Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 28 2018

3 x 20 each leg

4 x 20

4 x 15 each leg

5 x 15 each leg

3 x 12 each leg

4 x 20

3 x 10 each leg

3 x 15 each leg

4 x 12

3 x 12

4 x 20

For more infomation >> GROW A BOOTY AT HOME - BEST GLUTES EXERCISES !! - Duration: 6:05.


Tell Me A Story 1x05 Promo "Chapter 5" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Tell Me A Story 1x05 Promo "Chapter 5" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:32.


[한글자막CC] BYE BYE MY UGLY ASS HAIR - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> [한글자막CC] BYE BYE MY UGLY ASS HAIR - Duration: 10:20.


3 Ways to Decorate a Pocket Tee - Duration: 2:45.

Hi everyone I'm Claire from BELLA+CANVAS and today we're talking about three

creative ways to decorate pocket tees most pocket tees you see either don't

have decoration or it's something really simple but the pocket tee is a great

canvas for a graphic tee that will get noticed hopefully these three ideas will

inspire your next design for this first inverted design we play off the color

relationships between the tee and the pocket so this design is really cool

because it's kind of a classic logo style design but to make it feel like

more than just your standard pocket print we're gonna print the mountains in

the complementary color right above the pocket so we get to play with that black

and gray thing and make it like one cohesive idea I think a big thing people

forget is that the pockets aren't all identical so you're gonna want to leave

a margin with your artwork that way everything looks centered and it doesn't

look like it's missed the edge of the seam

in this next design creative art

that incorporates the pocket as a prop within the design scheme is a playful

way to build out a graphic we wanted to create a look with dimension so we use

the pocket as a middle ground and the design of the hand as a background and

foreground so on this foil we're gonna put a fair amount of adhesive before we

actually take it over to the heat press normally you don't want to go and print

over the seam like that but with this design the line is so thin that I'm

pretty sure we're gonna be able to get away with it

in this design we were inspired by the idea of using the pocket as an imaginary

base then design the flowers on top for an unexpected twist so if we're gonna do

this flower design it's real cool because it looks like it's peeking out

of the top of the pocket this flower design is a great work around because

we're not actually gonna print on the pocket at all but it feels like it's

very much incorporated into the shirt so with pocket tees there's two different

ways we set up if we're on our automatics we use our lasers and so

those go straight down onto the board and they tell us exactly where to load

the pocket to every time on a manual press like this we actually burned a

whole secondary screen this allows us to pull it down and line up the pocket

looking through the clean screen so that we know that all of our alignments

perfect I think creating the extra screen is perfect for anyone who doesn't

have a laser system because otherwise you're probably gonna ruin a few

t-shirts by aligning them incorrectly these are only a few of the

possibilities of designing on pocket tees have you printed on pocket we'd

love to hear your ideas in the comments below for more design tips subscribe to

our channel for weekly content like this video. Be Different.

For more infomation >> 3 Ways to Decorate a Pocket Tee - Duration: 2:45.


Das letzte Wort: Nicht so salopp! | Zur Sache! Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Das letzte Wort: Nicht so salopp! | Zur Sache! Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 2:33.


Monster Slayers of Slawia Review - Duration: 7:06.

Hey guys!

Today I am pleased to present a preview for Monster Slayers of Slawia by Into the Unknown.

Into the Unkown is best known (ironically, right?) for their amazing miniature lines

for Aeon Trespass, but they have also made a fantastic looking card game that is very

reminiscent of The Witcher series.

Please note that what you see here is only a prototype and not representative of the

final product's quality.

This is also only the core game.

Any additions that come from the Kickstarter are unknown to me but are sure to add to the


Monster Slayers of Slavia is a strategic card game for 2-5 players in which each player

uses a small deck of cards representing their house as they are dispatched to various locations

to fight monsters.

Players need to work together to win hunts at each location, yet they are always competing

to win the most glory.

Gameplay is stated to take anywhere from 30-60 minutes but I found 2 player games can be

even quicker depending on the players.

The focus of the game is getting the most points, or glory in the game.

Winning battles is quite easy so not much thought has to be put into it.

In fact, I found myself putting more thought into how to lose hunts that I hoped would

prevent others from winning more points.

Play revolves spawning locations and monsters, and then placing 3 cards for your turn.

Your first two must be a Slayer if you can, or if all locations are full, then a monster

either from the lair, which is the 3 face up monsters here, or a random one from the

top of the deck.

The third card played will always be a monster.

You know if you can or cannot play a card based on these symbols on each location.

Monsters are represented on the left, and slayers represented on the right.

Each symbol represents 1 space for a card.

Now some locations will change this, by adding to one side or the other depending on the

time of day, which changes at the end of each hunt by the amount shown here.

Also here you will see how many points first, second, and last place will get.

Note that there are times where last place gets more than second.

Placement is determined by who has the most strength in the hunt.

All of this follows the golden rule that you may only play 1 card per location per turn.

Each house is the same set of cards, the only difference is the art.

This ensures that the game is completely balanced.

To further keep this balance, the amount of locations you play scale with the amount of


A house is represented by slayers numbering 1-6 which shows how strong they are in the


Slayers 5 and 6 are warriors with no ability beyond their strength.

1 is the rogue.

They are the weakest, however, after a successful hunt, the reduce the slayer to their left's

strength to 0, making it easier for you to win the most glory.

2 is the mage who boost each warrior in the location with a +2 to their strength.

3 is your ranger who can be swapped with another one of your slayers that has already been


This is great if you want to avoid playing a monster or if you wish to take back a card

like a warrior who had a rogue played on him.

Lastly 4 is your exterminator who makes one specific monster in that location have a strength

of zero.

The game is deeply strategic, which continually caused my gaming group to talk through their

options to better figure out what the best move would be.

That's not to say the game is overly complex, it's actually quite simple as you saw earlier,

it's just that you have to think a few moves ahead.

Much like a game of classic chess, the moves themselves are simple, but the current card

layout, the scores, the monsters allow for very strategic moves.

One of my favorite aspects of the game beyond it's short play time is that you are almost

in full control of how the game plays.

Many card games rely on luck or well built decks but Monster Slayers of Slawia

is the opposite.

It is highly deterministic.

You can see the cards on the table and know exactly how you can affect them.

This means that you never feel cheated, or that you would have won if you had just had

better luck.

There is some chance to the game, but any chance is a specific choice of yours.

With no dice to roll, and 3 monsters always in the lair, you have to specifically choose

to take a monster from the facedown pile.

Ironically, this is one of my favorite parts of the game because it has the most tension.

Usually, if you are drawing a random monster you are hoping for something specific - usually

either a very low or very high card to win or lose the hunt so the big reveal often results

in shouting from everyone at the table.

The only other bit of randomness is exciting when it happens.

There are several monsters that have special abilities.

While these abilities often change your strategy at that location if played early, it's when

they are the last monster at a location that it really throws a wrench in people's plans.

This doesn't happen often, but when it does it can completely change the location's


There's nothing quite like battling over a high point value location just to have a

Vila show up at the end and negate everyone's special abilities, or a Stolem doubling the

monster threat, making everyone lose the hunt.

As fun as those tiny bits of random are, I found my appreciation of the game almost solely

in line with just how strategic it is.

Walking in on a game being played will often be stretches of silence as everyone stares

at the cards, planning their next move.

I also really like the size of the cards.

I have them sleeved in standard sleeves for Magic the Gathering.

As you can see here they are a little bit taller and slightly wider, but I still had

no issue sleeving them.

Each card is full art with very minimal overlay, highlighting the great art for each card.

If I had any complaints, I'd say that I find using tokens to be somewhat fiddely.

If my rogue is to the right of an opponent, I don't necessarily need a token to show

that it affects the other slayer.

Also, with enough people playing it can become really busy on the board, especially in certain circumstances.

More times than I'd like there were 2 people tied for the same value that the time tracker

was, causing 3 tokens to be on the same space.

That's really minor stuff though.

Otherwise the game has fantastic art, a solid game design and lots of replay value if you

are the kind of person that enjoys playing the same strategy games over and over again.

Even if that's not usually your cup of tea, this makes one heck of a good filler game,

and something I am happy to have in my collection.

Monster Slayers of Slawia is on Kickstarter now so head down to the description below

for a link to the Kickstarter if you are interested.

If you have any questions about the rules, cards, or my time with the game feel free

to leave a comment below, and if you know someone who might be interested in this (and

yes, I mean that friend of yours that has played too much Gwent for his own good) then

share this video with him to help spread the word.

Now, it's time to say goodbye for today.

Thanks a ton for watching, and I'll talk to you soon.

For more infomation >> Monster Slayers of Slawia Review - Duration: 7:06.


E. T. Brothers' Summer | Part 2 - Duration: 3:31.

Hello vlog!

Now we're gonna juggle on...


Full video coming later ;)

It is there, but it is so small

from here, you probably

won't see it.

We went to Kristiansand!

For 7 NOK you can get with taste

"With taste" for 7 NOK!

So, if you buy a coffee for 20,-

without "with taste".

Does it taste anything???

Should we collab with them?

NRK (Norwegian version of BBC)?



Because many youtubers are

collabing with NRK!

But we aren't one of them.

Why not?

We're better than that

Flowersticks floating test:

Let's try something cool!

They sank :(

Fortunately we found them :D

"Make Mandal (a Norwegian city)

... okay again"

Comment ^

We were at Lindesnes Lighthouse

Then we went to ^

While I were at UL, God called

me to take a discipleship course

at Bildoy Bible College!

I look very much forward to that

Are you going to a Bible College

or other type of school soon?

Comment below, I'd love to hear!

We went to Crete

It turned out fine!!!

We're on our way to a museum

and ruins at Knossos

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> E. T. Brothers' Summer | Part 2 - Duration: 3:31.


Don't Suffer Alone - Hope For the Hurting - Duration: 4:36.

26 out of 100 people

Will suffer and receive a diagnosis of mental illness every single year and many of those are sincere


believers in the Lord Jesus Christ

but who are


No one thinks they'll ever get depressed

And until you've been depressed you think they're you know

Something's wrong with them

Let me tell you something's wrong with life and our bodies are

imperfect and you can face so many weights and have so much stuff coming against you that you are stressed so much and the

physiology and the chemistry of your brain shifts

Until you receive help

You're not going to come out of that. Matter of fact, you might take your own life

Jesus said in this world you will have problems

Tribulation whether you're good or bad, none of you are immune from the problems that we face but be of good cheer I have overcome

this world and if you trust me

I will lead you and expand you in living an overcoming life where no diagnosis defines you

But that you live in and above that diagnosis

Jesus came for broken hurting sick people. You know who we admire people who have it all together

Although no one does and we're forever surprised by the person who has the money

who has the position who has the fame and then the bottom drops out and they take their life or they wined up in a

treatment center or whatever else happens and

so Jesus when

People were criticizing him and saying why are you hanging around all these weird needy people?

He says in mark chapter 2 verse 17 on hearing this Jesus said to them

It's not the healthy who need a doctor

But the sick I've not come to call the righteous but sinners

I've come to call imperfect people who have the great revelation that they're in perfect and they need me

We realize this God healed in many ways in the Bible and

He still does today and as many if not more

You know one psychiatrist told me this last week

He said have you ever thought of this then if you had a hip that was out of whack and

Needed a hip replacement

You would live with that suffering unless Jesus happened to come and heal you

But today because of the things that God has given

People to think and do if you need a hip replacement you go get a hip replacement

He said could that be part of the greater things?

Did you know one of the big things that God expresses is healing that we often miss this because it's his desire to heal

Your body heals because you pray your body heals because you go to doctors, you know, I don't believe medication works I don't believe that

transplants work if God isn't the one giving the healing blessing there. I believe all healing comes from God

But here's the thing you have to understand the end he promises the means he uses he varies

So God may use his word people and prayer to heal don't try to figure it out on your own

God wants us to figure these things out together

So God came to give people hope and a reason to live and he wants to give you a reason to live

There's hope when you have suicidal thoughts or your friends or your family does

Suicidal feelings are usually temporary. They're not sinful suicidal feelings or thoughts

But the act is always permanent

It's preventable

You have been plagued with thoughts of

ending your life and all the arguments that come along with that and I'm here to tell you your life matters so much

There is hope and you can receive that hope today

For more infomation >> Don't Suffer Alone - Hope For the Hurting - Duration: 4:36.


Sagan & Robert Falcon - Gravity (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:20.

We're not meant to be

We're not meant to be

Gravity, we're not meant to be

You don't own us

You don't own us, we're not meant to be

Gravity, we're not meant to be

Taking control, gravity

You don't own us, gravity

We are not yours, gravity

To fly away with you

In the darkness I'll see what I have to do

We'll be rising cause we know we should

In the gloom of the night I'll be good

We'll be tearin' up the clouds real soon

And it's overwhelming

Climbing our way to the top

No we won't give up

We won't fall, cause we won't give up

No we'll never stop

All we'll ever do is go up

Gravity, we're not meant to be

You don't own us

You don't own us, we're not meant to be

Gravity, we're not meant to be

Taking control, gravity

You don't own us, gravity

We are not yours, gravity

To get away from you

In the darkness I'll see what I have to do

I'll be fearless, cause I know I should

In the gloom of the night I'll be good

We'll be tearin' up the clouds real soon

I can't bear it

But you're oversharing

Gravity, you want to keep me here

No more denying

I can feel the pressure weightlessly arising

For more infomation >> Sagan & Robert Falcon - Gravity (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:20.


Scru Face Jean - Youtube Rap (Official KSI Diss) - Duration: 3:32.

oh you know I'm up here out in Britain in the snow you know the best rap I live

right here I mean y'all haters saying always talking shit but I'm the best out

here in Britain no one can touch me you know I'm saying follow me on YouTube

yeah oh

yeah first of

all you fucking cultured vultures if you really think you beats then I'm the poacher

I ain't here to fucking prank or roast ya toaster out the holster, bang your life is

over they like Scru why you mad dog, cuz rapper is all I have dogs and niggas

got it lookin bad dog, So Bulldogs bark loud...bad dog

let's discuss it over tea and crumpets you say you heat, but I aint seeing nothing you weak as fuck and Logan beat you up

the Semi dumping if I see the British coming , this bloak is dead

that's a fact bitch and his coat is red when I stab it, and the day you beat me is the day that we see you

chillin with mostly black kids, your a parody rapper fucking joke

bitch you learned how to fight like a month ago

fuck a diss I'm a dig in your fucking soul this aint no fucking troll bitch

let's fuck you go adn KSI I like he don't got the bands I got, but when he rap all

I hear is "Mans not Hot" he like 911 please make the bombing stop but

I'll put a bullet in the Content Cop most your friends be white and that's just fine

but it really comes off like you hate your own skin kind, and you soft, listen boss

only what you have bars is if you got big time like 6 9 see my heart is an ice

ball and its quite small, spine shots turn Rice Gum to rice ball but he dont even

write dog, I'm the write dog, to kill Diss God and who he write for pull up on

niggas and then they feel shitty again, I only did this cause Im feeling Illy

again they came from my culture so fuckin I'm coming for them, if you ask me

are you niggas is shit again...Ill get sick on, steal your brother then give orders

mail his fingers like rich Porter throw the rest of him in water, theres no

evidence to the slaughter wasn't me Your Honor I got side bitches cuz I'm fuckin

clean you got side men, wtf that mean you're the fucking leader of the sweetest

team you give a whole new meaning to God bless the Queen

honestly this is nice as

as it gets

you see this music bitch I fight for this shit ,cuz I see people lose

their life for this shit now the rifle equipped I'm a snipe you and shit

bout to fire like a

dragon I'm the damn Komodo youll get shot like a Random photo and this mans a hoe tho

but my fans want damage bro bro

I see more competition battling with Tana

Mogo, You Fake as Fosey Con but fuck Fousey too choppa got a long nose like Fousey Tube

you Know Scru be rude I wouldn't trust your crew just a bunch of fake dogs like

scooby-doo Cuz Quadeca Dissed you and they move with dude, you think if you wasnt poppin they'd be

choosing you? Sad but true, look what they do for views

Now I'm about to scream nigga like

Pewdi do... "NIGGA"

and Diss God you can suck my dick gun cuz the weird-Al shit doesn't

hit hard and that Rice Gum kid is a big fraud

stop rapping y'all stick to doing

shit blogs

and Diss God you can suck my dick God cuz the Weird Al shit doesn't hit

hard and that Rice gum kid is a big fraud stop rapping y'all stick to doing shit blogs

pull up on niggas and then they fell shitty again I only did this because Im feeling ILL

again they came from my culture so fucking I'm coming for them, if you

ask me All you niggas is Shitty again

bout a fire like a dragon I'm the damn

Komodo you get shot like a Random photo

and this mans a hoe tho but my

fans want damage bro bro

I see more competition battling with Tana Mojo

For more infomation >> Scru Face Jean - Youtube Rap (Official KSI Diss) - Duration: 3:32.


VIDEO EXPLICATIVO - "La Próxima vez que te vea" - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> VIDEO EXPLICATIVO - "La Próxima vez que te vea" - Duration: 1:16.


(로꼬) Gray - Nightcore (ENG/ES) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> (로꼬) Gray - Nightcore (ENG/ES) - Duration: 1:01.


Top 10 Scary Pokemon Urban Legends - Duration: 7:28.

So, we've done multiple parts to our Pokemon Creepypastas list, but we have yet to conquer

Urban legends, and a franchise with such a huge following and a hefty catalogue is sure

to spark some creepy rumours and legends.

And that it did.

Hey guys welcome back to Top 10 Gaming, I'm your host Lucy McPhee, if you're a fan of

Pokemon be sure to give this video a big thumbs up and let me know down below what your favourite

Pokemon is.

I'll be shouting out some of your comments in the next video!

Alright, let's jump into our list of the Top 10 Scary Pokemon Urban Legends.

10 Pokemon Black To start, let's begin with a classic, the

legend of the Black Cartridge.

Hacked versions of classic games is not a new thing, it's actually quite popular in

the Pokemon world, from Pokemon: ShinyGold, to Pokemon LiquidCrystal.

However, one of the most notorious hacked games was called Pokemon Black, where players

would be taken on a much darker and depressing adventure, even allowing players to choose

a ghost as their starter.

Also, many players have even stated the cartridge is cursed, but if you want to know more about

that you should go check out our Pokemon Creepypastas list.

9 Lavender Town Suicides This old chestnut again.

Because of course, it's a classic.

Arguably the most famous legend on our list, Lavender Town Suicides spawned after claims

the eerie melody that plays in the town sparked suicides in young players in Japan.

Supposedly the track emitted a frequency that only a certain age group could hear, making

them severely ill.

Now, the legend was never confirmed to be true, but programmers did change the music

to a lower frequency to be on the safe side.

Is that the confirmation we need?

8 The Pokegods This is less scary and just kinda interesting.

Essentially, Pokegod were rumoured to be Pokemon that weren't listed in the Pokedex.

There numbers were supposedly so high that they were considered gods, and essentially


Many rumours floated around about ways to make these gods appear, such as certain cheats,

hacked games, or even beating the elite four a set number of times.

However, following these legends, the real Poke-god appeared in the fourth generation.

Did these legends spark it's creation, or did fans just preempt it?

Who knows.

7 Never Meant To Be Ok, so this legend is basically a glitch in

the early Pokemon games.

The rumour goes that in a certain part of Cinnabar Island, right after your catching

tutorial in Viridian City, you'll find a lump of messy pixels at level 100.


However, catching this Pokemon gives you endless perks supposedly.

Such as, infinite items, to multiplying your sixth item, to bad glitches such as corrupting

your save file.

The rumour is that these messy pixels were from a Pokemon that was never meant to be.

That's kinda sad.

6 Insta-Kill So this Urban Legend takes us back to the

original Pokemon games, the rumour was that a con man on Route 4 would sell you a Magikarp

that was believed to deal insta-kill on opponents with its splash attack.

Now this got fans real excited, because as we know, Magikarp has a 0.001% chance of dealing

a death blow.

However, it seems the insta-kill legend was just a legend after all, perhaps it was spawned

out of pure hope, or we're all just that gullible.

5 Pikachu's Fate So, in order to be the best you have to become

League Champion, you do this by completing the Pokedex and getting at least one of your

Pokemon to Max Level.

It's an intense grind, and gruelling work to get there, but once you do it, great, hurrah,

you're the best.

However, there's a dark rumour out there that once you Max-level Pikachu and take him

to the Pokecenter for healing, you lose it for good.


Well perhaps because there's no growing left to do, so let's cut free your little

yellow friend and start from scratch.

Who knows!

4 Your Rival This one is dark, so bare with me.

In Pokemon Red/Blue and Yellow, your Rival, Blue, has a raticate on their team.

Its used in every battle and very presents throughout a lot of the games, that is until

you battle Blue on the SS Anne.

Following the encounter we never encounter the Raticate again.

So what does this mean?

Well, a theory goes that during the battle on SS Anne, the player injured Blue's Raticate

so badly, that it died, and the reason we see Blue in Lavender Town at the Pokemon Towers

following the battle is because he's mourning the loss of his Pokemon.


3 Cubone's Origin Story Cubone is a little cutie and a fan favourite,

but his origin story may tell a slightly darker and more depressing tale than folks would


When we move in to Pokemon Yellow, things get slightly odd.

Cubone's pokedex states that it "wars the skull of its deceased mother.

Its cries echo inside the skull and come out as a sad melody".


As you progress you can begin to discover more history such as, "It lost its mother

after its birth.

If it is sad and lonely, the skull it wars shakes.

The stains on the skull the Pokemon wears are made by the tears it sheds."


Kinda makes sense now why it's Category is "Lonely".

2 Post-War This is another legend that has been in circulation

for a while now, and it suggests that the first generation Pokemon game takes place


I mean, the evidence is all there!

But let's backtrack for a second.

Another theory suggests that there was once a Great War in the Pokemon world, and that

the reason for there being little to no adults in the game is because they all died in battle

along with their Pokemon.

So the evidence: You and your rival have no parents.

There are hospitals literally EVERYWHERE, plus all the other characters are children

or gym leaders.

A little suspicious if you ask me.

1 Moving The Truck So those urban legend has been circulating

for a VERY long time, and out of all the ones on our list, I think it's safe to say this

is the one we wanted to be true.

In the S.S Anne Dock there's an ordinary pick up truck parked, which is odd considering

the Pokemon world has little to no motor vehicles to speak of, so why then is it there?

Well, many believe it's because its hiding something, the mythical Mew to be exact.

However, after 20 years, no one has been able to move the track, so alas, perhaps it is

just an ordinary car waiting for a boat.

Well there we have it!

Those were some creepy urban legends?

Do you believe any of this, or do you think it's all nonsense?

Let us know all your thoughts and feelings in the comments down below, and before we

go, I'm going to be reading some of your comments from the Top 10 Pikachu Creepypastas,

which you guys seemed to LOVE.

5H1Rona said "The thumbnail is PORN".

Yep, yes it is.

Specifically it's a porn parody, but you were close enough.

5 Types said "Gotta get dem ad revenue".

Yep a few of you noticed the video was slightly, well, VERY long compared to our other videos.

Y'know, i challenge you guys to cut down those creepypastas, it's hard!

Also, ad revenue.

Dab Man said "I subscribed and did everything".

Good, it means the brainwashing is working.

Herribeater said "This reminds me of MostAmazingTop10".

Never heard of them.

Well, actually for those that don't know we are all apart of the same company.

So yes, it should remind you of Most Amazing Top 10.

Well thank you guys for all of your comments!

Remember to leave me your favourite Pokemon in the comments down below and I'll shout

some out in the next video.

If you haven't already make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you never miss

another gaming vid!

And until next time, see ya later.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Pokemon Urban Legends - Duration: 7:28.


NASA: Colisão com esse terrível asteroide provocará explosão extremamente poderosa - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> NASA: Colisão com esse terrível asteroide provocará explosão extremamente poderosa - Duration: 3:37.


Everything Wrong With USB-C Cables - Duration: 4:35.

-You might have seen this type of charger

on some of your newer devices.

It's a USB-C cable.

USB-C is great.

It can transfer data, power, video, audio,

and it's not limited to one manufacturer,

like Apple's Lightning cables.

Finally, a universal connector has arrived.

But, wait a minute.

How come this USB-C cable costs so much more than that one?

And why does this cable transfer data

and power slower than that one?

How can two cables that look identical be so different?

Even though it's been around for a few years,

there's still a lot of confusion surrounding USB-C.

It was supposed to be a universal connector,

bridging together phones, computers,

power supplies, and accessories.

But there's one big issue holding it back.

The USB-C name refers to the physical shape

of the connector, not the protocol.

Even though two cables can have the same physical connector,

what's happening on the inside can be very different.

The protocol, or specification, determines

what the cable can transfer and how fast it can send it.

A USB-C cable can be limited to

either USB 3.1, 3.0, or 2.0 speeds.

Some USB-C cables are USB 3.1 Gen 2 cables.

This means they can transfer an HD movie

in about five seconds, around 10 gigabits per second.

But, you can also have a USB-C cable

that is as slow as the ancient USB 2.0 spec.

Transferring that same HD movie would take almost

two minutes at a speed of 480 megabits per second.

Using the USB-C cable that charges your Android phone

probably won't be as fast as the one

that came with your new external hard drive.

To make things more confusing, some USB-C cables

can be used with a second monitor,

while others aren't capable

of sending a video signal at all.

You could easily end up stranded

if you mix up two different cables.

And things can get even more complicated

when you're using adapters to change

from USB-C to another connector, like the headphone jack.

Not all adapters are created equal.

A headphone adapter that came with one phone

isn't guaranteed to work with a phone

from a different company.

Okay, so your data might transfer slower,

or you might mix up two different cables,

but what's the harm?

Well, USB-C cables are also responsible

for transferring power.

The stakes are much higher when you're relying on a cable

to send the correct amount of electricity to your device.

Many smartphones and laptops can charge over USB-C,

but the amount of power that these cables can deliver

isn't necessarily the same.

In some cases, a laptop can require

almost twice as much power as a smartphone.

The consequences of using the wrong cable

can be worse than a slower charge.

If you happen to connect a USB-C device to your laptop

that draws more power than the port can deliver,

there's a chance that port could stop working entirely.

In 2016, a Google engineer tested several

off-brand USB-C cables from Amazon.

One cable even caused his Pixelbook to stop working.

Since then, he has continued to review

dozens of cables from Amazon and continues to find cables

that do not perform as advertised.

But, why would companies like Google and Apple

support a connector that can cause so much damage?

USB-C cables are supposed to have safeguards

put in place to prevent damage.

If they're used on a device that doesn't support

their maximum power draw, the cables are supposed

to keep the device safe.

But, sometimes manufacturers

will cut corners to reduce costs.

The cables that aren't compliant with USB-C standards

can seriously harm your device.

This might make USB-C seem like an evil cable

that's just waiting to destroy your device.

But the horror stories you hear only happen

with cables that don't include the safety mechanisms.

So, what can you do to prevent

yourself from using the wrong cable?

Always buy from trusted brands,

fully read descriptions and reviews,

and make sure other people

are using the cable for what you need.

You can also label your cables

to avoid mixing up two that look the same.

Finally, try to only use the cable

that came with that device in order

to avoid any nasty surprises.

Even with the risks, USB-C is still

a really good thing for consumers.

It can handle a variety of uses

and doesn't come with a proprietary premium.

But it's important to know what your cable

should and shouldn't be used for

so you don't harm your device.

And also, it's reversible.

For more infomation >> Everything Wrong With USB-C Cables - Duration: 4:35.




For more infomation >> DJI OSMO POCKET (BECAUSE LIFE IS BIG) - CAM CREATIVA con GIMBAL! Il GOPRO KILLER? - ITA - Duration: 38:50.


Great Bay: ULTIMATE Stage?! - Got A Minute? - Duration: 1:10.

Great Bay is back, ladies and gentlemen, and its offering players a new perspective.

While Melee adapted the location from Majora's Mask on the N64, the Ultimate rendition with

all its embellishments comes courtesy of the 3DS remake.

While the platforms don't quite sync up in either interpretation, their contents and

the surrounding area are faithful to the original coast.

The first level of the stage is home to an active Owl Statue, ready to save progress

and serve as a Song of Soaring waypoint, while the second hosts the Marine Research Laboratory

complete with a sign.

Tingle can also be seen drafting maps and having his balloon popped like his series

debut, and the Giant Turtle from outside Zora Hall stops in to watch the spectacle and rock.

In the distance you can see the Oceanside Spider House and Fisherman's Hut, and looming

above them is the moon: falling towards Termina over the course of three minutes, only to

be tossed back up by the Four Giants to start the cycle anew.

From the planks and pots to the canoes and coves, there's certainly a lot of depth

to Great Bay's design!

Hey there, pal.

Thanks for watching!

Great Bay was always one of my favourite stages in Melee despite the shenanigans under the

main platform.

But what did you think of it?

Be sure to let me know before diving into these other recommended videos up on your

screen right now!

For more infomation >> Great Bay: ULTIMATE Stage?! - Got A Minute? - Duration: 1:10.


Well Played - Deck Tech Quest Rogue - Duration: 2:28.


in this video we'll dive deep into the quest rogue deck used by hearthstone pro

rage to finish ranked one legend in the September 2018 season this deck is a

great example of how even a single pro level card choice can vastly impact deck

performance let's get right into it in many ways rages deck functions like a

typical quest rope rage wants to complete the caverns below quest as fast

as possible and then overwhelm his opponent with sheep for force but rages

list also finds room for an innovative addition lab recruiter why add this card

because in September the pro meta was full of other quest rogues as well as

toggle druids and lab recruiter is exceptionally strong in both matchups

against tog waggled rude lab recruiter almost single-handedly guarantees

victory with FLIR the holo and play and lab recruiter in hand you can safely let

your opponent combo off with tog wazzle and a Selena why because Valier is hero

power can summon an extra lab recruiter letting you shuffle the first into your

deck for an infinite chain of minions and suddenly tog waggle druid can't

fatigue you and they don't have any other way to win against other quest

robed X lab recruiter provides more strategic flexibility Sonya shadow

dancers typically a key card in the matchup held for the late game but with

the addition of lab recruiter to the deck quest row can now also play Sonya

early for tempo safe and the knowledge that more copies can be shuffled away

for later use this added flexibility makes it much easier to capitalize on a

variety of draws to secure victory rages inclusion of lab recruiter is indicative

of the insightful decision making pros use to dominate competitive hearthstone

and rage wasn't the only Pro to think of this innovation so what are you waiting

for go out there and experiment with your

own special tech to start earning HCT points yourself

thanks for watching everyone if you enjoyed this video brought to you by the

coaches at gamer sensei please visit play hearthstone comm slash eSports for

more of the well played series and all things

hearthstone eSports

For more infomation >> Well Played - Deck Tech Quest Rogue - Duration: 2:28.


SUPER NOVEMBER SALES HAUL (Clothes, Makeup, and Books) - Duration: 8:12.

hey guys welcome back to my channel so today I am doing another haul of for you

guys this one actually was shot a long time ago and all the footage somehow did

not take it was compromised or something so I'm refilling it now for you all but

that's okay because I've got more stuff since then so this is a little bit more

of a collective haul and this is last one I will be posting for a while since

I have so much stuff right now and I have been hauling and hauling and

hauling so I am going to talk about some stuff that I got so the first thing I

got was actually from one of my suitemates for my birthday and shot in a

Mexican Family cookbook Mexican food is like my favorite food

like real Mexican food so she got me this cookbook because I love to cook and

it teaches you how to make like tamales tortillas and tamales and all kinds of

good stuff so I'm very excited to try and make some of this stuff like some of

it I've never even heard of so super excited to try this out

the next things I got myself Victoria's Secret did like a halt on my leggings

and I love their games from pink so I got this black gold and white pair look

like this I thought they were super cool and they match a hoodie and sports bra I

have so now I actually have like a set of stuff that all goes together and

these were $25 and the next pair was also $25 these are the black orchid camo

I know that much and both pairs are the high-waisted cut

so if the little dog and they are just like this cool like red and dark camo

with some racing stripes on the legs around the calf area so I got hopefully

this new setup is working I actually got a tripod from a camera sold me it's not

too close or not too far away and the lighting is working so we will see I

feel like it's a little bit dark but I might be able to clean that up

and so then wet and wild had a sale on their fantasy makers collection this was

pre Halloween and I got one of me liquid lipsticks I just can't find it at the

moment it's called shady witch and as a black

metallic lipstick and then I also got be a fantasy maker gems and stencils so I

thought the creep at real ones which are stick on little red gems and pearls

these are the treaty o self ones these are kind of like mermaid II colors so

lilac teal and pink then we have diamonds are

a girl's best friend which are gold black and silver it with some

holographic gems in there and then for stencils we have the mystic mermaid

which has scales and some little nautical themed things going on we have

the dragon queen again with some more scales these ones are just pointed and

some like cool eyebrows I think then we have the psychedelic skull which comes

with two different nose options I'd like a little skull you can put on and I

think those are eyes or like clap then I got the vine vixen which is very poison

ivy as like lots of the leaves then you have the skull Queen which comes with

skull teeth and like spider so there are those and then I also got some nail

polishes from the one step gel line I've never tried it before but these colors

were so pretty we have Perry Punk all of an eye this

one is pretty Peas this one is my favorite my roommate actually brought

out this one it looks really pretty heir apparent this one is wasabi with

you and this one is on til next time so they are all kind of like beachy themed

ones and I thought they were super cool and it was nine dollars for all five

then I got the black highlighter which looks like this the color is not your

basic witch and it actually matches the liquid lipstick so I got that I just

think it's so cool and with the skull imprinted

inside then I got a Paint Pot which is just a black cream paint to kind of

replenish some of my black paint the lid doesn't close very well so I'm worried

it's gonna dry out and then I got three of the fantasy maker mascaras I got the

cobalt blue the violet and the seafoam and the last thing I got for my birthday

from one of my suitemates was a fenty lipstick this is a clap back I haven't

used it yet so I can't attest to the usage like how good it is but I'm sure

it's fine so I got

and I also stopped by gamestop the other day and got myself some new plushies I

got myself an Okie buggy 25th anniversary Funko stuffed little guy I

think she's adorable and he's just been living back here and I also got myself a

Grinch because I am The Grinch I'm not a big holiday person I do have

things in mind like looks for the holidays that are a little bit more up

my alley if you guys watch my channel update you might kind of know what I'm

hinting at but they're gonna be cool so and he might make an appearance so

there's that and then I got myself three new books to read I talked about this

one in my TBR which is part of my channel Reformation I'm going to do kind

of like a book club booktube kind of section like I'm not gonna only do

booktube but I am gonna talk about books a little bit because they inspire a lot

of my makeup so I got this one which is on my to be read if you don't know what

TBR means a whole new world a twisted tale so if you want to know more about

this book go check that out then I got Carnivale which I heard is amazing and

it says on there remember it's only a game and I'll kind of read a synopsis to

you on the back there's like an invitation that says admit one to be

used once to gain entrance instacart care of all main gate closes at midnight

anyone who arrives later then this will not be able to participate or win this

year's this year's prize of one wish so it's very mystical magical goodness so I

am to read it and then the last book I got

is the bone which which has let me be clear I never intended to raise my

brother from his grave so this is all about which you can raise people from

the dead and like her whole family is witches and this is just her particular

gift so I am very excited to read it so that that's it I hope you guys enjoyed

this haul this is the last one for a little while but yeah I hope to see you

guys next time make sure you like comment share subscribe and all that

good stuff

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