I told you we were going to be late. - So is this my fault?!
Jeremie we're here. Sorry for being late.
Yeah, yeah, okay whaetever. Move! The others are waiting for you.
Very well, Jeremie.
Odd. William and Ulrich are on the way.
'bout time, no? I've been fighting these monsters all by mysel-AY AYAAYAY
They are attacking me from all sides!
Jeremie, we're ready.
I'll start the procedure.
Transfer William.
Transfer Ulrich
Oh no!
Jeremie, where's my backup?! - On the way, virtualization!
Holy cow, he's more persistent than Bowser after Peach!
I'm done playing, lights out! LAZER ARROWS!
Don't you dare.
Are we supposed to be scared of that?
Jeremie, the tower is being protected only by 2 tarantulas, with Odd taking care of the third. This will be so easy.
You can start your statistics program.
Very well, statistics program activated. Let's see who will deactivate the tower first.
Ulrich, Yumi. Your outfits will finally be updated in your next visit to Lyoko.
Fantastic. But why weren't they already updated in the first place?
You know Franz Hopper fixed the supercomputer but the outfit's change is something manual. I could only work on it now, sorry!
They can use their old outfits for a week and I get NOTHING.
Focus Odd. You know, your mission is help William.
Help him?! He's already far away!
I sure hope he doesn't take too long to reach the tower.
I don't know for how long I can hang on.
Oh no! Here he comes!
Jeremie I'm inside the activated tower.
Jeremie, I'm inside the activated tower.
Good job Yumi, let's watch Aelita winning. Don't take me wrong William it's just that... Aelita has way more experience.
Tower deactivated.
Ah... William won for 0.24 miliseconds!
So, Jeremie...? Who was the fastest?
Uh? Oh... what a shame... it's a match.
What? Jeremie I wanna see the results. - Oh..
I hope you didn't forget. This afternoon we're going to try out the new skid and destroy the Amazon's replika... again.
Why replikas when we can cut down this evil by his source. Lets head to Pangeia and destroy that supercomputer once and for all.
I wish I could think like that Ulrich, but we can't. XANA has 274 replikas on the network. It's twice the ones he had before. He's too powerful!
274, are you crazy?! If that's true how did XANA gather so much power?!
I have no idea and that's why I'm so concerned. There's a piece missing from this puzzle.
One more reason to go to Pangeia, Jeremie. We usually find our answers in the unknown territories, information right before our eyes. We must try to stop XANA once and for all.
You know what? You are right!
Jeremie, I hope I'm not interrupting your conversation!
You can go on with it, but please spend some time to have a chat with the principal as well.
But I-
Look, my visions came back, I'm seeing idiots.
Don't forget to do your homework from page 154. Next week is our last class before summer so you can bring your cakes.
I'm going to take a shower guys.
Hey Jeremie, why don't you invite Franz to help us out?
Well, this is a secret but Franz is remodelling the hermitage to make it back a home and give it to Aelita in the future.
That's great, Aelita will love it. Now that Franz Hopper is back nothing can go wrong, well maybe except for XANA's attacks, they are getting more agressive. Speaking of which, is he responsible for this awful cold weather?
No, I checked this morning before school.
Do what I did, I took a relaxing shower and right now I'm about to dress warmer clothes.
Why not..
Well Ulrich, don't forget. Today at 5pm in the factory to head to Pangeia. Something tells me this will be a tough day. - Hey why are the lights out? ........ better.
Hey are you talking about the abandonated factory? Herb and I were there once, we found Odd and Aelita kissing like crazy.
Forgive Nicholas. I know you like Aelita, Jeremie, and I... I... I'm in a simular situ... oh forget it!
Are you going already, Jeremie?
Yeah. You know I take too long to dress and Odd is way faster than me, if he gets his hands on my plate he's gonna ruin my plan for today of having lunch with Aelita... and I really can't let that happen.
Odd are you here?
Yeah, about to shower.
Ah, but this is perfect. Just the two of us alone. So... tell me, how are things with Yumi?
Odd, don't start it.
Oooooh, come oooooon!
No is a no.
You know this will never get out of here. I never told anyone about the pool attack when both of you kissed.
But that wasn't a kiss! That was a...
... it was a sim... er... it was PROTECTION!!
HAHAHAHAH, It was protection alright! Protection?! More like oxygen share!
Really..? Odd, seriously, enough! - Ok, ok, alright!
Can you land me your shampoo? I forgot mine. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Going a bit back to the shower conversation, I really do think you should try to tell Yumi your feelings. You know very well she added a final dot to William and told him it was over.
She's completely waiting for you, handsome.
Go ahead!
Hm... interesting... Odd, are you sure that is the subject you should really be concerned about and now how Kiwi pissed on my bed AGAIN?!
It happens!
Oh, it does? Do you know what also happens? Kiwi being forced to go back to the factory again.
Oh! Kiwi don't listen to this bully, you know how's Ulrich.
Come on Ulrich, he's a great dog and he'll behave from now on. There's no need to take extreme measures.
You've been saying that since I've met you.
Of course I am. I'm waiting for the day you'll finally listen to me.
How do you want me to listen to you if even Kiwi doesn't?
What?! Of course he does!
Kiwi, shut up!
Shut up, kiwi!
Okay, very well, very well... I accept the defeat. I'm wrong...
What's gonna be the penalty of my poor dog?
I don't know... let me think. Kiwi, shut up!
I know!
He's going a month back to your sisters.
William, I'm glad you volunteered to help but the digital sea isn't like Lyoko so I think it's best if you stay here with jer...
... - Hey
Calm down, I don't mind staying behind.
... really...?
Well then, if you finished your chit-chat go to the scanners room, I'll start the virtualization process.
Ugh, that takes so much time.
Wow, Einstein it was actually fast for once.
I missed our personal elevator. - Brings back memories.
Remember when we fought against William and Aelita totally wrecked him?
I do, and do you remember when in that very same day got wrecked by a manta and I totally crushed Ulrich? Because I remember.
Are you going to pilot again?
Why, don't you see me at the center?
What I see is your fear of piloting at a speed higher than 20 mph
Is everyone ready? It's been a while since I've done this.
... and energyze.
Ah... I'm here Jeremie!
Very well Odd. Are you ready to see my real speed?
Careful everyone, she's switching to 30!
Well, you're not wrong.
Interface online.
Okay guys, ready to start this trip?
Yes, Aelita.
Go snail, full speed woop, woop, go go!
She should really go faster at least once for you to shut up.
Well, she can always try. Problem is she'll only try, really.
Turbopropulsors activated.
Hang tight, Odd.
Haha! "Full speed" you say? Well at least is slighly faster, that's something.
Ugh, Odd shut u-
Desert Tunnel, opened.
Holoweb system connected. You're ready to dive.
aEliTa cAlm dOwN-
Aelita... you're right... I should've never doubt that, oh god I'm abou-gh
Are you sure?
You guys doing that contest while I was slowly dying, afraid Hopper's submarine could give any error and fail.
Are you in the network?
Yes... we're back.
Aelita, I'm sending you Pangeia's coordenates Franz Hopper gave me but be aware of dangers, it's a weird place.
You have to cross 3 different hubs in order to get there and get access to an unexplored part of the digital sea, after that you just have to use your digital key.
Aelita, what is going on?
I'll check.
Uff, it's a tiny glitch. The propulsers have a tiny bug, nothing to worry about.
What do you mean "nothing to worry about"? We're heading to an unexplored area, we can't take the risk of having problems in case you need to use the skid at its best!
We're lucky it's a glitch that only affects the skid's speed but we can't leave it with problems, we need to fix it and I know precisely how.
We're going to use my old skid programs to fix this issue.
Are you crazy?!
On the contrary, I'm completely sain, it's a risky but easy solution that will most likely fix this problem.
But the programs from the old skid, might be incompatible with the current.
Doubt it as Franz created the current skid with extracts from mine.
I can't believe this! Aelita, you were right!
We have a problem, Jeremie! The shields are getting weaker!
I know, I damaged the internal parts of the skid. There's no easy fix now... head back to Lyoko.
Okay then. Rotation.
I can't believe this. An activated tower by XANA, just what we needed.
In the desert sector.
Want me to deactivate it?
Alone with the others in the network? No way, it's too dangerous. Besides I think I'll need you to stay here at the supercomputer.
Aelita, I think I had an idea to fi- DAMN IT!
Holy cow Einstein, what's wrong?
XANA as always. He's trying to prevent you from reaching Lyoko. You have to force your way through!
There's only one thing to do.
Releasing navskids.
YES, I was waiting for the moment you'd say that. Here I go!
Finish them quickly, the more time you spend there, the more the main shields will get weaker.
Don't worry einstein. Piece of cake.
Odd, careful! - I know!
So, do you think you can intimidate me, huh?
Stop talking and start fighting. Time is limited and this error is dangrous!
So why don't you stop arguing and start fixing?
You must think I'm playing with the keys.
Caught you on my net. Fire torpedous!
What? "Caught you on my net"? That's one of my jokes. You're learning with me!
Who was the sneaky evil fish?
I saw. Fire torpedos!
I did it, Odd!
Well done. This is the definition of great team work!
No, no, no, no, no! I don't believe this!
Guys... I didn't manage to fix this problem. I think I have to go to my dorm.
Oh, great! You will leave us all alone!
I have a program that can clean the mess I made but it's at my dorm. I have no choice.
But Einstein, things are getting tough around here, we need you here to tell us what to do!
In order for you to go back to Lyoko I need to fix the skid, I'll need to go back to my dorm and get the CD there's no other way. I'll leave William taking care of you.
I don't believe this...
Besides, if I don't go now, you won't even have a Lyoko to go back to.
What's happening, Jeremie?
XANA is attacking the core. You need to get out of there. NOW!
XANA is really trying to prevent us from going.
This can't possibly get worse.
Jeremie, we have a problem!
My main shields are loosing all their power. I need you try to restablish it, quickly!
Aelita, I'm doing all I can from my end, I'm trying! I can't fix this without going to my room, I just can't!
Come. ON!
I can't. I have to go, there's no other choice.
Right on target.
Hey, what's wrong? (*the sentence isn't matching his lips, edition error*)
Why are my navskid shields getting weaker?
The skid's shields aren't giving energy to yours.
The backups are also going down!
I'm sorry guys but there's no other way. I have to go back to my dorm and get the cleaning program to fix the skid. I know you don't want to but I can't remember of anything else right now that can fix this mess!
William will take care of you, he has knowledge of how to operate the supercomputer. Don't worry, you won't be alone!
Hm? What's that thi- Oh, it's coming my way!
... and Aelita's. BE CAREFUL!
Wow, Jeremie, wait don't leave me! What am I supposed to do?!
I don't know, babysit them!
You'll do great.
I'll come back in a sec.
No, wait!!
Guys, it's me. Don't loose the submarine out of sight. - Whatever you say, handsome.
Meanwhile I'll put an idea in practise.
There's no time to loose!
How can I shut up this siren?!
Finally. If I could now give more energy to just a shield.
Darn it!
No, not this monster!
Here it is!
You are not going anywhere. Come back here now!
Help me, please!
Oh no, Scyphozoa's cousin is back in action. We have to help Aelita and fast too!
Let's try to fire. One of us must be capable of doing it!
Fire torpedoes!
Odd, even if I wanted to I won't make it.
We're all loosing energy!
What other bad things can happen now?
Really? Did I really had to ask?
Oh no, oh no!
Odd I have a problem! I have my shields at only 2%
Jeremie has precisely a minute to come back here or-
-or your navskid will caboom. William tell me he's there!
No, he didn't arrive yet!
This is my finish line...
Why running, "Einstein"? You know I'll catch you!
Aelita give me full access to the skid.
Why would you want access to the skid's permissions?
Just trust me!
You can't run away from me, Einstein... - Finally!
Permissions given. What are you planning?
Only a tiny hack XANA always used in the supercomputer when he wanted to glitch you up.
I'll overload the system.
I'll activate 4 towers, launch a return to the past and reboot the system which will cancel the procedures and double up the energy due to it glitch.
That will give you the possibility to not only activate 4 towers pretty easily but also realocate those to the skid in the digital sea, which is hard and not possible normally!
It's everything or nothing...
It worked!
The energy! Fantastic work, spider-man!
Now I am ready!
I did it! I'm alive!
Today is not yet the day XANA will see his victory!
Keep going, you're almost doing the first scratch of the shield.
Aelita, I used sector 5's energy to fix the propulsors glitch temporarily, get out of there!
Retropropulsors, activated.
Odd, do the honors.
You don't have to say it twice. Consider it done!
Return to the skid.
About time.
I agree. I prefer Lyoko.
Navskids in.
I wouldn't mind at all staying here.
Until you run out of energy.
Okay that made me change my mind, we can go.
Very well, full speed.
I arrived, finally!
I'm starting the fix.
Yumi, hurry up. The last shield layer is about to go!
On my way, Jeremie!
Aelita I'm here and I'm starting the fix but... how weird!
The shields are fine!
It was William, he saved us!
Careful guys, look who's there. If is isn't my favorite walking potatoes.
Hah, it's running away!
Well, it seems it didn't want to fight. Less work for us, it means the tower is completely free from monsters. Lets go!
What were you saying, Odd?
It looks like I was slightly wrong.
I should really learn how to shut up for a second. - Yup.
Lazer Arrows!
Hurry up guys we need to deactivate that tower!
Hurry up, Yumi!
I'm giving my best!
The last shield layer just exploded. You can't let the manta fire even once!
Very well princess, your humble tower...
Aelita head to the tower, we take care of them.
Oh no!
Amazing work. The core is saved all thanks to you. Today wasn't the day XANA won.
Yeah. Manta's lazer ricochet on my fan.
Tower deactivated.
This attack was more intense than the one from the gym.
XANA I knew wasn't like this. How agressive.
She's getting too strong and that's what worries me.
If it wasn't for William, today's story would be entirely different.
He only protected us, he did nothing but his job. - Ulrich!
Ulrich come on, even I have to admit he was amazing at the supercomp- - HOWEVER...
... I appreciate him saving my life.
I bet one day you'll become great friends...
For more infomation >> CODE LYOKO - EP103 - Missing Swimming Suits - Duration: 25:39.-------------------------------------------
How to Make Your Horoscope With Your Android Phone - Duration: 2:30.
GRATİS & WATSONS İndiriminden Alınması Gerekenler - Duration: 15:03.
Imran Khan Creates History in Naya Pakistan - Duration: 3:22.
TRAGIC Demise Of NBA Player - Duration: 16:55.
What promotional material, promotional items, promotional products do you use? - Duration: 8:10.
Wow look what we got today I'm very excited
good morning this is Tom VTEC TV you can find more information about me at
https://www.justsellinghomes.ca/ shoot me a message so today we are unboxing some
promotional material from for my company I'm very happy the box just
arrived today I haven't seen it yet so I'm gonna open it let me know in the
comments what what company do you use to print your #PromotionalMaterial who's
the best what challenges you have had let me know ok so let's see let's see
what we got here
wow it's a big box and I and I got various things that I will share
ok first what do we have here
mugs I ordered two sample mugs and I wanted to see what you guys think about
all right so you see it actually came out pretty good pretty good now I'm
gonna have to use this cup instead of my signature red one okay okay okay so
first in the mag you can see my logo your trace relative or brokerage damage
Witek and the numbers my website just selling homes very nice very nice cup
let me know in the comments what do you think
so I got two sample cups I think I'm gonna order some some new ones
what else do I have oh I have a sample pen that I ordered
yeah this one came out a little bit the the word sauce person came out a little
bit faded but the logo the logo is great company's name is here cool I like it
okay see next we have depend Thomas widok the golden color is super nice on
this pens black pen logo cell phone company's name the rest of it came out a
little bit faded but the company's name is here the lot of house came out great
hey focus there we go cool
very nice okay so I got the pan what else do I have obviously and these are
new ones there are some business cards that I got let's see how this turned out
boxer 500 whoa very slick so you got the golden color
the little house right the logo the company's name you got everything
my website just selling how's that CA and the fact that I'm actually involved
in YouTube just selling hums dot CTA at YouTube or if you punch in just selling
hums you get my youtube channel the cards are very nice and they're actually
they're actually the name and the logo it's actually sticking up so when you go
with your fake or which is nice when you go with your finger like that it's
elevated so the phone number the name and the logo is elevated and the rest is
flat wow this is super nice card you know these are the three business cards
let's see if I can zoom in okay too much weight as I said the lettering the logo
and the cell number is sticking out it's elevated it's very nice
everything is legible and perfect quick zoom well I really like these cards let
me know what you think okay so I got 500 of these things
promote my business and now what do we get here what do we have here
okay okay okay so how did this come out
so woman's shirt oh it's it's pretty legible I mean it's big and now for the
main t-shirt oh man I'm very excited about this one
let's see let's see let's see let's see very very cool
yes I was a little bit stronger but look at that the logo is here the golden
lettering the little house the numbers wow I'm actually gonna put this on let's
see how it looks on the camera
very nice material Wow and it's a big it's a big sign good
signage and will last item is the shirt yeah so everything is very legible I
wish it was a little bit darker though the black color but it might be maybe if
you get a different color of t-shirt like yellow it would actually be better
let me know what you think I mean there is pretty good like from the far you can
see the difference when you actually come very close to it there's there's
some difference and that's it that's all I got there just some samples maybe I'm
gonna order some different things you can order you can order posters you
cannot or there are all kinds of things like when you look at the the websites
they have so many things you can you can do
I thought the mug and the t-shirts and obviously the business cards in the pen
are nice idea let me know what you guys think this is Tom d tech TV you can get
more information about me and the company https://www.justsellinghomes.ca/
should me shoot me a message let me know what you think thanks
We Cleaned Up Our Shooting Space • Ladylike - Duration: 10:57.
I Gave My Friend a Tiny Kitchen Makeover - Duration: 12:54.
Henry a jeho příběh | PROMO k traileru - Duration: 0:35.
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Santa Plays As Santa In "Grand Theft Auto V" - Duration: 6:11.
YENİ KEDİM RÜZGAR! - Duration: 5:38.
KÖPRÜ MÜHENDİSİ OYUNU - Poly Bridge - Duration: 11:52.
мудрые мысли о жизни - Duration: 1:56.
CalBoy "Envy Me" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - Duration: 4:29.
I made my first big purchase already.
A crib, a nice big crib.
That was the first thing I wanted to do because we was just bunched up.
We stayed in small cribs.
We had a crib, but it was a small crib.
Then we had an apartment, it was a small apartment, we downsized.
So, I knew when I get a check, we going big.
And we went big.
JTK, has sent me the beat, the producer who made it.
He sent it to me and I was stuck.
It was a cold beat.
I mean I just didn't know what to say on the beat because it was so cold, you feel me?
So, I just went in there and freestyled.
Just whatever I thought about or however I was feeling at the time, it just came out.
The prayer scene in the song came about because I was sleepy.
I was really tired in the studio because I already did a 12 hour session the day before.
So I came back to do another 12 hours, I'm tired.
You know, you say that prayer when you're going to sleep.
In my circle,
everybody look at me like the MVP, the CEO, I'm the ring leader.
I always talk about being with the mob.
When I say the mob I just mean my gang.
We so deep, they like, dang, it's like a mob, you feel me?
Because there's a lot of us.
Anybody that know me know we pull up to the show 24, 34, every show.
I'm from the South Side of Chicago, but I moved to Calumet City.
That's where the 147 comes from, that's Sibley Boulevard is 147th.
A lot people are going to say it's the burbs, you know what I'm saying?
Like, are you from the burbs?
Don't nothing go on in the burbs.
It's really cracking on the Sib though.
I lost a lot of homies on the Sib to gun violence and stuff.
It's really going on.
If we in a circle together, we don't bump heads, we love each other.
I'll kill for my brothers, my brothers would kill for me.
We come from the dirt where all my homies, I've known all my homies since the second...third
They all still with us.
I was getting extremely high, bro, at one point in time.
Up here wasn't all the way screwed in.
I really had some shit going on outside that I didn't really have no business being into.
I shouldn't have been there or in that mix, and I was in that mix and it kind of haunted
me for a long time.
That's the corner, the bend, you know what goes on at other corners.
It's real.
I was kind of losing myself, everybody around me could see it to, like, he tweaking.
But I shook that shit, I'm back, I'm regular.
In school, my Senior year, all of my homies got expelled.
They brought the dogs in the school, they got to hittin the lockers, everybody getting
caught with weed.
The whole time, I ain't got weed in my locker so I don't get booked.
Niggas going to get in they drama, but I was decent in school, I was regular, you feel me?
I wasn't no super hot head, but niggas knew not to play in school.
Because we so deep, it's the mob.
They know what's going on.
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