Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 30 2018

do you want to jailbreak iOS 9.3.5 on any iOS device no

computer required? if so let's start. good day guys

it's Saunders Tech. If this is your first time here , and you want to master your

knowledge about iOS and Apple tech start now by subscribing, and ring that Bell so

you don't miss an upload. And if you go on to enjoy this video make sure you

smash the like button so it's quite simple you just want to go to this link

in description it'll bring you to here and you're gonna tap download icon you

just want to wait a bit, you'll see this pop-up you want to tap install and now jailbreak

we're using is Phoenix however they put it in Chinese

characters for some reason so you can see on our home screen that Phoenix is

starting to install, i'll be back once it's done once Phoenix has

installed, you need to manually allow access, by doing this go into settings, general, device management,

find the enterprise app that it's in, you want app trust, trust again and now this jailbreak supports

the following devices iPhone 4s, iPhone 5 iPhone 5c, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, and iPod Touch 5th generation

if you don't have any of these devices then this jailbreak will

not work for you. Let's just open up Phoenix again: you want to tap it. You can tap

kickstart jailbreak, and the iOS 9.3.5 jailbreak will start preparing. you want to use provided offsets that's

going to run the exploit now there's an ad you just wanna tap the "x" and if it

asks again you just want to tap it and you are going to see your jailbroken and it

should respring now sometimes you'll device will restart and you won't be jailbroken

if this is the case you need to open up the Phoenix app again and then do the jailbreak

process again and then you'll be jailbroken so be back once it's respringed

ok so once it's respringed we want to swipe to unlock and we're going to see that

Cydia is now on our device, it should load if there isn't cyda on the

device that means that the jailbreak was unsuccessful so you have to open up the

Phoenix up again and redo the jailbreak and eventually it will work work. if you got your jailbreak working

before when you want to redo your jailbreak, and the cydia app is crashing, that means

you want to re-jailbrake. You can see here Cydia, down here

you can see iPhone 4s iOS 9 and let's just wait for this

you will see this popup it's fine you want to tap return, and you'll see return to cydia, and you'll see essential

upgrade you want to tap upgrade, tap confirm, and now it's going to do some updates to Cydia

you're going to see this you want to tap return to Cydia sometimes the cydia app just

crashes you just want to open it up back again and be all good so now we are basically

finished you can install tweaks you can add sources so that's the end for this

video from here to the left there'll be an end screen you can tap

that and it'll bring you to my latest video and then to the right there's

video that I've recommended for you and in the middle there's a subscribe button

you should tap on it... if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave a like subscribe if

you're new follow me on twitter at saunders tech there's a link in the

description like always have a good day guys peace out

For more infomation >> How to jailbreak iOS 9.3.5 NO COMPUTER NO APPVALLEY iPhone 4S/5/5C iPad 2/3/4 Mini 1 iPod Touch - Duration: 3:03.


Amanda Peet Can't Impress Her Kids - Duration: 6:13.

-I am so happy you're here.

-I'm happy to be here.

-I'm doubly happy you're here because I don't drink

during the show, but you asked if you could have one.

-Sure. -And so now we're going to.

-Kay. [ Cheers and applause ]


-The difference between me and you in this situation is

I've already had some.

-Oh, you have? [ Laughter ]

That is great news that you've already had some.

That is, like, in line with something you do

when you're on talk shows?

That's not just like an everyday thing?

-It's an everyday thing. -Okay, gotcha.

[ Laughter ]

-No, it's because, you know, because I'm here and I'm --

scared I'm going to tank.

-Just like a little, you want to take the edge --

You're not going to tank.

-I like you a lot, so, it's --

-Oh, you're worried you're gonna let me down?

-It's much better when I don't like someone.

-Oh, great.

So, anytime I see you on talk show not drinking,

I'm gonna know, "Oh, she hates them."

[ Laughter ]

-Still respect them. -Yeah, right.

The show is fantastic. Congratulations.

This is -- "The Romanoffs,"

there's an episode shot in Europe.

There's an episode shot on a cruise ship.

Your episode was shot in New York.

-My hometown. -You went to college here. Yeah.

So were you a little bummed out

that you just had to do a New York episode?

-No, I'm so excited to be here.

Every time I come to my trailer,

whenever I'm employed here, it's like I won the lottery.

I can't believe it's really happening.

-And you move all around the city in this episode.

It is a very nice snapshot of the city.

You play -- One thing that is strange,

and your character is also coming to terms with this,

but you are about to be a grandmother in this episode.

When you first saw the script --

[ Laughter ]

-Thank you for laughing.

-Yes, I agree. I think we can all agree.

[ Cheers and applause ]

My grandmother never looked like you.

[ Laughter ]

She was old. What?

-That's what you think. -Okay.

-Because, see, I have this thing

where I think we're all in denial.

I know you're a little younger than I am, but I'm 46.

And I can't -- -I'm 45, so we're okay.

[ Laughter ]

-I can't believe I'm 46.

-Yeah. -You know?

Like I can't believe it. -I agree with that.

[ Laughter ]

-No, no, no. I'm really serious.

-Here's what -- You know what's crazy?

And while you're talking -- I'm 44.

I'm so old, I'm starting to forget how old I am.

[ Laughter ]

You know what I mean?

'Cause, like, basically 44 and 45 you're like,

it doesn't matter anymore.

[ Laughter ]

-Right. It's all really dodgy.

-Do you feel like look back at things, like,

in your previous life and do you laugh at, like,

what you used to think was old?

-Yes. So, I think about "Thirtysomething," that show.

-Television show. Yes. -"Thirtysomething."

And I think about them and they seemed like,

"Oh, they're grown-ups with their grown-up problems

and children, cancer, middle age."

And, like, I'm [bleep]

Sorry. [ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Don't point at the one on the desk like that was the problem.

[ Cheers and applause ]

I know what you mean, though.

-I -- I cannot believe that I'm gonna be 20 years older

than those people in a hot minute.


-And then I'm gonna be a bag of dust.

[ Laughter ]

-Well, I used to watch a show called "Bag of Dust."

No, I remember when "Thirtysomething" was on,

my parents would watch it.

And I thought it was boring because I was so young

that I thought people in their 30s were boring.

I'm now, you know, 14 years older than what was boring.

-Right. That's exactly how I feel.

-I'm heartbreakingly boring compared to that. Yeah.

-Yes. Yes.

-Well, all right. I'm sorry for both of us.

[ Laughter ]

You have -- Well, I want to ask about this.

You have three children. -Yes.

-But you are not a grandmother. Not even close.

-I had to think about it for a second.

[ Laughter ]

-Oh, no. Grandma drinks so much, she has to --

she can't remember.

[ Laughter ]

"Who are you?!"

-Wait a minute. [ Grumbles ]

-Are your children -- How old is your oldest?

-11. -11.

So, do they -- Are they excited by what you do?

Are they excited to have a parent -- I mean both --

your husband, I should point out,

is the creator and showrunner of "Game of Thrones," Dave Benioff.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Yeah. It was a weird reaction.

It was like, "Ooh!"

-It was a little bit like he's a rock star.

-Yeah, it is.

-It makes me feel slightly less old.

-Yeah, I think that's good. -Yeah.

-Now, do they -- do your kids watch "Game of Thrones"?

-Well, no. They don't -- -Well, yeah, that's true.

That would be just bad parenting.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

I mean, we're definitely not good parents,

but we don't do that. -Right, right.

-Yes. They -- somehow I can't impress my kids.

I don't -- it's no matter what I do. Yeah.

They're just -- they don't want to watch our stuff.

Not that they're really allowed to,

but they also aren't interested

when there is something they can watch.

And on the rare occasions when there's been a billboard

with my face on it, they just -- they act sort of like my mom.

Like, they feel sorry for me.

[ Laughter ]

-What do you mean? -I don't know.

Well, it was for "Togetherness" and I was in a bikini top.


-And they were really --

they were pretty judgmental, I want to say.

[ Laughter ]

-They were judgmental in what?

-They felt sorry for me

that I had to parade around town like that.

-Okay. Gotcha. [ Laughter ]

Wait, how often did you go by the billboard?

Was that sort of on a route?

-It was a problem because it was kind of the way to school.

They just -- they were like...

"Mom, God."

Just really, truly, truly, genuinely embarrassed for me,

and just not impressed.

-I do think that helps put show business in perspective

'cause you think it's really cool,

and then you have kids being like,

"Mom, you know this is dumb, right?"

And you're like, "Yeah."

For more infomation >> Amanda Peet Can't Impress Her Kids - Duration: 6:13.



what you should know the best thing

you possibly can to improve your


in instagram the key is how

It works its algorithm video you today

I want to talk about how works

instagram algorithm for it

We try to figure out what best

the name

or entrepreneurs in life my name is

John Merolla Welcome to a new video

If this is your first time and want to learn

all tricks on digital marketing

and how to be an entrepreneur success

Subscribe to my channel algorithm

instagram is based on a series of

ecuaciones que junto a la inteligencia

artificial lo que busca es decir para

cada usuario que fotos y vídeos son los

más importantes para él y van a tener

mejor aceptación y para ello usa tres

factores principales interés tiempo y

vinculación vamos a ver lo uno por uno

el interés cuanto más cree el algoritmo

que algo te va a gustar más

probabilidades hay de que aparezca en tu

cuenta todo esto está basado en

comportamientos pasados que has hecho

con tu cuenta para ayudarles a predecir

tu comportamiento futuro el tiempo

instagram da mayor prioridad a las

publicaciones más actuales esa es la

razón por la que normalmente

publicaciones pasadas no te vuelven a

aparecer o no las ves no pero instagram

está empezando a tener en cuenta este

factor al igual que lo hizo en su

momento con facebook y es en ciertos

momentos no muestran de nuevo ciertas

publicaciones pasadas que tuvieron un


de interacción estoy convencido que esto

es algo que cada vez iremos viendo con

mayor frecuencia la vinculación qué

grado de cercanía tienes con el creador

de contenido si tú haces un montón de

comentarios interactuar normalmente con

determinada cuenta o aparece ese

etiquetado en sus fotos es mucho más

probable que instagram os catálogo y

como amigos cercanos o familias y dé

prioridad a estas publicaciones entre

vosotros al igual que en el anterior

factor este cada vez va adquiriendo más

importancia pero aquí no queda la cosa

hay muchos más factores que suman o

restan a la hora de dar visibilidad a

tus publicaciones entre ellos la

frecuencia con la que publicas por lo

que a mayor frecuencia teóricamente

mayor visibilidad pero cuidado con esto

ya que estos factores no se analizan de

una manera unitaria sino que van

mezclando variables es decir que si

tienes por ejemplo una alta frecuencia

de publicación pero la interacción de

tus publicaciones es muy baja al final

será contraproducente el tiempo que

pasas dentro de la red social también es

otro de los factores que tiene en cuenta

a la hora

contenidos personalizados para ti

obviamente nunca vamos a conseguir

desvelar el cien por cien de ningún

algoritmo de ninguna red social porque

si no quién lo consiguiese tendría un

poder prácticamente total sobre la misma

lo que sí podemos hacer es en base a las

indicaciones que nos dan intentar

comprenderlo mejor y aplicarlo a cómo

usamos diariamente nuestros canales

sociales en este caso estamos hablando

de instagram para potenciar la

visibilidad de lo que en ella publicamos

y por lo tanto el alcance que tenemos y

su potencial conversión por lo que mi

recomendación es que siempre bases tu

uso en prácticas permitidas por

instagram que evites todo tipo de

herramientas que te prometen ganar

seguidores eso me gusta de una manera

digamos poco natural y que analices

todos los datos de tu cuenta para ir

entendiendo mejor qué es lo que tus

seguidores quieren para que se lo puedas

dar ya que recuerda hablamos de

algoritmos pero la realidad es que es

más bien un sistema personalizado que

aprende por cada usuario

quiero que participes en el sorteo

mensual de mi curso online de estrategia

de marketing digital

no tienes que dejar aquí abajo en los

comentarios la respuesta a esta pregunta

crees que inviertes el suficiente tiempo

en tu cuenta de instagram

te doy dos opciones que verás en

pantalla tan sólo por dejar tu respuesta

entrarás en el sorteo mensual ahora te

quiero compartir un vídeo muy importante

sobre instagram no sobre el llamado

shadow band es un vídeo que hice hace

poco y habla de una penalización que

instagram aplica a las cuentas por lo

que echa un vistazo al vídeo y comprueba

si te ha pasado y cómo puedes evitarlo

te lo dejo en la tarjeta aquí arriba y

en la descripción del vídeo y recuerda

si te ha gustado este vídeo darle a me

gusta y suscríbete a mi canal para no

perderte ninguno de los vídeos


For more infomation >> ⚠️ El ALGORITMO SECRETO de *INSTAGRAM* ¿DESCIFRADO? - Duration: 4:40.


Как приучить ребенка к горшку. Новорожденный ребенок на горшке. Советы Натальи Квасовой. - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Как приучить ребенка к горшку. Новорожденный ребенок на горшке. Советы Натальи Квасовой. - Duration: 5:10.


Yasak Elma 21. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Yasak Elma 21. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:01.


Мужчина-скряга: терпеть, бросать или воспитывать? - Duration: 16:00.

For more infomation >> Мужчина-скряга: терпеть, бросать или воспитывать? - Duration: 16:00.


Five Little Monsters | Halloween Videos And Songs | Scary Nursery Rhymes by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 15:23.

Five little monsters jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more monsters jumping on the bed

Four little monsters jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more monsters jumping on the bed

Three little monsters jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more monsters jumping on the bed

Two little monsters jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more monsters jumping on the bed

One little monster jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

Put those monsters right to bed

For more infomation >> Five Little Monsters | Halloween Videos And Songs | Scary Nursery Rhymes by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 15:23.


BIRTHDAY with TEARS HOUND DOG(JP ROCK BAND)With subtitles - Duration: 22:39.

For more infomation >> BIRTHDAY with TEARS HOUND DOG(JP ROCK BAND)With subtitles - Duration: 22:39.


Что нельзя говорить мужчине никогда? Секрет идеальных отношений - Duration: 9:58.

For more infomation >> Что нельзя говорить мужчине никогда? Секрет идеальных отношений - Duration: 9:58.


Whales & Jool - Anymore (feat. Brittany McQuinn) - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Whales & Jool - Anymore (feat. Brittany McQuinn) - Duration: 3:11.


خطير جدآ الصعود و حركات فوق المباني!! - Duration: 10:50.

For more infomation >> خطير جدآ الصعود و حركات فوق المباني!! - Duration: 10:50.


250 видео на канале "Сказки для Солвиты" - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> 250 видео на канале "Сказки для Солвиты" - Duration: 1:44.


When ENFPS THRIVE (and when they fail) - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 8:43.

The absolute worst thing that can happen to an ENFP is getting trapped in

routine and repetition and in this video we're going to explore that and, more

importantly, what an ENFP should do to get out of that and when ENFPs are by

far the most successful, when we thrive and this has been true both in my own

life and just all us ENFPs around the world. By the way, if you are new here my

name is Dan, this is Dreams Around The World and my mission here is to help you

become the best version of yourself all while creating the most awesome life

possible for you and those you love now I am one of those crazy in fps

which means just I am an ENFP and in my experience the times that I have done my

absolute best when I felt that I've reaching my potential and that I've made

big change have been when it was a must when I was up against the wall when the

pressure was on and when I needed to make something happen that could have

been quitting a job when I had to start my business

to live off of so I quit I was broke and I just was like all right time to start

selling advertising it was like a media business I had I was you know had a

little newspaper thing it was cool or whether it was moving to Costa Rica I

mean like you got to make this work or you're gonna be homeless in Costa Rica

it's always been about having to do it pushing myself and creating that

pressure and you know it was really kind of crazy is in the early part of my life

let's say like early 20s I always felt like I needed that in order to be

successful and I think I probably unconsciously created situations where I

was like really desperate and that forced me to step up I always had this

thing like huh my life is too easy you know middle-class white dude in Canada

yeah like I have no pressure so I'll never do anything and then eventually I

created that pressure and it kind of sucked then I messed up parts of my life

but it then ended up working out and I guess I was onto something

needing that pressure point is we need that pressure we do not do well in

transitions enfps do not thrive one foot in one foot out hey I'm going to start

my own business but I'm gonna stay at this job and then I'm also gonna make

sure I have six years living expenses in the bank as well as blah blah blah it

doesn't tend to work out we do that for one reason we hate being uncomfortable

we hate having awkward conversations like ending a relationship or quitting a

job and we are ultimately anxious of the future and that can lead to hey maybe

one day I'll see you know behavior and it doesn't work out for us it does not

work out very well at the very least and it leads to getting stuck in something

ultimately what's happening here is that our fear is getting in playing around

with our subconscious and creating these reasons that seem good like I'm often

fooled by other inna @ph where let's say to me hey yeah so I do want to do X Y Z

but you know I have this great plan and I'm gonna do this first and then that

first and like at first it will fool me I'll be like okay yeah that that makes

sense that it wait a minute you're just scared to do the thing you really want

to do so you've come up with a crazy strategy involving degrees and jobs and

all kinds of other stuff that really isn't what you want to do but it avoids

a few uncomfortable moments right it happens and I've said this in other

videos freaking ENFP sometimes we are too smart for our own good and we can

create these excuses and these whole web of lies to convince ourselves not to do

one thing that we think is going to be really uncomfortable and usually isn't

that hard at all once we actually do it so how do you make this change first you

got to start being honest with yourself about what you

we want right get out of reality for a little but do the dreamy thing that

enfps love to do think about the future what you would really want if you could

do anything right I used to play the lottery game as a kid not really what

kids should be doing but be like if I won a million bucks what would I do what

would I buy now I didn't know that if I want a million bucks I'd end up becoming

more depressed and it would like ruin my life at the time I thought winning the

lottery would be good what I do like about that exercise is it gives you the

freedom to just dream there's no what if there's no like I mean it is what if

it's like what if I could do anything there's no limitations

whereas I find as people get older myself included we limit ourselves what

we think is possible and we place these limitations so even when we're in theory

dreaming or thinking big it's like within our little box that we're

thinking big so give yourself permission to just daydream or to think about what

you would really want and then be honest with yourself when you're coming up with

these crazy plans to not do the thing you really want why are you doing that

is it really just fear is it someone else's voice is it a parent or maybe the

general Society is always saying like you can't do that then you'd be happy

and life would be exciting and interesting and that would break our

system why are you resisting the thing you really want to do ask yourself that

get to the core of it and then once you know got to take some kind of big action

you got to do something that commits you to following through could be buy a

plane ticket could be sign up for a course it could be write a really

painful email to end a relationship also don't dump people by email that's messed

up whatever it is take that big action I've written about this on my blog

before about how I quit my job doing this how I started my first copywriting

business just taking a big step that commits you to following through so that

you can't backtrack the worst thing you can do okay it's not the worst thing but

like top 10 worst thing you can do is realize you're not happy

think about what you really want and be like yeah I'm going to make that change

and then do like a halfway commitment like yeah I'm gonna quit my job in six

months or so I'm not gonna tell anyone that now I'm not gonna commit to my boss

but I am going to quit my job and yeah that's my commitment and of course six

months six months to an ENFP is like a lifetime the amount of things that can

change in that period right it's insane so don't have that has to make that

change when you have that fire when you know you're not satisfied with your

current situation and you must make a change make it in that moment commit to

something in that moment that will hold you through to it and then really you're

gonna step up you're an ENFP you're badass when you've got to do it you're

gonna pull it off you're gonna make it happen I have no doubt about that

but you've gotta be honest with yourself about what you really want face that

fear just for like 10 20 seconds I have a rule on my website 20 seconds of

courage it's from that Matt Damon movie We Bought a Zoo brave people are not

brave 24/7 they're brave for like 30 seconds and they do something really

courageous in that moment and then that commits us to a better life through and

through on that note I think I'm gonna film a video about how I committed to

quitting my job in advance that was a really cool experience and I'll share

that as well I'll link to that at the end of this video it's out already if

you have not yet subscribed to the channel hit that subscribe button and

hit the bell so you get notified when I make new videos otherwise you won't know

when there are new videos which is three times a week thank you for watching

catch you in the next video soon and I hope you found this inspiring and you're

gonna take some action and be that badass I know you are ciao


For more infomation >> When ENFPS THRIVE (and when they fail) - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 8:43.


FIFA ONLINE 4 MANAGER - เเจกแผน manager - EP.23 - เเจกเเผน challenger ขอบคุณ 2,000 Sub [ขอแรงแรง] - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> FIFA ONLINE 4 MANAGER - เเจกแผน manager - EP.23 - เเจกเเผน challenger ขอบคุณ 2,000 Sub [ขอแรงแรง] - Duration: 5:08.


Relaxing Piano Music: Relaxing Music, Study Music, Romantic Music, Sleep Music - Duration: 3:02:41.

The Power of Music To Reduce Stress

The soothing power of music is well-established

It has a unique link to our emotions

so can be an extremely effective stress management tool.

Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect

on our minds and bodies

especially slow, quiet classical music.

This type of music can have a beneficial effect on our physiological functions

slowing the pulse and heart rate

lowering blood pressure,

and decreasing the levels of stress hormones.

As music can absorb our attention

it acts as a distraction at the same time

it helps to explore emotions

This means it can be a great aid to meditation

helping to prevent the mind wandering.

Musical preference varies widely between individuals

so only you can decide what you like and what is suitable for each mood.

But even if you don't usually listen to classical music

it may be worth giving it a try

when selecting the most calming music.

When people are very stressed

there is a tendency to avoid actively listening to music

Perhaps it feels like a waste of time

not helping to achieve anything.

But as we know,

productivity increases when stress is reduced,

so this is another area where you can gain vast rewards

It just takes a small effort to begin with

To incorporate music into a busy life,

try playing CDs in the car,

or put the radio on when in the bath or shower.

Take portable music with you when walking the dog

or put the stereo on instead of the TV.

Singing (or shouting) along

can also be a great release of tension

and karaoke is very enjoyable

for some extroverts!

Calming music before bedtime

promotes peace and relaxation and helps to induce sleep.

For more infomation >> Relaxing Piano Music: Relaxing Music, Study Music, Romantic Music, Sleep Music - Duration: 3:02:41.


Sheet Mulching the Front Garden & Harvesting Mint | The Secret to My Gardening Success - Duration: 4:23.

The big plants I'm going to pull and throw by the window. I'm going to leave them to naturally decompose.

Now all those other weeds I'm just going to leave. The grass I'm just going to leave.

The cardboard will cover it all up. I'm only going to put it in the front because I don't have leaves yet.

I have some kale plants that will help anchor it in place. Tomorrow we've got to make it a priority to collect some bags of leaves.

For more infomation >> Sheet Mulching the Front Garden & Harvesting Mint | The Secret to My Gardening Success - Duration: 4:23.


SAFETY polymer clay ideas - Accessories for your amigurumi - Duration: 7:29.

Hi, dear crocheters!

How are you? My name is Fernando

welcome back to GanchiGurumi.

Sometimes, we want to add to our amigurumi

a small piece or accessory,

a special detail,

and we usually crochet that piece

to sew it onto the amigurumi then.

However, sometimes we want

to use another different material

like polymer clay, for example.

The contrast in materials is really cool!

The problem with that is we need to glue the piece

onto the crocheted amigurumi.

It exists the risk of unsticking

and it can be dangerous as well.

Ok, I'm showing you today a cool trick

to solve this issue

and you can make polymer clay accessories

in a safer way.

So let's begin!

If you want to crochet this cutie

go to my Etsy shop and get the pattern!

Ok, this was all!

You saw it's quite simple:

just use your safety eyes

so the accessory gets in place like normal eyes.

Tell me if you liked this trick

and which project you have already in mind!

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For more infomation >> SAFETY polymer clay ideas - Accessories for your amigurumi - Duration: 7:29.


Обзор беспроводных наушников Zolo Liberty+ - Duration: 4:30.

Often when listening to music in wireless headphones

with Bluetooth 4.0, 4.1 encountered with a problem.

It was worth leaving a smartphone in one part of the house and leave

to the other - playing music interrupted.

Solution found and want to introduce you with headphones that

support Bluetooth 5.0.

Namely with the Zolo headset Liberty + from the company Anker.

Bluetooth 5.0 support a lot of advantages.

This is energy saving, and the range is not 10,

and 40 meters and much more.

But first things first and Let's start with the design.

I would say that Liberty Plus look very unusual.

So round and ... plump but very compact and


Headphones are made in plastic case with matte inserts

rubberized material.

In the center of two bowls are glossy panels with logo


Which are buttons management.

Start playing and deliver track to pause can be one

by click.

Long press - switch a song.

A double click causes voice assistant.

Siri, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Microsoft Cortana.

In my memory, this is the first headphones that work

with so many helpers.

The microphone in the headset is located in the right bowl.

I can say that to talk they were quite comfortable

without unnecessary noise.

Complete with headphones comes bright yellow

USB cable, ear cushions of different sizes, pair of clamps,

and a metal case that besides it is a docking station.

He is with a magnetic closer and that's so cool


Kais is not small, but it was done in order to increase

autonomy of the headphones themselves.

In addition, the headset with automatic the inclusion of. Take out of

case - turn on, return back - headphones off.

Anker calls this technology Push & go.

Now let's talk about the very the main thing - the sound.

Chip Zolo Liberty Plus steel composite membranes that

95 percent composed from graphene.

This material is not only 100 times stronger than steel, but

and smaller in weight. Anchor claims that use

graphene made the sound more quality and improved

frequency spectrum.

What in fact?

Liberty Plus sounds nice to me surprised

First, they are really loud.

For me personally, the best there was an audition of 70-80%.

Secondly, I listened to rock, deep club music.

All styles and directions they lost cool.

No blockages, there is lower, middle and upper


Feel the basses, clean vocals, and all this with good sound insulation.

And if during playback music still need to hear

ambient sounds just use transparency mode.

When enabled, it is activated a microphone that will

pass in the ear all that catches around.

This is true in places with busy transport

movement or while running.

More headphones securely fixed, which means they won't even fall out

with active sports.

In addition, the level of moisture protection so that you can not be afraid

get under the rain or even shower.

Continuously, on average volume level worked

I have them somewhere 3.5 hours.

But if periodically recharge in the case then charge

Headset is enough for 2 days.

Monitor battery status, Yes, and for the headphones in general,

convenient in the application Zolo Life.

You can also customize transparency mode function

voice assistant tweak equalizer and even find

lost headphones!

It's cool.

And in general, if you compare with the previous model then

manufacturers have done a big step forward.

The younger Zolo Liberty supported Bluetooth 4.2, their battery charge

enough for a day was not transparency mode and application.

Well, let's summarize.

I was very pleased with the sound - cool.

As for me, they can create healthy headphone competition

famous brands.

A huge plus was the support Bluetooth 5.0, waterproof, good

autonomy, and comfortable prog zolo life.

It by the way is for Android, and for iOS.

Also on the market headphones available in 2 colors: white

and black.

Yes, the case is too big, but not critical, given

their period of work with periodic recharging.

Write in the comments how do you like Zolo Liberty Plus and use

do wireless at all headphones?

Subscribe to the channel, Like and click on


See also the review on portable speakers Anchor

and learn how to choose a portable column.


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