Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 28 2018

Hi, we're Tess and Sarah

and we're celebrating the holidays of Arizona.

Check out our favorite pieces to wear this winter.

You can also see more of our looks this next month

by following us on Instagram, which is linked down below.

For more infomation >> Winter Lookbook 2018 with Tess & Sarah | Arizona Jean Co. - Duration: 4:02.


'Titan Games' Sneak Peek With Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson! | Access - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 'Titan Games' Sneak Peek With Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson! | Access - Duration: 3:33.


10 Most common mistakes of men in relationships - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> 10 Most common mistakes of men in relationships - Duration: 3:12.


Eu Sou o Rei | Inspirado No Pantera Negra | Single #1 | Sem Edição - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Eu Sou o Rei | Inspirado No Pantera Negra | Single #1 | Sem Edição - Duration: 2:14.


La Vie En Rose / Kaldırım Serçesi (2007) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Marion Cotillard Filmi - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> La Vie En Rose / Kaldırım Serçesi (2007) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Marion Cotillard Filmi - Duration: 2:02.


Timbs v. Indiana [SCOTUSbrief] - Duration: 4:41.

The issue in Timbs versus Indiana is the incorporation of the 8th Amendment to the Constitution.

Actually, a particular clause of the 8th Amendment that prohibits excessive fines and fees.

Mr. Timbs was convicted of several drug crimes in Indiana.

Under Indiana state law, the absolute maximum he could have been penalized for all these

crimes is about $10,000.

However, using civil asset forfeiture, law enforcement in the state of Indiana seized

his pickup truck which is worth $40,000 because they argued that the drugs he was transporting,

he was transporting in the truck itself.

The incorporation doctrine argues that all of these fundamental rights which cannot be

violated by the federal government also cannot be violated by state governments.

So it's true that the folks in Washington DC can't do things that unreasonably violate

your First Amendment right, your Second Amendment right, your Fourth Amendment right, but it's

also true that the folks in Sacramento or Austin or Albany can't do this either.

The extent of incorporation is unclear however, because rather than simply incorporating all

of the amendments, the Supreme Court has in piecemeal fashion incorporated them amendment

by amendment, sometimes clause by clause in each amendment.

In fact, that's what we are dealing with here.

Certain parts of the Eighth Amendment have been incorporated such as the prohibition

against cruel and unusual punishment, certain parts have not been, such as the prohibition

against excessive fines and fees.

This is a doctrine that the Supreme Court has developed over time and in fact there

are still people to this day who wonder whether or not incorporation itself is a misreading

of the Fourteenth Amendment and none of these rights should be read against the state capitals.

I think that the more significant debates are not about whether or not incorporation

is legitimate, but about how to incorporate.

So the most obvious way to incorporate an amendment to the Constitution is through the

due process clause in the Fourteenth Amendment.

You would argue that there are certain rights that are fundamental to American history and

that as a matter of due process, those rights must be respected by the federal government,

but they also must be respected by the state governments.

There's an alternative argument though that says under the privileges and immunities clause,

there are certain privileges or certain immunities that you have as an American and because you

have them as an American, they extend from state to state.

They also extend from the federal jurisdiction to any state jurisdiction.

The best argument for Mr. Timbs is that when you can be punished at most by a $10,000 fine

to effectively be punished with a $40,000 penalty is simply disproportionate and violates

the Eighth Amendment and the Eighth Amendment is incorporated just like all the other amendments


There must be some kind of limit on what the government can seize through asset forfeiture.

In this case, his truck is worth four times the amount of what he could have been punished

with given the underlying crime, but it could have been worth even more.

It didn't have to be a truck, it could have been a yacht.

It could have been an airplane.

It could have been any number of things.

Mr. Timbs is arguing that there must be some limiting principle.

The best argument for the state of Indiana is that the thing that the Eighth Amendment

prohibition against excessive fines and fees is contemplating is literally excessive fines

and fees.

Not asset forfeiture, which is actually a law enforcement technique rather than some

kind of a criminal penalty.

The Supreme Court has dealt with civil asset forfeiture in the past and has said that it's

not unconstitutional.

It's something that law enforcement is engaged in as part pf protecting public safety in

the community.

We don't want criminals to be able to profit from their ill-gotten gains.

So we empower law enforcement to take those ill-gotten gains from them.

They're arguing that an actual fine or fee imposed by the state of Indiana is the kind

of thing that's subject to the 8th Amendment, but a law enforcement tactic like civil asset

forfeiture is not the kind of thing that's contemplated by the amendment and therefore,

it's not incorporated.

The fundamental question in this case is whether or not there are any restrictions on the kinds

of criminal financial penalties that state governments can levy against their citizens.

And in the course of answering that very important question, The Supreme Court is also going

to clarify a number of things about the constitutionality of the practice of civil asset forfeiture

in the United States.

For more infomation >> Timbs v. Indiana [SCOTUSbrief] - Duration: 4:41.


Problem Child in House | 옥탑방의 문제아들 EP3 - Part.2 [SUB : ENG/2018.11.29] - Duration: 10:52.

The genius scientist Einstein

said that if success in life is represented as A,

A equals X plus Y plus Z.

X represents work.

Y represents play.

And Z represents blank.

What is Z in Einstein's formula for success?

Work and play. Maybe it's family.





- Milk? / - Einstein Milk.

You're something else.

- Gosh... / - You might guess and get one right.

Kyunghoon always has the best answers.

- A mate. / - Friends.










A plan.








(They're all wrong!)

What is it?

Gosh... What could it be?

Should we get a hint?

A friend?


Here is your minor hint.

According to Einstein's formula,

the one that's least likely to succeed is Yongman.

- Hair! / - I know! Age.

You said hair? Come on...


Oh, I know! Then... Lifespan?


(They start holding hands)

- Don't try to kill me off. / - They're holding hands.

You never know when you'll die.

- I just wanted to get it right. / - Alright.

So we have to find Z in Einstein's formula.

If you're the one that's the least likely to succeed,

that means you lack this Z, Yongman.

- I know. / - Greed.

It has something to do with fashion.

Hey, I'm a fashionista!

Really? I didn't know that.

I think it's something like greed.

I'm not a greedy person.


I'm filled with lust.

He should be filled with the Holy Spirit. Not lust...

Filled with the Holy Spirit...

What is Yongman lacking?

Out of us, it's me?

Knowledge. Knowledge!

- Is it knowledge? / - Being considerate.

That was so direct.


You shouldn't say that about a comedian!

You're a comedian, Yongman?

Yes, I'm...

He really didn't know!

Really? I thought you were just a host.

I'm class 7 KBS comedian.

- From 1992. / - He's our senior.

Now I feel... Hold on... Forget this shoot.

(I need some medicine...)

What is Yongman lacking?

A future!

A future? Why don't I have a future?

Alright, just listen.

If I get the answer right and if it isn't true...

This shoot is over. I'm just leaving.

That's not what we think about you.

Right. We just went overboard to get the answer.

We don't think you're like that.

Of course. I'm very generous.

What is Yongman lacking?

Sook, ask them if it's something you can see.

Is this something you can see?

No, So it's formless.

Like future.






That's pretty good, Yongman.

- I'm flexible. / - You did it.

Let's find what Yongman doesn't have.

Then I'll leave this to you guys.

Just say anything that comes to mind.

Then... A conscience.

(Yongman has no conscience)

It's fine.

(I'm a generous person)

Don't get hung up on that.

We're trying to get this right. Just say anything.

They said "conscience" was wrong,

so that means you have a conscience.

I have a question. Does this mean...

Who else is like me?

Or who is the closest to this formula?


It must be related to age.

(Kyunghoon has a lot of Z and Yongman doesn't)

- Knowledge. / - No way it's knowledge.

(We'll show you all the answer first)

(Success equals work plus play plus what?)

(What is the Z that Yongman is lacking?)

(Z is silence)

The opposite of me? Age.


Oh! Youth!

- We didn't mention that. / - Good one!

Then what is it?

Is it related to hormones?

Male hormones?

Since it's XY, chromosomes.

That sound weird. Work, play and chromosomes.

(You need chromosomes to succeed?)

Work, play and hormones.

That makes sense when you read them together.

You have to read them together.

Yongman doesn't have this at all?

He doesn't have much of this.

Just how well do you know me?

It must be something to do with age.

Right, that's good data.

Let me ask this. Does it have to do with age?

It doesn't!

Then is it looks?

Does it have to do with looks?

It's not looks either?

That's it. Show them a skill, Yongman.

Yellow or red...

Show them a skill so we can get a hint.

(Why does it have to be me?)

(Already laughing)

This is outdated...

We're taking way too long on this one.

I feel like we've been at it for an hour.

You never did this when you did comedy skits.

(Show me what a KBS comedian can do)

Huh? Where's Yongman?

- Where's Yongman? / - Yongman!

Yongman isn't here!

(Yongman is a comedian of 27 years)


(Maybe the Z that Yongman lacks is skills...)

Oh, no... He did it.

Just accept it.

I can't do stuff like this.

Here is an additional hint.

My love is gone.

"Oh, my love is gone."

The poem "Silence." Silence!


Hey, do I really talk that much?

You sure do.

You're always running your mouth.

Wow, I don't even want to answer this.



That is correct.

I don't talk that much!

(Yongman lacks silence)


That's what you're known for. Being a big-mouth.

So that's why...

You're known for being chatty.

I do talk a lot, but you do too.

(He just laughs)

They think Kyunghoon isn't chatty,

but now that I got to know you... You and I are...

You two should hold hands.

We're both pretty chatty.

You're talking a lot right now, Yongman.

Do I talk a lot? Or don't I?

Kyunghoon, do I talk a lot or don't I?"

He's been going on and on about this.

Einstein said that

unless you take time to silently reflect on yourself,

you'll lose sight of your goal.

He spoke about the importance of silence.

That's some good advice from Einstein.

Try to be more silent, Yongman.

This is your last question.

2018 is almost over.

There are many year-end parties

and occasions to drink these days.

And there's always a speech before a toast.

- Right. / - All the time.

According to a survey conducted on

office workers about toast speeches in 2016...

3rd is "LIP."

Let's drink a lot, let's drink with innocence,

let's drink until we pass out.

2nd is just "cheers."

What is the most-recommended toast

by office workers?

In 2016?


I know.


What does that mean?

To our advancement and the unification of Korea.

(There's a speech like that?)

We don't drink much. We had no idea.

- So you guys don't know. / - Right.

I just know, "Remember these members."

Remember these members!

Yes, that's one.

Remember these members.


Drink a lot, with innocence, until we pass out...

Cheers is just cheers.

Cheers must be popular.

I think I read this in an article.

I think it was a celebrity.

A celebrity?

Someone that was hot in 2016?

- Ask if it was a celebrity. / - Let's ask that.

It's the last question.

Is it a celebrity name?

It is.

It's a celebrity.

We got this.

What was going on in 2016?

Song Joongki.

Song Hyekyo.

Park Bogum!

Oh! I think I heard that!

Park Bogum!

That is correct.


Why is it Park Bogum?

Today is Euni's day.

It's an acronym meaning "I applaud everyone here

that worked so hard this year."

"I applaud everyone here

that worked so hard this year."

Looks like we're out of here before midnight again.

Good work, everyone.

Park Bogum!

Park Bogum! Good job.

This is the biggest crisis we've faced on this show.

Since Sook couldn't make it, they'll send someone.

(Who will visit the rooftop room?)


(Hong Jinkyeong joins the problem children!)

- How have you been? / - Good.

You look more pale.

(We'd better watch ourselves)

She's so different from Sook.

I'm here to make some deals.

(Trying to make a deal by acting cute)

Is it a life form?

(Doing a London dance to get a hint)

Give us a hint!

I want a hint!

A lot of people think I'm a fool,

but I'm actually very smart.

That is correct.

Is this the power of

the collective intelligence you were talking about?

(She'll be joining us next episode!)

Don't get hung up on what we said before.

I wrote everything down on my phone.

(They all get to leave again today!)

("She's Got Everything" by Jung Jinwoo)

For more infomation >> Problem Child in House | 옥탑방의 문제아들 EP3 - Part.2 [SUB : ENG/2018.11.29] - Duration: 10:52.


Problem Child in House | 옥탑방의 문제아들 EP3 - Part.1 [SUB : ENG/2018.11.29] - Duration: 1:12:10.

(A clear fall day)

(With a cool fall breeze)

Where are we right now?

- Itaewon. / - A hot place.

It's nice here.

Hongdae was nice too...

There's a famous restaurant here, Yongman.

Oh, really?

This is unique.

Let's eat somewhere here.

(A great restaurant hidden in an alley)

Why are we changing rooftop rooms?

To change things up?

And the staff was shocked last episode

at how poorly they did.

So they want to shake us up.

They're taking us to a place with bad luck.

A salon.

That mart looks so retro.

(This small mart takes them back in time)

- Let's buy some stuff. / - Did you bring some cash?

I have some cash on me.

Let's buy some snacks.

- It's on me. / - Really?

Let's get some of this.

Let's get this.

Those persimmons look great. I want one too.

They're nice and ripe.

Pick whatever you want.

I want these gummies.

You're still young.

- I want gummies. / - You're still young.

- I want ice cream. / - Let's get corn puffs.

Look at Hyungdon.

Hyungdon is going all out.

Hey! Why would you get an entire pint?

This is just for me.

Should we just get two?

Hyungdon is getting three.

Hey, why are you getting so much?

These yogurt drinks aren't even $1.

What's with the seaweed?

Are we going to a housewarming party?

Why are you getting seaweed?

Corn puffs taste great wrapped in seaweed.

Anything tastes good with seaweed.

- What are you getting? / - Just the gummies.

Only Kyunghoon is a decent person.

Can I get a carton of cigarettes?

Nice one.

That was funny, Kyunghoon.

Stop picking stuff out. That's enough.

Why did we get all these groceries?

Is it this way?

It's this way. Is it that house?

This alley looks so retro.

We have a rooftop room in this neighborhood?

I like places like this.

Maybe they think we won't escape

because this alley is so small.

- This is the place. / - Here?

It's here.


(Introducing a new rooftop room)

(So many cultures are alive in Itaewon)

(It's right below Namsan)

(Gyeongridan is a mecca for foreigners)

(You must pass through a bunch of alleys)

(To get to this secret location)

(This is the new rooftop room)

The place looks nice.

- Go left. / - It's that way.

(They're finally going to the new rooftop room!)

It's nice and quiet here.


(But there are a lot of stairs...)

Wow, it feels like a maze.

- Gosh... / - Goodness...

It's cramped. Careful.

What is this?

(They barely make it up to the new rooftop room!)

So this is the new rooftop room.

This view is insane.

It's a totally new location.

It's so nice.

This view here...

Is a lot nicer than the old place.

Isn't that Namsan Tower?

We're right under Namsan Tower.

That's Gyeongridan over there.

Yeah, it looks bright over there.

(Gyeongridan to the left)

(Namsan Tower to the right!)

- This would be a great place. / - For what?

- A lifeline. / - Oh!

Right, right.

Like for ones about foreign languages.

We'd be able to find someone to help us with that.

Let's eat some of these first. We're just holding them.

(Yongman always has a big appetite)

No need to wash them. You can have half.

- Thank you, Yongman. / - Sure.

The staff...

They won't tease us.


Hey, it's really sweet.

Can we talk about the show, please?

No. I have to eat.

It's really sweet. Unbelievable.

This is a battle of wits between us and the staff.

You can talk about that.

It's like a home game versus an away game.

We've already grown accustomed to the old place.

That was a great spot.

They're trying to break our flow.

Such a devious scheme.


(He's more focused on eating)

These seeds are soft enough to eat, right?

(A divide)

Who are we talking to?

Pick the seeds out.

Stop talking about picking seeds out.

Can you please focus on the opening?

He's asking me.

Oh, Kyunghoon is having a concert.

I have a concert.


Are you going to miss our shoot?

- What? / - No way.

He's the star of our team.

We're doing a nationwide tour starting in December.

- Where are you going? / - First, Busan...

Why do you keep facing the camera

instead of facing us as you talk?

(He started off facing them...)

(Then his eyes look for a camera)

He's so used to being on TV.

The view is just so nice.

You were looking at the view?

You guys should come if you're free.

What day does this air?

- Late November. / - Late November?

- Why? / - I think a new song is coming out.

By who?

Hyungdon and Defconn.

Really? You're making one?

Hyungdon, now she has to talk about Celeb Five.

It came out a few days ago.

- Over a week ago. / - Over a week ago?

Please support our new song "Shutter."

It's a song about us wanting

more love from our fans...

- Wipe your mouth. / - Now that we're celebrities.

Please support our song.

Let's go inside.

Where is the room?

What you want to hear...

Let's go.

It has a 1990s sound and the song

will take you back in time.

- Please support the song. / - Click.

(The sun sets)

(Namsan Tower lights up the night sky)

(A new rooftop room)

(Will they be able to go home early?)

(Welcome to the new rooftop room in Itaewon)

What's this?

Hello, five little Indians.

The room is as big as the old place.

I think it's slightly bigger.

Did things get better for us?

Is the place bigger?

It is a bit bigger.

What if we keep moving into bigger places?

Like a really big penthouse.

With pretty lights.

Alright, grab your weapons.

(Enough talk, let's answer these questions)

Enough talk.

Grab your weapons and let's get this started now.

(Going home early is what's really important)

Welcome to the new rooftop room.

Thank you.

- How have you been? / - Good.

You sound really upset.

You sound depressed.

Once again, you may leave once you answer

all 10 questions.

Got it.

You have one lifeline.

Oh, a lifeline!

One of you can go outside

and ask someone for help.

You get one chance to find someone...

Get ready.

And ask that person a question.

Once again, there is only

one hint per question.

So shall we get started now?

Here is your first question.

Yongman's digestive ability has gotten weaker,

so he eats congee every morning.

I don't think you should be on TV, Yongman.

Just feed me anything.

Congee is actually said to have

10 beneficial properties.


It makes your complexion nicer,

it energizes you,

it increases your lifespan,

it calms you down and makes you feel nice,

it makes your voice clearer,

it helps relieve indigestion,

it eliminates diseases, it eliminates hunger,

and it quenches your thirst.

What is the one remaining beneficial property?

We just have to name the stuff

that congee helps with besides this stuff.

I think we'll find the answer soon.

I think I know.


(Are they going to get this already?)

Should I answer?

No, just tell us.

In Japan...

If it's about Japan, it has to be right.

The sumo wrestlers...

They have to increase their weight very fast.

And they eat a bunch of congee for that.

- They eat a whole big thing of congee. / - Yeah.

Hunger is already listed here.

She's right.

I eat congee all the time.

I basically live at congee restaurants.

- You're a congee fan. / - You love congee.

You really love congee.

I love congee.

When I eat really good congee,

I gain weight.

(Oh, it must be right)

For real.

I had this stomach problem,

so I couldn't eat rice.

I ate congee for 3 days straight.

I was worried that I lost a lot of weight,

so I tried weighing myself.

I actually gained 2kg.

- From just congee? / - Yes.

Just how much did you eat?

A big bowl.

You must've ate a bucket-full.

Sook's older sister is the master of congee.

She makes amazing congee.

Her plain white congee is amazing.

Plain white congee with marinated abalone.

(That sure sounds delicious)

You're supposed to eat it bland when you're sick.

With marinated congee and conch...

That sounds great.

- It sounds a bit... / - It's really good.

So should we say it increases your weight?

And they left that one for us to figure out

because it's hard to guess.

Euni, this show is going to get canceled.

- Why? / - We're getting all the answers so fast.


Euni, we have graduation.

- There's graduation? / - You didn't know?

You'll graduate if you're too smart.

Then I won't answer.

Just say it.

If you get this right, you're graduating.

The one remaining beneficial property of congee is

that it increases your weight.

(What's going to happen to Euni?)


I guess I'm not graduating.

We could've had her out of here

I think congee is good for constipation...

- I thought of that too. / - It's good for the stomach.

It helps you digest stuff better.

- Good for bowel movements? / - Yes.

I know. It's good for bowel movements.


The intestines. It helps you fart.


It's good for farting...

It helps you fart.

Or should I say it makes you gassy?

Hey, I don't think that's right.

- It helps with farting. / - It helps with farting...

Fart helper.

Oh, it's good for your arms.


Since you have to keep stirring it to make it.

It makes you muscular.

It sounds right.

You have to stir it.

- He's laughing at us. / - It sounds right.

Now I'm upset.

Did you laugh at them, Yongman?

It's so funny...

Just because you stir it... What did you say?

Now he's so blatant...

That's upsetting.

Yeah, don't do that.

Aren't we close now?

Don't fight.

We're dropping all formalities now?

No, no. I'm sorry. My mistake.

- What if it's this? / - What?

Now I can't say anything.

You secrete hormones to attract the opposite sex.


It's called pheromones?

It helps you secrete pheromones.

Sounds good.

A guy I know met a girl after eating congee

and married her. Say it.

- Don't make up stories. / - Come on, Yongman.

I just wanted to give him confidence. Come on.

Who got married after eating congee?

My friend Con Gee.

My friend Con Gee met a girl after eating congee.

It helps you secrete pheromones.

Too bad.

(I guess it's wrong...)

(If it's not that...)

Hair was mentioned...

It tastes good.

(Kyunghoon is so silly)

Yeah! If they say this is wrong...

That's the best answer!

It tastes good.

It's not like it tastes bad.

You were right, Kyunghoon. It's tasty.

We did so well last time...

This is a declaration of war.

It's such a vague question.

Let's do this then.

Let's see what part of the body it's good for.


Starting from the belly button,

it causes a change in the top half, right?

Ask about the bottom half.

From the belly button, is it the bottom half?

- It's the top half. / - The top half.

(Sook got a good hint)

It's the top half.

- I thought of something. / - Great!

It makes you optimistic.

That could be like a physical change.

It only makes your top half optimistic.

Is your bottom half angry?

Hey, bottom half!

Your bottom half does this.

And your top half does this?

You guys are being so mean.

So that's how you want to play.

- No, for example... / - It's an example.

Let's all bring our hands in.

For example...

This always happens to us

after being apart for a while.

Let's not be like this. Not today.

I see.

Just using common sense...

Let me just say it. I'm curious.

If he has to say it...


That was the most hurtful comment of the day.

- He's so intelligent. / - Say it.

It makes you optimistic.


Oh, you almost had it.

It's the top half...

Making your skin nicer was mentioned.

What organ isn't mentioned?

The ears!

Ears aren't mentioned.

It makes your hearing better?

Have you ever heard that congee

makes your hearing better?

Are you getting angry at me?

Come on!

Why are you getting angry?

I couldn't believe what I just heard.

Try saying it, Yongman. It improves your hearing.

It improves your hearing.


What if it's virility?


- I can't say that. / - Wow! Wow, Hyungdon!

I've never heard that congee is good for virility.

Try saying virility.

Why would I say your answer?

It's perfect for you to say.

- Really? / - That's what you're known for.

Like when I got the condom one right?

Right, that's your world. You got this.


This could be right.

It sounds hard to believe,

but congee is good for virility.

(Is this a hidden benefit...)

(That congee has?)


Gosh, I thought it was right.

(What is it then?)

Here's a minor hint.

If it's from here to here, we mentioned everything.

- Jeon Hyunmoo... / - Come again?

Jeon Hyunmoo, Kim Seongju...

- Who? / - Kim Seongju.


- Your voice. / - It's your voice.

And Son Seokhui have this in common.

They're all announcers.

They're all announcers.

It makes you talk more.

(I don't think so)

It makes you talk more.

It lets you talk more.


It makes you talkative.


It makes you a better speaker.

(Is this the answer?)

That is correct.

Congee does that?

Congee makes you a better speaker?

Let's eat congee.

Let's eat congee! For real.

This is interesting.

It makes you a better speaker?

The answer is that it makes you a better speaker.

So we were right.

Wow, it makes you a better speaker?


Where was this mentioned? The "Donguibogam" book?

A botanical list?

According to a Buddhist scripture,

Buddha said that congee had 10 beneficial properties

and he served it to many monks.

We have to know about Buddhist scriptures?

That was hard for me as a Christian.


(What an interesting fact)

I don't get how it makes you a better speaker.

It tastes good. That's a better answer.

I vote for your answer, Kyunghoon.

Congee is tasty.

It took too long for us to get the first one.

The staff is really being cautious now.

They're asking us stuff we don't know about.

They wouldn't ask us stuff we know.

Come on, Yongman. You need congee.

You need congee to make you a better speaker.

It was really hard for us to get that first one.

Here is the easiest question.

- Great. / - Let's get this right away.

- Here is your next question. / - Let's do this.

Let's answer it right away.

You saw the landmark N Seoul Tower

on the rooftop earlier.

At night, the colorful lights turn on

and makes the city beautiful.

Depending on this, the lights can be blue...

- I know! / - I know.

Green, yellow or red.

Let's say this together, Euni.

- What could this be? / - How do you know this?

Should we get the rest of them to guess?

Yeah? Let's do that.

What? We didn't even hear the question.

Blue, green or yellow?

Depending on this, the lights on the tower can be

blue, green or red.

I know.

It's a like a walk signal or a traffic light.

Blue means you're allowed in.

Red means it's closed. Something like that.

I know. Depending on the time.

Since we know the answer...

- You girls know? / - We definitely do.

They mentioned this on a radio show we did.

Does it change depending on the height?

The height of what?

The tower rotates.

- It rotates? / - Yeah.

So when it's at the highest point, red lights.

Green lights for the steadiest point.

Yellow when it goes up.

We mentioned this on the rooftop today.


- Right? / - We did.

It's the weather! Fine dust!

The lights change depending on the fine dust.

Say it.

The colors change depending on the fine dust.



That's wrong?

I thought you guys knew!

I know! Mine could be right.

It's like traffic lights.

- Isn't it fine dust? / - That's right.

It tells you whether the tower is open or not.


The concentration of fine dust...

Tell us what you two know.

It's the concentration of fine dust.

Red light for when it's at its worst.

Green or yellow means it's not as bad.

Isn't it the concentration of fine dust?

I know that's right.


They said it's not.

Can you give us the question again?

- We're sorry. / - Come on, you two.

We were a bit rash.

What if it's ultra-fine dust?

Ultra-fine dust.

(It's ultra-fine dust and not fine dust?)

That is correct.

Yeah, we forgot about the ultra.

Is ultra-fine different?

Isn't it different?

- It's totally different, Yongman. / - Really?

Like how a dummy and an ultra-dummy are different.

(So easy to understand)

It's ultra-fine dust.

So we knew the answer.

That's nuts. They acted like it was totally wrong.

You should've just let that slide.

They're so ruthless.

I heard this in an opening comment for a radio show.


You two do radio too...

It makes us invincible.

You two are so reliable.

They can't get anything by us.

I bet they're sweating bullets now.

They already knew that

it was the easiest question.

That was like a freebie from us.

- Come on! / - Come on!

You don't sound too pleased.

It was the fine dust concentration starting in 2011,

but it changed to ultra-fine dust in 2015.

So we knew this one.

We talked about this.

So does red mean it's at its worst?


That didn't sound too nice.

Don't you care about spreading knowledge?

Think of the viewers.

Please answer with more enthusiasm.


When it's nice out, it turns blue.

When it's normal out, it turns green.

When it's bad, it turns yellow

and when it's really bad, it turns red.

Is that just N Seoul Tower?

Because there are towers all over Korea.

Do all the towers do this?

Here is your next question.

I knew they'd do that.

All they care about is what they have on their script.


Here is your next question.

India is a polytheistic nation.

They have over 330 million gods.

One unique god

has become very popular recently.

Over 100,000 people seek out this god a week.

Who is this god?

This god can be found?

It's like this.

Cows are worshipped in Hinduism.

So what is worshipped?

It could be frogs...

Or toads...

Or some kind of tree...

Or it could be this. A god of fertility.

They say eating a Hareubang statue's nose

will help you have a son,

but someone tried it and just got gallstones.

That's a joke.

(He didn't expect that one)

- It just gets you gallstones. / - Like that.

They said 100,000 people found this god.

Since this is a god you find...

It's alive.

(A god that's alive?)

Because let's say I believe in Yongman.

Then Yongman would become a god.

He'd be a god.

- Then you should do this. / - What?

How about a fortune-teller's fee?


Who's a god?

What do you do?

The dragon god.

For example...

They have a lot of gods like this.

If it's popular in India these days...

(What's popular in India?)

The god of curry!

♪ India, India ♪

♪ Curry, curry, curry ♪

(They're so silly)

So out of the 300 million gods,

this one's the hottest these days.

It must've spread like some trend.

It could be BTS or something like that.

The bullet-proof god?

- The Korean wave. / - The Korean wave.

The Korean wave could've reached India.

- That's a good one. / - It's so popular these days.

The TWICE god.


The god of Korean dramas.


(What was that?)

I have no idea what they believe in.

Did you know that India is very advanced in IT?

That's true.

The god of computers. Something like that?

Indians are good at math and multiplication.

- They learn up to the 20th times table. / - Right.

The god of computers.

Yeah, that sounds good.


Should we ask them if it's something alive or dead?


So... Is this alive?


It's an inanimate object. It's an object.

It must be intangible.

It's intangible, right?

It's intangible.

Is it nature?

What does intangible mean?

Things you can't touch, like love or friendship.

The god of courage.

- Yeah, something like that. / - Yeah.


The god of rage.

The god of envy.

The god of excitement.

A ghost.

Good answer.

Spirit possession?

(Too bad)

This is a hard one.

(Yongman and Kyunghoon are clueless)

Do you guys know anyone

that believes in something...

- In something strange? / - Yeah.

Not something strange... Well, it is strange.

(Does anyone believe in a unique god?)

Euni, you said something funny a while back.

She went to a fortune teller.

Someone that can read your face.

Oh, Sook told me that story.

- The face master. / - How did that go?

The fortune teller came...

And he was like...

"Who is this? Who is this?"

"You know someone that looks like this, right?"


"He's going to be of no help to you."

I had to give him all the answers.

"Then who's this?"

"I know! My friend Sook."

"Sook? She's going to be really helpful to you."

(What a great fortune teller)

Let's see what else...

The man you'll marry looks like..."

(Makes a face!)

"I know someone like that!"


"This is the man you'll marry."

The face master.

He makes faces...

(A fortune teller that uses his face)

A person can only make so many faces.

But it always looks like someone you know.

There's always someone that looks like that.

I even saw a girl group fortune teller.

What's that?


"What do you want to know?"

(Acting coy)


(I'll tell you everything through dancing)


"When are you getting married? Let's see."



Getting married next year."

The girl group fortune teller.


For real. A girl group fortune teller.

This is for real.

That's so funny.

(We'd love to meet this fortune teller one day)

(So what's the answer?)

- This one's hard. / - Let's ask for a hint.

Here is your minor hint.

One of the biggest wish that Indians have is to

study or get a job abroad.

So the god of studying abroad?

The god of studying abroad.


The god of airplanes.


The god of employment?


The god of visas.



(Yongman thinks it's right)

It must be the god of visas.

- It's the god of visas. / - A visa.

They just stopped talking.

That is correct.


(Freezes / Startled)

There's a god for visas?

How is there a god for visas?

Hyungdon, that was amazing.

Nice, Hyungdon.


100,000 people seek out the god of visas?

You put up the visa of the country you wish to go to.

"Please get me into that country."

Is it something like that?

These people call their wishes gods.

Yeah, it's wanting something.

This is a wish.

Over 100,000 people worship this god?

The biggest wish of many Indians

is to get a visa that will allow them

to study or get a job abroad

A rumor spread about a temple in southern India.

They said you'd get a visa if you prayed there,

so a lot of people visit that temple now.

A visa temple.

That's amazing.

I see.

- We're doing well, Euni. / - This side is doing well.

Yeah, this side is doing well. The three of us.


You're jumping ship.

You're not very loyal.

He's a devious guy.

Alright. Anyway...

This is good for us.

Isn't question 5 for our snacks?

That's right.

This is the perfect time for a snack.

(They get hungry as it gets later...)

(They have to get a question right to eat)

(What kind of delicious snacks will they get today?)

This question is for your snacks.

In the book "Heidi..."

You know about literature.

Heidi grew up without parents,

but she's always cheerful.

Yet Heidi had an illness.

What is that illness?

Heidi had an illness?

She's rude.

I know! She's rude!


Maybe she had altitude sickness in the Alps.

- Hey! / - That makes sense.

She couldn't live all the way up there.

It makes her sick?

Yeah, it makes her sick.

Altitude sickness.

What do they do in the Alps? They have livestock.

She was allergic to milk.

- A milk allergy. / - She's allergic to milk?

This was an old cartoon too.

Didn't she have a dog?

That's "A Dog of Flanders." (Source: Fuji TV Japan)

She didn't have a dog in the alps?

That kid lived in the next town.

The next town?

What's "3,000 Leagues in Search of Mother?"

His mom goes to Latin America. (Source: Fuji TV Japan)

Like Buenos Aires.

He goes to find 3,000.

I don't think I know "Heidi."

(He doesn't know either)

The Alps go across several countries.


Then who's in the "Heidi" cartoon?

Who does she live with?

Mr. Nero.

Her grandma... Nero?

Mr. Nero is from "A Dog of Flanders."

No, Mr. Nero is from "A Dog of Flanders."

Nero is the name of the dog.

Wasn't there a group called Heidi?

♪ Before this moment, moment, moment passes ♪

(He always gets awkward when they start singing)



(Using a gummy as a mic)

Save it, save it.

(Let's stop here...)

Oh! I know.

When she goes out to run an errand, she has

trouble finding her way home. Bad with directions.

Since it's a cartoon...

She's bad with directions.

How old is Heidi?

She's a young girl, so she's a teenager.

She's 15.

How do you know?

(Does he really know this?)

She's a moody teenager.


It's a fairy tale, but she's really moody.

"I'm not doing that!"

"Go milk the cow." "No!"


Say it.

She's a moody teenager.

What does she do in the Alps?

She's in livestock.

A little girl?

Don't her parents do that?

She didn't have parents.

You don't really know this.

I don't. But I remember there's a dog in "Heidi."

A dog with black spots over his eyes.

She had a dog?

From what I remember in the cartoon...

She had bad lungs.

And her dog would get home before she did.

(Of course a dog is faster)

She'd be out of breath...

Hey, no person can run faster than a dog.

Most dogs are faster.

So she was out of breath?

That means it's this. A heart disease.

A lung illness or heart disease.

A heart disease.

I don't think it's something that serious.

I asked this when I went to Switzerland.

Switzerland has the highest depression rate in Europe.

Right, right.

Heidi is cheerful, yet she had an illness.

Maybe you're right.


That's how novels start.

Since they have everything in Switzerland.

That's why so many people get depressed.





Huh? They're whispering.

What did you say?

Circulatory failure.



(That's almost everything...)

So she lives in the woods...

But she gets rashes from the grass.

She's easily susceptible to grass rashes.

That's a real pain.

You'd scratch yourself to death.

- Grass rashes. / - Grass rashes.


She's allergic to sunlight.


(That's it!)

Because she always wore a hat.

Didn't she wear a hat like this? (Source: Fuji TV)

Heidi wore...

Sook, that's a big one.

This isn't the time for this.

Let's get you a close-up.


I think she's allergic to the sun.

She's allergic to the sun.

(Is this right?)

I think she's allergic to the sun.

She's allergic to the sun.


I guess not. You can eat this now.

Why did you think she was allergic to the sun?

We talked about sleeping earlier...



Huh? They're whispering.

No, no. It's something to do with sleep.

We talked about sleeping earlier...

The Brothers Grimm wrote scary stories.


- Doesn't sleep? / - Doesn't sleep.

She's a sleepwalker.

- Sleepwalking! / - Sleepwalking!

- She keeps walking. / - I think it's right!

She keeps walking around so much

that she seems ill during the day.

Oh, I see.

I don't think that's right at all.

I don't think that's right at all.

(It's not?)

Let's hear it.

That is correct.

(What just happened?)

- Yongman said it was wrong! / - What's his deal?

You said it wasn't right.

She watches her sheep at night...


You're amazing.

That was hurtful. You don't get any snacks.

- You said it was wrong. / - No snacks for you.

Yongman's face was so funny.

He looked at me, smiled and said, "I don't think so."

He was laughing.

That was really rash, Yongman.

Did you even know what you were talking about?

She was a sleepwalker in a kid's cartoon?

- Here it is. / - I saw this as a kid.

Yeah, we all watched this cartoon. (Source: Fuji TV)

She's a sleepwalker.

(Heidi wakes up from her sleep)

It shows sleepwalking in the cartoon too?

She thinks it's a dream.

This is her dream...

She's a really young girl.

That poor little thing.

She runs around thinking she's dreaming.

I called that little girl rude.

- She's so young. / - She's a little girl...

She's standing in the city.

(The cold finally wakes Heidi up)


She's not wearing shoes.

It's true.

- She was a sleepwalker. / - It's sleepwalking.

That's more like nostalgia.

She misses her hometown.

That poor thing.

Heidi was an innocent girl.

She lived in the Alps, but her aunt forced her

to live with the wealthy businessman

Sesemann in Frankfurt.

So she was adopted.

Living in the city was like

being in prison for Heidi.

She missed her life in the Alps so much

that she started sleepwalking.

So that's what the story is about?

We were too focused on the mountains.

I have a question. Does Heidi end up dying?

She returns to the Alps

and gets healthy again.

(A coming-of-age story about a nature-loving girl)

So it's about her wanting to be in the mountains.

We're not getting anything Yongman wants to eat.

You were really hurtful today.

I apologize for that.

Hyungdon is doing really well today.

You guys pick the food today.

This looks so good! Spicy tripe.

That sounds delicious.

I don't eat tripe...


I bet they have octopus and squid.

I thought they'd have Western food...

Yongman, do you eat chicken feet?

I don't eat chicken feet.

I found Western food, Yongman.

I can't eat stuff like chicken feet and blood sausage.

- He just wants what he likes. / - Right.

He just wants what he likes.


- Just order whatever. / - Braised chicken.

Just order whatever you want. I'll just eat gummies.


Come on, Yongman.

- No, no. / - Come on, Yongman.

No, no. Just get what you want.

You're making us uncomfortable today.

Yongman, give us three choices...

- And we'll pick one. / - Yeah?

Good idea, Sook. Very wise.

I can eat this stuff. Whelk hocks.


(Doubts her ears)


- He had to say that... / - What did you say?

Whelk hocks... Whelk.

Whelk hocks...

You guys can eat pork hocks and I'll eat whelk.

How about a chicken dish? Chicken and whelk.

You really want some whelks, don't you?

Pick something whelk-coming.

You're whelk-come.

You're very whelk-come.

Something with whelk. Sounds good.

How about seafood? This one.

- Spicy rice cakes with seafood? / - Yeah.

And some steamed eggs.

It sounds like this is what you really want, Yongman.

We'll get spicy rice cakes with seafood.

Something spicy.

Are you still doing deliveries?

(Now the alley is so empty)

(When will they get to go home?)

Here is your next question.

She doesn't sound too happy.

On May 2018,

the Korea Defense Daily held a survey to see

what songs soldiers like to sing

at karaoke to relieve stress.

In 9th was Buzz's "Thorn."


♪ All those past moments ♪

♪ Became like thorns ♪

(He's loving this now)

(Everyone starts singing like Kyunghoon)

- That's enough. / - Your song was 9th!

- 9th! / - Out of all those songs.

Did you know about this?

Our ranking actually fell.

(He didn't know about this)

We used to be in the top 5.

So that's why.

- You need to promote more. / - Alright.

That song came out a long time ago.

It's a great song.

I'm thankful.

- For relieving stress. / - "Thorn."

9th was "Thorn" by Buzz.

2nd was "Like It" by Yoon Jongshin.

1st was "My Way" by ISU.

It was mostly songs by male singers.

I bet the answer is a female singer.

So who was the only female singer featured

on that top 10 list and what is her song?

I know.

Hey, hey. Don't say it yet. Take it easy.

Hey, hey. The staff made a mistake.

I'm scared today.

(What does he mean by a mistake?)

He's the idol expert.

Right, Hyungdon hosts that show.

I was going to say Celeb Five.

(To sum up Celeb Five...)

("Celeb Five Is 2018's Hottest New Group")

(The oldest rookie girl group Celeb Five)

(They have tight choreography and a retro style)

(This group has been hot in 2018!)

I don't think that's right.

- It could be right. / - No!

You put a new song out.

But I heard that in "Korea Sings,"

the most sung song

by the contestants this year was

"Celeb Five."

Oh, really?

- What an honor. / - On "Korea Sings?"

And we got a lot of emails

from army bases that wanted us to visit them.

- It could be Celeb Five. / - But we never went.

Since this is recent.

It's from May 2018.

When did you girls debut?

In January.

You must've been hot in May.

I say it's "Celeb Five" by Celeb Five.


That is correct. (Wrong!)

I think I know this one.

Kim Yonja's song...

"Amor Fati!"

All the young people love that song.

(That's it!)

(So addictive that it's banned by exam takers!)

(People of all ages love this song! But is it right?)

♪ That's how life is ♪


(He starts clapping like a soldier)

This would be great for soldiers to relieve stress.

A trot song.

(They're having so much fun singing)

Kim Yonja's "Amor Fati."


It must be an idol song. A girl group.

Hold on.

You need to belt out some notes to relieve stress.

- "Azalea" by Maya. / - A great one.

♪ Seeing me... ♪

♪ Seeing me... ♪

(Is that how you're going to do this?)

They couldn't stand hearing you sing.

They wouldn't even let me sing one line.

One line would be good for some footage.

What if it's this song?

♪ Cheer up, baby, cheer up, baby ♪

(It's like karaoke)

(She's even doing the dance)

"Cheer Up" by TWICE.



(Bang, bang, bang)

(Like a broken robot)

Hyungdon, when you just did that,

you reminded me of the liquid monster

in "Terminator 2" when he breaks down.

- After getting shot a few times. / - Right.



I did a karaoke segment on "Happy Together."

I saw the karaoke song rankings a lot.

They're not idol songs.

It's probably a steady-seller.

- "Tears?" / - Who is it?


- "Tears." / - "Tears" by So Chanwhee.

♪ A cruel ♪

"Tears" by So Chanwhee.

"Tears" by So Chanwhee is very highly-ranked.

(Is this...)

(The answer?)

That is correct.



- See? / - Nice one.


(At a loss for words)

I can't believe it.

What's going on with us today?

They're going nuts out there.

(They're dying inside)

♪ A cruel woman ♪

(The comedians just celebrate)

(But he isn't used to this...)

(Starts to sit down)

(I'll stay out of this...)

(The song reaches the climax)

♪ You are inside of me ♪

(This is too much excitement for Kyunghoon...)

Wow, that does relieve stress.

Wow, that's amazing.

- That's why they sing this song. / - Right. Right.

What was the ranking?

It was 10th.

(The 10th favorite song of soldiers is "Tears")

(9th is Kyunghoon's song "Thorn" by Buzz!)

It's going pretty well today.

You girls got one from a radio show.

I got one from a show I used to do.

All this collective knowledge...

What if we all graduate from the show?

- We're knocking these out. / - Already?

Is there going to be a season cast?

I think the staff should be the ones to graduate.

They're not challenging us enough.

That's dangerous. I'm not going to talk about this.

Me neither. I think we should drop it.

Give us the next question, please.

Here is your next question.

I hope we don't get this one right away.

In a public service announcement made by

the Korea Family Planning Association in the 1970s,

the biggest sports star at the time, Cha Bumkun,

appears with his wife and daughter.

What was the slogan written on

the photo of the three of them smiling?

- I think I know this one. / - Oh, isn't this...

I think I know this.

Isn't it, "Have one kid and raise that kid well?"

No, back in this era...

I know!

"An unplanned child

will leave you broke."

I think that's right. I think I saw that.

"An unplanned child

will leave you broke."

I heard that too.

Since you're only supposed to raise one.

It was a policy at the time.

But look at the number of characters.

(The number of characters?)

"An unplanned child

will leave you broke."

I think it's right.

Let's not answer right away.

Let's ask them if it's more than 14 characters.

- Oh, boy... / - I bet they're shocked.

What should we do?

Is it over 16 characters?


Does that include 16 characters?

It's 16 characters.


"An unplanned child...

Will leave you broke.

That's 16 characters.

Then it must be wrong.

I remember the "will leave you broke" part.

I think that slogan is from even older.

The slogan that Hyungdon mentioned,

"If you have a kid irresponsibly, you'll be broke,"

was the slogan used in the 1960s.

(If you have a kid irresponsibly, you'll be broke)

It's even older.

That was from the 1960s.

I think...

It's a powerful slogan.

You're deep in thought right now.

"No affairs."

The man had a daughter with his wife...

For a happy family...

"Have one family. Do not have two families."

Something like that. Their smiling faces

captures a happy family.

Look. Cha Bumkun was huge in the 1970s.

He was very popular.

Why would they use him as a spokesmodel?

Because it's something symbolic.

Let's try seeing if this is right.

First, "No affairs."

I want to add something now.

Cha Bumkun ended up having more kids.

He had more kids despite this slogan.

He had three kids.

Right. That's why it's not having one kid.

So it isn't birth control.

Have more kids.

It could be something like that.

What if it's this? Something about gender.

Treat sons and daughters equally.

Instead of having two kids, just have one.

Her name is Hana.

(Cha Bumkun's daughter is Cha Hana)

- Hana! / - Wow!

That startled me!

That's Hana. And there's Duri and Sejji.

Instead of treating your son and daughter different...

Just have one kid and raise that kid right.



Alright, listen.

Look at the poster.

There are quotes under it.

It means someone said this.

It's like a line.

It's something to do with birth control, right?

It's not about having more kids, right?

This isn't related to birth control, right?

No, no.

This is related to birth control, right?

This is related to birth control, right?

It is. So stop having kids.

Just have one.

Then why did he have three kids?

Have one kid and raise that kid right.

In the 1970s they told you to have just two kids.

But the girl's name is Hana which was confusing.

"This child will grow up to be the president."

It sounds like a public service announcement.

"Did you think it would end with one?"


What if it's something like that?

"This is it for us."


I don't think it's something like that.

I think our food just came.

- I think they're paying for it now. / - Right?

(They're always sharp when it comes to food)

(The snacks are here)

(Knock, knock)

It's here.

Hey, hey. What if they give us the sports section?

Unbelievable. They gave us blank sheets.


(Why are they all groaning?)

- They gave us blank sheets. / - Wow.

(During the shoot for episode 2)

We'll figure this out.

(The staff gave them these newspapers)

(One of them had an answer to a question)

You all gave us the answer!

(The staff went nuts)

Let's give them calendars for the next episode.

(They prepared blank sheets with nothing written)

In case we'd get newspapers.

(The staff is not playing around this time)


They're so cold-hearted.

Fine then. Be that way.

We'll be like that to you too.

This was unexpected.

Here are the moist towelettes.

We mix this up in rice.

Sook is good at making rice balls.

Can one of you pass me that?

I'll do it, Sook.

(Thanks, Kyunghoon)

(Kyunghoon always gets Sook excited)

Kyunghoon and Sook paired up again...

(Yongman is always so oblivious)

Are you a newlywed couple again?

We're the youngest ones here.

(Whatever Sook does)

(Kyunghoon does too)

This looks nice.

I didn't see that.

Gosh, I haven't done this in forever.

I'm glad we ordered this.

(She seems good at this)

(Round and bite-sized pieces)

Sook is good at housekeeping.

- I am? / - You seem so prepared.

I was shocked, Sook.

Compare hers with Kyunghoon's.

Look at them.

We haven't touched them yet, Sook.

Yeah, not yet. Until I finish these.

Sook... She sure is prepared for marriage.

I'm prepared?

You call this being prepared?

She's been prepared for 20 years.

I only lease my apartment for a year at a time.

Only for a year?

Yeah, in case I get married the following year.

So you've been leasing for 25 years?

Yeah, I keep renewing the contract.

So you never do long-term contracts.

Of course not. I don't know what might happen.

- So you can get married anytime? / - Of course.

I think the question is about Hana.

Her name is Hana, which means "one."

"Hana, you're the only child we need."

That one rhymed in Korean.


"Honey, should we have one more?"

(It looks like he wants to act)

It's from a while back.

(It's a long night for them)

(Will they still get to go home early?)

Gosh, this is a hard one.

Here is a minor hint.

"Just have two kids and raise them well,"

was an extension of the policy.

Huh? What does that mean?

The extension of this policy started in the 1980s.

"Just have two kids and raise them well,"

So does this one say to have two?

No, just one.

"We'll have just one more kid."

(Is this...)

(Really the answer?)

It must be right.

(Surprised after she just said it)

It must be right.

What did you say again?

"We'll have just one more kid."

It's 12 characters in Korean.

"We'll have just one more kid."

- We will... / - You guys are close.

It's the same meaning.

That's 11 characters.

We'll have just one more kid...

And tie that kid down."


Why would you tie a kid up?

You should.

"We'll have one more and that's it."

That's 11 characters.

"We'll have one more..."

That's 6 characters. We need 6 more.

We'll have one more...

And stop, stop, stop."

(Stop it, Sook...)

That sounds like song lyrics.

Stop, stop, stop.

That one's powerful.

"We'll have one more and stop there."

- That sounds weird. / - That doesn't sound right.

Like, "I'll go over there."

"And stop there."

That doesn't sound too bad.

That is correct.


This is the answer?

What's going on with you today?

You're killing it today, Euni.

"And stop there?" What is that?

And stop there.

It makes sense.

He's saying he'll have just two kids.

"We'll have one more and stop there."

That's so funny.

- It says over there. / - It's for real.

("We'll have one more and stop there")

They make it look like that family said that.

(1960s policy: Have only 3 kids before you turn 35)

(1970s policy: Have only 2 kids)

(1980s policy: Raise just one kid right)

(2005 to current: Have multiple kids)

Excuse me.

I bet you're surprised that we're doing so well.


Here is your next question.

When a boyfriend or husband goes to the army

and the girlfriend or wife wants to break up,

they call the break-up letter this in English.

(Breaking up with your boyfriend in the army?)

A love letter?

I misread the question.

Look at that. She should be sitting here.

Come in. Come in, director.

Come in here, director. I'll go out there.

When a boyfriend or husband goes to the army

and the girlfriend or wife wants to break up, they call

the break-up letter a "dear blank letter" in English.

What goes in the blank?

A boyfriend is one thing but your husband?

You write a letter that you want a divorce?

- Dear is directed at someone. / - Someone dear.

What could this be about?

Dear this letter from England...

A chain letter.

Send out 20 copies.

I say tear.


Tear letter. Tears.


(What is it?)

A boyfriend that's in the army...

When you went to the army...

Did you get a break-up letter?

No, I didn't.

Why? Did she wait for you?

(Kyunghoon's girlfriend waited for him)

Are you still seeing each other?

No, we broke up.

She broke up with you after you were discharged.

So you must've dated her for at least 3 years.

You broke up as soon as you were discharged?

I bet you still think of her.

He hasn't forgotten her.

Is this an English word?

It doesn't use any Korean?

It's English.

Why does rabbit come to mind?

Gosh, does that mean to run away in the U.S.?

(Rabbit means to run away?)

I keep thinking of the word rabbit.


But that term is Korean.

Some words are similar, Yongman.

Let me just try. I'm not sure. It's on my mind.



It should be "Dear Hyungdon." You address him.


So you address him like a stranger. "Dear soldier."

(It sounds right!)

He's just a soldier to you now.

Just some soldier.

Sook. Even when you're wrong, you aim high.


Soldier letter.

It's wrong, but you still aim high.


Dear boom letter.

- Why? / - It's like a bomb.

Even if it's wrong, you're aiming high.

Why do you keep saying that we aim high?

Writing boom to a soldier is so mean.

A break-up is like getting hit by a bomb.

That's what it feels like. Boom.

Dear boom letter.


What's break-up in English?

- Break-up? / - In English.

Yeah, what's break-up in English?

(None of them are that good at English)

Let's go out for this one.

We have to go out for this.

Let's use Itaewon to our advantage.

Let's play the dumpling game.

How does that game go?

It's the same. 5 up to 25.

It's multiples of 5. 0, 5, 10, 15, 20...

Okay, okay. I remember.

I won't lose this time.

(The roll call game in episode 1)

You're not supposed to say anything.

(Even in episode 2...)

(Kyunghoon is terrible at games)

(Will he go out 3 times in a row?)

(The dumpling game starts now...)

Here we go. Start.

Dumpling, dumpling, dumpling, dumpling.


(Hyungdon will get to stay inside)

I shouldn't have held out any fingers.

(Shakes his hand out of regret)

You'd better play well, Yongman.

Or else you'll have to talk to a foreigner.

You're right. Then Hyungdon should go out.

How do you even explain this in English?

(Kyunghoon suddenly starts the game)

(Holds out 5)

(Dang it...)

He's not feeling lucky.


Dumpling. 10.


(Kyunghoon's head hurts)

Oh my god.

(Kyunghoon, Yongman and Euni are left)

I have to get out in this round.

Let's start.

Dumpling, dumpling, dumpling, dumpling. 5!

(Kyunghoon helps)

(Stop it, hand!)

This is your last chance.

Gosh... This guy...

What happens when there are two people left?

The two of us play.

It's 0, 5 or 10.

It's my turn.

(Who's going to lose this time?)

Let's start.

(Why is this so nerve-racking?)

Dumpling, dumpling, dumpling, dumpling. 0!

(Euni wins!)


What's wrong with you, Kyunghoon?

Let's play one more time!

Going out is your job.

Kyunghoon likes being outdoors.

Kyunghoon said this last time.

He's fine with going out.

But his biggest issue is his outfit.

It's fine for in here...

But he says he's embarrassed to go out in this.

Those are pajamas.

What should I ask first? Let's say it's a foreigner.

I'm not good at English. What should I say?


How about this? Just write it down...

"Dear blank letter."

And just stand there holding this.

Like in "Love Actually."

(Do what they did in "Love Actually")

Just write, "Dear blank."


You don't have to write down letter.

Alright, I know.

It's just in case he forgets. He knows this.

Just hand it to someone.

Here I go. You guys can relax.

If you get the question right, please call this time.

We don't have our phones.

We should practice Morse code.

(Kyunghoon goes out to use their lifeline!)

(This could be the last time he goes out in pajamas)

I feel like we just got outside.

My steps feel heavy today.



(He struggles to get up the stairs)


- I'm a fan. / - Thank you.

- You look much better in person. / - Thank you.

Where is the busy area? This way?

A foreigner.

Excuse me.

Do you speak Korean?


Dear blank letter.

- Dear blank letter. / - Yeah.

What... What...

Blank mean?

(That's all the English he knows)


Can you ask me in Korean?

- Hello. / - Hello.

Thank you. What's your name?

Tani Ostriman.

Tani Ostriman?

(Sure, if that's how you want to say it)

There's this break-up letter you write to

your boyfriend or husband that's in the army.

And it's called a dear blank letter.

Does there need to be a name here?

(What goes in the blank?)

Let's not get this one right.

- Yeah, I feel bad. / - This one's too hard.

Let's hear our minor hint.

Yeah, we should hear our hint.

- Give us a hint, please. / - They won't give it to us.

We don't want to just hang out here.

- There's nothing else to say. / - Yeah.

How about as a skill...

Can you do it or not?

(Catching a corn puff in your mouth)

I don't think I can do it.

If all 4 of us get it in one try,

then we get a hint.

I'm not that good at this.

(Looking ugly)

(Careful Hyungdon! You might lose some teeth...)

I think he cracked his tooth.

(Sook succeeds!)

Did it go in?

Let's start from this side.

I did it.


They never agreed they'd give us the hint.

They'd better if we do this for them.

Man proposes, God disposes.

They'll be impressed by our efforts.

- Very disappointing. / - Sorry.

(They give it their all to catch the corn puffs)

Does Kyunghoon know we're doing this?

Let me go first.

(Yongman succeeds!)

(2 in a row!)

(3 in a row!)

(This puts a lot of pressure on Sook)

I bet you feel the pressure!

Let me stand up.

Open your mouth really wide.


(Big enough to fit 1,000 corn puffs)

You don't have to open your eyes like that.

(Nobody asked her to do that...)

(They get a hint if Sook succeeds!)

(Sook... Please get that hint for us...)

(Everyone is hopeful...)

(As the corn puff flies)

(Dear corn puff letter)


(Sook fails)

Come on, Sook!

We were just trying to get a hint.

It sure is hard to get a hint.

Sook, you go first. Alright, she got it.


- I did it! / - You did? It's me now?

(3 in a row)


I'm nervous now!

I can do this 8 out of 10 times.

You just need to get this.

If you mess up, I'm going to hit you.


(Everyone caught a corn puff in their mouth!)

- He did it at the end. / - Give us our hint.

Give us a really good hint.

I ate so many.

I'm full from eating so many.

Did they all leave?

Anyone there?


We did all this.

Here is your minor hint.

Here it is.


(Is that it?)

That could mean a lot of things.

To put stuff away.

Or what if it's Charles?

Dear Charles letter. Like he's a stranger.

They use just any name.

Then it's Charles.

Dear Charles letter.


Dear Tom letter.


Is it like Cheolsu and Yeonghui?

A common name in the U.S. from a textbook.



John, John, John.

(Is that right?)


It must be John!

That is correct.

(Dang it)

What will we do about Kyunghoon? Gosh...

What if Kyunghoon ends up hating me?

Why'd you have to get it right, Euni?

This isn't on me.

- What now? / - Don't write it down, Yongman!

What if Kyunghoon sees it?

(Destroying the evidence)

You're going to eat that?

What if Kyunghoon sees? Why'd you write John?

In case I'll forget.

Why is it John though?

From the late 1800s to the early 1900s,

the most common name in the U.S. was John.

This originated from the wives of the many Johns

that fought in World War II

who got tired of waiting for their husbands to return

and wrote them break-up letters.

It's a sad letter.

It spread and became a term.

Since the guys wouldn't come back.

It's better to think that they broke up.

It's better to break up with them.

So what do we do about Kyunghoon?

We couldn't have planned this if we tried.

I don't think he'll come back with the answer.

So how do we make him happy?

We just have to make him happy.

Let's say every name except John.

Let's make it so he says John.

Yeah. Let's do that.

Sam, Smith...

Say names that start with J so he guesses John.

Just say any name you know. Make him say John.

- Make him say John. / - Right.

This is for a show called Problem Child in House.

You should check it out.

- Okay, thank you. / - Thank you.

(We have to make this young man happy...)

(Is he coming back with the right answer?)

Oh, he's here.


Did you get the answer?

I wrote something.

Tell us what happened.

Did you speak in English?

Of course I spoke in English.

I spoke to a foreigner.

I walked for a while. There were a lot of stairs.

Did you talk to a guy or a girl?

A girl.

She was very pretty... With blonde hair.

Did you ask her, "Where are you from?"

I didn't ask her that. I just asked her the question.


I didn't know what to do. I was so nervous.

She couldn't speak Korean?

After talking, she said,

"You can speak to me in Korean." So I did.

(A unified reaction)

We spoke in Korean.

Wow, you got so lucky.

So I asked her if she knew this.

That's what's important.

She's never had a boyfriend in the army.

So she didn't know.

(The comedians act disappointed)

But she said in this situation

it could be "my love."


(And my love are so far apart)

- When you're about to break up? / - I don't get it.

I asked, "Shouldn't it be a swear word?"

(Do they have to keep this act up?)

But she said you might want to be nicer

when you break up with someone.

My love.

(This is hard...)

- Nicer? / - For a more amicable break-up?


What does that mean?


(Please, Kyunghoon!)

- We have a long way to go. / - It's far off.


(Sounds like "John" in Korean but he didn't realize)

Oh! Hold on.

(Yes, Kyunghoon!)

Today... Oh...

You guys look like you didn't get it right.

(He's such a pure soul...)

If we knew...

You found out a lot though.

- Try saying "my love." / - Try it.

My love sounds good.

Dear my love letter.

It sounds too sweet.

We have a long way to go.

Ask if it's a person's name.

- Oh! Right! / - What?

The person that told me this

also asked me...

"Is it supposed to be a name?"

(He's getting closer)

It must be a name.

- A name? / - Ask them.

Is it a name?

(Even the staff participates in this prank)

We're right!

(He has no clue)

Kyunghoon, you found out a lot.


- It's a name? / - It's a name?

- Name some names. / - Name some names.

Let's name some names.

- Smith. / - Smith sounds good.

- Jack. / - Jack. Nice one.




- Huh? / - John.

Dear John!

John! Isn't that right?

Hold on. Say it again, Kyunghoon.

Dear John letter.

That is correct.

(Kyunghoon is so happy)


My heart felt so heavy... Gosh...

(She can't breathe)

"My love" sounded weird.

It sounded strange.

This is like...


(Relieved after getting it right)

How did you get it right after you came back?

Why is it John?

I'll read what it says here.

From the late 1800s...

(Cracking up)

Oh, boy...

(The staff members are cracking up)

Thank goodness I got this right.

- The director is laughing. / - Why? Why?

- Something funny happened out there. / - What?

From the late 1800s to the early 1900s,

the most common name in the U.S. was John.

This originated from the wives of the many Johns

that fought in World War II

who got tired of waiting for their husbands to return

and wrote them break-up letters.

So it's like Cheolsu.

From now on, your English name is John.

That was the 8th question.

Here is your next question.

(Our acting was amazing)

(Thumbs up to all those that participated)

The genius scientist Einstein

said that if success in life is represented as A,

A equals X plus Y plus Z.

X represents work.

Y represents play.

And Z represents blank.

What is Z in Einstein's formula for success?

Work and play. Maybe it's family.

For more infomation >> Problem Child in House | 옥탑방의 문제아들 EP3 - Part.1 [SUB : ENG/2018.11.29] - Duration: 1:12:10.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Altergeist Deck Profile November 2018 - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Yu-Gi-Oh! Altergeist Deck Profile November 2018 - Duration: 4:06.


NEW! COVERGIRL Exhibitionist Mascara with Katy Perry - Duration: 0:16.

NEW Exhibitionist Mascara

A more dramatic look

with every coat


For more infomation >> NEW! COVERGIRL Exhibitionist Mascara with Katy Perry - Duration: 0:16.


( wedding ) AZƏRBAYCANDA MÖHTƏŞƏM TOYLAR ROVSEN MEMMEDOV 0506220021 - Duration: 33:11.


Azerbaijani weddings



















For more infomation >> ( wedding ) AZƏRBAYCANDA MÖHTƏŞƏM TOYLAR ROVSEN MEMMEDOV 0506220021 - Duration: 33:11.


5 Things you should know about a man before starting a relationship - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> 5 Things you should know about a man before starting a relationship - Duration: 2:33.


Naomi Watts Discusses Her Role as Diane - BoJack Horseman - Duration: 2:27.

Well, I've been pretty busy. Met a girl at SoHo house.

-Was she your waitress? -Yes.

Then I met a girl at Mastro's.

-Was she also your waitress? -Yes.

Then I met a girl at P.F. Chang's.

-Let me guess. She was your-- -A hooker, yes.

-But what she really wants to do is wait tables. -(LAUGHS)

So I'm sending the first draft of the book to Pinky this afternoon.

-What? It's done? -Not yet. Almost.

I'm excited for you to read it,

but I'm also cripplingly nervous.

I actually kind of feel like throwing up,

but I can't throw up because I haven't had anything to eat

because this lady won't let me in my own kitchen.

Cast and crew only.

Listen, if reading a book you wrote

is anywhere near as great as it is to actually spend time with you,

I'm sure it's gonna be wonderful.

Having said that, what do I know about books?

I'm just a dumb actor.

I'm here with Hollywoo darling, Naomi Watts.

Tell me, what attracted you to the role of Diane?

I just keep getting pigeonholed

as these complex characters in highly acclaimed movies.

For once, I would just love to phone it in

and play a two-dimensional girl in a rom com

with no inner life of her own.

Ha-ha! You said words.

Now, is it true you stay in character between takes?

Oh, we all do. The director insists upon it.

He even has everyone calling me Diane

to help me get in the headspace.

Diane, looking good.

-Um, thanks. -Ugh, not you.

-I was talking to Diane. -Oh, thank you.

-Now, where's my peanut butter? -Right over here, Q.

-No, I'm looking for peanut butter. -Oh, you mean BoJack?

If I wanted BoJack, I would call BoJack.

Did someone call for BoJack?

It really cuts down on confusion.

Aloha, kemosabe.

Hey, allow me to put on my producer hat

and produce you just for one second here.

I have a few notes on how you're playing me.

Let's see. Here we go.

I find it really troubling

that my movie self is wearing a crew-neck T-shirt. (LAUGHS)

-You see the problem. -I do not.

I just think if we're telling the story,

we should tell it how it really happened.

Yeah, this whole story isn't how it really happened.


because of the shirts.

Because I'm the one who stole the D.

I'm the real hero here.

My life is full of exciting adventures.

I should write a book. Oh, wait. I did.

Hey, you're in a mood.

Perhaps the tightness of that crew neck is cutting off circulation to the brain?

Let me talk to Donna in wardrobe.


For more infomation >> Naomi Watts Discusses Her Role as Diane - BoJack Horseman - Duration: 2:27.


KEDYM - Anelmad (l'étudiant) Clip officiel - Duration: 4:14.

we studied but there is no work.

we are tired of this country that starves us

we dreamed of freedom and hope to live with

come out of the shadows and finally see the light

once the studies are completed, we continue to wander

we continue to harvest the misery

we would like hope to live forever

and we honor no matter where we are

I know you studied but there is no work

all morning you get up with effort

every day you wander and your day is the same

you have the life of an old man but you are still young

even the loving heart abandons his love

hearts are separated to each his destiny

or that you look it's dark never have you seen the light

every day is mist and fog, your bearded face shows the truth

I think my brother, this hope has abandoned you

you are looking for death you have fallen very low

I think my brother, this hope has abandoned you

you are looking for death you have fallen very low

we studied until we had gray hair

all our efforts finally provided have no cure

we studied until we had gray hair

all our efforts finally provided have no cure

school is good but where is it valued

it's not history, it's not words in the air

we would like instruction to take us far

all we want is a sunny sky

instruction like this is better to be illiterate

the youth of this country is thrown into the ravines

our hopes have remained at the dream stage

our life is just a disaster

you want to travel and discover other countries

you want to live and escape this misery

in the end they ruined your youth, like a bird whose wings were removed

they destroyed the foundation of your life hopeless on the horizon

you are not the only one even your friends

my heart is not at peace we see you sad

I project my vision in the future, I look where my country is going

I remained unanswered, hope is dead (God is his soul)

I think my brother, this hope has abandoned you

you are looking for death you have fallen very low

I think my brother, this hope has abandoned you

you are looking for death you have fallen very low

we studied until we had gray hair

all our efforts finally provided have no cure

we studied until we had gray hair

all our efforts finally provided have no cure

For more infomation >> KEDYM - Anelmad (l'étudiant) Clip officiel - Duration: 4:14.


WHISPER CHALLENGE z Mamą! - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> WHISPER CHALLENGE z Mamą! - Duration: 7:19.


Tips for pet owners! - Duration: 13:29.

What did you do?

What have you been doing at home?

I left you for a little while, and you start a chasing game, or?..

Pillow on the floor, blanket is all messed up

and what happened with this carpet my son?

and you... and you are like a job well done... huh?

I can't believe you kids

let's fix that, right now

yes yes

crazy doggo

crazy cute one, right?

Tips that make my life easier as a pet owner

Hello and welcome back on our channel!

I'm Noemi, and this is Reynard

And this video is going to be in hungarian instead of the usual english language

there is a simple reason for that

this video is promoted by a brand

we partnered up with cudyfuture

naturcleaning company

and we are going to try this spray

nature cleaning pet smell neutralizing with lavender oil

it naturally neutralizes all smells

The surface you use it on will get a lovely lavender scent

That's pretty cool, I'm a fan of Lavender, I pick some in every season too

I like that scent a lot

You can use it on carpets, textiles, pet cages and carriers, and car seats as well


so we can go and clean my care with it as well

shake it up before use

then spray it on the surface from 20 cm distance

and let it dry

in case of strong smells you can repeat the spraying

for everyday use as well

it doesn't leave a mark

We will try the spray in a sec

but here is some additional info about it, that I found

what you have to know about this spray is that it's environmentally friendly

they didn't test on animals at all

it is made from vegan materials

it doesn't contain any phosphate, chlorine, or paraben

and it's hypoallergenic and color free

so it's 100% organic

that is super cool, because if our pet gets in contact with it

even if your pet licks it

there won't be any consequence, there are no side effects

it won't cause any dammage

ok, but let's try this super animal friendly spray now.

Rey, should we try it?

Are you a stinky dog? You're not a stinky dog right?

let's see what can this spray do

ok, so we have to shake it before use

and let's spray it from about 20 cm distance

on the surface

it indeed has a very lovely scent

I love it already

ok Destin

when did we last smell neutralized your castle?

I'd recommend you to test it first on a small area

not because it leaves a mark

We've already seen it on my white carpet, that it has no mark at all

but because some animals

especially cats can be picky about new kind of smells

and they might refuse to go to their places

if we spray it all over with this new scent

it works the same way with cat litter too

if you have a pet you probably have experience in

what to use for cleaning

not to disturb your furbaby

Luckily Destin doesn't care about things like this

so for me

it's going to be a great addition to my household in the everydayst

because I really enjoy the scent it leaves around

look at that satisfied kitty

she already took back her palace

she is not bothered at all by the scent I sprayed all over her castle


You say you're not a stinky cat?

she had enough of the camera

ok then.


do you think it's time for a daily walk?

If you'd like to know more about the cudyfuture products

just click on the link in the description

you will find everything there, and you can also purchase this spray

should we go?

I think this is a definite yes!


let's go

everything is so gray

and wet

But the dog must walk

he is not bothered anyways

he must go into the deepest mud and puddle

so I was thinking that while Rey is walking

I'll reply to some frequently asked questions

and I'll share some of my life changing tips as well

as a pet owner

let's see..

What kind of dog is Reynard?

I must tell you that Reynard is a pomeranian spitz

how old is he?


actually 2,5

why did you choose this breed?

That's a good question

I considered a bunch of other breeds too

but then we picked a pomeranian because

of course next to my love towards the breed, and next to that I always wanted one

because I travel a lot

and it was an important point

that in case of a trip we can bring him on a plane

and it might be easier to find a dog friendly accomodation as well

with a smaller sized dog

although we adventure a lot with other friends with dogs

and their dogs are usually bigger

and so far we didn't really have any problem

what is his favourite food?

and what is his favourite treat?

Favourite food is meet with meet

and from treats he prefers the ones that are 100% meat based

like the dried meats and jerkeys

he usually gets dried rabbit and duck treats

and beef jerkey too

I have to keep my eyes on him sometimes to make sure everything is fine

you ask me this question often

was he expensive?

well pomeranians are not a cheap breed

especially in Hungary, because it's pretty rare


so yeah..

I think it's important to point out that yes you can find some online ads

on different sites

cheaper spitz dogs

but in my experience

in 9 from 10 cases, the dogs that were bought from these ads

instead of a 3 kg pomeranian the dog grows up into a 15-20 kg spitz dog

so I'd recommend you to be aware of that

be careful when you buy a dog from the internet

this is the happiest dog on earth, right?

nothing can ruin his good mood

Rey is in love

Kati, cool name

Hello Kati

you have a lovely face

you look great for your age Kati

Can we meet you somewhere?

I get so many requests about this

soon we have to organize some sort of meetup

I'm not sure that it will happen this year

coz it's almost december and Christmas

I don't know, in a few months we will sort it out, ok?

also very frequent question

do you brush him a lot? like everyday?

no, not at all

at summer a bit more often

but it means like every 2 weeks

but only to get that thick under coat

that would fall out anyway

to brush that out

otherwise he doesn't need much brushing

right now as you see him in this video

he hasn't been brushed for like 2 months

so I don't spend much time with his fur really

also afrequent question

if I have to take him to the dog salon a lot

Rey has never been in a dog beauty salon

We don't have to cut his fur

he doesn't have hair, he has a double coat of fur instead

so I don't have problems like this with him

you often ask me, that how many times and for how long do we walk a day?

Reynard walks at least 3 timesa day

but sometimes he walks more, and it happens that we go out less times

he is an office dog, he comes with me to work everyday

so at the morning he walks when we go in

and if I go out during the day

I usually take him with me, so those times he gets to go out

for example in a lunch break

then we walk at the afternoons, on the way home

and at night we go out for a longer period of time

we spend outside 1-1,5 hours at nights

this is when we meet our other dog friends as well

and they have some playtime in the park

and here is the best request:

someone asked me to share 3 tips with you

that makes my life easier as a pet owner

well my 3 tips are..

1. get a robot vacuum

it is a crazy big help especially at summer

and don't think of this

as a huge investment at once

because think of it, you will use it for years, and it helps a lot

during summer for example you just turn it on everyday, and it goes around

while you do your everyday duties

so I love it

that was one of the best investments as a pet owner

soo the 2. tip would be

if you have a carpet, consider some sort of rug or woven carpet

that you can put in a washing machine

for me it's a great help

I wash my smaller carpet at home

every 1-2 weeks

and I take the bigger one into a dry-cleaner/laundromat

and I use the bigger machines there

and my 3. tip.. hmm I don't know, let's see

ok so let's have a cat related tip

I use crystal cat litter

and it's the best ever

it neutralizes the smells better than any other cat litter

Yes, the cat takes it out a bit, it sticks to her paw a little

but not more than other cat litters


you can't even compare them

it's so much better with the smells

and the frequency of cleaning and replacing it differs a lot too

so yeah, the cat litter with crystals is a bit ore expensive, well there is a reason for that..

but believe me, I only use that

and I would never switch back to the old one

so this would be my 3 tips for you


can we go home?

can we go?

ohh I don't want that thanks, you shouldn't bring it here

it's getting dark, so I'll end this video here now

I hope you enjoyed it

if you enjoyed it, please leave a like

if you have other questions leave them in a comment

and we will reply to them in the next video

and if you are new here

please subscribe

we publish videos frequently

so we will see you guys soon, in the next video!

For more infomation >> Tips for pet owners! - Duration: 13:29.



Deepika padukone Ranveer singh delhi wedding reception

For more infomation >> DEEPIKA AND RANVEER MUMBAI RECEPTION LIVE I Uncut Full HD Video - Duration: 2:20.


On Campus with TRU Student Life – Winter Wellness Edition - Duration: 1:26.

When dealing with the winter blues,

one might feel compelled to just

just pull the blankets over our heads

and just

stay there until spring time.




If you can,

definitely just maintain -

you know sleep well,

and eat well,

and get - you know -

take care of yourself,

and definitely

make a point to –

oh god I'm falling!

Definitely socialize with friends.

Get out of the house more.

Just stay warm.

Put a sweater on.


I'm so cold!

When will winter end?


you know,

winter will end

but its Canada

so it will be back.

But it's fine.

We're going to be fine.

Get that light when you can.

Everything is going to be ok.

It will be ok


If you aren't well

your studies will suffer,

so apply self-care whenever possible.

I might just stay here.

Check out wellness workshops

like healing though connections.

There's all kinds of support available to you,

and you're not alone,

we're all really cold.

Like everyone's cold.

There's literally snow melting in my boots right now.


Is it too late to just drive off to Mexico?

Don't look at me bird.

You're so smug with your wings!

You can fly anywhere.

Take me with you!

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