Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 1 2018


I'm back!!

People want me to do the challenges but I'm already here

With my brothers, sorry, it's not sisters.

I will explain you now. Oh I'm sorry . Thank you very much everyone for supporting me in my history of acne.

look at the camera

if someone does not know or know

Is it to create Spain?

J: I think if

I have no idea

If some of you do not know this letter, I'll explain

It is a card game.

An example

For example, I take a knife letter 1

I leave at table then another the letter to mix

and the two brothers should look at the knife card 1

If they reach the letter first, it will be the winner

If he does not win and challenges you

flour or egg, etc.

I choose 3 coins

If they play three times and they will be punished.

Yes, when 3 times failures and challenges

José is punishment for the flour

J: I think they are cheating

RAUL: But I was joking.

How ugly!

I'm serious

You have told me that I am so I am ugly and now you are worse than me.

One minute.

They do not look at me, this makes them laugh and I vomit.

How cold!!

I was talking.

You have to call me !!

Uh, how spicy.

So my lip does not hurt.

No, I suffered and now you both touch.

It's failure!

We're done.

The winner is José!

We are the same, I am not unique

I want to say it

Do not forget to share and like it !!

And subscribe

if you want me to upload the video, here comment.




For more infomation >> MANO NERVIOSA - Duration: 12:09.


Check out this Unusual Fruit in Costa Rica - Duration: 1:29.

what are you eat Michael what are you eating Biriba ah it's just so

delicious and there's seeds here black seeds that you can plant this is a

tropical fruit we're in Costa Rica what part of Costa Rica we're in

southeast southeast oh so good luck tropical it's like our to me it tastes

like I'm like a custard without too much taste but it's so good like it's like

one of my favorite fruits like mmm my goodness and you could find this just

about anywhere right yeah you can find it in just about anywhere so delicious

you have to come to Costa Rica because it's just amazing it's really like one

of my favorites now mmm it's like everywhere I mean it's really ripe like

yellow almost a little block it's so good so come to Costa Rica you can find

these like in the forest somewhere and you'll be glad you did because these are

so good and in Canada they're so expensive they're like a couple dollars

in a pound or like at least four or five six dollar pounds there's a really

really expensive and there are you know like this ice and they're like hitting

my palm of my hand this is really great so come to Costa Rica and check out pure

fruit online thanks for watching everyone bye Linda

thank you

For more infomation >> Check out this Unusual Fruit in Costa Rica - Duration: 1:29.


Let's talk about P.A.M.E.L.A. while I explore Garrison - Duration: 19:28.

hello friends I'm dragonate welcome back to some more Pamela Pamela has been

updated and today I'm kind of showing my friend rocky this game while I record

this one just for fun for the views of course hello

so I'm actually only seen a little bit of this game how dare you you should be

watching every single one of my videos on it dude I have so many things I need

to do every day it's not even funny and I'm working on like two new projects

right now or like two mini books mm-hmm that sounds kind of cool wow that

missed Wow fine whatever I don't care doesn't matter at all that

much you bring that weapon and it can look like a crossbow attachment if it is

yeah it is called the javelin XT this update adds a couple new different

things or I guess improves on a few things pip hey pay no attention to the

inflated numbers over here I did a lot of exploring and and stuff one of the

things that the update apparently brings is the ranged enemies so that some

enemies now have ranged like crap okay well the this glitch where you can pick

up these things from a distance has now changed these guys are also yelling a

bunch so some enemies now have ranged attacks for example this guy may have

possibly had the laser or the javelin on his arm and he would have been able to

shoot at me which is kind of neat it brings a little bit new of a challenge

which I like also seekers the Seekers well the the mr. robot he also has

ranged weapons I think I think if I'm not mistaken it's something like lasers

coming out of his eyes I forgot what superhero that's like gauge or beam

laser beam something along those lines

even more you guys were not here it just get out oh my god the other thing it

apparently brings I'm sorry I'm just kind of like hanging around here the

entire time upgraded weapons now do more more oomph they have better better

upgrades like there's an actual difference in feeling between non

upgraded weapon and now a fully upgraded weapon which is a good thing as well

actually spec one does double damage of targets that are unaware expect to fully

charge bolt is guaranteed to stun the target so that's kind of nice as well

and I don't think it had that before I could be wrong

I'll expect to okay maybe it did maybe it did so for the arc welder spec one

increasing amount of times the arc welder can try and change by one change

or charge inspect two arc welder bolts have 25% chance to arc to one extra

nearby enemy so that's kind of neat as well

yeah okay so that wasn't fixed you can still pick up items from from dead

bodies a mile away hello do you have you have nothing on you do you crap I'm

sorry mr. robot I'm sorry I did this it's your

own fault mr. robot get out of here that's a Reaper there to get out okay

I'm just leaving I apologize I am very very sorry this is not what I intended

to go away I'm going to go explore garrison while we take a look at these

things these updates and stuff well we're actually losing energy Hey

well I guess um we are operating at only 67c 67% or something like that but you

can see here the Arcadia district promenade district even arc medical mark

Medical is at 96% Nirvana's at zero Garrison's close I

just have a few more things for that and Oasis I I have almost mmm almost

everything in all these places I believe arc Medical I might be missing one

little thing like a battery or something I'll have to check I know I'm missing a

battery in here and that's very close to where the Cathedral is so I still need a

locked a code thing look at look at her she has a range weapon on her

look at this come on use it use it lady use it lady she's not gonna use it oh

look at that he has a range weapon on him use it use it ha ha it's basically

the Ark or the javelin XT that's so cool so the thing for the Cathedral I'm

talking about is right here this thing I need to get in there there's a there's a

battery in here somewhere if I look at the map it shows a battery

thing over there and there's also Pamela Echo things so I need to get in there

but I don't have this code for the cathedral oh my god this game it

definitely feels very very laggy right now I don't know why that is but like

you can see the the jumping that is not a smooth frame rate even turning down

some graphics settings doesn't really help that is that is terrible I still

need to go further down now I will say that there's gonna be a lot of those

Pamela echoes that you guys have missed because I found so many and I wasn't

about to leave them there and then try and remember where exactly they all are

when I come back to play and and record it so a lot of them you guys will not

get to see because of that so I apologize really what get there maybe at

some point what once I found pretty much all of them I I found so many but what

once I found all of them maybe I'll just kind of go through and we'll look at

them all together or something I'm only missing 32 of the Pamela echos so I also

just realized I'm only recording this one at 30fps and so 60fps so um it's not

really gonna look the best for you and I apologize mm-hmm I still enjoy how this

guy's kind of jump out of the way and what did I just get die whiteout yeah

well that's what the plain whiteout diet looks like which I'm not surprised it

was just white lady how did you get stuck in there come on

the screen share for discord it takes down the framerate of this game so much

oh really yes I turn it off an instant smoothness

it's not perfect still but it's a thousand times better than what it was

oh there's a Reaper here being smacked around by three robots I can't get into

the stupid thing I need another code for the for that dang where are these codes

from give me the COS do you have the juice stupid enough stomp on your face

try one two three four yeah I try that all the time it never works

I literally that's the first thing I do whenever there's a new code or whenever

I need a code for something the first thing I try is one two three four just

to see if it works there have been a couple times where it actually has

worked I way too much crap in my inventory I don't even know what it is I

need in my inventory anymore chow down on everything there's no point

in having anything in my inventory you find so much food in this game anyway

that it actually becomes really annoying to find food and water and stuff or food

and drink just enough I don't need this much food what do you want me to be fat

or something oh wait I can't say fat on YouTube that's a swear word oh what's

this some secret e Dora thingy yeah what's in here and I need a

flip-flapping code for this to open the friggin where do I get all these codes

from Oh God I messed freaking hell how do you

miss twice poison it poison it again poison it the third time and it's coming

after me oh do you have a moustache he does have a moustache but his face is

still ripped apart I want to see his moustache unless he's ripped apart face

moustache that looks super like this have a line or is it just more like

fallout where there's storyline images do my side quest and then check that

well right now there is not much of a story for us it hasn't been fully added

to the game yet if you had to sum up my words like 5 different work but some mo

futuristic very cool countdown is one word I don't know I don't know I'm not

gonna doing that kind of thing beautiful the design of it is very very good very

very good what would you rate it out of 10 um guess it depends on how I guess in

general right now it would be I'd have to make it 6 or 7 out of 10 just because

there's still bugs with it and right now there's not really much to do there's a

lot to explore but there's not much really do fair enough so until the game

is updated more and what are your expectations for the game I want to see

a game that you know there's a lot of different weapons quite a few different

enemies but not so many that it's difficult to do anything you know I but

I want there to be a story there kind of that there is a bit of story or rather

lore with it but there's no storyline to be following there's no goal with it

right now you yeah rather linear story I like the fact

that it's open world you know there's no possibility of really missing things

because you can just always go back to it you can always go back to an area

you've missed or that you haven't explored fully

maybe something similar to fallout 4 or Fallout New Vegas something like a

fallout sort of thing I guess is what I'm thinking of expecting but I don't

want it to be as douchey and by that I mean they put infinite content into

those games infinite and at some point like I just want to stop playing fallout

but I feel like I can't because there's still more to do anything you think they

should removed from the game I can't think everything that shouldn't exist in

the game aside from bugs aside from that's the

obvious though yeah is there crafting yes ok so how are the parties pretty

good it's very simple you literally just scroll through a thing and you click an

item and craft it you don't have the materials all crafting materials are

stored separately from your normal inventory so it doesn't waste space in

your inventory or some of them rare to get some of them more of course some of

them are definitely more difficult to get which is fine because up until

certain point oh shoot I don't know what that was crap because up until certain

point oh god I don't know what I just used Frick I use the thing on myself and

some of the more rare items you would they're more easily obtained if you kill

the Seekers or well the robots they're the good ones and they do a lot of

damage so up until support a certain point if you don't have good weapons or

armor or upgrades it would be a terrible choice to be attacking the robots no no

I didn't realize that was just gonna be a whole oh god I almost killed myself

again by fall damage so I'm assuming that there's a variety of weapons

there's seven total now which one is your favorite and least my most favorite

weapon is the arc welder the arc welder seems to be the best of all

it has a good area of effective damage least favorite so far has been the

kinetic mortar because it's just a bit annoying it blasts everything away you

know what what I'm mostly looking for mainly looking for I could jump down

there not die at this time haha it well by then uh are the key cards for other

doors and such Oh God we could uh-huh okay that was ah don't like it would you

say Pamela's a unique game or you see it's trying similarities to a lot of

other games there's still a few similarities I do see it as a unique

game and a unique experience it reminded me a lot of prey when I first start

playing it just because of the inventory and the recycling garrison servers uh uh

I found the key code to the server room oh holy crap there's dead bodies

everywhere and there's there's nothing to tell you like where you've explored

and where you have into what you've missed

only if you find like things that you've unlocked or something before actually

well there's no way to know because yeah you'll never know if something was

previously locked and now it's been unlocked what one thing and again that

this will probably change when when the game is more updated there's a lot of

empty empty areas you know all this open space that they have like decoration but

none of it does anything ah the map the map is annoying we the fact that it

shows every frickin floor instead of just the one that you're on and it's

kind of a 3d map which is kind of cool so I can see where everything is right

but I can't see individual pathways because I'm my view is being blocked by

floors above that the map is showing me I want to be able to see individual

areas uh-huh I found a thing I think I may have just found the last wall that

needed to be repaired in this area yeah now this place can be operating at full

power efficiency and I found another key card for the main armory oh right what

does this have on it this is a basically a tablet that's turn

and yet I can read some stuff on it hilarious

I mean don't scan me go yes thank you open up open says me you

the garrison cryo Bay ooh is that another key card thingy no that's just a

random orange light that's reflecting from the abyss there's no orange light

in this place for it to be reflecting there

Pamela oh good another Pamela thing I'll scrub you he's crap genome point

available oh yes that's right genome points nimble feet deft hands

iron skinned listening to one pointed to each I guess I only have about 19 more

Pamela echoes defined as well how many is there total 155 I'll have to fu

Stephanie take care of before bedtime by one last question for you you could say

one thing to the creators of Pamela what would it be a good job and keep it up

they're doing a very good job with it some people were scared that they were

gonna kind of abandon it keep on top of updates what do you think would be a

good amount of time between updates six weeks two to three weeks I mean they

don't have to do too much the the problem I guess is that the kids they

came out with a little map a development map or update map or whatever show

players what to look forward to what their plans are and all that kind of

thing and the problem with it is they they they put on their like a timeline

as well around September or like midsummer kind of thing or whatever this

big huge update would be added and they still haven't done it that's I guess a

problem right now make sense there's been like flippin ten of these Pamela

echoes in this one area I found like 10 not even kidding

here's another one I just found one while I was telling you about that and

now here's another one I've got one 39 out of 156 I like this

little cryo berry I thought there's like so many in this one 8 16 24 cryo bays in

this area that's ridiculous what did i do why is the saying that at

me Oh God I just heard mr. robots I laser or whatever it is I didn't see it

though oh I want to see this get me out of here

show me your eye lasers ooh show me show me again aah

whoo he's targeting No that looks like another key card thing sitting on the

floor but I can't pick it up which is very unfair I'm gonna head out for the

night to all your viewers I say good night have a good night

and don't forget to comment on this video like and subscribe thank you for

sticking around ooh the server room here is pretty darn

cool oh this definitely looks very cool I like this what helped this was a

locked room how are these random guides is like floating around inside here ah

oh good a battery backup well and here we are at the armory again 7-3 all of

one and tear open let's see what we got inside here

well thank you for dying on me

what Oh what

wait those guys can actually detain you and stuff

oh that's terrifying oh hey whoa okay well mr. Robo is gonna

use his laser on me well I don't like that haha try get me now mr. Robbo

well I think that may have been it for exploring this area of garrison we got

to see a couple of different things as well with the range enemies everything

so I'm happy I need to now find that last key card here 400 basis the the

Cathedral area I need to find that and I don't know where to go to do it but I

need to find that but I'm going to leave this one here for now so thank you

everyone so much for watching hope you all enjoyed this one and yeah well we'll

get back to this at some point again soon have a wonderful day bye bye and


For more infomation >> Let's talk about P.A.M.E.L.A. while I explore Garrison - Duration: 19:28.


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend | How To Clean Up | The CW - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Crazy Ex-Girlfriend | How To Clean Up | The CW - Duration: 0:59.


Mandy Moore Follows Her Ancestor's Journey | Who Do You Think You Are? - Duration: 2:56.







































































For more infomation >> Mandy Moore Follows Her Ancestor's Journey | Who Do You Think You Are? - Duration: 2:56.



Hello. My name is Tom and maybe you remember us being here

when we had been building a shelter here

and also the Yukon stove.

We are here after some time and we have decided

that's it's time to fix some things

so that we can come here during the winter.

Yes, it is true that we have not been here for a long time

actually almost the whole summer.

The only thing we did here was that we planted blackberries here

but unfortunately they did not get enough water

so they did not survive.

Here you can see how our Yukon stove looks like.

When we last used them, we made the mistake that

we had one wall that was made of stone

which exploded due to the heat ..

.. I want to tell you to be careful and not to use stones

where you know that fire will burn.

We've heard about it earlier with my colleague, but I thought that

the stone was strong enough

but I was wrong

you really have to pay attention to this

to avoid exploding it right in your face

which could be really dangerous.

As you can see, it cracked completely in two parts

so we'll have to fix it and do it in another way.

.. so today we have to fix it.

As you can see, we are working on the Yukon stove.

We have already managed to remove these stones that have been around.

My colleague brought this mud here

that is from the nearby swamp

and we want to somehow improve these walls and

to improve the holes so it does not look like this because

earlier the fire got smothered by these roots and

we want spend some time working on it and see how it will eventually look.

The soil is dry here so

we just brought this mud that we had to dig deeper in the ground

to find a mud that is wet enough

because it did not rain for a long time around here

so we can smudge it on the walls here and build

it a little above the level of the ground.

The first phase is done

we have modified the Yukon stoves.

We have only the foundations because

we have to let the mud that we put there dry out

.. and the stones we used were the same because

they did not explode. Only one exploded that was

quite thin, and we will put some clay on them

so hopefully it will be better.

So on the time-lapse video we've been filming .. .. you've already seen or soon will see ..

that we had a little trouble getting water here

so we actually used body fluids

just like Bear Grylls, but we did not drink it this time

but we used them to build a stove.

So I'm up here to look at our roof from above

you will see the shots on my camera that I have on my forehead

and check how it looks. I see that there are some holes but

I think that if there was a big rain, som drops would appear inside but

I think we would be more or less dry

So .. let's go inside ..

We have little light here, which is good because it shows us that

we sealed the holes. My colleague worked on that

fixing the vents

and I have prepared a pocket knife here

on which is also a small ax and a hammer

which was give me by the e-shop

and with this knife I decided to try to cut some of those branches here

a saw is also part of a knife

you probably will not see it now, but something is piercing my back right now

we'll try to get rid of it to make it more comfortable here We might also get another wider bench here

because this one is slowly falling apart ..

.. not bench really .. rather a board ..

So we'll see what we can find next. Now we'll continue

let's look at the roof .. here is a cobweb ..

so let's see what we can do now

Even though one might thinks this knife is quite small and

the saw there is useless, I think it's quite good

I'm more concerned about not to falling into

those Yukon stones where our urine is.

It saws quite well.

We decided to start here because

we usually bumped into this branch with our heads

so we're making it a bit shorter

- Can you? - Yeah.

- That's quite long

As you can see right here we are completing this "wind wall."

The problem of this shelter was that the wind was blowing from here in the winter

my colleague who sat in the shed on the right felt it most. I almost did not feel it because I was sitting on the left

so we decided to build this wall

which will at least somehow eliminate the wind

.. and it will make the fire not that visible in the stove

because one does not want to attract attention with fire

that you want to be inconspicuous, for example to be able to watch wildlife

The colleague here is carrying more branches ..

we have to put some layers here and think of it because

we can not just lay them down, it wouldn't last long

we will think about it. I have a rope here, I'm going to tie the main branch

to make sure it holds and then we will continue.

We are trying to make use of what nature has given us.

We actually used this living branches of this tree for this wall.

We suppose and hope that this wall will be filled up with leaves, and that will fill many of the spaces that we have here

and we will not have to give anything there, and since they are alive they should theoretically stay strong for a long time.

So it's the end of the day and the end of the video. As you can see ..

We have finished the wall, good enough for now

next time we will continue. Here we have the Yukon stove

which we also have to finish

since mud and stones are done and the mud must dry out

and next time we would definitely want to take a look at the roof

Today's colleague has checked it outs so it's coming next.

We've also filled some holes that you can not see anymore

because there is a bark and different new branches

so it will not rain inside that much, it will not blow inside so much.

Another thing is that this wall serves mainly to avoid

the wind coming here, hiding the fire, and it's also a good camouflage

And I would like to mention that here we have a beautiful and new bench.

I would also like to add that we hope that

the leaves on the branches will grow by the next spring

and that it will cover all of it. That's why we left some details unfinished

there are still gaps here ... we're still working on it but

we want nature to work on it.

So for today it's all goodbye and we're looking forward to

the next video from this shelter. Bye!



The Dog Flaying, Child Healing, God Loving Hero of Labrador - Duration: 10:16.

I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but in our new season in Newfoundland,

I've been working very hard to make sure that our videos are a little less preachy than they were in Albania.

It's just that when you have a soap box, it's really hard not to stand on it.

But the best lessons are always learned from examples, not preaching.

And luckily for me, today's example is a preacher.

Probably the only preacher who ever had to flay dogs to survive though.

I want to tell you the story of a hero of Newfoundland.

If this were the turn of the 20th century, I probably wouldn't even have to tell you this story.

Chances are you'd know the name Wilfred Grenfell.

Maybe you saw him in a newspaper, maybe he came to your town to talk,

maybe one of your cousins volunteered on his boat.

He was kind of a famous guy.

But I'm not telling this story because people knew his name.

I'm sure there are many bigger people from many smaller places.

I'm telling this story because everything that Wilfred Grenfell earned in this world,

he got through the service of others.

Wilfred Grenfell was a good man.

Actually, that's bit of an understatement.

My barber is a good man.

Wilfred Grenfell was phenomenal.

He pushed the boundaries on what a good man could be.

He spent the bulk of his life in some of the harshest terrain on the planet,

for no other reason than he felt the people there deserved better lives.

There are few places more rugged than the coastline of the Belle Isle strait,

the small spit of ocean between Newfoundland and Labrador.

On these shores, frigid, windswept rocks lay bare before the Arctic mist.

Here, the wind never stops blowing.

Gusts that can knock a man over quickly numb any skin that dares remain exposed.

The winters here see minus 20 and the summers barely push above 10.

And that's before wind chill.

If you've never been to a place like this, you have no idea what it means to feel cold.

Even the landscape itself speaks to how difficult it is to live here.

Sparsely needled pine trees grow out of the craggy bogs,

barely a metre long and bent over in the wind like an old rice farmer.

Small, personal plots of ragged looking vegetables line the roads.

It's the only place there's enough accessible dirt to plant them.

You can see why the Vikings liked it so much.

But if you lived here a hundred years ago, your life would have been as rugged as the landscape around you.

In most of these communities, there would have been no roads, no hospitals, no schools,

no shops, not even money.

The only thing here is what kept those fishermen going back out to sea.

A shack to sleep in, a dock to hold your traps, and a lighthouse to keep you alive.

Everything else, you figured out real-time.

If you broke your leg, you dealt with it.

Or you died.

If your appendix burst, you dealt with it.

Or you died.

If you fell in the water even once, chances are you wouldn't get a second chance.

Being a fisherman was already one of the most dangerous professions on earth,

and this was one of the most dangerous places to be it.

In 1892, four years after he'd received his medical degree, Wilfred Grenfell applied to join the Fisherman's Mission,

a Christian organization that provided the basics of healthcare

and religious support to the thousands of suffering fisherman inhabiting the many nooks

and crannies of the then massive British Empire.

The Mission, which was started by a man named Ebenezer

who I only mention because his beard absolutely lives up to the expectations his name lays down,

outfitted old fishing boats with a mobile surgical unit, and then sent them with a doctor-cum-priest

to join the many fleets around the globe.

Sort of like an imperialistic spiritual predecessor to Doctors Without Borders,

except where the doctors were also kind of expected to fish a little on the side.

When Grenfell arrived here, I can only imagine how quickly the gravity of his situation would have set in.

There would have been thousands of people who had been forgoing medical care for months,

if not years.

Any cove his floating hospital arrived in, he'd find more need than he could ever possibly meet alone.

In his first summer in Labrador, he attended to over 900 patients across a coastline a thousand kilometers long.

That's like someone in Copenhagen and Milan having the same dentist.

But it didn't deter him.

Some people brace for the wind, and some turn to face it.

The worse things were, the stronger his resolve to better them.

He spent that first winter home speaking publicly about the situation back in Newfoundland,

talking to newspapers and wealthy benefactors and raising as much money as he could.

With the funds he brought in, by his second summer, he'd hired a pair nurses and doctors,

and started laying the foundations for Labrador's first year-round hospital.

By his third year, with another hospital underway, and now administering over 2,000 kilometers by dogsled,

Grenfell realized that there was more to well-being than simply patching up wounds when they came.

A sound being requires more than just fish and drink to stay healthy.

It requires entertainment.

Music, books, children, even.


So he started to build libraries and schools.

He built community centres, orphanages, farms and shops.

His goal was nothing less than providing a decent life for every man, woman and child of the Belle Isle strait.

It was his mission from God.

Or at the very least, his mission from Ebenezer.

Grenfell wanted to fix everything about Labrador.

Like stairs of virtue, every step he took forward was another step up.

From a single man of God on a refitted fishing vessel, he became an institution on the land.

A pillar of the community in the truest sense of the term.

And as his ambition grew, the Fisherman's Mission made it clear that they could no longer afford

what he'd aimed to achieve.

Their mandate was to provide God and gauze to the fishermen.

Not to become the centre of the community itself.

As they went their separate ways, Grenfell was forced to step up his fundraising efforts.

He conducted speaking tours of Canada, the United States, the UK and Saint John's.

He offered volunteer positions to wealthy young students looking for adventure,

and succeeded in drawing in some of the largest names in American philanthropy.

Nelson Rockefeller volunteered here.

So did B.F. Goodrich.

The donations his talks drew brought more positive development to Labrador

than almost anyone before or since.

But no matter which town he arrived in, whether speaking to students or businessmen,

he always told the same story.

In Easter, 1908, a boy was sick on the extreme rural coast of Newfoundland.

And rather than take the long, safe route, Grenfell cut across the harbor and rode along the ice.

But he'd read the weather wrong.

And by the time the ice began to melt, there was nothing he could do.

He tried to get back to land, but the slush gave out between his feet.

Grenfell and his dogs plunged again and again into the frozen icy water,

grabbing at whatever hard ice they could find to get back above the shoreline.

But it wasn't enough.

The ice broke free and floated away.

And hypothermic, staring death in the face, he turned to his dogs and shoved his knife into their necks.

One by one he skinned them, and wrapped himself in their bleeding fur.

And with the remaining parts of their bodies, he built a small signal for any passing fisherman to see.

And I know what you're thinking.


And by some grace of God, fisherman did find him.

Gross or not, it saved his life.

And because he was Wilfred Grenfell, as soon as he was done burying those dogs, he went back to work.

Two days after he basically died on an ice floe and he was at a bedside treating a patient.

The reason I tell that story is because when you think about the people in that audience, right?

Hearing that all firsthand.

There's a man you've never met before pitching a volunteer opportunity

by telling you that the landscape where it takes place is so unforgiving that he once had to slaughter his pets

just so he could live inside their carcasses for a moment.

And it takes a particular type of individual to hear that story and think, "ooh sign me up".

But more seriously, he was clearly a charismatic guy.

It's hard to make yourself rich and famous while sailing a hospital ship in the Canadian Arctic

without being at least a little good with words.

And more than that, it's hard to make yourself rich and famous while being a good person, period.

This guy spent his life giving back, and yet he retired with presumably millions.

Not from graft or corruption, but genuine action.

He looked out for others, and in turn the world looked out for him.

In these waters he found purpose, challenge, heartache and triumph.

He found a life worth living.

That's why I tell this story.

Because he got ahead, pretty much as far as he ever expected to go,

and he got there entirely through service to man.

Now, I'm certain that Wilfred wasn't perfect.

He was human, no more or less than the rest of us.

Few who met him were willing to find fault, but I'm sure he had some.

I'm guessing the fame got to his head, he probably suffered a little bit of culture shock with the Inuit,

and his doctorate made him seem aloof to some of the lesser educated locals.

But I think you'll agree that none of that holds a candle to what he did.

It's incredibly rare that you come across a story of someone who just did good.

Who dedicated their entire life to reducing the misery of complete strangers.

And sure, maybe he did it because he thought that's what God wanted.

Maybe he did it because he thirsted for adventure.

But no matter his reasons why, he did it.

And in turn, he lived a great life.

And all preaching aside, that's pretty cool.

This is Rare Earth.

It's rare that you come across the story of someone who just did good.

Who completely dedicated themselves to 'reduzing' the mystery... ugh... 'reduzing' the mystery. Wow! Huh! It's cold.

For more infomation >> The Dog Flaying, Child Healing, God Loving Hero of Labrador - Duration: 10:16.


DRAGON BOOT CAMP?! Spyro Reignited Trilogy | Squad Plays Ep 3 - Duration: 26:53.

Wha-wha-wha-what. Hello everybody. My name is Cal Chen guys, welcome back to miss Kay's squad the geeky and let's play talk show

That's all about you guys. Guessed it geeky goodness and video games and won't go back to Spyro

Reignited trilogy that is right. My folks and buys trilogy

I mean we are playing all the games

Of Spyro here on misc a squad for you guys enjoyment for those of you who are new I welcome you to the squad

Yes, Spyro is my overall childhood

This is me being extremely hyped

Over everything and I already said on Twitter that if you guys want to take part in the headphone challenge

Please do by wearing headphones and try not to go deaf with me screaming because there's gonna be a lot of screaming

This is no casual. Let's play channel at all

This is a crazy loud fun family entertainment channel for your guys enjoyment

And yeah, someone recently got me. This is a big shadow to squad member scout who just got me this Spyro toy

I mean if I had this toy growing up, oh my god. I'm living my childhood right now guys

I'm literally living my childhood

Cuz if I had all this spiral goodies when I was growing up, you know that this girl would go crazy

And yes, I also have the Spyro incense burner, which is all re over there. I'm figuring to move him over here

She don't make the Shelf, you know

Making spyro friendly and fun and happy because I'm there's gonna be a ton of Spyro cars out here on this go squad

Oh, I already pressed the button

Oh god, I'm scared because as you know, if you remember on the last time of Spyro, you know

I like to finish every single world

I want to be able to get a hundred percent complete cuz if I don't then that's gonna be a whole nother

Let's play of me. Just wandering around trying to figure out what I did wrong

But yeah, hey, that's what we're doing on here

Every single episode will play maybe one to two worlds and different portals and this and that just to you guys


You know

I hate to what this game is about

our episodes usually range from twenty to thirty minutes for you guys enjoyment because we like to do a little short episodes on here to

Add some extra fun goodies for you guys

But yes stay tuned for Spyro stories because I have a segment on here on miss cat squad within these Let's Plays is called Spyro

Storytime, so there's a lot of times that I'm gonna end up talking about my childhood viral or also just some fun Spyro memories

so every episode you will get a new brand new story for you guys to enjoy and also I'd love to know your stories of

Why you love spyro and I'll say why you're so happy that our purple boy is back in our lives

So yeah

Just stay tuned because there's gonna be a ton of Spyro content miss Ghetts quad and let's just get back into the game

Shall we we're saving. Yeah, we're only 11% That's hilarious

But yeah

We're doing spyro the dragon first then riptos rage then we're going to go to Spyro year the dragon

My all-time favorite came out of the trilogy. So let's get started. Here we go, 11% we a lot to go

My friends is what's exciting new adventure the adventure continues

And as we're doing on misc is what that's the Spyro content, it would go. All right

So hearty hearty funny funny captain it realizes she actually got the key

Uh-huh-huh from the last world. So let's go back here and complete this world while we're at it. Oh,

Get away from me. Dude dudes chasing me thinks he's better than me because I'm just stupid you stupid

Rosita missed it dude. Get your butt over here would you go?

Get over here. What is going on? Boom, dude? I'm not playing tag with you would you go?

You can't get me you can't do it you could cut in front of me no, absolutely not that's not gonna happen here

That's not gonna happen. Let's go boy

That's right, I had this one a little kid can't we didn't we got a spyro toy fist book to your past self? Oh

All right, so we're going back here doc Hollow did not finish it and not realize that I actually had the key whoops the dues

Let's go get it. Let's go and make this a hundred percent complete can't wake you, right?

Up here I

know dude

Dude give me yours the key. There we go

Wait, why can't I use the key? Yeah, yeah

Are you kidding me? Are you kidding?

Whoa Spyros rolling

That way what is going on? What is going on? We have to go back and get the damn key. Oh my god

Do I have to redo it? I think I have to go back and get the key. Ho shooty shooty tutti frutti

All right, let's go

Doo doo doo

There we go Oh

God do I turn I'm gonna make you but you're hot then

You down imagine if you've got your butt like roasted like that like out

boo, boo doo doo doo I

Don't all right, Sookie

There it is, there she is I was right. Alright, here we go


Spiro Wyatt

Now we got it. Alright now we can finish this level finally and

Get back up here. I wish I could jump like Spyro

My question is when do when do little dragons like Spyro start standing on like two feet?

Very important question. I've always wondered that like Farah. When are you gonna be a daddy dragon?

What are you my friend to go into these Eddy Drago?

Boy just trying to get my money there we go ready boy

Bonitas gems you get to buy some nice stuff. There we go. I watch yes

Finally look what we did we completed it. Let's say did I complete it?

Let's say yes we did

now let's get back into the actual gameplay Oh like this to

Remember, oh look at these even portables are amazing

Yeah, I just I want I want to have mutton now like I want to have that big chicken and just eat it

Look how good it looks

Let's give him the hungry getting my home. Great. Hold on, don't you knock?

Down boy

Go horse barks. He's like, I'm Bluto. Let's see. It's blue nice touch

I missed you. I'm not gonna kill all of them cuz I'm nice. Alright, now we can move on to the next world

I think we can finally go into the balloon

Hoping hot Ambler go. I can't talk the hot-air balloon

Got that boy. Just to try

His heart so am I so am I?

Not our brothers Nutter butters I

Love that Sparrow rolls away

Alright so we finished this world once have we finished

We still haven't done sunny flight it's zero who Stonehill

What are you doing to me, I gotta find the key in Stone Hill, but I might go back to that

Let me know if you guys want me to go back to that

I'm definitely going to finish every single world before we call it quits on the next one

um because we're gonna finish Spyro the Dragon then the go-to riptos rage then go to

you're the dragon because

yeah, that's how I roll cuz I have to get 100% on everything and you can also get like

Bonuses, but Sunday flight I'm not sure if I want to do that yet. So we might as well move on to the next world

You do I'm just gonna find them find the balloon

Dude, I'm going to kill you. There we go

That's not the right way cat. I

Just wanna have a good day

rem-1 stories story time

Spiral story time. Yeah. Alright. So one story is I remember my sister and ice

My sister would do sports parks his voice and I would do spyro is voice

This is when I was young and I realized that I want to be a voice actor because when I was young I didn't know

That voice acting could be a job. And also I didn't realized that uh, huh when it came to doing character's voices

I called it something completely different. It wasn't called voice acting for me. It was called like I thought of him

No, it was like something pretend

I like I gave it its own name and

I didn't realize that role-playing and anything else was like such a big deal. I even realized it like with

Dungeons and Dragons and everything it was such a big deal and it wasn't like I wasn't the only one doing it

So before I go here, let me finish. Stop wave at me. I get I get on there on my own time

so when I was young I didn't realize that you could call it voice acting like I've actually become a job and now here I

am today

Wanting to become a voice actress and it's because of this game and my sister would always do sparks his voice

I would look at my boy. How cute you hi, but I

But the thing is like we make up little stories and one of them was definitely dragon school

And we we just literally just walk around Spyro be like all of like to school man like oh my god

and it was so nice because

We would play pretend

So I love how aspire I was like it seems to be open world

Rather than just a platform like you can kind of walk around

It's not fully open world because even inspire Oh for some reason boy can't swim boy will drowned

Oh, I only only heal sparks while I'm at it


So the thing is it was nice to be able to experience this with my whole family and play this like all the time

But it was also good because I could play it at my own like, however, I wanted to like with crash bandicoot and everything

I never gotten to crash by the way

So I played a few I played a bit of crush on the channel, which I really want to go back into crash

I wanna play more platformer games on the channel and definitely one of them is gonna be crashed

But with crash it's not semi open-world. So you really can't like run around like a Spyro is so

Why I love spyro so much and why it was like the other game for me was because I can make my own stories within

It and I remember a lot of stories and one of them was dragon school and how Spyro was either playing hooky from school

trying to find the other dragons and it was really funny because there was no other dragons his age around at the time and

It was just like yo, man, like wait with my friends with my friends

And where did we go it so it was good. It was like one of those fond memories that I have

Just gonna always love them. They were like the professors in my sense because they always teach spyro something

Do you realize that they always teach our boy something. But anyway, that was my story for the day

I want to know your guys Spyro stories. Yeah, I see you've been busy rescuing dragons. Yeah

Yes, I have been we traveled to the peacekeepers world. Yes go um

Maybe I mean I want to come back but you better not be like yo, man

Like you get you got to pay your way looks like she ready to go. I'm ready to go

There we go. My boy. It's like just magic jumping up to somebody's head. Yes boy. Yes and during peacekeepers


That's right Spyro traveling. I gotta get a balloon thing and just make put him in here. Like there is just just travel. Ooh

Love you boy. Look it's the details even in the basket. Oh wait, it's dark

Can't wait to see this do falls in the water

Here we go Oh

Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. Oh my god, here we go. Here we go. I can't

This music. Okay. The music has always been I've been always fought on the music on Spyro, but this song always in my head

Beth but that bad but but bad SPO you are boot camp boy. There's daddy dragons. Yo

There you go

We SCORM to peacekeepers ha our treasure has been stolen and turned against us today

Please recover our treasures voice collect treasure. Got it. Yeah, we got this. We got it boy

We're gonna be fine. Yes. Daddy dragging number 16. He got 16 Gettys. All right, let's stay here

Yes new world more gems to get

My god, yes the catters what good point point no point no way

no, we can I think I can I

Can't say yes borrow. Don't go to war Spyro sucker for you

Do-do-do-do-do this looks exactly the same up. Oh my god see this

I'm I'm so glad I'm going into this blinds because like I didn't really eat. All right

bunnies bun buns


Cuz I saw like samples have been online, but never what he can't get me I hide your face

Do you can't get me?

You're not smart


Yes, burn and roast them, oh, let's objective root all they shake it off

I know there's a thing I have to explode

Oh bunny noises so bunnies are just stepping around. Have fun

Hi-yah I don't want to kill you. Oh, yeah, my rule is don't don't attack them unless sparks really needs them. I

Should have forgot just that one Jim. Yeah, move it on. Hey Jimmy. That's your boys

Dick oh my god

Please boys you are are you where they moving me?

Yes, you see the boom. You see that bubble chip that in here to again. See the play moon you

You think that's funny nice bum?


There's nobody in that one person just you don't match

No match for me at all

Bet is more job stuff done though. I'm not going in there

Boys boys

You've got your bud. Here we go. You're fuckin gonna fight. Yeah. Yeah, you know what that was talk again spiral?

What is with you when you making people's bucks for fire?


Get a spiral tomorrow no fall shabu Pete

Get it

Let's see daddy Dragon will be you movie it Magnus

Hell yeah

Dragon Fire has been doing a good job. Yes victory. He's so cool. Make sure to keeping strong

Like damn it you guys are so cool. Okay. Give me the punchline sparks is a good boy. He's easy. He's a good friend

This is funny how it's like if you saw a dragon fly just randomly following you

It's just like one of those people are just like hey, hey, hey spiral. Hey. Hey Sarah. How would you do it?

Hey, I just like you even over the person is it's like when he was introduced to him. It's like another best friends. I

Want to drag a fly is best friend happy

Magnus was cool Fatboy

Let's get hide for me give me your butt

Nope boy you missed completely you realize that

As far as your newcomers of Spyro, it does get challenging after a while for certain levels just to warn you

Spyro said the dragon boot camp do-do-do-do-do there what this way, right? Oh he knows

Duke do

Always in my head they even now this is the other song. I always go back to on spyro. I don't why I

Don't have to do that. Yeah. Oh, yes, I do

explode you

No power all the way

Yep, yes, I love how true. They stayed to it though. Like the original. Oh, here we go

Pick up gems don't get like glitched out and then like fall in somewhere that before in this

Explode you


Start sparks

So so sorry, it's expressly I'll take the I'll take the paid for your bro. I'll take you your mother. Oh, man

You're my bro. I'll take the pain

Gonna line that up. There we go

Slow down


Right, aren't you?

What's your favorite color of sparks, by the way?

Always liked the original yellow we got

Duck to ship. I'm not going anywhere yet. I'm not finished with this one how much more do ideas little?

We got wow, we need a lot more gems one more daddy dragon and one egg

Egg Feliz. Hey Stevens be coming out. We ain't be happened Brad. That's that we don't we don't appreciate you age Ulis

I mean, maybe they just want to be loved. Okay, if you love the egg stealers, let me know what you love about them. I

like them like I do like I have to admit like you like them, but they remind me of like little kids for like

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I'm you at a tail tail on you just do away. You stupid yogur sibling

Yes, spirit is politics do did you

Love this means I have to go down there stuff fudge targets. Let's see

Thank you, yes save me please Oh

Terry Oh


Scabbard I'm not ready. I'm not there's so many places in this world as Melissa

Save me

Thank you

So that's just a weed there

Where's the next steady dry and there is fourth?

Laughs oh

It's the fullerene dude

You get he's gonna be like you needs to get like 20 daddy dragons what I'm gonna be like, you know, what screw you

Punch yourself in the face

Imagine if they can make your own dragons

It'd be so cool, I would love that like like have a have your make your own Oh seize your dragon sona's and everything

Oh god. Oh

god, I'm gonna jump over here and I

There's that alright so I gotta get

Sorry, I'm sorry mr. Buns

Why is it always though? He's giving cute little creatures

Spiral why why that's that's no man. You don't do that. It turtle poor little creatures. They don't dam at you do it

rest in peace bun bun

Don't know where I'm going, let's be honest

I mean know if you guys would like me to live streaming the originals on

Miss guess would

Love to do that legend. Here we go. All right. Oh

god, oh

God, oh god leap a face. Oh god. You know what?

He cannot make that he cannot there is no way he is going to make that Wow

I believe in my bro so much, right

No more darkness, oh no. I can't I can't and he's not gonna make that there's gonna be another way great

Like eubie eubie eubie

It's too high there's gonna be another ledge

Whoa spiral, did you see that faces at car?

Do you do

Let's see. What for a new bucks. What do you want?

You think you know magic crafters world is far away and very dangerous

Okay, maybe if you find 1200 stolen treasure, I'll show it to the other fine

Jerk, okay. He doesn't want he doesn't want day the other guy wanted daddy dragons. This guy wants money. Okay, that's reasonable. Aha. Wait, I

Can probably knock something down?

Aah-ha-aah right then

Love you

Chef Lambie, that's right Spyros, right my bro. We got this

Also, who's your favorite other Spyro character actually I shouldn't even been asking that yet because

That's not until later on

and the other game

You look so angry. He's like, you know when you like leave him alone. He looks angry sometimes

You just witnessed a very strange sad death of my boys borrow

Chuck's start over you make me start over

Got no more gems. I like how they turn into other things away

I'm gonna find my way back over there. It's so difficult for me

Do-do-do-do-do-do-do. I just I just I didn't do that my fault

All right, so we're gonna stop here all right my thoughts on this level it brought me back it literally okay

I just looked I don't know. I just did that it brought me back to my childhood. It really was the nostalgia

Is there a choice for Bob you did an amazing job on this but the nostalgia is there especially with the music too?

I mean even with my sister she was saying I hope that the music is like a hundred percent because that's what made the Spyro

Games for her and with me I for one just loved how the levels are pretty much exactly the same

But I'm so happy that I'm playing this with you guys cuz this is obviously my childhood

I it's like just just happiness and positivity all around. This is my boy

This is my hero and this level it was challenging. It gets challenging. Just you guys know I'm warning you

You may think yeah. Yeah. This is like a game for kids, but it's not just a game for kids

It's a game for all

Ages which basically means that it's going to be challenging for everybody and especially if you're not good at and like figure out the physics

of things such as myself because I have no scientist when you're trying to jump on certain platforms it gets very

Very challenging and me and my boy Spyro here

We get extremely challenged when it comes to those platformers

But remember what I said about the goo I will bring up the goo and it might not be that color purple goo in

Like other levels of Spyro whenever we go through our let's play serious with Spyro the Dragon and also spiral reignited trilogy

There is one level there will always be considered my nightmare level and you guys will know why later on but I'm so again

I'm so glad this is back

I'm like getting

The chills are here because I feel like I'm actually sitting down in my basement right now playing spyro again as a kid

So I'm a kid again. This is kid cat nice kid. Can't get it like KitKat

Hey, but now it's funny because um look at him. Oh

I just do like a reenactment of like the spiral movements, but that's my question

Okay, guys, what age do slick dragons become daddy dragons like when is he gonna end up standing on two feet?

That's my question because dang this dragons in this world so far awesome on par awesome

Their designs are amazing again. If you guys want to guess who my favorite daddy dragon is of all time

Feel free to leave your guesses down below. And also I want to know what did you love about this episode?

And what did you love about this? You know this journey so far in general

I mean if you're new to Spyro, I basically welcome you and you're gonna love it

You're absolutely gonna love it the positivity the energetic like that the energy is real, you know

It's alive the high energy is here and this game is perfect. Not only just for people who do casual like streams

It's perfect for anybody who just wants to you know, so she were loud and crazy like me this game is perfect for you

Perfect. It's perfect for the brand a miss gets going if you guys want more Spyro

Be sure to get this up to 500 likes cuz we will continue the journey and also be sure to share if you guys are

Loving Spyro so far we would appreciate if you show these episodes if you love them with your friends your family your co-workers

Whoever you want

so even online

we have a Twitter account that you could tag us in and also be sure to subscribe if you want more Spyro content because there's

Going to be a ton that I'm planning or so plenty fun things on our Twitter accounts to be sure to give us a follow

There be sure to give this a big thumbs up

And also don't forget to hit the bell

Notification because if you don't then you're going to miss out on Spyro episodes and if you're a true fan

I'm sure you don't want to do that. But anyway guys, I hope you have an amazing day

You stay safe out there and it's always miss castle until next video and Bree stirred a fangirl

Andrew and a fanboy I'm doing this where every single day. Come on Spyro. Let's go both gonna fly out together ready

Try to make make sure that we get to the platform ready. Here we go

For more infomation >> DRAGON BOOT CAMP?! Spyro Reignited Trilogy | Squad Plays Ep 3 - Duration: 26:53.


Interviews with RC drift drivers from overseas! R.C.D.C. E-DRIFT in Japan - Duration: 22:49.

For more infomation >> Interviews with RC drift drivers from overseas! R.C.D.C. E-DRIFT in Japan - Duration: 22:49.


عبدالله اليحيى | وجه النهار | Abdullah Al Yahya | Nasheed 2018 - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> عبدالله اليحيى | وجه النهار | Abdullah Al Yahya | Nasheed 2018 - Duration: 2:59.


আয়াতুল কুরসীর ফযিলত || Ayatul Kursir Fojilot || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani || Bangla Waz New Video - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> আয়াতুল কুরসীর ফযিলত || Ayatul Kursir Fojilot || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani || Bangla Waz New Video - Duration: 4:04.





Cristiano Ronaldo created Juve goal v Fiorentina without even touching the ball - Duration: 3:42.

Football News24/7  Cristiano Ronaldo is likely to receive confirmation on Monday that he won't be winning his sixth Ballon d'Or this year

 Ronaldo is expected to be pipped to the accolade by his former teammate, Luka Modric - something that is unlikely to go down well with the Portuguese superstar

 In the meantime, Ronaldo is continuing to impress in Serie A as Juventus stroll to yet another league title

 Heading into their trip against Fiorentina, the Old Lady had won 12 of their 13 league matches are were eight points clear of second-placed Napoli

 And they had the opportunity to stretch that lead to a massive 11 points when they travelled to Florence

 For the first half an hour, the home side held their own.  But that was until Rodrigo Bentancur broke the deadlock

 Bentancur played a one-two with Paulo Dybala before finishing with aplomb.  But Ronaldo played a huge role in the goal without even touching it

 He made a brilliant diagonal run to drag two defenders out of position to allow Bentancur to exploit the space

WATCH: CRISTIANO'S BRILLIANT RUN  Take a look:  That's top quality.  Ronaldo isn't even looking for a pass

He knows that his run will drag the defenders away for Bentancur and doesn't even ask to be slipped in

 But you can't exactly blame the Fiorentina defenders for being so wary of Ronaldo given his career

 It just shows that Cristiano's sheer presence is enough to unsettle teams. They're busy concentrating on his every move - which allows his teammates to find space

 It's exactly what Real Madrid are missing. Not just his assists and his goals but his presence

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo created Juve goal v Fiorentina without even touching the ball - Duration: 3:42.


[Terraria Calamity] Guía de Progresión Parte 5 - Superando el Final - Duration: 23:19.

For more infomation >> [Terraria Calamity] Guía de Progresión Parte 5 - Superando el Final - Duration: 23:19.


Asian Grocery Store Haul - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> Asian Grocery Store Haul - Duration: 7:20.


Dance Moms: Nia's Solo "Never Knew" (Season 5) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Nia's Solo "Never Knew" (Season 5) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:11.


Game of Thrones | A Storm is Coming | #ForTheThrone - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones | A Storm is Coming | #ForTheThrone - Duration: 1:50.


Samsung A6 (2018) VS Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 | Enfrentamiento | Top Pulso - Duration: 17:28.

For more infomation >> Samsung A6 (2018) VS Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 | Enfrentamiento | Top Pulso - Duration: 17:28.


🔥Polaris RC | Lit_Up 🔥 - Duration: 13:53.

We took the New Bright Polaris RZR RC and L.I.T. I.T. U.P.P.P.P!!!!

Did an RC body swap with a Traxxas TRX 4 Sport chassis … kit it out with the

Traxxas Long Arm Lift Kit, Vanquish SLW Aluminum Beadlock Wheels, and 2.2" Proline Hyrax Tires!

For more infomation >> 🔥Polaris RC | Lit_Up 🔥 - Duration: 13:53.


Dark Souls III! Its time to get Dark! - Duration: 40:56.

this game sacares me

so much

its bad

and it makes her sweat

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