Let's Play Kona
NẾU THƯƠNG người ĐÃ MẤT xin ĐỪNG làm ĐIỀU NẦY (khuyên người nên nghe) - Duration: 1:16:08. For more infomation >> NẾU THƯƠNG người ĐÃ MẤT xin ĐỪNG làm ĐIỀU NẦY (khuyên người nên nghe) - Duration: 1:16:08.-------------------------------------------
Dev Moğol Ölüm Solucanı Gerçek mi - Duration: 10:38.Dev Moğol Ölüm Solucanı Gerçek mi ?
Gobi çölünün yakıcı çöl kumları altında Moğolların adını ağızlarına almaya
korktukları bir yaratık saklanır.
Olur da bu hayvandan bahsedecek olurlarsa onun için "Allghoi khorkhoi", Olgoy Korkoy
(Moğolca: Олгой-Хорхой, "Olgoy Horhoy"), yani "bağırsak solucanı"
Çünkü bu yılanı andıran şişman, kırmızı, ölümcül canavar, ineklerin tezeklerinde
görülen solucanları andırmaktadır.
Aslında dev kum solucanları pek çok eski efsanede geçtiği gibi , popüler kültürde
de pek çok film, video oyunu ve fantastik kitaplarda da konu olmuştur . Bir çöl canavarı
olduğu düşünülen bu yaratığın varlığı ispatlanamamıştır.
Fakat Moğol halkının büyük bir kısmının bu canlının gerçekten var olduğuna inandıkları
Bu yaratığın dikenleri ve kızıl kahverengi bir görünüşü olduğu söylenir.
Şişko ve kırmızı renkli yılana benzeyen bu yaratıklara ineğin bağırsağını anımsattıklarından
bu isim verilmektedir.
Boyu bir buçuk metreyi bulan bu dev solucan insanları bile öldürebilmektedir.
Her ne kadar boyutu genel olarak böyle tanımlansa da , farklı pek çok anlatıda ve raporda
devasa olarak betimlenmektedir . Bununla birlikte bunu nasıl başardığını hiç kimse bilmiyor.
Bazılarına göre o ölümcül bir zehir tükürürken, başkaları onun dev bir elektrik
akım gönderdiğini söylemektedir.
Solucan çok hızlı bir şekilde ve uzaktan can alabilmektedir.
Konuyu ele alan ilk kişi Amerikalı paleontolog Roy Chapman Andrews 1926 tarihli Antik Kentin
İzi Kitabı'nda belirtti.
Amerikalı paleontolog, Moğol yetkililerin bir araya gelerek duyduğu canavarın masallarından
ikna olmamıştı.
Antik Şeytanın İzinde kitabında Andrews, 1922'de solucanı anlatan Moğolistan Başbakanı
Damdinbazar'ın şunları söylediğini yazdı.
Yaklaşık iki ayak uzunluğunda, başı ve bacağı olmayan bir sosis gibi şekillendirilmiştir
ve çok dokunaklı olduğu için zehirlidir ve ani ölüm demektir.
Gobi Çölünün en ıssız kısımlarında yaşıyor.
Andrews, 1932'de Orta Asya'nın Yeni Fethi adlı kitapta bu bilgiyi tekrar yayınladı
ve şunları ekledi: "Batının en kurak, kumlu bölgelerinde yaşadığı bildirildi."
Ancak Andrews, canlının varlığına inanmadı.
Başka bir sefer de Moğol ölüm solucanının varlığını öğrenmek ve halk tarafından
anlatılanları karşılaştırmak için 1946 - 1949 arasında bölgeye araştırmaya giden
Yuri Orlov böyle bir yaratığı gördüğünü rapor etmiştir.
Moğol göçerlere göre bu dev solucan kurbanlarını her şeyi çürük yeşiline dönüştüren
asidik bir maddeyle öldürüyor.
Efsaneye göre yaratık saldıracağı zaman vücudunun yarısıyla ayağa kalkıyor ve
patlayana kadar şişiyor.
Patladığı zaman ölümcül zehrini kurbanının her yerine saçmış oluyor.
Bu sıvı öylesine zehirlidir ki temas halinde ölüm ani ve kaçınılmazdır.
1990 senesine kadar Moğolistan Sovyetlerin kontrolü altında ulaşılması zor bir ülke
olduğundan bu yaratıklar hakkında Batılı araştırmacıların bilgileri bulunmamaktaydı.
Son yıllarda bu yaratığın var olup olmadığına dair bilimsel araştırmalar yapılmıştır.
1990 ve 1992 yıllarında Loch Ness Gölü Canavarı'nın ünlü dedektifi Ivan Mackerle,
bölgeyi incelemiş ve birçok kişiyle Moğol'la solucan hakkında görüşmüştür.
Ivan Mackerle, solucan aramak için küçük grup arkadaşlarını Gobi Çölü'ne götürdü.
Frank Herbert'in dev kurmaca bir sistemin kumullara ritmik dev dalgalarla çarparak
yüzeye çıkartılabileceği romanından uyarlanan Mackerle, motorlu bir "tampon" inşa
etti ve hatta yaratığı bulmak için küçük patlayıcılar ile denemeler bile yaptı .
Garip ölümler ve görgü tanıklıklarının çokluğu dolayısıyla Ölüm Solucan'ın
sadece bir efsane olmadığı sonucuna varmıştır.
Uzmanlar onun gerçek bir solucan olmadığına inanmaktadır.
Çünkü Gobi çölü öyle sıcaktır ki herhangi bir halkalı yaşayamaz.
Bazıları onun bir kum kertenkelesi olabileceğini ileri sürmüşse de, kertenkelenin bacakları
Oysa tanıklar hayvanın eklemsiz, düz bir vücuda sahip olduğunu söylemektedir.
En olası açıklamaysa söz konusu yaratığın aslında çok zehirli bir yılan yada henüz
keşfedilmemiş bir tür yılan olmasıdır.
Her ne kadar yerli Moğal halkı Ölüm Solucan'ın nasıl bir şey olduğu konusunda kesin bir
fikre sahip olsa da, dünyanın bilimsel cemaatini ikna etmek için daha çok araştırma yapılması
gerekmektedir fakat son zamanlarda ortaya çıkan bazı veriler ve yeni raporlar bilim
adamları arasında Moğolistan çöllerinde yaşayan tehlikeli bir canlıların varlığını
tartışma konusu yapmaya başlamıştır .
Yaratık Asit kustuğu gibi uzaktan elektrik şoklamasına benzer bir etki ile zarar verebildiğine
de inanılır.
Boyunun 2 ile 5 metre arasında değiştiği söylenir.
Kurak ve özellikle kumlu bölgelerde yaşar.
Çünkü asıl hareket kabiliyetini kumda sağlayabilmektedir.
Haziran ve Temmuz aylarında daha çok görüldüğü söylenir.
Kış aylarında ise yeraltında uykuya yattığına inanılmaktadır.
2005 Yılında bir cryptologist olan Richard Freeman Moğol ölüm solucanının varlığını
kanıtlamak için bir sefer düzenledi.
Bütün köyler ve köylüler zehirli yaratığı bulmak için seferber oldu fakat bir başarı
elde edemediler . 2013 yılında garip ve solucana benzer bir yaratık kameraya yakalandı
, fakat başka noktalardan Moğol ölüm solucanının ihbarları gelmeye devam etti.
Onlara göre Bu yaratık dev ölüm solucanı değildi, üzerinde kırmızı renk olmadı
gibi normal bir solucan görünümündeydi .Freeman'ın seferi birinde, yerel tercüman
onlara Suji köyüne giden bir takımın başına gelen olayı anlattı.
Adamlardan biri demir çubuk yardımı ile kumu arıyor ve eşeliyordu sonra aniden yıldırım
çarpmış gibi kendini yere attı ona ulaştıklarında ise çoktan ölmüştü.
Diğerleri yerde ani bir sarsıntı hissettiler ve sonra yuvarlak büyük bir kum çıkıntısından
aşağı kayan büyük bir kuyruk gördüler.
Önceleri efsane olarak kabul gören bu varlıkların yaşadıklarına dair ortaya çıkan yeni
deliller araştırmacıların bu konudaki fikirlerini değiştirmiştir.
Ivan Mackerle bu canavarları araştıranlar içerisinde en meşhur olan kişidir.
Ciltler dolusu tanık beyanı ve garip ölüm vakıalarının raporlarını değerlendirdiğinde
Mackerle bu soluncanların varlıklarını efsaneden fazlası olduğu sonucuna varmıştır.
Mackerle, bölgeye yaptığı gezi sırasında yerli tercümanının kendisine, "çocukluğu
sırasında çöle gelen araştırma ekibinden Batılı bir jeologun yere kazık çakarken
aniden düşüp öldüğünü ve daha sonra kumun içinden şişman bir soluncanın çıkarak
olay yerinden uzaklaştığını gördüğünü" anlattığını söylemektedir.
Bu yaratık aslında çok eskilerden beri bilinmekteydi Moğolistan'da Cengiz Han'ın
bile Moğol ölüm solucanını bildiğini ve bulunduğu iddea edilen yerlerden uzak
durduğu söylenmektedir .
Ekim 2015'ten Kazakistan Baganaly da büyük gri solucana benzer gizemli bir yaratık keşfedildi.
Kasabanın ithal kömür stokları deposunda çalışan işçiler somun ekmek boyutunda
bir yumurta bulur.üzeri tutkal benzeri madde gibi yapışkan bir örtü ile kaplıdır,
korkan kasaba itfaiyeyi arar ve yumurta kürekle kırıldığında içinden yaklaşık 20 santimetre
uzunluğunda solucan benzeri ölü bir yaratık çıkar.
Hayret içindeki itfaiye görevlisi ve işçiler yaratığın üzerine su döker , o anda kuyruk
kısmı hareket eder ve kabarır ,sopa ile dokunduklarında da, mavi rengini değiştirir.
Kırsal Bölgedeki halk bunun bir ölüm solucanı olabileceğini söyler.
Kısa süreli bir panik sonrası yetkililer gelir ve varlığı alıp götürür.
Bu esnada yerel gazeteden biri ise birkaç poz resim çekmeyi başarır.
Görgü tanıklarına göre solucanın ağız kısmında birkaç sıra içe dönük dişlerde
bulunmaktadır . Kasaba sakinleri bu olay sonrası her yeri arar ama ne başka bir yumurta
nede solucana benzer bir şey bulur.
Kimbilir belki de o canlı eldeki tek gerçek delil ve yaşadığı söylenen bu yaratığın
Fakat daha sonra bu olay , çoğu resmi olaylardaki gibi üzeri örtülmesi için resmen unutulmaya
Bir kısım araştırmacıya göre Gobi Çölü solucanların yaşayamayacakları kadar sıcak
bir ortamdır.
Kimilerine göre ise anlatılan yaratıklar kum kertenkelesi olmalıdır.
Baskın görüşe göre ise bu türü bilinmeyen bir canlıdır.
Kimbilir belki de gerçek kumlar altında bulunacağı günü beklemektedir .
FS 17 SMOOTHEST SILAGE EVER FINAL MORE THAN 1.5 MILLION CHAFF - Duration: 19:27.HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel This is the finally I managed to fill up the silage silo as much I can More than 1.5 million chaff.
To Finish the Chaff I use the T-170 Dozer
iI think I fill it a little more
I dump the rest of the grass to the Fermenter silo
I'm the chaff Master
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
TOOLS of JAPANESE MANGA Artist【Top 5】feat. "MIKEY" - Duration: 10:02.-Careful not to break -It won't break
There is a knife suitable for cutting screen tones
You carry around weapons like this?
NOT a weapon
-But this one is the most fun -What was it?
-Ear Pick -NO
-Hello -Hello
There is a Manga Artist here
Introduce your self
I am working in Manga industry for 10years as an assitant
There is quite a unique item on the table
-What is this? -It's my goods case
I see something dangerous
-How do you open this? -Well...
Take it off
Which does a Manga artist use the most?
Well, the pen
Pen without any ink in it
No ink in it
Is this a G-pen?
Yes, well the pen top is what determines the name. This is G pen
This goes into the ink?
It's something you dip into the ink
What's so special about this holder?
Well, it's not limited to this holder,
but this one you can attach on both sides
and how you attach it is, you twist it and attach it so..
In a normal attaching one, it will gradually get loose
Getting looser and looser
I didn't like that since I have to change the holder
so I chose this
Can you buy this at retail?
The exact same one isn't sold any more
So the ones you see right now are the legendary non sold items?
I don't know about legendary but..
-but I'm sure similar ones exist -I see
There is always a G pen and Maru Pen
If it's in this shape, your fingers will hurt when you insert it?
That's more like your concentration problem
Maybe I used it wrong
Should be ok
-Dipping normally
Like this
What makes G-pen different from Maru-pen?
It enables you to draw more lines
You can draw from the thick to thin
but the Maru-pen cannot go thick?
It may be a little difficult
It's good for thin sensitive lines
How many lines until the ink is gone?
Of course it will depend whether it is dry or not
It's about to run out...right now
More than I thought
Can I compare with the Maru-pen?
It's thin to start with, but it can draw thick lines as well
but it's not meant to be thick, so if you draw thick lines, the pen top tends to die easily
Are the thin lines more for the background?
Yes, for the background and maybe for the electric lines
The G-pen seems to have more of the easy to hold thing
but this one doesn't
There is actually a reason for it
On this side, you're actually suppose to insert a "White pen ", which is to modify the drawing.
It's a pen to use for adjustment, so it's not so often
so you don't need a grip
This side, I will grip all the time so there is a grip
-What is this called? -This thing?
Maxon? Brand called Maxon
Is Maxon gone?
This exact holder from Maxon is gone
but the Maxon as a company exists?
I'm not sure about a company's existence...
-Not to break it... -It won't
What is the difference between no.3 and this?
This one doesn't have the back
That is it>
-And this one is lighter. -Ahh, I see
-Not so different -Not so...
This is a Maru pen, but you can insert G pen?
No, this one Maru Pen only
I have it for different purposes
As I said, this one is for the G pen
and to add the White for adjustment
and this one is for the background
Once in a while when you are hungry you use it...
What the?
Next one is..
Not a pen
These are knives
Art knife and box cutters
Tone cutter! This is a knife just for cutting screen tones?
Well...this one is quite famous for being a tone cutter, buy...
This one is called a art knife, and you can use it many ways but...
The reason why I have two is,
someone I knew told me there is a knife suitable for cutting screen tones
to add texture?
Yes, to make it vague
so that means the angle of the knife is very important
To distinguish that, even people with bad judgement can get away with it
So I bought this
Is the design and shape to get a good grip?
Well, the shape wasn't made by me...
There is something similar to this
There is a similar one from the same brand so you better watch out when you buy it
You walk around with such a weapon...
Not a weapon..
Another box cutter!
So 3 box cutters?
Well, three but...I just do it with one
-What is this for? -Well, you cut the drawings sometimes
You sometimes cut it apart to do the work
but for me, I do the tone cutting with this one
but I just have it as a necessity
I see. You have more box cutters than pens
I don't really have it as a weapon...
This one you can buy it anywhere? Not really made for Manga?
Not really
What is this pen called?
This is called a Mili-pen from a company called Sigma
Basically you draw the squares with this one
Basically we usually use the 0.8mm for the squares
0.8mm to 1mm. That's why I carry this one
Can you draw the square?
Pretty thin
When in drawings, a lot of people use this thickness
Places I have been to, that is
"Pigma" is the name of the pen, so the company name is "Sakura"
So one of them will do the job?
-Wait, there are some more? -Yes, but most of them are 0.8mm
-Do you use this anywhere else? -Besides the square?
I may use it when I want to fill in small spots,
but the problem is, when you color over the pencil with this, you can see the pencil line
Oh really?
so using it after the black filling has been done, drawing it in white
Coloring over it
so I might just draw over the parts where it is drawn with pencil
And the ear pick
Not the ear pick!
There is no doubt this is ear pick
If this was ear pick, what is this?
Well, I haven't used this one
It's to hold down the tone
Hold down to paste
I see. This side is for the small one?
It's for parts you have to hold down hard
Places you may have cut short
or there is a edge and it looks like it may come off
That's what you do with something like this
To keep it stuck
And some times... No no
Why are you trying to go to ear pick?
I think it definitely started out from a thing like that
Do you know what "definitely" means?
You never use it for ear picks
so it IS something made for screen tones?
Are you doubting me?
I thought you were going to show me all the pens,
but it turns out the pen is this and this
The pen is only these two
Most of it are knives...
The way you say knives, it sounds like weapons
-and this ear pick -Not an ear pick
Not an ear pick
You have brought a lot of ink as well
Will this be enough?
This ink is from Pilot, ink for drafting
There is another one for Shoken, which looks totally alike
There are two types, and they are either waterproof or not
Adding color after the lines
Excuse me, I just laughed because I imagined
What do you mean waterproof? Drawing in the rain?
Wait, wait, wait..
I am about to explain that right now
This one for the drafting one is weak against water and it gets smudged.
so it's not for a rainy day,
When you add color using Alcohol Marker like COPIC, the ink will get smudged
The one for SHOKEN is waterproof so, even if you use a COPIC, it won't get smudged
I see
Now, the 5 tools. These are the most popular tools?
Well, the standard ones
I thought it would be all G Pens.
If it was all G Pen, it could be only one
I thought that G Pen is the most important so, I thought there would be so many types of G Pen
You mean different types of G Pen?
but all you need is this?
Why do you seem so sad?
A lot of box cutters...
but this one was the most fun
Oh...what was it?
-Ear pick -NO
So 5 items were introduced
Thank you very much
Thank you!
There seems to be more VERY interesting looking items awaiting
Please introduce them to me next time
-There we are -That was good enough?
GG LIVE | Bloodborne #3 (PS4) - Duration: 56:43. For more infomation >> GG LIVE | Bloodborne #3 (PS4) - Duration: 56:43.-------------------------------------------
Pakistan must pay for supporting terr0ris@m, says US Congressman - Duration: 4:27. For more infomation >> Pakistan must pay for supporting terr0ris@m, says US Congressman - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
Annoying Villagers 20 - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 15:49.Previously on this story line of MrFudgeMonkeyz's Annoying Villagers
How annoying you villagers are
I shall erase you
But first you must tell me
Where he is!
You bandits
You won't get away with this
We won't rest until we erase you villager, pest
From the face of this earth
Now bring me to the closest village
Wait is that a player?
Is he controlling them?
No Tim
It's empty!
Looks like someone's nearby
Alright let's go check it out
Probably some stupid villager scout
Ha. Let's raid them
But I thought all the villagers became too strong to get infected
Oh never mind that I got to capture it
It be perfect for my base
The ones with the most powerful of weapons. And the highest of numbers. Control this world
I must conserve my energy. We're almost there
What? Reinforcements?
You the heck are you?
Grave he's probably from another player tribe
He's trying to find our base
You're on our land
And now
What the?
What the heck is that thing?
How could it block a hit from my sword?
Don't move
Good job leading us here Greg
How did you know they were in this area?
Oh I just had a feeling they be here
You should leave them be. They still an asset to our cause.
Who ever gets in my way will be eliminated.
You're quite the stubborn one. Aren't you.
They are quite strong.
You should keep your guard up.
Their power is nothing compare to what I possess.
Who the heck are you talking to?
He thinks he so strong. I like to prove him wrong.
Grave we should get out of here.
I never seen someone do that before.
Maybe it's part of a new update we're not aware of?
I never back down from a fight.
Plus he reminds me of him.
And the only way we can figure out how he's doing that fast block placing trick.
s to make him tell us! Also I'm curious what else he can do.
Cover me!
Alright. I hope you know what you're doing!
If that arrow didn't knock me away. I would have been done.
What a dangerous weapon he uses. Such powerful offense and defense. Haha. I like to take that power under my control
Grave watch out. He coming!
He's fast.
I got to buy Grave some time
These players are more powerful than I expected. They will become more troublesome in the future if let unchecked.
Grave. I think we should retreat.
We've come too far to give up now.
And I'm beginning to taste victory.
Oh my god!
Ha. Looks like your friend has abandoned you.
Guess that doesn't work.
Ha. You thought ran away.
Oh no a direct hit!
Grave! Grave! Are you alright?
A hit for a hit. Without any armor that hit must have hurt a lot. A few of those in row and you'll be done.
Your power. It comes with a cost. Doesn't it?
When he's angry. He lowers his guard. Leaving himself wide open.
Here Grave!
Ah much better.
It be good time to use your splash potions? Oh wait. You don't have any? Do you?
enderpearls and splash potions have been so expensive to obtain.
But it will be well worth it when I gets his powers.
What the. What the heck is that.
Argh. Take it out. Don't let it interfere.
Okie dokie!
Oh so he's one of yours?
Burrito keep firing. Take down that mutant villager first!
He's trying conserve energy.
Dammit. It's a 1v1 battle now.
His obsidian feels weaker than before.
Guessing he's nearing his limit.
Ha. A another one. How many will it take!
Getting desperate now are we?
No Grave!
I can't. I can't let Burrito die here.
I can't
I can't let him die
On my watch
Get out of here! Save yourself!
I will revenge you
I swear!
I don't have any enderpearls left.
This thing. It's slowing me down. Is this it for me.
Oh alright. I'm go scouting for a little bit
Don't be gone for too long
ya. ya
Is everything going according to plan?
Yes master
We're ready whenever you are
Begin phase three
Hello Tommy. What are you doing out here.
Huh. Wow. Greg. Where did you come from?
Oh I'm out for a little stroll.
Didn't expect to run into you here.
Ya. Ya. Me too.
We should head back to base
We're going to have a meeting later tonight.
Ya. Good idea.
I don't trust him. He was talking to someone. He must be a double agent.
Probably associated with another player tribe.
I'll expose him for what he is.
I got report this to Grave.
Hey welcome back!
I decorated the base while you guys were gone!
I think this part need green!
AHH. Ew No! Keep your nasty green on your side!
Did you guy really have to take all our iron out and put them in block form.
Ha. You guys know we're at war right?
What! I thought Minecraft was a home decorating game!
Well it sorta is.
But we're at war. So we don't have that luxury.
Ha. Excuses! There's always time to make everything look fabuluous!
Eh. I think we should get rid of this guy.
He going to be a problem
Hey Skymint. Check out this!
Oh my god. That's so fabuluous!
Those pattens are like out of this world!
What that's just a checker pattern.
That's so boring.
You should do something like this.
Eh I guess it's time to head to the meeting area. Come on. Let's go.
We encounter a player with glowing eyes.
He got. He got Burrito
He was able to manipulate obsidian.
It's nothing like I ever seen before.
It seem like he was able to control certain mobs.
I should have listened to Burrito and retreated.
so you encountered him too?
What. You know of him. Tell me. Tell everything you know!
Wow. Take it easy.
All I know are the rumors.
I'll. I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything.
Legend has it.
Theres a player with Glowing eyes.
They call him the white eye'd demon.
And a few players that still roam freely.
Say that they have saw him.
And supposedly he is some sort of monster that possess otherworldly powers.
Some just think he's a some sort of hacker trying to get attention
or maybe a virus left behind by the original creators of minecraft.
But many believe he's some sort of savior.
That he will be the one to kill the Villager King and put an end to all of this conflict.
They going around saying that he revenge us players and once again we will be the most dominate entity.
It's crazy. They worship him like a god.
And ever since Notch disappeared and the Villagers becoming so powerful.
People have become desperate
I guess they will cling to anything. I can't blame them.
People are confused what to think.
They say that he goes around killing only Villagers.
But some say he goes around killing only Players.
In truth, I don't think anyone really knows what he is and what his motives are.
I think all we can really do right now.
Is wait and find out what happens.
I don't care what he is.
He killed Burrito, a member of our tribe!
If any of you ever find this white eye'd demon player.
Report it immediately!
I think I know how to kill him.
Can I just say that.
Your skin looks fabuluous.
Hope you enjoy this minecraft animation of annoying villagers 20
Hey there guys. This is MrFudgeMonkeyz. I hope you enjoyed watching
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Oh my god! We're on the 20th episode
I work my butt off to make this. Hopefully my suffering was worth it
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❋「AS ~ Nightcore」~ Trust you ~ ❋ - Duration: 4:45.Like flowers dancing in the wind
Like rain moistening the earth
Although this world thrives on interdependence
Why do people hurt each other?
Why do we have to part?
Even if you're faraway
In the depths of this heart
Completely filled with that gentle smile
The pieces of you that I held tight
Are still connected in spite of pain, so
I believe that we'll meet again
I'm waiting for your love
I love you
I trust you
Share your loneliness with me
I love you
I trust you
Even in light, even in darkness
Because we're together we can believe in each other
Don't leave me
Who watched the world end?
Who proclaimed the end of the journey?
It's a long night, and we cannot see the answers
Still I hope you keep to the road you believed in
Because at the end, light is waiting.
The song that you taught me
Is still, in the deepest reaches of my heart
Echoing, along with that gentle voice.
Overflowing droplets of feelings
Warmly run down my cheeks
"Become stronger
We're connected"
I'm always by your side
I love you
I trust you
The tears I've shed for you
I love you
I trust you
Have taught me what love is
No matter how lost you get
I'll be by your side
I love you
I trust you
Share your loneliness with me
I love you
I trust you
Even in light, even in darkness
I love you
I trust you
Even in sadness, even in happiness
I love you
I trust you
I want to protect everything that's yours
No matter how lost you get
I'll be by your side
Because we're together we can believe in each other
Don't leave me
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Essence of Murli 02-07-2017 - Duration: 9:19.Om Shanti !
Today's Murli Date is 2nd July 2017
( Today we will listen to Avyakt Baapdada's Avyakt Murli. This Murli was first spoken on 16th April 1982 )
Murli Heading : The confluence-aged court of self-sovereignty is the most elevated court.
In which court has BapDada come today?
BapDada is seeing His children, the royal souls, who are co-operating in the task of establishing the kingdom of the world,
that is, He is seeing His children who are carrying out all the activities of the kingdom and who have a right to the kingdom.
He is seeing His confluence- aged court of self-sovereignty.
He is seeing all the different types of co-operative souls from everywhere in this court of self-sovereignty.
The special, most elevated jewels of this court of self-sovereignty may be far from BapDada personally in their corporeal forms,
but Baba sees those who have a right to the kingdom in front of Him on the throne in the form of a rosary.
Each of you co-operative souls who has a right to the kingdom is sparkling with the sparkle of your own speciality.
Each one is decorated with the ornaments of different virtues.
What is the sign of having a throne in a kingdom?
All of you are sitting at court, are you not?
Some of you are at the front and others are at the back, but all of you are in the court!
The canopy, the sign of the throne of the kingdom, is sparkling very well.
To the flowing Ganges who constantly celebrate a meeting with the Ocean of Love,
to those who constantly experience BapDada belonging to them in all relationships on the basis of their love,
to those who make a permanent deal with the Innocent Lord,
to such loving, elevated souls with honest hearts, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste
Blessing: May you be ignorant of the knowledge of desires and finish all limited desires by remaining stable in your self-respect.
Those who remain stable in their self-respect never have any desire to receive limited respect. ( Check for self on this point )
When all limited desires are merged in your self-respect, there is then no need to ask for anything.
Limited desires are never fulfilled.
One limited desire gives birth to many other desires whereas self-respect easily fulfils all desires.
So maintain your self-respect and you will become an embodiment of all attainments.
You will become ignorant of any lack of attainment and of desires.
Slogan: Those who mould themselves to all situations are real gold.
Om Shanti !
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