Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 1 2018

hello and welcome to pandemic in about three minutes

warning my copy of this game is really old

it is a game for 1-4 players

there is a solo mode

playing time is under an hour

it's a reasonably simple game

It's 6 a.m. on Monday morning at the CDC and the reports are in

Four massive epidemics have hit the globe at the same time

you must assemble a crack team of specialists and help keep the disease's in check

until you can find a cure for them all

you win this game if you manage to find cures for all four diseases ravaging the world

the game ends immediately if the outbreak track reaches the final step,

you need to draw a player card and none are available

or you need to place a disease cube and there are none left

cooperative: the CDC team has to work together to save the world

card management cards are needed to make cures but have many other uses

at the start of the game each player selects a role and gets some starting cards and a character pawn

each player takes their turn and does four actions

then they draw two player cards

and finally reveal cards from the infection deck

actions can be done multiple times if desired and include;

moving from one space to an adjacent one

removing a disease cube

some actions need a city card to be spent to do so, those include;

flying to that city from any space on the board

building a research station there

or trading that card to another player

you can move between research stations as if they were adjacent

but the main purpose of research stations is to find cures

while at a research station if you have five cards of the same color you can spend those to discover a cure

cured diseases are easier to remove from the board as well

once all four of your actions are done you draw two player cards

if one of those is an epidemic bad stuff happens

Advance the infection marker one step

pull a card from the bottom of the infection deck and place three cubes in its location

place it in the discard pile, shuffle it and place all of those cards on top of the infection deck

the final part of your turn will be to reveal as many infection cards as the infection marker says

and place one cube in each of those locations.

if you would ever have to place a fourth cube in a city there is an outbreak

place a cube and every adjacent space and advance the outbreak marker

this can cause a cascade, although each space can only outbreak once per card.

unless the game is over, play then moves of a next player

why would you like this game

there is a reason that there are no less than seven other games in the pandemic series

it's a hugely important and influential design that has helped to popularize cooperative gaming

its success is largely due to a theme that people can connect with instantly,

simple core mechanics that can be taught easily

and game difficulty that can be tweaked from easy to exceptionally hard

each player has their own role on the team and those different play styles can suit different players

if you've got someone who just wants to smash disease cubes hand them the medic

there also event cards which can be held back and used at strategic times

the best thing about this game is that after a decade of owning it and countless games it's still one I'm happy to play

however there is ZERO private information in this game and that can lead to a situation

where one player tells everyone else what to do

this is known as quarterbacking or alpha gaming and is frequently mentioned when people are critical of the game

personally, I think that's a social issue and not the game's fault

but the game can be incredibly unfair at times

back-to-back epidemics can turn a game from manageable to a loss in a few turns with little the players can do to stop it

if you're looking for something similar there's all the other pandemic games I mentioned

but my favorite game by this designer is Thunderbirds a co-op game about the sixties TV show

pandemic: a real gaming legacy

if you enjoy this video like it, subscribe to the channel, and check out our patreon

For more infomation >> Pandemic in about 3 Minutes - Duration: 3:55.


Show Me Your Rig - Al Joseph (Hyvmine, JamTrackCentral - Rig Rundown) - The Tone Busters - Duration: 6:17.

What's up, guys? This is Andy Ferreira for The Tone Busters, our first Rig Rundown from LA, directly from the legendary Whisky-a-Go-Go during Hyvmine's soundcheck.

And lead singer and guitar player Al Joseph agreed to take some of his time to show us his gear.

Guys, this is a soundcheck, the stage is really busy right now, Hyvmine is an opening act, so we're doing all we can to provide quality content for you guys.

I have to thank the nice people that support our channel via the platform: without you guys, this video would not be possible and like to appeal to the people who can and want to

but for any given reason still haven't joined the list of supporters: please do, because with you support I'll be able to provide this kind of content here in LA.

Also don't forget to leave a thumbs up, subscribe to the channel while activating the bell icon, leave your opinion in the comment section so we can keep providing good quality content

and share the video with friends on every social media because it's really important for us to reach as many people as possible. We go through a lot of work to make these videos happen.

For more infomation >> Show Me Your Rig - Al Joseph (Hyvmine, JamTrackCentral - Rig Rundown) - The Tone Busters - Duration: 6:17.


Comment gérer son hypersensibilité ? 8 pistes avec Katia - Duration: 12:52.

For more infomation >> Comment gérer son hypersensibilité ? 8 pistes avec Katia - Duration: 12:52.


ITaly New immigration Updates & asylum Law 2018 - Duration: 4:35.

Subscribe Now

For more infomation >> ITaly New immigration Updates & asylum Law 2018 - Duration: 4:35.


Algerian Berber Skinks (Collection Spotlight) - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> Algerian Berber Skinks (Collection Spotlight) - Duration: 11:58.


☸️ LA ENTREGA "Reality Show" - Entrevista a Fabián Gómez - Encontros na 2ª Planta (5ª temp. #4) ☸️ - Duration: 9:27.

as you know always bet Showcase Radio interviews and today we Fabian

Gómez, that such fabián? well, welcome Fabian Gomez

a pleasure to have you here with us are a student of the University of Vigo, no?

If study room communication and audiovisual producer

This project called delivery, no? Indeed, the casting was last weekend

week Saturday at the manor house of culture gathered pontevedra

More than 50 people you expect that the idea would work as well as from a first

when the truth is no. At first it emerged as a kind of

class project just did not expect we came to this

a sort of pilot program that was intended for television

good team worked pretty well started mostly diffuse

moverlo por la facultad, muchos carteles

antes de nada quiero decir que qué pena que fue un sábado porque si se hiciese

mejor otro día la gente de la universidad que podría estar y tal. Bueno, vinieron muchas

personas de la universidad, de publicidad sobre todo

pero si hubiese sido el jueves Cris y yo, estaríamos ahí

tenemos ahora mismo abierto además un plazo para que la gente mande un vídeo

por si se quiere apuntar todavía pero bueno yo quiero hacer que antes de nada

puedes hacernos como un pequeño resumen un poco de lo que es La Entrega para todas los

escaparatistas que no conocen así formato este nuevo formato de reality sí claro pues a

ver la entrega es un reality show de investigación con un toque policial un

poco diferente o que estamos acostumbrados a ver o a pensar cuando nos

dicen un reality show y es igual así un estilo más parecido a la huida que está

ahora que estuvo en Movistar consiste bueno son dos equipos formados

cada uno por dos personas, unos tienen que entregar unos paquetes o sea moverse por

la ciudad de una especie de gymkhana por decirlo de alguna manera buscando los paquetes

y escondiendose de la gente y otros tenían que hacer una investigación sobre estes

dos para lo cual también necesitamos de colaboración de los ciudadanos que

interesante muy muy interesante como que toda la idea está muy bien pensada no hay

ninguna cosa fuera de lugar

bueno, hay pequeños detalles... pero eso no se cuenta

claro cómo surgió esta idea de dos bandos los desertores y los stalkers, no? sí

que compiten por un misterioso paquete como surgió esto? la idea obviamente

es del director Alexandre que no pudo estar aquí porque era el que tiene que

estar pero bueno no pasa un saludo. Él le encanta el mundo de la

televisión tuvo ideas muy buenas, las comentamos así con la profesora y tal y

concretamente tenía dos ideas y cogimos la más complicada y se lo plantamos a la

profesora bueno lo vio como una oportunidad también para arriesgarnos a

hacer un producto diferente a mi me parece totalmente diferente no sé cómo que crea

muchísima expectativa no sabes lo que es realmente hasta que...

me parece bastante interesante, sí, quiere mantener, sobretodo de dirección, quieren mantener el

misterio porque en esta facultad había carteles que ponían "quieres desaparecer

durante 48 horas?" y como que te descoloca. Era eso lo que querían

conseguir? sí porque realmente sí, una parte de los concursantes van a

desaparecer de las redes sociales, los vamos a tener completamente desconectados. tienen

que... vamos a quitar los teléfonos y a ver lo que son capaces de hacer y no van

a tener donde dormir. Ah que heavy ¿pero el premio será gordo?

lo vamos a dejar en el aire ¿tienes pensado hacer

La Entrega en más ciudades? de momento lo que tenemos

pensado hacer este programa como programa piloto y mandarlo a las

productoras de televisión, la profesora nos tiene ahí un contacto y a ver si surge algo. Ojalá

y cuando podemos ver el resultado de esto de este proyecto pues a ver

definitivo definitivo igual en enero hay unas personas de la facultad que

hicimos como una especie de show en el que pusimos por los diferentes ordenadores

un baúl dorado y la gente que lo encuentra consigue un premio y el premio

era bueno ser la primera persona en poder ver los resultados

entonces creo que definitivo estará como en enero y después no sé cuándo se

podrá enseñar a todo el mundo porque como la gente también está con la

expectativa, pero donde será, mediante youtube cualquier otra red social...

en principio se va a subir a la red una vez que nos confirmen

no sé si lo podremos subir por los temas de enviarlo

con un programa piloto... claro para saberse , claro pero creo que aquí en

las universidades si todo va bien se podría enseñarlo

existe alguna inspiración como de la huída o algo así para una película, una serie o algo en

función, como? pues si tienes una inspiración para crear La Entrega como de La Huída

de Movistar, bueno

creo que se basó bastante en el de La Huida porque fue un reality que estuvo en el 2017 creo

No lo vi, yo tampoco, en movistar y gustó mucho y también era una idea bastante

rompedora a lo que estamos acostumbrados entonces por ahí fue un poquito pero

bueno, no es ni igual ni nada, es un proyecto original

y ya para finalizar, como

vemos que te gusta u os gustan o formatos reality shows vamos a jugar a que preferirías

pues como preferirías de reality shows

claro con Fabián, empiezas Cris?

vale, que preferirías, participar en gran hermano o en supervivientes

me apunté a varias ediciones. En serio?

entonces está claro. Eres un gran fan de Gran Hermano

mi trabajo de fin de grado es de Gran Hermano o sea, desde el lado que te gusta o

formato y todo esto? sí, y estás siguiendo gustando GH VIP? Sí, la verdad es que ahora

La verdad es que no tengo tiempo para verlo todo pero

lo veo los jueves y ganadora Miriam

obviamente. Bueno, a ver, otra

participar con Ylenia en gandia shore o en gran hermano vip junto a belén

esteban pues no soporto a ninguna pero gran

hermano vip. Pues gandía shore también mola

de fiesta todo el día, pero con Ylenia...

es demasiado, vale eres más de mercedes milá o de

jorge javier vázquez? hombre, de mercedes milá hombre, con gran hermano de que vamos a ser

qué tal "keeping up with the kardashians"? no me resulta nada especial. bueno también que la entrega algo bastante diferente

concepto de reality que gran hermano supervivientes, pero no sé como

no sé, me gusta la idea. Y cual es tu reality favorito?

gran hermano? para qué, para ver? para ver realitys

si podríamos bueno a ver como reality de convivencia pues igual gran hermano pero

me gustaba mucho por ejemplo por el 2006 Supermodelo ah sí, con Amparo que cayó a la piscina

también me gustaban los talent shows pero que no sean de cantar

hay muchísimos. Yo soy de Fama! a bailar

y con la vuelta que tuvo en Movistar

diferentes, sí, yo estaba pensando como que intentaron renovar

el formato, efectivamente a parte movistar renovó aparte de fama, o sea, con La Huida

hasta "Haciendo el puente" fue una serie de realities muy diferentes y muy chulos

de distintos gustos y a ver si conseguís que firmen por vosotros

a ver si algún directivo de Movistar nos está escuchando

que está Fabián y Alexandre también. pues encantado de colaborar y en radio Escaparate

y si queréis hacer alguna collab con nosotros... paramos con esto

bueno pues muchísimas gracias de estar aquí con nosotros

hasta luego, chao

For more infomation >> ☸️ LA ENTREGA "Reality Show" - Entrevista a Fabián Gómez - Encontros na 2ª Planta (5ª temp. #4) ☸️ - Duration: 9:27.


Part Five | Greater Terran Union | Stellaris Invicta - Duration: 10:30.

On October 15th, 2402, a network of atmospheric processors and gravitic anchors were activated

across the surface of Mars.

While planets had been regularly terraformed to adapt their biomes for human colonization,

for the first time, life would be created from lifelessness and a dead planet converted

into a world capable of sustaining colonization by the Greater Terran Union.

The terraforming of Mars was hailed across the Union as the start of a new era, a time

when scientific and cultural achievements would bring about unfathomable changes to

human civilization.

Union propaganda had long espoused the idea that there was no barrier that could not be

overcome and although these might have been previously dismissed as high-minded rhetoric,

it now seemed to be true.

While not quite the dominant hyperpower of explored space, the Greater Terran Union was,

at the very least, the equal of any other nation.

Every month brought with it new discoveries and innovations.

On the world of Mictlan, a planetwide penal colony established to house a genetic splinter

group of humanity now known as "The Clarus", this idea of Terran superiority was challenged.

A new type of weapon, theoretically capable of shattering an entire planet, was tested

on one of Mictlan's few oceans.

The results were promising, but the detonation awoke a race of colossal creatures that had

for millennia, hibernated in deep caverns beneath the planet's surface.

For over a month, the citizens of the Greater Terran Union were horrified as Mictlan's

cities were demolished by these titans, which raged against both the local garrison forces

and each other.

When Land Force Command assembled an army group to take back the planet however, not

even these enormous creatures could endure.

Their gigantic carcasses loomed over victorious Union tanks and soldiers, while the largest

and most dangerous of these titans were successfully confined to a solitary island, far from any


Even a nationwide cyberattack by Algan separatists, which momentarily disrupted the GTU's communication

infrastructure, could not mitigate feelings of Terran superiority.

In 2418, the forces of Fleet Command entered a star system which for over 200 years had

been off limits to everything but automated military reconnaissance craft.

Their target was an enormous mechanical construct that had endlessly prowled a graveyard of

ruined starships, scavenging amongst the wrecks to find components that would be added to

its own patchwork configuration.

The battle lasted over two weeks as Terran starships ambushed the leviathan from within

the system's debris field, but in the end, it's hull was pierced and its internal mechanisms


The bounty of the system was claimed and the remains of fallen service members, lost during

the initial disastrous conflict with the machine, were recovered and finally laid to rest.

The other great wonders of the Outer Rim met similar fates.

Enormous spaceborne aliens, once avoided at all costs by Terran ships, were systematically

hunted down and destroyed.

Whatever role they played in the galaxy, whether once great forces in the universe or merely

accidents of creation, their time was over.

There could be no room for such mysteries within the Greater Terran Union.

But one final effort still remained.

In London, in an unprecedented assembly of the Union's most powerful leadership, it

was unanimously decided that the time had finally arrived.

The forces were ready, the interstellar gateway had been repaired, the great counter-attack

against the Tyrum could begin.

Even as mobilization orders were prepared and warships assigned to their rally coordinates,

the plans of the Greater Terran Union were frustrated.

The Compact, an alien alliance reduced to a rump state after a series of wars against

the GTU, launched a surprise attack across the border territories.

Whether they misinterpreted the GTU's military mobilization or hoped to liberate the Union

of Nimerium, a Terran puppet state, their forces once more fought a senseless war against

the Greater Terran Union.

The GTU was forced to delay their plans against the Tyrum and deal once more with the Compact.

But on the far side of the galaxy, in the region of space that for centuries had been

ravaged by the Tyrum, events had begun to play out in a manner the GTU had never anticipated.

Alien nations that had suffered, as Earth had, under ceaseless attacks by the Tyrum

had united under a powerful new federation.

Known as the Star Concord, this alliance now represented the most formidable force in the

galaxy, dwarfing even the capabilities of the Greater Terran Union.

Where once their forces had only sought to repel attacks by the Tyrum, now they embarked

on a campaign of liberation, bringing the fight to Tyrum worlds and destroying their

war fleets and stations.

By the time the Greater Terran Union had once again decisively defeated the Compact, acquiring

new territories and worlds in the process, the Star Concord had successfully arrived

within striking distance of the Tyrum homeworld.

It was at this moment however that they stayed their hand.

The Tyrum were like no other species ever before encountered.

Hive minds, while not common were also not unknown, but the consciousness guiding the

Tyrum could not be reasoned with.

It seemed to exist only to destroy, incapable of engaging in any sort of dialog or diplomacy.

Its ships and drones would always attack without fear or any sense of self preservation.

How such a species even managed to develop the sophisticated technology it employed was

a mystery.

Ruins found on their former worlds led to speculation that the Tyrum had no actual technology

of their own and had in fact, simply appropriated ships left behind by a race of so called "old

ones" that had either been destroyed by the Tyrum or disappeared for some unknown


Whatever their origin, the Star Concord was at a standstill.

Sustained orbital bombardment was the only effective tactic against the Tyrum, blasting

away their cities until every trace of them had been eradicated.

Unwilling to commit to the genocide of an entire species, the Concord held a series

of conferences, debating the military, cultural, and ethical considerations a defeat of the

Tryum would entail.

Diplomats of the Greater Terran Union, present merely as observers, remained on the sidelines

of these discussion.

Eventually an agreement was reached.

The annihilation of an entire species or world, even those inhabited by a race such as the

Tyrum, could not be considered.

The Tyrum would be confined to their current borders by force.

They would not be permitted to expand but their current territory would be respected.

This decision outraged the Greater Terran Union and its embassies within the Concord

were closed in protest.

On May 1st, 2447, probes deployed by the Concord detected a breach of the Tyrum Exclusion Zone.

A force of warships were identified in orbit of the Tyrum Homeworld and reconnaissance

craft were sent to confirm these readings.

When they arrived, what they found terrified the Concord.

The ships detected were not a Tyrum invasion fleet, but instead a Terran battlegroup, one

that had slipped through the gateway and clandestinely maneuvered through Concord space.

At its center was a weapon of colossal power, of a magnitude never before seen in the galaxy.

Built in secret within the Sirius system and christened the Sword of Terra, it was already

in the process of charging its primary weapon.

Horrified Star Concord representatives demanded the Greater Terran Union recall this weapon

and its escorts and personal appeals were made directly to the High Marshal.

No reply was given, instead, footage of the charging weapon was broadcast on every Terran

media outlet, directed both at the citizens of the GTU and the entire galaxy.

When the Sword of Terra unleashed its power on the Tyrum's homeworld, the planet's

atmosphere was burned away in an instant.

Within minutes, its continents had been split apart and the entire planet was shattered

into continent sized husks that drifted around its dying core.

On Earth and its colonies, a few people laughed or cheered, a few people cried, most were


In Stellaris Invicta, the Templin Institute guides the Greater Terran Union into an uncertain

future, one you can influence.

Every Saturday we'll live stream our progress on our Twitch channel, and viewers and patrons

will have the opportunity to vote on decisions, help name planets, ships, leaders and more.

If you miss the livestream, you can catch up on what happened when the stream is published

the next day to the Templin Archives channel.

Then, once a month we'll produce a video like this one, detailing everything that's

progressed in the Greater Terran Union's struggle to achieve galactic supremacy.

The next livestream of Stellaris Invicta begins one hour after this video has gone live, we

hope to see you among the stars.

For more infomation >> Part Five | Greater Terran Union | Stellaris Invicta - Duration: 10:30.


Team Fortress 2 Song ANIMATED! 🎵(By brentalfloss) (CZ titulky) - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Team Fortress 2 Song ANIMATED! 🎵(By brentalfloss) (CZ titulky) - Duration: 1:19.


فاش كتقول ليك صاحبتك عطيني نقلب ليك تيليفون - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> فاش كتقول ليك صاحبتك عطيني نقلب ليك تيليفون - Duration: 3:02.


Bloom Into You OP/Opening - Kimi ni Furete / Riko Azuna [Full] - Duration: 4:13.

The sunlight wavers as it shines through the road of trees.

I can hear your voice with your usual "good morning."

What are you hiding

inside that locked glass chest?

In this story that has just begun,

I want to know more about your world.

I now, grasp onto those fingers, that I had just touched by chance.

Your show of courage, your weakness, everything. I'll embrace it all,


I can't forget, the day I had first met you was outside in the sun.

The time that we had gradually accumulated is engraved in my heart.

The future that had once looked so far off,

feels so close by.

These irreplaceable feelings grow little by little.

I had simply wanted to find what's "special"

together with you.

Hold onto this hand to the point it's enough to erase your insecurities,


I want to tell you, "Because I'll be by your side."

In this story that has just begun,

I want to know more about your world.

I now, grasp onto those fingers, that I had just touched by chance.

Your show of courage, your weakness, everything. I'll embrace it all,


Translation by Melly

For more infomation >> Bloom Into You OP/Opening - Kimi ni Furete / Riko Azuna [Full] - Duration: 4:13.


Burry Soprano - Mary Jane (Official Video) - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Burry Soprano - Mary Jane (Official Video) - Duration: 3:15.


$20 Sheets Vs. $200 Sheets - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> $20 Sheets Vs. $200 Sheets - Duration: 8:27.


The Fall of Kong | King Kong (2005) Movie Clip - Duration: 6:23.



Please! No!


Ann. Ann.

Move along.

Just one shot! One shot!

Come, come! Boys, how about a photo?

Look at me.

Come on, watch the camera.

Come a little closer.

That's it, folks. Show's over. Step back!

Clear the area. That's it. Shove off, boys.

Why'd he do that?

Climb up there and get himself cornered.

The ape must have known what was coming.

He's just a dumb animal. Didn't know nothing.

What does it matter? Airplanes got him.

It wasn't the airplanes.

It was beauty killed the beast.

For more infomation >> The Fall of Kong | King Kong (2005) Movie Clip - Duration: 6:23.


Parkplatz-Posse in Leimen | Zur Sache! Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Parkplatz-Posse in Leimen | Zur Sache! Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 4:00.


Downtown Birmingham buildings set to be transformed into lofts - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Downtown Birmingham buildings set to be transformed into lofts - Duration: 1:17.


The trouble with guitar picks - Duration: 2:05.

Playing the guitar can be really fun!

This is A Kind of Adventurous Life!

Hi! My name is Kirikou, and in this video -

I'm going to teach you how to play the guitar.

First I need the guitar.

The I need the guitar pick.

The quest to find the guitar pick shall begin!

Where is the guitar pick?

I think I need the real guitar pick.

Not here.

Not here.

Ehm, also not here.

Not here.

Not here.

Not here.

Not here.

Not here.

It's too cold out here.

And the quest to find the guitar pick... ends!

I don't need a guitar pick to play the guitar!

Somewhere over the rainbow...

My fingers hurt!

And that's how you play the guitar!

Thank you for watching, and see you soon again!

Ah, there it is!

Did you know, that in British English -

the guitar pick is referred to as a plectrum?

For more infomation >> The trouble with guitar picks - Duration: 2:05.


How To Backside 50-50 On A Snowboard - Duration: 2:02.

A Backside 50-50 is where you approach with the rail or box behind you, on your

Backside. It's a tiny bit more intimidating than a Frontside 50-50

because it just feels a little bit weird to be Ollie-ing on from the Backside.Try

this a bunch of times on a Balance Bar to build your skills and get used to

that feeling.When you're on snow, you can try to hop from your heel edge and get a

little bit of horizontal movement to see what it feels like to move your board

across the run. On your first Backside 50-50 take a bit more speed than you need

to and Ollie right over that feature. Take as much speed as you want. Get

comfortable with the feeling of the rail or box being underneath you as you Ollie

over it. The angle of approach you'll take for your Backside 50-50s is the exact

same as a frontside 50-50, approximately 20 or 30 degrees

give or take. After you Ollie, you want to straighten your board to align with the

rail and you'll probably find that you slip off the opposite side on your first

few attempts because that's where your momentum is heading. As you get better try

to get that little angle as you connect with the 50-50 to stop your momentum, then

balance your weight up on top of the feature with a flat base getting to the


The more you practice this, the better you will get at judging how much angle to

use. Make sure to learn both Frontside 50-50s and Backside 50-50s because the

different way of approaching will build your skills for more jibbing tricks. This

tutorial was filmed at Whistler Blackcomb. I'm Nev Lapwood from Snowboard

Addiction, our goal is to improve your riding!

For more infomation >> How To Backside 50-50 On A Snowboard - Duration: 2:02.


Nightcore - Spartan (NEFFEX) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:25.

NEFFEX - Spartan || Nightcore Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Spartan (NEFFEX) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:25.


Steven and Olga Argue Over a Car Seat | 90 Day Fiancé - Duration: 2:04.






























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