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PUBG Türkiye'nin En KOZMİK Oyuncusu - KOZMİK KARINCA ÖZEL - Duration: 10:04.-------------------------------------------
【フォートナイト/PC】VANCチーム練。スポンサー募集中。RATINGアジア2位【VANC】 - Duration: 1:46:49.-------------------------------------------
DSC | GK & Current affairs | Statue of Unity in telugu | important bits for all competitive exams - Duration: and technology
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GK and current affairs 2018
Statue of Liberty - 25 important questions
TOA 70 Normal Jamire! How to beat Wind Dragon Boss Farmable - [F2P Beginner Guide] - Summoners War - Duration: 7:07.Hey, what's up?
you guys Samba here and welcome to this episode of my new mini series on my beginner account where I'm trying to cover every
important boss floor of tower of Ascension
These episodes consists out of stream highlights
Which are taken from our live streams at? slash real sample text or you can just rewatch the entire stream on my secondary youtube channel called sample streams
I will also have one segment with the rooms at the end of this video
Plus a short discussion on what you can do to further improve your success rate just in case you still seem to fail
Pretty much just because Jim Meier now after the buff all there is a reset and
Lens on his 3000. I mean the reset was always the case
I think they buffed it to the point where you're not able to reset that skill and
in addition to that it cleanses so pretty much the only way you beat that one is by running through Vogue's and
Also by just attack by using him as much as possible
Killing his ads. And if once once you kill most of the ads like once you cure the virus in particular and
the recent kind of becomes less dangerous
Alright, so since now we're not doing we're will manual in this one. Can we just get some stuns and nice?
Yeah, we want to kind of see see them as much as possible
The Tecmo reduce develop jewel. Can we nice provoke that help sort of that helped a ton
Kirk what's done doing pretty well right now so
The thing is that the dark hair ladies they do they do revive
But I mean, it's fine. He can reset you. He can even reach that right now. I don't need actually care too much
I mean, I would prefer if he didn't but
And they didn't use any object of their abilities
So actually as I make him not go for a visa and now we provoked him so we are in a really good spot actually
Tech Bobby deuce
Yeah, you want to get like a lot of a QC on your mouth as you guys can see that's working out very well
It's done
After Cyrus's dad, I mean the hell ladies they could do you like you're insane come back and stuff
But I think after Cyrus's afters iris dies. We're just gonna go for the boss like for Jim Meier and just provoke him. Oh
Okay. Yeah. Okay. I
Thought desirous would die, but I think we're gonna be fine. So now the hell ad is gonna revive the thing
Is that the hell lady doesn't just revive but she also revives with
With reset cooldowns
So Syrus is gonna like after he after he gets out of the Sun he's gonna be able to utilize this fire breath
Ride away anymore like again, so we kind of want to avoid that
Maybe I'm maybe I oughta to fast right here
I'm gonna have to see
tech bow videos
Yeah, I think now we can go for tomorrow doe
Ty-90 5 right now on my end game account
Whose account is this yeah. This is my beginner an account or like DX's beginner come
It's not my fault you guys suck at summoning I
Mean you I mean you got four valid roles. I'm not sure if that's the definition of being a good summoner
So in today's months of discussion
I want to mainly talk about units that are able to crowd control bosses
Themselves by kind of abusing certain debuffs on mechanics and I want to start off by talking about loopy nose
Which has quite a lot of crowd control in her kids
The main ability why she's so amazing against this boss fight in particular is gonna be the magic search
This boss fight only has one unit that can cleanse which is gonna be de Meyer
And if you silence him for two turns that pretty much guarantees you when in that fight
I mean it hurts three times and it's 75 percent chance
So you're gonna learn that most of your time so that helps out quite a bit combine that with the fact
She's a lot of attack by reduction and max HP damage of your opponent's HP
Which pretty much means that you are able to run her?
basically just fast and sort of tanky and she's gonna do a fixed amount of damage no matter what and
Also a first skill with that attack speed slow the attack speed slow kind of allows you to run her with a lot of those
Synergy based units such as the dark or what is how is that's done on slows things of that made sure
So as you guys can see she synergizes very well with a ton of free-to-play options
You guys saw me abuse the math provoked quite a bit during this boss fight one unit
That is basically just the king or the queen of provokes
He is gonna be John with that insanely low cooldown on her craft provocation if you fully skill her which by the way
I would heavily suggest that pretty much everybody who has Java ncua in guild siege in
Labyrinth like she is just a jack-of-all-trades. She's insane and I just I haven't regretted building her. I haven't regretted six starring her
I haven't regretted giving her skill ups I would highly recommend it like yo P knows. She has that ability that pretty much
Nullifies the bosses abilities for two turns and in addition to that with her element advantage
She does have out quite a bit especially also against the two dark hair ladies in their boss fights
So all in all really solid kid and definitely a game changer for this boss fight
Feel like this is going to be everything for today's episode
I hope it was helpful to some of you guys out there if you enjoyed it
Make sure you leave a like and let me know which sort of other stages I should be covering
If you want to witness my goe runs as well as a ton of other content
Make sure to visit my twitch as wall and I'm till done. See you guys in the next video
02 December 2018 Sunday Avyaktvani - Duration: 28:51.Om Shanti !
Today's Murli Date Is 2nd December 2018
( Today we will listen to Avyakt Baapdada's Avyakt Murli. This Murli was first spoken on 5th March 1984)
Murli Heading :The importance of the power of peace.
The Father, the Ocean of Peace, has come to meet His children who are incarnations of peace.
In today's world, the most essential thing is peace (each one is in search of peace)
(everyone is running for peace)
(people are wandering here & there for peace)
(the search for peace is not over but is continuing)
(each one desires for peace)
and you children are the bestowers of that peace.
(the peace which is desired by everyone, that, Ocean of Peace is Father, Supreme Soul)
(and we are children of that Bestower)
No matter how much people try to attain peace with perishable wealth or perishable means,
they cannot attain true, imperishable peace with that.
(Baba says, how much ever wealth & means are accumulated for peace)
(with all this if they desire to attain peace)
(even then they cannot attain peace)
(why ? What is the reason?)
Although today's world is wealthy and has all the facilities for happiness
it is still a beggar of imperishable and permanent peace.
You souls, who are master bestowers of peace, treasure of peace and embodiments of peace have to give a drop of peace to such souls
who are beggars of peace and quench their thirst and fulfil their desire for peace.
(Baba says, you children can fulfil that desire of theirs)
(try to fulfil their desire of peace)On seeing the peaceless children, BapDada
feels mercy for them.
They make so much effort; through the power of science, they reach so many places and make so many things.
They are able to change day into night and night into day but they are not able to attain their original religion of peace.
(Baba says, they may have reached many places and also discovered many things)
(but the original religion of the soul)
(which is peace, that cannot be attained by them)
To the extent that they chase after peace, so accordingly, after some temporary attainment of peace,
the result is just peacelessness.
(all are experienced. For sometime, peace is attained)
(but, once again we get peacelessness.)
Imperishable peace is the birthright of all souls from God, (which is not present now with us)
(but we need to attain this right)
(and for that we should be capable too.)
but they are making so much effort for their birthright.
It is an attainment of just a second.
However, because of not having the full introduction,
they stumble so much even to attain the attainment of a second; they call and shout out and are in distress.
Give the drishti (vision) of brotherhood to your brother souls who are wandering around for peace.
(Baba says they visit many places and keep wandering)
(however, because of not having full introduction of Father)
(they are unable to get peace)
Give the drishti (vision) of brotherhood to your brother souls who are wandering around for peace.
Their world will be changed with this drishti.
Do all of you souls, who are incarnations of peace, remain constantly stable as embodiments of peace?
(now Baba is asking questions to us children)
(you children are stable in your original religion of peace?)
You have bade farewell to peacelessness for all time, have you not?
Have you celebrated the ceremony of saying farewell to peacelessness? Or, are you going to do that now?
(Baba is asking us children if we have bade farewell to peacelessness for all time?)
Have you celebrated the ceremony of saying farewell to peacelessness? Or, are you going to do that now?
(when we return after victory, we do celebrate it as a ceremony)
(Baba is asking how to celebrate and celebrate what?)
Are those who have not yet celebrated the ceremony of saying farewell to peacelessness going to do that now here?
(Baba is asking, those who have not celebrated, the farewell to peacelessness ceremony)
(are they present here?) Should we fix a date for this?
Those who want to have this ceremony now, raise your hands!
(Baba says those who want to celebrate the farewell to peacelessness ceremony)
(they should raise their hands)Let there not be peacelessness even in your dreams.
(to that extent, we need to be ready)
Even your dreams have become peaceful, have they not?
The Father is the Bestower of Peace and you are embodiments of peace.
Your dharma (religion) is peace and your karma (action) is peace
Therefore, how can there be peacelessness?
What is the karma of all of you? To give peace.
Even now, when your devotees perform arti (form of worship), what do they say? "Bestower of Peace".
So, whose arti do they sing? Yours or just the Father's?
The children who are bestowers of peace are constantly great donors of peace and also the ones who give this blessing.
(they are great donors of peace and ones who give this blessing)
You are those who become master suns of knowledge and spread rays of peace throughout the world.
(Baba while praising us children says)
(you who are the master of peace in the world, what is your purpose?)
(the sun of knowledge spreads its rays)
(in all four directions, so, you too, through the sun of knowledge)
(have to spread this light in four directions)
(through which their peacelessness can be destroyed)
You have the intoxication, do you not, that, together with the Father,
you are also master suns of knowledge and master suns who spread rays of peace?
(Baba says, this intoxication also rises)
(that I am child of such a Father)
Are you able to give the introduction of the religion of the self in a second
and stabilise them in their original form(give them their introduction and stabilise them) with your attitude? Which attitude?
That these souls who are your brothers should also receive their inheritance from the Father.
(from within there is this attraction)
(that we ask from Baba for them too.)
With this pure attitude, that is, with these pure feelings, are you able to give many souls an experience? Why?
(Baba says, you can make them experience this)
(why should you do this?)The return of pure feelings is definitely received
All of you have elevated wishes, good wishes without any selfish motives.
You have feelings of mercy and benevolence.
It is impossible for you not to receive the fruit of these feelings
(Baba says, when you have so much feelings and good wishes, it is impossible not to receive the fruits for the same)
When a seed is powerful, you definitely receive the fruit.
(who is the seed? Everloving, Supreme Father, Supreme Soul)
(He helps & makes us understand the knowledge of actions)
(tells us that if the seed is powerful, then the fruit is definitely received)
Simply constantly continue to water this seed of elevated wishes with the water of awareness
Simply constantly continue to water this seed of elevated wishes with the water of awareness
and you will definitely attain powerful fruit in the form of instant visible fruit
(whatever we take to Baba's house, we get multi fold of the same kind which we gave)
There will be no question as to whether something will happen or not.
To have the water of constant awareness
means to have good wishes for all souls.
You will definitely receive the visible fruit of world peace.
Together with the Father, all of you children are also fulfilling the desires of many births of all souls
so that everyone's desires will be fulfilled.
The sound of peacelessness is now echoing everywhere
and people are experiencing peacelessness in all directions - in their bodies, minds, wealth and relationships.
Instead of experiencing peace, fear makes them experience peacelessness through their means of attainment.
Souls today are influenced by one type of fear or another.
They eat, move along, earn an income and experience pleasure temporarily, but it is all in fear.
(whatever actions are performed in the present are being done with fear)
They don't know what will happen tomorrow.
So, where there is the throne of fear, when the leader is sitting on a chair (position) of fear,
what would the condition be of the people?
The greater the leader, the more security guards he would have. Why?
Because there is fear. So, what would the temporary pleasure be whilst sitting on the throne of fear?
Would it be peaceful or peaceless?
In order to give such children who are filled with fear a life of constant happiness and peace,
BapDada has made all of you children into instruments as incarnations of peace.
(Baba says, I have made you incarnations of peace, insturment souls, and sent you down)
(that you can give such souls, who are peaceless, children who are filled with fear)
(and inspite of sitting in the throne, the imperishable happiness is far away)
(even temporary happiness, they cannot enjoy)
(so they can get peace, for this purpose you have been sent)
With the power of peace, how far can you go from one place to another without spending anything?
Even beyond this world. You can reach your sweet home so easily.
Does it take any effort?
With the power of peace (silence), how easily do you become a conqueror of matter and a conqueror of Maya?
Through what? With the power of soul consciousness
(when you are stabilised in your original religion & in remembrance of Baba)
(then we get this strength within us)
When both atomic power and the power of soul (atma) become united,
when atomic power also carries out tasks of happiness through satopradhan intellects with the power of souls,
then, with the unity of both powers, the world of peace will be revealed on this earth
because both powers exist in the kingdom of peaceful and happy heaven.
(where does peace exist ? Baba says)
(in the kingdom of peaceful and happy heaven)
(there exists both atomic power and power of peace)
Therefore, a satopradhan intellect means an intellect that always performs elevated and truthful actions.
Truth also means imperishable
(where will it be present? In the kingdom of heaven)
By performing every action in the awareness of the imperishable Father and the imperishable soul,
the attainment would also be elevated, imperishable
This is why they speak of truthful actions.
Therefore, you are incarnations of peace who constantly give peace. Do you understand? Achcha.
To the souls who, with their satopradhan stage
always perform truthful actions,
to the souls who give many souls the fruit of peace with their powerful good wishes
to those who, as constant master bestowers of peace and deities of peace, spread rays of peace throughout the world,
to the souls who co-operate with the Father in His special task,
BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste
We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste
Personal meeting: A special actor means one who is always alert at every step and at every second, not careless.
(Those who consider themselves to be special actors, make a note of what BapDada sees in them, always alert in every step, every second)
(not careless)
Do you constantly experience yourself to be a special actor on the unlimited world drama stage while walking and moving along and while eating and drinking?
Those who are special actors always pay attention to their actions, that is, to their parts at all times,
because the whole drama depends on the hero actor.
So, you are the basis of this whole drama, are you not?
So, do you special souls or you special actors always pay this much attention?
Special actors are never careless, they are alert. (all of you note this, whenyou do sewa as a sewadhari)
(you need to keep this in mind, that, while doing sewa they do not become careless)
they are alert.So, you never become careless, do you?
"I am doing everything I can, I will reach there".
(Baba does not wish such careless reply)You do not think in this way, do you?
You are doing everything, but at what speed?
You move along, but at what speed do you move along?
There is a difference in the speed, is there not?
It would be said that the one who is walking is moving along and that the one who is flying is also moving along,
but there is so much difference.
So, if you are just moving along, having become a Brahma Kumar, it means that you are moving along, but at what speed?
It is only those who have a fast speed who will reach their destination on time.
Otherwise, they will be left behind.
You have an attainment here too, but is it that of the sun dynasty or the moon dynasty?
There is a difference, is there not
So, in order to become part of the sun dynasty, finish all ordinariness from your every thought and every word
When a hero actor performs an ordinary act, everyone laughs at him, do they not?
So, here, too, always have the awareness that you are a special actor
and so your every action has to be special, your every step has to be special, your every second, every moment and every thought has to be elevated.
Do not think that they were just five minutes that were ordinary
Five minutes are not just five minutes, but the five minutes of the confluence are very important and significant.
Five minutes are greater than five years and so pay that much attention.
This is known as an intense effort-maker.
What is the slogan of intense effort-makers?
"If not now, then never."
So, do you always remember this?
If you wish to claim your fortune of the kingdom for all time, you also have to pay attention all the time.
A little time of attention being paid all the time will enable you to attain constant attainment over a long period of time.
So, have this awareness at all times and also check yourself that you do not become ordinary while walking and moving along.
The Father is called the Supreme Soul, and so He is the Supreme. So, as is the Father, so the children too
are supreme, that is, they are elevated in every way.
So, now let your efforts be intense and let there be less time and less effort required in your service
and yet you experience greater success
(Baba likes the children, so he is giving us program for making intense efforts and also we should not lack in service)
(everyone should be successful, Baba is asking everyone to make plans)
(all this what does it prove, it proves, the love that Baba has fo us children)
(so we children also should mould ourselves for Baba)
It has been involved in service from the beginning, and so, those from the original place must now find some original jewels.
In any case, Punjab is known as the lion and a lion roars.
Roaring means a loud sound
We shall now see what you do and who does it?
Blessing: May you be an embodiment of success who does everything from amrit vela to night time accurately with the discipline of remembrance.
Whatever you do from amrit vela to night time, let it be according to the discipline of remembrance
and you will achieve success in every action.
(do whatever action you want to do, but do it with the discipline of remembrance then)
(what will you achieve? You will achieve success.)
The greatest success of all is to experience supersensuous joy as the practical fruit.
(which no one experiences, but, we Brahmins from Confluence Age experience it)
Constantly continue to move along in the waves of happiness and joy.
So, you receive this instant fruit and you also receive the fruit in the future.
The practical, instant fruit of this time is greater than the fruit of your many future births.
(Baba asks us to value that, by remaining intoxicated in doing true efforts)
You do something now and you immediately receive the reward of it. This is called the practical instant fruit.
(perform the action & attain the fruit immediately)
(which is called as attainment of practical instant fruit)
Slogan: Perform every act while considering yourself to be an instrument
and you will remain loving and detached and there will be no consciousness of "I".
Om Shanti !
Official Meraki Aftervideo 2018 | A FILM BY CLAPPERBOARD FILMS - Duration: 2:01..
🛍️Underground Budget Shopping in Seoul - Gangnam - Duration: 15:56.-------------------------------------------
Үшінші қайтара ұшырылатын Falcon 9 Қазақстан жерсеріктерін орбитаға шығарады - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Top 5 Best Looking Indie Games to Watch - December 2018 - Duration: 8:23.hey everybody welcome to get indie gaming well we've made it all the way
into December so it's time for the last of our top 5 indie game launch video of
the year before we check out this month's election here's a handful of
games our honorable mentions were also keen to share first and while the
keen-eyed amongst you will recall iris fall featured with a none of them the
showcase it slipped it's launched to December 7th after that we put that
video to bed iris fall promises an immersive puzzle
adventure experience were right at home with and what particularly taken with
its striking visuals and use of light and shadow coming out December 12th
Dorian Morris Adventure is a point-and-click er woven together with
psychological theory and personality trait analysis which could be fun we
kind of guess while sounding a tad dry we are honestly curious to see how this
all works and whether or not it disappears up itself into highbrow
nonsense the graphics are pleasing enough and
fingers crossed to deliver something just as interesting the first of two
party games in this video override mech city brawl has us looking forward to
coming together as a family to kick seven bells from each other's anime
inspired mechs amongst 3d model areas based on the likes of Tokyo San
Francisco and Mexico this one launches December 4th and while
party based it does come with a single player which we doubt will go anywhere
near launching December 4th on PC Aeon of sans is a retro inspired 2d RPG with
an a hand-drawn 2d environment looking to offer non-linear replayable stories
with multiple endings while the art is a little rough around the edges it hints
at something reasonably atmospheric and we're intrigued to discover how the grid
based exploration real-time combat and puzzles come together in what seems to
be a twist to the traditional dungeon crawler while platic comes with a single
player the last of this month's honorable mentions
it's the multiplayer modes that have us wanting to see more from this turn-based
tactical arena BOTS battle ax when this one comes later in
a month with many options of BOTS to use in building your own squad together with
hundreds of different ways in which you can customize them were hugely looking
forward to playing with others online and in seeing what creations and player
strategies people come up with and with clutter being the last of this month's
honorable mentions let's kick on with this month's top 5
since putting NEX Mechanica at our number 2 slot for our 2017 game of the
year we've been waiting for another twin-stick shooter that offers something
similar and inhale front honeymoon we might just have it headed to the PC
PlayStation 4 and Xbox come the middle of the month l front honeymoon looks set
to offer short and intense matches either as a solo experience or within
local co-op death mode matches for up to 4 people with it's not to the retro side
of the genre in the color scheme and soundtrack health front will give you
full mouse and keyboard controls together with the gamepad support and
online leaderboards for those competitive types amongst us while
perhaps not quite up to the scope as offered by NEX if like us you grew up
playing these games and continue to love doing so hell front honeymoon is one
that should deserve your attention
it's with a dose of nostalgia for ghouls and ghosts we place battle princess
Madeleine at number four here we have a side-scrolling game full of castles
swamps and graveyards and comes with a classical arcade feel from the time of
the eight or 16-bit era battle princess Madeleine features ten
levels with up to five stages in each including one or two branching hidden
stages with boss battles a ghostly dog as a companion and a combo meter for
destroying enemies this nod to the Past grabbed us with its hand-drawn pixel art
which is some of the best we've seen since something like owl boy Madeleine
looks great and hopefully delivers a suitably awesome experience alongside
with it at number three we have big crown showdown some of you already know
we're suckers for classy couch co-op games and on this front big crown is
looking likely to be right up our proverbial alley it comes out December
14th on the PC and all of the usual consoles and with it comes a mash-up of
classical platforming and full-on co-op brawling you'll play across a number of
courses with you having to dodge traps swinging weaponry while at the same time
trying to bash your opponent off the side of the track while designed to be
accessible to all the trailer hints at certain aspects for players to get an
advantage over their rivals a sneaky trapdoor here and there or setting down
a platform that falls away when your buddy runs over it that sort of thing
and much much more while we're unlikely to stray too far
away from the local co-op version players will also have the opportunity
to go online and do battle with others from across the globe with this being
another feather in this one's cap in big crown showdown we're hoping to have
found something to play throughout the holiday season with family friends and
you can be sure we're planning on a full review once the embargo lifts this
coming December 10th at number 2 bladed fury launches on December 28th onto the
PC with it catching our eye for the most part due to its distinctive aesthetic
the simply put makes it pretty darn gorgeous to look at the backgrounds are
on a special high point given the almost painterly use of broad brushstrokes that
help offset the intricate details within the characters with a story based on
Chinese myths and legends where a princess looks
to put an end to accusations of murder bladed Fury 2d side-scrolling game play
with platforming elements is set within a backdrop of the solid combo brawler
combat system which seems fast intense and fierce players will also have the
ability to undertake certain RPG style quests and have their character level up
which should enable a smooth progression within the overall fighting experience
the one area we are looking forward to seeing more from stems from the
anachronistic inclusion of such elements as mechanical arms and machine guns and
we're hoping these things nicely marry into everything else which on the face
of it together with the stunning musical score suggests a possibility of
something pretty special
way out in front at this month's number one grist straight-up delivers some of
the most handsome looking gameplay footage we've ever seen in a word it's
utterly beautiful and in the same way bladed fury had painterly elements Grist
looks more like a finely crafted and hand-painted watercolour than a game the
beauty doesn't stop there the animations a game of the year material and right up
there with the best we've ever seen in a 2-d game there's almost a sense of
ballet about them visual egress appears in astonishing undertaking and the
accompanying music is also outstanding while we're yet to play at our 1 concern
looking at the trail as an available gameplay footage as to whether there's
enough to hold the attention over and above how beautiful it looks we're
assuming the platforming puzzle elements will offer enough to engage the player
while giving a suitable narrative payoff either way for its artistry and end to
end premise grist sits at the top of our countdown for December with it launching
onto the PC and switch on the 13th with grist looking an outside contender for
our game of the year countdown you can see if it makes the list when this drops
December 15th what do you think should make our end-of-year top 10 be sure to
let us know down in the comments still to come this December we've our usual
selection of countdown series from our hidden gems to to our Kickstarter run
through and much much more we look forward to welcoming you back here soon
for more videos
AZAR UYGULAMASINDA DÜNYAYI YÖNETTİK (TÜRKİYE) - Duration: 7:43.-------------------------------------------
Byron's Winter weather forecast - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Thanksgiving Cakes Compilation 2018🦃Yummy Cakes 🎄10+ Easy Homemade Cake Decorating Tutorials - Duration: 10:13.Thanksgiving Cakes Compilation 2018🦃Yummy Cakes 🎄10+ Easy Homemade Cake Decorating Tutorials
Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!
Small vegetable gardening ideas | 100 Clever Ideas to Grow in a Limited Space - Duration: 11:10.-------------------------------------------
無淚集團 NoTearsCrew - Outer Space (Lil Trip) - Duration: 3:25.I be drifting into outer space
On a rocket flying hundred ways
Got the diamonds shining on a face
Switch it up yea now it's not the same
Rack it up a hundred bands
Shawty steady rocking different brands
This is never just a game
Running down the path yea I'm the champ
Blasting all the bottles popping all the champagne
Hang with different models saucing up go insane
Fascinating chain ice dripping fall rain
Pour the cup lean flowing with the Balmain
I run it Flip it 180 degrees
Jumping round the town go 360 like I'm VC
Cruising on the road we gonna break the major key
Four eighty eight rev it up going under sea
Ballin on the court She's gonna ring my phone
Designers for the show I'm falling down with alcohol
Jolly candy grease piece stuck styrofoam
Percocet and molly both be going down the throat
Flying to the sky baby
Point up to the clouds wavy yea
I never gonna stop
ready set pull the glock
Til the party hit the top
I be drifting into outer space
On a rocket flying hundred ways
Got the diamonds shining on a face
Switch it up yea now it's not the same
Rack it up a hundred bands
Shawty steady rocking different brands
This is never just a game
Running down the path yea I'm the champ
Yea Flying out
They be like how Never go down
Awakening through all the doubt Now get the crown
Aloud Icy I drown
Too high the mount Around
Hit up the town Land on the ground
Yea counting all the paper Pour four at the corner
So cold it's a freezer A bottle gon drink a liter
Whip it up for dinner I got purple like I'm joker
Roller fuckin coaster I'm smarter than Ferris Bueller
She asking me oh baby what's the time
Rollie on the table say it's nine
Going home do you need a ride
Hop on coupe you ain't need to try
Don't worry sleep through the night it'll be fine
Coming at you like an asteroid
See the future in my mind
I be drifting into outer space
On a rocket flying hundred ways
Got the diamonds shining on a face
Switch it up yea now it's not the same
Rack it up a hundred bands
Shawty steady rocking different brands
This is never just a game
Running down the path yea I'm the champ
Drums and Orchestra Music #3: "Ciao Papà" (introduction) - Duration: 9:27.Hi everyone today, I introduce my new tune which is about my father's death
Three years ago
he was 61 and he was a very healthy person and
He died extremely suddenly
He just felt bad and 15 minutes later he was dead
And this is telling the story and the emotions
I lived in this
experience and
at the same time is a way to say bye to him because the title is
Ciao Papà, which means ciao means
in Italian
Both high and Bye Bye and Papà means dad
so it's like say bye dad and
I wanted to say this because I didn't have the chance to do that
so let's got to
Listen to some parts. The the beginning is just piano and it's telling the
moment when I
First can sit down and start thinking about what just happened
I wasn't there when the thing happened and then
I have the first chance to start to realize what was going on
and then
the very low note
notes you will hear is
Describing my
Responsibility the feeling I have
that I need to carry on to be the strong person for
everybody around me to
To help them to carry on
Let's go to check it out
After this there is a melody played by violin and
This is representing
One of the most dramatic
Aspect and experience I faced in this whole story
and it's
representing my daughter's crying
When she first heard about the news
When he died she was 6 years old, so she was perfectly capable of understanding
The meaning of what happened
and then the kids are
amazing at
recovering, they can recover really fast from something like this
But at the same time they can throw off older pain in just in one big blow
You know and then when
She was in my arms
And crying desperately
I tried to represent that feeling you know that
big blow that desperate crying
With this violin melody and you were gonna hear the part which is already together with the orchestra
Okay, so
Yeah, this is this was probably the most
Painful thing to
watch for me and still today is
Yeah, I feel very connected to that time. Of course with this music even if I listen to it so many times
when I was composing and working on it
Yeah, so the the next part is
Coming back is bringing back the the piano the initial part of the piano and is trying to
Work together with the orchestra with the bows
and it's is trying to express
the the need to to go on to carry on with your life when you
understand and when you live this you need to also find a way to keep going and this is
It's like the orchestra is kind of
Helping to find an explanation some melody and some harmonies together with this piano part
Okay, and the last part is
Dedicated to my mother because
She of course she is the one who
took the
strongest hit from from this this experience and then
in a way, she couldn't really
Accept she couldn't really
Understand what what happened and she couldn't believe
Of course nobody couldn't believe
This so thing so sudden but she was of course the
the one who which
Was more more the most involved in this situation
And then
The melody here
Is coming back it seems is coming back
There is this illusion that the violin is bringing back the whole melody
But the reality is that he's not coming back
Okay, so this is the tune
It's gonna be
posted on
December 7th, which is
exactly three years after my father's death and
This is a very important moment because I want to thanks the people which are supporting me for this project
Two weeks ago. I started my patreon campaign
You can find the link in the description and have already had some supporters
The first one was Samuele Borgato thanks a lot grazie man
The second was Antony Farley
From the great Drowned in Sound community hi guys
And I have a big surprise to see there is this
Zi Yung company. It's a Taiwanese company, which supported me for a lot of money. Thanks a lot. And
I hope you can keep
Supporting me and thanks for anyone which is joining them
See you next week with the video
Auxiliary Verbs or Helping Verbs - Duration: 7:25.Hello and welcome back!
Today we're going to be doing a video on the auxiliary verbs
or auxiliaries.
They are also commonly known as "helping verbs"
As you can see here we've written all the different affirmative forms
and here the different uses of auxiliary verbs
So let's start off with the compound tenses.
In order to create a compound tense,
I will need my auxiliary to help the main verb indicate the subject's involvement in the action.
So I'm going to use for example
this compound tense:
the past perfect continuous
because I'll need lots of auxiliaries there.
The past perfect continuous of "learn":
So past > I'm going to use my auxiliary "have": "he had"
perfect continuous > "he had been learning"
So I'm not only going to use this auxiliary
but also this auxiliary here
he had been learning
he had been learning
"learning" is my main verb in the present participle
so it's preceded by two auxiliaries
"had" and "been"
So that is one example of a compound tense.
Now let's use a less complex a tense!
Let's say for example: the present continuous.
In order to create a present continuous,
I need an auxiliary: "to be"
Let's use the first person singular:
I am learning
I need this auxiliary to precede the main verb "learn"
in this case in the present participle
"I am learning" = present continuous
Have a quick review of your compound tenses,
if that wasn't very clear.
But just in the meantime, focus on the various forms of auxiliary verbs.
Why negative statements and questions?
Depending on the tense,
we're going to use various auxiliaries.
Let's start with this particular auxiliary: "TO DO".
If I want to make a question or create a negative statement,
in the simple present,
I'm going to rely on these two forms: "do" and "does":
Does she speak English?
Question: Does she speak English?
I need the auxiliary, my subject, and the infinitive without "TO" of my main verb "speak".
Does she speak...?
And for a negative statement I could say:
Don't forget to add your "not" here:
He doesn't speak German.
This is my negative statement.
So as you can see we need this, with the inflection, showing it's the third person singular:
she or he does not speak German.
Those are the three first examples of use.
The fourth one is the passive voice.
This is just an introduction to auxiliaries
so don't forget to watch the full explanation of the passive voice in another one of my videos!
In the meantime, let's just remember that in order to create the passive voice we need the auxiliary "to be"
So an example of the passive voice would be:
This house was built in the 1950s.
"was" is my auxiliary
It is followed by a past participle,
the main verb is in the past participle: "built"
And "was built" gives me my passive voice statement.
Another example could be:
I was told this morning.
This is another passive voice statement.
"was" is my auxiliary
"told" is the past participle. This is my main verb: "to tell".
I was told this morning.
And one that I hadn't mentioned quite yet, is the last form that is here: the auxiliary "WILL"
"will" is an auxiliary verb and a modal verb
so that means that I should have written more modal verbs here
but I'm going to let you watch another one of my videos on modal verbs to fully understand them.
In the meantime this particular auxiliary helps me create the future tenses.
Let's see the future simple.
Example: I will learn
I use the auxiliary "will" followed by an infinitive without "TO": "learn"
That creates a simple future or future simple.
I will learn.
But I can also rely on various auxiliaries simultaneously, to create perfect or continuous tenses.
For example, let's do a future perfect:
I will have learned.
Here I need two auxiliaries followed by my main verb (in this case it's in the past participle "learned")
I will have learned.
This is in future perfect.
And if I want a future perfect continuous,
I'll use a different auxiliary.
I'll use this one first "I will"
then "have"
then "been"
So that is three auxiliaries for this tense
and then my main verb "learn"
in this case in the "-ing form", in the present participle: "learning"
I will have been learning.
= future perfect continuous
or future perfect progressive
depending on what term you prefer.
Those are many different examples on how to use these verbs to assist main verbs and create different scenarios, different tenses, different, viewpoints also.
Now a few hints here for you in the classroom:
whether you're a student or a teacher don't forget that most of these verbs can be used alone
not just assisting a main verb
they can be main verbs themselves
in that case they are called "full verbs".
For example I can say:
I do sports.
"do" shows me the action.
It's not assisting a main verb.
So that is the full verb.
If I say: I am English.
That is also the full verb "to be"
And if I say: I have siblings.
That is also using that verb "to have" as a full verb
and not as an auxiliary
Now don't forget that I've only written the affirmative forms
or positive forms so practise the negative forms also.
A thorough tense review is necessary at this point.
Coming back to this video after that review is a recommendation.
Finally don't forget that this chapter is linked in many ways to these other videos, to these other chapters:
question tags
passive voice
modal verbs
expressions with "make" and expressions with "do"
although that isn't grammar
it has more to do with lexis, with vocabulary
these collocations, these expressions with make and expressions with do
they're quite confusing for learners
so you might want to review "do" as an auxiliary
but also in expressions as a full verb.
Thank you for today!
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