Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 1 2018

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GK and current affairs 2018

Statue of Liberty - 25 important questions

For more infomation >> DSC | GK & Current affairs | Statue of Unity in telugu | important bits for all competitive exams - Duration: 6:06.


TOA 70 Normal Jamire! How to beat Wind Dragon Boss Farmable - [F2P Beginner Guide] - Summoners War - Duration: 7:07.

Hey, what's up?

you guys Samba here and welcome to this episode of my new mini series on my beginner account where I'm trying to cover every

important boss floor of tower of Ascension

These episodes consists out of stream highlights

Which are taken from our live streams at? slash real sample text or you can just rewatch the entire stream on my secondary youtube channel called sample streams

I will also have one segment with the rooms at the end of this video

Plus a short discussion on what you can do to further improve your success rate just in case you still seem to fail

Pretty much just because Jim Meier now after the buff all there is a reset and

Lens on his 3000. I mean the reset was always the case

I think they buffed it to the point where you're not able to reset that skill and

in addition to that it cleanses so pretty much the only way you beat that one is by running through Vogue's and

Also by just attack by using him as much as possible

Killing his ads. And if once once you kill most of the ads like once you cure the virus in particular and

the recent kind of becomes less dangerous

Alright, so since now we're not doing we're will manual in this one. Can we just get some stuns and nice?

Yeah, we want to kind of see see them as much as possible

The Tecmo reduce develop jewel. Can we nice provoke that help sort of that helped a ton

Kirk what's done doing pretty well right now so

The thing is that the dark hair ladies they do they do revive

But I mean, it's fine. He can reset you. He can even reach that right now. I don't need actually care too much

I mean, I would prefer if he didn't but

And they didn't use any object of their abilities


So actually as I make him not go for a visa and now we provoked him so we are in a really good spot actually

Tech Bobby deuce

Yeah, you want to get like a lot of a QC on your mouth as you guys can see that's working out very well

It's done


After Cyrus's dad, I mean the hell ladies they could do you like you're insane come back and stuff

But I think after Cyrus's afters iris dies. We're just gonna go for the boss like for Jim Meier and just provoke him. Oh

Okay. Yeah. Okay. I

Thought desirous would die, but I think we're gonna be fine. So now the hell ad is gonna revive the thing

Is that the hell lady doesn't just revive but she also revives with

With reset cooldowns

So Syrus is gonna like after he after he gets out of the Sun he's gonna be able to utilize this fire breath

Ride away anymore like again, so we kind of want to avoid that

Maybe I'm maybe I oughta to fast right here

I'm gonna have to see

tech bow videos

Yeah, I think now we can go for tomorrow doe

Ty-90 5 right now on my end game account

Whose account is this yeah. This is my beginner an account or like DX's beginner come

It's not my fault you guys suck at summoning I

Mean you I mean you got four valid roles. I'm not sure if that's the definition of being a good summoner

So in today's months of discussion

I want to mainly talk about units that are able to crowd control bosses

Themselves by kind of abusing certain debuffs on mechanics and I want to start off by talking about loopy nose

Which has quite a lot of crowd control in her kids

The main ability why she's so amazing against this boss fight in particular is gonna be the magic search

This boss fight only has one unit that can cleanse which is gonna be de Meyer

And if you silence him for two turns that pretty much guarantees you when in that fight

I mean it hurts three times and it's 75 percent chance

So you're gonna learn that most of your time so that helps out quite a bit combine that with the fact

She's a lot of attack by reduction and max HP damage of your opponent's HP

Which pretty much means that you are able to run her?

basically just fast and sort of tanky and she's gonna do a fixed amount of damage no matter what and

Also a first skill with that attack speed slow the attack speed slow kind of allows you to run her with a lot of those

Synergy based units such as the dark or what is how is that's done on slows things of that made sure

So as you guys can see she synergizes very well with a ton of free-to-play options

You guys saw me abuse the math provoked quite a bit during this boss fight one unit

That is basically just the king or the queen of provokes

He is gonna be John with that insanely low cooldown on her craft provocation if you fully skill her which by the way

I would heavily suggest that pretty much everybody who has Java ncua in guild siege in

Labyrinth like she is just a jack-of-all-trades. She's insane and I just I haven't regretted building her. I haven't regretted six starring her

I haven't regretted giving her skill ups I would highly recommend it like yo P knows. She has that ability that pretty much

Nullifies the bosses abilities for two turns and in addition to that with her element advantage

She does have out quite a bit especially also against the two dark hair ladies in their boss fights

So all in all really solid kid and definitely a game changer for this boss fight


Feel like this is going to be everything for today's episode

I hope it was helpful to some of you guys out there if you enjoyed it

Make sure you leave a like and let me know which sort of other stages I should be covering

If you want to witness my goe runs as well as a ton of other content

Make sure to visit my twitch as wall and I'm till done. See you guys in the next video


For more infomation >> TOA 70 Normal Jamire! How to beat Wind Dragon Boss Farmable - [F2P Beginner Guide] - Summoners War - Duration: 7:07.


02 December 2018 Sunday Avyaktvani - Duration: 28:51.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 2nd December 2018

( Today we will listen to Avyakt Baapdada's Avyakt Murli. This Murli was first spoken on 5th March 1984)

Murli Heading :The importance of the power of peace.

The Father, the Ocean of Peace, has come to meet His children who are incarnations of peace.

In today's world, the most essential thing is peace (each one is in search of peace)

(everyone is running for peace)

(people are wandering here & there for peace)

(the search for peace is not over but is continuing)

(each one desires for peace)

and you children are the bestowers of that peace.

(the peace which is desired by everyone, that, Ocean of Peace is Father, Supreme Soul)

(and we are children of that Bestower)

No matter how much people try to attain peace with perishable wealth or perishable means,

they cannot attain true, imperishable peace with that.

(Baba says, how much ever wealth & means are accumulated for peace)

(with all this if they desire to attain peace)

(even then they cannot attain peace)

(why ? What is the reason?)

Although today's world is wealthy and has all the facilities for happiness

it is still a beggar of imperishable and permanent peace.

You souls, who are master bestowers of peace, treasure of peace and embodiments of peace have to give a drop of peace to such souls

who are beggars of peace and quench their thirst and fulfil their desire for peace.

(Baba says, you children can fulfil that desire of theirs)

(try to fulfil their desire of peace)On seeing the peaceless children, BapDada

feels mercy for them.

They make so much effort; through the power of science, they reach so many places and make so many things.

They are able to change day into night and night into day but they are not able to attain their original religion of peace.

(Baba says, they may have reached many places and also discovered many things)

(but the original religion of the soul)

(which is peace, that cannot be attained by them)

To the extent that they chase after peace, so accordingly, after some temporary attainment of peace,

the result is just peacelessness.

(all are experienced. For sometime, peace is attained)

(but, once again we get peacelessness.)

Imperishable peace is the birthright of all souls from God, (which is not present now with us)

(but we need to attain this right)

(and for that we should be capable too.)

but they are making so much effort for their birthright.

It is an attainment of just a second.

However, because of not having the full introduction,

they stumble so much even to attain the attainment of a second; they call and shout out and are in distress.

Give the drishti (vision) of brotherhood to your brother souls who are wandering around for peace.

(Baba says they visit many places and keep wandering)

(however, because of not having full introduction of Father)

(they are unable to get peace)

Give the drishti (vision) of brotherhood to your brother souls who are wandering around for peace.

Their world will be changed with this drishti.

Do all of you souls, who are incarnations of peace, remain constantly stable as embodiments of peace?

(now Baba is asking questions to us children)

(you children are stable in your original religion of peace?)

You have bade farewell to peacelessness for all time, have you not?

Have you celebrated the ceremony of saying farewell to peacelessness? Or, are you going to do that now?

(Baba is asking us children if we have bade farewell to peacelessness for all time?)

Have you celebrated the ceremony of saying farewell to peacelessness? Or, are you going to do that now?

(when we return after victory, we do celebrate it as a ceremony)

(Baba is asking how to celebrate and celebrate what?)

Are those who have not yet celebrated the ceremony of saying farewell to peacelessness going to do that now here?

(Baba is asking, those who have not celebrated, the farewell to peacelessness ceremony)

(are they present here?) Should we fix a date for this?

Those who want to have this ceremony now, raise your hands!

(Baba says those who want to celebrate the farewell to peacelessness ceremony)

(they should raise their hands)Let there not be peacelessness even in your dreams.

(to that extent, we need to be ready)

Even your dreams have become peaceful, have they not?

The Father is the Bestower of Peace and you are embodiments of peace.

Your dharma (religion) is peace and your karma (action) is peace

Therefore, how can there be peacelessness?

What is the karma of all of you? To give peace.

Even now, when your devotees perform arti (form of worship), what do they say? "Bestower of Peace".

So, whose arti do they sing? Yours or just the Father's?

The children who are bestowers of peace are constantly great donors of peace and also the ones who give this blessing.

(they are great donors of peace and ones who give this blessing)

You are those who become master suns of knowledge and spread rays of peace throughout the world.

(Baba while praising us children says)

(you who are the master of peace in the world, what is your purpose?)

(the sun of knowledge spreads its rays)

(in all four directions, so, you too, through the sun of knowledge)

(have to spread this light in four directions)

(through which their peacelessness can be destroyed)

You have the intoxication, do you not, that, together with the Father,

you are also master suns of knowledge and master suns who spread rays of peace?

(Baba says, this intoxication also rises)

(that I am child of such a Father)

Are you able to give the introduction of the religion of the self in a second

and stabilise them in their original form(give them their introduction and stabilise them) with your attitude? Which attitude?

That these souls who are your brothers should also receive their inheritance from the Father.

(from within there is this attraction)

(that we ask from Baba for them too.)

With this pure attitude, that is, with these pure feelings, are you able to give many souls an experience? Why?

(Baba says, you can make them experience this)

(why should you do this?)The return of pure feelings is definitely received

All of you have elevated wishes, good wishes without any selfish motives.

You have feelings of mercy and benevolence.

It is impossible for you not to receive the fruit of these feelings

(Baba says, when you have so much feelings and good wishes, it is impossible not to receive the fruits for the same)

When a seed is powerful, you definitely receive the fruit.

(who is the seed? Everloving, Supreme Father, Supreme Soul)

(He helps & makes us understand the knowledge of actions)

(tells us that if the seed is powerful, then the fruit is definitely received)

Simply constantly continue to water this seed of elevated wishes with the water of awareness

Simply constantly continue to water this seed of elevated wishes with the water of awareness

and you will definitely attain powerful fruit in the form of instant visible fruit

(whatever we take to Baba's house, we get multi fold of the same kind which we gave)

There will be no question as to whether something will happen or not.

To have the water of constant awareness

means to have good wishes for all souls.

You will definitely receive the visible fruit of world peace.

Together with the Father, all of you children are also fulfilling the desires of many births of all souls

so that everyone's desires will be fulfilled.

The sound of peacelessness is now echoing everywhere

and people are experiencing peacelessness in all directions - in their bodies, minds, wealth and relationships.

Instead of experiencing peace, fear makes them experience peacelessness through their means of attainment.

Souls today are influenced by one type of fear or another.

They eat, move along, earn an income and experience pleasure temporarily, but it is all in fear.

(whatever actions are performed in the present are being done with fear)

They don't know what will happen tomorrow.

So, where there is the throne of fear, when the leader is sitting on a chair (position) of fear,

what would the condition be of the people?

The greater the leader, the more security guards he would have. Why?

Because there is fear. So, what would the temporary pleasure be whilst sitting on the throne of fear?

Would it be peaceful or peaceless?

In order to give such children who are filled with fear a life of constant happiness and peace,

BapDada has made all of you children into instruments as incarnations of peace.

(Baba says, I have made you incarnations of peace, insturment souls, and sent you down)

(that you can give such souls, who are peaceless, children who are filled with fear)

(and inspite of sitting in the throne, the imperishable happiness is far away)

(even temporary happiness, they cannot enjoy)

(so they can get peace, for this purpose you have been sent)

With the power of peace, how far can you go from one place to another without spending anything?

Even beyond this world. You can reach your sweet home so easily.

Does it take any effort?

With the power of peace (silence), how easily do you become a conqueror of matter and a conqueror of Maya?

Through what? With the power of soul consciousness

(when you are stabilised in your original religion & in remembrance of Baba)

(then we get this strength within us)

When both atomic power and the power of soul (atma) become united,

when atomic power also carries out tasks of happiness through satopradhan intellects with the power of souls,

then, with the unity of both powers, the world of peace will be revealed on this earth

because both powers exist in the kingdom of peaceful and happy heaven.

(where does peace exist ? Baba says)

(in the kingdom of peaceful and happy heaven)

(there exists both atomic power and power of peace)

Therefore, a satopradhan intellect means an intellect that always performs elevated and truthful actions.

Truth also means imperishable

(where will it be present? In the kingdom of heaven)

By performing every action in the awareness of the imperishable Father and the imperishable soul,

the attainment would also be elevated, imperishable

This is why they speak of truthful actions.

Therefore, you are incarnations of peace who constantly give peace. Do you understand? Achcha.

To the souls who, with their satopradhan stage

always perform truthful actions,

to the souls who give many souls the fruit of peace with their powerful good wishes

to those who, as constant master bestowers of peace and deities of peace, spread rays of peace throughout the world,

to the souls who co-operate with the Father in His special task,

BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Personal meeting: A special actor means one who is always alert at every step and at every second, not careless.

(Those who consider themselves to be special actors, make a note of what BapDada sees in them, always alert in every step, every second)

(not careless)

Do you constantly experience yourself to be a special actor on the unlimited world drama stage while walking and moving along and while eating and drinking?

Those who are special actors always pay attention to their actions, that is, to their parts at all times,

because the whole drama depends on the hero actor.

So, you are the basis of this whole drama, are you not?

So, do you special souls or you special actors always pay this much attention?

Special actors are never careless, they are alert. (all of you note this, whenyou do sewa as a sewadhari)

(you need to keep this in mind, that, while doing sewa they do not become careless)

they are alert.So, you never become careless, do you?

"I am doing everything I can, I will reach there".

(Baba does not wish such careless reply)You do not think in this way, do you?

You are doing everything, but at what speed?

You move along, but at what speed do you move along?

There is a difference in the speed, is there not?

It would be said that the one who is walking is moving along and that the one who is flying is also moving along,

but there is so much difference.

So, if you are just moving along, having become a Brahma Kumar, it means that you are moving along, but at what speed?

It is only those who have a fast speed who will reach their destination on time.

Otherwise, they will be left behind.

You have an attainment here too, but is it that of the sun dynasty or the moon dynasty?

There is a difference, is there not

So, in order to become part of the sun dynasty, finish all ordinariness from your every thought and every word

When a hero actor performs an ordinary act, everyone laughs at him, do they not?

So, here, too, always have the awareness that you are a special actor

and so your every action has to be special, your every step has to be special, your every second, every moment and every thought has to be elevated.

Do not think that they were just five minutes that were ordinary

Five minutes are not just five minutes, but the five minutes of the confluence are very important and significant.

Five minutes are greater than five years and so pay that much attention.

This is known as an intense effort-maker.

What is the slogan of intense effort-makers?

"If not now, then never."

So, do you always remember this?

If you wish to claim your fortune of the kingdom for all time, you also have to pay attention all the time.

A little time of attention being paid all the time will enable you to attain constant attainment over a long period of time.

So, have this awareness at all times and also check yourself that you do not become ordinary while walking and moving along.

The Father is called the Supreme Soul, and so He is the Supreme. So, as is the Father, so the children too

are supreme, that is, they are elevated in every way.

So, now let your efforts be intense and let there be less time and less effort required in your service

and yet you experience greater success

(Baba likes the children, so he is giving us program for making intense efforts and also we should not lack in service)

(everyone should be successful, Baba is asking everyone to make plans)

(all this what does it prove, it proves, the love that Baba has fo us children)

(so we children also should mould ourselves for Baba)

It has been involved in service from the beginning, and so, those from the original place must now find some original jewels.

In any case, Punjab is known as the lion and a lion roars.

Roaring means a loud sound

We shall now see what you do and who does it?

Blessing: May you be an embodiment of success who does everything from amrit vela to night time accurately with the discipline of remembrance.

Whatever you do from amrit vela to night time, let it be according to the discipline of remembrance

and you will achieve success in every action.

(do whatever action you want to do, but do it with the discipline of remembrance then)

(what will you achieve? You will achieve success.)

The greatest success of all is to experience supersensuous joy as the practical fruit.

(which no one experiences, but, we Brahmins from Confluence Age experience it)

Constantly continue to move along in the waves of happiness and joy.

So, you receive this instant fruit and you also receive the fruit in the future.

The practical, instant fruit of this time is greater than the fruit of your many future births.

(Baba asks us to value that, by remaining intoxicated in doing true efforts)

You do something now and you immediately receive the reward of it. This is called the practical instant fruit.

(perform the action & attain the fruit immediately)

(which is called as attainment of practical instant fruit)

Slogan: Perform every act while considering yourself to be an instrument

and you will remain loving and detached and there will be no consciousness of "I".

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> 02 December 2018 Sunday Avyaktvani - Duration: 28:51.


Shankar Movies List - Duration: 0:55.

Shankar Movies List

For more infomation >> Shankar Movies List - Duration: 0:55.


Art Journal Process | Mixed Media Techniques | Youtube Hop - Duration: 13:47.

hi everyone its Keren here and welcome back to my channel I want to apologize

for being away for so long I haven't posted a lot of videos I've just been

really busy but I'm happy to be back with a new project created for a mixed

media YouTube hop that I'm doing it with a few of my friends this hop is being

sponsored by some amazing companies and although we're not a lot of people

during the hub which is nice there is some amazing prizes

I'm also sponsoring a prize and you can stay till the end of the video to see

how you can win it all of us use the same mood board to get inspired and it's

just a beautiful mood board it is perfect for this project and I got

really inspired by the different images on this project and I wanted to create

an art journaling page one of the things that inspired me the most were the

colors and I knew that I wanted to combine them with different materials

the first thing I did is I took my discount art journal and took the pages

out of it so I could easily work on it on a flat surface I love doing this

because I love using stencils and pastes on my art journal pages and I want to

make sure that they don't warp and they don't end I'm able to put the stencil

straight so this was really easy and I love this discount journal from juggles

and I use this a lot for my art journaling i use this mandala

stencil and use the new icing pace from finna bear this is the fire ruby color

and just added some beautiful pattern to the background i added only half of the

mandala on one side and then i use the other half to add to the other side of

the double spread of my art journal i really got inspired by this beautiful

burgundy color that was in the mood ward and i thought that it would be perfect

to create a frosty scene usually i create a frosty scene by using blues and

whites but i thought that to add a little bit of this color would make it

look if there's a little bit of red peeking

through almost as if some of the spring and summer leftover is still there once

I was down the second side and added all the paste I heat set everything to make

sure that it's really dry before I add the next layer I took a second stencil

from juggles and I can't remember the name of this one but I will definitely

list all the products below and then I took some glimmer pace from Nouveau and

I used it to create another pattern on the background I really wanted to use

some glimmer II paste because I wanted it to look as glimmery snow peeking

through the branches so I thought this would be perfect for that because it

wouldn't be too strong but it would really make everything stand out and

it's really hard to tell in the picture is about the page is literally

glistening it's really really nice and all I did is just add a little bit of

this pattern all along so it would peak underneath everything else and would

look like glistening snow of course I did this to both sides of the page

because I was doing a double spread layout and then a heat set everything

really well once it was dry really really well and I tried to heat set it a

lot to make sure that when I add the marabou sprays it will not muck it up I

took two colors from the marabou sprays the mint and the turquoise and I started

spraying them in the background actually first I sprayed a little bit of water

and then I took the sprays and I started adding it to the edges of my page I

started with the light turquoise one and then I added the mint which is a little

bit of a greenish color I wanted them to mix with each other because I really

wanted it to look like the color in the mood board I sprayed it with water first

because I really wanted everything to kind of drip down the page in between

all the textures not only the mandala texture but also the gleaming the

glistening texture that I had added with the

Limor paste and of course when you add a lot of water it really makes a mess and

I do like this but if you don't want to have it such a messy way you can always

add it with a paintbrush I did this of course to both sides I really liked that

it was a little bit darker on one side so I kept on adding in different areas

to make sure that the colors match up on both sides and I kept on playing around

adding and removing ink to make sure that I liked it and I wanted to really

match the color to the background of the mood board because I really like how

those two colors look together and since I wanted it to look so much like the

mood board I ended up adding a little bit of another type of blue that way it

would really make it look more teal colored so by mixing all these colors

together and letting it drip down the page it really made it look like the

mood board itself and I love combining the colors because it really makes

everything look so cool so adding different shades of blues and teals

really helps the page to create dimension and give it that really nice

dripping effect since it had so much inclination ooh it would really have to

take a long time to dry because I needed this to be dry really really well

I took some juggles art parts these are birds so that I wanted to include in my

journal these are called art cards and they're made out of watercolor paper the

same watercolor paper that is used in the background and what I wanted to do

is that I wanted to include them in the background looking back I wish I would

have put them facing each other I don't know why I had put the birds facing

outward and it looks good while it doesn't have any paint on it but once I

added the painted the birds were kind of looking away from each other they kind

of looked angry at each other but it doesn't really matter it still got gave

a really good effect I took some of the premising a bear pick paper

texture paste which is one of my favorite favorite paste to use not only

for the winter scenes but for basically anything and what I did is I use the

paste to create these two branches coming out of the edge of the paper so I

wanted the birds to kind of stand on top of a branch so what I did is I used a

paintbrush and created two branches coming out of the edge of the paper that

looked as if they had frosty snow on it so that made it look like a winter scene

because this I really wanted to create a really nice wintry scene that looks like

as if the snow had just fallen on the ground and the birds were basically

looking for berries on top of the branches it really looked like berries I

looked like black mandala red mandala pattern and it made it look like berries

to me so I really felt as if the birds were looking for really nice berries

around the trees so I continued adding the branches and while I fit once I

finished adding the branches I used the same paste to add some more frosty snow

on the edges of the journal I went all the way around and when I reach the top

I started creating some icicles coming out of the top of the journal it was a

really cool idea that I thought of last minute where I could create little

icicles that look like as if snow is falling and is accumulating on top of

the trees so I thought that was really cute and I decided to do this on both

sides and kind of unify everything unify the theme to everything else I really

love how these icicles came about and it really lucked looks like a frosty scene

for these little birds and I'm sure they're really cold but you know what

they have good feather so it warms them up

and I really love how this paper texture created the scenery for me and of course

I'm linking that as well of course I heat set this really

really well because that pace took a little bit longer to dry but that's okay

because I was going to work on my birds I took the little birds and using the

same stencil I had used with a glimmer paste

I took it again and added a little bit of glimmer to the body of each of the

birds I figured it would be like little lines on top of the birds because birds

have these markings from the feathers so this would be as if it was glimmering

feathers because I'm sure they have a little bit of that icy frosty snow on

top of their feathers that if it gets wet they probably freeze I'm guessing a

lot of the birds tend to go south for the winter so they might not actually be

in this frosty wonderland but I just figured that if they would have been

they would have a little bit of that a glimpse inning snow on top of their

feathers so that's why I added this pattern on each bird heat set the paste

and then I took some gold spray this is a mixture of gold mica and water and I

sprayed the birds on their bodies of course the paste was very dry otherwise

it would have gotten really messy then I took some black marabou spray and added

one drop to each of the birds as soon as I put the drop onto the bird it actually

spread everywhere and it created a really cool shadow for the birds it was

a little bit too dark for me so I played back and forth with the gold and the bat

in the black to make sure that the birds are a little bit more golden because the

bird in the actual mood board was over a golden orange color so I wanted to kind

of mimic that as well I heat set the black and then I went back and added

some more gold to make sure that they're not so dark once they were fully dried I

took a black marker and added some markings onto the birds and also

outlined their bodies I really wanted to make them look a

little bit more realistic I'm not the best drawer but I figured that if I

added a little bit of black and painted their legs and the eye and some markings

on the body it would make it look a little bit more realistic

then I took back my pages and I added the three birds and glue them with some

3d matte gel you can also use soft gel for this or any glue or gel that you

want and all I did is glue them to the background once the birds were glued I

ended up adding a few more finishing touches to the background

I took the glimmer paste again and using my finger added a little bit of the

glimmer to the white snow so that made the white paste glimmer and glisten in

the background and it kind of made it look more realistic like snow I also

took the gold spray and added a few splatters in the background to make sure

that it matches the birds I figured to have a few golden splatters will give a

beautiful touch to the background finally I took some Satan crystals prima

gemstones and added them to the background especially at the edges of

the branches to make it look like more berries were gathered at the edge of

each twig so I thought it would be a cute finishing touch I mean I didn't

have to add these but I thought they looked really nice and because they're

very shiny they look really nice it looked like little berries at the end of

each branch finally I went ahead and added a small title with some old

stickers that I had from long time ago and I thought this was the perfect title

because it said first snow and all I did is take some gel and sealed it to the

background that way it would not come off thank you so much for watching if

you like my video please give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends

on social media we have a lot of amazing sponsors that are giving away some

amazing prizes hop starts on December 4 and ends on December 15th with the

winners announced on December 17th I also have a giveaway and I'm giving away

a mixed-media prize pack it's gonna be a surprise but it's a pretty good price

pack and all you have to do is just subscribe to my channel and leave a

comment below and I will pick a winner on December 18th and announce it as well

on the 19th I hope you liked my video and here is the next video to hop along

have an amazing day bye

For more infomation >> Art Journal Process | Mixed Media Techniques | Youtube Hop - Duration: 13:47.


Duchess Meghan wanted air fresheners for her wedding but the Palace told 'NO' - Duration: 11:20.

Meagan kicks up a stink dictatorial bride wanted air fresheners for musty 15th century st

George's Chapel, but the palace told her no, like all brides. She wanted every aspect of her wedding to be perfect

Not least the venue st

George's Chapel at Windsor Castle couldn't have been more - Meghan Markel's liking historic and picturesque with long family ties

It had it all the only problem was apparently the smell

according to well-placed royal sources the musty odour of the 15th century chapel did not find favor with the

Soon-to-be duchess of Sussex who asked for air fresheners to be deployed before her guests arrived

the same insiders report that Meghan's request to use the atomizers did not find favor with Buckingham Palace which swiftly

pointed out that the chapel was a regular place of worship for the Queen as it had been for successive monarchs since

1475 and if it was good enough for them

It would be good enough for her the fascinating vignette about the Royal Wedding on May 19th comes amid

speculation about Meghan's friendship with her sister-in-law the Duchess of Cambridge

Which is not believed to be closed after it was announced that Meghan and Prince Harry are to move out of Kensington Palace

to live in Frogmore cottage Windsor early next year there have also been suggestions that

Meghan and Harry are proving unpopular with royal staff and can be difficult and dictatorial

recent reports have suggested that despite Harry telling staff what Meghan wants Meghan Getz's they also clashed with the Queen's household over which

Tiara Meghan could wear until the Queen stepped in' She was also said to have warned her grandson about their behavior

It is understood that the request to use the atomizers

Handheld devices for spraying water a perfume to create a pleasant aroma for guests at st

George's Chapel specifically came from Meghan's office at Kensington Palace

Although she and Harry organised the wedding themselves with an in-house team

Anything to do with the chapel the venue for several royal marriages including Queen Victoria's and burial place of 10 monarchs

It's a matter for the Queen who had to give them permission to use it

That meant all of the arrangements needed to be passed by the Lord Chamberlain's office at Buckingham Palace

which is in charge of ceremonial matters such as state visits and garden parties and

when the request to use the atomizers was raised the response was well a little sniffy the source said

Apparently Megan didn't like the smell of the chapel which as you would expect is a little musty

It's not unpleasant at all, though

It just smells how you would expect an old building to smell and that's something the royal family are particularly used to

Megan wanted staff to go around with these atomizers like spritzer guns and spray the chapel with scent before anyone arrived

Royal household staff stepped in and told her office politely

But firmly that this was the Queen's Chapel and it simply wasn't appropriate

I don't believe they said no because they thought it could affect the chapel in any way it was simply the principle of the thing

This is a place that has held royal weddings funerals and even contains the Royal vault

I don't believe a request of that nature had been made before the source stress there had been no falling-out between the two households

But that there was a certain amount of surprise at the request

Frankly, it was all a bit ridiculous and rather over-the-top

They said a second source while also confirming that atomizers had been requested

Said the two households worked very well together. I don't believe they the atomizers caused concern st

George's Chapel was built by successive monarchs starting with Edward the fourth in

1475 and completed by Henry the eighth in 1528

Kensington Palace declined to comment last night. Will it be happy families this year?

Megan and Kate really loved spending last Christmas together, but are definitely not best friends

Megan and Kate really loved spending last Christmas together, but are definitely not best friends a Us

Magazine has claimed amid rumours of a rift

The sisters-in-law got on during the festive period last year and all had a wonderful time a source told people

dot the Duke and Duchess of

Sussex stayed with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at their Norfolk home Mann were Hall last Christmas joining the Queen and the rest of

The royal family at Sandringham for Christmas Day

This year they will be spending Christmas together again amid claims there have been tensions behind the scenes

Following the announcement that Harry and Megan will be moving away from Kensington Palace

Speaking about Megan and Kate's relationship last year a source told people they really loved Christmas and all had a wonderful time

I think the two women got on they are definitely not best friends

But it was a really special time for them all to spend together


There have been rumors of a rift between Kate and Megan following the news that Harry and Megan will be moving to Frogmore cottage in

Windsor next year ahead of the arrival of the first child together an insider suggested to people that the decision to move away from

Kensington Palace where the cambridge currently live had been taken to allow harry to come out of his brothers shadow a

Source previously told The Daily Mail's Rebecca English that there was no acrimony between the Sussex is in the Cambridge

The idea of the two of them as the boys the brothers doing everything together and living in each other's pockets

Has been pushed with good intentions, but hasn't really existed for some time

She said the truth is that they have both just grown up

They are rare in that they live together and work together, but there has been a stepping back

They are still incredibly close closer than most siblings, but now Harry has married and is about to become a father

So it's a good time for him to be planning his own future. There is no acrimony

Meanwhile, Kate brushed off rumours of a rift while visiting Leicester earlier this week with Prince William

Speaking to members of the public outside Leicester University kate was asked about the duchess of sussex is pregnancy

Asked if she were excited for Megan and her new baby kate said yes absolutely know

It's such a special time to have all kiddies

She added and a cousin for George and Charlotte as well and Lewis, so it will be really special

Revealed how Megan the down-to-earth blogger sipped wine and spoke about her divorce with local photographer who joined her on?

2015 Malta trip to explore her ancestry the photographer behind a set of recently surfaced

Images of Megan Markel in Malta has revealed what it was like working with the future duchess of Sussex

Kurt Arrigo spent two days with Megan in the Mediterranean country in

20:15 after she was invited by the local tourist board to explore her the birthplace of her great-great-grandmother

However, the future royal who would not meet Prince Harry for another year was also in her element shooting an ell spread and working on

her now defunct lifestyle blog the tag Kurt reveals

speaking exclusively to mail in line

He told how down-to-earth Meghan was very pleasant to work with and recalls

The remarkably candid actress happily chatting about a recent divorce as she sampled the local food and wine

She had mentioned that she was previously married as well

But she didn't really open up about it said Kurt who met Meghan two years after her split from director Trevor engleson

one of the more striking images shows Meghan wearing a traditional

janella, headdress on a visit to the Magnificent 16th century Casa Rocca piccola palace in Malta's capital Valletta

She was very game to try it on and to be a bit playful kurt recalls

Meghan later touched on going back to her roots and

Blending in with the locals saying there is something so lovely about fitting in a piece of the puzzle other snaps show the future Duchess

casually dressed in ripped jeans and a baggy grey t-shirt

Exploring the streets of Medina and marveling at st. John's company Cathedral in Valletta. It was very candid Kurt reveals

She didn't really want any poses. But then after a while she felt comfortable it want a fashion shoot

It was very much a lifestyle. Shoot

It was a very casual shoot and I just kind of tagged along and made her feel comfortable

And not do it in an invasive way and do it discreetly

Kurt also revealed that his two daughters had been desperate to meet the suits actress, but Meghan had to cancel as well was feeling unwell

However, she later wrote a sweet message to Kurt and his children on her blog by way of apology

less than two years after her Maltese trip Meghan became a household name overnight when her

Relationship with Prince Harry hit headlines and Kurt said he was pleased to see she got her fairytale ending

She's probably one of the most influential women around now

he says I

Guess she's got to be part of that royal system and maybe can't let her hair down as much as would have liked to in

Those times it was all relaxed and chilled and easy now wherever she is

I supposed everyone got a camera and wants to take a picture

It was nice to be able to meet her and get to know her in her real element in her own words

Megan and Malta

speaking in 2015 Megan said of her trip to the

Mediterranean country coming to Malta has been really important to me because my great-great grandmother lived here

So we've been trying to trace the ancestry

This trip was mostly about trying to understand where I come from my identity

There is something so lovely about fitting in a piece of the puzzle

To come somewhere where you so quickly settle into feeling welcomed is really special. It's this Maltese hospitality

That is really special to the place before I came people were telling me when you go to Malta

Everyone will look like you and I started to say oh my gosh

I do sort of blend in and it's the loveliest feeling

The Maltese people have been so kind in an interview during her stay. She said in goes

Oh, oh, I love the fresh goat's milk cheeses

Particularly the pickled ones with the black pepper on them

I'm about to have the spaghetti with rabbit, which I've been waiting to try this morning for breakfast

I tried the post Izzy with peas and ricotta. Oh my goodness. They're delicious

So my suitcase will be filled with all sorts of Maltese treats

Megan also gushed about the bucolic bliss of the Maltese countryside in an Instagram post written at the time

It is believed the remarkably candid snaps were taken in March 2015

Just four months before she met Prince Harry and eventually swapped the showbiz world for Kensington Palace

Casually dressed in a grey t-shirt and baggy jeans the future duchess of Sussex looks decidedly happy and carefree in the images

She appears to be wearing her beloved

1600 pound max Maura Manuela coat which has not seen the light of day since Megan became a fully fledged royal

one photo seized her with the Marquita Pierrot and his wife Frances at their home Casa Rocca piccola while dressed in a traditional

Janela, headdress. Thank you for watching

please like or dislike to help me to improve the quality of the next videos and

Don't forget leave your thoughts in the comment section below

For more infomation >> Duchess Meghan wanted air fresheners for her wedding but the Palace told 'NO' - Duration: 11:20.


Super Tubers! HeroForce vs The White Hat Game Master YouTubers Battle! - Duration: 7:07.

Time for a holiday milkshake!

Aw man!

Is that whipped cream?

Uhh, no.

I love whip cream!

Noah I need that for my milkshake!

This is why we don't keep sugar in the house.

What in the world?

I'm not going to go see, I'm busy playing my game.

What is it Hope?

This is crazy!

What's crazy?

Do you remember the Ninja Kidz?

We can't work with evil hackers. How do we know we can trust you?

Thank you for helping us SuperHeroKids. Thanks for being awesome!

Yeah, I remember them.

They have a YouTube channel with 2 million subcribers!

I should make a YouTube video! I would become so famous!

I could make a way better YouTube video than you could.

Oh really? You're on.


Is someone there?

Oh man, at least it's not a real shark.

Shark! Go away shark!

Don't eat me shark!

Wait a second. You're not a real shark. You're just a white hat.

Oh we made a mess. Eden is going to get so mad at me!

I messed up her milkshake.

We're going to need a superhero cleaning squad.

And there's only one person for that.

Slime is all the rage right now.


Slime? Trust me, to get famous you're going to need a slime video.

Who even watches slime anymore?

I know what I'm doing.

So you're the expert huh?

I think it's my turn to make a video.

Don't miss that spot over there.

I am trying! Stop nagging me Noah! I am too nice.

Hey! That was extremely unnecessary!

Wait, no! Don't turn on the vacuum!

The vacuum is broken.

We're not very good at cleaning.

Um, what video are you filming?

Probably a lame one!

Only the best type of video, it's a....

A present opening and taste testing video.

Taste test?

What's up peeps? Welcome back to my channel! Today I'm going to be doing a present opening and taste testing review!

Let's dive in.

So today we are going to be trying this present first, let's see how it tastes.

Ten out of ten present! Okay on to the next one!

So let's just dive right in you know!

I'm going to have to give that one a six out of ten. It's a little crispy.

Hey! Those are my presents!

I don't like my presents crispy.

On to the next!

This is a terrible video. To get famous you need to do something crazy and goofy.

Not eat things.

Oh yeah, like what?

Like putting a diaper on your head!

No, no!

Come on! The diaper is the key!

The diaper is the key!

Hey guys we...

What is happening?

Come on, just put the diaper on your head!

No! Get away from me you creep!

Oh that's the last straw!

Put it on your head!


Has that been recording? Yeah!


I have it set up to where it automatically posts the video.

So you're saying, the whole world is going to see a video of us fighting with diapers on our head?


Well I wanted to get famous. But not like this!

Guys! You've got to see this! What is it?

We got a million views?

I told you the diapers were the key!

The comments say our powers are so cool!

That must mean they like our super powers!

Let's make more YouTube videos! We will be the first famous Superhero YouTubers!

Yeah! We will be called SuperHeroKids!

This is going to be so cool!

And The White Hat can join too!

Why are you here? And wait, why are you both wearing aprons?

Are you wearing my milkshake?


Hey guys! We are the SuperHeroKids and welcome to our YouTube channel! So today, we are going to be doing something very cool! It's decorating our Christmas tree!

Here are all of the ornaments, stars, snowflakes, and batman. It's really cool.

Make sure to click the link right here to get your own HeroForce power rings!

Click here to see an awesome funny shark video we made.

Come see our video next week!

Shark attack!

For more infomation >> Super Tubers! HeroForce vs The White Hat Game Master YouTubers Battle! - Duration: 7:07.


The New Driver App: Your Partner on the Road | Uber - Duration: 1:14.

We heard you.

You asked for a better driver app.

One that would show you where it would be busy.

When to make your next move.

And the busiest times to drive,

so you can manage your day better.

You wanted it to be easy to see how much you've earned

so you can do more with the people who matter most.

You wanted your app to work,

even if you're not connected.

Out here, here, and, yes, even in here.

We collaborated with drivers and delivery partners

from around the world.

Introducing the new Driver app.

Your partner on the road.

For more infomation >> The New Driver App: Your Partner on the Road | Uber - Duration: 1:14.


Packing and moving: Soap and craft supplies! Part Two - Duration: 18:42.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Packing and moving: Soap and craft supplies! Part Two - Duration: 18:42.


Kids Colors Learning Toy HULK Surprise Toys Go To ZOO - Duration: 12:28.

Hi boys and girls, let's go to the zoo with the Hulk there's a lion monkey and even a tiger

Go Hulk. Hey Dino pals. This is toy rex here. Let's see what toy surprise we have today

Hi Hulk, hi Captain America today The Avengers superheroes. I'm a special mission for you

Today's the Hulk surprise toys will go to the zoo the zoo

That sounds awesome. Hulk love cute animals. All right, superheroes. Everybody on the bus that will take you to the zoo

Okay, Hulk Drive bus to Zoo

Have fun at the zoo Hulk surprise toys

All right, don't friends, let's see this Zoo

Here's the zoo it's so big there's penguins and lions and a gift shop. That's so

Let's open up this Playmobil zoo

Wow, there's so many parts

So many parts, let's build the zoo. Yay, here are the stickers and first let's build the zoo entrance

This zoo door goes right here. And then we have a revolving door. Let's put some stickers on it

All done now this door goes right here

Cool now people can come into the zoo. Now we will connect a revolving door to the entrance gate

Now we have to decorate the entrance with these zoo animals

First we have a monkey he goes up here and

Then we have a bird he goes on the top right here

Look we have this cute blue penguin

And we have this orange tiger, he's got all these stripes cool he does right here

And the last animal is the mighty mighty lion. He goes on the very top and

Then we have a flag and here are the stickers, let's put them on the flag

And now we need one on the back

Times for the penguin pool

Here's the water for the Penguins to swim and it goes right in the middle. And now let's put on some grass

Nd leaves on the side and there's another one the other side

These leaves have some flowers on top like that

Look at how pretty they are

And here's the gate anyone has a picture of a penguin here. So cool

And here are the penguins they look super cute. They're a white black and a orange

And there's also these super cute penguin baby, they also gonna go for a swim the penguin family looks so happy, whoa

Right. Wow, it's lion. That means it's time to build the Lions Den

We have to put the gate on the rocks, I mean there's a stone wall that goes on it too one more to go

Now, let's build the Lions den

Well, the Lions are in the lion's den now and then we have to put on the sign

time to build the gift shop

The gift shop is white with a red roof

And it has all these flags that go around the roof. Let's put them on guys. Whoa

Wow, there's so many flags. Now lets put on these stickers

The gift shop has a computer these juice boxes little stuffed animals and postcards so cool

Now people can buy all these awesome gift

And there's also these cute balloons how awesome there's a line balloon a penguin balloon and a blue balloon

Next we're gonna build the clock

And then we need to put on the needles to tell the time

Right now, it's 12 o'clock. It's lunchtime

Next animal is this really pretty peahawk. She has super pretty tail and it's a blue peahawk

Awesome. Next we have these little otters otters. Love to swim. Here we go

Wha-ha-ha, then we have two little kids

This little boy is a red hat and he is has really cool Zebra shirt wow

awesome, and this little girl has a pink pony tail and a pink shirt with a green back pack and if they get tired,

Here's a bench for them to sit on and here's a treat

The next animal is a pelican he's a white pelican that loves to eat fishies. It hears fishies

Penguins also love these fishes too. And then we have two zookeepers

They are here to help clean and maintain the zoo and look. He's carrying a bunch of meat. Where is he off to?

Here you go my lunch time

run run run run run run around

And when the lions are done eating he will take away the bones

The Hulk Surprise toys are at the zoo

Welcome to the zoo. My name is Billy. I'm the zookeeper here. Hello, Billy

It's so nice

Yeah, we got a bunch of super cool animals lions crocodiles penguins and many more

How about I'll show you around this Zoo. That sounds like so much fun. All right superheroes

Follow me. All right superheroes

First up is the Penguins in this is where we keep all penguins penguins are water birds. They got wings

But their wings allow them to swim super super fast in the water

Why are so cool? Can you superheroes tell me what are Penguins favorite food? I know

penguins love to eat fishes

that's right Hulk and I just so happen to have a bucket of fish right here

Lunch time

Next I'm gonna show you the gift shop, let's go and

This right here is the zoo's gift shop

You can buy all sorts of presents juice boxes stuffed animals and even pictures of animals and there's even balloons right over here

cool, Hulk buy balloons for Captain America

How nice of you Hulk. All right guys time for main attraction at the Zoo

Let's go follow me and here we have the lion's den superheroes

This is where we keep the mighty mighty lion. The live is known as the king of the jungle

super powerful

Help help What's Wrong? My Baby

Oh, you're right

That's so dangerous, yes, please somebody help me and save my baby Hulk will save baby

Thank you. Thank you, please hurry

Thank Thank you Hulk you saved my baby. No problem. Oh like you home. Oh

Wait - mr. Zookeeper, there's no tiger in here. Oh, you're right, huh?

Your help to find the tiger Hulk

Always here to help boys and girls you can help too. Let's go look for the tiger

Okay, boys and girls we have to help Hulk look for the tiger


Huh we need to find the tiger which door do you like? All right, like the blue door? Okay, one two three open

That's not an animal wow, this is a PJ Masks surprise toy

Awesome one two three open

Where we got PJ masks Owlette she looks so cool. She it's a super girl that has wings so she can flies

And she works with PJ masks gekko and cat boy. Her name is Owlette

Her favorite animal is the owl. Let's go Owlette

Awesome job Hulk. We got a surprise toy. Now. Let's look for an animal. Okay boys and girls. Let's open this door



Well, we got another surprise toy. This is trolls. Look there's Branch and there's poppy

Guy diamond. let's see which Troll we ygt snip snip snip one two, three go

Well, super cute. We've got a troll with green hair

It's just like the hope she's really tired and she's orange with the yellow dress. She's super cute

Hello little troll. Do you know where the tiger is?

Don't be scared. I'm looking for tiger. Oh

Don't eat me. Okay, boys and girls we need to find Tiger. Let's open this green door because I have green


well, we got

Hulk toy surprise egg. So awesome, huh? We're gonna get a super cool mystery toy of one two, three, okay

Well, we got a little Hulk, that's so cool

Look at how tiny is compared to big Hulk. Super awesome

Okay, boys and girls. Which door should we open up this time? There's an orange door a red door

Let's open this orange door. Okay, Hulk one, two three open

Oh No, there's no animal or toy that's okay boys and girls you can open another door

This time let's open red door. Okay, Hulk one, two, three. Okay. Who's that?

Wow, its paw patrol chase. That's so awesome. And this Chase is special. Look at this badge

One two three. Well, the badge is glowing. He's super Chase. Super Chases. Can you give us a clue?

Where the tiger is?

No problem. Chase is on the case

The Tigers orange. So that's his favorite color

Do you think the tiger is behind this orange door Wow chase you're super smart. Let's open up the orange door

That's an animal

Wow we did it we found the tiger

Awesome. Good job, Hulk. You found the tiger for the zoo. The tiger is orange with stripes

He's a really fast animal and super awesome and strong just like the Hulk good job Hulk

Super awesome Hulk went to the zoo and found all the zoo animals

Super fun for girls. You guys are the best

Go Hulk!

Thanks for watching. Dino pals. You guys are awesome

For more awesome surprises with me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe and join the Dino Club

For more infomation >> Kids Colors Learning Toy HULK Surprise Toys Go To ZOO - Duration: 12:28.


The Love Triangle || KADRIAN THOMAS - Duration: 4:59.

hi I am Kadrian Thomas and on this channel I share tips and ideas to help you

improve your love relationship between you and your spouse or your significant

other today I want to explore with you the anatomy of love through using

the love triangle now the triangular model of love was

developed by Robert Sternberg a Yale university psychologist as you

know a triangle has three sides so the three sides of the love triangle are as

follows passion intimacy and at the core

commitment passion is sensual it is sexual it is a psychological arousal of

physical affection the preoccupation of individuals at this level in the

relationship can be so intense so extreme that other relationships become

insignificant they do not matter the second side of the love triangle is that

of intimacy this is the emotional side without intimacy love is really an hormonal

illusion because nobody can pursue another person over a long period of

time without truly getting to know them so intimacy has a soulmate a best friend

who knows you better than everyone and anyone else yet this person accepts you

this person doesn't hold anything back he or she trusts you with his or her

dearest deepest most sacred personal secret while at the same time filling

the longing desires of your heart for closeness and acceptance now those who

have experienced success with intimacy in the relationship understand that it

takes hard work it is not easy it involves a lot of emotional risks

without careful nurturing intimacy in the relationship will wilt wither and

die also a lack of intimacy in a relationship will cause

it to tumble over and that's why many relationships do not last for a very

long period of time because the couple involved they do not know each other

enough to create a bond which eventually will merge them into the one flesh

therefore they may be living under the same roof but they are isolated they're

actual strangers the third side of the love triangle is that of commitment this

is the core this is the foundation that holds of passion and intimacy this is

the cognitive side it cannot be seen but rather it makes a promise till death and

it look towards the future without commitment in the relationship what we

become are helpless Wanderers on the island of our dark and lonely hearts

additionally commitment creates that small island of security and certainty

of love for one's partner when the flames of passion burns low and the

turbulent storms and raging waters of impulse dashes against the marital boat

so what commitment actually does it stares its lover in its face and say

listen I love you not because of anything that you have done or because

of how I'm feeling rather its ultimate is because of who you are so consider

passion intimacy and commitment as the hot the warm and the cold in the recipe

of love understand that the recipe or the intensity of the passion intimacy

and commitment in a relationship may vary from person to person

but understand that the more passion there is the more intimacy there is the

more commitment that dwells within the relationship then the love triangle is

usually larger and the larger the love triangle

then the larger the love within the actual relationship I want you to stay

tuned for part two of this video where I'll share with you how to use the three

parts that are passion intimacy and commitment to build a more lasting

long-term relationship with your spouse remember to leave a comment like or

share this video and if you have not yet subscribed to my youtube channel go

right ahead and do so now and click that notification bell so that you will never

miss another video that will help you to enhance and enrich your relationship for

now peace out guys

For more infomation >> The Love Triangle || KADRIAN THOMAS - Duration: 4:59.


Floppy Ears | Meme (Collab with Cyanimations A) - Duration: 0:29.

Screw ending card >:(

For more infomation >> Floppy Ears | Meme (Collab with Cyanimations A) - Duration: 0:29.


L13: Distributed Deadlock Detection | Edge Chasing Algorithm with Example in hindi by Prince Sir - Duration: 11:12.




For more infomation >> L13: Distributed Deadlock Detection | Edge Chasing Algorithm with Example in hindi by Prince Sir - Duration: 11:12.


Finally Mark Zukerberg speak about Angel priya full answer video - Duration: 0:18.

fb pe ye jo angel priya banke baith hai na

inko inke maa baap ne paida ladke kiya tha ban ladkiyaan gye..

For more infomation >> Finally Mark Zukerberg speak about Angel priya full answer video - Duration: 0:18.


Dream Big, Study Hard! - Study Motivation - Duration: 3:40.

there's another level to this thing to studying to education to the effort

you're putting in right now there's another level that you haven't quite

reached yet and there will be moments when you get tired and beat down and

you're gonna feel discouraged maybe even depressed and it's good to feel

discouraged sometimes because when you're feeling discouraged that's when

you're being put to the test seeing how bad you really want it it's

only going to build your character if you want to stay at home on the sofa

watching TV feeling sorry for yourself well that's up to you but there'll be

someone else out there that's inspired and motivated and we're gonna go out

there and we're gonna go and get it and when you get to the end when you feel

like giving up and closing your books and going to bed you can do one of two

things that will determine who you're going to be you can do a give up

or be when you've had enough you start to take productive action and the way

you need to go we all have a choice and that choice defines who we're going to

be someone who regrets their whole life or we're gonna be the champions and

people who set standards and become role models it's what we do when we feel like

giving up step forward do not wait go to your desk and study

and make every day every minute every second and make it all count and become

the person you want to be and you become that person through one small decision

at a time be strong be powerful be aggressive

instead of letting their goals and your studying slide out from beneath you

instead of money all those stays slide use the discipline within you to make it

happen don't be meek shut down all those

pathetic excuses and make it happen it is within you you just gotta find it so

when your alarm clock goes off you have a decision to make and it takes

discipline to do this to really commit to having a productive day to get up and

to make every single minute of your day and you've got to do this every day no

matter what it takes no matter what obstacles get in your way no matter what

your friends say no matter what your classmates say you are going to do this

you've got to do the word no one's going to come knocking on your door with

opportunities if you haven't put in in the first place

and if you really want it that bad you better get used to being uncomfortable

what you concentrate on is what you get you've got to concentrate if you

concentrate on studying you get the grades you want if you concentrate on

improving your work ethic everyday and incredible work ethic is what you'll get

if you concentrate on success success is what you get it's not a difficult

concept to understand if you want to do something in your life whatever it is

it's going to take concentration don't stop obstacles challenges distractions

keep moving forward success is right there in front of you

For more infomation >> Dream Big, Study Hard! - Study Motivation - Duration: 3:40.


CẢNH BÁO Bugi giả tràn lan, chỉ 5K/1 cái mùa xe ngập nước - Duration: 10:59.

For more infomation >> CẢNH BÁO Bugi giả tràn lan, chỉ 5K/1 cái mùa xe ngập nước - Duration: 10:59.


Favorite Things about Being Deaf - Duration: 3:38.

Hey guys, hope you're doing great

Today, I'll be sharing my favorite things about being deaf

On a Saturday morning

I'd sleep through kids screaming and dogs barking

and birds chirping

and lawn mower being on and

all the crazy noise that you wish you can sleep through :laughing:


Whenever I seemed to watch a movie

generally there'd be people would either be talking or asking questions about a movie

I turn my processor off and just enjoy it in silence


with my processor off, I can concentrate on my book in a noisy environment :squeals:


teaching my friends sign language

so we can have a secret code to talk in

and what I mean by that is

I taught my brother the alphabet of ASL

and if there are things we don't want Dad to hear, we'll definitely fingerspell to each other

that's how we plan our devious plans, yeah

See? I do have a dark side :laughing:


impressing my friends with my lip reading skill

especially when I forget my backup battery

which seemed to be happening lot more than I would've like to admit


and this kind of a story instead of a favorite thing

when people tend to give me an attitude

I generally don't hear it because I tend to look away to do my job

and then I look back up and tell them to have a nice day and give back their stuff

The reason I know that they were giving me an attitude is they seemed taken back

by my positive response and I'm like 'Yep, you were giving me attitude, all righty then. Ha!'

See, you can't even get a rile out of me, er

Can't rile me up, yeah, there you go, can't rile me up

Man, maybe that's why they're giving me an attitude

because I keep butchering my sentences

Huh, now we know

All right, guys

this is all of my favorite things, I'm sure there are more

about being deaf, I just can't think of it right now

Eh, whatever, I'm sure I'll do another video of this

If you have any questions

please do drop them down in the comment below

or you can send me in the email right here

and if you like this video, please do press 'Like'

and I hope to see you next Saturday


For more infomation >> Favorite Things about Being Deaf - Duration: 3:38.


স্ত্রী সহবাসের দোয়া বাংলা [সহীহ হাদিস] | sohobaser dua | নতুন বাংলা ওয়াজ ২০১৯ | bangla ওয়াজ 2019 - Duration: 3:53.


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