Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 29 2018

Despite the anti-immigrant rhetoric coming from the Trump administration,

people are still crossing the border every day. And because of Trump's

zero-tolerance policy the government needs to find a place for each one of

them to stay as they await trial.

On June 22, the Department of Homeland Security

requested information on constructing a new 15,000 bed detention facility to

house families and individuals crossing the border. In the meantime the majority

of undocumented border crossers will be sent to privately owned and operated

immigration detention facilities. Most of those facilities are run by one of three

companies: CoreCivic, GEO Group, and Southwest Key Programs.

For these companies, immigration is a business and business is booming

CoreCivic and GEO Group are both for-profit prison corporations. Collectively, they operate

over 70 percent of the privately contracted ICE immigrant detention beds. And to the

surprise of no one, these corporations are big Trump supporters. GEO Group held

its annual Leadership Conference at Trump National Doral, after donating

$225,000 to a Trump super PAC, which -- fun fact -- is prohibited.

Federal contractors are banned from contributing to campaigns.

Both companies also donated $250,000 to Trump's inaugural committee

GEO Group has received more than $320 million

in contracts from DHS in 2018 so far.

The third company, Southwest Key Programs, is expected to receive over four hundred

and fifty million dollars in government contracts this year to house child immigrants.

Oh, and it's a non-profit.

Southwest Key incorporated made $1.5 billion from the federal government

in the last decade, according to Health and Human Services data.

It's president Juan Sanchez's salary has

quadrupled over the last three years, according to its annual tax filings.

And the money keeps rolling in. The 2018 budget has allocated an additional $1.2 billion

for detention centers. The risks keep getting higher for

immigrants who want to enter the United States, but for these companies, that's

just the cost of doing business.

For more infomation >> Making millions detaining immigrants - Duration: 2:39.


Welcome to Ranked Season 11 | Overwatch - Duration: 5:46.

Goodbye Season 10 and welcome Season 11.

I don't think many players will shed a tear for what is widely considered to be the worst

Season in Overwatch history.

Naturally, we do kinda say that about every Season.

But we're totes for realsies this time, promise.

At any rate, in today's video, I want to talk about what we are going to see in Season


In essence, this is supposed be a list of things that tells you whether or not the next

Competitive Season in Overwatch is worth participating in.

Trust me when I say that Season 11 is going to be very different, and that for a number

of reasons.

So why don't we just get right into it?

Now, midway through working on this video, Blizzard dropped something..

Rather hilarious on their Twitter Accounts.

And I don't think I'll get around mentioning it before anything else.

Yes, it's a Hamster.

In a wrecking ball looking mech suit.

Honest to god, I hope this thing is a ruthless killing machine and the mastermind behind


At any rate, back to our standard program.

The biggest, most obvious addition to the game that is going to shape Ranked play is

the Looking for Group Feature.

We have talked about it a couple of times on the channel already, but in essence, it's

a tool that allows you to find other, like minded people to play with.

While you can make a group for any content you desire, what's rather special about

the Competitive LfG Option is that you can set a Skill Rating threshold for potential


That means that only players who are within a specific vicinity of your rating can even

see your LfG Lobby.

Furthermore, the ability to lock roles for everyone in your group helps minimize griefing

so that somebody who signed up for Tank is actually going to end up playing a tank.

All in all, you can expect to see an influx in stacking teams in most places on ladder,

except for perhaps the Top 1 to 5%, considering High ELO Players' stance on grouping and

the fact that the population of High Ranked players is rather small.

But that does also mean that, unless you are up in GrandMaster, you also don't have to

be afraid of using the LfG tool.

With more people taking advantage of that feature, chances are that most of the teams

you run into have as little experience playing together as you.

In my last video covering my experience with the LfG Tool, I have read over 200 comments

of very satisfied players who praise this new feature as a god sent.

Many Forum and Reddit posts confirm that aswell.

So I'd say give it a shot and see how it goes.

Another thing that's different to Season 10 is the addition of Career Profile Privacy


They have been set to Private by default which means that you all better start getting used

to taking advantage of your microphones to figure out which composition you want to play.

It is worth noting, however, that Blizzard has already confirmed that more options to

these new social features are coming.

So we do expect something along the lines of being able to private your career profile

only towards the enemy team while leaving it open to your own teammates or perhaps only

displaying your Rank rather than your most played heroes.

Next to that, don't forget their promise of introducing another big Social Feature

later this summer that we assume to be a guild or clan system.

Stay tuned for updates on that throughout the Season.

When it comes to meta play, we are expecting to see a massive shake in what we used to

play like.

With the introduction of Symmetra 3.0 to Competitive Play, we are going to be challenged in our

assumption of what is the right way to play.

Since her Teleporter is now on a cooldown, she can give mobility to her entire team,

including heroes that don't have access to any such abilities.

That means you can expect to see really odd flanking strategies, weird Bastion set ups

and generally, a whole lot of damage coming at you from a lot of different directions.

Suffice to say that, early into the Season, a lot of players are gonna want to play around

with that, so be prepared to see it a lot before the playerbase figures out a way to

either play around it, or create another meta that completely breaks the game.

As we are already used to.

Another big change that we expect to see make its way into the game throughout Season 11

is a Sombra overhaul.

Jeff on the forum has hinted that the Devs are currently playing around with the idea

of allowing Sombra to remain stealthed indefinitely, together with her translocator never running


I don't want to get too much in detail about that since those are just early concepts that

are about to hit the PTR, but again, anything that's new is bound to see a lot of playtime

once it hits the live servers.

So you best be prepared for that.

And for my fellow Support mains- May the peel be ever in your favor.

And lastly in magnitude of importance according to my own judgement- The Endorsement System.

Endorsements are a new Feature introduced with the LfG System that, in essence, allows

you to commend teammates for either being good players, good shotcallers or good sports.

And you can even commend the enemies for being good sports, too.

The system works together with LfG in that it will allow you to set Endorsement Level

thresholds when looking for other players.

The higher the Endorsement Level, the higher the chance of coming across a pleasant person.

Or at least in theory.

In my, and many other people's experience, just the mere existence of Endorsements has

already turned many players into substantially less annoying individuals.

The "Endorse me please" meme is currently making its rounds, but even with that, everyone

seems to largely be behaving well and have a good time.

It's less about the technical things that Endorsements do but more about the fact that

the overall perception of the game has turned more positive with the introduction of both,

LfG and Endorsements.

And those are pretty much the biggest new things that you should consider when making

your decision as to whether or not Season 11 is worth coming back to.

Now, if you happen to find yourself not knowing what to do next- Why not check out my 4 Step

Plan to Escape Your ELO.

It is largely focussed around personal improvement, so whether you want to go solo or become an

asset to your LfG Teams, I am sure it is going to help you get better.

But this is me done for the day as I keep you guys updated on all the new things you

can expect to see in Season 11.

Thank you everybody so much for watching, don't forget to drop me a like on your way

out if you enjoyed the video, subscribe if you wanna see more, and maybe share this video

with a friend you think would find it interesting.

Thanks again for watching and I hope to see you all next time.

For more infomation >> Welcome to Ranked Season 11 | Overwatch - Duration: 5:46.


Harvesting Resources From The Solar System. In Situ Resource Utilization - Duration: 14:39.

Rocket launches are expensive.

Even with huge price drops from SpaceX and other New Space companies, there's no cheap

way to get stuff down here in Earth's gravity well up to low Earth orbit.

In order to really survive and thrive in space, we've got to learn to live off the land,

to acquire the resources in space that will allow us to survive… in space.

We've got to learn to turn those raw materials into forms we need: fuel, breathable air,

water, construction materials, and eventually even finished goods like rocket parts and


The Solar System really has everything we need to be able survive in space for the long


Every single element we have on Earth is out there in space.

There are deposits of water ice across the Solar System, from the permanently shadowed

craters on the Moon to the comets and dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt.

The planets and even asteroids and comets have the metals and other minerals we'll

need for our manufacturing.

To top it all off, of course, the Sun is blasting solar radiation across the Solar System, and

it's just there for the taking, before it's lost into deep space.

In the past, space missions carried everything they needed from the Earth to space.

All the air, water and food the astronauts would need, as well as the propellant for

their rockets.

But you need to carry all that mass up, out of Earth's gravity well.

A Falcon 9 will cost you almost $5,000 per kilogram, and even a Falcon Heavy will still

be $1,700/kg.

To send a kilogram to the Moon will probably cost you $50,000 to $100,000 per kilogram.

Too much I say!

As part of their space exploration plans, NASA, ESA and other private and public space

entities are working out techniques and technologies to harvest the resources we need from the

Solar System itself.

This technology is called In-Situ Resource Utilization, or ISRU.

In December 2017, NASA released a request for proposals from aerospace companies to

fulfill its In Situ Resource plans, and they encouraged companies to suggest ideas for

prospecting, resource acquisition, processing, manufacturing, construction and finally energy


I wanted to take you through each of these concepts, and let you know about some of the

ideas and missions in the works that will try to make it happen.

All right, first up, prospecting.

In other words, scanning the Solar System in search of the kinds of resources we're

going to need to survive.

We know there's water out there, but how much?

Where's it concentrated?

Is it sitting on the surface or embedded in the regolith?

The Korean Aerospace Research Institute is building a mission to the Moon called the

Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter or KPLO.

This spacecraft is expected to fly to the Moon in 2020.

It'll have a suite of instruments on board, but one of the most interesting is called

ShadowCam, which is being supplied by NASA.

This will have the ability to peer into the permanently shadowed craters near the poles

on the Moon and search for water ice which could have survived for billions of years.

If these deposits are there, they'll be able to provide astronauts with an enormous

amount of water ice, right on the surface of the Moon.

There are asteroids out there that'll have more precious metals in them, like platinum,

than the total that's ever been mined here on Earth.

Which asteroids contain the mother lode, and which are just piles of rock?

There are two companies which are building up the infrastructure to help us find out.

The first is called Planetary Resources, and they've already launched their Arkyd-6 satellite

earlier this year.

This cubesat is a demonstration of the kind of technology they plan to use to search the

Solar System for resources.

If all goes well, they'll launch several Arkyd-301 satellites in 2020, which will launch

to different asteroids.

Each one will study the space rock's resource potential, and even deploy miniprobes to get

an even closer look.

Another company working on this is Deep Space Industries, with their Xplorer satellite which

they're hoping to launch in 2020.

This spacecraft will be capable of boosting itself out of low Earth orbit, rendezvousing

with a target like an asteroid or comet.

One of the clever features of the Xplorer is their Comet water-based propulsion system.

The rocket superheats up water and then accelerates it out the back.

It won't happen yet, but imagine a time when one of these spacecraft could refill

its water propellant tanks from a comet or asteroid and then blast off to a new target.

I can imagine a future when the Solar System is buzzing with these little probes, scanning

and sending back data to Earth so we'll know exactly where to send the next class

of spacecraft: resource acquisition.

Resource acquisition involves excavation into the regolith of other worlds, drilling into

the ice, and collecting gases from the atmosphere.

About 10 years ago, NASA held the Regolith Excavation Challenge.

This was a race for where various teams would build an autonomous robot that would dig material

out of a simulated regolith.

The winning robot needed to be able to dig up and deposit at least 150 kilograms of simulated

lunar material into a collection bin within 30 minutes.

In the first two years of the challenge, nobody won, and then in the 3rd year, a team from

the Worchester Polytechnic Institute was able to collect more than 500 kilograms within

the time limit.

Next up is resource processing, providing resources that could be used right away, like

propellants, building materials or water for drinking.

One mission that's in construction right now that'll test the feasibility of making

rocket fuel on another world is the Mars 2020 rover.

Although this twin to Curiosity is a mobile astrobiology lab, it's also equipped with

the Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment, or MOXIE.

The purpose of this experiment is to break down the carbon dioxide atmosphere on Mars

to produce oxygen.

If all goes well, it'll be able to generate 22 grams of oxygen every hour over the course

of 50 Martian days.

If this technology works out, NASA thinks they can land an oxygen plant that's 100

times more powerful, and could fill up a fuel tank that a human Mars mission would use to

return to Earth.


Creating replacement parts, machines, and various systems out of the raw materials acquired

from space.

One of the biggest challenges to living in space will be the need for manufacturing,

creating the replacement parts, machiness and various systems out of the raw materials

we find in space.

It's not like you can just go down to the computer store to replace the motherboard

for your guidance computer.

NASA has been investing efforts into 3D, or additive manufacturing methods to learn how

to construction objects out of raw materials in the microgravity of space.

There's a 3D printer on the International Space Station right now called the Additive

Manufacturing Facility, it was developed by a company called Made in Space, which is actually

working on a range of techniques and technologies to manufacture objects beyond the Earth.

The AMF is about twice the size of a traditional 3D printer, and can manufacture complex objects

using a range of aerospace grade materials.

So far it's built custom wrenches and other tools, artwork, sample collection containers

and more.

But Made in Space has won a contract with NASA for an even more ambitious mission called

Archinaut which is a 3D printer crossed with a satellite that could manufacture larger

structures in space, like telescopes or space station modules.

It would have a 3D printer on board to manufacture parts in the vacuum of space, and then 3 arms

to assemble and attach the parts together.

Building these structures in space has a huge advantage.

Keep in mind, not only do spacecraft launched from Earth need to be able to handle being

in space, they need to survive Earth first, and then the punishing launch to space.

Instead of launching a fragile next generation telescope into space, and then hoping it unfolds

and deploys properly, NASA would launch the Archinaut with appropriate building materials.

It would then use solar power to manufacture the structures of a huge space telescope to

an extremely fine resolution.

Then it would assemble them together.

Only the parts that absolutely needed to be built on Earth would need to be launched to


If all goes well, we could see a test mission for Archinaut launching in the mid-2020s.

NASA actually makes a range of objects available for download from its website, so you can

3D print your own asteroid, or OSIRIS-REx spacecraft.

We've talked about some of NASA's ISRU plans already, but next we're going to talk

about space construction and harvesting energy.

But first I'd like to thank:

Zachary Makowski Tim Allen

Charles Kahle Diego Colonnello

Jon Corrigan

And the rest of our 831 patrons for their generous support.

If you love what we're doing and want to get in on the action, head over to

Let's move onto construction, building large structures like habitats, roads, radiation

shields and landing pads on other worlds.

The European Space Agency has been testing out a technique where regolith on the Moon

- the volcanic rock pulverized by micrometeorite impacts - could be turned into building materials.

By using a 3D printer, they were able to create walls with hollows inside them, similar to

bird bones, which provide the maximum amount of strength for the minimum of weight.

The 3D printer consists of a frame 6-meters across with an array of nozzles.

Lunar regolith is mixed with magnesium oxide and then blended with a binding agent.

It's then sprayed onto a sandy building material, one layer at a time.

Their current prototype builds at a rate of 2 meters per hour and could eventually create

a new building every week.

You can imagine this same technology being used to create roads across the surface of

the Moon or Mars landing pads, and more.

NASA has a similar technology in the works called Contour Crafting, which blends together

regolith and magnesium oxide together and then extrudes it out into various shapes.

It could build interlocking tiles and bricks.

And a new technique called Selective Separation Sintering recently one first place in a NASA

In-Situ Materials Challenge.

This technique can work in zero gravity, which means that material from the Moon or asteroids

could be brought into space and then manufactured into various useful structures.

Last but not least, let's talk about energy.

We just did an episode all about space energy, but there are a few interesting ideas to concentrate

the Sun's rays for use farther out into the Solar System.

Space provides energy in the form of radiation from the Sun.

Here at Earth, there's about 1,360 watts of energy from the Sun falling on every square

meter of space.

At Mars it's about 715 watts.

And once you get out to Jupiter, it falls to about 50 watts per square meter.

You can use solar panels close to the Sun, but if you're farther out, you can use solar

concentrator arrays to focus the sunlight onto a smaller solar panel.

One spacecraft to use this technology was NASA's Deep Space 1 spacecraft, which also

demonstrated several other novel spaceflight technologies.

Its array used 720 lenses to focus sunlight onto 3600 solar cells giving it about 2,500

watts when it was in Earth orbit.

You can also use reflective mirrors to concentrate the Sun's rays.

When do you go with solar panels and when do you use a concentrator?

According to a paper from Travis Deyle, as you make solar panels and concentrators bigger,

there's an overlap point where the concentrator scales up cheaper than the panels.

NASA has actually developed a series of inflatable space-based membrane concentration systems

and tested them in vacuum chambers.

To acquire resources from Mars, the asteroid belt and beyond, you're going to need a

lot of energy, and these inflatable solar concentrators might be your best way to get


I know this is already a pretty long video, but I'm actually just scratching the surface


There are dozens, even hundreds more really interesting ideas proposed for in-situ resource

utilization, so I just provided a few highlights.

As new projects are developed, I'm sure I'll come back to this topic again and again.

Once we set our robots loose in the Solar System, extracting raw materials from asteroids,

comets and moons, and then turning it into bases, observatories, and rocket fuel, we'll

have a real shot at becoming a true Solar System spanning civilization.

What do you think?

Do you have any ideas for living off the land in space?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Once a week I gather up all my space news into a single email newsletter and send it


It's got pictures, brief highlights about the story, and links so you can find out more.

Go to to sign up.

All of my videos are also available in handy audio and video podcast formats so you can

have our latest episodes show up right on your audio device.

Go to or to get the one you want.

And I'll put the links in the shownotes.

And finally, here's a playlist.

For more infomation >> Harvesting Resources From The Solar System. In Situ Resource Utilization - Duration: 14:39.


Como fazer a limpeza de coifa? – Facilita Consul - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Como fazer a limpeza de coifa? – Facilita Consul - Duration: 2:45.


(PD48 EP4 中譯預告)「做不來的人怎麼擔任Center」小櫻花灑淚舞台produce48 180629 EP.3 - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> (PD48 EP4 中譯預告)「做不來的人怎麼擔任Center」小櫻花灑淚舞台produce48 180629 EP.3 - Duration: 1:30.


Save for Retirement or Kids' College? Plus Find Out How You Can Make Money From Home - Duration: 16:53.

Hale please give this video a thumbs up and if you would share it, that would be awesome and

I'm gonna go ahead and invite my facebook friends now

Hi Kelli here from and

I'm just gonna take a few minutes and address the money questions that I've received this week

and as always if you have any other questions

Feel free to leave them in the comments or go ahead and message me on email, but whatever is easiest for you

And I think retaining - really finances and managing your money saving your money

oh, and if you're watching either on youtube or on facebook, please give me a

Please leave a comment. Let me know where you're viewing from. I just like to know where everybody is

is watching from it's it's just fun and

So like I was saying ask any questions you have

Pertaining to your finances whether that is how to manage your money

be it that investing or how to budget your money how to save money and even actually today I'll

Inform you of a way that you can make money from home

Because I tend to get several questions about that and I'm a pretty regular basis about how largely moms can make money from home

So I have an idea

Of something that you can do if it's of interest to you that I'll share with you a little bit later here

But without further ado

I want to go ahead and jump into a couple of the money questions that we've received this past week

The first one came from Anna and Anna one - no. She said they have some extra funds that they managed to

Set aside each month now and she wanted to know if they should be starting to save for their retirement

Or if they should be starting to save for their kids college


You know and you guys were so kind you responded back. Yeah, pretty much all in agreement to be honest and

And basically you had said you really need to start saving for retirement first

I know Barbara had mentioned that you should start saving for retirement

Because there's always going to be scholarships and financial aid available for your children for college

great my Barbara because as someone who has a

Lot of financially to put herself through college like loans and I have had France I've had scholarships

I also was a co-op in college, which is if you don't know what that is. It's basically like a paid internship. So

Yes, those are all options that you when your children get to that age when they need to be going to where they're going to

Go to college then there are a lot of different options available to them

So definitely start to say for your retirement first

If you have any additional funds now like Mandy said is she brought up a good point

It's getting harder and harder for people to even retire anymore because of the cost of living so

You know

She brought up that point and quite honestly like she said maybe your children won't even go to college never will go into the military

Maybe they will go into a skilled trade

so, um just you but if you can save for college, that's great and wasn't that mention that um,

Yeah that Charlotte brought up that good point

Like if you can say four colors for your children great

By all me and start it set up a 529 and for them and start saving for college

It's wonderful, but if you can if it's a decision of whether or not to say for college

or to save a retirement hands down start to save for your retirement and

Like I mentioned before Charlotte brought up the great point about you know

We don't really have our children a college education and I someone who did not have a college fund when I went into school


Basically, just you make it work and like Charlotte said she also went got her education and went through school and worked and it worked

Out just fine. Now. I'm gonna tell you it's gonna probably be stressful, but it's doable

I did it many many many people do it

and like I said

You'll probably your children will just have to likely do a combination of things

Like they have to they may have to work when they're in school, which I did which is not a bad thing

it's probably a great thing actually and

You know besides working and then getting loans which unfortunately many of us have to get as well

Grants or scholarships are great if you're eligible for any of those

So Anna to answer your question. I think we pretty much all agree

You really should start saving for your retirement

Before you start worrying about your kids college if there is any additional funds after you've saved for your retirement

Then by all means go ahead and put some money away the 529 for your children

and now I would one of the questions I wanted to talk about with Valerie's this week and Valerie made the comment that

She wanted our stiff question. She wanted to know where are the best place to get quality cheap swimsuits and

for kids and

Tricia I mentioned justice for girls since I don't have a girl

I don't I wouldn't know that but I do know that justice has super cute stuff because my friends like that store

For their kids, but Tricia mentioned justice Jacqueline

mentioned Old Navy which is one of them that came to my mind first Ross Marshalls our Burlington and

I mentioned target is another option that you can find cute clothes act and Beth had mentioned Costco has speedos and

Which is a good name brand?

I I've worn it for many years and then Rachel

Mentioned Kohl's which I love too

Especially with when you shop at Kohl's and getting all their coupons and promos and things you can really get great deals at Kohl's on

Name-brand stuff. So hopefully that helped you Valerie's

Places were to go to get quality


Swimsuits for kids and adults to be honest and number the store not just as perhaps but I know Old Navy sometimes has really cute

Suits and Target and Kohl's does so so today. So check those out if that's helpful a

Few other points I wanted to mention about what's going on here at crew be find a mom. The first one is I

Well, don't forget to mention that today the Kroger through Friday downloads

So if you have a Kroger or a Kroger affiliate store near you be sure to grab that download today

I think it's a called amp organic. I want to say it's it's some kind of a drink so grab that coupon today

I'll have another I think at least a couple of weeks to redeem that but be sure to grab that freebie and

Then another item I wanted to mention today is I was able to get my new finance video out called something

it was the best financial decision that I ever made and

I that was a fun video to do because I actually collaborated with a fellow bloggers friend whose name was also Kelly

She blogs over at freedom and a budget. So if

If you haven't checked it out I shared her video here

I believe it was mine morning on the Facebook page

But if you haven't checked it out if you're on YouTube or find my link here in Facebook

Be sure to check out Kelly and freedom in a budget. She's great

She has loads of great videos about money saving tips, and I'm living frugally and getting out of debt

so be sure to check her videos out and

Mine is up and it's live on

YouTube my best financial decision I ever made which

I will go ahead and put a link to that in the bottom of this post as well here on YouTube and on Facebook and

That was one thing I went to mention and then this weekend I'm gonna be taping I'm gonna try to tape it

we've got a busy weekend, but I'm gonna try to tape a video of

How you can save money?

making your own homemade face moisturizer and using essential oils now, I will say I

did some quick calculations for this last weekend and I

started basically

Just breaking out the cost of like buying a standard homemade face a by a standard face moisturizer verse making your own and quite honestly

you can save

Easily over $100 a year and that's not buying like expensive face creams or anything. That's like buying

Stuff at the grocery store at the drugstore now, if you go to one of those fancy stores in the mall to buy

You know your face cream and you would save even more so and actually that brings me to the point

Um, I have a video on how to make your homemade face moisturizer. I will share that down here as well

Just so that you have that as a reference

but what I'm gonna take this weekend is to show you the

Calculations how much exactly you can save by making your own homemade face moisturizer

so, like I said, it was over 100 dollars a year, so

Which brings me to another point is?

If those are using I use essential oils a lot of my DIY Beauty recipes if you follow a freebie finding mauve you'd know that

I loved sharing


Recipes or like skincare and just beauty recipes and those are just one of the ways as you can use essential oils

if you're not familiar with what essential oils are and

And most people probably are but if you're not familiar with what they are

They're really a way that you can just use them

Like I say a myriad of ways in your life in your family's lives to live healthfully to live more naturally and chemical-free

so a lot of people diffuse the oils in the air like we love diffusing more the centrist citrus scents like

Lemon is one of my favorites

Grapefruit, we really like to and having said that you can you can also use them topically and I last why I like these DIY

Beauty recipes I've got so many of them on the blog. It's not even funny

I mean if you go to free be finding moms calm and go to the DIY section

There should be a drop down for anything like homemade beauty products or for my Beauty recipes and in there you'll see

Just so many I'm probably over I bet I have about 50 by now and I still make them all the time actually. So, um

that is

One thing I'm going to be doing more of and I think it'll probably be sharing more recipes on how to make your own homemade

cleaners using essential oils too because what I think people don't realize is that you can see so much money using essential oils and

Which is why I am bringing them to young livings line

Anyways to you guys Young Living Essential Oils has been around for over

27 years a lot of people use them and love them and I think it'd be a good fit for you guys since

We're frugal and we'd like to have great products

But also save money doing it so lat which brings me to another item is last night. I had fun

We I taped a Facebook live video with my friend Stephanie and I here on youtube if you're watching on YouTube

I did share that video here on YouTube as well

But if the Facebook live with my friend Stephanie who's been selling Young Living Essential Oils for several years now


Basically, I wanted to kind of just give you kind of an overview of like how you can get started either using and or selling

Young Living Essential Oils, no mind you when a lot of people buy what they call this Young Living premium starter kit

Most people never sell them

But I wanted to mention it on the video because I thought it was important because I get so much feedback from you guys

that you want ways that you can make money from home and so once I learned like with Young Living Essential Oils

how I guess how easy it is for moms, and I mean for everybody but especially for moms you have limited time and

Need something that works and that they can actually you know

Get behind me passionate about and that they can make money for their family. I thought I got to mention it to you guys

So that's why we did the Facebook live last night. We'll do some more videos over time

Probably in the next week or so. I'll just try to more informative educational videos about essential oils and

But I'd love like I said use them for homemade beauty recipes that you can use them in cleaners

Like I said, you can use them gosh, like I say it's for healing and like to be honest

And I probably should mention the supposed to be honest

If you follow me on Instagram

You know this past week that I wiped out on a treadmill like full-on flew off the back the treadmill

so I used lavender essential oil to

To help the scrapes on my knee. I'll spare you from showing you what they look like

but um, they were really gross and now they're healing and that's the only thing I'm use on them is lavender essential oil, so

So anyway, so I use them that way too

So I diffuse them I use them for kind of cuts and scrapes and I've used them on cold sores before correct

That's what I usually use them on is a cold sore

I use them for DIY beauty recipes one of my favorite beauty recipes

Which I've actually done in YouTube that you want before is for a microdermabrasion paste recipe it is

so simple to make and I kid you not if it honestly may it leaves my skin feeling so soft and smooth and

so, um, so I encourage you if it's something that you have an interest in and you think you know,

You would like to explore being able to save money for your family

But and still live naturally


and then I encourage you look into Young Living Essential Oils whether it just to be to pick up a kit or whether just to

To sell them even potentially and just I don't talk too much about the selling aspect. You can watch the face book life

I thought that I taped last night, but if you're interested in in doing that

You would essentially be a member on my team and I would be the one helping you grow your team

selling in Living Essential Oils, but so that's that and then a 1-dimensional another thing is

Young Living Essential Oils now actually has an all-natural mineral makeup line, which I use and

Love and it's called savvy minerals if that's of something of interest to you. Message me or leave a comment on here

I'd be happy to give you more information about it. I love that line. I'll tell you why because I

I have only always only worn mineral makeup because

more information that you need but in high school, I had horrible bad acne, which is why I have like

crater sized pores today

but that's why I've never worn like the liquid foundations and stuff as I just felt it was like very clogging into my skin and

So that's why when I found out that Young Living was coming out with savvy minerals, which is a mineral makeup line

I was like, yes, finally because I

I was using the other kind of popular mineral makeup lines that I'm sure you probably know what those are

And they were working fine

But I love the fact that as savvy minerals has come out with a makeup line where the product is actually good for your skin

Because that's why the reason I don't like to wear a lot of makeup because that's like I don't want to irritate my skin

I don't aggravate it. I

It's just I just don't want that on top of my skin and like it feels like a blanket on my skin

I never held that way with savvier minerals. And actually the makeup is actually good for your skin. And so I think it's great

It's great for anybody

But especially if you have like a young girl who's starting to wear makeup?

I if I had a daughter that's exactly what I would use be savvy minerals on her because I feel like

Why not stress about what this stuff is actually good for your skin

It's not gonna irritate it especially if they have any like problem areas and their skin

I just I really like savvy minerals and so you can check out that line

They also have a Savi mineral starter kit that you can get and if you're interested in selling those you can sell

Saghini minerals as well. So that's just a I mentioned that because I like the products

I think you guys might as well and

Also because I get feedback from you guys asking how can I make money from home either?

I want to quit my job and stay home with my kids or am already mom

And you know, we've had discussions about this here on on our lives

It's just I want to be able to do some things that my husband won't either let me

Or I feel guilty spending the money or someone like that

So I love opportunities like this where it can empower you to feel like

You can bring in some money into the family and do with it. What you feel is what you want to do with it

So I just I don't know. I love empowering women for that reason, too

So that I think I touched on everything I touched on the kroger free Friday download me address those two questions

I talked about a new video coming out

and Also, I'll put a link down below for the video that I just put out this past week with in collaboration with Kelly. Akin

Freedom in a budget and oh one last thing if you do have any interest in essential oils

Learning about Young Living or and that whether you want to sell it or not

or whether you just want to get a kit or you just are curious about that and

Any of those are applicable you are more than welcome to join my new

Facebook group which is called oily friends. My son actually came up with the name

We came up with a few random names before he got down to oily friends, but he did get eventually down the oily friends

I was like, oh that's cute. I like that Ian

So, um, so my new facebook group called oily friends and in there

I'll share more tutorials more information about essential oils. And if you're interested in making a business or if you're just interested in using them

Or if you know if somebody who might be you're more than welcome to share this group with them and they can join

So I'll put the link for my new Facebook group also

down below here, so you can go ahead and join that if that's of interest to you and

Without further ado. It's really beautiful outside today. So I don't want to take up too much of your time

I hope it's really nice where you are as well. You have something fun planned with your family and friends as

Always please leave any money questions you have in the comments. I always come back and check them throughout the week back

I checked them at least once a day

So I will get to those even if you leave a comment three days from when I'm when I'm taping this it doesn't matter

I'll come back and get it. I promise and

Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful weekend planned and thank you so much for taking a few minutes to watch this. Bye. Bye

For more infomation >> Save for Retirement or Kids' College? Plus Find Out How You Can Make Money From Home - Duration: 16:53.


Car, Sled, Machines & Rotting Floors In the Abandoned Lapland Mill - Duration: 18:16.

Hello and good day. Oh. I should be quiet. There's a house near. Okay. Let's move on.

There has been storms so trees has been falling. I don't know for sure what this should be.

Mill, I've been told but I'm not sure.

Let's check it out. What do we find?

Hope my squeaking jacket doesn't bother you much.

Lighting? Normal

but I don't dare to leave my backpack to anywhere.

And I have to film with Canon because

my GoPro cord was left home.

It's a bummer but let's try to do best as we can

with this and stay out of the focus problem.

Huh. Whatever it is, it's big

and abandoned long ago; many, many decades ago;

maybe like 30? 40? decades ago maybe?

(years, not decades).


If you can see that in the window, it's a rusted milk can

where we used to transport milk to places.

I'm not sure if it's vandalized

but at least it has been collapsing.

Maybe weight of the snow?

Nice field. Nice breeze.

It's so hot but the breeze really is nice.



Let's go inside.

It's good exercise to carry around a 2-3 kilo camera

because lens, mic, and camera itself and

a 30-40 kilo backpack and all the heavy gear and ...

Good, good exercise!

I changed the battery in my flashlight so

we shouldn't have that problem now.


And Santa's sled!

Heh heh!

Which one do you like more: the car or the sled?

Volkswagen? I don't know.

I'm really bad about the cars; knowing about cars.

Another sled thingy.

Great place for a picture.

Took a few pictures of this car and sled.

Some oil cans; Shell Oil cans.

What's this?

Do you guys have any idea?

There's an old tool there.

Place for a picture?

And there's a machine in there too.

Maybe that machine was upstairs before.

You never know.

I have no idea.

There's some thing here that moves things.

Huh. Stairs.


Yeah I'm pretty sure this was a mill.

Oh, let me get my flashlight so ...

You guys know better about these places so

You can think better if it's a part of the mill or not.

What? It's a new battery and it's blinking!

It's odd ... and what are these?

It goes up. Really annoying.

If we go up and there are some things in there.

Maybe some grains or something from there.

Stairs in there too. Let's check out that first.

There's some tube here too that goes down.

and something that goes even more down.

More wheels ...

Oh, there's some ...

Really! I cannot remember the English names

to everything.

HIHNA in Finnish. Whoa!


Some wheel. OH! That stair is rotten.

Whoa. Really unstable floor. Huh. Looks kind of cool.

Really have to be careful. Uhhh! This is really rotten.

There's a machine in there.

Get off! (laughs)

Really have to think about many times where to step in here.

OH! Oh.


This seems a bit more solid.

My mic fell.

Wait a second.

Okay. Let's continue. My mic just fell.

I guess I didn't tighten it up enough.

Ooh! Interesting machine.

Place for a picture ... I think.

Hmmm. Beer can.

Really don't recommend that in this kind of place.

It's full of traps and that there stairs, I won't go

even though I would like to see upstairs too.

I think that is used in field work. You know that ...

These wheels are made of wood.

What is this? Office?

Bed there? I think there might be stairs too.

Once ... upon a time.

Once upon, there was a stair in here but now it's not.

End of that.

I'm really getting ... nervous.

Really have to feel my legs. How solid the ground is.


Some iron part here.

Tight pants ain't really designed for this kind of ninja

trying things. Traps everywhere.


Whoa! Just get off.

Something fell downstairs. Okay, I think I head back.

There has to be some sort of limit the line

of risking your health for the sake of the film

so I can make more films.

Huh ... but still. I'm interested to go upstairs.

Everything is so rotten that every time I step on anything

it breaks.

I wonder if this ... these last.

Just like playing the most difficult part in a video game

So, as nervous.

Okay. Oh now let's try if we can survive to get upstairs.

I mean downstairs. Not upstairs again.

Hmmm. I wonder if there's downstairs.

Ow! Poked my head.

You baa ...


Hey! This is kind of a saw.

It was saw. Yay!

It's a big wheel.

I don't think there's anything else here.

Some carriages or what?

Freedom! Ooh berries!

I wonder if these were the poisonous ones.

There's only one way to find out.

Oummm ...

So sour! More sour than lemonade.

I mean lime or something.

Okay. Well that's about it.

Let's leave. Yes I think that was a mill ...

once upon a time.

So let's quit this episode right here.

Uhhh ... thumb up, of course and subscribe.

I hope you liked this one and thank you for watching

so ... and share if you can some of my videos

or this one. So ... yes.


For more infomation >> Car, Sled, Machines & Rotting Floors In the Abandoned Lapland Mill - Duration: 18:16.


FDA Wants To Fast-Track New Flu-Fighting Drug - Duration: 1:35.

We're still months away from the next flu season, but the Food and Drug Administration

is already preparing new tools to combat the next outbreak.

The agency is reportedly fast-tracking a new flu medicine unlike anything currently available

in the U.S. market.

Baloxavir marboxil has been shown to cut down on flu symptoms and fever by about a day.

It also shortens the time that people with the illness are sneezing and coughing, which

limits the spread of the virus.

If it's approved, the medicine would be the first new class of influenza drugs to be sold

in the U.S. in more than 20 years.

There are only two other types of these flu medications in the American market — Tamiflu

and adamantane drugs.

The new drug works much differently than those medications because it tries to stop the influenza

life cycle very early on.

When someone gets the flu, the virus finds cells in the respiratory tract and uses them

to make new copies of itself.

Where Tamiflu targets the flu virus itself, the new drug is designed to keep the virus

from replicating in the first place.

The drug has proved popular in Japan because it's very hassle-free.

It only needs to be taken once in pill form — unlike Tamiflu, which requires two pills

a day for five days straight.

And experts hope that if a flu drug is easy to take, more people may opt to try it.

If more people treat the sickness early on, it could stop the person-to-person spread


We could see this new medicine rolled out by the end of 2018.

The FDA told the company seeking the drug's approval that it will issue a decision on

whether it can be sold within the next six months.

For more infomation >> FDA Wants To Fast-Track New Flu-Fighting Drug - Duration: 1:35.


From Dance to CIRCUS | In Residence with Edgar Zendejas | Cirque du Soleil - Duration: 3:00.

My name is Edgar Zendejas,

I'm mostly dance choreographer.

I have a dance company in Montreal

but now I have a new passion which is circus.

The C-Lab was an amazing opportunity that

I have the chance to work with athletes

which actually I never did before.

To me to see their transformation was a new way to see movement.

So Manu was the coach,

he will work with the artist first in technique

and then I will contribute to bring the artistic part of it.

We start dancing, we start moving, we start playing… searching

and I keep seeing them going up and up and up,

and it just brought me this image of dolphins.

After the residence, I was called by the department of training artist

for shows for a specific number which it was Totem

and I think they liked the work I did in C-Lab that

they trust me with this artist.

I wanted to bring something else from Victor

so we create a number to show the director what he can do.

Then he moved to the show.

I was very happy because they called me to actually go to Totem

and to work with Victor and Oliver.

The number involves a course of characters monkeys.

I was very happy to touch what they do,

how they relate to the artist,

also I was asked to give a workshop of movement dance;

some of them they've been doing the show for 8 years

so to have something new like that they come out,

wow you know,

they will tell me oh I tried this and I'm gonna do it in the show tonight

or you know, so it was very beautiful to see how they grab

and they can apply right away.

I think since I started working with circus my process has changed a lot.

Even in dance, actually more in dance.

For more infomation >> From Dance to CIRCUS | In Residence with Edgar Zendejas | Cirque du Soleil - Duration: 3:00.


Peruaner wollen keinen Lehrplan mit Gender [Die anderen Nachrichten] | 29.06.2018 | - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Peruaner wollen keinen Lehrplan mit Gender [Die anderen Nachrichten] | 29.06.2018 | - Duration: 1:02.


Memedows - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Memedows - Duration: 4:58.


KEVİN OAK-STRONG AND AESHETİC Fitness Motivation - Duration: 6:25.

Like And Subscribe.Thanks For Watching

For more infomation >> KEVİN OAK-STRONG AND AESHETİC Fitness Motivation - Duration: 6:25.


El perfume favorito de Meghan Markle es un gusto que comparte con Kate Middleton - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> El perfume favorito de Meghan Markle es un gusto que comparte con Kate Middleton - Duration: 2:07.


Musicians Who Died Right At The Peak Of Their Fame - Duration: 5:41.

Let's face it: Musicians don't exactly have the most dangerous jobs on the planet.

In fact, the most perilous problems musicians usually encounter are high stages, late nights

and grouchy sound technicians.

Despite this, the passings of great musicians are often highly publicized and deeply traumatic

to the wider cultural community.

But these don't come from mid-gig accidents or health and safety fiascos, they come from

overdoses, car crashes, shootings and other off-stage disasters.

It may not be the riskiest job out there, but there can be little doubt that there's

something about the lives of musicians that seems to invite tragedy.

The mystery of Biggie Smalls

After a brief stint in jail for dealing cocaine in North Carolina, Biggie Smalls, born Christopher

Wallace, released his first demo tape in 1992.

Before the year's end, Smalls had been signed to Sean Combs' label, Bad Boy Records.

Over the course of his career, he released two critically acclaimed studio albums, worked

with icons such as R. Kelly and Michael Jackson, and developed a vicious rivalry with Tupac


In 1997, however, after leaving a party in Los Angeles, Smalls was shot dead at a red

light by an unidentified gunman.

This marked the end of the East Coast/West Coast feud which had enveloped the hip-hop


To this day, the mysterious circumstances of that night have inspired endless speculation

and countless conspiracy theories.

Janis Joplin succumbs to addiction

Janis Joplin was a titan of psychedelic rock and one of the true icons of the 1960s.

She was one of the biggest female rock stars ever.

She first found fame at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival with her band Big Brother, but

soon left to form the Kozmic Blues Band.

In 1970, as she was preparing to release her latest solo album, Pearl, Joplin's life

came to a swift and tragic end.

A short investigation ruled that it was the result of an accidental heroin overdose.

Pearl, which was released posthumously, ended up going quadruple platinum.

N.W.A. loses its heart

Eazy-E began Ruthless Records with money he had flipped from dealing drugs on the street,

and helped front N.W.A. as they rose to fame, and infamy, on the L.A. rap scene.

Just as his contribution to N.W.A.'s gangster image can't be understated, neither can his

impact on the revolutionary ideals of black communities during the '90s.

"Basically, gangster rap I guess it's like telling the real and not holding back.

Giving up the reality from the street point of view."

In 1995, however, at a time when he was reportedly worth $50 million, Eazy-E checked into a medical

center in L.A. with what he believed to be asthma.

He was instead diagnosed with AIDS and died only a month later.

A second wind cut short

By the halfway point of the 1970s, Marc Bolan had become one of music's most famous glam


He had formed T. Rex in the late '60s and soon began to perfect the rockier, psychedelic

sound for which they'd become so well-known.

Over the course of the '70s, T. Rex became one of Britain's most prolific glam rock acts,

releasing well over half a dozen chart hits and selling out gigs across the country.

After a brief career stumble and a foray into heavy drug use, Bolan came back to form in

1977 with a new album, a new tour, and a slot presenting an evening television show on ITV.

"Now we have a Bolan tip for the top.

Or a personal pick from some old mates of mine.

They call themselves radio stars."

In September 1977, however, Bolan was caught up in a car accident while coming home from

a London club.

His long-time friend and rival, David Bowie, said "[Bolan was] the greatest little giant

in the world."

Country's messiah, brought down by drink

A legend within his genre, Hank Williams is one of the most important musicians in American


Williams was born with a severe spinal condition, but found solace in music, learning to overcome

both his physical issues and his shyness by writing and recording songs inspired by the

music of his home state, Alabama.

He found success quickly: in six years he recorded almost 66 songs, 37 of which were

smash hits.

That same success battered him, though, both physically and mentally.

The stresses of touring worsened his back issues and the pressures of his career pushed

him toward alcoholism.

In 1952, he hired a bogus doctor who supplied him with highly dangerous prescription drugs.

Later that same year, Williams died en route to one of his shows.

The end of Redding's revolution

Otis Redding wasn't just a successful musician and a beloved artist, he was also a revolutionary.

For a black musician in the 1960s to utilize his physicality and sexuality as Redding did

was, to many, nothing short of sacrilege.

His courage, however, yielded great reward: The New Yorker once reported that he was regarded

by many as "the most charismatic and beloved soul singer of his generation."

This all came to a swift end, however, when Redding became the victim of a plane crash

in Wisconsin in 1967.

Five teenage members of the Bar-Kays, the band backing him on his tour appearances at

the time, were also on board.

Redding was just 26 years old.

The shooting of Sam Cooke

Often described as the most important soul singer in history, Sam Cooke was one of the

first musicians to bridge the gap between white and black audiences.

He was also one of the first black musicians to found a record label, and became a stalwart

figure in the civil rights movement.

His career began in the 1930s, singing in the choir in his father's church; by the '50s

he had released some of the decade's most successful hits.

His success only grew further during the '60s and peaked with a legendary show at the Harlem

Square Club in Miami.

But in 1964, Cooke was caught up in an altercation with the night manager of a motel and shot


The circumstances surrounding this event have since been questioned, however, and just what

really happened that night still remains a mystery.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Musicians Who Died Right At The Peak Of Their Fame - Duration: 5:41.


Best Friends Style Each Other's Most Hated Clothes - Duration: 6:11.

- It's like it's speaking its own language to you.

- Help me.

That's what its saying.


'Cause it doesn't get worn.

(upbeat music)

- So this is my grandmother.

- Yes, hi.


I'm a little bit older than her.

- She's one year older than me

and so she thinks that she's.

- I make a big deal of it.

We met at work.

We bond over boys and drinks.


- And music.

- And music.

- And TV.

- And work.

- And work.

Yeah we like day party, we brunch, we party.

- Those three things.

- This really makes it sound like

all we do in life is party.

- We night party.

There was one weekend we went out together

so we were together for seven days a week, like all day.

- Oh my god, yeah.

- For seven full days.

- And we survived.

- It was great, I didn't even, I didn't die.

- I'm very proud of us.

(upbeat music)

- I don't think I have a style at all, and so.

- I think you do.

- I like Kaylin's style, 'cause I'm like, ooh, that's cute.

- I don't think I have a style.

- You're lying.

No, loose, tight, cropped, mom, kid.

- If I was a character what would I be?

- You'd be.

- I'm a mom kid.

- A mom kid, yeah.

- You always have something bold about your outfit.

But like your whole look is classic, if that makes sense.

I would describe it as simply bold.

Do you like that?

- I like that.

- I think that you should put it in your Instagram bio.

- That's my new Instagram bio, simply bold.

(jazzy music)

- We're gonna try some things out today.

- Okay cool.

(jazzy music)

- I'm Kaylin and this is my closet.

- All right Kaylin and your closet, let's see what we have.

And these are all the smallest articles of, this is a.

- That's not even the smallest.

- This is a headband.

- I call them bibs.

This is one of the hardest wardrobe things.

- How do you get in this, like actually though?

Crop top.

Crop top.

Crop top.


- Listen.

- These are cute!

- Yeah I never wear those.

- I feel like I've never seen you wear these,

but these are really cute.

- They're super mom-y.

- When did you buy this?


- I just.

- Okay.

- I'm wondering.

These look fashion.

- You asked that so seriously.

- When did you buy this?

- I just got that on sale yesterday.

- Did you get it for, yesterday?

- Retail therapy.

- Are you going through something?

You're okay?

You need to talk, after this?

- You know, it's just been a long week at work.

So I just wanted to buy myself something.

- I have seen some things that have my interest,

in fact yes.

- You're so excited.

- I am.

- I'm scared.

- Some of these things I'm actually gonna borrow.

Here is my wardrobe.

- I'm very excited.

So I literally, I took a glance earlier

and I think I already have an idea

but I'm gonna look at every option.

I've never seen you wear these ever.

- Because they're atrocious.

- I think they're really cute,

I like the kind of ruching they have throughout it,

it's like.

- Don't put me in those.

- Well maybe you just need the right outfit for them.

- Incorrect.

They're too bold for work, I feel like.

- No!

- First of all, why are you yelling at me?

- Because.

- Why are you screaming?

- These are not too bold for work at all.

- I feel like they are.

- These would be so cute at work.

I wear bibs to work, so I think you're fine.

- I'm sure you do.

Bib buddy.


Maybe you should catch the, yeah.

- Okay I really like this, this is super cute.

- That is from my Halloween costume this year.

- Plaid's so in right now.

Basically everyone's looking like

a picnic basket this summer, so.

You'd be a cute little picnic basket.

- Thanks, that's my dream.

- Ooh, bitch what is this?

I've never seen you wear this.

- I stole it from my mom.

- But honestly I think I have it now.

I just got hit with a vision.

- Okay.

- A fashion vision.


All right, so we have picked out our outfits.

- All right, here we go.

- Are you ready to go try 'em on?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- That's yours.

- I'm excited.

Ow, ow ow ow.

- You'll be okay.

I'm sorry, so sorry, all right.

- Should we do that more gracefully?


- Oh, you look so cute!

- Bitch, yes.

- Man I did so good.

- You look like a cute little picnic basket.

(upbeat music)

- This is kind of similar to what I was hoping

you were going to put together for me.

- Get out of my head.

- Kind of similar.

- But no, I definitely would not have

put this together myself at all but I really like it.

I guess that that just goes to show

that you can mix it up a little bit,

mix and match a little bit more.

- This is a perfect vineyard outfit.

Like you know how everyone goes to Malibu Wines?

- Yeah.

- You should go Malibu Wines in this outfit.

- Ooh, we should do that soon.

- Should we go today?

- Good job Kaylin, good job.

- We did it, we did it.

- I'm not gonna dance with Dora the Explorer.

- You're not gonna dance with me?

- No, I'm not.

- Oh, I was singing Dora the Explorer,

I didn't even realize.

- Do you like it?

- I love it.

- Good.

- So cute.

- Kaylin's in the background.

- You look like you're out of Clueless.

- Well, Kaylin did it.

- Oh, really?

- Yeah.


- What do you think about mine?


- Silence!

- Turn around, do a quick little turn around.

- I'm not.


- Sequoia, you look like a snack.

- You said like a snack?

- A Snackquoia.


- What's my snack nickname?

- Snailyn.


- It is cute, and the thing is that

it makes sense now, because you're never this cute,

so makes sense that it's a video.


- We were just walking and the saddest thing just happened.

- My shoe just gave out.

- [Kaylin] Sequoia's shoe, look at it.

This bitch is trying to walk in the shoe that just broke.

Please stop.

- [Sequoia] I thought I'm walking to the place, I'm walking.

- [Kaylin] Please stop, this is a liability ma'am.

- I like the shoes, I'd even put some respect on those,

those look fire.

- [Kaylin] Thank you.

- Beach?

- Very beach summer, yeah.

- [Kaylin] Does it look like something

that we would both wear?

- Yeah, that's why I'm confused as to what is happening.

And this is always a trick.


- [Kaylin] No, no we just styled each other today.

- Oh.

- [Kaylin] Yeah, so I picked out Sequoia's outfit.

- From my own closet.

- [Woman] Nice, nice.

- And then she picked out mine.

- You did a good job, yeah.

I was like, this is a trick.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Best Friends Style Each Other's Most Hated Clothes - Duration: 6:11.


Supernanny | Harsh Words For Mom When Supernanny Returns - Duration: 4:55.

Superman is back to show Debbie where she's going wrong okay let me wall up in

a way I I've seen some good stuff that's been happening here in the house but

I've also seen stuff that definitely needs tweaking so let's take a look at

that footage now okay she starts off by looking at Debbie and the girls out and

about you've got to hold on to twitch at first okay if you do that then when we

can say you can walk on ahead a little bit okay I like that you see the way

your voice went um it was a matter of fact you're explaining so that you could

let off those reins I can't allow them that freedom super nannies not so

impressed with what she sees next hello can you let me in a minute I can't

remember what it was now obviously you wanted to get in for something and I

couldn't get in the gate yeah all right yeah it was put there give your mom and

dad's a break a break a new Pippy needed to take responsibility of your free

kills yeah full stop so why keep get your backside out of it now I have never

seen you behave in a manner so hostile and aggressive in getting your daughters

into bed with you behaving that way it's not making it any better all it's doing

is making it worse I understand that and yet you know what these children do has

come back for more because it's the only way that they're getting your attention

well I would like to see is you doing more things with the girls

interacting with the girls giving them your time enjoying it

super nannies worried that Debbie's forgotten how to have fun with the girls

she believes a family that stops having fun is a family in trouble okay so we go

do some dressing up with a bunch of face paint

we're gonna put some Mickey Mouse ears or never get them dressing up as fairies

they're inside come on let's don't get dressed put mommy like I think everybody

should get their face painted as I'm having mindin yeah I'm not allowed to

wash it off until bedtime let's face it that's a good deal Bethany let's get

some blood in you're making him large but they live in it try the hit the

donkey wants to see if you split open

I was a bit awkward for mum in the beginning interacting with the girls and

having this quality time but she's let her down she should enjoying herself and

I'm pressed with the effort that she's made today I actually felt I was giving

part of myself to them and they I think noticed the difference

it wasn't like oh she's just doing it she's actually doing it because she

wants to do it and she's enjoying it and I did enjoy it and it was good quality



For more infomation >> Supernanny | Harsh Words For Mom When Supernanny Returns - Duration: 4:55.


Foreign face spoken by Korean men - Duration: 15:15.

Hello. This is Donggun

What are we going to talk about today?

I will find out what Korean people think about foreign women as well as Korean men.

Today, I will search online again.

I want you to know.

There's a saying in Korea.

A common foreigner

A common person

In fact, it's not uncommon to just interpret it.

It means stories or people that can be seen anywhere.

The word " common " is not commonly used on the Korean Internet.


If you search for " common basketball skills, "

Most people play basketball very well.

If there is a thing that is famous for being common on the Internet in Korea,

Most of them mean special.

Common words are ironic!

So what I'm going to search for today is

She is a common foreign woman.

First of all, I searched for a common foreign woman.

I've looked for several things.

Korean people bring image of foreign woman

Let me take a look at it one by one.

I'll click on it.

It is a post which is commonly known as a Westerner in Cheonggyecheon Stream.

The common saying is ‥.

I keep telling you, it's not common.

As a matter of fact

Pretty or handsome

A good hand

It's generally used in a good sense.

It's called the " Common Westerns. "


There are two women.

He wrote that it is not common for Koreans to see.

It looks pretty to me.

It looks very pretty to Koreans.

Let me see your comments.

Best comments are

The West is always 'CO'

I don't know what it is.

In Korea, we talk only with initials.

So, Korean is difficult.

I don't know what teens are saying these days.

I'll keep looking.

to have long legs

Have a good ratio

Be no match for the Oriental

This means that it is prettier than the Oriental.

The person on the right is really pretty.

Most people say yes.

As I said, common is not common.

That's why Koreans feel that these women are pretty.

I'll see you next time.

Here are some common Spanish female announcers.

Let me take a look.

A common Spanish female announcer came out.

But look ...

It looks pretty to me.

This is a very revealing dress.

From what I see … The reason that people are the common Spanish announcer

Spanish announcer wears a lot of chest revealing clothes

In Korea,

girls don't wear much chest exposure.

Unlike other countries, Korean women wear clothes that expose their legs.

girl don't wear much chest exposure.

That's why it's not common for people to expose their breasts.

Especially this girl

She has a big chest.

I think that's why it's not common.

Then I'll look at the comments.

First comment

It's nice to see you alone. When I watch TV, I feel embarrassed. With family

What does that mean?

I will be embarrassed when a woman like this comes out while watching TV with my family.

It's the mind of the Korean people.

In Korea, there is no TV show or drama which exposes the chest.

In Korean culture, exposing the chest ..

So you're not putting your heart on the table.

There are no women who are just exposing themselves.

That's why it's so interesting to Koreans.

Second comment

Put this on the students ' study …

Are you out of your mind? Thank you..

This site must be where the students study.

I didn't know.


If it were our country, there would be controversy and would have been bad comments.

I told you

It is not exposed to the chest in Korea.

It would have cursed a woman like this.

The next comment is

To be honest, she has perfect body and face. .

That's a positive comment.

What is the general comment?

Many people say that such a woman can not appear in Korea.

A common Western volleyball player

Here you go.

Oh ~

Who is this?

It's beautiful.

Which language is this?

This is Turkey!

You are a beauty.

She's beautiful to me.

Korean people posted it on the Internet like this.

It means very beautiful.

Let me see your comments.

Oops … Volleyball player ... Beauty ...

That means

It means that the face of the volleyball player is very pretty.

Second comment

What a beauty!

It's just a comment that they're all pretty.

to be pretty to be pretty Pretty ..

All they say is that they're pretty.

As you can see ...

I don't know if it looks pretty to the West.

You can see that Korean people think she looks pretty.

Let me see the next one.

Canadian high school student average beauty

이This is what's happening on the air.

It's about visiting Canada.

It means someone met high school girls there.


It looks pretty to me.

But it said it was average beauty.

That means it's also common.

if someone say average

Koreans feel that this is not an average.

Does it look?

Let me see your comment.

It looks like Yoona.

Yoona is Yoona from Girls ' Generation.

She is famous for being very pretty.

Mother's Country ...

I mean,

It means that I want to go to this country and marry this woman.

This person looks like a Korean man.

Most pretty.

As you can see, this is how you look!

This figure is highly praised in Korea.

A common Russian female soldier

Let me see

This is how it comes out.

There are Russians.

On the march

taking a picture.

It looks pretty to me.

Let me see your comment.

What do Koreans think?

It's a model army.

It means the army is a model.

He's funny, too.

Russian women's combat skills will also be attractive.


I think i'll be very hesitant.

How do I shoot at them?

What he said was that

You can't fire a gun at a woman like that in a war.

He shouldn't be in the army.

But it's true that they're such attractive women.

If you look at the other comments,

I personally think Uzbekistan is the best.

I don't know what's the best.

Your uniform is neat.

It's the best.

I will go to Russia sometime.

Most of them give positive reviews.

These are women in Russia.

many people say they are pretty

Now the average woman in France!

This is a picture of the average appearance of a French woman.

In the picture

This is a picture of the French woman on average.

Look ….

From what I see ...I think it could be average.…

I'm not sure.

Let me see your comment.

That's the average of countries in movies.

This can't be the average. she's a great beauty.

She can't be average.

It's a goddess.

Some of you ...

It's not average, but it's quite a lot.~

I think this guy visited to France.

I went to France personally.

But ... There were so many beautiful women.

The average appearance means that it's really pretty.

This is how pretty they look to Koreans.

High school girls common in Germany

There is a German high school girl now.

This is a high school student.

talking about college.

All That's d- cumentary.

Let me see how you put your comments on this.

The next destination is Germany.

I will go to Germany.

The second is

looks like a fairy.



Fourth is

There are many white people who have bad skin. But she is perfect

For another


As you can see

I personally feel that

If you look like this.

I think it's average for Russia.

But in Korea, this is 10 out of 10.

The reason why I am talking about foreign women is

What you see here are foreign women looking like.

In Korea, it is an incredibly pretty appearance.

When Korean men stand in front of a woman like this, they get heart up.

And they get nervous.

It's so beautiful.

If I look at the subscribers and the people who come in contact with me,

Many people ask me if I'm pretty.

But I want to talk to you every time.

They are all pretty. Really.

So I made this video for you to judge.

You'll know if you see it yourself.

And the women in this pictures are

It's actually a little prettier than you.

Or you can be less beautiful than them

But the obvious thing is

You're beautiful.

When you came to Korea,

You don't have to be embarrassed.

People love you guys.

Korean men can not judge your face.

You're like this.

You'll hear the word 'elf.'

You can approach Korean men with confidence.

If you have a chance to come to Korea or meet Korean men,

Please approach with confidence.

You don't have to worry about your looks!

I wanted to tell you this, so I made a video.

Please share video and like

I will continue to find useful information!

Korean men! Donggun!

I'll come back to you.

For more infomation >> Foreign face spoken by Korean men - Duration: 15:15.


Drake Confirms He Has a Son on 'Scorpion' - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Drake Confirms He Has a Son on 'Scorpion' - Duration: 1:17.


Opinion | This is not your grandfather's concept of socialism - Duration: 3:07.

"I think we're gonna have a red wave, not a blue wave."

Looks like there is a red wave coming these midterm elections,

but it's not the one Trump's been tweeting about.

"For me, democratic socialism is about, really,

the value for me is that I believe that in a modern, moral, and wealthy society,

no person in America should be too poor to live."

So when most Americans think about socialism, they're still thinking about the Cold War,

they're thinking about dictatorships,

they're thinking about--


But democratic socialism is distinguished from sort of "regular" socialism in that it

is democratic.

It is a type of socialism that is not authoritarian.

At this point, probably most Americans who are talking about democratic socialism are

referring to the democratic socialist welfare state.

People call it the Nordic model.

This is just a series of institutions like old-age pensions,

child allowances,

universal health care,

universal education.

Pull up YouTube, take a look at how things are going in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway,

the United Kingdom -- I lived there for a year.

Not totalitarian, not scary.

One of the arguments against forming kind of a Nordic-style welfare state in the United States

is that our population is too diverse.

They say, "Well, the Nordic states, they're kind of volkish, you know.

They all pull together because they're homogenous in a certain way

that the United States is not."

You know, the answer is we already have several programs that are quite similar,

in the way they're structured,

to Nordic welfare programs.

Social Security is one of them, universal public education is another.

We don't even think about these programs as being universal public welfare programs,

but that's what they are.

We're used to thinking about means-tested welfare programs,

programs like SNAP, which is supplemental nutrition assistance program, or food stamps.

Those programs tend to be very divisive,

and they specfically tend to be divisive across racial lines, right?

Because poverty is racialized in the United States.

I don't think it's the case that diverse countries can't have justice.

There's a lot of reasons that young people right now, I think are interested in democratic socialism.

People who are in their twenties and thirties now have grown up in probably the worse economy

since the Great Depression.

The Great Recession caused a terrible job market,

it caused a lot of young people to lose opportunities in terms of advancement,

they're suffering from a lot of student debt.

That's not just personal,

it's not just, "Well, how do I get ahead?"

It's, "How do we make this a better system?"

The first-past-the-post system in the United States,

that's set up this sort of two-party duopoly

make it very difficult to have any kind of insurgent campaign

for a third-party or independent party.

What Bernie did was, instead of running as an independent,

he ran in the Democratic primary,

and tried to pull people who were interested in voting for Democratic candidates leftward.

People's views change over time, there's clearly a demand and in interest in the public

for seeing these kinds of views represented.

And I think that you're probably going to see a lot more of that.

The fact that candidates like Ocasio-Cortez are campaigning as open democratic socialists

and saying, "Well, let's address some of these big issues.

Let's move the party left."

I think that is an effort to address some of those concerns, and I think it's great.

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