Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 29 2017

Copyrights Explained Licenses Described

FYI - Copyright Licenses Explained - Icons and Descriptions

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For more information - take a look at our playlist "FYI Read More"

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For more infomation >> Copyrights and Licenses - Explained ✔ Why "Royalty Free" is not "free of charge" - Duration: 4:25.


Ash Greninja's Bond Phenomenon EXPLAINED! - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> Ash Greninja's Bond Phenomenon EXPLAINED! - Duration: 11:10.


Couple-ish || Season 2 Ep 1 || "Interview Pt. 2" - Duration: 7:02.

[ Music is playing ]

[ I don't know what to type for subtitles of two people furiously making out ]

[ This is some gay shit ]

I'm so happy we got married, babe.

[ Alarm clock ringing ]

[ Dee is snoring like a blowfish ]

[ Don't quote me on that, I don't know what blowfishes sound like ]

- How does one person make so much noise even when they're sleeping?

Also would it kill you to put on some trousers?

-Okay, first, I'm wearing a sweater so

Also, you can sleep on the couch.

-That one?


-You see, it's still in the room so I can't really escape your snoring there either.

-You know, as the one of us whose art got us this place, I don't think you can really


[ Large gay sigh ]

-She'll get over it.

-It's been months, Dee.

-Yeah, okay.

So one time, she didn't speak to me for four months because I ate one of her animal crackers.

Girl can hold a grudge, but she always comes around, yeah?



-So domestic!

I'll make the coffee.

[ Fancy outside shot of the apartment.

Ooooo ]

-I need a job.

-In my dearly missed sister's words, "I think you need the internet."

[ Upbeat music starts playing, and continues playing through the montage ]

-Recently moved, downsized to, uh...

start saving.

That was just my arrangement.


[ If looks could kill, Dee would be 6 feet under ]

Hello? Yes, this is Rachel.

Yes, sorry could you hold on just one second?

Thank you.

(shouting) Dee for the love of god could you turn down the music?

[ Dee actively trying to be a better human ]

-Hey, Mom?



Thank you so much for talking to me today.

-(interrupted by a voice) Hey hey!

You're that girl from those videos right?


You're that girl from those videos.


-You're that girl from those videos who, like, makes out with her partner on camera and stuff

like that.

Oh yeah, I love those videos.

-Yep, yeah that's me.

-Those are such good videos.

-I don't know who that is, no.

-You're the best!

Very big fan of your work, I just want to let you know that I think you're very good

at what you do and I think it's wonderful.

Your sexuality is beautiful.

-Yeah, okay.

Mhm thank you.

-I fucking love it.


- Dee: I think Rachel's home.

Hey babe!

Want some coffee?

-Are you okay?

-I'm having an aneurysm, it's all good.

-What is she doing here?

-You owe me one.


It's so good to see you looking so healthy and happy.

I'm very glad Dee is taking such good care of you.

[ Various noises of "hahah yeah okay" ]

-Listen, she tells me that-



They, I-

They tell me that you are having trouble finding work.


I did.


-I, it's- really no trouble.

-Mrs. W: Well, listen.

I think I have a solution.

See, as you know, I have a flower shop and uh, well, it has been very very busy lately


-Rachel: Okay?


I was thinking of hiring another person.


-The position's yours!

-Mrs. Warson you really don't have to do this.

-It's the least I can do.

And, um, Rachel call me Rita.

Well, um, you start work tomorrow so you better get some rest!

Um, yeah!

Okay, bye.

[ Awkward ]

[ Super awkward ]

Okay, uhm, bye Rachel.

Bye Dee!

-Bye mom.

-Working with your mum.


- At least you don't have to do anymore interviews...

For more infomation >> Couple-ish || Season 2 Ep 1 || "Interview Pt. 2" - Duration: 7:02.


10 Everyday Things That Are Making You Fat - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> 10 Everyday Things That Are Making You Fat - Duration: 4:24.


5 Crucial Things To Do To Assist In The Shift To The New Earth - Duration: 7:19.

5 Crucial Things To Do To Assist In The Shift To The New Earth

by Michelle Walling

Many people are seeing the evidence that we are undergoing the shift to a New Earth right


Since we have never done it this way before in awakened consciousness, it may not seem

like you expected it to.

In order to bring the final shift closer into our reality, there are some important steps

you can take to assist in blending the two realities for Earth and humanity.

As the old matrix crumbles and we bring in the New Earth energies in to merge with our

reality, we want to focus on:


Ground in the new energies with your body

Being in nature and doing conscious grounding techniques are essential to the process of

merging the two realities.

THIS is what many of us came here to do!


Be aware of your thoughts and actions

There is a whole new layer here that hasn�t been brought to light before.

The dark forces are playing our old song over and over to us like a broken record in the


Most of the time at the point we are at right now, it doesn�t mean you haven�t dealt

with it.

It is more like a groundhog day illusion and if you can recognize that, you can move those

thoughts out of your head easier.


Be in love as much as possible

This means doing things that you love, being around people that you love, and staying in

a high vibration.


Integrate parts and pieces of you

This includes �frozen� aspects of yourself that may have jumped outside of yourself with

traumatic experiences in this lifetime and others.

Because of the help of the quantum energy fields that we are being bathed with at this

time, the intention and action to clear that energy and integrate it back into our hearts

is all it takes.

Continue to do this ritual until you feel like there are no more parts of you that are

not integrated.


Activate your DNA

You have the power to bring the white light from the center of the cosmos into your cells

to activate your DNA.

You also have the ability to talk to you cells and tell them that you want all of your 12

strands of DNA to be healed and turned on.

You can make this a part of your daily meditation and/or forgiveness and self love ceremony.

This shift from one reality to another has been a slow process but is showing signs of

culminating right now, as evidenced by many things.

The Mandela Effect has shown that our timelines are shifting.

Many �seers� are able to report that the new reality is here, and the Earth they have

seen has a whole different look to it.

Akashic record readers are able to look outside of linear time to report what is unfolding

on a Universal scale.

There are also many reports about the �honey trap� that was laid for the darkness on

Earth has been a successful plan.

There is no escaping this shift and this is the �back up plan� for a Universe completely

out of balance.

The new reality is sandwiched over this one and we are connected to it.

Many people have moved through the membrane between the two and have brought all of their

pieces and parts through, and feel like they are more whole and light at the same time.

It is shocking how seamless it is happening for some people, as they are still �here�

but they are vibrating at a different frequency.

Others are absolutely struggling to even exist one day to the next because they do not know

how to put all of their pieces back together again.

As the New Creation template is integrated, the next big step will be a separation of

the old reality.

Everything that no longer matches up with the new template will dissolve away.

Beings that do not match on a vibrational frequency will get a one way ticket back to

Source to be reformed into something that will once again be harmonic with the Universe.

Everything is happening on a fractal level, with a person�s mind/body/soul template

representing the Universe.

Not all of the soul fractals will be able to do the level of work that is described

in this article, but the more people that do this work, the more it will compensate

for those who do not know anything about the work.

Eventually there will be a tipping point that will finalize the integration and then split

the two realities apart once again.

Please do not limit yourself with linear terms and numbers and details of what dimension

we are in, what dimension we are going to, or what level we are at right now.

Many people are holding energies from the 12th dimension and higher, however some people

are holding the 4th and 5th dimensional Earth energies for those who have been stuck in

the 3rd dimension for far too long as a bridge to the higher dimensional realities.

For some people, baby steps is going to be the best way to make the shift.

5d is almost beyond most people�s imaginations, however where we end up will be connected

all the way up to 12d.

People have different needs and jobs and will experience this shift differently because

of that.

For more infomation >> 5 Crucial Things To Do To Assist In The Shift To The New Earth - Duration: 7:19.


QUI ÉTAIT GALILÉE ? [Origine] - Duration: 10:09.

For more infomation >> QUI ÉTAIT GALILÉE ? [Origine] - Duration: 10:09.


Full Day Of Intuitive Eating - Duration: 7:27.

Good morning and welcome back to my

channel today I am going to share a full

day of eating video with you I had

debated sharing my full day of eating

while I'm not on keto, while I've been

doing my intuitive eating and I'm very

hesitant to kind of encourage you to not

be on keto if keto is something you want

to do and I don't want to go and just

glorify cheats as they call them I don't

like the word cheats again today is all

about intuitive eating and I want to

share the meals that I've been eating

while I've been off keto what I've been

doing how I've been doing it and today's

the last Wednesday in April and Monday

the 1st of May I will be starting back

strict Keto, I want to share that process

with you as well but I just did the

whole six or so weeks that I've been off

keto there's just two foods that I

wanted to have which for various reasons

haven't found their way onto my plate

and I'm going to have both of those

today and it's just, I want to

intuitively eat them, show you what I

mean and how I'm doing it so I'm going

to start the day with breakfast all the

time that I've been off keto I've kind

of still had keto breakfast as you'll see

because I love them, I love eggs for

breakfast I love having my hot chocolate

with butter in it, it starts my day off

I'm not hungry for hours afterwards and

so that's what I'm going to do, I'm going

to make my keto breakfast,

while intuitive eating and we'll

take it from there and I've just made our

hot chocolate to have with breakfast

I use my low-carb hot chocolate and some

butter and I've made on for myself and one for my


that's our drink we have it every single

morning regardless of whether keto or

not which I absolutely love it

So for breakfast I'm having one of my old

favourites, I've got mushrooms sautéing

with heaps of garlic and I'm just going

to let this reduce down and then add

some fried eggs to it and that is my

breakfast I'll show you once it is complete

and that's my breakfast all those

mushrooms, I love them! Had a little sneaky

taste, so full of flavor you just need garlic,

heaps of butter and you've got a

beautiful breakfast with fried eggs one

a little incident over there but we

won't speak about that

and that's my breakfast and I will catch

up with you through the day, so that was

a big yummy breakfast

it will fuel me for the morning out, I've got to

take the boys to Chadstone and get some

winter clothing, it's started to finally

get cooler here in Melbourne and we need

some jumpers and other things so I am

going to have lunch out and about and

I'm going to have those two items that

I've wanted to have for ages and again I

don't want to kind of rub it in about

non keto foods but this is how I'm

intuitive eating, so if you don't want

to watch me having other foods then just

skip ahead a few minutes but next I will

be sharing the foods I have been wanting

to have for ages that I'm going to enjoy

intuitively no regrets no guilt today

and just move on from it. This is one of

them wanted to have ages one of these

cheese tarts, they're teeny little things

that yep I'm going to get one now and

this is what I've got, I'm so excited I've

been wanting to try one of these for a

ages, a little custard pastry kind of

tart thing. Cheese Tart. Yum! It's kind of like

a cheesecake, it is so... the pastry is

beautiful, it's not too sweet and you can

see it just a teeny little thing that's

all I wanted to try, and now I've tried it I can

happily go six weeks without having

anything like this. Yummy! Did you

like yours? You had a little. What have you got?

A chocolate croissant

Is it good? I ate the whole thing! You ate

the whole thing! And I ate my whole

custardy tart thing and it was really nice and

we're going to go shopping so I'm going

to I find that works best that I have

something sweet and then I do a super

lot of walking and it kind of

straightaway uses up the sugar and I

don't have a sugar rush

so I'm going to walk around and then I will

show you what I'm going to have for lunch!

And this is what I've been wanting for ages! Korean Fried Chicken!

And this was the other dish, I've been craving it's for the four of us

I'm not going to eat it all, I'll have a piece

or two, but it's crispy

super crispy chicken oh my goodness

I can't wait! That chicken was amazing it

was so crispy so tender inside I've had

a couple of pieces and I feel comfortably

full this is when intuitive eating

comes in, there are still a few pieces left, but

I'm quite happy not to happen because I'll

have them another time,

next time when I have my intuitive eating keto

break from keto I've had what I've had, I feel good,

not going to stuff myself just because

it's there and I'm going to move on, we're going

to do a little more shopping and then I'll

just catch up with you the next time I have

something to eat. Okay we are back from

the shops now and as I've been filming

my day I realized that my six weeks of

off keto kind of look a lot like keto

and I kind of have one meal one food a

day which is not Keto, so today that was

well - food the chicken and the little

pastry that was something they were both

things I really wanted and I thought

next time I go to Chadstone I want to

have both of them because i'm probably

not going to go again before the new

month comes around and I've been wanting

both of those or not one day I'm not

really been craving them but I've both of them

every time I go past, I think maybe one

day I'll have them and it's been since

that new Chadstone opened when I started

keto journey lost September October so

I'm glad I was able to have them and I

can happily go the next six weeks

without having crispy chicken or I can

make my own crispy keto crispy

chicken I've shared a recipe before but

I can go without eating food out and

about very happy with that and so the

rest of today is just going to be keto

friendly that's really what point I was

trying to make is that I found that most

of my days are keto meals and then I'll

have one or two non keto food so if I'm

having a roast I'll have roast potatoes, or if I'm

going out and about I might have some chips

or might have food that's not keto

friendly and I found that doing it this

way my weight has stayed the

same, I've lost a little bit or stayed

the same so I'm quite happy plateauing

during this non-keto period and then

I'm hoping, fingers crossed

and during the Keto period I'll lose

more than I had been losing before but

we'll just see what happens it's kind of

my hypothesis but we'll just see and I

will share the journey with you, so all

that's left to do today is share my dinner

I am making corned beef silverside it's

bubbling away and I will show you my

dinner plate once it is all ready.

this is my dinner to end my day of

intuitive eating I felt like greens so

I've got a big plate full of spinach and

I've topped it with my corned beef

silverside and some sour cream, cat's just

jumped up onto the table, so I wanted to

go and have dinner and keep the cat away

from my food I'm going to have dinner

thanks so much for watching this full

day of eating showing you intuitive

eating if you liked the video make sure

that you like and subscribe for more

inspiration and we'll see you again soon


For more infomation >> Full Day Of Intuitive Eating - Duration: 7:27.


DETROIT (2017) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman / John Boyega, Anthony Mackie, Kathryn Bigelow - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> DETROIT (2017) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman / John Boyega, Anthony Mackie, Kathryn Bigelow - Duration: 2:25.


All In One. - Duration: 3:18.

Video Links in the Description Box

For more infomation >> All In One. - Duration: 3:18.


GTA SAN ANDREAS Mods #56 - O GRANDE FINAL - Duration: 44:06.

For more infomation >> GTA SAN ANDREAS Mods #56 - O GRANDE FINAL - Duration: 44:06.



- It's windy, right?

- Stop to record me!

- That's our life!

- It's cold, I feel sad and loneliness

- Now, it's 00:30 AM

I'm coming home

Don't ask me why I'm going so late...

- Nastya, how was your day?

- Not really good...

- My bank card is not working

to buy bus tickets online.

So, I came to the railway station

to find a front desk to buy tickets there.

I didn't find it...

But I found a train which is going to Paris :)

- We are wet... in the bus...

- We are at the dance stadium :)

Someone will dance here soon

This event is free. That's why we are here :)

I'm going to dance with them ^_^

*professional dancing*

*one more*

*I can jump*

*whooa, let's partying*

- 1,5 hour of the parade is passed.

- That's how contemporary art looks like!

- I think, it was a great idea

to go for a picnic on weekend...

before studying will start

So, we bought lots of food *great deal*

and we are going to play games... such a basketball

Well, I'm excited!

I can't explain...

That's a pleasure to spend time with awesome people

You know...

It's starts to rain...

We need to wait for a bus 20 min

We really hope that we will not caught in the rain!

- Maxim, do you think it will not start to rain?

- It will not!

- Guys, tell me about your feelings

- Pleasant emotions!

- What else?

- We have eaten delicious!

- We were playing basketball!

- What did you it?

- Oh, I don't know from where to start...

- Chocolate bars, yeah?

- No, this was the last thing I've eaten

There was a crispy baguette





even tomatoes!


tortilla with cheese

Ah, it's so delicios!

- How is it?

- It's cold, the wind is cool, it starts to rain :(

I hope, the rain will not get stronger...

- I'm angry

- We are sad that it's raining

- We will make it as a "Reality show"

- "Reality show"?

- "Game of survival"?

- We are so happy, we are inside the bus

and inside it's not raining :)

- Is it right, Maxim?

- Yeah

- Look, how empty is the train!

- We had a one class *hard work*

We are so tired

Now, we are going to the supermarket to buy some nice food.

Here is a great museum. We still didn't visit it.

- Such a thing!

I'm going to Grenoble!


by bus...

it's at the station...

I've already been here and recorded...

I'm in Grenoble...

exploring the city...

crossing the road...

From here you can see mountains everywhere...

like this, for example


and there...

- Yasha told us to wait for him here

He is coming

- We are waiting for our friend

We hope, he will show us the city

- He, probably, will show the city to you!

- So we are in progress :)

The bus is going...

the bus stop...

nothing interesting ^_^

- I'm trying my best to record smoothly

but it's so difficult because we are walking...

And I'm hanging all my staff.

Now, we are on the square.

It's so unusual at here!

- Скажи "привет" моему ютуб каналу. - Привет!

- We are in preparation for the birthday celebration.

So, we have a big mess in the kitchen.

- We have a salad!

- Who wants to try salad?

It's smelly...

because crab sticks are horrible at here...

- We have...




carrot... bananas...

the half-eaten rice...

- It's mine!

- And a pack of rice

- Show the balcony!

- Yeaaahhhh

On the balcony we have some meat

- Vika, close the door! It's cold!

- Dasha is calculating our expenses *poor students*

- Haha *happy students*

- Lera is cleaning dishes...

- I'm Ksusha!

- Noooo, you are both cleaning :) *only me is doing nothing*

- Alright, you got it

This is our fridge <3

We have lots of food

*oh leave me here forever*

- Lera, what are you cooking?

- Imaging that you are on the TV show!

- The step №1. Take three eggs.

Add some...

- What do we need to add?

- 200 ml of cream

- Aaaahh, sure, add cream

- After... Take a mixer

*Look what we have cooked!!*

- All the guest are arrived.

We are celebrating the birthday!

- We had a super delicious dinner! We have finished it :)

We are going to dance soon...

For more infomation >> МОКРЫЙ БАСКЕТБОЛ | PARTYING LIKE UKRAINIANS - Duration: 7:53.


Capacitor! O que é, tipos e aplicações! - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Capacitor! O que é, tipos e aplicações! - Duration: 4:48.


Ubuntu Unity Desktop Will Live Forever - Duration: 10:06.

Mark Shuttleworth made a shock announcement on 5th April that Canonical were abandoning

mobile convergence and would therefore cease funding development of the Unity desktop.

Ubuntu 18.04 was to see the return of Gnome as the default desktop.

Some people were happy with the news, but there were quite a number of people who were

rather saddened by it.

Despite all the criticism against Unity from the noisy minority, there was a silent majority

who did enjoy using it.

In fact Gaming on Linux carried out a small survey and found Unity was the 3rd most popular


Ubuntu with Gnome desktop will be very different in terms of layout and behaviour to Unity.

The Unity launcher will be gone, as will the global menu, heads up display or HUD, and

the easy ability to search for files in the dash.

Just because funding for Unity has ended it does not mean the desktop will vanish, for

example Canonical pulled funding from Kubuntu some years ago, yet the distro is going

strong, having found new funding from Blue Systems.

However, I think getting new financial backing for Unity could be difficult, since Canonical

stood the most chance of making convergence work in Linux, yet they failed to

turn a profit due to lack of interest in the market.

But it does not mean the community can't pick up the project and take it forward, and

that is exactly what has happened for the newer Unity 8 desktop, in fact it has been

forked twice, the first fork called Yunit is focusing on Desktop, and the other fork

UBPorts is focusing on Mobile.

Both forks have significant work to carry out as Unity 8 was some way from being a finished

product when Canonical pulled the funding.

For one thing Unity 8 is well entwined with the Mir display server, which unfortunately

never received support from any of the major Graphics card companies, and that forced Canonical

to develop the entire display system themselves, which I suspect was no small undertaking.

As for Unity 7, the Desktop we have been used to for some years on Ubuntu Desktop and Laptop

computers, well it uses Compiz and Gnome plug-ins, and there have been no forthcoming forks.

Although Canonical have said that Unity 7 will remain in the repositories.

Great, so no problem then?

Well not exactly, Unity 7 with Compiz has not really been entirely stable, and thats

as things stand now.

What happens when progression happens with Gnome, GTK, the Kernel, and X11.

Oh and Compiz doesn't work with Wayland display server, so its stuck with the ancient


Who can say what will happen, maybe things will be ok, but I'm going to guess at some

point Unity 7 will fail with the newer versions of Ubuntu.

The current supported versions of Unity 7 are in Long Term Support releases of Ubuntu

14.04 and 16.04, which are supported until 2019 and 2021 respectively.

And I suppose I should also mention that at time of recording its also supported in the

interim release of Ubuntu 17.04, but that is the final version.

So four years left with an officially supported version of Unity.

But won't the system be very old and stale after so many years?

Well you can upgrade the kernel using the Hardware Enablement Stack, and also utilise

third party Launchpad repositories to install fresher newer software onto your computer.

Okay let us look at the alternative, having a Unity-like styled desktop from another distribution.

For the past three years I have been using a Unity-like style in KDE and I absolutely

love it.

I have the top panel shrunk to the right-hand side, and I allow applications to display

underneath it, thereby maximising vertical space.

The application dashboard is very fast, responsive, and I would say superior to Unity dash.

It can search for both applications and documents.

Results for documents can be found with just one single letter or number as the search


The left-hand panel is setup in the same style as the Unity launcher, and you have the same

behaviour in launching / switching applications with the Super or Windows key and numerical


The only thing I miss is the heads up display, but I believe that KDE Plasma will see a HUD

implemented in a future version.

The KDE Qt applications are different to Gnome GTK applications, and at this point I will

annoy Gnome users by stating that in my humble opinion the Qt applications are superior.

Honestly it wouldn't be so bad if Gnome didn't keep removing features each release.

Although I suppose some would say simplified.

I say they are a nothing but a hollowed out husk of what they used to be.

Dolphin is one of the best file managers available in any OS.

Kate text editor comes with fancy code highlighting, and also a scrollbar which can allow you to

zoom into segments of your code further down the page without actually scrolling to that


Clementine is one of the prettiest music players.

I could go on, but there are so many Qt applications to choose from, and development is happening

at an aggressive pace.

A Unity style is achievable in Gnome with the use of several add-ons.

At least if you did like the GTK applications from Ubuntu then they will be available and

working natively in the Gnome desktop.

A global menu is in development, and there is also a HUD called Plotinus which is also

in development.

When I tested out Plotinus it only worked in some GTK applications, and actually failed

in Firefox and Inkscape because the activation key clashed with existing keyboard shortcuts.

The application launcher can find both files and documents, although in my experience it

heavily favoured applications as search results, to the point that I sometimes had to type

the full document name before results would appear.

As I mentioned the GTK applications are the same as in Ubuntu, so won't discuss them

any further.

There are other desktop options, for example the Cinnamon desktop from Linux Mint, which

can be turned into a very nice looking Unity style.

The applications look very similar to Gnome, but tend to have more features as they were

forked from earlier in GTK3 development, for example Nemo file manager still retains split

screen browsing and type-ahead search.

The application launcher in Cinnamon allows you to find both documents and applications,

however there is a caveat in that the document searcher only looks for previously opened


Unity, Plasma, and Gnome searchers will search for documents on the system regardless of

whether they have been opened or not.

But if its too much effort to customise a desktop then you could go for a point-and-click

desktop switcher, for example Zorin, Ubuntu MATE, or LXLE.

I think the Unity style in Zorin was only in the pay-for version.

Its been a long time since I last looked at LXLE, so things might have changed with the


Lets look more at the other option – Ubuntu MATE.

In my last review of Ubuntu MATE 17.04 the Mutiny (Unity styled) desktop was rather unstable,

however the Ubuntu MATE developers will be investing time and resources into improving

the desktop for Ubuntu 17.10.

I expect we will see a better functioning Global menu, HUD, and improved launcher.

The applications look as though they fell out of Gnome classic desktop, well put it

this way if you used Ubuntu 12.04 or before it will take you right back to those days.

They have at least advanced on from GTK2 to GTK3, yet retained the classic look, and plentiful

older features.

Caja file manager, like Nemo, has the split screen browsing and type-ahead search, but

also has an additional feature of customising folder colours.

I don't know if the launcher will be able to find documents, I'm going to guess not,

but who knows how much things will change in the next few months?

So what is the best option?

Well unfortunately there is no perfect solution.

It is a shame that the Global menu in KDE doesn't work with GTK apps, and the Plotinus

Hud in Gnome does not work with Qt apps.

It seems both desktops fail to work properly with applications from their opposite number.

This was a feature that Unity managed very well.

Whichever way you look at it both Gnome and KDE Plasma desktops take a bit of effort to

turn into a Unity style.

My tutorial videos for each are a similar length, with KDE being slightly longer to


Although it does have more features to customise, and I got distracted showing how to improve

the font rendering for GTK apps.

Have a look at some of the videos on my channel, I've done reviews of Gnome, KDE Plasma,

Cinnamon, and MATE desktops, as well as another 20 plus desktops that we have available in


I'll leave a few links in the video description.

If you like my videos then please consider being a Patreon and support Quidsup.

You can pledge as little as $1 a month which is just $12 a year, or you can pledge a little

bit more, every little bit does help and I really do appreciate it.

Thank you all for watching and as always I will see you later.

For more infomation >> Ubuntu Unity Desktop Will Live Forever - Duration: 10:06.


Joseph Smith the Younger - Hamilton Rewrite - Duration: 3:57.

How does a young boy, farmer, son of the Smiths Joe and Lucy,

walk in the middle of an untrodden spot amongst a grove of trees

by kneeling and appealing as he saw fit, grow up to be a hero and a prophet?

The boy prophet, like his father was not a scholar Got a lot farther by pondering much harder

By questioning those smarter, by being a self-starter By fourteen. They placed him on track to become a martyr.

And every day while souls were being scattered abandoned to sway, They're tossed in waves, he knowingly kept his guard up.

Inside, he was longing for something to be a part of. The brother was ready to kneel, pray, ask God and ponder

Then a darkness overcame, as the devil tried to claim Our man saw his future drip, dripping down the drain.

But a new light gave him fight, two personas bright as flames, And one called out his name, a testimony gained.

Well, the word got around, they say, this kid is insane, man. Tells the other churches they got pieces, not the whole plan.

Preach out this glad message, and to everyone proclaim. And the world is gonna know your name. What's your name, man?

Joseph Smith the younger. My name is Joseph Smith the younger.

And I'm sent to share this book with you. This can't wait, this can't wait.

He gave us fruits that we can test, we needn't guess, the bible hinted. Few years later, see Joseph and the Book of Mormon's printed.

Instead, of just using the bible to end on. The Book of Mormon clarifies some doctrines we depend on.

Establishing the church, same church we had in ages past. Guided by the spirit, the Mormons start growing super-fast.

A voice saying Joseph, you can't do this by yourself. He started calling missionaries, crossing continental shelves.

This book is about a people who wanted to follow God. A compass showed them where to trod, hold tight to that iron rod.

Built a ship just to skip from the old world to the promised land. All while dealing with some brothers that would never lend a hand

Writing on all of the plates they could get their hands on. Telling of the future of the continent they stand on.

They're the other sheep who were not of that land. Passed along on golden plates from Mormon's hand.

Nephites Came to the promised land (This can't wait) They built up cities in the promised land (This can't wait)

The Savior came to this promised land This new book (Blue book) This can't wait.

Joseph Smith the Younger We are forever in debt to you.

You would never back down. Why did they take you in your prime?

Oh, Joseph Smith the younger, When the whole world sings for you,

Will they know what you sacrificed? Will they take Moroni's advice?

The world will never be the same. (oh)

The mob is in the Jailhouse now, That door is not gon' stop 'em.

With faces painted black they stop in just to pop 'im.

His enemies destroyed his rep but we have not forgot him.

We followed him. Me, I died with him. Me, I trusted him. Me, I loved him.

And them, They're the dumb fools that shot him.

And I came to share this book with you And it can't wait

What's your name, man? Joseph Smith the younger!

For more infomation >> Joseph Smith the Younger - Hamilton Rewrite - Duration: 3:57.


"Chrome Remote Desktop" was to support "multi-window" of Android 7.0 - Duration: 2:28.

"Chrome Remote Desktop" was to support "multi-window" of Android 7.0 Nougat

Hello everyone

This time, we will discuss Android version that supports the "multi-window" of Android 7.0 Nougat "Chrome Remote Desktop"

Android version of "Chrome Remote Desktop" application has been updated to v58 on April 27, 2017,

It was officially support the "multi-window" of Android 7.0 Nougat

While "Chrome Remote Desktop" app is the thing had been able to tentatively be available in earlier than the "multi-window",

By formally it has been supported in this update, it is why it has been promised that can be used without a "multi-window" Any problem

Such as special configuration in the case of utilizing the Android version of the "Chrome Remote Desktop" application "multi-window" is not particularly

Or turned into "multi-window" after the start of the remote desktop to launch the "Chrome Remote Desktop" application,

In a state in which the "multi-window" is in such start a remote desktop to launch the "Chrome Remote Desktop" application,

You can use the "Chrome Remote Desktop" in particular, without restriction "multi-window"

In addition at the same time display and of other Android apps and "Chrome Remote Desktop" application is possible to mutual use seamlessly

Because even the character input can be carried out on the same screen, you can perform the operation even without a sense of discomfort for you to go to remote desktop

Android version of "Chrome Remote Desktop" image quality In addition to this in the v58 update of the application, response speed, battery consumption, UI animation, so have been made improvement of the reaction at the time of drag,

This has become to be able to use comfortably than ever

In particular, since the operation delay has been greatly reduced, it was quite practical degree of increase

Because I think the evolved "Chrome Remote Desktop" is also the work efficiency of work is greatly improved, please try by all means take advantage

Above, it was the commentary on Android 7.0 Android version that supports the "multi-window" of Nougat "Chrome Remote Desktop"

For more infomation >> "Chrome Remote Desktop" was to support "multi-window" of Android 7.0 - Duration: 2:28.


Wesley Snipes Talks 'White Men Can't Jump' Remake | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:32.










>> OH, OK.



































For more infomation >> Wesley Snipes Talks 'White Men Can't Jump' Remake | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:32.


Perlier Black Rice Pure Hyaluronic Acid Gel Duo - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> Perlier Black Rice Pure Hyaluronic Acid Gel Duo - Duration: 10:31.


The sound of da beast - Duration: 0:11.

Uh oh! A problem is approaching...

so funni xd

For more infomation >> The sound of da beast - Duration: 0:11.


インドと日本の絆 A bond between India and Japan - Duration: 7:50.

A visit of valuable persons to my house!

A special welcome for special people!

Let's learn Indian dance!

Trying to sing Japanese songs!

A Japanese food party!



Hotel Taj

The Gateway of India, Mumbai

Elephanta Caves

Birthday Celebration!

Learning Karate

Enjoying Kanji lecture

Indian Musical Instrument, Tabla

Henna Tattoo

Studying Marathi Language

See you Again!

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