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The Evidence for Reincarnation Scientifically Documented True S - Duration: 18:30.The Evidence
for Reincarnation- Scientifically Documented True Stories That Prove Past Lives Are Real
By Ervin Lazlo and Anthony Peake
A case reported by Stevenson involved a Burmese girl called Ma Tin Aung Myo.
She claimed to be the reincarnation of a Japanese soldier killed during the Second World War.
The case spans huge cultural differences between the person reporting the experiences and the
individual whose experiences she reports.
Reincarnation Experiences
There is evidence that at least some, and possibly all, people have previously existed
in another body and lived another existence.
When anomalous �memories� appear as personal recollections, those who experience them tend
to believe that they stem from their own previous life.
However, the memories that surface in consciousness are not likely to be past-life recollections.
Instead, they appear to be �experiences of the reincarnation-type.� The latter are
widespread as well.
Stories suggestive of reincarnation are not limited, whether geographically or culturally.
They occur in all corners of the planet and among people of all cultures.
There is of course more to reincarnation than memories.
For reincarnation to have actually taken place the consciousness of the foreign personality
must have entered the body of the experiencing subject.
In esoteric literature this is known as the transmigration of the spirit or soul.
It is said to occur in the womb, perhaps already at conception or shortly afterward, when the
rhythmic pulses begin that develop into the heart of the embryo.
The spirit or soul of an individual does not necessarily migrate to another individual.
Buddhist teachings, for example, tell us that the soul or spirit does not always reincarnate
on the earthly plane and in a human form.
It may not reincarnate at all, evolving to a spiritual domain from where it either does
not return or returns only to fulfill a task it was to accomplish in its preceding incarnation.
But what concerns us here is the possibility that reincarnation could truly occur.
Can the consciousness that was the consciousness of a living person reappear in the consciousness
of another?
In his book The Power Within, British psychiatrist Alexander Cannon wrote that the evidence on
this score is too strong to be dismissed:
For years the theory of reincarnation was a nightmare to me and I did my best to disprove
it and even argued with my trance subjects to the effect that they were talking nonsense.
Yet as the years went by one subject after another told me the same story in spite of
different and varied conscious beliefs.
Now well over a thousand cases have been so investigated and I have to admit that there
is such a thing as reincarnation.
Variations and Variables in Reincarnation-Type Experiences
Perhaps the main variable is the age of the person who has a reincarnation-type experience.
Those who do are mostly children between the ages of two and six.
After the age of eight the experiences tend to fade and, with few exceptions, vanish entirely
in adolescence.
The manner in which the reincarnated personality has died is yet another variable.
Those who suffered a violent death seem to be more frequently reincarnated than those
who died in a natural way.
Reincarnation stories tend to be clear and distinct in children, whereas in adults they
are mostly indistinct, appearing as vague hunches and impressions.
The more widespread among them are the d�j� vu: recognizing a site or a happening one
sees for the first time as familiar.
The sensation of d�j� connu, encountering a person for the first time with a sense of
having known him or her before, also occurs, but less frequently.
Whether reincarnation stories convey verifiable information, evidence and proof about places,
people, and events has been tested in reference to eyewitness testimonies and birth and residence
The experiences often turn out to be corroborated by witnesses as well as by documents.
Sometimes even minute details correspond to real events, persons, and sites.
Vivid reincarnation stories are accompanied by corresponding patterns of behavior.
Behaviors suggestive of the reincarnated personality appear even when that personality was of a
different generation and a different gender.
A young child could manifest the values and behaviors of an elderly person of the opposite
sex from the past life.
The pioneering research on recent reincarnation stories is the work of Ian Stevenson, a Canadian-American
psychiatrist who worked at the University of Virginia School of Medicine.
During more than four decades, Stevenson investigated the reincarnation-type experiences of thousands
of children, both in the West and in the East.
Some of the past life memories recounted by the children have been verified as the experience
of a person who had lived previously, and whose death matched the impressions reported
by the child.
Sometimes the child carried a birthmark associated with the death of the person with whom he
or she identified, such as an indentation or discoloration on the part of the body where
a fatal bullet entered, or a malformation on a hand or the foot the deceased had lost.
In a path-breaking essay published in 1958, �The Evidence for Survival from Claimed
Memories of Former Incarnations,� Stevenson analyzed the evidence from reincarnation stories
of children and presented narratives on seven of the cases.
These past life cases turned out to be verifiable, with the incidents recounted by the children
recorded in often obscure local journals and articles.
The Proof of Reincarnation: Stories of First Hand Experience
In 1942 Burma was under Japanese occupation.
The Allies regularly bombed the Japanese supply lines, particularly the railways.
The village of Na-Thul was no exception, being close to the important railway station at
Regular attacks made life very hard for the villagers, who were trying their best to survive.
Indeed, survival meant getting along with the Japanese occupiers.
For villager Daw Aye Tin (who was later to be the mother of Ma Tin Aung Myo) this meant
discussing the relative merits of Burmese and Japanese food with the stocky, regularly
bare-chested Japanese army cook who was stationed in the village.The war ended, and life returned
to a semblance of normality.
In early 1953 Daw found herself pregnant with her fourth child.
The pregnancy was normal, with the odd exception of a reoccurring dream in which the Japanese
cook, with whom she had long lost contact, would follow her and announce that he was
coming to stay with her family.
On December 26, 1953, Daw gave birth to a daughter and called her Ma Tin Aung Myo.
The baby was perfect with one small exception: a thumb-sized birthmark on her groin.
As the child grew up it was noted that she had a great fear of aircraft.
Every time one flew overhead she would become agitated and cry.
Her father, U Aye Maung, was intrigued by this, as the war had been over many years
and aircraft were now simply machines of transport rather than weapons of war.
It was therefore strange that Ma was afraid that the aircraft would shoot at her.
The child became more and more morose, stating that she wanted to �go home.� Later �home�
became more specific; she wanted to return to Japan.
When asked why this was the case, she stated that she had memories of being a Japanese
soldier based in Na-Thul.
She knew that she had been killed by machine-gun fire from an aircraft, and this is why she
feared airplanes so much.
As Ma Tin Aung Myo grew older she accessed more past life memories of the life of her
previous personality.
She was later to tell Ian Stevenson that she remembered that the previous personality came
from Northern Japan and that he had five children, the eldest being a boy, and that he had been
an army cook.
From then on the past life memories became more precise.
She remembered that she (as the Japanese soldier) was near a pile of firewood next to an acacia
She described wearing short pants and no shirt.
An Allied aircraft spotted him and strafed the area around him.
He ran for cover: as he did so, he was hit by a bullet in the groin, which killed him
She described the plane as having two tails.
This was later identified as substantial reincarnation evidence, being a Lockheed P-38 Lightning,
an aircraft used by the Allies in the Burma campaign.
In her teens Ma Tin Aung Myo showed distinct masculine traits.
She cropped her hair short and refused to wear female clothing.
Between 1972 and 1975 Ma Tin Aung Myo was interviewed three times about her reincarnation
memories by Ian Stevenson.
She explained that she wanted to be married to a woman and had a steady girlfriend.
She said that she did not like the hot climate of Burma nor its spicy food.
She much preferred highly sweetened curry dishes.
When she was younger she loved to eat semi-raw fish, only losing this preference when a fish
bone stuck in her throat.Reincarnation Story 2: Paddy Fields Tragedy
Stevenson described how a Sri Lankan girl remembered a past life in which she had drowned
in a flooded paddy field.
She described that a bus had driven past and splashed her with water just before she died.
Subsequent research searching for the proof of this reincarnation found that a girl in
a nearby village had drowned after she had stepped back to avoid a passing bus while
walking on a narrow road above flooded paddy fields.
She fell backward into deep water and died.
The girl who manifested this experience had, from a very early age, shown an irrational
fear of buses; she would also get hysterical if taken near deep water.
She had a fondness for bread and had a liking for sweet food.
This was unusual, in that her family did not like either.
However, the previous personality was noted for both of these preferences.
Reincarnation Story 3: The Case of Swarnlata Mishra
Another typical Stevenson case was that of Swarnlata Mishra, born in a small village
in Madhya Pradesh in 1948.
When she was three years old she began having spontaneous past-life memories of being a
girl called Biya Pathak, who lived in a village more than a hundred miles away.
She described that the house Biya lived in had four rooms and was painted white.
She began to sing songs that she claimed she used to know, together with complex dance
routines that were unknown to her present family and friends.
Six years later she recognized some people who had been her friends in the past life.
This stimulated her father to start writing down what she said and searching for proof
of her reincarnation.
Her case generated interest outside of the village.
One investigator who visited the city discovered that a woman who matched the description given
by Swarnlata had died nine years previously.
Investigations subsequently confirmed that a young girl called Biya had lived in just
such a house in that town.
Swarnlata�s father decided to take his daughter to the town and to have her introduced to
members of Biya�s family.
As a test to see if she indeed was a reincarnated personality, the family introduced people
who were not related to the child.
Swarnlata immediately identified these individuals as being imposters.
Indeed some details of her past life memories were so precise that all were amazed.
Reincarnation Story 4: Patrick Christenson and His Brother
One case offering substantial reincarnation proof was that of Patrick Christenson, who
was born by cesarean section in Michigan in March 1991.
His elder brother, Kevin, had died of cancer twelve years earlier at the age of two.
Early evidence of Kevin�s cancer was presented six months prior to his death when he began
to walk and had a noticeable limp.
One day he fell and broke his leg.
Tests were done, and after a biopsy on a small nodule in his scalp, just above his right
ear, it was discovered that little Kevin had metastatic cancer.
Soon tumors were found growing in other locations in his body.
One such growth caused his eye to protrude and eventually resulted in blindness in that
Kevin was given chemotherapy, which resulted in scars on the right-hand side of his neck.
He eventually died of his illness, three weeks after his second birthday.
At birth Patrick had a slanting birthmark with the appearance of a small cut on the
right side of his neck, exactly the same location as Kevin�s chemotherapy scar, showing startling
evidence of reincarnation.
He also had a nodule on his scalp just above his right ear and a clouding of his left eye,
which was diagnosed as a corneal leukoma.
When he began to walk it was with a distinct limp, again, offering further proof of reincarnation.
When he was almost four and a half he said to his mother that he wanted to go back to
his old orange and brown house.
This was the exact coloring of the house in which the family had lived in 1979 when Kevin
was alive.
He then asked if she remembered him having surgery.
She replied that she could not because this had never happened to him.
Patrick then pointed to a place just above his right ear.
He added that he didn�t remember the actual operation because he was asleep, which was
consistent with details of Kevin�s past life.
Reincarnation Story 5: Ancestral Memories of Sam Taylor
Another case offering substantial proof of reincarnation involved an eighteen-month-old
boy called Sam Taylor.
As his diaper was being changed he looked up at his father and said, �When I was your
age I used to change your diapers.� Later Sam disclosed details about his grandfather�s
life that were completely accurate.
He said that his grandfather�s sister had been murdered and that his grandmother had
made milkshakes for his grandfather using a food processor.
Sam�s parents were adamant that none of these subjects had been discussed in his presence.
When he was four years old, Sam was shown a group of old family pictures spread out
on a table.
Sam happily identified his grandfather every time with the announcement, �That�s me!�
In an attempt to test him, his mother selected an old school class photograph showing the
grandfather as a young boy.
There were sixteen other boys in the photograph.
Sam immediately pointed to one of them, once again announcing that that was him.
He was right.
What the Evidence Tells Us
Reincarnation-type experiences can be vivid and convincing to the extent that they appear
to be testimony and evidence that a previously living personality has been incarnated in
the subject.
This belief is strengthened by the observation that birthmarks on the body of the subject
correspond to the bodily features of the person whom he or she seems to incarnate.
This is most strikingly the case when the past life personality suffered bodily injury.
The corresponding marks or deformations sometimes reappear in the subject, seeming to offer
proof that reincarnation is indeed occurring.
Many observers of this phenomenon, including Stevenson himself, held that matching birthmarks
are significant evidence for reincarnation.
However, the coincidence of birthmarks and other bodily features in a child with the
fate of a previously existing person is not necessarily assurance that that person is
reincarnated in the child.
It could also be that the brain and body of the child with the given birthmarks and bodily
features are especially adapted to recall the experience of a personality with analogous
birthmarks and deformities.
Get Your Bing Of A Bond Together 5 Days A Girl Without Believing In The White Eye - Duration: 5:17.-------------------------------------------
Bubble of Spacetime A 'Time Machine' That Moves Greater Than - tech and science - Duration: 4:47.Bubble of Spacetime --"A 'Time Machine' That Moves Greater Than Speed of Light Allowing
It to Travel Back and Forward in Time"
After some serious number crunching, a University of British Columbia researcher has come up
with a mathematical model for a viable time machine --a bubble of space-time geometry
which carries its contents backward and forwards through space and time as it tours a large
circular path.
The bubble moves through space-time at speeds greater than the speed of light at times,
allowing it to move backward in time.
Ben Tippett, a mathematics and physics instructor, whose field of expertise is Einstein's theory
of general relativity, studies black holes and science fiction when he's not teaching.
Using math and physics, he has created a formula that describes a method for time travel.
"People think of time travel as something as fiction," says Tippett.
"And we tend to think it's not possible because we don't actually do it.
But, mathematically, it is possible."
Ever since HG Wells published his book Time Machine in 1885, people have been curious
about time travel--and scientists have worked to solve or disprove the theory, he says.
In 1915 Albert Einstein announced his theory of general relativity, stating that gravitational
fields are caused by distortions in the fabric of space and time.
More than 100 years later, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration--an international team of physics
institutes and research groups--announced the detection of gravitational waves generated
by colliding black holes billions of lightyears away, confirming Einstein's theory.
The division of space into three dimensions, with time in a separate dimension by itself,
is incorrect, says Tippett.
The four dimensions should be imagined simultaneously, where different directions are connected,
as a space-time continuum.
Using Einstein's theory, Tippett says that the curvature of space-time accounts for the
curved orbits of the planets.
In "flat" -- or uncurved -- space-time, planets and stars would move in straight lines.
In the vicinity of a massive star, space-time geometry becomes curved and the straight trajectories
of nearby planets will follow the curvature and bend around star.
"The time direction of the space-time surface also shows curvature.
There is evidence showing the closer to a black hole we get, time moves slower," says
"My model of a time machine uses the curved space-time -- to bend time into a circle for
the passengers, not in a straight line.
That circle takes us back in time."
While it is possible to describe this type of time travel using a mathematical equation,
Tippett doubts that anyone will ever build a machine to make it work.
"HG Wells popularized the term 'time machine' and he left people with the thought that an
explorer would need a 'machine or special box' to actually accomplish time travel,"
Tippett says.
"While is it mathematically feasible, it is not yet possible to build a space-time machine
because we need materials--which we call exotic matter--to bend space-time in these impossible
ways, but they have yet to be discovered."
For his research, Tippett created a mathematical model of a Traversable Acausal Retrograde
Domain in Space-time (TARDIS).
He describes it as a bubble of space-time geometry which carries its contents backward
and forwards through space and time as it tours a large circular path.
The bubble moves through space-time at speeds greater than the speed of light at times,
allowing it to move backward in time.
"Studying space-time is both fascinating and problematic.
And it's also a fun way to use math and physics," says Tippett.
"Experts in my field have been exploring the possibility of mathematical time machines
since 1949.
And my research presents a new method for doing it."
Hubble image of an enormous bubble at top of the page being blown into space by a super-hot,
massive star.
The Bubble Nebula, or NGC 7635, was chosen to mark the 26th anniversary of the launch
of Hubble into Earth orbit by the STS-31 space shuttle crew on April 24, 1990.
The Daily Galaxy via University of British Columbia
Toothless Worm Just After One Week Use This Water Make Sure It's Permanent - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
Let's Play Skyrim Special Edition - Part 30 - Chapter 3 - Testing Mods as we go! :D - Duration: 44:32.Let's Play Skyrim Special Edition - Testing Mods as we go! :D
Let's Go To The Desert On The Cold Stone Day 1 Day To Get Your Face Off The White Feet - Duration: 5:17.-------------------------------------------
PRESENTATION OF THE CHANNEL ;) - Duration: 3:33.Hi everybody, it's BAGGYBEL TV alias the babybel !
Then today, we meet for a presentation of chain!
So, what is this chain?
I think that MaTeMaTix, my friend, has already presented it: it is called " 2 for TWO" !
It is a chain of History-Geography
I'm not going to go into too much detail, I think MTMT has done it before.
So, as you know, MTMT is a king in history. Me, my thing is Geography!
All that is environment of the countries: desert, mountainous but also the capital, the known cities ...
I would like to thank MTMT for the creation of this channel, it is with happiness to make a chain with him, I love him very much.
I would like to say that everyone knows Doc Seven, which has more than 1,400,000 subscribers, it's about the same kind of videos.
If you want to see the latest video he released on Canada, you can!
There may also be history-geography about mangas: One Piece, Naruto ...
My channel is in the description and also that of MTMT!
It was BAGGYBEL TV, I leave you with MTMT for the end, goodbye!
Salutations to all !
Thank you for introducing our chain BAGGY!
As you have understood, it is a chain of history-geography!
Me, I'll take care of the history part, with me you will learn more about the little story that marked the country!
You will see that every country has its history, whether it is funny, violent, moving or appeurate!
So, thanks to me and BAGGY, you will be able to be incollable for each country or even other topics
And you will be able to impress your friends, your professors and your entourage!
But, for fans of Manga or even other things, you'll find yourself!
Thank you for your subscription!
The first video will soon arrive, thanks to you BAGGY for having accepted for the creation of our chain!
Check out our main channels!
Goodbye everyone, sayonara BAGGY!
Sanhaço Frade Canto Galopado (Cabeça de velha) ! - Duration: 1:30:01.-------------------------------------------
[HOW TO] OBS Studio Tutorial #001 - Grundeinstellungen - Duration: 22:02.-------------------------------------------
THE BONO by TRANSTHETICS [PART TWO: PARTNERS] [CC] - Duration: 15:37.Hey guys
welcome to part two of the Bono review
today I'll be talking about the bono and reviewing it in relation to having sex with a partner
if you're more interested in the bono as in relation to having sex with yourself or like masturbating or solo play...whatever..
you can take a look at part one, I'll put the link in the description below
trust me...you wanna go see that video first, because I explain the unboxing of the bono
and I show in detail what comes in the package
but... just a little recap if you don't feel like watching that video
but please do it, because trust me, I give a lot of good information that will be usefull for this video as well
you get the bono
you get a vibe
you get an attachment that goes with the vibe
the vibe is rechargeable and you get the charger with it
and...you get a syringe
and I feel like "why would you get a syringe?"
please...dear lord...please...go watch part one
Solo play is all fun and games. And I had to do that for months
because I had no one to sleep with
So! Just a little disclaimer: I am talking about sex.
I am talking about sex that I have had
I'm talking about my body, my genitals
and all that fun stuff.
So if you're not interested in that, please click off right now
but, if you want to keep looking (dick facial) and watching
because I usually put the peen all over my face, and you're here for entertainment
then, lets go.
So I've been using the Bono, by myself for a couple of months now
since I got it, and I was like how am I going to review it?
with a partner, if I don't have a partner.
WELL, I now have somebody, that I am having sex with (chuckle)
and not to be too graphic, but I'm gonna explain to you what I do
and how we do it and how everything is done
so what's really great about me, is that I am okay with penetrative sex
which means I will be talking about somebody who is wearing the Bono
and penetrating their partner
and then the partner penetrating me with the Bono
so I think that that's really great cause if you're thinking about buying
this, you wanna know what your partner's gonna feel
and if you're partner's trying to buy this, cause they're going to wanna know how you're gonna feel
and how they're gonna feel
so it's a really great experience. So I'm glad I'm here
making and doing and trying doing the secc
all for you today
so, I will tell you
that you do not need to be on testosterone
and have any type of growth in your area, peen area,
to use this product, this.vibe.will.work.on.you.
if you do not have growth
I will tell you that the person, that I, was sleeping with
uh-has the same parts as me
but not-growth
I'm being very descriptive
but I don't, like I don't- that's as much as I'm going to give you
So for a fact I know it would work if you are not on T
lets just leave it at that! and lets go into it
ok, so I'm about to get real personal lets all sit on down
grab a little coffee, sit by the fireplace. Are you ready for this?
The first time I used it with this person
I cried.
so much.
and it was, weird because you're not supposed to cry during sex
but it was
one of the best cries I've ever had in my entire life. I am getting teary eyed
thinking about it
Why, Chase? Why
did you cry?
oo.. Give me a second. (laugh)
I cried
because it felt like.. my body.
was penetrating this person
I could FEEL their insides
Don't ask me how, I don't know.
it's a mental thing
and I think that I am finally connecting with a toy
so much on a level that I can FEEL
when it is inside a person (sniff)
other toys that I have used, even some that have a vibe
I don't feel it. I'm like, am I in you? Did it come out? I have no idea
I can Feel It when it's inside the person. And I...
It was
Honestly. Like as-as
It shouldn't be like the best day of your life is related to sex
and it shouldn't be like the best sex of your life. I don't know how to explain this
feeling but it is on my top three
of the best moments of my life because I realized that
ALL of the bottom dysphoria that I have
because I.have. A lot. And I feel like I need
to have a weiner
that is big. "big" I mean not like my peen like bigger than what I have
I have a lot of that dysphoria and I am thinking about bottom surgery
In the future, I dont have time right now
This took that away
and I promise you I'm not joking, I'm not making - doing this for views or money or anything
don't have any bottom dysphoria
at all when I am using this product. I can have fun, I can let go of everything
all of the walls that I have built over the years because I feel so insecure about my body
and.. and it's more like not like what the other person thinks cause whatever think what you want
it's more about me and what I think and how I feel about my own body
and having this on me
has completely, completely changed the way that I feel about sex
and I am excited about sex now
and I am excited to use this product
and to have this product used on me
and to incorporate other toys with it
but also incorporate this because this makes it
amazing and sex isn't about penetration all the time and I am very aware of that and I have been doing that for a long time
but the fact that my bottom dysphoria
is like completely gone- related to sex
when I am using this toy is something I never would've thought I would experienced
Even if I got bottom surgery
So if you don't know why it's so good, I did explain a lot of the features in the first video
so again, if you didn't watch that actually please go watch that, uhm.
because I do talk about how the first time I used it by myself when I was jacking it off
I cried
and the reason for that is that this guy
has a reservoir inside
where if you put something inside - by the way this is water and cornstarch
uhm because I like when it looks white because it looks like cum
and you have the peen here and you just squeeze it and it comes up
it just went all over me.. Fantastic
EH - anyways. I don't cum in the person because it's cornstarch and water, I don't wanna do that
but, when we're done, and I've cum, and they've cum
I can take off the condom, I use a condom cause it's just like way easier to clean
and I remove it, and then what do I do? I just go
and I squeeze it and it just goes on them
and that
visual. It's a visual that I never thought I could have
and feel so real that it's coming out of me
It was amazing. Anyways this is literally the best review i've given in my entire life
and it feels like the best review I will EVER give in my entire life so that's why I want you guys to make sure
that you know all of the details of this toy before you decide to buy it
and I feel like because I have experience with a lot of toys a lot of people come to me and they really wanna know
if the toys are worth it if-
some of these toys are very expensive, alright and a lot of people dont have money
but, I am gonna say this, this toy is worth every single penny
that it costs to buy this
and to ship it and to ship it to a different country
in my opinion. It's not gonna work for everyone, I can't promise that, ok I can't the EZP doesn't work for everyone
some of the things that I love, they dont work for everyone
I think that
The visual and the vibration and the looking like a Penis
and it sitting in an area that looks really great
all of those things combined just make it
the best overall experience
I will say this for me, this is not because I want a cis looking penis, I don't want to be cis, I like being trans, this is me, only me
my experience
and when I wear this I don't feel cis I don't feel like that but I understand a 100% how some people could feel that way
it makes 100% sense to me
to me it just feels like I have just found something that completes me
and it feels like the
the missing puzzle piece that would make my sex life real, and
enjoyable 100% of the time
I found it
When you get emotional because of a peen. Oh my god, me when it me
so I know I didnt explain how it works and
why it looks like this how does it even work in a harness
i'll tell you right now but like i said it's in part one
there is underwear you can buy by Transthetics
alright and they look like this and there is also a boxer version of them
these underwear have a little loop
right over here that you put your um vibe in
once the vibe is in, you put the underwear on
Now, to have sex
you just have to put this down, and you put it under here
ok and i'm telling you this is different than in the soloplay cause in the soloplay you put it over here
but when you're having sex you put it over here
Now I was VERY skeptical
that underwear would make me feel okay while I'm having sex
it doesnt even feel like I'm wearing underwear
and, the control is actually very good
um the underwear that I use here are a little too big for me they're a large I should be a medium
so what he recommends is - the owner of the company
is that you can make your own underwear and I would actually recommend doing that as well if you like.
You can buy those underwear too because they're good packing underwear for the EZP. But
if you'd like to save some money or do it your own, I would recommend doing that
I have made my own and I am very glad. I wear H&M underwear all the time, I don't like the white ones
So what I did, is I converted this underwear, here.
So you just have to sew an elastic
now, my sewing job isn't really good and I need to like redo this because
you have the secc it kind of loosens up because i'm not very good at sewing
but I will tell you you can go very hard you can go very fast
you can go slow, you can go hard and slow and fast and hard
fast and slow, hard and soft
you can do everything with this okay and even if somebody is sitting on you, that's just the one tricky part
somebody is sitting on you, you need to close your legs so that this part is between your legs
or else it's not going to work around, but that's okay
because Ifeel like that gives you a lil more UMPH
That's me thrusting by the way UMPH, to go inside. So it does work
It works when you're standing up, it works in the shower, it works doggy style, it works sideways, it works frontways
it works if you're on top it works if you're on bottom
And I do feel like I have more control with the underwear I have made because they are my size so they're a little bit smaller and
you should make them a little bit smaller because they will stretch over time, and you should wash them
um but I did use them I think three times without washing, like the actual transthetics one and they kinda
they stetched a little bit which is normal because it's fiber it's the cotton it's whatever
and that stretches
So I would recommend getting a size that maybe a little bit, like if you're in between sizes get the smaller one
Um because it will stretch. So, I asked the person for details about how it felt and if it felt "cis" and if it felt
Um, Good to have a vibe, because this vibrator is on you and it feels really good on you. Does it feel good for the person getting it?
yes it does. And this peen feels very realistic. And as somebody who has actually
been penetrated with it, so the person
used this toy, they used the underwear on me, but they also used a harness
So what's really great about this toy, is that it's very versatile. Like I am (chase noise)
You can use a harness, so this is the harness that I recommend for like any toy that you have that has a flared base
This is the spareparts Jock harness over here, I did a review on this product please take a look at the link in the
description below
you can actually put the Bono in here because the Bono does have a flare over here and keep the vibe in
because this has a little curtain over here and when
it can actually be positioned to be on you, so when the person
had sex with me
and penetrated me with the harness it worked really great and it was good stability
and they also used the underwear and that was good for them too. How did it feel for me?
hoo, so I was on top, and it felt very, very very realistic
and that's not something that i'm looking for something that's like 100% realistic but it was very
nice, because I have a lot of problems with some of these toys that are too
dense and hard like they actually hurt me in the inside. This is actually squishy
So it actually felt really good inside me
Um I've
been done when the person was on top of me, that was really good too
and I've also been done in the butt, with this
and that is - very good as well
but if you wanna know about all of my anal stuff like watch my other videos cause that's not a video for here
(sick dick flip)
So. This will work if you are having sex with ANY type of person
if they are male if they are female
if they are nonbinary if they are squiggly line
Anyone with any type of genital, that has a hole, you can stick this in them
and just letting you know this actually also feels really good when you're wearing it and kind of rubbing it on the other person's genitals
like, I FEEL IT. I don't know how to explain it I don't understand it feels like
there's something in here that's connected to my brain that's telling me that "this is your dick"
So please, like I said take a look at part one of the review it's so worth it to see because I actually demonstrate
more of the um actual squirting part of this
I show the vibe um the vibe has a lot of different settings
please dear god if you end up buying this
please try it out and let me know how you feel
like I said it's not going to work for everyone, it's not - it can't it's impossible. But I do feel like this is
I can't praise this toy enough and I know that I seem very biased maybe because
like I got to try this toy and
I didn't have sex with this one or two times, I've tried this like nine times. And every single time there's never been a disappointment ever
and it just makes me excited for sex, it makes me excited to have my body shown
I will say that if you don't shave down there and you have more hair
then you definitely don't see
the disconnect between this and your body
and I think that that's the thing that messes me up a little bit cause I trim so I do see the difference BUT
I've got a little bit of a belly and I have never been happier in my entire life to have that
because when i'm having sex with someone and if i'm like
standing up or something or like upright like that
I don't see that it's not connected to me
because I'm leaned back a little bit I lean back a little bit and my stomach hides the disconnect
so because this color is so close to my color it feels like it's me
anyways, that is all I have to say for this product. Please let me know what you think of it, and let me know what you think of this review
I feel like I need to go cry now cause I just remembered the first time that I used it and it was just such a special moment
and I
can't really have sex with people I dont connect with and this is more of a personal thing I feel like maybe I need to
have romantic feelings for someone I don't know what it is. I can have sex with someone it's just not going to be good
but i feel like
because I had such a deep connection with the person that I was sleeping with the first time I tried this
that it helped
made me feel more comfortable and more connected to the person and maybe that's why this felt like it was me
although, before I even slept with this person this did feel like it was me when jacking it off by myself
but anyways, watch part one for that. Thank you so much for watching. Please take a look at the link in the description below
if you would like to purchase this, or if you would like more information about this product
sorry there's like cum on my face now. And - uh I love you guys so much. Alright, have a great week bye
O CANTO DA MARIQUITA (Setophaga pitiayumi) - Duration: 28:34.-------------------------------------------
Fiesta 2017 - Luis Fonsi, CNCO, Wisin, Daddy Yankee - Estrenos 2017 Reggaeton Mix - Duration: 1:04:19.Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
O BELO CANTO DO CANÁRIO RUSSO (Russian Canary Singing) ! - Duration: 30:02.-------------------------------------------
My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.15 [ENG/IND/2017.04.29] - Duration: 1:07:04.(Episode 15)
Why did he come to you?
That young man
wants to live with us.
What do you mean?
He wants to live with me at our apartment.
So I told him to come.
Are you out of your mind?
He came to me, thinking I'm his father,
so I couldn't say no.
I know it's late,
but I want to
be his father in Hansu's place.
I've met him several times,
and he's a very nice young man. He's great.
He's tall and handsome.
He looks just like Hansu.
Oh yeah.
And he's an actor.
He was in some TV dramas.
His name is An Junghui.
You've been going to see him
after closing the snack bar?
Are you out of your mind?
What if you get caught?
Once you meet Junghui,
you'll like him.
Be quiet.
If you want to be his father,
you can do it by yourself.
I can never agree to
that kind of nonsense.
My heart is pounding. Stop talking to me.
It's chrysanthemum tea.
I didn't ask you for that.
You're not making any sense.
How could he come here and live with us?
What will you tell the kids?
I know.
I know all that...
But he's Hansu's son.
How can I turn my back on Hansu's son?
How am I supposed to face Hansu when I die?
I can't turn my back on Junghui
and face Hansu after I'm dead.
Then don't face him. Then everything's fine.
How are you going to face our kids?
What will you tell them?
That you have another son
and he wants to live with you?
Is that it?
About that...
Can you explain it to them for me?
You're better with words than I am.
And you're very persuasive.
Are you kidding me?
I'm begging you.
I've already said yes to Junghui.
Then go back to him and tell him no.
Even if you cry, my answer won't change.
Everything put aside,
what if you get caught?
Why can't you think about that?
You didn't have a moment of peace all these years
because you were scared to death,
and you were finally learning to relax, no?
What about me, who had to watch you suffer?
You think it was easy for me?
I was constantly nervous and worried.
You've always been a timid and faint-hearted man,
so why are you being so reckless and bold?
You're not scared of getting caught?
I am scared.
How can I not be?
Of course I'm scared and frightened.
But I can't turn my back on Junghui now.
All these years,
Junghui believed his father had abandoned him.
Because of me.
Because I lived as Hansu.
He believed Hansu was alive.
Am I wrong?
But still, after 35 years,
he came looking for the father who abandoned him.
He says he doesn't,
but I'm sure he missed his father dearly.
I grew up without a father,
so I know how that feels better than anyone.
So how can I turn my back on him?
I wouldn't make it into heaven, honey.
Honey, thanks to Hansu,
we were able to raise our kids without any trouble.
Thanks to Hansu, our kids could grow up
enjoying a happy childhood.
Is that all you can think about?
You suffered more than anyone.
Why can't you think about what you went through?
When I think about that...
Let's just think about how much we owe Hansu.
Don't think about what I went through.
Should focus on what we did to Hansu.
Lucky you.
You're a regular Buddha.
I hope you attain Buddhahood.
But I can't do it.
No matter what you say,
I can never accept it.
- Honey. / - I'm home.
I have nothing more to say.
Baby sister, you're home?
Were you drinking?
Why? What's wrong?
Were you drinking, too?
Because I was so upset.
Me too.
Come here. Have one more.
Should I?
Miyeong, what is life?
It's love and war.
How can this happen? Huh?
If this were a drama plot, people would complain,
saying it's improbable.
I've never seen this even in dramas.
I object to this marriage.
Over my dead body. Never!
I object to this couple, too.
But that won't make them
break up or anything.
That's true. That's the problem.
Darn it...
Honey, you're not asleep?
If you're not, let's talk.
Okay, go to sleep.
Oh, my head.
Oh, my stomach.
Why did I drink so much?
What's this?
Hey, drink, drink.
There was this girl who bullied me really badly.
She and my big brother are getting married.
Get revenge!
I'm getting revenge!
- To! / - Revenge!
I must be crazy!
You're nuts! Why did you blabber on about that?
No, Mr. An might not remember any of it.
He was completely drunk.
But why do I remember it?
Forget it! Forget it!
Drama Plus interview.
Oh, no...
Ouch, my head.
Darn it...
Darn it...
I have an interview. I'm doomed.
Who did I drink with last night?
No, no... It can't be...
Lots of people in this world get pregnant,
have babies, but abandon them.
You don't have to look far.
I didn't abandon any baby. I was abandoned.
Oh my god.
I said all that to the intern?
I mean, how much did I tell her?
Was that all? Was that...
Telling her that was like telling her everything.
This is crazy.
No, it can't be.
It can't be? What can't be?
What's wrong with you?
Why do you always get into trouble when you drink?
Can the intern hold her liquor?
She was an athlete, so I'm sure she can.
The probability of her blacking out is...
I'm doomed.
Darn it...
Taebu, where are you?
At work.
Because of the level test for the rookies.
Taebu, listen carefully.
I'm feeling terrible today.
So can you please come
instead of the intern just for today?
Why, Junghui? You're sick?
No, I'm not sick.
I just had a bit too much to drink last night.
Can you please come?
I don't think I can.
I'll tell the intern to get some hangover soup and...
Please. You have to come.
It has to be you. Okay?
Taebu, you work so hard.
I'll be waiting for you. Bye.
Mommy! Whoa, you scared me to death.
Hello, Mr. An.
Uh, hi.
What are you doing here?
Well, I was cleaning the back.
What about him? Taebu?
Taebu is busy with the New Talent level test,
so I had to come...
I see.
Let me take a nap.
It's a hangover latte.
Taebu said you like that.
He taught you every single detail.
The reporter is running a bit late.
Okay. I got it.
My throat hurts a bit.
Is your stomach hurting, too?
Yes, a bit.
Oh, by the way...
Why did we drink last night?
I don't remember anything at all.
This is why they say An Junghui might be a robot.
You don't remember? Obviously, you do.
I'm not sure.
I don't remember anything at all either.
Really? You don't remember?
How weird? I don't remember anything at all either.
I'm telling you because you're my manager.
I suffer from an illness. I'm a pathological liar.
It doesn't come out when I'm sober,
but when I drink, I can't control it.
So whatever I said last night,
they're all lies. All of them.
I see.
When I get drunk,
I write soap operas.
It happens all the time.
My dream was to become a writer.
So if you remember anything at all,
just think, "Oh, she must've been brainstorming
for another soap opera."
In case you're still hoping,
I came down to tell you one last time.
No matter how hard I think about it, we can't do this.
Think of how you've been living all these years.
Why have you been doing this?
It was all for our kids.
You were always worried and nervous for our kids.
You never got a driver's license.
And you never traveled abroad or even in Korea.
It was always home and work, home and work.
You never opened a bank account.
Both our apartment and this snack bar
are under my name.
You're going to throw all of that away?
Our kids lived their entire lives as Byeons,
and you're going to tell them
their dad's last name is actually Lee?
No, you don't even have to go that far.
They think their dad is the best dad in the world.
So can you really tell them
that their dad has another son
and that son wants to live with them?
Junyeong, Hyeyeong and Miyeong are...
Fine. They're over 30. They might understand.
What about Rayeong?
Our baby girl is still young.
And do you know anything about
what happened between Hansu and Ms. An Sujin?
How they met? Why they got a divorce?
You're just guessing.
Do you know if Ms. An was pregnant
or if he was already born at the time?
Do you know for sure if that young man
wouldn't ask you about those things?
Are you sure you can make things up when he does?
Despite all these,
if there's a reason why he must live with us,
persuade me.
And I will be persuaded.
How could I persuade you?
When you just
left me speechless like this?
So I thought
you could persuade our kids.
Yes, you're right.
What I'm saying is crazy. I know.
I can get caught. It's dangerous.
I know all that.
But he's Hansu's son.
And I want to
cook Junghui warm meals.
He's rather grumpy. And he's very edgy.
He's sensitive.
You said he's an actor. It's because of that.
It's not.
I don't think he's ever experienced family love.
He looked really lonely.
There was no warmth at his apartment.
It was bleak and his fridge was empty.
It didn't look like anyone lives there.
You've been to his apartment, too?
I've been there twice.
If Junghui moves in with us,
he could move out anytime.
He asked to move in, but he's always lived alone,
so he might come and move back out the next day.
So I want to cook him warm meals
as many times as I can.
And I want him to feel the affection of family.
And if I can,
I want him to feel fatherly love, too.
No, that's not enough.
If you want to cook for him,
if you want him to feel fatherly love,
go to his apartment and do it.
That's not the same thing.
You said he's already a famous celebrity.
So why is he lonely?
He must be loved by thousands of people.
Forget it. This conversation is over.
You failed to persuade me.
Let's pretend this never happened.
Wait a minute.
When Junyeong gets married, his room will be available.
Mother, isn't it uncomfortable for you
to share a room with Minha?
He's all grown up now.
Oh, what if I am?
There's no solution.
There is one solution.
You want to move?
When Junyeong gets married,
his room will be available, mother.
You want Minha to move into that room?
I have to look after my son, mother.
So what are you saying?
You're telling me to move into the rooftop room?
I just thought you should think about it.
Being roommates with your grandson could be
uncomfortable, and you really love Yeongsil.
I never said it was uncomfortable.
But maybe it was uncomfortable for you.
You shouldn't be like this.
Telling your old mother-in-law with bad joints
to move into the rooftop room
is like telling me to leave this apartment.
No, mother. I didn't mean it like that.
Then what did you mean?
If you're going to say that,
give me back the deposit I pitched in.
And I'll take that money
and move out of this apartment.
Oh, boy. If anyone heard you,
they'd think I'm a freeloader at my son's house.
Oh, boy.
Was that a mistake?
Oh, I'm so furious.
Oh, I'm so heartbroken.
If I didn't have a daughter,
where could I take my grief to?
You know what? Bomi told me
to move out of her apartment.
She said Junyeong's room will be available
when he marries and told me to move in there.
Goodness, my heart is broken to pieces,
so I can't even talk.
My whole body is shaking.
Oh my...
What are you doing? What's going on?
You can't hear me?
Mom, I have so much on my mind
that I can't hear you. Tell me later.
Wow, what a horrible daughter you are!
Forget it!
Fine. I will leave.
When I'm gone, you'll be hit
with a ton of regret.
You horrible people.
At today's rate, it's $1,920.
- I'm paying back my student loan. / - Okay.
Thanks to you, I paid most of my student loan back.
Your big brother's the best, right?
Hey, you were only born two minutes before me.
Anyway, thank you, big brother.
Ew. Bye.
Move your feet faster.
Kick once. Go.
Slow down.
Move your feet faster.
Oh, how disappointing.
He has the nicest outer cover.
We were both flirting.
Don't cry.
This is like a natural disaster.
It's not something a person can change.
Move your feet faster.
But it hurts so badly.
No, there's no need for this.
It's not just me he's unavailable to.
Okay, Byeon Rayeong.
It's okay to have one male friend.
Eye candy exists to be enjoyed with your eyes.
That's it for today.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
Thank you.
Don't be. Not when we're friends.
I've seen everything.
And we share a secret no one else knows.
A secret?
The night duty room?
Oh, and I've seen that person.
I understand. I do.
Don't worry about it.
I don't have a prejudice about that.
What? What are you talking about?
I said I understand.
So we're friends now.
If you have a problem, come and tell me.
Let's be there for each other, okay?
Oh, you have a class, right?
Good luck.
I know your love life isn't easy, Cheolsu.
But keep your chin up!
I haven't been home for a while,
but none of my kids are calling me.
What horrible children.
Why are you sitting out here?
I fought with your mom, so I ran away from home.
Where are you coming from?
An after school class.
What did you and my mom fight about?
Don't worry about that.
Go home
and see if anyone is looking for me.
Ask your mom
where your grandmother went.
Ask her if something happened
and make her worry.
Grandmother, you're so cute.
Just come home with me.
I'll tell my mom I got worried
and went looking for you.
Aren't you hungry?
Of course I'm hungry.
I didn't have much luck with my kids,
but I got lucky with my grandson.
Let's go.
You carry this.
Gosh. Ouch, my back. Ouch.
My little baby.
Let me have your bag.
Aren't these pretty?
This is Nut, and this is Cracker.
These are pretty.
This is totally...
Oh, my gosh!
It's buy one, get one free.
There you go.
Mix it?
We'll get a headache.
Okay. We're home.
Let's go.
Your son came to see me.
He brought flowers and a Korean beef gift set
to apologize to me.
He's not getting away with that.
We're home.
Hello, home sweet home.
Should Nut try to make dinner tonight?
What do you think, Cracker?
No, I told you not to do that again.
But when Nut cooks,
I can't guarantee it'll taste good!
- I told you not to do that. / - Okay.
- Who's that? / - Who could that be?
Who is it?
It's mom. Open the door.
The bedroom... No.
The utility room.
What's taking so long?
Your jacket!
- My shoe! / - Shoes.
What? What are you doing?
Hi, mom. I'm not wearing any pants.
Just a second.
Hi, mom. I'm sorry it took so long.
- Come here. / - Okay.
Why is it so hot in here?
- You know what happened today? / - Yes?
Wait, what's all this?
You bought all that for yourself?
No, I'm working on my new show.
It's a kind of eating program
called "Take Care of My Three Home Cooked Meals."
You went to see that woman? The snack bar woman?
Huh? Yes.
Why did you go and apologize to that woman?
What does that make me?
You made me look like a joke!
What are you doing when your mom's furious?
Ouch... My jaw hurts. I wonder why.
What? Stop trying to
change the subject like your dad does!
No, mom. Go ahead.
What did I ever do wrong?
Why did you go and apologize? Huh?
Do you know how that ignorant woman
boasted to me about that today?
Because of you,
that ignorant woman from the boondocks...
Oh my goodness. My heart...
I mean, I can understand what you mean, but I...
Why do you keep checking behind my back?
Wait, don't...
Why did you go there, mother?
You're being weird, mother.
Are you hiding something from me?
No. What could I hide from you?
Why are you acting this way? Like you need to pee?
All antsy and sweaty?
Well, I... Actually...
Everyone in my team is coming over soon.
We're going to cook and make plans.
So I can't have you stay here.
Even if you asked me, I wouldn't stay. Don't worry.
So what I'm saying is,
that rough, vulgar and rude woman...
Oh, what's wrong with you?
Are you crazy?
I'm in a hurry. My team is coming over.
Mom, let's go, okay?
Why can't I be here when they come?
I'm your mom.
No, that'd be bad.
You being here will make them so uncomfortable.
Let's go, okay? Let's talk outside.
Let's go.
Be understanding. I lost my show.
Let's go.
You said you're sorry,
so I'm going to forgive you this once.
I know. This won't ever happen again. Never ever.
Let's go, Ms. Oh.
Drive safely.
Goodbye, mom.
She's still here, right? What do I do?
I'm sorry.
About what?
Stopping family members from visiting.
About breaking Article 3 of our Apartment Rules.
And this I forgot. Not changing the lock code.
So you know what you did.
So? What will you do from now on?
I'll change the code right now.
And can I make a call?
Hi, mom. It's me.
If you want to see me, ask me to come to you.
I love my team,
and I won't let them suffer any inconvenience.
So you can't come here again. Okay?
This guy was upside down.
Should I change the code?
You weren't going to?
I mean, I have to put my arms down to do that.
Put them down.
Should I change it to your birthday?
Were you going to make it your mother's birthday?
Don't be absurd. I'll go change it now.
You're not coming up? It's late.
I'm coming.
Why didn't you go to bed?
Okay, I'm coming up.
I'll turn the lights off.
What's wrong?
It's my stomach.
What's wrong with it?
I think my ulcer is acting up.
Is it bad?
It's okay. I can handle it.
I'm going to sleep.
I think I'll feel better after I get some sleep.
Okay. Get some sleep.
Tell me if it hurts. I'll take you to the ER.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
Why are we having porridge for breakfast?
Oh, your dad's stomach ulcer is back.
What? Dad, your stomach ulcer is back?
Father, is it bad?
You don't need to see a doctor?
I'm fine.
You didn't have to make porridge.
Don't worry. Eat and head to work.
I wonder why.
Dad, is something bothering you?
Right. Dad, when you get worried about something,
your ulcer comes back.
I can't eat because my stomach hurts.
I'm going to work.
Maybe you should see a doctor.
You look really sick.
No. It's just that I can't eat.
It's not that bad.
Call me if it gets bad, father.
I'll take you to the doctor's office.
Have a nice day.
Dad, get well soon.
Hurry up and eat.
Your dad skips a few meals when his ulcer acts up.
Oh, that's too loud.
She hid it?
There are no more, right?
Let's go back to sleep.
Why won't you turn off? Turn off...
42,825 times the square root of 27?
Hyeyeong, wake up and solve this.
I can't solve this.
Hey, Hye...
I mean, she can't get up,
so why does she set so many alarms up?
Oh, seriously!
Man... I majored in liberal arts.
It was more like you didn't look for father.
So why...
This kind of chance doesn't come every day.
I'm getting so much spam.
He's not calling,
so maybe he hasn't told his family yet.
Oh, whatever.
If he can't do it, he should let me know.
I've been waiting.
Hey, Al.
We shouldn't move there, right?
If we do, both you and I will be uncomfortable.
But he should let me know how it went.
I don't think I can come today. I'm sorry.
Oh, man...
As if anyone's been waiting. Right?
Why does he think that?
(Judo) It's time for the poster shoot.
Darn it...
Hello, everyone.
Hi, Junghui. You're here!
- You came early. / - I had to.
Oh, right.
This is the photographer for our poster shoot.
Hello. I hope it goes well.
You're the lead here, you know?
I put you at the top of the list.
You have to do a good job.
Don't worry.
Hey, Judo.
Let me see the schedule.
What? It's true?
Why am I the first one on the list?
It's probably because
you have more experience than Mr. Jin Seongjun.
That must be.
Jin Seongjun's shooting a commercial
and is running late, so you're going first.
Did you really have to tell me that?
But that's the truth.
What's the truth?
That's not the truth.
I'm Cha Jeonghwan, and I'm shooting the making-of.
Mr. Cha?
It's nice to see you here. You brought a camera?
I think our ancestors were surprisingly wise.
Have you heard of this proverb?
"You encounter your enemy at the worst place."
Our ancestors also said this.
"What goes around comes around."
A variety show producer shooting a making-of film?
Oh, right.
"Entertainment Today" got cancelled. How sad.
No, it's because "Oh, My Boss" is a special drama,
KBC sent a special variety show producer.
But for a special drama,
the casting isn't as nice as I expected.
I heard the final episode of Entertainment Today
also broke the lowest ratings record.
Oh, boy!
You're so interested in my affairs. Man...
Jeonghwan, we should start.
Yes, we should. We should start shooting.
But there's nothing to shoot here.
When is Mr. Jin Seongjun arriving?
- Not sure. I'll ask. / - Good.
Thank you!
I think I've seen her before.
An Junghui's manager.
We'll start with Mr. An Junghui!
Why does my shoulder hurt? Let's go.
Junghui, nice. Nice.
A bit more mellow look. Okay.
Mellow. One, two.
Okay. Nice.
Junghui, where are you looking? Look at the camera.
I'm sorry.
Let's go. One, two.
Mr. Jin Seongjun is here.
- Hello. / - Yes, hello.
I am Cha Jeonghwan from the Entertainment Department.
- Hello. / - Let's do a good job today.
Seongjin, hi.
- I'm here. / - Hi.
Hello, Junghui.
Is it going well?
It's not too hard to get into character?
Let's take a break.
Let's take five.
Good job.
Did your shoot go well?
You should buy us a drink.
It's you, the intern. It's been a while.
You're here early.
I heard you were shooting a commercial.
I finished early so I could come and help you
get into character.
Mr. Ryu was really worried.
About what?
Because of what happened at the table-read.
Don't worry, Junghui.
I told him I'd assist you
and make sure you do a good job.
If you can't get into character,
I can work with you and help you.
Mr. Jin, you're very kind.
Yes, Seongjun. Thank you.
Let me go get ready.
I'm going to the practice room afterward,
so call my teacher and make an appointment.
Right after?
I think you need some rest. Last night...
How can I rest right now?
Book a practice room.
Yes, sir.
An Junghui's in the shoot too, right?
Yes, he went first,
so they must be finished by now.
That's great.
Huh? It's nothing.
Let's go.
Good work today!
Good job! Thank you!
I need to go to the restroom.
Ms. Kim, the restroom is on the other side...
This is crazy.
What kind of
formal apology does she want?
You can go straight to the practice room.
Your teacher is waiting for you.
Don't you think it looks like me?
Five weeks
means the cell division isn't even over yet.
No, no. It looks like Yuju.
It does.
Man. Are you happy?
Now that you're getting married?
I don't know what to say to mom and father,
but I am happy.
What are you so happy about?
Marriage is a tomb for life.
I'll be in the tomb with Yuju,
so I'm happy.
Wow, you sure are blinded by love.
It's really serious.
She deserves blind love.
She cares for me, and she always encourages me.
When I'm with Yuju,
I feel like I'm a pretty good man.
Your aunt was like that, too. Before the wedding.
My Yuju won't ever change.
Sure. I hope that's true.
So where are you going to live?
We're going apartment hunting this weekend.
I searched a bit online,
but the key money now is crazy, so I'm worried.
(Dreaming Poets)
Whoa, I got so many comments.
(Life - Cha Gyutaek)
- This is nice. / - I sympathize.
I don't like it.
This guy has no clue about poetry.
Poet Zorba?
"I enjoyed your poem, Mr. Cha Gyutaek.
It was a good poem with deep insight
on life.
The sadness and futility of the lost youth
overwhelmed my heart.
I'm so happy to meet someone
I can share this feeling with.
Can we meet soon?
I'd love to see you."
Great minds can recognize each other.
Let me see. When is the next gathering?
Let me see...
I think we can see each other soon.
Is this what they call a soulmate?
How do you feel?
If you're not feeling well, you should see a doctor.
I just did. It was pretty bad.
Really? What did the doctor say?
It's my ulcer acting up.
I got medicine for a week.
I took it and feel much better already.
That's great.
You should have lunch. You skipped breakfast.
A bit later.
I don't have an appetite.
If it gets worse, come up and get some rest.
Is your answer still no?
When I went to see the doctor,
I wrote down "Byeon Hansu" on the form.
I've lived as Byeon Hansu much longer
than as Lee Yunseok.
I did Hansu wrong, and I owe him so much.
And he's Hansu's son,
yet you expect me to turn my back on him?
Can you please let me do this?
Think of it as saving my life.
I can do everything else for you.
But this has to do with the safety
of our entire family.
Did he say his name is An Junghui?
What does he look like?
(An Junghui)
Bomi, are you busy right now?
That's great.
Can you man my husband's snack shop?
Yes, he and I have to go somewhere.
Okay. Thank you.
Did you eat lunch?
How do you feel?
Are you feeling good enough to go somewhere?
Okay. Can we go somewhere?
Yes. I'll bring the car around.
I'm sorry, friend.
I'll make amends for this when I die.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Hansu.
I'm sorry.
I really am.
Bring Hansu's son home.
You're right.
We can't turn our backs on Hansu's son.
Bring him home.
Did that young man named An Junghui
really say he wants to come live with us?
Are you sure
you won't get caught?
I'll stay on guard and do a good job.
I promise.
I think he can use Hyeyeong's room.
And when Junyeong moves out, he can use his room.
I'll tell the kids,
so don't worry about that.
Thank you, honey.
Thank you.
Let's go down before the sun comes down.
We need to go home and call the kids over.
I should tell Junghui, too.
Thanks, honey.
I'll be even better.
I mean it. I'll be much, much better.
Record that.
Okay. I'll record it.
Emergency family meeting at eight tonight.
Including Hyeyeong, everyone is required.
Okay, mom. I have a class soon.
What's on the agenda?
I can't tell you by text.
Be here and don't be late.
Okay. I'll see you later.
I'm getting really curious.
Oh, how's father doing?
Our eldest son is the best.
He's okay.
He saw a doctor and is gotten much better.
He's eating now.
Mom, I'll be home on time.
Okay. Have a good day and I'll see you later.
Son, daughter, daughter, daughter,
I love you.
(I love you / I love you)
(I love you / I love you)
She said she loves us.
Doesn't Mom hardly ever say things like this?
She never did.
Just reply saying you love her, too.
Who got into trouble?
Who's planning on getting into trouble?
Come clean right now.
It wasn't me.
It's not me either.
Not me.
Was it Uncle Yeongsik again?
What is on the agenda?
What could it be?
No one got into trouble? For real?
I'm in shock.
Mom told us she loves us.
Mom. Not dad.
She didn't say that when I passed the bar exam.
I'm scared.
I'm scared, too.
But let's all get back to work for now.
Oh, and don't forget to reply you love her, too.
(Junyeong) I love you, mother.
(Hyeyeong) I love you.
(Miyeong) Mom, I love you, too.
(Rayeong) Mom, I love you, too.
The die is cast.
What are you doing here unannounced?
I thought of calling you,
but I wanted to tell you in person.
I told my family, and everyone said yes.
- When are you moving? / - What?
Y-Your family said yes?
Your family really said yes?
Did you force them or pressure them...
No, I didn't.
They said yes without any pressure from me.
They must be very laid-back.
But I'm sorry.
That bed is too big.
It won't fit into my daughter's room.
You're moving into my eldest daughter's room.
She moved out recently,
so her room's empty now.
I see.
That girl won't even say hello to me?
Didn't her parents teach her any manners?
Girls as rude as her
should never get married.
Girls like her always ruin the lives of
good women's sons.
I'm home.
Come in, son.
Now that Junyeong's here, tell us.
What is this about?
Take one of these first.
What's that? Anxiety medicine?
Mom, why do we need those?
I told you to take it. Hurry.
I don't want to. Just tell us.
Do as I say.
I won't tell you if you don't.
We all took one, mom.
Tell us.
Okay, then.
Your father has a son.
Your father has another son.
We're against that man coming here
and living with us.
I said yes,
so why are you objecting?
I thought my dad was different.
But all men are the same.
She accepted her husband's son born out of wedlock.
Does that even make sense?
I didn't know this was a blind date.
I'm sorry.
What's going on?
You're seeing someone?
You can't repeat what you did at the table-read.
This is a top secret between you and me.
I'm moving.
To your father's apartment?
เรื่องย่อ เมียหลวง ตอนจบ(อวสาน) - Duration: 23:57.-------------------------------------------
Машинки Cars маленькие машинки в Play-Doh Play doh small cars Сars for kids Машинки видео для детей - Duration: 6:51.-------------------------------------------
Σκότωσαν τα Φασόλια ! - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
PANNA FLASHBACK ft. ALI B - BEST OF EASY MAN 2009 Vol.3 - Duration: 7:35.2009! Many memories.
What can I say about it? I've been through a lot.
But it were one of my first videos, where it was just me giving Panna's.
It was at a school. "Who Dares?!" Who dares to play against me.
And I destroyed the entire school.
So till this day, I still say: Who dares to play against me?
No problem, street football player, professional football player, it doesn't matter!
It's my passion! Nothing but love!
And this is what I do man! Easy Man!
Around that time I introduced the "Dirk Panna".
It was a Panna my brother taught me.
And we call that the "Dirk Panna".
I used it against a guy who was saying that I could not give him a Panna.
He was really talking arrogant outside of the cage.
And I put him on the spot and told him lets play! Who Dares!
And he accepted and I gave him the:
That was the "Dirk Panna" man!
Bang! Bang!
Like I said, 2009 a lot of memories.
After the "Who Dares" Panna there were a lot of shows.
I was performing more and more.
Eventually I had a performance together with Ali B.
We did the "Sync Show" with the boys.
Shout out to the boys!
That was really awesome!
And I'll never forget it.
It's hard work!
2009 was also the year I was booked abroad for the second time.
I went to Bahrain, with Tom V and Randy Koetsier.
We had an awesome time over there.
After the shows in the City Centre, they brought us to an indoor court to play Futsal.
And I showed them my Easy Man skills.
I showed them what Futsal was about.
And they were shocked.
I scored a goal from around the midline.
But you just have to see for yourself.
And let me know what you think, like and Subscribe JeandDoestTv!
This is what we do man. Easy Man! Love & Respect!
To all our fans who love SSD:
We're real people, everything we do is real!
No fake shit, we're not from Neptune.
We're just real!
You know it. We're gonna do the show, we're gonna rock it!
We only bring the truth with the ball! Check it!
I was still very young.
So we were acting crazy and doing stuff like a Skill Battle against each other and dancing.
See who had the best tricks and dance moves.
I don't know for sure who won that battle, but I think it was me.
But just check out for yourself!
Yes, yes, it's Easy Man!
Do you want to see the video of 2007? Click here!
Or if you want to see the video of 2008? Click here!
Easy Man! Love & Respect!
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