As the great philosopher and poet Miley Cyrus once said, "Everybody makes mistakes, everybody
has those days."
And look, I've been on the internet a long time.
I've seen things come and go.
Myspace, Flappy Bird, Napster, The Pirate Bay, Channel Awesome… and other things that
will remain unspoken…
But we're in a new era of the interwebs now.
Never before has it been easier for ANYONE to simply get online and say something.
Originally the internet was for sharing hot pr0n and complaining about movies.
But now it's for sharing hot pr0n, complaining about movies and also making a career out
of it.
For a long time Youtube was simply the best place to do that.
It started small with glorious classics like chocolate rain, muffins, and drinking out
of cups.
Eventually these led the way to people like us who you know, work pretty hard to make
quality content about memes and stuff.
Don't get me wrong, not everything on YouTube is gold.
There's about 8 million reaction channels out there that prove that.
However, we often forget that these reaction and response videos used to be an integrated
part of YouTube back in the day.
A part they took away.
So naturally, people kept doing it anyway.
It's not the best, but there's potential for legitimate entertainment within the formula.
Basically what i'm saying is that content creation generally takes work and some talent
and whatever.
I swear I'm not trying to get self righteous.
Even Vine, a short form video content platform managed to generate quality content with 7
second videos.
There's Vines out there that are some of the funniest things I've ever seen.
And some of those creators have made the transition to making great longer-form content.
And others get themselves kicked out of Japan.
Even trash like fooseytube, prank invasion, and facebook videos about making micro food
take some sort of talent and ability.
And let's be honest, a hamster eating a mini-burrito is adorable.
I've found my hill on which i will die.
You may have noticed something that has crept into the internet ethos slowly over the last
Something so insidious, so manipulative, so….
Cringe, that I can no longer ignore it.
It's on every video, it's in every sidebar, there's been endless meme and cringe compilations,
cries of bullying and disdain, yet it still remains the fastest growing app in the world
right now.
Today, we make a stand.
A stand for what is right.
For what finally needs to be said.
Today I bring you the truth of tiktok, the real truth!
Hit it!
I know some of you are asking, "Ryan, why are you covering tiktok when you didn't
Well I'm technically doing both because tiktok's parent company, ByteDance, bought and all the cringe captains that came with it.
Tiktok is hmm excuse me, tiktok is - augghh!
Okay, here we go, ugh.
Tiktok is a video sharing social media app.
But so is YouTube and so was Vine, so what makes Tiktok special?
Well because anyone can use it.
I mean, technically anyone can use any app, but Tiktok is particularly simple, and there's
a reason for that.
For once I'm going to get to the point right away.
It's for kids.
See, there's a thing about kids, and you might be a kid, so try NOT to be a kid for
a second and think like an adult.
WHO are the most easily manipulated people on the planet?
Well, and the elderly but they're incapable of using phones; so in this case kids.
Particularly young girls, (Thanks to sociological reasons I don't feel like getting into,) are
often the biggest targets for manipulative media.
And guess who Tiktok's largest user base is?
Young girls, and arguably pedophiles.
There actually aren't public US demographics on TikTok, but the CEO of ByteDance has stated
that the reason for purchasing was to take over the teen demographic that
likes to lip sync on YouTube.
I would've read more of the article but I'm not paying a buck for 2 months of the
WSJ, I got what I wanted.
This is backed up by the top Western Tiktok users.
None of the top 5 users are over the age of 19.
And the average age of the top 10 users is UNDER 18.
Tiktok is going after that teen and illegal tween fanbase and their creators are the proof.
In addition to that, while we don't have TikTok's demographics, we do have's
and had a 75% female user base before becoming TikTok.
And that probably hasn't changed much since the acquisition.
For the most part, kids haven't gotten down "content creation."
(but man do they have cringe in the bag) There's a reason for that.
It takes a series of skills that you learn as you age.
Generally in school and college: you learn and refine your writing, timing, presence,
and articulation (I haven't particularly mastered that last one yet).
These things take time and while you're learning them generally you mimic those who
you aspire to be.
But that's the genius move on tiktok's part.
Mimic is a verb conjugation of the noun mime.
The app takes digestible, mainstream media, be it movies or music, and then people literally
film themselves miming to it.
It's the most basic of human functions, monkey see, monkey do.
BUT, they took it a step further!
Because the next most basic human instinct is to react, so not only do you mime to that
which already was created by someone with real talent, but then you can react mime to
other people's mimes and then some other mime can mime to your mimey mime!
Tiktok is a cycle, trash in, trash out, trash in again.
You take a song that's making millions on the radio, people use clips from it and lip
sync to the bubblegum catchy parts, someone else sees that and lip syncs along with them,
or reacts to their lip syncing, and all the while the same song is playing over and over,
getting clicks upon clicks upon clicks.
Tiktok and the companies which hold the rights to the music on the platform are using children
as free marketing for the app under the guise of content creation.
That's not the main point though.
Like all social media platforms, there is a hierarchy on Tiktok.
someone has to be top dog, have the most followers, something of that sort, so I checked them
This is about the app so I'm not going to name names, but the top ten users on tiktok
put out some of the worst, cringeworthy, horrible poopy doops I have ever seen.
I've seen snuff videos that made me feel like a newborn angel compared to the way I
felt when I finally turned off the app.
Tiktok gives people the ILLUSION of talent.
It's shallowness incarnate.
There are always people who try their best to create quality, and they do exist on tiktok,
however they're nowhere near the popularity level of the top performers.
If 99% of the content on a platform is fake talentless garbage, and the top performers
represent and perpetuate that garbage, then the platform is indeed garbage.
Generally I like to keep a little nuance in these videos, but there's just no way this
It's bad.
It's all bad.
It's worse than you think, it's worse than the worst vlogs, worse than the worst vines,
the TOP content on the app is z grade youtube status.
I was shocked.
Until I figured it out.
Tiktok is genius.
It's an easy to use phone app, allowing everyone with a mobile device free access
to its platform.
I downloaded the app to test it out and it's incredibly easy to use, it's even fun.
I'm sorry I scared you Twitter(no im not) it was only for research (no it wasn't)!
To make a killer app for babies you need to make it fun, you need to make it easy, you
need to make it catchy, and you need to have it coincide with any popular trend.
Now that alone isn't anything new, but here's where TikTok breaks away from the norm.
It legally gives it's users access to copyrighted content through app integration and industry
Which is huge!
If you tried to use a Bieber song on youtube you'd get your booty spanked faster than
when we forget to check Mike's editing.
Either your content would get removed or you'd at least get your money taken away.
Having a platform that makes it legal to use popular music in your content is essentially
unheard of!
And TikTok emerged in THIS day and age, where people like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are
no longer what kids aspire to be.
They want to be Pewdiepie, or Dodger, or you know, one of those vloggers.
Or Ninja, idk, some kind of internet superstar.
This is also a time unlike any other where basically all young people have access to
Tiktok gives its users access to their favorite songs or movie sound bites and allows them
to act out a scene and film it as if they themselves are the star.
But then…
THEN they can share it with the world.
It takes no time, it takes no effort, and it requires no talent.
The pieces are already there for whoever wants to use them to create.
Your phone has a mic and a camera, the app features allow you to edit the video, there's
filters, stickers, lighting, slomo, double speed, and an endless list of songs to choose
It's all part of the package.
So the question is, how does someone get to the top of tiktok.
I mean, being a pewdiepie would be nice.
Millions of people who love you, lots of money, being able to say the N word and get away
with it, etc. but how do you do it on tiktok?
The reason I ask is simply because 99% of the content on the app is horrible, even the
talented dancers!
It's like, yeah, you can dance, but you're on tiktok lolrofl, you're lip syncing and
you're definitely 15, get on broadway!
To anyone with self respect you're just embarrassing yourself for money.
You know who does that?
You're a clown.
Anyway back to the secret of tiktok.
Be hot.
Behold the top 10 tik tokkers Can you feel your creepy uncle joe breathing
down your neck yet?
For an app directed at children, tiktok is….
overly sexual, which (HOLD YOUR BUTTS BEFORE I GO DEAF FROM HACKER TYPING) ...makes sense.
Companies have been selling sex to kids forever.
But it works, you gotta bunch of little minds growing and you give them just a little taste
of that stuff and they don't know what to do with it.
"ARIELLLL (I don't even care if you have crabs") Uh, anyway, i don't know what it
is, maybe it's because women are targeted and censored the most with mainstream media
telling them what to do and who to be, but this kind of stuff appeals to them, the numbers
don't lie.
Look at the boy bands, the teeming hordes of screaming crying crowds fainting at their
feet, from the Beatles to the Backstreet Boys to One Direction it's always been the same.
It sells, and tiktok is using it like a money printing press.
People want attention, this is an easy way to get it, and all you have to do is be attractive
and get on camera.
Cause lets face it, we all want to feel good about ourselves.
We all want people to think we look good and are appealing.
Or, we want to attach ourselves to people who are good looking and popular.
The feedback of tiktok is exactly that.
People aren't watching it to see how good people dance, they aren't watching it because
they like thirty second song clips.
They want to see attractive people wiggle around.
And, my marketing 101 students: what is THE BEST WAY to sell something?
Have it pitched to you by some model wiggling around. for some dope Treesicle merch
The problem with tiktok isn't necessarily the content itself, more what it represents.
saying it's bad is obviously influenced by personal taste but it's the guise which
its under that is the issue.
America, and the western world in general has always had an issue with objectivity and
What you look like and what you have is worth more than who you are, and tiktok not only
accentuates those ideals but aims it at the most vulnerable people on the planet.
Young Teenagers.
What the app aims to do is simple, promote itself, but it's doing it by feeding off
an intrinsic desire for acceptance in teens.
Something that demographic will do ANYTHING to acquire, including permanently embarrassing
themselves in front of the world in a desperate attempt.
It's no wonder that the top mewwwwsers are fashion model worthy teens, it's who we're
told we should be, and how we should look.
The shallowness of the platforms content criteria does nothing but add to the drying puddle
that is american stardom.
Tiktok's users are simply pretending to be stars until they become popular enough
to get their own album that no one buys or their own makeup line that is forgotten in
a week.
It's a microcosm of our culture in an app for idiots.
Parroting, reacting, trend in, trend out, day in, day out.
Tiktok gives people the illusion of talent, by portraying the illusion of content.
Content has no lasting effect anymore, the videos are only 15 seconds long because no
one actually cares, viewers don't actually care about musers or what they do because
they're all doing the same thing.
All that matters is what's on the outside and that's the world we live in.
that's the truth of tiktok, the real truth.
Basically it's a scam.
If you create content on tiktok you will one day regret it, there's no way around that.
But while I have you here, go follow my TikTok account!
Right now TikTok is the biggest thing on the web.
In 15 years it's going to be the biggest thing you hope your girlfriend or boyfriend
doesn't find out about.
But yeah, if there are other stupid trends you want to see me rip to shreds, let me know
in the comments down below!
Also if you were a fan of this, check out our video on Tumblr, where Grant does a great
job breaking it down, and hit that subscribe button if you like the videos.
And, yeah, go check us out on our other social media stuff on Twitter and Instagram.
It's not quite as bad as TikTok, but we still like the attention.
That's all from me today, my name's Ryan and I'll see you all next time.
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