Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 15 2018


For more infomation >> অশ্লীল ছবির নায়িকা নিপুণ | Nipun Akter | Bangladeshi Hot Actress | Nipun | Naked Talk - Duration: 0:43.


Fuori Strada - Short Film (Movielab Lighthouse) - Duration: 40:03.

Attention, please. Do not cross the rails. Please use the subway.

We inform the passengers that all the regional train rides scheduled for today

are canceled, due to an extraordinary strike of the crew.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Yeah, yeah, don't worry. I'm catching the next train…

Can you watch your step?

Sorry, but… it was you the one who hit me.

I don't care about your apologies.

I've got this huge commitment, and now… no train, and no phone.

Ok, well, listen, wanna use mine?

What's that for?

Dunno, call your parents?

Enough, out of my way.

I knew it.

Sorry to tell you, but you're waiting for nothing.

There's one arriving in seven minutes.

You might want to take a look there.



What's the matter? Day off!

Hey, wait me!

Where are you going? There's nothing this way.

Don't you have anything better to do?

Sooo, why are you in such a hurry?

You don't even know, if I miss this exam I'm screwed.

Trust me, I've got this!


What are you doing? It's illegal!

Oh, finally. Hey, hey!

Oh, please, stop…


Are you kidding me?

Nice tractor. I had a similar one at my place.

Well, could have been worse!


Can I introduce myself, at least? I'm Manuel, nice to meet you.


Very well, Luna. So, this exam you're running into, is it that important?

Apparently, it is, yes.

I need to pass the admission test for this law school.

Serious stuff, then!

Geez, why am I even talking to you.

I was serious, though.

Yeah, sure. Anyways, It's your fault if I'm in this trouble.

Then I should have left you there.

I didn't ask for help!

Sorry if I just got you a ride in the middle of nowhere!

You had any better alternatives?

I'd just come up with something!


Maybe it's the gasket, or maybe the radiator…

Get off, you know nothing.

Now, you head that way, you'll get to Tony's farm. Do you know him?

Sure, I know who's Tony, thanks.

Well then, make yourself useful.

Yep. Thanks, man.

Are you sure this is the right way? You'll get you clothes dirty.

Don't worry. I don't care anymore.

Do you think we might make it?

Sure, don't worry.

So, where are you supposed to go, dressed up that way?

To an interview.

Hey, didn't you parents teach you not to pick up stuff off the ground?



Where are you going?

Excuse me!

Isn't Tony's farm that way?

Did you hear me?

Boy, get lost.

But, I…

You ruined everything.

What's the matter with you?

The matter?

The problem is that I lost the moment!

All my work, wasted!

Hours and hours, seeking for perfection, and now it's all gone!

What did you tell him?

Me? Nothing at all!

I don't understand.

This painting is truly beautiful.

Girl, "beautiful" is not enough.

You wanna keep it forever?

It's broken.

Yeah, but it's beautiful.

Beautiful is not enough.

Just if you're crazy.

Y'know what they say about artists…

Maybe he's so attached to details because he misses something.

Maybe you're right.

What are you doing?

That's not the way you do it! You want to do the Ian knot.

Ian Solo?



What are you missing?

My phone.

Are you sure this is the right way?

If I'm sure, she asks! I've been there so many times…

Mmh, fine as you say.

Come on, Luna, relax. We've got plenty of time.

Listen, we're literally in the middle of nowhere.

How comes you know these places?

This is like home to me.

These fields?

Yep, I grew in the countryside mud.

And take a look at the results.

How can you be always… like this?

Dunno. I guess I couldn't be anyway different.

Then tell me, how's living in the middle of nowhere?

It was good, I guess.


Yeah, we moved.

Where are we heading?

Watch out!

Oh my god!

I'm gonna get fired, what a mess!

I'm seriously gonna get fired.

Don't worry miss, we got you.

Everything's alright?

Yeah...sure, sure...sure not, no, no, no! Nothing's, how do I fix this?

Oh my god!

Ok it's fine, everything's fine.

I'm fixing this in no time.

Sorry but...

Do you guys know where's Co... Co... god I'm getting blind as a bat.

Confessione Street?

Confessione Street?

It should be that way.

Thank you! Great.

Now let me fix this and... great. I got this, everything's fine, I got this...

Oh, who I am even lying to...

I will never make it in time.

I'm getting fired, I am getting fired...

C'mon, let's just go.

Look at her though...

She just needs some help.

Miss, how much time you have left?

I still have 10 households to deliver to, and the last one's gonna be at least 20 km from here. And I only have an hour and a half left...

Then it's easier than you think. If you keep a stable speed of 15 k/h you'll have nine minutes per family.

I guess...? Yeah, Yes! You're right!

I got this, I'm sure I'm gonna make it.

I was a junior high bicyclism silver too!

This is amazing, thank you!

Score one for the highbrow.

Oh, c'mon, lets head out or we will never get to Tony's.

It's the farm owner Tony you're talking about?

It's him, yeah.

Well, his farm is not down this road, but that one.

Are you sure about that?

I'm pretty sure about this one.

Here, take a look.

Have a good day!


Didn't you tell me it was that way?

Oh c'mon, don't you tell me that you believe someone like her?

We've both seen his address on her notes.

Well, whatever.

Maybe it's not the right path...


Yeah, I mean. Maybe it's like she said…

You told me you absolutely knew the way!

Yes, I do, but... well that's why I'm leading you there now.

You're not leading me nowhere.

I told you this was important to me...

I spent the whole morning following someone who doesn't know where he's going...

and can't even tie his shoes!

Oh, don't be like that, where are you going! I'll get you there now...


I'm going alone.

C'mon, wait.

Let me give you a ride!

Come on, where are you going?

I had to trade the jacket for this scooter.

Here comes our hero...

Ok hear me out. I know, I'm a prick.

I didn't realize how much you cared and I'm sorry.

But hey, I came back.

What I have to do to make you forgive me?

Get off, that's a start. Don't you see how unstable that is?

Well, that kept a good shape, though.

That's a good job we made.


Yeah, me and my old man!

Well more him than me, I was more about looking at him work.

Would you even open a book, once in a while?


Well, it was fine as it was.

We used to play a lot, you know like, explorers and stuff?

No, I didn't play with my parents really.

No? Really?

You don't even know what you missed.

We used to play together a lot.

My Mom was laughing all the time, and she would take photos sometimes.

I believe she would be delighted by you being such a loafer.

I have no idea, it's ten years now that we don't see each other.

Oh... that's why you moved out?


And... what nice new places you explored in the new house?

No one really.

My dad wasn't really about exploring anymore.

Not something that has changed yet.

And there's nothing interesting left here?

Dunno, maybe a couple of old pictures...

Well, aren't we going to find out?

Oh please, quit this.

There's only old stuff here.

Aren't you scared?

No, this way you won't be late for...

Pipe down!

We have that scooter don't we?

If we're quick enough we can make it.

I'm gonna check upstairs!

Mom's Secretary: "Good morning Luna, Your Mother demands me to remind you the relevance of today's exam. Your family expects much from you."

I found this.

There's any particular order or are they random?

"Moldyum Stoneum number 2968"

That would be...?

It's from that time where I thought I was a geology expert.

My mom used to tell me that I could become whatever I wanted to be, if only I could put some effort in it.

Whatever you wanted, huh?

Mine told me I should become a lawyer.

Well, you sure know your words.

But I think you'll do better as an explorer.

Oh yeah?

More like Sacajawea or Amelia Earhart?


Forget it.

What's this?

Can't recall...

I think that this is the last thing I ever put some effort in since long time.

I should just stop being so stupid.

That's impossible.

And maybe it's also time for us to ride off.

At least you've something important to do...

"Draconis Glassum"

Oh my god!

Are you okay?

Yeah... yeah.

Are you sure?


C'mon, girl!

I'm sorry.

No, sorry.

I know it's not your fault. It's that...

Today was just too much.

You've gone astray?

Go easy on us…

Straight ahead?

Our destination is always the same.

So, we're here, aren't we?

Do you know where it is?

Yeah, yeah, it's just over there.

Are you ready?

Yeah, I...

I should go now.

And what about you?


Everyone please, take a seat.

We will begin the test shortly.

When you hear your name announced, you may come and take your envelope and head to the test room.

I urge you not to open it before the test starts.

Andreazzo Laura.

Berto Luca.

Boscolo Sara.

Cirillo Gianmarco.

De Fazio Luna.

De Fazio Luna...?

Law School.

Miss?... Miss!

Looking for new employee

For more infomation >> Fuori Strada - Short Film (Movielab Lighthouse) - Duration: 40:03.


13 непростых правд про твою жизнь – Нужные секреты успеха которые помогут пробудиться от спячки - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> 13 непростых правд про твою жизнь – Нужные секреты успеха которые помогут пробудиться от спячки - Duration: 3:50.


Elsa x Adrien (Chat/Cat Noir) || Blue Jeans - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Elsa x Adrien (Chat/Cat Noir) || Blue Jeans - Duration: 2:26.


Minecraft In A Nutshell|Master Táo FILM - Duration: 0:46.

AAAAAAAAAAAAA i am a steve i must find a diamond and build a house

wowwowwow i am building a house

WOWWOWWOW i have found a diamond


YAY I have find a diamond and built a house

au au ua úa à i'm a creeper and i am blow your house and the diamond

OH NO!!!

explosion sounds and pixelated explosions boom AAAAA

OH NO my house and the diamond.i am dead

ha ha yes plot twits a me.


For more infomation >> Minecraft In A Nutshell|Master Táo FILM - Duration: 0:46.


STAR WARS: Der Kampfdroide, der für die Republik kämpfen sollte - L8-L9 [Legends] - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> STAR WARS: Der Kampfdroide, der für die Republik kämpfen sollte - L8-L9 [Legends] - Duration: 5:52.


HD Футаж Новогодняя дискотека в лесу Proshow Producer - Duration: 0:35.

Christmas Party

For more infomation >> HD Футаж Новогодняя дискотека в лесу Proshow Producer - Duration: 0:35.


Banglalion WiMAX | বাংলালায়ন | Wifi Modem | টেলিভিশন বিজ্ঞাপন | Aladdin TV ADS | Official - Duration: 0:45.


For more infomation >> Banglalion WiMAX | বাংলালায়ন | Wifi Modem | টেলিভিশন বিজ্ঞাপন | Aladdin TV ADS | Official - Duration: 0:45.


Klischees über Schwule und Lesben | OKAY - Duration: 9:22.

For more infomation >> Klischees über Schwule und Lesben | OKAY - Duration: 9:22.


😂CRAZY SNOW DAY❄️😡 - Duration: 11:37.

For more infomation >> 😂CRAZY SNOW DAY❄️😡 - Duration: 11:37.


[Poor travel香港] IKEA聖誕大餐!試食限定MENU!$56蜜汁烤聖誕火腿!$39芝士火腿釀火雞意粉!$43香草三文魚凱撒沙律! - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> [Poor travel香港] IKEA聖誕大餐!試食限定MENU!$56蜜汁烤聖誕火腿!$39芝士火腿釀火雞意粉!$43香草三文魚凱撒沙律! - Duration: 4:26.




For more infomation >> САМЫЕ ЛУЧШИЕ ПАРТНЕРСКИЕ ПРОГРАММЫ ДЛЯ YOUTUBE - Duration: 13:28.


Box of Toys Learn Colors with Toy Blasters for Kids Nerf Blasters - Duration: 5:57.

Box of Toys Learn Colors with Toy Blasters for Kids Nerf Blasters

For more infomation >> Box of Toys Learn Colors with Toy Blasters for Kids Nerf Blasters - Duration: 5:57.


Jugando agresivo - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Jugando agresivo - Duration: 5:26.


Cem Adrian - Sen Gel Diyorsun (Emre Serin Remix) - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Cem Adrian - Sen Gel Diyorsun (Emre Serin Remix) - Duration: 4:43.


Tik Tok Best Funny Videos - Duration: 5:16.

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For more infomation >> Tik Tok Best Funny Videos - Duration: 5:16.


Tokyo's Animatronics - Duration: 4:16.

Welcome back, I'm Kiwi King and the only place you can find animatronics with such smooth movements is in Tokyo Disneyland.

When you put frosted glass over this digital fire it makes it look like real fire.

The imperfections of the handcrafted glass sheets have a certain charm to some people.

Fibre-optic rocks transfer light and straight lines, this looks so much cooler than magnifying glasses.

Those are nearly all the clips that for you today

But if you want to see a turtle fighting a man consider subscribing as I reveal that tomorrow in the next video, see you

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