Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 15 2018

Darling - the biggest bouquet of roses will not express what I feel to You.

I know that 'sorry' is just a word

Just me and you where ever we go

And I can't pull away from you

Girl your like glue

You got that earth wind and fire

Everything I desire oh its true

Baby it's true.

Its just a sticky situation

Stuck to you like we were destined at creation

The adhesive is the love you give to me

Love I give to you We got that glueee got that glue

It's just a sticky situation/

Such a situation

It's just a sticky situation/

Surgery is waiting for Us

It's just a sticky situation/

Such a situation

It's just a sticky situation/ (girl I'm so stuck on you)

That's the situation, I chose you from a million girls

Let's stop pretending, torment our minds.

I am what I am, please accept me

Love by the whole heart and do not stigmatize my mistakes.

Boundless love is always so beautiful

Such a situation - You always present here.

I like how you look at me with your vague eyes

Our presence will connect us with God

Just me and you where ever we go

And I can't pull away from you

Girl your like glue

You got that earth wind and fire

Everything I desire oh its true

Baby it's true.

Its just a sticky situation

Stuck to you like we were destined at creation

The adhesive is the love you give to me

Love I give to you We got that glueee got that glue

It's just a sticky situation/

Such a situation

It's just a sticky situation/

Surgery is waiting for Us

It's just a sticky situation/

Such a situation

It's just a sticky situation/ (girl I'm so stuck on you)

I need yoyu babe/ don't know

I would do if you went away/

cause you're always there when

I need you you're therapy

Please do not change Cause I'll go insane


Don't know what you been told/

Shorty goes where ever I go/

Sticky situation, sticky situation

Don't know what you been told/

Shorty goes where ever I go/

Sticky situation Stuck to you like glueeee

Its just a sticky situation

Stuck to you like we were destined at creation

The adhesive is the love you give to me

Love I give to you We got that glueee got that glue

It's just a sticky situation/

Such a situation

It's just a sticky situation/

Surgery is waiting for Us

It's just a sticky situation/

Such a situation

It's just a sticky situation/ (girl I'm so stuck on you)

For more infomation >> SNAWK - Sticky Situation ft Kafeeno - Duration: 3:34.


How Japanese Royals Kept Their Blood Pure | History of Japan 29 - Duration: 5:35.

Got a quiz question for ya.

In early Japan, when an emperor died, who was next in line to the throne?

If you guessed the emperor's eldest son, good guess,

but it's wrong.

Your punishment?

You have to write "I love this video" in the comments.

Sorry, I didn't make the rules.

Upon an emperor's death, it was not automatic that the throne passed to his eldest son.

Japan did not have any official rules of succession until the modern age.

The emperor was free to name a crown prince, an heir, who ascended after the emperor died.

And he could pick among any member of the Imperial Family,

his son, grandson, brother, whoever.

Having no well-defined rules caused all kinds of shenanigans when an emperor died.

If they had an official rule that the emperor's eldest son succeeded him, then it would've

been clear.

Of course you would've still had the occasional murder of the eldest son by his brothers,

that's a given.

But in Japan's case, the field of candidates was wider, allowing for more power struggles.

The Japanese recognized this problem, of course, but instead of creating an official line of

succession and be done with it, different eras dealt with the issue in different ways.

The Nara Period was ruled by what some historians have called the Tenmu Dynasty, when the descendants

of Emperor Tenmu sat the throne.

The Tenmu Dynasty had their own solutions to the succession problem, which we'll cover

another time.

Right now, let's talk about what the Japanese did before.

Prior to Emperor Tenmu's reign, they reduced the number of possible candidates for crown


Fewer candidates, fewer power struggles.

How did they do this?

By keeping the bloodline pure.

Yes, it involved incest.

It was simple, just knock up your half sister.

Don't quote that out of context in the comments, you bastards.

I know what you guys write, I see you.

If you don't know the difference between step siblings and half siblings, it's easy.

Step siblings, not related.

Half siblings, related.

Step siblings share no biological parents.

Half siblings share one biological parent.

And I hope there's never a time in your life when this little piece of knowledge becomes


For further clarification on step siblings and half siblings, see the internet.

So the system they had before Tenmu was something called "double royalty," and it worked

like this.

I hope you're watching the screen.

And sober.

If not, just give up now.

So let's say you have Emperor Bob...bunaga.

One of the perks of being emperor was that they had a bunch of consorts, or concubines.

Exactly like being a YouTuber.

But they usually had one main consort.

She was the most important because her son became the crown prince, the next emperor.

We'll call him

Now Emperor Jonmu also needed a main consort.

Question is, how did he choose who got the position?

Well, this was how influential clans got their feet in the door of the Imperial House.

Through schemings and dealings, and the occasional murder, a strong clan leader would offer his

daughter as consort to Emperor Bobunaga.

Yeah, I know, the women's rights movement was still in its infancy at this point.

The daughter of THIS union, Emperor Jonmu's half sister as you can see, became Jonmu's

main consort.

Their son became the next emperor, Emperor Max...amune.

This is called double royalty because Emperor Maxamune had royal blood from both parents.

Remember that this system was not law or anything, so there were deviations, but it became the


It protected the Imperial Family from outside influence because the consort from an outsider

clan could not give birth to a future emperor.

At the most, she could only give birth to the next emperor's main consort.

When the Soga clan dominated the Japanese court in the Asuka Period, they did it within

this system.

Their daughters were consorts to many emperors.

These unions could not result in future emperors, but they persisted.

They just kept marrying into the Imperial Family, keeping their influence fresh.

Women were invaluable to the top clans.

Being consorts to the emperor meant they pierced his inner circle.

They became the eyes and ears, and mouths, for their clans.

Now were there problems with this system?

Sure, like when the main consort did not produce a son, or the emperor died before producing

a son.

That meant the field of candidates opened up and people getting whacked.

When Tenmu became emperor, this model was chucked out the window.

Tenmu seized the throne through the Jinshin War, a civil war between Tenmu and Prince


Tenmu was the brother of the previous emperor, Emperor Tenji, so he obviously didn't fit

the double-royal son model.

Although, Prince Otomo didn't fit the model either.

He was Tenji's son, but his mother was not Tenji's main consort.

In any case, after Tenmu took power, the Fujiwara clan decided they didn't like the system.

They were an up-and-coming clan, but they wanted to be an already-arrived clan, and

some nonsense tradition to protect the Imperial House and prevent wars and disorder

wasn't gonna stop them.

Hey guys, thanks for watching.

Shoutout to two new patrons this week, Sam Fieldman,

helloooo Mr. Fieldman,

and Jenova_83,

we got ourselves a Final Fantasy fan here.

And then, we gained a third emperor this week, Yakaru Dezaki!

Thank you sooo much, you are so generous.

Looks like now we have a ruling triumvirate here, hopefully they rule peacefully and don't

backstab each other.

Hey if you like history and want to make the channel sustainable, go to my Patreon link

below and consider donating a few bucks.

Much love, guys.

Now go out there and spread the knowledge.

For more infomation >> How Japanese Royals Kept Their Blood Pure | History of Japan 29 - Duration: 5:35.


Stay Sober | Recovery and Addiction | How to stop Drinking - Duration: 6:05.

ahUM hum Hai...(clearing throat) Hi! I'm James, and I... Hi! I'm James, and I am a recovering alcoholic an addict...

Hi I'm James and I'm excited! I'm excited! you may have noticed..

Hi! James here... am I focused? is the camera focused properly?

Hi! I'm James and welcome to every Saturday at 9:30! I've made a commitment

to you!

Thank you first, on a serious note, for your feedback on my last video on

alcoholism and addiction. I had a friend from college contact me. She has moved

across the country, and she contacted me for the first time in years and said I

saw your video and I really appreciate it...

and it helped her and she subscribed. If you haven't considered... consider

subscribing if you haven't. I'm gonna be doing a video every Saturday at 9:30,

let's talk about it. Ask some questions of me... of the community... ask for

some feedback. I want to make this an open dialogue. Scroll down, if you're on

your phone, to comment ask me questions about myself. Tell me about yourself...

Today's topic: I would like to discuss how you got sober... how one gets sober.

Alcoholics Anonymous? Narcotics Anonymous? FAVOR (faces and voices of recovery)

What was your conduit? How did you do it? In the comments, tell me... I want to tell

you about a situation that I'm going through right now... I have been sober for three

years and I drank and used drugs for twenty years. It was alcohol,

benzodiazepines, mostly all of everything that can alter your mind I have tried

and indulged in, and I've been sober for three years. I did it through coming back

to Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous and various other ways but

mostly that, and recently I've been going through a personal dilemma of feeling

uncomfortable in those rooms. I haven't been in weeks... I went for the first time

last night in a while, and I was met with this kind

of guilt trip vibe for not showing up. I don't have a sponsor anymore, this was my

own choice. I haven't drank and I've been quite happy, but I just haven't been

feeling the vibe of the personalities in the group. Now, they say it's "principles

before personalities" but they say a lot of things and I'm wondering if this

hundred-year-old... it is a hundred-year-old program... the first 164

pages of the book haven't changed in a hundred years and I respect that. It

says a lot about program and how it works. It's a nonprofit organization...

there are still a lot of things I agree with, however, it seems like a lot of the

"old-timers..." a lot of the ways are set in stone, and you know... non compromising

I want to know how do you do it? How are you considering doing it? What are

your options I will put some links down in the description below

if you're on your phone, again, you have to touch that little

drop-down arrow, it'll take you down to the description. There's a list...

Alcoholics Anonymous website, NA, AA, FAVOR. I want to know if you see a shrink

if you see a therapist, a psychotherapist, a hypnotist... do you meditate? Do you levitate?

Any way that you do it, I want to know down in the comments let me know, let's

talk about it! I also want to thank you for your feedback on the last video!

It really helps me to know that I'm helping you as they say...

helping helps... feedback, criticism, comments, recommendation, requests...

Should I stop sipping my coffee like that? do I have something in my teeth?

Do you not like the setup or the set? This is all new to me, this YouTube

thing I... WE...will grow together on it, but right now i want to concentrate

on the subject, the task at hand ,which is sobriety, recovery, and how do we do it?

What troubles do we have dragging our butts to a meeting? Doing all those

things that we're supposed to do but we as addicts with this (in my belief) a

personality disorder. We don't necessarily want to get out of our holes...

...our dens of solitude, and go out... I'm an introvert by nature I want to

just chill by myself figure it out, but some say that's not the right way...

I don't know... who knows? Do you know? I hope we will figure it out together!

Well that's about all I got for today, for my second video thanks for coming

back! I hope you enjoyed my messy editing and until next time, until next

Saturday, keep it real... keep it clean and let's do the damn thing! See you next




focus! huh... HUH!!! please allow me some leeway, some...

leverage in getting these cinematography tricks down... am i focused? can you see my

fish tank? my fire? are you making yourself comfortable?

For more infomation >> Stay Sober | Recovery and Addiction | How to stop Drinking - Duration: 6:05.


The BEST hamster cages available! - Duration: 6:40.

hey guys I know there are a ton of videos on what cages are not suitable

for hamsters but there isn't a ton on which cages are suitable so I went on a

little search to find as many great hamster cages as I could all of the

cages shown in this video are above the bare minimum of 450 square inches of

floor space I've also tried to include as many links to the cages as possible

keep in mind some cages are only available in certain countries so the

first cage I have to show you guys is the Maximus modular habitat which has

around 527 square inches of floor space the only downside I can see to this cage

is that the doors are a little small so it might be a bit hard if you want to

spot clean or take your hamster out the next cage is the meadow small animal

modular cage and it has around 900 square inches of floor space this cage

is super similar to the previous one so it also has those doors that are quite

small so that can be a downside then we have the Mamble rat/hamster cage

and this cage has 819 square inches of floor space and looks exactly the same

as the previous two cages I promise the next cage will be different then we have

the Prevue 528 this cage has around 608 square inches of floor space this wire

cage has a much larger door than the previous three so spot cleaning and

accessing your hamster can be a little bit easier

next is the Savic hamster heaven metro cage which has around 620 square inches

of floor space this is a very colorful cage that also has tubes which can be

good if that's something your hamster enjoys one thing to note is that if you

do purchase this for a Syrian the wheel will need to be switched out since the

one it comes with is not large enough then there is the Barney pet cage this

cage has around 819 square inches of floor space like the previous cage the

wheel included is too small for a Syrian hamster so it will need to be switched

out as then we have the Alexander small pet

cage which has around 720 square inches of floor space this is another great

cage and I really like the wooden levels and hides it comes with next is the

Alaska hamster cage this cage has around 594 square inches of floor space this

wire cage has two nice large doors which can make spot cleaning easier then we

have the living world eco green habitat and this cage comes in three sizes small

which is 660 square inches of floor space medium which is 836 square inches

of floor space and large which is 1380 square inches of floor space this cage

is very similar to an aquarium but it does have wheels and it is a lot lighter

next is the skyline small pet terrarium Marrakesh which has around 666 square

inches of floor space this is also similar to an aquarium but it does look

a bit more appealing then we have the mid-west deluxe critter nation with

around 900 square inches of floor space more commonly used for chinchillas and

rats this also can be a great cage for hamsters just keep in mind you will need

to make some sort of base so it's able to hold a proper amount of bedding

coroplast can make a great base for this then we have the Savic Ruffy 2 with

around 589 square inches of floor space and then there is the Savic mickey 2

which has around 620 square inches of floor space do keep in mind that this

cage does have a second level made from mesh so it will need to be covered with

something like cardboard to prevent bumblefoot then we have the Ferplast

hamster cage criceti 100 with around 814 square inches of floor space this is a

very beautiful cage but do keep in mind if purchased for a syrian the wheel

will need to be switched out since the one it comes with is too small next we

have the Kaytee CritterTrail super habitat with 540 square inches of floor space

which is the one of the only suitable critter trails out there that is sold

Next is the paw hut fir wood hamster cage which has around 1035 square inches of

floor space this cage is great because of how much room it has the only

exception is that it does have this little tray that pulls out for removing

the bedding and this tray isn't very tall so not a ton of bedding can fit

then we have the three tier wooden hamster cage with around 943 square

inches of floor space this is another beautiful hamster cage which has a

couple of different levels and wooden hides and then there is the New Age eco

flex Avenue rabbit hutch with 817 square inches of floor space this very

obviously should never be used for a rabbit but this is perfect for a hamster

it also does have a pull out tray so you may not be able to put as much bedding

as you want next we have bin cages of course if you're unsure how to make a

bin cage I have a tutorial on how to easily make one some suitable bins would

be the 50 gallon from Target with 819 square inches the twenty seven point

five gallon bin from Target with 612 square inches of floor space the

sterilite Clearview 104L bin with 665 square inches of floor space

as well as the IKEA samla bin with 660 square inches of floor space

and the iris holiday storage bin with 1040 square inches of floor space be

sure to look for this bin around Christmas time since this is when its

most available then we have 40 gallon or larger aquariums the floor space will

depend on what size you purchase please make sure nothing smaller than 40

gallons is used though and lastly we have the IKEA Detolf cabinet which can be

turned onto its back and converted into a hamster cage with around 950 square

inches of floor space do keep in mind you will need to make your own custom

lid if you choose to purchase a detolf and those are all of the suitable cages

I could possibly find I hope this video can help any hamster owners who are

looking for a large suitable cage for their hamster thank you guys for

watching bye!

For more infomation >> The BEST hamster cages available! - Duration: 6:40.


Disney Secret Santa Gift Exchange Unboxing - Duration: 17:27.

I have never seen this I I I'm a little speechless right now I did not know they

made this hey guys welcome back to my channel today I am so excited because I

have been invited to be a part of a Secret Santa gift

collaboration with 13 other YouTube channels I am thrilled Taryn from

twinklebell Taryn reached out to 12 different youtubers some of them I knew

well some were new to me and asked if we wanted to participate in the Secret

Santa collaboration and all of us 13 said yes we do of course so I have a box

right here from someone and I shared a box to someone actually I can say now I

shared a box to a sweetheart her YouTube channel is princess Minnie and her name

is Kate and I will leave links to all of the 13 youtubers below but today I got

to see who my secret santa is and it is Mickey's magic so Megan does Mickey's

magic Megan is a doll so I cannot wait to see what is inside not one but two of

these packages so let's just jump right in and see we got I think if I'm

remembering correctly I should really know this

we are Capote we were supposed to share one food item one wearable one ornament

and one pin I can't remember sorry Taryn I should really have that

printed out in front of me oh my gosh

and come to find out Meghan doesn't live that far away from me we just I think

it's so funny oh my gosh it's so cute inside you were crafty let me show you I

don't know if you can see but it says Happy Holidays and I think she drew this

which means you're very artistic happy holidays with a Mickey head in a

stocking cap and it says Corall I hope you have a fantastic holiday season it

really is the most wonderful time of the year I hope I was able to get things you

don't already own it was so much fun picking out everything I hope you enjoy

everything have a magical day Meghan aka Mickey's magic Thank You Megan yay this

is like it's like Christmas and I get a new friend in that so um oh my gosh

where to begin crinkle paper oh I missed this I used to unboxing I used to miss

this oh my gosh there's so many good things inside okay I'm gonna start with

this box because a box in a box is always a good thing so I'm curious what

is in the box it's just incredible stew on the top but I don't know what it is

so it's the Edna mode runway saucer and mug oh my gosh I have seen this before

and I obviously I love Edna mode and I've seen this before but I never picked

it up oh my gosh

the sleek style is everything and it says mode and then beast it says it's my

way or the runway for the saucer oh my gosh I love drinking tea I love drinking

coffee I will use this Megan awesome awesome I'm so excited we could stop

right there I just I just love that and the thing is there's so much more in

here all right but I'm gonna go to this bag Disney parks bag it's always a fun

thing oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I love this alright so we have three

postcards and these last two are the Wunderland gallery postcards which quite

frankly I consider art all of them truly are art so this one is in Magic Kingdom

and this is Dumbo I just read to see if it was Magic Kingdom or if it was

Disneyland but if I looked at the castle I could tell it was Magic Kingdom this

one is um mr. Toad's Wild Ride oh it goes this way

sorry and then this is Mickey and Minnie but I want to know the theme it says

date night you love it I love these and love these so let's start so I mean this

is just classic Walt Disney World Mickey Minnie right on Dumbo with the castle in

the background question here's the postcard that that

is mr. Toad's Wild Ride and again this is from if you haven't seen these these

are amazing Wonderland gallery you can get this I call it art in Walt Disney

World and look at this for date night that is adorable absolutely love the

colors and I am loving this so far Megan oh my gosh okay we had to fill out a

little questionnaire and one thing I did said did one thing I did say was I loved

chocolate and peanut butter um let me just say this is my favorite treat ever

Megan thank you thank you for making me so happy

I love that but there's another box and another box means we must open it okay

don't cut yourself coral okay wait hold on I'm so excited I'm like a little kid

I love opening things oh is this an ornament I think this was an ornament

because I see that up top and there's styrofoam okay oh my goodness the

anticipation is killing me okay okay oh my gotta cut this to my dog Cooper is

so oh are you kidding me I have never seen this before in my life I have never

seen this I I I'm a little speechless right now I did not know they made this

if I knew they made this I would have owned this and so it's a good thing I

didn't because look at this ornament it's ended jack-jack it's Edna Jack Jack

I have a pop hold please look I have the pop

hissing why aren't you focusing I have this pop that a client sent me that is

like crazy awesome I had no idea they made an ornament mind mind blown but is

the guy everything is going on my tree right now we're just gonna be patient

and we're gonna put it on and we're gonna find a place for in the Jack Jack

to be because I I is that the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life my

tree is so front-heavy because I keep putting all my ornaments

in the front cuz I want everyone to see my cute little ornaments so I hope and

she's very heavy so I hope when I put her on it doesn't over cuz that would be

kind of funny I hope you can see okay if you have not checked out Megan's channel

Mickey's magic again go watch her because when I say she's adorable

she's truly adorable okay I think this is a pin so it's all safely packaged see

what it is oh I didn't even have this gosh I have one that's similar but I

don't have this one this is a holiday I wonder if this is from oh my god this is

so cute this is a holiday Mickey Mouse and Pluto

pin and I put in my preferences I love Pluto so here is Mickey Mouse as Santa

with cuto as his reindeer so cute I'd love that it's gold in the

back I don't have a holiday pin board however I do have more holiday pins I

don't have a ton but I probably have like ten and to me that's out of time

and I'm going to stick this on in the center thank you so much Megan actually

I'm gonna stick this in there too isn't that adorable I'll work this this can be

the center of my board to fill up space

love it oh my gosh seriously what the heck there's so much seriously this is

like part of the new merch that came out in the shop Disney at the Disney stores

when the Incredibles 2 came out I didn't get any of it

look at this Edna mode it's my way or the runway I can sit inside here

honestly anything um makeup or traveling also I might use this for all of my

charging cords because I have one but it's not big enough and this would be

the perfect size so I love the size of this plus it's kind of hefty so look at

this amazing bag yeah you are beyond kind beyond this is unreal and I see

something at the bottom here

yeah this is my girl this is my girl now another Edna mode product from the

Disney Store beyond love this I have I believe two of these but I will tell you

something Megan don't worry I use journals so much that I have already

almost finished my first one I'm in my second one of my Edna mode so have no

fear I will put this journal to good use I love that I have this from you thank

you so much and I this is something that I love about this that there is this

tassel like bookmark that this used to be like the standard in journals and

books and it's kind of a lost art I love that it has it here just because Edna's

such a fashionista anyway I think it's pretty classy so thank you thank you

thank you for everything in this box but yet there's one more package from you I

can't even comprehend why other than you are a beyond generous young lady but

there's this package as well so let's open up this package from Megan

carefully carefully see what's in Beck

mag dude how is this is from you there's a lot of stuff in here I'm pulling out I

think I'm most excited about it I see it I'm really really excited okay

did you make these I think Megan made these ears Megan has an empty shop I do

know that because I found you and I looked up your Etsy shop

look at these Holliday ears I'm going to put them on in a moment but I am in love

with these ears look at the sequin bow let me give you a close-up because it's

gorgeous oh my gosh just a perfect subtle like vintage e

Holliday ears I am in love

wait the inside of the band is like lined with like the suede it's so soft

oh these are gonna feel good oh my gosh look at these ears oh they're so pretty

thank you but wait there's honest-to-god more he's my boy is my Pluto soon soon

look at him I love Pluto so much and Megan knows and

look at I can't believe you got this little guy for me

I have Pluto can't really see much of him because I wanted to show more of my

tree but I do have my Pluto collection over here I'm gonna put him by that so

you can see him here can you see him there there he is he's peeking right

there Thank You Megan just beyond Oh

oh my gosh oh and she's she also sent me two more pins a baby Jack Jack and a

Pluto howling that is I don't have this I might have this pin

I think I do have this pen but you know what more baby Jack shacks it's totally

fine with me because then it increases my incredible collection so I love it

thank you thank you thank you young lady mag gun from Mickey's magic first of all

thank you from the bottom of my heart I am so blessed from you and I greatly

appreciate all of your thoughtfulness that you put into this it's incredible

and I love mostly that I am now getting to know someone else in the Disney

community that I did not know prior so that is a blessing Thank You Tarin for

putting this collaboration together and I would invite you to go watch the rest

of these youtubers it's Saturday kick up your feet put a smile on your face and

watch 12 other youtubers just thoroughly impressed with the generosity of their

Secret Santas this is beyond but Megan from Nicky's magic thank you so much I

hope you guys have a wonderful December 15 happy Saturday and more days until

the big guy comes so excited and thank you Megan thank you thank you thank you

For more infomation >> Disney Secret Santa Gift Exchange Unboxing - Duration: 17:27.


ভিডিও কলে অশ্লীল ফোন আলাপ | Naked Talk | Hot Video Call | IMO Video Call | Official - Duration: 2:23.


For more infomation >> ভিডিও কলে অশ্লীল ফোন আলাপ | Naked Talk | Hot Video Call | IMO Video Call | Official - Duration: 2:23.


This is how I celebrated my birthday this year 2018 - Duration: 10:21.

Thank you for watchng

For more infomation >> This is how I celebrated my birthday this year 2018 - Duration: 10:21.


Rap do Escanor | Os 10 Mandamentos | Tributo #30 | Nanatsu No Taizai - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Rap do Escanor | Os 10 Mandamentos | Tributo #30 | Nanatsu No Taizai - Duration: 2:50.


English speaking job in Amersfoort: €10-25 per hour [International students] - Duration: 1:39.

Are you looking for a well-paid english speaking job in Amersfoort?

My name is David, and after trying a lot of student jobs, I've now found a job that

allows me to work when I want to, and earn more than with all the other jobs before.

Maybe you've seen me around, because I deliver food for Deliveroo.

And since october, everyone is able to work for Deliveroo, also without being self-employed

at the kamer van koophandel.

With Deliveroo, you get an app which allows you to deliver food independently.

When you go online in the app, you can get orders from different restaurants in Amersfoort.

When you accept an order, you go to the restaurant, pick up the food, and deliver it to the customer.

And this easy you've already made 5 euros.

I usually average around 10 to 25 euro's per hour, depending on which city I work in and

how many people make orders.

The downside of working for Deliveroo is that you don't have a permanent contract.

So when you're sick for example, you won't get be continued to be paid.

Deliveroo does however have an insurance for their riders.

The upside of having no permanent contract is that you only have to work when you want


And this is perfect for students, because sometimes you're busy, and then you just

don't work at all, and when you have some free time again, you just go online in the

app and make some easy money.

You do need your own bike though.

But on the other hand, I often see people on a rented bike from the trainstation, because

you already make that money back on your first order.

So if you want to try this out, I would like to ask you to sign up through my referral-link

in the description.

This also gives you a bonus up to €100 that you wouldn't get through the normal site.

If you first want to know more about how signing up works, you can also watch this video that

I made on how to sign up step-by-step.

For more infomation >> English speaking job in Amersfoort: €10-25 per hour [International students] - Duration: 1:39.


Wow! 100 Best Beautiful Orchid Flower Planter Ideas | Garden Ideas - Duration: 13:41.

For more infomation >> Wow! 100 Best Beautiful Orchid Flower Planter Ideas | Garden Ideas - Duration: 13:41.


LUÍSA SE CLONOU? DUPLICOU? O QUE?! - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> LUÍSA SE CLONOU? DUPLICOU? O QUE?! - Duration: 3:04.


CGSS【行くぜ!怪盗少女 〜セクシーギルティCover Version~】行動吧!怪盜少女 - Sexy Guilty -中文字幕 - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> CGSS【行くぜ!怪盗少女 〜セクシーギルティCover Version~】行動吧!怪盜少女 - Sexy Guilty -中文字幕 - Duration: 2:13.


Does David Duke prove Republicans are the real racists? - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Does David Duke prove Republicans are the real racists? - Duration: 2:13.


Best Sugar Cookies🍪 15+ Easy Birthday Cookies Decorating Ideas Christmas 2018🍪 So Yummy Cookies - Duration: 10:08.

Best Sugar Cookies🍪 15+ Easy Birthday Cookies Decorating Ideas Christmas 2018🍪 So Yummy Cookies

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

For more infomation >> Best Sugar Cookies🍪 15+ Easy Birthday Cookies Decorating Ideas Christmas 2018🍪 So Yummy Cookies - Duration: 10:08.


Taxes for Amazon FBA Sellers - Duration: 11:42.

hey it's patti scharf CPA and co-founder of catching clouds the leader in

e-commerce accounting and today I want to talk about taxes for Amazon FBA

sellers if you are looking for a video on sales tax I have a whole bunch of

them but they are down below that's not what this video is I'll give you some

links down below you can go check those out this one is going to be on income

tax and the reason I'm doing it now is because now is the time that you can

actually still take action that will impact your 2018 taxes so let's get


all right so I was not born as CPA actually started my first business

before I even did any of the accounting thing so I I remember what it was like

when I didn't understand any of the the numbers or like what is I don't even

know what a tax deduction is or anything like that so I want to give you kind of

the basics I want to also remind you that our firm does not actually do taxes

and I haven't done taxes for a long time I just want to share my knowledge with

you but for your own personal tax situation you should be talking to your

own tax CPA so there's my disclaimer

all right so big picture you are going to be taxed on the net amount of income

that you make not on the amount of money you pull out of your business okay so

net income is income minus expenses to get your net income all right now income

should be pretty obvious income is going to be the money that comes into your

business for products that you sell all right so if you're selling on Amazon you

list your products and what the customer is paying you for your products that is

gonna be income to you any deductions from that income is typically going to

be Amazon fees so storage fees or shipping expenses or whatever else you

know Amazon has a hundred billion of them and all of those are gonna be

expenses if you had no other expenses for your business no payroll no postage

no bank charges or anything like that it was all in Amazon if your net income is

going to be the total that you got from your customers - all of Amazon's fees

right easy enough the issue that you have is you may have sales from January

till December but you might actually collect money from Amazon like mid

January to mid of the following January and things don't really fall in the

right reads and there's not really good break

out that ties to what lands in the bank I want you to go watch this video to see

what some of the issues are with the accounting and I would recommend that no

matter what size business you are if you are selling on Amazon you should be

using a 2x with either zero or QuickBooks Online my preference is zero

I think it's cleaner and easier but whatever works for you if you use these

tools together then it is going to solve 95% of your headaches because your tax

CPAs unless they are specializing in e-commerce accounting they don't really

understand Amazon and they're gonna pull their hair out trying to figure it out

or they're gonna do it wrong so if you're using these tools and you have

them in place you'll have solid accounting so that they can actually do

their job and record and report your income in the right periods or if you're

doing your taxes yourself you're going to know you can trust your numbers so if

you need extra help on knowing how to set things up and like the different

chart of accounts and things like that I actually have a course called accounting

for Amazon I'll give you a link to that down below there's also a discount code

down below if you want to check that out but that'll take care of most of your

headaches with your accounting the next biggest headache is going to be cost of

goods sold okay so if you don't know what cost of goods sold is let me tell

you when you buy products that you're going to resell to somebody else you buy

that product it becomes an asset of the business it is inventory okay it is not

an expense of your business it is inventory which is an asset and then as

you sell products you get to pull a little bit of cost away from that until

you sold all of your products and then you go buy more products and yada yada

okay there is a funky rumor going around that this year because of the tax plan

changes with the Trump plan that you can be a cash basis taxpayer and in the year

that you buy your products you can deduct all of it all at once

I don't personally think that's true and I did a whole video on it if you hear in

to the contrary and you want to take that position I would say just do so at

your own risk make sure you watch my video before you take any action

okay so let's assume that you agree with me and you have products that are in

inventory you turn around you sell them you're keeping track of the costs of the

items that you're selling all you do is you tally that up for the whole year

that becomes your cost of goods sold remember it's not cost of goods

purchased its cost of goods sold if your company is a lot higher volume and more

complicated and things like that I actually have kind of step-by-step

information on how to do that my accounting for Amazon video and you can

use a 2x to help with that process as well

okay so then after you've got the income you've got the cost of goods sold you've

got all those Amazon fees that's really 95 percent of your books in most cases

all right so then after that you want to know what expenses you can deduct so to

deduct just means that you're taking whatever your income is so in this case

it's going to be gross profit you've got income minus your direct cost whatever's

left over you just have overhead type costs that

you know you need to run your business so bank fees and different things that

I'll talk about in just a second and then whatever is left over is going to

be what you are going to have as your net income so let's talk about overhead

expenses in general the IRS is going to allow you to deduct expenses that are

ordinary and necessary for your business so basically what they're doing is

they're saying hey an ecommerce seller in your situation is that like an

ordinary kind of an expense for your business is it necessary to run your

business so for example if you buy a stair climber for your business they're

gonna go would most Amazon sellers need a stair climber to run their business

yeah probably not right but maybe a fitness studio would so it's kind of an

industry by industry thing so in general I would say just use your best judgment

you know anything that you're gonna be spending money on that's going to help

you make money is a pretty good bet that it works

your business as a deduction okay so here are some examples bank fees

materials and supplies you know like packaging and stuff for

your business postage for sure office supplies shipping expenses things

like that here are a few things that are kind of funky then I want to talk about

one is automobile expenses I know a lot of people are like oh I'm I have my own

business and so I bought this fancy schmancy car and I'm just gonna write it

off well that's not really how that works go talk to a tax CPA before you do

something like that because really the way it works is you're supposed to only

be deducting a portion that's related to your business usage of the vehicle so

like if you're working out of your basement and you're the only one in your

business and you're not retail arbitrage you're just selling online and you

hardly ever leave your house you're gonna have almost no business miles and

you're not going to have a big deduction for that okay other things penalties are

not deductible like if you have fines and penalties if you park your car

legally and you get a ticket for it you don't get to write that off because the

IRS does not want to encourage illegal behavior other things donations any

political contributions are not going to be deductible and even charitable

contributions depending on your business tax entity type you you might be able to

take the deduction but it would be on say your personal tax return and it

would be subject to whatever limits you have for your personal return sales tax

sales tax is not an expense it's actually a liability when you are

collecting sales tax from your customers you have a legal obligation to give that

money to the government it does not belong to you so you basically hold it

and then when you when you need to file and pay in your sales tax you give it to

the government when you spend that it is not an expense it's just a reduction of

the liability of the business so liability is just another word for loan

it comes to you it's loan that you have to pay out and then you pay it out

done there should never be any sales tax expense on your books and the last one

I'll talk about is meals and entertainment

I think they recently changed the rules I'm not sure how much is deductible now

so check with your tax EPA but I know that a lot of people will just be like

oh I've got a business so I will just start making the business pay for all of

my lunches and dinners and breakfasts and everything else and the IRS does not

like that they there should be a business purpose for the meal or

entertainment and on your receipt whether it's digital or whatever else

you need to keep track of who was in attendance what the business purpose of

it was you should be if you have like a physical receipt this is what I always

do you just write on the receipt who was in attendance what the business purpose

was and then like I use hub dock and take my phone take a picture of it and

it flows into my accounting system so I would recommend something like that so

so I think that's it if you've got a really small business your accounting

should be pretty straightforward just use some common sense make sure you keep

track of everything keep receipts for everything

having just bank statements or credit card statements is not proof of the

transaction so you want to have actual receipts for all of your stuff if you

are intending to deduct it the IRS will disallow deductions if they audit you

and you don't have receipts it'll just be like prove it you can't prove it then

done you just have to pay tax on all that deduction money that you took so so

I would recommend keep your stuff together and orderly I hope you like

this video if you did please like comment and share if you haven't already

please subscribe and I'll catch you later

For more infomation >> Taxes for Amazon FBA Sellers - Duration: 11:42.


BELIEVE! - Study Motivation - Duration: 4:40.

it takes real time and real commitment and it takes that every single day it

takes a conscious effort to be more valuable to be better than the next guy

every single day and that is not easy but whatever you resolve to do I want

you to commit to it I want you to really work it I know that sometimes you get

that sense from TV that you can be rich and successful without any hard work

that your ticket to success is through rapping or basketball it being a reality

TV star chances are you're not going to be any of those things the truth is

being successful is hard you won't love every subject that you study you won't

click with every teacher that you have not every homework assignment will seem

completely relevant to your life right at this minute and you won't necessarily

succeed at everything the first time you try

that's okay some of the most successful people in the world are the ones who've

had the most barriers so I had two choices either I was going to sit in

that failure and give up but I was gonna make a decision to step out of the

darkness you see when you're in that darkness you want to sit there and wait

for the light to come when you're in that darkness it feels uncomfortable but

you can't wait the only way out is to step forward to face your fears

to become your own light so if we're looking for the easy way we're looking

for the short way we're looking for the overnight success focus down lock down

commit to something for 10-15 years to be great at it now guess what wherever

your are in 10 years it's gonna be a hell a lot better than where you are now

otherwise you could just accept where you are now

you could stay where you are now you keep shit about where you are now and

your life is suck like most people's lives then do you be a neat no I'm not

I'm telling truth and guys you have to think about every

single idea that has been materialized in the course of humanity that has been

meaningful that has been impactful that has actually meant something to the


all of them seemed impossible all of them got laughed at all of them got told

they were going to fail but yet where does all the great that we have in our

lives come from it all comes from people who in the face

of massive adversity decide that they're going to do follow regardless they're

going to make the thing that they want to happen happen no matter what anybody

says no matter how many times they get laughed at no matter how many times they

get called crazy no matter what they are going to make this happen and that is

what you guys to understand nobody out there has it easy none of the ideas that

you think about are going to be easy none of the people out there doing this

that you want to do had an easy path they all got to deal with these things

guys guess what ladies and gentlemen that's what we have to do with our

dreams because things happen to your life that

you can never ever anticipate and many times when those things happen you want

to give up and you want to make your dream come true you got to stay focused

some people rather get even than get ahead stay focus on where you want to go

now let me share something else with you ladies and gentlemen you know within

yourself that there's something you want to do and I believe that all of us are

born with a purpose but all of us have something that we are supposed to do and

all of us have some goodness within us and that goodness gives us a

responsibility to manifest our greatness and when you know that you could feel it

in your guts and you know that you're deliberately operating below your

potential you're getting comfortable you stop expanding you stop stretching you

stop challenging your supplement share something else with you not only it's

possible for you to have your dream but it's the necessary it's necessary but

you go for what is yours

For more infomation >> BELIEVE! - Study Motivation - Duration: 4:40.


The Making of Zombie Wars in Tofino British Columbia - Duration: 5:34.

So, what's the story so far Jay (Jamie Francis)

Building our tent here the mystery is that

We're slaving away here try and buy a

DV (digital video) camera, this is all for the sake of filmmaking all for the camera. We're working here in Tofino. This is our second day here

Actually, we haven't even been here 24 hours? Mm-hmm and


Does the shit flow here?

Our boss is trying to make us stay here for

The highway we are by the highway but in the middle of nowhere one mile two miles from where we're actually working

This is what we'll do for filmmaking

Hanging out here gatekeeping

What boredom does

Still in Tofino

We were down to our last $20 so we decided to

Get some stuff no food. Just zombie stuff. To be used for a epic battle scene

We are in Tofino, and hanging out in this camper editing our movies with our comp

How can you turn that into anything still as something

Still as stagnant water

As still as a lake

Hey grab my keys. I got your back

Crony standard-issue

For more infomation >> The Making of Zombie Wars in Tofino British Columbia - Duration: 5:34.


Suction Cup Man 3: One Hell of a Climb - Duration: 5:52.

[Distant Singing] Ooh, I've been climbin' up your tower,

[Distant Singing] You can kiss my ass.

[Singing] I've been climbin' up your tower

[Singing] And I'm smudgin' up your glass, hey!

Hey! Don't take another suck, Suction Cup Man!

Ah, top of the tower to ya, business dummy!

This is the last time you're gonna suction cup MY tower, fuck head!

Holy shit, is that a water gun?

My god man, you're insane!

There's more to it!

Let me guess, heh, you filled it with piss!

Wait, you DID fill it with piss?!

It's filled with a new product I whipped up so I can put an end to this shit show forever!


Anti-Suction Cup window cleaner!

What does your company do?

We make cleaning products...

Pfff! That's lame.



Jesus christ...


HAHA! Fuck you!

Fuck you, I'll be back!

I'll be ready for ya! You... uh...

You're heading towards the highway!

Fuck the highway, you can't kill Suction Cup Man!



[Fire and screaming]

[Low growl]

Greetings, sinful o-


Uh- Greetings sinful one!

Welcome to your eternal damnation!

Oh lord!

For your many misdeeds you will suffer everlasting pain throughout a thousand lives.

Oh God!

We shall begin with 100 years in the pit of fire!


Okay, can you stop with all the "God-Talk." We don't do that here.

Oh well excuuuuse me, beardo!

It's not like I wanna be here!

Enough! Bow before me heathen and face your punishme-

Hey, what's that?

That is the gateway from which the sinful arrive.

You died and came through... that thing


Hi, welcome to hell. Enjoy your punishment


What happens if I go back through it?

Hah! No one can return to the world of the living.

Not even if I go back through it?

Well, you can't do that

Why not

You're not supposed to...

The fuck is that supposed to mean?!

You have no choice in this matter!

You will face your punishments accordingly to pay for your...

What are you doing?

Got bored, fuck you, I'm leaving!

But you're not supposed t-

Fuck your shit and fuck hell. I'm Suction Cup Man!

You can't just leave, you died.

Death can suck my ass, you can't kill me!

But you died!

But I'll get out!

Still died.

Well- well at least I don't look like a giant ketchup bottle!


How dare you speak to me in this manner!

I am the Prince of Darkness, the harbinger of all that is evil!

You are in MY realm. You will bow to me, or face the consequences.


Fuck you.

Fuck YOU.

Fuck you!

Fuck you too.

Fuck you three.

I said it first so you're the most fucked.


Boom! Me one, Satan zero.

Well, you're stuck in Hell so let's call it even between us.

Cool, I'm as evil as Satan! Can we team up?

Wait, no.

Fine, then I'm leaving.

Also no.

Then we're teaming up! Hey, I wrote us a friendship song!


It goes a little something like this.


[Singing] Go eat a dick. That's right, go eat a dick. Go eat a dick, dick, dick

Go eat a big ol' dick! Go eat a dick.


You eat a dick, you... [Grumbling]

I tried to warn him that he was drifting towards the highway,

but he passed it off saying something like...

"Fuck the highway you can't kill Suction Cup Man."

And also "Look at me go!" at the end there.

Right, he also said "Look at me g-"


Officer, arrest this man for attempted murder.

We know who you are, and we're not doing that.

Fair enough. Same time next week, business dummy?

Go to hell.

Trust me, I'm way ahead of you.

[Jazzy Music]

Agh. You dick...


Now available.

Hi, I'm Suction Cup Man!

You might know me as Suction Cup Man from such classics as Suction Cup Man

Well, today I'm here to tell you that after 6 years of animation,

the sellouts at Piemations are releasing their first line of merchandise!

Featuring a lot of me.

This shirt makes it look like you have me in your pocket.

That's pretty fuckin' funny I tell you what!

Fuck you I'm climbin' up your phone case!

Ever wanted to feel like I'm right outside your window?

We also got brand recognition, these idiots,

furries, and stuff that just says YEAH on it.

Because "Piemations YEAH" You know? You get it.

The link is in the description and helps keep this channel going, so get over there!

What the fuck? Why are you in my office? How'd you get in here?!

Ahh, I used the front door.

How do you think, dumbass!


Wait, wait! One more thing!


Seriously though. Link in the description and thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Suction Cup Man 3: One Hell of a Climb - Duration: 5:52.


「Nightcore」→ Recovery ✗ Dark Horse ✗ 1216 ✗ You Don't Know Me (Collab / Lyrics) - Duration: 15:03.

Nightcore - video includes subtitles

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Recovery ✗ Dark Horse ✗ 1216 ✗ You Don't Know Me (Collab / Lyrics) - Duration: 15:03.


Thanks, Santa - A Cold Dose of Reality for the Holidays | The Daily Show - Duration: 7:28.

It's the holiday season,

a time that is best spent with family and close friends,

which is why, to talk about the holidays,

we're joined by my close friend Neal Brennan, everybody!

(cheering and applause)

What's up, bro?

Hey, uh, in the spirit of Christmas,

I brought you a gift.

That's... that's my book that I gave to you last Christmas.

I know. It's great,

and I don't want to spoil the ending,

but he goes on to host The Daily Show.


-Thank you, Neal. -You're welcome.

Trevor, even though I'm clearly in the Christmas spirit,

it turns out not everybody is.

Parents at a New Jersey school seeing red tonight.

They say a substitute teacher was a real grinch.

REPORTER: Angry parents in the city of Montville say the sub

told their kids that Santa isn't real.

And she didn't stop there. She went on to say

that reindeer can't fly and that elves don't exist.

The bah humbug behavior was reported to the principal

by another adult who happened to be

at the room at the same time.

REPORTER 2: The superintendent there confirmed she was fired.

Wow, that...

Yo, that-that's horrible.

I feel so bad for those kids.

I feel bad for the teacher.

She shouldn't have been fired. She should have been promoted.

Yeah, but-- No, I mean, but-but she spoiled Christmas

for all of those kids. Shouldn't we let children believe

in fantasy and wonder?

No, because those kids grow up to be adults

who believe in fantasy and wonder.

And the world is falling apart because of it.

First, it's Santa is real.

Then it's climate change is not real.

Then it's vaccines are bad.

Now my girlfriend has polio.

Thanks, Santa.

Wait, your-your girlfriend h--

Wait, wait, why is it Santa's fault?

Santa is the gateway drug

to believing lies because they're fun.

And I'm tired of it.

We're up to our necks in bullshit.

The world needs more reality.

You ready?

You ready for some reality?

(cheering and applause)

All right.

Here's some reality.

Cleanse diets don't work.

(laughter, whooping)

Lemon juice, honey, and cayenne pepper--

that's not a magical elixir.

That's prison Gatorade.

None of these new age remedies are gonna make you live longer.

My mom is 85 because of genetics,

not because Gwyneth Paltrow

taught her how to steam her vagina.

At least, I don't think.

I haven't kept up with my mom's vagina since I moved out.

My point is detoxes don't work,

yet they're a billion-dollar industry.

Yeah, okay, Neal, Neal, I don't...

Who cares if people do a detox once in a while, man?

It's not something that's gonna actually come back to hurt them.

Okay, you want to talk about something with consequences?

Here we go.

Hey, everybody, Alexa is not your friend.


She transmits everything that happens in your house to Amazon.

If you hired a woman named Alexa,

and she said, "To best assist you,

"I'm gonna record everything you say in private

and send it to Jeff Bezos," I'd say to her,

"Hey, Alexa, get the (bleep) out of my house."


(applause and cheering)

And yet, we're all scarfing up Alexas. Thanks, Santa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. How is Santa related to Alexa?

They are the same thing.

Someone we willingly let into our house

who knows if we're naughty or nice.


That's not holiday magic. That's surveillance.

Neal, dude, I feel like you're just ruining everything.

Okay, this one's personal. This is for you.

Uh, you know how you're always telling me

we should go see a movie?

There's no reason to go to the movies anymore.

But-but some films you need to see on the big screen.

No, I can pay $25 to be in a theatre,

or pay nothing, and I'm in a theatre.

But there's no popcorn. It's not the same experience...

Shh. Black people always talking at the movies.

-No, Neal... (laughs) -(laughter, groaning)

No, but Neal, come on, dude, no.

Like, let... let the people have some fun, man.

No. Fun is killing the world.

Facts only. You ready for some more facts?

-AUDIENCE: Yeah! -(applause, whooping)

Here's another one.

All wine kind of tastes the same.


(applause and cheering)


You can pretend there's smokiness or a hint of oak,

and put it in a sexy glass, but we all know

what it tastes like-- old-ass grapes.


You know who I blame for that?

Here's a hint. He's fat,

lives in the Arctic Circle and doesn't exist.

Neal, Neal, Neal, I don't think

I can ever have you back on the show at this rate, man.

-Great, then let's go for broke. -(laughter)

-Trump's gonna get away with it. -(woman groans)

This guy is touched by an angel. Boo all you want.

He's not gonna get impeached.

Listen to me. He figured out a way

to cheat on his pregnant wife with a porn star and a playmate,

then cover it up with hush money

in the middle of a presidential election,

which he lost by three million votes

and still won.

(laughter, groaning, applause)

He's not getting impeached.

The only way he's leaving office

is if Democrats beat him in 2020,

which brings me to my next stinger.

Democrats aren't gonna beat him in 2020.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Go ahead, "Whoa, whoa, whoa" all you want,

but in your heart you know

that Democrats will trip all over themselves

-and blow it somehow. -Neal,

why would you say something like that here

in front of all these snowflakes? Why, Neal?


Because Republicans buy into their candidate.

Show the Republicans any old white man,

and they're good to go.

Democrats are so picky

when it comes to presidential candidates.

Democrats are like your fussy friend at a restaurant.

They got too many questions, too many substitutions.

They're like, "Can I have the fried chicken,

"but instead of fried, can it be grilled?

And instead of chicken, can it be fish?"


"No? Then I'm ordering the Jill Stein as a protest order."

-(laughter) -So let me get this straight.

You think all of that will be fixed

if we just tell the kids the truth about Santa?

Yes, buddy, because the truth is always better.

Kids, let Uncle Neal chat to you for a minute.


Santa didn't bring you those gifts.

Your parents paid for them. How?

By working their fingers to the bone

at a job they hate that doesn't pay them enough.

So they go into debt to put a smile on your little face.

A debt which has compounding interest

that they will never truly get out from under.


It just grows and grows and grows,

weighing them down for their entire life

until they are finally freed from their obligations

by the sweet release of death.

(laughter, groaning)

And that, children...

is the true meaning of Christmas.

(laughter, applause and cheering)

Neal Brennan, everyone.

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