The Coming Shift to Cosmic Fascism
As the people of Planet Earth learn that Alien ETs are real and that there is an ongoing
Secret Space War, a whole new form of fascist world government is going to quickly emerge
� easily displacing the current one that is best described as Super Fascism
The Coming Shift to Cosmic Fascism
Part I
Soon the public is going to learn that Alien ETs are real and that their anti-gravity craft
are real too.
And this major disclosure of the US Government�s greatest secret may now come sooner rather
than later.
Once the cat is out of the bag, be certain that it will set off a process that will displace
the current Super Fascist American governmental system run out of the City of London (COL)
and will usher in a kinder, gentler (at least at first) new form of fascism, best referred
to as Cosmic Fascism.
We now know for certain that crashed Alien anti-gravity craft from distant locations
in the Cosmos were piloted by Alien ETs.
These crashed craft have been recovered and back-engineered by certain defense contractors
in various �Black� and �unacknowledged programs�.
And some inside sources have now claimed that these back-engineering programs involve secret
treaties made with certain Alien ET groups who now work jointly with American defense
contractor staff in certain highly compartmented Deep-Black and Beyond-Black unacknowledged
Secret Space War and hybridization programs, with at least one being located at Dulce,
New Mexico, in a Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB).
Ben Rich former head of Lockheed-Martin Skunkworks described UFOs as �Biomorphic�.
Remember this term �Biomorphic� that Ben Rich used to describe these recovered and
back-engineered Alien ET anti-gravity craft.
Biomorphic: �Resembling or suggesting the form of a living organism. The ability to
move, change shape and function as a living entity�. More on this deep mystery at the
end of this 3 part series.
And as Ben Rich also once claimed, �we now have the technology to take ET home�. He
was implying that the defense contractors in these unacknowledged, un-audited Deep-Black
and Beyond-Black programs had now reached the point technologically that they can bridge
interstellar space and travel inter-dimensionally beyond the speed of light.
This coming major disclosure of the deepest state secrets ever held is going to create
a monumental shift in the composition and beliefs of society including its leadership
For reasons to be disclosed in this article, this coming greatest USG disclosure ever will
propel America and the world into a new kind of Globalist NWO that will be independent
of the old guard, who are typically referred to by insiders as the BT/RKM/COL or the �Hierarchy�.
This current Ruling Cabal will be shoved aside and made irrelevant and will become completely
unsupported at every level by the world�s masses all in unison and will be ejected from
all power.
The Cabal will be shoved aside and deemed obsolete and anti-human as a worldwide reaction
to some very startling world events related to disclosure of Alien ETs and a publicly
announced expectation of a coming cosmic Battle for Planet Earth.
This expected final battle for Planet Earth is going to be reported as a battle with what
are now viewed to be a certain evil Alien ET group headed toward Planet Earth as a very
large and powerful armada.
This Ruling Cabal is a Hierarchy or pyramid of power and is known to be controlled by
BT/RKM/COL private debt-note based pernicious usury fiat banking. Insiders claim this Cabal
is run by a satanic cult that uses pedophilia as their personal sport and a means to compromise
new initiates. This Ruling Cabal has been alleged to have merged its top controllers
with every major, organized-crime group in the world.
Typically this Hierarchy always infiltrates, merges and then hijacks major organized crimes
groups all over the world to gain an edge in controlling the various subcultures of
power that exist in the world. Then the Hierarchy uses this underworld power as a base to conduct
highly illegal, immoral covert operations needed to gain vast funding off the books
and without Congressional oversight, to human compromise and exert controls not otherwise
possible, that are all thus deniable.
Doofuses and weirdos are selected from �Bloodline� families of those who are judged to be easily
morally compromised; and these folks are groomed, initiated, dirtied up and propelled into the
highest positions in society and the USG to become Cutouts for the Hierarchy.
Thus the visible USG is staffed with Doofus tools in high authority that are there only
to act as ordered or according to the Agendas set by a Top Council of the Twelve Kings of
the Earth (now 11). Once they are no longer needed soon after major disclosure occurs
they will quickly become irrelevant and be pushed aside into obscurity and perhaps poverty
too like many of their victims over the years.
Baphomet Despite all the power these Doofus tools have
been given and cloaked with, they are readily disposable as soon as they are no longer needed
by the Top Controller to which the Superior General (Black Pope) answers to. And this
entity, according to insiders, is a Lesser god (Fallen One) some view as Lucifer, an
entity whom these top Cabal members view as the god of this world, and a force they believe
will soon be seated to rule the whole world with supernatural power.
The Ruling Cabal (aka the Hierarchy) is typically controlled by �12 Kings� (now 11, until
a replacement is fully initiated and brought in). These Kings rule the world and answer
to the Superior General (aka Black Pope) who operates under the authority of Lucifer who
he believes is the operational god of this world.
As this new form of Fascism is shifted into place, it will in a sense start out as a friendly,
much friendlier than the Super Fascism which was implemented by GHWB and the BCC under
the authority of the Council of Twelve, the operational Kings of the BT/RKM/COL World
Banking Hierarchy.
In America, Super fascism has been cloaked as friendly, except if you become a target
as a whistle-blower, dissident or a nation where natural resources and land is considered
essential to the Hierarchy.
GHWB used to brag to his inside circle that what he had implemented was a friendlier form
of fascism, the �iron fist in the velvet glove�. What he meant was this new Super
Fascist USG that was implemented by the JFK Assassination was secret, powerful and maintained
a veneer of social concern on the outside.
Of course any serious whistle-blowers or dissenters who were judged to pose a serious loose-end
or threat to the Hierarchy would be seriously dealt with by the iron fist, but it would
be sufficiently �cloaked� to keep it secret from the general public through control of
their Major Mass Media, which functions as an illegal News and Media Monopoly and Cartel.
Serious terminations with extreme prejudice by assigned wet-boy teams (sometimes using
women assets) required a presidential �signed national security finding� (much like a
secret PDD) that ordered and justified the action as necessary to protect or maintain
�national security�.
These assassinations of whistle-blowers and dissidents inside America involve orders by
FBI or CIA Officers or agents to the local police to �stand-down� that are always
complied with. Highly obedient or deeply compromised Medical examiners (coroners) are used who
falsely list the deaths as suicides, even though all the evidence shows blatant acts
of murder.
This methodology became a way of life in Arkansas for the �Dixie Mafia� which had become
deputized by the CIA as agents of �National Security� and used to cover up for the Clintons
and the GHWB authorized crimes of the CIA�s Mena Arkansas drug pipeline.
Thus the term �Arkencide� was coined to represent these �impossible suicides�
later used by the FBI, the CIA, the DOD and various contractors deputized under national
What American Super Fascism is, and how it functions as a secret Globalist NWO run by
147 large interlocked International Corporations mostly linked to G7 nations which share many
of the same Board of Directors and Intel agents from their nations� various Intel agencies.
With Nazi Fascism the State merged with the Corporations, but the State maintained control.
Our current condition in America is best referred to as Super Fascism wherein the State and
the Corporations merge and the Corporations gain control over the State because they have
stacked and hijacked it.
In Super Fascism 147 of these largest international corporations and large Wall Street Banks infiltrated,
stacked and hijacked use the American State and use it as a their tool to protect their
own elite interests over and above the interests of We The People.
The Super fascism of America as directed by the BT/RKM/COL is only a transitory state
and will soon be superseded by a whole new form of government, one that will envelop
the whole world (or what is left of it by that time).
Like regular Fascism, Super Fascism too will be superseded by a new style of Fascism. This
new type of fascism, best called Cosmic Fascism is going to be implemented soon and is the
merger and fusion of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) and the Secret Space War Program with
the State to form a new form of state, the Globalist NWO Super State.
With Cosmic Fascism the deep esoteric secrets of the Secret Space War Program are going
to be accepted by the Super State and will be publicly proclaimed in order to mobilize
the masses against what will be claimed to be a large coming invasion attempt by evil
Alien ETs.
At that time the world�s masses will be convinced that the only way for humanity to
survive this is for all the major nations of the world to coordinate their Secret Space
War programs and fight and destroy this large Alien ET Cosmic Invading force.
As this shift to the esoteric as Cosmic Fascism in society occurs, the Old Guard (top Hierarchy
members) which includes the BT/RKM/BCC/COL Super Fascists will be quickly pushed aside
and stripped of all power and privilege.
Naturally the Old Guard will resist this new form of fascism (Cosmic Fascism) and will
desperately try and maintain the existence of their own system, Super Fascism. To do
this they will pick from a choice of proved options. They can continue to deploy false-flag
attacks, some even nuclear as was done at the twin towers NYC on 9-11-01.
They can use these to falsely blame hand selected mentally ill or mentally retarded Islamic
patsies the FBI works hard to entrap; or they can start major new illegal unconstitutional
aggressive foreign wars of acquisition.
Or they can continue supporting their private mercenary army ISIS which is an extension
of the Mujaheddin started by the CIA to defeat the Soviet Union Communists in Afghanistan
in order to gain control and greatly expand the Opium crop and acquire cheap access to
the Lithium for high tech batteries.
Or they can provoke North Korea, Russia and/or China into a major WW3 with a limited or full
exchange of nuclear weapons while the top Hierarchy leaders go underground into designated
DUMBs until the radiation clears. Then they can come out and start over, all done under
the Continuation of Government (COG) Program.
Of course the big secret here is that these DUMBs are actually controlled by Alien ETs
and hybrids; and once these folks go down during any WW3 nuclear exchange, they will
likely never emerge. And there have been rumors for years that at some point some of these
supposedly friendly Alien ETs they have treaties with and joint Secret Space War (SSW) projects
with will turn on them and use them as a food source and delicacy.
And as some in the SSW program already know, there have been multiple occasions where UFOs
piloted by Alien ETs have hovered around nuclear ICBM launch sites and used sophisticated electronic
warfare to render the devices temporarily un-launchable and the detonators that cannot
be armed. It is not too much a jump from this to assume that if the Super Fascists attempt
to start a full exchange nuclear WW3, the various Alien ETs will prevent the full destruction
of the human populace.
However, it is possible that they will allow a partial launch and a loss of up to about
1/3 of the world population; and this will serve as a catalyst to push their new Cosmic
Fascist system into place for their style of Globalist NWO. In a worst case scenario,
there could be a counter-strike and another loss of up to 1/3 of the world�s populace.
This large scale mass-death of humans of course could be used by the new group to promote
itself and make its descent to a position of leadership over what population that remains
much easier and faster.
There is a side effect of Super Fascism�s habit of merging with organized crime all
over the world; of merging with the Satanic cults and deputizing them as agents or assets
of �national security�; and promoting a large subculture of endemic corruption associated
with and protected by the USG. This side-effect is that a large portion of the masses have
become aware of the massive, endemic corruption in the USG and its associates. This has engendered
a general disrespect and even hatred for the USG itself, American Intel, American Law Enforcement,
as well as all the American alphabets and all those leaders associated with each entity.
This occurrence can itself make it relatively easy for a new set of rulers to use crises
they create to push aside the Ruling Cabal and quickly rise to the top of a new form
of government that is destined to be installed.
It is my view that there is going to be tension between the Secret Shadow Government (SSG)
which is based on the Secret Space War (SSW) and the Ruling Cabal (the Hierarchy, aka the
I believe that the SSW has pulled the SSG into a major esoteric drift away from the
reality of the Ruling Cabal and this tension will be resolved as the world masses that
remain become fed up with Super Fascism.
Esoteric Drift: Drift of operational beliefs into specific secrets of an isolated and powerful
subculture. Historically based on the forbidden ancient Babylonian or Sumerian Black Arts
of the Dark Side which have been passed on through Satanic pedophile occult groups associated
with certain Bloodlines. SSW esoteric drift does not appear to be directly linked to drift
into ancient BT Black Arts but rather a drift into a special SSW subculture of deep space
based secrets and technologies that must be protected by extreme secrecy and memory erasure
Officials who directly run the Secret Space War (SSW) programs with full knowledge of
the deep space fleets of the USN and the USAF have allegedly drifted into a sub-cultural
mindset. This mindset reportedly includes a non-conventional view of humans as soul
containers, and involves a different view of time and space. Often the end-state that
is viewed as a vitally important goal is used to justify the means necessary to attain that
goal no matter who gets hurt or killed.
One example is that it has been alleged that Secret Space War pilots serve ten-year terms
of deep-space combat with this invading armada that is headed our way, and then their memories
are wiped clean as a security and secrecy measure. It has been reported that some such
SSW vets who had their memories wiped start recovering them after a period of time.
This esoteric drift of the SSG because of the SSW deep space anti-gravity fleets of
the USN and the USAF combined with the DUMBs and the treaties with certain Alien ET groups
has actually constituted a very sophisticated type of mind-kontrol.
This has caused SSW controllers to accept the Alien ET directed delusion that the American
masses should not be told the truth, that they could not handle it. The radio show,
War of the Worlds, was used as a test; and reports of some suicides are used as justification
for the cloak of secrecy that is maintained, but is now eroding fast, due to disagreement
between the younger members and the older members of Majestic (MJ).
I believe this is a false delusion and that the American masses have already been slowly
adapted to the truth because of Hollywood�s depictions, Dr. Steven Greer�s revolutionary
Disclosure Project, and the many SSW heroes that have retired and come forth to tell a
good portion of the truth.
This mind-kontrol has been a result of Alien ET culture imposed on the humans they work
with and various sophisticated spiritual and psychic mind-kontrol. This Alien ET mind-kontrol
serves helps these Alien ETs groups control the SSG elements it works with to develop
and refine super high-tech, quantum technologies, including anti-gravity, inter-dimensional
travel, and scalar and particle beam weapons and communication systems.
Basically the BT/RKM/COL folks who staff the Ruling Cabal and their close associates and
cutouts have been seduced by a combination of the seven deadly sins and have allowed
their very souls to be stripped away (aka snatched) in order to be anointed with unsurpassed
power, wealth and status.
In order to attain these huge assets not available to others, they must pass through various,
increasingly evil and savage initiations, culminating in human and child sacrifice rituals.
These rituals are recorded and used as insurance to make sure they never vary from their allowed
parameters. Many are raised in Bloodline occult families and trauma-conditioned at an early
age as children to have multiple personality disorder, MPD, aka dissociative identity disorder,
These individuals who have gained the world and all its riches, power and status have
lost their very souls and face a coming, final judgment for their evil unless they repent;
but currently they appear to truly not understand the significance of what they have done by
giving up their very souls for mammon.
In part II of this series, the transition from the ordinary Fascism established during
WW2 and how it was suddenly transformed into Super Fascism by the JFK assassination will
be explicated and discussed.
A 10-minute video with Gordon Duff on the Mike Harris Radio Show � go to the wheel
and play at 1.25 speed.
Part II
The Assassination of JFK in broad daylight triggered the emergence of Super fascism in
America. Super Fascism has facilitated the emergence of a Secret Shadow Government (SSG)
which in turn has transformed the USG in DC into a ceremonial puppet of the SSG, destroyed
the Rule of Law and neutralized the protections of the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights
How did Super Fascism emerge in the first place in America?
America was abruptly transformed into a Super-Fascist state by a major catalyst � the CIA OP40
Assassination of sitting President John F. Kennedy in broad daylight.
Clearly, November 22, 1963 was a major turning point in American History.
Justice Earl Warren was appointed by President Johnson to be the head of the cleverly contrived
Warren Commission to investigate this �crime of the century�, while a whole new radical
form of government was being installed.
Justice Warren did not want to take on this responsibility but, according to one report,
the CIA allegedly reminded him that his daughter had a skeleton in the closet that would best
remain unpublicized.
Justice Warren was told by LBJ that if he didn�t pin the assassination on Lee Harvey
Oswald as a �lone nut� single assassin, it was likely that the blame would be fixed
on Cuba (a Soviet Union ally).
LBJ claimed this would then result in a full-scale nuclear WW3 with Russia, because the generals
and the American People would never put up with that and would demand an invasion of
Cuba, which would provoke a nuclear response by the Soviet Union, which is what many of
the USAF generals really wanted anyway.
An accurate description of the USAF generals� ideology at the time (as extreme as this may
seem) is well-expressed in the notorious Peter Sellers movie, �Dr. Strangelove or How I
learned to love the Bomb�. Peter Sellers allegedly played the part of Dr. Edward Teller.
In this Dr. Strangelove movie, it was actor Slim Pickin�s greatest part ever played,
even better than his superb part in the movie the �Flim Flam Man� with actor George
C. Scott, who had also played a major role in the Strangelove movie.
When Earl Warren went to the Dallas jail to see Jack Ruby, Ruby told him �you need to
take me to Washington DC; I cannot talk openly here�.
Ruby had done investigative work for Richard Nixon in the past on the House Un-American
Activities Committee; and he was a fixture in the local Dallas organized-crime network,
which also involved associations, and gambling and drinking with several of the big oil tycoons,
LBJ, some mafioso, and various Intel agents, operatives and assets.
Ruby�s bar and strip club, the Carousel, was a legend among the Dallas police, where
they received free drinks and were always welcomed by Jack, a generous host who also
did his own bouncing when necessary. Jack was usually quite friendly to his customers,
but had an explosive temper at times when conflicts arose.
Soon after the Assassination, a local news crew went to Ruby�s club and interviewed
a comedian and a waitress outside; and when the reporter showed them some photos of Oswald,
the comedian claimed that Mr. Oswald had been in the club before and had sat at a table
with Mr. Ruby and some businessmen from Chicago. This was broadcast live nationally; and as
soon as the comedian made this statement, a test pattern was imposed on the broadcast,
with the statement �technical difficulty�. This video disappeared from the station and
was never broadcast or even mentioned publicly again.
The night before the assassination, a photo of Oswald, Ruby, Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt,
�Bishop� and others was taken at a motel not too far from Dallas. This photo was held
by a member of OP40, and later given to the House Special Committee on Assassinations
(HSCA), along with a whole box of smoking-gun evidence, which was then handled only in secret
�executive sessions�, and was immediately deeply classified. This OP40 member had left
Dallas early that morning and did not want to be involved in the assassination. This
illustrates that the HSCA learned that the CIA assassinated JFK, and itself participated
in the cover up.
NYCPD Detective James Rothstein arrested Frank Sturgis at Marita Lorenz�s apartment, because
Sturgis was going to terminate Marita upon orders of his superior, so that she could
not testify at the HSCA. Strangely enough, when allowed his one phone call after the
arrest, Sturgis called Gaeton Fonzi , investigator for the HSCA; and the next morning was bailed
out by the well-known attorney Frank Nelson, who often handled NY Mafioso cases.
Others who were being subpoenaed to testify � such as Sam Giancana and Johnny Roselli
(aka CIA �Colonel Roselli� of Operation Zapata, Zenith Technical Services fame in
the secret war against Cuba) � were terminated with extreme prejudice by the CIA. This was
done to prevent them from testifying about the merger between the CIA and the Cosa Nostra
in a secret war against Cuba, as they had participated in numerous assassination attempts
against Fidel Castro.
What Jack Ruby wanted to tell the world was that the assassination was going to create
a whole new type of USG, and that it would be a new type of Fascism, best described as
Super Fascism, where the defense corporations and the Intel Agencies that run them would
use the Assassination of JFK to hijack the State and use it as their tool.
After LBJ left office, he grew his hair long and often sneaked away from his Secret Service,
leaving his ranch to drive to a local bar to drink with some of his old local buddies.
He started talking too much about the assassination, and was then viewed as a loose end. It is
likely that LBJ�s key role in the JFK Assassination and cover up and his failures in Vietnam haunted
him to the point that he started cracking.
One insider reported that LBJ died suddenly falling off his horse into a small ravine;
but could he have been helped by a secret serviceman upon the orders of GHWB, because
he was drinking too much and talking too much?
When Top Cabal appointees start talking too much or caring about America too much, like
Ike came to do while President, strange unexpected deaths start occurring.
Ruby had been manipulated into murdering Oswald in the basement of the Dallas jail by his
CIA handler. Oswald was supposed to have been shot earlier, some say by Officer Tippit,
who backed out and, according to a witness, was then shot by two men, neither of whom
resembled Lee Oswald. Some believe that one of the shooters was a well-known FBI man at
the time, who just happened to be in Dallas.
Ruby�s handlers had told him that if he took care of his assignment, it would be viewed
as a crime of passion, and Jackie Kennedy would be grateful � that he would become
a national hero and would not be prosecuted. But he was also told that if he didn�t do
as told, his greatly beloved, two little pet dogs would be tortured and murdered, and his
sister would also be murdered. While in the Dallas jail, Ruby had lots of time to think,
and finally realized that he was a lose end. When his request to be taken to DC was ignored,
he finally accepted his fate.
Tying Up Loose Ends
Dorothy Kilgallen, the famous journalist and regular guest on the TV Serial show �What�s
my Line�, was the only journalist to ever interview Jack Ruby in the Dallas jail before
he contracted �CIA Flu�. He had been unknowingly infected in jail with the fast acting cancer
developed in New Orleans by Dr. Mary Sherman who misused Judith Vary Baker�s cancer research
discoveries without her participation or permission. Dr. Sherman was also murdered by the CIA as
a loose end.
When Ruby started to have coughing issues he was taken to the hospital for diagnoses
and treatment and was left under an X-ray machine too long with the tube turned on and
spinning, and with the aperture opened for an extended time (which sped up the growth
of his fast growing cancer).
Dorothy Kilgallen had copied her detailed notes of this historical interview, and had
given them to her good friend and neighbor. Dorothy told her and some other friends that
she was going to blow the whole case wide open because the official view had been a
big lie.
What she didn�t know was that the CIA had her under intense 24/7 surveillance and tapped
her phones. She made the mistake of saying too much on the phone; and the CIA�s James
Jesus Angleton, who was deeply involved in the OP40 assassination operation in Dealey
Plaza (which was run by GHWB) and the cover up afterwards, decided that she had to be
terminated with extreme prejudice.
�Old 87�
LBJ hated the Kennedys and was intensely jealous of them, and felt slighted and degraded by
them. LBJ had previously risen to be a major Senate power-broker � a kingpin of the USG.
LBJ was J. Edgar Hoover�s close friend and neighbor and an associate of the Ruling Cabal
through his wife�s father, who owned a radio station in Texas and who helped LBJ win his
first election. In that election, two election judges ended up dead; and LBJ won by a mere
87 votes, with many votes missing.
That is why his old drinking buddies in Texas called him �Old 87� to each other when
he wasn�t present.
The new President Johnson gladly signed the �Official CIA National Security Finding�
authorizing Dorothy Kilgallen�s termination, and then she died mysteriously of a claimed
overdose of prescription sleeping pills and alcohol. In fact, a CIA wet-boy team was used
to murder her.
A Rogues Gallery the night before the JFK assassination
The night before the JFK Assassination, a select group of super-elite American power
brokers had met at Clint Murchison�s home. They went into his private study and closed
the double doors and discussed the final assassination arrangements.
It was a rogues gallery and those present included Murchison, J.Edgar Hoover, Richard
Nixon, John J. McCloy, George Brown, and HL Hunt. David Rockefeller had given his blessing
to the operation through John J. McCloy.
GHWB was probably somewhere near Dallas that night, because he and his son George Jr. were
photographed in Dealey Plaza the next day, but it has not been confirmed that he was
at the meeting. Allen Dulles, who was one of the main planners of the JFK Assassination,
was not present and did not want to be associated with Dallas in any way to avoid suspicion.
Dulles was concerned he could be blamed because it was JFK who fired him as DCIA for the Bay
of Pigs fiasco. It was actually McGeorge Bundy who set JFK up to appear as a turncoat to
the US Military and the CIA for withdrawing air support to avoid a nuclear confrontation
with the Soviets.
The JFK Assassination was well organized coup d��tat, run by OP40 of the CIA, and it
has been rumored it was authorized by a secret National Security Finding signed by Vice President
Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover and the JCS. The justification was that JFK was consorting
with an East German female spy, Ellen Rometsch; he was taking LSD, which was making him reckless
and disjointed mentally; and he was having an affair with the high-ranking CIA Clandestine
Services man Cord Meyer�s ex-wife Mary Meyer who got the LSD from Dr. Timothy Leary. Angleton
ordered the murder of Mary Meyer to tie up this loose end after the JFK Assassination,
and made sure her personal diary never was made public which mentioned JFK�s new anti-war
thinking and other sensitive subjects.
As many know, the DC phone system was taken down for at least an hour right after the
JFK Assassination to impede any inter-agency communication and major dot-connecting, and
to give the CIA time to coordinate the cover-up in DC. The cover story was that it was unknown
if America was now under attack by the Soviets or not, and the US Strategic Air Command had
to be in a high state of readiness.
The Secret Service illegally used force to take possession of JFK�s body from the Dallas
Police at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, even though the Dallas Police had rightful, legal
custody and proper jurisdiction to investigate the crime, while the Feds had none. Since
then, there have been Federal Laws passed to extend federal jurisdiction to cover this
type of event.
The Art of �Compromise�
The meeting at Murchison�s home the night before was secretly recorded by both the FBI
on Hoover�s order, and by the CIA at James Angleton�s order. This provided forever-control
over everyone present, as needed.
It has been reported by one insider that James Jesus Angleton was also able to deeply compromise
the Vatican and manipulate it and transform it into a tool of the CIA because of its secret
running of a Nazi ratline after WW2.
Hoover�s Demise
Eventually Nixon and Angleton both had enough of Hoover, so Angleton had two men from OP40
take care of J. Edgar �Mary� by using a scorpion spinner lock-pick to clandestinely
enter his premises and add shellfish toxin to his toothpaste.
That Saturday after Hoover�s termination with extreme prejudice, Angleton drove his
white station wagon over to the home, made sure Clyde Tolson was gone, and loaded up
all of Hoover�s secret files and even the recordings of the secret meeting at Murchison�s
home from the night before the JFK Assassination.
Angleton copied what he wanted and then gave these secret files to Israeli Intel for human-compromise
operations. For this he was given a secret commendation by the Israeli government. And
ever since, Israeli Intel has become known for the most extensive human compromise and
blackmail ops ever devised and implemented against American politicians and politicians
all over the world. The CIA, the FBI and many of the rest are not too far behind either.
It was J. Edgar Hoover�s secret FBI dirt files that gave the Mossad a big head-start
in these human compromise ops.
Ghost of JFK Haunts Nixon�s Presidency
Nixon�s part in the JFK Assassination came back to haunt him during the Watergate crisis.
It later came out officially that Nixon�s secretary had erased 18 minutes of a White
House recording. But the evidence suggests that it was done by Nixon himself, because
the JFK Assassination was mentioned in reference to him as the �Bay of Pigs deal�.
We now know the real reasons that JFK was assassinated by orders of the ruling Cabal
(BT/RKM/COL). It was because JFK was getting out of Vietnam, was issuing and printing US
Treasury dollars and getting rid of the Federal Reserve System debt-notes, and was using Bobby
Kennedy to shred the Italian Cosa Nostra. President Kennedy had made secret moves to
block Israel�s acquisition of nuclear weapons, and had started to rein in Israeli spying
inside America, both of which were likely important factors in the assassination.
Chicago Mob
The Chicago Mob was secretly controlled by the Kosher Nostra, which handled its money
and high political connections. It was furious with JFK because they had voted a large number
of previously dead folks for JFK, allowing him to beat Nixon by a slim margin. JFK�s
dad, Joe Kennedy, who made his millions bootlegging and then by legally distributing imported
Scotch Whiskey, had negotiated these dead votes with the Chicago Mob, and they expected
to be allowed to continue operating as usual.
However, when Bobby Kennedy, JFK�s US Attorney General, started going after the Mafia with
a vengeance, the Mafia, especially the Chitown mob felt totally betrayed and sought revenge.
The CIA took advantage of this and used the Chicago mob in a supportive role in Dallas
to provide leads going to nowhere.
That day in Dallas November 22, 1963, the CIA had brought in dozens of Intel ops, mafioso
and famous assassins to strut around and be photographed, in order to generate false leads
as a way to confound any serious investigation.
Lone Star State Corruption
We know that Dallas was a hotbed of organized crime corruption. Some insiders believe that
LBJ had a strong association with Dresser Industries, Texas Tool and Die; and his wife
owned various CIA proprietaries and air freight companies. Allegedly it was Lady Bird�s
father who took LBJ under his wing and used his radio station and contacts to propel LBJ
into political office. LBJ became the US Senate Majority leader and ran much of DC with J.
Edgar Hoover�s blessing and help.
Dating back to his Texas beginning, LBJ had his own stable of fixit ops, and one of them
a Yale Skull and Bonesman Malcolm Wallace who served as his own personal assassin. It
was rumored at the time that LBJ used Wallace in 1961 to murder his sister Josefa, who was
an alcoholic and was out of control, talked too much and would not listen to reason.
Over 20 years after the JFK Assassination, Malcolm Wallace�s fingerprint was finally
positively identified from a box on the sixth floor of the Book Depository in Dallas from
November 22, 1963. Years before Wallace had been convicted of murder, but had received
no imprisonment due to his high level connections and threats against Jurors and their families.
It is likely that Wallace was a serial hitman for LBJ.
Numerous Texas insiders have claimed that Wallace murdered Agricultural Inspector Henry
Marshall to protect LBJ�s boxcar scam with Billie Sol Estes, who later testified in a
secret grand jury about this and JFK assassination matters. LBJ was becoming worried, because
he was getting information that not only was JFK going to drop him from the ticket in the
next election, but Bobby Kennedy was going to prosecute him over the Billie Sol Estes
scams and more. This motivated LBJ to push hard for JFK�s elimination and to work with
GHWB, J. Edgar Hoover, the JCS and Nixon to get this done by whatever means necessary.
Controlled Media Frames a Patsy
The rest is history. Despite the �lone gunman� claims of the Warren Commission that Lee Harvey
Oswald did it which continue to be broadcast and published by the Ruling Cabal�s Controlled
Major Mass Media (CMMM) over 53 years later; 80% of the American public believe that the
USG did it or at least covered up a massive criminal conspiracy involving multiple shooters
from the grassy knoll and other locations.
Most legitimate investigative journalists and researchers believe the evidence shows
that Oswald was set up to be a patsy and didn�t fire a single shot. There is new evidence
that he was standing in the doorway at the time of the actual shooting of JFK. However
the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) which is comprised of six CIA directed international
news and media corporations (constituting an illegal news and media monopoly (cartel).
In actuality, the CMMM and its parent controller in Switzerland serve as secret CIA proprietaries.
The CMMM continues to publish and broadcast the notably false narrative that Oswald did
it alone by firing three impossible shots from the six floor Book Depository, when there
were actually five shooter teams and additional teams at the Trademart, if JFK ever actually
ended up there.
This continuing broadcasting and publication of this monstrous lie that �Oswald did it
alone� is perhaps one of the most clear-cut failed litmus test ever for the Controlled
Major Mass Media (CMMM). This continued false narrative is truly disgusting and exposes
the CMMM for what it really is, essentially a CIA proprietary and a virtual News Cartel
and illegal monopoly of lies.
It is a well verified fact that Oswald was a trained Naval Intel operative and judging
from the places he was given employment (with CIA proprietaries or assets), it is clear
that Oswald was playing various different Intel roles in New Orleans and Dallas. What
his exact role at the time of the JFK Assassination has not yet been ascertained, but it is likely
that he was reporting at least periodically to the FBI and was somehow detailed to them.
The evidence proves beyond any doubt that Oswald did not shoot at JFK on November 22,
1963, nor did he shoot Officer Tippit.
No other issue has shown or continues to show just how totally dishonest and corrupt the
CMMM really is. This big lie that Oswald did it is a strong illustration of the fact that
the CMMM�s functions are completely controlled by the CIA through a major Knights Templar
Investment house, with their home office in Switzerland that claims to be on the cutting
edge or vanguard of investments.
We now know for certain that Oswald was standing in the doorway not too far from GHWB � who
ran the five OP40 shooter teams, each which included a shooter paired with a radioman/timer
assistant � so he couldn�t have fired at all.
One of the main objectives of the FBI and the CIA is the deployment of sophisticated
human compromise operations on behalf of the BT/RKM/COL whom they serve as agents for.
Hoover literally held an iron grip on Nixon, as did the CIA, because of Nixon�s presence
at the Murchison home the night before the JFK Assassination and his deep involvement
in setting up and running OP40 for President Eisenhower.
When Nixon deployed a major assault to eliminate (as in �disappeared�) snuff film producers
with a specially assembled team of operatives this sent shock waves of fear through the
DC �Beltway elites� who participated in a pedophile network that they might be exposed
or worse.
The BT/RKM/COL instructed their man GHWB to deploy a silent coup in order to immediately
remove Nixon from office. The Watergate affair was set up to do just that and involved at
least one turncoat inside Nixon�s own staff.
It�s a known fact that Nixon hated pedophile ops but snuff film producers even more. When
he attended Bohemian Grove near San Francisco (noted for its Baal Worship rituals), he remarked,
�that is the faggiest most g.d. thing you could ever imagine�.
If Nixon had been allowed to destroy the satanic pedophile network, this would have eliminated
the main source of human compromise and control that the BT/RKM/COL, the CIA and the FBI had
for politicians, and elected and appointed officials.
Here is how Nixon was removed from office.
The Watergate �soft coup� to remove Richard Nixon from the presidency
Richard Nixon In one of the craftiest covert ops of US history,
Nixon was manipulated into having a special CIA soft entry team go after the DNC pedophile
book at the Watergate. Some insiders believe that McCord and John Dean were allegedly working
together with the CIA and Dean�s girlfriend (and later wife) Mo Biner at the Watergate
DNC to take down Nixon.
A Watergate door latch had been taped and the DC police had been previously notified
by someone in the team of �burglars�. It had been alleged that Mo ran the pedophile
book of top DNC supporters and some other human compromise ops which may have included
Republicans and others.
Nixon wanted to know what he was up against and if any of his close staff or supporters
had been compromised by this op, in addition to gaining the names of any powerful, influential
democrats who had been compromised by the op.
Thus, the impeachment and resignation of President Nixon was a �Silent Coup� run by GHWB
and the CIA, because Nixon had sent out a secret squad to disappear producers of snuff
films inside America and sources outside America, too and planned to destroy the pedophile network.
Super Fascism and the Fourth Reich
GHWB (aka George Scherf) was actually the stateside representative of the new three-piece
suit all corporate Fourth Reich.
Bush was placed in power and promoted to climb the US Intel and USG food-chain by the City
of London (COL) private BT/RKM Banksters in order to implement Fascism in a new form,
a new higher order type of fascism, Super Fascism.
The assassination of JFK signaled and allowed a major shift from the prior, regular first-order
Fascism to this new higher order derivative Super Fascism. Regular Fascism in America
was established in WW2 and was characterized by the merging of the USG (the State) with
numerous defense corporations, but wherein the State maintained control.
Super Fascism is the merger of the state and the corporations; with the corporations stacking
the State and transforming into their personal agent to represent corporate interests only
at the expense of the interests of We The People. In Super Fascism the large international
corporations control the State.
Fallout from JFK�s Assassination
JFK had become aware of a massive Cabalistic conspiracy, associated with the COL RKM Banksters,
to subvert the US Constitution and destroy the American Republic. After he was assassinated,
JFK�s Presidential Decision Directive ordering the printing of US Notes as money to displace
the private Federal Reserve System for a US Treasury public Bank was quickly canceled
by LBJ.
What quickly emerged after the JFK Assassination was that JFK�s order to start withdrawing
from Vietnam was canceled by Johnson; and the Vietnam war was continued and expanded.
When the Vietnam war effort was greatly increased, it made numerous Cabal-linked, large defense
corporations so wealthy as CIA proprietaries that they could buy up politicians, stack
the USG and take total control over it. This was essential for gaining control of the US
Government (the State) and using it as a tool to serve these large defense contractors to
keep foreign wars perpetual for continuing profits.
All of these CIA crimes, of course, were being done with the continuing blessings and secret
financial support of the private COL/BT/RKM Banksters. There was no way the Ruling Cabal
would let JFK disrupt their plans to use war as a continuing lucrative money-making scam,
which made them all powerful and rich beyond measure.
When JFK was assassinated, the large Banks and Corporations were thus able to hijack
the USG by infiltrating it, by buying or human-compromising politicians, and by then establishing the
USG as their exclusive agent to serve their own interests and NOT the interests of We
The People. Through the assassination of JFK, the Ruling Cabal was able to secretly transform
America into a new Super Fascist State, now essentially owned and operated by them. For
the most part national elections became ceremonial only.
An Asset on Every Block
And now when any group of dissidents threatens their new system of unlimited power and profits,
they deploy an asset from their vast array to suppress such groups efforts. And their
assets include local Law Enforcement, the FBI, the CIA and hundreds of private contractors
and corporate mercenaries deputized under so-called �national security�.
I was once told that the American Intel assets are so great that any agency can find and
contact an asset from their shared list within one mile from any surveillance target, and
then get them there to surveil within about ten minutes, in most cases. They might be
walking their dog or some other mundane task, but they can still surveil as needed; or if
needed, sneak and peek secret burglaries can be ordered and enacted.
Super Fascism is the merger of the State with the major corporations, with these corporations
using their large assets and credit to buy up, stack, infiltrate and hijack the visible
USG inside the beltway. In this way they have been able to transform it into their personal
agent to manipulate the laws and We The People to serve their corporate interests first.
And their corporate interests are to create large �corporate welfare� programs in
the federal and state governments in order to access large amounts of federal Taxpayer
funds directly and indirectly, through budgetary manipulations.
The numerous perpetual foreign wars since WW2 have been perpetual, unwinnable, and oriented
to generating massive profits for the private FRS banks, their associated large defense
contractors (and especially the approximately 66 families that own large chunks of stock
in the defense contractors, especially the no-bid ones).
These illegal, unconstitutional aggressive foreign wars liberate cheap natural resources
(Oil, Opium, minerals including Lithium) for these special interests, but also to extract
an incredibly evil human toll, with millions of dead, wounded and disabled civilians and
The saddest part for America is that so many great young American Soldiers have been needlessly
sacrificed as cannon fodder while innocently doing what they thought was serving We The
People, when they were actually serving the needs of these wealthy corporations, private
Banksters, and defense contractors and their investors.
This new American Super fascism is run by a Council of Twelve �Kings� that answers
to the Superior general (aka the Black Pope).
One King has now died and eleven remain, of that eleven one is very sick and near death,
and another not far behind.
The agenda of this Council of Twelve is to reduce and eliminate the ability of Americans
to defend themselves against invasion or a complete totalitarian police state takeover
that they have planned.
Their agenda is best described as a Globalist NWO Agenda of evil that requires elimination
of normal male/female sex roles, marriage and the family, destruction of conventional
society, and a massive reduction of the Earth�s human population by about 90%.
It�s a fact that this transformation in America from regular post-WW2 Fascism to post-JFK
Super Fascism was made possible by the great wealth and power that the various large US
defense contractors accrued during WW2 and afterwards in the Korean and Vietnam wars.
And the Cold War created enough fear of nuclear annihilation to keep the Defense budget growing
and big profits for the Banksters and large defense contractors to which they became addicted.
It should now be clear to most folks that any politician who is viewed as a serious
threat to the Super-Fascist system of the USG in any way can expect to be neutralized.
This can be done either through smearing and discrediting by the CMMM, or if that fails,
by being un-elected through various sophisticated means, including support being diverted to
another candidate or through redistricting. Secret impossible suicide, aka �arkencide�,
is always an option for the Ruling Cabal if all else fails, and if the politician doesn�t
understand how to go public properly to protect themselves.
The CIA Op 40 murders of JFK, RFK, and MLK are a stark reminder of this grim reality
of American political life. And yet it is now becoming clear that Super Fascism is not
going to be a permanent state for America. Super Fascism is not an end state for America,
it is merely a transitional state; and all those selected top Hierarchy officials who
were promoted and given immense power, wealth and status are going to soon become obsolete
and will be pushed aside into obscurity and perhaps even poverty.
Be certain that the Internet (Worldwide Web) has been the greatest spying device ever developed,
but unknowingly at first to the Ruling Cabal, also the greatest cause of powerful emerging
world populism. This powerful emergent populism cannot now be stopped and will certainly be
instrumental in how the Ruling Cabal is made obsolete and pushed aside.
The Internet is truly revolutionary like the Gutenberg Press was and in fact is best described
and considered as the New Gutenberg Press that provides instant access at the speed
of light to immense libraries of knowledge all over the world and an incredibly large
and accurate alternative media, if one knows where to go for it.
The emergence of regular Fascism during WW2 in America was extremely destructive to the
US Constitution and Rule of Law, and serves as a vehicle to enable the large BT/RKM/COL
blessed large American corporations to continue their ascent in size and power.
It provided the vehicle for them to take the extreme secrecy of the Manhattan Project for
the Atomic Bomb and continue it as a way of life for the large defense contractors that
emerged in WW2 and after during the Cold War. Secrecy has proved a vehicle for immense unchecked
power for the Secret Shadow Government and the various corporations deputized as agents
of �national security�, many of which have hired their own ex-FBI and CIA agents
and ops and started their own Intel agencies that are approved and accepted by the SSG.
Some have been given high security clearances and even �shoot to kill authority�.
This extreme secrecy of the National Security Act of 1947 was claimed necessary in order
to prevent the most important secrets of State from being disclosed to enemies or potential
enemies. This mindset has continued and has been taken advantage of and abused by these
defense contractors, large Wall Street banks, and corporations that have been authorized
to function as agents of US National Security.
Secrecy within these large corporations bred an immense massing of power and wealth because
real Congressional oversight was prevented, nor were any State or Federal Courts allowed
to proceed with any significant legal actions or corrections.
This isolation from any serious Rule of Law, the US Constitution, Congressional oversight
allowed these large Corporations and banks to grow exponentially in size and political
power and enabled them to run their own covert operations to manipulate politics, often in
parity with the CIA and FBI.
It wasn�t long until these large corporations, defense contractors and large Wall Street
banks were able to infiltrate and stack the Congress and most high USG positions, thereby
constituting a secret hijacking of the USG itself and making it a tool of these large
corporations, defense contractors and large Wall Street banks.
It was at this point that two phenomena occurred as never before. First the emergence of Super
Fascism and second the emergence of several interlinked secret subcultures that constituted
the hidden but real USG, best referred to as the Secret Shadow Government(SSG). The
final result was that this emergent SSG became the true government of the USA, and the visible
DC government actually became a ceremonial symbolic government subservient to the SSG.
Once the Ruling Cabal got JFK out of the way, Bobby Kennedy the US Attorney General was
neutralized, and it was then clear sailing ahead for the Cabal to stack the USG with
all their large corporate and wall street cronies, who would serve their immediate and
long term needs.
It was the Assassination of JFK that was the turning point in America that allowed the
BT/RKM/COL (Ruling Cabal) to transform America into their own Super Fascist nation.
Just as the original regular fascism was transformed into a higher level Super Fascism, so too
is Super Fascism now in the process of being transformed into a new even higher level form
of Fascism, best referred to as Cosmic Fascism.
And it is now pretty clear that this new transformation to Cosmic Fascism is being driven by the esoteric
drift of the Secret Space war (SSW) program, its deep space fleets of the USN and the USAF,
and the reality that Planet Earth is being visited by interstellar travelers using ultra
high-tech anti-gravity craft.
The USG has recovered and back-engineered various Alien ET UFO�s, recovered Alien
ETs � both dead and alive � and has formed working and exchange treaties with three types;
and this fact is now driving this esoteric shift of the subcultures associated with the
SSW programs.
This esoteric drift of the Secret Space War program is creating tension in MJ; and various
old-timers are now disclosing � so many in fact that it will be impossible to stop
the flow of information.
Part III of this 3 part series will discuss what Cosmic Fascism actually is in practical
terms, why its emergence is likely, and how it will change the lives of humans living
on Planet Earth.
Part III
As the certainty of Alien ETs and their crashed, recovered and back-engineered anti-gravity
interstellar craft is revealed, attention will shift to the Cosmos, followed quickly
by the emergence of a whole new form of government for America, and the whole world.
[Veterans Today Editor�s note: VT has been under repeated cyber attack. Some articles
have been tampered with and have developed recurrent misspellings and grammatical errors
even after repeated correction. This of course is an attempt to discredit.]
A new type of World Fascism is now in the wind and likely coming soon.
America became a Fascist nation during WW2, as the American State merged with the large
defense contractors and corporations.
A new, more advanced form of Fascism, best called Super Fascism, was abruptly shoved
into place by the *BT/RKM/COL-authorized assassination of JFK by the CIA�s OP40, which was run
out of Room 40 at Langley, VA.
Despite the apparent hegemony of the BT/RKM/COL-run Super Fascism that has gripped America and
much of the Western world, it is likely that an even newer higher order and more sophisticated
type of Fascism �Cosmic Fascism � will replace Super Fascism, as soon as the actual
reality of Alien ETs and crashed, recovered UFOs is confirmed publicly by government.
This transformation to Cosmic Fascism from the current Super Fascism will then occur,
because �disclosure� will cause the Secret Space War Program (SSWP) to merge with the
Secret Shadow Government (SSG).
This merger will result from the government�s public disclosure that Alien ETs and their
recovered crashed UFOs are real, and that there have been secret defense contractor
programs to back-engineer crashed and recovered Alien ET manufactured UFOs.
Here is a leaked KGB movie showing real Alien ETs, which many believe is authentic.
When Cosmic Fascism is installed, it will likely mean the sudden unexpected end of the
power and hegemony of the current Ruling Cabal (aka the BT/RKM/COL), which secretly runs
America through the RKM/COL private central Banking system. This Ruling Cabal will be
likely pushed aside from power and viewed as irrelevant.
Disclosure will likely be accompanied by a sudden end to the current world hegemony of
the BT/RKM/COL private banking System � a Fiat debt-based pernicious usury system?
The Federal Reserve System is the stateside franchise of this private RKM/COL banking
system, which features Fiat debt-notes as legally mandated �tender�, and charges
Americans illegal, unconscionable, pernicious usury for using them.
Pernicious usury is considered a taboo and a serious crime in numerous Islamic-oriented
nations, and was also condemned as sin in the Old Testament and Torah.
The RKM Banksters will no longer be needed and will be pushed aside by the emergence
of this new form of government, Cosmic Fascism. The Secret Shadow Government (SSG) may decide
it is time for disclosure if they sense that a complete worldwide crash of the BT/RKM/COL
private Fiat world banking system is imminent, characterized by the end of the US Petrodollar
as the world�s Reserve Currency.
Enter BRICS Development Bank and the new Chinese AIIB and Silk Road systems.
Despite the fact that the Controlled Major Mass Media refuses to report on the burgeoning
growth of the new BRICS Banking and Trade System or the New Chinese AIIB and Silk Road
Systems, major expansion of these systems is now occurring.
BRICS has implemented a new state-of-the-art electronic banking direct-funds transfer system,
similar to the RKM Swift direct wire transfer system.
Despite many years of near complete RKM banking hegemony, there is good reason to believe
that the BT/RKM/COL private central usury-based debt-note system, based on the US Petro dollar,
is in decline and will likely be displaced as the world�s Reserve Currency.
That replacement may turn out to be a new International Monetary Fund (IMF) system of
a basket of world currencies that are balanced one to another, based on standards of real
value of commodities, rather than on paper debt and derivatives.
Could the IMF and World Bank be completely replaced?
It is also possible that the whole IMF and World Bank system will be completely scrapped
for some new system and a basket of adjusted currencies from the major nations, such as
Russia, China and America.
A close examination of the specific recent behaviors of the BT/RKM/COL top dogs and their
top stateside cutouts suggest that many are in decline cognitively, perhaps due to age,
but perhaps also due to lifestyles of long-term abuse of alcohol, drugs and self-defeating
It is likely that the Ruling Cabal will be displaced from power by the SSWP as disclosure
occurs. Disclosure will create a shift in the public�s attention to the Cosmos. If
managed properly this could be utilized by the SSWP as a vehicle to capture the masses�
admiration needed to create a whole new system of central government.
If the SSWP presents itself to appear people-friendly as it takes control over the USG, which is
quite likely, it is important to remember its past. For many years the SSWP has been
characterized by threats to UFO witnesses, secret murders, wiped memories, continual
lies, deceptions, and merged efforts with organized crime to raise black funding. This
alone makes it highly probable that the SSWP will use its new powers to create a new, higher
level Fascist system of government, best described as Super Fascism.
Fairness and Populism may then likely become the new buzz words and motivators for serious
social change and the removal of the Ruling Cabal from top to bottom.
And this new regime that emerges from the SSWP to run the whole world will likely install
a humanity-oriented financial and economic system (at least at first) that will be based
on a populist-oriented, more equitable system of work/labor units, electronic money and
electronic exchange.
Initially, it will be people-friendly, but as this group claims that a major world invasion
by a large evil Alien ET seems imminent, the new Globalist NWO government will become increasingly
fascistic, violent and tyrannical towards its enemies. And it will likely define its
new domestic enemies as the various existing religious cults of fanatics and present them
as the root cause of all human war and suffering.
We know that for certain that America is now run by a large Secret Shadow Government (SSG)
that, despite being originally under the complete control of the BT/RKM/COL, there is reason
to believe it has become so powerful that it is usurping the previous hegemony of the
The emergence of a strong new secret power in the Secret Space War Program.
Even more interesting, it appears that our Deep-Black and Beyond-Black SSWPs have become
so powerful in and of themselves that they appear to have taken control over the SSG,
although most in the BT/RKM/COL have no idea how far this has gone.
What will be the American public�s concerns be if the Secret Shadow Government discloses
the reality of Alien ETs and crashed UFOs?
The American masses will become concerned about what the implications of this Alien
ET reality means for their daily lives and survival. Of course the SSWP could communicate
to the masses the reality of an ongoing Secret Space War. It could also claim, whether true
or not, that a sinister, evil Alien ET armada is moving toward Planet Earth and plans to
attack us
Obviously this latter disclosure of an ongoing Secret Space War could generate panic and
motivate folks to support a new kind of government organized around the coordinated defense of
Planet Earth from this armada of Alien ETs. This organized response could be based on
a new type of Fascism, best defined as Cosmic Fascism.
How did the Ruling Cabal (BT/RKM/COL) ever allow the emergence of the Secret Shadow Government
(SSG) which spawned the SSWP in the first place?
It was the Roswell crash that created panic in the Pentagon and the administration and
resulted in a complete secrecy lock-down. This led to the creation of the Secret Shadow
Government (SSG) which spawned the SSWP as a means to defend against Alien ETs.
The SSWP has always been about defense and has now amassed so much power and advanced
technology that it now poses a direct military threat to the power of the BT/RKM/COL.
The visible government in DC has only been ceremonial since the emergence of post-WW2
Super Fascism was shoved in place by the JFK Assassination and is ill equipped to defend
itself against the SSWP (if and when it takes over). Did all these recent political email
leaks actually originate from the secret power of the SSWP, used as a softening up process
before the SSWP uses disclosure to take over?
But now the SSWP is gaining such strength that it is a direct threat to the BT/RKM/COL,
despite the fact that a good portion of the 12 Kings have been part of the SSG.
The Roswell crash set off a major national security knee-jerk reaction that produced
a large Secret Shadow Government (SSG), which continues to expand and grow in power.
An immediate move was made right after Roswell to create special legislation to protect these
secrets, namely the National Security Act of 1947, followed by another upgrade in 1952.
From this special legislation, which was actually unconstitutional and a total abuse of power,
the rapid emergence of the SSG emerged; and this was comprised of a collection of major
private defense contractors, special think tanks and covert banking and black funding
The SSG has expanded and became more and more deeply classified, due to its dealing with
more and more startling Alien ET matters. These included recovered and back-engineered
Alien ET anti-gravity craft; active ongoing treaties with at least one Alien ET group,
involving joint research and development projects; construction of two American deep-space fleets
(one USN and one USAF); and the entry of these fleets into interstellar deep-space wars against
one or more evil Alien ET groups, supposedly trying to gain space superiority in order
to eventually attack and capture Planet Earth.
Note that some detractors will claim that many of the top folks in the SSG, especially
those in the Secret Space War joint programs with Alien ETs, share membership in High Freemasonry
and its surrogate groups and this will prevent the SSWP from going rogue. I disagree.
MJ has expanded to include members from G7 nations, in addition to the core group from
the USA.
Perhaps this was done to insure shared interests and loyalties among the SSWP nations for a
coordinated defense of Planet Earth. This cooperation could also reduce the risk of
a nuclear WW3, despite any public jousting allowed for token political and economic reasons.
There is currently a great deal of esoteric drift of the SSW programs based on deep space
exploits and warfare with Alien ET groups deemed notably evil.
Esoteric drift is a change in mind set to be increasingly concerned with esoteric matter.
Esoteric is best defined as: �confined to and understandable by only an enlightened
inner circle that hold secrets away from the public�s understanding�.
The SSWP has gained super high Alien ET technology over the years from its close working relationship
with some Alien ET groups who claim to have mutual interests against what they claim is
another group of evil Alien ETs that is coming to attack Planet Earth.
This extensive esoteric drift seems to be creating a large chasm of separation of the
Secret Space War part of the Secret Shadow Government and the Ruling Cabal too. But it
could also be due to sophisticated Alien ET mind-kontrol that is deployed against SSW
Program participants.
When the SSWP gained Alien ET high technology, this constituted a major increase in power
for the principals on MJ who ran the SSWP.
The deep secrets of reality, time, quantum physics and anti-gravity have empowered the
SSWP principals by leaps-and-bounds beyond the control of the Ruling Cabal.
It is my personal view that all these groups have likely been deeply mind-kontrolled by
a set of sophisticated and quite subtle and unrecognized Alien ET mind-kontrol technologies,
and are unaware of their cognitive drift and altered mindset. I hope that I am wrong in
this assumption.
Certainly those who have probably been the most remarkably mind-kontrolled folks on the
planet besides those radicals who blow themselves up for Gladio Terror Ops are the top Ruling
Cabal. These Ruling Cabal folks (BT/RKM/COL, their cutouts and assets) are members of a
secret worldwide satanic pedophile network who have been willing to let their human souls
be stripped out and replaced with �familiar spirits�. It is my personal belief that
these spirits of the Nephilim, the offspring of the Watchers (the lesser gods, the fallen
ones) who were destroyed by the flood which only Noah and his clan survived.
This is a radical claim, but there are sound reports from insiders that non-corporeal entities
have appeared to those who participate in satanic child and adult human sacrifice rituals
or knowingly give their souls to Satan in exchange for promises of unlimited riches,
power and status. Some at the periphery, who resisted this lifestyle and its initiation
rituals or have come out of this, have claimed these are demons, while some Islamics call
them bad Djinns. [Editor Note: a.k.a. Archons]
How specifically did the Roswell crash and the newly-emergent Alien ET matters lead to
the emergence of a large and powerful Secret Shadow Government (SSG), which occurred about
the same time as the emergence of Super Fascism?
Super Fascism is best described as a situation wherein the large defense contractors, banks
and other associated corporations hijacked control over the USG in DC and used it to
service and protect their interests, at the expense of the interests of We The People.
They used their newly appropriated money power to buy up numerous politicians. The various
American Intel agencies involved in the SSG gained a great deal of new money and power
to protect the secrets about the Alien ETs, and increasingly invoked �national security�
to manipulate, compromise and control politicians in general.
Various Intel agencies served to take care of the interests of the SSG in order to protect
the SSWP. But these Intel agencies that gained new powers under the National Security Acts
of 1947 and 1952 were bifurcated. They had dual interests to protect the Ruling Cabal
(BT/RKM/COL) and the shared MJ interests of the G7 nations, which became allied together
in the SSWP under President Reagan.
In order to keep these secrets from the Soviets and other potential enemies, it was decided
to privatize the Pentagon and the CIA�s UFO-related functions into thousands of secret
proprietaries, which created plausible deniability for the USG. But the privatization and secrecy
classification system implemented to protect UFO secrets also transferred most true power
from the USG inside DC (the Beltway) to these large defense contractors, who were given
national security clearance protection for their secrets.
At first, the Top Secret Classification was provided to the Pentagon and CIA-related private
defense contractors. Later, as these programs expanded and began operating under secret
treaties with actual Alien ET groups, much deeper ultra high-technology secrets were
discovered that, it was felt, warranted more sophisticated classification and compartmenting,
such as Black, Deep Black and Beyond Black.
There have been credible reports that a major policy board, Majestic Twelve, was set up
to control all Alien ET matters, including �exchange� treaties with Alien ETs; back-engineering
of recovered craft and foreign technology transfer; and SSW fleets, capable of deployment
in deep space, to be engaged in serious ultra high-tech combat with certain evil Alien ET
groups that plan to attack Earth and eliminate all humans and animals.
The secret creation of Majestic Twelve.
MJ-12 originally had twelve members from the US Military, Intel and academic science. James
Forrestal was Secretary of Defense and refused to stop promoting the idea that the American
public must be told the truth.
Forrestal was a personal friend of JFK and had briefed him on the reality of UFO anti-gravity
craft and Extraterrestrial Aliens. It was decided by the top several most powerful members
of MJ-12 that Forrestal must be silenced. He was imprisoned in Bethesda Naval Hospital,
and drugs were used to soften his refusal.
This failed, and it was order that he be thrown out the window to his death, the way Frank
Olson (CIA) was later thrown out of a NYC Hotel room because he had a bad reaction to
LSD that he had been surreptitiously given. It is likely that the same wet-boy team did
both assassinations. It was felt that this kind of secret assassination from the upper
floor of a building, superficially disguised as suicide, would terrorize any other folks
who were tempted to start disclosing the secrets about Alien ETs and recovered UFOs.
This was the early form of disguised murder that morphed into the infamous �Arkencide�
later in Arkansas, and then fully adapted by the CIA and FBI Counterintelligence Division
At the time, some of those in MJ-12 called it the �Mars Jupiter Project�. The members
of MJ12, the US President, and the Director of the CIA felt that this secret of Alien
ETs and their recovered anti-gravity craft and the projects to back engineer them as
well as the treaties with a certain Alien ET group must be considered to be an even
more important secret than the Atomic Bomb (e.g. the Manhattan Project) or the Hydrogen
Bomb development.
Since this time MJ has morphed into a much bigger group, expanded to include representatives
from the G7 and �Five Eyes� nations. Different names have been used such as Majestic Twelve,
MJ12, Majic, Majestic, Majesty, Mars Jupiter, and MJ depending on who wrote their memos
and in regard to what. Much of the secrecy was based on the way the documents were written,
the insertion of some obvious errors that made them appear amateur and other traceable
This was designed to create confusion for enemies if they were ever recovered, a sort
of self-discrediting. Of course the usual different spelling errors and grammar errors
were included for each individual members copies as in most highly classified memos
to also discredit but in addition to provide person specific tracing if copied and leaked.
Majestic Twelve spawned the emergence of a very large Secret Shadow Government.
The creation of MJ-12 elicited the emergence of the SSG, first and best described by Richard
Boylan, Ph.D. As the SSG expanded, it became more and more narrowly compartmented by job
and function, and information transfer became completely based solely on �need to know�.
The SSG became increasingly powerful, due to its increasing control over the various
Intel agencies, which more and more served as their puppets.
The SSWP developed inside the SSG and became more and more deeply classified and isolated.
Using the recovered and shared Alien ET technologies, the SSWP then proceeded to develop two major
Secret Space War fleets (USN and USAF), both capable of deep space interstellar travel
and combat. The SSWP defense contractors developed super-secret, special-access, unacknowledged
programs with no official audits that became isolated from the mainstream and even from
their parent defense contractors.
The unacknowledged programs began to shift esoterically into various philosophical or
pragmatic positions not commonly held by normal Americans, or even by most high USG and Pentagon
Officials, who were somewhat briefed on Alien ETs and crashed, recovered and back-engineering
The esoteric drift of the SSG, due to their knowledge and working relationships with certain
Alien ET groups, has been noticed by some observers and researchers.
This esoteric drift has been sensed by Richard Dolan, clearly the most respected UFO investigative
journalist and author out there. His book A.D. After Disclosure is excellent and carries
serious credibility.
Richard Dolan has spoken publicly about the possibility of a �breakaway Society� that
may have emerged around these secret Alien ET matters. If true, this Beyond-black subculture
could be using back-engineered anti-gravity craft to visit or even reside for extended
periods on other planets. The extreme secrecy lock-down on all these Alien ET/UFO matters
prevents us from knowing exactly what is happening in regard to this.
Several respected, well-vetted former Military, Intel or defense contractor-related individuals,
who have come forth publicly from Steven Greer, M.D.�s Disclosure Project) and described
personally witnessing Alien ETs and anti-gravity craft.
In addition there is a great American hero, a well respected, completely vetted and courageous
William Tompkins who has disclosed a great deal about the treaty between a certain Alien
ET group and the Nazis, and the SSWP�s development of two Secret Space War Fleets, one US Navy
and on USAF, both capable of deep space travel and combat.
We also have Ben Rich, former head of Lockheed Skunkworks, who once made the statement publicly
at UCLA that �we now have the technology to take ET home�. And there are two other
important, near-death confessions, one by a high ranking CIA man who insisted on continued
anonymity to protect his family, and another Lockheed Scientist Boyd Bushman, who shared
photos of Alien ETs given to him shortly before his death.
According to Boyd Bushman, the American SSG Secret Space War programs at the Western bases,
like Papoose Lake, also have Russian and Chinese scientists and technicians working there on
back-engineering anti-gravity craft. He did not like this, perhaps because he had a memory
of the Soviet Union under Stalin and the evils of the Cold War, and could not believe that
Russia had actually changed for the good as the new Russian Federation.
This new cooperative effort with the American SSW Program with Russians and Chinese has
been reported by other insiders, and I believe it is accurate.
This lends credibility to the rumor that President Reagan negotiated a treaty with the Russians
and Chinese at the end of the Cold War to combine international efforts to defend the
Earth from what he believed was going to be an effort by an evil Alien ET force to invade
and subdue Planet Earth and destroy humanity. It is this secret treaty that led to his Star
Wars program.
The treaty included a clause that SSW weapons would never be used against the members and
conventional weapons would have to be used in conventional wars.
President Reagan assumed that once the real threat of an approaching Alien ET force was
disclosed to top Russian and Chinese government officials, there would be less motivation
for wars, except perhaps synthetically created wars to boost the Banksters and defense contractor
In his famous speech to the UN, he mentioned the possibility of an Alien threat to the
world and, by innuendo, wondered if they were already here eliciting wars and threats of
There has been a growing secret influence of the SSW Program on the Secret Shadow Government
and the G7 nations.
The SSWP appears to have taken control of the whole SSG, and has been absorbing so many
American financial assets that the middle class is collapsing by the day.
The un-recovered recession of 2007-2008 due to the exportation of jobs from America and
huge SSWP expenditures may have been the main factors behind the American masses propelling
Donald Trump into office �to rectify this financial assault on the working men and women
of America and the middle class.
Secrecy, surveillance, and national security systems in America are incredibly expensive
and are asset-stripping America bare.
If one adds up the above-ground costs of the SSG�s Intel and surveillance with defense,
it comes to about 985 billion dollars per year. The cost of the SSWP Fleets of the USN
and USAF, along with 147 Deep Underground Bases (DUMBs), totals about another 1.5 trillion
USD per year.
If you add these costs up, you can see that this totals over half the official US budget
of 3.3 trillion dollars, and results in basically asset-stripping middle class Americans of
all their hard-earned income and accrued savings and wealth.
Add to this the grim reality that approximately 40% of all federal tax payments go to the
FRS as interest on the phony unconstitutional so-called �national debt�, and you can
understand Americans are being asset-stripped to the bare bone.
Off the books Black-funding mechanisms of the Secret Shadow Government.
In order to raise all the funds the SSG and the SSWP need, it uses Intel Agencies, organized
crime and partnered drug cartels who engage in the illegal trafficking of huge amounts
of drugs. The US Military is in Afghanistan for the opium and for the lithium for batteries.
Obviously, the principals who ordered this have had allowed their very souls to be extracted
for mammon, and are functioning as pure psychopaths with no operational consciences at all.
The opium is flown out of Afghanistan in Global Hawk drones and reaches America in a refined
state, as high-grade heroin. That is why we have so much cheap heroin, and so many new,
young heroin addicts in America now. The number of death of young folks from this heroin has
now reached epidemic proportions which is certainly part of the BT�s Globalist Agenda.
It�s a strange situation, where both the BT/RKM/COL Ruling Cabal has become incredibly
criminal, and the SSWP has also become incredibly criminal. The Ruling Cabal does it for their
own gain; the SSWP supposedly to protect us from an Alien ET invasion. But both groups
live by �the end justifies the means� and �to heck with everybody else�, while
the American middle class shrinks by the day and drugs, crime, violence, death and chaos
in the big cities increases daily.
All indications are that something has to give pretty soon. Will it be official USG
disclosure of the Alien ET reality? Will it be a complete financial crash, or will it
be a provoked limited nuclear war or full-scale nuclear war?
The USA is now under extreme economic distress with about 100-million unemployed, and about
40% unable to pay their monthly expenses without borrowing. This cannot go on much longer without
causing serious ramifications unless abated.
Lee Wanta�s Plan
Ambassador Lee Wanta, who was President Reagan�s personal Secret Agent under the Totten Doctrine,
has had the best plan to re-industrialize America and immediately provide two-million,
good-paying job opportunities.
He acquired the massive funds necessary to do this, and made a commitment to President
Reagan to use his money for that reason.
Lee Wanta�s plans include the immediate construction of an inter-coastal, super high-tech,
high-speed maglev railroad, which would transform America into an industrial giant once again,
within about two years.
Sadly, Lee Wanta�s funds still remain locked up in a trust-fund, blocked from his access.
Hopefully President Trump will start working with Lee Wanta and access these funds and
let Lee Wanta finish his mandate from President Reagan.
The SSG is engaged in hundreds of sophisticated means to raise black funds that are �off
the books� for their various expensive covert operations, including the Secret Space War,
DUMBs and the various US Intelligence and spy agencies.
These black funds are not reviewed or authorized by the US Congress, as is required. Various
insurance skimming schemes are used; direct monetary funds are issued by the FRS to proprietaries,
often through foreign bank bailouts.
Enron was a large, CIA-run corporate bust-out used for black funding. I am not well-versed
in black funding operations, but I have been told that thousands of Intel proprietaries
exist for that, as well as for covert operations, in general. Hundreds of Enron employees lost
their pensions when Enron went bust. The S&L crisis was another asset-stripping, black-funding
operation, and there have been so many more.
There is a good reason CIA officers always refer to the CIA as �the Company�. It�s
because it owns so many �proprietaries� (phony business fronts) that raise black funds
and serve as deniable fronts for spying and covert operations.
Apparent Alien ET Cosmic Rules of Play exist?
Sooner or later, a question always arises from those who ponder the Alien ET matter.
If the Alien ETs have all this superior, highly advance, super-potent technology, they obviously
must have superior weapons capabilities, so why don�t they use all their superior technology
and make a sudden and spectacular public appearance and just take over Planet Earth, all of it?
There are a number of individuals from inside the SSWP, some well-vetted and validated,
that have claimed that Alien ET groups have superior technology and weapons systems, such
as particle-beam weapons, some hand-held. Philip Schneider was one of these individuals,
and he was murdered (�arkencided� by MIBs) for what he disclosed publicly.
He claimed that he and others unknowingly descended into an Alien ET nest under Dulce
as it was under construction, and got into a live fire-fight, during which some Delta
Force soldiers were killed. This was an incursion into the Alien ET�s personal quarters, and
they responded aggressively.
Another man, Charles Hall, claims to have worked around Tall Whites at an above ground
SW American joint base where he was doing weather research. He has claimed that the
Tall Whites were very protective of their children and would act aggressively to protect
them in self-defense, but were otherwise not aggressive. He also claimed some could pass
for humans and even were taken as guests to Las Vegas to gamble � an experience they
If it turns out that Charles Hall is accurate in his descriptions, then there are startling
implications to his claims that hopefully will be resolved during disclosure.
William Tompkins is perhaps the best-vetted of all, and has claimed that in the various
SSW projects he worked on, the secretaries were attractive, female tall white Alien ETs
who easily passed for human females.
I interpret all these accounts and the available evidence I have examined, experienced and
considered as suggesting that Alien ETs have entered Earth�s atmosphere and landed here
actually are bound by some kind of Cosmic code or Cosmic Rules of Play.
If there is at least one evil Alien ET group that seeks to harm us, as some have claimed,
the evidence would suggest that these Alien ETs are being somehow restrained by something,
perhaps some Cosmic Rules of Play, imposed on them. If they are evil, they would not
limit themselves by choice, but only by necessity. It is hard for me to believe that the SSWP
could have gained weapons systems parity with an evil Alien ET group, so something must
be keeping them from a public landing for all to see on the evening world news.
There have been some claims by insiders that a large number of humans are missing from
Federal Parks and mountainous areas while hiking and camping, due to one-way alien ET
abductions with no release.
If this turns out to be true, and a large number of humans are abducted and kept each
year by Alien ETs, this creates a new set of possibilities that the Earth is under a
restrained secret attack already by an Alien ET force that is evil, but is still somehow
restrained from appearing openly in public.
If an evil Alien Group is unable, for some esoteric reason, to deploy its high-tech weapons
to take over Earth openly, perhaps they would then use high-tech mind-kontrol or psychic
means to take control of and work through various individuals in the government, military,
Intel, or defense contractors whom they can manipulate. This sounds a lot like traditional
explanations of Demons and bad Djinns, doesn�t it?
There are a number of well-vetted credible witnesses of the SSWP who have claimed that
several treaties are in place between the USG and Alien ETs, and the same for some other
nations, including Russia and China. Here is one of the best-vetted witnesses to date,
a former high-ranking CIA Officer deeply involved in the secret Alien ET programs from the origin
of the problem during President Eisenhower�s administration.
This is now a classic death bed interview done by the highly respected Richard Dolan,
who carries a great deal of credibility in everything he does associated with his excellent
UFO and Alien ET investigative journalism. The subject being interviewed gives off all
the non-verbal gestures that suggest he is telling the truth and is still concerned about
the safety of his family, when he gave this interview.
During his high-level career, many people involved in Alien ET matters in various CIA
roles were told that, if you leak, you could be quickly terminated. Many who worked in
roles like this man were afraid that their families could be harmed too.
When this man got involved, there was great respect for top pentagon officials and high
military and Intel Officers.
This is no longer true, due to the infiltration and hijacking of much of the American military,
the Pentagon and Intel by the PNACers and top Dual Citizen Israeli-American �Israeli-first�
Their deployment of the 9-11-01 false-flag attack to draw us into illegal, unconstitutional
foreign wars of aggression for the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) has caused a great deal
of anger and disrespect toward our High Military Command, the Pentagon and Intel, as they went
along with the crime and the cover up.
These Treaties with Alien ET groups have been reported to include provisions for joint research
programs, with some for Alien ET/human hybridization; some for development of the synthetic soul
(no success with this so far and none ever likely); and some for exchange of Alien ET
high technology and weaponry for permission to abduct and tag humans with crystalline
implants with access to their biological samples, as long as those abducted have been unharmed
and their memories have been wiped.
The strange claims of repeated abductions
There are numerous reports of attempted abductions ceasing instantly when Christians call on
the name of Jesus Christ, and there are also reports of Islamics calling on the name of
Allah and such abduction attempts being immediately discontinued too.
Perhaps the strangest reports of all are the appearance of a small grey to known top-Satanist
and British-Intel wizard, Aleister Crowley, while inside a pyramid in Egypt. This has
suggested to some researchers that there is a connection between the worldwide satanic
pedophile network of the BT/RKM/COL and a certain Alien ET group.
There have also been some reports that after abduction, some individuals had flashbacks
and started remembering small grays working on them under the direction of tall grays,
with large reptilian-appearing creatures directing biological sample draws and scans, and with
a Tall White or two in the background watching.
If these reports are accurate, these observations raise some interesting issues. There are numerous
independent reports of similar abduction occurrences across many different nations and cultures,
which, to me, makes the actual occurrence of these reports more likely. And some abductees
claim numerous abductions over many years, and have scars and triangular crystalline
implants that have been surgically removed that support their accounts.
I expect that in the not too distant future, we will probably all see disclosure occurring
publicly, as the SSWP decides it is time to take over command of the USG and then the
We now have a situation in America where everything official is a big lie, a false narrative,
or USG propaganda. This is all broadcast and published by the six Controlled Major Mass
Media (CMMM), a constructive illegal monopoly best described as a news and media cartel.
This illegal media monopoly represents the interest of the BT/RKM/COL at the expense
of the interests of We The People. But it makes it impossible to trust the USG or the
CMMM for any real truth.
And the complete national security lock-down on all Alien ET matters by the SSWP prevents
us from learning anything from the USG and the CMMM about Alien ETs.
The American People have been denied the truth about Roswell and the Alien ET matters which
we have a right to know. The USG was hijacked by the large BT/RKM/COL franchised banks and
their large associated international corporations which eventually created a situation of Super
Fascism in America.
Once this Super Fascism was in place it made it quite easy to extend this process of secrecy
to create a new SSG around the Alien ET matter.
This led to the development of the Deep-Black and Beyond-Black Secret Space War Fleets,
interstellar travel and combat with Alien ET forces if the vetted insider reports we
have are accurate. As the size, budget and power of the SSW Program has continued, we
can expect that it will soon be taking predominance over the BT/RKM/COL Ruling Cabal since they
are both competing for the same taxpayer based funds.
It is my belief that the SSWP will consider it necessary to use disclosure in order to
panic the American and world masses as a motivation allowing the SSWP to assert control over the
BT/RKM/COL Ruling Cabal and establish themselves in complete control politically and militarily.
This will likely be a soft coup d��tat favored by the masses and the BT/RKM/COL will
be quickly shoved to the side and their power and major sources of assets will likely be
stripped away from them.
A new form of government will be installed from this transformation over the now public
Alien ET secrets and this is best described as Cosmic Fascism.
It will seem friendly and benevolent at first but it is still a form of fascism, because
it will claim the necessity to manage all human resources and people in order to meet
the challenge of an evil Alien ET invading force.
Those of the public who are well-versed in Alien ET matters are split into different
groups. Some believe that there are no Alien ETs threatening Planet Earth, that they are
harmless phenomena.
Others believe that the hundreds of reports of Alien ET abductions are real and that Planet
Earth is already under attack.
Still others believe that there are high ranking individuals in parts of the SSW Program that
have become mind-kontrolled and are serving a secret agenda of the specific Alien ETs
they are involved in joint projects with and do not truly understand they are being manipulated
psychically and psychologically.
Others believe that even though some parts of the SSWP involve joint projects with Alien
ETs, these are friendlies and are helping us prepare to defend Planet Earth from an
attempted invasion from a large armada of evil Alien ETs headed our way unless stopped
by a major effort involving all large nations of Planet Earth working together.
If disclosure occurs, this could soon lead to this unification of most Americans around
this issue and then it is likely the world will follow. What will emerge will be a new
form of American government and then a new form of world government. It is likely that
the BT/RKM/COL Ruling Cabal will then be pushed aside as irrelevant and unacceptable.
The SSWP�s efforts to defend Planet Earth will take predominance over everything else;
and this will constitute a new form of American fascism then to be imposed on the world. It
is best called Cosmic Fascism and it is probably coming sooner than later.
And at the speed things are changing down here on Planet Earth due to newly emergent
technologies and the Internet, the New Gutenberg Press, I believe that it won�t be long and
we shall all have some answers. Odds are disclosure is going to occur sooner than later unless
things go out of control in DC and we end up in a nuclear WW3 of some sort.
I have one conservative Christian friend who believes that Aliens are either fallen angels,
lesser gods or demons and are part of a very great final deception to lead humans away
from any traditional Biblical belief in God Almighty. And that the SSWP is an attempt
by the fallen ones/lesser gods to prepare a defense against a coming takeover of Planet
Earth and judgment of evil by Jesus Christ. There are some Christians in the SSWP, admittedly
a minority, but some also believe this scenario.
Some believe that Alien ETs are basically good and are part of a star system confederation
that does not to interfere with other worlds unless necessary to prevent major uncontrolled
nuclear war. And that those belonging to this star federation want to help humans get on
the right track and turn away from Fascism and war based parasitical economies.
Some who have sat on MJ have been briefed that Alien ETs in residence here on joint
programs have been shown a device called a �looking glass� which could display ancient
history, the crucifixion, etc. They claim that humans were seeded from Alien ET masters
and Planet Earth is their farm.
My Christian friend thinks that humans are distinct and created in God�s image and
is pretty sure that God Almighty is the great �I Am� and the first cause creator of
everything. He thinks that a Cosmic battle is now occurring on Planet earth between good
and evil, between God and the Devil and this is the only way one can explain the presence
of all the blatant evil in the world.
My view is that the jury is out on what all Alien ETs actually are. We have reports that
some are friendly, some are neutral, and some are quite evil and even eat humans as food
I am a conservative Christian and my own personal belief is that at some point there is going
to be a final battle between good and evil over Planet Earth that will involve a return
by Jesus of Nazareth our Messiah and His forces and that He will prevail over evil. How or
what specifically that will be and when remains to be seen. But each person must evaluate
the available evidence and draw their own conclusions.
One thing you expect: the Alien ET matter is probably not going to be kept undisclosed
too much longer.
To me the most interesting disclosure so far was from Ben Rich, the head of Lockheed Skunkworks.
He claimed that UFOs were �biomorphic�.
To me this means that some of the Alien ET ships are somehow biologically based, living
entities and able to shift in size and shape, and rapidly combine into a single entity and
then quickly split again into separate entities.
It has been reported that some of the recovered craft had no electrical wires or visible electronics
in them but only strange fiber cables and control was claimed to be by thought interface
and sometimes touch.
This has major esoteric ramifications and may suggest some spiritual or inter-dimensional
element that will need some new physics to explain.
There have been some insider reports that some UFOs were back engineered from a strange
combination of certain new elements, including element 115 and other unknowns that, when
smelted together into a small block, had the properties to be thought into a UFO by psychic
powers of the Alien ETs.
If the SSG shares proof that the Earth is going to be attacked by a large evil Alien
ET Armada, whether true or not, and the public believes this, then the shift to Cosmic Fascism
could occur very rapidly.
Disclosure could easily create a secret iron military grip on the whole world as a newly
emerging Cosmic Fascist world government. And if this claim of a pending Alien Invasion
is made and is false, then one can assume that this new form of government, Cosmic Fascism,
will be just as evil as the Super Fascism we currently have in America only cloaked
in helping save Planet Earth and humans from destruction.
For at least the last 100 years, the BT/RKM/COL has worked hard to merge with the largest
organized crime groups, infiltrate and hijack major governments (especially in the West)
to institute Super Fascism. It has done this to attain its Globalist NWO Agenda of a one-world
Super Fascist government run by them. Every turn in the road some major interference and
setbacks have occurred.
Despite this they have made significant process Globalizing the World and the USA through
hijacking of the educational system and sophisticated mind-kontrol of the children and youth to
transform them into good global citizens; the hijacking of the Major Mass Media and
use of it to promote big lies, false-narratives and propaganda on behalf of the BT/RKM/COL;
the consolidation of corporations into large powerful international conglomerates that
are easy to control at the top; promotion of situationally-based relative morality and
political correctness; destruction of marriage and normal male/female sex roles; the illegal
unconstitutional Free Trade Agreements and the massive exportation of heavy industry
and manufacturing out of the USA; pursuit of continuing illegal unconstitutional foreign
wars of aggression; and the induced erosion of US National Sovereignty.
And yet even with all these advances toward their final Globalist Goal of establishing
a power one-world Super Fascist government, the Internet which is the new Gutenberg press
has elicited a strong and growing populism which has slowed the Ruling Cabal�s progress
toward attaining its one-world Super Fascist government.
On the other hand, the Deep-Black and Beyond-Black secrets that the SSWP principals keep are
extremely profound. They are so powerful that if they are disclosed, they will enable these
principals who run the SSWP to likely have enough political and military power to easily
gain control of the government, push the BT/RKM/COL aside and render them irrelevant and powerless.
If these SSW principals decide to misuse these secrets as is likely, and unless they have
a change of heart (not expected), they will then be able to quickly institute a new form
of government, Cosmic Fascism. It may seem friendly at first but would then likely then
become oppressive to the masses as any kind of Fascism does when their advanced military
might is rolled out.
Unless things, change I expect that this transformation from Super Fascism to Cosmic Fascism will
be covertly implemented and directed by the Alien ETs working in joint projects. It is
my view that they have established very sophisticated and powerful mind-kontrol over these SSWP
principals that is so subtle they are unaware of this control.
*BT/RKM/COL This is the Ruling Cabal, empowered by the Rothschild private worldwide pernicious
usury and debt-based Fiat central Banking System, and comprised of these three elements:
BT=Babylonian Talmudics; RKM=Rothschild Khazarian Mafia; COL=City of London
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