Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 15 2018

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Thug Life, PUBG Thug Life,PUBG Thug Life Funny Videos Compilation,Thug Life funny Videos, Thug Life Videos,pubg thug life mobile, thug life pubg, pubg thug life funny moments, Thug life compilation, funny videos, pubg video, wtf moments pubg, pubg wtf moments, pubg daily, pubg funny video, pubg funny moments, pubg mobile, pubg, pubg wtf, pubg funny wtf, wtf pubg, pubg moments, pubg daily funny wtf moments, pubg daily wtf, wtf, battleground highlights, pubg funny,

Thug Life, PUBG Thug Life,PUBG Thug Life Funny Videos Compilation,Thug Life funny Videos, Thug Life Videos,pubg thug life mobile, thug life pubg, pubg thug life funny moments, Thug life compilation, funny videos, pubg video, wtf moments pubg, pubg wtf moments, pubg daily, pubg funny video, pubg funny moments, pubg mobile, pubg, pubg wtf, pubg funny wtf, wtf pubg, pubg moments, pubg daily funny wtf moments, pubg daily wtf, wtf, battleground highlights, pubg funny,

Thug Life, PUBG Thug Life,PUBG Thug Life Funny Videos Compilation,Thug Life funny Videos, Thug Life Videos,pubg thug life mobile, thug life pubg, pubg thug life funny moments, Thug life compilation, funny videos, pubg video, wtf moments pubg, pubg wtf moments, pubg daily, pubg funny video, pubg funny moments, pubg mobile, pubg, pubg wtf, pubg funny wtf, wtf pubg, pubg moments, pubg daily funny wtf moments, pubg daily wtf, wtf, battleground highlights, pubg funny,

Thug Life, PUBG Thug Life,PUBG Thug Life Funny Videos Compilation,Thug Life funny Videos, Thug Life Videos,pubg thug life mobile, thug life pubg, pubg thug life funny moments, Thug life compilation, funny videos, pubg video, wtf moments pubg, pubg wtf moments, pubg daily, pubg funny video, pubg funny moments, pubg mobile, pubg, pubg wtf, pubg funny wtf, wtf pubg, pubg moments, pubg daily funny wtf moments, pubg daily wtf, wtf, battleground highlights, pubg funny,

Radek hello, oh my

Thug Life, PUBG Thug Life,PUBG Thug Life Funny Videos Compilation,Thug Life funny Videos, Thug Life Videos,pubg thug life mobile, thug life pubg, pubg thug life funny moments, Thug life compilation, funny videos, pubg video, wtf moments pubg, pubg wtf moments, pubg daily, pubg funny video, pubg funny moments, pubg mobile, pubg, pubg wtf, pubg funny wtf, wtf pubg, pubg moments, pubg daily funny wtf moments, pubg daily wtf, wtf, battleground highlights, pubg funny,

Don't be myself happy

Thug Life, PUBG Thug Life,PUBG Thug Life Funny Videos Compilation,Thug Life funny Videos, Thug Life Videos,pubg thug life mobile, thug life pubg, pubg thug life funny moments, Thug life compilation, funny videos, pubg video, wtf moments pubg, pubg wtf moments, pubg daily, pubg funny video, pubg funny moments, pubg mobile, pubg, pubg wtf, pubg funny wtf, wtf pubg, pubg moments, pubg daily funny wtf moments, pubg daily wtf, wtf, battleground highlights, pubg funny,

For more infomation >> PUBG Thug Life Funny Videos Compilation #35 (PUBG WINS & FAILS Funny Moments) - Duration: 5:03.


Aftermarket Camera for Mercedes C Class W205 - Duration: 0:54.

Hello and welcome to our channel

Today we will do a quick video review about

an aftermarket adapter that we installed to a factory radio

for Mercedes C Class W205

Like I sayed: It was a quick video

Thank you for watching this video

Please Like this Video and Subscribe to our channel for more videos!

For more infomation >> Aftermarket Camera for Mercedes C Class W205 - Duration: 0:54.


Playstation Classic vale a pena? - Duration: 9:47.

Hi friends! It's Markotte with another video!

I hope everyone is doing well!

Without further delay,

you already know what this video is about.

As you can see, it's an unboxing.

Or in this case, a quick unboxing, cause a week went by

since Playstation Classic arrived on the market.

You probably have seen other unboxings of this console.

But besides unboxing, Ialso want to speak

about some

features of this

Playstation! Lets begin with

the unboxing!

It's a simple box,

that's just a little bit bigger from the original Playstation 1.

In the back of the box,

it shows the games that are pre installed on the console!

It has 20 games!

The choice of the games could be better (it's hard to please everyone),

but I don't care! When I pre-ordered

I only knew 4 games,

but I had to buy it cause I was afraid it would sell out

but that didn't happened!

There's still a lot of them

in stores!

It cames in this package.

The outer box is like this with just the symbol

of Playstation!

It brings the Playstation (of course!)

It's really small!

Let me show you a detail!

Check this out!

It's tiny!

It could almost

fit inside the original PS1!

It's a very pretty console! I already tried it

and i enjoyed!

It also brings

two controllers (still in the plastic).

I tried them, but packed them again.

They are very similar

to the first ones!

They don't have dualshock, but I don't care.

For these games you don't need dualshock. (sorry for the plastic noise)

It comes with an usb cable.

It doesn't brings the power conector,

like the Nintendo Mini consoles!

Speaking about Nintendo,

let me compare the size of the mini consoles with this one.

Super Nintendo!

Nintendo Classic!

The size of them is not that


I had to buy all these mini consoles!

It's very pretty and it has

the size of an wallet.

You can press the buttons.

The open button is only aesthetic

The button power works

and the Reset button also.

The controllers have an USB entrance

When I tried the controllers,

I saw one thing that disappointed me!

The controller isn't wireless,

and the wire is very small, about 1,50m.

If I place the Console here,

and sit on the other side,

I'll have to give some steps foward,

so I can play without making the console fall on the ground.

About the hardware, it could be so much better.

I understand that this is basically an emulator,

and other persons probably prefer other options

like a Raspberry.

But I'm not good at that and

I don't want to buy one at this moment.

This has 20 games

and I don't like them all,

but having a Final Fantasy 7, a GTA,

a Destruction Derby, a Twisted Metal

These are just some that came at my mind right now.

You can play Oddworld Abe's Oddysee.

That I expected to be better.

I have the original one

and comparing the graphics

with this one,

you immediately see the difference.

On Final Fantasy you won't notice that

difference in the

full motions.

But during the play, you will see what I mean.

It can be a small difference, but

you will notice it!

But I'll be playing it anyway :D

It has Tekken 3 (great game)

that I still don't have it on my original PS1 collection.

Coolboarders 2! Nostalgic!

Ridge Racer Type 4 (also a great game!)

It brings Rayman (for me it could be out)!

Metal Gear Solid

it's an amazing game!

Intelligent Qube! It's a nice game

but for the universe of PS1 games,

you have better, like Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver!

There are so many games that could be in here!

I enjoyed one game that I never played.

Syphon Filter!

It has Resident Evil Director's Cut,

that is a must have in this console!

Speaking about the price,

you may think

that 100 euros is a lot for this console, in comparison

with the Nintendo Mini!

I think those consoles were less than 80 euros

One I think it was 60 euros and the other one 75 euros.

!00 euros it can be considered a lot

for a console that brings 20 games,

but these are 20 games

- and I put on the top of them, Final Fantasy 7 -

that come in just one pack.

If you are like me that enjoys having the original stuff,

go check the prices of them, and you will get scared.

If you check the price of

a Final Fantasy,

Destruction Derby or Twisted Metal,

- at their time it were epic games -

you will see that

it compensates to have this console!

This isn't just my opinion.

You can check the video of

Retro Raider!

It makes a good analysis of this mini console!

But this involves a lot of nostalgia!

And maybe in a few months or less, cause this has an USB entrance,

and by some vídeos I watched,

there may be possible

(probably an idea of Playstation (Sony) to make more Money)

to place more games!

I saw a video, that I dont remember from who,

where it was possilbe to install one game!

It was just one, but it's the beginning.

It was one of the first games

to be talked in Portuguese, and his name is Tomba!

A figure with a pink hair, like a little Tarzan!

He was able to put that game,

so probably more games will be possible.

It will be possible to hack it.

Before I talked about the hardware

and I also watched a review

where through a keyboard

placed on this entrance,

and pressing ESC

they were able to go to the settings of Playstation.

And instead of running at 50 Hz,

it ran at 60 HZ, that makes a lot of difference. per exemple, one Final Fantasy.

Maybe that way, I could say the game is similar to the original one!

So this was my mere opinion.

There were a lot of opinions during this time,

and this one is just another.

At the end, I leave you

with a close up

of all the articles

that come with the console!

It also comes with an HDMI cable!

Keep it cool and wait for more videos!

I'll try to bring one or two all the weeks.

So, press that like button, subscribe

press the bell to activate notifications.

Share my video,

and behave, play a lot and see you next time!

For more infomation >> Playstation Classic vale a pena? - Duration: 9:47.


VI CÁ TIỀN TRUYỆN TẬP 2 || 2kTHT CHANNEL - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> VI CÁ TIỀN TRUYỆN TẬP 2 || 2kTHT CHANNEL - Duration: 10:11.


Q&A EP.3 เรียนป.โทที่ประเทศอังกฤษ Study Master Degree in the UK | #ASKWARMINNA - Duration: 7:46.

Hello, everybody! It's been a while that I haven't met you

guys talking like this. Today I'll talk about the questions

that you guys ask me in my real life and in Youtube.

About, how I studies in UK? So, I'll be telling you guys

from the beginning of my master degree that how the

British system goes? Before we talk about my master

degree I will tell you that I have learnt the bachelor

degree in England as well. The faculty that I graduated is

in BEng Chemical Engineering from Newcastle

University which are in the north east of England. I want

to tell you that the weather there are very cold.

At the first time that I was in the bachelor degree I had

sign up in MEng not BEng. The differences between

MEng and BEng are the BEng focuses on the general

things. But, for MEng are more intense. There are many

faculties in the chemical engineering. The people who

choose MEng there are many courses. For example,

process or the production course etc.

The reason that I change from MEng to BEng are

because I want to learn MSc. MSc and MEng are not the

same one as well. In, the UK the system is not the same

like Thailand that the master of engineering consider

undergraduate not post graduate. MSc stand for Master

of Science which are consider postgraduate. MSc's

focuses on research. At that time I thought of changing

to the academic thing that I suitable with. MSc take one

year to study even in the summer school time too.

If I chose MEng I'll finish in the summer time and I can be

apply for the job in Britain and in Thailand. This is how

the engineering system work. It might be a little

complicate. But for the architect like my friend study.

The master degree that my friend study in took about

two years to study. There are a many courses in the

differences master degree. After I done with the

bachelor degree I move on to the master degree in MSc

Clean Technology which are focuses on renewable

technology in the sustainability. The reason why I chose

MSc technology is because there're accreditation which

is prove that this degree had been approve that it's the

best. That everyone's guarantee! from every university.

There're a lots of master degree course in many

university but some cost did not have the accreditation

because some course is so new that they just started a

years ago. That don't know that the quality is good or

not. I'll recommend for those who want to study master

degree in UK that try to see that the degree have a

accreditation or not. My course had two semester.

The first semester are the lecture session same like

bachelor degree that learned. Their will be a test during

January. There are also a few quiz. The second term

there are also a class to attend and this time you have to

think about what the topic of the research you want to

do. For me the topic that I chose is Biodiesel production.

It's about creating Biodiesel production in the household.

Like the things that we use to cook food to make it into

Biodiesel. After the research we have to do the

designation about how what we do a research on and

what are the result will it be working. I remember that my

designation are about 70 pages. I feel so proud after I

submit my designation. Finally, I got the first honor. I

want to tell you that I almost not getting a first honor.

The thing I miss in the master degree are my friends and

the good time that I have spent with my friends. My

class got only ten people that it is the good thing to

study in UK. Small class make us love each other so

well. My friends come from many countries like India,

Malaysia, and also British.

There are also a kids from China too.

There are a lots of people ask me that if they learn

an engineer and they want to move on to BA or Master

Degree in the difference faculty? Can it be possible?

I'll tell you that it can be too but they will see what will

suit you. They will also look at your cover letter too.

You have to also think about that as well. I hope this

answer your question. But there are people do that too.

I didn't tell you that it not possible. I hope this will be a

good advice. If anyone have any question please feel

to comment down below. Please don't forget to like and

subscribe and also a bell too. See you again bye bye!

For more infomation >> Q&A EP.3 เรียนป.โทที่ประเทศอังกฤษ Study Master Degree in the UK | #ASKWARMINNA - Duration: 7:46.



For more infomation >> IRUL | HORROR SHORT WEB SERIES |WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES | PART 3 - Duration: 5:31.


Whimsicott's Secret African-American Inspiration! - Pokemon Theory Remake - Duration: 6:21.

At a quick glance, it may seem that the cute grass-fairy Pokemon Whimsicott lacks any notability

beyond its surprising competitive prowess.

The Pokedex often boasts about its genuine love for pranks and carefree rides upon the


However, peering deeper into Whimsicott may reveal a surprisingly intricate and heavy

African-American cultural origin then its light-hearted pranks let on.

The first couple of hints can be directly seen on Whimsicott, in particular its brown-pigmented


Skin coloration, especially for darker-skinned person, is largely the result of a naturally

occurring substance known as melanin.

Whimsicotts skin-tone can be interpreted as serving two-separate, but related, purposes.

First, being a grass-type inspired by cotton shrubs would imply that its skin-tone is akin

to the brown trunks of cotton; a cash-crop formally harvested with slave labor.

Second, this pigmentation may also reference the darker skin-tone of most African-ethnicities.

This is further supported by Whimsicotts shiny form adopting an even darker complexion

reminiscent of populations in sub-Saharan Africa and pre-colonization Australia.

In addition to its brown skin, Whimsicott s cotton like fleece bears resemblance to

the iconic afro-hairstyle from the 1960s and 1970s.

The sense of pride and identity birthed from the American Civil Rights movement lead to

the rejection of the European-American beauty standards of straight-hair; this became known

as the Natural Hair Movement.

The process of straightening coarse hair ,with its hot combs and chemical relaxers, was seen

as oppressive during this fashion development.

The Afro became a unique symbol of ancestral pride and pivotal to formulating a distinct

African-American aesthetic identity.

However, as prominent hairstyles became larger than life during the 1970s the use of Afros

among African-Americans diminished instead being replaced by cornrows.

The afro itself was deemed unprofessional and criticized like other facets of the Civil

Rights Movement.

In addition, the afro became popular among people of non-African descent thereby dulling

its once radical symbolism of African-identity.

Aside from Whimsicotts outward appearance more cultural clues can found in its two fundamental

abilities Prankster and Infiltrator.

Multiple Pokedex entries reference these abilities including both Pokemon Y and Sun versions.

Pokemon Y: Like the wind, it can slip through any gap, no matter how small.

It leaves balls of white fluff behind.

Pokemon Sun: It rides on the wind and slips into peoples homes.

After it has turned a room into a cotton-filled mess, it giggles to itself and takes off.

Using these dex entries we can link Whimsicott\rquote s abilities to American slavery during the

Antebellum period.

Slavery in the humid south was a brutal system that relied on fear and dehumanization to


As such slaves would actively resist their bondage through a variety of methods including

faking illness or simply running away nearby and returning the next day.

In particular, Prankster and Infiltrator can be associated with two popular methods of


The first method was sabotage of expensive farming equipment, fences, and setting fire

to outbuildings such as stables.

Resisting through sabotage was not only a nuisance to slave owners but also expensive.

Similar to how Whimsicott is considered a nuisance to homeowners in Pokemon.

The second method was simply running away permanently to the North or Canada often through

mediums like the underground railroad.

Slaves would be guided by conductors like Harriet Tubman to safe houses coined stations.

These so-called stations were often the residences of abolitionist like Thomas Garrett.

In particular interest to Whimsicott is the reference of slipping through any gap, no

matter how small.

The fact that slaves often hide anywhere available including attics, barns, churches, and basements

correlates well with this Pokedex entry.

In addition, conductors were often former slaves who would infiltrate slave quarters

and begin there escape operations.

Another dex entry that can further associate Whimsicott with American Slaves comes from

Ultra Moon.

Ultra Moon: Whimsicott doesn't live in a fixed location.

It floats around on whirling wind, appearing all over the place to perform its mischief.

Like its body-color, this entry has two associations.

For instance, slaves often married for life and often grew-up in two-parent household

whenever possible.

However, it was common in my state of Kentucky and other upper-south states for slaves families

to be separated by selling one of the parents.

Thereby, Whimsicotts lack of a fixed home parallels well with the practice of family


The second association of this dex-entry connects Whimsicott with a unique Brazilian folk creature

known as the Saci.

This supernatural being originates from native Brazilian folklore in which they describe

Saci as a magical one-legged child with red-hair that\rquote d break the forest silence with


This creature would later be transformed by African-slaves imported into Brazil.

Elders would tell children of the prankster Saci and reinterpret him as a darker skinned,

red-cap wearing, pipe-smoking youngster.

Just like Whimsicott the Saci is known for riding in dust-devils and being mischievous.

The association with this Africanized folk creature could lend itself to Whimsicott\rquote

s Fairy-typing.

Our last clue comes from the Unova television show Personality Assessment and Horoscope

was its indicated that Whimsicott represents the month of April in the Unova Horoscope.

Like Whimsicott this can be passed off as interesting trivia at first glance, but digging

deeper we discover that the American Civil War began on April 12th, 1861.

A conflict that fundamentally changed America by emancipating the slaves, reunifying the

states, and beginning the long difficult road to civil rights.

So what do you think?

Is there a secret inspiration behind Whimsicott?

I know that I\rquote m personally proud of this theory recreation compared to the original

2015 request video.

Plus it\rquote s always fun to connect history with pokemon and I personally hope you found

this video interesting and entertaining.

If you'd like to stay up-to-date consider following me on twitter @DerekTriForce, Subscribing

with the bell-notification will ensure that you receive upload notifications, and feel

free to join my Discord server linked in my channel and video descriptions.

Like always I\rquote ll catch you in the next one!

For more infomation >> Whimsicott's Secret African-American Inspiration! - Pokemon Theory Remake - Duration: 6:21.


🎁 創作者『交換禮物趴』 妹子最想要的禮物居然是XXXX.... - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> 🎁 創作者『交換禮物趴』 妹子最想要的禮物居然是XXXX.... - Duration: 7:04.


Paul Hollywood Discovers Scottish Routes | Who Do You Think You Are - Duration: 11:37.

Paul has returned home to England having learnt about his grandfather's wartime

experiences he now wants to push his ancestry further back my family really

don't have much you know knowledge about our ancestry at all my uncle s which is

my mom's brother I did do a little bit of work to try and find out what was

going on and came up with the McKenzie family tree now this lady here is

Margaret McKenzie which is my my granddad's mother migrated now just

actually looked like my mother it goes back as far as Alexander

Mackenzie and that's it that's not that's a whole family I did hear a story

which my uncle has told me about about Alexander and apparently used to play

piano in Liverpool and it used to like his drink

so they'd always pay him in beer that learn all the beers up on top of the

pianos he was taking away on the ivories now that would if he was a big drink

here which from that side of the family from my granddad side the family a very

Christian teetotal never drank we found had never drank it would make sense that

Brenda's mother Margaret would have grown up seeing her dad drinking a

heavily so therefore there was a big she hated drink which then passed now she

was quite strict passed that down to my granddad which then I then understand

where he's coming from now I mean it's great to have this as some sort of point

of reference to put my family in this group but it's got no dates

it's got no places it's got nothing so what I really need to find out is where

Alexander is actually from and then see if we can go back from there

I'm on a genealogy website here let me just see I'm gonna punch in Alexander's

name Mackenzie Blanca sure which would have been Liverpool I found two results

think that this is definitely the guy

let's get some more info Wow okay okay Alexander Mackenzie he's the head of the

family woodturner

Glasgow fantastic I've got somewhere to start

Paul has discovered that his great-great-grandfather Alexander

Mackenzie who lived in Liverpool was born in Glasgow he now hopes to find out

who Alexander's father was

Paul has arrived in Glasgow and has come to the old docks to meet historian dr.

bill Knox

I wonder if we could start by showing you this birth certificate a

great-great-grandfather 1856 births in the District of Clyde Alexander

Mackenzie Kenneth is that Kenneth yes Alexander's father Kenneth Mackenzie

okay and I want to show you this other document and this is a marriage

certificate Kenneth Mackenzie police officer yes

what's that next word Glasgow so Kenneth Mackenzie was a police officer in

Glasgow yeah you might wonder how he ended up in the police and how did the

police come about because he's quite new that Alaska police were around since

1800 they were the first city in Britain to have a professional paying police for

its 29 years before Sir Robert Peel set up the Metropolitan Police in London now

Kenneth is a policeman would have been operating in mid 19th century in Glasgow

and Glasgow that time was described by one politician as a nearest suburb to

hell it was shockingly polluted was overcrowding disease you name it poverty

in Glasgow had it no here's a photograph it might give you some idea of the

environment in Glasgow at this time wow it almost looks like one the Lowry

paintings isn't there that must have been quite a rough job

then it was a rough job it's a difficult job

the Glasgow police force was the first in Britain it was set up and paid for by

the middle classes who were afraid that the poor would revolt over their squalid

living conditions

men like Kenneth were recruited for their lack of education making them more

willing to take orders and accept low pay

the other thing was that they want physically imposing specimens so we're

gonna look at another document which might give you some idea of why Kenneth

was recruited kevin satchel police record registry city of Glasgow police

force Catholic NZ is that farm servant yes

age 29 five-foot-ten that's the same height as me place of birth

Raja yeah he came from the highlands Eastern Highlands and Highlanders are a

much stronger and fitter than men and Glasgow to the Glasgow population the

seemed like Giants the average high Glaswegian male in mid 19th century

would give a 555 so there was an opportunity for them to come to Glasgow

and find regular work so the police officers of the time would they have

lived in it in almost a separate area to the rest of the people was just

integrated with everybody no they had to live in the area of their beat on

Kenneth had one of the most difficult beats in Glasgow that was the doc here's

the docks were notoriously difficult to police as they had a reputation for

drunken violence theft gambling prostitution and smuggling

Kenneth had to keep his wits about him during 10-hour shifts every night of the


they must have been quite a tough group the police officer as a group was more

brawn than brain none taken bill on behalf of my great great great

grandfather okay he was a bit of a meathead that came down from the

highlands but did a good job I'd like to think he did a good job for Glasgow well

lots of a look at another part of the police record that you haven't seen yet

dates of reports against remarks in favour of August 31st 1852 found

drinking in public house he was fined yep what's wrong with her on duty I want

you t assault of a prisoner in his charge improper conduct when on duty now

what does that mean committed easy and the last one is worse

of liquor receiving full pennies as a fee dismissed the service what he was

chucked out yeah

this missile was a common occurrence in the police force I mean you had about

just over a third of the police would leave in any one year you know drinking

a public-house assault of a prisoner improper conduct went on GT and then

with some liquor three of the for a drink related and

probably the last one is as well well it doesn't surprise me because drink drink

culture was endemic in Scotland in the 19th century maybe it still is the other

thing was that alcohol was preferable to watch off because until you got clean

drinking water it was about giving children viewer but it was given them

water see this is what he's thinking and is thinking I totally understand that

because he didn't trust the water and because he came from the highlands he

could drink from a stream he comes here he comes here he has a drink

he's doing exactly what everyone would have done I mean actually dismissed a

lot see do you know what happened to him after that what he decided was to move

to Liverpool so Kenneth's move down to Liverpool he

took Alexander with him and then stayed down there no in later life Kenneth's

actually returns another part of Law School and that's what I'd like to tell

you next lead um


we've got one final document which I want to show you which points to Calais

last days and could I direct you to this line here

he died in the poorhouse on the 9th of the 4th 1893 this was his last resting

place in government prayer house and this is where Kenneth ended his days to

come here he must have been incredibly desperate because only destitution in

the 19th century was recognized as poverty so he had no resources no one

had rely on nothing and wrong so he came here about act of desperation what is

this just as statements of particulate this is an application he's put in for

poor relief 10 a poor house now the day of the notice is the 7th of April 1893

yeah he died in the poorhouse on the 9th two days later he tried to get in got in

and then died two days later yeah the other thing it's valuable as

document is the fact that you can push your generation even further back

because here that tells you the parents names Donald Mackenzie a crafter is that

a peasant yeah a peasant I'm his place of birth Paul you parish of gala Roche

so we can take it back yeah another generation yep it's so sad

I mean Kenneth at the end of the day hasn't set a good example for his kids

we know Alexander was an alcoholic and it seems he's got it from his father

that's two generations of the war because a drink

thank goodness for me grunting does put his back on the straight and narrow good

ol ground this does it again


For more infomation >> Paul Hollywood Discovers Scottish Routes | Who Do You Think You Are - Duration: 11:37.


БОРЬБА У РИСТАЛИЩА! Урок 25 Продвинутая техника - Duration: 21:18.


Long time no see.

Today we will study a very large topic.

wrestling and throws.

Let's start with the most popular types of throws.

Throw from the list

I hope Vasili(operator) showed you the right videos before starting this lesson.

And you know what we're going to talk about.

What good is this technique?

It is reliable.

You do not have to keep your balance, stand in the center of the field or be afraid that you will be dragged away.

You have a strong list and hold on to it.

Only your free hand and foot work. And you are completely safe.

But all people are different. Some may fall.

When can we use this type of throw?

The first. I and my opponent meet near the list

We met here.

My opponent does not hold onto the lists.

For example, he does not need it. He is does not hang on it.

Or he holds on to the lists, but weakly.

His hand is here and he is not going to jump on the lists.

Or he does a stupid thing. He moves away from the edge of the lists to beat you.

You can also drag a person to the edge of the lists.

You caught him somewhere. You do not want to fight him in the center of the lists. This is generally harmful.

And you brought him here and start the fight.

Your task is to stand near the lists, but the enemy must be placed a little further from the lists.

There are two options. Capture the enemy's head and capture the enemy's back.

Usually it is.

First, grab the head.

will show you everything without "Preliminary."

in its purest form.

We have an enemy head. Real freebie

We grabbed the head, pressed it to the body. Turned around and threw.

Second, capture the enemy behind him.

Here we do the opposite. Me and my hand go down. Not every opponent will give his head.

We go behind the enemy.

The enemy takes us by the head ... with the other hand ...

And then we do the same as in the first case.

The easiest way to make an option with his head.

Incline the enemy, pull him down and throw.

But experienced comrades will not give you their head.

It is better to pretend to be tired and creep up the enemy behind his back.

And do the second type of throw.

Let's take a closer look. How to grab the head of the enemy? In which case we will grab the back?

Let's start with the head.

Ira is tall and I need her head to be here.

Do not pull your hand! Never!

The arm should be bent and the back rounded.

We must have a strong position, not a crucifix.

Consider the most common situation. You meet face to face.

The enemy sees us.

The hand goes up.

If the opponent resists, grab the head with both hands.

Cover your fist with your palm.

Further, with all your weight pull the enemy down.

You met the enemy, grabbed him by the back of the head and pulled him down.

Did it!

Do not use biceps! Your arms are bent and you pull your opponent with your weight. Squat a little.

Here we sit down a bit.

Almost one motion.

We cover the enemy's head with a hand, turn around, put our hand on the list ...

Change the position of the legs. I'll show you how. And make a throw!

The most common mistake. The fighter approaches the enemy like this and says "Give me your head!".

No, the enemy will not give you his head.

Mask your actions. Do not show preparation for the throw.

You come up and take her head.

She does not know why I need her head.

No one knows, but some guess.

And only at the very last moment you make a turn.

It's all a bit more cunning with backs.

A normal person will not let you grab his head. He will fight back, push off your hands.

Here you met with a rival.

I want to take her head, but she does not let me do it.

What are we doing? We limply drop the hand.

No matter what hand. Let's even change positions.

It can be a sword or shield arm.

I lower my hand, defending myself with my shoulder from a counterstrike with a sword. And I come here.

She feels safe, I do not hold on to the edge of the lists.

Nothing foreshadows trouble.

Only my left hand is free. I defend myself from her blows. I take a step here.

My shoulder goes down to her.

I provoke her to grab my head.

As soon as she takes her head ... no, not so

If she grabs my head, it means that she does not hold onto the list.

She will try to break me.

We put our hand on the back of the enemy, turn around, grab the edge of the lists and make a throw.

It's time to switch places.

You can make this throw from any side.

It was the most difficult option. The easiest is when the enemy is here and does nothing.

We came, grabbed the head and threw it.

This is the easiest. When the enemy is standing and not holding on to anything.

Leg and back work. What and where to put?

For now I'll show it without Ira.

Suppose it stands here.

Grab her head.

The first movement - we are turning.

We already grabbed the head and bent arm. We do not stretch our shoulder. The front delta is not stretched.

The hand grabs the lists.

Leg, which was external, put inside. And as close as possible to the legs of the enemy.

Without the lists I would have already fallen.

Put your feet closer to your opponent's feet.

Leg, which was internal, grab both legs of the enemy.

Turn around and throw.

Now with Ira.

Stand in position .

We grabbed the head, loaded the enemy. Open up, grab the lists

...I'll hang on you a little now....

Put your foot between either the lists and the opponent, or between his legs.

Ira, hold on to the lists ...

And here comes the throw.

And now on the other side.

Repeat the same thing.

We grabbed the head, loaded the enemy. Open up, grab the lists

Put your foot closer to the center of gravity of the enemy and Ira, be ready!

And make a throw!

And the option with the back.

Climb here.

Put your foot closer. Knee looks in the direction of the throw

And make a throw! The same on the other side.

Climb in, turn around, put the lef and threw!

This is how our legs work.

Note! Do not put your knee across the direction of the throw. This applies to all types of throws.

The knee of the supporting leg looks where you are throwing.

Otherwise, you tear the cruciate ligaments.

How to defend?

For example, Ira wants to make a throw.

We met with her.

First and foremost. Do not give your head!

They are trying to break you, but you lie back and hang on the lists.

And now, just try to throw me.

She is trying to throw us, her front delta is stretched.

She can do nothing. You can do all sorts of dirty tricks.

From such a situation one can not be thrown.

The center of gravity is lowered, we hold on to the list and hang.

For more infomation >> БОРЬБА У РИСТАЛИЩА! Урок 25 Продвинутая техника - Duration: 21:18.


Essence Of Murli 16-12-18 - Duration: 7:42.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 16th December 2018

( Today we will once again listen to Avyakt Baapdada's Avyakt Murli. This Murli was first spoken on 9th March 1984 )

Today's Murli Heading : Make your transformation imperishable.

BapDada is looking at all the chatrak children (a bird that eagerly awaits a drop of rain).

Everyone's deep desire is to listen, to meet and to become.

You are all number one chatraks in listening,

you take a number in meeting and in becoming you become equal according to your capacity

However, all elevated souls, all Brahmins souls are chatrak in all three.

A number one chatrak easily and constantly becomes a master murlidhar, a master almighty authority, equal to the Father.

To listen means to become a murlidhar.

To meet means to be coloured by the company and to be coloured like Him in powers and virtues.

To become means to become the visible form of the Father by placing every step of your thoughts, words and deeds in Baba's footsteps.

You children should experience your thoughts to be equal to the Father's thoughts.

Everyone should experience from your words and deeds you to be the same as the Father.

This is known as becoming equal and a number one chatrak.

To those who are constant mahavirs and who remain stable in a powerful stage,

to the true life companions who move along with the Father at every step, placing their footsteps in His steps in thoughts, words and deeds,

( Baba is bestowing elevated titles on us with full confidence that we will live up to it )

to those who constantly keep their specialities in front of them and bid farewell to weaknesses for all time,

to those who constantly make the seed of thoughts fruitful,

to those who eat unlimited visible and practical fruit at every moment,

to those who swing in the swings of all attainments, to such constantly powerful souls,

BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Blessing: May you be a powerful soul who is an embodiment of remembrance considering adverse situations to be sidescenes.

Because souls who are embodiments of remembrance are powerful, they consider adverse situations to be a game.

No matter how big the situations may be, all of those are side scenes on the path for powerful souls to reach their destination.

People actually spend money to go and see side scenes. ( While we children of Baba get to see same free and freqently)

For powerful souls who are embodiments of remembrance,

whether you call it an adverse situation, a paper or an obstacle, all of them are side scenes.

Therefore, remain aware that you have crossed those side scenes on the way to your destination countless times; nothing new.

Slogan: Instead of correcting others, make a connection with the Father and you will continue to experience blessings.

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 16-12-18 - Duration: 7:42.


Спец оружие «Карамультук»: Для провинившихся в армии бойцов - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Спец оружие «Карамультук»: Для провинившихся в армии бойцов - Duration: 2:54.


【英雄聯盟】 (中文翻譯) Rush 夜曲大招BUG | 兩隻牛牛敲鐘 | 隨機實況#352(CC字幕) - Duration: 10:35.

For more infomation >> 【英雄聯盟】 (中文翻譯) Rush 夜曲大招BUG | 兩隻牛牛敲鐘 | 隨機實況#352(CC字幕) - Duration: 10:35.


Mannwerdungsrituale, Magische Einweihung & Schamanismus - Erkenne Dich selbst! - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Mannwerdungsrituale, Magische Einweihung & Schamanismus - Erkenne Dich selbst! - Duration: 3:54.


Roadtrip στην Ελβετία - Ταξίδι χωρίς πρόγραμμα Επ.1 - Duration: 10:51.

Last May, we were faced with a challenge.

Make a trip to Switzerland without a program.

A trip, that we did not imagine it could turn into one of the best experiences of our lives!

But, let's start from the beggining.

Everything started in Paramythia.

Who, like last-minute people, were running to catch up on the plane.

- We got it? - On the edge.

After we got the basic,

We left for Italy.

From where we took the motorhome.

Τhe challenge that we have faced,

was that we didn't have a schedule on our trip.

Where are we going?

Destinations, adventures and anything else that could come up, it will be decided by you!

Rope swing you wanted, and you will get it!

Yes, you heard right!

You decide for our whole trip, from the Instagram votes!

It may sound easy, but there were things we did not count on!

Sit back and let's see how it rolled!

The city that we landed was Bergamo.

Here we are!

Ρeady for everything and tougher than ever before!

Ok, anyway.

We didn't leave the time to waste

And we went straight for the motorhome.

We get on board and start the journey!

We are Lake Como, this is where our trip starts

Our home for the next 7 days is this motorhome.

And the first destination is to find a super market

to get everything that we will need!

So, we're at the super market

As we are shopping you put a vote for the next destination!

We are waiting for you to choose.

So, John selects the essentials

- Are that enough? - His favorite kind!

Are that enough? We got six days!

The half is for you, and this is good for us!

We are going to unload everything in the motorhome.

- Where are we going? - Let me check.

81% St. Moritz - 19% Sils. St. Mortiz we are coming!

Next destination: Saint Moritz!

So, we left for St. Moritz.

As you decide!

We got almost 100km to drive, and as it turned out it was one of the most beautiful routes we met!

As we drive through a beautiful route, in alpine landscapes, amazing lakes,

we arrived at our destionation.

Wellcome to Saint Moritz!

That was the St. Moritz.

One of the best winter destinations in Europe.

What impressed us most was how high the human luxury could reach.

A village built in 2000m of altitude which host one of the biggest ski resorts of Switzerland.

Unfortunately, the season we choose was not ideal because everything was closed.

Was the transition from the winter season to the summer season.

We left St. Moritz behind and we put the biggest vote of the trip!

Adventure or culture?

3 days in Interlaken, full of adventures and extreme sports?

Or 3 days in Lucern and Bern full of visits in museum and places of culture?

That was the dilemma we put, and wanted to see how much you hate us!

Ok, that was a joke. The challenge we faced, was that you are going to decide for our trip!

Even, it's kind!

Where do you want a small stop?

After the small stop in Zurich

Was time to see what we are going to do for the next three days.

The most of you, want 3 days full of adventure

So, next destination: Interlaken.

We just arrived in Interlaken

We are gonna chill for a bit, and upload a vote for the morning adventure.

And we' re excited to see what are we going to do!

The next day, we woke up and you throw us in deep water!

The activity that you chose was Rope Swing!

So, we left Interlaken for the Grindelwald canyon.

So guys, rope swing you asked and you will get it!

I don't know if i'm afraid, but i'm so excited that i will try it!

Let's go!

Ready for the jump!

And i shit on myself!

Ohh dude!

I shit myself!

Oh dude!

Was, really, the most scariest thing i've ever done!

At the begging i said that's shit! I'm gonna die here!

I'm good and let's roll for the next adventure!


You shit yourself?

The most scariest, when i left is said that's it! In got a pain on my stomach.

So guys, the most amazing thing i've ever done!

Nothing else!

As we were at the canyon of Grindelwald,

at the same time the next vote was running.

You need to choose between, mountain bike or trekking?

As you understand,

in this trip your your opinion count more than ever.

So, when the trip came to an end, we needed to helped us with the video.

We put the dilemma, one part 30 minutes long or two parts 12 minutes long.

As you see, the most of you wanted two parts.

So, somewhere around here we need to make a pause.

And leave the bikes for the next week!

It's not our fault, you chose it!

Ιn the next episode..

I said i wanted to drive? I said it?

For more infomation >> Roadtrip στην Ελβετία - Ταξίδι χωρίς πρόγραμμα Επ.1 - Duration: 10:51.


[ENG] LuHan wishes TiMi's 10th Anniversary - Duration: 0:11.

Hello everyone, I am LuHan

Ten years of youth, thanks for having you

Happy 10th Anniversary

For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan wishes TiMi's 10th Anniversary - Duration: 0:11.


I'm Also Addicted to PUBG - Jayam Ravi Funny Speech | Adanga Maru Press Meet - Duration: 22:30.

For more infomation >> I'm Also Addicted to PUBG - Jayam Ravi Funny Speech | Adanga Maru Press Meet - Duration: 22:30.


An Gaeilge agus Irish Language Elitism - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> An Gaeilge agus Irish Language Elitism - Duration: 2:54.


Treat us to coffee, JongMin [2Days&1Night Season3/2018.12.16] - Duration: 15:24.

(In a building behind the KBS Yeouido building,)

(there's a sweet little cafe.)

(The boss seems slow but still is bright.)

(The handsome part-timers will bring up the sales.)

Like this?

Is this all right?

(Welcome to Jong Cafe.)

Have we opened for the day?


- What was that? / - Are we open?

Did you just address your boss casually?

I'm from abroad, so I didn't know.

My Korean isn't that good.


(The Part-timers Paradise)

You two are unbelievable.

Mr. Kim, we should promote the cafe.

Let's write something on the blackboard.

We need to tell everyone that we're here.

- Right? / - Yes.

(It's a customer!)


- Can I get some coffee? / - Yes, of course.


Do you how to make an espresso?

Yes, of course.

My gosh.

I'm a barista, you know.

Is that so? Can I get a cup of espresso then?

- A cup of espresso? / - Yes.

How much would that be?

The espresso?

We haven't decided on one yet.

How much was it always?

(I'll match your price.)

Since it's espresso, it should be the same

- as an Americano. / - That's three dollars.

That'll be three dollars.


(He now needs to make an espresso.)

How is it done again?

You just need to pull a shot.

(He tries to remember what he was taught.)

(Pressing down)

(The rookie barista takes this seriously.)

(The first espresso shot by Kim Jongmin!)

(The espresso is ready.)


(Two customers enter at once.)

Boss, you have new customers.



Here's your coffee.

Here's your espresso.

(This is first coffee that Jongmin made.)

That's nice.


Is this good enough?

Yes, it's nice and simple.

(Challenge yourself to random coffee!)

Should we clean up

- the table now? / - Yes.

- I'd like a hot latte. / - A latte?

That and a hot Americano.

Two cups?

How much would that be?

What's this?

How do I operate this?

Can I press on any latte?

Which latte did she order?

Press the Two Days and One Night tab.

Yes, of course.

(Move aside.)


Wait, that's not it.

I'll come back tomorrow then.


Here you go. Is this right?

(They barely manage to receive her payment.)

- Move. / - What was her order?

(He immediately forgets.)

One latte and one Americano.

- I see. / - Both should be hot.

What now? Did you take this out?

- Are you done? / - No, I'm doing it now.

- Is the tamping done? / - Not yet.

Should that be hot?

I need hot water.

It's too much.

(She's worried, while he is yet to order.)

(Do not worry, my customers!)

All right. This is it.


(Jongmin, the barista, will brew your coffee.)

We're off to a great start.

I wonder if it's any good.

It'll be delicious.

(Thankfully, they wait with smiles.)

Gosh, it's hot.

Yes, like that.

(The espresso shot is added.)

Does the espresso come first?

He poured in the espresso

and then added the milk.

He poured in the milk after the espresso

and made a pattern at the surface.

(Espresso first, milk later)

That's right.

So the espresso comes last.

- Here's the latte. / - Ma'am,

I poured in extra, so it could be hot.

- Thank you. / - Please enjoy.

(12:30 p.m., 30 minutes into service)

(It's that time after lunch)

(when people want their caffeine.)

I don't have it.

Please come in.

(Customers fly in despite their lack of promotion.)

Joonyoung, call your friends here.

Some are here for "Music Bank," right?

We can barely manage the customers we have.

Gosh, it's hot.

I'm hungry! I'll take my lunch break.

(The third customer entered when they opened.)


(It's all right, guys. I'll wait.)

(Why can't he drink his coffee,)

(when he has the money?)

- I'd like a latte. / - A latte?

Will you pay in cash?

(Another round of waiting)

(Will I get my coffee today?)

All right then.

- Do you do brewed? / - Yes, we do.

I'd like that then.

One Americano.

One Americano.


That'll be seven dollars.

Speed up!

(Customers keep arriving.)

Where did it go?

I don't know. Hello.

How do I do this?

What is it?

- Latte... / - I don't know either.

- Was it poured in? / - It'll be a long wait.

Move faster!

(Will Jong Cafe manage?)

- Iced latte, please. / - The latte...

Three iced Americano, please.

(The part-timers are proficient now.)

(Perfect chemistry)

Here. Two iced Americano.

Would you like to order?


- Look. / - Hello.


I'll just take their orders then.

Hello, everyone.

No way.

It might take a while, but we'll serve every order.

Hold on a second, please.

Hello and welcome.

What can I get you?

(We'll be satisfied with even plain water.)

You two, take photos with the customers.

- What? / - Hurry.

- What are you saying? / - Take photos with him!

Go ahead. Take photos with them.

- But... / - Over here!

Here's your order.

Okay, got it.

(The owner has gotten the hang of it too.)

Iced latte?

We can't serve that.

- Of course we can. / - Really?

How do you make it?

I'll do it.

Do I just have to add milk to it?

There are a lot of cold menus we can do.

Iced latte doesn't need ice.

(Iced latte doesn't need ice.)

(That's quite original for a ludicrous comment.)

- It doesn't need ice? / - No.

But "iced" means "to add ice."

What? All I need it cold water.

But it's a latte.

What? Oh, so it does need ice.

- What do I do? / - You need to push out

ten cups of Americano.

- Ten? / - Two must be served.

We're backed up. There's no time to rest.

Let's hurry then. Make iced Americano first.

Iced Americano.

This is hectic.

- This is the worst. / - Why?

- What about our meal? / - He's right.

- We want to eat. / - That's not the issue.

The employees should get lunch breaks.

You should be glad that I'm here too.

I'll take care of that later,

so get to work for now.

That we should ask.

- Right. / - Don't forget to ask.

Let's stop taking orders.

- Right. / - Close the door for now.

We need to sort out these orders first.

We can't keep pushing like this.

Let's get things back in control.

Two iced Americano!

Here you go. I'm sorry for the delay.

- Good luck with the cafe. / - Thank you.

- Straws are on your left. / - Hello.

- Thank you. / - Me too.

Let's close for now. We'll take a break.

You two...

- We're doing well. / - Yes, you are.

Things are going well.

I think we opened a bit too soon.

- I'm exhausted. / - Right?

- How much did we make? / - During this short time?

- Shall we check? / - Yes.

(500 dollars in sales per day)

- That much? / - Daily.

Let's see.

(The handsome employee and the rookie cafe owner)

Jongmin's new cafe.

- 94 dollars. / - You made 94 dollars.

- Really? / - What?

(94 dollars!)

It isn't fun to watch him be this successful.

- It's already 94 dollars. / - No way!

We'll take a break at 3 p.m. then.

I'm only saying that because

most customers visit during lunch hours.

- We must keep working. / - We'll start at 1 p.m.

- Can you not yell though? / - Okay, got it.

I don't like it when people yell.

- All right. / - Hold on.

I'd like some compliments as well.

Let's come up with a system first.

Get everything ready and I'll pass out flyers.

Since it's lunchtime, I'll go to the food court.

Many will probably be having lunch.

That's what I think.

(He looks for customers.)


Hold on. Why aren't you at work?

(He looks awfully familiar.)

Please come by after lunch.

I spotted you here, so you have to come.

We make all the beverages ourselves.

We even make deliveries, so please spread the word.

Please come by for a cup of coffee.

Siyoon and Joonyoung will take photos with you,

so please come by.

- Hello. / - Hi.

I opened a coffee shop on the second floor.

- Please come by sometime. / - We will.

Joonyoung and... Yes, we're open.

- Right now? / - Yes.

Here you go. Please spread the word.

- We will. / - We will.

People are in line here.

Look at all these people.



- Hello. / - It's Kim Jongmin!

I opened a cafe on the second floor.


(Jung Joonyoung?)

Joonyoung and Siyoon

will make your beverages,

so please stop by if you have the time.

Can you pass these to the back?

Pass these flyers to the back.

I did it. I'm out.

I'll meet my goal if they all come.

(He returns with a skip to his steps.)

How are things?

- This needs ice. / - It's to go.

Good job.

What can I get you?

One random coffee.


- Random coffee? / - For these gentlemen.

(Random coffee is their signature beverage.)

(So while Jongmin was handing out flyers,)

(the other two made the wheel.)

There is a chance of losing.

- You get water instead. / - I should watch this.

You'll be buying water for the price of coffee.

There are many other expensive options.

(He chose to test his luck.)

Isn't it better to choose?

(Where did the dart land?)

- A warm cappuccino. / - Right.

- Thank you. / - It's a pricier menu.

(What a relief)

Orders are backed up, so hurry.

- What is all this? / - Pick up the pace.

(Thanks to Jongmin's flyers,)

(more customers come to stand in line.)

(The line extends to the outside of the door.)

Why is this taking so long?

Where's the random coffee?

- Here. / - Oh, it's here.

I'll collect these in one spot.

Jongmin, get yourself together.

All right. Let's keep up the pace.

He'll drink it here.

Take "random coffee" off the menu.

(This is all because of random coffee.)

(He eliminates the source of his confusion.)

That's not the issue here.

A hot latte? No, this is an Americano.

(Random coffee is scrapped after one serving.)

What's random coffee?

Random coffee? We don't serve that anymore.

(While the boss delivers the bad news...)

- This is the next order. / - Okay.

(Joonyoung prepares the cup.)

We need a hot latte.

(Siyoon pulls out shot after shot.)

An order for two iced Americano is ready.

Three hot Americano is ready.

(Jongmin can't do without these princes.)

(Time passes...)

We're nearly caught up with the orders.

- Right. / - Good.

It's hard to think straight.

Here's your Americano.

- Is this the last order? / - I think so.

Then let's close up.

Things are too hectic around here,

so we need to recollect.

(02:30 p.m., the cafe takes the 2nd break.)

Who is this dream for anyway?

Who on earth am I doing this for?

Did you see us handle all the backed-up orders?


Thank you. Anyway, I agreed

to receive orders from someone I know.

Who exactly?

You'll know when you see them.

Follow me.

- Over there. / - Where are we going?

You know, these juniors of mine

contacted me to say

that they'd like to place an order.

We'll go when you're ready.


(He spots the nameplate of Jongmin's juniors.)

Let's clear the area first.

- Hello. / - Hello!

(So who put a smile back on their faces?)

- Hello. / - Hello!

- It's been a while. / - It's been so long.

- Hello. / - It's nice to see you.

Are you sure about this?

(With the song with an addictive hook,)

(TWICE captivated everyone including Taehyun.)

(Their spirits are lifted.)

Are you done with your rehearsals?

We're about to film our performance in advance.

If so, you need coffee.


Must we buy this ourselves?

Yes, you should,

but the owner could treat you this time.

(Joonyoung puts Jongmin on the spot.)

You should treat them.

Their boss is Park Jinyoung so...

Don't you agree?

If you treat us to your coffee,

we'll be able to promote

your cafe to other singers.

(They look at him with sparkling eyes.)

(Treating them will elevate his image.)

I'm worried about

the fish sauce shower though.

Still, tell me what each of you would like.

We'll deliver them to you.

- Thank you. / - No, don't thank me.

You'll still be paying.

- Really? / - Nothing's for free.

- I see. / - So, place your order.

- This is cute. / - There's tea.

- I'd like tea. / - Latte for me.

- Latte? / - A warm latte?

- One's missing. / - Hold on.


- Hello. / - What would you like?

Place your order.

(Jongmin's buying.)

- Jongmin's buying. / - Iced Americano.

Iced Americano is the best.

Then, I'd like iced Americano.

So four iced coffee.

Leader, I'm sorry but let's keep this clean.

- Right. / - Sure.

I'm not paying for your coffee.

Weren't you buying though?

We were all looking forward to it.

If not, we won't order anything.


You're playing with me, right?

Hold on.

Is this the first day of business?

Yes, it is.

- The sales... / - Then we should buy.

I knew it.

- Then this... / - Okay.

Pay with the company card.

- All right. / - We'll bring your order.

- Sure. Thank you. / - Thank you.

Thank you so much.

- Thank you. / - Good luck.

(Moments later)


Here you go.

(The cafe owner brings the coffee himself.)

- Where's the credit card? / - There are ten.

(He doesn't forget to take their card.)

We made these ourselves.

- Really? / - Gosh.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

Thank you. I won't forget about this.

- Will you return that? / - Yes, of course.

Enjoy your coffee. Thanks!

(He delivers the coffee in good spirits though.)

All right.

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