Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 30 2018

the biggest movie in the world is full of action and laugh this is a friend of

mine tree I am Steve Rogers be a part of cinematic history and see it again

Avengers infinity war with a pg-13 now play

what is good youtube Warstu here with another video on the Marvel Cinematic

Universe and the Avengers for title I'm sorry guys but we do cover everything on

this channel so today on the Internet the Avengers for title was revealed and

leaked yet again supposedly so it's come out

that supposedly the title is avengers endgame that's a title Avengers for

basically sim sim photographer guy for Avengers 4 had it listed on his website

that Avengers 4 was endgame I'm gonna link to the Instagram account where I

got it from quite a cool dude I'm gonna link his bio and stuff down below and

you can go see this post and then all of a sudden this person who did a lot of

work for Avengers 4 change the title to Avengers for now the funny thing here

guys is we know the Kevin Feige said the title for vengeful won't be coming out

till after the Captain Marvel teaser then Jeremy Conran who we do use his as

source quite a lot shared an interview with the Russo brothers and it says is

the title for the fourth Avengers ever spoken in infinity war Joe Russo no okay

because people have been looking for clues in the dialogue Anthony Russo it's

certainly grounded in a narrative leapin follow following throughout the MCU very

well grounded so is this a reveal no is this a leak

no is it confirmed no we're not it's not going to come out till later on this

year now I understand there's a lot of good designers and graphic designers who

can make some forge kind of thumbnails and stuff I'm gonna be using one for it

to kind of draw you in but guys seriously stop saying that the Avengers

for title is endgame and it was revealed because Joe Russo said it wasn't spoken

in infinity war so how could it be endgame because remember when dr.

streets Doctor Strange said it endgame Tony Stark it's not actually endgame I'm

also going to link down the MCU cosmic link because it's in a much better

quality in a higher image so Trent who's the cinematographer for Avengers 4 had

it titled as endgame and changed it to Avengers four he's worked

on infinity war Civil War and lots of like Marvel properties with the Russo

brothers so it's not been revealed but sorry for the title but it's just

annoying everyone saying oh the titles revealed it's finally been revealed

Avengers for endgame no it does end game scare anyone the title is supposed to

scare us like annihilation with scare is all end of world or world war or the end

of the world or Avengers forever taken away or this is it or something like

that so guys let me know in the comment down below what do you think the title

for Avengers 4 is do you believe it's actually going to be endgame because

quite frankly here on this channel I do like to talk about infinity war Avengers

4 all that kind of stuff but I'm getting sick and tired of having to talk about

subject but you guys seem to love this so guys let me know do you think it's

real but we know it's not real because of the interview that was shared where

Joe Russo said that the title of Avengers 4 wasn't directly spoken about

in infinity war so like always guys please like subscribe and comment any

video requests button down below and I'll be sure to get to them as fast as

possible I did post an area video arrow video before this one but I haven't done

arrow videos for months so it's probably not gonna get as much traction I like to

be transparent with you guys and not fake so yeah I mean I love making our

videos so hopefully the traction picks up so anyway guys please like subscribe

and comment I will catch you in another video of very soon guys catch ya later

For more infomation >> Avengers 4 END GAME TITLE REVEALED!? Avengers 4 End Of The AVENGERS!? - Duration: 3:59.


Depeche Mode: Kennt die junge Generation am Openair St. Gallen den Headliner? | Festivalsommer 2018 - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Depeche Mode: Kennt die junge Generation am Openair St. Gallen den Headliner? | Festivalsommer 2018 - Duration: 0:47.


Let's Review - The S Factor: Sonia and Silver - Duration: 20:05.

For more infomation >> Let's Review - The S Factor: Sonia and Silver - Duration: 20:05.


The Expanse: The Razorback - Official Breakdown - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> The Expanse: The Razorback - Official Breakdown - Duration: 5:09.


Night suit - Part 2 | Tamil with Eng subs - Duration: 2:57.

Hi hello and welcome to Dressmaker Bavani

Today we will be working on the night suit pant for a 12 year old

Fold the cloth four times and measure the length

Including 1" space at the top and bottom for folding

I have taken 40" length in total

The bottom width is 7"

Waist width is 10.5"

Waist length is 12"

A curve for thighs width 12.25"

From there, a curve touching the marked pant bottom and cut

Both good sides of pant should face each other. Stitch it

It will look like this when opened

Fold and stitch 1" at the bottom

For the waist alone, fold and stitch 0.5"

Next we are going to join from the thigh part

We have left 1" space for folding and stitching on all sides

Mark 6" at the bottom of the pant

Fold and stitch up to 1"

6" for the other leg as well

We have an elastic for 25" length

Place it in the waist in this manner and stitch

Fold the cloth by 1.5"

The stitch should not fall on the elastic

This is how it looks when done

Stitch along the center of the elastic

Stretch the elastic as you stitch

The pant is now ready!

Check out the link below for Part 1 - top

Watch it without fail!

Like * Share * Subscribe

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Night suit - Part 2 | Tamil with Eng subs - Duration: 2:57.


Nightcore - iNSaNiTY (Lyrics) - Duration: 5:00.

This video contains lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - iNSaNiTY (Lyrics) - Duration: 5:00.


معلومات قد تعرفها اول مرة عن النصارى ورشيد ... معلومات صادمة لبعض الناس - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> معلومات قد تعرفها اول مرة عن النصارى ورشيد ... معلومات صادمة لبعض الناس - Duration: 6:47.


Dance Moms: Chloe's Contemporary Solo - "Am I Here to Stay?" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Chloe's Contemporary Solo - "Am I Here to Stay?" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:14.


What's New to Netflix: July 2018 (Original Series & Movies) - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> What's New to Netflix: July 2018 (Original Series & Movies) - Duration: 5:29.


Qué piensan los colombianos del equipo de Francia en el mundial? (Disculpa a los arg y per) - Duration: 9:26.

For more infomation >> Qué piensan los colombianos del equipo de Francia en el mundial? (Disculpa a los arg y per) - Duration: 9:26.


Openair St. Gallen 2018: das heisseste Video aus dem Sittertobel - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Openair St. Gallen 2018: das heisseste Video aus dem Sittertobel - Duration: 2:35.


Moto, il Supercross americano debutta al Pala Alpitour di Torino - Duration: 4:37.

 A livello sportivo l'Italia è certamente la patria del calcio, con una deroga importante per gli sport motoristici principali, ovvero la Formula 1 e la MotoGP

Chi segue il Motocross solitamente fa parte di una piccola cerchia di appassionati, così come purtroppo accade per molte altre discipline sportive competitive e spettacolare

Negli Stati Uniti, invece, è tutto diverso. I piloti della MotoGP, per esempio, sono praticamente degli illustri sconosciuti mentre quelli del Supercross diventano spesso personaggi di grande fama

      Per chi fosse a digiuno di ruote tassellate, basti sapere che il Supercross è la versione americana del Motocross europeo, con tutto quello che ne consegue in termini di spettacolarità

Uno spettacolo che solitamente si può guardare solo attraverso il piccolo schermo, ma che il prossimo 15 dicembre si potrà osservare anche dal vero al Pala Alpitour di Torino

      Sì, perché la formula del Supercross prevede che si corra anche al chiuso, con le motociclette impegnate ad affrontare salti incredibili davanti agli occhi degli spettatori che sono comodamente seduti sui propri sedili e non arrampicati su qualche collina fangosa a sudare sotto il sole

Così lo show del grande Supercross Internazionale torna in Italia – per 35 anni si è svolto a Genova che è stata anche la prima città europea a ospitarlo - con un evento che vuole essere un appuntamento di riferimento nel panorama europeo al pari di quelli organizzati a Bercy e Ginevra

       La serata del 15 dicembre sarà caratterizzata da due discipline, il Supercross e il Freestyle Motocross

Il primo è una classica gara di velocità, dove chi taglia per primo il traguardo vince; il secondo ha invece a che fare con l'abilità di saltare e inventare figure ed esercizi spettacolari da eseguire in volo

In entrambi i casi lo spettacolo è garantito.      Gli atleti che parteciperanno sono tra i migliori al mondo e sarà presente anche Ricky Carmichael, soprannominato da anni "The goat" ma non nel senso di "capra", bensì The Greatest Of All Times

Il crossista americano parteciperà al programma della serata con duelli in pista e salti sulle rampe da freestyle

Per gli statunitensi Justin Barcia e Justin Brayton, invece, quella di Torino sarà un'importante gara di rodaggio, un'occasione per misurare condizione fisica e velocità prima dell'imminente inizio della stagione di Supercross Usa 2019

      Non mancheranno outsider come Malcom Stewart e ovviamente i piloti italiani, a partire da Angelo Pellegrini

Durante la serata il Freestyle Motocross avrà un ampio spazio, con 4 Run da 15 minuti ad un ritmo molto serrato, suddivise in Best Whip Contest e Best Trick Contest

Ospiti d'eccezione della disciplina saranno i crossisti californiani Axell Hodges e Tyler Bereman, celebri per i loro video sul web

A sfidarli ci saranno anche due giovani italiani, Davide Rossi e Leo Fini, che hanno nel loro curriculum svariate partecipazioni al famoso show di Nitro Circus

      +++ La Stampa Motori su Facebook! +++

For more infomation >> Moto, il Supercross americano debutta al Pala Alpitour di Torino - Duration: 4:37.


Asesinan a niño de 7 años en Armería, Colima - Duration: 3:01.

 COLIMA, Col. ( Mientras jugaba afuera de su vivienda, un niño de siete años de edad fue asesinado a balazos la noche del viernes en la comunidad de Cofradía de Juárez, perteneciente al municipio costero de Armería

 Según información preliminar, el menor murió poco antes de las ocho de la noche cuando un grupo de hombres armados rafagueó la fachada de su domicilio, entre las calles Jalisco y Michoacán de ese poblado

 Los pistoleros dispararon desde un vehículo en el que llegaron y posteriormente huyeron, dejando el cuerpo del niño tendido en la calle y numerosas huellas de impactos de bala en el inmueble atacado

 Los peritos de la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE) localizaron casquillos percutidos calibre

223, que generalmente se utilizan en armas de alto poder, entre ellas el rifle AR-15

 Horas después del ataque y del levantamiento del cuerpo de la víctima, no se había informado oficialmente de los hechos ni de la detención de los probables responsables

 Por otra parte, la madrugada del viernes en el municipio vecino de Tecomán, Colima, fueron encontradas dos bolsas negras con restos humanos, en la calle Palma Cambray de la colonia Palma Real

 Tras el reporte de vecinos a los números de emergencia, acudieron elementos de los cuerpos de seguridad, quienes revisaron la escena del hallazgo en el interior de un predio y levantaron los restos

 En la capital del estado, mientras tanto, un hombre armado baleó a una mujer y a su hijo en el interior de la vivienda de éstos en la colonia La Albarrada, al sur de la ciudad

 Ambas víctimas fueron trasladadas a un hospital para recibir atención médica, mientras que el agresor huyó de la escena del atentado

For more infomation >> Asesinan a niño de 7 años en Armería, Colima - Duration: 3:01.


Team Rynkeby News: 400 ryttere gjorde starten i København til den største nogensinde - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Team Rynkeby News: 400 ryttere gjorde starten i København til den største nogensinde - Duration: 2:56.


Las mujeres más influyentes de la moda se rinden ante el rosa pálido - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Las mujeres más influyentes de la moda se rinden ante el rosa pálido - Duration: 3:50.


Top 10 Toxic Foods You Should be Careful as a Vegan - Duration: 1:50.

These are the top 10 dangerous foods that you should be aware as a vegan.

1 More than 0.2 oz of nutmeg can cause convulsions, and more even death.

2 Green potatoes and it's leaves can cause nausea, headaches and neurological problems.

3 Large amounts of rhubarb can cause serious kidney damage, potentially leading to death.

4 Eating more than just 8 bitter almonds will give you a lethal dose of cyanide.

5 When ingested in large doses, it may cause gastrointestinal problems, liver and even heart damage.

6 The seeds contain cyanide. Small amounts can be detoxified by enzymes in your body. However, large amounts can be dangerous.

7 Even though commercially prepared cashews are safe, don't try to eat it raw if you buy the fruit.

8 It may be dangerous if consumed raw, in large amounts or when it is prepared improperly.

9 It can be hard to tell which wild mushrooms are safe and which are toxic, a mistake can lead to liver damage and even death.

10 Chewing even just as 3 cherry seeds has made a man from Blackpool go to the hospital.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Toxic Foods You Should be Careful as a Vegan - Duration: 1:50.


Mobile BOOST, EPIC Lawsuit & MORE?! - Industry Developments - Duration: 6:38.

From Atomico backing a mobile studio to an Epic lawsuit out for blood, we have the latest

headlines from across the game industry.

so let's load 'em up and dive right in!

Sony's resolve is breaking down.

The console manufacturer is beginning to waver on its crossplatform policy in the wake of

frustrated fans venting their opinions.

With Nintendo and Microsoft allowing their consoles to connect for games like Fortnite,

Minecraft and Rocket League, Sony has kept its walls up in a bid to protect their bottom


President Shawn Layden said the company is listening to its players and investigating

possibilities, and claims to be confident they can find a way to enable players to engage

with other console owners while not negatively impacting business.

While that's by no means confirmation that changes will come into effect, it's a step

in the right direction for tearing down barriers.

It might look like a cut and dry situation, but Shawn issued a reminder that the circumstances

surrounding such a decision affects a lot more than just one game: there's a lot to

consider before a move can be made.

If everything pans out and they can make the numbers work on their end, though, in a few

months or years, you might just be able to advertise your multiplayer game as a unified

experience across all mainstream platforms!

Oh Bibi is seeing a boost to their business.

Largely thanks to Atomico, the company has received twenty-one million dollars following

what can only be called a successful round of funding.

Although they began development six months prior and had plenty of confidence in their

agenda, the success of Fortnite on mobile platforms has served as a proof of concept

for their own console-grade shooter they plan to bring to the portable market, and investors

no doubt noticed.

The team intends to scale up their business, continuing to produce console-style experiences

for phones, and plans to invest some of their money into securing top talent that'll help

them realize their ambitions.

When the company published their games investment thesis, they identified console genres that

couldn't previously work on mobile to be a chief avenue to pursue, so if you're seeing

what they are, you might want to start developing your next game with mobile support in mind!

Elgato is getting out of the gaming business.

Popularly known for their capture cards, the company has decided it'll pursue a more

centralized vision with its home monitoring product, and rebrand itself as Eve Systems.

Developers and content creators needn't worry, though.

The Elgato name and its wares are being passed along to Corsair.

CEO Markus Fest says the company is proud of the brand they built over the last twenty

years, but they're handing over their legacy to another organization to double down on

their new direction.

He's confident this will be a move that'll strengthen both product lines, but we'll

have to wait and see.

Eve Systems may know their home-based business well after four years, but Elgato marks Corsair's

first venture into the livestreaming space.

Whether or not R&D sees some hiccups in the early days, though, their current product

line should still be there for fans and consumers who need a reliable recording solution!

There's a new initiative hitting the scene in Asia.

Google is hosting their Indie Games Accelerator for small studios across India, Thailand,

Singapore and more, and those selected for the four-month program will be flown out to

attend one of two bootcamps at Google's Asia headquarters.

According to their website, the program will teach start-ups about best practices with

popular platforms and engines, as well as cover business development, user acquisition,

monetization and tips for finding talent.

Notable developers from the likes of Vlambeer and Hipster Whale are lending their support

to the accelerator, too, and select applicants will have the opportunity to see their games

showcased on the Google Play Store.

If you're located in an Asian market and want your studio to participate, applications

are open from now until July thirty-first.

You'll know if you're part of their first wave come August, and the boot camps will

kick off in Singapore during September and November, so get started on those submissions

and get ready to clear your calendar!

Newzoo is back in the news with more mobile data to share.

If their research can be trusted, it would appear mobile players are reluctant to spend

money on free-to-play titles.

They polled a little over two thousand people across America, Germany and the UK who played

games at least two hours a week, and they claim that an incredible ninety-five percent

of those players are engaging with mobile games, but only fifty-six percent of them

are spending any money.

A third of those reluctant folks cited their reason for withholding their money was a fear

of fraud, with nineteen percent falling victim to scams in the past, and a hefty forty-percent

simply said they were satisfied with what they got out of the free experience.

Of those who were spending money, thirty-nine percent did so to derive more enjoyment from

the game, while twenty-seven said it was to treat themselves, and twenty did it to show

appreciation and support to the developers.

There was also a desire for more loyalty and reward programs, with as many as sixty-eight

percent of spenders saying they'd keep dishing out the dollars if there was something in

place to further incentivize the conduct.

So if you're looking into ways to monetize your next mobile game, consider putting in

a loyalty program and making sure you don't look like a con artist!

There's a few whispers circulating about Google this week.

Multiple sources have claimed the company was meeting with major studios at GDC and

E3 earlier this year, and that they're rallying support for a streaming platform they're

hoping to launch.

The idea that Google has something in the works has been rumoured as far back as February,

but even with these developments, there's still no confirmation that this is happening

quite yet.

Google has a history of dabbling in other mediums, and many of their experiments never

make their way to market, so that could be what we're looking at here.

If these secondhand accounts hold true, though, there might be another platform for you to

consider releasing your game on down the road!

Epic Games has no mercy when it comes to spoilers.

The company is pursuing legal action against one of its former QA contractors after details

were leaked about Fortnite's fourth season of in-game events.

The defendant thinks these claims should be dismissed since he didn't reveal the information

himself, but acknowledges that conversations were had that would enable a third party to

spoil the company's secrets.

And that's what seems to have happened, as an unnamed individual took the details

of their discussion and posted them on a subreddit for fans to see.

Despite Fortnite remaining a titan in the industry, Epic Games says the move has made

them suffer an irreparable injury, and will be demanding damages under both the state

and federal trade secrets laws.

The company must be paying their contractors well, because they also saw fit to include

legal fees for good measure.

It's an unfortunate state of affairs for everyone involved, but let it be a lesson

to you.

If you're privy to some serious corporate secrets, it'd be wise not to share them

just to ensure your not made an example of!

The battle for Star Control needs a bit of crowdfunding support.

Developers Fred and Paul have been embroiled in conflict with publisher Stardock over the

Star Control franchise for years, and the two creators have launched a GoFundMe page

to help offset the legal costs they're expecting to owe from their defense.

Both parties have been hard at work developing their own sequels to the property, and while

the original creators say only assets were claimed by the publisher in Atari's bankruptcy

auction, the publisher has pursued them with a predatory legal attack.

If you're interested in their case, visit the link in the description to learn more.

Two million is a lot for two guys to cover on their own, so if you feel they're in

the right, consider lending them a hand!

And that covers this week's lineup, ladies and gentlemen.

Was there anything you found particularly insightful?

Did we miss something you think should've been covered?

Let us know in the comments below and be sure to tune in next time for another newsworthy


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