Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 30 2018

do you want to jailbreak iOS 9.3.5 on any iOS device no

computer required? if so let's start. good day guys

it's Saunders Tech. If this is your first time here , and you want to master your

knowledge about iOS and Apple tech start now by subscribing, and ring that Bell so

you don't miss an upload. And if you go on to enjoy this video make sure you

smash the like button so it's quite simple you just want to go to this link

in description it'll bring you to here and you're gonna tap download icon you

just want to wait a bit, you'll see this pop-up you want to tap install and now jailbreak

we're using is Phoenix however they put it in Chinese

characters for some reason so you can see on our home screen that Phoenix is

starting to install, i'll be back once it's done once Phoenix has

installed, you need to manually allow access, by doing this go into settings, general, device management,

find the enterprise app that it's in, you want app trust, trust again and now this jailbreak supports

the following devices iPhone 4s, iPhone 5 iPhone 5c, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, and iPod Touch 5th generation

if you don't have any of these devices then this jailbreak will

not work for you. Let's just open up Phoenix again: you want to tap it. You can tap

kickstart jailbreak, and the iOS 9.3.5 jailbreak will start preparing. you want to use provided offsets that's

going to run the exploit now there's an ad you just wanna tap the "x" and if it

asks again you just want to tap it and you are going to see your jailbroken and it

should respring now sometimes you'll device will restart and you won't be jailbroken

if this is the case you need to open up the Phoenix app again and then do the jailbreak

process again and then you'll be jailbroken so be back once it's respringed

ok so once it's respringed we want to swipe to unlock and we're going to see that

Cydia is now on our device, it should load if there isn't cyda on the

device that means that the jailbreak was unsuccessful so you have to open up the

Phoenix up again and redo the jailbreak and eventually it will work work. if you got your jailbreak working

before when you want to redo your jailbreak, and the cydia app is crashing, that means

you want to re-jailbrake. You can see here Cydia, down here

you can see iPhone 4s iOS 9 and let's just wait for this

you will see this popup it's fine you want to tap return, and you'll see return to cydia, and you'll see essential

upgrade you want to tap upgrade, tap confirm, and now it's going to do some updates to Cydia

you're going to see this you want to tap return to Cydia sometimes the cydia app just

crashes you just want to open it up back again and be all good so now we are basically

finished you can install tweaks you can add sources so that's the end for this

video from here to the left there'll be an end screen you can tap

that and it'll bring you to my latest video and then to the right there's

video that I've recommended for you and in the middle there's a subscribe button

you should tap on it... if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave a like subscribe if

you're new follow me on twitter at saunders tech there's a link in the

description like always have a good day guys peace out

For more infomation >> How to jailbreak iOS 9.3.5 NO COMPUTER NO APPVALLEY iPhone 4S/5/5C iPad 2/3/4 Mini 1 iPod Touch - Duration: 3:03.


Amanda Peet Can't Impress Her Kids - Duration: 6:13.

-I am so happy you're here.

-I'm happy to be here.

-I'm doubly happy you're here because I don't drink

during the show, but you asked if you could have one.

-Sure. -And so now we're going to.

-Kay. [ Cheers and applause ]


-The difference between me and you in this situation is

I've already had some.

-Oh, you have? [ Laughter ]

That is great news that you've already had some.

That is, like, in line with something you do

when you're on talk shows?

That's not just like an everyday thing?

-It's an everyday thing. -Okay, gotcha.

[ Laughter ]

-No, it's because, you know, because I'm here and I'm --

scared I'm going to tank.

-Just like a little, you want to take the edge --

You're not going to tank.

-I like you a lot, so, it's --

-Oh, you're worried you're gonna let me down?

-It's much better when I don't like someone.

-Oh, great.

So, anytime I see you on talk show not drinking,

I'm gonna know, "Oh, she hates them."

[ Laughter ]

-Still respect them. -Yeah, right.

The show is fantastic. Congratulations.

This is -- "The Romanoffs,"

there's an episode shot in Europe.

There's an episode shot on a cruise ship.

Your episode was shot in New York.

-My hometown. -You went to college here. Yeah.

So were you a little bummed out

that you just had to do a New York episode?

-No, I'm so excited to be here.

Every time I come to my trailer,

whenever I'm employed here, it's like I won the lottery.

I can't believe it's really happening.

-And you move all around the city in this episode.

It is a very nice snapshot of the city.

You play -- One thing that is strange,

and your character is also coming to terms with this,

but you are about to be a grandmother in this episode.

When you first saw the script --

[ Laughter ]

-Thank you for laughing.

-Yes, I agree. I think we can all agree.

[ Cheers and applause ]

My grandmother never looked like you.

[ Laughter ]

She was old. What?

-That's what you think. -Okay.

-Because, see, I have this thing

where I think we're all in denial.

I know you're a little younger than I am, but I'm 46.

And I can't -- -I'm 45, so we're okay.

[ Laughter ]

-I can't believe I'm 46.

-Yeah. -You know?

Like I can't believe it. -I agree with that.

[ Laughter ]

-No, no, no. I'm really serious.

-Here's what -- You know what's crazy?

And while you're talking -- I'm 44.

I'm so old, I'm starting to forget how old I am.

[ Laughter ]

You know what I mean?

'Cause, like, basically 44 and 45 you're like,

it doesn't matter anymore.

[ Laughter ]

-Right. It's all really dodgy.

-Do you feel like look back at things, like,

in your previous life and do you laugh at, like,

what you used to think was old?

-Yes. So, I think about "Thirtysomething," that show.

-Television show. Yes. -"Thirtysomething."

And I think about them and they seemed like,

"Oh, they're grown-ups with their grown-up problems

and children, cancer, middle age."

And, like, I'm [bleep]

Sorry. [ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Don't point at the one on the desk like that was the problem.

[ Cheers and applause ]

I know what you mean, though.

-I -- I cannot believe that I'm gonna be 20 years older

than those people in a hot minute.


-And then I'm gonna be a bag of dust.

[ Laughter ]

-Well, I used to watch a show called "Bag of Dust."

No, I remember when "Thirtysomething" was on,

my parents would watch it.

And I thought it was boring because I was so young

that I thought people in their 30s were boring.

I'm now, you know, 14 years older than what was boring.

-Right. That's exactly how I feel.

-I'm heartbreakingly boring compared to that. Yeah.

-Yes. Yes.

-Well, all right. I'm sorry for both of us.

[ Laughter ]

You have -- Well, I want to ask about this.

You have three children. -Yes.

-But you are not a grandmother. Not even close.

-I had to think about it for a second.

[ Laughter ]

-Oh, no. Grandma drinks so much, she has to --

she can't remember.

[ Laughter ]

"Who are you?!"

-Wait a minute. [ Grumbles ]

-Are your children -- How old is your oldest?

-11. -11.

So, do they -- Are they excited by what you do?

Are they excited to have a parent -- I mean both --

your husband, I should point out,

is the creator and showrunner of "Game of Thrones," Dave Benioff.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Yeah. It was a weird reaction.

It was like, "Ooh!"

-It was a little bit like he's a rock star.

-Yeah, it is.

-It makes me feel slightly less old.

-Yeah, I think that's good. -Yeah.

-Now, do they -- do your kids watch "Game of Thrones"?

-Well, no. They don't -- -Well, yeah, that's true.

That would be just bad parenting.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

I mean, we're definitely not good parents,

but we don't do that. -Right, right.

-Yes. They -- somehow I can't impress my kids.

I don't -- it's no matter what I do. Yeah.

They're just -- they don't want to watch our stuff.

Not that they're really allowed to,

but they also aren't interested

when there is something they can watch.

And on the rare occasions when there's been a billboard

with my face on it, they just -- they act sort of like my mom.

Like, they feel sorry for me.

[ Laughter ]

-What do you mean? -I don't know.

Well, it was for "Togetherness" and I was in a bikini top.


-And they were really --

they were pretty judgmental, I want to say.

[ Laughter ]

-They were judgmental in what?

-They felt sorry for me

that I had to parade around town like that.

-Okay. Gotcha. [ Laughter ]

Wait, how often did you go by the billboard?

Was that sort of on a route?

-It was a problem because it was kind of the way to school.

They just -- they were like...

"Mom, God."

Just really, truly, truly, genuinely embarrassed for me,

and just not impressed.

-I do think that helps put show business in perspective

'cause you think it's really cool,

and then you have kids being like,

"Mom, you know this is dumb, right?"

And you're like, "Yeah."

For more infomation >> Amanda Peet Can't Impress Her Kids - Duration: 6:13.



what you should know the best thing

you possibly can to improve your


in instagram the key is how

It works its algorithm video you today

I want to talk about how works

instagram algorithm for it

We try to figure out what best

the name

or entrepreneurs in life my name is

John Merolla Welcome to a new video

If this is your first time and want to learn

all tricks on digital marketing

and how to be an entrepreneur success

Subscribe to my channel algorithm

instagram is based on a series of

ecuaciones que junto a la inteligencia

artificial lo que busca es decir para

cada usuario que fotos y vídeos son los

más importantes para él y van a tener

mejor aceptación y para ello usa tres

factores principales interés tiempo y

vinculación vamos a ver lo uno por uno

el interés cuanto más cree el algoritmo

que algo te va a gustar más

probabilidades hay de que aparezca en tu

cuenta todo esto está basado en

comportamientos pasados que has hecho

con tu cuenta para ayudarles a predecir

tu comportamiento futuro el tiempo

instagram da mayor prioridad a las

publicaciones más actuales esa es la

razón por la que normalmente

publicaciones pasadas no te vuelven a

aparecer o no las ves no pero instagram

está empezando a tener en cuenta este

factor al igual que lo hizo en su

momento con facebook y es en ciertos

momentos no muestran de nuevo ciertas

publicaciones pasadas que tuvieron un


de interacción estoy convencido que esto

es algo que cada vez iremos viendo con

mayor frecuencia la vinculación qué

grado de cercanía tienes con el creador

de contenido si tú haces un montón de

comentarios interactuar normalmente con

determinada cuenta o aparece ese

etiquetado en sus fotos es mucho más

probable que instagram os catálogo y

como amigos cercanos o familias y dé

prioridad a estas publicaciones entre

vosotros al igual que en el anterior

factor este cada vez va adquiriendo más

importancia pero aquí no queda la cosa

hay muchos más factores que suman o

restan a la hora de dar visibilidad a

tus publicaciones entre ellos la

frecuencia con la que publicas por lo

que a mayor frecuencia teóricamente

mayor visibilidad pero cuidado con esto

ya que estos factores no se analizan de

una manera unitaria sino que van

mezclando variables es decir que si

tienes por ejemplo una alta frecuencia

de publicación pero la interacción de

tus publicaciones es muy baja al final

será contraproducente el tiempo que

pasas dentro de la red social también es

otro de los factores que tiene en cuenta

a la hora

contenidos personalizados para ti

obviamente nunca vamos a conseguir

desvelar el cien por cien de ningún

algoritmo de ninguna red social porque

si no quién lo consiguiese tendría un

poder prácticamente total sobre la misma

lo que sí podemos hacer es en base a las

indicaciones que nos dan intentar

comprenderlo mejor y aplicarlo a cómo

usamos diariamente nuestros canales

sociales en este caso estamos hablando

de instagram para potenciar la

visibilidad de lo que en ella publicamos

y por lo tanto el alcance que tenemos y

su potencial conversión por lo que mi

recomendación es que siempre bases tu

uso en prácticas permitidas por

instagram que evites todo tipo de

herramientas que te prometen ganar

seguidores eso me gusta de una manera

digamos poco natural y que analices

todos los datos de tu cuenta para ir

entendiendo mejor qué es lo que tus

seguidores quieren para que se lo puedas

dar ya que recuerda hablamos de

algoritmos pero la realidad es que es

más bien un sistema personalizado que

aprende por cada usuario

quiero que participes en el sorteo

mensual de mi curso online de estrategia

de marketing digital

no tienes que dejar aquí abajo en los

comentarios la respuesta a esta pregunta

crees que inviertes el suficiente tiempo

en tu cuenta de instagram

te doy dos opciones que verás en

pantalla tan sólo por dejar tu respuesta

entrarás en el sorteo mensual ahora te

quiero compartir un vídeo muy importante

sobre instagram no sobre el llamado

shadow band es un vídeo que hice hace

poco y habla de una penalización que

instagram aplica a las cuentas por lo

que echa un vistazo al vídeo y comprueba

si te ha pasado y cómo puedes evitarlo

te lo dejo en la tarjeta aquí arriba y

en la descripción del vídeo y recuerda

si te ha gustado este vídeo darle a me

gusta y suscríbete a mi canal para no

perderte ninguno de los vídeos


For more infomation >> ⚠️ El ALGORITMO SECRETO de *INSTAGRAM* ¿DESCIFRADO? - Duration: 4:40.


Как приучить ребенка к горшку. Новорожденный ребенок на горшке. Советы Натальи Квасовой. - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Как приучить ребенка к горшку. Новорожденный ребенок на горшке. Советы Натальи Квасовой. - Duration: 5:10.


Five Little Monsters | Halloween Videos And Songs | Scary Nursery Rhymes by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 15:23.

Five little monsters jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more monsters jumping on the bed

Four little monsters jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more monsters jumping on the bed

Three little monsters jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more monsters jumping on the bed

Two little monsters jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more monsters jumping on the bed

One little monster jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

Put those monsters right to bed

For more infomation >> Five Little Monsters | Halloween Videos And Songs | Scary Nursery Rhymes by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 15:23.


BIRTHDAY with TEARS HOUND DOG(JP ROCK BAND)With subtitles - Duration: 22:39.

For more infomation >> BIRTHDAY with TEARS HOUND DOG(JP ROCK BAND)With subtitles - Duration: 22:39.


250 видео на канале "Сказки для Солвиты" - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> 250 видео на канале "Сказки для Солвиты" - Duration: 1:44.


Relaxing Piano Music: Relaxing Music, Study Music, Romantic Music, Sleep Music - Duration: 3:02:41.

The Power of Music To Reduce Stress

The soothing power of music is well-established

It has a unique link to our emotions

so can be an extremely effective stress management tool.

Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect

on our minds and bodies

especially slow, quiet classical music.

This type of music can have a beneficial effect on our physiological functions

slowing the pulse and heart rate

lowering blood pressure,

and decreasing the levels of stress hormones.

As music can absorb our attention

it acts as a distraction at the same time

it helps to explore emotions

This means it can be a great aid to meditation

helping to prevent the mind wandering.

Musical preference varies widely between individuals

so only you can decide what you like and what is suitable for each mood.

But even if you don't usually listen to classical music

it may be worth giving it a try

when selecting the most calming music.

When people are very stressed

there is a tendency to avoid actively listening to music

Perhaps it feels like a waste of time

not helping to achieve anything.

But as we know,

productivity increases when stress is reduced,

so this is another area where you can gain vast rewards

It just takes a small effort to begin with

To incorporate music into a busy life,

try playing CDs in the car,

or put the radio on when in the bath or shower.

Take portable music with you when walking the dog

or put the stereo on instead of the TV.

Singing (or shouting) along

can also be a great release of tension

and karaoke is very enjoyable

for some extroverts!

Calming music before bedtime

promotes peace and relaxation and helps to induce sleep.

For more infomation >> Relaxing Piano Music: Relaxing Music, Study Music, Romantic Music, Sleep Music - Duration: 3:02:41.


Обзор беспроводных наушников Zolo Liberty+ - Duration: 4:30.

Often when listening to music in wireless headphones

with Bluetooth 4.0, 4.1 encountered with a problem.

It was worth leaving a smartphone in one part of the house and leave

to the other - playing music interrupted.

Solution found and want to introduce you with headphones that

support Bluetooth 5.0.

Namely with the Zolo headset Liberty + from the company Anker.

Bluetooth 5.0 support a lot of advantages.

This is energy saving, and the range is not 10,

and 40 meters and much more.

But first things first and Let's start with the design.

I would say that Liberty Plus look very unusual.

So round and ... plump but very compact and


Headphones are made in plastic case with matte inserts

rubberized material.

In the center of two bowls are glossy panels with logo


Which are buttons management.

Start playing and deliver track to pause can be one

by click.

Long press - switch a song.

A double click causes voice assistant.

Siri, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Microsoft Cortana.

In my memory, this is the first headphones that work

with so many helpers.

The microphone in the headset is located in the right bowl.

I can say that to talk they were quite comfortable

without unnecessary noise.

Complete with headphones comes bright yellow

USB cable, ear cushions of different sizes, pair of clamps,

and a metal case that besides it is a docking station.

He is with a magnetic closer and that's so cool


Kais is not small, but it was done in order to increase

autonomy of the headphones themselves.

In addition, the headset with automatic the inclusion of. Take out of

case - turn on, return back - headphones off.

Anker calls this technology Push & go.

Now let's talk about the very the main thing - the sound.

Chip Zolo Liberty Plus steel composite membranes that

95 percent composed from graphene.

This material is not only 100 times stronger than steel, but

and smaller in weight. Anchor claims that use

graphene made the sound more quality and improved

frequency spectrum.

What in fact?

Liberty Plus sounds nice to me surprised

First, they are really loud.

For me personally, the best there was an audition of 70-80%.

Secondly, I listened to rock, deep club music.

All styles and directions they lost cool.

No blockages, there is lower, middle and upper


Feel the basses, clean vocals, and all this with good sound insulation.

And if during playback music still need to hear

ambient sounds just use transparency mode.

When enabled, it is activated a microphone that will

pass in the ear all that catches around.

This is true in places with busy transport

movement or while running.

More headphones securely fixed, which means they won't even fall out

with active sports.

In addition, the level of moisture protection so that you can not be afraid

get under the rain or even shower.

Continuously, on average volume level worked

I have them somewhere 3.5 hours.

But if periodically recharge in the case then charge

Headset is enough for 2 days.

Monitor battery status, Yes, and for the headphones in general,

convenient in the application Zolo Life.

You can also customize transparency mode function

voice assistant tweak equalizer and even find

lost headphones!

It's cool.

And in general, if you compare with the previous model then

manufacturers have done a big step forward.

The younger Zolo Liberty supported Bluetooth 4.2, their battery charge

enough for a day was not transparency mode and application.

Well, let's summarize.

I was very pleased with the sound - cool.

As for me, they can create healthy headphone competition

famous brands.

A huge plus was the support Bluetooth 5.0, waterproof, good

autonomy, and comfortable prog zolo life.

It by the way is for Android, and for iOS.

Also on the market headphones available in 2 colors: white

and black.

Yes, the case is too big, but not critical, given

their period of work with periodic recharging.

Write in the comments how do you like Zolo Liberty Plus and use

do wireless at all headphones?

Subscribe to the channel, Like and click on


See also the review on portable speakers Anchor

and learn how to choose a portable column.


For more infomation >> Обзор беспроводных наушников Zolo Liberty+ - Duration: 4:30.


950 PUANLI RAKİBİ 7-0 YENDİĞİM TAKTİĞİ KİM İSTİYOR ? | pes 2019 iyi oynama taktikleri - Duration: 11:07.

For more infomation >> 950 PUANLI RAKİBİ 7-0 YENDİĞİM TAKTİĞİ KİM İSTİYOR ? | pes 2019 iyi oynama taktikleri - Duration: 11:07.


Boeing 737 Max 8 American Airlines Indonesia Full Details - Duration: 6:23.

Boeing 737 Max 8 American Airlines Indonesia Full Details

For more infomation >> Boeing 737 Max 8 American Airlines Indonesia Full Details - Duration: 6:23.


Father Rod Bower - Central Coast Video News - Duration: 21:31.

Hello and welcome to Central Coast Newspapers' Video News. My name is Jackie

Pearson and today I'm joined by Father Rod Bower. Father Rod is actually the

Archdeacon for Justice in the Diocese of Newcastle, welcome Father Rod. Thank you

for having me. I'm sure you are well known by all of our readers and viewers

thank you very much for your time. You've just written your second book I believe.

I have in doing and it's called outspoken strangely enough. How did you

ever come across that? The publisher was actually putting pressure on me for a

working title and and I couldn't think of anything, so he said I'll just call it

'Outspoken', because all justice is social and that then it became the working

title, and then they liked at the end of the day and that was just, all justice

social. I've heard a couple of things and read a couple of the interviews that

you've done since the release of the book and and you very much talk in the

book, or explore in the book that that continuum, that balance between what you

call justice and order. Do you want to give us a definition of what you mean by

that. Well often the order we need, order is really important we don't want anarchy. So

order's really important, but order without justice is tyranny and often we

see that in social dynamics and in almost in everything, from personal

relationships up to right up to the national scene. If we look at the

national scene in terms of our treatment of refugees and asylum seekers.

What we see there is the triumph of order over justice. So in other words, there is a

issue in terms of refugees what we do is go into order mode and have Operations

Sovereign Borders, that's all about order, keeping our borders you know safe

and all that kind of thing, but at the cost of justice. So

we're locking innocent people up. And that dynamic exists in in local

communities as well in personal relationships and so the book's an

attempt to I guess explore how that those two things; order and

justice dance together to create a safe and just society. Now you came to

national and international prominence with your your message on on the sign at

the front of your church about LGTBIQ plus and same-sex marriage but the

first time I heard you speak was on an anniversary of 9/11 and you were

speaking about the first time you got some pushback on your sign which was

following 9/11 when you put the words 'Forgiveness is Freedom' on the sign up

you know a new church and I'm interested in in exploring that issue of

forgiveness and and I suppose within the context of you know it is order and

justice the same as conservatism and progressiveness and and then how do you

overlay what is a spiritual concept like forgiveness sorry to plunge in the deep

end. Okay yeah and so often that dynamic of order and justice is seen in our

political life from a conservative and a progressive so it is really the

manifestation often but what both of those two sides and then that's of

trouble with our political life it's we are we are black and white where we've

seen as a binary theme whereas in fact both conservative and progressive have

something to offer and and and and how they dance together is really the

important thing there was a Robert Man who's a well-known public intellectual

wrote a great article only a few weeks ago on the asylum seeker issue and saying

really until though the conservatives and the progressives get out of their

corners and come together and try and seek a solution because at the at the

moment the the argument is about beating each other. They're stuck to the walls.

Yeah not adding these kids off Nauru. The only way we're going to get

these kids off Nauru is for the for the progressives who who are really

passionate about justice and the conservatives who are really concerned

genuinely and rightly concerned about order come together and try and find a

solution. Is that they need to forgive themselves in each other. Well I think we

both have to give up what we see is our moral high-ground and especially the

progressives who tend to want to dwell on them in the moral high ground and

don't want to compromise and but honestly life together is a better

compromise then as a nation as in our you know in our personal relationships

as well in the terms of in terms of the dynamic of forgiveness that is it is as

much a political concept as that is there's a spiritual concept to be honest

and the idea of forgiveness is not saying that you know what you did is

okay it may well not be okay. I like to think of it in terms of when

when someone harms me or hurts me or wounds me in some way what they're

really done is they've they've they're fired as if a metaphorical arrow into my

heart or into my being and and that causes the wound, but the trouble is

there's a there's a rope on that on that arrow that is connected to them and they

can wiggle that and it will continue to cause me pain. The idea of forgiveness is

cutting that rope. In the book you were adopted. I do believe that you know what

happens to us in our formative years, as children shapes us in one way or another.

Have you had to apply that that very I mean the the principle of forgiveness is

very central to the teachings of Christ isn't it how have you found your way

down that path? I mean I think in in one way shape or form we all have to give

our parents for something and my my kids

and so that dynamic I think I talked in my

in the book in terms of my dad having a problem with alcohol and that caused a

lot of wounding in our family and and the fact that I in my younger days also

had a problem with alcohol indicated to me eventually when I wised up a bit that

I hadn't forgiven him for that and and therefore I was playing out his his

particular script and until I could forgive him for that I would continue to

do that so you know that was a perfect example of that in my own story. So you

started out as a butcher which was your your adopted dad's trade. Was there a

moment when God came to you? Or was it more like a progression of you reaching

out to or finding? No Damascus Road experience, no not really I

mean I I went back to church in my early 20s after having 10 years never been

anywhere near a church and only because it was Christmas Day and I thought at

Christmas Day yeah he got a church on Christmas Day that's what I did and I I

was captured by the the otherness, the transcendence of what was going on in

this this this worship experience and I think I caught a little glimpse of

something that was more than the life I was leading and so I went back the next

week and the next week and the way and eventually people started to I was a

young single man so you know obviously people thought oh here's a, would

grab this bloke and make him a priest and and so I I kind of resisted that for

a very long time and and I thought I'll I'll settle it I'll go to the bishop and

he'll throw me out of his office and that'll be it and he didn't and 30 years

later I'm still wearing this strange uniform. Now it's been an interesting

decade for the Anglican Church, particularly in this area with

the Royal Commission and I guess this binds those issues of childhood and and

and metaphorical arrows and forgiveness. Are you comfortable with where the

Anglican Church currently sits as an outcome of the Royal Commission into

institutional child abuse? I mean the dynamic we saw in the Royal Commission

is is another classic example of order and justice.The church chose order

over justice and it's very easy for the church to do that. Since the Royal

Commission during that process we had some wonderful leadership from the then

Bishop Thompson who was very clear that he was he was not going to

allow that dynamic to continue that we would choose justice over order and so

we are now in the diocese of Newcastle at a point where we very clear that we will

pay proper redress. tThat and not only will we do that but we will have systems

in place that ensure that those kinds of crimes never occur again. Now of course

when you're dealing with human beings you you can never take your eye off the

ball you can never say "well you know we've fixed that now" because constant

vigilance is necessary to ensure the safety of vulnerable people. So you asked

me am i comfortable. I'm never totally comfortable because I think the minute

you become totally comfortable you actually you expose vulnerable people to

to harm. So never complacent but I I am part of an organisation that is utterly

committed to justice and to protecting vulnerable people from harm. How long

have you been at Gosford? I'm in my 19th year in Gosford, which is a

very long time in one place. So in terms of the local issues, in terms of justice

in in your own community what do you think the major challenges facing this

community are right now? I think the there are I think the major issue

is facing a community I are in our homes, on our streets and in our wider

community. So the major issue facing us in our homes on the Central Coast is

domestic violence. We are we are one of the highest incidents of domestic

violence in the country and so and that that requires an absolute change in

culture, especially amongst men. Men have to pick up the ball here and and just

simply not accept other men using violence or even even speaking in

violent ways or diminishing women as a joke and I think you know men got to

stand up and say "mate that's not OK" and change the culture when we do that

we will see change. Secondly I think the issue on our streets is is the homeless issue.

We have a high incidence of homelessness on the Central Coast and that comes from

a high incidence of mental illness mental health issues and so we've got to

do much better in the area of mental health on the Central Coast and that

requires money and lobbying and annoying our politicians until we get the funding

that we need. Are our politicians amenable at a local level?

Do you feel like that they're listening to what people like you would

say? It's it's it's a difficult issue and it's not just fixed through

through money but and. I think all politicians want to see this this change.

It's such a difficult issue that it's it's it's just not all a one one thing

fix all, it's such a multi-faceted thing. So it's it's not just the Pollies' but

there are our whole community has to come together and do something better.

Now I must ask you about the impending church closures on the

Peninsula at Point Claire and I think at The Entrance and parishioners were were

told that part of the imperative for closing some of those churches was to

pay for compensation to the victims. Do you want to speak to that? Yes I mean

that is that is part of the issue and certainly we as a church throughout

history and you know looking back the Royal Commission looked back about 50

years so over the last 50 years have been you know every parishioner every

priest the whole community have been part of a culture that allowed children

to be abused and and so we've got to take collective responsibility for this

as now I simply won't accept saying "I didn't know anything about it not my not

my responsibility". It is it's our collective responsibility

so therefore we have to find ways to fund proper redress but that's only one

part of what's happening in terms of the sale of church buildings. Most of our older

church buildings on the Central Coast you would notice are actually placed at

the on the water because the priests used to travel by boat and yeah so if

you if you look at you know the church here and Gosford or at the old church

Kincumber at that the and and so that the model of ministry has changed since

then. Now we travel by road but a lot of our churches were built certainly

before transport was as easily accessible as it is and if we want to be

a vibrant Church well into the 21st and hopefully 22nd and 23rd centuries then

we can't keep running a 19th century model. At the moment what that's what

we're doing and so we have to run a 20th century model that recognizes that

people travel for all sorts of things so we don't need a church in every corner.

We also need to be a well-funded Church and so the vision the bishop has for the

diocese is to have less parishes about better funded parishes where we can be

better service to the community. Okay back to other issues that you cover off

in the book from a very personal perspective. I think there's everything

your own childhood through to, you know guns in the streets of America. Are we

are we living, is contemporary society reflective of the kingdom of God or a

fallen world? Hopefully neither of those well I'd sadly now on one the the first

century Palestinian Jews had this concept of two eons of time the one we

live in now and the one that is to come and founder the firm that I work for was

utterly obsessed by the one that is to come and and he kept saying the way we

the way we bring that into being is to live it now and and so I think all the

work we do as a church is about trying to bring that that Kingdom into

existence and it's it's it's not just a religious thing. In fact it's a very

small portion that is a religious thing. It is a social thing because as I say in

the book 'all justice is social'. What Jesus called the Kingdom of God I would

now call a just society. Right. So bringing a just society into existence

requires every human being to to live as if it was already a just society and

that's got a lot everything to do with what we do with our money what we do

with our personal power. You know often we get hooked up on the sex thing Jesus

didn't even mention that, but he he spoke so much about what we do with our money

and how we manage our finances. Which brings us to another Royal Commission. Absolutely and then yeah

the the Banking Royal Commission is a clear example of how we have not been

living as a just society because financially vulnerable people have been

deeply harmed by greed. So the founder of your brand said "love one another" How are

we going on a scale of one to ten with that in the world in the world as it is

father. Right it's it's really difficult to to answer

that question because I see moments pockets of incredible events of loving

our neighbor and then I see things like the Banking Royal Commission and the

Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse. Where the absolute opposite has happened

there. So we are a mixture but you know I I spend a lot of time with year

12 students they are in schools in society and lecturing of society and

culture subject. In schools? In public in private and I always come away

utterly inspired by these young people. They are so much more societally aware

that I was when I was their age. They are so much more aware of social justice

issues and committed to a to living out a just society. Sometimes I think the

sooner my generation get out of the way and let these young people run the show

better off we'll be, but. So you haven't bought your book to do a plug but it's called

Outspoken, available in all good book shops and online. I must ask you how much do

you like writing in the broad spectrum of what you do for a living and what you

give to your family and community how much do you like writing? I think most

writers would agree that it is a dance between agony and ecstasy when you write

there are there are moments of mountaintop experiences where a word or

a phrase just that comes and you think I don't know where that came from but it's

wonderful I'm gonna ride it yeah and then there's the blank page that sits in

front of you for days and you just can't get up a word down

and and that's agony. So it's being a writer really just putting your

humanity on the page and I think all human beings understand the the dance

between agony and ecstasy and human living. Certainly do. We just have the

privilege of putting it down on paper. I want to leave on a high point but

just before I do as a consequence of your outspokenness you've had services

invaded threats against you what what keeps you going? I think what keeps me

going is I have three and almost four grandchildren and my little little

granddaughter is just about to be born statistically we are told she'll live

till she's 104 and so that's well into the 22nd century. I want it I want to

believe them a world that is a place in which they can live and love and

flourish and be safe and that's what that's what drives me. I think

that's a wonderful place to stop thank you so much for your time. Pleasure, thank you.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more in depth interviews from the region's leaders, thinkers, doers and community champions.

For more infomation >> Father Rod Bower - Central Coast Video News - Duration: 21:31.


Amanda Peet Knows How Game of Thrones Will End - Duration: 2:28.

-I'm not asking for any spoilers,

because I would hate to have it spoiled,

but is it then safe to say because of who you're married to

and because of where it's at in the process,

that you know how "Game of Thrones" ends?

You do know. All right. So, just look at Camera 1.

Look at Camera 1. Don't say anything.

Just think about it, and then we'll all go back

and watch this.

And we're going to try to figure out from your expression.

Don't say a word. Just think about how it ends.

-This is my poker face. -Okay. Great.

-Are you ready? -Yeah. Go.

-Okay. [ Laughs ] -Oh, my God. That was terrible.

Oh, no. That was a bad poker face.

-It's my drunk -- My drunk poker face

is different from my sober poker face.

-They say that's why you probably shouldn't --

-Okay, grandma?!

-You -- I did not know this about you.

You are also a playwright. You've written a couple plays.

-Yes. -How -- I'm fascinated by that.

I'm impressed by that. What is your writing process?

Is there a place you like to write more than other places?

-No. It's just -- I don't have an office.

I don't -- I probably should at some point,

but I don't do that.

And I -- It's really miserable.

-Yeah. Well, writing, I think, no matter where you do it,

is fairly miserable.

I think there's -- Nothing's worse than

when people say, "I just love to write,"

'cause I like to believe that nobody actually likes to write.

-No, the problem with me is that when I think I finish --

So, I did compare it to childbirth,

because when I gave birth to Molly, I --

Everyone was celebrating and saying, "She's here, she's here.

The head is here."

And I breathed a sigh of relief and was elated.

And then my O.B. -- Just her head just came over

and she's like, "Now you just got to

get out the shoulders."

I was like, "Wait. What? What are you talking about?"

And I'm not 46.

-"I am a young woman."

-Sheer disbelief that it takes another round of effort

when you've already -- I just -- Yeah.

-The rewriting, which is, I think,

when the best stuff comes out of,

but it is a drag to have to do it, as well.

-Yes, and it's embarrassing to look back

and think that I thought that I was finished,

and then, boy, I wasn't even close.

-What a delight to have you here.

For more infomation >> Amanda Peet Knows How Game of Thrones Will End - Duration: 2:28.


Seth Meyers Addresses the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting - Duration: 2:12.

If you don't mind indulging me,

I'd like to take a moment to speak about the horrific events

that happened in Pittsburgh this weekend,

mostly just to talk about my connection to Pittsburgh.

It's the closest thing I would say that I have

to an ancestral home.

My father is from Pittsburgh,

and he talks about Pittsburgh all the time.

My father is very proud of Pittsburgh,

and I think that it's true of most people from the Burgh.

We go back one weekend a year,

and basically it's just two straight days of my dad saying,

"That used to be there, this used to be here,

that's new, that is a place that isn't here anymore,

and I miss the place that was there."

And it is a place that means a lot to me because of that.

My dad's from a neighborhood called East Liberty.

It is spelled East Liberty.

In Pittsburgh, it is pronounced Slibberdy.

I know this to be the case because every time

someone from Pittsburgh asks me where my dad is from

and I say, "East Liberty," they look at me like I'm crazy

and they say, "You mean Slibberdy?"

Because I guess I'm the lunatic

because I pronounced E-A-S-T "East," and not "Sluh."

[ Laughter ]

We go once a year to see the Steelers play.

We were there earlier this month.

It was, I found, great solace

in watching the Steelers play this Sunday

because it does feel like every day, we wake up,

and something that we've taken for granted is gone,

a norm that we thought we all agreed upon

has been tossed out the window.

And yet, on Sunday, I got to watch the Steelers

beat the Cleveland Browns, and I realized,

you know, not everything has changed.

[ Laughter ]

Which was nice.

I'm not Jewish, but my wife is Jewish.

My kids are going to be Jewish.

My great-grandfather was Jewish,

and he took a boat in 1869 to Manhattan,

and then he went straight from there to Pittsburgh,

and the Meyers family has been living there,

members of the Meyers family have been living there,

and have been thriving there in the city

that welcomed them so many years ago.

So I just want to say thank you to Pittsburgh.

I want to say that we're thinking of you, Pittsburgh,

and I want to thank you all for indulging me.

So I really appreciate it. [ Cheers and applause ]

For more infomation >> Seth Meyers Addresses the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting - Duration: 2:12.


Freiburg in Aufruhr nach Gruppenvergewaltigung - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Freiburg in Aufruhr nach Gruppenvergewaltigung - Duration: 2:59.


S. Korea's passenger car exports drop by 13.6% y/y in Q3 - Duration: 0:32.

the nation's exports of passenger cars felled in a third quarter in large part

due to weaker sales in the US and Canada according to the Korea Customs Service

the number fell on year by thirteen point six percent in the

july-to-september period marking the fourth straight quarter of declines in

total so shipped five hundred fifty thousand vehicles worth a total of 8.1

billion US dollars in contrast car imports increased by almost six percent

during the same period a trend driven by higher demand for eco-friendly vehicles

For more infomation >> S. Korea's passenger car exports drop by 13.6% y/y in Q3 - Duration: 0:32.


[ENG SUB] VICTON CLIPBOARD 181012 SEUNGWOO - Duration: 4:49.

Hello everyone!

It's October 12, 2018. /practicing hard in the adiacent room/

I'm Seungwoo.

Half of October 2018...

has already passed.

I do feel like time's going faster...

Time is always passing and somehow,

The things that I had tried to arrange didn't turn out the way they should have,

that's a bit...

I feel a bit worried and burdened. /We wish you'd feel less worried and burdenedㅜ/

I've been drinking...

/Suddenly mood switches to coffee..?/

/Seungwoo's favourite, iced americano/

coffee lately....

I usually keep the lights off when I'm here,

I turn them off,

because I have this thing that I turn on.

I'll show you.

/we're very curious to find out what it is/

/digging/ This...

is very cute.

/Ppyeong! Lights out!/

This is it. /a led with SEUNGWOO written on it/

I'm Seungwoo, Seungwoo.

A fan gave it to me.

Since it's so pretty,

I put it in the practice room/studio,

I write lyrics,

I usually practice like this.

/Ppyeong! Lights on!/

Our Alice care so much about even

this little things so...

I want to thank you. /Cute leader whose heart is full of thoughts about Alice/

The weather has been getting a lot colder recently,


our Alice should be careful not to catch a cold,

I'm recovering very fast,

so I'm not that worried.


in order to obtain

good results

this is what I think.

There are gonna be hard things,

a lot of moments when you'll get troubled/concerned,

while following that dream you will... have hard and troublesome times,

you'll be conflicted too,

but in the end since you'll experience all these things,

you'll...succeed. /as expected, Victon's dispenser of wise sayings/

However you look at those things,

they're part of the process,

if you overcome them,

I think you'll be able to achieve good results in the end.

First of all, when you're facing a new challenge don't get into a rut,

when you feel concerned about something, try working that out and you'll solve that worry.

Instead of constantly worrying,

If you face your worries, they're gonna be solved somehow so,

we don't know about the outcome but

rather than worrying, I want to tell you that facing your worries is better. /We hope Seungwoo's words can give you strength!/

If you keep worrying now,

they're gonna pile up inside of you and become regrets

and in the end as time passes, it'll be late to solve them then.

If you don't face your worries right now,

in order to avoid future regrets,

I think you have to overcome them immediately.

After coming back...

from the tour...

I feel like we've become more greedy for the stage.

Of course me and the members have matured,

even if just a little I think we have but,

honestly I feel that rather than just improving,

we have matured through the experience of being on stage.

We discovered that method.

So I have the urge to

show Alice many more good things.

I want to see you very soon.

While praying that the day when we'll meet comes in the blink of an eye,

I will stop here for today.

It's cold so be careful not to catch a cold.

I don't know when this video will come out but

I hope it can cheer you up just a little bit.


I don't know if you'll be able to feel this

but truly

as a friend,

I wanna tell you to stay strong one more time.

Don't get sick.

Let's meet again.

Until now~

It was Seungwoo, thank you~


For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] VICTON CLIPBOARD 181012 SEUNGWOO - Duration: 4:49.


S. Korean Supreme Court orders Japanese firm to pay victims of forced labor - Duration: 2:52.

forcing innocent people into what was essentially slave labor was one of the

many atrocities committed by Japan during its brutal colonial rule of the

Korean Peninsula an estimated 1.2 million Koreans were forced to work in

Japanese industries with little or no pay resulting in countless casualties

due to dangerous tasks in poor working conditions now after more than 70 years

some of the victims may finally receive long overdue compensations Lee Jiwon has

our top story after 13 years of trials and appeals the final ruling is out

South Korea's Supreme Court has decided to uphold the ruling ordering a Japanese

steel maker to pay compensation to four Koreans the company forced to work for

it during World War two when the Korean Peninsula was under Japanese colonial

rule the Japanese company Nippon Steel in

Sumitomo metal corporation will be required to pay each victim around

eighty seven thousand dollars for unpaid work in its decision Tuesday the Supreme

Court said that a 1965 agreement between Korea and Japan did not terminate the

right of individuals to reparations the Japanese government has been arguing

that the agreement concerning the settlement of problems in regard to

property and claims and economic cooperation draws a line under the two

countries history the agreement normalized diplomatic relations between

Seoul and Tokyo and under it Japan paid South Korea 500 million u.s. dollars

Seoul's top court also took issue with the Japanese courts 2003 ruling that

claimed colonization is not illegal and that the use of forced labor was not

illegal either at the time those notions the Supreme Court said go against

constitutional values the Japanese firm had argued that legally too much time

has gone by and that it is no longer responsible but the court called that

claim and abuse of rights and a violation of the principle of good faith

to this the Japanese foreign minister taro kono released a statement

expressing deep regret the ruling is unacceptable he said because it

fundamentally shakes up the legislative grounds of seoul-tokyo ties he also

strongly urged the South Korean government immediately

appropriate measures or Japan will do all he can including an international

trial to defend what he called the Japanese firms illegal economic

activities meanwhile South Korea's foreign ministry said a meeting with

related ministries is being held to formulate an official response and to

determine how to move ahead together with Japan so that the latest ruling

does not harm their diplomatic ties so only one of the four plaintiffs is still

alive there is hope that this could positively affect many other ongoing and

potential trials involving Japanese firms and formerly enslaved Korean

workers hee Jiwon Arirang news

For more infomation >> S. Korean Supreme Court orders Japanese firm to pay victims of forced labor - Duration: 2:52.


Team Liên Quân Ba vì Và Những Trận Đánh Full Thần Thánh SML - Duration: 33:32.

For more infomation >> Team Liên Quân Ba vì Và Những Trận Đánh Full Thần Thánh SML - Duration: 33:32.


N. Korea has recently been respecting the Northern Limit Line: Defense Ministry - Duration: 0:35.

apparently through its behavior Pyongyang has been acknowledging the

northern limit line that's the de-facto sea border between the two koreas and

something the North has long disputed the deputy spokesperson for seoul's

defense ministry jean who said in a press briefing today that North Korea's

maritime activities recently seemed to indicate that it respects the NLL he

declined to comment on any specific actions but he noted that the two Koreas

have been working to build trust in the process of carrying out the Panmunjom

declaration through practical measures such as seizing hostile acts aimed at

each other

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