hey everyone it's been a while since I shared a look at my Lego collectable
minifigures collection so here's an update to fix that if you're fairly new
to the channel this is the room with my Lego City in it this is a project unto
itself very much a work in progress and it has been expanded over time they've
got multiple video series covering that but over time as I expanded this and
built it up I ended up with this wall that was very unsightly it was
completely plain and I wanted to put something up there I want to put some
color up there against the almost white color or basically lack of color now I
want to put some Lego up there so I put it started putting up these figures and
I'll show you exactly how I've done this display and I'll show you what's behind
there and everything you know works this is a collection of all of the official
Lego collectible minifigures series or CM FS as they are called going back to
the beginning of that official series in 2010 these are the ones that come in the
blind bags individually packed so it's supposed to be kind of a kind of a game
and a game of chance to be able to collect all of them you don't know what
you're getting but there are some tricks to be able to to kind of beat that a
little bit and this just goes chronologically from top to bottom from
2010 moving forward and then we go over a column and they just continues on down
again so the first seven series these are grouped by series so one one color
of background worth would be available at one time in one series until you get
up to series 7 which is the one with the red background there and then they skip
to the the numbering scheme when they went to this special one this is the
first special one it was to go with the 2012 London Olympics this was the Team
GB series only 9 figures there and this was only made available in the UK and
then they went back to the regular series with that regular numbering
scheme and there were special things that they've done along the way a number
of times another one that they did that was actually very infamous was this one
here with mr. golden that Center figure that I have there is
not a real mr. gold it's a very good duplicate their worry a relatively small
number of them made available and it was a whole kind of disaster behind it whole
all became about resellers finding the things to make money off of them so I
don't have a real one they cost a whole lot and that's okay
it's just got a good replica this here is another special series of the lego
movie the first lego movie original series here so they did something
different for that and they also went fully corporate co-branded here for the
first Simpsons series and you see in the next column over the second Simpsons
series based off the TV show and there are some more just regular ones in
between they did one series that was specific to Halloween so Halloween is
kind of the time of the year and the the holiday of sorts was was used as a theme
there for monsters and such and then the next column over has the most successful
co-brand version of a series air with thee the Disney series that was very
very well received and hopefully they'll be doing more of those in the future you
know including more different characters this is the the championship German
football team and the US would call it soccer but this was one that was only
made available in in Europe I don't think it was only in Germany that one
but then we go back to some regular ones the Lego Batman movie was a thing and
that has actually gotten two full series for itself and those just happened to be
side by side now as well this is the first one the batwing there was not
included in that series I just wanted to make this a little bit more of a fancy
display there's the second Batman series over there Batman movie series another
regular one and then they also had the lego ninjago movie and as we come to the
end things change up just a little bit and these are the things that I had not
put up the last time I did one of these updates that's worth and
right there now I've got the Harry Potter and Wizarding World
seriously at least the first one will they do more we shall see but this is
the first one that says the most figures today this has 22 figures most of the
series have had 16 I missed the one with mr. gold had 17 officially let's see
I've got some with 18 but with 22 there and then comparing that to this one for
the unikitty TV show on the Cartoon Network I went back down to just 12 now
this one is a little bit different and this gets the way that it's set up right
now it's a little bit temporary and it gets in to the fact that I have run out
of space but I've taken it I've already got a solution for that that was built
in here at least that was planned in the past first though as promised earlier I
want to show you exactly how these are set up what is going on here how these
are placed here and everything so if you like anything about this set up you want
to take any inspiration from it you'll know exactly where to start or at least
have some some concrete ideas so first of all each of these groups is on a
plate 32 by 32 studs in dimension which is equivalent to a Lego regular base
plate of course Lego has just regular studded ones that don't have the print
on them but they're all done like this there's a key difference between this
and this though this is a base plate it's a flexible thing and thin these are
actually cut out they're not molded they're kind of rolled in large sheets
and then they're they're cut and they're very flexible and Lego only makes a very
limited number of colors for these in the first place so I'm not using Lego
plates here I'm using pieces from a brand called Strictly Briks with a K
Bri K s Strictly Briks available on Amazon it's good quality stuff it's not
cheap knockoff stuff at all they do very good work you see nice glossy finish and
these are actual plates so the exact thickness of a regular Lego
plate like this which means that there are studs on the back or anti studs on
the back they'll allow you to attach things to the back now that's gonna be
very important for something that I'm gonna show you in a minute
but before we get to that how is it sticking now I'm able to remove it and
put it back and then just take it off well the answer is magnetism
unsurprisingly this is a whiteboard that has a little bit of metal in it it's
it's sold as a magnetic whiteboard but there is no actual magnetism to this
there's no magnet in there just has metal behind it just steel allows you to
attach things that are magnetic boo to it
there we go so to each of these I just attached four small and cheap bulk rare
earth magnets in the corners with hot glue just hot glue it's all it too just
want to make sure that those are nice and fairly flat and have some glue over
the front surface as well not just the back to stick it on there you want it to
never pull off but it's very easy to do very quick and very effective just put
one in each corner and you know different people trying this same sort
of technique might want to use different numbers or different arrangements of the
the magnets within there and then each of the figures is actually just on its
own base these little finger bases or modified tile pieces they are three by
four they come with the figures so there's there's nothing special to that
those come with each figurin you can do the same thing with other other regular
plates as well and tiles but you need something with studs on it but this will
just fit naturally into the space between studs or I just line this up
where it was before just push it right in there no glue is required no magnet
is required there and that's just an intrinsic fact of the design of LEGO
pieces you can do that at any time that's
it's not strictly a a legal building technique but it's one that's well known
and has actually been used in some official Lego sets in the in the past
and it does work it doesn't do any serious damage to the pieces you will
get a little bit of rubbing just along the edges of the studs or not even this
the studs but where the the studs on the plate are can cause just a little bit of
abrasion or rolling around the corners so you if you want to keep these plates
in mint condition for life you don't want to use this technique here and
that's why Lego doesn't allow that technique to be used in official sets
anymore but for something like this where it's just a display I'm not even
using official Lego pieces in the background anyway it it works out just
fine and then with the studs facing out towards you you can attach all sorts of
things in similar similar ways if need be like this right here is attached with
just a little modified 1x1 see if I can get that to focus up closer here we go
modified 1 by 1 plate with the clip on the side you can just kind of stick that
in there exactly the same way just offset a little bit other things can be
attached more simply and that's how that works now obviously I have run out of
space and I would not have been able to put this unikitty series on there if I
didn't already have a plan for moving beyond just this space without actually
taking up any more space so this is another of the same thing in this
particular case I've layered two of those plates on top of each other and
caused a little bit of war but that's just something that it always happens
with with real LEGO pieces and we have plates that are too large they will
start to pull themselves in one direction but it's really no big deal
here I just wanted to have that effect just to make it look a little bit more
candy like this one is able to fit offset and all of these will eventually
be able to to fit and take up more space than the the size of this this
whiteboard itself because I've just added little extensions on back little
risers with magnets in them as again just using hot glue to attach them
and that allows me to move beyond the borders basically the points where this
is being magnetically attached to the surface behind or offset to the inside
so I can move this farther out I could actually have just set up a nice small
little square in the center that would have allowed me to move these even
farther out but I think this is enough I can always move them later if I want but
you know just imagine if had just said oh four by four maybe a six by six
couple of plates set up there or yeah I think that would be enough just a couple
plates stacked on top of each other would be enough but you know you do need
to have more than one point of contact so that this will not just slide off on
its own but yeah I can as it isn't how sorry about the terrible sound behind
there it's like almost like a chuck chuck board sound but I can slide these
far off beyond the edges and I think I could even yeah you even do like that
they don't even need to be attached by all of the points there and this one
even as I showed previously has has a warp in it so the flatter ones will
attach even better but that's gonna allow me to fit in an entire extra row
of nine down here on the base and at least one additional column so thirteen
more of these plates will fit into the same space without having to add any
more white boards and you'll see that as future ones come in as future full
series come in own be converting all of my plates over to use this this stand
off set up so oh these will be standing out without using the double thick
plates yeah it only needs one because all of these again have that the anti
studs on the back and that's all you need and again Strictly Briks I'm not
trying to advertise for them have no relationship with him whatsoever I've
just bought some of their products and their products are good they do make
some plates that are not square so they have some circular ones and also some I
think some triangular ones I think some of the ones that they do are actual base
plates so you want to look out for make sure you don't get the thin things
make sure you get the actual plates but you know you can you can have fun with
this stuff since it's against just a magnetic backdrop like that you know
just allows you to do different things and you know maybe you don't want to use
a magnet set up like this so I use some double-sided tape or something that can
work as well just make sure you're not gonna do damage to a wall if you ever
want to replace things and you're putting this directly up against a wall
but hopefully this gives you some ideas on how you could do some things with
your own figures or even not figures you could attach just regular models as I
did with the the Batman the Lego Batman movie
batwing there's all sorts of things that you can do with this sort of setup so
hope that was interesting and that's it for that collection if I counted
correctly it's a little shy of four hundred and fifty figures that are on
display here and over the coming months as we move on to additional series I
will add little risers behind all of these all the plates and this will
continue to expand and you'll see more and more of these showing up or the
coming years actually this should stick around and continue to work with this
basic design for quite some time to come so thanks for watching I hope you enjoy
this and I'll talk to you again soon
For more infomation >> All 440+ LEGO Collectible Minifigures (CMF) display update! - Duration: 14:51.-------------------------------------------
Pawn Stars: First Century Duck Lamp (Season 12) | History - Duration: 4:32.
Renault Symbol Araba çizimi - çok kolay - Duration: 1:06.
Adventures - A Himitsu (No Copyright Music) [NSC Release] - Duration: 3:46.
❤️Thanks for watching. Please like, share, comment and subscribe our channel.❤️
Анастасия ТАРАКАНОВА ПП 8.12.2018 JGPF(Canada) - Duration: 8:19.
Entry Paths For Spinning On A Snowboard - Duration: 3:03.
When spinning you always want to pop from jumps using an edge. Your edge will
give you the grip you need to push off to initiate a spin. If you try to start a
spin from a flat base you'll notice the board just wants to slide across the
snow, putting you in a potential edge caching situation. When hitting side hits
your entry path puts you on edge automatically, helping you sit up for
spins. However, park jumps usually have a
straight approach, so you need to create edge for your spins using appropriate
setup carves. You can spin two different directions; frontside or backside, and you
can spin from either your heel edge or your toe edge. So you need to be able to
do set up carves for both heelside and toeside takeoffs. To spin frontside off
your heels, drop in and line up a toe edge set up carve with this side of the
jump. Roll to your heel edge as you go up the transition preparing to pop from the
lip. Try to time your setup carves so your board is leaving a lip in a
straight direction. To spin backside drop in and line up a heel edge set up
carve with this side of the jump. Roll onto your toe edge as you go up the
transition getting ready to pop from your toe edge. These two entry paths are
exactly opposite, which is why you sometimes seen hourglass shape being
formed on the run in of park jumps. Don't carve too hard on the setup the
carve adds momentum to your spin but try not to rely on it to make the spin for
you. You should still be using your upper body to initiate to spin, the carve is
just there to give you a solid platform to take off from.
The same setup carve can also be used to spin off the opposite edge front side
off the toes, or backside off the heels.
It's a little different because your board is carving one way, then spinning
into the opposite direction but that's what makes these tricks interesting.
Carving your set up turns helps you commit to the speed needed to spinning a
park jump. It eliminates any speed checks you may be tempted to put in while
setting up for a spin. Once you find the appropriate speed for doing a straight air
on a jump you can drop them with the same speed or only a tiny bit faster to
clear the jump while spinning. Set up carves will take some time to perfect, be
patient and wait until you're close to the lip of the jump create a solid edge
to pop from using your set up carves. You're riding with Nev Lapwood from
Snowboard Addiction, Our Goal Is To Improve Your Riding.
TRAIL BUILDING - Stepup + big rocks | EPISODE 4 -eng sub- - Duration: 11:10.
very nice!
don't know if this is makes sense...
on a scale from 1-10 how annoying is this task?
I was able to do that for about a minute. then I was looking for something else to do...
we should put some dirt on there..
huh.. dirt... got no dirt anymore..
dirt not available.. lets build with rocks...
you can see by the tyre marks that this berm is build nicely... tyre tracks parallel to the top of the berm just like the one before
radde enough? yeah yeah!
right? this shovel is better than the other one.. yeah!
but still not your favourite huh?
I have to admit that I like this part - good for packing isn't it? - but I tend to dig up the dirt with the tip of the shovel
yeah got the same problems but you'll get used to it soon
yeah you get the feeling
It's really nice to pack dirt
oh well lets stand there and watch
the berm is soft aswell
thought you wanted to get to the hole...
yeah true that... the rock took a lot of time ... we would've finished the berm berfore... took over an hour
paul was helping out for 4 days... now he's gone... bummer cause he was a serious help!
here's internet! nice!
that dude from the village brought coffee yesterday which is nice so I'm going to reheat it today
Friday morning we're almost done..
..art least with the digger - lots of shaping and fine tuning left
so we got this quite difficult jumpline with not much room for errors or else you'll loose speed
then we got a stepdown with some options
the pro line will be a transfer to the left and from here to there...
so you're able to jump far to the left on there
with the roller down there we decrease the speed which is working just fine you can jump wherever you want! a nicely shaped berm afterwards..
every evening the locals arrive to test the line which is quite cool cause they pack the berms
all the tyre tracks are parallel to the berm which means we did a good job
here we built a drainage .. it's not for toads!
and a shark fin..
..down into this huge berm.. the only segment where I think that amateurs will have a little bit of trouble cause it's too steep
but the berm is sooo sick!
here we got 2 options.. not a big fan of the landing yet but the soil is still too soft...well there are a few choices here
another roller.. and then the next berm where we got another big rock in there
Noah is building the final turns
a big one huh?
this seems like a nice place .. do you want to go?
lets put something on the entrance - bye lizard!
ok.. everything I did on the second day is now gone in just 2 seconds...
yeah! it's working!
now just ride it a thousand times and it's hard
up there we should build a plateau with the rocks around and put some dirt on it.. you motivated? - nice so I'll be the instructor
just avoid a sharp landing edge - yeah we'll do
lots of traffic on track..
lets do a first try run! - first try run for you?
I'm recording?
there he was too slow.. that was close
last light!
now I can't see anymore....
Korean Baby Nephew's 1st Christmas Season!!🎄Korean Family Visits Us (Spanish Subtitles) - Duration: 10:54.
HGTV Dream Home 2019 - Outdoor Tour - Duration: 1:36.
ASMR 돈 먹방 리얼사운드 Edible Money $100 EATING SOUNDS Mukbang Show お金 - Duration: 7:10.
today is $ 100 money.. lol money mukbang
ok! I'm Satisfied
I hope you have lots of money in the new year.
this is for u
Children, do not ever eat ordinary money. This is edible paper.
Sweet taste
Sweet Rice Punch
please like and subscribe
do you wanna commnt something about OT? when I'm 18 I hope it's still on
i wanna go
you're gonna go to the show
hello and welcome to a new video, today i'm here with my sister Ana
as you saw in the title we're gonna do the tag of Operacion Triunfo 2018
if you follow me on social media you might be thinking...pedro how're you gonna do this tag if you've never...
posted anything Operacion triunfo related, not a single story etc
correct, i dont watch the show
but Ana watches all of it!
this video is Ana's video, it's gonna be her answering the questions and i'm just gonna be asking
but before we start we're gonna check if ana really knows the show
with a few tests
we're gonna know what contestant we'd be
then she's gonna try to guess the singer by listening to his voice
and then we're gonna answer the questions of the tag
before we start i dont even know what you're doing w your life
you all to subscribe in the red button down there
Ana you wanna say something before we begin, or tell them why they should subscribe?
you have to subscribe because we're gonna film many more cool videos
you should give it a like, subscribe and activate the notifications
so you don't miss any video
Ana to begin i'm gonna show you a pic of all the contestants, 16 or 18 i dont know how many are they
and you have to tell me all their names
see if it's correct, i'm not gonna know anyway but you probably will
when you're ready
[FREE] Reggaeton Type Beat 2018 - "Sparkle Riddim" | Free Type Beat | Reggaeton Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 3:22.
Clash Of Clans - TOWN HALL 10 (TH10) BASE w/ PROOF ✅ Trophy Base / War Base / Troll Bases - Duration: 10:50.
Clash Of Clans - TOWN HALL 10 (TH10) BASE w/ PROOF ✅ Trophy Base / War Base / Troll Bases
Siyé Lao Wei San Talks about Pak Mei - Duration: 3:44.
Бросок кобры (2009) Актеры тогда и сейчас 2019 - Duration: 1:41.
Introduction to the Danish Language - Duration: 11:10.
Hi, and welcome to this introduction to the Danish language.
I'm Adam, and I'll be your teacher.
Danish is spoken natively by about 5,4 million people.
It is the primary and official language of Denmark
where it is the first language of about 90% of the population
and the second language of the remaining 10%.
Danish is also spoken by between 10 and 20 thousand people
across the border in the province of Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany
where it is recognized and protected as a minority language.
It is also spoken and used in the Faroe Islands and in Greenland
two self-governing countries within the Kingdom of Denmark.
In the Faroe Islands, Danish is spoken by some 1500 people
which amounts to about 3% of the total population
most of whom have their roots in Denmark.
Together with Faroese, Danish is an official language on the islands
and is spoken as a second language by the entire population.
It has a strong position in areas such as economy, education and popular culture
but is nevertheless not a dominant language in Faroese society in general.
In Greenland, the situation is a little bit different.
Due to historical policies of danification
there's been tendencies of language shift among many Greenlanders living in major towns
and Danish is now the primary language of about 10–15% of the population
with an additional 10–20% being functionally bilingual
though like in the Faroes, many of these have their roots in Denmark as well.
Among the approximately 70% with Greenlandic as their only mother tongue
only about a third are also proficient in Danish.
And this fact, combined with the colonial history
has led to a more pronounced conflict between Danish and Greenlandic
and since 2009, Danish is no longer an official language of the island
though in practice, it still retains a dominant position
in administration, economy, education and popular culture.
Finally, Danish is one of the 24 official languages of the European Union
as well as a working language of the Nordic Council.
And in the North, there's not only a council but also a Nordic Language Convention
which gives speakers of the five main official languages
the right to use their own language with authorities and public institutions in the entire Nordic area.
It is also worth pointing out
that due to being subject to Danish hegemony for more than 300 years
the Danish language has had a lasting impact on Iceland and Norway as well.
In Iceland, Danish is still a mandatory school subject
and although general knowledge can vary quite a lot
a substantial amount of Icelanders have at least a basic knowledge of the language.
Traditionally, Danish was an important language of education and popular culture in Iceland as well
but has been more or less phased out in favor of the native Icelandic in the past half century.
In Norway, Danish does not play any significant role in itself at all
but the historical influence of Danish on the Norwegian language has been huge
and cannot in any way be underestimated.
Norwegian has borrowed large amounts of vocabulary from Danish
many prestigious urban dialects of Norway are originally Danish-Norwegian hybrid varieties
and one of the two Norwegian written languages is in fact based on the Danish one
all leading to widescale similarities between the two languages.
The Danish alphabet consists of the Latin alphabet
with three extra letters attached at the end.
These extra letters represent vowels, and are proper letters in their own right
and are never regarded as variations of ae, o or a.
It should be noted, however, that until 1948
the combination aa was used instead of the letter å, a variety still found in many Danish names
and several cities, such as Aarhus, Aalborg and Aabenraa
have in fact resisted or reversed the change altogether.
As for the regular letters: c, q, w, x and z are only used in loanwords and personal names.
Regarding pronunciation, we can circle in on four important features.
First of all, Danish has a lot of vowels, forming ten distinct vocalic pairs
where every vowel can be long or short, as in:
and also take on different shapes depending on the adjacent consonants, as in:
Secondly, like French and German
Danish has a uvular r, pronounced with the back of the tongue
which is also vocalized following a vowel, for example in:
Thirdly, Danish often turns these consonants into approximants, which is a kind of half-vocalic sound
when they follow a vowel.
This is a big characteristic of Danish, and can be seen in words such as:
Finally, we have the concept of 'stød', which literally means a push, thrust or jolt
and which is probably the most infamous feature of the Danish language by far.
This is basically a kind of glottal closure
where the vocal cords are narrowed together to form a kind of cut-off sound to the word in question.
It's somewhat similar to the glottal stop
found in English words in casual pronunciations such as 'bet', 'can't' and British 'lettuce'.
The presence of stød is phonemic, and can change the meaning of a word entirely
and there are multiple pairs in Danish where stød is the only difference in pronunciation
for example:
Grammar wise, Danish has no cases, but two genders: common gender and neuter.
The difference between the two genders is clearly visible in the articles of nouns
as in the indefinite words 'en kat' and 'et hus', meaning 'a cat' and 'a house' respectively.
As for the definite article, this is in fact attached at the end of words
which is typical of Scandinavian languages.
So from the two indefinite forms just mentioned
we can form the definite forms 'katten' and 'huset', meaning 'the cat' and 'the house'.
As for the verbs, there is no conjugation for person
so a verb like 'svømme', meaning 'to swim', is 'svømmer' in the present tense
'svømmede' in the past tense, and 'har svømmet' in the perfect
no matter what person is doing the swimming.
This is of course unlike English, where you say for example 'I swim', but 'he swims', and so on.
Another important feature of Danish grammar, which it shares with most other Germanic languages
is the so called V2, or verb-second, word order.
What this means, is that in a main clause, the verb will always be in the second position
regardless of what stands in front of it.
As an example, let's take the sentence 'I see a dog', which in Danish is 'Jeg ser en hund'.
If we then add the word 'nu', meaning 'now', to expand our sentence to 'Now I see a dog'
we need to swap the verb and the subject around, since the verb wants to stay in the second position
and so we get: 'Nu ser jeg en hund'.
This is a cornerstone of Danish syntax,
and often one of the harder things to master for people learning Danish as a second language.
Internally, Danish is divided into three different dialect groups: Jutish, Insular, and Eastern Danish.
Traditionally, these groups were very distinct
and consisted of a bunch of further subdivisions and local dialects,
which could often differ from each other to the point of non-comprehension.
But today, most traditional dialects have been replaced
by a spoken standard based on Copenhagen prestige dialects and on the written language.
The traditional division is still relevant, however
since regional variation still tends to correspond to it.
But compared to the traditional dialects
the differences between modern dialects of Danish are quite insignificant in comparison
and mainly concern pronunciation and some minor variations in grammar and vocabulary.
But the traditional dialects aren't completely gone either
and in some places they're still being used as a local language
for example in the region of South Jutland
where the traditional South Jutish dialect is still commonly spoken
and whose speakers are generally bilingual in it and in Standard Danish
meaning that it essentially functions as an unrecognized minority language.
On a greater scale, Danish is a North Germanic, or Nordic, language,
of the Indo-European language family.
This makes it closely related to languages such as Swedish, Norwegian and Icelandic
more distantly related to languages such as English, Dutch and German
and very distantly related to languages such as French, Spanish, Russian, Greek and Hindi.
The closest relatives of Danish are Swedish and Norwegian
and the three languages are generally considered to be mutually intelligible.
What this means is, that a speaker of one language can generally use their own language
with speakers of the other two, and expect to be understood.
In theory, that is.
In practice, it tends to vary quite a lot, especially when Danish is involved
as its pronunciation differs quite considerably from the other two languages
where the pronunciation is instead a lot more similar.
Writing wise though, there is usually less trouble
as the Danish written language doesn't differ from the other two
in the same way as the pronunciation at all.
As an example of this
here is the sentence 'I gave the cat new food' in all three of them, in Danish pronounced as:
and from this it's quite apparent how the three languages indeed are
very closely related to each other.
Finally, I'm going to let you listen and read along to a short passage in Danish
read by a native speaker from Copenhagen.
The text in question is an excerpt from the novel 'We, the Drowned' by Carsten Jensen.
The original title is 'Vi, de druknede', and it is an international bestseller
having been translated into more than 20 languages.
And with this, it's time to round off this presentation of the Danish language.
If you wanna see more introductions like this one, or other videos about Danish
make sure to keep an eye on this channel.
Mange tak, and thank you for watching!
CUT the ROPE 2 {BOLUM 2} - Duration: 16:44.
GILET JAUNE DANCING: Just Dance 2019 - Ft. MACRON (Khaled Freak REMIX Fanmade) - Duration: 3:44.
Don't get used to it!
not, not not not
Don't get used to!
not, not not not
We can't accept it!
not, not not not
We can't accept it!
not, not not not
All these forms of unilateralism
Everyday, these ripped pages
These betrayals to our history
Myself don't get used to it!
not not not not notttttttt
Don't get used to it!
not, not not not
Don't get used to it!
not, not not not
We can't accept it!
not, not not not
We can't accept it!
not, not not not
Don't get used to it!
not, not not not
Don't get used to it!
not, not not not
We can't accept it!
not, not not not
We can't accept it!
not, not not not
So i'm telling you very clearly
This emerging century is watching us
And our children are waiting for us
Let's solve these crises
Myself don't get used to it!
not not not not not nottttttt
Don't get used to it!
not not not not
Don't get used to it!
not not not not
We can't accept it!
not not not not
We can't accept it!
not not not not
Don't get used to it!
not not not not
Don't get used to it!
not not not not
We can't accept it!
not not not not
We can't accept it!
not not not not
Don't get used to it!
Don't get used to it!
We can't accept it!
We can't accept it!
Príroda | PreView - Duration: 2:00.
Μη Μπερδεύεσαι - Ασχολήσου Με Γυναίκες Που Σε Θέλουν Πραγματικά! - Duration: 7:20.
One of the most important things I have confused
when I was started my improvement on the part of flirting and communication with women was
I had a very specific way of thinking
that was pushing me and was confusing my expectations.
I thought that from the moment I liked a woman
She had to like me as well and that is the point from where the entire system was getting messy.
I am Christos from Men Of Style and today we will talk about:
"Bother with women who really want you."
Let's go!
So, you have started showing your interest to a woman
started to flirt with her and you see there is some kind of response
but the thing is constantly stuck somewhere.
I have been countless times in the same position, in the past
and that happened because I did not rely on tangible evidence
that would reveal to me if the woman really wants me.
There were too many cases where I noticed some kind of interest from the woman
but later, because I believed that this interest was real, I was so enthusiastic
and then some truths were revealed.
I saw that the woman might be just good or kind with me
the woman was afraid to reject me, but kept some distance
As a result, the response was not equal or she simply wanted to flirt
without meaning that she wanted to make contact.
Two of the mindsets that prevented me
from finding out whether the woman really wants me, were:
The first: Because I liked her, I wanted her to like me too
which resulted with me wearing blinkers and to ignore things that were blatant.
The second mindset was: I confused "She wants me" with "We match"
and it had a great value
even though it may seem very simple and very practical.
What do I mean? Because I had a very good communication with a woman I liked
Because, in example I was telling her a joke and made her laugh
or because I sent her a text and she answered, I thought we matched each other
or I thought that because we are going great, it means that the woman wanted to continue the contact
or to get into a relationship with me.
If we match with a woman, does not mean that she really wants us
and that she wants to do something with us.
When we match with a woman, it is surely a very powerful thing
it definitely is a very good foundation to be able to step on
to assert the woman more, to show her our intentions
but at the same time to see if the response level is the same
with some interest, that we are also showing.
Basically, what I want to say is, the number one indicator of interest
whether the woman really wants you
is the how good your sexual contact and the erotic relationship is.
If problems persist, and delays, even in details
then obviously it turns out that there is some problem
that one of the two does not want to continue
and if we think you want to continue
then probably the woman does not really want
to evolve this contact or relationship.
First of all, when you start to show her your intentions
and you start flirting with her, the whole process will not be infinitely difficult.
The woman will respond, she will also ask questions to get to know you.
Why; Because physiognomically, by the silhouette, by the behavioral point of view
she has seen some more of her things, that you like
and she also gives opportunities to to make that contact.
Once you exchange phone numbers and you will contact her
It will not take 190 years for you to meet her, or she will not constantly tell you excuses
that there are so many things going on and she cannot meet you
or she does not have time or she is too busy.
When someone wants something, then they make it reality and that can be seen.
Also, when you go out for your first date or your first dates
when you start touching her or you come closer to it
or you try, after some dates, to kiss her
she will not say to you:
"You know, I am confused, maybe we are moving too fast?"
"Should we slow down a bit? Because we are moving too fast. "
When a woman really wants you
then she will try to create the conditions
to create a quality contact and a quality sexual relationship
she will not always bring up excuses, she will not always make a step back
and, above all, she will not confuse you with her behaviors.
Basically, when a woman really wants you
you will not have to prove your interest every here and there
you will not have to always do the first step
to strengthen communication even more
just because you are afraid that if you do not continue to communicate
then the situation will freeze and the woman probably disappears.
In short, the woman will behave in ways
to not destroy her hopes about you.
Why; Because she wants you, because she likes you and she does not want to make the easy stuff - difficult.
So, if you started flirting with a woman
or tell you the truth, if there is a sexual contact with a woman
and you see that there is a framework of communication that shows:
"I like you, but ..."
Then you better not be so excited and to not invest everything from the beginning
into that particular contact or relationship.
Because there is a possibility that the will not want you, due to her own reasons.
The main reason of this matter is
when you are excited to meet a woman
and you want the things to keep on moving, to evolve
and you see that you do not get back the same enthusiasm
then you will need to not only assert more
but to give an explanation to the woman and explain yourself
your concerns, about here, where this whole situation is going.
If you see that a woman does not respond
then you will need to clear the things up, especially in you
and to ask yourself whether or not woman offers you
time, effort back, as much as you offer.
Why; Because in the end, if you continue to bother with a woman
which does not really want you
then your emotional state will be like a roller coaster.
There will be very strong fluctuations
because you will be constantly insecure and doubtful
whether she likes you, whether it is your fault
whether you should do more, whether there is someone else
about the stage she is in at this moment of her life, about, about, about ...
But when she likes you and really wants you
then most of the time, these questions will not exist.
I was Christos from Men Of Style and today we talked about:
"Bother with women who really want you."
Take care!
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