Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 15 2018

Niko Ojanen Hi! And welcome to skate school!

Today we gonna learn fakie stance

Yes, what is fakie..

Fakie stance..What does it mean...

Basically it's a stance from where you can do tricks

Like in one of my previous videos we were talking about nollie and you can do nollie tricks too

For example nollie flip and so on..

And this fakie is basically the same thing

It's basically a stance from where you can do different tricks

And I skated with my right foot forward and next I ll show you guys

What is my fakie stance

And I ll show also the idea of fakie ollie. So..

I got my board here

I skated with my right foot forward

Like this

And the fakie would be like this, this kind of stance for me

Left foot here and right foot there

So basically

Going wrong sided

One more

Like this and here fakie ollie too

Would go like that

BTW Like you probably see

We are filming this in our storage, so pretty storage looking stuff!

We had to come here just to get this video done

Since didin't had time to go anywhere else to film..

But I am sure you get the idea of this video

So basically what is this fakie stance

And then you can do also tricks like fakie ollie

Fakie flip and so on

The tricks are other thing

but atleast now you know what means fakie stance

So now we have went through in my previous videos, nollie

and then also basic stance and today we went through fakie stance

And what it means. Then we have basically one more stance to go trough

And that is switchstance from which we will do a separate video

And I think that's pretty much it for now

I hope you now understood the idea of fakie stance

What it means

I ll go and cook some foor and I ll see you in next one, pa, pa, pauw!

For more infomation >> THE REAL SKEITTIKOULU: Fakie stance - Duration: 2:27.


DEAD KINGDOM K148 - with voiceover - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> DEAD KINGDOM K148 - with voiceover - Duration: 2:45.


Всё о Деньгах в Звёздных Войнах! - Duration: 11:18.

For more infomation >> Всё о Деньгах в Звёздных Войнах! - Duration: 11:18.


🎵🎵Brøndus - BlåGul Jul🎵🎵 - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> 🎵🎵Brøndus - BlåGul Jul🎵🎵 - Duration: 3:17.


Tour pela Daiso no Shopping Curitiba - Duration: 18:18.

Hi guys, How are you?!

My name is Catherine and here in Curitiba is very hot!

Wow, I'm melting.

Yesterday the maximum was 30 degrees

Today will be 31 degrees

This is it

I am here in the Oswaldo Cruz square, which is in front of Curitiba Mall.

It was inaugurated here in Curitiba Mall, in the month of November, the 15th, the store Daiso!

Many of you asked me to make videos there

Because the store is very beautiful! For those who do not know is a very cute shop

It's a Japanese store.

There are several Daiso stores in São Paulo

But it is the first time that it inaugurates a store outside of São Paulo

What was here in Curitiba

And I want to show you this store because she is very beautiful.

And you asked me a lot, right !?

So let's get to know!

This one is the Oswaldo Cruz Square

there are several pine cones on the ground

Here is a nice place has

Here pass the bus next

And the mall is here.

This is the Curitiba Mall

I know that the night is very beautiful here.

It's already decorated with Christmas

This piano is playing at certain times of the night

It is very cool

For more infomation >> Tour pela Daiso no Shopping Curitiba - Duration: 18:18.


Beth Roars sings Creep - Radiohead (PMJ/Haley Reinhart Style) - Duration: 8:19.

Hello! Good morning, you're here because you have just watched me singing

on the Internet. Ah! It's really scary I've been so scared to put up a cover,

because when you put yourself out on the Internet, especially as a vocal coach the

standard that you have to hold yourself to is so high. Especially when I'm

critiquing and analyzing some of the best singers in the world. This is not a

perfect performance, and I wanted to point that out for myself as well as for

you guys.And saying that it's okay to not be a hundred percent perfect all the

time. As I say if you watch any of my videos about people like Florence Welsh

and things like that. The singer that I'm attracted are the singers that make

me feel something. So, that was my aim. I hope that you caught that a little bit.

I did the three takes of this. the first one I thought was quite technically

proficient but I felt like I had no soul. The second one I got a bit nervous, I was

thinking too much I didn't like it at all. Third one wasn't as technically

proficient as the first one and I was thinking about how to express it a

little more and I like the feeling of it. But there's a few points which I think

could have been better. Now I put little tabs on little moments so I think that could

it be more technically sound. Personally, I had a few weird tongue position things

and that made the sound a little bit distorted later on in it. I think the

first line, I didn't like the first line, I put a little bit too much breath

through on the last note and maybe I went a bit too far with the growl. I'm

not sure, I think that's a taste thing. But I wanted to say that I am NOT

putting myself down. I think this is a really important way to look at yourself

as a singer. When I'm practicing I will always record myself and listen back and

make notes on the places where I could do better.

Actually I don't always video myself and that was really handy to see tongue

position and being like mmm I can't make that sound as clear as I wanted to.

Looking back I was like, oh it's 'cause my tongue is all the way back in a ball at

the back of my mouth. Of course it doesn't sound clear!

So, it is such a useful tool and it's so good to get in the headspace as a singer of

being able to critique yourself without judging yourself. They are two different

things, don't judge yourself but do critique yourself and this is what I'm

trying to do. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and the main aim is that it inspires you

to go out and make your own covers of songs and find a way that you can

critique yourself in a way that helps you grow, without judging yourself. That's

the hard thing. And you know, we all do it, even know I'm nervous. Don't be

mean in the comments please. Actually I'm gonna put up a few new covers in

completely different styles. I think I'm gonna do a musical theatre one next and

then after that what I'm thinking about doing is showing you the progression of

how I work on a song. So I'm gonna pick something really hard I think I'm gonna

be doing 'Loving You' Minnie Ripperton, because the whistle isn't perfect yet. I'll maybe

sure you a week of practice, like where the song starts and you're gonna be like

oh gross! sounds horrible! and then hopefully by the end of the

week it will sound decent. So, you can see how a song practice should progress and

that again for no one it starts perfect. When you listen to Morissette, when you

listen to Jessie J, the first time they sing a song I'm sure it's not perfect

you just don't get to hear that so you're gonna get to hear it on me!

Ee! Alright. Bye!

For more infomation >> Beth Roars sings Creep - Radiohead (PMJ/Haley Reinhart Style) - Duration: 8:19.


వృషభరాశి, Vrishabha Rashi 2019, January Rasi Phalalu 2019, Astrology In Telugu, Aradhana - Duration: 3:35.


For more infomation >> వృషభరాశి, Vrishabha Rashi 2019, January Rasi Phalalu 2019, Astrology In Telugu, Aradhana - Duration: 3:35.


JE NE SAIS PLUS ROULER! - Duration: 4:02.

Yo it's Sarah and today...

I'm gonna struggle.

I decided after 12 years of stuntriding


Finally to try turning to the left!

To make short, when learning wheelies and circles in stuntriding,

Usually you learn in one way

And it's very, very, VERY hard to learn the other way

When you are used to turn only in one for years!

Anyway, let's go!

Little 8 drift just to warm those tires up!

I can tell you that crashing in circle just because your tire is cold...

And so you slipped, you don't want to aha

Let's go: no hand skater, gently huh

It's so horrible this way

Looks like you are beginning again

Ok no hand skater.. It's sh*t

Don't know how to anymore!

Now let's go for... Double cancan

Well trying to RE do double cancan

I already did but don't know if I know again in this way

WTF even this I don't know anymore?!

Yeauuuy at least half a circle...!

Cisors check LOL

Snow storm now.

Come on next trick!

Frog? no way I'm gonna die...

Yeah never

Am I gonna die for real?

Let's go

No way!

I do it perfectly to the right lol

Yeah yeah me too...

But no way to the left!

Well ok, try it

What's wrong here, snow?!

He told me heyyy my home in the mountain is nice to ride!

Podium! Yeah exactly

Right? Yeah

My fingers are just frozen

Worst is the left hand, for the levers it's like..

Well if you have questions about my setup, just ask, maybe I will do a video

About setups... Why not! Now go!

It's all I have for this video

As you have seen it's a bit of a struggle,

But I am also just recovered from an injury too...

Next video will be with cars, as I saw you loved almost more than me!

And that's just crazy!...And I will be warm inside by the way

Just time to find a sunny spot to ride my motorcycle!

Make more videos... Byyyyiiiie!!! <3

For more infomation >> JE NE SAIS PLUS ROULER! - Duration: 4:02.


Elfida Gitar Dersi/İnceleme | İBRAHİM BİRDAL - Duration: 16:51.

Hi. Welcome to İbrahim Birdal Youtube channel.

In this video I 'm going to explain guitar parts of 'Elfida' by Haluk Levent (Turkish Rock Singer)

Not all guitar parts

but I will explain most important parts like guitar solo + harmonized guitar melody on intro.

Many years ago,

I wrote down all the guitar, drums, bass and vocal parts of this song on Guitar Pro.

Some friends wanted me to make a tutorial video of this song.

I decided to make this video.

Let's look the old version I made on guitar pro.

I wrote down all the guitar, drums, bass and vocal parts of this song on Guitar Pro and puplished it on the net.

Let's find it out.

Yes this is it.

Ass you see.

Publishing date is here.

This song puplished in 2006.

We were plannig to play this song on the stage with my old band.

Those days we are playing a lot of popülar turkish rock songs.

I searched the song's tabs/chords on the net to learn it quickly.

I would like to emphasize that; Don't get completely sunk to most of the notes/tabs you find on the internet.

Why? We will see why.

I found this tab on the net.

I don^t want to blame who wrote this notes/tabs but

There are very big mistakes with this.

Completely mess

As you heard.

The biggest mistake is that;

These notes wouldn't be here,

For more infomation >> Elfida Gitar Dersi/İnceleme | İBRAHİM BİRDAL - Duration: 16:51.


HASTA HAKLARI (Hasta Yakını Hakları) - Duration: 1:11.

From the moment you enter the hospital door as a patient, or when you

from you and your relatives are too much right. These rights are strictly and numbered by law.

and the right to demand will always be available.

You may seek your rights by yourself as a volunteer and

You can apply through free lawyers.

Some of your rights are determined as follows.

Your right to claim protective measures, your illness and your operations

your right to receive information, your right to apply only the transactions you approve,

your right to refuse treatment if you wish, to ensure your privacy in all circumstances,

you have the right to carry out your religious duties during this treatment.

Ensuring that the treatment is evaluated in the best way and in the best possible way according to the quality standards

and, of course, your right to complain about any transactions you are not satisfied with;

you have the right to apply to the court for compensation.

For more infomation >> HASTA HAKLARI (Hasta Yakını Hakları) - Duration: 1:11.


年末の大掃除!過炭酸ナトリウムで洗濯機のカビ取り掃除 - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> 年末の大掃除!過炭酸ナトリウムで洗濯機のカビ取り掃除 - Duration: 7:17.


Selbstbewusstsein in 5 Minuten MASSIV steigern! | MOTIVATION und FOKUS finden - [4K] - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> Selbstbewusstsein in 5 Minuten MASSIV steigern! | MOTIVATION und FOKUS finden - [4K] - Duration: 8:13.


Having My Leg Amputated Was The Best Decision I Ever Made | Amazing Humans - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Having My Leg Amputated Was The Best Decision I Ever Made | Amazing Humans - Duration: 2:57.


Taking my cats on a picnic (FAIL) - Duration: 13:11.

<<Behind-the-scenes captions by camerwoman Jun's wife">>

[This was our first attempt at the "Taking my cats for a walk" Jun's Kitchen video]

[It was originally going to be "Taking my cats on a picnic"]

[But as you will see... it didn't quite work out...]

[Holy overexposure, batman!]

[Turns out you can't film a white, sun-lit cat AND a dark, shaded waterfall at the same time]

[The park was really big so we just carried the cats from one location to the next]

[meaning we had to film awkward establishing shots to make the sudden location changes understandable]

[Jun is in a surprise phone interview →]

[Hi Jun's back]

[The beautiful, natural sounds of landscaping]

[Jun's still in the interview]

"How's the battery?"

[For a normal video I would have edited that out and replaced it with general background

noises from a different part of this clip]

[Same with all the landscaping noises]

[SURPRISE!! Editing tricksies]

"I think I'll feed the cats at the bench over there"

[Jun stop talking I'm trying to film]

[Now I have to edit that out]

"Nagi, what are you going to do?"

[Nagi really liked climbing through these fence holes]

[I don't think he realized that was water]

[Back through the hole!]

[Did he just try to reach for that rock? That rock that is very clearly too far away]

[Can you tell how many times this song has looped by now?]

[A lot of royalty-free music is only 1-2 minutes long]

[How tf am I supposed to edit a 10 minute video with that]

[Cats with their mouths open would probably worry random internet peoples who don't know about this]

[so I wouldn't have used this clip in a normal video]

[because it would interrupt the video too much to explain for the people who might misunderstand]

[and think Nagi is frightened or unwell]

[Uh oh it's an establishing shot, something's about to change!]

[WOOBOI it's Haku's turn!]

[You probably haven't noticed, but the clips so far are nowhere near chronological order]

[I needed to reorganize them to create a comprehensive "story"]

[An unedited video of cats on a walk would be 10 seconds of exploring, and then 30 seconds

of standing still and looking around/smelling things]

[It makes a more enjoyable video to cut out most of the stopping and smelling parts]

[Turns out when you have two cats on a walk they never want to go the same direction]

[which is why you usually see us walking one cat at a time]

[while the other rests in the cage]

[The song just restarted again]

[Oh snap Haku saw the fish!!]

["YESSS we have a great clip for the video!!" is going through both our minds]

[Because something other than "walking, stopping, and sniffing" is finally happening

[Wait, what happened to Nagi's leash?!]

[He's back in the cage, because these clips are not chronological order]

[Would anyone have pointed out that continuity error if they hadn't known?]

[They usually don't.]


[Nagi kept touching the water so I tried to rush around to get some side-view angle footage]

[But he's done]

[But surprise!! He still left us these adorable wet paw prints for the video!]

[Jun felt like it took Nagi too long to step off the concrete so he cut the clip a few times]

[I feel like the cuts are too jarring so I would have left it. ~CREATIVE DIFFERENCES~]


[This is where we meant to have the cat picnic]

[Jun made Haku and Nagi matching kitty onigiri out of kitty-edible ingredients, like tuna]


[But they're too busy doing cat stuff]


"How can you eat at a time like this, when there's so much stuff to smell"

[We're like... "well now wtf do we do"]

["The video was called 'Taking my cats on a picnic'"]


[We decide to keep filming them for extra footage and maybe come back and try the picnic again later]

[If that had worked, we would have combined the footage from all the different days into one video]


[But... spring is over and the flowers are already wilting]

[And the park was too crowded with people for the cats to probably ever be comfortable eating]

[So we gave up on this location and decided to try taking our cats somewhere more isolated]

[Even though we're pretty sure we won't use this footage, we keep filming the rest of the spots anyway]

[Because you never know. It's always better to have too much footage than too little.]

[These clips are all super out of order again. Could you tell?]

[I did my best to make it not noticeable]


[These look cool af]

[The song restarts for the last time, THANK GOD]

[We didn't film a conclusion so I decided to end with this dog]

[That creeper face lmao]

[All in all this dog just sat there and stared for a good few minutes]

For more infomation >> Taking my cats on a picnic (FAIL) - Duration: 13:11.


Getting a K-POP TATTOO - Duration: 12:05.

Today is going to be very exciting

Because I changed my attitude after 7 years

Two days ago I decided to make my very first tattoo

I am on my way to the studio now

The decision is very spontaneous

But not that sudden

As I already mentioned, I've been waiting to make this decision for the past 7 years

But I finally made the decision and I contacted a tattoo studio

I found out that they have two free dates

First was in 2 days, the other day one month later

At first I chose the second one because I thought that I have time, I will probably change my mind or my idea

or maybe doing it is just too crazy

This is what I've been thinking for the last 7 years

But I changed my mind

I decided to go in 2 days and there will be no turning back

and I will finally do it because... Seriously

I've wanted a tattoo since forever

The idea of my tattoo had been changing each year, all the time

And I finally chose the design that is very important for me

Important for my life, for my private life, for work and for everything related to me

Because the thing that is directly related to this tattoo... Has changed my life completely

Maybe it sounds too deep but I seriously think that it changed my life completely

You will find out later what desing it is

I don't wanna say anything right now, it's gonna be a surprise

But keep this thought in your mind: it's very important

I am not sure whether I feel summer or winter

I feel both: hot and cold

But I also feel excited

And I am not sure if I'm gonna survive

Seriously, I've read so many weird things about getting a tattoo

Dunno but Ann says I'm tough

These 3?

Yes, because it starts from here, right?

- Yeah - Then this one

This one is a bit too dark, I think

And this one seems too bright

Maybe we should try like this?

They are very similar

I would do like this

Or bigger like this?

Right here?

Above the ankle?


Or maybe like this?

I think it's better like this

The stem above the ankle

I don't know

I still don't know... But I want

I have no idea what to expect

I don't know if it's gonna hurt

I know that some people say it hurts a lot and some say it doesn't

I don't know!


We should try everything in our lives

I think it's not gonna hurt this much on the ankle

I have my design imprinted

And accepted by me

After seeing it in the mirror, on the pictures and on videos

Now it's time to tattoo it

And suffer a bit

Maybe we should also add this one between

Here, a bit

Because the color would change too sudden

It's easy to erase it while doing the tattoo

It's often a problem - I just don't see the design

I won't have such problem in this case

- Ready? - No!

Because I am

How is it?

Not that good

But I think I'm gonna survive

I know what it reminds me of


It's like someone put a knife in my leg and moves it slowly

This is the feeling

It's always different when it comes to coloring

Sometimes they do not stay

Especially the light ones

Or they disappear while healing

Is it a different color already?

We used only a big of orange

We'll use the blue one the most

Now I cannot feel anything

It's a different color

Almost done...?

Nope, not at all

This much?

The higher, the worse

I want to confess

It's gonna be pretty

I am glad



It's the last color

Does it hurt?


It's bright but I like it

Right here

It looks good in my opinion, the way the colors stayed

Yeah, pretty

I am shocked

One hour ago I didn't have anything on my leg

Now I have a tattoo and it's beautiful

I have no idea what's going on

I think my arm went numb instead of my leg

I had crisis moments

But only a few

I wanted to bite the table

But there were also many moments when I didn't feel anything

Okay and we will wait

10 minutes

I like it already!

I am satisfied

Do you like it?

I like it

I like it a lot

If it itches, don't scratch

No peelings, as well

Until it heals

Look, here you can already see the blood

That's it

I survived

It was great

Now some of you are probably wondering why I have a Love Yourself flower tattoo

A flower from BTS' album LY: Her

It's not because I'm a huge ARMY or anything like that

But you probably think of me like this

But I wanted a tattoo related to: our channel, K-POP because, like I already mentioned, it changed my life somehow

My personality as well

This flower reminds me of both

And it's not that obvious

It's not a huge writing saying 'K-POP'

Or EXO logo

or BTS logo

or any other logo

any idol's face, name or whatever

I decided that this flower is the best option

It's not obvious

And very meaningful

I finally made the decision

Or rather changed my decision

Because I couldn't make it since a few years

But I am glad that I changed it

I finally convinced myself

And I do not regret

My leg hurts a bit

It pinches a bit

But it was worth it!

Do you like it?

A lot!

I love it

It didn't hurt that much

I had bad moments but it wasn't that bad

But I still wanted to swear loudly or kill someone

Or kick someone

With the tattoed leg


I had many moments when I did not feel anything at all

Amazing, really!

And it's beautiful

It's pretty!

I am pretty sure that some of you think I'm not normal

And this subject is quite controversial

I mean, getting a K-POP-related tattoo

Some of you may think it's shallow

Or just stupid

But for me... It's not

Honestly, for me it's not

It's not only a simple k-pop tattoo

It's not only a simple BTS tattoo

No matter how it sounds and looks

I know it's an album cover


It's not because I make BTS theories

It's not because I listen to BTS

Not because Jimin rejected me

And I decided to tattoo a flower that won't reject me

Btw, I'm pretty sure that the ink will come out


If you want to get a tattoo that is meaningful for you

Even if it's gonna be a group's logo

Then it's your business

If it's important for you then you should do it

Or at least after considering all the advantages and disadvantages

If you are brave enough to bare this pain of thousands knives


I already said it and I'm gonna repeat it again

For me, it's not only a simple k-pop tattoo

It's a tattoo related to my life

For me it's meaningful

I know I'm gonna have it till the rest of my life

It's a well-thought idea

And I'm really proud of it

If you wanna know, I got this tattoo in Warsaw

The studio is called KAKTUSZ

And I highly recommend the tattooist Joasia

I know you're also watching it!

Because she is amazing

It didn't hurt as much as I was expressing a few times

But it was good!

The tattoo is just beautiful!

Her other works are also wonderful

The atmosphere was the best!

And the best person in this vlog was Ann!

Who came from Łódź to give me strength

To hold my hand but she didn't


Sometimes I thought she's hurt more than I am

And even before she was more nervous than I was

But it's good

And I am sending love

Even though she is sitting right next to me

But I'm still sending love

And this is how the healed tattoo looks like

Let me know if you have any K-POP - related tattoo

What kind of and where

And see you in the next video!

Remember to subscribe and leave your thumbs up!

For more infomation >> Getting a K-POP TATTOO - Duration: 12:05.


IKEAで買い物.お部屋を飾り付け/ENG/Decorating My Room For Christmas - Duration: 7:00.

Hello. I am TOSH

Today, I want to Christmas tree. So I will go to IKEA

Before that we will stop by Starbursts

I will buy a drink

Convenience store(seven eleven)?

Let's go!

Convenience store.....

I would like to go to Starbucks.

After all, I will not go to Starbucks.

I went to Greenberry's.

I wes interested in this shop for a long time.


I ordered White Mocha.


Arrive at IKEA

I am going to buy Christmas tree from now.

I'm going to buy some other furniture.

break time


I purchased Christmas tree at IKEA.


From now I will decorate Christmas tree.

This! and......


Let's decorate these

I bought this for half price

I'm drinking hot tea

Hot tea

Next,I will be opening this

Finally I will decorate this star

How do you do it?

Like this?

How is this?


Please subscribe to my channel!

Instagram and Twitter.Please follow me

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