Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 11 2017

Nikola Tesla�s biographer claims the scientist had contact with aliens

By Ancient Code

��He said it sounded just like people talking back and forth to each other.

He made notes saying that he was actually hearing intelligent beings from another planet

talking to each other, although he didn�t know what language they were speaking.

But he still felt he understood them��

Tim R. Swartz, a well-known biographer of Nikola Tesla, says there may have been a connection

between the futuristic inventor and intelligent aliens, according to his semi-autobiographical

book The Lost Papers of Nikola Tesla: HAARP � Chemtrails and Secrets of Alternative


This hypothesis does nothing more than accentuate the mystery surrounding Tesla, whose personal

documents and notes, for the most part, were confiscated by the US government.

Many people think that his inventions could be potentially dangerous to the interests

of the industry.

As explained by Swartz, during the test of one of his many inventions, Tesla detected

radio transmissions that adjudged to extraterrestrial communications.

After this event, the inventor would have become obsessed with building better and more

powerful radio receivers.

While testing the device, Swartz claimed in an interview, Nikola Tesla overheard radio

transmissions he believed were actually attributed to extraterrestrial communications:

�He wondered at the time if he wasn�t listening to �one planet greeting another,�

as he put it.

From that point on, it became somewhat of an obsession of his, to build better and better

radio receivers to try to see if he could repeat what he heard.

He got to the point where he claimed that he was actually receiving voice transmissions.

He said it sounded just like people talking back and forth to each other.

He made notes saying that he was actually hearing intelligent beings from another planet

talking to each other, although he didn�t know what language they were speaking.

But he still felt he understood them.�

At the time, it was surmised by prominent scientists that Mars would be a likely haven

for intelligent life in our solar system, and Tesla at first thought these signals may

be originating from the red planet.

While Tesla�s most prominent records and personal notes are in the hands of the United

States Army, Swartz claims to have acquired a number of private records at a 1976 auction.

The author claims that all this information was missing from the face of the Earth after

the visit of the alleged �Men in Black�.

As noted by National Geographic, most of Tesla�s were taken by the government but most of his

belongings were later released to his family, and many ended up in the Tesla Museum in Belgrade,

which opened in the 1950s.

But some of Tesla�s papers are still classified by the U.S. government.

Tesla�s inventions went far beyond electricity.

He made groundbreaking discoveries such as wireless radio communications, turbine engines,

helicopters (although it was Da Vinci who first had the idea), fluorescent and neon

lights, torpedoes and the X-ray among others.

By the time of his death, Tesla held nearly 700 worldwide patents.

�I can never forget the first sensations I experienced when it dawned upon me that

I had observed something possibly of incalculable consequences to mankind.

I felt as though I were present at the birth of a new knowledge or the revelation of a

great truth.

My first observations positively terrified me as there was present in them something

mysterious, not to say supernatural, and I was alone in my laboratory at night; but at

that time the idea of these disturbances being intelligently controlled signals did not yet

present itself to me.�

�The changes I noted were taking place periodically and with such a clear suggestion of number

and order that they were not traceable to any cause known to me.

I was familiar, of course, with such electrical disturbances as are produced by the sun, Aurora

Borealis, and earth currents, and I was as sure as I could be of any fact that these

variations were due to none of these causes.�

�The nature of my experiments precluded the possibility of the changes being produced

by atmospheric disturbances, as has been rashly asserted by some.

It was some time afterward when the thought flashed upon my mind that the disturbances

I had observed might be due to an intelligent control.

� �Although I could not at the time decipher

their meaning, it was impossible for me to think of them as having been entirely accidental.

The feeling is constantly growing on me that I had been the first to hear the greeting

of one planet to another.

A purpose was behind these electrical signals.�

For more infomation >> Nikola Tesla's biographer claims the scientist had contact with aliens - Duration: 6:17.


Choosing Your True Spiritual Path - Duration: 7:18.

Choosing Your True Spiritual Path

By consciousreminder

Most people feel some sort of connection to the great beyond in way that creates the need

to express this sensation.

Finding where you fit in with regards to expressing your spiritual side comes easy for some people

while it is a lifelong pursuit for others.

The first thing you can examine is what spirituality means to you as part of your life.

Is it a casual thing that you turn to in tense moments or ponder in relaxed states of mind?

Is it something that if you would embrace with a few hours a week devotion if you could

find just the right place and people with whom to interact?

Levels of Commitment

Which of these best suit you:


I love a good talk about what the meaning of life might be and want to know what other

people�s ideas of what the universe holds beyond what I can experience with my five


But I don�t want anyone telling me what to do and if I made a commitment to go to

a church service and something else came up involving my friends or family, I would cancel

my plans for enlightenment to live in the here and now.


I�m searching for something to answer some of my questions about having a purpose in


If those questions were ever answered in a way that opened up the possibilities, I would

certainly commit to learning more along that path.

A few hours of week of study, especially if it involved other people with the same values

seeking the same goals, would be an exciting way to add meaning to my life.

I might hesitate about making any radical changes in my life or devoting all my free

time as well.

I can see making a donation to a good cause but there are limits to what should be expected

from one person.


I am relieved to have found the way.

So many people are confused, lonely and lost.

The chaos of the world, though, was explained to me in a way that made so much sense that

I felt an instant peace.

My daily life must include my spiritual side interwoven with this world.

My social life centers around the people who have also accepted the truth I have come to


There are certain special days to be marked by performing rituals proscribed in the lore

of my faith.

I understand that my commitment requires a regular financial donation.

It is the least I can do for in exchange for all the peace that this spiritual enlightenment

has brought me.


It is not enough to believe and study.

I had to leave my world behind as the spiritual path I went down was a transformation of who

I was.

My old life is gone and I have devoted every part of my being to living my belief in action.

I live with other people who are just as committed to this spiritual belief.

My goal is to spread the word so that others might be saved.

All of my relationships are predicated on these beliefs and stated goals.

Material things like money are only useful if they are going to serve the purpose of

enlightening all of humanity to follow this specific spiritual path.

Inherent Values

While there are many specific religions, the spiritual path that is right for you will

reflect what you need to make you complete.

Different people have different needs that influence their choices.

Which of these sound most like you?

Cultural Connection

I grew up in my faith and had many memories associated with worshipping together with

my family.

As a young adult I strayed a bit, questioned my faith, but returned because it was of great

comfort and all of the answers I was seeking had already been answered for me as a child.

The Seeker

I wanted to satisfy my spiritual thirst and found that my curiosity for what was behind

this a particular belief was what was driving me.

It is hard to stay with a particular belief when I have grasped the core messages that

it has to offer.

I integrate what I learn and follow my heart on new pursuits.

And yet when I begin to follow a study of a new way of looking at the hereafter, I do

not feel disloyal to any of the previous spiritual paths on which you may have found me in the


Building Boundaries

My belief system is based on achieving the spiritual peace that can only come in submitting

my ego to a way of behaving.

I am accountable to the rules and teachings of my faith.

There are certain things in life that other faiths might not have a problem with but I

will never go there because in abstaining from some earthly pleasures in life, I grow

closer to the true meaning of my understanding of the divine.


Spirituality to me is, first and foremost, belonging to something that is greater than


To see the same group of people and to be a part of their extended family reinforces

being part of a universal family beyond our material existence.

While I could take a class or join a club, our congregation has a great social network

and there are plenty of activities to entertain me and keep me busy.

Consciousness Elevation

My need for spiritual growth requires me to expand who I am and how that relates to my


Meditation and prayer allow me to connect to the universe without committing to an ideology.

Understanding the basics of astrology allows me to see how my personality responds to the

universe as well as to cope with times of planetary tension.

Knowing the Tarot gives me the opportunity to describe my role in the constant change

that defines the universe as well as to accept those destinies that I cannot change.

Understand your level of commitment and your spiritual pursuit as a reflection of your


Once you know yourself and are aware of how expansive an approach you are willing to take,

following a spiritual path will be easier because you will have a clearer aim as you

choose the one that suits those needs of ours that stretch beyond the material world.

For more infomation >> Choosing Your True Spiritual Path - Duration: 7:18.


MLP Applejack Coloring Book Pages My Little Pony Applejack Coloring Page MLPFiM Kids Art - Duration: 3:21.

Welcome to Happy Magic Toys and episode 84 of our My Little Pony coloring book series.

Today's coloring page is Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic MLPFiM.

Applejack is part of the Mane 6 and possesses the element of magic.

Please check out my playlists to see more My Little Pony coloring book pages, color swaps and customs.

Don't forget to check out the rest of the channel to find videos based on other TV shows and films.

Please like and subscribe for daily videos, and leave any coloring page, color swap and/or custom requests in the comments section below.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> MLP Applejack Coloring Book Pages My Little Pony Applejack Coloring Page MLPFiM Kids Art - Duration: 3:21.


Golden Disco Greatest Hits 80s and 90s - Best Disco Songs Of All Time - Greatest Disco Music - Duration: 2:09:00.

For more infomation >> Golden Disco Greatest Hits 80s and 90s - Best Disco Songs Of All Time - Greatest Disco Music - Duration: 2:09:00.


Grings - INEQUAÇÕES - Inequações Produto do Primeiro e Segundo grau - ( Aula 9 ) - Duration: 21:03.

For more infomation >> Grings - INEQUAÇÕES - Inequações Produto do Primeiro e Segundo grau - ( Aula 9 ) - Duration: 21:03.


ALL THE MONEY IS GONE! - Duration: 19:36.


Just posted one of my most fire pictures ever I feel like this is the best picture. I've ever posted on my instagram

it's a picture of me and lizzy you guys know we went to the desert the other day and we were like shooting guns and

Stuff well, we took this picture, and I titled it bonnie and clyde

And it's absolutely killing you guys thought it was a really good picture too as always

I'm going to be following people back on my instagram that go over to this picture hit the like button on it and also follow

Me if you guys one go over to this picture right now hit the like button on it

And I'm going to scroll through the likes right now and follow its owner you guys that did that


Follow people back every single day on my Instagram that follow me

So of course you guys do want to follow just go over there and hit that follow button

What's up guys? Hi guys doing today Chris. What are we about to do you tell him?

I feel like I tell him every single day. What are we doing?

Just a gym towel off. Yeah

He's just over there chillin all cuddled off. I'm gonna come lay with you and cuddle I

Love that

Do it do it go go go go go? Go do it? Do it? Do it? Do it? Do it do it? Yeah?

my legs hurt, oh

My finger opening after that you're not going to the gym. Oh yeah got you everywhere yeah, cody got a little boo-boo

I'm kidding little fucking boo-boo. It was a fucking slice of my finger down to the bone

Root Ninja shit was a little boo-boo, bitch. Yeah, that was definitely a little boo-boo was considered

I sliced my tendon it couldn't even move my finger. Yeah. Oh the boo-boo

Chris doesn't feel like using water with this pre-workout. So he's about to just chug it off dude. It's so strong

How do you do it?

Just do it all of it all of it

Doesn't it taste disgusting?

No way

That's just wrong - yeah, you probably no taste buds because you ate an entire container of Malic acid the other day

I didn't put that my blog

But it was in Cody's vlog Chris

Literally dumped Malic acid into his mouth if you guys don't know Malic acid it is

Terrible it is the stuff that is on sour candy like warhead but they want to use a little bit of it if you get

An entire bag and like pour it in your mouth it destroys your taste. No doubt so but I liked it. He's like

I'm Gonna get more Christmas

Tell me they he couldn't taste anything the other day like he had almost no taste buds

It would take a bite out of something and just like he just wanted tasted it was completely numb

I got it back now

But it was terrible you have the back of my whole like half of my the front half of my tongue couldn't feel nothing yeah


It's definitely storming. We're about to at least you hear that first time. It's raining the whole time we've been here

Yeah, right first time probably reading a long time, and it's the first time we're going to the gym

No, it's not the first time I go to the gym by ourselves Devin and cody aren't coming with us right now

So it's just me and you Chris. We're at started back up our back

We're killing back to that music this wraps up the workout had a good workout in today. We hit back

We're actually trying to figure out what we want to do for food right now as a place right here

We're going to check it out, and we can't really find anything that we liked in their

House their Soreness today on your legs worse knots about the same really yeah

I figured would be worth the the next day around it. Definitely is just like it's a struggle

I killed my muscles remember what happened when I first started working out, and I got it in my arm

Yeah it and you couldn't move over again, but it's in my leg now the minor sore

But it's variable like I can walk by and it's just like don't upstairs. Yeah, it's really difficult

I swung over to Walgreens to get my finger checked out

Oh yeah, I spoke to the the pharmacist for her medical opinion

And she was like that is a really deep cut she was like the way you did it though

It looks like it's starting to close up. She said her only worry was infection

Yeah, so especially never in a pool when it happened

Yeah, she said it is looking like it's staying together because you know last night with the band-Aid

I like pretty much almost made it like a butterfly stitch with the band-aid. You know both sides of the bandage pulling it together

Yeah, stays closed and then she was like you know I'm worried about infection

Just make sure you're cleaning like three to four times a day with antibacterial Soap bandaid in neosporin

So got a band-aid on here with some neosporin and okay cody was going to go get stitches

I was going to yeah, I'm kind of glad that I didn't because I think everything's going to be okay

And I would have wasted hours and hours at the wall, and you know you guys are leaving tonight

Oh yeah, even tell you guys that today is our last day in Vegas

So we will be heading out tonight when there is no traffic

Probably end up laying around like 10 o'clock you'll be come to la soon

Yeah, speaking of I need you to drop all my paperwork off for me if you guys can do that

Yes, so I don't have to pay like $100 to overnight it. Yeah, that would be cool. I would appreciate that

I'm good, bro. You good

I'm just over here watching videos on my computer. He started doing push-ups on the stairs

Tricep dips, you good you just fell I

Want to go pick up the camera to record and was you so I haven't picked up my camera hours

I actually just ended up passing out. I was exhausted. I didn't realize how tired

I was a test out for like two hours and before I passed out

Everybody was playing zombies, and it looks like they're still playing zombies. Let me go see what they're doing

You guys are still in here tell us the other one where if he thinks he found us

We're actually beheaded up pretty soon you guys make it far around 26, all right. I just got a shower

Are you ready to head out now Chris? We're just getting everything packed. There's mine. That's yours, okay, wait

You used my camera wait. I didn't bring this so then it's gorgeous man. There's got to be cody

Fucking right we don't even know yeah this isn't my we didn't bring my dear tyler my 5D again everything all packed and ready

We're gonna be headed out really soon. I barely like recorded anything today

I wasn't really feeling the greatest I woke up pretty late

And then we hit the gym

And I wasn't feeling the best after that so I passed out

Whenever Lizzie leaves somewhere gia will always go near their door and just wait for he he gets so upset when she leaves

Well Mama's boy. It was just waiting for her right there for like the past two minutes. Jesus outside, bro

They have to do math

Problems right now for the video game read this I want you to read that line read all them oughta hide your two five

Nitro three four seven pyro What like what what this game is intelligent, bro. They really put work into this

Thank you much. Work like there's

When you can figure this out without like looking at a youtube video to try and help you out then they're going in

You'll be running around the map and there's things that you can see physically like remember how you can pick up the sprays and all

Yeah, well, there's stuff around you that you'll even realize that you have to write down there

Yeah members hitting everywhere dance. So the easter is like crazy in this game. They're trying to figure it out right now. That's apart

Yeah, they're right there center right then we're gonna see what happens. You know what happens. I we're gonna find out Dan

They just went to all that and they're about to go down and go down. Oh

Spot one hour later. It's been an hour bro more than that like four and a half at this point

I resource understand who I'm trying to leave right now and go home, but Chris is helping them out

So I was taking survivors you guys finished it well

We're about to do it so all that was to build a new favorite vendors are about to explode it

Push it down the stream that big zombie that's in the water. Yeah, don't blow up. We gotta kill him bang both

Go, they're about to complete the easter egg. They still have a lot to do, but we're gonna head out now

It's been like an extra hour shift that extra quarter. Don't move la all right. It was great coming here. Thanks, bro

Make sure letting me come over here and no problem, bro. Yeah, just tell cody I said bye. I gotta head out I

Just leave real quick. Oh

Devon's chasing after some kid right now that keeps ringing our doorbell like cody's doorbell all this past week

This is like the fourth or fifth time

that they've done this in the past couple days when you leave they'll stop doing it, and if they don't I got done, so

Okay, just threaten little kids with guns very fucking invited Brian anybody would anything I'm just saying in other words

Don't come to cody's house. Yeah, I got security cameras, too

So bad idea we actually got in the car the other day tried chasing them, and then we didn't find them

So we did it again today because they just did it that's why Chris was actually looking out the door the other day you guys

Had no idea. I didn't want to put it in the vlog usually when you don't say anything

it's just better, but uh

But Chris was just looking out the door the whole time trying to see if they're coming back around it kind of just looks like

He was standing there for no reason because actually to see if the kids were coming back, and that's what's happening now

They're just chasing after him. Let's take this deep this shit

Where you gonna get this big holy crap? It's windy out here. Having a windstorm wow this feels amazing first time in Vegas

That's not that they saw us. Come back yet there it is there is there is ah?

He's not getting away. Oh, you're not getting away

They see the him

Dude, there's horrible. They're all running you're not the puddle faster than that body

Well, I feel like I'm in fast and furious right now. What did he do just flick you off damn Dead end

He got through you have to he knows the ways of these streets. I was at like three those fucking Kennedy flip you off

Yeah, what the fuck why definitely no fan of bars if he's fucking flipping us off?

We thought there were fans at first honestly they probably are but that guy's a dickhead look at that

They saw Devon and Chris running after them and they thought they would get away by like hiding somewhere

And then we showed up with the car. I feel like how they do right now when I was younger

I used to play Ding-dong-ditch, and I would just always hope that something try and Chase after me

So then it's like a game at that point like if we can try and Dodge them

This is like the ultimate game is kid right here and then

Expecting and then trying to actually get chased like how often does it actually happen where you get chased?

I think they're still going to come back around. I know I think we need to try finding devon and fucking Chris

Yeah, we have no idea where they are we caught all of them bro. Okay?

The one kid was in front of me problem like bro

You're gonna have to paddle faster than that, and I kept like walking almost hit him in shit

and then he flipped me off and jump up on the sidewalk because there was a gate that was blocking it off because I just

Had the time of their lives right there running from us least my cars running good

Yeah, I wasn't working this whole like time. I've been here. They were actually quick pretty quick

I'll definitely if they were running on foot. I would definitely Kevin yeah, we caught them

We saw all six of them. We were just about to leave and then like all this crazy shit goes down. That's hilarious

That's so funny. I'm not even mad you know I think it's funny honestly I guess do blown in the wind

That's cute. What the heck? Yo?

Chris threw his phone on the hood of my car before it lizzy took off of the car, and it's still there

I'm so surprised. I thought it would go fly off and break. I'm surprised. I didn't really put it down there

I just say one thing I'm going to say this to ten law help save a late March on cameras Lincoln. Bye. Oh hell

Yeah, the rubber the rubber is out of the car. I'll stay tell ya

David oh isn't it. It's an absolute lifesaver virtually convolving. Yeah, hold up guys look I got the 210 right here

Epis 210 hat 210 here. Wait wait. We've never shown the heads own work. They know about it

They know about it people common is about it, but I've never said anything about it

Chris has been wearing these 210 sandals all this time counselors we get yeah

They gave them they chocolate so they're always like real who's wearing the chocolates today

Because I not only Christmas warning for like five other people

It's the only pair of them right now

And I wasn't sure like if I wanted to release them to guys or not

I didn't know if you would like them, so we just kind of like left them laying out

So if you guys saw about it, maybe you guys get I got it if you guys think that he should

release these

Comment down below comment down below and let him down below as you want them released, so this is what they look like

They're a little dirty right now

But these have been in the Lodge - like the past like month and a half

But we just we never said anything about them

No This sucks because I actually want to be out in Vegas right now with this beautiful weather

Like I just feel like going to do sorry. Oh, we should all just go to the strip right now. Yeah

I'm not down nope

We already went out you my last day in Vegas do something

All the dogs are like running out

Don't run away alright. I already thanked evans for having me over

He was really nice and time to let me stay here the fact I can't use this one remember

Yeah, like your fruit ninja remember. I said Evan honestly in the mansion let me say bro Micra first dude

He came in clutch always. Let me stay in his play, or yo Rachel tell Devon

I said thank you for letting me say it's awesome

Devon all got in is doing give you guys that paperwork that hundred dude bro like what was that well?

I thought in the water definite do letting me a day at his place man

Wow, if any so nice going to say this place

Yes, so nice that is it devon please yeah, but you said it 500 times already

Because you don't understand the joke I do understand is yogurt. It's cody's yeah, but

Corny is inside. So you're not even in or you know I'm annoying Rachel. Oh

Something else just happened, so we can't seem to find

cody's money order that he has written out already for

His apartment since he's going to be moving into our building we were going to bring it over there for him instead of him having

To ship it over there because it's got to be there by tomorrow

So we've been looking for this thing for like the past 40 minutes already

We're just trying to figure out where it is so we can bring it over there for him

But it sucks because we can't find it anywhere

We're really trying to find this thing right now, so it's holding us up a little bit before do head out

We haven't been able to find this remote either for the past like two hours a couple minutes

It's been doing this it just like pushes sick sick sick sick sick send and like we have no idea where it is

I swear, it's not made it on the couch and like is the under the counseling somebody sitting on it

Actually really creepy. It is it happen it happened a couple times to us before like today within the past couple hours

I just didn't mention it because I don't think we're going to keep happening it disappeared now, but like look at doing it again

Who is it under there you got it? But why was it putting it wide that number specifically?

That was weird, bro. I was just like pushing that one specific number down

Was come winky dink. Oh great now lizzy lost something too. She can't find it shit. I lost it too

Oh my gosh, you gave mine. Oh

My God, I lost it too. You know what I lost my virginity. I know where the vicinity. Did you take it from me? I?

Did get over here baby?

Hi, she let me stay at your place again, men really appreciate it

You're always coming in close whenever I asked to come down to Vegas you

Let me stay at your place in crash you see what really sucks about this situation is they need this thing tomorrow

Like you can't send it in later than that because they're holding the apartment for him and obviously

Anybody Else can just move in at that point, and we still can't find it. It was just crappy situation

Yeah, let's go. Look outside and see if this could be I

Feel like we'll come back around I looked outside earlier

And the guy was just riding his bike around the middle of the street, and then he started running what he's doing

He looks like a vampire right now fair enough

What because it is he going?

No, Chris Role. We've got into you go Chris Rope rope

Where's kay okay?

Chris Chris, you know out here

This happen again where Griffey came up and with me

Oh his slobber smells feel so bad at this point

But we're going to be here for like another hour if we continue looking

I mean like I just we don't really have much time like we have to get back now

It's like a four and a half hour job

Around here. Don't have time to look down

Maybe a fork as we're so close to not gonna give us a call. Come back and grab yeah, we'll do that

We'll go grab food right now. I'd rather have to be so beautiful right now

It feels so good you guys have no idea like when you're in burning hot weather every single day

and it begins to feel like this where it's like about 80 degrees and just cool instead of

120 degrees and burning hot Christmas fell over that so clumsy, but man Chris left this phone. We're never leaving

Vegas is where we live dude. We've been like getting so sad shining trying to leave in the past you out. Yes, go

Serve Agura, just I so pissed

He's like what the hell you starting a log down here out in the middle of the road well

Then you do hiking these hits right here right now. They'll be beep. Let's take a lot

You're right howdy

Redneck I hop on it on the other side

Hot diggity we'll get

You right on top

I thought it was Gonna get you driving as you saw, Na


Bar block alright, so let's see if they fuck wish me luck this time. Why they did it last time Ashley's everywhere I go

Yeah, last couple of times you came over to Denny's real quick trying to grab some food

Let's see if I can get anything a little healthier sighs it's like 12 o'clock

So there's like almost nothing open at this point. So we came here. Thank you for joining me on this romantic date

You know very appreciated you know it's so funny when people

Don't understand like what vlogging is so for example when we were about to get seated there was an elderly lady

And she was looking at me

Just like what else is kid holding a camera and talking till you just start there's people look at me so funny. It's funny

Yeah, sorry. Yeah, no, they don't have our keys

Well, you can't just take the little if you have to poor Sara through you got holes for reason brat not for that look it

Actually worked - yeah for that people he's still doing it

That's working well

Look how clean oh, I just I just look at that look at that alright

Alright, we just wrapped up eating let's get on the road

We got a four-hour drive ahead of us you ready for the-- oh. God you guys are true

Oh, I just have to go use the bathroom and feel


Give me okay calm down boy you get so nervous whenever she leaves

My oven bro

Hmm. Good, we just got back and it's currently 3 a.m.. I'm tired. I'm going to bed

Yeah, it's late. If you guys are interested in any of our 210 merchandise

Make sure to click the link down below the very top description check it out over there

Make sure to hit that subscribe button and turn on my post notifications

And you have it already make sure to check out yesterday's video as well

For more infomation >> ALL THE MONEY IS GONE! - Duration: 19:36.



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For more infomation >> *NEW* AN94 GAMEPLAY! - BLACK OPS 3 "KVK 99M" DLC WEAPON GAMEPLAY! (KVK 99M BLACK OPS 3 DLC WEAPONS) - Duration: 11:56.


O que é prece - Osho - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> O que é prece - Osho - Duration: 4:18.


Como Conquistar Uma Amiga | EP #1 Faça Ela Parar De Te Ver Só Como Amigo - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Como Conquistar Uma Amiga | EP #1 Faça Ela Parar De Te Ver Só Como Amigo - Duration: 7:11.


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For more infomation >> Видео приколы 2017 подборка Best CouB Июль | Part#8 - Duration: 6:54.


Кукла крючком Виолетта , часть 6 (Лицо). Crochet doll Violetta, part 6 (Face) - Duration: 22:54.


Now we will do a face for Violetta.

First we will tighten a nose.

I'll show you the loops pattern.

First loop will be here.

And second will be here.

I'll mark them like that.

It is a pattern for a doll which is done wrong side out.

It will show you where to insert and from where pull out a needle.

When you are working wrong side out.

Rows are inclined to the left.

Thats why I'm inclining a nose a little bit to the right.

If you are working right side out.

Rows are inclined to the right.

So, just mirror everything that I'll show next.

Take a yarn of a body color.

Insert it into 2 needles.

I'll leave an contrast thread, to make it better visible for you.

But you may pull it out.

Insert a needle into the loop #1.

And pull it out from the loop #11.

This one is #2.

4th, 8th and 11th.

Now take a second needle and insert it into the loop #2.

And pull it out from a loop #10.

I.e. to the second loop from the loop #1.

Pull up the yarns.

Now insert the needle into the loop #5.

This one.

And pull it out from the loop #9.

Counting from here... 1... 2...

And 1...

Take a second yarn.

And inserting a needle into the loop #9.

And pulling it out from the loop #5.

Tighten the yarns.

Now take the same yarn.

Insert a needle into the loop #1.

And pull it out from the loop #11.

I.e. from this loop.

Now take a second yarn.

Insert a needle into the loop #2.

And pull it out from the loop #10.

Tighten the yarns.

Taking the same yarn.

Inseting into the loop #12.

And pulling it out from the back of a head.

Take the second yarn.

Insert it into the loop #13.

And pull it out from the back of a head.

Nose is ready!

Tie those endings with a knot.

Hiding inside of a head, and cuttig off.

Marking a loop between loops #12 and #13.

And starting doing ears.

Leave a long ending.

Do an magic ring.

And working 5 single crochets (sc) into it.

Tighten a ring.

Pull this yarn out.

And cut it off.

Leaving a long ending.

Doing the second ear in the same way.

Take a yarn from tied magic ring.

Insert it into the needle.

And insert a needle into the center of an ear.

Take a doll.

Counting 8 loops to the side.



Pass the needle to the back of a head.

Now insert this yarn into the needle.

Counting, from the loop where I've just inserted a needle.

3rd loop to the bottom, 1...2...3.

And pulling it out, 1 loop above of the initial point.

Now pick up a top of an ear with a needle.

Returning a needle back.

And passing a yarn to the back of a head.

Now tie those yarns.

Hiding them inside of a head, and cutting them off.

Take a second ear, insert yarn into the needle.

Insert it into the center of the magic ring.

And doing the same as we did with this ear - but symmetrically.



Tie endings, hide them inside of a head and cut them off.

Now I'l start doing eyes.

For this doll you may use eyes from my another doll.

There will be a link to tutorial under the video.

Or just click on a hint from the right side of a screen now.

And now we will do eyes like that.

Split one thin thread from a Mouline yarn.

Use 1 for a small doll, and use 2 threads for a big doll.

Insert thread into the needle.

Inserting a thread into the back of a head.

And pulling it out from the second row to the right from the marker.

Leave an short ending.

Going up for 1 row.

And pulling a needle out 1 loop diagonally up to the right.

Turning back.

Then pulling a needle out from the 3rd row to the right.

Turning back.

Moving 1 row down.

Turning back, to the top.

Then pulling a needle out - 1 row diagonally down to the left.

Turning back.

And doing symmetrically from another side.

Now doing 3 eyelashes on the first eye.

And doing symmetrically on another eye.

Now we may tie those endings, cut them off and hide inside of a head.

Now take a black Mouline yarn.

Use 1 for a small doll, and 2 for a bigger one.

Insert it to the back of a head.

And pull it out here.

Leave an ending.

And sewing such cross.

Pull the yarn out from this place.

And do such stitch.

Do the same actions on second eye, symmetrically.

Pull the yarn out from the back of a head.

Now we may tie those endings, cut them off and hide inside die of a head.

Now take a yarn of a color of eyes you wish.

Use 1 for a small doll, and 2 for a bigger one.

Pull the yarn out from this eye corner.

Leaving an ending.

Now insert a needle into another corner of an eye.

Moving to another eye.

And here leave such a loop.

Leaving the same loop on the second eye.

Do not tie those yarns yet.

Splitting 1 thin yarn of the same color for a small doll.

And split 2 for a bigger doll.

And fixing this loop in those 3 points.

In a next way...

Pick the loop.

And turning back to the same place.

Moving to the second eye.

Pulling up the yarn.

And fixing the second loop in the same way.

Pulling up endings.

Now we may tie those endings, cut them off and hide inside of a head.

Now take a white Mouline yarn for a small doll.

Or use 2 yarns for a big doll.

And fill all empty space with a white color.

Next I'll do glares on pupils.

Glares are finished, and eyes are ready!

You may spread yarns a little bit.

Now we may tie those endings, cut them off and hide inside of a head.

Next I'll do eyebrows.

For that I'm splitting 1 Mouline thread of a hair color, for a small doll.

And splitting 2 threads for a big doll.

Pulling the needle out - 1 row above this eyelash.

And eyebrow will end at the 3rd row to the left.

I'm doing it a little bit lifted.

Thats why I'm inserting a needle between the rows.

Like that.

And then going down.

Second eyebrow will start at the 5th row to the left.


And doing the second eyebrow in the same way.

And now we may tie those endings, cut them off and hide inside of a head.

And I've got such eyebrows.

Now I'll do lips.

They will be located at the 2nd row from the nose.

And will be 4 loops wide.

I'm taking 1 Mouline yarn for a small doll and 2 yarns for a big one.

Pulling the yarn out from the marker.

Inserting to the second marker.

And turning back.

Now take a yarn.

Wind it 3 times on a needle.

Pull the needle out.

And tighten the yarn.

Then doing it one more time.


Inserting a needle inside the lips.

And doing a smile.

And now we may tie those endings, cut them off and hide inside of a head.

Now take a white yarn.

Taking 1 yarn for a small doll and 2 yarns for a big one

And doing teeth for a doll.

And now we may tie those endings, cut them off and hide inside of a head.

Face is ready.

And we may add some make up for her.

I'm doing it using pencils.

So I've got such eyes!

I'll do hair using my own tutorial.

There is a link under the video.

Or just click on a hint at the right of the screen.

Write in comments do you like this tutorial?

Press Like if yes!

In next video I'll start doing clothes for Violetta.

So see you there, bye!

For more infomation >> Кукла крючком Виолетта , часть 6 (Лицо). Crochet doll Violetta, part 6 (Face) - Duration: 22:54.


Toe 2 second coin fail. - Duration: 10:40.

Hello everyone =)

and welcome to another video

I will try to get the

the second coin in

in theory of everything 2

Hope you guys enjoy =)

Wait hold on...


let's a go

I play on mobile XD




Here we go




My birds are chirping sorry

I have to get the coin now f I don't I will scream







Ok ok keep calm

NOO uhh

I can't take this


Yes please don't die again




Ok then I hoped you guys enjoyed this video

Leave a like, comment, subscribe


For more infomation >> Toe 2 second coin fail. - Duration: 10:40.


beep - Duration: 0:04.

try me, bitch

For more infomation >> beep - Duration: 0:04.


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