of the mass of people is taking as they

contest with and deal with a dying capitalism. Where else would we have

expected them to go? The last 50 years have been an endless drumbeat of

anti-leftism, anti-socialism, anti-communism. The right has been able to take over.

Liberals went more to the right with each passing year. So yes, people look to

the right as maybe the kind of change that will help them.

They will discover soon enough, and indeed some already are, that the right

wing has no solutions for this problem of a dying capitalism since mostly they

pretend that that problem isn't there. So what will happen? Well the right will

fail. It's already failing where it has taken over. Brexit is a disaster. Mr.

Trump is going in that direction. The danger for all of us is that a right

wing that cannot solve the problems it promised to, will need to blame somebody

for its failure. It won't blame itself. It won't blame its own lack of a solution

to the problems of a capitalism that is failing and that they cannot recognize

as such. So they will blame the left

For more infomation >> Richard Wolff reflects on greater meaning of elections in Brazil, Germany, and U.S. - Duration: 3:09.


Ailin Ace x Niki Alter - LÁSKA A VÍNO (Vertical video) - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Ailin Ace x Niki Alter - LÁSKA A VÍNO (Vertical video) - Duration: 3:25.


Richard Wolff on why capitalists demonize the government - Duration: 3:52.

On the one hand, government is constantly brought in to perform absolutely crucial

services. Let me give you just a random list here in the United States. The

Louisiana Purchase. Half of what is now the United States was bought by the

government to enlarge the United States way back at the beginning of the 19th

century. Killing off huge numbers of Native Americans was a governmental

activity. Funding the Lewis and Clark exhibition which added another quarter

of what is now the United States was a government operation. Managing the money

supply of the United States was and is a government operation. Bailing out banks

and corporations including all of the biggest ones was and is a function of

the government. Operating tariffs wars against other countries was and is a

government function. These have been crucial and the list could go on . So how

do you explain at the same time that the leaders of capitalism who call in the

government to do all these things are constantly denouncing the government as

wasteful, as inefficient, as a burden that should get off the back of the private

enterprise to unleash- What's going on here? You denounce it and you turn to it.

You need it and you reject it all at the same time. This is a contradiction. How do

you explain it? Here's the explanation. Private

capitalists have always feared the government and the reason is simple.

Government in modern society, like the United States or Britain or any other

major country or any country virtually, has universal suffrage. That means

everybody gets a vote. The vast majority of people in every capitalist country

are not capitalist. They don't have the money, they don't have the social

position, they don't have the connections, they don't have the pedigree, they don't

have the education, you get the picture. So the majority of people,

who are the majority voting, are not the capitalists. Meanwhile, the capital is

drawn into their hands, the bulk of the wealth and the economic power. This is an

unstable situation. The mass of people don't have wealth. The mass of people

don't have much power, but they have that vote. So the temptation will be, sooner or

later, and all corporate executives know this, the temptation will be for the

majority to use what they have, to vote, to undo the results of the economy. If

economic wealth is distributed very unequally the vote can change that by

passing a law taxing wealth, wealthy property, wealthy income, are a hundred

other ways. So you denounce the government, keep it weak, keep it small,

less the people with their vote use it against you. But at the same time your

system has so many problems, for example the crash of 1929 or the crash of 2008

that you need the government to come in and rescue you. You're torn. So what you

try to do is control the government, to prevent it from ever being the agent of

the people's needs while it is still big and strong enough to save you from

capitalism's many failures, its instability etc. It's a contradiction

that can flop either way under the pressure of circumstance. It's not an

efficient or an effective system.

For more infomation >> Richard Wolff on why capitalists demonize the government - Duration: 3:52.


How to Use Mindfulness at Work - 5 Mindfulness Desk Exercises - Duration: 9:32.

Have you recently started a new career and the pressure to perform and get

everything right is high? Those stresses can really impact our

performance, particularly when we are working with a

new organization or new people or new responsibilities, the pressure sometimes

can be so overwhelming it impedes us from actually doing our work, the good

news is there is mindfulness techniques that can help you reduce your stress,

improve your performance, which is really key when you're in a new role.

Hi, I'm Adriana Girdler, President of CornerStone Dynamics and a productivity

expert, not only that, I'm a big believer in mindfulness and have seen the power

behind that. Before we jump into this video, comment below on some of the

pressure points you experience that perhaps mindfulness can be a savior for

you. We're seeing a growing interest in organizations with bringing mindfulness

into the workplace, stress is powerful and it's powerful in a negative way, it

can really reduce the quality of work we can do, it can impact even on our family

lives because we have so much happening at work, so what is really important is

to understand, how do we bring down those stress levels? And mindfulness is a

fantastic way of doing it and in this video I'm going to share with you some

mindfulness techniques that you can do very quickly on your own to help reduce

the stress that you may be feeling in the workplace. Not only that, check out my

other videos about mindfulness, why even look at it the benefits of it, what else

to do with it, and even, what's really cool, how to meditate but on that note,

let's get to the tips in this video on how you personally can bring mindfulness

into the workplace. Stay tuned for this video because at the end of it I have a

free download for additional mindfulness tips and techniques that could really

benefit you at work so definitely check it out. Mindful breaks, there are times we

are just, go, go, go, go, go, and they always say, the scientific community, with

studies that have been done on our performance, is take a break. Our

attention spans are really good for about 45 to 55 minutes and if we

just continually moving on and not taking that break it has a big impact

and our stress levels can go up so take a mindful break and what I mean by that

is, with mindfulness, you really want to connect to how you're feeling so when

you take a break, just don't take a break and continue on, take a break,

sit in your chair, really think or maybe even don't even think, just relax.

How are you in the surroundings? Are you revving high, are you tired, are you low? Get

up out of your chair really think about what your body needs at that moment and

listen to it, just don't move on from it, so if your body is saying, I'm thirsty,

get a drink, I have to go to the washroom, get up and

go, really take that mindful break, focus inward, listen to what the body is saying

and that will have a huge impact to bring the calmness down and reduce

stress levels. Mindful observation, so what do I mean by that? When we're

stressed, we're in a zone of stressed and it's this perpetual whirlwind like we're

in the eye of the hurricane, you want to be mindful of what's going on, if you're

just going with that flow you will be sucked away into that world of stress

and you'll be revving high and then ultimately you'll peter out and you'll

just go, I can't do this anymore, so be mindful, observe your surroundings, take a

moment that if you're in that eye of the hurricane, detach, understand that this is

a hurricane, there's a lot going on around me, observe what's happening,

observe inwardly, how are you reacting to what's going on? Maybe you have to take a

deep breath just to reconnect in, focus, so not just going with the flow, I

believe in going with the flow when it's in a positive way but going with the

flow in stress means that you're being taken along without control, I want you

to take a step back, be mindful, observe how you're behaving,

how your body is reacting, and switch things accordingly so be very

observational and mindful regarding that. Mindful drinking, no, I'm not talking

about beer drinking (although you could do this with beer) if you wanted to but

I'm talking about literally, at work, you're taking a break, a really quick

technique you can do without anybody knowing that you're doing mindfulness

stuff is take a mindful drink, so just really slowly feel the water going down,

or your orange juice, or your coffee, or your tea, whatever your choice is, how does

that taste? Did a quench your thirst, do you need

more? Even just taking those few seconds to connect with the action of what

you're doing which is just drinking, even at the water fountain, how you bend at

the water fountain brings you back to reality. When we're stressed, guess what?

We're not connected to reality, I always say we're vibrating at a higher plane

but not in a positive way, we're actually detached, so you want to get

acquainted again and be what I call grounded, get grounded, really pay

attention and a simple thing to do is either take a quick sip of something but

be mindful about it or if you're at the water fountain, same thing, it gives you a

moment to reconnect with who you are, what you're doing, and not to get caught

up in that eye of the hurricane which can happen at work. Mindful eating, okay,

this one I actually love because if you want to get into mindfulness and being

connected and observing of the moment, eating is a fantastic way of doing it,

now you may be saying to me, Adriana, great mindfulness tips, whatever, I can't do

it, I'm too busy, I'm from meeting to meeting to meeting,

well, at some point in the day you need to take a break and eat because our

bodies need that so use your eating time whether it's with a group of people or

by yourself at your desk to be mindful when you do it,

don't be watching a video, don't be scrolling, if you're really gonna eat at

your desk, you're probably gonna spend 10 minutes

there, really focus on just eating, take it down a notch by slowly eating, a

really cool thing that I do with my clients when trying to teach them about

mindfulness is take three raisins or three almonds or anything, three

pieces of candy, doesn't really matter, take something in a group of

three and slowly put one in your mouth, taste it, prior to putting your mouth,

smell it, feel it, really be aware of what you're putting into your body, then chew

it slowly, allow the flavors to soak in, just doing that has a huge impact on

slowing things down and bringing you to the present moment and allowing you to

observe and connect with what's happening around you. When that happens

you're not in that eye of the hurricane that I mentioned before and mindful

eating is a great technique to bring you back to reality because that's part of

what we're trying to do with mindfulness is bring you to the present moment, be

here, now, is a famous saying that we hear all the time and it has a lot of truth,

so be mindful when you eat, don't rush it, if you are gonna eat with other people,

still eat slowly, take your bites, enjoy your food but don't get distracted with

other things, I promise you that ten minutes you give for yourself at work

can have a huge impact, please do some mindful eating. Mindful body language,

really be aware of what you do with your body, if you're just in the mode of doing

and your stress levels are high you will not realize the language your body is

giving and it is really important to understand that and being mindful of

your body language is really critical so think about it when you're in a meeting

and someone's talking to you or your hands crossed, are you closed off? Are you

not paying attention to them and not giving eye contact? Depending on who

you're talking to, do you behave or stand a certain way? Really interesting

to analyze that and be aware of it because it will give you great insight

into the situation that you're in. Do you behave a certain way with certain people?

Is your body language portraying something that's giving off information

not only to them but more importantly to you saying hey, wait a minute,

I either don't like this situation or I do, do some observation of how you are with

your body, it has impact and will give you insights which allow for you to be

in that present moment and help reduce the stress because you can put game

plans around how you're behaving. It's Bonus Time, yay! I have for you

additional bonus tips on how to be mindful at work that you can download

from my website, you can go to the verbiage below, click on the link, it will

take you there and these are very simple techniques you can start doing that

truly makes an impact on how to reduce the stress that you're feeling at work,

so don't forget to put your comments below regarding any of these techniques

and how they helped you reduce your stress. Don't forget to subscribe to the

button below, please give this video a thumbs up, share it with your friends,

family and colleagues, until the next time, have a great day!

For more infomation >> How to Use Mindfulness at Work - 5 Mindfulness Desk Exercises - Duration: 9:32.


오스트리아의 고속도로 통행증(Vignette)과 디지털 통행증(Digitale Vignette) - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> 오스트리아의 고속도로 통행증(Vignette)과 디지털 통행증(Digitale Vignette) - Duration: 8:31.


Nazi Strudel - Duration: 0:31.

Would you like some free strudel?

What's the catch?

There's no catch, just free strudel.


(Laughs maniacally)

It's Nazi strudel!

For more infomation >> Nazi Strudel - Duration: 0:31.


ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER vs SYLVESTER STALLONE ⭐ Transformation 1946 - 2018 - Duration: 16:04.


For more infomation >> ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER vs SYLVESTER STALLONE ⭐ Transformation 1946 - 2018 - Duration: 16:04.


100 Surprisingly Genius Ideas To Repurpose Old Stuff In The Garden | DIY Garden - Duration: 16:20.

For more infomation >> 100 Surprisingly Genius Ideas To Repurpose Old Stuff In The Garden | DIY Garden - Duration: 16:20.



For more infomation >> CHÚ RỂ HÁT TẶNG CÔ DÂU CHẤT NHẤT QUẢ ĐẤT - Duration: 5:45.


Easy Norway Skilled Worker Visa & Seasonal Work Permit & Settlement 2018 - Duration: 11:14.

Subscribe Now

Subscribe Now

For more infomation >> Easy Norway Skilled Worker Visa & Seasonal Work Permit & Settlement 2018 - Duration: 11:14.


Begini Penampakan Malaikat yang Tertangkap Kamera, Yang Terakhir Bikin... - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Begini Penampakan Malaikat yang Tertangkap Kamera, Yang Terakhir Bikin... - Duration: 4:35.


Richard Wolff on the economic costs of the lottery - Duration: 3:37.

Lotteries. I understand lotteries are a fantasy we can indulge in: buy a ticket, buy

a scratch off, buy a number. But I want you to understand the economic costs of

lotteries and you make the decision whether on balance you're for them or

against them. But you need to understand the costs which, of course, the state

governments that use lotteries don't want to stress. I'm being polite. Let's go

through it. A lottery. A lottery takes a lot of money from a lot of people. Each

one buys five bucks, ten bucks, whatever it is. Most people buy a little. So a very

large number of people give up a little bit of money to make the few winners, who win

anything significant, very rich. Let's go through that again. Large numbers of

people who don't have much money give up a little so that a few people can become

rich. Now those 'many' who buy the tickets, they would have used those few dollars

to buy goods and services, which would have given people jobs producing and

selling those goods and services. If you put all that money in the hands of one,

two, three, four, or five people, they're not gonna spend all that money on goods

and services because they're gonna be so rich they're gonna save a huge portion

of it, which means that money isn't getting spent on goods and services.

That's a cost in an economy where there's already trouble buying things

you're making that process worse. Moreover, the few who win will now take

these enormous sums of money and invest them in the stock and bond market. You

know what that does? It drives up the price of stocks and bonds. 10% of

the people in this country own 80% of the stocks and bonds so by

moving money from little people who would never have used five or ten

dollars to buy stock, collecting it all and giving it to a few rich people who

buy stocks and bonds, you're helping that part of the economy that needs it least

while you are depriving the average buyer and seller of goods and services

of what they do need most. Next, it's a kind of tax. The vast

majority of people who buy lottery tickets do not ever see that money again.

They are paying money to the government because the government takes the lion's

share of that lottery ticket money that you're paying. So the government gets a

revenue, doesn't have to call it a tax, because it's "voluntary", but it's a way of

the government not having to tax corporations in the rich because they're

getting more out of average people by calling it a lottery.

Even though 99% of them will never see anything from that other than losing the

money. And since a good part of it has to be given to a few rich people it's not

even as good as it tax. A tax would have at least taken the money from

everybody giving it to the government who could then use it to provide some

services. But with a lottery a good chunk of it has to be given to it a few

individual rich people and then that's not available for the government to do

something. And finally, as it's well known, this kind of thing is a form of gambling

and therefore is a boost for the addiction problem that some gamblers

have. You should have all that in your mind before you think of a lottery as

purely the fun part about winning a lot of money, which very few people do.

For more infomation >> Richard Wolff on the economic costs of the lottery - Duration: 3:37.


The AW-582 series G-Shock watch | Classic all round ana-digi model - Duration: 8:45.

hello everyone GHF here back at you with another g-shock unboxing or review video

today I'm just gonna quickly share to all of you guys this aw - 5 8 2 series

g-shock watch there are only quite a few of them out there but the colorway is

pretty interesting, not for this one; the other color which gonna be pretty rare

and harder to get but this one, this specific colorway came in matte black

all together with some red accents and silver on the watch face and that's

pretty much it since this is one of the first generation from the 582 series

firstly introduced in the year 2006 if I'm not mistaken, it will retails at

12,000 Japanese yen which not gonna break the bank especially even in used

condition so it would save you a lot of money while still getting this historic

timepiece if you look back in history every models came in digital the squares

the origin and then quite few years after that if I'm not mistaken in the

year 1989 Casio start releasing this, they called those the aw500 series of

course the module is pretty much outdated for that model, but this one's

is sort of like an upgraded version to that model so it is improved a little bit

but still not as impressive actually I'll run through the function after this

and you'll see how this watch will works but for now this is why the watch exists

and this is also why Casio will not stop releasing this type of model

despite they are popular or not they will keep releasing this I'm very sure

that because of our historic this watch is they even released the AWG 500 series

the solar and which sets a version of this 500 series in the red out

collection right so that's just one of the proof of that anyway back to this

very model you'll see that it is just in all black with a little bit of silver a

buckle with Casio Japan signed below it; pretty cool and the back plate is

also came in hairlined finished silver stainless steel backplate with 4737 module

and you'll have an AW-582 reference numbers, stainless steel back

Japan movement Y, cased in Thailand, water resistant to 20 bar and

shock-absorbing structure as well if you look really closely you'll see that the

back plate kind of like popping up a little bit higher on top I'm not sure

why probably to provide some space for the analogue hands on top but we'll see

about that in the module disassembly video but if you look at the strap it is

almost like they blend in all the way to the bezel it is almost like it is a

singular piece despite that it's not, it's a separate piece, the bezel is

different saying the watch strap is a different thing they are only locked

with the usual spring bar down there and since the watch sorta like built to be

pointing downwards the fitting is incredibly good if you have a skinny

wrist, this is... I would I would say this one of the watch that will fit you the

best. It almost feels like when you're wearing a baby G where the straps will

fit you just nice there are no extended tongue on the side, you know what since I'm

already in the topic of a wrist check, let me just wear the watch and then I'll

remove it back for the other part of the video, look at that, look at how good it

will fit. It just.. It will flies a little bit out over the this edge of my wrist

but I believe most g-shock looks like this today so I don't really mind anyway

I just... I'm already got used to this you know so

here it is it art as thick as well, If I'm not mistaken is just like 14 millimeters

only. So this is pretty slim g-shock watch despite being an ana-digi

model so there's interesting right so one more thing that you probably already

realize is that, the buttons came in round in shape, look at that and instead

of going diagonally ,like every g-shock ever, like at the back; look at all those

every button will go diagonally like this, where in this case it goes

horizontally like that. Two on this side and another two on this side. So this watch..

since it is old an piece, please try to compare to all those uh recent release models. At that time,

in the year 2006, I mean there are no white LED light equipped g-shock yet

so what Casio did is that they add the amber orange (LED), but thats okay, that is to

also mimic the first ever (ana digi) G Shock watch, which came with

orange LED lights so that's why they two keep using orange LED even though

there are other options out there (for years), but now they already changed it to white

LEDs so that's fine but for this case to look that it's glowing in orange color way

you could use this at night time which not going to be as practical of course

but this watch does came equipped with auto light functions which somehow will

be coming handy but then again, this LED amber orange light will only lights on

the analog part not the digital part at all, so at night time you won't be able

to use the digital function at all.

This watch does came equipped with photo

luminescence being applied on the tip of the hour and the minute hand and also

all around all those square rectangular indexes as well, and that.. that's all that

you'll be able to see at night time. The minute hand came in silver, the hour hand

came in red, the digital display came in positive with some red accents on this

side especially on the eye down there which is pretty interesting in my

opinion, it matched very well with the whole colorway the rest are just gray and

black is this a really simple watch and if I'm not mistaken Casio G-SHock even

mentioned (about) this, in their website saying that, this is the basic item so that explain

the basic colorway and they are intended this to be worn for fashion wear since

it is a basic, around, classic.. I mean classic round shaped watch is gonna be

able to fit two most fashion outfits a lot easier compared to when you're wearing all

these out of back, not this one, this one is basic as well

Anyway let's go back to this watch and have a look what else that this watch

could do for you. Alright, let's zoom in there. Okay at

home timekeeping as you can see you'll have our minute in analog and seconds

counter over there and graphics animation on the side, Day display, (cat meow) you

could swap those to Day display or digital time display instead,

next mode will be the world time functions, this watch have 27 cities and 29 time

zones registered in here, and of course countdown timer to only 60 minutes

nothing else, and next is a stopwatch will split time with also a range of 60

minutes, what interesting is that the way the animation works it will go on the

side (right) on top, and also filled it on this side (left), so 1/100 (right), 1/10 (left) so that's how

it goes right, pressing Mode button again what brings you to

the alarm mode, this watch does came equipped with five alarm including snooze and there's

one signal, next is hand settings so this is where you could set the hand just in

case the hour and the minute hand didn't match with the digital time display, in my case

it is properly aligned, so I'm good, and that sums it all up if you watch my

previous uh ana-digi unboxing or video you'll see that the functions is almost the

same to the G-Spike series; if not that G spike will have much more feature

than this so as I said the function art as practical.. sorry, I mean they are pretty cool

but aren't as good for the price of 12000 Japanese and (because) there are other

options of there but however that is for you to decide if you find this out there,

at least you'll have a rough idea what to expect before you buy the watch so I

really hope this video I made will be coming handy to you in your decision to

buy your next G Shock watch it is for a gift, or to be worn, or to be beaten out

as well

if you want to see me unbox more and more Casio g-shock watch; high-end models

or even low-end models on the channel you could help me purchasing them a little

bit more quicker by donating to my Patreon page you will help me a lot or

just buy any one of my merchandise and you will be able to directly help me as

well, for now thats sums it all up thank you very very much for watching this is

GHF and I'm...


For more infomation >> The AW-582 series G-Shock watch | Classic all round ana-digi model - Duration: 8:45.


Professor Richard Wolff on campaign spending - Duration: 3:02.

It turns out that political spending on television spots is up 19% from 2014 (the

last midterm election). And it's now at the rate this year of, ready, 2.9 billion,

with a "B" billion, dollars. That's closer to levels we used to associate with

presidential elections which cost the most money for obvious reasons. So now we

are spending 3 billion. Well, economically speaking why would people spend

3 billion dollars? Well, most of that money comes from wealthy people and large

businesses and for them it's an investment.

It pays to spend billions because the rate of return on those billions, if you

get your friendly politician into office, must be very high. To risk all of that

you must get a really good return, which they do. The old phrase that "democracy in

America is the best system that money can buy" has never been truer than it is

now. It would be naive to expect a government to be neutral that is so

heavily dependent on cash inflows. It is going to go where the money comes

from, unless an awful lot of people, such as the person we're going to be

interviewing a little bit later, get involved in politics and push it in

another direction. But I want to say something as an economist about it.

Besides the obvious corruption of our political system by money I want to talk

about how to deal with it. We seem to think most of the time in this country

as though another rule, another regulation, another law that limits or

forces the exposure of who's giving money to whom and where it comes -

That's not going to solve this problem. The problem is we have such inequality in

America, such a dominance of rich corporations

and rich individuals relative to the rest of us, that all of those rich

corporations and individuals understand that in a society that has real

democracy (where everybody votes or has a vote) we could use our dominance at the

voting place, our majorities, to undo the inequality of economics. The capitalist

system produces inequality, a democratic political system undoes it. That fear is

why they have to control politics. So they will continue to find ways of

funding politicians, legal, illegal. The solution is not another law they'll get

around. The solution is to do something about the inequality that lies at the

base of this problem.

For more infomation >> Professor Richard Wolff on campaign spending - Duration: 3:02.


Tornado-Z is the spinning series of rods by Flagman - Duration: 3:29.

Hello, everyone!

You are on Flagman Shop!

and I am Artem Nekriach

In this video review we are going to look through the Tornado-Z spinning rod by Flagman

This series of spinning rods are still pupular among anglers

Tornado-Z is designed as allround rods

They are intended for using various kinds of lures

That's can be jig fishing from the boat or the bank of the river, also it can be fishing with spoons and spinners

Due to its extra-fast action it can easily cope with twitching crankbaits

when erratic retrieves

Nowadays, the Tornado-Z series is high quality spinning rods, manufactured by Flagman company

It is well-balanced rods

The blank transmits every lure movement to the handle section and you feel even soft taps

The main weight is focused in the handle section

An extremely fast blank features an outrageously pleasant handling and ease permanent fatigue-proof

Tornado-Z is quite powerful

and it is available to overload the rod

To tell you the truth, I even had to overload the rod with casting weight up to 35-45 g

It was overload up top 10g of its weight

The rods of this series is equipped with Fuji Alconite Tangle Free KR Concept Guides

Tornado-Z goes with comfortable hard EVA handle

and severe design is stylistically combine with various types of reel seats

This series features a harmonic bending curve and offer optimum stiffness

The Tornado-Z rods impress by their power and their stiff blank,

which features a sensitive tip action

the sensitive tip detects also softest bites very reliable and transfers them

via the strong backbone right into the handle section

The series comprises several models:

The first goes in length 2.13 m with casting weight from 5g to 17.5 g

another model goes in length of 2.13 m and casting weight 7g-21g

the model of 2.21 m length, goes with casting weight of 10 g-35g

and Tornado-Z with casting weight 10g-45 g , goes with length 2.44 m

This series of Tornado-Z is available in the retail chain of Flagman stores

and Web-store:

Guys, don't forget to click on Likes and

subscribe to our channel

See you on Flagman Shop!

For more infomation >> Tornado-Z is the spinning series of rods by Flagman - Duration: 3:29.


[SALE] Lil Pump Type Beat - "Kill" (Prod. by Lil Flopi Beats x Sad Boy) - Duration: 2:51.

[SALE] Lil Pump Type Beat - "Kill" (Prod. by Lil Flopi Beats x Sad Boy)

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